Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 08, 1879, Image 4

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Cto? <3§gjgcat;?t HEgg-klg sm& 3«»rnal & BCgsajmgec> » 8K8B5E the tremendous |' T„. M ^vq -[*•- fltWKmsVILLE 003(190 The Telegraph and Messenger MACON. ©A. APElL 8 ‘.879 tun wiBrLTT»L«q»Ai|BAyr>_MiBs» BNGBB I* aubit«had every FridW momlac In ■ w. T«]*m[A BttUdmc* corner Cherry Ud rebSrtatloo prise* On« rear. i7SSX49E«* M H' n s” v *AtaS37W<'« P* •*“«• tor •** h insertion. i —BLnM ptpw napkin* litre Introduced by a mu nfscoring firm la WUconrln ay»ar •go. one Bmton firm alone bee sold 25 >,000 ofttum. __0. ptafa JtmeaB Bad* h»s just bed word from Port E*d» thet the cffiriai eamj ebonv 25 tatt channel ihxBgh the e., with a te*at width of 4t0 feet. _ pameia In tbo eatm pert of Peonsyl- vxnlafi.d it Terr profitable toreUe their own trout, end UTe Urge foentitloe *o spare for market Tbo trout pond on a form is becoming aa common as an orchard. jf r Pirney, a London dentist. claim* to have found a filled tooth In the J »w cf an Xgyp’im mummy. Dsntiatiy was further advanced four thjuaand year* ago fa Egypt then la supposed —Tha XroD milla at Ptcsrixville, Pennayl- Vanls, with their from 9,000 to 8,000 <A* t l jjee, h»ve contraett enough to keep them running foil for a year or more. Toe New York oo tract wU be filled by September. —Lord BeaooiaSeld'e health. It it assor ted, It far from good, Indeed, at the late Boy el wedding be wae obliged to remain ■dated, only raking himself and appealing do it with sow* diffloalty when tha Queen ’< tnUred. ; —The Bspubliotns do not geln macb b Jeering about the rebel br gadiera in the Beast*. Toe Democrat# Quietly point out that only lour of the Bepubhoaa Ben»iora ' were lo the Union army, and two of then, Logan and JEellegg, aro nothing h brag of. —Bba met him a Utile more than hllf way. MUa Joanna Belknap, of Texas, adrertleeci foe a husband and Auguatna Qanechoe, ci Baglnaw, Midi, answered By agreement they met at Springfield, Mo,, on Thursday, and marrying took the train at onoe foe the bridegroom'* home. —The German Socialist* pubUahed a pa per In London which they called LI certy. XU solo ia Germany w»a prohibited. They changed the title to Bismarck, and sowars amused to know tbit not even Bismarck is ‘' permitted to appear In tbo land of the Teu tons. —BeY. Dr. Ingram, wfco died recently in Shetland at the age of '(3. ia etld to have been the oldest minuter in the world Pour generations of the Ingram* hav* U?ed in the samehnuse fa Shetland, and they were long generation*, too. The deceased’* father died at the age of 100, and Ins grandfather at 105. —The Bepudialors are beaten in ■Virginia, after a hard fight A Uberal proposition made by the creditors has been accepted by the Geneial Assembly. AU the old aixper oent. bonds and accrued Interest are to be refunded in bond* bearing interest at three per oent for a term of ten year*, of four per cent, for twenty year*, and of fits per oent. for the rem inder of the teim of the bonds. —Lady Elizabeth Campbell, deter cf the Me-quia of Lotn9, i* to be married next month to Mr. Eurtaoa Balfour, and It U aaid the wadding tour wiiliaoiades vi*it to Bides a mil The w.ddlng will take place at the 1UW* n# ieop'l'a ftantti&h ftta&t, iQTfirtT} Caatie. Lady Edith Campbell, tne nnuteo eldest deoghter, U menial to Eerl Percy, eldest eon cf the Lake of Northumberland, —OotTLY Peps.—The last Inman steamer, aooorhngtotheSt- Lonia Democrat, brought to Amelia a the famous pouters ‘Paual’ and ‘Lassie,’ reoentiy purchased fa Engiam by the St. Louise Ejnnel Club The prioe paid for the firet named was 91,830, but, the ex' pendituro of this large sum was Jast Bed by Fsuat'e bench and field performances and by the esteem in which he i* held by the English breeders. —He atrolled into the conservatory, where ahe was clipping a rosebud and a few ULt'e Sprigs to adjin hie button hole. ‘O Char- led isn't that a lovely rose? Just admire Its beautiful color,’ said he ‘And ami Hot admiring Us beawifol culler?’ and aabU arm quietly crept around her vsi». "hr re waa lost the rosiest hue fltubed across her cheek, and—well yon would have been next to eoataay if yon had been a looker-on, —Astonishing as the statement seems to be. yet Mr. Oliver Garrison, Yioe-president of the Uise'inri r'ao’fio Ballroad, and brother Of Commodore O. K. GvrUon, stated a few days ago that 12,000 miles cfnew ra lroad aro to be built next summer fa the United S ate* a 1 to bo laid with steel rails, and that 8.« 00 miles of raiU in one year will ex haust the supply. Most of these additional roads will be constructed in the Hett and Northwest. —The proposition of 'Senator Pendleton to giYe the prinoipat officers of tee Executive Sep irtnunta seats on ■ he floor of the Senate an l House will leal to a general (JacuM'on of "the relaions of the Oabiuet to the Presi dent. A sweeping and healthful change woo'd be to require tbit tbs Cabinet officers be chosen from the political party in the majority in Oo-greee, so thsith* majority, through tbo Cabinet, should be held directly responsible far the management of public Affairs. ■j iiu Cbroniclr’fl eff Sterti torf*»"to draught upon the 1-cd, which is coa- THB COTTON TBADg, »*«o4* rrqusf«d to produce crops that re , Iht Comntr eiil Chronicle of b^loidsy la-t, waicn o late has uaobed Macon on Monday, waa delayed this week to Toe-day.; The cot ton figures from other aouroee are inter- eetlng, but n*Hga baa made those of tbo Chronicle decisive. Toay make up, and eouomde the oo t -n r.sitaiioe of America* Hence we take pains every weeH to com pile a statistical summary from that paper. Aoooidlcg to the Chronicle, the reeeipts of the seven days ending Friday night, March 28 b, were 60,688 balsa, again*i 66,470 bales tha corresponding week of lest. year. Total receipts of the pqrreot or,tt >n year up to Isst F< id-y oi-ht, 4,119.