Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, January 14, 1879, Image 7

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■ i Hl&ettlt? smS* 3f*s®tJmstl $e 3!l©^jwgjejc* KLEGKAPH. rZ,s*rt, O.. January 10 — O-ST-lWa atrett b,’io' . fire is . Fourth, carriage. p°” o0 U*in street KSlu &S°n'* extensive ,„Aai seddlerr e «b ■••SjSofedelscW-rrt ES^S***“• ThB 1o .*t ^'“JiVoOO. almost entirely i«! >* * H : Oo ibe Utter the : iB tt ''‘MOOOO. Wayne & Sons. i i' v * 13 * D ixt shore, was badly di ,cv.U^. “ Tbb theimometer l H i* great difficulty in It is thought that t £** r K*n, JanuaryJ I^* T ?® Pa^anna* imprisoned *V l0 ‘"iJ r haring been inf or"’' J«* <**%&*>" that they k* c ?' nm h \ck^o their agency in the * vt tStf. became very sdllen ?.h*d-te. initiation to die b „ ^“' Vxch a movement. s»* at '®f r j »*. placed over the i aS£«£ When nearly . “"A the ..rage, jumped ? wiodown of*b« room 1 -• ehich was coatod with , fine* cn th guard from i hid o»oe*-aled since tbetr . *lJni foor, one of w :^ J ,ed * ,l# ". er will net surnve the day. ?*.& xu.bfd our, opened fire ■£ ,ad tilled orer forty. ° n « *i ,ixtv civalry, mounted aodd>sm< * , * ot . <0 ing the fleeing savages is'SirA*' 5 ;-«2r-atJ?a2r« pSaSsarfiffi* $is5;000 or 1160.000. The hrt are nominally $10,000. Moat of Lj.btedcesi ia to houses in iiosion tabliahment ie unoccupied on the for- ■rely covered r the estimut- . & Sons, stock ■ badly damag. r every j„„ r jd through |Q i and made for the u ' ;h frosen revolvers capture, The and __ hundred dismount- f 89 , _ Forbes, Charlotte, made yet . the liabili i as- the and S*n- pre- ,of the the ar- "ffissmoxoar, January 10—In the „ Seoatora Conkling and Kernan £.2 a resolution of the Senate o. ,of tfew York proteslisgagainst Miee of the bill to reorganise toe , or at least that poition of at proaib- ,j )(} manufacture of arms at Wei States arsenals. It was laid b*uiy. the bill haring been . ihe tteuate. Tte bearing of theangar represent , «aa resumed bsfore the Ways ai MuCommittee this morning, gr. Hsremeyer, of New York, argued a tb. dnty on sugar should be oolleo i the c«f valorem principle, and that KnmiDUion should be made against . a»u of oltissns. Legislation at toaru o labor and capital to affosd nutr at the lowest prioe. The r would be best pioteoted by a l , approximates to free trade . M undisturbed the relative value rax when purohaied at plaaes of p. ion. He opposed one-rate duty, as d annihilate refining interests. TL» • of fraud against the refiners, uweu by those in ftvor of one-rate r, here been disproved, pilium H. Booth, of New York, ci 10 ,j his remarks by declaring hie that the sugar refiner should be * reported i should Ipeo- j oon- i tariff i and of r pro- , aa it The , com- s be* .. pro- » Ha than spoke of the polariscope, g its rain# depends on the accuraoy i reports of tbs samplers, and that n s-s not sold owing to the results be poliriscope, but on the basis of [thacondition tc-3ay o: Representative hlciicner ia slightly for the worse, and it exceedingly low. HU physicians n offer but alight hope of recovery. [Mr. Anthony submitted a resolution Erecting the Committee on Naval Affairs g irquiro into the expediency of provi ng by law that the selection of chiefs banana of steam engineering, provis- w, clothing, and medicine and surgery, itcj Kivy Department, bs made from !ta cot below the rank of captain. _.ced to. [ffxsBisoTOtr, January 10.—The Poi- r Committee to-day adopted a re.olu- m offered by Mr. McMahon providing r the investigation of the cipher tela- in?, and embodying the r« quest that i House grant additional uppropriation i defray tho expenses. [IiwYobk, January 10.—Steamship inda, which arrived to-day from II, reports experiencing a heavy gale i entire passage. Oa the 27ih of JJe- she was (truck by a sea which tiy swept her decks and stove in ihes. The ship was thrown on rbean ends and her cargo was shifted, ru lixty hoars before the ship righted ithe cargo was secured. | Lntti Esck, January 10.—A pas.ea- r train on the Iron Monntain railroad, ind math, was ditched near Kensati tn'gLt Baggage master Crawford I killed, expressman Brown mortally and and several wounded. I All through trains on the Memphis tihoadbave been stopped in oonsequencs I lew in the river at Memphis. | Glocchtib, Mass., Jannary 10.—The hot hatching codfish progretsas fa st the headquarters ot the fish lion. About a million of young were put into the ocean last [Cscuuuti, January 10.—An Illinois aays on Tuesday night three ted McFarland, Patterson and sy, entered the hoiue ot an old man ud Ntvil, near Peoatocic, drag- > him to a tree, tied him and then him until he was stunned and j. They then assaulted and ont- IHre. Nevil, aged 70, and her daugh- ,*ged30. Toey were all arrested. [The inquest of the coroner’s jury over i body of James II. Sogers, of Bloom- . Inditia who died from wonnds id oa Mew Year’s evening, returned _rerdiet of "murdered by Henry Fil- pmprietor of the Bloomington end Julian Wentworth, hie em- , " The partite were all drank at • time the deed was committed. CixcmniTi, January 10.—A heavy ®®**tonn vielted Southern Ohioyester- if, enteilng u far Sonth in Kentncky i SIchoond, delaying trains on all the 1 in that region and in some in- stopping them entirely. At It the snow was sixteen inches > in pltoes drifting to a depth of five It wu the heaviest anow storm for . J Farmers are apprehensive ... of ' ,ock - At IroctoD, Ohio, •Wn has bean able to leave the dty, ' “ill* have been obliged to stop i of the lack of ooal. The foe in I v™ r * m *ins firm. Li*** Yo11 . Jannary 10 —Madame An- l^7*’ the Brooklyn pedestrienne, has LJggw “ore to walk. 8lie is in K 80 * 1 ?*' Jratury lo.—A special dia- bom Galveston states that a fire ■Cbm^ 00 boud the bark Charles W. I lu wl' oI BoiloD » Cspt. Given, whioh I ltd ilr?® 11 that port for Havre and Stmt, 3 ™* rd bales of cotton. I - J ,w,e pumping water Into her to I th# nt January 10.—The in- vii |Jl loa C0I »tinned to-day. Testimony ,#f e**ing to ontrages npon I eciioI. e,l A,* s * tem8B ts °f violent inter- b, flspubliean speakers at meet- tia, eiizad by forced divisions of hifed k. T5 r *i rejldeB tx of Caddo pariah, tosuai?/ the Demaeratio members of the if toil* B,Ugl| fied, denying intimidation im.k?® aCM, > snd asserted that where ^nj^oooarred the negroes were the 10.-Tbo Senate Indian appropriation bill. WM ,n t* 1 ® committee of the W- lha Private calendar. WuuT* snaaimatod debate C ° Ue 8 8BiU * ** l *^oHm fh ?I th * San * te Committee ?* w »'lon of h r'n« ,n0r S m8: recom " W, k*._ , **• *nb committee, who ^ ad ^bim.* ,t , lBalinK J . tha ^ neat5on 01 •ora or of Providing a territorial ***7 W*2S"‘ for - thB IndiaB ten. "*• Utibm "•‘“opsnmsnt toa gen- j»id before the ftiSeesw'&iKf vanou. on the which The House Committee on Commerce this morning considered the bill which proposes to authorize the purchase and registry of foreign built ships by citizens <ff the United States, and made an ord-r to continue its.ccasideration by the full committee on Friday, 17th instant, at which time an opportunity will be afford ed the friends and opponents of the meas ure to be beard. Captain Cowden was also briefly beard to day in favor of bis proposed plan for the improvement of the Mississippi river. The Senate Com mittee on Finance tc-Jay heard Mr. Banm, Commissioner of the Internal Bevenue, in opposition of the pending House bill for the reduction of the tobac co tix. He asserted that the enactment of the bill was to cause an annnat loss t* the revenues of not less than $9,000,000 in the receipts from the taxation of to- bacoo, and of at least $2,000,000 in the revenue from cigars. He argued that the proposed reduction would not benefit the consumer of tobacco, it being retailed in very small parcels, the cost of one of which to the manufacturer woull be re duced thereby only to the extent of a certain fraction of one cent, and the oon- anmer would be charged the same price , so far as the rate of taxation fixes it. Senator Withers, who was present, to look after interests of Virginia tobacco producers, suggested that this "fraction al difficulty* might be obviated by in- laungthe s.z i of the plug. [Laugh- tar.] Commissioner Baum, resuming, stated that in order to yield nB much rev. enne under the rednoed tex as the gov. eminent obtains now, the annna! oon anmption ot lobaooo would have to be in creased from the present amount of 105 , 000,000 pounds to 160,000,000, whioh he does not oonsidsr at all probsble to occur. The committee will consider the bill at another meetiagjto-morrow. London,-January 10.