Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, September 13, 1870, Image 1

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    •,•— >■.'• ■>/ - *-' ’*-' .- ! ' :. - • ’- '< i' ’
. «• • - v
IlKID & EKUSe; PTOprieffi,
: Th;e Family J o o mil—N ews^-Politic s--Li t e ila-t d li s—A.«ihiu- i.tiiii ish-t>oV is &i i d: Arm as. ; : r,. ;‘Y''GEORGIA THiflRAm BlHtirttW
~~ _ V : . ■•■ —--^r -. ■'.! ... ,. ^T-. ~~x~ - ', ^rTT—?T77T-^=sr^.=^: r^rr -.--« .... ais_
« a ’*JXChi:£zi^a f 3 *•
tp^ columns,
^!S°Sff*ys in Advance,! wa? P»]
NS;,vamoney runs out, unless
VTjke money runs out, uuiess renewed. We have, therefore, .watched I
* „ jjUaSOEMESTS WITH J. w. buekh & onowitli £onsto~--' 1H - --‘-'-- :
it,aS co. *8 PUBUCITIOXS; I
. :h{$ .thejCduMol of this
interest,'and have been
Fann ^ ther trial and'iudoLc^ut^nTmtclL^is
tSifxerf ^ esscnser an< *; too
Q11 nAPiniAnH AM » «f ^ .1.1 * ' ■ * * *_ •** I ■« ■ •
Luieaisterod letter^..;,
33 to M* :<* I ; Za
— , Onclropion. .:«: ..1 . v n t, -
—— •• •.• * - .*Mii»tua:o fsi ijt
by mat.y faith* 1 *^' r
^towetetnltyof ipftfc- - ^
fctoslah quivering and naked lay
jjt He nndnlatifigpaves ptjipe; fy^; t :
foil tltzing heat of noon-day.
• .hot Tui 1 to ;..vt i.y nv y.ti t: .
ycuket lockoJ in opium e.dreamh tqmca,, *
a»nton «lad pinions now eet-iree 1 u t>i
2.,!^, ill jails'unfurled, and rudderless,* »•' '
i^ijl the great deep ^b.^feininuje^ gC^.
SiWaiiywawa‘hat hroliQ on fo'ainioft Cliffs n! *
ditlavM oot masters to ita botuxlbtg speed—
ion, forever on in trackless spato •-'••»— -t v
1 living, qihverift£ wavering reoil.
.rita-a.a* a, 1
fctfiwK deep to famed old corals halls,
Ja gliding o'er 0!d Ocean’s spirillirig'Soof.' ” * 1
jo ,pleading its. swift wings through Other’s
iw. ii . I- - 'A . 11 .i «U : :
lioued to distant spheres ne’er reached Before.
teriag sith hope, my^^na^li!^t[ J
CiioRht to Onil its name lhero graven in light; a
Si thefe rolled dp betVeen, with darkened folds,
blbid tlialianners in .thdlfijapifl J
■ .f.-Vi l.iOtO-MV.VHm.-nV-lJ ti | i
idelates dsrp dcspoodtCS, &f$u - .7
toasts rocked on tbs roiringbiilows deep.;-. : -
ShitBid icjthreak^fitbf jdeSpaii^ -* 1 w : ''" s * *
iiink in drtamke3 throng of ‘end)^^,’. ,,
rr. -4 of t^r ot i-:j • ,
kSm! O, Waves! Wh»t o*w to 5ftQr.ypurs ;
Sveuijr naked panting soulsmettbs t s* 1i». _
Tiheg npjti thy bleak rfnd’rocky shores? ' n t i c ~ _
Istia thj drafening roar thoir pi TCpiiZcifot..^ J ,
i«j<i87* •• e.vvAi
■■ to I sfp-lu-uis
Mi saves cf warm brown hair,
Willi gold lights chining through
pF«« ^ “‘.Tocate witMVeeUv 5 00 IF*»lmOuaety mj/he has
^itroCO'^han Advoc. to w > eewy o 00 “coma to the ooqgb^ipn that:the question of
&rta’s ^efekly V*’’Hi**"' ,, '*"T.V' , > « - w steam traction on, common roais is now com-
‘ •• f l ’X^^fa'ndMessenoor ^^ubSe^toV.iaW ^rfect^uccTJf
:: i-S: ^as^s.
•ft^aSSorb^SqieS^rtlfco?SriSko a n1d
if" ~,1 tatters. , r^QW
rather e^travagentiy Rejoicing that, by this dis-
covory, the time, apprp3ohes. when “the‘use of
ihe horso, “except for-hunting purposes,” jjiay
bo dispensed with.. In Francs, where -hprse-
flesh is acceptedenan article of food,andculituiy
purposes wild possibly oonp^itijUe another cxeep-
tioUr j Bql, since; w& havo. : outlived the time
When railroads,; ae/it present constructed, were,
aocordiiig to the prophets^ to ^edacp fhq .p^ce
of .horses to t«n dollars per h^d,. asd ; tp. take
pats out, of the Ijstpf (crppsj, and aii*cei homes
now bring a. price three tiinqa as high- as they
rated before railroadar wpre,bstijtj apdns "‘oats,
noighbor, oats are nery dear, ” .we-.thjnfc Vwopey
will still make .the .mare; go'V^eepjUj ofjooo-
metivcs witlLindia rsbbvr f jtjev 0 , k , , *
i ytili;tb*» tocQiuoUve muiitbe .admitted tq be
an admirable 1 a*d 1 aviai») wonderful, hiveirtion,
and.further,.that.ttfcrcis' g*nd. .ground, tp ; -be
lieve that it will prove, highly,.useful. - Io our
previous .article-, the ( iuachine..was described;
but we reproduce hero the saccincts o2ieisl de-
scriptiont .•.-. U.'he: -whoel i.;sn<t jtfrnatliei may
bdi(lescnbed.-i:ai.oatisisting of a very .bread iron
tire -‘with ttsrrowr flangee,.' upon which, j?
pl.roodr *m»in@niofr soft- .vulcanUed. -Iniin-
, rubbvrr.^iThisisfcbuut'.tMtelvo.-.inohea.inwidth
gis in infinite like a scroll unroUe.1,, •.. 7r , ’M »nd:fi*exinebcs)izn HUi(*neaS|iiwhi«h,rth»*aur-
HikW-empnrpUdi&atrt^dWthiilil . r i joand* the,iroaUx<J, anddaiept, iait8 ; plsQ9by
J^tjedeartbo dssdileM name* Ij r«e en ; ^thApiMSatithmwhoehthat comes iuto“ C;
' V t j ^ Inud contBot .with the ;raugh read; thBi retacuiai
(ted chain being canneotsd byia sort,of .vertebra!
atcuch.njde of the wheel.. .Thedindia jabber
diresod the .ring, of steel r plates have jid rigid
eucnectron^bBti are at eperfset .liberty; to move
round as they please:.without monKulting reach
other, or evenlwitbout- the. coccurrenceaif the
inner sing of the, -wheelp which: they, bothjin-
icIoao. The reason■ why this wheel is so efficient
•is bscausehbersuft iodiw rubberidiowsit to flat
ten upon thei road, whathBr rough: or smoaih..
•ithe wheel being nixurde, if itiswrigid straot-
mre, presents but a smah surface,-but the wheel
conforms lo every irregularity, for »:space of
-nearly two feet,-by. the weight of (the engine
ceuaing the iudia ‘rubber to collapse; • and so
producing a ohauge of faring---In the construe-,
tion. of the road steamer, the greater portion of
the weight,: Including the boiler, crests upon iho
•driving wheels ;i*hd third-wheel,in front, isefoi-
guiding the diroetion'of 'moveineiit, and a*per-,
fectiy undsr eontrol, ( la the course of-experi
ments witnessed by Mr.bAndeiBODj'ths ongiue
■Went Up'to a ziglag labyrinth of courts, and it :
can describe: any hgureu alaiostcin a space of!
twice its dsngtb. ■ 'Alia boiler employed is an.
independent invention adapted toThe carriage.
-It* chief psculiarily is the copper pot for: hold-
•iBgwatercvnthiof th# fumiioe, and -Itcfe so eon-
tfited that if th« boilorcontaina any watercthe
-pot will have a full fiopply. Thin Arrangement
-keeps the ceriteir-of gravity low, and allow#, the!
engine ito-ron Op hllls of oiietn ten, or goalohg
an angle of-thirty^ ve degrees!-r-,r. ii 1 ;
' In 'the former article on this subject in the
Lodger tberOiwaVa detailed account of the-'per
formances of thm engine—hotv it Was tnken up!
