Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, June 21, 1870, Image 7

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Tiie Greoi-^ia T^eekilv Teleor-apli and. Journal <fc JVtesseno-er. SMITH, WESC0TT& CO. OLD RELIABLE [1ITEWATEB, WAGONS Reasons Why. vnr.ED to bs the BEST Plantation and Freight Wagons told in the Southwest. They are in gyle and Finish. -“'trtory in the Utitcd States where greater care is given to the relation of the material used. i‘v -item oTinspection is strictly adhered to. so that wo aro prepared to warrant every part to be neb i t w iil be replaced without charge. lie 1!d n? of iron is used in its manufacture, and the tire Is one-eighth inch thicker thaa that used *«*•*?'rfurers. Bolster Beds plated with iron. ,?■ .he choicest selection thoroughly seasoned. No extra charge for lock Chains. SwffJJil t* observe the excellent quality of paint used upon them, which is far more durable than on Plantation Wagons In short, the whole character of the Wagons is that of peculiar Wacom) are furnished at a price less than that of ordinary Wagons, with body complete. : iht!S Wagons are i.„„tl,a F,,H Uneor ABBOTT, DOH'SISG & CO.’S CE1EBK ITED io fe . Oil W® Call and see tItem. c J? eapest n?* 1 best mode of manufsetur- liul au« see tueiu. ing.Washing Compounds. Howto make JUard and iaon'y SMITH, WESCOTT & CO., 102 Sc 104 Cherry St., Macon. Ga. [ffflISSION AND 5ATJLSBURY, RESPSSS &. CO., M A CO If, GEORGIA. onr Card as above, we take occasion to state that we aro prepared to afford our friends ' .wc facilities for tho purpose of purchasing supplies for making their growing crops, and will t Kticnawe t season to make advances on Cotton, in store, at 1 ^idincis oBEATLY REDUCED RATES OF INTEREST. „ . iso Ties, eta, will receive our best attention. UriSliHiY. Macon; JOHN R. RESPESS, Schley Comity • ill 11 til T KESrESS, Upson County; J. P. BLASINGAME. Macon; WllXUii i. J. L SAULSBURY, Jn., Macon. ! \VE .AJ3M-3 SIILL ALIVE ! I SO W ILL All BE WHO TAKE the symptoms of liver Complaint are uneasiness and ., a s n in the ride. Sometimes the p en i- in the shoulder, and is T-Truinntis>j:. The stomach is affected ri,elite arid signers, bowels in general "“J-'Zl alternative with lax. The head lAith p’in and dull, heavy sensation, con- J of memory; accompanied with painful . ! .ving lett undone something which “ done. Often complaining of weak- j ness, debility and low spirits.— I jninctimcs some of the above symptoms attend the disease, and 1 at other times few of them: but ThTrTlIy the organ most involved. Cure iiii simmens’ Regulator, and all will bo t—, • J-4 Ague Cure, L? : Fe v.rr and Ague, Intermittent Fever, v:.a> i-ever, Remittent Fever, Dumb -"-uiie. Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c., ■ - indeed ail the aft'oetions which arise malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. DPI. SI3VE3VEO>3XrS’’ Liver regulator, Dyspepsia. Headache, Jaunaiee^ J Cnstivcnes-*, :?ick Jlead-achef I Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o' i the HI adder. Camp Dysentery, ,,.... ,ue Kidneys. Fever. Xervou?ne3s, Chills, Efctftftfce^kin. Impurity of the Blood, Mclan- Tf-IkprcsJion of Spirits, Heartburn. Colic, or A the Bowels. Pain in the Head, Fever and l I'’ i*y. Boils, Pain in the Back and Limb?. Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Bilious teetcenlly j n ZEtLIN A co .. DrugsUts. Macon, Georgia. i’e ty all druggists. Price {1 per package. By |i;«iir»ti#n of roots and herbs, warranted tc be V i ttcnable. ami can do no injury to any one. iildcm ttfei by hundreds, and known for th --nvj-f. ,e years as ono of the most reliable, ■>!» mil harmless preparations ever offered to Imftrise. lit ken regularly and t ta ifeet a cure. : , ris;highlyrespectable persons.can fully ■ iks virtues of this valuable medicine, and .it;:s j-trespectfully refer: " President S. \V. K. R. Company ; ... :\ | !tr, i’. rry, (la.; Col- E. K. Sparks. Al- i.j.; W..I. ye Elroy, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; George |un!snl,&o.. Conductor t>. W. R. R.; C. Master- mlk, sheriff Bibb county; .1. A Butts, Bain* |-.... ..I.; X. P.inswangcr, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; Dykes t:, Editors “Floridian.” Tallahassee; Rov. i.Bsrtt, Macon. Ha.: Virgil Powers, Esq-. Su- Ici'ni'nt S. W. K. It.; Daniel Bullard, Bullard s i*i a. M.Jt E. K. R„ Twiggs co.. Ga.: Grenville I Wvoii’s Factory, Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. r .:c.:.r. 1*. E. Florida Conference: Major A. F. ■ ry.Eir.rstc.Ti. (ja. at>r2- d&wtf Yavassa - Ammoniated Soluble >0 ono remedy is louder called lor by iho ncvcstiiies ol* the’ American people than a sure aud £:tk* cure /hr Fever am! Apme. £»* - h ue;trc non* enabled to oiler, with a perfect certainty that it viU eradicate the disease, and with a:--m;ujce,founded on proof, ti*at ;i» harm can arise from its u>e in any quantity. ina: widen protect* from or prevents this disor der must be ol immense service in the communi- tvs where it prevails. J’revent ion is better than cure, lor the patient escapes the risk which he run in violent attacks of this baleful distem- {’* •’• I his “ CruK” expels the miasmatic poison of r .vN'fi A«ri: from the system, and prevents the •levetopment of the disease, if taken on the first approach of itd premonitoiy symptoms,' Itisuot ti;;* best remedy ever yet discovered for this cr.*- of complaints, but nl>o the cheapest. Tlie q*wnt!ty we supply for a dollar brings it wititin the reach of everybody; and in bilious dis tricts where Fcvf.b and Ann: Jirevails, even- body should have it, and use it freely both for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all—the poor as well as the ri’ h. A great superiority of tins remedy over any oilier ever discovered for the speedy and certain if they had never had the*disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise iVoni its irritation, among which are Neural- HOS P H AT E, Manufactured b7 the rasa Guano Co, of Wilmington, N. C., IN BIGS OR BARRELS. pUmiliteria prepared with the utmost care, 11 * "(•tains every constituent desirable for any • \ »iiici it inay bo applied. It Is especially Piritj the growth of pltou, Cora, Cereals, Asl all kinds of fniits and Vegetables. , “Itafictured of the same materials from "'itoe celebrated mo Guano Co.’s Phosphate ivi? 5d ' reference is made to that Company. ,.