Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, June 28, 1870, Image 7

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Tiae Georgia W T eekly Telegraph. and. Journal &c Messenger. SMITH, WESG0TT& CO. OLD RELIABLE f HITE WATER WAGONS Reasons "Why. •vnwLEDGED to be iho BEST Plantation and Freight Wogons sold in the Setthwest. They are »n equsl in Stylo and Finish. . •‘‘S.®?! factory in the United States where greater care is given to the f election offno material used. r' ''.j! cystem cf inspection is etrietly adhered to. so that we are i>r > prepared to warrant every part to bo v Ttir* ,s ‘.u VvVtem of inspection is strictly adhered to. s iw OIU i?defective, it will be replaced without charge. Jffft- i* of iron is used in its manufacture, and the tiro is one-eighth inch thicker than that used ™ bei< tr J„nfa«t«rer*. Bolster Beds plated with iron. w stiff. !*r is of *A e ehoicest selection thoroughly seasoned. No extra charge for Lock Chains, jhe to observe the excellent quality of paintused upon them, which is far more dnrable than >'° c .lit «*ed on Plantation Wagons. In short, the whole character of the Wagons is that of peculiar "' agons are furniiacd at a P ricc loan that of ordinary Wagons, with body complete. 45 on ltnn<L a Full Line or ABBOTT, DOWKIKG &IXK’S CELEBRATED tistOR® WAGONS. Call and see them. SMITH, WESGOTT & CO., ^cii<oiwonjy-tf_ 102 & 104 Cheray St., Macon, Go. jffTi COMMISSION AND SAULSBURY, RESPESS & CO., XACOS, GEOR61A, inline oar Card as above, wo take occasion to state that wo aro prepared to afford onr friends T> P r 'facilities for tho purpose of purchasing supplies for making their growing crops, and will I t p c coming season to make advances on Cotton, in etore, at >,iote GREATLY REDUCED RATES OP INTEREST. tor Bioous 0 . Ties, etc., will receive our beat attention. 0 i r qapiSBUBY, Macon; JOHN R. RESPESS, Schley County; ,1. Jj- f’-'Vn, ,>rcnrfiQ tt»w„r. tv.-,,-.*... .T x> nT.ioTvniinj at r_ J ’ VJI T. RESPESS, Upson County; J. P. BLASINGAME, Macon ; " ILW J. L. SAULSBURY, Jit., Macon. ... I -AJE&XS STILL ALIVE! iSD SO WILL ALL BE WHO TAKE the symptoms of liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Sometimes tho pain is in the shoulder, and is ••■■E^ELatisni.. Tho stomach is affected «f appetite and sickness, bowels in gtncral ^>,^.iia*tiiaes alternative with lax. The head r*tivr. "ta . ., ain J 0 ll, heavy sensation, con- ^ accompanied with painful S .f having left undone something which w n hv-c hern done. Often complaining of weak- r: tm ness, debility and low (.pints.- fy. .. n it g Sometimes some of the abovo fill K II S .«voir toms attend the disease, and |J_* at other times few of them : but S " r s generally the organ most involved. Cure tie fc!rer with Simmons’ Regulator, and all will be well. ___ x>n.. sx3va:3vro3srs» liver regulator, 1SFMEDY for all diseases caused bt a dekanoed state of the liver ^^gos3GB93 Dyspepsia. Headache,Jaundice, r..,., S Costiveness. Sick Head-achef KEhl b.lTOK. H Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o 1 — .—.a the Bladder. Camp Dysentery, "iectiooi ui me Kidneys, Fever. Nervousn^s, Chtlls, Seiofthe Skin. Imparity of tho Blood. Melan- Aolr. or Depression of Spints. Heartburn. Colic, or hiM in the Bowels. Pain in the Head, Fever and Sue. Dropsy. Boils. Pain m the Back and Limbs, iltbma. Erysipelas. Female Affections, and Bilious bitases senerally j jj. ZRILIN * CO.. Druggists. Macon, Georgia. For sale ty all druggists. Price $1 per package. By preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be nrietly vegetable, and can do no injury to nny one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the list twenty-five years as one of the mos. reliable, tficacious and harmless preparations ever ottered to thttafferinc. If taken regularly and is rare to eflect a cure. ,, ... Ihefollowing highly respectable persons .can fully snest to tfc* virtues of this valuable medtcir.c, and tc whom we most respectfully refer: fitn W.S. Holt, Presidents. W. R. R. Company: i.,v. 1. It. FVUer, Perry. Ga.; Col- E. K. Sparks. Al- rw.iia.: W. J. MeEtroy, Esq.. Macon. Ga.; George J Linford, Esq.. Conductor S. W. R. R-: C- Ma^ter- (cc. Ef|.. Sheriff Bibb county: J. A. Butts, bridge, Ha ; N. binswanger, Esq.. 5Jncon, Ga.; Dyke# SSpirSnwk, Editors "Floridian.” Tallahassee: Rev. J.W.Bnrke. Mo eon. Ga.: Virgil Powers. Esq., Su* terMendent S. W. H, R.; Daniel Bullard. Bullard’s station. M.Jt B. R. R.. Twiggs co. Ga.; Grenville W( d, Wood's Fart-jry. Macou, Ga.; Rev. E- F fw'trlioc. P. E. Florida Conference: Major A. F. Wooiey. Kingston. Ga. PROVIDENCE apr2- d*wtf DR. BAGLEY ’S FEIULE KKSTORATIVE. DR. II AGLET’S INIMITABLE Eve and Pile Preparation used ex- i ciinirelj for inflamed and chronic sore eyes and file. It has been in use for fifteen years without a single instance of failure tr give relief. DR. BAG-LEY - Hu prtetieed the Eclectic system of medicine the ■iseof twenty years, and treats chronic diseases with (Mfrj—such as Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liver Affection, aidney, ete. Female diseases, such as Sterility. Lu- tbemor Whites, Chlorosis; absence of Menstruation at the proper period, Amonorrhoca: Menstruation obstructed in its coarse after having been established: Bjtmenorrbrea: Menstruation attended by painand tf-urns of the hypogastric viscera, with paroximal tflrrarition and difficult menstruation:, menstrual wlie Menorrhagia; menstruation too.copious—flood ing. Medicine and prescrip ion famished by mail to tfjpnrt of the United States, postage Jest any chronic case, for five dollars per month, lie Female Regulator and Inimitable Eye and Pile Preparation sent for SI each. Symptoms of diseases Mat be plainly stated. Money sent by registered letter. Board, medicine and personal attention furn- uhed tt from $20 to $25 per month, at bis residence, fcp miles east of America^ Location healthy. Poat- effiee. Americof. Ga- Htl Wtf Wilkes & Dillingham, MANUFACTURER’S »• Woolen & Cotton Mill Findings DYE STUFFS, COTTON WARPS, BOLUXG CLOTH, BURR HILL BIOSES, Card Clothing, Roll Carding Machines, Portable Corn and Wheat Mills, Smut and Separating Machines Leather and • Robber Belting, Lace Leather, Steam Packing, Hose, &c. Agents for all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Machinery. LODISflLLE, KY. Send for a Catalogue. MADAME FOY’S Combined Corset, Skirl Supporter AND BUSTLE I Is Ju«t the article needed by every F lady who consults Health, Comfort and Style. Testimonials in its favor are con stantly beingrecoived from all parts °*L AD Y U AG £ NTS wanted in every connty of rte United States. HARMON, BALDWIN Sc FO.Y, tll-w6m Solo Manufacturers New Haven. Conn. GIRLS AND BOYS, TALBOT COUNTY, GA. Next Session will Commence August 1, 1870. Two Sessions of Twenty Weeks each During the Year. G. W. MAXSON, A. B., and W. H. WOODALL, Principles. Assisted by ablo and competent Teachers. Bates of Tuition: Classical Department, per Ses sion, S25; Preparatory Department, per Session, 318; Primary Department, per Session, 318; Music and Use of Instrument, 330; Vocal Music per Month 31; Civil Engineering, (extra) 315; Board, (lights and fuel furnished) per month. 