Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, March 18, 1879, Image 1

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-c>— iUn & -ii- CLISBT, JONES & REESE, Proprietors. Tbi Faxilt Journal.—News—Politics—I»i*Majo»JH-A.«*|CiiLTjjB*—Doicx8Tis I- II r , ' T ■<*■* ■ GEOEGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING Established 1826. MACON, TUESDAY, MARCEU8.18Z9. Volume LIT—NO 11 BY TELEGRAPH Camxj»n\ rlL Madeira, Fdbrnary 18. Colonel Pearaonwas attaoked at ESto>ve bv a large force of Zulus. The latter Were defeated with enormous loss, and pursued to Eatameai, one of the Zulu military kraalo- Colonei Wood reports that he has cap tured a Urge number of cattle. _ The health of hi a troops is good. The attitude of the native tribe* in Transvaal 19 dis quieting. and it is feared the chiefs have formed a league against the British. The Governor of Mauritius has armed at Capetown. Toe men of war Biadicca and Flora are at Simon’s Bay. They have aeran eases of smsll pox on board. Madrid, March a.—The minister of the interior has deolared that the policy of the new Cabinet will be both conserva tive and liberal. Berlin, March 9—A notice signed by Bismarck announces that the German Empire is free from the cattle plague. Parii, March 9.—If the Chambers vote for the impeachment, ex-President Mac- Mahon intends to demand that he be prosecuted with the mlnUtera. A belief is gaining ground that the Chambers w>U reject the impeachment resointloD. The Presse sayaM. Renault will oppose it on behalf of the Left Centre. Tne Pays—organ of the mili tant B mapartists—advises the Bonapart- iats to abstain from voting, and not to aid in saving the Bepnblic. L'Ordrt, the organ of M. Bonher, ad vises the Bonspaitists to vote against the impeachment. The Chambers will prob ably adjourn about the 25th instant until May. Madrid, March 9.—It is stated that the Marquis Do Molmo has declined the Ministry of Foreign Adairs, preferring to remain m Paris, as the Spanish Ambassa dor. The Ministry has been offered to Benor F- Do Cardenas, now Minister of Spain at the Vatican. Niw York, March 9.—Captain Waliaoe, of steamship Glen Lyon, reports on Feb- rusty 19ib, foity miles from Algiers, in the Mediterranean, he eigbted the ship Kentuckian, of Boston, dying a signal of distress. Her Captain seemed much ex cited and paced the quarter deck with a revolver in band. On inqniry'be stated that he was nine ty days oat from Trieste, boand for tho Southwest pas3—that his orew was in mutiny and starving. A boat was lowered and the first mate of the Gien Lyoo went along side of the Ken- tnokian with fiesh water, preserved meats and biscuits. Us inquired if it wau safe to go on board tho vessel, and on th9 Cap tain replying in th9 affirmative, mounted her side. As ha wat going up the ladder the captain emptud his revolver over the mate’s bead. On reaching the deck the mate observed that good order prevailed and tho crew of colored men were carry ing ont their orders in a quiet and peace able manner. There were no complaints or threats male, either by the Captain or men. The captain said l>s wanted only n lit tle tea and seme preserved meat?, as he bad everything else, bat requested the ma'o to tow him 400 miles to Gibraltar for rC200 sterling. The provisions were furnished bat the mate refused to take him in tow, ns there wa3 no distress, and he waa only a few hours distant from Algiete. He remained onboard three-quarters of an hour, during whiob time there was no disturbance, but the captain showed every evidence of mental aberration. Later advioes report that the Kentuck ian pntinto Iviza, a Mediterranean port, on March 3d,.with Cap.ain Mosely dead. Gloucester, Mass., March 9.—No ti dings have yet been received of the four teen fisning vessels which went ont from here to the George’ sbanke, and it is gen erally believed here that the entire num ber went down with all their crews in the severe gales of last month. Peksaoola. March 9.—Dunham's ma chine shop and foundry were burned here last night. Less about $5,000. No in surance. Naw York, March 9.—Tae triennial convention of the Jewish Order of He- sher Shel Bs'Z*l cmimenoed to-day in Pytbagors- H«il, and was called to order by Solomon Laiz. There were delegates present from ail the Bhboidinate lodges in the Unfed States and Canada. Mr. William B. Htoknay waa elected chair man, and ihe Vioe Presidents as follows : District No. 1, — Jjindotnao ; No. 3, — Kaerieb; No. 4, H. Woolden; Na. 5, — Pares?. between Bangoon and Mandalay, and the situation in Upper Barmah is regarded as extremely dangerous for the European residents. It ia stated that, while the rtoent massacres at the instance of the king amounted only to forty, the killing was attended by terrible atrooity. The viotims were beaten and kicked, and the women _ were shamefully abused. The royal prinoea were reserved for the last, and were made to witness tbe torture and death of their families, before being mas- stored themselves. The bodiesor all tbe viotims were thrown into old wells. Ljndon, March 10.—The Paris correspondent of the Daily News says : ‘This opinion, which Is Joabtlees Gam- betta’s, will, I think, ohaoga the of the moderate pipers, saeh *h tn. Journal du Debats, Le Hemps, and Ls 8uin Argue, that ‘the multitude of misdemeanors oom- m>tted by the DeBroglia Ministry are sufficiently pnoisbed by the failure of most of them, and that, moreover, they are barred by the autate of limitations.' As for the oharge against the Boobebouat Cabinet, of organizing a coup d’etat, al though the moral proof is atroog, there is mnoh doubt whether an overt aot could ba legally established. The telegraphio correspondence of the Bochebonet Cabi net was most remarkable. For example: General Grtmandet Da Bochabonet re commended tha oommandant of Lyons to deprive all private oitizana of their arms. He also telegraphed the oommandant of Tonlonse as follows: T am told tbe Ninth Begiment oanhoi ba oonnted on.’ General Daorat, on being informed that the first attempt to form a liberal aabiDet bad failed, telegraphed to General De Boohebonet hia thanks, adiing: 'May God and MaoMnhon be glorified.’ On Deoember 12;b, General DeGrlm- andet' Da Bochebonet, telegraphs the oommandant of Benne?; ''Endeavor to bo ready on Tne troops should take all their camp equipage.” Oa ths 13 hot December, when the Da- faure oabmet was formed, DrGrimaadet De Bochebonet telegraphed to Bordeanx : "Pray warm confidentially at headquar ter^ to stop all preparations.” The re port says: President MacMsbon, impell ed by honesty and enlightened by event?, did cot follow to the end the detea table counsel of hi3 minister?. London, March 10.—Tho Rcpubliquc Francois, Gimbetta’s organ, of Paris, prononnees decidedly againzt 'the im peachment of tho Da Broglie-Fonrton ministry. It aaya the report of the com mittee, while ably grouping tbe acts of the men who openly revolted against the national will, reveals no new facte, and though the accused richly deserve to be tried, prosecution would be big with in- convenience, not to say peril, even if tne.Senate gave a verdict of guilty. A trivial sentence could only result. Liverpool, March 10.—The Liverpool Courier’s London correspondent telegraphs as follows: “The new French, and American Cable Company will be form ally brought before the public some day this week. The cable *ia in process of construction and is expected to be laid during tbe coming snmmer.” Washington, March 10.—The intelli gence which ia derived from Charleston, 13. C., that ex-Senator Patterson had received fall pardon for his alleged offenses in Sonth Carolina, came from Mr Patterson himself. Richmond, Ya., March 10.—The grand jnry-of the Hustings Court, of this city, to-day indicted John E. Poindexter for tbe mnrder of yonng Curtis last week. Tbe trial is set for Monday next; New Yoke, March 10.—At 3:15 p. m., theecorewas as follows: O’Leary 63 miles and 7 laps, Bowell 74 milea and 7 laps, Harriman C£? miles and 6 lap?, En nis 60 miles and 6 laps. Washington, Maroh 10.—The follow ing Southern oases were decided in the Uuited States Sapreme Conrt to-day s- Harvey Teriy vs. John J. MoJUard, re ceiver. cto, from United States Oironit Court for the diatrlot of Sooth Carolina. A motion to dlamiBS was denied. The United States, appellant vs. Eve- line Perot, appeal from the District Conrt of the United States for tbe district of Louisiana. This is a olaim founded on a Spanish, grant to four leagues of land mtnated in the Bayon of tbe Adore, iu the settlement of Bayon Pierre, Louis iana. The oonrt holds that the evidence produced to authenticate tbe grant is, nnder tbe cironmeiances, all that the olalmante conld be 6xpsoted to produor, and that tbe grant mast therefore he sns- tainiog. On tbe fi'ingby the ippuieesof a courts were of the prisoners’ race, and that they did sot, therefore, have an im partial trial. The questions of Federal jurisdiction xaised here by the petition fa interesting and important. IHE GKOEGJLA ATI ESS. Tae forenoon session was devoted to au address by Mr. Lstz, who reviewed the history and growth of the organize' lion, its objeo’.n and principles. Arrangements have btoa made by Dis- ttioi No. 1 to entertain the delegates while they remain in this city. Boston, Marco 9—Arrived Seminole from Savannah. The steamer, Atrato, from Loaoon, which arrived hern to-day, report* that on the 221 of February, in latitude -16.19, longitude 2640, she passed ? burning ship, supposed to bs an iron vtesel of apparently 850 or 900 tons burden. She »ent near tbe wreck, bnt couid not ascertain her name. Easipokt, Maine. Marco 9.—Ship Turkish Empire, 1,600 ton?, Wear, mas ter, from St. JoV.n to Dublin, went ashore at Big Duck Island, near Granel Menao, Fndsy night, and is a total loss. The Captain sal six men were drowned. London, M«toh *.—The Sportsman says Hanlon is a. Brooklande, m-ar Manches ter, and ia going through a daily routine of strong exercise, bolb afloat and ashore. He will shortly remove to Newcastle and go into regular training on the Tyne. At present be is oat of condition as be scales 127 pounds against 143 when he rowed Conrtesey. He also oomplaina that bis bends are very tender from lsok of work. A match bos been made between cham pion Elliott and an unknown over tbe Tyne course to taka place a mentb after the Hanlon-Hawdon match. Tbe name °1 the noknown will be declared on the day of the Hanlon-Hawdon rnatob. New York, March 10.—At a quarter put ten o'clock this mbrning Bowell had completed 52 mile?, O’Leary 47, Harri- tnan 45 and EnniB 42 miles in the great ictercaaonal walking-match at Gilmore’s Garden. Great crowds thronged the building?, and tho inside attendance waa luge. Bowell kept up bis trotting gait, whilo O’Leary maintained a ateadjrwalk. Tho greatest excitement is aroused by this contest and tho betting on the reenlt has not cbsnged from what it waa last evening, namely three to two on O’Leary. The pedestrians are all in good condition. Beta were freely offered to-day of f 500 even on O’Leary against tbe field. Calcutta, March 10.—General Grant arrived here today. London, March 10.—The Daily News' correspondent at Berlin, says at a parlia mentary eoiree on Saturday, the Chan- cellor said that a partial disarmament was impossible. Germany, at least, conld bot begin. Unfortunately, she bad to ahowa'front in four different directions, and c;nld trust none of her neighbor*. Calcutta, Maroh 10.—The state of af fairs in Mandalay has created grave anx- •ly. The garrisoni in Brith, Barmah, „ , have been doubled. The Burnt is have caae to the Federal court upon the ground interrupted telegraphio ocmmnnioation that none of the jurors in the State remitter of 5.3z6 sore?, they will be enti tled to a decree of affirmance fur the bal ance, vi: 15.713 aorep. The opinion w*s delivered by Justioo Bradley. Washington, March 10.