—A telegranrfrom Paris, whioh wts published in London to day, states that a new Frenoh cable com pany has been constituted. Its prospec tus was issued yesterday. Ibe company propose to lay two cables, one from Brest to Cape Cod, and the other from Linds Bad to Nova Scotia, both by the way ot St. Pierre. London, Janoarx 10.—The Viceroy of India telegraphs confirming the news of General Boberta’ victory over the hostile tribee, but says that, owing to remora of threatened attaoks by the Mongols, Gen eral Boberta intends to return to Booram, concentrating bis forces, which are now much scattered. Fri.ndly letters have b.en received from several Sirdars of Cabal. The general feeling in Cabal is very strong against the Ameer and Bus sia. Huohzndbn, Janncry 10.—Lord Bea- oonafieid’s attaok of the gont has almost completely gone. Lxbds, January 10.—The miners at the rook collieries etrnok against a redac tion of ten per cent, in their wages. Livbbpocd, January 10.—This week’s oironlar of tha Liverpool Cotton Brokers’ Association says: “Cotton was in exten sive demand in the early past of the week, and some descriptions advanced a little, bat einoe yesterday trade has been dall. Ameriean was in vary good demand at the opening, and prices advanced a sixteenth, bnt as the supply increased inqairy fell off, and it is cow a sixteenth to an eighth below last week’s prices. In Ssa Island there was a fair bosinass done at previous rates. Futures opened atroDg and advanoed l to 5-32p., bnt, on Saturday, a greater portion ot tbe im- prov.ment was lost. Ou Monday prices were again at their best, and since then there baa been a gradual decline, the market closing one-sixteenth below last Thursday's price*. WxsniNOTow, Jansa-y 10.—General Sherman Lae letters from Doth Generals Sheridan ana Pope on tbe Burnside army bill. Sheridan approves that part wbicn covers ths general a Iministration of the army, bat be etrongly objects to ssveral details. He says as to the reorganization of the army under the bill he cannot give it cordial support. He thinks the pres ent organization is good and well suited to our Western frontier and cannot con sent to any new and united organization. He does not like to see the number of general officers diminished—those now holding each rank of course are all right, but the aspiring young colonels are cut off from all that hope and they do sot look upon that portion of the b:ll which covers the reorganization of the army with ranch favor. Geneial Pope, in a letter of con siderable length, criticises rather unfa vorably the principal provisions of the bill and, alluding to the present certain defects in the administration of the army, says the Bnraaido bill altogether fails to care them. He objects particularly to the proposed interchangeable relation be tween the line end staff. Above all, he objects to the bill because it leads the army farther and farther away from that relation to and influence with the people of the country, which are indispeneible to its life as well as necessary to the satis faction of the nation. A naval court martial, of which Commodore O. H. Bald win is president, has bsen appointed for the txial of Commander D. W. C. Keels on charges preferred against that officer. BrcHHOHD, January 10.—Steamer VYy- anoke, from New York, reached here last night. She was nearly twenty-four hours getting up the river, having to cut through ice at times seven inches thick. The vessels in pert are considered safe bnt there are several anchored at different points down the river which ere thought to be in some danger from flood and ice* Ohitqoies of Bon. Jolian Honridge. Savannah, Jannary 10.—The lemaios of Hon. Julian Hartridge will arrive in the morning via Augusta, and will be reesived by the Mayor and Aldermen and a detachment of the Chatham Artillery, of which he was an ex.officer and escorted lothe Council Chamber, where they will aemain in state until Monday when the remains will be removed to Christ church, where the funeral services will bs con ducted by Bishop Beckwith. Officers of the courts and tbe State and city officials will attend in a body. The escort will consist of United States troops and tbe volunteer military ef the city. Cahdbn, N. J., January 10.—Hunter was hanged to-day. He was completely prostrated and bad to be earned to the place of exeention. The hanging was bnnglingly performed—the rope either bad too much slack or gave way so much that it lifted the culprit barely from tbe floor, when be fell back and was caught by the assistants. Sheriff Calhoun seized the rope and hoisted Hunter into tbe air, and be was hung only by a nqmoer of persons holding to the rope daring tbe whole time ia which he was suspended. Bbbun, Jannary 10.—In tne lower House of San tag to-day debate was opened on the second reading of esti mates for publio worship. Ultramon tane deputy Herr Windthorst spoke at length on the conflict between church and State- He considered the negotia tions with tbe Vatican brd failed and add ed that the Emperor desires the people to continne in religion, bnt forthcoming debates would show how his majesty’s worda were interpreted by ministera of public worship. Dr. Falk replied that at a later stage of tbe debate he would make this reproach the subject of eeri- oua consideration by carefully examining tbe services of some of Windthsrat’a coihplainta with a view to finding a rem edy whenever necessary. Bat relative to tbe great question of principle there would be no modification of bis rsoent declaration that the qnention of peaoe was in the hands ot tbe Centre party. The Government desired peaoe, and tt would be obtained if the Centre, trnsting the Government, would obey tbe State. Let the Centre eeonre the welfare of the ehareh by promoting its external inter ests, instead of embittering the straggle within the Fatherland. Washimqton, January 10.—At a late hour to-night Bepresentative Sohleicher was prononnoed by hia pbysioians as be yond recovery. His death is momenta rily expected. Speaker Bandall has been with the dying Congressman all the even- ease of Biggins vs. ex-President Grant was ended to-day by the jury bringing a verdiot for the defendant. New Took, January 11.