■bill ahd- down bill, offer; good Toads imd bad
roade, fionie of thom'bard aid level,-and' some
of them roagh -and stormy—how it was driven
ovef tho -Koft : -gronnd of-ploftghed fieldfi, and
through' the crowded streets^of Bcotch towns
'with tniins’of : wagoh«’in : its Tear like a railway
trains—tint! how well all this was' done—And we
need mukepo farther mention of-it now except
to’state thHt- the'more Toeeat trials amply con-
o .5 .a. :
ntMi^vi* CUlUUifj su^wiy,u,
P-vitg A face as'sweetly f|drt.»- /
litver fancy framed in air,
it ever pnntcr drew- ,
Sweet spirit frank and true,
.with kindness lifajl C r !.<] C W i
khu tender heart bnt'todhee drew! ■> lu - 5 I •
Tbt kindly eye bat in then knew
Ikeennslimaof our hfcrl M'i «t C C *J
I ,~J 11 irtovomra ill t .1 I
8«m» Spring.briglit Snrkmer p*»t,-.- o«-rm&i
And AntUnm ooms again; u» i-j n» n s an-* 1 ■
Ike West wind's spoils are falling.-faet—.
Wkttis onr chaugo brought with tlfat blaet ?
. Wiy fall our tears like rain?. ->>ixi x ii J •
1 : : .1 ■: •’ d r n t .s ,l*»«s"r -
Only s new ttUuedheap, 1 T ^ v ‘ :3 ,llJ ■
^(kieHulo gra-re, : new made;
Btrs is tlie earth o'er WhTch'-
•.r„ .u si i.
S«« a flatter to'pluck And keep, *
SeveracrasSy Blade. - * '• “
ut j v
:. J -iS WiK.
«• want ssat beeido Jbo boarfli},’ '1, t
Ous Angermore'in'lio'avCh^''. , '
Modem HVedUlps; IH |eW
55 Ham taka this bromuetono-front, r it if
jWtS'CiniageB.'tlas diamond, ..uu-xarrie
"ketlii l.usbiudof thy choice. .v ts r •
fAHocksdinbondaitHynicn ?; . :f q
hi wilt tbon loaTo tliyJboinoand.farads* tad •.
ke bis loving wife, .1 - 11
•alhelp to epetid liia largo income
^ leng as thou hast life?”
tliemodosrmaiS’Teplieer ^ V - C> ' ' ’
I *-:rJi^ht beaming from lif»r yyes.. <1
.n-ikiiJA i
jjflvfllt thou take this waterfall,
.?«(Ojte tatlous’prfddi
^fiall thpae unpaid milliners’ bills,
Tsbsthy cdiqseh'hride? A_
“* wilt thou love and cherish her '- x :
whilst thou bast lifo and health, -
«t die ta eoorr as possible, j g g
hid learn her Alifthy wealth‘ J.
the rout of UcAXaboii, tlio French imunbody
retired on.tha-JmQ of tho. Mpsdla fpxtresses'df
Thionvilleand Me{&. ,4 Defenses' of the first ( p;-
dnr. Mid well spppl^ed, and', entr^ncjmfi camp^,.
which were cops^pj^led,,gay e/great' sb;engih'.fo
their new position. A direct attack would have
been diffioult,. thcijoforo -the, German armiG3
passed tojtho.sorith. of llelz, toward. Jh'o.lld-.
sella, to cross above -the.jCity the
enemy’s movements.; Such great, masses of
troops, oovcring^lie wide-TfigjpnLrcamreaspe.
cial precautions. .The.ffirst army was‘to, flank
the enemy’s line of- mprch, and was directed. to
take a pew position -near the-r^ver Nie'dl'.^Iu
the meantime the first and .second armie's'.ap-
proacbed;eiioh r-Ptharj ■». jcUyimon,. passing', oyei
the MoselloAi 5Che-. ; .fiamo ’diyts>iop f ,.on.. the
took pert in a.fight in, which the I’rehcb vyerd
repulsed 1 and, pursued, .until (hey reacpfjd^ttio
protection of thet guns of klqtz. , This combat
resulted greatly, to. the pdyantage ,of : wgL’yup!
sians, as it retarded the .-French retreat, ^nd the
advantage waa easily followed np... r TSio'jrdads
connect Metz with .Verihm and,.ycffiun,with
Paris. The second prmy r rpfi»iiimg o iEf0mjUir
passage of, the Moselle, - and, Ppf is thus threat
Oned, the French were, obbged to withdra w, fxpm
the right bank,of;the; Mose!lp L b8foreAfci^ r n9t
being strong enough (estop the.Prqsiian mojej
monts. , The,advance, of the . first ayaiy obiarv-
ing the movement of; tho French,, attacked .on
August l-lth.thQ'.Frenqh .rear,, throwing it'.qpon
the main, body,, which waa compelled.-to send
back-several support tjiefjr^rv ’. ; •
The Prussian 1st and Ttti corps went; op (he
sOnth side to-compel the French; to fac« pbout
They suctxedtd;a£ter ft-, bloody bub victorious
eanfliot-: The Prussian ; 5ih division attacked
Oenferal Froesaid.,,!; By.- degrees : the.. entiye
Frenehforceimoaiae engaged, ^aud ofiha’P^os;
sian. forces thtiOthOT division* .of; ths 3,L-ooiq)e!
the lOtn corps*m regiment Qf.the' corps, and
it brigada-'ofi the 6 th participated*, -^rinco-.Frcfl-
ericklCharles bad taken command and.jhq move
ment was. isacnessfnl,-. and- the.'jwjithfgly, rp*d
to Paris is intercepted-: iThe JBi'nssisns.fouabt
heroically, anditheir loeaes were large, but those
■of the enemy, especially-of; the Imperial .GpftijJ,
were imnieuso. ■ iTho.French.official reports .-es
timate tho ^Prussian force- engaged ut;.double |
what it .wss.>.v<Xhe(.an]y/tfsyifoc the Bmperor fo'
escopalfid&l; isolation from 1 Paris, and; hia sup
plies Iky omtho’ nurthem-iine. 1: Tho Pxos^*n
army in the.aomlq finding no enemy before: it'
fell back, locnnbinuifjivith lhfiHOiher.Army»:( -A,
Jomtattickofi the.Erench was then planned.—.
The Eronch; masingta retreat by.the northerly
■litre,i toolc .a position, on tho 1 heights beyond
Metz! The s:-cond armyinstaatly moved tothei
Tight, fixing its canLe rend left at YerneviUe And 1
Avmanvilliers, while tits right . reeled in contact
with theFirstmrmy.I Absolute readiness for; a
-simultaneous movement -aiong;.the fintiro line
wa* reqnfaite, akithe - Fvenoh- position .-was. a 1
strong oner At the start .the Kiueteenth corps:
encountered an ad van 00 detachment who 'open
ed: wlthartillEry.fromihfe Yorni villa eidenr/Jbeji 1
right army, therefore,.-was ordered to:.eegagt-
the in»my in .front,' anile at one o’clock-.- opened
ft'well sustained-and effective cannonade, which:
lSsted till broad -daylight.- The French replied
with- vigor/and about 838 ot the., infantry en
gaged the enemy, - who was just then strongly
f “lOdombtivfe'bfbr farming
purports, 1 few' i^kflybeeu! solved by'the iuven;
tiofibf' this ihfltKtfe: | v-a« ia
.nmm , < ■ -,
tnjTOjo r« o«
! J-’tfi- tke-TrttgraphiiSii'AUstmser^ Usuaino o.s s 1
> } o no I - roil*’ it PMlIf««ktK ’ v 11
j sacrifice,: baa examine
CbiiffreinOntil' &obc, eaya itiis; ]areer-*that
1 .|>wi ot XTw n r v » ;
i 4 ‘Wb'Krifeftteil it to: be .round ;i from-the crook-;
I -osbk.>jrtiP th’b^Ctrti^riss-th^t,-
,w<j .'expegtra^lt • woufd! be
But lo! ic is neither round, square
‘irtil” thomatercolfeft -S'.-- , tier a’boo4J?PflWfitV)n democratsm
jNtegerwsit8 thenuptiAl tiaar* j* i •'jfiaHngrWitb: the.seb.<^n<gwtibow^yl^^ipab-
[:■■■ - . . - . Kiuvu>vbbicatch.*JhLs A\ie hhouid-jthiukitftat to 1
ng; at'- tlie- piekripocket*;: oThfcy-wto; miter'
— ■ . ■ rtewtet^th5 r
•• id.UURlXV Of Paris, and, indeed, of the aggravating to thd/eelings Are aeiuaiej by pro-
Jfe fashionMM world; ISgoneipraVOP ^florOx-d°yWL^ 0 ’Pntk-aLuiainn* pi VI*?