—An interest ing, and in some respects anomalous case, involving the powers and jurisdiction of Federal courts ia the Southern States, came before the Sapreme court of the United States tc-day, upon the applica tion of the Governor of Virginia, fora writ of mandamas 4o compel Jndge Bives, of the United States Circuit conrt, for tbe western district of that State, to re-deliver to tbe State authorities two criminals whom he had taken ont of their custody for tnal in bis owe conrt. Tne case is briefly as follows: Baiwell and Lee Beycold?, colored, ofiPatrfck county, Virginia, were indicted jointly in Nov. 1877,in Patrick Co., vs., for the murder of oue A. C. Shelton. After several trials the ease of Bar well Bsynolds • resalted in a hung jnry, and that of Lse Bsynolds, his brother, in a verdiot of mnrder in the second degree. Barwell'* osse was con- tinned nntil the next term, Lae was sen tenced to IS years in ihe penitentiary, and both prisoners were temporarily re manded to the eonnty jail. On the 15th' of November, 1876, * petition waa filed In :!je Unitrd States Circoit Ccurt for the Western] Distriot of Virginia, praying for the removal of both oases to that oonrt. Judge Bives, before whom the petition came, believing, to nee his own words, "that the petitioners had been de nied each a trial as is aooorded to them by the laws of the State, by oompetent juror?, without distinction of raoe, oolor etc.,” granted the application, and di rected the issue of a writ of habeas corpus cum causa, to the marshal of the dis trict, commanding him to take the bodies of the prisoners into hie custody, and hold them anbjeot to tbe orders of tbe Federal Conrt. Upcn this state of facta the General Assembly of tbs State pass ed a joint rtdelation directing the Gover nor to institnte mandamus proceedings in tbe United Srates Supreme Oonrt to recover possession of the prisoners, and prevent their retrial in the United Stales Conrt, The petition of the Governor, of Virginia,wes presented tolhis oonrt to day by the States’ Attorney General. It sets forth the facts as above stated, declares that Jndge Bives has transcended the jurisdiction of his court in taking and withholding the prisoners from the proper custody of the Commonwealth, and has undertaken the exercise of power not vested in him, nor in hie court, by any law of the United States. It therefore prays that said Rivea be required to show cause why a mandamus should not b9 ie- sned commanding him to redeliver the prisoners to the jailor or Patrick county, to be dealt with according to the laws of said Commonwealth. It is understood that Jndge Bives based his aotion in grantieg the petition for a removal of the Beligious Revival.—Wa learn from the Chronicle and OohstitutionalisS that daring the religions servioes conducted in Augusts by Bev. Mr. Jaskip, at St. .James’ charob, hundreds tie forced; uf stand, bnt do so witbont murmuring throngbost the entire exeroUes, and the interest ooaUnnea to be unabated. Tbe night previous, the enthused eveogelist preaohed a powerful discourse from the text, "What mast I do to be e*ved,”„ la addressing young men the preacher spoke thuss • i r 1 ':'? : : lr : “Be a man!’’ said he, with emphasis; “bea man—sot a slave!’’ Every noble attribute was theirs, bnt they were sub- jecta of appetite, and this, left to itself, inevitably brings min. Some were en deavoring to uke hold on Christ, bnt their hands were not fre>; they had not let go their tins. Their watohword should m r In my hands no price I bring, (Simply to Xby crow 1 ding. Once be was at eea In the midst of a ter- rifto storm. Tbe Captain went np an the quarter-deck, and be was close behind him. The Captain called to the sailors, "Let go and haul!” It was necessary that they should let go before they oonld attempt to haul And ao they did, anJ the ship, disabled though she was, look ing like a thing of life, went leaping over the sea. That ia what every sinner needs to do—let go all and take hold on Christ. How Augusta Baked in a Spec on So.—Chronicle and Sentinel: Daring the recent exouemenl in meat, which, from the lowest ronnd, prioes scaled almost the highest height, much money has been made and lost in fatureB. To give qn idea of tbe ran of tho business, in this neighborhood particularly, we will say that even in the last fifteen days the mer chants uf Augusta have made f30.000 go ing short on meat. As Atlanta has taken tbe other aid?, perhaps this is somo of the Gate City money flowing into onr coffers. The Press On General Gor don’s Letter, — Columbus Times : The letter of Gen. Gordon, which we publish iliewher-, though, need lessly severe, mn3t be regarded cs a complete vindication of his course in the matters mentioned. His participation in the late canvass in the 7ch District needs no defense. Gen. Gordon represents tbe whole State, and if he thought that the interests of the Democratic party called for his participation in tho canvass in any district, it was bis right to make it. The letter of the aggrieved Senator is commented upon in the Chronicle and Constitutionalist as follows: Elsewhere wo publish a letter from Senator John B. Gordon, in response to certain attaoka upon him. It will be seen that the General goes to the very heart of the matter and handles the pro* sained instigator of these assaults upon him witbont glovi s. Onr Atlanta cor respondent, in hi3 letter of to-uay, states that opinion is divided as to the Sena tor’s course in responding to recent letters hostile to him. At any rate, the Senator baa deemed it beet not to bs dumb, and his utterance ia of a character to either silence his enemies or else give them a new impetus. We cannot believe that so chivalrous and honorable a man S3 Gen eral Gordon conld over have purposely done any man or woman an injary, and we hardly think it is in the power of any mdividnal 10 destroy the high character he has in the warlike or peaceful history of Georgia. He ia simply tasting of the bitter cup of political life. The greatest, wisest and best of politicians have not es caped these trials, and General Gordon ia reminded that one of the most perilous gilts is sometimes that of success. Gen. Gordon haB the fnllest confidence of the people of Geojgia. Hia j ns t ice and official character are above reproach. The Atlanta Constitution devotes over a column to the discussion of this con troversy and ably defends General Gar don, ard shows how bis antagonist courted the Radical vote, and by i s aid only was elected. Taking a wider view of tbe subject, it then concludes as fol lows: r , It must be understood that the contro versy between General Gordon and Dr. Felton is altogether el minor importance, and ia interesting at all only because ot the pnblie position occupied by these gentlemen. Tbe real controversy is be tween the Democratic party and those who are seeking to destroy it. The p,o- pie of Georgia should make no mistake in this matter. The controversy is not personal. The whole of it hinges upon the startling fact that a public man who goes into Democratic cancnses and pro fesses to be a Democrat is found in confi dential communication with the chairman of a Republican campaign committee, soliciting and receiving aid for the pur pose of defeating the Democratic party. Ooce more we warn the people of Geor gia that this' controversy is not a personal one. Inquirer-Sun: We received it by last night's lata mail, and give it to onr readers. Tbe General ia now in Atlanta, and we regret to learn, ia confined to his bed with infiimmatory rheumatism. Hia vindioation from ohargea against personal integrity is complete. In faot, this has ever been apparent. We wonld os soon regard trnih to be a liar as for a moment to entertain ihe shadow of a doubt regar ding Gordon’s personal and political in tegrity and hia fidelity and faithfulness to tbe people who have honored him. The Georgia Baptist State Conven tion.