—Bishop T. B. POM'S EXTRACT THAGREAT PAIN DCSTROY-R AND SPECIFIC F)R IN- FLAfiNATORY DISEASES ARC HEMORRHABES. Rheumatism. M2f« own ^ p,,ra: such WCXDXXFUA CCABS ol thi< distn*»iagdis ease in it. various form. Sufferers who have tried everything eUe without relief, can rely upon being entirely cured by uring Pohd’s kx- Taxer. Neuralgia. speedily cured by tree use of tbe Bxtbact. No other medicine will cure aa quickly. Hemorrhages. M^Sior 0 ® nal, it is always reliable, and ia used by Physi cians of all school* with a certainty of success. For bleeding of tbe lungs it is invaluable. Our Nassland Female Syrinxes and Inhsleissrema terial aids in cases of internal bleeding. Diphtheria and Sore Throat. Used aa a gargle and also applied externally as directed, rathe early sugcs of tbe diseases it will surely control and cure them. Do not delay trying it on appearance of lint symptoms of these StarrklT|S^n fa t th ^ n)T c , SSSi f 5 complaint, quickly relieves cold in tbe head, eta Oar Nasal syringe is of era ntW service in these TAKE Simmonk’ Liver Regui&io? For all diseases of the Stomacb.Liyer and Splaec WILL CUBE FKVEK aND AGUE The undersigned has no hesitation in assorting that in low latitudes and espe cially in those malarial districts m southernsndesneni Georgia, Alabama. Mississippi snd Florida where chills u d fevers are almost universal in the fall season, the judicious use of Simmons’ Regulator, prepared by J HZeilin A Co, as a preventive and tonic to the system, will secure comparative immunity from weakening and dangerous influences. A cloud of witnesses, numbering the best and noblest of the land, will attest the truth of this remark. The Regulator acts mildly upon tbe biliary du -ts,is free from mercury, and perfectly harm less, We should be pleased to see it oc cupy a place in eveiy Southern house hold H H JONfrS. Editor Telegraph A Messenger. October 10.1878. Safe Medicine for children. directed, m the early" s-agST d the diseases it Tour Regulator i* superior to any other rets* edy for malarial diseases among children. Kleaaness. A good cose ol Liver will give relief. This applies of all ages. It is the cheapest. CONSTIPATION. Testimony of the Chief Justice of Georgia: have used Bimmona’Liver Hegulator for const! pation of my bowels caused by a temporary de rangement of the liver, for tbe last three or four years, sod always when used according to the directions, with decided be - «flt. I think It ia a good medicine for the derangement ol tbe liver, at least such has been my personal experience in HIRAM WARNE the use of it. Chief Justiee of Sores, Ulcers, Wounds and Bruises. J*? $£Xs»S2K£2 healed and cured with astonishing rapidity. Burns and Seal da ^t^nT^n 1 !? is unrivalled, and should be kept in every family ready for use in case of accidents. Inflamed or Sore Eyes. without the slightest fear of harm, quickly allay ing all inllamma: ion and soreness without pain. Earache, Toothache and Face- It ia a panacea, and when when used <U/Ue - according to directions its effect is sim ply wonderful PJ]oa Buss. Blbsdino os It is •TIHJS. ttogrortejt known remedy, rapidly curing when other medicines have failed. For Broken Breast, Sore Nip- nlpa AcktbinBusST. The Extract is cioau- r*™ ly and efficacious, and mothers who nave once used it will never be without it. Female Complaints. in for the majority ci female diseases if tbe Bx tract bused. The pamphlet which accompanies each bottle gives full directions how it shonld be applied. Any one can use it withont fear of harm. CAUTION. POnd S EXtrflCt Thegecuiimaracfe Liver Regulator or Medicine.” that haa not our has the words “Pond’s Extract.” blown in the genuinelable an' glass, and Company's trade mark on surrounding wrapper. It is never sold in bulk. Nous oilier is genuine. Always insist on having Pond’s Bx- tr-ct. Take no other preparation, however much you may be prewed. Prices 60c. tl and >1.75. PREPARED ONLY BY POND’S EXTRACT CO. NEW YORK AND LONDON. Sold by all druggists. octl6d wed thrfriwly nxt riiu gutter Lyman, o( North Carolina, arrived from Europe to-day. Boston. January II.—George H. Al ton last night started at the rink to skate twenty-four hours without taking any rest. At a meeting of the Harvard Universi ty boat olnb on Thursday night, the Ox ford and Cornell letters were read and a resolution passed approving tbe action of tha executive committee in regard to the Cornell matter. It was announced that on the failure to arrange the English race tbe old crew had broken up, and Bichard Turnbull elected captain to succeed Bin ert I'. Is is cleo announced that Garfield, of the N. A. A. O., had telegraphed asking if Harvard would row Oxford or Cam bridge, in case either c imo tc this coun try, in a national association race. Ow ing to tbe disbandment of tbe old crew, it is thought the best reply would bo that Harvard will not bo able to eater for that race. London, January 11.—The steamer Barnard Castle has floated. Tha bark Dog-3 tar, of New Orleans, has put into Crook Hivtn, having lost two men over board. She afterwarA —art nchnro end now has ten feet of water in her bold. Tbe Times Berlin dispatch says: "For some time past sinister remarks have been afloat that tbe Chancellor (Bismarok) was casting about for power to prevent members of the Bnchstag from using nobecoming expressions in the highest representative assembly of the land; and to-night (Thnrsday) all Berlin has been pnt into commotion by the publication of a document which leaves no doubt as to the intentions of thie strong-willed mao, This is no less than the outline of a bill aiming at a federal conncii; and it must necessarily take each a prominent place in tho history of civil liberty that I do not hesitate to transmit it to yon entire.” The doonment bears date, Friedrieks- rabe, December31«t. It piaoes tbe pow er of punishment of members of tbe Beiobstag in the hands of a committee composed of two Vice-Presidents and ten members of tbe Re’chstag, whioh wonld meet at the order of the President of tbe House, or on motion of twenty members. Tbe committee wonld be antborizedto icfl'ct penalties: viz, 1st to ordtr tbe member to reoeive publio reproof before tha assembled H;us-; 2nd, to oblige the offender to make an apology-before tae assembUsI Hooet; 3rd to txolnde tbe deputy from the Rsicbstag for n fixed period. Should this exclusion extend to the entire term of tbe session of tbe Leg islature, the member so punished may also be liable to lose the right of being elected to the B-uohatag, snd farther an independent motion ia favor of depriving a deputy of his right of election may be brought forward in the House. If tt e unbecoming conduct of which the mem ber of the Beicbstag is pronounced to have been guilty involves action punisha ble by common law, the depnty in qner- tion may be haBded over to the judicial authority to be dealt with according to law, simultaneous with the infliction of snch punishment by the Beicbstag. The reproduction of the speech or remarks whioh called it forth in a stenographic repert or any other publication of them in the press may be prohibited, contra ventions of this prohibition to be pun ishable with imprisonment of from three weeks to three months. Beaux. Jannary 11.—Specie increase 182.000 marks. The rate of discount ia reduced to fonr per cent. Wahhiroton, January 11.