- 220 bales, against 8,898,468 for the oor* r.eponding period ot the outcon yotr 1877 8—reducing tto increase to 325,762 heirs. ■' 1 The interior port buaincsi of the same days was aa follows: Ejeoipts, 84.686 bales, sgainst 29 286 for the same Wee*, of hut year. Smpmenu, 44 836, again* 44.740 last y ear. Stocks ,131,463, agaipst 181.795. <r. • The Chronide’e visible supply table aeibbie fa deneity s Mississippi cane- brake. ■ *’* t* ’ s • 1 k* It is noteworthy aldO, lhat the lagmte or expressed stalks are exceedingly hard to rot, and are need for little else than fuel for the steam engine. Still, in South ern Georgia, on river bottoms, or when cultivated upon rich uplacdr with a lib eral supply of manure, no crop i» more Valuable. ’ Eat fa the upper portion of the State, where tne angar-cane does not flourish, beet- eouid be substituted with the greatest advantage. If - the half be tree that is stated concerning the fatten ing q lalities of - the palp and ita fertiliz- ing properties, this Alone would mike beet culture for sugar of inestimable Value to the country. The project it a new one At the Sooth, and woti net fh.6 the Commissioner of Agriculture snd the State Agricultural Society will bestow upoa it that atten tion which seems so deserting fa 4he • r-> ' _ 1 ' Negro Emigration to JBtanaas. Huge stories -re printed about the ne gro emigration to Eafisea this spring, showed luni FriJ«y night 2 397 714 ^balas prin0lplll/ from tb8 Southwest, and A PaosFXsobu BMiuanutn.—The profits of the Lsngley Ootton Factory, at Granite- villa, 8.0, for the year 1878 were 660,991. During the year two dividenda of four per oent each were declared, And then mpany ha* sow to ita credit a surplus of $'51,989. The production of the mill for the year rr«e 123 883 piaoes. 8 078 6 8 pounds, or 6,216,- S44 yard* of doth Ootton oousumed dur ing the year 183$ 6,527 bales, with an aver age of 456 pounds—2,519.491 pounds. It is qau-tionabla wbatber there is a tingle cotton mUI la the North of similar capacity that can make aa favorable a showing elthtr fa regard to profit or product. —The Indiana Bcpuolieans are veiyeiok over a dose of their own medicine Morton gerrymandered the Btate in 1873 so that 33,* 0(9 ttepnbUsana could el-et a Oongreasman, though it required 69,890 Dsnoerato todi AO But for all of that, the BepubU«ans have but six of the thirteen members in the pre-ent House That is m >re than they are Ikely to have fa the next Congress, forth* gerxyminler »hi h a Oreenbaek Senator fr%o ed, and the Deraoc r ata put through the extra aeaeion of the Legislature, gives the BspnbUoan* bus two districts fa which they now have the majority, and they expect to Idea one of theso, if the Nationals unite with the Dctu crate. —A singular lojtanoa of human crudollty U reported from Mnuteh. The actroea, Adel* BpitlsOer, who was sentenced there ab uieUyatra -go to a term • f imp.-iaoB- ment for bvtitg swindled the public eat of many mUlio' • by her banking uatituitoce (the D-ohauer Bankec), conducted, ae the 1 urtheraneb cf the interests of the Bn man Oat bo do religion, tried agsi., after her liberation from prison, to earn a living on (be stage. Finding that this oj*id not be done, the ha. returned to Munich and again opened a back. Deposit*, ea which ah* pay* sight par o«ut monthly interest, fa* brought to her ta> abnnduioe sad, of coume, another cataeuo t b. wi.iooour in lima. floisKu, iiN’iir, . flow fast all smokers are learning I let Duke’s Durham" smoking Tobacco is t na beat > ak your dealer for It. at d take no other. - lanM«Qd*w |T ' kiv jiCxeos's us Bbooo tWllf HAVT TO umMswb. of ootton fa eight, again-2,725,973 At same date last year; 8 997.460 > he year* before, at same date, and 2.966,618 fa 1878 at same date. I hue figures eho ♦ a decrease m tne vieiole supply of 828,359 bales as compared with 1878—629,746 bales, A3 compared with the visible hop- ply of 1877 at this date, and 668.964 bales aa compared with the visible supply in 1878 at this date. ».'■ -a . Tne Chronicle's weather telegrams In dicate rainless weather for the week in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. In Alabama and Georgia it was showery. Both corn'and cotton aro reported com ing np well fa Texas. “ ^ ‘ The ootton markets have assumed, during the week; a somewhat feverish condition. The argnmenc is closing up all roned. The cotton goods markets clamor for farther reduction, in the face of th* faot tha* cotton goods are already low beyond p.. otdant—lower than al most anything else going—the cheapest covering to naked and shivering human ity that human ingenuity has yet devised. By force of these demands the cotton good* manufacture has, for a time, sank prostrate under a harden of embarrass ment. The working portion ot it in England, already reduced to starvation wages, are scratching their heads ahd cudgeling their braina over demands for still lower wages. Meanwhile, looking on the other aide, these facts become apparent: Notwith standing the distnrbance among manu facturers, the cotton supply is diminish ing and estimates of the volume of the in coming crop are reduced from day to day. At beat, the excess over last year’s pro duct will fall a good deal below the de crease in the visible supply. The question arises which way the cat is going to jump? Will the dilemma retoive it—if in a fall in tb* prioesof raw material or in a rise in the prices oi cuuuu guvucr In relation to both it may be truly sata they are already below value. The raw cotton we know it ton cheap, and the goods we believe to be too cheap. The reasonable and fair eolation wai be a rise in both; and with the generally anticipat ed revival of trade the latter appears tope the more probable solution. But we have to consider the fact that the cotton trade of Great Britain faae culminated. It is past its zenith, and is now cn the decline. It is a melancholy fact, which we do not like to admit, bnt it ie on the books. It is so written. The world’s cotton trade, us to its general oourae and habitat, has entered on a change, which will confuse the course of events for a generation or two; bnt still cotton will clothe the human race ae it does now; end the cotton trade ns an in teger move onward and upward in ita vast activity and proportions Beet Sngar-Tite Diamond State Taking trie Lead m its JPro- <1 action. Emulating the exampleotJVance with its rich results, the enterprising common' wealth of Delaware, so famous for its peach orchards, is vigoronsly turning her attention to the cultivation of beets, for the sugar extracted therefrom, and the astonishing fertilizing properties of the retime pulp. The Legislature voted 8800, and ap pointed a commission to investigate the whole subject, and endeavor to encourage the raising of the beet on an extended scale for th* manufacture of auger. Tnis Committee in ita let* report, Assert that after repeated comparative teste, it ha* been demonaitated that a considerable portion of the soil of Delaware ie aa well adapted to the growth of the beet, ae the best districts in France. Treating of the * xceeding profitableness of beet culture in that country, several instances are quoted which vrere drawn from the arrondisae- msns of Valenciennes. We extract as follows: A farm at 832 sore?, the aalea ef the produce from which, with ordinary farm ing, smcuiitsd to $8,000 par annum, with (be culture