—Toe Georgia Baptist State Con. vention meet* in Colnmbua on Thursday, the 24th of next montb, and will last through the following Monday. The in troductory sermon will be preached at 10 o’clock on the first day of the meeting. Nearly two hundred delegates and visi tor! will ba in attendance. A Sunday-school mats meeting and In- atilnte will oommence on Tuesday night before tbe Convention, and continue through Wednesday. A number of min isters and Snnday-sehool workers from abroad are expected to take a prominent part in the exercises. The meetings will all be open to the pnblio. Fob ward Pea*.—The Cnthbert Appeal say*: Judge Hood brought to our offioea few days since some well-developed pea pods. Should the weather continue warm he will have English pear, on hia table before tbe end of another weak. Concert.—Professor Beardsley, of An drew College, assisted by Mrs. Bussell, and the yonng ladies of the school, will give a grand 4y>ncert at Cathbeit this week. Tbe Professor is almost witbont a peer as a vocalist. Kicked to Death.—Eugene Stokes, of Terrcil county, was kicked on the head by a male on Sunday evening last and died from the jnjvi ea on Tuesday. A Modil Fbuit Farm,—A correspond ent of the Appeal, after visiting the fine fruit farm ef Mr. 5. T. Jenjrin?, near Cnthbert, tays ?— : . i r ucr, 4 If no tree*o ot blight of ehy kind be- falls this little Paradise it will yield clear of expense, three thousand *' this year. He has every kind of machine that ingenuity can invi turn all into money that are hot the market in another shape, this labor id performed whHi [I9IT0BUL CORRESPONDENCE. DR, March 7, 1879. -THE COSOKSUIONAL XX1DU3 The Bnealcersbtp. I has taken plaee. Thus, tho average im-1 —The electric light, it ia anBonnoed, has. A Washington special to the Cincinnati j ^ tol'l^were annua° Shmarketa*KfltnBeg^te^ 8 I,on<loa Enquirer asserts that after repeated eon- I £jJggSlO^centners, while the exports Vi^oVu^ ferences among the friends of Blackburn, J were 10.756,000 centner?; in the period I legal fate of interest in their State below 10 wie at flood tide yesterday. The limited I they olaim hia caucus strength to be J1873 to 1877, the imports have reached per oentnm. .. NeariycH | Express fofifortbarp points went out at I eighty-four votes and making steady I 49,358,000 centners and theexports only —A. lifa-riza statue of a yonng woman le the hands J o-an « m _iih fl,«PnUm»n I * K “ J Vaj I 22,070,000. The whole subject has now I clothed in along robe has beenffisoovered -employed to cuhivdfapfhe fields are doing f ** ** . . °. o I Hl8 ,neEda “7 th,t the I become a straggle between clashing in- I near Porto d’Aszo in- Italy. It represents a soothing else, and at seasons of the veer I Dp7 *•* Ineretn bang (eUD,cMMet 2 I caj a Are going to pash the old war issues | terests, and even members of the same primteea of one of the temples of Astinm. “X. _ rr .:}■ r a- .... V- . T ... .. I. . . mu. I UthAnah PmMi Ba nnl ?uim IV-li.. when labor is plentiful and cheep. B eidea hie frnit r there ie hardly > farm i like em? In Randolph county that pro- f Ja<We. duces more cotton, corn, wheat, oats, I, ,7"v peas and potatoes than Harvest Home. * *° the h< Thousands of jast each farms should adorn and illustrate every coanty of South west Georgia. ■ Cuthbbbt has decided to hold a fair on the 4‘.h of July and Sawtell offers to donate a sewing machine to the mother of the biggest and smartest baby. Mbs. Judos Gorhelt lies extremely ill and -is net^expected-to recover. fort JtadheSS V*] monrnfat state of mind I | to the hotel keepers, trackmen, mixologists dmi mondc. Bat fortunately their [ jef will not bs of long duration. On e 18th.blatant the ana will shine onoe mere, and ell hand* again smile and make I ent says “Randall leaves to-morrow for j ‘>to be moderate.” A Herr Grueeon, of ly for 'the rioh harvest. Notwilh. I New York, and will not return aotil Mon- I Baoken, suggested to theoommittee that jrtth,new Tiralenoe any way, and there is I business do not »fee. The leather mam feeling among the anpportere of Black- I manufacturers are ismilllnn in Berlin, ggRgftJS* £tety Bopporeexa w i ^ faaTa a tor 0 f go marks per bribe 8u iniahAjnbMaador tolA bum that a Southern organization of the J 100 kilo4 m Baalish end non-Earo- I 7 . opinion nmeoasanor to in House, acting with moderation and die- J peon leather, while fancy leathers am to cretion, will itself furnish the beet rebuke I nave an additional duty. The iron peo- to their clamor. P 1 ® «*• «» f * r «« tf “ 1 °* the , , I ommendation lately given by one of the On the other hand the same correspond-1 moat strenuous advocates of protection, J —An old farmer who want to Montgomery to purchase a piano far Ms daughter who has —Although Popes Ho not donee, attend bsUe, and their Eminsnoec Nina, 'onoglveni Yotknn. —An eminent English bmle thinks that foreign competition would be Impossi ble if the trades union spent their money in educating their men instead of-fighting their jast retui Led home from college, asked the agent if he hadn't one with a handle in the end, ‘so we can all give it a tom onoain a —Tho Detroit Free Press, the leading Democratio newepaper ia Michigan, supports the fusion ticket nommated by the Demo- tS,btethiB.14m.l» ..-S’,..o' p..t 1 “(hi„»tbe ggj?■“»«“ 1 Sl£&S!SJS8i A,,,; bo»^>r, Mr,. T. 1, tbolr o»l, Bqrib, th. Uo.gc™just, b, bu w« .atere ti tb. opibiob !b luStSibii -»<" S.a«!SaS5iSS^?SS reom^ The women-pf Georgia are not very materially added_to hia high and onr i u t edition, that the eleotion of » Stlesiratnd^“ommf^ian Mtio “ fire or water. Bettor import this gome to dabble in politics. . well deaeived repatation. as one - of the Southern Speaker at this junccura ia sub- »J,i7u y r«.dv fired their M a "nhatitnte for onr defeotive flaw. Cuff OoaNXRXD.