Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 08, 1879, Image 1

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■t'lfir-i-;;-:■ :i<; ■ ri:~ Hi?reflate 3? T/bh-aCff MTWrtdJ HCid)’ BV TiiLISUKAPH. N*» VobK, Mereb 30.—It was rumor ed last night tbat John A. Dixwaadepd. Tbe rumc.r #*< however, unfounded. General Dix b.s bera ill, bat is now con T *8mu1 Itt, feiote 8fl.—Ncaily tbe satire mainea* portion of sniatowa »u destroyed bj ttce laat olebt - flame* originated 10 UadermU’s Hall, and 1, Mir,ai to Oib-r bmldin**. n n " lo " n being without Are epparatasaji Stay tbe fljmeu proved Xrqillsae. A.bjul twenty bailJton* ware burned. in<to*JlBg sixteen ,bn»mo*a 1m ion is iWOOO^tsaranooflO.OOO, -w lo MiKNXxroLia, Uink„ Uitob 80.—T»» city A 1 __ mated lit* to $7.0pO rJ mp[iw > o'i ( The fire naught from a smokaataekof in < the case of Henry -'Johnson', bn 'trial this afternoon. The court holda that the city must.levy the tax and pay her bonds, and directs that a mandamus be lsaned. Washington, March St.—fn the Sen- ate nnmetoas 1 tills were introduced and referred, among' them one by ®r.Grov*r extending the time lor tbwponetraption; ■of fhp Northern Pacific Railroad.. , A memurul of Mexican veterans for peosiona waeiteferrM to the Sofamittee on Psneiora.1*: o: m_ -..qn-q „..i *.! I*'Mr. Yqorhara offered. % v mqMoo., Miob was agreed to, inquiring of the ryof the Treasury what meaffii* employed- ’to prevent frands oo the qne m oomuectioq. with geode in- fcded werehnneM, , Mr Morrill made a apaech urvcBt an pltof bhil'TnlgiOr The' addition to the cap: 2 As the population are A banian, tbe Oount and Counters (Jtambord nare sent the Pope twenty thousand francs. Pisaaeante, the woald-ba assassin of King Humbert, wbo bw had hhr BCjj- rense commuted, to-day embarked aboard * man-of-war for, tbplalrai qfjEIba?, , where .he Fill-, undergo penal servitude - tor life; a r hi* a a: 1 I'l.sPiu -j on oi Madrid, Maroh 31.—The news that in-UTremionary'plot baa tech discovered Christ is ds^ daughter,.#, the. WontpegBm, ooaunuea yery se»u)u« hot life patient is more quiet. An electoral addfaes of UmtotadMUld #rty ceHsnrte thA policy of the Genova.’* oioistry, supports the present cabinet .nd nrfres the electors 'hot to abslihffroth the sdijiniBg mill- ... -« *«o Lax )ss. M>ron AO.-^-Siodaman tele- grspjs nWAle ill tl »IWf ; d^ Bagfisu on tne 24 n of Mrtoh by'fi000 ' Mditife. ... He routed t)rtm, kbfjqffjMS^Tne Brit- 'dft nssssftasfSe* - the we,reia«ifm B.aoktoara an i Saturday, after reports of interne we with, the- em ployers nad been read, an operative rednc top, >‘nd arated'toft naff of.he op- entire* Of Bliokburn were *t,*tTioff, X$e speaker was neTafgl times interrupted. , Another xpeakur urged a strike. The union officials pointed ’ont that a strike would be inopportune. Tbs diecubeioo was animated and the show of handy nearly rojast; but a ballot resulted in C majority-of 101 ittMvor bf acoHDiiogtftb reduotiott—tW. rota being - <74 to 373. Many of those present abstained.tio,u voting and may be nearly all reckoned as favoriog the acceptance. ConstaktxnopijB, Maroh 80—Reports addressed to Lord tiilisbnry sta'e that tbe drilling of Bulgarians in Ea-t-rn Boumelia continues. 8erenty thousand men are being now armed. Tbe mere moral effect of a mixed occupation must not be relied upon. A strong force is necessary. Augusta, Ga., March30.—The Preed- meu’e hospital in this city was burned this morning. Loss $10,000. Washington, March 31.— No direct or reliable intelligence from Colonel Pear son has been received. Tub anxiety is becoming grave, though the last commn- nicatioa was hopeful. Several native runcere,induced oy large rewards, started for Ekawe with despatches, bat re.urned reporting the roads destroyed—every ap- proaoh commanded by military Kraals (Pori*) and the country swarming with Zulu*. With tbe utmost cere, Colonel Pear son's supplies, it is believed, will ba ex hausted oy tbe end of March. Tne ex pedition in course of organization on low er Tugeln for his relief, now amounts to fourteen companies of regulars. As Boon as the native contingent is sufficiently strengthened, the expedition will be pui>bi-<l forward. London, March 31.—The Times sayB the meeting of operative weavers at B.'aokbnro on Saturday, which decided to aocept the five per cent, reduction in wa ges may pmotxaUy bs considered to end the wages dispute for the present. OarcToWN, Maroh 31.—It is stated that s orrsoh has occurred between Sir Bsriln Frere. Governor snd Comman der-In-Chief of Oaoo Colony and sir Hen ry E Bniwer, Governor of Natal, in con.eqnrnoe ot the harsh measures sane- tioneojby the former to conscript the na tives. London, March 31.—The contempla ted -trike of glass makers at the midland conutim has been deferred. The mas ters, after a private conference with the baud- ,dcoided to prolong the notioes of re- duonoa in wages fora fortnight. Tbe men meanwhile remain at work. A Hi. Pcter-burg diapaten to the Daily Telegraph nay a of tho forty-five persons arr.-nind on the night aftar an attempt od tbe life of G-neral Von Drectlem, Coier ot Gendtarmerie, tome were ot sneb high rank that they were sot sent to common prisons. They include offi cere of Guards, Court Chamberlains, and two daughters of a prominent minis ter. A committes has been appointed to in quire iaio tbe cause of tho death of 200 out of <00 inmates of the Charkoff Cen tral prison within font months. Tne Manchester Quardians London correspondent u-legtapns that journal that for same inoattis there has been a movement cn lo:t among leading members of tbe Bomish Commun ion to carry into financial mat ters a bond of Catholic sympathy snd cotifidenos. The prrjeot has now assumed sbstio in the mention and title of tbe Aoglx.Uaiverral Bank (limited), wi b directorates in London and Parts, ana counting among us patrons some em inent British, Frencn and Italian noble men. Tas css-go of tbe bank is staled to be to take np and extend a valuable foreign conneotion, nod ai-ame a more efficient protection end development' of oatoolio banking interests throagboat the World. London, March 31.—A dispsfeh to Lloyd's from Batavia; says tbe German bark Henrietta Barohard, hence, by way of Padront, for Amenoa, with 1,600 ton- of Coffee, went ashore snd was wrecked at At.Joi. A part cf her oargo will be saved. London, March 31,—A dispatch from Lahore to Bauer says a small forco un der Major Humphrey was attacked on the 17'h of March m Ptehin Valley by 2.000 Afabacs. _ The enemy were defeated with a loss of sixty men killed, i hero were oo casaalties among the British. , Fittsion, Pa., March 31.