312 50. Embroidery and all Ornamental Branches taught when desired. A large and commodious houso has been erected for boarders, where pupils will be under the im mediate control of one of the Principals. No Sectarianism. The Coarse of Instruclion em braces all that is taught in our Colleges. The loca tion, near Pleasant Hill, and seven miles from Chalybeate Springs, Talbot county, is the healthiest in Middle Georgia. There will be but a brief vaca tion in Summer, so that the patrons in the South can have their children at homo in winter, and tho advantages of a healthy climate during the hot season. Board of Trustees: D. G. Owen. Isaac Cheney, G. W. Evans, J. T. Owen, J. D. Woodall, W. T. Holmes, J. H. Bryant, M. D. For farther informa tion, apply to Judge E. H. Worrill, J. B. Gorman, Talbotton, Ga.; John S. Moieman, Albany, Ga. june22-u2mo* REWARD. FRANKLIN LODGE NO. F., \ MaCox. Slay I9th. 1870. > At a regular meeting held by this Lodge this night, the following resolution was adopted: Ker-olved, That this Lodge offer, through tho pub lic papers of the city, a reward of 8250 for the appre hension of Henry G. Koss, tho assailant of Brother Ji-hn Bronshton. and that tho Treasurer be author ized to par said reward upon the delivery of raid Henry Q Koss to the Sheriff of Bibb county, and that tuis authority be extended for the te:m of six monihs from date. Done by cider of the Lodge as above. B. St- PAUL GUKRAUDDIE. N. G. Attest :*C J. Ptrobiro. R. S. my29-dl«Awlm UW* - CATTLE KxiviEDIES- . iitir. .. ,t.( most Reliable ever ofeml '<< the Public, L\. seurt Llagnetie t=d rS Eiii!NS C0MBIT10S FOWEERS CSIVVI FJCATE. jC1 ba e»*v ofiI .• I 11 ^y*n.»r?«*d. and iSvurouihly iu Zii) jirnctff c ibe t. ...,c ?>» ’ itf-'Jiri firm ra prif.Rir.i t ne o! irreuf ..ndnuM rorillnlly r(f«*n nii’M! them i,< Rt^up i witii onr* 1 from rc- I «•»*’» ■'o rr-lnn* «-!Jlr»r:cu* for I he Yr«a:m«*nt tt»<* rrH'* d<wign-ti, Hws ntiy rem alien vt "hu-h 1 Ziaro knowledge. GEORGE H. DADD, Veterinary &*■#**. Antbor of Ffi^ iit&rgy nj th* tiers*? - Modern Bor it Doctor, <Lc. Pnrchasers will please ask fora copy or • Eotteand Oattio" Owner's Gutoe-” gratis. » LORD & SMITH, Proprietors, ** CHirtro, iua L. W, HUNT A CO., GENERAL AGENTS. MACON. GA. For sale by all Druggists. apr5-d*w New Combination! T HE undersigned, haring associated themselves together for the transaction of a General Com mission and Warehouse business# will# under the firm name of CAMPBELL & JONES, Reopen the old “Hsrris” Warehouse, corner of Sec ond and Poplar streets, on the first of August next, for the reception of Cotton. Thehonse will be put in thorough repair before that date. We have encaged the services of Mr. R. H. HUTCH INGS. of Jones county, who will be pleased to serve his many friends. . .... Onr Mr. Campbell will, for the present, he found at the ofiice of E. A. Wilcox. Eea. .... ... As onr Mr. Jones membership in the firm of Ad ams. Jones A Reynolds continues to the close of the season, be may be found at their Warehouse until we occupy our new quarters. We are prepared to extend the usual accommoda tions to our Planting friends. We refer to the business men of Maeon generally CHAS. If. CAMPBELL. late of E. A. Wilcox A Co., DONALD B. JONES, of firm of Adams, Jones A Reynolds. febl3-d&w-6m* R. V. BAZKUORE sdams. ADAMS & BAZEMORE, Cotton Factors ana Commission Merclianis MACON. GEORGIA. yUILL carry on the Warehouse and Commission business after the close of the present Cotton at the Planters’ Warehouse, on Fourth street. Passenger Depot, and opposite the Brown and H w P°d Hotels, where thoy will be pleased to see their friends. We are prepared to extend the Sfial accommodations to planters. We have secured »;n*? r j" lces of S' * Crosland, of Twiggs county, who -ut take charge of tho books and financial depart- B&tertk. establishment. f Befriends of Judge Peyton Reynolds will find him (.““Bud stall times to welcome them. Wo bespeak r ar firm a shnre of the patronage extended to the wa nrm, pledging ourselves to leave nothing undone n ur t P lr tJo merit their favors, ete. • , Mr. Crosland will be pleased to see hi ink;. 1 at aQ y Unto and render them all the as? is tan c ‘Bluip ower, febi-dAwm AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN Acknowledged by all who have used them to bo tbe beat Pen made or Bold in this country. No blotting! No soiled fingers! Sixty lines writ- ten with one pen of ink! Will outwear any sterf pen ever made* Bankers, merchants, teachers ana all classes endorse them in ths highest .terms of praise- Pnt up in neat slide boxes. Pricesi: Two boxes, 50 cents; five boxes, 61. Sent freo of post age, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. We are prepared to give any energetic person taking tho agency of these Pens a commission which will pav 32C0 per month. Three sample pens will be mailed for ten cents. Addread WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., ' Manufacturer’s Agents, junell-d eodiwSm Pittsburgh, Pa. FOUND. A PAIR OF EYE GLASSES- Owner can get the same by paying for this adver- tisement. Enquire at Telegraph and MeMeijger Office. W HY is it that so mans children die under the ago of five years t That a large proportion ol cntliirec die under that age. has 'oDg been a subject of remark, 8nd without a satisfactory cause ascer tained, it is certain. Also, tt Is known that verms exist in tho human system from its earliest infancy: therefore parents, especially mothers, who are more constantly witn their children, cannot be too observing of the first th«yb« mSw0rnl3: ^ or *° 8nre * y 88 they