-Thomssville Times * stronger, most influential and sndustri- 8t antantially playing into the handa of fPefroleum For sometime Messrs. Sanderson, Chase I °' J f membera_pf the House. Ho has taken I the Radicals, and shonld not be- risked f & C&.p proprietor® of the Mltohell floaee, 1 part m the debates, in I 5 U t f 0 r weightier reasons than are now | have been missing numerous article*.:] perrormmg^ an Immense I apparent. ?x^slie M hmi a ot h tenlmkty3^lot «vely%°monetr»ted his capacity wofl5- Chronicle's Cotton FiffUres. I Chamber of ComLeS^of toe^pfaVr^ I ‘ W ‘ nted * * ^ dreswdehiokena and many other things T t J“ C °B 8 r a ail ; aa a 8 nb*Eidy AccoriJirl 6 t o the New York Chroniclo pij f a t hat they did not fear any competi- —The Memphis Ledger eaya that Ihe total Mr. 8ande.son anspeoted two or thrff j . . noat-offioe amiroDriaticn laat Sitnr(Ja y the receipts of the seven tion, sad that they had, on the contrary, *um tnrncd over to United bUtea Booeiver, paid^thMr domleiles a visit. They fen^d. measure, enforced and emphaoized as it were 83,266 bales, against 90,947 the cor- L n ?“ “nmt^t?orf'ia causinw bBtn P sid 10 ,he P°“® 8 “ d fiwm^The a lot of stolen property at the hSuss at waa, by an exceptionally able and eara- re8pondingW eek of last year. Total tol bxnk, to the credit of the Mr. Henry Smith and ’nea'.h tho rustiA epceeb. told powerfully agamet rh I, ql0 o, ft i,- 1oQ CTn | great discontent, ann operates tnosz aisaB | oonrt./ roof of Hiryey Boss, Esq. la the iSl.The New York and Baltimore papers re . that date 3.919,830 bale?, against 3,670.- | gentleman’s suburban resldenoo! |jr”“ *“ “ — —Lady helps seem to be a encoeea in Eng- !a£d The London pipers contain suoh advertisements as these: -'Wonted, a lady to aseib t a mother in housekeeping and naeee- eary autiee—nothing menial—in return for a foned a fine, dressed ohieken repos quietly in a bed which hid not b made np. The ladies of tho znan&i Mr. Boss being absent, were very mi honifisd to find a dead ohioken in' bed. Their delicate cerre3 were ci pietely unstrung, as U were. Tho upshot cf tbe search waa Henry Smith, E-:q., and Mr. Ho.' Boss, both of the colored way of loo: at things, were arrested. They now »ly repose in jail. Two votes less' Grant. *‘W« know wbat wo are, but knd.w what we may be.” In Earnest.—The Times wadeB in'f these three pithy items: t , ,— __ ■■ trously upon the interests of the con-i The YiSDarBiLr Case—^The New York fer to it as among tbe moat noteworthy j 001, for tho corresponding period of the I Burners. Tho people are e ?’ en ..I Herald e*ye there is no foundation for the and damaging of all that were made,and I previous cotton year—showing' a net in- I P® 1 * 0 ® l ^ afc will never aubmit to. the report that this cose was oompromlaed. Hie among members it is credited with hav- *e of 249 8’9 bale? threatened duty of''fifty centa per barrel PtMuodoa i)f,thee«rUer wffia, snbsUmtUUy inn-been one of the most fatal blows the “ ® . . * on American flour, 7i cente per bushel on | the game *a the will which U oontested, left roposition received in either House. I . The 1D terior port buBineas for the same I wheat and 5 cenU on corn.” A reduction Jhese good words aheuld, and I am sure da J?> WM ® 3 folIowa: Eeoeipts 51,223 on tea, molasses and other staple articles will, bs quits gratifying to. his friend?, a R a «>8t 41,773 the correeponding days of is Mso demanded. and it affords the pleasure to put them l aBt y ear * . SL'pmenta 66,042 against 68,- When will statesmen and nations harn on record. No distrlet, anywhere has ^50. Stocks 16o.619 against 192,465 laat to leave commerce and trade alone to been better or more worthily served than I .... , I regulate themselves? Tariffs even for onre, and 1 think it ib due, not only to The Chronicle* visible rnpply table revenue are to be deprecated and avoided * ^ - 1 showed, on Friday night lest, 8 522 6931 if possible. Hof moch more just and _ bales of cotton in sight, against 2,734,250 I equitable to all, to meet the expenses of I hoa’plnndered the treat ary of vast earns of at same date last year, 3140,892 at same I the government by direct, ad valorem, I money; ho» connection* extending as far as data in 1877, and 3,082,310 in 1876 at uniform taxation. But neither the poll- salne date. These figures Bhow a de- tieiana or people are anfficiently enbght- th^ B tortmtc" oc^eralal iodrty? i in the visibla supply as follows: ened as yet to coneent to such a measure, Afl „ Tt,«. «An. m any days more. Yon can I "Wg 1 *““ on P' though it would be a saving ot-millions to taSto. 1 1.UnoffiISJSSfiS - J --— a-a,a,I nlv of last veer. 618.199 bales as oam. i i(,a SAnth. 1 relating to ineur.cce that it ia uteieesto try to keep track of them. Bnt one mors is needed, and Uut we think, is one that will the representative, bat hiB constituent?, that the fact should be made public. ■J t, THE ORGANIZATION lftt I of the next Houbo is, of course, all the ’ ‘sensation ju*t now. I hardly think! the contestants not a leg to stand on.jThey, tceretore, retreated in good order. —Thetreamry agents unearthed a tobicco ring at New Orleans which has defied the department for 15 years. '.The fullpor- tioulsrrarenottobo given till the culprits are brought to trial, bnt it ie pubiio nunor that thermic has o tinted among its chiefs a long and unbroken series of Federal off dale; A Valuable Circular.—Wo have I received from Dr. Janes, the State Com-1 PM® without^ any ^.opposition, viz. that all mieeiocer of Agriculture, a pamphlet containing a complete list of the com- companiea that do baainess in this State ehsli, cn the assembling of the Legislature, cause to be trantported to Bpiingfleid a safe containing tho assets of the company, and mercial fertilizers whichhave 3SE3SZSF5, yzed by Dr. Land, the State Chemist, ] Argus, and thrown upon the market. Though varying in their several con stituents, the most cf them may be j f can stand the din, and racket, and gobble T1B,W8 follows: ened as yet to coneent to anch a meaeure, I it evokes manv davs mo-e You cia I 211i577 bales as compared with the trap- though it would be a saving ot-millions to 0^5 i?nSsi»Tw «»a m “»«» Quid’s sMiste ss I th * the ground. 4 all this gabbling city wboeo fatad is not S„f f 6 ^ l JSarraiirrHi^.ynS.