ViVd Jffo..jjlfuitirc.#, statues, 1 wine,' cqain-.;. ("aBjJS mm nua-nio,, u-iuo,
*nne dp'jnrdfiPW'Marquis<*of:sSertford; it PegiP, ’ >TT ‘* fin " 1 . 1 . .
was a applies eipm^S lQ t^a-scfioolmarnii.^
„„ 1,0: ;• The Israelites.hada custom of selecting eacn :
K*ted except as a place from whence to |famffr4 >;ear a; scape goat, fipon which.they laidThe
iiasomn. ^He expended hi* immense £rpas-!‘ sins frf tho people and which they, then sent off
^ ^MWew.-'dtMdlistecangitei- j < respoot^ ibnfcdEratt^d; KfoWeSSa ..
1 i».«ir<WoVKifA*»lfrT[along:.the7VEayaide. ruHotseacne ureasedpnto
scrrico. Soldiers Arelquarlered, ob the people.:
Large supplies ot food are deinondod from tfio
local authcraia*.-.inn-J t\f jtl P.T 1 :
The same, correspondent, under.,date^of iho
24th mat., writing from the-Crown Prince's
'headquarter*' at Vancooler., says.-. While -there
seemed to be, any ehanewthat Napoleon plight
win near Metz, it avaa neaeasary. to-.holfi the
army in readinsssitonaamb northward*_®0YM‘®
the battles were raging, now Metz, .-l^a arifiy
layabout Nancy- gadLunevple;hall-expepufag
to,be oflleredftp to .suppio^t^het German *f- apv
_ _ _ mice there 0*jHi«.qewaqf4h^dhJeat% the Frfipph,| dm
„ ; st'.omj.ta bare been made to capture ujniSuK have-
•.Ji-h dogs ac.l guns, Tha^urtwiv x .}W
, u ^ l«ave. , J ^ C’JlUlWUMJia «UMW w uw itj
iiCC?.KAlfiowhrit :Risf.'iun*Ccl e*xu 1 • • ‘—lees' n
M Tnirna'fnl 1
id scskaita'level,
ill. jrrjijj..
A bilfo'ught'tff WrfflWg®* Into the Leg-
oumired-aqd ““d Mature providi‘Bar# 1 Mints 1 Alopg.
C--; u ’-Uy go-f-lngs ani a iuitfiber of lambs.-, theKtfi'.e ItoA‘1 kicateu hoarcr the.
I fiber. i—jSostljn ■ P<?gt,
i„. u sa#*ai
-legs' "This is Wriufafc «U
are a hilfought
11 iiv
‘ ~~~ »iv—m—— n ■ 1 1
— u ii'janrti
-l -c oj i' jr_a j
■/•S'T t-aja*<ji- a j
.r'ra'J -- 1
areas*' •• a fcj
I a It-jOr f ■
•irit’ij.'irar sv
err : 1- -die 1* '.TfbdhJi ii 1 .
iRmnmt of; tbe UnErew «fj6e German
Ariuj- S’lii-c tin- Coininiiicrniclit ofttic Vl’nr.
nojir S/iarbrnc^, August fith,,fofiowed,by
‘ MoManon,‘£&a French' morn body
army, supported by otfier* troops. Without
giving details of the movements mOtethat 150;-
000'men, full of confidence, -fidsked with vic
tory, ted splendidly organized,.are., to breakup
the quarters of theireudu j ,'ih}pe 1 (agr.eoE
umna arp .marching ^breast, Qn'“spme'roads.A-
Two go by the road i self and sonletim’es two
more through the fit-ids. To the right and left
at least one other eolatun. It was remarkable
how well the oolnuns are direebniapd;hqwj)are-
fnlly they chore lleir routes through an invad
ed proviaoe like that, of .-Pfalzburg.:, Tqoi is a
point of gallant issistancA, but not,a rallying
point for the surrounding people.• „
The fortress is hdd and the enemy passes .on
without -'troubling in nisei f to take it biaok.;.,-At
PfAlzbUtgted at-foul there have been, experi
mental attu-ks which h-ive given the garrison
an opportunity of di -Lioction. The French
authorities seem disptsed to avoid unnecessary
destruction of property ibyinerely: blowing up
and knocking down 'to finder the,Germans.—
There are 110 traces at an attenipt of La Petite
Guerte ks far as I have- yet seen.. The French
simply-retreftt clear out of: reach when; they do
hht mean to fight ift eomest, ted leave the Open
towns and villages-’to bo qaietiy:-oecupied,by
the advtecing foe/ -r.- . - -Tiro-.V.:.- I
u Thef ,_ sa'me correspondent writes from; the
Sfime placo on thd 22d X Everything -will tflVh
hirwhat tho French r-eemits cm do. .No-lime
Will be^ien to train' them.o. There its rapid
epncentrhtiou of troops mulcr the Crows.Priuto
motihgon Chalohk ahd an ample force to .watch
Metz. 1 Mss its of the Landwehr Are mrrchiag
^ > 'ey.ery ibad between ahe'Tthine andMeush.
_ ilzbtrrg' will bo-' left to tho 'Laadwehr to be-
siege ; 'm> will.'Bitobe, and probably Strasbourg.
The- whdle actiVeehrmyof’ Gormany will:be
availahlhfo'blockade Metz and capture Baris*-;
the i>efonsM J of ^arlsUrfie Buuipute
f_ u 8 ^ ^Dyrifisty.i-^ w a-s fiaoo l
ippoK, : Ar^mpl jiO^Altaiiey from Paris do-
ftA.tho.preparaiidnsfdr'thusiegeas fdllowjs':
. hundred thojtsan^gtfi^SjiWpsi'trtifhOvfin 1
^^i£ ^nd frefill ‘jbW’VWfij well; urtrled;' arrive,
.hourly* Mnew corp^'otgAnize 1 ^ atLydiis/hfcs
arrived. :.Tho'!cens d’anniA'* fpolicemcii)-aid
reinforced’; his ’ line extending frem St. ’Mane
Aux Cheves to the La Guisse -.wood- Hia posi
tion, natoratly of ipiwli aliiimllii lail 1 lianiii so
fortified by earthworks and ditches that iteoerh-
:«d almost impregnable. [There.was a brief de-
Jsy:bef«reAh«i wniotoi»:*>*$** .49:%^ flP.r®
that the enemy find stopped pa^po
northern (TOflte tf ;ftnd .the, ppnjbat^whkli ea-:
“a the left the
guards andjS«Spn trftogs fqqgl|t (t u St.
Privat AndiDooqourt. Mfaaprtyla tho .other
wing was. aeg^edtneor, gh- Afi, J^ie- La-.Cniase
wood andiYeriiuTAUe* ns far v afl>he poxth sidq.ol!
the noMbernjroAdcfromM^zfp ye^fipn, c T^e
,8th and fitb corps, participated in..the acUqn ,at
■Giavelatle, sud: tier- opntesti spread frpm Yaux
■to the Mosolle, where ,a brigade : th 1 ?! M -f>poi [oa^
10th, withu mtilleryi was ongsgsfi. wiib,tho .qn- m
.tire French atmyn-Meibibpn.&fiorps yndF^ijlyrs
:division- excepted; .After pnndoayn -the Prus-;
sians totkithe heights by .etf>.r»,tfliugic-a b ide
of MetA. .0 ec:/ tjr 10 b ,e .czi i VWi
Loxsox, August 25Ks-A Ppfteiel correspondent
of tho Tribune.writes-frpm il^pthel.Friday-that
10,000 or more freshjtccopi .arsiyefi from Parid
via Itheuns. last night-!-, it'*PPp8.W0»e _pquring
through here islUhisfiote 1*00* vt sm/bprefpr®
delay edj.-.ii .',-i rt ,ris50 •> ysitqnanj
13 [Hife'Eaiperortefr '-> early ^ this xi'-at;Ti&Kivras
cheered in the streets. -We start to-morrow for
•MezieWs. 'The Tigor against' correspondenti
increase* daily.-'* A eorfespoudontof La Libert,
was ordered leave Retfctfl'la* night. A1
persfrbm the flee't'h^e
:h troo
.. MIR
. , WI , ...