exist,can SAFELY AND CERTAINLY Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by the timely use of B. A. FAHXESTOK’S VERMIFUGE. -It is perfectly harmless, contains so Mercrr, being a Purely Vegetable Composition, And may be administered with the UTMOST SAFE TY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. W-orm Confections, made more for the purpose oi pleasing the palate than of overcoming the disease, have been manufactured aU over the country, but their short lease of lifo is nearly exhausted, and B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge continues to grow in favor daily. CAUTION. Should occasion require you to pnrehase B. A. Fan nestock’s Vermifuge, be particularly careful to see that the initials are B. A. This is tho article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829. ,n j.. And pnrchasers must insist on having it, if they do not wish to have an imitation forced upon them. SCHWAR’t&Z & HASLETT. Formerly B. A. Fabsestoce’s Sox Sc Co.. SOLE PROPRIETORS. PITTSBURGH. PA qec9-deod*wlr VV- : * rr \ .. -sc v - v i. i i s OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, DELIGHTrUL TONIC. W E take great pleasure in offering the old Caro' lina Bitters to the public. They aro compound ed with great care, and contain some of the best Ton ics in tbe Phirmacopia; As evidence of tbe superi ority of our Bitters overall others, we have certifi cates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them in their practice. TBE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for WANT OF APPETITE. GENERAL DEBILITY, CHILLS AND FEVER, DYSPEPSIA. Wo do not offer onr Bitters as a cure for all dis eases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH, WINEMAN & 00., Importers of choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. For sale in Maeon by L. W. Hunt & Co. inay25-eod&wly YOUR ATTENTION is CORDIALLY INVITED to the “Hendersen County (Ky.) Land Sale” Grant fra Sinn! Regularly CHARTERED by the Legislature of Kentucky, endorsed and recommended by every lead ing official in the State, and over fiOO of her most prominent citizens. This splendid scheme embraces 5.11 Prize, - • Comprising the richest river bottom tobacco farms in the wealthy county of Henderson. Ky., with all their appurtenances. CAPITAL PRIZE, $190,000! SM.11.LRST PRIZE, SS0! Also about 120.000 in GREENBACKS.therent money of the property for the years 1869 and 1870, to be dis tributed to the winners of the first sever prizes re spectively. Kent for 1819, was $12 per acre. Tickets, Five Dollars! ky: Hundreds of the best citizens nave given unqualified certificates and endorsements of this magnificent cn- terpriso. Every dollar invested by ticket holders, is held in trust by the commissioners appointed by the Legisla tor. until tho drawing takes place and prizes are de livered. Income of the property for last 15 years has averaged A YEAR! In order to have your tickets properly registered, buy at once of your nearest club agent, or remit to either of the following financial agents, who will fur nish fall descriptive circulars: L, H. LYNE, Cash’r Farmers’ Bank, Henderson,Ky. R. B. ALEXANDER. Commercial Ba’k.Louisville.Ky JOHN O. LATHAM, Fres't Bank, Hopkinsville,Ry. JAS. L. DALLAM. Commercial BRnk.Paducah.Ky. B. G. TnOMAS, Cash.Obs. and Rept’r W. B. TYLER. Cashier Deposit B’k, Owensboro. Ivy. SEMONIN. DIXON Sc CO.. Evansville. Ind. Good Club Agents wanted everywhere, j uncl-deod&wlm DR. SHALLENBERCER'8 Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops tlic Chills. This Medicino liaa been boforo tho Public fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purgo, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circumstances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because if -*« a perfect Antidote to AUIsria. Sold by all Druggists. UNFAILING ETE PRESERVERS OUR CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES A RE gaining steadily and certainly a reputation unsurpassed. Tbe readily ascertained superior ity they possess over the ordinary Spectacles makes them very pop alar. IT XS A. FACT That they render impaired sight clear and distinct; strengthen and preserve the eyes; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and LAST KAKT YEAR3 WITHOUT change being necessary, so that in the end they are the CHXAFKST AS W«I*L AS TH* B*ST. ItOtlOe that MR. L. H. WING-, Jeweler. 48 SECOND STREET\ MACON, GA., Is our Sole Agent in Macon and vicinity. AND THAT WE EMPLOY NO PEDLE ' LAZARUS A' MORRIS Man™factoring Opticians, Hartford. Conn. feb5-tf - THE * GREATEST WORK OF THE A6B A BOOK INVALUABLE To Every Grocer, Every Produce Sealer, Every Dairyman, Every Farmer, Every Manufacturer, Everybody. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT1 I T contains the surest and only certain method to keep Kgss Ficeh and Sweet for at least one year. The cost is less than half a cent per dozen, and by this method Eggs bought at eight and ten cents per dozen during the summer can be kept and Eold in iho winter for trom thirty to fifty cents. When once known, this method wilt take the place of all others. It does not tarnish the egg or give it the appearance of age. When offered for sale, it cannot be told either by appearance or quality from a fresh laid egg. It contains the best receipt ever published of ren dering sour and rancid butter penectly sweet, and also- how to give a uniform and natural color to White and streaked Batter, and tho best manner of mixing and repacking butter lor market. Tnese two receipts alono are worth hundreds of dollars. It tells the cheapest and best mode of manufactur ing Washing Compounds. Howio make Hard and Sott Soap, Inks. Candles, paints. Varnishes. Cements and Baking Powders. It tells how to Clarify Honey, so as to sell for nearly twice the common sort. It tells the latest and best modes of salting and curing Hams and all kinds of meat. It tells haw to dj o clotces of all shades and in fast eolors. It gives valuable receipts for curing burns, sores, cuts, felons, frost bit< s, cancer, ear ache, tooth ache, ing worm, with hundreds of other new and valuable methods, with full uirections. so that any one can use them. It tells how to take out fruit stains, ink Etains. iron stains and paint stains from cloth and silk dresses. It tells how to counteract frost upon trees, a valua ble receipt. It tells howto tan furs either with or without the hair or wool on, and how to imitate those of superior grades. It tells how to make tho best curling fluid for mak ing the hair grow in beautiful flowing ringlets. It tells how to feed hens so os to make them lay all the year round. It gives over five hundred rare and valuable re ceipts, and. a complete guide to the manufacture of hundreds of useful amt saleable articles, including patent medicinos, perfumery, toilet and dental arti cles, and many others easily made, at trifling cost, and selling readily at large profits, with many manu facturer.