—About one o clock this morning, as the passenger train No. 8, from New Vork, on the Le high Valley Railroad, was approaohing Mill creek, near this pl&se, the locomo tive vu thrown from the track in conse quence of a land elide, which ooenned a •hurt time previous. The engineer Nich olas Sohillmger, was instantly killed, and the fireman seriously injured. Nose of the passengers were hurt. A Cincinnati special says, as the night express tram on the Grand Trunk Bail- tosd was passing a point two miles east of Smith’s oreek, Michigan, on Saturday night, u was thrown from the traok snd the engine and threa forward cars wreck ed. A brakeman was crashed to death Jjatwoen. two cars. The enftiaeer nod fireman were fatally scalded* and the let- femes since died. Francis Kellogg, of 1 f if* h * d hI * *®8 brnkfp.1 WA- lard, of Chicago, snstained a cnf'oa the head and a frao'.ure of the right arm. jured** 0t ^ eI P araona wsra -slightly in- The disaster was canes3 by Jrsln- wreckere, who removed a rati. dTney were traced by their foot-prints in the mud, and their tools were found -• shore cbt- tanoe from Abo soene of the tfatsstronhS ‘ bsvctalsa^peoied persona have been »r- retied. Washington, Msreh 31.—The eases of iietu/er, ParsaSB* Peaterkin, Warbrick and others against the oity of. Whw U, I* 13 'ioaspn i t i0 lery at si To' p», ilV bsans Issued to the New Orleans, Jack- son and Great Northern Railroad Com- nny was decided in the Supreme Court aJMrder of Mrs. i Horn sea, in-dao- _ Iasi* returned a verdiqjifif murder is the first d'gree. H-i was sentenced to the pvnitemiary for lile. ' Wf’ffT?KMIF Bln-Tht wai- miit o«asA by Charlss W. Orrmper, Hmstyills in this oonnij, was with its contents, totally destroyed by Ore jester, ■ay; Loss f70.000,Tbsnf& for $30,000 Tb« fire is though* to havAhad an inoeh- diaryi sdpQoro *t a .-t.. si , WASHi«afON r March 31 —In ths 8en- a*e Mr. Harris called up the bill author ising tbe Secret-ryof the Treasury to ooccraet with John Gamgee for the con struction of A ^refrigerator ship for tbe disinfection of vessel* and cargoes, to be nied at eu;h qaaranmies as may be dee- igoatedby Hie National Board of Health, a H apptopriaiiog two hundred thousand dollars fop, that - purpose. Considerable duichsaion followed, after whioh the bill was postponed till to-morrow. Without further business of importnsce tho Senate aojourn-jd. Same misunderstanding existing as to the day to whicn the Wallace Committee *dj mrned At ite last meeting, there were but two or three members present at ten o’clock this morning, and a further ad journment until to-morrow, Tuesday, at 10 a. m., took plsoe. Colonel French, late Sergaanl-at-Arma of the 8enat-, was prostrated to-day by tbe effeote of rcoent mental excitement and exhaustion, and remained for aeveral oiiuntes in a convulsion, whioh excited serioni alapm among bis numerous friends at tbe oapitol. Medical assistance being promptly procured, be soon recovered sufficiently to be removed to hie resi dence. Decisions were rendered in the 8u prema Court to-day in tbe following boa-hem asses: Mobile and Ohio Bail- rood Company against the State of Missis sippi—Older for reirgomenk Bank of America against Virginia snd A. D. Banks', from the Ciranit Conrt for tbe southern district of Mississippi—judg ment effirmeu, with costa, by a divided coarl; Petition of the Governor of Vir ginia for a writ of mandimns in Jndge Hives case ia eel for argument on toe 14th of April. Washington, March 31.—An opinion of importance to all holders of dishonored municipal bonde, and one which ia deoi- eive of a certain class of cates, was ren dered in tbe Supreme Ceart to-day in the case of Morris Banger, against the city of New Orleans. The litigation arose ont of an application for a writ of mBndamas to compel the authorities of that city to levy a tax to pay certain judgments ren dered against it npon bonds issued to the New Orleans, Jackson and Great North ern Railroad Company. The city set np as a defense that there was no legislative antbority for the levy of ensh a tax, the prtiiioner demurred to this answer, bnt tne Circuit Court overrated the demurrer and denied ihe wi», whor upon the peti tioner touk this appeal. Tne court below proceeded on the prim cipie that the power of tsxs ion belong exclusively to tbe legislative branoh o the government, and that tbe jndioiary cannot direct a tax to bs levied when none is authorised by the Legislature. Thu court holds, in a careful opinion delivered by Jnsttoe Field, that although the power of taxation is a legislative prerogative, ii may he delegated to a municipal corpora tion ; end tnat when snob corporation in eresied the power of taxation is vested tu it as an essential nitiibnro all lb* pur poses of its exist--,ee, unless ne .xeroisb Is in express terms prohibited. When, therefore, authority to borrow money or incur an obligation to carry out any public object is conferred upon a municipal corporation, tne power to levy a tax for its payment or the discharge ot tbe obligation acc unpanies it and this, too, without any special mention that euon power is granted. It is always to be assumed in the absence of clear, re strictive provisions, that when the legis lature grants to a city the power to ere ate a debt it intends that the oity shall pry it, and that its payment shall not be Uft to its caprice or pleasure. Wnenever a power to contract a debt is conferred it must bo held that a corresponding pow er of providing for its payment is also oonfeired. The latter is implied in the former, and each implication cannot be overcame except by express words of lim- l atioo. In tbe present esse the indebt edness of the oity of New Orleans is con clusively established by tho judgments recovered. Owing the dabi tbe city bad tne power to levy a tat for ita payment, snd it was clearly its duty to do so. Toe payment was cot a matter resting on its pleasure, but a duty to tbe creditor, and having neglected that duty a mandamus should have been issned to enforce its ob servance. Tne judgment of the lower court must therefore be reversed and the caaee remains, with directions to issue tne writ in compliance with the petition^ London, March 31.