^rEaltimore.) for its efGcacy, quality and , V1I ; R. R. BRIDGES. President. *®4LD MACRAE, Treasurer and Secretary, Wilmington, N.C. V THg FIRST PREMIUM OF A SILVER MEDAL * VAM AVAUDEO TO - M BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE A Tf ByttwK. H.Sute Agrieulwral S« lu * Fair, hoMeolaKulina.Sept.20,lSCS, BARRETT’S Vegetable Hair Restorative Restore* Grmj Hair to ft* natural color. Pro. \ aote* tho growth ct tho Hair. Change* the flfc. ihon. Eradl* Prevent* _ I* a Superior DrdMior. AJ teoolains no iujuriotu iogreJiccu, *nd ia tho most popular aud . . reliable article throughout Av the Ea«t. West. N'ortii _ w and Sooth. * T\ ❖ W 0 This Preparation surpasses all others of its class as o-IIafr Bencwcr. It is thorough in its action upon Grny or Fatlcu Hair and its effect permanent. • It produces but one distinct slinde, while others leave the hair in many varied colors. It promotes groivtli when others fail to re produce a single hair. It does not crisp or dry tho hair, hut leaves it moist nnd glossy. Ladies find it superior to any other as a Toilet Dressing. ...... The ingredients used in this Preparation arc the very best that can bo found, andaire as P-*m- less as water. *■ LORD & SMITH, Proprietors,^ Chicago, Ills. [AW TON & LAWTON, New Combination! Agents, Macon, Ga. ly-vlmosdlt | Rilkes & Dillingham, MANUFACTURER'S < j Woolen & Cotton Mill Findings DVE STUFFS, COTTON WARPS, MII5G ClOIfl, BFEE Mill SIOJES, Clothing, Roll Carding Machines, I Stable Com nnd Wheat Mills, Smut and •spanning Machines T.enther and Bobber Belting, Laco Leather, Steam Packing, Hose, &c. kents for all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Machinery. LOUISVILLE, for ft Catalogue, E¥. 1 Hus. B. u. bazeuore ALAUS & BAZEMORE, Pa Factors and Commission Mercliasts? thx: GREATEST WORK OP THE AGE A BOOK INVALUABLE To Every Grocer, Every Produce Denier, Fiery Dairyman, Every Farmer, Every JJi Aiiufactiirer, Every lKHiy. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT! t and d Swe this method Eggs bongfit a? eighi &nd ten cent*'per dozen during the summer can be kept aud sold ia the Winter for I-oin thirty to fitly ceaU. When once known, this method will take theplace o£ all others. It does not tarnish the egg or givo it the appearance of age. When offered for sale, it cannot be told either by appearance or quality from a flrcsh laid egg. It contains the best .receipt ever publishedpf ren- “f r i n E £our and rancid bntter perfectly sweet, and SS-how to give a uniform and natural color to White aaa streaked Butter, and the best manner of mjdting anu repacking butter for market. Tneio two receipts alone are worth hundreds of It tells how to Clarify Honey, so as to sell for nearly twice the common sort. It tells the latest and best modes of salting and curing Hams and all kinds of meat. It tells haw to dye clothes of all shades and in fast colors. It gives valuable, receipts for curing bums, sores, cuts, felons, frost bites, cancer, ear ache, tooth ache, ms worm, with hundreds of other new and valuable methods. With full directions, so that any one can use them. It tells how to.take out fruit stains, ink stains. Iron stains and paint stains from cloth and silk dresses. It teils liow to counteract frost upon trees, a valua ble receipt. ' It tells bow to tan furs either with or without the hair or wool on, and howto imitato those of superior grades. . It tells how to best curling fluid for mak- laStbe hair glow in beautiful Sowing ringlets. •Itte.Is how to feed hens so as to make them; the year round. > thenrlay all the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, nil of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent .type, or become periodical. This “CtritE” expels the poison Aura the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and per-ons travelling or temporarily residing In the malarious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in suffi cient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cuve; and few wiil ever suffer from Intermitter.ts if they wail themselves of the protection this remedy af- . ords. For I/rcr Complaints, arising from torpidi ty of the I.ivcr, it is an excellent remedy, stimulat ing the Liver into healthy activity, and produ cing many truly remarkable cures', where other medicines fail. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AVER i CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical aud Analytical Chemists, AND EOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Sold by I>. W. HUNt * CO.. J. B; Zeilin & CO and all the Druggists in Maeon. Also, all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere, iaeodawasw BARRETT’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It gives over five hundred rare and valuable re- ceipts. and a complete gaide to theunanufacture of hundreds of useful and saleable articles, including patent medicines, perfumery, toilet and dental arti cles, and many others easily made, at tr;il;ug cost, and selling readily at large-profits, with many manu facturer.-’ secrets, etc. It is valuable to every one. Be sure to get it. ben t by mail, free of postage, forono doll; lishcd and for sale by , WILLIAM H. BISHOP. , Agent for the Publishers, St. Louis, Mo. mayl3-d&wSmos WALTHAM WATCHES. THE Six Great Remedies OP ^LGtjE2« - 'PHE extensive use of these Watches for the last fif- A teen years by Railway Conductors, Engineers, and Expressmen, the most exacting of watch wear ers, has thoroughly demonstrated the strength, stead iness, durability, red accuracy of the Waltham Watch. To satisfy that class in all these respects, is to decide the question as to tho real value ol these time-keepers. More than 450,000 of these watches are now speak ing for themselves in the pockets of the people—a proof and a guarantee of their superiority overall others. The superior organization and great extent o! the „ _ „„„ AAni.A uuu Company's Works at Waltham, enable them to pro- Soft Soap, Inks, Candles, paints. Varnishes. Cements 9 ace Watches at a price which renders, competition and Baking Powders. Rub- f Established in New York City, 1S59.1 §131. dTkEHOE, SOLE MANUFACTURER OF Kellie's Improved Indian Clils. T70R muscular development Dumb hells, croquet JL bats and bails, base ball bats, ten pin balls and pins, heel padded boxing gloves, improved striking bag. Metropolitan policemen’s eiubs. (These clubs are used by the Met. Police of N. Y. City). Kehoe's Illustrated Book on tho ’ Use of the Club,” SL60. Lisrof Prices of Indian Clubs: 6,7 &,8 lbs. each, per pair 85.50 Sizes for Ladies & Children 10 lbs. each, pr. pair... 6.50 2 lbs. each, pr. pair—.SiOll 12 70013 “ “ ” .... :!.