-’ secrets, etc. It is valuable to every one. Be aure to get it. Sent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar. Pub lished and for sale by WILLIAM H. BISHOP. Agent for tho Publishers, St. Louis, Mo. mayl3-d&w3mo3 HAMMING’S Antidote for Intemperance!! I S an Infallible Cure for this fearful vice. Its rise will at once remove tho taste or desire for stim ulants, and will soon create an actual dislike for them. It can be administered in tea, coffee or even water, wi hout exciting cuepision. a3 it is freo from taste or smell. If you have a husband, brother or friend, addicted to this terrible habit, it is your duty to cure him. Sent free by mail on receipt of tho money. Price 82 per box. W. H. MANNING Sc CO., mayl4-d-wtf St. Lon is. Mo. SLOW HORSESMADE FAST!! Fast Horses made Faster. M Y mode of treating horses is guaranteed to in crease the speed of any horse, good or poor. Or dinary farm horses have bad their speed increased so as to sell for 8500. A gcntlrmaa with my method bought a pair of horses for $300 and sold them, after four days training, lor $2000. They trotted in 2AS in harness. Another bought an ordinary saddle horse for $9j and in one week sold him for SS00. I will send my method to any address on receipt of 81. JESSE C. MANFELDER, Caro of Box 2701, St. Louis, Mo. mayU-d&wSm BARKJETT’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. ^ROk V TUZ FIRST PREMIUM . A OF A SILVER MBDAl’wW ^ WAS AWARDED TO ^ « mf BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Q Bj the N. H. StAte Agricultural Society, at btM * Fair, ho Idea in Kaslma, Sept. 20# lSQf, BARRETT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative Beatorei Gray Hair to It* natural color. Pro- m motes tho growth of tho 11 sir. Changes tho root* to their ortrio.l organic action. Kradi- cates Dandruff and Humors. Prevents A^ I A Hair fallingoot. Is a Superior Dressing, It contains no Injurious Ingredients, XkA and Is tho most poptlar and . . w ^ rellablo article tlm>ighout This Preparation surpasses all others of its class sis a Hair Benewcr. . It is thorough in its action upon Gray or Faoea Hair and its effect permanent. . . It produces but one distinct snade. while others leave the hair in many varied colors. It promotes growth when others fail to re produce a single hair. It docs not crisp or dry the hair, hat leaves it moist and glossy. . _ .. . Ladies find it superior to any other as a Toilet Dressing. The ingredients used in this Preparation are the very beat that can bo found, and are as t—'-’u- less as water. LORD & SMITH, Proprietor*,'• Chicago, Ills. SOLOMONS BITTERS! The Great Tonic, Stomachic and Appetizer. A PROMPT, POSITIVE AND SURE CURB FOR DYSPEPSIA. TUB GRKAT FRKYENTIYK TO CHILLS AND FEVER!! TOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Manufactured by A. A. SOIiOAffOM «£ CO., Brngghts, _ ^ , . SAVANNAH, GA. WALTHAM WATCHES. r |'Ml E extensive use of these Watches for the last fif- JL tern years by Railway Conductors, Engineers, and Expressmen, tho most exacting of watca wear ers, has thoroughly demonstrated the strength, stead iness. durability, and accuracy of the Waltham Watch. To satisfy that class in ail these respects, is to decide the question as to the real value ot these time-keepers. . More than 430,000 ofthe’e watches are now speak ing for themselves in the pockets of the people—a proof and a guarantee of their superiority over all others. The superior organization and great extent of the Company’s Works at Waltham, enable them to pro dace Watches at a price which renders competition futile, and those who buy any other Watch merely pay from 25 to 50 per cent, more for their Watches than is nece.'sary. We are now selling Waltham Watches at less prices in greenbacks, than the gold prices before the war. There is no other manufacture of any kind in the United States of which this can be said. A descriptive circular, giving much useful informa tion. sent to any address on application. These time-pieces combine every improvementthat a long experience has proved of read practical use. Having had the refusal of nearly ever; invention in watchmaking originating in this country or in Eu rope, only those were finally adopted which severe testing by the most skillful artisans in our works, and long nse on the part ot the public, demonstrated to be essential to correct and enduring time-keeping. Among the many improvements we wonld particu larize: Tbe invention and nse of a centre-pinion cf pecu liar construction, to prevent damage to the tram by the breakage ot main springs, is original with the American Watch Company, who. having had tho re fusal of all other contrivances, adopted Fogg’s Patent pinion as being the best and faultless. Hardened and tempered hair springs, now univer sally admitted by watchmakers to he the best, are used in all gradeB of Waltham Watches. All Waltham Watcbe3 hare dust-proof caps, pro tecting the movement from dust and lessening the necessity of the frequent cleaning necessary in other Watobes. Our new patent stem-winder, or keyless Watch, i« already a decided success and a great improvement on any stem-winding watch in the American market and by far tbe cheapest watch of its quality now of fered to the public. To thoso living in portions of tbe United States where watchmakers do n-'t abound, watches with the above mentioned improvements which tend to insure accurac-. cleanliness, durability and convenience, must prove invaluable. Every Watch guaranteed by the Company. To prevent imposition, buyers should see that every Watch should bear cither of tbe following trade marks: American Watch Co American Watch Co American Watch Co., Crescent st - Appleton, Tracy A Co...... Waltham Watcn Co.....—, P. S. Bartlett Win. K>lery — Homo Watch Co ...