Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, February 07, 1871, Image 7

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• SjMBPTirEflpS ' ■ v*w - „ nf'FASE and Ir.diges- I to a .-renter ex*-"* > I “ »**S-t^ny ottwr—l* ^FT.;« .nxiowly w«< I 2i(f‘ fij ;Vcr is regulated h U almost Want of action * l* 3 Headacho* C“ Fain in ‘be •^.0 palpi'*^ A fes- g£“ Sr? ►> r — its variably a the Liv itipa'ion, - ^.alders, or Stomach, •lonth Bilious in of the Heart, .- Spirits, or Blues V d other symptoms, MONS’ HVt£R KEG r id the best remedy lor r over been discovered It Idly, effectually, and being a y e vegetable compound, can do ,-Diary. It is haimless in every J.jr; it has been used for 40 v and hundreds of the good /aid greet from ail parts of the coen- tr“ will vou'h for its virtues. Regulator. or , medicike. J. U. ZEIMS A CO..PHOPfclETOBB. TESTIMONIALS: ^siS^S&’SSSUMi V. t/cboft medicine I ever used for that i** 0 / 1 ; i* purports to cure.-H. F. Tmoral. a good and efficacious medicine. — 6.4, Wfe • liter P»“' ... ,Ju 0 B.°LtoN. and H. L. Lyon. Bcllefoc. U'inf, <» *• i v y Simmons' Liver Regulator, after v jfjjfuffcr 'i several > with Chills and Fever.” -O’.AvoiKS^-jf h used t h c Regulator for testify to its great virtues.-’-RKV. J. R. sj{¥'-‘X^'vnur medicine a thorough trial, and >i«Sfi5u«S failed to give full satisfaction.” s sm«Mmcu.M. Chattahoochee, *,a. wife has suff rcl from a derangement of the lim f" rears: has tried several eminent physician* .flit and finally derived more benefi t from S°R«iV»tor“hM anything else ”-Kecses Jos is. S - ! fthi'nk S Simmo«3’ Liver Ko S txUitor one of tbe sjaBas£.^irAJ®iJls® ^ Kefufator was" used by me for Costiveues*; .Xi a vtra happy and beneficial effect, and that. £££*£» the same is a good medicine.’ ’-J. A. ^•Utve dcrivedTsouie benefit from the nsoof Sim- _T ver Kevulator. and wish to give it a further S.r-lloN-. Alex. H. Stf.pbrs?. Ga. "'•i ; our Regulator has boon in use in my family for ■at lime, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addi- ii a lo the medical science.’ —Gov. J. Gill bnonTKB, ‘■fea'rftSsasswSKSW aaassswssrssss n*ei by the i*rofefsion it would bo °f 8 * rvi J-® l “ 1 know very xnucli ot- its component Tins 7 , and can certify its medical qualities are per- ifftlv harmle s. —B. F. Griggs. M. D.. Macon, Ua. “H'e have tested its virtues, personally, a.ndknow tbatffr Dyspepsia, liiliocanesr, and Phrobbi^K Head- i?t(. it is the best medicine the. world over saw. Mo hire tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, but none of them gave us mere than brief*temporary relief: but the Regulator not only relieved, but it cured us.”—Ed. Telegraph and Mes sers, Macon, Ga. wild an x uauiovcr wore . 1 *v.' J T n .T.7o tiv. Horn Chills and fever.’ —Gardner L. Davis. ^"I have used Simmons’ Liver Resmlator. as prt^ pared by ZeilinA Co., with the happiest results. I regard it as one of the vory bc-t medicines for all I&eases of the L»ver of our Southern climate. Jus* A Vigil. M. D.. Vallambrosa. Ga. "From actual experience in the use of this mod 1- cise in my practice. I have bcen..and am. satisfiooM sse and prescribe it as a purgativo medicine. Br. J '"l‘havVuiod Dr. Simmons’ Liver Regulator in rny family for some time, and look upon it as the best oedicinc I ever saw.”—J. Lloyd. . “I havo used Dr. Simmons’ Liver Regulator f'r Liver Disease, am was cured by it. —I. IV. Goff, B "1 have used Dr. Simmons Liver Regulator in my finrk for Dyspepsia andSick He*dacbo. and regard it so h. valuable remedy. It has not failed to givo rtl>’ in any inetance."—Rev. \V. F. Easterling; " For fifteen years I was a great sufferer from a 01 ordered state of the Liver. Tried many of the besr ibrsicians and almost all the patent nostrums; but from the time I used one package of your medicine, which is now several years.I have been comparatively »sound roan.”—Major A. F. Woolrt, jsnll-d&wtf “ Botany snoru> be taeoht in every scjiooi., and these Volumes should be the Text-Books.”— ttof. J. S. Davis, University of Virginia. BOTAMIGAL - TEXT-BOOKS, By Professor ASA GRAY* OP HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Author of “ How Plants Grow,” “ School and Field Book of Botany," '‘Manual of Botany,” ‘‘Struc tural and Systematic Botany,” etc., etc. THE publishers beg to call the attention of those I about forming classes in Botany to the well- known works by Professor Gray. Having been carefully revised, thov present tho lateat ana mo«t accurate principles and developments of the science, and it is sufficient endorsement of them to state that they are used in almost every noted Col lege, High School and Seminary in the country, and tro recommended over other series by nine-tenths of the leading Professors and Botanical Teachers in the Cnitod States. No antbor has yet approached Professor Gray in •he rare art of making purely scientific theories ana dry details popular and interesting. From hie thinning elementary work, *• How Plwnts Grow, to his more elaborate “ Manual,” there is one sim ple, condae, and yet exhaustive method of teaching the various grades of the study. , , Descriptive Circulars,-giving fall titles and prices •ill be forwarded by mail, to any address, on appli- cation. IVtSON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., Publishers 138 and MO Grand St, Now York. feb5 eow4t SPENCERIAN STEEL PENS, Manufactured by the Original Inventor of Steel Tens. T HE CELEBRATED durability and perfection of action of these Pens arc owing to a peculiar process of Carbonizing, and to the great care taken in their manufacture by the most skilled and ex rienced workmen in Europe. They are a nearer approximation to the real SWANQU1RL than anything hitherto invented. For sale by Dealers generally. SAMPLE CARP, containing all the J^eumbers, artistically arranged and securely in- dosed, sent by mail on receipt of2iK!ENTS. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., 138 arid MO Grand Street, New York. fel>-5-eow4w A PROCLAMATION’. GEORGIA:” By Rufus B. Bullock, Governor of said State. IVhereaa, Official information has been received *t this Department that E. A. Rhodes, who has been Wnvicted of tho offense of horeo stealing, and sen tenced to the penitentiary of this State by the Snpe- tior Court of Cherokee county, is now at large; therefore, 1 have thought proper to issue this, my Proclama tion, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of tho eeidE. A Rhodes to the principal keeper of the Penitentiary. Given under my hand and tho Great Seal of the State, at tho Capitol in Atlanta, this second day of February, in the year of our Lord Eigh- teen Hundred and S eventy one, and of the Indepen dence of the United States of America the Ninety- fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. HytheGovomor: David G. Cornso, Secretary of State. Jebld3wlt STOP THE THIEF! STOLEN from the subscriber, on the 23d inst, O one bay Station, ten or twelve yeora old, has no S°es on, and is without a blemish. I will pay a liberal reward for any information concerning said oorse. W. H. PARKER. Darnesvflle, Ga., Jan. 26,1871. Jan27w2t Burdon Iron Works*' A TAXUFAOTURERS of PUMPING ENGINES AJA for Water Works, High and Low Pressure En- PiU6s, Portable Engines and Boilers of aU kinds, etjgar mu Screws; Lever, Drop and Hydranlio Hesses; Machinery in general. , , . HUBBARD & WHITTAKER, lebe-codiwly 102 Front street, Brooklyn. mmmm T HE HOUSE WE LIVE IN. The mind is the tenant of tho body, and unless the tenement is kept in good repair,^he immortal occupant is de pressed, distraught, miserable, and sees things “as through a glass, darkly,” not a3 they really are' When the stomach Is relaxed, the liver torpid, the bowels diaordeied, and the nerves unstrung, invig orate, vitalize, regulate, and tone them with TARRANT’S SELTZER APERIENT Its operation is certain, painless and salutary. It briDgs the action of these important organs into conformity with the laws of health; tho spirits rise, tho brain clears, and the capacity to enjoy life is restored to desponding i SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. jan20 dcod&w2w OB3LsE33PlAT?HI3 STUDEBAKER WAGON! FARMERS and TEAMSTERS, There are NINE REASONS why yon should buy tho above wagon! FIRST—They are made of the best selected Indi ana Timber, thoroughly seasoned under cover. SECOND—They are made by experienced free labor, and not by convicts. THIRD—Tho lightest running and moBt durable Wagon in the market. FOURTH—Their thimble skeins never break, while ell others do. FIFTH—Most uniform and best proportioned Wagon in market; any part of ono will fit another, while other makes will not. SIXTH—The only Wagon in which the Slope Shonlder Spoke is nsed; hence they have tho best wheel, which is actnaliy the foundation of the Wag on, and should be carefully examined by persons ^SEVENTH—They are eold only by responsible paities, and every Wagon is warranted to give en tire satisfaction. EIGHTH—Becanso Teamsters will tell you they are the beet Wagon, for all purposes, on the road. NINTH—Last; but not least—Studebaker Broth ers are practical men, attend to their business per sonally, and dp not entrust it entirely to Foremen, as is generally the caso in largo Factories; hence the superiority of thoir work over all others. ho superiority of thoir work over all o Crfciend for circular and price list. Sold by W. W. COLLINS, SECOND STREET, MAOON, GA. jan6-eod&wlin.• A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA. • By B. B. Bollock, Governor of said State. Whereas, Reliable information has been received at iiiia Department that on tho night of the 18th of January, ultimo, a party of disguised men, known as the Ku-Klux Klan, about thirty in number, wont to the house of Hon. Alfred RichardeoD, a colored citizen and member elect of the Legislature, resid- in the town of Watkinsville, county of Clarke, and after having effected an entrance by cutting down the door of the house with an axe, some eight or ten of them proceeded up-etairs, to wheio tho inmates had fled for safety, and upon finding the said Rich ardson commenced firing upon him, and seriously wounded him in three different places; and, Whereas, the wife of tho said Richardson, while standing at a window calling for help, was shot at ten or eleven times by some of the party who had remained outside, all the shots taking effect in and near the window she was standing by; and, Whereas, this is the second attempt to assassinate the said Richardson, which has been made within a recent period; and, Whereas, the authorities of tho said county of Clarke have failed to ferret out or to secure the ap prehension of the perpetrators of tho outrage above recited; notwithstanding one of the members of tho Klan, a whiteman named James Fonder, a resident of the county, was badly wounded and carried away through the county by tho other members of the Klan, and, as is reported, has since died and been buried without inquest: . Now, therefore, in order to effect this object, and to maintain the sacredness of human life, I, Rufus B. Buixock, Governor of said State, do hereby issue this, my proclamation, offering a reward of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho apprehension, ar rest and conviction of any one of tho parties en gaged in the perpetration of the outrage aforesaid; and One Thousand Dollars each for any additional number more than one of tho Klan engaged in com mitting tho outrage above recited. Given under my hand and tho Great Seal of tho State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this second day of February, in the year -of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one, and of-the Indopen- - dence of tho United States of America, the Nine ty-fifth. BUFUS B. BULLOCK. By tho Governor: David G. Cotteg, Secretary of State. fabl-dStwlt A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: By Bufus_ B. Bullock, Governor of said State. Whereas, On tho night of tho ICth of January last, James Elder, a colored man, residing on the planta tion of Dr. Elder, in the county of Clarko, was taken out of his bed by seven or eight disguised and armed persons, who had forcibly entered his house, and after having, by them, been taken outside and stripped of his clothing, was whipped in a most cruel and brutal manner, inflicting near one hundred lashes upon him; and, Whereas, it is reported that no other reason was ascribed by thoso parties for thus treating the said Elder, but that he had publicly commented upon the fact that some of