—A dispatch from Libera to the Timts saya: Colonel Oa- Tognan who arrived here on A'ednesday to oonfer with tbe Viceroy etiU remains The negotiations with Yakoob Knm nave continued, bnt ptroapa has not bsen tbe government's polioy to prers Yakoob Kuan to a final deoisltn for the obvionB reason that if bis decis ion prove nnaooeplable, a prompt ad vance on Cabnl may be our proper coarse, sad that at present, white snow covers the passes, each a step would be Imprso- tioible. It will not ba snrpruioit if, u> tne abseuoe of tbo prrssnre Yikoob Khan holds ont for more favorable terms tban the Vioexcy.of India has indtosted. Doubtless tbe terns offered are such st Yakcob Kban ocmid asoept witboit dis honor, and would if aooepted, hun the stronger monaroh AfgbsnMm his nad for many years. ' Bn; ft L possible that Yakoob Ks»n may prefer to save bis honor by suffering tbe loss of s bstde before he submits to tbe ic.vit bio. Doubtless a maroh npon Ctbnl is ibe Iasi ihidc tbe government desires, tneiefore it ii quite orepired to aoeept it as * d< - p sanity. • There is'nothing freph of a dis quieting ebaraoUr from Maflds'ay, bai precautionary prepir.ations are beiog qo;- tlv made Roms, March 31.—Two leading mfui ins of the Albanian League are expsnte : jari#o-day to.ecdtavor to lu.y notto adhere to the proposals of France, relative to tbe Greek frontier, and to ic- ist that the largest portion of Epirus ihonld b) left to Turkey. for members of CortefU-,A Fed, manifesto recommends abstention ahis, Maroh Sl.-r-Tbe great point of the Senatorial oomuiuee’trepoM agwinat therenra-of the Legislature tff Panrur a« argument drawn from the polioy ofi the Hailed Staves, Ahioh the report points sHcurity from m ,,_J Legieleture hy placing thi rn tanoe tepfh Ihe large xowns, - o > The. proposal of- BL Lepare, Miaister of tbe latsricr, for granting three hun dred th uisnd fiaoca for repatriating in digent communists, stsiws •thaf’i two thousind will iferurn edonis, while', probablfj fifteen hundred who were condemned, in conUrnaciam, will' be : amnestied- It ia-ibelievAd'Riafe the government will aoeept the propoesi Marshal Coohran, of Covington, who has been in the mountains of Eastern ' Ken tucky daring the psat two weeks, tele graphs that he baa captured fourteen moonshiners and?destroyed a frtnftbtft of illicit stills. He is .expected-to arrive here to-morrow with the prisoners. .. , San Fkanoisco, March 31—Chester H. Hall, well krnwn on the Pacific COON, onea mo noos in nia mama, sna turos no I «iT.„ A f e satssssrsar•TT’ assrar«sss T asss^5tas jsjyghgy 1 *. - r ^ Counter project to'that of the thixedb'c-’ fifth for sbm% tinih. ^ Afrikst he came on’-Y»»ter*«yff«ft ibV Brt#tinJ*-Andll jif A‘ ^ w “ enpation of MM * t W*.^ kB '^ he to** I4a|ghtbeinpuenutanof load (meaning contra! of thdlnterhafiohiif Commiraion. **>1 Matte caught la Berried oouhty and P. In case bis proponlis sot accepted, the tent to A hxny, is ota very large speoiaB. ids: Grand Vis'ier.. will-itmt- that Torkish It stretches itself from.three to.foort regulars shall tofm ayujonty of.the op- inciitB*^TT*qto«M of the Conrptaire da Boonfpte to take =®ams, Msroh 8i—Thom** Conthtr, « eeven years' lease of the Grand Opera Home, the State guaranteeing, a sob«iay of eight ban J red thousand franoe, and appointing M. Van Corbsil manager. Savannah, March hi.—The storm yes terday did considerable damage in Effing, ham connty. A son of ex-Coagreesman Bawls was killed by a falling tree. Cincinnati Maron 31.—A special die' patch to the Saquirer says that on Friday evening, six miles north of DfiC*U|r, HL, a wagon containing a man named B -bin- eon, hie two daughters and Mrs. Jones Nye, was struck by lightning, instantly killing Booinaon and his daughter Kate, agei sixteen years, and throwing Mrs. Nye to the ground in an unconscious con dition. ' ‘ / Jackjonvills, Fua., March 31.—A fire broke ont in a pile of cotton in tbe-New York steamship dock this forenoon, badly iamagiag the wharf and consuming tbe shed and warehouse. Tbo loss on the coiton was about $1,600. which was fully insured. Tbe damage to tbe wharf is about $400, uninsured. The ficq was erased by bpstka from a small steamer lying at tho dock. Cairo, Maroh 31.—A contract for tbe eals ot tbe Alexandria Water-Works to a.a English company has been signed by Mr. Bivers Wilson, the Egyptian Finance Minister, for the Egyptian Government. Liverpool, March 31.—Tucker, Bow. ley & Go., cotton brokers, have suspended Che failure is not a large one, but tends to shake confidence. There is some talk also of the difficulties ot a large firm of ship brokers, but no names aro as yet mentioned. Challi-toh, S. 0., March 31—k man Dimed Morgan, wbo claims to be from Utica, N. Y„ wa* deteot j d and arrested hero to-day while passing from the Firs' National Bank with twenty thonssnd dol lars worth of Uuiied States bonds and other eecnritiea stolen from the pre i- dent’a private room. The property w»h recovered and the prisoner locked np. Tne attempt was evidently the work of skilled and experienced thieve*, who have been preparing itfor some time past. Washington, March 81—The argu ments were commenced in the Oliver- Oameron suit to-dav, and the case will be given to rue jary to-morrow. NobvoLE, Va , March 31.—Pat in for coal, the steamship Winnetta Bilboa, from Cardenas for Havre. Arrived from Boston, schooner, Hattie Bauer. No re ports of marine disaster by the heavy storm raging last night and to day, save those fnrnicbed by signal wire. E-poit - from neighboring track farms, show tnat toe fruit has not been injar-d and pros pects fo - crops were never better. Nsw York, March 31 —A custom of ficer last evening arrested two men down tbe bay with eighteen thousand cigars in their possession that were band. *d them .from the tteamer Niagara, which arrived- hers 1 ist night. The men were locked up in the Ludlow street jail and tbe cigars confiscated. Step* «iil*be taken to bold the tteamer Niag ara responsible for smuggling. The arrests will lead to very important de velopments and break up a big ring of [smugglers, r • - 4 « Paris, March 31 —The extreme Re publicans and thulr organs arnr violently denouncing Senator Labonlaye and tne moderate Left in conseqaenoe of the re- p.rt against the removal of tbe seat of the L'gielaiuisto Paris, and threaten o abolish the Senate if it attempts to inter fere with tbe will of France; whiob, they claim ii represented by the Chamber of Deputies. Cairo, March 3L—Tne official paper, Ifonifeur Egyptian, publishes a decree pustpooing uutil the first of May the payment of interest and Binking fund on the Egyptian preference stock which falls due to-morrow. -» a a— -—. London, March 31.