—.Waltham, Mats. —Waltham, Mass. .....Waltham, Mass. .......Waltham, Mass. .......Waltham, Mass. —Waltham, Mass. Waltham, Ma s ...——Boston, Mass. For sale at retail by all respectable dealers. No Watches retalied by the Company. Address. f-inform TO Tffl SOUTHERN TRADE! 99 OUR FRIENDS, Louisville, Kr., June 25, 1870. JL HE high prices for Bagging are caused by the cotton crop of 1870-71, which can be relied on as accurate: Total supply of Hemp Flat anu Jute Bagging manufactured in the United States to January 1st, 1871. 8,580,000 yards; stock of India in United States, April 27,1870,3,200,000 yards; on tbe way from India, 2,175,000 yards; estimated import bal ance of year, 2,805,000 yards; total supply from all sources to 1371,16,850.000. 8,000.000 bales cotton, 6 yards per bale, 18,000,000; deficiency to cover 3,000.000 bales, 1,150,008; deficiency to cover 3,500- 000 bales, 4,150,000. ' , , " We simply state facts, and leave you to deter mine when it is beat to buy. We are satisfied that we can buy bagging, at li to 1 cent per yard less than our Southern friends could, were they in the cities of the Westia person. The regular dealers and manufacturers have all engaged(mthe main) the whole product of their n»iii« for 1870. Speculators now hold the stocks in Boston, New York, and Western markets, and none but regular Brokers and dealers know them and their weak parts. We are buying 250 to 1,000 pieces almost daily for our Southern friends; therefore, onr office is headquarters for Bagging sellers. , Feaes, Babtlet & Co., june26-2t General Brokers. ^'Chronicle Sc Sentinel copy. ROBBINS & APPLETON, GENERAL AGENTS, 182 Broadway, New York. ASK TO SEE THE NEW FULL-PLATE WATCH bearing the trade mark “AMERICAN WATCH CO.. Crescent at, Waltham. Mass.” It is by far THE BEST FULL-PLATE WATCH made in the United States, and surpasses anything heretofore made in this country for Railway Engineers, Conductors, etc. apr20-deod*weow3m Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Bomb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, See., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. No one remedy is louder called for by the necessities of the American people than a sure and eafo cure for Fever and Ague. Snch we are now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance,founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this disor der must bo of immense service in the communi ties where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run In violent attacks of this baleful distem per. This “ Cure” expels the miasmatic poison of 1'Evnji akd ague from the system, and prevents the development of the disease, if taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms; It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, bnt also the cheapest. Tbe large quantity wo supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious dis tricts, where Fever and Ague prevails, every body should have it, and nse it freely both for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will place it within tho reach of all—the poor as well as the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Internments is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral: consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon tho con stitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if thev h*d never had the disease. •** Fever and Ague Is not alone the consequence of the miasmatio poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are Neural gia, Bheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Falpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Fain in tbe Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of which,when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become S criodical. • This * Cube” expels tho poison from to blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in tfc« malarious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the Infection, thatwill be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in suffi cient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it Is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Internments if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy af fords, For Ziver Complaints, arising from torpidi ty of the Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimulat ing the Liver into healthy activity, and produ cing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines fail. FBETAKED EV Dr* J. C. AYER Sc CO., Lowell, Mass*# FrodlMl «Mt Analytical VSMUW, AND BOLD ALL BOUND THE WORLD. PSICE, $1,00 PFJ1 is QXIZJS. Sold by L. W. HUr- .« and aUtLeDruvgist* i: **« and Deal*!* In Medicine e. iaeoffaw*«w <>.. J. H. Zeilin St CO - ^ t o, all Druggists j whei V • Notice to tlie Public. Y OU are hereby warned not to purchase any right to sell or nse my Fortable Gas Works, known as Beet A Kelly’s Fortable Gas Generator, from one J. Benj. Chandler, of New Orleans, as he is an imposter and baa no right to sell whatever. Until I give power of attorney to some agent, per sons wishing to purchase tbe right for Connty, State or Machine, must address ms— BENJ. BEST, Fatentee and Sole Proprietor of Best’s Fortable Gas Works; patented July 6,1869, and April 19, 1870, P. O. Box 860, Dsytoa, Ohio. • june!7-w2t »XA.&XOfir COUNTY. G EOBGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas, Mrs. Jane R. Bnllock applies for tho administration of the estate of J H. Bullock, deceased: Psrtie* in- erested in tho estate are notified to file their ofcjea- tions. if any, to Iho above application within the time prescribed by law. Witness my hand. June Sd, 18,0. T -__ JAS* M, iiO u E, junc5-wlm Ordinary. MACON COUNTY. /~1 EORGIA. MACON COUNTY.—To all whom it (T may concern: Nathan J. Fulford having filed his petition in proper form to me, praying for Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on the es tate ot Stephen Fulford, deceased : This is to cite all parties interested, kindred, creditors, or legatees to be and appear at the next July term of tho Court of Ordinary of said countv, and show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Administration, with will annexed, should not bo granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, June 4th. 1870. JNO. L. PARRER. Iune5-w30d. _ Ordinary. G eorgia, macon county.