Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, November 26, 1872, Image 7

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Tlie Greorgia, Weekly Teleffratxh. and. Journal & Messenger, SIMMONS’ REGULATOR T HIS unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to con tain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For Forty Fean it has proved its great value in all t:--«es of the Liver. Bowels and kidneys. Thou- .on is o* the good and great in all parts of the country n ,anh for its wonderful nd peculiar power in nurify- tne the ltlood. stimulating the torpid Live' and Bow- iif a L d imparting new Pfe and Vigor to the whole jiVcra SIMMuSS' LIVER M KGULATOR is ac knowledge,l to have no equal as a Liver Medicine — It contains four medical elements never united in the amc happy proportion in any other preparation, nit - a c ntlc Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unex- C, I,ti li able Alterative ana a certain Corrective of all impurities of t e body. Such signal success has at- it- use, that it is now regarded a< the rea ,-.7, line Specific tor Liver Complaint and the painful ofi-pnt,* thereof, to-wit: Dyspeisia. Constipation, Jiundice. Bilious atta :ks. Sick Headache Colic, De- ;,,, „f spirits, our Stomach. Heart Bum, etc. ,,i ,tethc Kiver and prevent Chillsand Fever. Simmon.-’ Liver -Hegulator is manufactured only by J. II. ZEILIN Si « «., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Pn’eeil per package; sent by mali. postage paid. >,. pared ready for use in bottles, $150. Sold hv all Druggists, beware oi all Counterfeits and Im - Itatio .•* iune28-dawly CD C nil ft I —TICKNOR & CO. |!.nvUitnL,the celebrated Clothiere, niiounee the introduction of a plan of or- J doling clothing by letter, to ••• hieh they call ’ your special attention. They will, on appli cation. eeud \ou their improved and accurate rules for Self-Measurement, Illustrated cir cular and Price ist, »ith a full line of sam ples from their immense stock of Cloths, t’a-simeres. etc , etc., thus enabling parties in any part of the country to order clothing direct id om their l.ouse. with the certainty or receiving garmentsof tho very latest style a:.d most perfect fit attainable Hoods ordered will be sent by express to bs p id for on delivery, with the under standing that if not satisfactory, they can be returned at Ticknor's expense A is well known throughout the South and West, tlioy have for 17 years EXCELLED in all departments of th -tr business, which is a guarantee as to tho character of the goods they will send out. Four orders are solicited, and when in St. L uis, yon are invited to cal' at the extensive ert&b'dshment of Tieknor A Co , m&nufactu rers and retailers of men and boys’ Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 601 and 603 Nortt Fourth street, St Louis, Mo. Boys clothing specialty. octs 2m A tireat Sacrifice of Property T HE undersigned being dosirons of changing his business, has determined to offer his Land, Stock. Farming Tools, etc. at the unprecedented low price of $3,010 cash The place contains 600 tsrea of land, six miles southeast of Cuthbert, in Randolph county, and on the line of the Bruns wick and Albany Boad, a ba,f from the depot. There are 250 acres cleared and in s fine state of cultivation: fencing and buildings in good repair. Tnere is a nice stream of water running through the place, with a water gin in full v.ew of he dwell ing, and iu a healthy location. The stock consists of mnles. hogs, cows, goats, farm tools, buggy, ws on, e'e Come and see it, if you want a bar gain My Posioffice is C ithbort. Ga. _oct5w ’ra J D.LENNABD. A DMlNlSTBATOlt’S SALE—By virtue of an /l order from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb c ni.ty. will bn sold on the first Tuesday m Decem ber te xt, during the legal hours of sale, at the 0<ut heu:0 in said oo'tntv, the following lots of — -1 •. 11. - CutlwWai,, y . Jfp : oo r tajn- it 2*4 acres; No 4, containing 4 act os; SO o'. con tain g 6 ’errs; No. 6 containing 6 acres; No 7, containing 4 acres; No 9, containing 4 acres; No. 1". continuing 1 acre; No 12, containing 6% acres; Nr. 13, containing 1 acre; all sitnated in the East Macon Dis.iict Held as the property of Wm F. Wlllurn, late of said county, deceased. Terms «eb. FRANCES J. WILBURN, oct22 td Administratrix. P EORirlA HI B COUNTY—Alexander M- ffett vj bao applies for exemption of personalty, and 1 wnl p*B- iipoo its Hone at ten o’clock a m., on the s iih ,iay of November, J872, at my office. Given undo.- n r hand officially. £Oji0 2:O. T. WARD, Ordinary. RESTORE YOUR SIGHT. Old Eyes Made New. All diseases of the eye successfully treated by Bnll'a New Patent Ivory Eye Caps. Rc;d for yourself and restore your sight. I>ectael*?and surgical operation? re:, lire ; useless, •ic Inestimable Blessing of Sight is made perpetual “Jthe moot the now Patent Improved Ivory Eye Cap*. Many of our most eminent physicisns, occulists and “Monts and divines, have had their sight perma nently restored for life, and cured of the following diseases: *• Impair-d Vision; 2.Pres’yopia, or Far-Sight- eir.ejs nr Dimness of Vision, commonly called Blurr- Vl* ; Ayhenopia.or Weak Eye.-: 4. Epiphora, Run- '?, r Witcry Eyes; 5. Sore Ky*s—specially treated a "■ Cui-a—cure guaranteed: 6. Weakness of .. f| na. or Optic Nerve; 7. Ophthalmia, or Inflara- carioaof theKycand its appendages, or imperfect viimn from the effsetaof inflammation; ^-Photophobia w,i* •°* , .«“*« of light: 9. Over-worked Eye?; 10. ^ydesopia-moving .-pecks or floating bodic before * ^5WS$V.® r Obscurity of Vision; 12. ii??*" Partial Blindness; the loss Of sight. iia eBn U 5S the Ivory Eye Cups without the nd of D°ct r or Medicine, so as t, receive immediate wneucial results and never wear spectacles: or, if non* now, t> lay them aside forever. We guarantee “ c “' e >? every ease where the directions are followed s * »e will refund tho money. 2309 Certificates of Cure, Sj® J 0 ? 8 ®* F ,rmer »* Mechanics and Merchants, nme of them the most eminen Heading professional kV..-'* 1 e,s man Md women ofeduoatlon and refine- r H 1D 1 nr eountry, may bo seen at our office. .vV^w 4«teof March 29 Hon. Horace Greeley, of r* New Fork Tribune, writes: “J. Ball, of our city. Ii. e ;htciertiousand responsible man. who is incapa- viSjuiutsnHonal deception or imposition. Merrick, of Lexington, Ky., wrote April TWIGH&8 COUNTY. sell all the real property belonging to the estate of Tbeophilus A Pearce, deceased. , ALEXANDER PEARCE, oct2430d ' Administrator de b mis non. T?XECUTOR’S SALE.—Wi l be sold before tho Xj Court-house door, in Jeffersonville, Twiggs coun ty, on he first Tuesday in Janaary next between the LSntl hoursof *a!e. acreeab.e to tbe last will aedtes- t .mert ot William Crocker, deceased, three lots oi land, containing each 202)4 acres, more or loss, all in the 25tb Dismct, formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county,(numbersnot known.) situated near Marion, the tormer counts rite of said county of Twiggs, and joining the lands of William Faulk, Charles Faulk and W’illiam Solomon, a- d known as the Crocker Plantation Sold as the property ot Will am Crocker, deccsscd. Sold for the pnrpose of distribution among tho heirs. Terms on the day of sale. _ , W. N. L. CROCKER, oct29 tds . Executor. ( T EORGIA, TWIGGS COUNTY.-Four weeks after date hereof application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all tho lands bcl nging to the estate of Wm. Read, deceased. JOHN H. FiTZPATRtCK, otcll 30d Adm’r de bunis non. fi EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.-Wherea*. Emma VJT J. Lewis applies to me for Letters of Adminis tration on tho estate of Abel E. Lewis, late of said county, dereased: Those are (0 cite and admonish ail persons con cerned to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in January next, to show cause (if any) why said letters of administration should not be grantc 1 to said applicant. Witness my hand officially this 12th day of November. 1872. octl4 30d J. U. BURKETT. Ordita-y- /^tEOROIA, TWIGGS COUNTY—Whereas. J. R. VJ Wimberly, exeentor on the estate of Piety Stee ly, deceased. applies to me for letter?-of dismissi<-n: these are therefore to cite aud admonish all and ’insular, tbe kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pro scribed by law to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted to J. R. Wimberly, executor. Given under my hand officially, this November 12, 1872, novl4 3m J. U. BURKETT, Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S 8 ALE.—By virtue of an or- -a*. der of tho Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold in the town of Jeffersonville, Twiggs eonnty, on the first Tuesday in January, 1873 between the nsual hours of sale, the following described lands belonging to the estate of Tho .philus Sauls, deceased, to wit; L'tsNos.26. 30.50 acres of Lot No. 27. and 16 acres of lot No. 3i—containing in the aggregate 471 acres, more or less, in the 23d diitrict or said county. Sold for the ben- fit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terras cash. novHtda WM. B STEELY, Admr. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue ofanor- der of the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs coanty, will be s dd before the Court-house door, in the town of Jeffersonville, in said county, within the legal hoursof s**le, on the first Tucslay in January next, <00 acres of land mo;e or lest, known as Read's River Flats, lying neat the residence of Wm. Read, in the 28th diitrict of said county, as the property of the estate of Wm. Bead, late of aaid county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate. Terms cash. JOHN H. FITZPATRICK, rovlltds Admr. do bonis non. BASB& COUNTY. 13AKER MORTGAGE SALE.—Will be sold, tho D first'! uesday in January next, before the Court house door in Newton. Baker coanty, Ga, within the legal hours of sale, east half of lot of land No. :-05, in the 7th district of said county, to satisfy mortgage fi fa—E. C. Bower vs. John H. Sinquefield. Property pointed in said mortage. novlwtd JAMES IRVIN. Dep’ty Sh’ffi -QAKER COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be X> sold beforo the Court house doorin Newton, on the first Tuesday in December next, within tho legal hours of sale, lot of land No.’ 830. in tho 8th district, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Baker Superior Court— Ella W. Scurry, administratrix of James R. Scurry, vs Jeptha A. Bailey, administrator of W. Z Bai ey. oct30wtd DAV1D McMURRY, Sheriff A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.- By order of the A. Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in January next, between the lawful hours of tale, before the Court-house door at Newton, Baker county, lot of land in said county No. 171. 7th district containing 250 acres. Sold as the property of Isham Fuller, deceased, and sold for di vision amongst the heirs. Terms cash. _ nov5-wtd F. M. FULLER, Admr, T?XECUTOR*S SALE.—By virtue of an order of XL the Conrtof Ordinary of Baker county, will be sold at thr Court-house in the town of Newton. Paker courty. betwen tbe nsual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in D-dember, the following lots of land: No, 292, 293. 294, £a the 7th district of Baker, 500 acres cleared land, in a fine state of cultivation, good dwell ing house, negro cabins, gin houso and press, and woll watered. . .. , Terms—One third cash.theothertwo-thirdsoneand two years credit, in-erst from da e, with mortgageon land. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of M.W.Stamper.deceased M. G. STAMPER, Executor. Also, at the same time and place, will bo sold a valuable Grist Mill, in the townot Million!. Baker county, and 100 acres of land. m. re orless. The mill h*s two se's of rock, fine water power and liberal r*a- trnage.Ifde-irel.Iwiilsellalithcappurtenanccsbe- lo-ging to a ?aw mill circular saw. Terms cash Sold for tho hon»«t of the heirs and croditors ot M. W. Stamper, deceased, il-A. STAMPER, oc:25ld Executor. Cf EORGIA, BAKER COUNTY.—Notice is hereby VJ given that the legal advertising issuing from each of our officea willWeafter apt oar in tho G xoa- 01a TW-wo'asJu crAcamL :»xd MRaszKQka. C. GORK. O'dinary. D. M.McMUKKY Sheriff. sept28 w30d E. W. ALLEN. Cl’k S>. C. TAYLOR COUNTY. /T EORGIA. TAYLOR COUNTY.-By virtue of an OT orderfrom the Ordinary of Taytor county, will be sold before the Court-house door, in Butler, between the lega! hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, lot of land No. 147. in tbe 24th District 0 originally Mnseogec, now Taylor oonnty. containing 202)4 acres, more or less, belonging to the estate of Mr?. Efizubeth J. Mangham. deceased, bold for tho benefit off ho heirs of said deceased. Tenns cash. JAMES O. MANGHAM, Adm’r, octlS td Of E. P. Mangham. dec’d. ,irul.. I am grateful to your noble invention, may i r_ n . “ and preserve you 1 have been using ••-ctacles twenty years; I am seventy-one years old. „ Truly youiv. PROF. W\ MERRICK. J. Joseph Smith. Maiden, Mass. cured of Partial guulsei-, of 18 years’ standing, in one minute, by the ?*.« C°,P 9 - 1:'^ ! "ith them; they are the greatest invention persons wishing for full particulars, certificates ii. Pfiees. etc. will please send your addresgto y.iud «• will sena onr Trea’isc on the Eye, of forty- t.'.hy*’- free of charge, bv return mail. Write to -pf-J. Ball a CO. P.O.Box 957. No. 91 Liberty York. l&VlS w rst cases of MYOPIA, or NEABrSIGHT- i .ii , ®, °*« our New Patent Mycpio Attachments, 85? to ffie IVORY EYE COPS, hag proved a cer- for this disease. 14 *or pamphlets and certificates—free. Waste tsw. r ?®°n*y by adjusting huge glasses on your disfigure your face. _ . Jf-wjnaent for all. Agents wanted for the new »•». ^Proved Ivory Eye Cups, just introduced in bt*J, .V. ■ r ^ le *“ooess is unparalleled by any other All persons out of employment, or those tlinZ* *o improve their circumstances whether c en- l i ; 4li.v. r can make a respectable living at Hi »ad easy employment. Hundreds of agents v rotn S5 to 220 A DAY. To live agents $20 its- .iii be guaranteed. Information furnished. ****Ust° Add r *®‘ 8en<i <0r pamphlet c ^ cu,ara ond u a J. BALL * CO., Occulists. *bJ6ly ’®'B°i957. No. 91 Liberty (tract. N. X. COfTOM STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y. PIU Ml PA I. OPFIpE, BACON, GA. Guaranteed Capital $500,000 Deposited with State Comptroller for the Special Security of Policy Holders 160,000 Assets January 1,1872 $479,814 68 Liabilities, including Reinsurance He- serve 279 * 415 ,6 BOOU COUNTY. hours of tale, 405 acres of land, the tame being lots o land Nos. 71 and 72, in the 9th Dis’rictof Dooly coun ty, the same being sold as the property of laaae Pitts, late ofsa d county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, under and by vir tue of the last will and testament of said decease and for the pur; ose of carrying out and executin said will. Tne te ms of said sale will be "ne half o the purchase monev to be paid in cash on the day o sale; the other half of raid purchase money to be paid twelve months alter the date oi said Sole. Bonds for title will be given, and the title be made on the pay ment of the whole of the purchase ironey. NATHAN BO 4 IN. Ex o rior ootll tds* Of Isaac Piit .dec’d. GEORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY.- Sixty days after vJ date application will be made to the Ordinary o said county for leave to sell all the^anJ belonging to she estate of Benjamin Pitts, of said county, deceased. JaMES BROW -, set t28 2m Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE —Agreeable to an or der from the Court of Ordinary f D >o!y c unty will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next before the Court house door, in Vienna, in saH coun ty, the south half of lot of land No. 81. in the 7th Dis trict of Dooly county, containing MJ4 acres more or less. Sold as the property of Ir fin Brown, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sa.d de ceased. Terms ca-h. oct!9 td JOHN G DONOUGH, Adm’r. Y ALUABL PLANTATION FOR SALE.—By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Do liy county, I will sell, before the Court-house door at Vienna, said county, on the fi st Tuesday in Decem ber next, within the legal hours of sale, that valuable plantation, belonging to the estate ot Matthew But ler, deceased, which is composed of lots of land Nos. F9, 162.199, and on«-hn!f*of F t of land No 163, in tho 2d di- tricl of Dooly county, containing 708^4 a res more or less. There aro about 300 acres ot cleared land, and a g'od framed dwelling bouse with five rooms, a good gin house, and outbnildings on tho place. Tho terms of sale are as follows, to wit; The purchaser will be required to pay to the undersigned one half of the purchase money for said land in cash on the day of sale, and give a note bearing interest from the date of said sale for the other half of the purchase money of said land, and the undersigned will give to the purchaser his bond conditioned to make titles to said land to said purchaser so soon as the whole of the purchase money and all interest thereon » paid. oet-.O-wtd* WILLIAM ROBERTS. QEORGIA..DOOLY COUNTY. —Thirty days afte date, application will be made to the Ordinary o Dooly county, for leave to sell all of the lands be longing to thees>ato of Elizabeth A. Bason,’.ate o said county,deceased. ISAAC R. B ASON, ■ - Adm’r de bonis non. Oct26 td Elizabeth A. Bason. riEORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.-Sixty days from VA date application will be madetothe ordinary o said county forleave to sell the lands beionginc to the estate of Wiley W’ ebb, late of said eonnty, doceased. sept6601 J. E. LILLY, Adm’r. G EORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY.-Whereas, John E. Lilly applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate of H D Royal deceased: These are, there ore, to cite and admonish all con cerned to ba and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show c tuo, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted.— Given under my hand and otbeial signature this 1st day of November. 1872. WM. H. DAVIES. nov5 aOd Ordin ary. .