—Tho weather on Saturday and Snndsy having been favor able, Hanlon and Hiwdon both took good rowing exercise on the Tyne. Han. Ion is belter of bU cold bnt still com plains of a stiff neek. He looks only toler ably will. Washington, March 3L—The House Committee on Bales met to-day for tbe pnrpose of considering the propoeition to increase the membership of several of the standing committees and tbe appoint ment of certain special commiUeee during the present session. After discussing the question, it was decided to recommend to fhe Home that the total membership of tha following committees be iccrosaed from., eleven, fte at the last session of Congress, to fifteen, namely: Eleo ions, Commeroe, and Agricnlmro. It wa3 also agreed to recommend that ths member ship of the Committees on Enrolled Bills and Printing be fir-.-d at seven. The former committee during the Forij-fi'tb Cougr-83 bad five members and tbe lat ter torse. Also that the membership of the Committee on Ooinsge, Weights and Measures be increased from seven io »-1 even. Thereiomt on introduced in the Home to-day by Mr. Cox, of New York, and referred to tbe Committee on Bales, providing for tbe appoitment of spe cie committee*, tc-wiu One on the oen- 8u?, one on reform ia the civil service, one on tha %aw rs-p-oting the ascertain ment and declaring the result of ejec tion for Prs.disnt ond ,Yioe-Pre»iduui, acd on'.- oo ihe y? low fever epideuro. with the aa'oe number of tnembsr*, da- ties fo po., privilege- aid power ns tbo-e on ■ mdir t-ubjre'e of the list Coogresn, was agreed m, and will be reported upon favorably to-morrow. It in probablo that attr-m urow’a meeling of tbe ocmmiitee it will igreti io reoommand an increase of the C unmii tees on tha J ndioiary, Way a and Menus and Appropriation*, to fifteen oen.bftVh oi»ob. Nsw York, March 31 —Oat of eighteen women ptd-wtriane wbo sUrt-d to walk for six days in Gilmore's Garden, cnly ■■ -■■■ I--..w .... T eight were on the track this morning, the morrow night, and ths attendance is ex-1 J. Hussey, Major SidheJ Herbert aad « wrltiDg, the ehtfge of the zest having drepoed cat of the Mm ' 1 peeted to be very large. I Bsv* Dt: J. H. Martin. r " a ** «• • * m Nobwicn, N.'T., Marah 31.—Tnlix Mo- Down Uros DcsWiUre—Berrian Coun- t Youno laxsB PsTAToma.—Brrricn Coaa- n. convicted of the murder of J. Mor- tyNews: We oon-ider that thego who ty Emm Mrs. Austin showed us aeveral itch, near 8herbvnte,-on Deoember die on the “field of honor, 111 so-called,ar*- IrUk potatoos, r* Tr ^ ’ *— E 77, was sentenced this morning by murdered, f ally as mnohedtf they had f^ll year's crop, wh: Follett t6bs extcntedoA Hfv w ■ hand-to-hand combat, about whioh I triige igjfe, atsbrta hfs' icioccncs and asks th for another triai. Louiavnxx, Kr., March 31—The eighth drawing .by the Commonwealth Distribution Cjmpanv, took ^Mdh' heve to-dayi- • TTc^efc number 31,803 drew Fliht- . .. . . . m , n ai two diveeieW SSS.0W 5 ? ar " ,10 - 000! “ an -“* | 1 ‘*-i£.^.a°^E«Sa73EJSr af®- (hat the occupation be entrusted to Turk- ran ar: oupy in g carps, power tj contrbute tbe famoae painter, is dead. : i*. V-r •®.i Say wilt ta-morroyr move in the 8enate that the debate on the retain the Oh»m h hoped an agreement will Moome possi- w ^k.' Lie a nseful and timely manual ble. An a-ij .nrnment JWj&WjW, he fa t na f«rmef.'«id should be extensively voted for during the holidays, Si the rev pattopized. The last number is even aa- cese will oommenoB April 7th, etdend on p etio iT t0 , ny that have pthdedded if. he 6; h or 15 h of M *y _. . j, ,^all (fcnN.-^Jar tall ft lend Blocker, London, Maroh 31.—The A/jirae Bnkijf - j a hiiBrilyOndnlj Newt oorreBpondpnce, ann.Nooee thst Aa.iri8, England, KOi- M y t: Kitorrfay Mr W^T. Greienrxhib- eia, Tnrksy and I aly have —* *-■ - — . ft take put in the miked oeappauoVw' Exit Biumeliv gomerehefvaiiu I _.._ mauder-in-chief of the mixed eonUngent, eaan nstionelny having its own comma* * her. Too troupe will aotr in ‘ aocurdanoe with inatrnctions by the powers in com mon. The sole objeotef tae occupation m will be to prevent any conflict the I'nrk* and Ba'garians. New York, Maron 81—A fetfetlfrortf B.ngkok, Siam, oontmns tbq-fatlowing: Tne Ami-rioan omBnl has st Ifls- spttaeert d in inducing the King of Siam io estebli-b A genera) system of sduoauon ihroaghoa' bid dominions, and the Bev. Dr. McFar land, formerly an American missionary, nas been appointed superintendent o> pnblio instruction at a salary of $5,000 per annum. There is a strong possibility that an embaaay will be dinpaiobed from Siam to tne United States for the purpose of airaogmg for the appointment of eon- .-u!8 am regulating future oommeroibl relations with that country, whioh it is xpected will be large in the fntnre. London. March 81.—In tho Homo of Commons to night tbe dtba'e on tbe Zaln war was ri-snmed. Mr. Courtenay, Libera, declared tbat Sir Battle Frere w«s ready to extend Br t--U an-hurity 0> *li kinds of iniquities. Vi*connt Sardon, Conservative, and Sir George Biituur, Liberal, defended Sir Bertie Frere Tbe latter annuanced bis intention to abstain rrom vouug. The debate was continued on party lines by Mr. Claude Alexander, Conservative, Mr. Synam, Liberal, Mr 1'tnar Mills, Conservative, and Mr. O'Connor Power, Lib-ral. Mr. Yorar, Conservative, supported Sir Charles Dilke’s resolution. He be lieved Sir Charles Dilke’s re-olntion. H believed Sir Bartle Frere would not have been censured by tne government bnt for ■ be disaster to tbe British army. Sir William Harconrt, Liberal, raid tbat Sir Bartle Frere in consequence of the gov ernment's feebleness, treated it with an' precedented contempt. Ho asked whether tne government'a censure of Sir Bartle Frere was bins fide, or a mere Parliamentary maneuver. The Marquis of Harrington, L beral, pointed <mt tbat L <rd Obelmaford, as t aily as January O’ti, had eaboiitted plan tar an invasion of Za aland. This ebonld have awaktned tae Government to Sir Birile Frere’s aggressivo tendencies. The oonntry, -he said, wished to know wbo <o c.ll to an sooonnt for tho dieeredit whiob bad been brought or lbs British arms. Sir St.fiord N.,r:boots, Cnsnoellur of tbe Exchequer, said the Government «ti reeponaibia tor trust wae happening in Afiic:. He iboagbt Sir Barrio I’/ere’s servioea ontweigbed his fault*. Colonel Hurre's addiilon to Sir Cbsries Dilke’s mo ion of censure was then with drawn. Toe H use than dWidtd on tbe question i self, rad it waa rejected by a vote of 308 to 246. TUB GEOKUlA FRESH. What ia Gambling?—The grand jary of good old Putnam connty makes the following salutary deliverance: Wo have made an earnest effort to ob tain some information that vronld enable ns to find ont who are tne gamblers in oar town, hut made a failure. We have dis cussed tbe subjsc 4 , “What ia gambing?’’ and have decided tbat ail forms of raf fling, whether the object-be to help the churcb, or tbe poor, are aapeoiea of gam bling ard immorality tbat should be avoided by every good citizen. This is striking at the rout of tho mat ter. Crop Prospect in Southwest Gbob- gia.