—The Potter Committee, by a party vote of six Demo crats to three Republicans, adopted a resolution that the chairman return to the counsel ot Secretary Sherman the affidavit of Sr. Martin, a former depnty sergeant-at-arms of Congress, confessing that he had sworn falsely before the sub committee snd casting imputations npon Bepresentative Stenger in that connec tion, and that he farther inform Secretary Sherman that St. Martin will be examin ed touching the matters embraced in the affidavit should the same be desired by Sherman or any member of the oommit- tee. Thomas S. Kelly, colored, wa> called. He was employed os Governor Kellogg’s msuenger in December, 1876. Upon being asked whether he forged tbe names of Jeffrsion and Levlsseo in Louisiana to the Presidential certificate and beiog pressed for an answer, he remiked that before answering ths question he wonld like to consalt with his counsel, He was allowed until Taeeday to frame bis re sponse, and tbe Committee adjourned or til that time. The Committee on Yfaya and Main* this morning went tbraagh the testimony submitted on tha sugar tariff question, bat arrived at no aotwUsieo. In his prayer this grating the Chap lain feelingly alluded to the dest.i of Mr. Seblsiober, of Texas, snd Invoked divine prctselion on the remaining members of the House. After tha reading cf the Journal Mr. Giddings, of Texas, MMonneed the death of Gastave Sobleioher, of Texas, and pre sented a resolution whioh was adopted for tho appointment ot a committee of seven Bepresentative* and three Senators to take order for mpMlntonding tho fu neral and esooitlng thecenslns to San Antonio, The Speaker a pointed Messrs. Gra ding?, Shelly, Melfa thie, Mueller, Loring, Brentano, Townsend of New York, and Powers as anoh committee on tho part of tbe House. Then, toft remark of roipect to the deceased) the House adjourned. London, January U.—A Daily News has a large sale in this section ol Georgia.' h.AiS&ny, .Ga. WM RUSSELL,Al! For children complaining ol colic, headache or sick stomach, a teaspoonfui or more will giro relief. Children aa well as aanlts eat sometimes too muen supper or eat something whieb does not digest well producing soar rtomache. heart- barn or rei Regulator to persons parent and best family medicine iniho Gcogia. DE. A. Q. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR OB MEDICINE. Look to your own interest, do not sacrifice your health, perhaps yonr life, beoau-e some un principled dealer asks you to try tbe imitation o( this valuable medicine* his only object being to make an extra twenty-fire cents ptr bottle, re- Sealthf 8 01 iU eflecW on your * yit8 “* and general Take care not to boy any article as “Simmons iver Regulator or Medicine,” that has not our genuine lablc and atamp on it. Accept no imi tation orsnbatitnte however plauaibly recom DH. SIMMONS LIVES REGULATOR OR MEDICINE, Manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., octss deed wlv Philadelphia. Berlin dispatch Bays the “proposed bill practically abolishes a'l guarantees of freedom of epeech. Ic is in the power of the majority to turn any offending mem ber over ty the ccuita It makes it a pr. nal offence for the preBS to publish any epeech which baa been censured by the President of the Di«t. It is nominally aimed at tbe Social Deputise, and tue law could be applied or misapplied to aoy ob jectionable member of tha majority. The Dill was wholly unexpected, and seams to alarm even the National Liberal*, but they mill probably reconcile themselves to it before it cone.i to a vote in the Diet.” Franz Danker, ex-member of tbe Ger man-Prnerian Parliament, has been pros ecuted by the Ptu-siaa Ministry for writiog an article in Augcet last criti cising the Anti-Socialist bill, and has been fined two hundred marks. The Viceroy of India telegraphs to-day that General Htawart received news on the 8th that the Governor of Candahir, witn moat of the Cabul officials hf>d fifd towards Herat, ur.d that tbe garnsun had been disbanded. Tho Governor-General eent an offer of submission. The British troops will march tbiough Candabar to- Wa'Uinuiu.-, rwa~*wp i) m .—Governor Swann, chairman of the House Commit tee on Foreign Affairs, of »hich Mr. Schleicher was a member, las called a meeting of that committee. Silas tioarnoy has been appointed storekeeper and gauger, for the Seventh district of Tennessee. The Senate Finance Committee coc- sidered the House bill proposing the re- duotion of tbe tax on tobacco, but no ac tios was taken. The Wajs and Means Committee con sidered tbe sugar question with tbe same result. The funeral services of Bepresentative Schleicher will be conducted in the Hall of the Honae of Representatives on Mon day afternoon. Tho Texas delegation this afternoon adopted resolutions of con dolence for the family of tbe deceased. The Sab-Csmmitree preparing tse army appropriation bill for the consider ation by tho Hocse Committee on Appro priations, held a sea-iin, and have nearly completed their work. Tne sub Commit tee oontemplate the insertion of sundry legislative provisions for tbe reorganiza tion of a line and staff somewhat npon the principles ot the Barnside bill. The proposition, it Is understood, emanates from aevxrsl general officers ot tbs army. Tncv bavs pot txksn definite notion on tbe snbjeot, and their recommendation, in any event, wilt require the conauir- enoe of a majc r ty of the fall oommittee. The legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill will also be reedy for action by the oommittee early next week. Comm ssioner Baum has a telegram from Collector Gray, of North Carolina, saying a raidng party in Stanley county seized eight stills in fall blast, and ar rested eight distillers. One of my party was Bbot in tha head but not fatally. Alao, a dispatch from Collector Brayton at Columbia, South Carolina, saying, “I have information of the seizure on the 7th inet. o! a blockade whisky wagon and two horses at Benneltsville, Sonth Caro lina, near Walhalla.” Washington, Jannary 11.—The cac» cos ot Bepublic&n Senators to-day called by Senator Edmonds to take action on tbe order of business, and a committee on the subject was appointed to report at a future meeting. There was also an interchange of views on the political questions, and aa to what wonld best ad- vanoetbe interests of tbe Republican party. The resumption of specie pay ments was the matter of general congrat ulation, and was claimed as a measure originating with and carried on by their party, and which was successful, note withstanding the persistent efforts of the Democrats party to deteat it, The sub ject of protecting all citizens, particular ly those of the Sontb, in their rights under tbe Constitution,was earnestly discussed, all agreeing that the enforcement of the laws for this purpose wonld materially strengthen the party, which had always advocated tb« doctrine of eqnal rights. Nobvolx, Va., January 11—The steam er William Newman, and a barge from this pork to Chowan River, North Caro lina, were ent through by the ice and snok in Currituck Bound, on the 9th in stant. Norwich, Jannary 11—In the Cobb case the defense put Dr. P. A. Jewett, of N«w Haven, on tbe stand to testify about arsenio eating. He deemed it possible for a person tb habituate himself to tak ing quantities of arsenic, and thought If suddenly discontinued tbe effect would bs fatal. He condemned Dr. Doremns’ method of calculating tho whole amonnt of arsenic in Cobb’s body from wfcat be found in his vital pans nlone as not reli able. The State recalled the prisoner’s mother for crose examination, and elicited the Btatomont which it tried to disprove by calling the prisoner’s little girl. The aim was to impeach the value of Mrs. Waterman’s testimony. There was a protracted and exciting argument over allowing tho child to testify at all, and then over the nature of tho questions that were pnt to her. A very dramatio and exciting scene ensued. The Court ruled that eha might testify. She then narrated a conversation with her grand mother, showing that the latter bad tampered with her as a witness. HBoBDliUX, January 11.