—Sixty days from made to the Conn ol Jy for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of William Green, late of said county, deceased. nov5 60d J. E. LTLLY, Admr. /GEORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Nancy U E. Prattapplies to me for letter* of administra tion upon the esta e of Absolom H. Pratt deceased; These are, therefore, to cite an 1 admonish all con cerned to be an appear at my office on or before the first Monda- in December next to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted.— Given under my hand and official signature this 1st day of November, 1872. WM, H. DAVIES, n'v530d Ordinary. A dministrators SALE.-Agreeabiy to aD order passed by 'A* Ordinary of Doo y county, will be sola before tb ' Court ho air door in the town of Vienna, in said ci tnty, on the first Tuesday in December next, withi i the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 122. situate i I the 9th district of said county, as the property of Wl ’ey Webb, late of said county, deceased. Sold for tb i benefit o i the heirs and cred itors of said estate. 1 jrms cash.. nov5tds . LILLY, Administrator. D OOLY SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-house door in Vienna. Dooly county, oathe first Tuesday in December next the following property, to wit: Cne lot o' land No 51 in the 7th dis- acres, tiff. novStds or* or less. Property pointed out by ptain- W. L. GRAHAM. Sheriff. CZiA'Y COUNTY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.- Will be sold on th firsi Tuesday in December next, before the Cour house door in the town of Fort Gaines. Clay cou .ry. within the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate, to- wit: The west half of £56: also, lot 297. 298,299,303. and fraction 300.301 a d 3C2. contain ing J270 acres, more or less, in the 7th District o o lgmany xtsndoiph. now Clay county, and known a the River Plantation ofthe late Col James E. Brown deceased, nearly half of which is in a fine state o cultivation, and will produce f-om five to six hun- d’ed pounds seed cotton .fir.acre, withou' the ose of fertilizers,' There uoon said; .un.iMc: cabins for laborers; also, a good frame dwelling an' ail necessary outbuildings, on a healthy site ab n one and a half miles north of Fort Gaines- Also, i new and substantial two story busloe^ house in th town of Fort Gaines, and a good dwelling, with too. rooms, kitchen and smoke-house, within 300 yards o BIBB OOUHCY. B ibb COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES.-WH1 be sold before the Court- houte door, in he city of Mar eou, betweeu the legal hours of ?al». on the firstToes- dijin December next, 1872. tho following property, to wit: The entire int eres: of Chas. U. Freeman in and to 2700 acr< s of and, More or less, lying on b Ah tides of Icbesufk. o Creek, in Bibb county, adjoining the lands of Brewer, Bagby . and others (numbers not known) known as Freeman’s Planta ion and Mills, the inter est of said defendant being not le s than one-sixth of the whole, being his,defendant’s, undivided chare in his father’s estate. Levied on as the property of Charles II Freeman to ra’iafy onefi-.aissued from the Justice’s ' ourt, 716tL District G. M., in favor of N- B. Corbin A Co. vs '.has. H. Freeman. Levied andre turner by c-n t-bio. Also, at the same time and plsce. will be sold the following property, to-wit: Lot No. 4 in No. 34. situate on the corner of Lamar and Elm streets, and c jntainirg ne acre more or lees, lying in the city of Macon, and levied on as the property of Elizabeth V nablc to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior Conit of Bibb couiity in favor of the Mechanics’ Building and L an Association vs. Elizabeth Vena ble. Property pointed out in fi fa. ALo at the same time and place, will be sold the followiigdi'toribed property, to wit: A brick house on Cherry street, be! ween Third and Fourth streets, in tho city tf Macon, and known as the Isaacs House. Levied on to satis y one fi fa issued from Bibb Supe rior C urt in favor ot Wm. A. Cherry, Administrator, etc . vs Kmatmel Isaacs. Also, at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: Lots numbers 102. 103 136. 137, 170,171 and 204, eontaining 180 acres c-ch, all in 13'h dig rict of Bibb county, and 128 acres out of lot 170 in the 3d district of said county, known as the IF olfolklot,1.'obcsufkee creek. Also a parcel of land on Boggy Branch in said county, adjoining lands of i.#hnr & Mo Jail, and containing 100 acres. Also oOacics of land in ti e Uazzarddi-trictins id county, known as th- Iato residence of said defendant. Also a S arcel of land containing BO acres near Bailey’s [ill, in said county, adjoining the lands of J. W. Also the following lots on the east side of the Ormulgee river, in si d county a- shown in the plan of Dubois’ survey of tkeThnmas Woelfolk lands in and adjoining tho city ol: Macon, number 39. excepting D and t lots numbers 8.4,5,6.10.11,12, ii, 38.43.51. 68, 60,62, 95,99,102; also,lotsb, Y and Z, each containing 4 acres, more or less Also.biockl No. 3. block 2Dum- ber 2, Mock 3 numbeitl and 4, block 5 number 1, block 6 number 4. block 7 number 4, block 8 number 4. con taining 1 acre, more or less, and more fully described inthedeed of se-tloinent between the sons of Thomas Wool oik, deceased, recorded in the Clerk’s office of Bibb Superior Court, and in tho map of survey of uforesaid Dubuis ol file in said Clerk’s office, and to which reference is made in said deed. Levied on as the property of R. J*. Woolfolk, to satisfy one fi fa is sued from Suj-erior Court in favor of l.C Plant vs K. F. Wo 'lfolk. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney Also, at the came time and place, will be sold the follow rg property, to-wit; One house and lot sitnated in that part of Maci a known as Collinsville, and bet- teg known as Block No. 11, in square No. 7. Said honse and ’ot sold for partition under and by virtue of a decree from the Superior Court of Bibb oonety, in the ease ot Sallie Pope vs C. C. Duncan, adminis trator, and b. and JL, P. Collins. Also, at the came time and place, will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One honse and lot No. 72 Cherry street, and fronting on said stroet 24 feet and running back 160 feet; part of lots Nos 7 and 8, in block 39 lijhe city of Maoon. Levied on as the proper y oi Wm.T. Nelson to satisfy one fi fa issued from Bibb Saner ini Court in favor of Butler, Broome A Clapp vs Wm. T Nelson. Property pointed ont by plaintiffs’ attorniy. nov5tds P. W. DOYLE, Sheriff. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY, —Whereas. A J. Smith, administi ator on the estate of Elizabeth Smith, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dismis sion; These are, therefoie, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appeal at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in February, 1873, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted to the appli cant. Given under my hand officially. nov590d C. T. WARD, Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold.on th* first Tuesday in Jannaiy. 1873, in front of the Court houce. rity of Macon, Bibb conn y, the proper ty of Ennels McPherson, consisting of south half of fraction No. 239 eontaining 916-8 sores, in the 13th district of originally Macon county, now Bibb coun ty. lyingnine miles from the eity of Macon—20acres of laid land being cleared, the balance in timber. A few cabins on the lot. Terms made on day of sale. novl6tds*DUT50N El WIN. Admr. BvLkUlAi DIDU vGU 1 ’! 11 TT UuIOdfii LUTV(liU O’Coanol! applies to the undersigned for letters of administration de bonis non npon the estate of John Massett, late of said county, deceased. All per sons in'crested are required to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary on tbe first M'nday in December next, to show cau e, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. nov5 30J C. T. WARP, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Whereas. G. W Bar- VJ field, administrator on the estate of Duncan Me- Callam, deceased, applies to me for letters oi dismis sion: These are. therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monoay in February. 1873. to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. nov590d C T.WABD, Ordinary. „ Bibb Superior Court. October Term, 1872. Mattie E. McKenzie ) vs >■ Libel for Divoroe. William A. McKenzie. 1 I T appearing to the Coart that the defendant in the above stated case resides without the limits of the State: It is ordered that service ' e perfected in the above case by publication in thi Telegraph an i Mes senger onoc a month for four months. E. H. I1AHMAN, Plaintiff’s Attorney. A true extract from the Minates. nov!4 Unto A. B R08° t Deputy Clerk. I v EpKGI A, BlnB COUNTY.—Four weeks after vp_, the date "hereof application will be made *the ic.1 aiffiVir'dLafprorery^V fh*.