Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, July 05, 1870, Image 7

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|P)MM!« m warehouse mm gAIT 1.3BUiiY, RESPE8S &, CO., WACOM, HEORG1A. b*s> . „, csf ntinR onr Card as above, vre take occasion to state that we are prepared to afford onr T> „!«onable facilities Wr the purpose of purchasing supplies for making their growing crops I J-. 'jjjdiueas the coming season to malic advances on Cotton, in store, at GREAllT EiaStiCED KATES OF INTEREST. for Baooiso, Tits, eta, will receive <rar heat attention. j .ji . 3 L. SAULSBUBY, Macon; . JOHN R. BESPESS, Schley County;' .: utLLIAMT. RESPESa UpsoaConr.ty^-.Ti -P. BLASINGAME, Macon ; t ■ ■ 4. h. 8ACLSBURY, Jn., Macon. friende and will e.Vwtm SMITH, WESCOTT&OC- OLD RELIABLE treasons "W^liy. tod tho tire is one-eighth inch thicker than that used A v * iasutacture*** Bolster Beds plated, with iroD. 'rii'Timber is < f the choicest selection thorough^? seasoned. No extra charge for lock Chains. Vn»m wiii fail 10 ,,fc ^ rvo l1 ?® ®S* tHtnt 'inah'y of r-sintueed upon them, which is far moredurable than ' • maerllly UJC<1 ”? Biantaiton Wagons. In short, the whole character of the Wagons is that of peculiar iiceden'e. Jh«9* Wagons are tarnished at a price less than that.of ordinary Wagons, wiih body complete. (ISO on blind? n Full Llneor ABBOTT, BOWKIMG & CO.’S CELEBRATED ( O.TFORB lVAKOXS. Call and see them- SMITH, WESCOTT & CO., 102 &; 104 Cherry St., Macon, Gal ■ .,i>wfccmtwonlr-tt , _ %ftE. GREATEST WORK OF THE AGE A BOOK INVALUABLE To Kvcry Grocer, Every Produce Dealer, Every- Dalrymau, Every Farmer, Every .ttniiiifscturcr, Kverjbodj. .*. : ’ ‘ ftl I9U .CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT! TTtontains the yurts’ and only certain method to JL keep h'gfs Fush and S>ceet for. at least one year. The cost is less than hjJf a cent per dozen, and by this method E?gs bought at eight and tencents per dozen during tbc summer car. be kept and sold in the winter tor trom thirty to fifty cents. When once known, this method will take the place of all others. 11 docs not tarnish the egr or give i; tbc tiTT TP n-rf'V'-'TT m 't ST -- of age. When oScret for fate, it cannot be told either isibLIuHTFtJL TONIC, by/iPPsaraC'Ce or quality from a fresh laid egg. , > ! ,({)« \\7 Utahe great pleasure in off-ring the old Caro 's lir.a Bitters to the public. They are coin pound ed with grrmt care, and cart,in some of the best Ton ics in the l’h irtcacopia; As evident!,of thetuperi- ontyofour Bitters overall others, ne have certifi cates lrom many of the leading- phyrician* in our State, who huve prescribe!!‘them in their rWctice. OLD U’UibiM iilfilHU, PROVIDENCE HIGH dfepi girls and boits, TALBOT COUNTY, GA. 8^011 will Commence Augtutt 1. 1870. Two ' ‘ sesfioi.e of Twenty Weeks each During the Year. G IT. B.\XSOX, A. B., and W. If. WOODALL, Principles. Assisted hr able and competent Teachers. Kites of Tuition: Classical Department, per Ses- .-on 425: Preparatory Department, per Session, -Id: Primary Department, per Session, 513; Music ini fee of Instrument, 430; Vocal Music per Month ;i. Civil Engineering, (extra) $15; Board, (lights ad fuel fmnisbed) per month. $12 50. Embroidery ad all Ornamental Branches taught when desired. A large and commodious house has been erected 'or Maulers, where pupils will bo under the im- • ediitc control of one of the Principals. So Sectarianiens. The Courseof Instruction em cees all that is taught in our Colleges. The loca- roa, near Pleasant Hill, and seven miles from Chalybeate Springs, Talbot county, is the healthiest it v'iddle Georgia. There will be but ft brief vaca- ::'jn in Summer, so that the patrons in the South :in liavo their children at liomo in winter, and tho idvantages of a healthy climate during the hot tiason. _ hoard of Tiuatees : D. G. Owen, Isaac Cheney, r, W. Evans. J. T. Owen. J. D. Woodall, W. T. Holmes, J. H. Brvant, M D. For further informa tion, applv to Judge E. H. Wonffl, J. B. Gorman, Tilbotton,’ Ga: John S. Moieman, Albany, Ga. jensfri-triimo* DR. BAGLEY’S FEMALE RESTORATIVE. 1>K. IIABUY'S ryiSXTARLE Ere and Pile Prei>aration used cx- I ::a>i\c, f r ’tiflamed ar.d chronic aore eyes and It bns been in u*o for fifteen years without a iitfleii, ..1 failure t< give relief. DV._ BAG-LEV WE -AJRJE STILL ALIVE! AXD SO WILL ALL BE WIIO TAKE TEE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER Complaint arc uneasiness and pain in the side. Sometimes the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken tor rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general coetove. sometimes alternative with lax. Tho head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory: accompanied with painful sensation of having left undone something which ou ghtto haveheen Q one. Often complaining of weak- wji-i.'MiJiiMtiffl ness, debility and low spirits.— I I Y 1? P S Sometimes some of the above Bi a 1 let 11 KJ symptoms attend the disease, and at other times few of them: bnt the Liver is generally the organ most involved. Cure the Liver with 8iwmons’ Regulator, and all will be DEi. JSJXBblaVCOilXrjeF LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DERANGED STATE OF THE LIVER ibiarfiMaKK?'' Dyspepsia, Headache, Jaundice, P rcitl ITIll' Costiveness, Sick Head-achcf uMjlLATOli.a Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o' ^onTO-r-_-nr»-TF»a the Bladder. Camp Dysentery, Atlcctions ot the Kidneys, Fever, Xcrvousnes’, Chills, Diseases of the Skin. Impurity of the Blood. Melan choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn, Colic, or Pains in the Bowels. Pain in the Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy. Boils. Pain in the Back and Limbs. Asthma, Erysipelis, Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally J. H. ZHILIN & CO., Drugcists. Macon. Georgia. For sole by all druggists. Price 41 per package. By mail SI 25. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be itricily vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last twenty-five years as one of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistently, it is sure to effect a cure. Tho following highly respectable persons can fully attettto the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom wo most respectfully refer: Gen. W. S. Holt. President S. W. R. R. Company : Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Al- I briny, Ga.: W. J. McEIroy, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; George i J Lunsford. Esq., Conductor S. W. R. R.: C. Master- ili<! i-roper period. Amcuorrhccft: Menstruation ' i-fhscled in its c ursc alter having been e-tablished; IhsEcocrrla-i: Menstruation attended by pain,and ‘ram of toe hypogastric viscera, with paroxiina! -mav-uion and difficult menstruation: menstrual >lieMenorrhagia; menstruation too copious—flood- :i<. Medicine and prescrip ion furnished by mail to • ityrart of the United Stotts, pos age pre paid, to treat any chronic case, for five dollars per month. 7 he Female Regulator and Inimitable Eye and Pile Preparation sent for SI cash. Symptoms of diseases man bo plainly stated. Money sent by .registered .etter. Board, medicine and personal attention fum- . bed at from Siuto $25 per month, at bis residence, :ea miles ea-t of Amcricu»r Location healthy. Post- * ' ~ feb3- -£ee. Americas. Ga. -wtf Wilkes & Dillingham, MANUFACTURER’S« Woolen & Cotton Mill Findings DY£ STUFFS, COTTON WARPS, B0LTI50 CLOTH, BURR MILL STORES, Card Clothing, Roll Carding Machines, Portable Com and Wheat Mills, Smut and Separating Machines I.eatlicr and Knbber Belting, Lace Leather, Steam Packing, Hose, &c. Agents for all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Machinery. LOUISVILLE, KY. Send for a Catalogue. MADAME FOV ? S Combined tat, Slirt Supporter AND BUSTLE Is ja'ttho article needed byovery lady who consults Health, Comfort find Style. Testimonials in its favor are con stantly befog received from all parts of the country LADY AGENTS wanted mevery county of the United Suiter. ;MuN. BALDWIN & FO.Y. Solo Manufacturer* . cw Haven. Conn. Station, M. k B. R. R„ Twiggs co-. Ga.: Grenville Wood. Wood's Factory, Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. F Easterling. P. E. Florida Conference: Major A. F. Wooley. Kingston, Ga. apr2- dtwtf W ill' is it that so many I age of five years ? That a large proportion of children die under that age, bos long been a subject of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer tained, it Is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in the human system from its earliest infancy; therefore parents, especially mothers, who aro more constantly witn their children, cannot be too observing of the first symptoinj-of worms; for so surely as.-they exist, can they be SiirsXcir AND CERTAINLY Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by thetimely use of B. A. FAU.YESTOK’S VERMIFUGE. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercry, being a Farcly Vegetable Composition, And may be administered with the UTMOST SAFE- TV iO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Worm Confections, made moro for the purpose ol pic-..-iog tho palate than of overcoming the disease, fc,\ 0 been manufactured all over the country, bnt their short lease of life I* nearly exhausted, and B. A Fahnestock’s Vermifuge continues to grow in favor daHr ' CAUTION. Should occasion require you to purchase B. A. Fan nestock’s Vermiluge, be particularly careful to see that the initials are B. A. This is tho article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1U29. purchasers must Insist on having it, if thoy do THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for waSi OF APPETITE, . GENERAL DEBILITY, CHILLS ASD BEVBK. . , .. . DYSPEPSIA. Wedonot offer our Bitter' its a enrefor all dis ease*. but as an Aromat c.ri-nii, they have no equal. For sale by Lruggi is and Grocers ever} where. Principal Depot, GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., Importers of choice Drugs ar-d Chemical*. Chariesteh. S. C. For kale in M«eon by ' , " - L. W. Must & Co. inayfii-eod&wjy COTTON- GINS REPAIRED! ! . , l .... .. — SY— , . # , v - r AT DIXIE WORKS. MACON, - - - GEORGIA. G OTTON GINS made as'good as new, at from one- 'third to one half tho cost of a new Gin, and made equal to the best Gins manufactured in the United States. Large Gins reduced to any required size. None but the best and most experienced workmen, from the shop of the late Sam’l Griswold, are em ployed, and all work gnsranteed to gire satisfaction or money refunded. 1 keep a large supply of the different kinds 01 Ribs used by the seveial Gin- makers. Refer to hundreds of planters in the counties 01 Wilkinson. Laurens, Twiags, Pulaski. Houston, Bibb, .Crawford, Monroe and Upson, among whom arc the following; Wilkinson. M. J. Carswell; Laurens, Joe] Coney; Pulaski, James Bohannon, M. F. Grace; Houston, C. N. Rountree. Rev. B. F. Tharp; Bibb, Pulaski Holt; Monroe. Jarnrs Tripp; Upson. Bov. James Lyon : Crawford. David McGee; and to Harde man & Sparks, of Macon. Send in your Mins early, in order to give me time to fix them up right. P. C. SAVYBB, n*r20-eod-»w-w-4m ‘Yorks. Macon. Ga. BARRETT’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. O k V THB FIRST PREMIUM . A or A SILVER MEDAL * XFAM .WARDED TO ^ - M BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE M r PKK.H.Stiits .plcallonl Socictr. at Its *0 Fair, b & Men in h kshua. Sept. 20,1908* BARRETT’S Vegetable Hair Restorative Restore! Gr»y Hdr to tt« nature! eoler Pro. mote, tho growth or tho Hair. Chance, tho Mft root, to their original organic aciloo. Kradi- Ww cate. Dandruff and Unmora. Prevent, i » Hair Min J out. la a Superior Preslss. Uft, Itcontalni no lnjuriona tugreaieou. and U tho milt popup; and ‘ . ^ Sg' _ reliahlo arUele throerhout aA ^ the East-Wett, h'orth and South. m This Preparation surpasses all others of its class as a Hair Rencwer. It is thorough in its action upon Gray or Failed Hair and its effect permanent. _ It produces but one distinct shade, while others leave tho hair in many varied colors. It promotes growth when others fail to re produce a single hair. It does not crisp or dry tho hair, but leaves it moist and glossy. Ladies find it superior to any other as a Toilet Dressing- Tho ingredients tised in this Preparation are the -wery best that can be found, and are as b—*n- less as wator. * LORD & SMITH, Proprietors,'® Chicago, Ills. It contains the best recoiptever pubushei of ren dering tour ani rai.vid butter periccily sweet, and alto how to give a uniform and.natural-color to White and -ttreaked Butter, and the best manner of mixing and repacking b ittcr for market.’ Tne.-c two receipts alone aro worth hundreds of dollars. - rt . ... ■ .-• P*. sw- , It tells the cheapest and best mode of manufactur ing Washing Compounds:- -Bow ro make ‘iikrd and So’tSosf), Inks, Candles, paints. Varnishes. Cements and liaSioc Powders. . •-•-ri v- it tells how to ClarifyHoney.sdsatosellfornearly twice ibe eottmt-n sort. *•* ~ ! > is . It tells the latest and bestmorles of salting and curing H see and all kinds ol jneat- . It tells haw to dye clothes el all shades and in fast colors. • - ft gives valuable receipts for curing hums, sores, eats, felons, frost bit’*, o.ncer, ear aeho. tooth ache, ins worm, with hundreds of other new and valuable methods, with full Directions, so that ary one can use It tclis-how to tako out fruit stains, ink stain*, iron stains and paint stains (rota cloth and silk dreates. It tells how to counteract lrost upon trees, a valua- ble'recdpt. - ‘ It tells howto tan furs either with orwUhoutthe hair or wool on, and how to imitate those of superior grade}. . iPteilrTiow to make the best curling fluid for mut ing the hair grow in beautiful flowing ringlets. h toils hew to fciil tuns so as to mako them lay all tire year round. It gives over fire hundred rare and valuable re- ceipt.--, and a complete guide to the .manufacture of hundreds of useful and saleable articles, including patent medicines, perfumery, toittt. and dental arti cle?, and many Others easily made, at trifling cost, and selling readily at large profits, with many manu facturer-’secrets, etc. - , It is valuable to every one. Be sure to get it. Sen? by mail, free of portiige.'forone- dollar. Pub lished ani fo.-sale by WILLIAM n. BISHOP, . Agent for the Publishers, St. Louis, Mo, mayld-diaStno! T HE undersigned will open a shop in Macon, for the purpose of . ~ Repairing Cotton Gins. .Being onecfthe oldest Gin makers in the State, and for many year*-master mechanic for Samuel . Griswold, and new having some of the very best of his workmen, doea hot hesitate to"warrant all work ;- dona to give entire satisfaction. Old Gins made as good as new- '.Will furnish new saws, new boxes, new saw ribs, new brushes and hew Gins of the most approved pattern-. Send in your orders to me.incaxcof any warehouse in the eity. and they will meet, with prompt atten tion. >11110 to me on any. subject regarding Gins, and I wifi answer with pleasure, is above. Mark yourname in Tull, with station or county, and address, and you willnotbe^isappofotgl. may20-deodiweow4m Macon.Ga. JfASHHCW Antidote for Intemperance I! i S an Infallible Cure for this fearful vice. Its use will atonco remove the taste Or desire for stim ulant;, and will soon create an actual dislike for them. It can bo administered in tca,_coffee or even water, wi bout exciting suspicion, as it is tree trom taste or smell. If you have a husband, brother or friend: addicted to this terrible habit, it is your duty to care hiin. . •, «,-* Sent free by mail os receipt of the money. Pr‘ce $2 per box. YV. H. MANNING* CO.. mayH-d-wtf St. Louts. Mo. SLOW HORSIS_MADE FAST!! Fast Horses made Faster. M Y mode of treating horses is guaranteed to in crease the speed otany horse, good or poor. Or dinary iarm horses have had their speed increased so as to *cll for $MO. A gentlrman with my method bought a pair of - 1 horses for S200 and sold them, after four days training, lor $2000. They trotted in 2 48 in harness. Another bought an ordinarv saddle horse f'T SD.'snd in one wccksold fcim fnrS$O0. I will send my method to any address on receipt of $1. JESSE C. MANFELDER, Care of Box 2701, St. Louis, Mo. mayI4-d&w3m New Combination! And £trll-w6m SORS&.AISD cattle RTI&BISES. . "/1- ct:iet input JitiU'ble cveg t.;fc‘tni Cm JHubiic. T) OtyrSioh?. Jfagnstic t=d not wi.-b to have an imitation forced ur-on them.' SCHWARTZ & HASLETT. Formerly B, A. Fahskstgck’s Sox & Co.. SOLE PROPRIETORS, PITTSBURGH, PA. deo'-MeodawJv • ft*, ~~i ■Z3 « & ; r=3. PlJiW GGH8M9N FGV.££ES ‘ r CCFiTI F!C ATE. ’ .O* t lif tlv certify, tirnt- .1 J kv- examined, an d , p<:r«u„„|y u-.lej lit my jirneUc-o the ‘■'t vi V; ,ud regxrl Ileus Wpteprimtiocs tl ‘”*1 inr-rii «irj w---rW c& iny mmos-d tl.em X 'ptstnsM wills ss» ccinl care from re. •sable lno-erlienfs,' jjid nrcre eCUurrous tot the 'rritrm-at of thu r«iooi iHt-eoM— for whirl] Ibi-y ara tlian Jtiiy rein eelies of v hicU 1 Lave •acwlwlg. GEORGE H. DADD, •uojB erfSurg,-ou. Author of “.iuecr.iy a or! Pti’j. ef Va Horst? SMrm Hire Zhrtnr,” At. ‘-~ii:er* will pi-ase ovt for a copy of ' Horse and Cattle Owner’s Guide.” gratis, LORD ft SMITH, ’Proprietors, C.i’.cu.o, liix L. W. HUNT * CO., GENERAL AGENTS. MACON. GA. - tr sale by all Druzcietr. trrt-a 4w AG-ENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN jAlCKNOYYLEDGED by all who Lava used them to be the best Pen made or eold in this country. No blotting! No soiled fingers! Sixty lines writ ten with one pen of ini! Will outwear any steel pen ever made- Bankers, merchants, teachers and all classes endorse them in the highest terms of praise. Pat up in neat slide boxes. Prices: Two boxes, 50 cents: five boxes, $1. Sent free of post age, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. I ^HE undersigned, having associated themselves together for tho transaction of a General Com mission and Warehouse business, will, under the firm name of CAMPBELL & JONES, Reopen the old “Harris” Warehouse, corner of Sec ond and Poplar streets, on tbo first of August next, for the reception of cotton. 