—Dearly. connty Jfetos: In talking with the planters of tbe countywe learned that most of them were fully op witn the season ii^their farming operations. Fer tilizers are being need in greater abun dance than ever. Some of.the agents have not been able t> supply the de mands made upon them. We hope the farmers may have no cause to complain at tbe result,of their investment. On the same subject the Albany Adver ftssrtbaa dLo.arses: Some farmers are planting cotton this week where the lands aro eieva-ed. Io this community there id not much harry abciQt early planting. In regaid to gnaco, some bed In it—aotue strew it along ibe warer farrow of old cotton land and list, witbont oantre furrow, while the majori ty prefer to strew it when , the planting ia done, claiming tbs' fifty pound • pat out with the seed produce* at good results as one hundred pounds wb«o bed J* i on. Ths Si^jMEiifBAiNBaiDai—Democrat: Saturday/ afterncou, at abuui 6 o’clock, a T'.iry oavere win ip'-=ed cT-rour oily. It oame up aadaenly from tne Northwest and blew almost a porf.-et storm, filling mayy with eppiehenaiun And not a taw with terror. - The '■ j .ud was an nnnsn- ally heavy one. ~j "Very little damage was cTons in (be city; biic we learn tbat the damage-in -the wrBiem portion of the county waa .considerable. A negro wo man and child were killed b/ a failing tree on the whet tide of tbe river. The plucky '''people of Bainbridge, led • - ^ A , r * »OT DKdEBtlffG OF'PTTY. £3?^vSt^rJtd, B ^^ red .p.B*teifc.t. who«»onv S vain. Wtplea.uxe. / ^JS'laei ot thia‘^•m?*™****?*?« ^-(SgSSSrWe #J!FV'JSi£?£T& through drainage ot the pretty I&Un Ga., hrraga the inteUigenos that Prof. Lu. tnek. and Huff Usmted that 1 . who ypare ths roa and safe ed* QikCity near the banka ot the beautiful £f ank .?: B '‘ d,e ^,TSA klll t ad at Nsec |^' | no detour had been made, and that his I «hild. Fast young men sbd wsmen r.^.rTr’it - •*> >cheei^Il»iifiM^ by the caving m of tho fena , - np on "Wa"^own Iftra along the •», .opiUteea to bsg^a M ^ l - “j ; ^rddFofHHiSnifi.nvhigh**Nn«^ence j '&le wfio>K'r>&> t ^h,>^^^ the they are good potatoes too. An Osrjw on w Aj Bxt-Hoox.—Yaldhsia Times: Mr. Bussey had some let-hooka ■n tha river one nlgtit list' 'week.' * Dor- tag the night a trout wtelttar' tb'fe oiler- tag bait and wax hooked. Afterwards an ape_ Tne trout was not and e opr t6wn, oral.—Broad axe and Hemiter: Col- 1 : 1L Wiley, or Maoue, the popular «l«nt eemmrader of the Seoond S Battalion, sprat A day hr two in ii, the guest of Captain Adeime. - 1 ’ 1 «Mihem Farmers Itentolr. Colo- ‘ p- Hisherof thh admirable .Vfisrted^na; Atopy late' PmPPHH , Idehee. Carteravilla Erie■ freest ha. got his head oo: ~et on thi*, mb<i altoough the people of parol Cartersvilla don’t need much stirring np, *o keep* a record, b* proposes to see to il that the atjle in' road whiob the Convention w entertained shnli oe aored t to hie fiiunahing little-oity, ■ - d a hippy memory with tha - editors. e oin therefore safely promise tbe boys the pleasantest time they have had in many a day. A meeting of ihe oilmens of 0->iterr.*ille will beheld this afternoon. exhaustive and protracted argument oft the part of counsel, and the charge of tbo Judge, tbe Sumter Eepubixean saya: At five minntes before eleven o’olook p. m. the jary retired to their room to make a verdict, and after an absence of three-quarters of Ml hoar, returned to the court room with the tallowing ver dict: “We, the jary, find the prisoner guilty.” Thus ends the second trial of Jackson Sellers, for tbe murder of Tho*. J. Whitsett. The case will be taken up on a motion for a new trial. Long Train or Cotton. —i?epu5!iean: Tub freight train of Friday morning con sisted of sixteen cars and was loaded with cottan belonging to Mr. Lee Jordan, of Dougherty county, containing four hun dred and twenty-two bales, aggregating 191,217 pounds. Tho freight was $1,147.- 30. On Thnreday morning a similar train containing the same amount ot cot ton and belonging to tbe same gentleman pueeed up the road ea route to Savannah, where it bad been sold at nine cents per pound. This information was received from tbo conductor cf tbe train, Mr. J. M. Bryan. A &1a% Wo undid bt a Crutch.—Sa vannah News: About half-past 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, Bryan street, near Bull, waa the scraa o£ considerable excite ment occasioned by an alteroation be-> ■ ween Frank Campbell, an ex-constable, and a stranger by tbe name of Ben Levy. From what could be learned it appears -bat Campbell and Levy bad been en gaged in an argument, when the latter, is stated, became very abusive. Hard words ensued, when Campbell, who is a one-legged mao, having reoenUyJost .bis limb by amputation, and uses crutches, braced hime-lf againet tbe iron railing at tbe corner, and etruok Levy a terrific blow with his cratch over tbe left sidp of ■he head, inflicting a very serions wound, irom >.hich toe blood flowed profusely. Just about this time Dr. Waring oame ironed tbe corner in his baggy, sad see? tag Levy bloody, had him taken into Magistrate E singer’s office, . whsio bin woand was dseesed. The physician pro- nonuces the wound very serious, bnt not neoeesa.ily lata!. Levy, it is alleged, was under tbo inflnence cf ltqnor. After bia wound w-s dresaed he proceeded to ms lodging house, on Gutrard street. Campbell was taken to the barracks, where be gave bonds tar his appearanoe before the Mayor tnis morning. Tag Y. M. O. A. or Savannah.—The News eay«: The friends of the Yonng Men’s Christian Association will be glan. to hear tbat it haa secured the amount tbat was deemed necee.-ary to waft-nt tut-m in oalllug a General Secretary and inaugurating a more definite work for > ouug men. Tne next^t^p-will be to se cure a gentleman epeciuliy fitted tar the position of a General Secretary. It will require a yonng man, tbat ho may reaob young men; a good business man, tbat is may condnet the affairs of ihe associa tion in snob a way as to oommend it to busmtss mec; an earnest Christian man, that be may otrry on ite religions work; good Bible student, to conduct Itt young nwi’a Bible ola-a, and a eonse- otaitd m-n that he may give himself wholly to tb9 work of reaching and saving yoneg meu. The care of the rooms will be a very small par. of his datiea. It will bo Lie business to arrange tar eoolal receptions, musics! entertainments, lee- i.nre-< end sooial talks, ns well as ite yonng rnsu’e prayer meeting, open air meetings and the various kinds ot religions work wmch’he association may undertake. Would that the earns institution eimL laily constituted oouid bd ttvived in. Ma con. Mr. L Zichariab, of Augusts, has been appointed orator of tbe Georgia Pharma- cdutic»l As-ociation (or the meeting <n, SiVinuah next month. Grnsral Toohos on ths Citt Bonds. —Savannah ft eic*: We have teen shown private letter to a gentleman of . this oity givisg the eubslance of n conversa tion between tbe writer and General Rob ert Toombs on the enbjeot of . the new city bonds. Tho General siys that he waa ’.