£ ot Florenee HbT nov530d LAUXDNI OOUXVXY. G EORGIA, LAURENS COUNTY—Sarah Worthy and Joh^T. Worthy having filed their petition for let'erg ot administration on the estate of Thomas 0. Worthy, late of said o -unty. deceased: These are to cite and admonish all and singular, the next of kin and creditors of said decease to be and appear at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary in Deeeu ber next, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should nut be gra- ted Given under my hand and official sig nature this October 29,1872. novlw30d J. B. WOLFE. Ordinary. Mills, orphans of Wellington L. Mills, late of said eonnty, deceased: These are to cite all and singular, next of kin and all persons concerned, to be and appear at the reg- u arterm of theC urt of Ordinary of said county, in December next, then and there to show cause if any they can, why said letters -hould not be grant* d. Given n> der my hand and official signature, October 28th, 1872, oct31wtd J. B. WOLFE, Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-boose door, in Laurens eonnty, on tho first Tuesday in December next,at public outcry, with in the legal hours of sale, all the land belonging to the estate of John Holiman, deceased, to-wit: Lot No. 110 and 2 acres of No, 11, all in the 2d district of said eonnty. Bold by virtue of . n order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, for distribution. Terms cash. DAVID L. HITCHCOCK. oct24 td .■ Administrator. G EORGIA, LAURENS C0UNTY.-A11 persons in debted to the estate of Hamilton Bmitb, late of said county, deceased, are hereby required to make immediate settlements, and all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them, proven in terms ofthe law, within the time p escribed bylaw. WINFIELD B. SMITH. CINCINNATU8 S. GUYTON, 0ct46w Executors, etc. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will be sold before the Court-house door in Dublin, Laurels county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1873. within the legal hoars of sale, one lot of land belonging to the estate ofE. J. Blackah* an. deceased, known as the “Glass Lands,” eontaining 300 acres more or less, on the east side of the Oconeo River, and bounded by lands of Ballard, Maddox and others. Sold under an order ot the Court of Ordinary, for paying debts of deceased and for distribution Ttrms cash. CINCINN aTUS S. GUYTON. novlOtdi Adm’r de bonis non, etc. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—^Will be sold before the Conrt-bonee doorin the town of Dublin, Laurens eonnty, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1873,1,800 acres of land, more or less, the same being and lying on the waters of Tar- key Creek, in said county, and bounded by Tnrkey Creek lands of John Bnrcb, Jerod W.hite. etc. Moro generally known as the place whereon Allen Ashley formerly lived, Allen Ashle the heir* at nov!5 40d PLEASANT A. ASHLEY. Ex’r. E XECUTOR’S SALE OF LAURENS COUNTY LANDS.—Will be sold cn Tuesday, the 3d day of December next, within the legal hvurs of sale, at the Court h'uae doorin the town of Dublin, in Laurens county, under and by virtue of an order ot tho Coart of Ordinary of said eonnty, the foil, wing lands— 1. The Homestead i lace of the late William J cLen- don, containing 912 acres by recent surveys, boueded south by Wm. G. Allen, nor h by Middle Tract, now owned by E. B. Johnson, east by David Wilkes and others, west by John J. McLendon. On this place are good dwelling and farm houses, with a good gin honse and screw; 300 acres now open and in a high state of cnl ivation, and all gcod cotton lands, and lyingnear theOconeeriver. Also at thesamo time and place, the Smith Lands, containing 912 acres by recent surveys, bounded cast by abuve mentioned Middle Tract, south by the Ooo- nee River, north by John J. McLendon and others, and west by Lofton Smith, On this traot 150 acres are elearedsndcontainsBome as good hammock lands as are on the Oecnee River, and a very de.irable place for farmiug. Also, at the same time aud place, the Batts Place, containing 200 acres by recent surveys, and the plan tation on which Elias Branch now resides, bounded south by White’s lands, west by F. H. Rowe, east by White’s lands, and north by . On this place are good farm houses, aboat 50 acres now in cultivation, and the remainder well timbered and convenient to the Oconee River for shipping. These lands will be shown to persons desiring to pur chase by Mr. E Young and J. Y. Hill, who are on the first piece or Homesttad Place, ^nd by Mr. E. Branch, who is on the Bntts place. PlatB of the same will be shown, made by competent surveyors. These are all desirable cotton lands, in healthy Sold as the property of William McLendon, de ceased,Jato of said eonnty. and for the bei. efi t of cred- balance in six and twelve itors. Terms, half cash, ball months, and bonds for titles. novl0w4t EMANUEL B. JOHNSON, Executor William McLendon. G EORGIA. LAURENS COUNTY.—All persons In debted to John O. Coates, deceased, la e of said county, are requested to make immediate payment, and those holding claims against said estate, will pre sent them in terms of the law. E. J. COATES, sept2460d Administrator. p EOBGIA, LAURENS COUNTY—Jeremiah T. IJT Kiuchen has applied to me for exemption of personalty and retting apart and valuation of home etead, and I will pass npon the same on the u3d day of November, 1872, at my office, at twelve o’eloo- zi J. B. WOLF, dov 52t Ordinary. CRAWFORD COUNTY. , late of said county! doc*—™ ROBERT A. NU-BR’f Admr. Surplus. $200,398 92 Showing over $170 assets for every $100 of liability T HIS well-known and popular Home Company i&anea all approved forms of Life and Endow ment Policies on the Mutual, and also upon the Stock or non-Pirticipating Plan. All policies are non-forfei able and liberal in terms and conditions. Loans given when desired. Reliable persons deeiri. g to become Agents will find liberal terms by applying totbe General Agent, Secretary, or Superintendent of Agencies. OFFIOBBS* Wm. B. Johnston. Wm. S. Holt Geo. S. Obe&r..... President .Vice President Secretary John W. Burke....... James Mercer Green. General Agent . ..MeSical Examiner W. J. M*g , .‘l Superintendent of Agencies DIH.BOTOH 8. Wm. B. Johnston, John J. Gresham, Homy L. Jewett, Virgil Powers, •Geo. 8- Obe&r, B. W. Oubbedge, John W. Burke, JohnS. Baxter,. Wm. H. Boss. XAOoir. Wm. S. Holt, Peter Solomon, O. A. NuttiDg, A. L. Maxwell, David Flanders, John T. Boifenillet, E. J. Johnston, L. N. Whittle, SAYAmns. Andrew Low. AUGUSTA. Joeiah Sibley; axlahta. V. B. Tommey. .............Montioello ’***"....^.....Charlotte,N. O oVg. Memminger".! II toeenviUe! fL 8 tt Hammett a. u A- B. Lawton, John P. King, Richard Fetors, T J. Smith William Johnson. H. F. Hammett febtlT with the privilege of using timber from one other lo'. There are on these lands a now grist-mill, gin room, screw and saw-mill, with a circular saw, *11 gcod running order, and on as good waterpower there is in Southwest Georgia. Said mills are on °J near tne Southwestern Railroad, and about one sO d a half miles north of Fort Gaines; Said property . 40 be sold for destribution. The last described prop,-;'7* to-wit: 410 acres of land and mills attached, » be sold for ca-h The River Plantation, dw-lline* f t 8. re and vacant lots, will be- 0 i' 1 10 oix.-ti.ird cash and the remaining two th'-ds in oni and two jtua, vrtth mortgage on same trisecure thi last payments. ROBERT M BROWN, LEWIS PAULLIN. A<-’m’rs on the estate of James E. Brown. sept25 d2twtds A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold in front of tho Court-house, in the town of Fort Gaines, Clay county, on tho first Tu sday in December next, the following property heb n- ing to the estate of Ab nor : urnip eea. late of said county, deceased, to-wit: A pl»n'a.:on of fiuecot'on lands on the Chattahoo chee River, four and a half miles north of the t«*wn of Fort Gaines, cmb-ac'mg lots and fractions Nos.306, 334 335.336 and S42, in the 7th district of originally Randolph, now C ay county cootainiag 861 acres, more or less, about one-b ilf of which is in a fi ..e state of eul.ivation, the other being in the woods and well timbered. There is on said place a good frame dwell- ‘ ' ' for laborers with all n house. g*n and for oistribution Terms one-half cash, the other half on twelve months time, with legal interest. a nd murtgage on the property to secure the pa im-nt. R. A. TURN IP ED. Admr. On estate of Abner Turnip? ecd. G EORGIA, * LAYCOUNTY.—Whereas, JamesM. Day having applied to me for letters of Guard ianship ofthemiriorheirs of James Day, late of Clay county, deceased s ...... These are therefore to cite and admonish all I sons interested, to file their objections, if any t . have, before me and ia my court on the first Monday i . Decembernext. Witness my handand official sig nature. November 2d, 1872. „ .. Ncv 830.* JOHN 0. WELLS. Ordinary. G eorgia, clay countY.-iovett r. roner. administrator on the estate of F V. Wilson, havi’ g applied to mo for leave to sell the IandB ot said deceased: , Notice is hereby given to all concerned, to nlethe^r objections, if any they have, before me. and in my Court to be held on the first Monday in December next, as said application will be then and there passed upon. Witnefs ny hand and official signa ture. this November4.1872 _____ _ .. nov8td* : JOHN C. WELLS, Ordinary. f* EORGIfi. CLAY COUNTY.