(« 15 ” ...10.00 t ....4 00 mayU-d-wlm 1 ...14,00 5 ...mool 303 Broadway, New York City. MANNING’S Antidote for Intemperance!! J S an Infallible Cure for this fearful vice. Its use wilt at once remove the taste or desire for stim ulants, and wiil soon create an actual dislike for them. It can he administered ia tea, coffee or even water, wi- hout exciting suspicion, as it is free from ta«te or smell. If you have a husband, brother or friend, addicted to this terrible habit, it is your duty to cure him. Sent free by mail os receipt of tlie money. Price 82 per bov. W. il. MANNING A CO.. may-U d-wtf St. Louts. Mo. SLOW HORSESJMBE FAST!! Fast Horses made Faster. M Y mode of treating horses is guaranteed to in crease the speed otaoy horse, good or poor. Or dinary farm horses have had tbeir speed increased so as to sell for 8'bf. A gentUman with my method bought a pair of horses for 830U and soid them, after four days training, for 82000. They trotted in 2-48in harness. Another bought an ordinary saddle horse for ;9) and in one week sold him for 8800. I will send ■ny method to any address on receipt of 81. JESSE C. MANFELDER. Care of Box Z701, St. Louis, Mo. mayl4-d&w3m RICHARD ORME, General Ceiiisia lerclmt, WHOLESALE DEALER IN PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, ray from 25 to 50 per cent, more for their Watches than is neceisary. . We are now selling Waltham Watches at less prices in greenbacks, than the gold prices beloro the war. There is no other manufacture oi any kind in the United States of which this cau be said, A descriptive circular, giving much useful informa tion. sent to any address on application. These time-pieoMgwtabine every improvement that a long experience has proved of real practical use. Having had tho refusal of nearly every invention in watchmaking originating in this country or in Eu rope. only those were finally adopted which severe testing by the most skillful artisans in our works, and long use r.n the part of the public, demonstrated to be essential to correct and enduring time-keeping. Among the many improvements we would particu larize: The invention and use of a centre-pinion of pecu liar construction, to prevent damage to tho train by the breakage ot main springs, is original with the American Watch Company, who. having had the re fusal of all other contrivances, adopted Fogg’s Patent pinion as being the best and faultless. Hardened and tampered hair springs, now univer sally admitted by watchmakers to be the best, are used in all grades of Waltham Watches. All Waltham Watches have dust-proof caps, pro tecting the movement from dost and lessening the necessity of tho frequent cleaning necessary in other Watches. Our new patent stem-winder, or keyless Watch, is already a decided success and a great improvement on any stem-winding watch in the American market and by far the cheapest watch «f its quality now of fered to tho public. To tboso living in portions of the Unitcd States where watchmakers do not abound, watches with the above mentioned improvements which tend to insure accuracy, cleanliness, durability and convenience, must prove invaluable. Every Watch guaranteed by the Company. To prevent imposition, buyers should see that every Watch should bear cither of the following trade marks: Hurley’s Stomach Bitters For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want Of Action of the Liver, or Disordered Stomach. There are no Bitters that compare with these in re moving these distressing complaints. For sale orcan be had at any drug store in the United States, or from the Proprietors, JAMES RUDDLE & C0„ Louisville, Ky. To Jas. Ruddle & Go., Louisville, Ky.: Gextlbmex : This Is to eertify that I have been for rears a sufferer, and have tried all the tonics I have ieard of or seen advertised, with little or no relief from any of them, I heard your Hurley Bitters high ly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and, to my anrpriso and joy, be fore I finished one bottle, I felt a great deal better, and firmly believe that on one or two occasions it was tho means ot saving and prolonging my life. I con scientiously recommend them to all sufferers as the best Bitters known, and advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and have no other. You can use this as you think proper, if it will benefit others. Yours rnily, etc.. John w. dixson; Louisville. Ky.. December 10.1868. Notice to Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S INFANT SOOTHING- SYRUP. PRICE 25 CFNTS PER BOTTLE. Use in the future, only SEABROOK’S, a combina tion quite up with the advancement of tho age.— Pleasant to take, harmless in its action, efficient and reliable in all cases. Invaluablein tho following dis eases: SUMMER COMPLAINTS. IRREGULARITIES OF THE BOWELS, RESTIVENESS. TEETHING. Etc., Etc. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. MARION COUNTY. G eorgia, marioncauntt.