‘among the first to aocept tbe compromise, and with tho many aafrgnatde thrown around tbe Savannah bonds, ha considered iLeo> &rst..olas3 invfeitm-B’ j Thai with State hoods at their presant figure, ho thinks Si(aon<ih fives should be wtrth fully For i several years he wse Professor of I boundary, witn power in tho jury to find geology and minetafogy in’East Ttonee- f tbiat the detour.''ll any, be diaouatiomod, 89e Unmmfty. He waa nfteVwairda.with and tbo, dieqaed traek, *f <ny, be re- Prof. Eaydon, in ths geological surrey af f opened or rested by the oommisaioneri tne Western territories. For the laat at Hoff’s.eipehte, it waa error»inatraot three ysara he has been operating one of the jury that IF there wak a detour, and tbe gold mines of Georgia, where he met I the same had heaw io the possession end , . , . - — ------ with his untimely de*t»n : •* besref the pnMiatar raven .lesja be- J "eaknesaea and i MM bshltb. • 'bag ot the bill, then tbe j fut tcne * nd strength to the whole ays- loathsome dieerae. »•> > .. ,. n ttca -1 _ People who marry for money, and find too late tbat tbe golden glitter is eU moonshine. . „ Women who tin# death^yery day of c " J their lives, when Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription will>e*e«tually remdVr those j the disused road) to which he bad do ti- i P-ople who lire beyond their metal and find that style and pride, like evwj3*" u thing else ln*thta 'wbrld, unless placed a *® ' npon a eroure foundation, tee rabjeot to-* e 7 ebeilaw ot gravitation. t ;<inxO Invalid)! wbo do more towards ftotea- >;•:* tag disease, hy liring and sleeping ic th* tW Alham fTkrhn | .Ufc, tbo oomploinant ponld, not deprive I *°" r * noveyiitisd rooms oiI the ordinary a — A -. t “®P?.C«iun-.| j,j m ot ^ j£ i, B 7 t he eomDlainam! I honae, than the beet medicines eon so- tw Nh p hi lBr eg m < »X?f«17nr a ; in TT JSE bode* examination, reUtiaely to the I ^Jgierne. and a*nirary advratogu of tb •°W* Ie 4 Iff th8 disused road. J r °» ah da Hotol at Baff*lo,iN- X. Every umfll tu"* land ttijS tf * ^ PP The obj ot w ? g to ascertain and fir his J P*»y«uciin knees bow rnsoh raoovery 061 ^ iw.—Atnepa (/Aron- u im ^ im of ir ^ (she complainant) [ h0Uae * thft Q tbo beet modidne« cut ao- Weiratt-hfitOnamwllor MeMfito hadaotltli elther By the terms of the j C0 ®P ! »^ toward recovery, when It I bUBOfUHfrf tasunodan ic patUa*4 gtoUd issue, Huff’e title wax ths oaly I “odeiate expense they osn secure all tha ‘ - rai * ‘ ■ 1 hygienwa and unitary advomigra of th Thera l a eturs» ora an ■toai teed thwd. OaaiMAJtx Contsnt.—Au .PapyahaTebosn.Mrn on banded to his honor Ji who ^haa oonsented to preside ling et the Ordinary’s omiteet, tl off n» legal ferae and 4twia« Pfooeeding*.. The ■ , _ .n Monday and may be pro tracted through the week.' ■ 0 |U { - -j--—- : - ; ■ :d ft.* -, iirich done, the oneient road I d ?Fe.f ds Hf>°® .ebfd nuraiag and the hy- eoewarily be oeoeruined and } « !enic . conditions of the iick room. , jCteOlQ* — - IMH „ „ .. , T \- the border of that road being tbs j Lhronib dlaeaees are eepecially subject to land. It was alao I the8B conditions. imtrnot the b.T..TV.'Zi UspirMuf Mibb •li.rtLil Ceuiy j*ty that if Huff icroach«d-npon 'the disna-d road, that was -a qnaetton between him and i county board of commissioner*, sna with which tha complainant had no oon. M|H cern, unless the property thus taken waa I preace shown to belong to him. It was also I demio —Gen Sheridan, Wuo boa. reoently beta It wbniiy idtiumt foundauoe. —ffbe tfcciphia Appeal rad toe Merateia - 7 ■eacnera wno fi >d me oity daring sheepl- - , ' JS „ >»io are having rather'a warm fight over error 1 to fMtriteV the jury in respect to j dat 7 dunnjthe i1 *" sdjh earnjiSe stalk fromtM roMting eto BAm^ey fp. Lmgr et aL. Equity, from ] rowiS'^Aud tae^wfdrrTof^ne^road J —That eosaewhat aotoriona OtbUUI, - eofiw itob-I'lbm^Ashiteili^inohesin height. •' 1 j Bibb. [not other iriee involved in the issnt I Ui}in Foq. ho* been ho dieg joint de- • Tji s^FOOiCHwa Pass* CostsafaiMfe’ •^Bticfetr,' J.—Genera! Summary. 1. (“than as it might be a guide in ' finding I b ?*!?. cia til8 Chtame question wi** a oitizsn to givo ths Qoorrfl Mil Aieoaiatiott n' Wt . .... , „ , p—r-ij -j- , __ yjWih^ ^loonM^Wmmghatoi “dfjthe ttfcfT » Official prooeedisgs of joanty J m disnute that from that border the I ^£X£2£Ti£££*\*V&. 3. District board of 4 '"s'.'In'.rfivtag Vt wbounda^iine the I t niseioaere under local law, are j jary are not restricted to the oeunea and | ’7*** nemo* wbloh afforded oumpiete promo- •8S nt ?i oxoftot by reeolu j oj»ta»oe* laid down in tho deed. If per-1‘*** . * . riioue br reports commit the pablio or | manent fnonaments, ftataral or artificial; I —Virginia, no longer tha mother Of Fre*i- land owners to definite Knee or route*. 4.1 8l ; 0 h u B psbiio read, orealao epeeifiedm J d#nt, < «■ however, the parent ot Uenaton, Charge net portioocN to agreed issue i- ttle deed, and. there is satisfactory evl- I ^»8fep««‘nt«dia the CuUedStates_8en- Tnoaole Ieaua os to the true dence that those monuments have been f ooandary of a defondaal’a land, pot ato hy * x eenatore, to wit, John,ton. With er*. Hereford. Davie, Coke, Thurmin The pl'inaut’a tirie or want ol'title io the tori I original places, they will ohesk and mod- j ware bumaoTvi'gmiaparente^VrgiBi^ 04 Tub Writset Murdzr Cabn —After of an-adjaoent road ia not pertinent to tbe I ;f„,i,« an A »h< n i, «n. I a*. . found, and that they are still in their I - . .. . .... , ify tho conreea and distances which con- ] —Thesratd imv in the Ooort of GearasI isanej nor is tbe right of the pnblio to I witll t h en! ; for courses and distances I Sessions* J NcwSork have made a preaent- n«a a modern ae.onr from the ancient atQ * m0 ng the loweBt indicia of bonnda-1 ment eensn-iug the maoagemeDt onho ftew route of the road; nor is tiy rule cf lew. rj - not tha highest. I Fork Elevated Ttelway fdr inefficiency and ■hat the defendant may bave no tule. the I 6- But a public road, of cauree, mav!