—Whereas, John F IT Resh, administrator on the estate of Lemuel E Resh, late of said county, deceased, has filed hi petition forleave to sell the lands of said deceased lying in the 5th District of said county: These are. therefore, to cite all poisons interested to file their objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in December .next, otherwise an or der will be granted to seU said lands, as ^ra* ed for. octlSSOd Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By r*rtae of an or- A. der from the Court of Ordinary of Clay county. Georgia, will be sold, in front of the Couri-boure door in the town of Fort Gaines, Ga., on the first Tuesday in Ja nary Dext. the following described lands, viz: The east half of lot No. 150. containing 125 acres, more or less, and all of that part ol lot No. 131 not as signed to the widow as a part of h»r dower-en brac ing tho Western pait of said lot. and containing 142 aorcs. more orless. Both of said parcels of land are in the 5th district ol originally Early, now Clay coun ty about 50 acres of which are in a fine state of cul tivation. with good tene ent h;use and necessary *Afro'attfie some time, will be front of the Court kouse in the town of Griffin. Ga., the .eastern part ol lot No. 179. in the 7th district of originally Troup, now Meriwether county, containing 150 acres, more or less, about 60 of which are in a fine Tate of cultivation with good tenement ho ose and aU neces- ^Also^at'the'sifme time, will be sold, in front of the Cou't-iiouse in the city of Col ambus, Ga, 198,4 acres of lot No. 242. in th<- 19th district ofMus ogee county, about 60 acres of which are in a fine state of cultiva tion, with good tenement house and all necessary °*21180 ot°the same time, will be sold, in firont of the Court-house in the town of Cusseta. Ga.. lot of land No. 59 in the 6th district ol originally MuFcogee, now Chattahoochee oounty. con'&imng 2Q2J4: acre?, more or la*,* and lying about 7 mil** north ofthe said town 0f AlUf said lands above described to be sold for dis tribution among the heirs °* d ®" ceased. Terms cash. HB3R1 uajibi, no vl6 4Pd» , Adm’r on eet. oi Jonathan Hayes. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will be sold before tho Court-house deor. in the town of Morgan, Calhonn eonnty. on the first Tuesday in December next, agreeable to an order from the Court of Ordi- SSfy o^Baker county, tho fbllowixi real estate, viz s Two hundred and fifty acres of land, more or ANW uuuu* ,1 ;oi n:.s.:.s a/ n.ltinnn Annnfv whatjjemalne Mtate. Terms, cash- oetlfftf S EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—WhmrJ;* William Y. Howard applies to the undersign- d Cir letters dminiftration upon the estate of Robq/- John-on, late of said county, deceased: All pemn? interested arq required to be and appear at th*A tl?s of < rdl nary in said county on the first Monuayvn Dccem- b r next, to fhow cause, if any they have, why let ters should not be granted the applioanf ' ven under my hand officially. nov5 30d C.T WARD. Ordinary. EORGIA BIBB COUNTY.—By u| f of an or- \T der from the Court of Ordinary OSZ.- ' county, will be told before tho Court-houso<ioor tt, ;he city of Maoon on the first Tuesday n December next, within the legal h-urs of sale, a b are and lot in square 95 fronting on Aich st-eet, between First e.*d S econd streets, and ndjoining the lot of tho estate of T. P. Stubbs containing half acre, more or Gas. Terms half cash, balance in twelve months _ noi6tds E. G. JEFfEBD. Gnardian. / v E0KGIA. BIBB COUNTY .—Wherein. John S. \7 Baxter applies to be discharged froo the guardi anship of Tracy Baxter: This is to noti'y all p>rties in interest to be and appear at the Court of Ordi nary on the first Mo day m February. 1873. to show cause, if any they have, why letters'^ ' :!d not be granted the applicant. Given under mr hand offi dally. nov590d O, T. WARES Ordinary. A DMIN1S TRATOR’S SALE.—By virile <f»u or der from the Court of Ordinary •'iL'bu county, will be sold on the first Tuesday In December next, before the Court- hou?e door, during the legal hours of fate, all that pari of tho Red Illuff^Pir-ntation in Bibb county, together with ten acres of mnd on the north side of road, whiob runs ftoui r." Hawkin— vUler-adto the river. Also, fractional, cart of lot No. 234. in the 28th Dis. of originally V. iuineon, now Twiggs, containing 275 acres. Also, wgst half ofiot No. 139, in the 5th District of Hi ustoii cou* ty. con taining 101J4 seres. Also, fractional par* of lot No 157. in the 5th District of orieinall;-iw.v:ston. now Bibb county, containing 26% acres. Alev, two acres, more or less, of lot No. 82 in said Disfriot. Sold as the property of R. R Micchew, deceased, Tirtns: One-third cash, balance in twelve moptLs, with ap proved security. L.J. TROMAS, octl9 td Addl’jktrator. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.- AU persons having demands against Rodolphus A. UOrJ, late of said coanty. decerned, are hereby noirfi*a to present thesamo to m-, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and all persons iua<-t«d to said estate aro hereby required to make imn -diato pay ment. - oct31w70d S. F. DILL A El), Admx. A DM INIS i RATOR’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtu* of an order from the Cj«i> ot t -rdina- ry of Early county, will bo sold before tbi J>urt House door in thetown ofB'akely.Ga., on the erst Tuesday in Decembernext, (3d day.) between the legal hours of sal-, the following described proi erta fo*it; Lotsof Land Nos. 116and 117 in the iffry district of Miller county. Ga., 500 acres 14 Lots of Land Nos. 2:3. *35 and 386 in the 27th district of Decatur county. Ga. 750 acres. Lotot Land No. 187, in thcl8th distrfc; of Thomas county, Ga, 250 acres. . L t of La d No. 32 in the 3d disUSAafrr -Wayne oounty. Ga., 250 acres. ^S^vi Lot of T and No. 305 in the 4th district ofirwln conn. ^Lots of Lan°d e Nos. and 2$' In the 26th district of Early o nr ty, 1.250 acres. V U- - Lots of Land Nos. 178. 248.275 274. 289, SO. 312,313. 352. and east half of 330 in the 28th district of Early county. Qa • 2.375 acres. lot of band No. 195 in the 6th district of Early eonnty, Ga.. 250 acres. Also,the Plantation of thelateS. S. S;*ffi,ri,de ceased, lyingnn Si'ring Creek, in E*rly oeonty, Ga, containing 1,400 acres more or less; 4001" 500 acres of open land, the most of which is in a hisn state of cnl- tivat ; on. On the place i» acomforable bouse and necessary outbuildings, with a Gin Hcscra and 8cr> v that can be made good with some rutin The said place composed of Lots of Land Nos iHL_*J4L *26,127. L8. the west half of 154 and that part W153 west of Spring Creek. Aleo, one-half interest in five town J-ilyji the town cf Morgan, Calhoun county, Ga , No; *>' - 43, 47,51 and 54. Also, one Honre and Lot in the t- wa of Blakely, known as the Stonelot. containing four acres more or Airo, 40 acres of Lot of Land No. 166 in the 28th district of Early county. Ga., well timbered, with a small settlement, and lyiagon the Fori Gaines road, within one mile of Blakely. . . Also, 10J4 acres oi Lot No. 155 In the 28th district of Early county, Ga.; on the Cuthbert road within on*miie qt Blakely. Sub ject to widow’s dower ot 3>4 acres- , x Also, the following de cnbed properiy; subject to dower of widow of »ho late 8. $• StaffC' , ^*,* i _ One House and Lot in the town of Blakely, know:* as the resi dence of the late 8. S. Stafford, c-nt Ining 4 acres more or less. Also. Lot of Land No. 191 in the 23d district, 3d sec tion, Floyd county, Ga.. containing 156 acres, more or less, with a comfortable honse, and about 75 acres open landffiahUh state of cultivation. All sold as the property or c. 8. eiffprd. deceased, for the benefit ofthe heirs aadcrttpfra of srid de- e*ued. . _ Term*—One-third e«h ; oat-iliMk one year and one th-.rd in two yean, with inter«!t'from ^ate. Par- ties to secure the time payments by exeontipg mort- gageon purch«ee. tteffori: /GEORGIA, , . . VJ O. Hamilton having appUudto me for home stead and exemption of pereoniMyjiotioe is here by given to the creditors of said applicant, that I .hall pass upon the same at my office on ’Wednes day, the aotninet. Witness mvb ad and official signature November 9,1872. Ji)H.' O. WELLS, novl72t* Ordinary. G eorgia, crawford county.-• hercas. Mrs. S*F. Stroud, administratrix on the estate of ' ceased, baj ap- . . •iif’ominary _e firat Monday in January next, to show cause, (if any.) why said lettcra of dismiss ou should not be granted to said ap plicant. Given nnder my band and official signature th ia 21th day of September. 1872- J. W. AVANT. sept26 3m . Ordinary. fTRAWFORI) COUNTY SHERIFF SALE—Will \j bo nold b fore the Court house door, in the to»n of Knokville, sa d comity of Crawford, on the first Tuesday in Deeimber next, within the legal hours of sale lot of No 52, in the 2d s-iatri-.t ot now Crawford county, containing 292)4 acres, more or less, levied on as the property of U. O. Whitting.