—The British Lark Gunhtlda, Captain Grant, whioh sailed from London Deo 9th for this port was loBt last night. Nothing Is known as to the fate of the orew. VEGETINE An Excellent Medicine. Sfkingfield, O. February <8.1877. Tbisis to certify that I have used Vegeiine manufactured by H. R. Stevsnc. tfostoo. Maw. for Rboumatlam and General Prostration of the Nervous System, with Rood success I recom mend Yegetine ai n u excellent medicine for such complaints. *o«r. T. Hr Tandcgrift, of tbe firm ot Yacdegrilt A Huffman, is a well known business man in this Place,^having one ol tha largest storey in Spring- Our Minister’s Wife. Louisville, Kt, February i8,1877. Mb H R SxEVBKa— Dear Sir—Three yean ago I was suffering ter ribly with Inflammatory Rheumatism. Our minister's wilo advised me to take Yegetine. After taking oi.e bottle. I was entirely relieved, lha year, feeling a return of the disease, I again commenced taking it. and am being benefltted greatly. It aUo greatly improves my digestion. Respectfully, UBS t BALLARD. 1011 West Jefferson Street. Safe and Sure. Mr H RStzvbns— In 1878 your Yegetine was reoommended to me; an A yielding to tbe pursnsslonsyf a friend. I consented to try it- At tbe time I was suffer ing from general debility and nervous prostra-. Hon, superinduced by overwork and irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening and cura tive properties seemed to affeot my debilitated system from tbe first dose; and under its per sistent uio I rapidla recovered, gaining more than usual health and good feeling. 8inoe then I have not bentated to give Vegetine my most unqualified indorsement as being a safe, sure and powerful agent in promoting health and restoring the wasted system to new life and en ergy. Ycsetineis tbe only medicine I use. and as long aa Hive 11 ever expoet to find a better. Yonrs truly. W H CLARK, liO Monterey Street, Alleghany, Penn. ■VJSOISTire E The following letter from Rev G W Mansfield, formerly pastor of tbe Methodist Episcopal Church, Hyde Park, and at present settled in Lowell, must convince every one who reads his letter of the wonderful curative qualities of Yege- tine as a thorough cleanser and purifier o. the blood: _ Htdb Pass, Uses, Feb 15,1876. Mb H R Stbvsnb— Dear Sir—About ten years ago my health fail ed through the depleting effects of dyspepsia: nearly a year later I was attacked by typhoid fever in its worst form. It settled in my back, and took the form of a large deep-seated ab scess, which was fifteen months ingathering. I had two surgical operations by the best skill in the 8tate, but received no permanent cure. 1 suffered great pain at timet, and was constantly weakened by a profuse discharge. I also lose small pieces of bone et different times. Matters ran on thn about seven years, till May, 187*, when a friend recommended me go to your office, and talk with you of tho virtue of Vegetine. I did so, and by yctir kindness para- ed through your manufactory, noting tbe ingre dients. eta by which yonr remedy is produced. By what I saw and heard I gained some con fidence in Vegetine. I commdbced taking it soon after, bnt felt worse from its effects; still I persevered,and soon felt it was benefiting me in other respects. Yet I did not see the results I desired till 1 had taken ft faithfully for a little more tboa - jomr, when the difficulty in the back was cured; and for ntae mouths I have enjoyed the best of health. I hare in that time gained twenty-five pounds 01 flesk, being heavier than ever before in my life, and I was never more able to perform labor than now During the prst fow weeks I had a scrofulous swelling as !argo as my list gather on another part of my body. I task Vegetine faithfully, a-d it removed it level with tho rurface in a month. I think I shou|l have bean cured of my main trouble sooner if I had taken laigtrdoses,alcer having become accustomed to its effects. Lft your patrons troubled with scrofula or kidney disease understand tbst it takes timo to curs chronic diseases: snd. ifthoy will patiently ' ) Vegetine it will, in my judgment, cure m. With great obligations I am Yours very truly, G W MANSFIELD, l’astor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. VEGETINE Prepared by H. E. SIF.VESS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. janl dwed.fri&sunSw ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I B Y virtue of an order i f the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county. Georgia, tbe undersigned I as administrator de bonis non with will annexed of estate of James Dent, late of laid county, de ceased, will .xpoee to public tale at the court bous- in said *ibb county, on tbe first Tuesday in February. 1878, between the usual hours of sale, tbe lollowing prore tv ol raid estate to wit: Thirteen and on-tbird shares of the Capital Btockoftka Griffin Banking Comp-ny, 'triffln. Ga, one bond «or one thousand dollars ot the Western Railrovd Company, ol Alabama, en- doreed by the Central Ballroad and Banking Company, of Georgia, and tbe Georgia Railroad and Banking Company. and six shares ol tbe Capita: stock of the Southwestern Railroad Company, of Geonria, sold for distribution among Irgate-s. Terms of sale cash Maeouj Ga Jannary 6tt>, 1879, A B ROSS, an7 lawsw Adm'r. etc. Junes lenL di-c'n. ffliat will the Trtsatlicr Do To-morrow? THE NEW YORK SUN FOR 187$ BIBB COON I'Y SHERIFF MALES. XTTILL be sold before the court house door in W the city of Mscon on the first Tuesday in February next, within the lezal hours of rale, the following property, to wit: Tae eastern ba<f of lot No A in square No A of the city cf Haoon and countv ol Bibb, fronting on Walnut Street, in said city. Tbe half of the width of s-id lot No S bounded on the northwest by the other half of said lot No S, owned by Asher Ayres, and on tbe northeast and southeast by public al'eys of ssid city Said half lot contain ing one-half acre, more or lest. Levied on as tbe property nl Theodore Wells, trustee, to satisfy afif-.i-tuedfrom Bibb Superior Court in favor of BP Strong.administrator, v» Theodora Wells, trustee. Property psintel out by plaintiff's attorney. January A 1*79 jan7 td* GEO P CHERRY. Sh’ff GUARDIAN’S SALE. G eorgia, jones county—By virtue ot an order from the Court of Ordinary of Jones county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next before the coart bouse doir in Bibb county within tbe usual hours of sele, eighteen shares of the capital stock of the Cap! tal Bank of Maooiff Ga. belonging to Martha O Barron and Bailie H Barron, minors Tern cssh. 8 AMUR 1.RIBBON. j«cS Id Guardian ol said minors. Teb Sex will bo printed en ry day durinjr^te POOL’S SIGNAL SERVICE BAROMETER And Thermomrtcr Combined. CCUf!j sny simp la th 3 Wst'Acr. 12 to 24 Iran Si timer. »i- dorsed by the most eminent Prefer— re er d f > i« r- 11 k men as tho E=:t Wcititr fci'f :c? :i tie V.'clA. FARMERS enu plan tlnir work neerrdirg to it* p , fictions. It v iil rave fifty li-t c-s 1:« e f fn a r : v:’-. season. V.'urmnted Perfect r —'' Reliable. ?.'» :k4 it Frrs to any nddrers on r- < ip: of J2.10 Row. re of worthless iciiiaiicns. N ine genuine wilkont our trade mark. Agents Wanted. Send btamp for Circular. ff. 6. B5V2LC7 W.. 1C5 Yildo tecs. P:w 7c:i. Please state whcrd'von saw advertisement. S<*u(IMrmeyOrders nr Ur-irtPred l.ct’f ir i* * «tir ri.