- c-TUP m, B'prms WM tfoops: '/E|Ae .is-a
gyringeoteictiqnthat .theadyaned of tfioieneoiy
.wilTLe checked. .The Sifeetq WysThiTsole tA)-
.j ect of tho prince "NapefeOh’^.yisit’t'o ‘ Slbionce
is to'secure fha safety'of his 'dynasty, ytfirle
France is forgotten.- A.rn.wa_to forget Frifefce
■and .thitk rthem only, -of rihe Bqnagarley, who
think only of tbemsekreah True, Italy! Austria
to such indneementa as
bat : Bngiifnd-^rilP- not.;
is'nfitt with Olllvferphasxal- 1
-reedy IranUfeirad'hiB smple wealth to Italy* ;
Srciiumtism bribe . tack ,
of 1'rovtsioas niu^ yiquttlonM ojf_XV;»r in'
horitieuafe dbing-alt thai-’is J possible-to pi«-
iforariogc. We shall be ready. Wo
tee' fionfident <Sf ! ’t£te' Pafriotfe ' ? ooWwge-of ouri
.citizeqs and the future of France. : n rA * *
'TBe trpiniolr Nationals ’ siijrs 1 FaHkart'-mnst
hayo entire ^authority during the critical mb-'
menu 1 Hd Thtfstr- feeit •vrith 1 nb - 1 interference
, fropijOthfirjofficials. The authoritietairiiasWiea
'’ unit. The first AanhonrBhbt-»IH’feitrie-'a ceBsa-
f. all political, differences. Thhijourhiah
again aemanis the- expulsion • orf nil ‘Geifmansi
from Baris^pnd debates, removing the-geat ofi
uovernmenE during' the-' siege‘ eiSieT tiJ'-Toars
or behind tho - Lojre.. .The enemy may Beflfe-I
fore Pari* py' tVednetnla j; ‘ Ali plabs in-Paris:
relate to' thS defence of* tne uify. - 1 The Bois du:
Boulogne is filled with cattle, to be used as food
j,--,, ,^;gebf£h!;tbr6nauT;lhas : heensnm-
moned' to 'Prtfkfati ' he a^qn’art'erk. 1 -' The ‘Prus-j
no^r in ‘Valley'of the 1 Aube afb-eon-|
*ting fitlfbmiiiefcy. Thiers. passed &tm- (
d^’visiUog the fortification^ tfnd. }
ig in-
was^rttercu to leave^atemei-ia** nign^.-- Alt ^.-itfsitgari coffeo, and other - articlesM-that
ofbert‘te -BOO& te-xafecovered.-by’ tha Provost nfl V lrn ° i^ fn sufficient quantities fofsUbsist-
Marshtfl areseutbaOk 10 Pt*ri*.:-’£Ven.ftmilitar iir. n r. „,„„ti-.* m.l-;,.,,
Marshal are sent back 10 Part*; • < 'Even a milita
ry pass will not*prOtoot-us against: the' Geuarxd
of the army. - At two o’clook tbiq afteiAooa the
troops were Alill filing orf.» A part teflu ordered f Qnc ir.H«ltad,.fish
fO Aih'gaqy hud otbeffetoi BAhOourt; f-Ths-nmin
wha'l^ti, wryithose
,! A correspond^?it hi tno ftibnliej who is ^Uh \Vn»%inrb««.n£>wag,&re also pl^n
Nteeyamtho iq«f>dho*, Jwhile-iGeaeralBufaf- ,'liahaaanSte fromthp Pnefeci
metz-otiffPHhfirf FMMMdf JOKtfrifltfhave donb.
eu Well oh the right of tff«!triilin Frsnoh army,
the (frown Prince bAa^O'dofipledft' UttWfc ' *
pnpejfpr Paris during thiee months, making
moredUiaAwitty^iqqsof rations. r-Mthe en
trepots aroptqred grpafc.qaant1uc9.of salt porl
| "ogsbj together .with strflw.oa^s. am
j item.) M- Blapphe
vide themselves
ou« w***vuo uciioioi I'aiiir'j' vuU
r a saffioieht forca to cover irfeu-
.Jalund fiouthern i Fr»hbb', v th8 Empire -will be
Exposed tO‘'rficfiiiiete dhuget in thet regions
'quite uht)tebilddfOr' 5AfWrA*A: OnoP TOliOVRrt
fro* the posslbilify'Of ■
thfe 1 NhBbfikf GrtA#a*:«uta'F#eoc
lUrfWPatflhilr 1 l rans ' Brc
’nSt! Ba'-bettdf ‘tttibihii tip ! rtm-hy-wlyibgttii,,
'and 2d Pro’s-.-iaq rfrtriicrf, hu^-' that, -if-' file.
with Central France,
tresses are making a gallanf resistance. :1 Pfalz-
burg is already famous from holding out so’ob-
Ktinatclv, Toni has jnst successfully repelled
a sbnieivtotf serious-attack and if steps t&tiare
been a mistake as to the condition of the place
for the defoBSP. • - - v : ;i
Yesterday morning the: attack' was met 1 with
great vigor By the Prenotr garrison.. They d(d
bot vfenture on'-SA sortie-tcr follow up their adj
vanlOge. 1 'They inflicted a toss oh theitiat
ants With, as far as we know, very little to ti
selves. - They did not buffer what- is toehni
called the horrors ' of war. Young girls ata
'At their holtagbtddor* in the vibages ob on>
stfeet- cortserii toOeb' the soldiprs-pass.xandi
not molested by them. Shops opem-in j
towns are not -plundered, -jPpaoeable oitize
.go about theieJmsinsssiwUhqut. fetejfjr.Ufej
itmb. It ia essentiAllyj a, ciyflfoed.war ipfchf
fetAr annouUcds that he camarm.-an immense
forop of tho. : NAtional Guard, in addition-to these
uiready underarms, with guns • ntyw-iri the ie^
depot: :;fThe MfcisWr' of'tA’gricftlttfrb'an^
Oqulmerco is.yery active, ■ Tf i^estimafed thatj
the pokers have at lqasfc fifteen days’ kubsist-
enfca; besides this, the mims£eis.Jikye"collected
■t.Paris 230JXMf quintals .Qf fiqnT. iJ^MbP /£4?-
taldf rice, 1 immense-amounta. of potatoes, nud
ffOsh vegetables of all sorts have also.been coh
lected; 100;600 berfves, -500,000 -sheep,'. And
forage necessary for their 1 Abinporary'keeping;
aajtfsugar;" coffee, and other; rfrtielekM.-that
The iUrtPC. *( tbe-Cw^^toM. (^f. the
New Conrt-Heur.
large ^number, of ci tiz?ns, both ladies'ahd
gentlemen, assembicd'yeSterday morningOri the
corner of .Seoohd' aqd Mulberry stfeets t6 wit-
ness the impoAipg And impressive 'cerfemoD'y'of
laying the cornfer-stori'e Of the neV court house
for Bibb county. A temporary platform made
bylayihg' plan&tmo'ntne 'Bl^epers-fbr the'ftrat
floor of the briilding,' had! been previously pre
pared and furnished with benches and chatTs for
the accommodation- of. ladies,, and on which
also the ceremony waiperformeri.jJeveralhuu-
drfed ladies graced-the ocoasion with ithdr pres
ence on tho platform, on-th* street corner, and
in the windows and balconies’where a view of
tho new building'CouldLhe obtained. .There was
some' ’delay in' forming tlm procession at the
City Hall, in -cosaequence of amisanderstand-
iug out he part of-one critwo firaoompaniea as
to thetinfe At Whiofa the procession would form;
but at 10 o’clock, Chief Harshxdof dhe day, J.
forces At the Hall, 'appeared the full costume
of : a ISir Kniglits Templar-, ted enthe-eelebAited
dappled grey-‘horse,-: “Gray .Eagle,’i with his
assistant Marshals, 'Messrs. W. A. Hnff and L.
W.-Kasdftl,: in~citizeUs : dresB, with red scarfs,
And mounted-a’-so upon beautifol .grey horses.