and rotation required tor the sugar beet lncreaeed the annual receipts to $41,300. A farm of 295 sores pro duct d 6,225 bushels of wheat, 2,600 one kUg&r beets, and fattened 150 bead at c«tiie in a year. Bat <he model farm of Fret Oj, containing 652 acres, averaged tat bleven year* 70 bushels cf o*t* on 80 seres; Mi bushels of Wheat on 150 Aarts, 20 tnna of sugar beets per acre, 8 tons of nay per acre, fattened 800 head of cstti-j and 300 sheep. These termers attribute ibeir saocasa os onldvotorH entirely to the immense amount of manure which th* beet pulp, (the waete from the factory,) fad :o their ouile, in connection with th- sir a* from tne wheat and oats, aiebitj theta to mske, to the improved o mdi'ion of the soil consequent upoa deep eoltiv* tion, also to the increased pmfir«H - s-r- virt from their Ian 1, no faUovis being re quired. At a pahil* reception of lb. E U. per or, the following significant iasono- tian WAS placed on * triumphal mroh: Before tne maeufnature of beet tuear ih« arrond>nt*ement of Valenciennes pro duced 695 759 bushels of wheat and fat tened 700 oaitle. Since the msnnfacinre of beet angar the »nr>u-l production of Yetawctennaa ia 1,157,710 boated* of wheat and fatten* 11,600 oat 1* ’* These magnificent result* should set Mr farmer* to thioki*g. True, there it nothing equal to the West India cans tor its augur-producing qualities and the exrelienoe of the erticla Dsanotaotored. But it is equally patent to observation th»t no crop exhausts the land so much; or require* highar fertilisation. Even in Ct^be, where the fat aril ia iof< lbosestonu foi (nation, an>l oft«o extends, ae the writer son testify, to the deptii of three feet, thraaowre from Havna ia tr**>a-‘ ported by rail a distance of from n to mainly from Louisians. .Correspondents of the Western newspaper* ausert that from Ljnuiana alcna sixty thousand la borers and their famiiiej are on the road, or determined to start, 'ibis would in volve say two or three hundred thousand people, vrbiofc is a mere neaeensieal sng- gfcstion. ,. , ; , !qi Bnt thousands are going, and doubt less it would be .a good .'thing for fan country st large for this population to distribute itself more generally in other sections cf the country. It will then be under better control—more directly uu- der the influence of Ahe whites, and, on the other hand', the whites themselves will become more extensively informed of lit character, capacity aad requirements. The probable reanltof such a move ment on the condition and comfort of the negroes themselves ia another problem which must await its own solution. They have failed heretofore, as s race, to show any aptitude for development in cold countries, and in active competition with the white race; and one may well doubt whether they are likely to do'it m the future. A few years will ■ probably bring the balk ot' tbesd emigrants back again under a Southern suit and the stlf-indul- genk fatbits and leisurely toils which characterise the race here. In the Booth poverty does not bring absolute physical suffering. Ice, snow, drif island a freeaing temperature are rare or unknown,*nd- no negro will suffer fo r want ot fuel. How it stay bA’with him in the hyperborean regions of ■Ahe- north west, where life itself in the Winter must depend on adequate and easeful provision in the matters ot a tight shelter, comfort able clothing and plenty of fuel is a seri ous question. . As to tbe impulses which have prompt ed this to-called “Exodus/* .we need not go beyond the negro himself to £fid — H. u constitutionally a nomad. Except under the influence of strong lb col tie*, it is not common to find one who ie not ready to move on the most vagne asenrano? that his condition will be im proved. Hie credulous and aangnine temperament is ready to lay hold of any rare to change of base,. and the experi ence of thousands of our readers will compel them to admit that the vast ma jority ia ao fond of change as to need no reasen for it. The average negro is but a child. He can get along after a sort—com fortably enough, according to hia stand- ard, in the easy-going South; but the ar duous struggles and hard climate of the North will make Cuffee aee eights. And as to the matter of losing popula tion and field labor in the 8outb; if any one will assign one good reason why the ootton crop should go on swelling in pro portions from year to year, wa will agree to fqrnish another why it should be less. Beddee tbo ootton crop ten per cent, and it wontd not involve the South in the loss of a dollar. Again, as lo population, while the ae- ceaaicn of a large number oi email pro- prietors, able and willing to improve their freeholds, is exceedingly desirable, is it desirable to pash our lands fa waste ful culture to swell ft cotton surplus which is bound to diminish the money price? , American Bacon in Europe. It really does look like the enterpris ing p.npia of the Western continent ere man, tears will whip out the agricnltnr iats and stock raisers of the old country even in their own markets. In addition to tbe many thousands of fat live cattle and the immense quanti ties of bntenered beef sent across the water in refrigerators, now we find that Western bsoon is becoming la great re quest among the English despite the strong opposition of her Majsatj’a stock raisers. The Pall Vail QauUe eays: "It has long been known that American bacon could be sent over to this country at each a prioo as to defy competition by our farmers. Owing, however, to cer tain defect* m the mode of preparation, it has never yet had a fair trial, except in disguise. Now it appears, however, that this is being rectified, and American bacon, quite equal to English, can be sold at about 4}i a lb, instead of ten- pence or a shilling. At any rato, tbe pfeature ia already severely felt in Wilt shire, and the farmers there complain that it is no longer possible to fatten pigs to a profit fa spite of the low price OOTT *N TOT70HB8 A SIX P8N -THE BTLVBE QTnrSTIOJ IN ENGLAND. tkst Yesterday ia the Liverpool there was another and more cation of tbe solution of the cotton argni, tneut alluded to in our last edition? 3 Qojk> _ w ... . ...... _ ton once more rose to the level cf six- “ ure not,M «* «»* eD *» pence, which it has not seen Far many Y-a • '* ryy ; •«* 0 ■ r w r* vvw "*»*• weeks. Ihe advance was an elgath on £n tbe boryoutte Umit^u baa Uneklj pop- an active .market^ with sales of enbitan- J ’ tiaily eighteen thousand balus. We '£nv?to‘^attention £o" Ae ^viewi of Smith & Edwards’ circplaV tele graphed from Liverpool yesterday—par ticularly td that portion of it loaohing oa the refaoneliration of silver, as eSsWb list to the revival of th# British cotton trade. 