—to an whom it may concern: William K. Hall having in pro per form applied to mo for permanent Letters of Administration on tho estate of Wm. K. Hall, Sr., late of sa d county, dee-ased; This is to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Jnly next, and show cause, if any they have, wby permanent administration shouldnot he granted to said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, June 4th, 1870. JNO. L. PARKER, june5-w30d • Ordinary. NOTICE. A T the regular term of tbe Court of Ordinary of Macon couDty, Ga., on the 6th day of July next application will be made to the Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Michal Fokes deceased, to effect a division of the same amongst the distributees thereof. FRANCIS H. F0KF8, juneS w4t Administrator. QUIT lUXAXff COURTY. G EORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY—Whereas Hen ry h. Balkcotn. Administrator of Ichabod Balk- coin, represents to the Court, in his written petition, that he has fully adminestered Ichabod Balkcom’s estate, this iB, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said Administrator should rot be discharged from said administration and receive letters of dis mission on tho first Monday in July. 1S70 W.P. JORDAN. Twiggs County. Administrator’s Sale. \jrriLL be sold in the town of Monticelio, Jasper TV county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in J uly next, between tho usual hours of sale, two thirds interest in the storehouse and lot. situated on the east corner of southern sido of the square of said town—known as Swanson’s store. Also, at tho same time and place, one Houso and Lot a- the Indian Spring, Butts county, Ga.. near Elder’s Hotel, on the Covington road, containing two acres, moro or less: dwelling house, two stories, with necessary outbuildings, etc. Sold as the property ol John W. Burney, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to satisfy certain claims agreed upon between the creditors of said estate and the legatees. Terms cn day of sale. F. M. 8IVANSON, mayl8wtd Administrator. Administrators’s Sale* B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold, within tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following land, to wit: One hundred and twenty acres; part of Lot No, 15, in the 7lh District of Banld- win,now Twiggs county; as the property of V/. J. Hammo’k, late of said county, deceased. Fold for tbe benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms of sale cash. JEREMIAH SANDERS. maYl2-Y?6T7 Adm'r de bonis non. BIBB COUNTY. /"'lEORGlA, BIBB COUNTY.—Wb.reas, John. VJT Campbell, administrator, de bonis non. of the es tate ol Dominie Crabio, Isle of said county deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. 'these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to De and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters shouldnot be granted the appli cant. Given tinder my hand officially. C.T. WARD, may3-w30m Ordinary. BAKER COUNTY. B «k«r Connty Sheriff Sale. •1*7'ILL he sold before the Court-house door, in the 91 town of Newton, Baker county. Ga ,on thofirft Tuesday in July next, between tho legal hoursef sale, the following property, to wit: One lot of land. No. 321. intho 7th District of said county. Levied on as the property of Jerry Durham, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. from the Tax Collector of said county, in favor of said State and county vs. Jerry Durham. . , Also, at the same time and place, will be sold before the Court-House door, in the town of Newton, Baker county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in July next, be tween the legal hours of sale, one two-horse- wagon. Levied on as the property of J. J. Mnsgrovo to satis fy a fi. fa. from Baker Superior Court, in favor of John Atkinson vs. J. J. Muserove. WILLIAM JACKSON.- jnne2-w30a Sheriff. ffacon County Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door, in the town ot Oglethorpe, county of Macon, within the leeal hours of sale, on tho 1st Tuesday in Jnly next, the following property to wit: l.ols of land Nos. 33 and 6?, in 2d District of origi nally Muscogee, now Macon county, to satisfy twelve fi. fas., issued from Justice’s Court, 1070th District, G. M. Four in favor of J.T. Kelsoe, for the nse, etc , vs. M: L. Ehealey; one in favor of J. Winn, fo the use, etc., vs. M. L. Shealey: one in favor of J. A»- bury, for tho uso. etc., vs. M. L. Shealy: one in favor of Philip Cookvs.M.L. Shealy; one in favor of W. H. Willis Sc Son vs. M. L Shealy; one in favor of G. C. Carmichael vs. M. L. Shealy: ono in favor of Mrs. E Partenvs. M. L. Shealy: one in favor of A. A. Watts, vs. M, L. Shealy, and ono in iavorof W. Holsonbake vs. M.L. Shealy. Levied on as tho prop erty of said M. L. Shealy and return mide to me by a constable. Property pointed out by defendant. H. L. II1LL. Sheriff jane3 w4t Macon County. Baber County Sheriff's* Sale. \ATILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in Augustnext. TT before tho Court-House door, in the town of Newton. Baker connty, Ga, between tho legal hours of sale, the following properly, to-wit; Lots of Land, Nos. 16.17,18,19. in the eighth district of said county; and the east half of lot No. 4, in the seventh district of said county. Levied on as the properly of Wm. C. Bray, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa (for the purchase money of the same) from Baker Superior Court, May Term, 1870, in favor of C. G. Holland vs. Wm. C. Bray. WILLIAM JACKSON. june2-wf0d Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. . B Y virtue of an order of tho Honorahie the Supe rior Court, will be sold on the first T uesday in July next, between the usual houra of sale, before the Court-House door in the town of Newton. Baker county, Ga., I.ot of Land, No. (271) two hundred and seventy-one. in tho 7th district of Baker .connty, be longing to the estate of Thomas J. Cox, deceased. Sr,id lot of land sold by order of Superior Court for pay meat of widow’s dower. Terms cash. THOMAS ALLEN, Adm’r. de bonis non of T. J. Cox, deceased. juna2-w30d HOUSTON COUNTY. G EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.