Soon' after the procesHon was-formed Mid was
composed Of-firemen under:Chief. BickS, mem
bers 6f tho'M’aoon Bar, Hdd'Fellows, Masons
and Knights Templar, and headed byiheMkaiih
Silver- Cornet Band,■ nader_.MXfG.hArifiAfJnil-
raof?d down
to Second street; thehoe to Cherry street;
th’erioe' , to Third? tbentSHo * Mhlberry *Sn’d' : up
Mulberry to the newCbufk-botiso, whore the or
der of proceesion waa reversed, and tpo Masonic
Qrder-withtherClpef, Marshal a-s^lea^er, ascend
ed tho.'platforrq,' t wlien,‘af(er ‘mnsio' from the
band, the cereihony opined Sfith’ the followirg
original and eloquent'pray dr by Eev.iDr.^David
Wills; GrtedChaplain a cl ' .-;r-:o n ja.uu 1
- O, Thou that dwellest i^i ifight inaccessible !
we adpre Thee as the Supreme Architect'of the
"Universe’land as tffrfljpholde? of ill thitigk'bjy
tho word of Thy power. Thon Lord, in thebe- hsetMdthsIsptp^tipnpljtJinegrtJ 1 an d
the heavens are the work of Thine hands, and
Thon hast garnished this universal frameby the
.i,--!-.. ’Enable us humbly to
L benevblfenfce add ; Mill
Resplendence efth
oWebritp 0 Thy' w i
which' Etlcrrn Thy vast and dlorioets wbrks; to
deVohtfy ‘ Wiiifiu' trtrt'irritchW^ yrderiteid hhi-
mon^. wfiiih crpwh^creirio6 !l lia- , a' , diadiih' qf
trength'nrid betruty.^* 2 tt ‘b. 1 .eau; l-j in-.i.
1 0 We uodie ttfis tGytfifir thA foundation 1 Btorte
of this spacious tempfe-or jhstie^'-te'J.wpraiy
(hs® Uie light of Thy fayar may eyaencpnipass
it as-tfeshiekk -Mayitb© workman.Aiqploje^ in
tliis-.builfiing ibripg jsporf tfo^i true,W)rk. qjifl
savage; «o*fe,for-the rfuspeotiop pf , the Granri
Master. M«y; tliqjt’igoyqrq ./jkegi^ly^s 7a -all
fhiog* accoraujg ;: togfio gqaajfa^f-^tus, the
Level ot equality oand.-.the Ttuotb-hne ; qt - roe-
tttude. (-.May the Entered App^nticgS'-aridjYe}-.
low Graftfl l>e preserved /rom.-bi.L-kness, ^auient
and death during the proseoutioii of their ardu
ous labors. Save them, we beseech Thee, from
the'^firflence'that 'n'dflxeth fix darkness and from
the dteAtluotiou that wdswth at ,noonday; - and
m-,y they soon bring forth; the headstone with
' Thou
of this rising _
mb here be laid tO the ImO and rightoous-
nhss' to' the-’pflummell* 1 -May 'injustice,' fraud,
oriiolfy; oppression end all ■' Crime 'receive their
jnst dbhieriCS;'aiid integrity, fimth sod virtue be
vibdicAtefd gloriously in the eyes of all 'the peo
pled * Vf- .vcx;:a s 4 AKfitOUrtl -i r
.* l^rjhSrV ^^]ll7nAM]iaui
named within ttieBe Watl
nocenoe, 'helpless brphkt_ 0 _ I I
,^r)prenae.ati'd infalhole' 'Davvg^eTl'^May this
-—*•*-*• ** 1nt4nd*J'’as tho'pAilidiunldf
ptioh' be heyeT ohce
1 ’fu’dy^irqhred in-
eaqaOyothafjftf 3, jhy^gmosi^y.pajd -of
ejjnbar^Assxnejjt not unmixeq.with pnde. Of
course they could not Understand wfiafthd phd-
ple, t in c iaU enorrhofis cortfuaioho^vbioss/sald to
them} but Iho unspeakablycenrioBl grim ol the
SlreSet:bojHc^itSffigc;<a.htte 5hpffidq^.of T<S nh
Wlilrfh SaihobcGy- Ha'd furbished HthiA boys vrith
the necossary- French, ftiad whiohr was addressed
to-ereryToroo oft^^uayq-alter the ipqnne^af—-
fraln'oP'fihd'jtfVenIfe'VolcrAff.- 5 It %as ettlly 1 bh-
kervable -thAt}- Wittotkei boys, the iFxencrgrfdr
from beongteonsidered a? haughty andJmmU*af-
qiinutes the boauaIes3 nilanty of the lads com-
aunicrfte'd itself fio J tne : FrenchtfietaWlvei,
•fh4ir t UfHTc«#d-eXOCpted, who--hid themsebracin
thednforioeof th*i« first-class ?»ilre*£0.%rt&g£9-
mouldered ^b^ to da^ .fl
drama of time'scau nAvd pa
..tnCBS 1 shall' have
il J 'the magnificent
,wUy as A’dreaiu!
in the 'night;, may we’ hauera -house .not made
with hands eternal"in.tha -haavans; and Thine
shall be the glory everlasting.- (Amemstu -art I.
The Aoiing Grand Master ;»n. this oecasioh,
Dr. J. E; Btaekshear, then addressed the B,W.
3. Treasurer, saying t It baa ever been .the ous-
tdm' of the Craft oa occasionskkh this,'to deposit
-within the cavity beneath the stone of;fotradh-
iion,* certain memijrials of tha’peeietdt at which
the edifice: was-erected-. - Has: anoh--a .deposit
now been prepared 1:.. fttsr-io 1 1.-* .rxini *
:: tin response; xhe Grand-Treasurer saidi Itt
has, Moat Worshipful Grand .Master, andlthej
various articles of wWfh it-is . 00mpose.d are.
safely enclosed withinthtfcaskfet howhefofe me.;
’ : 1 'fee Grimd'Afastefc then; Addrewin^the'Bight 1
WoVshrof td Gfatld Becrefi»ty,T SfiWl, -Blackshear, 1
saidi Yon iffllWB thh-Tefeordbr the ooktenta'
of the casket, which the Grand Secretary pA>-
fi'detfed to do; aS fhll&Vr#;^ ^ cijjA «. T 1
Parchment containing United States GoEBria-
raept, viz^ JExequtiyo. ^ep^jtmsnt, .pajiinet^-
Judioiaryv:Depert«}eu£,- :t Upiteq ^Statca.pis^
trict Gottffe. nf uGsoi8ia,.t}}ft T&tolR«i:Iteveane
officers for tlm fidf Dtitticjt of -Georgia, Qfficars
of Georgia Sjtat§ Gqyerniuent, 1 -officex8 qf -Bifitf
county. Judge of the Superior Cpprt^ipon^bqra
of the Bar qf the City, of Macon, pastinastor^
Mayor and AidermenIktidqmcetsj'Cfqtih'ty' Com-
easilyj preserved, and adyisjpg alj, ( persons incafi Q
pable of petfQtming mUftary io leaveL'ari* t—
It iAiuppoasd; hfir.eJ.lW “® 1
danger of approaching nearer to Paris, while
McM^wnmayrfiAf^t^gijfprces around Metz,
havo altered the. direction of their movement,
feriRotbel. i - Monh
U'nion'Nhcampme™. t _, r --^,. 7r __
Day, Chieff officers of the Macon Fife Depail
ment, officers oi Fire Oompanies Nos. 1, 2, 3,
and 5, and' of Hodk 4 kb’d TriW*, No. 1, Chief
Marshal and.'Asaistants qf-^bs Day, Popuktiorf
of Bibb county and of the city of Macon, imm-i
berof Dw'elfmWin Macon.'bfimber of'f4milie^
fit Mi-earf.'ioffioern dfi «^:prtAByt^rfa»-eafrf* v
Also'fbe fott’owmg aHicWs- '-OoV- H.-V.- Jft»n-
_ “ ^-^“HSsiP'aS -Cfcritlof
.... . _ - .. , dbtpitA&ibn HoaSfrlB faerkfo
.-atthiraatraYflepotwro-'^' ' '
j oT baggage and lurnlture
rmfthef and length of trains
a "Ma] 1
' Prni
krA leaving iho citf’and■'fcftWdA'are eotfifiig'iu.u ttiu’^fiAilV-TcVc
and 1 ffterwildcst cofifusi6'n refgiisi' J 'ThA joufnal&i;:-- ues-fri ji.«.