1 ;: • i .■ A London telegram ot April 1st,^printed- inonrpap9rof yesterday, has already announced that a deputation of the lav expool Chamber of Csmmeree would held an interview with the British Premier, Lord Beaeoaafield, on Friday next upon this subject. i a- - s jty li t ^ The ciroalar of Smith A Edwards intl- ■aate* the exiateneeof • *onviotion in the maanfaeturing districts of Great Brit ain that, the fortunes of the cotton trade are banging on an abandonment ot the hasty and ill-advised policy of silver de monetization. Months ago one of the most astute financial experts In America (B. F. Nourae) traced the main cause of tbe financial troubles fa Great Britain to deed -Well weigh the undertaking, and this demonetization, and predioted that they would be compelled to abandon it. That policy took its rise in a silver panic. The Nevada and Colorado dis coveries of silver ore, exaggerated lit newspaper accounts, induced the belief port, new in progress, are carried oat the difference between thy imported and home grown article will he still greater. Proofs accumulatethat agriculture in this country ia pawing through a very severe, trial." Trie Kellogg case. Tbi Sun Washington corresponden- saystbis week- the - Senate Committee on Pnvil -gea and Elections will begin an examination of tb* charge* mad* again*- WiHiamPKt X-diogg by Judge Spofford of Louisiana, th* etoimea* of K4ioggV •eat in the Srmete. Tbe majority report oo tne claim of Cbarle* EL BeU -tottead-. m it ted oa a ti sartor fr*» Maw Hamp shire by appoiatmeet by tike Govern*! will be m«da on Monday. Tb* majoti y report in BsU*a oaseisegatBsa kfatMla to the seat,-on r the grenoflef lertia*- juris- diett-n in the'premiRes by tho-sppointiog powsr of the (State. Kellogg i* aware that iu attempt will be made to noses' him. He wik resist tfie attack in tb« cos omary L-miatana method, via: by charging as I maoy frsade against bis oppoDant as ora be provsd against himself. " el trie Blversisle City-finale, Beamy and Pitas Special Cor. Teagrnph and Messenger-) loere «ro tew places, not only in Geor gw, bnt in the eatire South, of which mure favorable hocioe could be taken in tne pablio pric e than of Hawkinsvilitr. Wub e population of pafispsZ 600 witc- nloted Bubaibo, extending in every direc tion, and it may be eaii there are scarce ly toes than 4.000 people »ho are proper ly resident*.ot this beaiti'nl little ouy. Ot it* ocminarotal imponanoe and the ex. oelient siauding Of ns merchant* onr oumnesa oommuuity gives ample evi d«noe* dogefneu with whioh tbe trad* of HawkmsvtUs is songbt through their traveling salesmen. No more sonhd or reliable set of meishsnts and basin*** men can be fonnd an; where. By means ot its rapidly improving river oouimnaioation and tne thrift and enter prise of iia basinet* men and oaplUUsts, tb* vast amount of bm-tnesa done in tbe place is simply astonishing. However, I digress; it waa no: ot aawkin-,vdl» com mercially but socially I sitrted to write. Of this what shall I say? or rather, what can I say. In commendation that would not be riehly deserved, if, indeed, it did tiot fall tar shore of presenting truly tbe royat hospitality of this excellent people? Absolutely nothing. .Were this all of my task the poverty ot language would nut be so oon’pionoa ; bnt is it not a neces sary pun of this undertaking to speak of her lovely daughters—bewitehlng exem plars of the courtly gjaoea and aooom- phaamenta of refined Georgia mothers t Who essay# to sing their charms may la thi ck if hie power# be not of nnohtilanged excellence. Uuder the auspices of the following well arranged committees, a grand dom ino ball wa# announced in Jelk’a Hall, April 1st • Committee on Invitations: B. G. Lewis, T. S. Jones, J. F.Conley, J. P. Williamson, J. T. Davis, W. B. Steele that silyer would seen almost cease, to be and fi. O Fate. Committee of Arrange- a precious metal, and England and G(> " ' “ ~ — *• “ **' many, in excessive precaution, at. race toot: measures to withdraw it aa a monte tary basis. Strange to say, the TTnited States, with every snbataniial domestic interest to the contrary, and at that time dealing only in irredeemable paper, fol lowed suit. This shook to silver valua tion brought it into comparative dis credit in all the continental countries of Europe, and confused and disordered all Eastemexohange*. a Meanwhile, after the mischief is done, the business of the world oentrea finds it self crippled and tottering on an insuffi- oieat metallic basis. Aa a consequence, oredite are contracted, real property de preciated, stocks deoline, banks fail and rain and disorder are rampant. A sudden abandonment of this polioy, however disastrous Ita results have been, can hardly be looked for. It has pro duced adjustments which must again be unsouled to great private injury and pablio embarrassment. Tbe question wilt be ears to involve others affecting tbe whole industrial poliov and economy oftb* empire. ‘Lord Beteokufleld baa already imimitated so muoh in hia bints about tbe revival of protection and tbe oorn laws. - Tbe landed interest wilt be stirred np by tbe slogan of beavy import duties on foreign breadstuff* and provisions, white *11 tbe manufacturing interests know that cheap food ie the life-blood of Brittsb manufaotarea and iortrig* t**a*. Tb* silver question, then, ia bnt an entering wedge in tbe great controversy pending, which settle vital questions of Indus' trial polioy, affecting every olass end in terest fa tbe empire. of grain. Moreover, when improvements in communication and means of trane- j e p Pn( j npo n thoromrn organisation Babioxl FsoaxosTicaTioit—thz South Should si Mobx Solid Thah Eras—- Th* Dutt of Both and In DXFXNDZNS3.