1 he house will be put in thorough repair before that date. _ We have engaged theserviees of Mr. R H. HUTCH INGS, of Jcnes county, who will be pleased to serve his many friends. . . Our Mr. Campbell will, for the present, be found at the office of E. A. Wilcox, Eso. As our Mr. Jcnes’ membership in tho firm of Ad ams. Jones Jt Koynolds continues to the close oi_ the season, he may be found at their Warehouse until we occupy our new quarters. We are prepared ro extend the usual accommoda tions to our Planting friends. Wc refer to the business men of Macon generally CHAS. i*. CAVPBELL, late of R. A. Wilcox St Co.. DONALD B. JONES, oi firm of Adam*. Jones 4 Reynolds febl3-d.Vw-6m* A.B.ADAXS. B >f. IUZKKOBK ADAMS & BAZSMORE, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants MACON, GEORGIA. W ILL carry on the Warehouse and Commission business alter the close ot the present Cotton season, at the Planters' Warehouse, on Fourth street, near Passenger Depot, and opposite the Brown and Spotswood Hotels, where they will be pleased to see all their friends. We are prepared to extend the nsnal accommodations to planters. We have secured the services of J. E. Crosland, of Twipes county, who will take charge of tho books and financial depart ment of the establishment. The friends of Judge Peyton Reynolds will find him on hand at all times to welcome them. Wo bespeak for our Arm a share of tho patronage extended to the old firm, pledging ourselves to leave nothing undone on our put to merit their favors, etc. p. S.—Mr. Cr- .'land will bo pleased to see hi riends at any time and render them all the assi.-tano inhisp ower. febl-d&wm GUIDE. Wo are prepared to give any energetic person taking the agency of these Pena ft commission which wiU pay 6200 per month. Three sample pens will be mailed for ten cents. AddrceB WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., Manufacturers Agents, ianell-d ecd&w3m Pittsburgh, Pa. Notice to tlie Public. A BOOK FOE THE MILLION. MARRIAGE I .'olf-rto the M;ir- 1 ried orthos; about I to marry, on the j physiological mys I tone? nr. 1 rcvcla- tons of the sexual system, with the latest discoveries in prr-dueinc and preventing offspring, preserving tho complexion, etc. This is an interesting work of 221 paco’, with num erous engraving, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriage; still it is a book that ought to bo under lock and key, and notlaid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free of postage) for 50 cents. Addre-s Dr. Butt’s Dispensary, No. 12 N. Eighth street, St. Louis. Mo. JOS- NOTICE TO THE AFFLICTED AND UN FORTUNATE. Before applying to the notorious Quacks who ad vertise in public papers or usiog any Qiack Rem edies, peruse Dr. Butts’work, no nutfer what your disease i« or hew deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail on the diseases mentioned in his work*. Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, bet. Market and Chesnut, St. Louis, Mo. Ayer's For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is ut once agreeable, healthy, and efl'ectual lor preserving the hair. Faded or grai/ hair is soon restored to its original color tcilh the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin Lai.r is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where tho follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Bnt such as retnaiu can he saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or .jailing off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the liair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre aud a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dfo J. C. Ayer & Co.. Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOYYELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. Sold by L. W. HUNt A CO.. J. U. Zeilin & CO and all the Druggists in Macon. Also, all Druggists and Doaicrs in Medicine everywhere. iaeodawMw THE UltlSWOLD GIN, Manufactured by >,V • O. W. MASSEY, TTAVJXG mi-3- valuable irr-piovementa. to the H GUIs WOLD GIN srtlhin the last year, I again cifor them to planter* astr o beat aid woa reliable GIN maiiUfoctufcd'eiiK'-v North of South. ~r I a-u prepared to famish tHfxt at *hwt ice with any number of »aws, fr -m f r y '40; to or.; huaartd Clt-0). I al.-o furr.ish nh >:»-»!>• eight, site or tea feet, mi-able lor my Gins. .u'suarr? ’ •*— k1 ‘ 4 * lgoo*3 denaensM 4 axitofq A j. u SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to rei aits of old gins. No charge for drayage on giosaent by railroad. .. With an expericroe of over thirty years asa man- faeturer-of gins, and having a (hop well supplied with machinery and .cmpfoyiug the best tf workmen. I am enabled to warrant all my work, and to oiler to plan tera as good indunaaecta as to quality ar.d price,, as any establishment North or South. ' ' P . V. W. MASSHY. . K*14-d3Uw3ia Macon.Ga., notice to Planters^ Great, Is a Recent ImprdTcment. he use.. vhich all are f,miliar. Dots lor t-j* ; < -j ■ dose, it is WARRANTED Fully Equal ill every way to . BITTER QtTDONE, AND. LIKE IT IS THfi'ONE Positive, and Unfaiiiiig URE For all Diseases of Malarious Origin. Fever anil Ague, ^ Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, 1 Remittent Fever, Bill lous Fever, .‘1 ; s? —'. Dnmb Ague And the long train of,Disorders following those who neglected. ' ' - 1 SWEET aUINISE Is made solely from Peruvian Bark (so is Bitter Qui nine): therefore i80f Vegetable origin, am not a min eral poison, but on the contrary is proved to be one of the elements found in the bluod of all healthy per sons. SWEET QUININE acts as an antidote well as a cure for Malarial or Miasmatic Poison, the absorption of which by the lungs causes Intermittent Fcvers.eto, The only advan tage claimed for SWEET QUININE Over the u?o of old Bitter Quinine is the entiro absence of that intense, persistent bitterness, which in the lat ter is an insurmountable obstacle to its use with most persons, and always with children. SWEET QUINISE Is in two forms—in Powder, for the use of Physicians and Druggists, and fluid, for use in the family and for the general publio. coubjty. /-Wffrrt OIA, MArii&N COnS-fT.—Wh-row, Mrs. VJT Jane K. Bullock applies fo- t-, 0 adanu.