ilaiif that tfieiiiiny rtinioiaof-LAUlos wHiabvS. n ?v”^
havff"recently been -hi circulation ~‘-'—
press have a story that Golonel Garliffe, while |
on a rooonnoissance,mirnrised one hundred aed i,,
fifty nhiras^naWptoreirfreWiafiddRHCmj rf Jffif mftftd StW«ip z
is reported that the Colonel will be1 madftUGeu-r <r'^orffede'Jafo v; 3!ifeA B6hd3--rfn l
etal for his 1 brilliarttssmess.'; The citwens Of . ((‘ r j ncv .--jpio'ce%dinBsuf , iffiw GrAbB Oofiflc 1
Havre have sent An address to. General Troehu - of (J ; U( l^ ia , April, Tfiftfi; Prbd^edib^
Hoffering Wmiftxooapa.ofi. 5pl.qnteei% 3 Gk'ti’tfLbflge'of Gegnpriaf^bcro; 0< -
- :FaUl*yiM-,bft»n4epriMd.Pfi bc-o ^ Proceedings#tSc?MJEi Hrin I
: causer, to overlooked eted -left «(: C^aDto’r'it^ifedSfel .
m b i te -fi : l
y. );• i-t r.-j r»* EWxia
'.haiww .x uc!
ntd.n 1 a S3 r
A’MOrt^l Lov» Letter.t hr
uperior Court; Brass Die 'or 1 S-.-aV of'County
ritef..Se t l., .870.' [gSSijKg'
■ Editors ItUgretph <ft Mrtnenger : The fol-1 Ma.s v mo Mutual Life iaunwtnoo CompAhy;
lowing is a copy of a lelfeif Vrltton by asmit- J Laws and Rules'of Grder of‘Ctin^trfnthlb 11 has
ten Otlieilq to his fair (?) ‘ inamorata,” at this ; ter, No. 4 ; By-Liws of Macon Lodge, No. 3 - :
placet.ttoothpr toy, —“ ‘ ’ " '
mi ' i ‘“ 1 ' -
literary composition- itis by no moans perfeef,
It baa ibff mefifcof-bainff ‘/to thftppint;”n j
TMTta frkvgzs. vaw. Uvbjtz v? i «
- 4 rit u Dis.- lay letter top let u np Dat i am -in.
jrfvwianT Bljnmne let kne toim Wlet<ejf
ef Uidout let me'nq'however Wahpre
idpia wether ulnyiine.. br not my .HattJijiijps
so.wen4,Upk,ny!,ri Dat i cant tie -nnffit^rio'f
1 Cftteies-, fhinks.ii ireAird Har^Tilwonf & rf^ishave
200 " • 'PfLfcX nn'i-ry !
t td SBttt idK w eind - ^
:»cb nnaon-r^
r mi k
j*: 14 ;ci- st acriifj
imr..t j-j £> firj ^wq a rrritax.- U_nt -li. r.O »*»
j v- J /or n RtuMrS bsw-ffi-f J ei 1
i uttu.ut Sj n! w .0*
- rS“
<v> 7.1ft 3b intinprusdl f.a=M*xii sri.v erw M-
iima ^Htw-rmnvroio i5-iflA*i*14
4 u ex*k«i*fe*C vi tRifc psir'-io
yteimg «ent»M.-h'rte8®v «4*fifti m » r ^i
nj«uced„of whiflh- yqn .-will aopa,,hea,r ; tlje re-
RKRAWB.f* nosS.'K 'wiyafa »4f niTbaoc! . I mVAfestr i
TMs-ls tvstraightandTapidamrdiief the fhMtl i d» r“ .1 e " i z:
; niionniaiatr-a *" w jn ri nibJS inr! 31:; c-i com (i j ai is ra 1 n -q.'n air 0:« sibi en i idjr.w S'l
}*±? -m ,0: fi!jdftf<niies4ftb?oi:atp -T dnrt-liibrw^a wrrw ntevJ ir .soroifc x ?uhotex?
i b*£*«l»£c! boctww *'ir vr ^WbiIHbb'bSUtla icrt nici ww itr* JI sr'f hit
>4 .a .jrtoflaJU *ifiifciinw-a utdtmijr ,u> ivjf.w’wrrbvnvtrt boortwoltjoftcc-rx*-* jtofqii-'
ceedings of : the " Gi^iufl : tiorfrmtffidertf, Kfe^h
: TirfipiaV, at- AUgust'a, Ga., ApriDaf< 1869.;
7 Tho Grand Masteritben said.i. Right Wor
shipful Gr.}ixd Treasurer,- : yon. will,now degps it
the casket-ia-the cavhy Jieueqth the corn ir
stone, au;l niay the Great Architect of th4 til i-'
vcisc, fn Uw wisdom, 7s gi‘arif! L thafl ages -upon^
Ages shall iws.; iatey era it again to; Seen >f,
ixnai.;oLet;tht''jtane-ho^8l%eed.;ip‘.to l b«d I , ji ie
order v^ts.oxgcuted as .tho. baud Dlayed a. » 1;
emfi piece or music. . ‘ 6 ' “ * - 1
The a.siaten'f iire?.i'fcHJ' 1 5fr. ; 3?ftaS?4At 110
absence of Iho clii-if aTCtittect, then present id
StoAh-ad liaMtriSrith .fitoiPliitab^fi^Are ap4
Jjoynl;A--jb>g-xa4 coi-^o-ti
i -oa.i
. .toVVl VX7-
fin timfrl sfwesD ext/ «ta4c«*' >1 ‘ 1 >kl
I i&d-as s ( A-di <41 Qprsbi* boo-A. ’
r tE7:i*:;i£ jot st it rrwaocz;-dflT'»‘e I
j:H 1o UTiH'.vbilt or ic-i,i7-;<jis{ ovr u -d n u j(
sciii be cc -Jr.vic qftii jfinwc
wq «* Pfc r * «t batjxFit i )nra,« ahUj *** «dUto irt r^r Tfroei
urszfcibois utu» .1--«ya.M t.'d . \ . ^ * .vdceJii
J Most Worshipful t ‘Hirf neceaStey pteparAtionk
haviog been msda:for] .laying tbe fouodatiwi
r stone pf-thia edifice, I pxeseptr you the Pluinik,
1 Square and Level, those nseful implements ox
the craft by which‘jr&u wifl he Able to ascertain
that the materials haVc-been properly prtt|^%d
ted tho stone yo4 are about to lay ‘Srtdl formed,
true and trusty;”, - vr» > Ju.a-coas/xTatesAwi!
Thq Acting Grand Master then presented to
the. Depnty Grand Master, Col. Sdmh'el Irwfn,
the Square, anff'torthe Beriit* Griffid Wtfdeu!,
Hi-W, : Cowlee;.the Level, and. to- tbe.Jamok
Grand Wa.rden, Dr- .F, Castlin,-the Hinmb, af-
tor asking for the moral and Masonic uses of
those tools. These 'officers then reported that
the Bfone had •'bfeerr prepabefi by the craft 1 So.
cordiag to the testof. the tools; -.whereupon the
Grand M*aber ao.tnwuased hiftSAtjafaptipn with
the work:. The elements of cou$tor<ijbion were
then presented to the Grand Master ’ by the
Deputy Grand Master,-and consisted of‘corn,
Wihe- and oil-^-fhe- emblemo of nourtsbmeot,
refreshment and joy. .-aW ^ouOoiiXL'io.-ii «:i.
j The Grand Master then,,according to ancient
ceremony, poured the.corn, wino and oH from
th'e golden ahd silver vessels, on the stone, With
the invocation: 'May the ail bounteous Author
of nature, thee saprem a God,
; ... $f£fH9r._
bnfldirrg—protect tho workmen agAihet 'AUy ao-
evdent, and preserve from decay .the structure
which wall tore, arjse. -And. m^yhegranjt
in needful snpply, the’eorn of nourishment,' the
wiueof refreshm£nL-Wldjtto.oil of jpyf u - i T8
which the r»Apon«ey^k3jgiTqnx -V^S mote it be.”