-fc 77%S GRAND DISTRIBUTION. flommonweaith Distribu tion Go. By authority ot Commonwealth of Kentucky. Drawing and details under super: is:on ot promt- xsnt citizens ot Kentucky, in the ottv of Louis ville, on 3 ear to come. Its purpose tbesameasin the post: To pesea' oil the in a readable rliape, and lot* II the truth ~ the heaven* fell Tee Sus ha* been. ia. and wilt continual indeijencent of everybody and everything theTnrhand its own conviction-of cuty. ' is the only policy which sn* newsp uerdhtvo. Thut is the policy which has wow for this newspaper tho ciofidenre and friend ship of a wider constituency thru was ever en joyed by sny American journal. Tub Sus is tbe newspareref the people. ltd* not for tho rich man again*’the poor man, cm forthepuor man against iha nan man. battt seek* to do equal lattice to all interests in tbe community, it is rot tbe organ of auy person, class, sect or party. There need be no mystery about its loves and hates, i t is for bonestsnaa ayaiost the rogues of eveiy time. ffl.iaCf^cXe heuert Democrat as again t th- dinbone-t Re public *p. and for the honest Republican - ao acainatthedishonestDemowat. Jtdoes nottako its cue from the utterance* cf any politician os politicalorganizatio'’. I: vivcaitasupport ware* served ly when menormtasuioareina reemeefc with the Constitution and with tho principles upon which this republic was scumled for (Be people. Whenever tbe Constitution erd consti tutional principles are violated—«s in tixvocL- Thursd&y. Jan. 30, 1879 NO SCALING, NO P0S T P0NEMENT. PKIZE-PAID IN FULLI I sixes. Annual DOT Sill AT THE NEW YORK STORE In order to roduce our stock about twenty five thousand dollars during this month we do not intend toask tbe marked price on any article in stock, but will sell all goods at a great reduction from former prices. Our stock is full and comple'e in all its depart ment*. cassimeres. JEANS and LINDSAYS at 2 > per cent reduetion. SHAWLS, CLOAKS DOLMANS and SKIRTS at less than Now York cast, v FLANNELLS WHITE. RED, TWILLBD, MEDICATED, PLAIN and PLAID OPERAS at less than Manufacturer’s prices. BLANKETS, QUILTS. TABLE DAHA8KS, TOWELS. NAPKINS. ETC, at actual cost. of all styles, and we have th* largest and choicest variety in the city, at New York cost.) We an determined to reduce our stock, ro will sell everything in our storeat a reduction of 20 tots per cent. We have recently added some beautiful new designs to our - Al.o - Drugget Crumb-Cloths, Which we will sell at prioea in keeping with tho low prices ruling in this department. Brussel?,’ 3-ply?/ Extra-Supers and Super;/ all reduced below New York Cost. Clothing — Overcoats psrliculatlj—at greatly reduced prices. 8. Waxelbaum & Bro. Jan5 JASPER SHERIFF SALE. TYTUHibe sold on the first Tuesday in Icknu V T ary next before the oourt house door ia the town of Monticello, Jasper county, between the usual hours of Sheriff soles, eight hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, 760 acres in the possession ol Colbert Jeffries aad 100 acres in S ot A L Sluder, all In said county, lauds of Pleas Banks, BA Kelly, Frank Malone. Jr, James Hardy own as tbe Colbert Jeffries jrlsnta- . Levied on as " __ r ru avi uwiw favor of Geo T Bartlett vs Colbert J sffries, prin cipal.rad John W Wyatt aufljT Wyatt security, Parties in possession givdn written notice. De- ' -1878. THOMAS R PENN, Aw Dep’y Bh’fl Jasper County. My annusl Catalogue of Ycgatab’e and Flower Seed for 1179. rich in engravings, from original photographs, will be sent FREE to all who apply. Customer* of lost season need not wme for it. I offer one of the largest collections of vegetable seed ever sent out by any *eed house in Ameriet, a lsrga portion ef which were grown on my six seed farm*. Printed directioni for cultivation on each package. All seed warranted to be both fresh and true to name so far, that should itprora otherwise, I wilt refill the order gratis. The original Introducer of the Hubbard Squash, Phmnej’s Melon, Marblebiad Cabbages. Mexican Corn, and scores of other vegetables, I invite the patronage of all who are anxious to have their seed directly from thagrower. fresh, true, and of the very best srtain, NEW VEGET ABLES A SPECIALTY. isnlOwZt G BORGIA.JONE8COCNTY--7onrw*e*a al ter eate I will apply to the Court of Ordina ry of Jones county for an order to^ sell all lha lands belonging to estate ot Sarah Foster, de ceased, late of said county. J H jinlltd* HUNTS*. Adm’r. G EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas Jno Roberts. Guardian for Jno W James, A Roberts and Mary B Bragg, three of his chil dren, applies for dismiscisn. These are therefore to cite apd notify all persons concerned to shiw cause, if any they have to the contrary, at this qffleo on the first Monday In March next. Witness vny band offlcislly# janl" id* ROLAND T ROSS, Ord’y. G eorgia, jasper epuNir.-Jarrett b Kelly, guardian of John Belly, minor, de- cra-ed, has applied to me for letters of uismistion from said trust. This is therefore to cite all poisons concerned to show Ciuso. if any they have, by the first Monday in February next, why ssid applieal ion should not be granted ard le tew of dismission from his guardianship granted tuhim FRANCIS M SWANSON. Ordinary. camber 24, jtnSlswAw W ILL be sold before the court house door, Ju the town of Monticello, Jasper county, on the first Tuesday in February, 1879, the foi- lowing real estate in said town, to-wit: The house and lot known as the Loyall Lot, con taining one-half acre, more cr less, adjoining Int3 of W A Kelly. W L Zachry and E HGay. The dwelling house on this let has six room-, also servant, cock and other houses, a good well, gar den and other convenient tenements. Also one other let containing one acre, more or less, ad joining lots of T C Broaddus and others, and th. street leading from the Baptiat Church to the jmi, Emm* L «. tb* Wall bam and stable lot and ou which there is now a Darn «><« stable. Sold bv virtue of an order from the Su perior Court, of said county, for the purpose ol partition and division between tbe neirs at law of Jesse Loyall, late of said county,deceased Terms cash For further information apply to tbe uniersignoi. December 18tb. 1878. JOHN C KEY. B W PURIFOY. JOHN H KELLY. drrSStd Commissioners. G EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas Jno T Mat,bis applies to me for dismission from executorship ol estate John Parrar. decea-ed. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned tvehowran-e at this office oner by the first Monday in April next, if any th-j have, wbv tile same shall no be granted. lliveu in: ler mv haul officially this day, De- cemherii.t 1878 ROLAND T RO<8. de* £7 to* Ordinary. L-snd Near Ifocon ior Sale- B Y viitueof a power or tale vested in the rity budding and Loan A*»oci*tion by deed under s-a! duly executed in favor of said Asso ciation on the 1st dsy of Ms*, in the year 187S. by Jam a JI Bag-erby, which decd i* duly re corded -aid Association will eziose at publie sale to th i highest bidder for cash, on Saturday, the 18th day ol January, 1879, between the usual hours of sheriff's sales, at the court house, in Macon, Bibb county, Ga. the following property, to-wit: All of the south ball of what is known sa lot No 9 in the turvey known as Jenkm's Block, in said county and State, on the road leading from Macon to Perry, about ene and a quarter miles from Macon, containing about five-eighths of an acre, more or leu: bounded oa the north by the other part of said lot, sonth by tend formerly belonging to the estate otUobert Findlay, east bj a *0 foot street, and west by tend ol Patrick Daley. Paid property will be sold to satisfy a debt now duo said Association by said Kaggerby, amounting to tbe principal sum of 193766 and interest thereon from this date, together wtth the coats and expontes rftms proceeding. Said debt being thn amount due on a bond, after allowing all credits, to secure the payment of which bond raid deed, with power of oafe. was executed. Good fee nmple title mads on tbe day ot sale to the purchaser. Macon, Ga, December 14th, 1878. GEO W BURR, Secretary and Treasurer City Building and Loan Association. deeI7 lawiw - rsgeous conspiracy of 1876. b« which a mxa ncC elected was placed in the President's office where hn still remain: - it * peaks-out for tha 1 hat ia tb* Su -’a idea of independeMa, In this respect there will be no change in itspew* gramme for 1879. Tub sun has fairly earned tbe hearty hatred ot rstcala. frauds and humbugs of all aorta add opes to deserve that hatred ootlesiia thojear 1879 thin in 1878, 1877,or any year gffita by. Tbe Sun is printeo forth,- men and women cf to-cay, whose concern is chs-fiy with tea affairs of to-dar. Ithssbothth disoositKmaaiX the ability to afford its reader* the promptest, fullest, and moat accurate intelligence of what ever in the wide world is worth attention, lie n nil . n , n ■ | this end tbe re* urce* belonging to well cetafr- Uoparallelcfl success »f the Popular Prawbgs *£*^SSWSTSStSSA I3ST OA9H Distributed. TICKETS ON1/Y $2- $115,400 Read the followins attractive li-t ot prizes for the Jabuabt Drawrig: l Prize $ 80,000 i l Prise 10,000 _r_; ~ 10 Prizes „ 20 Prizes 600 each ... 