*iratum ot.fcb-3 collie (,-f J H. Bttuock. P.Tties ia- crcjted Hi the estate are r.otiSed »o fire thei- otjej- tit’D*. it* pmy, to tho above * ituiii the 11 mo rrescribed bv li\r. . Wimee* my hand. June 3d. ISab ^ L0AVE . jnni'5-wlm' -Ordinary^ “ u JIaflea Cenuty Sh*rilTSales. ■\irfLL be sold before the Court-house doer in the T f town or Buena Yista. County ol Marion, row first Tnesd*y in August next, the east half-ot lot of lsnd No. 213in tho rifth Disirict or Marion county .Sold as the property of Mathew Melton, to Piri.-fy a fl. fa. issued from Marion-Superior Court in favor ol John R. M.nter. Also, at the' sirmo'time and place, lot of land No 195 in the Fourth District of Marion county. Sold as the proportv of K. J. \V.sll. *.. s tisfy a fi. fa. in lavorot Jonn Coa-on. JOHN HAWKS. ,‘uag 29 tds. fcheriff. _ G eorgia, marion county:—wherom. Tiros. VI*. Rogers. T. J.. Mcltichael. and S. w. Mo Michael, Executors of Seaborn McMiebael, deceased. ha»e t<titioned tho Court of Ordir.ary of s;.i,i county for Letter* Disniissory: All parties interested in said od!i e are notified to file their objections, if any. to the same within tha tho time i-rcscribtd by statute. Witness myhafcrl, JuneSd, 1870. JAS. M. LOWF, junqVwSm Ordinary. MACON COUNTY. G eorgia, macon county.—lo an .whom it may concern: Nathan J. Fulford heving filed his petition in rroper form to me, praying for Letters of Administration, wito tli8 will annexed, on the es tate ol Stephen Fulford. deceased : '1 his is tn cite all parties interested, kindred, creditors, or legatees to be and appeir at the next July term of the Court of Ordinary of said countv, and show cause, if any they have. why. Lute re of Administration, with will annexed, should nut be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature. June 4th. 1870. JNO. L.-i’ARRFR. inne5-w30ci. •»* ■ ~~ ' ’ Ordinaryd< G eorgia, macon cointfn'.-To an whom it mayconcern: WilliamK.HrU bavintr in prq- per form applied to mo for ..permanent Letters of Administration on the estate nf Wm., K. Hall, Sr.. late ot sa d county, dco-ased ; This is to cite all rnd singular the next of kin ahd crediiois of said de ceased. to fccsnd appear at my office on or before the first Monday in July nest, and show oau;e, if ::n> they have, wEy permanent administration should not be granted to said an licanf. Witness my hand and official sign a'tire, .Tune 4th 1870. JNO* L. PARSER. june5-wSQ4 . Ordinary. SX8B GOUNTV. 7TKp^7rXTiniSK^t)LNTY[^^eraIOo VJT Cv.icpbeli. administrator,de ofth«< .ihrtf t ito ol Ucuioic Crabio, ol saM f Qwwfid. M»i UeR to mo for Letters of Ditmiaioo. ; ‘ * iheso -ire* therefore* tooit« and admopuh all anc singular, the kindred and creditors of laid deceased, to be and appear at my office on err before the first M cd&v ia Angn«t next, toihow came, iC tt| have, why letiera thouJd not be granted the appli cant Given under my hsind officially. _ , _ ■ C T WABD, may3-w30m Ordinary. BAKER COUNTY. Baker County Mlcrttr Sale. W ILL be sold beforathe Court-housedeo*. ia th» toivn of cntc n, liaker county «Ja , on thofirot Tuesday in July r.r-x*. between tho legal hour? of tale, the following property, to wit; A. J. • One lot of land. No. f^4. in the 7th District of saiff coun'.y. Levied on as the property of Jerry Barham, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. from the Tax Collector of said county, ia favor of said State and county vs. Terry Durham. ’ Also, at tho same time and place, wul be sold before > the Court-House door, in the town of Newton, Bake: county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in July next, be tween the legal hours of sale, one two-horse wagon. Levied on a? the property of J J. Murgrove to satis fy a fi. fa. from Baker Superior Court, in favor of John Atkinson vs. J. J. ’tusnrove. WILLIAM JACKSON, june2- wCO.l - Sheris. od? 7c- t>- ongi- i MSlflfa: ^ciwoujt -. H A T the regular term ,of tbo-Court of Criinaryof Macon county. Gal, on tho 6th day of Joly next application will be made to tho Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Michal Foke3 deceased, to • fleet a division of th“ same amoogsttte distributees shereof. FRANCIS H F0KFS, juueS w4t 1 J . Adm1ni»tfator. QUITrvXiI.W COTJBJTM-. G EORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY.—Whereas Hen ry L. Baikcom, Administrator of Icbabod Balk- oom.represents to tho Court, in his written petition, that he has fully adminestered Iohabod Balkcom’s estate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned kindred asd creditors, to show cause, if any they can why s»id Adminittrator should not be dischargee from said administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in July. 1870 W.P. JORDAN, apr-.", w-lm* | | Or-iinary. Twiggs Gounty. i 1 V STEARNS, FARR & GO., Manufacturing Cliemist, NEW YORK may6-eod6m LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THB 6BBAT SOOTHING REMfiDY. A New Discovery \! Phaloi “VIT 8 I A; OR, PCi DR. SKALLENBERCER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stons slio Chilis. This Jledicino has bcoa boforo tho Public fifteen years, and is still ahead of aU other - known remedies. It doc3 not purge, does not sicken tho ttomach, id perfectly safe in any doso and under all circumstances, and is tho only 3Iedicino that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it a. porfect Antlfate to SXalarin. Sold by aU Druggist*. MRS. WHITCOMB’S BYRUP. MRS. WHITCOMB’S SYRUP MRS. WHITCOMB’S BYRUP. Cares Colic and Grip ing in the Bowels, and facili tit ates th* process of Teething. Subdues Convaleion* and over comes all diseases in cident to infants and Children. Cures Di arrhes. Dysentery and Summer Complaint Ia PRIOR 25 CENTS: PRICE 36 CENTS. PRICE 25 CENTS. Y OU are hereby warned not to pnrehae# any right to sell or use my Portable Oae Works, known m Beet A Kelly’s Portable Oaa Generator, from one J. Benj. Chandler, of New Orierns, as he ia an imposter and has no right to sell whatever. Until I give power of attorney to some sons wishing to purchase Hie right for Gounty, State or Machine, must address me- ^ Patentee end Sole Proprietor of Beet’s V!? ™ Gse Works; patented July 6, 1869, and April 19, 1870, P. O. Box 860, DaytOD, Ohio. junel7-w2t Summer Comp)i ehUdren of all age*. I It is th# Great Infant’* and Children’* Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought ou by teething or “pw«"d*£‘th« GRAFTON MEDICINE CO.. St. by Drursisto and Dealers tn Medicine ererj- where. june30-d*wly Burdon Iron Works. 