—wherca*.Tho*. ' L. Rogers. T. J. McMithael. and S. W. Mo Michael, Kxecntors of Seaborn McMicbael, deceased, have petitioned the Court oi Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory: All parties interested in said estate are notified to file their objections, if any. to the same within tbs the time prescribed by st&tuto. Witness my hand, June 3d, I870 % - _ . JAS. M. h’JWK, jnne5-w3m Oidinary. G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas, Mrs. Jane K. Bullock applies for the administration of the estate of J. H. Bullock, deceased: Parties in- erested in the estate are notified to file their objec tions, if any. to the above application within the time Prescribed by law. Witness my hand, June 3d. 1870. JAS. M. LOWE, juneS-wlra Ordinary. BIBB COUWTYT. C TKORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. John T Campbell, administrator, de bonis non, of the es tate ot Dominic Crabic, late of said county deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. .... These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD, may3-w30m Ordinary. r BAKER COUNTY. MACON COUNTY. G eorgia, macon county.—To aii whom it may concern: Nathan J. Fulford having filed his petition in proper form to me, praying for Letters of Administration, with tho will annexed, on the es tate ot Stephen Fulford, deceased : This is to cite all parties interested, kindred, creditors, or legatees to be and appear at the next July term of the Court of Ordinary of said countv, and show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Administration, with will annexed, shonld not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, June 4th. 1870. JNO. L. PARREK. june5-w30d.Ordinary. American Watch Co American Watch Co American Watch Co., Crescent St Appleton, Tracy Sr Co...., Waltham Watcu Co ... P. S. Bartlett AVin. F'lery Homo Watch Co ..Waltham, Mass. -Waltham, Mass. Waltham, Mass. Waltham, Mass. .........Waltham, Mass. Waltham, Moss. Waltham. Mass. Boston, Mass. For sale at retail by all respectable dealers. No’Watcbes retailed by the Company. Address. Nashville, Tekk., February 12, 68. James Ruddle <6 Co., Louisville, Ky.: When living in your city I used several bottles ol Dr. Seabrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good, and it would rest better afterusingit, than an? other remedy Ievertried. lean say with is the best medicine for children at present known. I wish you would get the Druggists here to keep it. If any one does, pleaso let mo know; if not, send me one dozen by express, and I will pay for it at the office here. Write mo when you send it, and obliga MRS. SARAH A. RANDOLPH. ROBBINS & APPLETON, HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC! G eorgia, macon codnty.-To an whom it may concern: William K. Hall havine in pro per form applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the cstato of Wm. K. Hall. Sr.. late ot sa ; d county, deceased; This is to cite all end singular tho next of kin and croditois of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before tho first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why permanent administration should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature. June 4th, 1870. JNO. L. PARKER. june5-wS0d Ordinary. NOTICE. A T the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of Macon county. Ga., on the 6th day of July next application will ho made to the Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Michal Pokes, deceased, to effect a division of the same amongst the distributees thereof. FRANCIS H.F0KVS, juueS w4t Administrator. M ACON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES hereafter will be published in Macon. Georgia Tele graph asd Mf.ssssges. „ „ .... mayU-ld6t-w30d H. L. IIILL, Sheriff. QUCTMAW COTTKfg'g. G EORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY.—Whereas Hen ry L. Baikcom, Administrator of lehabod Bafk- com, represents to the Court, in his written petition, that ho has folly administered lehabod Balkcom’s estate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should r ot be discharged from said administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in Jnly. 1870 W. P. JORDAN, apr.3 wSm* . _ Ordinary. Twiggs County. Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold in the tewn of Monticelio, Jasper connty, Ga.. on tho first Tuesday in July next, between tho usual hours of sale, two-thirds interest in the storehouse and lot. situated on the east corner of southern side of the squaro of said town—known as Swanson’s store. ... Also, at the same time and place, ono House and Lot at the Indian Spring, Butt3 county, Ga., near Eider’s Hotel, on the Covington road, containing two acres, more or less: dwelling house, two stories, with necessary outbuildings, etc. Sold as the property ot John W. Burney, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to satisfy certain claims agreed upon between tho creditors of said estate and the legatees, xorms on day of sale. F. M. SW ANSON, maylS-wtd Administrator. GENERAL AGENTS, 1S2 Brontlwiiy, New York. ASK TO SEE TIIE NEW FULL-PLATE WATCH bearing the trade mark “AMERICAN WATCH CO., Crescent st., Waltham, Blass.” It is by far THE BEST FULL-PLATE WATCH made in the United States, and surpasses anything heretofore made in this country for Railway Engineers, Conductors, etc. apr20-deod*weow3m NO ARSENIC—NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only remedy for Chills and Fever, or Ague and Fever, that is or can be depended npon, is HUR LEY’S AGUE TONIC. There have been thousands cured by using it who have tried the usual remedies without benefit. The following certificate from a reliable citizen of Mississippi speaks for itself: Meridian, Miss*, October 16,1863. Mr. R. T. R. Chadwick: Dear Sir: This is to certify that I bought from you, by your recommendation, a bottle of Hurleys’ Ague Tonic, aud it cured two cases of fever and ague of fifteen months’ standing. I cheerfully recommend Hurley’s Tonic to tho public generally. Respectfully, yours, J OHN B. WRIGHT. Admlnistrntors's Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, will bo sold, within tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following land, to wit: One hundred and twenty acres; part of Lot No. 15, in the 7th District of Bauld- win, now Twiggs county; as the property of W. J. Hammo-k, late of said county, deceased. *old for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms of sale cash. JEREMIAH SANDERS, mayl2-w6w Adm'r de bonis non. G EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.