^i The oat crop looks well. As a cental foMof it,qnd whose tongue does not drip ^? **^*1n-ut a ? M P al * d thing good stands are reported. Tha I words oE profoundest wisdom, touching BB “® ^ ate * indications are that Thomaswill ‘•feel'&r reanlt as to every offioe to be filled. ^P rlldd *” lg 5 L B Tme oate” this summer. J The absurd predictions, speculation?, JS* RA il ! ,1"? To onr farmer friends: After esjfflg Und chatter daily, spoken, written a date it 4als69 16 ’and! nl87fi at your prayers at night, think over* telegraphed about the “ a «er ® ? Bt8 ’ ^ 16 ’ acd la 1876 ‘ at iraportsnee of mikin'- a fall urovitron | would fill one edition of tbe *'T. and Th, _ I crop. .and give any ordinary man an ,- no m*. 3 W i a \ d !vf* I and thrown upon the market. I —Gen. BnUer, who believes folly in the . The Thomas county spring fair wifFfi^UttakJt of mental jim jams if he at- ffiamtolB ™ & * ° Ut fff ' Though varying in their several con- ^It^wwerof the Government to ieeue held on the 30 th of April. | tempted tq digest them. I still stand by Th.^i°n?ih‘.r.... - a ,, L . , . *. . stitnents, the moat cf them may he ha “ a 3* a<d with Mr 8. B. Ohtt- GiN-fiousE BURNED P -Sumter ihqiwSS" 1 m T previously annonnoed opinion as to on ^the^nlantineVentoD 3 ^ th gh * classed as standard, and they numberin ’g,^oonareM. to^tke^bona^flda can: On Snnaay night, the 2di insc..Ahe I ‘he results, vix: Bmdall for Speaker;! ^ . j* jail 68 oompoands. Besides these, he test com on tbeqaealisn of the legal-tender gin-house of Mr W. F. Spann, of W«b- Adams for Clark; Thompson for Ser . r ~~~73r~~r- publishes the names of nine chemicals, qn utyof United states notes andbsny it to ster county, with all hia crop of cotton geant-at-ArmB; Field for Doorkeeper; I £ R nnm09ror | all of them imported, which-may be used the Bnpreme Oonrt for final adjudication, qeed, was destroyed by fire. Tno gin-1 an<i Stewart for Postmaster—a clean j years past the representatives of the pec- I to advantage in compcstiDg. Mr Chittecdan agrees to pay ail the oosts house and ecrew were both new, run bv sweep for re-election of all tho present I pie in Washington have been groping ana The farmer can consequently see for 1 «>? one aide of the ciee and Butler on the water power, and approved pattern been the work of A Most Commendable Act. _ H J paptr says: Here 13 a sweet morsel for I ®“ eot - The Greenbaeker? are making I these were’ neoessary, snd therefore left I zed are turned over to the chemist after ernment >o issue legal-lender notes Waa tn tho consideration of Messr?. Blaine, In- big predictions just now tonobing there- ont pr o 7 i 8ion f or them in his plans and lho Iabels have been removed by Dr. incident of the'war power’ It fa now pro ol, of the Exdical ranks, which “nltofthe organization, bnt it seems to nerformanoeo Sines then, tho nonorn. Jene?, and numbers substituted, so that noacd to haveit deod^ w-ether or no. they can reflect on: ’ mo their eyes are a good deal bigger than f "ed meS“f soienoe a t th^ Federal K official, wholly ignorant of their owner- United states notes is.od tiuoe theoffldai ‘Tab eS ; colored blacksmith in Uf Btomaohs If they can, a. they "hav? [ S^^n.TP^ ngto^ to 1888 ’ haT ® America?, who, by industry and economy, I °‘ a im* mnete. twenty-two votes, and hold I s a nnjv tho omission At vast FinannA I hffi determinations. Those that come np! v _ Q . has acquired a competency, and quite a then they can, and doubtless th f|h av e pB Tpfd the atanptrom below *®therequirementa of the law are "pass- biImosd*^V^Marra*? 8 ^?* luorative trade in his profession,on learn- 8nd forced 11 down from ab °re byateam I f d and allGW ? d t0 8° t0 . 8ale » olh ^" iB ® General*Field went to Washington 1 ^^ ing that hia old mistress, Virginia Ann I nob o d J believes they can oontrol that I power—first one way and then the oth- I lbey °? e cood6mBe ^. B ? d oann ° t h® P nt j night to attend the United Butes Supreme - - _ . many. I may do them, or msot of them er , fatal results to members both npon tho ma,k8t ’ The law requires each Oonrt on Monday, when he will bring btfore an Injustice, bnt it stems to me tho breth-1 way8 j n the chape of Dnenmonia rhen. 1 0O “POMd to posaeBs not less than ten I that tribunal the matter of tbe usurpation of ren ate 'rap for CoweB and a market. ’ I dinhiherta and tvnhaid I pereenlum of available phosphorlo aoid, power by United States Judge BiVts in this A BIO haul. Thev have exhausted everv contrivanpn* or 1111 oontaina as much as eight per | °Ma* No anesta have yet been n ode of Captain Mad?, of jetty fame, drew to- | otnamonTnl and nsefal in tha wof I oent. of that Ingredient, then not lees 1Judges leoently hid otod in Judge wncounty,'thus igiviDg "her iT^home^in I da 7 a warranfc forJ750.0C0. as provided for ti i atow wtth lmIe rt n of snd mnoh^am- th “ *L»° P 6 f ctctam of ammonia ia re- | SS&fiSl her old age wfthont fee or reward, tn the sundry cml bill. He has perhapa 8ga BDd ’ ^comfort. qtUred to make it merchantable. Sorely eaoh good deeds a9 theae are re- I ° rawn more money from Bamd I g Qt jjj a 0 tber dty a sadden Inspiration i Joo oUonlar also embraces several vsl- j aeeleunts to the Attorney«Qenena in tho corded above, and will there entitle the bt, °ng box than any man in the coun- seized Casey YouDg, of Tennessee. He nabie formulas^ for the manuMctnre cf cue before IheUnited States Supreme Oonrt. donor to o homo is that 4 *home of many I W ho | saw what was the matter, and what mast I O0XI JP OBt ?* if followed, would bo & 0u> Fsimd.—'Hj. Daniel ehseffar, of mansions ” . 000 and a Bimriar amount io bonds the be the remcd y, “Stave a few holes VMfc 8avin « of «Penee lo the farming York Springs, P*., hw written to renew his Jim Ellis is a hard-working, honest Jcar betore, making tn a'l one and three- throogh tho wa li 9 '> 6S y 8 he, ‘‘and the community. _ ^nl^Pl bn V* h f ! " b l en Li * man.and though his skin ia a ifttle dark fourthtmllioDB. Andyetl.knowran cli wind f f bonnd lo 03nl0 ia .» j a7en „ We have read thw paper of Dr. Jaate, | flftSMg”?* 8 ptfha^ffibegKn. Wiebam, was in very reduced circurc stances—without even a shelter—went before Jnetice J. B. Filsbnry and J. H. Allen, Clerk of the Snperior Conrt, and made her a deed to a small place in Ma- him now onore than ever. A Vengeful Nival.