The Grand Master then struck'the stone three
lime3 ddtSr the fesrrel, and thfepUbliAhonors-were
gitenv : He -then -ntnened. dm tools to.the srob-
«. -!P.f .n BHi imjlTOfiOTxfflbier-
hood, wbeirthA ‘band agatn-'played-'ai'pleee'Of
ffiusic. and tho-;orator of .the day; HonuiWash-
ingfcon Foe^ prpofededi^ft the addr^a,
another'piece Of mvwio
was give tt,':tbe-Bori*diotion pronounced by the
Grand Chaplain, ftad j thAiday
^-d^ l%rga.^hiong flfjgfFMMMfo
to: Lt J : IUe FrttpfH isit Jjlerto
Qrmtp^dcncf of ^oarfoa AjiyJ J1C . i;
nOu prisoners got'in,
inside- tB-tetl
“garnius,’‘ or “street-boys,’! as xthoy are .called
here? among, them* i( A Jrem.endons, ; tojte
Sell reegiye^ the red Housers
of the French infantry and the blue' costume'Of
the ’iatcBsf Td 3 oach : Wtrria£e-'ftero :! wOT 0 dhe
Frusaan private of either oft the two.segUncmte
who stormed:fhe G*i»ibprg (goat> lp)U afe^qis-
" ” '
The Trench we
f Tiroi.a j .
and finally we.fiafi to mor^-amqnitian,'’
xaMttoTtWite: “a 9 k hiin\
he had got. “Eighty,” -
’s replt. J : “Noi*> tell him'that I,
who' 'tod only: sixty, had foaty-fiveleft when I
took Jam; Aad-tellhvn. that tfie strength 01. an canMpts qf rnefl ,aodqf cartridges aftd
that firing away eighty carfriegefl 18 ju-rt tne
same as losing a' niah.- ‘ They did'very sferibaff
dUttgd to cm ftt ihe b&giiUiiog«—roar regimint
lost 609 ;men; Jfnt at; the expense qf sqofi a
number of shots that wo knew they were more
weakened than we ‘^erel” When this waft ex-
pIAiiied te tbe PtehcWman'to said:—‘Tknew it,
too; but too date. - We; never- before fought
•gainst anoh troops as yoors. We rnnat no
longer skirmish as wo have been accnstgiaed to,’ ’
Most of the prisoners’were taken as skirmishers,
fn a cave Which ftyrrrif-d thoi# cover, and whdro
tbey-wero’csit off by the- rapid and continuone
advaaoe of the PmwiauH. ■ ,
-c »nr 11 it ■-■.-■■■.- . « » );| , 7 -., - ,7-jnrt----
GiypBlc Description of the Montana
. .tetxlci of, lUiliug n Sloge-tonch—
Sketch by a Passenger. - '
rFrom the Helene (Montana) Harsld of the 18th J ’
&b*UUr. t r..T.Go«Bpq!,UxAS6, : A,ug., <V l%p c r
Ariwsra £parJc» ,
c'jDxteBiasi. I arrived tore last night wyll
fn-U&eha. ‘ i gaVe tfie’AArno pdr-
tibuBtrB of thO tobberyxof otir ooaah ta theoper-
Uir, whoq I,fancy,, forward.them, simultanepujdy
with my private dispatch. I will give you a de
tail of what I saw and heard:,
; NothlrfgApebial occurred on the trip until the
second day-'crtit, -Wbon ; it began to-' bovagaely
whispensd at the several atarious ttot we would
probably he attacked at Pleasant V/dley. The
reasons wer^ that twenty .or thirty head .of
horses and - mnle8 had beefl stolch the previous
day; 'and'that -threb tofisimen had been drivten
off '-by-Kferkeetdali’A mea. -while ..prowling about
-,^'rench were partly squatting,'ibfit^tBeir,
'dffli Irfriteddiehi'to'sTarid up c fibos^Htfeir
rtrfpect for the peOpte-of theoapit&Ll -X'. 'n cj- ot 1
White they wero slowly passing before me lilt, —
eiamiirea tfi4 esprMflidfr ‘c^tktSr-ccfanteiiances. j ^ftha cuihioa erf ypy scat )>y /inttiKg, q r in
of ; some annety on tne p^rt or in© driver «nd
guaril—both of whom -Were armed with (fiibt-
giinfe and-'revolvers f va passed the first starinn
south of Pleasant .Yhltey, safely, but it was be
tween this and the next that, we. expected Die
fan. Lieutenant Hamilton 'of"Fbrt'Ellis' wafl
with me, snebthe tbroo^Ghinamea.- I only had
qpe.woapqn of. defense*,. We.wereali now watch
ful, and te toetoxffi-tefietoeft ff.49} trfe-bed of
Pry Greek, ^te is wtot caught out earn : Click
click.! click click! ‘‘Halt!” And like ah ap
parition threb' r6ad agents sprang from tbb rooks
a few feet from thCOOhch. Oob AewTits Henry
rifls on ito .leaden, Ato next on the driyox, j^id
the third paid hjs complimcnte to. the lieuten
ant, and injself by pfacing fhe muzzle or hie
needre'jgufi'fn'Tathe'r htidorhfortable pruxibiity
to 'otir oafry,’ and, As tbs' drivsv pitiniy rem arksd,
’-‘tto munzlBS of them nflea appeared a» largftM
A nine-mop atoyeptoe.” J, instantly seized spy
iasv,”but a touch of caution from Hamilton
vised'patience.’ 1 ' Not knowing what the is#ue
' a ffidr-bright tof -I Oon ceiled. my money
drink.tq tpejftwny fellows of Southern Trance
abdbf the'-AtlBi,Tittl'irm38 my * Cab'follb'wibe
trkek Of the rirteuldr railway,:.oosar .which - the ttoxStotermijpQk Thjs
cixcalar.railway-on.a le.vpl with, thq xoad^ has
; .ri process of time' been fined 'witn no'arife‘s, _J And I
is, in fast, now a strdWw&iltrtg^-^Defistrifikskte
of people stooffalfiflglt; At last I waa over
taken bydffibliifeiiv atrip Itfzifc pMk. Bat how
pod its aspect jChanged;! , It ^opkfid -as ^ever
railway trsirfhad lookea before. "That fratem-
rnanOn of the prisonete with'thri* bbjri had-’be
come ptofeit; number* of them-bad orept Into
•the caeriagtAiitedurere riuiigibetwoen the Jogs'
%i f •
caps. . peveral had provided themselves with 1
Calk" Tiioie that Could riot-'gfetTirtd the-crowd-,
fcd-’cdrrlegea had climbefixoil the top:Of them,,
tniieie theff amused.tbeeiselyea by ptandinfe qn’
-few besc^ ^d fe?apfeh»BS ttoffi toff t T>re.
were no stairs, no protrading boards, that boys’
l wtotohotontiiDg rijm^een fm-tc JistenU
tbe ttein leoktwntfieh BUt&m idol, -WtoABob-
ftande of legs and tttoeteuflfi.-nL armaiprotmd-,
;essArab, with a.fmrf
m<31y hiacdsomO fac'd; who ekci:
D'teerilbtttterititM? btecaoai ha looked flit,
tiko s mmuL Tue people, -is, iin
jjeseqtod hi in, with a, tan, with wtucti he kepi
'anniughimself "and timflingin ttie rifost " arc!
ancfcOqUettish'wAy; being evidently accustomed
to have his fun with the poblian J reached.the!
terminus of tho Sactete Railway by a short cub
‘Mate tho tmin, bhfacanUtgatlittnri]<riUrgr4a^
difficulty, owing toexAfaSf immense crowds by
_.$fe? r £“SAfSSUwgSS
mannfabtare, had poured forth Will greater
masses than were visible:at the:west : ofethe
towm, r-tunm d ob h at j Jjafaca.-n ii-i _.u;TJ
skin, and
%rinUiK' 'Even'rite tjM|^iaPf>«-;piiiMc tot the
’.priaanerffWMfllletddQitto toixAxtoWft-xsnd^fipg
The greatest efforts maaeby the police were of
^ jfijaran
■^eehlte’b lrfdtes-fthl pteoided ■here,-unadothe
crowd yield.J-Tto prw(»«8 g^pavl^-atogi
, l —-’-jgjou^^ggro**-
a ponm
SrtftefefWtedgl v , j. u UMfHBltl
tecs or jdirectly from Brussels.' A gtealer &unu-
ber of th^ Tterfcntltau vf-Asrexpetetfcould wHfej
for those: that eotfirP Hot the others ftet««L 1 It
rendered the French extremely at htoir htto tb
be waited upotrbyuo'-imtnjrpretty and eleganj
girl*, wboall flaenc^rtp^ke Frenoh. When thj
ladies earns,to
JKAlMUr, w ■
•tlie ftenrfc The GenAan - aoldtoHi whoWo-
oortiwnied the prisoness were enthnstastio -With
negard to. the (J braj-efy with whiol) the -French
tod fought, nftaSr.tfie !Gei«o-pe r g .HaJ^beep-
stormed,* * They pointed Ortt‘fourteeu metr, bq-
Iorighig‘to the settetyffourth regiment of the
line,' who wet e the whole remaiadet Of tto regl-
ment left standing on the battle field, but wrio
refused to surrender-, and who, deprived of oin-.
inuriitiori, kept-oft fighting at the-point of tto .
bayonet. As theTrpaeiteiS:^^-
them, they r09to4 a,t.last in a body upon them,
and threw thein down Wrestlfrig." “iVowse a no ns
Ktedie la niert;« - Bald-tee of them to m*,.
etmiha nbtra eekwtrip eow&eviwUtt y<r*£^
tteriitofta ¥ StitmbsUflqhrnjjt vt- [gVb <
Tb« train had brought the horse of Gep.