1^|AN UFACTURER3 of PUMP DIG JENGINM Hvro»ti uc*vis j ary in general. etC-ddwlj HUBBARD k W HITT AKER. 102 Fronfitreet, Brooklyn. N.Y. REWARD. FRANKLIN LODGE NO. 2,1.0.0. F„ 1 MsCok. May I9th. 1870. f At a regular meeting held by this Lodge this night; the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That this Lodge offer, through the pub lio paper* of the city, a reward of $250 for the appre hension of Henry G. Ross, the assailant of Brother John Broughton, and that the Treasurer be author ised to piy said reward upon tha delivery of said Henry G Ross to the Sheriff of Bibb county, and that thie authority be extended foe the term of six months from date. ... Done by order of the Lodge as above. 1 B. Sr. PAUL GURRAKDDIf. N. Attett: 0 J. STaoaiao. R. B. my29-dlw*wl RICHARD ORME, General Coaslssioa lercimt, WHOLESALE DEALER IN PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, WTO. Brunswick, -1 2ta wyiAwly BIOL. Oeesgto, Salvapon for the Hair. CLEAR A^NATER 1 WITHOTtSEDIMENT! f OPENTSLJHIE LIGHT!•!! For Restoring to Gra^Rair its Original Color\ Phalon’s “V iTALL^^liffers ut terly from all coloring preparation^ieretofore used. It is KjM^Sid, sweet smelling, precuntates no muddy or slimy matter,requires no shaking,im part no stain to the skin. Hold it tc\he light and it is clear and cloudless. It leaves no mark on the scalp; yet it reproduces in ’ gray haiHiienaturalcolor that tim'v or sicKltRfijLmay have bleached out of ltT £2TPhalon’s Vitalii is for one sole purpose^Jnat of reproducing,with absolute cer tainty, the naturalafnor of t!;e hair. It is n^mtended ( af a daily dressio^nor for remov : ng scurf or iKmdruff; nor for cu ring bareness; nor for stinutla- tihg t/e growtbof the — Thes# objects may be aecuin- plishod after the color has been fixed \rith the Vitalia, by Pha- Ion’s O^mical Hair Invigo- rator. The ViTAifeSt a harmless and unequaled prepluRtionfbr the reproduction of lie origi nal hue of gray hair, Jid noth ing else. This is accomplished in from two to ten applications, according to.the^pth of shade required. all druggists. COAL CREEK COAL. Xg"AHV thanks to th* eitiseae of Macon for their ILL liberal patronage daring the past year, I have now on hand, and -to arrive. 6.000 tons of the noted Coal Creek Coal, and will furnish supplies during the Summer at the following reduood rates: Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold in tha tovn of Monficslio. Jasper county. Ga . on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hours of tale, two thirds interest in tho storehouss and lot. situate 1 on the east corner of southern side of the square of said town—knoan as Swanson’s store. * Also, at the fame time and plsce, one House and Lota- the Indian Bpring, Butts county. Ga., near Elder’s Hotel, on the Covington road, containing two acres, more or le«s: dwelling house, two Etorie3. with necessary outbuildings, etc. Sold as the property oi John W. Burney, Sr., latoof said county, decease J, to satisfy certain claims agreed ni on between the creditors of said estate and the legatees. Te-ms cn day of sale. F. M. tsWANSON, maylS-wid Administrator. Administrators's 'Sale. T>Y virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of Is Twiggs county, will bo sold, within tho legal hournofsalc, on the first Tuesday in July next, the folloxrioe land, to wit: One hundred and twenty acres: part of Lot No. 15, io the 7th District of Bauld- Twiggs county; as tho properly of W. J. Hauimo-t. late of said county, deceised. Fold for the benefit of the heir3 of said deceaied. Terms of sale cash. JEREMIAH PANDERS. mayl2-w6w Adm’r dc bonis non. G EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.—JamesT.Glover. administrator, with the will annexed, upon the estate of Jesso Hearn, decease!, having petitioned for a final dif charge from his said administration, all persons concerned are required, within the legal time, to be and appear at my ofiico. to show cause, if any they have, why s«id applicant should not be dis missed, in accordance with tho prayer of his petition. Given under my hand officially, this May 9th, 1870. mayn-w3m JOHN F. SHINE. Ordinary. G KORQIA. 1WIQGS COUNTY.—Whereas, Ann McOrca fool’d) applies for Letter of Administra tion on the estate of Paris MoGrea, fool’d) late of said county, deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Mon day in August next, and *how cause, it any they have, wby said letters-shouid not be granted to said appli- cant. Given under my hand and officiil signature this Juno 13.1870. JOHN F. SHINE, juneiSw-SQd Ordinary. n EORQIA .TWIGGS COUNTY.—Mbs. E. B.Kbsb \JT pv vs K. W. Keskdy—Libel for Djyobcb lx Twiggs SoFEEros Co get, March Tkest. 1S7».—It ap pearing to tho Court, by the return of the Sheriff ot said county in the above stated ca«e. that the defend ant, E. W. Kenedy, is not to be found in said State, it is ordered by the Court that service be perfected on said defondant by publication in the Telegraph and Messenger, a gazette published in Bibb county, Geor gia, once a month for four months. By the Court. CROCKKR & GOODE. Plaintiff’s Attorneys. A true extract from the niautes of tho Superior Court. March Term, 1870. arr!5 wlitn4mo J. M. BURKETT, Clerk. WILKINSON COUNTY. STATE OF GEORGIA.! Supremo Court. April farm, i J870. Present, his Hon- Wukixsgs Cocsyt. f or. Philip B. Robinson, j Judge. CsEhY M. Riciurdsos.1- Libel for Divorce. vs. }■ Rule to Perfect Service. Richieo Richabdsox. J I T apprnring to tho Court by the return of tho Sheriff tba*Uho defendant does notresidoin this county, and it further appearing that he does not re sile in this State; it is on motion of counsel ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court. Else that the case be considered in default and plaintiff be Rl’owed to proceed.. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in the Journal and Messenger, v. eekly, once a month, for four months. J. D. JONES, Plaintiff * Attorney. riEORGIA. WILKINSON COONTY-CMmit’a VX Office Scpesior Codrt—I do hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the minutes ot saidCcurt. Given under mv hand and official signa ture, this 2d day of U ay, lb70. IVERoON II. FLEETWOOD, maySTamlmw Deputy Clerk. TJtXECUTOR’S SALE.—Will he sold before the Fi Court-II use demr. in the town of Greensboro, (leorgia.-underan orderlrom tho Court of Ordinary ot Greene county, on the first Tuesday in June. 1870. ono Tract of Land, containing four hundred and nfnoty acres (4P0jin-the 10th district of Irwin county. State nfGe-srgia. Said land sold for tho pnrposo of dis’ribution among tho devisees ofJame3 Fiddler, ds.-r.-jfed. Terms cash. JAMES FINDLEY, piSWOi P.xceut or. Executor's Sale. B Y virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary, of Chnttnhcoehee county, will be sold before the Court house dcor. in Georgetown, Quitman county, sin the f!r:t Tuesday in August next, between tho le/iti hours of sale, the following described parcels or lots of land, being the nrorerty of tie o.tateof Jams’ Cook, late of Chattahoochee county, deceased: Lots 312, i9S, 299.297, and 179: all of V65 and 218 lying south of Southwestern Railroad, being gOOacrcs. more nr less: five acres, more or less, lying north of Weolanneo Creek, off of lot 247. South half of lot 310. eon tuning 103 acres, moro or loss. West half of lot 247, the Spring Branch on said lot being the divid ing line thereof. containing 130 acres, more or less. Also part of lot 2i6, descrided in doedsby made lines, containing 39 acres, more or ltss. Sold as the prop erty of said deceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Terois on the day of sale. JA8.M.C00K. G.W.COOK. iune23-w6w* Executors Macon County Sheriff Sole. VI' ILL bo sold before the Court-house door, in the YY town of Oglethorpe, county of Macon, within the leval h- urs ot sale, on the 1st Tuesday in July next, the following property to wit: 1 o’s of lend Nos. 33 and 62, in 2d District oforigi- .naliy Kuscotoe, now Mscoa county.Jo sati'ly twelve fi fo?.. if sued trom Justice’s Court, KKOth District, Q, M. Four in favor of J. T.' Kcleoe. for tbc ufe, etc, vs. M. L. Sihcilcy;onc in favor of J. Winn. - fothe use. etc., vs. M. L. 8heater : one in favor oC-J. Aa- bury. for the u e. etc., vs. M. L. bhcaly: favor o.fphilin Cook.vs. M, L. Sfcealy: one in favor of BL ■H. Willis Sc Son vs. M. L Sbcaiy; one in favor of H. O. CarmichaSiYs. M. L. Sttcaly: one 1n fovor of Mr. E Partea vj:M. L.'Shcaly; one in favor of A. A. Wans, vs. M. L. Shealy..and one iu lavorot W. ‘fiolsonbake vs. M.L. f healy. • l evied on as tho prop erty of said M. L. rhe-.iy and return nude to me by a constable. Property pointed out by defendant. . H. L. HILL. bhvrifT junc3-w4t Macon f ltaker County RUeriff’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday inAugrislnetgj. Tl before the Court-Botife door, in the town ot Newton. Baker county, Ga , between the legal hour* of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lets oTLand. No*. Id. 17, 38,19. in the rigbth district of saidonunty; and tha east half cf lot No. 4, in the soventh.dietrie! of slid county. Levied on *» the property-of Wm.C. Bray, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa (for the purchase money of the same) from Baker Superior Court, May Term, 1870, in favor of O. G Holland vs. Wm. fi. Bray. WILLIAM JACKSON, jur>e2-wfOI ' Sheriff. Adtninlsira(oft. Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Honorable the Supe rior C-uirl. will be told ou the first Tuesday ia July next, between the usual hours of safa. hefoee the Court-House door in the town of Ncwtou, Baker, county, Ga., 1 ot of Land, No. (271) two hundred an* seventy-one. in the 7th districtof.Itaker county, be- longingto tbc estate tfTh-.m.’.s J. C"X, deceased. Ssid lot of land sold By order of Superior Court far payment cf widow’stfower. Term? oa-A*. THOMAS ALLRN, Adm’r. de bonis non of T. J. Cox, deceased. jnnal-w'.Od—o• ’tv. • v.: HOUSTON COUNTY. G EORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.-Whereas, Lar kin W. Stewart has applied'for Letters ot A<- miaistrati- n on the cstatb of Thomas C. Whitehurat,. lato of Houston county, deceased : These ore, therefore, to cite all persons inferos ted to bo and appear at my c-ffice on or before tho firat Monday in July next, to show cause, if any, why tks application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signa'.nre that, 30th day of May. 1870. W. T. SWIFT, june2-w3Cd ; ■ . Ordinary. llnnston Connty Sber iff Sale. ■YITILL be sold on th*lst Tueeday in August next, V t before the Court-house door, in the town of Per ry, within the usual hours of sale. Lot of land No. 143 and the north half of lot No- 145, in the 10th District of Houston connty, conta}*- ing'-JKSM acres, more or less. Sold a* the property** John K b ing. to Eatisfr a mortvage fi. fa. from nova- ton Superior Court, in favoT of Mary M. Ragin, VC. • John K. King. Property pointed out by C. C;. Don- can, plaintiff’s attorney. ; JOHN R. COOK. . juneS-wCOd Sheriff. NOTICE.. T HIRTY DAYS after date application will be mate to the Cr-nrc of Ordinary, of Houston county, for leave to sell the realestatoot Miles L. Green, late *f said ceunty, deceased, for the pur rose of distribution. . a e aaskv juneO-wSOd MRS. A. E. GREEN. Adm*i_ > Georgia Houston County. UrBEttFAS. James T. Fretwell makesappliea- Y V tion for Letters of Admini*tration on the estate o. Chas. W. Fretwe 1, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish a8 persons interested to be and appear at my office on«r before the ls’Mondav in Autustnext, to showeauae. if any they have, why said Letters shonld not jw- granted Given under my official signature. thisSM June, 1870. W.T. SWIFT, june23-w30d Ordinary. IRWIN COUNTY. G EORGIA. IRWIN COUNTY.