—James T. Glover, administrator, with the will annexed, upon the estate of Jesse Hearn, deceased, having petitioned for a final discharge from his said administration, all persons concerned are required, within tho legal time, to be and appear at my office, to show cause, if any they have, why said applicant should not be dis missed; in accordance with the prayer of his petition. Given undor my hand officially, this May 9th. 1870. mayU-w3m JOHN F. SIIINK. Ordinary. ETC.. Crausnlck, ayll- d2taw&wlv ETC., PZJFfcIFY YOUR BLOOD! [USE HURLEY’S SARSAPARILLA, Gr McCrea (eol’d) applies for Letter of Administra tion on tho estate of Paris MoCrea, (eol’d) late of said county, deceased. ... .. . . ... This is. therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Mon day in August next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted to said appli Ca <3iven under my hand and official signature this June 13.1870. JOHN F. SHINE, junel5w-30d Ordinary. Baker County Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door, in the town of Newton, Baker county. Ga.,on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One lot of land, No. 324. in the 7th District of said county. Levied on a’ the property of Jerry Durham, to satisfy.a tax fi. fa. .from the Tax Collector of said county, in favor of said State and county vs. Jerry Also, at thosamo time and place, will besoldbefore the Court-House door, in the town of Newton, Baker counry. Ga., on the first Tuesday In July next, be tween thelegal hours of sale, one two-horse wagon. Levied on as the property of J. J. Blusgroro to satis fy a fi. fa. from Baker Superior Court, in favor of John Atkinson vs. J. J. Muszrove. WILLIAM JACKSON. _ jupe2-w30d Sheriff^ Macon County Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-houso door, in the town ot Oglethorpe, county of Macon, within thelogal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in July next, the following property to wit: Lots of land Nos. 33 and 62. in 2d District of origi nally Muscogee, now Macon county, to satisfy twelve fi fas., issued from Justice’s Court, 1070th District, G. M. Four in favor of J. T. Kelsoe, for the use, etc., vs. M. L. Shoalcy; one in favor of J. Winn, fo the use. etc., vs. U, L. Shealey : ono in favor of J. As- bnry. for the use, etc., vs. M. L. Shealy: one in favor of Philip Cook vs. M. L. Shealy; one in favor of W. H. Willis & Son vs. M. L Shealy; one in favor of G. C. Carmichael vs. M. L. Shealy: one in favor of Mr3. E Partenvs. M.' L. Shealy; one in favor of A. A. Watts, vs. M. L. Shenly, and one in favor of W. Holsonbake vs. M. L. Shealy. Levied on as the prop erty of said M. L. Shealy and return made to me by a constable. Property pointed out by defendant.- H. L. HILL. Sheriff juno3-w4t Macon County. Baker County Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court-House door, in tho town of Newton. Baker county, Ga, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit; Lots of Land, Nos. in the eighth district of ssidcounty: and the east half of lot No. 4. in tho seventh district of said county. Levied on as tho property of Wm. C. Bray, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa (for the purchase money of-tho same) from Baker Superior Court, May Term, 1870, ia favor of O. G. Holland vs. Wm. C. Bray. WILLIAM JACKSON. june2-w60i Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of tho Honorable the Supe rior Court, will be sold on the fitst Tuesday in July next, between tho usual hours of sale, before tho Court-Ilouse door in the town of Newton. Baker county, Ga., Lot of Land, No. (271) two hundred anu seventy-one. in the 7th district of Baker ceunty, be longing to *he estate of Thomas J. Cox, deceased. Si id lot of land sold by order of Superior Court for payment of widow’s dower. Terms cash. THOMAS ALLEN, Adm’r. do bonis non of T. J. Cox, deceased. juno2-w30d HOUSTON COUNTY. G eorgia. Houston county.-whereas. Lar kin W, Stewart has applied for Letters, ot Ad ministration on the estate of Thomas C. Whitehurst, late of Houston county, deceased: These aro, therefore, to cite all persons interested to bo and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any, why the application should not be granted. . " Given under my hand and official signature this, 30th day of May. 1S70. „ m W. T. SWIFT. june2-w30d* Ordinary. Houston County SkerlffSnlc. W ILL be 8old on the 1st Tuesday in August noxt, before the Conrt-house door, in tho town of Per ry. Within the usual hours of sale, Lot of land No. 146 and the north half of lot No* 145, in tho 10th District of Houston connty. contain ing 303}4 acres, more or less. Sold as tho property or John K. K ing. to satisfy a mortgage fi. in. from Hous ton Superior Court, in favor of Mary M. Ragin, vs. John R. King. Property pointed out byC. C. Dun can, plaintiff’s attorney. juneS-w60d JOHN R. COOK. Sheriff NOTICE. T HIRTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, of Houston connty, for leave to sell the real estate of Miles L. Green, lato of said county, deceased, for the purpose of distnbntion. MRS. A. E. GREEN* junc9-w30d A din zg. IRWIN COUNTY. Georgia, FOE THE Indian sPKiNfis OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, G eorgia . t w iggs county.—Mrs. e. b. k*nr- dy vs. E. W. Kenedt—Libel for Divobok In Twiggs Superior Court, March Term. 1870.