* 10 ** negligence The recent eoinawa on oomplmaant, if also without title, cannot j ct aaoe, ftn d when thik occure, tho bound-1 yqirappUoe tbe .buU of the preeeut deptivebim af ptisseaiKm; nor is iho ar ^ does not change with it. When the general rale that enoroaohmenta upon a ia moved or transferred to other rail, pnbl.a road, sro no cause of aotion in fa- the boandary remalM beh ,nd. A bound! vor of a private party } nor is the omens- Ud0 whia J h waa co inoiaent with a bor- telity of » person orlmtasUrtar otktruct- j d / r o[ the roaa , will not rent npia th- n ,°v. r ‘ 8 T P " U I oorreapondiag border in tho new pcsi- 1 A road, farther than that element hcay f ,j nn Sahatantial and not trivial chan i7pr os involved In finding and tracing tbo tion. Substantial and sot trivial change* parttoular border of the road wbich~coin-1 spoken of. by.the ever futhtul Bue. el, era making, ninwiy strennona effort* te get np - first-ciaes" J. G P.itkj, E.)., will d liver the lit- epring fair. It will prove a success, or erary i ddreai' at 'Cnfhber-. Famalo Coui- w« are no prophet. m ucement. Personal —Colonel Euthvrtard d«- Atiauta furni-h»e thr-» contri-ntora to livers hie Faria lecture in Bl iktly to- p <a nk Leslie’s Sunday Magazins—Mrs. J. cide* with tbe defendant's boundary. 5 Permanent monument., natural or artifi cial, named in a Heed, modify the courses and distances. ' 6. Boundary coincident with the border of a pnblis road, not shif ted by any substantial change in the lo- j ration of the road; that is, the boundary remains where it was and does not rest on the border in tbe new location. 7. Charge that a fact was conceded, wilt be taken as correct if the judge does not retreat. 8. Positions of the respective parties stated, and new trial directed on tha matter of tne agreed issue. ■tl —lathe Uuiied States Circuit Conrt it New Fork on Friday, in the ores of John I. Davenport, Jadgs filarohfoid orders. tint a copy of the obargee and rpeuificauons in a petition for Davenport’s removal be served upon Davenport, and ibuhis answer be filed within twenty days. —The huteun Government discourages 7. What'ie not conceded, either in the ] *• *»«>« J *!\ t ni 8 “ b J^ h t ?, t r 0 ^, nc r ^ n i ^5 pitadiogsor by the partiRa ov their coot- Iu f J de / U s©l in tho presence o" tho court* c&qqoi bb | prico of thopfc*i, without which do Hi-nn recited to tho j cry from tho bench a* | ia &il(j?(.d to lain his country. hM iw& conceded; bat where matter is stated in | UteJy iscro&sid from flvo ioao!ea to one the charge as a concession, and it does not appear on the authority of tbe judge nimaelf that no snch concession was in fact made, the presumption is that it was made. 8. The complainant* theory is that he and the defendant. Buff, are oolerminae Jy im bandied roubles for each year cf hi* life abroad. - J i a* ita ■.-.•«* ' > —The p ogrera of th* oxoavaiions for tbo UdarKround drainage at Lmccln, in hng- laad, in oontinualiy laying bate fresh traces ofth-3 Homan oconpotioo. A ponton of* very fins musaio pavement of * KUhloohe pattern, tegither wish rioh wall frescoes. proprietors; that Hoff’s land extends fca I Paving tile, and other traoe# of a ramptu-jn* tbe border of the pnblio road, and that j Bomra r*»toraoe»ihra been dtooovtorajnst onUide Urn Exobcquer gam, to t o ws.t cf agroea issue. hie own land lies adjacent; teat the road. I »*» kxtaaquar gau, tot • woxof P- The true original route of an anoient ] M it formerly existed both de facto and I . ? n ®' e " ! ^ * iSise^e^ratelh^tacatira otl ^ “5 hM ’ Ww! ard totoxl,’ agreed issue bemg as to the location of a | f 0 r some years, been disused, a detour I perhaps, to the same maneion. c> boundary line which waa coincident with having been mode through hi* land, with -Xhe zuher to a —< nutnnnent that oneefthe borders ot that route, and the bb) permission and consent, by travelers | is not much braid into* United mate: bnt Ciure on trial being a bill m eqnit> in j nd passtngers, bat without ray estab I ia Germany it is in use to tnch an extent which Brantly woe complainant, and Huff I lishment or adoption by the pnblio au- I that a oonvention of players in soon to be defendant, together with two public [ thorities of the route of IhU detour as a' I tel1 there, at wiuoh a Veiy large attendance boards co-defendants, one the county I oart of tha highway, or as a aubnitnte I “ p*P«o'ed, including virtuoeoa or putable board of oommiesionere and tho other tbe. f, r the origiwd route: that in prrtrifttag I na* atringe Jtkea nsrp, j® £3 h. r vin d R c nowt B,0 « SSSS2 ST5SS sskl* rotmer board haying power to order an( i acted with a purpose to with-1 attached to tha tbnmb. It to riao mnoh public road* to be laid out, altered or con- d raw f C om uso as a way at hie pleasure; | smaller than a oarp, and lie* flit it ia net tinned, and tho latter hiving the lmme- that Hnff baa erected a fenoa taking in I an metranwntef power, and the player mtttt dial* yuperviaioobf construction tad re- L om * of the pnblio road proper, thus j be vary good wbe sen'*hams*J»*Ac • r paire, a map madtby-thefiONnty enrvey- I bringing it within hia enolraure, and] PwastUttKA's frktoiwnrtax. P»e*»*n* * or after the dispute fcroee,. and founded Ireducm^ it to hie potaeasion tbat he. Jcm— !heB*uWmrgT*Mi«apk»to*oauvA»* onhsurvey.executed by him -* **-- ! - 1 -.u is - vr ' denca for the complainant, even in con oection with the testimony of the sur veyor showing it to bs correct accord- tbe date' *““■* ^ stance of th* complainant Md of road commieeioahre, .with Hoff, bat not in his presenco or with Ho authorities object bn aooount of there I of” the'Sen hi* cpnesnt, is. oof admissible in evi- being no other open wav; that-Huff raila | Grant, D for and refuees to draw in his fence to bis I the Democratic Senators Safa 11 XUden true boundary, and yield to the public the]*? 16 underatod; todnf to* Jt^ranuuvea orisinal road, which he holds bv intrusion ! *• “ e tor “nail tification might result from following ooureea and dUtancee from certain fixed points, and tho important line mentioned in thfc description by which the survej was guided being one border of therovd itaeif, tbe location of whioh was under eearob, It was within tho discretion of the court to allow the map to go to the jury as ar mere diagram to illua trate or aid ia understanding the testimony of tha antreyor, or .that of other toitnee^es, but tbb map waa not evidence aa an offi cial doonmenr, or.