tbemasqnes and clothing used as regalia by the organization known as the Ku- Klux Klan had been discovered by a colored girl hid away under a pile of com shocks on the plantation, and had been warned by certain white persons not to repeat his statements in regard to this discovory of Ku-Klux regalia; and, Whereas, outrages of similar character havo late ly been perpetrated upon nnoffending and peacea ble colored citizens in said county of Clarke, without effectively enlisting the efforts of the good and law- abiding citizens of said county to bring to justice tho guilty parties; and, Whereas, the peace and tranquility of tho State demand that active and strenuous efforts should be made to prevent in future a re-occurrence and repe tition of the outrages bo frequently committed ot jate in said county of Clarke: Now, therefore, in order to vindicate the majesty of tho law, and to insure full protection to tho life and property of every citizen, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor of said State, do hereby issuo this, my proclamation, offering a reward of FIVE THOU SAND DOLLARS for the apprehension, arrest and conviction of any one of the parties engaged in the perpetration of tho outrage above recited, and One Thousand Dollars each for any additional number more than one of the “Klan” engaged in commit ting the outrage above recited. Given under my hand and tho Great Seal of tho State, at tho Capitol in. Atlanta, this second day of February, in the .year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one, and of the Independ ence of the United States of America the Ninety- Fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Corona, Secretary of'state. febidStwlt SLATER, A. R. Principal, Bout. F. Johnston- A.-B.,) , . , W. ]L Sms, A. B., / Associates. pledges his best efforts, based on — — ~—f——01 sixteen years, to malio tiio course of instruction thorough and complete. Both associate teachers are graduates Of Georgia Univer- qualffiSuons 15 f ° tha lield of ' 01611 Ubors tho best Should the size of tho school demand, other and competent aid will be employed. , The Apparatus, Philosophical, Chemical, Astro nomical and Mathematical is -already extensive. Classes taught practically as well as theoretically in all departments. An extensivo Library of Standard Works will be at the command of tho advancod students. Literary Societies will at once be inaugurated for iprovemeut in Forensic Declamation. A number of eminent gentlemen have been en* gaged to deliver a series of lectures before the in* el i tut ion and the public. 2>oard $15 to $20. Tho Sholastic year ia divided into Fall and Spring Sessions—consisting of sixteen and twenty-foitr weeks respectively. Spring Session commences Monday, January 23, 1871, and closes July lOtb prox. Duo notice will bo given of the opening of tho Fall Session. Tho Summer vacation will be short. Terms—Spring Session: Tmsn Claes—Orthography, Reading. Primary Geo graphy, Mental Arithmetic and Declam ation §18 00 Second Claes—Above studies—English Grammar, Penmanship and Composition §24 00 First Class—Studies of 8d and 2nd Classes, Latin and Greek Languages, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Englieh Literature, etc §30 00 Incidental Fees §1 00 Tuition for each session required in advance. Tho Principal refers for himself and associates to tho Faculties of the State University, Mercer and Emory College, also to tho large number of stu dents undGi pupilage in Alabama, now scattered throughout the South. decl5-wtf Hew Stylos, Seduced Prices. MASON" & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs. For Parlors, Drawing-Rooms, Libraries, Churches, ‘ y-schools, ~ Sunday-! Lodges, etc. T HE most popular and widely used of large mu sical instruments. Elegant as furniture; suit able for secular and eocred music; not requiring tuning, or liable to get out of order. Fifty styles, at §50, SG5, §100, §125, §150, §160, §175, §200 to §2000 each. The Mason & Hamlin Organs aro tho acknowl edged standards of excellence among instruments of the claeB, having been awarded SEVENTY-FIVE MEDALS or other highest premiums, for demonstrated supe riority, in Europe and America, including tho firat- claea medal at the Pans NEARLY 1,000 MUSICIANS. Including a majority of the most eminent in Amer ica, and many in Europe, have given written opin ions that they EXCEL ALL OTHERS. (See Testimonial Circular Sont Free.) New Styles and Reduced Prices this month. An- Hlnstrated Catalogue, with elegant illustrations from photographs and fall information, sent free. Address MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CD., 596 Broadway, New York, or 154 Tremont st., Boston. For sale "in Macon by G. P. GUILFORD & CO. nov2G eod&wtf A BOCK FOB TBS MILLION. MABBIA6E ..M’&te rfedor those about GOTBB. &STCS& on tho physiolog ical mysteries and revelations of the "physical sys tem, how to preserve tho complexion, etc.. This is an interesting work of 224 pages, with num- erous engraving, and contains valuable information for those who aro married or contemplate marriage; still it is a book that ought to bo under lock and key, and notlaid carelessly about tho house. 6ent to any one dree of postage) for 50 cents. Address Ur. Butt’s Dispensary, No, 12 N, Eighth ^ N Vi°cf$ °THE AFFLICTED AND UN FORTUNATE. , . „ ^ v . Before applying to tho notorious Quacks who ad vertise in pcolio papers or using any Quack Rem edies. peruse Dr. Butts’ work, no matter what yeur disease is or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail on thodifcascs mentionedin bis works. Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, bot. Slarket and Chesnut. St. Louis, Mo.- , LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. MI WHITCOMB’S SYRUP. MRS. WHITCOMB’S WHITCOMB’S It is tho Great Cares Coli^3Ed_ Grip; PUICi ENTS. PRICE 25 CENTS. CEti Pil ing in the Bowels, and facililitates the process of Teething. Subdues Convulsions and over comes all diseases in cident to infants and Children. Cures Di arrhea, Dysentery and Summer Complaint in children of all age3. t Infant’s and Chili Remedy in aU disorders brought on any other cause. Prepared by tho GRAFTON MEDICINE CO., St* by°brnggistj and Dealers in Modicina every where. iuno30-d4wly PRICE 25 Idren’s i by . teething or Soothing Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a* Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no ono medi cine is so universally re quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universal ly adopted into use, in every country and among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative Fill. The obvious rea son is, that it is a more re- . liable and far more elTcc- ? tual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured thorn; those who. havo not, know that it cures their neighbors and fnends, and aU know that what it doe3 once itdocs always —that it never fails through any fault or neglectof its composition.. We have thousands upon thou sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, hut such cures are known in every neighborhood, and wo neodnotpubU3h them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their -3 them ever fresh and makes They operate by their powerful influence on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stiranlate it ' into healthy action—remove the obstructions or tho stomach, bowels, liver, and other ot-ganB of tho . body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange* ments as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in tho wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Fills rapidly cure:— _ For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, listless* ness, languor and loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate tho stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action. For Xtrer Complaint and its various symp toms, Bilions Headache, Sick Headache, Jaundice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bilious levers, they should be ju diciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove tho obstructions which cause it. For Bysentery or IMarrhooa, but ono mild dose is generally required. ~ For Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Palpi* tation of the Heart, Pain in the hide, Back And loins, they shonld be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Bropsy and Bropsloal Swellings they should be taken in large and frequent doses to pro* ducc the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a largo dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Vinner Fill, take one or two Dills to mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad* - vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Dills makes him feel decidedly better, Item their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. DJt, j, C. AXDJl & OO., Practical Chemists, ZOWJEZD. MASS., V. S. A. Sold by L. W. HUNT A CO.. J. Hi ZEILIN &CO. I.L. HARRIS A CO., and all the Druggists In Macon Also, all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where.iaeodawAaw 1 to pro- Second-Hand Cotton Machinery FOR C ONSISTING of Openers, Lappets, Cards, Drawing Frames, Speeders, Spinning Frames, etc. This machinery is bnt partially worn—all in good condition, and will be sold cheap. For desciption and price, apply in per son or by mail to THOMAS. S. SHAW, Agent Tremont and Suffolk Mills, G-eod&w- ‘ ‘ oct2G v-4m. Lowell, NOTICE. ■VTOTICE is hereby given that hereafter all the JN Legal Notices of the Ordinary of Mitchell coun ty will be published in the Macon Telegraph and Messenger. This January 11th, 1871. • H. C. DASHER, jan!7w30d Ordinary M. O. S A B A L GSADALXS! r pHB-GKEAT AMERICAN HEALTH RE- A storer purifies tho blood and cures Scrof ula, Syphilis, Skin diseases. Rheumatism, Dis eases ol Women, sad all Chrouicniffections of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Recommended the Medical Faculty, and many thousands our best citizens. Read tha testimony of mans and patients who have used Hosa- you much valuable information' Dr. K. W. C.rr, of Baltimore, says; I take pleasure in recommending your Rosadalisas a very powerful alterative. I havo teen it uted in two cases with happy results; ona ia a case of secondary syphilis, m which tho pa tient pronounced himself cured after having taken five bottles «f your medicine. The other is a caso of scrofula of long standing, whioh is rapidly improving under its use, and tho indi cations are that tho patient will soon recover. I havo carefully examined the formula by 8 Tenn., says: I havo used seven bottles of Rosadalis, and am entirely cored of Rheumatism. me four bottles, as I wish it tor my bro has .who has scrofulous sore eyes. Benjamin Bechtol; of Lima, Ohio, writes: I havosufiered for twenty years with an in veterate eruption over my whole body; ashort time since I purchased a bottlo cf Rosadalis and it cffocted a perfect cure. ElOSA'DAliSS IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . 43*Laboratory, No. 61 Exchange Place, Bal- timore. Clements A Co., Proprietors. 6-eod&wtf j. ii.,iN a co, L. TV. HUNT & CO. BITTSRS, DELIGHTFUL TONIC Ti|7'E tako groat pleasure in offering thooldCaro- Y f lina Ritters to the public. They are compound ed with great caro, and contain some of tho best Ton ics in tho Fharmacopia; As evidence of the superi ority of our Bittern overall others, we havo certifi cates from many of tho loading physicians in ©nr tato, who havo prescribed them in t r practice. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will bo found invaluable for WANT OF APPETITE. GENERAL DEBILITY, CHILLS AND FEVER, DYSPEPSIA We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all dis eases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., Importers of choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. For sale in Macon by inay25-oodiwly L. W. Hunt & Co. TJITHY ia It that so many childron <l ; c under the f T of live years ? Tn at a largo j .-©portion of children die under that age. has long been a subject of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer tained, it is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in tho human system from its earliest infancy; therefore parents, especially mothers, who aro more constantly witn their children, cannot be too observing of tho first symptoms of worms: for so surely as they exist, can SAFSKV AND CERTAINTL’E' Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by the timely use of B. A. FAHNESTOX’S YEBKIFP6E. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercry, being Purely Vegetable Composition, the UTMOST SAFE- Worm Confections, made more for th. purpero oi pleasing the palate than of overcoming tho disease, havo been manufactured all over tho country, but their short lease of life is nearly exhausted, and B, A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge continues to grow in favor daily; CAUTION. Should occasion require you to purchase B. A. Fan nestock’s Vermiiuge. be particularly careful to sat that the initials are B. A This is the article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829, And purchasers must insist on having it, if they dc not wish to have an Imitation forced upon them. SCHWARTZ & HASLET T Formerly B. A. FAH»rsrocr’8 Sox & Co- SOLE PROPRIETORS. ^PITTSBURGH, Pa <tec9-deod*wl» EMPIRE NURSERY, NEAR EUFATJLA, ATABAMA. FRUIT TBBBS FOR THE SOUTH. A* J, STJRLES, Proprietor. No Apple, Peaoh or Pear Trees are sold bnt those that have been tested and found to be the best for this latitude and section. pOA IWj Ui WUU VW * each. Catawba and Clinton Booted Grapevines at §6 per 100, or §50 per 1000- Kufaula, Ala.; Real a, fcsmger, j&niauia, Aia; uoi. n J. Irby, Barbour co.,'Ala.; Col E. Lime Banks, Co-. Iambus, Ga.; Col G. T. Shepherd, Columbus, Ga. All communications ahold be directed to dec9-wtf JAOOB SMITH, Eufanla, Ala. n EORGIA, QUITMAN COUNTY—Will be sold VJ before the Court-house door in Georgetown, of L. L. Harrison to satisfy one tax fl. fa. Also, at the same time and place, Lot No. 141 in the 21et district of said county. Levied npon as the prop erty of E. P. Blackshear to satisfy one tax fi. fa. feb2-rttd* D. JOHNSTON, Sheriff. of Lewia Linen, late ot routnam county, dece has made application for Letters of Dismissal— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons interested to be and appear at my office on the first Tuesday in May next, to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. jan5-w4m D. 11. REID, Ordinary, CATHERINE E. WEEKS, > Libel for Divorce in vs. ^-Telfair County Supe- JOHN A WEEKS. ) rior Court, I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant is not to be found, it is therefore ordered hy tho Court that services be perfected by publication in tho Telegraph and Mes senger in terms of the law. JOHN McDEABMED, Attorney for Libelant. A true extract from the minutes of my office, this 27th day of January, 1871. WM. P. CAMPBELL, janSl-wlamlm Clerk. At Chambers. December 1,1870. Benjamin Pitts, \xibel for Divorce In Dooly Supo- SalliePitts. J rior Court, October Term, 1870. t T appearing that the defendant in the above stated L case is net a resident of the State of Georgia, but resides in the State of Alabama, itis Ordered, that service in said case beperleotednpon her by publication in a public gazette, in aocordanse with tho statute in such case made and provided. C. B. COLE. Judge S. C. M. O. Gsoecu. Dooly Cons tv—I hereby oertify that the above and foregoing is a true extract from the min- S ven -lamia - - pt EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY;—Whereas, Annetta vT Boifeuillet applies tothe 'undeisigndd for Let ters of Administration upon the estate of Henry W. Boifeuillet, late of said county, deceased. All per sons interested are required to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any^they havo, why letters should not bo granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. feb2 wtd O. T. WARD, Ordinary. /GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—All persons in- \JT debtad to tho estate of Andre Auguste Dassier, late deceased, aro required to make immediate pay ment to tho undersigned, and those having claims to render them in terms of the law. feb2 wtd MIT,0 8. FREEMAN, Adm’r. EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—All persons in- UT debted to the estate of Joseph Tarratt, late deceased, are required to make immediate payment to tho undersigned, and those having claims, to render them in terms of the law. feb2 wtd MILO S. FREEMAN, Adm’r. EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Four weeks after VI tho date hereof, application will be made to tho Court-of Ordinary or said county, for leave to sell all the personal property belonging to the estate of Bobert D. Walker, late of eaid county, deceased. JOHN W. BAER, Adm’r. February 1,1870. feb2 wtd P EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after VX the dato hereof, application will be mado to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the personal property belonging to the estate of Andre Auguste Dassier, late deceased. February 1,1871. feb2-wtd MILO S. FREEMAN, Adm’r. /GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Philip VX Mallory applies to tho undersigned for Letters of Administration npon the estate of Allen Scott, late of said county, deceased: All persons interested are required to bo and appear at the Court of Ordi nary on the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters should not be granted tho applicant. Given under my hand offi- Ci fe^2-wtd O. T. WARD, Ordinary. EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Four weeks after VX date hereof, application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of eaid connty for leave to sell all the personal property belonging to the estate of Joseph Farratt, late deceased. February 1,1871. feb2-wta MILO 8. FREEMAN, Adm’r. rvEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. J. J. Amason, Guardian of Jamcf, Lcnora, Ann R., and Sarah Hill, applies to tho undersigned to be dis charged from said, gundianslrip. This is to notify all parties interested to bo and appear at tho Court of Ordinary, on tho first Monday in March nest, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Amason should not bo discharged. Given under ray hand officially. dec6-w3m • C.T. WARD. Ordinary, 7AS?ER COUNTY. r* EORGIA. JASPERCOUNTY-Whereas,Richard VT B. Phillips. Administrator of tho estate qf \Y ll liam Phillips, deceased, applies to mo lor Letters Dismissory from his administration. . .. Therefore all persons concerned-arehcreby required to show cause, if any, why said Administrator sh-uld not be discharged according to law., . ‘ Given under my hand and official signature De cember 30,1870. J. \Y. BUKNiiY, jan4-w3m