—Whereas, Cante- bell McDaniel, exeentor, etc., of Isaac M. Yount deceased, late of said county, has filed hisfinala*- countswith me. and asks to be cismused from saaff executorship. These are to cite and admonish aK per-ons interested to be and appear at my office** the first Monday in September next, then and these to show cause, if any they have, why said Letteis «C Dismifsion should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature, taw April 12.1870. WILEY. WHITLEY. aprH-8tno . -• . Urdinasy. JibUPSE. COUNTY. G eorgia, jasper couNTY r —oedixasy’s Oip- ficb, Said Cocbty—Is Chambers. May 19**, 1870— Whereas Thomas C. Broddus. Administrator** tho estate cf Edward A. Broddus. deceased, applies te me for dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office, on or itr tho first Monday in September next, if any they-bane to tho contrary. Witness my hsnd^ififomH^^ mny22-kmw Ordinaiy. G eorgia, jasper county—ordtsaby’s Or- - fice. Said Cousty—Is Cbamb«*s, May 19**. 1870—Whereas Thomas O. Broddus, Exectutor on tfoa estate of Thomas Broddus, deceased, applies to ■■ for letters of dismission from sa : d estate These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office, on cr ay the first Monday in September next, if any they baa* ■ to the contrary. Witness my hand officially. J. W. BURNEY, * mui22-Smw ~ ~ • • Ordinary. G EORGIA. JASPER CORNTY—Obdisaet’s Or- F cf, June 6th, 1870.—Notice ia hereby give* to all persons concerned that on the — day ef— 18St Seaborn Hawk, late of said county, departed this Ufa intestate, and no person having applied for admini stration on the estate r fsaid Hawk, in terms cf tte law. Administration will be vert'd in the Clerk *£*■ the Superior Court, or some other fit ana proper person, thi-ty days after the punlication of this cita tion, unless soma valid reason is made to his appoint- I? ?rrf. GiYsn under my fc.ind and official signature Ibis <ur andyear above written. „ • J. W, BURNEY, junel2-wlm Ordinary- Jasper County ShctllTs Sale. TTfriLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Angus’- YY before the Court-house the town *f Mon isello withis: the legal hours <yf sale, a tract«ff land containing sixhundred acres, more or 1 es3, being all the lands whereon Bhedwick McMichael n*» lives, leviei cn as the property of G. J. MoMiekedt to satisfy a 6. fa. from Jasper superior Court in favor of T. J. Pritchett v*. G. J. McMichael. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney, B. T. DIGBY, j ine29-tds. Deputy Sheriff. ; “S''. G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY—Ordinary’s OSes . .. .* May 24,1870.—^Whereas, Samuel T. Reid ban- — ; e ■ • > - ing made application to me for permanent letters «f . t* .'S administration on the estate ol Mrs. E. W. Retd. - ; late of said county, deceased. . .. These are to cite and admonish all persons co*- r cerned to be and appear at my office on. or before - ~ tlio 1st Monday in July next, to show oauae, if wv . -. —.fa-W thev have, why arid letters should not be granted. , .*( Given under my hand and official signature thfc. - . 24th day of May, 1870. may31-w30d J. W. BURNEY. Ordinaiy. JONHS COUNTY. \ff ANTED—AGENTS-S75 to $100 per month. 0v- VY erywhere. male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAM ILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, took, quilt, cord, bind, braid and emproider in a most superior manner. Price only 118. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay SHOO for any ptaohine that will tew a stronger, moro beautiful, or more elastic seam than our*. It makes the " Elastic Lockstitch.” Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 so 8200 per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB Jk CO.. PITTSBURG, PA-: BOSTON. Mass., or ST. LOUIS, Bj'CMjload at mj Yard....... ..—..18.75 per ton 82S r ’ “ LAY IN TOUR SUPPLIES FOUND. A PAIR OF *X* GLASSES. O wner can get tbeaame by paying for this advw tisement. Enquire at Telegraph and Mewateger Office. - oseM-tf i HO* to tho oontnuy. CAUTION.—Beware of all Agent* teliioar Machines Given under my hand officially. under the same name aa onrs. unless they oan show a Certificate of agency signed by ns. We shallnot bold ourselves responsible for worthlsss Macninae sold by other parties, and shall prosecute all p.rties oithcr sailing or using Machines under this name to the full extent of the law, unless *uoh Machines were obtained from ns or our Agents. Do not be impoeed upon by Darl ies who copy our advertisement and circulars and offer worth 1 cm Machines at a less price- aprilZ7-dlw»s*. r^KORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—Obdisaet’s 0£- Ij fick. Said Cochty, At Cbasibrbs. May 9, lSJf. hereas, Bryant Baikcom, Administrator on the estate of Ephraim Moore, deceased, applies to me wc . Dismission from said estates .'. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per rons concerned to show cause, at thfoeOee. on or Wy the first Monday in September next, >f a&y they navr to the contrary. 7 Witness my Land officially. maylt-d*«3m R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. G FORGIA JONES COUNTY.—Obdikabt’bObtic* b SAID COVXTT, At CHAJIBBEe. May 9. 1870.— Where** Wm. A. Chamber*, Adminittrator on the estate of ‘John W. Finney, deceased, applies to mo for Dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all yw- sona concerned to ihow cause, at this office, on ettkg the first Mcndxy in September next, if any they have aa*ll-w3m K, T.JROSS. Ordinary. mayll-wte Votice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons having dtananda against W«.T. Ugfctfoot, deceased, are harelrf notified and required to present them, properly attested, to the /^tEORGIA. undersigned within the time prescribed bylaw.— rtegjun And alipevaonB indebted to eaid deceased, are here- hranee wattes b* (eqnured to make immediate payment to either R. J. UGHTFOOT, J. B. UGHTFOOT, jnne2l-wffi* J " Kxopattn G eorgia, jonbs county.—ormkabt’s o*t- yics said ood*tt, at CtiAxaraa, May % 183*.— Whereas, Wm. Little and Ontt_ tor* on estate of Benjamin M. 1 plica to 4ne for dismission froai 1 These are, therefor*, to nit* a*-^ . .. aona concerned to show cause, mate tejte* ntutt day in 8sptember next, at faU effloe, ir any they 1 to the contrary. . Given under my hand officially. E.S.J . . * r ,- . BB hrahe* , aasessw ‘‘“inife.- .f. Y-SL^i mum : -ri' V WM 'J:y.