-on. to satisfy a fi fa issued from the superior Court of Crawford county. John G. Colbert, Administrator de bonus non of w. H Harris, deceased, vs. Cornelius C- Whittingt n principal and James N Mathews security Property poimed - ut by plaintiff* A. J. FKi.STON, oet29tds _ Sheriff UARDIAN’SFALE By virtue of euerderfrom VJ tho Court of Ordinary of Crawford county I wil sell to the highest hidd-r, on the firat Tuosdayin Dccembor next, before ’he Court honso door, in the town of Knoxville, the following described land-to- wit: 100 acres * f lot No. 20. and 50 acres cf lot No. 13, in the 7th district of oi iginal ly Houston, now Craw ford o unty, said lands being tho property of my ward*. John S. Lightfoot, Florence Lisutfoot and Alma Lightfoot, and wiilbe snldfor the purpose i inves’ment. J. W. DICKEY, oot23td* • Guardian. JASVBXL COUNTY. ri KliRGIA. JASPER OUNTY.—After the expira- xJTtinn of four weeks, I eh HI apply to the Ordinary nf said county, forleave to sell the lands bolcng ng to the estate of Joh< E. G,over, d ceased, octl 30d U. & Q .OVKR. Adm’r. G ORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.—By virtue of an ord* r from tho Court of O dinary of raid county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, before the court t.ouio doorin Montioello, durirg the legal h urs of sale, the la_ds belonging to the estate of John E Glover,deceased. oct!6nd H. S. GLOVER, Adm’r. G EORGIA. JASPER COUNIY.-Whoreas, Mar tin Kinard, admini-tratorof the estate of Martha Clay, deoea. ed, having filed his petition for letters of dlimiss on admiuLtraiion, repre.-enti gto the Court that he has fully administered the e-t te of said dccca'ed. seoordiug to law: 1 hete are tu cite ail persona concerned, n*xt of kin nrd creditors of raid deceased, to be and appear within tt-e time prescribed by law and .-bow cau e, if any they can, why letters of dismission should not issue to said applicant. Wit ness my official signature oct23m HENRY T. SMITH. Ordinary. ( GEORGIA. JASPER COUNTY-After tho expira- J tion of four weeks, I shall make application to the Ui dinary of said cunnty, (or le *ve to sell thelands belc ging to the estate of thou as Greer, la e of 8,id county,deceased, situated eonnty. CRAWFORD U. GREER. JOHN GREER, octl 30*1* Executors. G EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.-By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, bef -re the Court- house door, in Monticello, 202)4 acres of land, belongir g to the estate of S. C. Kelly, dec’d, adjoining the lands ol Henry Walker. Nathan >. Fish and o'hers. Lands so a for the purpo.-e of paying debts of deceased. Terms on th e da v of tale. BERRY T. DIGBY. octl8 td Administrator. A DMINISTRATO .’S POST ONED SALE.—Will jTX be sold on the first Tuesday in D»o mbernext, by virtue of an order ol the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, at the usual hours of sale, before iho Court house door, in Minticeiio all ol the lands belo: ging to the e late of Joshua Clark, deceased, o ntainir.g50 acres, more or less. Sold for distribution* Terms cash. BERRY T. DIGBY. adm’r octlStd.Of Joshna Clark, dec’d. Q EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.-By virtue of an order from the Cour’ of 0/dinars * f said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December at the usual hours of .-ale, before the Court bouse door in Munticelln, all of the land Jbelent-ng to the estate of Mark L. Newton, deceased, adjoining the lands of Wm. C. Leverett, Aria Newton and others. Terms on day of sale, A. A. NEWTON. Administratrix, RICHaRD NEWTON, Administrator. octlS 40d of Monticello, on the firs’ Tuesday in Decembernext. the lands belongingto the e6ta*eof F. M. Sewart The place is wuere Wiley B. Grubbs now resides, in said eonnty. Maid lands sold for division among lega tees. Terms cash. oct!8 40d JAMES STEWART. Adm’r. E XECUTOB’S SALE —By virtu* of an orderfrom the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, will be sold bef -re the Court-house door in Monticello. be tween the usual hours of sale, on thefiist Tuesdav in December next, 400 acres of land, known as the Webb A Tuegle lots, be-unging to the estate of W. J. L. Toggle, deceased. Lards sold for distribution among legatees. Terms on day of sale. octl840J JAS. MCWILLIAMS, Executor. /GEORGIA, JASPER COUNTY .-After the expi- VjT ration of four weeks I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands belongingto the estate of Martha Malone, deceased, situated in said eonnty. ictl830d WM. MALONE, AAm’r. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Agreeablato leave granted by the Conrtof Ordinary of Jasper coun ty, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Conit House, in the town of Monticello, Jasper eonnty. two hundred and thir y acres of land, adjoining the lands of James Hnrllerson, H. Jordan, Cardin QooLby. and others, in said county, the lands belonging to the estate of Cooley Campbell, deceased. Bold lor the benefit of creditors. Terms cash. GEO. T. BARTLETT, novl3-40d Administrator of C. Campbell t e: est <n the tan yard lot, sitnated in the to wn of Mon- ticellc, Ga., belonging to the estate of Thomas M. Jordan, deceased. . , W C. LEVERETT. Attorney m fact for Mrs. Francis M. Jordan, Administratrix of Thos. M, Jordan, dec’d. novl3-30d G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY —Whereas, David Alien having in proper form applied to me for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of David Allen, deceased: This is to cite all and singu lar. the creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to be and appear at tny office within the time allowed by law, to show cause, if any ri ey can, why permanent administration should not be granted to David Allen on said deccated estate. * * oct230d iiuuu* uu grunted to x/avici Alien tste. Witness my hand officially. HENRY T- ■ s MIT£i.Ordina'y. f! EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.-Fonr weeks after VJT date application will be made to the Conrt of Or dinary of said coanty for leave to sell aU the real es tate of David K. Allen, deceased. WALKER W. ALLEN. novlO 30d Admr. da bonia nt n oi David K. Allen. EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.-Whereas. Wm (J P. Hardy, administrator on the estale of Cornelius Hardy.'deceased, app ies to me for letters of diamis- and singular, tbe kindred and *- ceased. t|> bea:.d appear if n»office > * hy 'V**7showeaure if 22d. 1872.' _ ang24 3m a H. T. SMITH, Ordinary. MACON COUNTY. G EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.-Where*,Thoma* J Sanders and Geo. W. R..Sanders have Applied to me for lett rs of administration on the es'ateo Henry B. A. Ca-dler. late of said county, deceased These are therefore to eite all concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, then and there to •how’cause.'if any they have, why let'ers of aciminirtration s culdcot be grsnted to the applicants. Given «r der my hand and offioial signature this 18th du of Cetober. 1872. JOHN M. GREEK, • oct!9 30d■Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of order of the Court of Ordinaty. of Maoon coumy, will be sold before the Court-house doorin the town of Ogle thorpe, in said county, within the legal hourscfsale, on the first Tuesday in Deoember next, 60acres of 'and, in the northeast oorn-i of lot No-392, in the Jith District of origma ly Lee. now Mao n county, as the property of the estate oi P. A. McBride late of said county, deceased, it being that portion of said lotre- ceive J by the .-aid P. A. McBride, in a divisi noftLe estate oFPetettMcBride. deceased. Sold for the i nr- poseof pajingfrhe debts of tbe estate. Terms aieh. B.F.H0LSENBAKE. ootl7td Admin ist rat r. M acon county sheriff sale-wui be sold, before the Conrt-house door in the town of Oglethorpe, in Macon county, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to wit: LoU of land Nos. 14. 15. and fractions of lots No;. 18 and 19. In the 8th district of Macon county; and lots Nos. 254. 255,256. 225, 226. 227 and 228, in the 9th district of Uooston county. Levied on as the property of D. W. Mas-ee to satisfy a fi fain iavor of Peter Sol* mon, executor, etc. Property pointed out b£plaintiff novlwtd H A. , Sheriff G EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.-Whereas.C.W. Nixon applies to me for letters of administra tion on the estate of John L. Parker, late of said county, dece&’ed: These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all pop- sons concerned to be and appear at the Court oi Ordi nary to be held in and for said county on thefirst Mon* day in December next, then and there to show cause, if any. why letters of administration should not bo granted to the applicant. Given nnder Btylbacd end official signature this, the 16th day of October. 1872. octl8 30d JNO.M.GREbR, Ordinary. TT'XECUTO -■ ’S SALE.—Ry virtue of an older of the JCi Court cf Ordinary, of Macon couoty, wi.l be i old beforo the court-h mao door, in the town ot O.lo- therpe, in said county, w thin the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, as the prop- erty.ofthe e.tate of Jo .n Kay. late of said county, deceased. 120 acres of land moro or less, being the* west halfoflot No. 113m thescconddis rictof origin ally Muscogee now Maoon coanty. Terms cash. D. A. K .