—Tne New York Tribune say# "there are unmistakable signs that the independent voters are all returning to the Republican ranks, and in many in stances they are accompanied by Demo crats, wbo have been sickened by ciphers aud the Solid Sooth." Thi* statement 1b in perfect accord with the accustomed ntterancea of that Radical sheet. The talk abont ‘‘cipher** reveals an amonnt- of bathos that is •imply laughable. It ia like tho devil affecting horror at bis own imps azd ajQievements. The organ of a party that stole all the bard earnings which their poor dnpee, the impeenniona ne groes, bad laid by for a rainy day; bank rupted every Southern State over whose treasury they were able to obtain control, Ud then swindled the whole nation out of it* rightfully elected Chief Magistrate, can aay anything or do anything that is false and wicked withont being obnox ious in tbe least to the charge of incon sistenoy. We naturally expect a perver sion of tbe truth fa ita columns, and are only surprised when it ia otherwise. As to onr being a “Solid South," would that it were indeed so, fa every aense of tbe word. Sorely no people have had greater caaee to band together in their defense, not with arms, however, but in the peacefal exercise of their constitu tional rights. Wnatever has been ac complished towards solidity and noion it shonld bs remembered also, was achieved in tbe teeth of Federal troops and a boat of nnderatrapper* in the shape of United Siatea Radical deputy marshals who wore but the creatures of the domi nant party. The only safety for our peo ple oonaUted in cordial oo operation when raiera wire to be chosen, and happily they bad the good sense to see this and act npon it. In regard to the return of those inde pendent* who were formerly Bepublioans, to the bosom of that party, we wontd only commend tbe leaton to onr Sonthern brethren who bate atrayed, we trust, bnt temporarily from the regular Democratic fold In 1880 onr only chance of success and standing shoulder to shoulder against tbe common enemy. Surely those who, by local questions and individual per- so: at preferenues, allowed thematlrea to be led away in tbe support of otter can- iidates than those chosen in the usual manner, will now sink their minor difter- eooe* and rally to tbe battle cry of the National De mocraoy- 11 i* our only hop* of safety. ‘'Uotted wo stand, divided wefaii.’* Tter late aetion of Messrs. Fel ton and Si eer id the election of Speaker BradaU afford# BBearnesr that they and • heir ftlio-*ere intend to parson this pa triot so C'-Ves'* in national poll i>. God grant that our hopes may be reaiis-d. Yost and momentous indeed are the re sults which bang upon the next Presiden tial election. In lieu of constitutional liberty, tb» alternative may possibly be Grant a* Dmator CoTT 'N Ira, roved a pool y - ria' -ixtrenth in Liver. . UUFJVV—“Whj will aun make commuu To-wcrv. wh.-r. they o»u bay Jtarbure Kros. , ■SEAL OF OATH OA BOLIN A." at the lam* • brim montfs T. S. Lewis, 8. F. Rogers. M. W. Taylor and John Coleman. Floor Man- agert: J. Jaoobus and J. B. McDuffie. Macoil was liberally favored with invi tations, but owing to a foolish apprehen sion test the wnole affair was but an April fool, only a few took advantage of the opportunity for an evening, of rare enjoyment. . Tnis is much to be regretted, as ar rangement# were made for the accommo dation of a number of Macoa ladle*. Oar party of four gentlemen boarded ihe early morning train oh the 1st lnatl, and though the fair faces of our own oharm- iag ladies were muoh missed, the domino proved a splendid success, and amidst ah array of rare beauty tbe visitors passed an evening of pleasure hot soon to be for gotten. While your correspondent bows in bashful acknowledgment of hia inability to do justice to the subject, he caonot re frain from admiring mention of some of the fascinating beantiea who graoed the (.cession. First (at any rate, in his own partial consideration,) is Mis# Annie Fate, petite in etatare, rioh dark brown hair, eyes of deepest brown, almost black, laatrous and aparkiing. Brilliant and Vivacious, she was the constant centre of an admiring circle, radiating brilliant Bailies of wit and repartee. She held the groups in a spell constant aa gravitation. To oomplete tbe chaplet were fonnd in brilliant array Misses Parifoy, Wtloox, Miller, Hudspetb, end many other fair daughters of the little oity, whom, yoar correspondent regrets bis Blight acquaint ance of a single visit and most embarrass ingly treacherous memory deprives of a more partionlar mention. Monteanma was represented by Dr. Ingraham, Miss Morgan, and a number of other ladies and gentlemen; Cochran by Or. Walker and a party of ladle-; Dooley oaunty by Mis* Xing, and Savan nah by Mr. and Mr.-. Epetein, tbe Iatter’e eiater, and Mis* fleiser. In attendance aleo was Mies Thompson, who lias a flourishing dancing otess in Hawkmsv-lie, and to whom is due much ot credit for the success of the occasion Tha tedious and diffioulc dotted devolv ing upon the floor managers were well discharged, and to them tbe visitors ten der a special vote ot thanks and to the good people of HawkinsviUe ell, many thanks for kindnesses shown with a denblo aasoraLos that they will long cherish a grateful renumbraucj of their hospitalities, culminat-ng in a moat de- ligbtfat • veuing, which recollection aher* ishts only to delight in. A Macon Yisitok. April 2,1879. Belabezzar. Tho sacred opus, Belshazzar, which has been ia coarse of preparation for some time past, will be thoroughly reedy by the date in May which has been fixed for ita presentation, and it will be an en terta-nment whiGh will bs enjoyed by all who do themselves tb# pleasure of at tending. A rehearsal was held last evening st the residence of Hre. Armstrong on Poplar street, at which (here was a fall attend anoe of thoso having roles and the mem bers of tbe obot uses. The rendition of the parte snd obernses showed marked improvement, and the rehearsal passed off very pleasantly to all. The opera baa been produced in many of the cities of the North and has been endorsed in very flattering terms by the press wbereTer presented. The Syracuse Standard speaks as follows: Ot all the sacred operas which have been preeented in Syracuse, that of Bel- share ir ranks among the beet. There ia nothing fa it whion tbe most religious ly inolintd may not aee, and we will.Ven ture to ray that the most rigid recluse can enjoy B lahsxxar with a conscience avoid ot offdose in the eight of God and man. The stage settings are superb and the costumes are nob and elegant. Tnere are many thrilling situations, whioh, in the scene when the hand of fire writes the awful sentence on the wall, the still- nets of the audience was positively pain- fob | u Brevities. Haverly Mastodon Minstrels, with a fighting foroe of forty members,will play in Atlanta to-night and to-morrow even* Off. The fifteenth of April ia the day of days, in the anticipation of tho fire de* pertinent. Mach searoh has been made, bnt nn- snooessfally, for the earner-stone of Bibb Ooanty Academy. No. 5 Fire Company has definitely de termined to go to Griffin on the Stb of May in response to the invitation of the Fire Department of thatcity. The mem here are in nigh anticipation ot a royal time fa Griffin, and from the prepara tions going on for their entertainment, wa have no doubt bnt that they will. Tho trial declamation of the Sopho mores ot Mercer University for com mencement positions will take place ia about