—It ap pearing to the Court, by tho return of the Sheriff ot said county in the above stated cato. that the defend ant, E.W. Kenedy, is not to be found in said State, it is ordered by tho Court that service be perfected on said defendant by publication in the Telegraph and Messenger, a gazette published in Bibb county, Geor gia, once a toonth for lour months. By the Court. CROCKER & GOODE. Plaintiff’s Attorneys. A true extract from tho ninutes of the Superior CO a a p r rl5 ft wla C m4mo m ‘J. M. BURKETT. Clerk. V ISITORS to these well known Springs can now on aoy day get conveyance to that point from Forsyth. We are newly-fitted up t Coach and Teams, to accommodate all who desire it. A regular line running dally from Forsyth to the Springs, connect ing wish the train from Macon, leaving Forsyth at 10 o’clock, a. u„ will be established on the 1st June next. Cali on GliEKR A BRO., At their Livery Stable Forsyth, U mayI5-dtwl m* YOUR ~ ATTENTION i- CORDIALLY INVITED to tho ‘•Henderson Connty (Ky.) Land Sale” Grand Prize Setae! Regularly CHARTERED by the Legislature of Kent ucky, endorsed and recommended by every lead ing official in tho State, and over 500 of her most prominent citizens. This splendid schemo embraces 511 Pro, rnnE undersigned, baring: associated. themselves JL together for the tranfaction of a General Com mission and Warehouse business* will, under the firm name of CAMPBELL & JONES, Reopen th* old “Harris" Warehouse, corner of Sec ond and Poplar streets, on the first of August next, for the reception of Cotton. The house will be put in thorough repair before that date. rrirrmr We have engaged the services of Mr. R. H. HUTCH INGS. of Jones county, who will he pleased to serve ur*Ur. (/am p bel I will, for the present, bo found at the office of E. A. Wilcox. Esq. , As our Mr. Jones’ membership in the firm of Ad ams, Jones Jt Reynolds continues to the close of the season, he may be found at their Warehouse until wo 0e \Ve arTTproparcdt^oxtcnd the usual accommoda- We imforto the'business*mon of Maeon generally CHAS. R. CAMPBELL, late of E. A. Wilcox Sc Co.. DONALD B. JONES. of firm of Adams. Jones & Remolds. fehl3-diw-6m* Comprising the richest river bottom tobacco fannsin the wealthy county of Henderson, Ky., with all their appurtenances. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,0001 SMilLEST P1UZS, SSO! Also about 820,000 in GREENBACKS, therent money of the property for the years 1869 and 1S70, to be dis tributed to tho winners of tho first seven prizes re spectively. Kent for 1859. was 812 per acre. Tickets, Five Dollars ! certificates and endorseBRts of this magnificent en- tC Every dollar invested by ticket holders, is held in trust by the commissioners appointed by the Legisla ture. until the drawing takes place and prizes are de livered. Income of the property for last 15 years has averaged $30,000 A TEAR! In order to have your tickets properly registered, buy at once of your nearest club agont, or remit to either of the following Gnancial agents, who will fur- nishfnll descriptive circulars: L. H. LYNE. Cash’r Farmers’ Bank, Henderson, Ky. R. B. ALEX AN DER, Commercial Ba’k,Louisville,Ky B. U. THOMAS, Cash. Obs. and lloptT Lexington.Ky W. B. TYLER. Cashier Deposit B’k, Owensboro, Ky. SEMONIN. DIXON & C0„ Evansville, Ind. Good Clnb Agents wanted everywhere. junel-deod&wlm AG-ENTS WANTED TO RFTJ| QUR CELEBRATED DELIGHTFUL TONIC. W E take great pleasure in offering tho old Caro lina Bitters to the public. Thoy are compound ed with great care, and contain some of tho best Ton ics in the Pliarraacopia; As evidence of tho superi ority of our Bitters overall others, we have certifi cates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who havo prescribed them in their practico. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluablo for WANT OF APPETITE. GENERAL DEBILITY. CHILLS AND FEVER. DYSPEPSIA. Wo do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all dis eases, but as an Aromatic Tonie, they have no equal. For sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., Importers of choice Drugs and Chemicals. Charleston, S. C. For salo in Macon by . „ „ L, W. Hunt & Co, inay25-eod&wly IODIDE POTASH wilkinson county. W HY is it that so many children die tinder the I'ILL MACON. GEORGIA, . -.carry on the Warehouse and Commission Ialter the close ol tho present Cotton v j>Planter*’ Warehouse, on Fourth street, Depot, and opposite tho Brown and rfflJvgaWU, where they will be pleafkl to see Wand,. We are prepared to extend the «?>nunpdations to planters. Wo havo secured J* B. Orosland, of Twigi s county, who t«UofV“»rge of the books and financial depart- *“ ll *MJ ndf ?Peyton Reynolds will find him ■ tunc* to welcome them. Wo bespeak Hm vfLt ‘.Dare of tho patronage extended to the 'Ssm!.-®?*' 11 * ourselves to leave nothing undone f (frLto merit their favors, cte. r ' Ctiriar.d will be pleased to ace hi ; ^iT_ T Wne and render them all the asaistanc M *«• febl-d&wm 1 DR. GHAU.ENBERCER’S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops tlio Chills, This Medicino has been Loforo tho Public fifteen years, and ia still ahead of nil other known remedies. It doe3 not purge, does not sicken tha stomach, is perfectly 6afe in any doso and nnder all circumstances, and ia the .only Hodicino that will CURE I WIKI ED LATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because if a perfect Antidote to pffalartn. - ' V* _ v- Sold by all Druggist*. GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN Acknowledged by aiiwbo have used them to bo the best Pen mado or sold in this country. No blotting! No soiled fingers! Sixty lines writ ten with one pen of ink! WU1 outwear any steel pen ever made- Bankers, merchants, teachers and all classes endorse them in tho highest terms of praise• Put up in neat slide boxes. Prices : Two boxes, 50 cents; five boxes, «L Sent free of post- age, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Wo are prepared to givo any energetic person taking tho agency of these Pena a commission which wiH pay £200 per month. Three sample pens will to mailed for ten cents. Address Vi . £STEI!N PUBLISHING CO.. . Manufacturers Agents, junell-d cod&w3m Pittsburgh, -Pa. ■ iny c .. age of five years? That a largo proportion, of children dio under that ago, has long boon a subject of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer- tlined ( it is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist fn tho human system from its earliest infancy: therefore parents, especially mothers, who aro more constantly witn their children, cannot bo too observing of tho first symptoms of worms; for so surely as they exist, can they bo 8AVH&Sr AMD CERTAINLY Removed from tho most DELICATE INFANT, by the timely use of ,B. A. FAIINESTOK’S VERMIFUGE. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Merery, being a Pnrely Vegetable Composition, And maybe administered with the UTMOST SAFE TY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Worm Confeetion3. made more for tho purpose ox (leasing the palate than of overcoming tho discase t *iave been manufactured all over the country, but their short lease of life is nearly exhausted, and .B, A. Fahuestook’s Vermifuge continues to grow xn favor d8ily ‘ CAUTION. chase B. A. Fab . careful to see ,o article that has Should occasion require yon to nestock’i Vermiiuge, be Vjrt\ r ‘ thatthe initials aro B. A. Thi been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829, And purchasers must insist on having it, if they do not wish to have an imitation forced neon them. SCHWARTZ & HASLETT, Formerly B. A. Fahmstqcx’8 Son & Co.; SOLE PROPRIETORS. PITTSBURGH. PA. aec9-deodtwlv . FOB BENT. _A_ DESIRABLE HOUSE, pleasantly located, containing six rooms. A well of good water and &1 necessary outhouses. Apply at this june!8-8t OFFICE. This is tho pure and genuine extract of the root, and will, on trial, bo found to effect a certain and per fect cure of the following complaints and diseases: Affection* of tile Hone*, Habitual Cosltlv.- ne«, Debility, Disease* of trie Kidneys, Dlgpepsia, Kryslpelas, Female Irreg ularities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Diver Complaint, Indigestion, Filet, Pul monary Diseases, Scrofula, or King’s £vti, Syphilis. To Dr. Thos. A. Hurley. Sir: I doem it an act of justice to you to state that in tho month of February last I had a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism, which completely pros trated me. At the samo time my lungs were much afflicted. I was so reduced thatit was with tho great est difficulty that I could walk. I procured some ol your Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, and com menced taking it. I found that I began to improve— my cough became loss severe—the soreness of my lungs and breast gradually subsided—my rheumatic pains less acute. X attribute this mainly to your Sar saparilla. I have now been taking it for over two months; have taken in all five bottles. Its effects have been mostsatisfactory to me. and I advise others similarly afflicted to give you a trial. JOS. CLEMENT. Tho gentleman whose name is appended to the above certificate liar long resided here, and at the present time is one of the magistrates of the city of Louisville, STATE OF GEORGIA. 1 Supreme Court. April term, I 1870. Present, his .Hon- WitKiHSON County, r nr, Philip B. Robinson, J Judge. Carey M. Richardson,] Libel for Divorce. vs. {• Rule to Perfect Scrvico. Richard Richardson. J I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that, the defendant does not reside in this county, and it further appearing that he does not re side in this Stato; it is on motion of counsel ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court. Else that the case bo considered in default and plaintifi be allowod to proceed. And it is further ordered that this rule bo published in the Journal and Messenger, weekly, once a month, for four months, J. D. JONES. Plaintiffs Attorney. CLEORGIA. WILKINSON COUNTY-Cleek’s vjT Office Supebiob Couet—I do hereby certify thattheabovoisatrue extract from the minutes ol said Court. Given under mv hand and official signa ture, this 2d day FtEET W00D. maj5-lam4mw Deputy CIcik. E XECUTOR'S SALE.—Will be Eold before tho Court-House door, in the town of Greensporo, Georgia, under an order from tho Court of Ordinary of Greene county, on tho first Tuesday in June, 1S/0, ono Tract of Land, containing four hundred and nfnety acres (490; in the 10th district of Irwin county. State of Georgia. Said land sold for tho purpose of distribution among tho devisees ofJame3 Jrindloy, deceased. Terms cash, FINDLEY, a pr8-w40d Executor. HUB LEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. As this is really a specific for Wo, ;.acd the best and most palatable form to givo to children, it is not surprising that it is fast taking the placo of all other preparations for worms—it being perfectly tasteless, and any child will tako it. Messrs; James Ruddle & Co.—Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to say, after usingall the otherworm remedies known to mo. with but partial success to my children, I was advised to try Dr, T. A. Hurley’s, and since using it, my children have become well andhealthy; the children would eat it all the time, it is so pleasant, If we would let them. * I believe it is one of the best and safest remedies known, and as such, recommend it to one ono and all. * JAMES W. TRAVIS. Louisvill*. Ky„ July 3,1863. 1LY BEWTNG MACHINE. ’Ihis machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and emproider in a most superior manner. Price only $18. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay £1009 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. \S e pay agents from £75 to 8200 per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB & CO., PITTSBURG, PA-: BOSTON, Mass., or 6T. LOUIS, ^CAUTION.—Bowaro of all Agents selling Machines under the same namo as ours, unless'they can show a Certificate of agency signed by us. We shall not hold ourselves responsible for worthless Machines sold by other parties, and shall prosecute all psrtics either selling or using Machines under thin name to tho full extent of the law, unless such Machines were obtained from us or our Agents. Do not bo imposed upon by parties who copy our advertisement and circulars and offer worthless Machines at a less price. apri!27-dlw3m. SR. SSASROOK’S Elixir of P w'hosohate of Iron and Oalisaya. This elegant combination possesses all the tonie properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, without the disagreeabl e taste and bad effects of either, separately or in other preparations, of these valuable medicines: It should be taken in all cases when a gentle tonio im pression is required after convalesence from Fevers or debilitating diseases, or in those distressing irregular ities peculiar to females. No female should be with out it, if liable to such diseases, for nothing can well take its place; JAMES BUBBLE & JDO., PROPRIETORS. LABORATORY