—Tbo Republican relates tbe following case of poieoning: Nick Mather.p, colored, on last Sun day afternoon was poisoned, it is sup- been paying attentions to a young wo-1 objective point is the Federal — gr- — % I CUOB Ul lUo OClfiUkldtfl UUU XaUw cUaUiDU I ' « g “j r Z - 1 — — vww.v. is with bis own bierory, who says Eids j .i, em , 0 „ raBD . The Idea was Donderon? I ting fertilize!*. Without the eafegnards I reeponceat raays the BepnbUouu say that ia a “d-d humbug,” and that his work'] m&B8 j ve . Soienoa has not yet recovered I thrown around the sale of these plant} ***• t /-®J»PProprU- wilt eventually come to naught. 'Bat I f rtim theehocikand taken a firm grasp of I stimulants by tho law, the country would «. 8 rw d * - “ E asp 01 I be flooded with spurious preparations to j j, ifc lp ? rcj,niU °n bui * nl lh * n *° P omo tbe O. P. aforesaid has a scheme of bis wn for doctoring the river, which may somewhat bias his mind. It sometimes treasury. MISCELLANEOUS. man of hia own color. I; seems he has a rival for tbe affections of this lady and was about to get tho neat of him. Cir cumstances lead to show that; this rival managed ineomo way to administer tne ... ... almost fatal dose, or "trick,” aa tbe ne-1 ! iaa * ,I L w, .*?8 bt * b °uider a^ d arm it. Protection Odious. , .. „ I as follows. The custom of taxings people indi- G.P. Harrison.Savannah; T. J. Smith, rectljr bnt most griovoutly, by imposing I Angneta; E. T. Davis, Brunswick: J. S. duties upon tho importation of portion- I h»wt°D, A.tlant0; B. D. Lnmsden; Ma * - * I a/wi nnn Cl W PaoaI4-a P A 1„«.U n3 Gsoeral Gordon haa been oonfiaed to I. r 1 con. andO. W.Bosette, Columbue, is room end bed for the past two days, lar commodities which tnule to tho benefit | with an attack of inflammatory rheums- { of certain favored classes at the expense He I of the general consumer, is becoming de ’■ its members craenlt the wishes of tbe =>-— -—* **»■— i country. On the other hand,leading Demo- * he names ot the several inspectors are j orsta in botn hotuee deotare that the, ore for ' giving Mr. Hsyee and bie effiot holders no money until every line tn regard to the saper- vfaoraof elections and deputy marshals is wiped from the Statute Book and Confedera tes cad Democrats have every right and pri vilege In the Federal jury box that any other KllllUaw iatai uuor. u* uiufiy iw tuo In l_i t _ „ a * I v ' * groea call it, which has nearly done the Jj“®servcdly unpopular all over the world. iSJ&fEE: I think some people who have been & * thlt ® ra th « '**"_<* 72S.wr.xw b .=i s«rs. d 3's rxri: | r two.bave.ffietognawatth.twilimako t!gh . 8 ’, trite though it be, will receive Hsyee hw'tlrfad^protlded for three I lhe Binction of all Christendom. It ie or four xadioal M. 0,’b, who were rtpa-1 the only "open sesame” to oommerce and dieted by their oocstitnenta at the fast I proapewy. Ceteris paribus a man should eleotion. Now oomes Joe Bainey, ex- j encourage home industry whenever prac- barber and ex M. 0. from Bonth Coro- j ticable. Bnt . it with a limited .in medical treatment of Dr. William Hard- wick, he wonld hav? inevitably lost bis life, a FASHIONABLE FOOLISHNESS. Thera ia no modern fashionable notion qnito so absnrd as the generally received idea that to be beautiful and attractive a woman I iin», «R the latest appliosht for "ohioken [come,'be cannot, afford to purchase » ^ P ie >” and 1 hope be will get some. He | ai->rtiola made by hia .. neighbor, face and a. agoraio! 8 JjP b *l ,k 5I is ooneiderably above the average ,o? hl«|when the same, equally aa good fi^finn 0 I pBrt y» and a very decent' ohap withal. I or better cap be had from abroad for. r * B S t _ c f. dieea8a ’,, B, , many *aahion-1 Baltimore Fun, of thia datA' atstea I half the amonnt, who can reasonably abl9belU8it iBConBid(!rfcaa6p.ciallcom-j tllatll#Tery memberof Congress j blame .him. Here .U * case in point: Dliment to bo spoken of as frail end deli-1 ud M A Stephens have signed a Thowanda of billheads, 1 cards, ete., ore cata. They forget d»t tie^natnrally p#pet xe qaestlng Mr. Hayea tcfgive Bai- Uthegrapbed and axeented ia |he.hVn«- dtlicate face and jrtif* figure are very I ney a government DoilUon.’’ I someet style at C^ioago, and; "other ottlea different from tne pals and disease a trier- I charming weather at lar* and nlatars I for onr merchants, at far better style tbao ec faces that meet na in the city thor- Mg g tow j ng a burden. The man who | any Macon establishment oan print them', onghfaree, look ont tiom the Iaxuriant j doean ' t wan tto goa fisbingntader the I Henoif,.the former send their orders to’ carriages of wealth, and glide languidly j j 0 ppj ra ti 0110 f eac b a 8 ky, such a ran, and I those romote plooes in preference to pat- through onr crowded drawing-rooms. If I 3UC b balmy breezes that now do blow, ia I ron'zleg home^ Industry And who oan. disease were unfashionable, as it ought | a mcneter , Thishoabeena memorable | blame them for doing ‘0? Certainly not blami to be, not a lady in the land but would I wlater> eT " en f or this latitude, and there I the writer. Ihe whole world ia a oompe. take every pore.V 1 * prerantton to aecure ,, heBrty c h oru3 0 f, “Hail! genUe tingfle»for everything, and jwt a*tho the fresh, blooming face and well-rounded aprin _.. #e J # co^ramer will invariably prefer to' pay figure that only health can give. LidUa I? a man her0 8tea is fifty copies of the I flv* centa for or neat and admirable. Jap- ahonld remember that “nch ae gentle-1 Philadelphia Time* and the indictment ranaaei f(n whtoh wonM Cort tonr times men may profess to admiro the face and ohargeB h; m w ; t h stealing that many iTBSfc aponnt It mranfaotured at homo,< form paledand emaciated by disease, | copk f a of th „ Phfladelphia Daily limeJ. I w wiUdt be in J j£e ease' of every ether the judge lures the thief Ioobo, which I fabric. A man nsiordly wishes to get tbe may be law, but hsrdly “high jeetice,” aa I most for hi* money, BUI Arp phrases it. This was done a | We are not anrprieeo, therefore, to aee day or two since by the jndge of the die- I thls free trade priuoipb- aesertiDg itself, trict criminal court. I even in foreign countries where the fist .. . The knottiest point now tackled by the I of the Sovereign lelsw. the local dueass and imparting a vigor- • (lnvnCJ ig the probable length “cf the Breo that aotata pereonoge Prlnoe eras tone to the whole system. It is sold I uextB6gglon Some ont it quite short, ! Biamorek ha* reoeotly been forced to by druggmte. I bnt others run it-into June or even July. I oonaider the rights of tbe eooramvf. OldZach Chandler is credited with the| ,T8a groat minister Urns dfapoeet of enggestion that it may keep right on to the ©ompiaiet, however, against the far- Msrch 4.1881, and haa made himself HT tipon importod b^f by aiying that ■ * tha tak-wa* really "fla. tax to the L|(dor when they choose a wife they prefer a blooming, healthful, buoyant-spirited woman. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion is the acknowledged standard rem edy for female diseases and weaknesses. It has the two-fold advantage of caring A Gigantic Gobble.—A St. Louis tel. egram announces that tbe Union Pacific Railroad has bonght np the Kansas Pa- I immensely popular with tbe folk* here by cifioatamoney expenditure of about I the suggestion. If Hayes* backbone is as at seven per cent interest until paid. The | , till gr ind; n g. a. W. B. Union Pacific is under promise io pursue p Qtity# BtreDgth £ d rell . b ,lUy stamp I ^U^^ M^to'pataued ^ ^ H liberal policy, of aouroe. | the cheracier of Dooley’s Yaast Powder ] onasetfithe (mbortotion of breadttaffs -In the tanement”hoaae eectionaof New I *• bein S P ar cxceUenss the ‘beet of all j hu> bran faaneaa^ man, gtaoa ha flora not e*t any. w (Qaory s Is there no bop# teat he ever wil be eblo toesobeegabiebtaekbread fer that lux ury?) The new German tariff is raising e hue end cry among the people. Under York there ore 6,000 persons to the t quire I preparations used to perfeot and facili' mile, while in the oihdr portions of the c ty I Ute lho process of bakia^ Leaa than the arcrage ic on y 760. Bdentiats aadhn I twc-tfcirds ordinary quantity suifices. So israsg I *«•»«■.■■ ". iM - ttrribly deeUujttve of life, health and moral!- j kilifol ffa msst a housekeeper* have ly, learnea to diieixd a loth’re. A* iatalfigrat oemrpeodent of a New 1 York paper, writing'February 19.h from Frankfort, aay* t Tha Import* ot cereal* into tbe Empire are tar largjr than ia supposed, and a 1 complete zeverul of former conditione Tr. rm. TV-— I man la the land has, be hia color u black os To cun -ORRZsroNDRNr, "Old Dimo- ebony or hie po'itoso* blink oath* pried- CHAT.”—We have received a communica- J pits of Chandler sad Logon They say tion from one of the beat and etaunehest .to.. , ,, *rmy ror any pnipcse that even by remote citizens in the State, writing under the I infer sues son bs tortned into giving the above sowhrijuef, repeating all the alle-^ ^falfifnttheright to send aimed aoldier* to .- ?, * — ” ... I tho poll* daring eleotion*. gatton* made by Dr. Felton and ether* —’No cnvwko ha* not- traveled northhf againetthe noble Gordoo.andeayingibwas I tha Tweed einoathe disMtroua failure of the high time that the Sen»t:r ehodld unseal Oily of Glasgow Bank,’writes tbe London bis lips in his own defense. The artiole oerrespendent of tbe Fhfladolphla Telegraph. mail brenght his ringing reply to the busbacd ot Mrs. Felton (ihe lsdy herself was utterly ignored), and of ccurte was gnroreaaad.- ........'i J It is dne to ' Old Democrat” also to ■ay that he is one of General Gordcn’a firmest friends and admirer*, and had no motive bnt to serve him in the communi cation referred to. all Scotland ora bs fouad which ha*not been affected, directly or indirectly. The iuatiln- tion wa* always looked on a* an emisently respectable ard aound one. The bank was regarded as a religions tank; the dirtctore were considered uooo guid, and moat, if not all of them, revelled la the ‘odor if sanctity,’ hiving recended tbe ladder of piety from the lowrat range of devout, flibrath-eobeot teaching up to ths highest of full-fledged - • RP - - . .fh|. . .... . eider«hip and ihspretideney of Yonng Men’s. Tbe whole controversy is to be deeply OhrUlUn Association*. One of these self- regretted, bnt the General had no other righteous old gentlemen oarried his Scotch course to pursue toward* an antagonist Sthhatoriaalam to inch a length u to abstain clothed in the vestments of the church frera prarohoiiDg -«r-rea<hpg Monday and entrenched behind the petticoats. of f^a^d « bis wife. It is sharp and merciless, but Bandar p wbat Use could he do? * — ■ ■ We aee that the person, since his re- Ot iron.—The Liverpool market yes- Jui a ^ be , rBC 5?^f® n _ °i I tardsy was firmer and more lively than it has been of lata. Sales ten thousand bale?. Middling uplands 5J. this scathing rebuke, had already tamed loose the vials of bla wrath upon both Senators Gordon and Hill, in a speech to his oonatitaents of the Seventh District. Now, a man might os well exert bis physical powers tn any conflict as fight with bu tongue, and indeed, the former arbitrament ia far more decisive and eat- istactory. Will Dr. Felton Uke the hint and either cease bis abuse of General Gordon, or take his revenge more in accordance with the true principles of manhood t Hco abd Harmont.—The Cincinnati Enquirer remaiks vary affeotiagly: Our pork etaUslias, published to-day fer the packing season jut eloeod, show a U fling falling off from those of lost year, while Chicago runs wsy ahead of as. In the way of mode, however, Cincinnati continues to hold bar prood pre-eminence over all her sister cities. The past one Kxcmsa. —Lmdon and New York,, we may pot have been a Hood yon for the ore tojd, ore lifted off their foot by excite- meet over tire international walkers and peddlm. We; la the rural regions, on the otter band, can keep calm ud un noted witbont perceptible effort. Warm Wsamsa The mercury yes- totdayi indicated seventy-four at ten o’clock in the morning, asd was higher afterwards. The ccnnlry i* dry end dotty. Corn planting was dne by gen- oral and saoient Osage in this region yesterday. ibqlOth of Marih. ~ If yon cannot taka the baby to the tbe usual diseases of early childhood. Price 25 cents a bottle. hogs who were tioketsd to oome to this market, bat something moat be dose be fore soother to rotaier* tha refutation we are now hrtioir wey to lose. We must keep np oar standing as a pock oefitrs, as well a* a mottos) centre. Hb^apd Har mony ought to gotoffsther. The young peopiecry for then, the middle-aged long for them, and the o’d psqpki sigh for them. What ? Why, the elegant, light rolls, mu Stas, Untwfs, and CAknstsdawlth DscLEx’a Yeait Pcwses; ooantry. nso Dr. Bull’s Baby Hyrcp for ^ man **** *“* ter the DoefciT Powpsa mokes the* beet thtivr«fi-%bkind ie the worli