■* —.a. .Th>.A.'“biV,” toid'a-Wtislfiri'p’TfvKtb;
;™*5 C *tee!
: wsw A S4gs«ioiaa ijUertloft^ondtbe feplyiftf : tl»e
intelligent and well^doiKr^bwaa-IsIditiie
ta'.e of the whclnw. —It was, - We weraTAo
x My pompanion Jiad^ previously
i the. band} qfliis drawers. *
. _ .men ‘ had by this time ’aiboto, rind
a then?' , $!>lierBB. * icsHeaeed' Miein^flbd
Uoted the pragreasof affair* «iteide... t 3jto
driver put on the brake the moment they, chal
lenged hinq.„ He askedwhat.they wanted,',
.. iEe.treasure boxes, feaiaffiey. !, ' :r !
“ *JarHgnB as SMW> drivel- ; j'hbr'etheyart,”
arid -threw -eutrlbe-light ori^fi-am Virginia Oily;
I baliavod-o m—trite a a jI iox 1 aatH itff T
:‘‘Yqu tofe^aqthPF. of ,; tlieS6 ' Boi d : 0w
’ ’ " "es,” was , th0^pfy. a «'"^d'I' Wrigriiai
** “T&ftrip°lt'oht,-" -wtts the command. :o / j .
•» This-wasdone, smd. aiepping a^de, he picked
HP an Rxe.^qdj.began chqppiiig the Jigtopne
open, Jt took him full fifteen' minutes, and
liwd worka^Mte ’^teferi^ttodlttfoOrilentft’s „
0 '“There's noMiing ih that d-+d. box;’’ to ned,
evidentlyanmlx enraged. .; 0 - otiMT ~ow
1 .He next attacked tto Helena box^which con
tained about six thousand dollars,'I believe.
He remarked to thejlrt'v&'f; diiring the progress
of. opeawg-ito boxes, ttothft was do-
“-'“Ar«Pffi»eftri* any ptaasengera ftbqard?’’oto
^^‘defoAtj 1 Juffi? 1 ¥11 a Vtfiofe th'at'OenidWSribe
-riristeken. *\Ve told the.boys to get onfc They
•werewery unWilling tq go,Uqt the*finely tqjn-
ftd, nuj-m ShP lea^et field, hjs rifle to their head*
and demandedtheir‘'rLoa'ey. with' m'aEy pro-
testatiOna of pOverty,‘they*said they bad” Uofte.
‘Gnw’ said ‘ ^jpwo dollars hap alee if no more.”
They wonW not-, ihextorisfied, bpfc yit^
; x-— told them tb''* 1U — 1-1
re they stood if ti
one hrestripped'i
d bodts.ftttd'took whattoey tod;. • -”.J
i The third and last who todrte largest- amount
of tuoooy- (to,M)0), strpng.aroupd,his nook or
in a belt. 4 e handled very roughly. He'took
"hTslongknirerCAbdat twelve?richeS),' -nhd ripped
strirt, veit-hbd-<ioatfrom top to bottom, and Abe
f »ld fell out wittralieavy “thud” to the ground.
avifig’ HnishOd,- they ordered them into the
'coach; and toil then to S‘go op,” much to. pur
Itotof,, todtodf i<x \ tolly ejected that we
—pnld be next. _ \Ve cannot explain thefr'^ar-
Smyiflionr faVrir;btrt think ffififttoy Were
afrttid to Alterdpt to* force os ontx r. i . ..t -
I coniri easily tore killed two pf tpem, bqt it
did not like to force. The nind curtains being
down, none of them' conld' observe our. morve-
m*nts; hence I had the “drop” on any onff of
the toed .events of Morrtteai'df
d^enfl«i%n»Hi.' -
to-night for my desrination, and
hope I will find everything all right. It jfe 1 **
^perteAtomsiibatdtooRoj^ek qp%tffi w$a.
,ii ; - -Yours, very truly,..
•UJ . -cxlrjT^mdt.1. “Buonx. 1 ewn.TH,,
inihscvu laaKS' ■
Df A.‘ JftPHteM*.,
- no avaltY J o'rily -fficF fete’
Btsinarck’N 1 riclM*in Frauqe. r
‘ boiled 'beeCfi'rcad ‘nuTetSt&S: a • fl * : ^ciM‘to‘4to NowsYorbffimaaixom Ppne,
pint of beer, and H‘t?gte,'tevetythrrig'2-I'tStetfe<l August 30ih, illustrates the Tricks of the busy
them mygelf—Of - tto very* best ‘quality.. Ai Bismarck, as follows: .. ..
eight; htedrtfl^hffdtbtoft expected -insjof ^^;-i ngas V so.i-i liaVe learned today,
five, hundred, tho strongest appetite ^ould bd .... —u.s -—-- -—-—
satisfied. . , . ' " ' * . . j
' Supper finished, the ladies presented eorres-
poudehde chrds- tU the prisoners to write to their
friend*. ;witb a propfitAM ahquid jbf
>m a very well-informed source, some curious
As regarding- Prussian espionage. One of
Aha present:writers#! t,he.Cologne Gazette was,
/or a long time, one. of the editors of the Baris
JournalLe Temps, and was well received at
the MinWtVyte-! &fto-'ftfekuppoSea to bo awarm
frienif of France, am* was. dacorated. Ah the
a spy.
_atne Ik BackCri 1 ' Anfther-iPrfisbfeitt named 8i-
farin-waWone of the editownof the ministerial
orgenof Paru-v4he-Cqpstitutiqnel- Hia-eAl«y,
as editor,_ wan only $1125 a month, and hetod
no private fortune." J Neverthless he kept up a
large establishment and ba<P 6arriAgft, hestees,
eto .He was well rep'eiveid kt the ministets. He
had free access to'tffe best sontees of iifforma-
if<&, and Was dCcOrafed with thef legion of bon-
ot; As sOon as warwaa declated he, too, mad*
off lor partiii unknown- ^oth Bicker. up£ 8i-
Tppn Hi diqgniahed themselves in the Fans pa
pers by the violence of their 1 articles against
ssfa "Tbte system of Bismarck’sta perfect.
- ; Mis8 MfjGin.LO^a TO' AsBBvittK.-G-We
‘feardfroni the Abbov3!iPreas<fe Banner of the
ctitceht'ld merf-u -sald’^oti# of them' to. m*,- 26th iastaint, ‘.that :Misfc Isa)»eUa MqCqlloch,
“ * —------- ri*idisu»g'Sii9bod- l pfiipa;4pn n iii ^oompaniMi
' ’ * e oit'Eri-
tted,pr;ma..dP«na 1 ,&c;oqo
•blliltfcjil ia.^at -.
day..last,, on, a visit to ncr feiSto'e- 1 ’ to / ,
vlciuUy. Stic will rfeinMu, tvc lfeartr, 4 rtsVetal
r s>t<2Uo*fQ_>z
liliog ship owne-i»l»4Port'
;? a J m tor a et •. _
Mlfift m> Iw-thte'-.-d tobi?Ji :xif t.'an.i SaEftli wsi i tp* ti &n— .v^ra&r.i' j
'!!>*'■•} s^.iuol avt«* tidair l yoc-A xe i sjOsxe-O otraf .iOSMrtf4 w<4 • rijwse* sttoi
Jaaarsf h» ,wl towffntpff wttte ^ 4bskmltafaiayfftiuaQ. jsk