-* Y, oet22tds Executor. E XECUTOR’S SALE. Will be add before the Court- r house door in the town of Oglethorpe. Macon. county, within the legal hours of gale, on tbe first Tue : dav in D cembernext. fi ty acres of laud in the northwest oornerof lot No. 51 In the first 1 istrict of originally Mnscogee now Macon count, .it b kg the fifty aorea of lmd assigned as d wer, to th widow of M. N. Cady, late of said c unty.deteased, and sold subject to tbe iicumbr&nce ot said dower, for the purpose of distribution and a final set.lement ofthe estate • fsaid M,N.Cady, deceased. Termsoith. oct22-tds. D. M. KELLY, Executor. TjtXECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtu* of the last will JCi and testament of Sampson Fnglieb, late of Maoon coun'y. deceased, wi l bo sold, before the Court-house door in the town - t Oglethorpe, in said oouLty, with in tbe legal hour* of sal-, on the first Tuesday In Jan- nary next, lots of land Nos. 60 and61, in the 29th dis trict of originally Lee, now Macon c un y. About 200 acres of said land is in cultivation and otherwise well improved, and is one of the best small plantations in Macon eonnty-situated about 7 miles west ofthe town of Oglethorpe. T* rms cash. novl640d R. H. E>G r ISH. Executor. James T. Davis, 1 vs. Elisha Cloud, defendant, ] William W. Cloud, gar nishee. J Attachment and Garnish- ment in Macon County Superior Court. Re- turned to Nov. Term, . 1870. I M T appearing to the Conrt that since the institution of this cau*e the defendant, Elisha loud, has re moved to the Sta e of Texas, and has there since died testate, having appointed Wm W. Cloud, of tho said State of Texas, his executor, aud that twelve month* has elapsed since the granting of letters testamentary, it is ordered thatsaid Wm. W. Clond, exccntor of said Elisha'.loud notified by publication a* the law requires, to be and appear at the Superior Court, of said county of Maeom to bo held on the first Monday in Decembernext, then and there to show cause why he should not bo made party defendant ia said cause, J. M.CLshK, J.S.C 8. w.O. A true extract Jromtiie^ininntes of_t]ie Superior cm ■" *- day jun Court of Macon County. State of Geonria. this a5tfc day of June. 1872. JNO# M* GEEhR, ilurk. neSO-wlamtmns. aiAKZOir COUHIY. rj.EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Where.a Jama VX S. Baker, Executor of Nancy Baker, has ap plied for leave to sell the real estateof said deceased, all persons interested are hereb- notified of the ap plication. W’itne;* my band, October 24. 8172. oct29tda JAS. M. LOWE, Ordinary. M arion sheriff’s sales.—wm bo sold be fore the Court-honse door in the town cf Buena Vista, Marion county, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, between the legal hours ■ f sale, the fol lowing properly, to-wit: Lot of land No. 237 in the 5th district of orignally Muscogee, now Marion county, as the property ofR. W. Melton to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Marion county . _ t in favor of Hair, Harvey * Co. vs R. W. Melton. Also ■npni^l diatriat oi /^.EORGIA, CRAWFORD COUN^.-By virture VX of an order from the honorable OtdUiary of sail; eonnty, will bo sold before t’e Court-hdHse door, in the town o! Knoxville, cn the first Tuesday inre-em- ber next, wi bin th* usual hours of sale, the follow ing rarcels of land, to-wit: l.ots Nos. 25. t9,8.30. 9, 38 70?nd 71, all situated and lyingand being in the2d Distriot of originally Houston, now Crawford eonnty, at d eontairi-.g in all l.ICO acre’, moro or less. Sold as tbe property of Mark W.Sandera late of said -ounty. deceased, for the benefit of tho heir* and creditors of said estate. Term cash. E.A. SANDERM. . rct22 td* Admicistra rix. G eorgia, crawford county.—For.r week* after date application. wiU b* mane bo the Ord - narr of said cou’ ty for leu ve t* toll -11 f li.e rea’ es tate belonging to mv wa'ds Jn-a S. Llgtitfoot, Flor ence Lightfoot and Alma Ligbtfnot* This October 7.1872. J.W. DICKEY, ootid law4w* ■ Onur j iun, pi EORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY —Four w*ck* \JT afterdate application will be node to the Ordi nary of said eonnty for leave to sell a i ofthe teal o - toJi* * rate belonging tp. deceased. novlOSOd John S'embriJge. ’ate of said * oun- JAMES SfKMBRlDGE, JAMES SiNDIFKk. Executors John S’emhridge. C RAWFORD COUNTY SH t RIFF’S SALK -Will be so’d before the Court hou e door in the town of Knoxvillei, on the first Tuesday iu Dreember next, the west half of iot of land N*. 103: 170 acres of lot No. 136-lyingxnd loins in the 12th district rf origin- aliv M. nrce now Cray; rd eonnty. Also, 6 teres ol lot No. 193, in the second dlstrie’ * f originally Hocs- ton now i.ran-f irderuufy. Levi*d on as the prop rty of William F. Ch ncei'or to satsfytwc fi fas issued ont rf tho 8upe:ir>- Court o’ t raw.ord oounty—Mar tha Robinson vs William F. fbincetlor. and trans ferred by plaintiff to William Mcvommon A Co, Property pointed out by plain iff . novStdi* A J t PRESTON, Sheriff. rS EORGIA. CRAWFOROCnUNTY —Wherres.E. VX W. Jaokson, executor of Nimrod Jackson, late of said county. d.cea=ed. baa made application to IT* for letter? of dismreion from said estate. These are therefore to eite and admonish all persaus interested to show cause within the time prescribed by law why said application should not begran'ed. Given under my band and official signature, this September 24. 1S72 octl 3m* , J. W. AVANT, Ordinary. fi.EORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Four week* VX afterdate application will be made to tho Ordi nary of said county for leave to sell all of the real es tate belonging to William T. Hams, late of said county, deceased. E.F. HARRIS. ootl 30d* Exeeutor Wm. T. Harris. QVZfKAH OOVHYY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-By virtue of an or- der of the Court of Ordinaiy of Quitman Ouuntv, wili be sold before th* Court-house door in the town of Georgetown, on tho first Tuesday in December next, the following Iota and parts of lots of land, be longing to the estate of James Suggs, deceased, viz: Lots Not. 94 and 99, and S3 acres of lot No. 95 and 40 acres of lot No. 98. and 20 acres ofiot No. 1(4), all in tbe8:h District; and. also. 150 acres- of iot No.96. in the 21st District of originally Lee. now Quitman coun ty. consisting in all of697 acres of land, more or less. The plantation well improved and has a good grist mill. Sold for tho benefit of legatees, heirs and cred itors. Terms of sale: Half cash, the balance on 12 months’ time, with small notes and real security. A. W. TH0MA8. J.J.CRUMBLHY, OCt17td*Administrators. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an or der o’the Conrtof Ordinary of Mnscogee county. State of Georgia. I will sell at public outcry, on tbe first Tuesday In December next, totbe highest bid der, within the legal hours of sale, in ftont of the Court-house in Georgetown, in the oounty of Qnit- man. State of Georgia, the undivided half interest in lands belongingto the estate of B. G. btewart. de ceased, to witt AII that tract of land formtrly known u Starks Shepherd Place, on the Chattahoochee river in the eonnty of Quitman, Sta e of Georgia, embrac ing lots 270,271, 272, part ofiot 263. fractional lots 269, 276, 277. 278. '--79, the east half of whole lot 264, part of half of lot 265 and p*rt of east half of lot 268. The property will be cold strictly for cash, for the ’enefi’ of the hi money. oou5 tas heirs and a part of the unpaid purchase H.S STEWART, Administrator. 12 XE UTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order trom jfj th* Court of Ordinary, will be sold before the UD- uri-bouxe door _ county, between th e town of Montioello. Jasper IB —usual hours of eale, on tbe first Tuesday in December next, all of the lands belonging e. now Marion oonnty, as the rroprrt/of R. W. Melton to satisfy afifainfa- vorof McBryae A WallysR-W. b.el on. At the same time and place, a oertain lot of land in ■aid count to the estate of ThomasGreer.lsteof saM eeunty, de^ cearod, to-wit; 970 acres more or less, adt'icingthe lards of Ned. Pritchett, on the southwest: Polly Conch, on the northwest, and John Greer, on the east. Alto. 1 vacant lot in the town of Monticello, between the store houses occupied by F. M. SwanVon and v or ris Platan, eontaining 1-16 of an acre, more or less. Further information can be had by calling on F. M. Swanson, or the under*igned. CRAWF RD H. GREER, H 4Cd Q ^efotok?fTho3. Greer. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALB.-By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Jasper ooun ty. will be sold beforo the Court house door in th* town of Monticello. on the first Tuesday in December next, all of tho lands belonging 10 tbe estate of Fran cis Malone, deceased, cor taining 475 acres of land, more or less, adjoining the lands of C- C. Hearn. W. F. Blue’, well, Wm. Malone and others- Lands sold for distribuliou alaong legatees. Terms on day of sale- a william Malone, . _ . Ad . inistrator, oct23 td Francis Malone, deceased. t ,'X r (C UTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from Ii the Court of Ordinary of Green county, Georgia, I hereby offer for tale, at pnblio outcry, in tbe town of Monticello, Jaspar county, on the first Tuesday in December next, between 1 he legal hours of sale, a certain tract of land situated in thecounty of Jasper, on the waters of what is known as Hard’e Creek, ad joining land* of the estate of Barrel Key, deceased. Oesian B*nton, Charles G. Campbell and others, coi tain in g 363 acres, r ore or less, the same being lands' longing to the estate of William H. Preston. Jr. . cease;. .Sold toohqD.'