two weeki. Tbe committee from the fire companies of th# city appointed to investigate the jury question fa regard to compelling firemen to serve on juries, met lest even- tug at the togine House of No. 2, and ap pointed a ►nb«oo«nmittee to farther look into the matter and report at an early da* ,h» New Bedford Mercury asked tbe the. d*y: ‘’Wiret lxdie* should make ilu. best pedestrians?" and answered tbequee- t' n. *"3t-j-j-oib m «f course. I* tn» co -unction we cni.tii. go aatep-fathtr and ray a tn:-f i« a* good as a mile-" Well, tbit depend* on tbe miss. We nnv , kn wo some *d» were better a mile off a—Boston SanM. Ki jrgttm. A small Blaze aa Plana atreit—The Werk ml as IwraOtary. At half-past om -o'clock Hus marking the alarm of Are wa# Bounded, Bed a prompt response made by car gallant firemen. The Are was loo., ted on the bait aid* of Plum street, between 8=oopd and Third, in a eix-ruom. one-story cottage residence belonging to Mr. B. L Henry. The flames were discovered when they had made good headway. The house waa uneooupied, having been vacated yesterday. We understand that Dr. E M. Newman had just removed from the premises. The fire was evidently the work of an incendiary, aa there waa no fire fa the bnildtng Ioffe by those who bad just vacated. Officer MoO.fftZiy fonnd on the prem- lees a bottle whioh contained kerosene oil and some waste, whioh had evidently been need in firing the bnuding. A por. Uoo of the frame, was saved, and a wooden house in ten feet of the other was protected by the effort# of the fire men* The first water was put on the flames by No. 5. The other companies did re markably fine work, being prompt and energutio in the battle against tb# flames The building, we undaretand, was par tially insured. It ia located in a thickly built neigh- borhoed of negro shanties end much consternation was manil*ateiby thft to rn a'e* and all arlieies in the house* on adjoining lota were removed from the buildings to tbe street. ' 1 • 1 1 . to*' a Fartanxi, Mr. T. N. Hopkin*, of Thoma&Tflfe* wae in the city l**t evening Mr.rand Ifrr. J. H; Inman, of Atlanta, passed through the oity from Florida, lost evening. « < Ool. John A. Davis, of Albany, lain the oity. Ool. B. G. Lockett, or Albany, is a guest ot the Brown Home. Mr. W. E. Mnmford, of tbe Talbotton Standard, is in the city, and will call oa VIM BUD-SATING, Xklrtiflsaitota TktetrJtaia-Cxac vat tram Whs AeeaimyskiA . stto Mfletit vtik. ' Th* young man whs few toWpmt menifc has been engaged in eating a quail every day, has at lea: acoompliabed the feat Without eooident. Toe possibility of eat ing a quail caen day for thirty eaeoaaaive days ha# beeu serioualy don■»»«d by many, and bat few demonstration* of tb* gMlrraouioal feasibility have bets made, while on the other hand many a Ineklrae wright wboee confidence fa hie abilities have been misplaced have attempted fa eat the bird*, bnt signally failed and paid th* forfeiture. But these instance* can now be celled to mind when success has crowned with its feathery wreath, the brow ot tbe ambitions victor, one fa Atlanta, another in this oity, and the present case. The experience of Mr. 8belrerton* tbe young gen tie man who baa just succeeded, i* quite interesting. Tbe birds were taken in various etyiee, according to the taste of the consumer, aad relished with increasing guato until about the.twemieth bird when the wild flavor began to' be quite unpleasant to the partaker. The twenty-second bird wa# -a very trouble some one and threatened to lo#* tbe con* teat to the young man who bad eaten fa City leetr. Tboae who may have a aurpiue of city money on hand, and daaire to diapoae of it at sevenly-flve cents, will do wqll to fall o# Rehrad B Hall, Druggist rtrst unit letkafuc church. A rarica of meetings were inaugurated at tbe Firet Street Methodist Church but evening, wftb e view to a revival. :- The attendees* wasauoh aa to encourage the pastor and those iptamted ih the work. >aq ceoDtr ceari. <!«, rid Yesterday, in the County Cour^ the case of James Tilly, colored, came n^ for trial, but woe continued until to-day. Ha is m tri J for stealing from Mr, Ji L. Shea. The ease fa one of peniateat.and dating thievery, and will develop some lively feats of abstraction. Tke Kauai** Party. . AU the lodie* sod gentleman interested fa tb* Reanion Par y, whioh ia t* be given immediate!, after Lent, are ur gently requated to meet thU afternoon at tb* Fabiie Library at half-prat (our o’clock The meeting should be fall, aa business of importance la to be trenseoted. I ‘ Bleetlon ter Alderraa*. On Saturday next an election will be beld for Alderman from the, Third Ward. Candidates oome forward alowly, although oeveral name* are being mentioned in The uex: six oLda were eaten with re*- connection with tbo position. There ia no nabl* ease, nut the twenty-ninth per- telling at this writing where the alder* tridge was the worat of all, end oaib*' lightning will strike. ] ™ very near upsetting all the arrangements. Tne last and vic oriun# btrd waa eaten with a deapera ion wuien precluded the matte The contest excited oonaiderable iate real among the frieads of thepartiaa. Bf- - ,i'i* i«w i —ii ■! T-.-ar.y? TH* lacHers’ kamUle. oai Day bafoewyeatteday morning the quiet order of fhfaga at the staid and dignified .^eeleyaniPeteale College was alighily far terrupted by the ybcmg-ladiee. ef the .. Senior close ua attendance on the college our merchants to-day in the interests of <rom tho ^ taking a half holiday. It hia paper. Oa or about tb* first of May he williaefewapremidm list of the Tal bot County Fair,"Which will have a large circulation, and whioh will prove an ox. cellent advertising medium for that lec tion of the State. Mr. ahd Mrs. T. B. Gresham, who have been spending some time in Florida, have returned, the health ot the latter having been much improved by the trip, Mr. J. C. Ellington, of Monteznma, ia in the oity. Mr. T. A. Clayton the cry last evening, and hie friend# were very glad to meet him. Mr. and Mrs. Pdter Solomon, of Vine. Title, who hare been absent on a visit to Florida, returned home yesterday. Ha T. Skelton Jones will soon retnra to Macon to engage in the brokerage business. He is wdl known here, and hia friends will be pleased to welcome him back. Mr. C. M. Barton ia now engaged in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, fa the position held by Mr. George W. Sima. Mr. Barton ie one of the moat oatefol and ready clerical workmen we know of, and will fill the position well. Mr. Sima has retired from the Clerk’s of fice, and ia now connected with the es- ablishment of Messrs. Seifert & Smith. Mr. J. 0. Rutherford, of Maoon, will perhaps lecture soon in Atlanta for tbe benefit o’ the Ladies' Memorial Associa tion.