Ordinary. /S EORGIA JASPER COUNTY—Whereas, John VX B. M. Phillips applies to mo for Letters of i Guardianship of tho person and property of Hattie E. McDowell, minor and orphan of Daniel McDowell, deceased. Thoso aro therefore, to cito all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before tho first Monday in March next, then and there to show cause, if any they have,why said letters should not be granted- ' • Given under my hand and official" signature this 21th day of January, 1871. J. W. BURNEY, jan 26-w30d Ordinary. /-'I EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY—Thirty days af- vX" ter dato application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, for leave to soil the lands belonging to the estate of Pleasant P. LoYe- joy, late of said connty, deceased. JOHND. LOVEJOY, decl6-4w Administrator. BAKER COUNTY. Baker County Sheriff’s Sale. Tuesday in hi arch next, 2 bales of Coiton.300 bushels of Cotton Seed, more or less, 300 bushels Corn, or loss. Lcviel on as the prop.erty of Drewry W. Porter, under a mortgage fi. fa. usntd out Of the oa- nerior Court of said county. John J nckson vs D. W . P jm7 r -w30J- WM. JACKSON. Sheriff- T>AKER COUNTY SHERIFFS SALES—Will be II gold before the Court-house door in Newton, Baker county. Ga., on the first Thursday in Febru ary next, between the legal houre of .sale, Two Thousand Pounds of Seed Option, more or less; one hundred bushels of Com; five hundred bun dles of Fodder. Sold as the property of John Ray- field under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior Court of the county of Baker, in favor of Wm. Hudspeth vs. John Bayfield. dec31-wtd WM. JACKSON. Sheriff. TO AKER COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES.—Will be X> eold before the Court-house door in Newton, Baker county, Ga-, between the legal hours of Bale, on tbe first Tuesday in February next, the follow ing described property: Lots of Land Nos. 179,181. 298, 297,178,176, in the Twelfth District of said county, as the property of EL D. D. Twiggs, Admin istrator upon the Estate of G- W. L. Twiggs, de ceased, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Connty Court of the county of Richmond, on tho 26th day of February, 1867, in favor of Jacob A. Van Winkle ya. H. D. D. Twiggs, Administrator npon the Estate of G.W. L Twiggs, deceased. dec31-wtd WM. JACKSON, Sheriff. Baker Connty Sheriff’s Sale. UATILL be sold before the Court-heuso door in Y V Newton, Baker connty, on the first Tuesday in April, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing lots of Land to-wit: Lots Nos. 157,168,163, and 164—all in the 7th district of-Baker county. Levied on to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Jona than Donalson, Trustee for Ruth Williams, vs. Andrew J- Williams and Samuel Cox. feb2-wtd WM. JACKSON, Sheriff. JONES COUNTY. jones Sheriff's Sale. 1X7ILL be sold before the Court-house doorin VV the town of Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, 200 acres of land, more or less, lying on the county line between JoneB and Bibb, near Walnut creek. Levied upon to satisfy fi. fa. No. 9 from Jones Superior Court to Apiil Teim, 1870, in favor of John Mulloy vb. Alexander Sweeney, trustee for Mary Mulloy. Gin-house, dwelling and other houses on the place. Terms cash. B. P. COOK. feb3wtds - Deputy Sheriff. pi EORGIA, JQNES COUNTY—Obdisaey’s Of- VX FICE, January 81,1871—Wheieas, James H. Bonner applies to me for administration on the es tate of Caleb Stephens of said county, deceased: These are to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to show cause, if any they have, at this office on or before the first Monday in March next. Given under my hand officiary. febD-wtd B- T. ROSS, Ordinary. Jones Sheriff Sale. t tttt.T, be sold before the Court-house door in VV in the town of Clinton,-on the first Tuesday in March, between the'legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit: 900 pounds of pressed Cot ton, and a lot of Cotton in the seed, supposed to be four thousand pounds. Levied on the property of S. E. Woodall, to satisfy mortgage lien in favor of Campbell A Jonos. Fi. fa: issued fro-a Jones Supe rior Court. B. 1*. COOK, janl5-wtd Deputy Sheriff. EORGIA, JONES COUNT . m ..oiy’s Of- iX vice, January 17th. 1871.- - . »nolifyall persons concerned that Luke Wi .V .u> 2 coun ty, has applied to me for setting apart and valua tion of homestead and exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock a. u., on the 2d day of next month. Given under my hand Officially. R. T. ROSS, jan20d&wlt Ordinary. Jones Connty Sheriff’s Sale. TTTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Marsh next. YY before the Cenrt-honse door in the town of Clinton, between-the legal hems of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: Forty-five hundred pounds Seed Cotton and one thousand pounds Fodder—all, more or. less—'’evied on as the property of Green Franks, to satisfy a moitgage lien in favor of R. J. Turner. Fi, fa. issued from Jones Superior Court. janl2w30I R. P. COOK. Depnty Sheriff Marion County Sheriff’s Sale. XTfILL be sold at the Court-House, on the first VY Tuesday in Marob, between the legal hours of sale, Lots of Land Nos. 64 and 65 in the 4th dis trict of said county, levied upon as the property of J. W. Wiggfns to satisfy a fi. fs. in favor of Tillman A Glemanta vs. said Wiggins. _ ianlB-wtd JOHN HANKS, 8hemff. TI/TABION SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold be*. IVL fore the Court-house door, on the first Tues day in April next, the following property, to-wit: All the Type belonging to the Manon Banner. Levied upon and wiUbeeoiato satisfy a mortgage fl. fa. issued from Marion Superior Court in favor of Joseph L. Dennis vs. John P. Burt. Principal *300 P REUBEN HAMILTON, jan24wC0d Deputy Sheriff. EORGIA MARION COUNTY.—Whereas, VX Daniel M. Hall, Administrator of Leah L. Hall, deceased, has applied for dismission. interested are hereby notified to file thoir ob jections, if any, within the time prescribed by law. WiW» A an 18-w3m Ordinary. G eorgia putnam county.—sixty days after date application will be made te the Court of Ordinary of Putnam connty, for leave to soil the land belonging to the estate of Mrs. Nancy Middleton, late of jratnam county, deceased. JOHN MIDDLETON jan 24-w60d ' * Administrator. HOUSTON COUISXXi EORGIA, HOUSTON COUSTY.