.e investment. Terms one-b. cash and tho other -xlf ia 12months with goodseei ri yatlO percent interest. Title good and wiU t; made on payment of tne purchase moncA. „„ JAMBS A. PRESTON, fc oet25wtd KxeoqtoiL. tneSup-nor CcurtoUmdchunty in favor or Matthew Ttdd vsDnnn A Co. Also, the undivided interest of J. B. McCrary in two lotsof land, numbers n*,t known, but hciDg the place on which James Hogg now -esldes. adjoining thel- ndsof Matt Williams. Jhos. J. Mathis and oth ers. in tho 4th district c f originally Mnsocgee, now Marion county, to satisiy a fi ta issued from the 9 upe- rior Court o' Talb* county ia f.ivor of Anstell, la- man A Co. vs Mo'rary A Co. and A. ’i. Csndler. Alto, lot of No, 167. lot of land No. 265. 101)£ seres fi-’No.;'L. -.II-. 1*6 iff , ol lot Nrtr*. *92scv ~To‘Nor^r. ■rjwc kfeV™ eHodfff’ 4 " ATJV" ft fi " ari T -Superior Coarr. in fhver of j K and Bcek» executor?5 John OilotrUWV • OI IO' 130 jnrtch iTitf* di6tric5 rf countSS f fi Man .Superior Coart in flu COUNTY SUKBIFP 8A,LW.-* ill 1)3 AT sold before the C' nrt-houta door in th« k ivr. o Bntna Vista, coei.fy of MerF.n. on tho Dm Tney . 1E-- W ' - - December next, between the i«gal sou - ■ ! ale, of land Eo. :45 ip tbe fifth dbrriot of origioa'ly in lot of 1 — _ ________ MveeMOittOw Marion C'un'y, being the {It e 03 which H. L. McGehee bow reside?, and iowMlM laid of Hatcher, et at., as the property of Henry L. " iGthee. to satisfy a fl fa issued from ’he ' uperior rtof Marion eonnty tn frvor of Jss. W. T/yior vs k McGebee and William Tooke. Property point ed o\t by defendant. . . * At*k* same time and plae*. fifteen bales cf rotten wiil be sold a* the property of Joha £ 34 C c ry and Isaac K, M cCreary. to satisfy a fi fa issued fi mi- al- botSuperior Conrt in favorotWi I's C llii.a'n- trator.vB John D. MeCrtaiy and Isaac R. MoCrtary. Propwty pointed out by plain’iff’*'at toruey. nop2w30d ■ A. W. DAVIS, Pe;.’t> Shff g-'tEORGI.l, MaF.’CSCO nTy.—Vi'bsreol 2a ;c- VJT son M. GilL ar mi&’strator, etc., of James Perry- J -cea*ed. has mplied for dismission: All Ber* .TONES COW G EOR GIA. JONES COUNTY.—Ordinary’s 'Offico Said Co-wity . Cfiirrr 5, UfWr-Whereas. Wm. H. TTu^den MJpiui far uig>~: ,r i2i:icii froa> firu *rdiaij&hii>'ot Richard F. Burde:,: These are to rite ail persons concerned, next of k and creditors of decoased, to be and appear at the regular term of this Court ia December next, to shew cause, if any they can. why said leticrs ol diamigs should not be granted. Given nnder my hand i official signature, this Cetober 5.1872. 1 octlStd ROLAND T a R0S8,! ™ip*n rj.BORGIA. JONES COUNTY:—WhcrelsTk* VA Sloonmb ha» applied t« mr- fo- administration estate of Sallie Slocumb, deceased: Theser re therefore to cite and admonish all persoks concerned tyshnwoiuse, if any they have, to the con trary. at tbw r.ffiee, on or by tha first Monda in Jan uary neswGiven under my hand «ffi '»;ry. " novl530d R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE.—By virtue of ail m. or-;er rrr.m tne court of Ordinary o! , will be so d in t'.o'.own ofC iutop Jone’c-m'y on the first Tuesday in December next, between the u*u- al hours of sate, all the undivided lands belonging to the estate of Thomas S. Humphris.deceased, contain ing 454 acres more or Ies?. lying within six miles o Macon. Said lands aro well timbered, and with some improvuu ents Sold for tha benefit of th* heir* and credittrs of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. J. S. HUM PH KIS, W. A. MoLANK. oct22tds* Administrator*. E XECUTOR’S SALE. — Acreeable to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Jones e< unty, will be sold bofore the Court-house door, in Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in December next, 1920 acres of land, situate abont 3 miles west of Clinton, known as tbe late Joseph chiles; place fair quality ot land with Improvements. Sold in two separate lots, and for distribution among heirs at lawof said estate of Jneph Chiles d.cessed. Terms made known on day of sale. SAMUEL L. CHIi ES, • Executor. oct23 td John R. Chiles, Joseph Chiles. Bale of Land. EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Agreeable to an ' order from the Conrt cf Ordinary of said county n„l be sold before the Court-honse door, in Clinton, on the first Tuesday In December next, within the le gal hours of sale, 457 acres f laud, more orless the property of the estate of Roland Ross, deceased, sit uatedon the lire of Jones and Putnam county; good land with plenty woodland for all farming purposes, ordinary improvements on the same. Sold in lots to suit purchasers and for distribution of said e-t ■ te.— Terms cash. . GEO. W. ROSS, octl* td Administrator. N OTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.-AU persons indebted to the estate of Thomas S. Hnm- phris, late of Jones county .deceased, arehereby noti- i:d to cjiuo forward and make immediate payment. Those having demands aeainst the estate will pre ent them to the undersigned, in terms of the law J. U. BUMPHRIS, W. A. McLANE, oct22-60d*Administrators. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALK—Will be sold before the Coart-house door, in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in Deoember next, agreeable to an ord-r from the Conrt of Ordinary ofJones oonnty, within the usual hours of sale. 202)4 acres, more or less, situated five miles east of Clinton, near the Ma con and Avgusta Railroad, the property ofthe estate of John Woodall, deceases. Sold for division among heirs at law of deceased. Terms cash. JAMES H. HOLMES. o«U5 td* Administrator. man, deceased. Has at plied tor dismission : All per sons interested in said estate arehereby notified o said »ppl : ca'.ion. oct3‘iw3m JAS. M. LOWE. Ordidary. tl ARION COUNTY POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SIX SALES.—WiU be sold before the G- * doorin tbe town <•( Been VI»tfceoawiy <: Vr-ric-rr, between f Nc usual bc^r* uf rale, on the fi &> ] u sd’j* in DeoemvAr next, the fol wring property, to wi i— Lots of !a-«l N- s. N'T fill. 21.’, and one-half <-f 1 :•! land No. !</••. in the 31s: di-'trictof origin.;!!* \ ■ Marion 'ounty, as the rrooeriy * fL. 0. Davi; •, »;.t- isiy a fi fi issued from M non Superior C art : t favor *>f rraaklin Jfc Hudson vs L. Q. Cavo* mo ■■’hocJvf' 4 ' inmy h-nd;-tgainit L. A. d*ayi?. Also lot of land No. 167 in th'. 4thdi;tti»t of <ri*i-_ : llj* Mmcogee, now Ma ion 80maty, ,4 thereen, rs the property - I J,. hn L. ' le aalisfy a fi fi Lined fr m/fisti n bu.**rir,7 * ourt b r.vor oi Dieker-.on Lumrkil sn'tof ol Mar- n ffmE vs John L. Sm ! th. admr of 1 rancj, Brooks. L«\I made by John Hanks, sheriff. At the same tim» ar d nt- oe. two lets rf !a, d, ’To. 264 and No. 265, in the 4th district of Maricn county, as the proper-' cf J. W. Higgic* to satisfy a if, is sued from th’Superior Court of Ma-io. county io fa vor of Tellman' f Clement* vs Htmiitou A Wigging. Levy ma eby John UaDk*. -heriff- 3 Also, north halfoflot of land Ab 171 In the ith dis trict of said county, as the property of PhebeEvering- ham tos .ti.’fyafifaintavorof Jas. L. taker, senior partne-, vsPhebe Kveringham. Levy made by A. W, navi.-, deputy she: iff novTtds DAVID N. MADDUX. Fheriff* and best bidder, before the Court-bonse door 1 f Ma rion county, within the legal hours oi sale, on tho first Tuesday in January, 1873, the f Rowing proper ty belonging to the e-tate of A G. Perryman, late of Talbot county, deceased: The house and lot iu the town cf Buena Vista formerly owned and occupied by Jemes Perryman, d ceased. Also, 100 acres of land, more or less, aboti* three miiea southeast t Uucna vista, on the Ellavilie road, adjoining the land: of William Shipp and others. Terms cash. K. H WORRILL, novl6 40d Adm’r cf eat, cf A. Q. Perryiran, E XECUTOR’S SALE—By order of Court oi Or- ina ry of Marion county, will be »oli on the first Tues day in January next, before the Court boff*t in y.a- rion county, the real estate of Henry L. AlUson. de ceased. to-wit—The east half ofiot of landNo. 175 in the 3d district, and Iot No. 235 in the 11th district **f said eonnty. and the west half ofiot No. l!9in the 4 h district of said county, the last being nnimproved land. Terms of sale cash. HENRY novlt* 40d L. ALLISON. Execut r. A dministrator*:; sal.e—inpureuanoeof an order from the Court of Ordinal y of H akin on county, then will be sold befon the Court- house door, in Irwin ton, in (aid county, on the fin: Tuesday in Deoember next, during tbe iawfal hears of sulo ail that t. act or parce. * f land lying and being ir. said oounty. known formerly a* the Mn. Leutnuo ti. Wright’s old place, now tbe property of thec*\at»o Joel Burke, deceased, containing in aU 3uO acres, more orl’S*. Onsaid paee i* a good dwcHing house, with Interctt from date. oet24td n month* tlmc,seeured by morj^^oi the gremltoe. JL BUI . Adminlitritor. G eorgia, dooly county.—wh.rcae, j P. Lewie applies to me for the exemp* personalty, ind I will pass upon the nr . o’clock on the 26th day of November my office at Yienna. nov!6-2t WM. H. DAY mm