—Ganriitution. Mix# Emmie Wiilet, of Macon; tbe Misses Murray, of McDuffie county, and Mrs. W»tiet, tha wife of Professor Wiilet, of Mercer University, are stopping at the residence of Colon.l John H. Seale, on West Baker street.—Ctmififttfion. Mr. Arthur L. Wood, who has ezeated each a furore lately by hia musical com position#, ia one at onr old-time friends. We knew him “when we w ere boys to* gether," he showed musio3 talent iUtD, and Maonn may wall be proud of him.— Orange Gvuntg (Ool.) Reporter. An Absent Peatoaaster. A month or two ago, Mr. Hobbs, the postmaster at Baxley, Georgia, on the Maoon and Bronswiok Bead, waa ana pected of some irregularities fa the con duct of hia office. The matter came to the attention of Captain John Frey, one of the brightest detectives in the United Stales aeoret service in the South, and he set to work to develop the case. The usual device of decoy letter* was resort ed to and the erring Hobbs fell easily in to the ambnah. It waa made evideat that he had been tampering with the mails, and eapeoially with registered let ters. Captain Frey, as toon aa hia ev dence against him was oomplete, took a run down the road, to accomplish his arrest, but, in some way hearing that the day of reckoning waa at hand, Mr. Hobbs vanished and has not bean seen sines. Hois supposed to bs hid den away fa the wilda ot the awamps ef the Ogeeehee river. The detectives have been engaged in a fruitless search for the miaafag but wanted Hobba for several weeks and haT# at last drawn off their wateb. The amount which tho Depart ment has lost ia inconsiderable, but the design of the Department ia to make the mail uivice ao reliable and safe that the amalleet violation of theaanotity of letter aeali will be followed np with the penalty inscribed rathe statute books, if soe ible. Mr. Hobba waa also agent of the Macon and Brnnawiok Roid at Baxley and has heretofore stood well in the ouetoesa po sitions whioh he filled. He resigned the position of agent of the road some weeks ■face. The Sevan Brunei Tell Gat* Free. We are authorised to announce that on and after this date tbe toll gate at tbe 8eYen Bridge- will be free to all, the. ar rangements having been perfected by the Road Commissioners. K*aaway. A runaway on Third street yesterday took placo .which came near eeriottAly fa* juriog a one-armed nun from the country. The mule attached to a wagon with three tranks on it began to run. The owner, the man abovo alluded to, waa ■lauding oa the ground holding the reins wnen toe animal made a sudden turn, throwing him uuder tho wheel#, one of them passing or-.r him. Thetrnnke were thrown *A broken open aad their eon* tent# scattered about the street. Ooaeeen’B Compound Hover ot Tar Me -ben# Solon*an# favorably known thetit need*no encomium. For cough*, aold*. um throat bo***#***, etc., it ifiordi speedy relief, and i» a most pleu ant and effiracioiu remedy, hoaoy and tar Mring twoof it, ragredtaits Th* skill of the rhemift. and the k no - ludw of a phyurian were united in it* prep,ration, th- result being a com • pound which i* too favorite remedy in this Se van* dictate and ho* uo eqnal a* • care lor rough*, cold*, boaiwenoss, hruncheti*. croup oto Ura-CouraW Hon-y o*Tav. Price BO VaraatebyBalanfefiBail dnggsA - teems tbe spirit of fun and frolic overe DSM tbe soberer thoughts usually at tributed to ‘•grave and reverend sen iors,” and they went into the gardens of the college, broke away it plank from the fencing and' took a promenade to the woods, on the edge of the city. Tfee morning was spent in tbo enjoy ment of that freedom which ia rendered sweeter by being forbidden. Afternoon found each se nior in her placo at college, looking sweeter by the bloom imported by the morning exercise. The result was a reprimand from the faculty and an apol- gy fiom the young ladies. Tbe college ia elegantly conducted by an able faculty aud the little episode has been overlooked by tbe professors, such a thing not having occurred before m tv long while. The veidict of those who took part in tiie promenade was that they had nsver had a better time—no never— well, hardly ever. Memurint Day. Tho preparations for the 26 ;h of this month are steadily progressing, and the decoration of the graves wilt take place aa naual on that eventful day. Theteiti- itary of the city will tnrn cut, and tha usnal demonstration# of interest will be manifested in celebrating tbe day which commemorates the deeds of valor ot fallen braves. Tbe selection of anoiator ha# been postponed until quite late thic year, us there waa some doubt ea to whether an oraticn would be delivered on tho occasion, or the grave# simply be decorated and the speeches reserved until the unveiling of tho monument later in the epnng. It has been resolved, how ever, to have orations on both occasions. Yesterday the committee in charge of the arrangements received a letter of accept ance from Ber. George G. Smith, of Mil- ledge ville, who will deliver the oration on the £6:h instant, Mr. Smith is well known in Maoon, and the selection is a good one. An oration foil of interest aud of great historical value may be ex- peoied. - Tbe Hnlbsrry street methodise „ .. mJturcb meeting*. The oustings at the Mulberry Street Methodise Onuroh are daily becoming more interesting. Toey have been in progress for more thin e week, and are well attended every evening. Many are going who do not often attend obnrob, aud the indications are that tbe founds' tion ot a good wotk is being laid. Last evening Bev. Dr. Eey made some re- matks to the congregation with an exhor tation to be persistent in their efforts for good, and showed the importance of faith joined wi(h prayer. His words were worde of oo unset and ouoonrage- asnt. The meetings will bo continued tnis evening at eight o'clock, when muoh larger attendance than before is ax- pected. City Bonds. Notwithstanding the depreaiion under which the securities of the city have been resting for the past two years, there ie on evident reaction taking place and city bonds are steadily advancing fa price. They are now quoted higher than in many months before. To what thiB appreciation in price ia due we do not now pretend to say, but tho fact is very apparent to all who have transactions in city bonds or who keep posted on the subject. The quotations ranged y eater- terday for the long date bonds, fifty-nine sente on the dollar offered and sixty cents asked, and for the ahort date bond* seventy cents offered and seventy-five asked. Tha tone of the market ie deci dedly