—Whereas, Isaac VX Woodward, Administrator of James U Davis, late ot Houston county, deceased, makes application for Letters of Dismisuon from raid estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all it any tney nave, why said Letters stn aid not be granted. Given under my official signature, this 26th November. 1870. W.T. SWIFT. novi'j-w3m Ordinary. /'1EOBGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY-rWhoreas.' Isaac VA Woodward. Guardian of Mary C. Singleton, peti tions to be dismissed lrom tho same: These are rat . tion should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 14th December, 1870. W, T, SWIFT, Ordinary. dec20-3m __ Samuel . andAman- ently. deceased, late of said county, having filed his final return in my office and prays letters di3missory. These are, therefore, to oito aU persons to show cause (if any can) within the time prescribed by law, at my office, why letters dismissory should not be granted. oct!7-w3m* J AS. J. RAY, Ordinary. TWIGGS COUNTY. Willis ’owlcr, .J ■ Fowler (de-. ceased), apply to me for letters ot demission from their said trust: These are, therefore, to oito and admonish all per sons interested to be and appear at my office in Jeff ersonville, on or be'ore the first Sfouday in May next, there and then to show cause, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my han ' ber 5th. 1870. dec7-w3m. lid not be granted. 7 hand, officially, this Dccom- JOHN F, SHINE, Ordinary. Administrator’s Notice. A LL persons indebted to tho estate of Wm, H. _CA. Read, late of Twiggs county, deceased, are here by notified to mako immediate payment, and all per sons holding claims or demands against said estate arereqnired to presont them, legally authenticated, within tho timo prescribed by law. or they will bo barred of recovery. B. F. READ. dcel6-2mdw* " Admnistrator. estate of Joseph King, deceved, applies for Letters of Dismisrion from the administration of raid estate: therefore, the kindred and er'editors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objtc- tions (if any they haveTin my office, in terms of law; otherwise letters dismissory will .be granted tho ao- pl leant at tho Match Term next of the Court of Ordi nary for said county. By order of tho Court. JOHN F. SHINE, novS0-w3m Ordinary. G EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY—Wherees, Hil liard S. Newby auplies to mo for permanent Let ters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Ann E. Churchwelt late of said county, deceased, these are. therefore, to cite and adm-nish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office in the time prescribed by law,-a>.d show cause, if any they have, why eaid Lettois should not be granted. Given under my hand officially, January 9,1871. „ janl2 w30d JOHN F. SHINE. Ordinary. T iVIGGS SHERIFF’S SALE.*—Will be sold be fore the Court-house floor in the town of Jef fersonville, on the first Tuesday in March, between tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to- wit: Four hundred acres of Land known as LotNo. 42, lying in the Three Hundred and Twenty-sixth District of Twiggs cot ing it. Levied on as to satisfy fi. fas. in favor officors of the Court. Fi. fa. issued from Twiggs and Pulaski Superior- Court. JOHN RENFRO, jan25wtfl Deputy Sheriff. Twenty-i. nty. Also, parts of Lots j'oin- the property of E J. Collins vor of Ml E. Solomon and tho MAOON COUNTY. G ] Martha EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.—Whereas, Mrs. 1a E. Hougabook and A. D. Smith, apply ing to me for letters of administration on the estate of Daniel Hougabook, late'of said county, deceased This is to cite all and singular, the kindred and cred itors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Monday m March next, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent pu» (irantA/1 te naid appli cants. Given under _ hand and official signature, this 4th, 1871. janl5-wtd JOHN. L. PARKER, Ordinary. my] January 14th, 1871. M arion county sheriff s sales—wm bo sold before the Court-house door, at Buena Vista, between tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the following property, to- wit: 132% acres of Lot of Land No. 76, and seven ty-five ‘acres of Lot No. 20. Said parcels of Land being in the Thirty-first District of Marion county. Court; tin; one in favor of Mahala Butt, the estate of W. M. Butt vs. said Rustin, undone in favor qf Tillman & Clements vs. said Rustin. Said property pointed out bv defendant. REUBEN HAMIT,TON, jan25w td Deputy Sheriff. Macon Sliqrlir-s Sale. W TT.T. bo sold before the Court-house door in the townof Oglethorpe, Macon county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, IOO acres of Land, more or less,being that part of Lot Number one hundred’and twenty-two (122) in the 2d district of originally Muscogee now Macon county—lying east of a certain branch running di agonally across said Lot. Lovied on as the prop erty of James M. Barnes to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor o( Nimrod B. Busby vs. said Barnes. feb2-wtd T. J. WINN, Deputy Sheriff. Mhcon Sheriff-Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court-house doorin tho town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, within tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, by virtue ot a fi. fa. in favor of A. W. Harman & Co, vs. A. Bonaud and C. Genesi, issued ont of the City Court of -Savannah, tho ioUowing- property to- wit: 173 barrels Stemfel’s Guano or Saperphojphate of Lime, 5 sacks Peruvian Guano, 3 barrels Dissolved Bones—in warehouse at Montezuma. Also. 9 barrels of Stemfel’s Guano or Superphosphate cf Lime. 3 casks Baker & Jarvis’ Island Guano—in warehouse at Oglethorpe; all levied on as the property of eaid defendants, A. Bonand and C. Genesi. Property pointed out by plaintiffs’ attorney. jan6-w30d H. L. HILL, Sheriff. DOOOT COUNTY. EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—WhereaB, John (J N. Adkins applies to me for Letters of Ad ministration upon the estatA of Turner Smith, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite all concerned to bo and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand And official signature this January 21,187L WM. H. DAVIES, j an 24-wS0d Ordinary. /•'t EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—All persons in- VT debted to the Estate of James D. Lester, late- of said connty, deceased, are required to make im mediate payment to the -undersigned, and tho having claims against said Estate will present tho to him within the time prescribed by law. Decei ber 30th, 1870. JOHN E. LILLY, Adm’r de bonis non with the will annexed.