100 Prizes lOOeach 800 Prizes to each 600 Prizes 20 each .... 10.000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 I . __■ I, . .. '. . — 9 Prizes 800 each, ap’roximat’n prises 2.700 " 8 J? f eiul ^toauply them freely.. Prizes ZOO each, do do jiog I Our rates of subacripliou remain unconagea. _ I parties ic this country, ano tho uncertainty of tbnfulure. lend an extraordinary significance to tbe evenla ol tbe coning year. To present with arearser and clearness the exact situation in each of its varyingphases and to expound, according-tcrtta well-known m thodr, the pnnciplus'tiuAitfraZWi guide us through tbe labyrinth, will be an impor tant partof the Sun’s work lor 18J9. Wehavo the m: ans of making the So:;, as a po rt iral, a literary, and a genera! newspaper, mote entertaining and more useful than ever Jrefcro; Prizes ZOO each, 9 Prizes 100 each do For the Daily Sux, a four j aceshreto! twenty- ' eight columns, tbe price by mail, postpaid, cents a month, or 8660 a year: or, including tfie Sunday paper, an eiaht-page sheet of fifty rig: columns, the ptire is 61 cents a month, or 8779J: 1,960 Prizes Whole Tickets. 82. Half Tickets, $L 27Tickets,«60. B6Tickets.8106. ... - ... — Remit by postoffice Money Order, registered ’Thc^uX^itionof theSus is rise larnuhdd - 1 **'“ •* “ R •. postage paid ““ to tho current _ For tickets and information address COM- I Presema a most entertaining and irslnietfre MU.Mta.ALTH DISTRIBUTION CO, orTJ COMM ERF iRD.Sec’y, Courer-Journal Build- ng, Louisville Kv c eeitilljanSO letter, bank draft or express. Full list of draw- I ‘““TV “ «*o c ing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and 1 ypsrately at 81 20 a year. New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-hold- I Buspat huir, in addition ti body of literary and miKellauecus matter, ha /'I BORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—' vJT Joseph W Banon applies to me for dis mission front guardian] hip of Joanns R Barren. These are te cite and admonish all pertona concerned to show cause, if ary they have to the contrary, why the same shall not be grested at | care and ability, is'unsurpassed the March Term next of this court. Given trader mv hand officially. December 2M. 1178. ROLAND T K08S, deo27td* Ordinary. twice as great and in value uot inferiors* that of the best monthly magazines of the day, at cr.c-tenthof their cost. The WEBKLY Sub is specially adapt i d forlhce who do not take a New York daily rapar. .On ness of the week te folly presented, its raarfeet reports are furnished to tbe latest moment, aad its agricultural department, edited with i ' TheWa NEW 0PHR4M1AMTAS! H- M. S. PINAFORE. G0HIC0PEB1 BY ABfHCB SULLIYAN. is the most popular thing of the kind ever per formed m this country. Music excellent and le for amateur performance in any town or village. Elegant copy, with words, music and libretto complete, mailed anywhere foi SI.Co. TRIAL BY JURY is a laughable Operetta by the same author. 01> ots. h’s Bondage. By Chadwick, si oo I azzar. Buttesfielb.i.oo , „ , “ Bbadbubt, .so iDree Cantatas which are magnificent when given with Oriental dress and scenery. The test one is easy. Pauline’* ($2)—"Diamond cut Diamond" (811 , "Guardian Angel” (SOcts.1—“Lesson in Chant j” i (60 eta.) "Maud Irving" (60 ct*.) are Operettas l requiring but a few singers, and are capital for | Parlor Performances. Tne last three aro Ju venile-. In Fress. “The Sorce-er,” by Sullivan. OLIVER, DITS0N& CO., Boston, ianttf ’ Sczr ia probably read to-day by more faxcoeot than any otherpaperpublished. A choice stogy, with etaer carefully prepared miscellany, appeals in each issue. The Weekly protects its xezdess by barringitsadvetthing columns against triads and hnmbuga, and furnish** more good matter for less money than ran be obtained from, sop ot tun warrant wire, v*e— a ln . fifty-six columns, is 81»Jesr. postage paid. Fir cluba ol ten sendinr $10 we will send an cite* copy tree. Address 1 W ENGLAND, dec!* 4w Publisher of The Suit, N /■'l BORGIA. JONES COUNTY,— Whems U Samuel Ferrell Jr, applies to me for Has guardianship of Botecca Ferrell, minor, colored. Tbese are therafore to cite and admonish/aH persons concerned to show cause,, if.any(fxz» have, at this office on or by the'first Monday an February r«xt, -why the same -shall r.ot ka granted. Given under *my rffieiallv, December 26th. 1878. BOLAND TROS8. dec2S td* Oramais. urir-ife* of Veritable aad Flower Seed*, Plants, Jlosea, ln\ lIuaI-L* t*> al!. Send for It. Address D. H. FERRY Sc CO. Detroit Utah. David LaiiM & te are the most extensive growers of GARDEN SEED in America. Their four {arms, comprising over 1600 acres, situated in Pennsylvania. New Jer sey. Virginia and Wisconsin, are OWNBD. OCCUPIED AN D CULTIVATED BY THEMSELVES. The seels offered are tne result cftfce most careful and eiperienced selection jear after year. Market gardeners, private families, and all who desire good seeds, should purchase Landreths* Garden Seeds. If your merchant does not keep them write lor them. DAVID LASDRETH A SONS. Philadelphia Fa. Business established in 1784 and kept up ever since Reliable. oct 23„.dwedAw6m City Lot for Sale. B Y virtue ot a power of sale vested in the City Building A Loan Association by deed rai der seal dulr executed fn favor of said AisoWa- thexit day of July* in the year 187Ab doedisdulyjccoKled, James W Edwards, a ion will •aid Association will expose at publie highest Didder for cash, on Saturday, the 18th day of January, in tbe year 1879, between A* hours of ten in tbe morning and four .o’clock la the afternoon, at the court bouse, in Macon, Bibb county Georgia, the following property, to *wrt: All that parcel of land sitpatein said city ot Ms. eon. in said couaty and State, and known in the plan of raid oity as lot No A in block 18. oa the righted the street leading to Vineville. below the residence of Mr. Whittle, now in the occupancy of Mrs. Elizabeth G Edward*. Bald property will be soldtosatisfy a debt now due laid As so* ciaiion by taid Ed ward*, amounting to tha prin cipal sum ol I&S14 93 and Interest thereon worn this dare, together with tbe costs and expenses of this proceeding. Said debt being the amount due on a bond, after allowing all credits, to se cure the payment of which bond taid deed, with power of a 1*. was executed. Good fee limpls tit’o made on day of sale to the purchaser. Ma con, Ga, December IA 1878. GEG W BURR, Secretary and TreaturerOity Building and Loan fLBORGIA, JASPER COUNTY-Peter M W Faulkner, executorof John Faulkner repre sents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fully administer- en John Faulkner’s estate. This te therefore 20 cite all persons concerned, kindred and credit ors, to show cause, it sny they can. why taid ex ecutor should net be discharged from his tntt| ana receive letters ef dismission on the first Monday in February, 1879. F M PWANSON. «ctI7 td* Ordinary. A GOOD PLAN Anybody can learn to make money rapidly oper ating in Stojki by the "Two Unerring Rules for II/issm T^wmsim A Pa'a staiw ni bM made so successful# en&l large or small means to reap al largest capital and best skill. Success," in Messrs T«wrence A Co’s new CiraU' ter. Tbe combination method, whioh this firm uL enables people with all the benefits of U dors, In various sums, ere fooled Into one vast amount and co-operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advantages of the largost operator. Immense profits are divided monthly. Any amount, from 86 to86,000 or more, can be used successfully. New York Baptist Weekly, September 16,1878, says r "By the combination system 816 would make $78. or 8per oenti $60 pays $860, or 7 percent: $100 makes ?i,ooo, or 10 per cent on tbe stock durirg tbe month, aesordlng to the market.” Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, June 29th; "The combination method of operating stocks ia the most successful ever adopted." New York In dependent, Sept, 12th: '-The combination sys tem Is founded upon correct business principles, and no person need be without an income while itisko-t working by Messrs Lawr-cre & Oo.” Brooklyn Journal. April 29tb: “Our editor maae a net profit or *t0125lrom$20 in one of Messrs Lawrence & Co's combinations ’’ New circular (mailed free) explain* everything. Stocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds euppiiod. Lawrence A Co, Bankers, 67 Exchimgo floes. New York. Tho World’s Standard. fsregfr fairbank SCALES. FOR SALE ALSO PM AlanMoney Drawers, Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Generally, THE IMPROVED TYPH WRITER. OSCILLATING PUMP 0O’8 PUMP8. Send forOlronlsrs, FAIRBANKS & CO., SU Broadway, Pi. Y. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. A..d2aw w4m ■n YOU WISH to engage in an honest, gen- I 111 teel bminen, and make plenty ot money ir ADMINISTRATORS SALE. S EOBGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-By virtue of an order from the Oourt of Ordinary ot countv will be sold before the court house door m said county on the flrtt Tuesday in Feb ruary. 1879, between tbe legal hours or sale, the foil,wing property, to-wit: That lotof land in thecltyof Kaean. and said county of Bibb known as lot No (S) three on a map of the eitate prepared by A E Boardman, and recorded in the Clerk’s office of tbe Suj County of Bibb. Sold as tbe property of tbe estate ot G Bonn, late of said county, decent purpoiecf distribution. Terms cash. W W CARNES. Jsn71aw4w Adm’r 8 O Bonn, deo’d Postponed Receiver's Sale of Valuable Properly. B Y virtue of an order of the Honorable, the Superior Court of Bibb County, I will ex pose for sale to the highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in February next,before the court houso door, in the city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, belonging to the Planter’s Banking Company, viz: Los Nol, in square 70, in the city ot Macon, on which there are four dwelling houses, now occu- pied by Wheeler, Bhellmzn, McCraery and Fla- Terms cash. Ail isles ts be reported to and by ths court before titles are mado ~ delivered. A6HERAYRB8, r<5o sn8 law4w Bereiver of the P Bfc’ng l NOTION. We have the LARGEST and Packsgsinth6world.„ltetnttini >> ^tiffimt« e ot sample package, with elegant gold store S!cav< Bvitto s.Sqt Gold-plated Studs, Engraved Gj’.j plated Ring, and » Ladies’Fashionable Bet, Pin and Drops, postpaid 26 cents. 6 Pack ages with Assorted Jewelry 8>. 8PLBNlTtli Watch and chain frmb with bvbrt • *60 WORTH OP GOODS YOU BUY. SdsEr dlnary Inducements to Agents G EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas Jaa W Stubbs applies to me for dismisnow from administration estate Thomas A stubtai denoted. . , _ There are therefore to cite jmd admonish uE persons concerned to show cause at this officeec. or by the first Monday in April next, if any they have, why the same shall net be granted. Given under my hand officially this day. De cember Blrt, 1878. dec-27 td* ROLAND T ROS3. Ordinary. JASPER SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL bd ssid on (he fir.-t Tuesday in ruary. 1879, next, before tha court door iuthe town ot Montiorilo, during the legs! hours of safe, the fol'owin* property, to-wit: Three hundred and fifty scri-a of lacd. mcreor less, in the county of Jasper, whereon thedrfem- dant, John B Digby, now resides. Also ail that tract cf land lying in said county known a* the Lawrence Mill place, containing two hundred and twenty acres, more or less, adjoining tend* of John R Greer, Jesse Clay. B B Smith. NR White and otbe»s, it beina parti cf lotaKotO and SI, in the 17th district rf originally iiablates, now Jasper county, and the part of said miff tract »et apart to said Digby as a homestead. Levied on to he sold as the property of John IS Digby to satisfy a ft fa from Jasper .Superior Oourt in favor cf Wm Van Antwerp v* JohnB Digby, and otherfi fas, against raid Digby in ray hard?. At the same time and place will he sold tire following lands to-* it: Nos 197.199.20G and SOU each containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or Iras, situated ia Jasper eouxtjK and in the 19 th dstrict of ft id county, thassasa being that tract ot land coniaiiririi 6J1 acres ot land, mo o or let*, set aside as a noth'stead to John W W.init, ana surveyed byM N Cranford, county *urvrjor of taid county; adjoining tends of JT Wyatt, land* frrmerly owned by Nestor Pitts, cm a e of J □ Freeman and others: aad. two li Hired and fifty acres of iand. more or teat, known -a the Potato i niece, aiir.icing lands et M V Urquhsrt and • filers All leviad. on a* rle property of J W Wystt and to bo sol.l to satisfy a 8 I*, from Jasper Inferior Court: in fnvorol James 11 Rnb rls. and transfcriedt* C M and M V Boykin: and anothar fi fa Irora Newton Superior Conn in favor of R U Urzhaaa A Bro, rs John W Wyatt- Property pointed oct by plaintiff's attorney. C L Bartlett. December 23. *878. THOMAS R PENN, jins law4w Dep’y Sh’ff Jasper County, Established, 1818. «aa3K New Carriage Factory. EENT & GREENE —Manufacturers of and Dealers Carriages, Buggies, Our Shops on Popter Srirwtj next dear i Are supplied with a full stock of the materials, and we have in onr employ thebsto mechanics In Georgia. We will make nothing bnt tbe very best work, aud at prices within tha reach of all. Tho matmfucturiug dtp:rt roes*■» in charge of T 3.Greene, lato ot lirv>ma»at Greene, who will be glao to wait oo alijiiaMd customers. The best hand uiado harness (ttrar* on hand. Ropairing of all kinds will hfivitbare- ful attention. Prices low. W» wilt v«py th* old carnage stand. Good. Small & Co, w*h salsa- room on October 1st. A 1 ! -verk werrmted. Macon, August 22.1878 JASPER SHERIFF SALE. Yk/ILL be slid) before the court house < VT the town of. Monticollo, in said Mash* between the legal hours of sale, ou tfgjfint Tuesday ia February. 1870, ona hundred-aad fifty-nine (169) aces of tend, more or doss, tytec aud being iu said county ot Jasper. oRjn the waters of Wolfe Creek, adjoining tends «t ML Jordan on the northw-jt, those of J H Jtcmloa the north, airi those of T M Jordan wrae" ou tho other sides. Levied upon as the pr of John F Jordan under mui by virtue qj A fas, in mv hands issued from Jasper “n i ourt in favored A B Colquitt, (iyii-riior., John F Jordan, prinoipsl, W Mealies and T M J ard re «-touuiw. printed out by Bol.' Ug Wuriflehi. p.ail torney. and due notire g *>*«t teHvpr* I non. as required by law, Jm.uary *fL' Jan5Ms* U T D’GBT. l