on the improve and ic is hoped that this important public ooafidenee in our bonds will be lasting. Am Uadsalafeie lraih. You deserve to aaffec, and if yon lead ■steerable, unsettofaetory life inthwheau- bfal world, it is entirely your own fault and thsre ia only one exoaso fox you— rent nnseaeonshle prsjothoe and skepti cism, whioh ha* failed thousand*. Per sonal knowledge and common aense ron ton fag wilt eoon show yon that Green’s August Flower will our# yon of Liver Oousplsfat or Dyspepsia with ail ita uta- eseota offsets, *uch eeeiok heedaehe, pal- pi tattoo at the heart, sour stout sofa, habit nai ooativeneM, dixainess, of tbe head, nervous proetrsUco, tow spirits, et& Ita •ato now reaches every town fa th* West ern Continent, and not a druggist but wifi tell you ef ita wonderful oares. You eon buy e sample bottle far 10a. Three doaee will onre yon. inly8 ly The St. Sicbslta dMsii relTniUn * tlnK “ l ,,,s, r « r *- The,shooting club neld it# regular practice at the Park je»terday afternoon, thought of failure, aad.ttt* bili for tne end tbo attendance was the largest yet feasia w#a fooled b> Dr. T. A. Cheatham, present. Besides the member# of the with whom the arrangement had beau oiub, quite a number of spectator# were present, and seemed to enjoy the eport Among tboae present were several flue shots from neighboring cities. The boons made show steady improvement. Some crack shots are being developed in feke membership of the club. v. > a ot ■ ***** i—iw -IJo ' i..(* «tty vuee. • ■) The’notice of the Treasurer, Mr. 0, J. Williamson, appears elsewhere, calling upon the citizens to come forward and pay the first third ot their oily taxes which is now past due. Th# second third will be payable on the tenth of this month. It i# highly important that ths payment of these taxes bs promptly made as the city stands in great need ot funds and postponement will be bnt vexation ef spirit. city Council. The City Council, yhich failed to have a meeting oa Tuesday evening, held a meeting last night at the City Stall whioh was quite protraoted, the adjournment taking place near twelve o’clock. The usnal routine business occupied tbe atten tion of the body. The most important action was the appointment of a commit tee to look after the subject of the read* jnstment ef tha city debt and to investi gate the arms and report - to tha body. The fnll proceedings will be published to-morrow. Nw. S. At the round citteru at the intersection of Mulberry and Second streets lost evening No, 5 had a practice of tbe run* ning teiti A beautiful run was made aud to a very close time, it being an- nunneed that tbe run was made in twen ty-two seconds. Tne engine connection was kindly made, however, in the'ab sence of the regular man by a member ofanother company who being unfa miliar to the coaitraction of the machine somewhat impaired the success of the rial. On Bread way* NivTwJ^Mv^sfa toe «w Tark. tor management of Wr. uni rift Welch, hoc well-re tifeted mas naoeltoal bed* and perfect Aa derate* connect* directly with the todiw’aoint 'os. The table and osten • dance throughout is acknowledged a* bring ian ile extra ohmrgb ter twS-riae* “Closer to Hr Buxom Come.” On the 18.h of this month, Mr. Smith CUyton, of Atlanta, will deliver in Macon this famous lecture, outhe CLser-to-My Bosom-Come-Club. Ths lecture is a sa tirical burlaeqce, foil of humor and wit, and haa been heard. with applause in many of the Georgia cities. It will be delivered for the benefit of the Lee monument fund. A week or two einoe, he delivered it in 8indersville,.and so well pleased the people, than in re sponse to an invitation from the leading citizens, he repeated ie to abont vs large an audience as at the first delivery. He has been invited and will soon deliver it in Savannah and Augusta for the Baste Object, for which it is given in onr city. Thousands ot persons hav* their eyes turned toward# Wall Street. That is where thousands of dollars are made daily rrotn investments ranging from $6fi to $250. The reliable brokers, Alex. Frothmgham & Co., 12 Wall Sueet, New York, send ibeir Financial Report free, which explains tally. RHEUMATISM. This dreadful tormrnt, the doctor# tell M i fa th* blood, and knowing thi« to be tame, we advise every sufferer to ay a bottle ot Daraug’e Fheanutio Bern, dy It to taken internally and will positively core ihe worst oo*e, in the shortest time cloli t y every druggist fa M. oon. Jant4 0 Aw8m AN ELEGANT PREPARATION De*ign-d to meet the pablio want for n harmless hair dree fag and restorative, ■ found in P»iker’a Hair Balsam It sate like mitdo, oommenefag at the very rcota, re moves Dandruff and all hunur* from the scalp, and never fails to restore gray or faded hair to ite original yon’bful odor and beauty, railing hair is immediately cheeked by ita nee, and it pioduoe* a growth of beau tiful young hair, soft, glossy and luxuriant, tost surprises everyone. These properties added to its exquisite perfume and polity of composition, render it the growing favorite of tho toilet table everywhere- Roy a bottle from your druggist Roland B. Half, and test it* merit*. MANX LADIES -offering from Nervousness, Painful Period* and Debility, will find there is no Way fa which their health may be so effec tually regained, relief from pain obtained, and functional regularity twtablUhed as in the use of Porker’s Ginger Tonic Tho nn-shig mother, exhausted by the oereot her hule one, finds her strength and nsrvrt restated ty it* art, while the mother’# oom- for tore secured, id imparted throng* the milk to her babe, making the fitti* one h*pp<, cheerful, free from pain, an dispos ed to refree'.tog sleep Bay * $. 0DU bottle from youc dreggtot, Boland B Hall, or a •ample bottle at 16 eta, and lest ita merits. jonl-Sm saiTi’s wets oil. Prepared by E 8 LYNOON, Athens. <H- Area**. Go. December 8.1877. A few night* rinoa 1 gave my ton one dose os Worm Oil, aoa the next d*y be pasted sixteen large worn*. A1 the same time I aaveone dore to my little girl, four year* rid. and toe pomed eishtywix werne, in** luur to fifteen mdm tang. W F PHILLIPS. mm Go. February H1878. dint My eh ltd. fire year* rid, bad *ymptcraicl anas, f tried calomel end ether Worm *ed£ cum* Set tailed to *«pri any worm*. Seem*® Bain's certificate, loot a rial of your Worm tiU *od firm eon bran ht iorty swat and toe esq; aaddoa* t*manygwerapassed 1 dkUoSerant testa 8 R ADAWJ8. flunk, w—* Lamar, whol. and ret. gfe. un>. Be* VH< a- IfaAfe OUtteAB. Wfeesiatha edfarao taswsen the Mimean dollar and Tshiar's Snokaye Pile Uiutaienif. On* does what it promLre aad the ether doe*’nv.The Mexictmdollar says.* ! Ctoone hnndred <