Al BULLITT STREET, Louisville, By. All the above Goods fpr sale by L.W. BUNVAOO,, Maeon, Ga WSBDOlf & D3QHT, Eufaula. Alai, and all Druggists. -J To all whom it may Concern. Dayton, Ohio, April 14,1870. A LL persons aro warned not to buy any right to make, sell or use Best & Kelly’s Portable Gas Generator from Mr. ti. A. Walker, of Glennville, Alabama, or irom any agent be may make, ss his power of attorney is revoked, and has been since No vember, 1869. BENJAMIN BEsT. apr20-w3t BR. BAGLEY ’S FEMALE KKSTORATIVJE. »K. BAG LEVS I NIMITABLE Eye and Pile Preparation used ex clusively for inflamed and chronic sore eyes and piles. It has been in use for fifteen years without a single instance of failure tc givo relief. X>3R_ BAGLE-ST Has practiced the Eclectic system of medicine the rise of twenty years, and treats chromc difeascs with success—ruch as Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liver Aflection, Kidney, etc. Female diseases, such as Sterility, Lu- .Tf'Awi SChlorosis: absence of Menstruation at tht prol« pirioff Ammorrhcca; Menstruation obstructed hi Us course after having been established: Dysmenorrboea: Menstruation attended by pain and of the hypogastric viscera, with parosimal iearavation and difficult menstruation;, menstrual cblicMenorrhagia: menstruation too eopious-flood- ins Medicine and prescription furnished by mail to any part of the United States, postage pre-paid,to treat any chrpnio case, for five dollars per month. Tho Female Regulator and Inimitable Eye and Pile Preparation sent fer $1 eaoh. Symptoms of diseases must be plainly stated. Money sent by registered letter. Board, medicine and personal attention furn ished at from $20 to $25 per month, at his residence, ten miles east of Americas; Location healthy. Post- office. Amerious.Ga- V G EORGIA. IRWIN COUNTY.—Whereas. Camp bell McDaniel, executor, ete., of Isaac M. Young, deceased, late of said county, has filed his final ac- counts 'with me. and asks to be dismissed from said executorship. These axe to cite and admonish ail per.-.ona interested to be and appear at my office on tho first Monday in September next, then and there to show cause, if any they havo, why said. Letters of Dismission should not be granted. ' ... Given under my hand and official^signature, this April 12.1870. WILEY WHITLEY, anr12-smn Ordinary^ JASPER COUNT'S. G eorgia, jasper county—obdiniry’sOf- fice. Said County-In CnAireRRS,. May 19th, 1870—Whereas Thomas C. Broddus. Administrator on tho cstato of Edward A. Broddus. deceased, applies to me for dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my may22-Smw Ordinary. G eorgia, jasper county-ordinary's.of fice. Said County-In Chambers, May 19th, 1870—Whereas Thomas U. Broddus, hxectutor on tho estate of Thomas Broddus, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate . These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this ^office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand^offlgajly^^ may22-3mw Ordinary. G EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY—Ordinary’s Office May 24,1870—Whereas, Samuel T. Reid liav- ing made application to mo for permanent letters ^of administration, on the estate of Mrs. E. W. Reid, lato of said county, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 24th day of May, 1870. _____ J. W. BURNEY, may31-wS0d Ordinary. G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY—Obdinasy’s Of fice, Jane 6th. 1870.—Notice 13 hereby given ft) all persons concerned that on the — day of—1870, Seaborn Hawk, late of said county, departed this .life intestate, and no person hayiDg applied fer admini stration on the estate of said Hawk, in terms of the law. Administration will be vested in the Clerk Of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this cita tion, unless some valid reason is made to his appomt- X Given under my hand and official signature this day and year above written. juncl2-wlm J. W, BUREEY, < r.iinary. JONES COUNT'S!. G eorgia, jones county.-Ohdinart’s 0f- ficb, Said County. At Chambers. Dray 9.1870. Whereas. Bryant Baikcom. Administrator tn mo cstato of Ephraim Moore, deceased, applies to me for Dismission from said estate: : These are, therefore, to cite and aamomsh all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witnessqny hand officially. mayll-d*w3m R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. G EORGIA. JONESCOUNTY-Ordinary’s Office said county, At Chambers. May 9, Isw-— Whereat!, Wm. A. Chambers, Administrator on the estate of John W. Finney, deceased, applies to mo for Di'mission from said estate: . , „ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any thoy havo to the contrary. , . . Given under my hand officially. z>osS mayll-w3m ‘ "Ordinary. G eorgia, jones county.-ordinary’s of-' FICE8AID COUNTY. AT CHAMBERS,.Slav 9.1870.— . Whereas, Wm. Little and Orrie Tufts. Administra tors on estate of Benjamin M. Tufts, deceased, ap- • plica to me for dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, on or hr the first Aionr. day in Septcmbernext, at this office, if any they have to the contrary. , . Given under my hand officially. mayll-w3m R. T. ROSS, X>Tg|lMg^.r r~A pn-ROTA TONES COUNTY.—ORDINARY'S Of- G^e said CorxTr. May 9.1870-Wberea*. Mcm- brance Williams applies to mo for dismlssien i rom ad ministration on estate of Margery T. Carmichael, de ceased these are to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, to the contrary, on or bv the first Monday in September next. Witness my hand officially. ROLAND T. R08S. mayll-w3mo8 Ordinary. XVXA3.ION COVNST; G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.-Whcrea,?, Wm.. J. Reese has applied for the Administration or the estate of Wm. M. Brown, late of said ceased: ' .... , All persons interested in the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to file their objections to ato\ e application within the time prescribed oy law. Witness my hand. JAS. M. LO WE. mw22*30d - Ortlgtgy-- ^^Au'penon^inte’restedmre notified to file their ob jections to the same on or Defore the first Monday in JAS. M. LOWE. Ordinary, .... . —^ ... ... IWtaasMiH