- dec3I-w6t WXLKXNSON COUNTY. Georgia, Wilkinson County. Isaac H. Watkins, adm’r'l , of Lucinda H. Wright, I In Equity; Bill for dlreo- . . -? 3 -.. . . L tion. In the Superior Mitchell Watkins et al. f Court of said County. Heirs at law of . I October Term, 1870.' Lucinda H. Wright. J T T appearing to the Court that the children of Levin A Watkins, deceased, Sarah Cottonhead, deceased, (formerly Sarah Watkins,) Tabitha Brown, deceased, (formerly Tabitha Watkins) and a portion of the chil dren and grandchildren of Wealthy Fountain, for merly Wealthy Watkins, who are heirs at law of the said I ueindaH. Wright, do sot reside within this State, and it further appearing that their names and residences are unknown to the complainant in the above stated is therefore ordered by the Court that they and each of them and all others claiming an interest in said estate, do be and appear at the next term of this Court to be held on the first Monday in April next, then and there to make known and estab lish their identity and relationship to the said Lucin da H. Wright, and the nature and extent of their claim te participate in the distribution of the estate of said Lucinda H. Wright. And it ts further ordered that service of this order be perfected upon all and each of them by publication of the same weekly for four months previous te the next term of this Court in the following public gazettes, to-wit: Weekly Tele- eorgian,1 . Gxoaoii,'wiLKiKsos County—Clerk’s office Supe rior Court, October 25th, 1870. I hereby certify that the within is a true extract from the minutes of said Court. OctoberTerai, D-70. _ oct3l-lam4ms GEO. W. TARPLEY, Clerk. Wilde^C. Cleveland, ex'tor.l Bill for Direction. In- I junction and Settle- Vi, > xnent. j Crawford Superior G. P. Culverhouse, et al. J Court. Oct.Term,187()l It appearing to the Court that George M.Baze- more and Edna, his wiffi. William C. Simmons and William Cleveland, are'defendants to said hill, and are non-residents of this State, and cannot be served with copies of said bill: It is ordered by the Court that said defendants be served by publication, once a month for four months, in the TanxaaarB and Mxssixoib, a gazette pub lished in the city of Macon; and that said defendants be required to be and appear, personally or by attor ney, at the next term of this Court, and answer the allegations set forth in said bill. Smith Jc A lexasdsb, ] Hall ABbowx, • ( ( Simmons, J I oertify the above and foregoing is a true oopy from the minutes of Crawford Superior Court, Octo ber Term, 1870. ootl5-lam4m JAMES J. RAY. Clerk. Complainants’ Solicitors. M- SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MF.1>ATR % AWAIII>KIM» THE GREAT "SoiltaM’ MANUFACTORY. WM. EN ABE & CO.. MAHUPACrUBXBS OF ; GRAND, SOU ARK AND UPRIGHT FIANp POB.THS, BALTIMORE, MB. T HESE Instruments havo been before the publio for nearly Thirty Years, and npon their ex cellence alone attained an unpurcliased pre-emi nence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, sweetness and fine singing quality, as well as greatpurity of intonation and sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUGH is pliant and clastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found in so many Pianos. In work manship they are unequalled, using none but tha very best seasoned material, the largo capital em ployed in our business enabling us to keep con tinually an immense stock of lumber, oct.. on hand. C3-A11 our Square Pianos have our Newlmproved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. CSTWo would call special attention to our late improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grands, Patented August 14, 1866, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano Fully Warranted for 5 Year*. Wo havo made arrangements for the Solo Whole-; sale Agency for the most celebrated Parlor Organs’ and Helodeons, which we offor, Wholesale and Be- tail, at lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNABE & CO., - septIO worn Baltimore, Md. ggfeS * ► g 2 * M 0 P a sa o I © P m c+ 1 U I s hi W O e d o w m H 6) H Q 0 H £ a a m W p § P* £ o a o S 0 05 S S £ | w ■8 9 I Q. hj W O < i—i m rt O « fe 0 P 0 ID ID ® H 0 P ID >• a 6 V I H 9 S3 o fed o o fed * H ► H 8 p B » W - Ck W. SE L. QUILMABTIK. JOHlf FLAKKXB7 1. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., Cotton Factors & General Cenmoi BflES&C BAT STREET, ; : : SAVANNAB, GA. tor BRADLEY’S SUPERPHOSPHATE Domestics, etc. A GENTS for A. OF LIME, Jswell’s Mills Yarns, Domestics, etc. Bagging, Rope and Iron Ties, always on band.. -Usual Facilities Extended te Customers. sept22-w<Un Languages speaks r. The Principal of daate of the Musical SOUTHERN EEMALE COLLEGE, Lagrange, Georgia. IHIS Institution, under a corps of seven thor- h Teachers, will resume exercises the LAST SDAY IN JANUARY. The Professor of Modem French and German fluestly. the Moaio Department ia a graduate < Conservatory of Leipsic—for yeans a pupil of tha celebrated Mendelsohn. The osly two sbwuxs at the Btate Fair “for best performance on the Pl ano by pupils of any Female College,” were awarded to hie pupile. Entire expense of a young lady pec annum for board and lUerary tuition, §269,75. For particulars apply for Catalogue to dec20-dltw8t* L F. OCX, President. H AS removed to the store on Mulberry Street recently occupied by J. W. Blount, where ho will be pleased to see bis old and new customers. The beet quality of CLOTHS, OAflSIMEBES and VESTINGS always on hand, and made up on rea sonable terms and in the most approved styles* nov!4 tf A VOID QUACKS.—A victim of early induoretian. A causing nervous debility, premature decay, cbo., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has dis covered a simple means ofself-curikwhich he 1 " ‘si—sa