—James T. Glover, administrator, with the will annexed, upon the estate of Jesse Hearn, deceased, having petitioned for a final discharge from his said administration, all persons concerned are required, within the lcgal tiino, to bo and appear at my office, to show cause, if any they have, why said applicant should not be dis missed, in accordance with the rrayer of his petition Given under my hand officially, this May 9th. 1870. mayll-w3tn JOHN F. SHINE. Ordinary, COTTON GINS REPAIRED! P. C. SAWYER, AT DIXIE WORKS. MACON. * * - GEORGIA; C OTTON GINS made as good as new. at from one- third to one-half the cost of a, new Gin. and made equal to the best Gins manufactured mute United States. , ' * -ii - Large Gins reduced to any required sum - None but the best and most experienced workmen, from the shop of the late 8»m’I Griswold, -are em ployed, and -all work guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. I keep a large supply of the different kinds oj Ribs used by the several Gin- makers. » • ,1 . . Refer to hundreds of planters in the counties ot Wilkinson, Laurens, Twiggs, Pulaski, Houston, Bibb, Crawford, Monroe and Upson, among whom are the following: Wilkinson, M. J. Carswell; Laurens, Joel Coney; Pulaski. James Bohannon. M. F. Grace; nouston.C. N. Rountree, R«^S3(*4l ia f,£‘.^£5* “f£nd in yourGins «ri7. in order to cveu^timeto G EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.—Whereas,. Ann McCrea (col’d) applies for Letter of Administra tion on the estate of Paris McCrea, (col’d) late of said county, deceased. . „ . . . ,. This is. therefore, to otto all persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Mon day in Angastnext. and show cause, if any they have, why 8aid letters should not be granted to said appli Given under my hand and official signature this June 13.18,0. JOHN F. SHINE, junel5w-30d Ordinary. G EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.—Mas. E. B.Kzxk- dy vs. E. W. Kkskdy—Libel fob Divorce lx Twiggs Superior Court, March Term. 1871).—It ap pearing to the Court, by the return of tho Sheriff ot said county in the above stated case, that the defend ant, E. W. Kenedy, is not to be found in said State, it is ordered by the Court that service be perfected on said defendant by publication iu the Telegraph and Messenger, a gazette published in Bibb county, Geor gia, once a month for lour months. By tbe Court. CROCKKR Sc GOODE. Plaintiff’s Attorneys. A trne extract from the ninutes of the Superior Court. March Term, 1870. , aprl5 wlanrimo J, M. BURKETT, Clerk. WILKINSON COUNTY. STATE OF GEORGIA.1 Supreme ConrtAbril term. I 1870. Present, his Hon- WiLKixaox Couxty. I »r, Philip B. RobinsoD J Judge. Carry M. Richardson.") ’ Libel for Divorce. vs. j Rule to Perfect Service. Richard Richardsox. J I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not reside in this connty. and it further appearing that he does not re side in this State: it is on motion of counsel ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court- Else that the case be considered in default and plaintiff be allowed to proceed.. And it it further ordered that this rule be published in the Journal and Messenger, weekly, once a month, for four months. J. D. JONES, Plaintiffs Attorney. GEORGIA. WILKINSON COUNTY-Cmrk’« VJ Office Supesiob Court—I do hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the minutes et said Court. Given under my hand and official sign a ture, this 2d day of May, 1870. * IVERSON H. FLEETWOOD. ^ m»j5 Iam4mw Deputy Clerk, R’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-House door, in the town of Greensboro, Georgia, under an order from the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, on the first Tuesday in Jane, 1870. one Tract of Land, containing four hundred and nfnety acres (490) in the 10th district of Irwin county. State of Georgia. Said land sold for the purpose of distribution among the devisees of James Findley* deceased. Terms cash. . JAMES FINDLEY. ipr8 wlOd Executor. Executor’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, of Chattahoochee county, will he sold before the Court-house door, iu Georgetown, Quitman connty, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the following described parcels or lots of land, being the property of tke.estateof James Cook, late of Chattahoochee county, deceased: Lots 312, 298. 299*297, and i79: all of.265 and 2« lying sonth of Southwestern Railroad, being203acres, more or lees: five acres, more or lea, lying northof Weolannee Creek, off of lot 247. South half of lot 310. containing 100 acres, more or less. West half of lot 247, the Spring Branch on said lot being the divid ing line thereof. containing 130 acres, more or less Alto part of lot 246, descrided in deeds by made lines, containing 30 acres, more or less. Sold as the prop erty of said deceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the dey of ** ,fc JAS. M. COOK. G. W. COOK, mne23-w6w* Executors ■\*rANTED—AGENTS—$75 to $200 per month, »v- II erywhere, male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAM ILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck. Quilt, cord, bind, braid and etnproider in a most superior manner. Price only $18. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay $1000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours, It make* the “Elastic Lock Stitoh.’’ Every second stitch can be cat, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 »o$200 per month and ex pense*. or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SKCOMB A CO., PITTSBURG, PA.: BOSTON. Mass., or ST. LOUIS. MO.' CAUTION.—Beware of all Agents selling Machines under the same name as ours, unless they can show a Certificate of agency signed by ns. We snail not hold ourselves responsible for worthless Machines sold by other parties, and sball prosecute all parties either selling or using Machines under this name to the full extent of the law, unless snch M a chines were obtained from ns or onr Agents. Do not be imposed upon by parties who copy onr advertisement and circulars and offer worthless Machine* at a less price- apri!27-dlw3m. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persona having, demands against Wm. T. xjl Ligbtfoot, deceased, are hereby notified and required to present them, properly attested, to the undersigned within the time prescribed bylaw.— And all persons indebted to said deceased, are here by required to make immediate payment to either of the undersigned, . . ■ At C. r ■ E- J* lilGHTFOOT, J. B. UGHTFOOT, june21-w6t* . Executors. Burdou Iron Works. M anufacturers of pumping engines lor Water Works. High and .Low PressreBn- " ortable Engin«*..of all.kinds. Sugar Mills, Screw,LeTer. ' ,r J ' ery in general. *' ne * , ,£evTnDropandHydraulicPresses: ■ Machin- febS-dAwly HUBBARD Sc WHITTAKER. 