<aa in. the nature of an odmiesion by the road commissioners, they having no power to make an ad mission binning npon the thoir co-dependant. Huff, potest tar the oprveyor. to teatiry orally to his survey and ltd result?, using tbe map, it neceesiry, to refresh his rejolleo- tlomj ■ 2. The official transaction of the coun ty Board of Commtoaionera of Bibb ooan' “ty, (See pampb. aote of.1873, p■“*“* ing to tbe data used as a bans of or Ssurpation. Huff'd theory, on the con- } D toinS^to^rP^«iv!nto survey, neither the surveyor nor tho road ^jjathu there has been no detour- t^Sdnra commiesionere knowing pBMonaUy eaid no a fcT iatiou from the true original route, , w,° data to be adequate mesne of identifying . ^ that hw fence ia now on the border ^r ^T^fS^oe, *S the truj route of tho read, except aa id«n- u f the public read, his veritable coandary j po^ag to the Cincinnati (tommuitaal fas* line. The county commissioners and die- I been proclaimtd among the Yand^ibntt, and trict road oommissioners, Huff’d co-do- J litigation te»peotii>g ih* wotamod nra’a four fondants, are, it seems, indifferent be | V; 11 * 1» no* *'• ® onA; W VaDderhUt tween the contesting parties, being con-1 tent with either route. What they claim fe°bnt no date bra bten fixed, is only tbat the public stall have an open [ Ule staat taMO.MO bara raswaet as road, of full legal width and in good era- I ^ 0 ; bic private fund* bj W fl. Van ditionj along one ronte or the ether. Injdeibflt, ami that this' surti will be paid (d pnrruauce of a prayer in the answer ot I other meub r» of the tMwJy npoa eontorion toe district road commuuoners the com- f piainunt and Huff are interpleading to settle the question whether the two routep, so-ca'Ud, are ia fact oue end the j same.aa Huff contends.or different, rosily non-production of tbe bettor evidence. Moreover, it tha board directed a anivey to be made by tbe county ramyor ro m- oertain tho roat* of an ola rood, tbat would not oommit the Board to the x#- solta of the raevey. nor would any pro- anmption srtootoat these results..were ocrrect. *" iJ *,•7“ "‘ 3. Copies of ih.9 proceedings of one of too diatriet Biarfi ofitood Commissioners of Bibb oewty (*•« b*mpfc- rauof 1871-3, p221) showing tbo efforts of too Board to ascertain and fix the route of ao old lo.d injjiairdistrict, arena evideooasgatnat themselves, or ignM tooooantv'Boaid of Cotototosioaewa or ygainrip toigi-uwq er, cn to* question of, where the true rente la each proceedloge'-not bkvtag re» _ _ suited in any ro-opaolog or re-weupa- Ostis Cte j a town tion of tboMBte oonght m b« dtoaovotad. ' *" ““ Tbe rood cogwatoaiouct* have rwpo*er to bind tbe pnblio or toe owners of riend by. a sere .deliberative : recognition, whether annoneoed threngh loselatocos, reports, or otherwise, of dvfiaiteluws aud roulee.. Their fanetiooa in respect to lo ose Keprcsuitorivea *2 for uut ana 10 soettering. Of tunitMa f *m 4 «» rr tbat they wait* eg (artotr .cUnys upon the eetate It is also arid ibxt tne 87 UUO.OOO and fil.Ooo.uOO sort* of Oome'iua Vandssbttt wiU he dieo’attoaod. ■* ' ■ J. a. ■» Tn caw Tbsmutho :cn>kz —A tia*. aol>r f mi bxoMUiecttcD with toe newly ar ticular question made in the agreed Uaue ] vbaree, laheid. acoarding lo toe arliatoeof is. wb-re is Huff’* boundary Iin.? Tbat! iccorpars.uou filtd iu too county Uierk’a . * . IT -1 ji. Ai»X>* ii. . .92:. . 4 . A4 a nw* ihrra nersnna rtf *hnr^ DQ l AftA line being on» ascertained, tho contro- J \ “J MHjiffi s a - n pnd aa Huff and I * r * Crutra, to a New lorker.* Tb« versy ie at an eno, ra between ft« ono 1 oUfcr ltimkoMten4If Kd*i a Head if Bath, the complainin'! for neither 0? them j u>a walA 0 * ° r Auepma. Conn, contends that thetrne boundary to Ed I E»cn vt tow* threo luid iU.U-O shirraof 219) we to be observed, orIh-t tho true boundary I ihe oapit l atock. 'he par Vims at whiohl* presumed^to be recorded a-i the Uw ie- i 8 n it co incident wi'.h the border of the I goiO par there' The entries iuh ihasthe quires, end they esnnot be proved by original pnbiie rood, or that either ofwbe | data of to* (wganiziiicn mfrt 2i. ta79, parol, i wtthout first aooonntiug tar. tfc# •oetastants hi testaeta has a’tlght. bH approDriate | »o oont June fifty toimmaiicg on J»n. . road as against toe other Or « prloC,psl nnhlis IH**XOX»«>y. - tbat. avaiust the public. L^t the causa bo tried over, with due reference to toe scape and meaning at the agreed issue, and with BoraatruouoBr to the Jary not relerans to .the earns, or to the power ot Ordering a restoration Ot > he road at Haffa expanse if haium in- trudedapoo it aratearal Jadgowvt foverstd. i B F Lyoh tar plain'iff m error.,.. u E. V. B-ai; Bacon A Jtqiaerfcrd; G W. for de’>ed.»t .J.> - V '4ja VtmtaJ* 1*7. Jwtad*. top Gbibra* have Towaidnd! figh a with to* S*tao*. A Chhunoasaa wbo w«*Warin* ejuntoof bar owbaAra* M*Mt ton (briiH «hw CTB fn a r» raw mi oh Orated hy theta rad erere- Pattoe na com whs went in hot f og&Avroa to ts* J’-ohc teoag-Xnn Waahuigion Pori unWakes lov-vtten the proposed sunaoth reoou- i|-w uf Graai ot-toe doidraGatatt iorgaSy ot yrtlrradwdhoaal itaptoaMnta oo Was tha late nnforiaua’e mnvemtml of toe Southern negroes towird KmtM «-A colored voter in Mob !e hodbien so- yeoyadhya merchant to take soma hcroraea oil twtbo Mskbda awd Ooto Mali road dopot for step newt, aototouwdtko ftmUwmn 'who employ on him toot he woe got g to vote the D»aweratw VNet—vroainn t intnk of voting a ay other' On hi* :enui fnws th* rapes ba was sakad for ih* jorarat for Ute her was oil. PntA'ac b 1 * bead into bit rpeta«h* puilOdooi» Ira', the receipt, exclaimed toe msv . Hh>iI<1m| ) m Ihe lOtrrahei'eiwawfitobATe.Mra firwtNpoa by toe eio.ied Mongolian* wiih »hot gnus, end W have recdroed (be ffia w| fc reHWter*. height tho woman forth, and eh* was rained in th* afternoon. Utw tn- po ioe 0 are returned to Chinatown to get Mr ooth a. and were egein amenWed. rbc deuwaneof Virginia Oi y were ga ting oatinc pnblio road) ere (xe:udve—not \ reeiy. aeanitme lo o«»e *-<y of to* efrw* lihlalaii.9 oriuHnh! ii wartisjurad, loeaokChtnetewuandt&afidl- iegiuoUT9 or juawiait !*t-ip uopa<sUon The yonag ooupt* ere 4. Where tha trial to ted upon * die- « ld to a* ed penJari^topeSe to. unci June carved ont Of tbe general ease houejtcoun in J oil, for fee; of (heir conn try- by coseeDt of all the partic a, end reJnoed mou. 5to*sd*Lo(d,' wra lb* respooo*, ‘Idone gacte oa’ voted de kanraae ari ttokM .. Iu the present oea* tbe flint of CL W. Mc Mullen A Brother* of Chicago have token thnoontcoet to work up tha nacoaeary onthu- an') sell the tioksts Tbe machinery employed to th* SepubtoMi Obeli men of e^autUtte* In .tbs vartona Congi diestra*. wbo are la totoue# the G»* asamaad wbiakey thievoe aadxap 10 to* ot-atroi 18—Aim*, aafiat are-to report tofreMoUan Beit rednuod to cn* o«l par mite tram W gait of ths oouetry. and they bop* to *e>l ttoxets to about fifty tboaaaxd prnosa.