102 Front street. Brooklyn, N.Y. G eorgia. Houston county.-whereas, Lar kin W. Stewart has applied for Letters, ot Ad ministration on the estate of Thomas C. Whitehurst, late of Houston county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before tbe first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any, why the application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this, 30th day of May. 1870. • _ ■ - „ W. T. SWIFT. june?-w3fld Ordinary. Honston County Sheri tr Sale. W ILL be sold on tho 1st Tuesday in August next, before the Court-house door, in the loan of Per ry, within tho usual hours of sale. Lot of land No. 146 and the north half of lot No. 145, in the 10th District of Honston county, contain ing 303J4 acre?, more or less. Sold as the property of John H‘K ing. to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. from Hous ton Superior Court, in favor of Mary U. Bogin, vs. John R. King. Property pointed out byC.C. Dun can, plaintiff’s attorney. JOHN R. COOK. _ june8-w60d • Sheriff, NOTICE. T HIRTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, of Houston county, for leave to sell the real estate of Miles L. Green, lato of said county, deceased, for the purpose of distribution. MRS. A. E. GREEN, jnne9-w30d Adm’x. Georgia Houston Connty. W HEREAS, James T. FretweU makes applica tion for Letters of Administration on the estate ol Chas.W, Fretweil, late of said county deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to bo and appear at my office on or before the IstMonday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my official sigDatnre, this 22d 0 une. 1870. W. T, SWIFT, june23-w30d Ordinary. IRWIN COUNTY. G EORGIA. IRWIN COUNTY.—Whereas. Camp bell McDaniel, executor, etc., of Isaac M. Young, deceased, late of said county, has filed his final ac counts with me. and asks to ba dismissed from said executorship. These are to cite and admonish au perrons interested to he and appear at my office on the first Monday in September next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 12.1870. WILSY WJHTLBY, aprl2-3mo Ordinary. JASFSZL COUNTY. G eorgia, jasper county—osdixiry’s Op- fice. Said Couxty—Ik Chambers, May 19th, 1870—Whereas Thomas C. Broddus, Administrator on the estate of Edward A. Broddus, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand officially. J. W. BURNEY. msy22-3mw Ordinary. n EORGIA, JA8PBR COUNTY—Obdixary’b Or- VT pick, Said Couxty—Iw Cbambebs, May 15th. 1870—Whereas Thomas C. Broddus, Exectntor on the estate of Thomas Broddus. deoeased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate . These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office, on er by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my may22-3mw -Ordinary. G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Office Hay 24,1870.—Whereas, Samuel T. Reid hay ing made application to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. E. W. Reid, late of said county, deceased. These are to rite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters abonld not be granted. Given under my band and official signature this 24th day of May, 1870. . J. W. BURNEY, maySl-vrSOd Ordinary. G eorgia, jasper county—obdduiy’s of- tX*. Jane 6th, 1870.—Notiee is hereby jivento all persons concerned that on the — day of—1870, Seaborn Hawk, late of said connty, departed this life intestate, and no person having applied for admini stration on the estate of said Hawk, in terms of toe law. Administration will be vetted in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the puclication of this cita tion, unless some valid reseonis made to his appoint ment. i Given under my hand and official signature this day and year above written. _ J. W. BURNEY, jnne!2-wlm Ordinary. jrozras counn. /'I EORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—Ordikary’s Of- VI tick. Said Couxty, At Cramrirs, May 9.1870. Whereas. Bryant Balkcom, Administrator-os the estate of Ephraim Moore, deoeased, applies to me for Dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at thie office, on or hy the first Monday in September next, if any they have to tbo contrary. . _ . Witness my hand officially. _ - „ R. T. ROS8, mayll-d*w3m •• -Ordinary, . /"'I BORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Ordix art’s Orvtcz VT said couxty. At Ckambrrs, Hay 9, 1870.— Whereas. Wm. A. Chambers, Administrator on the estate of John W. Finney, deceased, applies to me for Dismission from said estate: These are. therefore, to eite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by. the first Monday in September next, if any they-have to the contrary. Given under my hand officially. T roSS m<^U-w3m Ordinary. EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.-Ordixary’si Qi- VX yics SAID couxty, at Chambxrr, May 9,1*70.— Whereas, Wm. Little, and Ome Tuff*. Administra tors on mtate of Benjamin M. Tufu, deceased, ap plies to me for dismission from said estate: Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, on or by the first Mon day in September next, at this office, if any they have to the contrary. _ ; . „ Given under my hand officially. H. T. ROSS. mayll-w3m Ordinary. Pure Catawba Wine, ForEedielsal and Sacnunemtal Use. Lf ADE by Dr. Bowen, of Jones connty. Warranted .Vi. pare. 1.000 gallons in store and for sale by the demijohn or single gallon. -,-U. HENRY L. JEWETT, ■pr 17-d*w3m 64 Second street. So. Cultivator eopy 3mo* and send bill to this o fflee fiEORGIA. JONES COUNTY.-Ohwkary’s Or- VJ ricK, said Court v, May 9,1370—Whereas, Mem branes Williams applies to mefordismissisn >rom ad ministration on estate of Margery T. Carmichael, de ceased, these are to notify all persons eonoernedto show cause, if any they have, to the contrary, on or by the first Monday in September next. Witness my hand officially. ROLAND X. R088, mayllwgmos . Ordinary. KAUOV cotraxv. G eorgia, siabion countV.—Whtreat, Tho*. L. Rogers! T. J. M?Mich**L. and S. W. Me Michael, Executors ofSeaberuMeMioheei, deoeased. have petitioned the Court (rf OrdinaryUf-said oounty for Letters Dismissory: At! parties interested in said estate are notified to file their objections, if any. to tbe same within the the ttste prescribed by statute. Witness my hand. June 3d, june5-wSm Ordinary.