Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 08, 1879, Image 7

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3fe_ (jkiggaia MggkXg an& Bsmctral & Tiit. tJSJ^ «trusts*...,»: r i ri B)» I’KLEGHAPH. _ inril * —Washington Na- l* ,t< ^Beoj*»*'» NaUun, murder- Lli*® 1 » ime jeara »£<*, waa ahot 9#*ZJ£<ng-**gy°** ^**SSS & ^ ,L totba UottfUoa Wednes- _.. V'^ed bauelfa* Miw Za- irt 1 * wfidalob**. 04 Bex0 d ‘*’ ,M ( ^ Lught Nathan in the it 1®*' ir'gg Mis* Alice Harrison id^ftaWilh having deoeired *^ h£.io the ntck-Uie ball i(» " h the lobe ot the Iptl par I blB? *^ n d and imbeddin* iteell ^*S«ofthe right aide. Tt^dSoghiie*"^ " mnoepro ,. b * "•VtoS** Jealoney waa the ‘"JLof theattaik. {C ^Aprd * -The House met sw-***than the eanal time ot 1** ^u to *i« «“* • xte “ i ,°? 5 gabioncloaee at 3o'clock "'^rmiMUonte repeal the Uw. or “nld falter and^ tSS^Sder the preeent liithe poll*, hct. no one could ^aa-ftS “^nlbenext. Ho thought that 0 t certain gentlemen to pnblw perhaps Senators Chandler bi*d no good to the Eepnb. w^dsfesw: £itnadcffi o^America waa a mode- ^ , lie. In condtuuon. Singleton reference to the .npexrlw^a Aitcolf aa the flrat Instalment of iu»nl joitics to an oppressed pen- -• ghonld in all time to come *!toictrff" and out of teiaon to secure 1 ■ ‘".T’^ry Died it. Ha had never voted for *adj*ili wuioh would impair its effioiobojj out he favotcdtbe army an the Mirant and not aa the master of the people. He •citeved tbe Government of the Uoifdd Stated to bo tbo beat system of government ever d 3vised by the wit of man, but in this matter or tbe power of the government end tbe liberty of the people be would put that power at its minimum and that liberty at ite maximum . coaatetont with the safety of eoeiety. He woaid have law on toe judgment east wearing tbe CAvio crown end ermine, end gently and With nnmailed band leading forth liberty as hie wedded wife. He would have th« army and nary willing tervitoi* of liberty to expel on bar call all invaders upon ber sacred precincts, or to pnt down the dee* potwm of a licentious mob. If hi* aspi rations and hopes, hip dreams and visions could be realized, feeling as ha did. that the sear and yellow leaf wt* approaching, that the evening of hia life was coming to its close, he might then with humbl- reverence repeat thejjrayer: "Now, On Lord, letteat thou thy servant, depart m peace; for mine eyes hath seen the sal vation of my people’s liberty and seen restored tho grand and noble system of the constitution of our forefathers." Daring tbe course of his speech Tucker wu frequently interrupted with applause, and at ite conclusion wse warmly con- Cittokteda Garfield closed-the Republican side ot the debate. - « » , The vote will be taken to-morrow, after whichiheconflict will be transferred 10 tbe 8ecat?. - u The foot that tbe German mission was offered last December to. Ur. WhitaUw Eeid, editor of tbe New York Trilnne, has just been mads public. Secretory Brans, under date of December 231, f. accordance with the President's desire, asked Hr. Beid’s acceptance of the mis sion. Mr. Seid, on December . 30tb, re plied with gratefnl thank;, bat asking to he allowed to duoline the position on the gronnd that tbe work in-which be is now MtKsied, to hie mind, gave him greater opportunities for serving the country and advancing those views of public policy which he regards aa essential to ito pros perity. Ohio Lin Pm, the Chinese Minister, 0 » , T4 ry line, word and latter took leave of tbe President and Cabinet K * to-day, previous to leaving for Madrid, v'k.w inMch was made by Mr. Swrof OMo, one of the Greenback Tn-ilif* He deprecated keeping imosities. He ridiculed [ nlr ii«i put forward yesterday by ^TCncttof Kentucky as to Providence Ife. the Democratic pitty as of old it athiAwm people of tbe desert, and - til that that gentleman confound* K, twilling*, and that it was to tbe fawoab that tbe Democratic Lube likened. He predicted diiISO tbe Democratic candidate . tk , residency would, instead of iiw that goal, meet his doom as i bid ast bis on Monnt Nebo. Un- i tbit party would give relief to tbe ^ fieancial measures, it wonld * forfeited its opportunities for vie* .js 1890. |jj nue d a lauga by describing how btt><> politieal pnrtiee in tbe Honee, af- Biifing a bitter partisan war daring n nek, net together every Saturday gtotad like brother* to carry over tbe till Tuesday, so aa to prevent start;of toe centre” from intro* H Dnuures of financial relief. [jWdi partiis, ho said, were power- i a (if* relief. They were parties of J wd (ia David being a man of Jaw sot permitted to bnild tbe tern- kliJeruialem) they would not be per du bnild tbe temple of American _ j. The new party, which was the kbaltby end glowing party in the itinted no soldiers at the polls— dao test oath for jurors and was dutbe concentration of power in iksii of the Appropriation Commit- iCaipeech is a great success and is oc- ];j applauded on both sides. ms, April 4.—Tbe Times’ financial i nys United States Gavernment bin again in some request by in- aab) bavs increasing difflonlties in I <>f« investments yielding any guk* (air per cent, interest. [koev, April 4.—In tbe House of i Hit mgbt tbe Marqais of Lane- tmoihloed that tho negotiations i ibe Porte and Greece, regarding khUltQ*i.t of frontier questions, were kl; promoted, and recommended a hi tfr.dsnce ot tbe Porte by the ■ povsia to indooe it to comply with f tube* as expressed at the Berlin imce. [itrd BJiibnry, Minister of Foreign ‘In,denied that tbe negotiations bad t a long lime, as from blB own expo- inf Oriental negotiations be had i Bitters of considerably less ira te Uke much longtr time. Tarkey iGiteee bate been ao far unable to 1 it to tbe precise frontier. Uo- : «dly a: present the prospect of eet- at ii not near. Commanicatiooe i tbe powers are proceeding. Tne i of England is unchanged; she * wtinasd to advise tbe Porte. Ad am one thing, but the term “reso. * indices” amaoked of saltpetre. He *m prepared to isy tbe government avRttd at that point. Its intention |u| about a settlement is slnoere. i of a settlement will be the rtoeo the present pressure on an- l °* 1 hthey is removed I* 1 Beaoonafleld followed in a simi- f5*A He believed there were modes [My sdjosting tbe matter aatiefao- ^io both parties. He did not lake “*|iootny new of tbe subject, and ■dost ibat tbe advice of the Con- • loth. p arta relative to tbe line Iv™;! 1 *' ■*» not a command. I lfeiu' correspondent at Al- ‘•aji tne employes of the gov* * at* itill evincing a threatening oiit; officers and men of tbe ’ ■ postal steamers to-day made a ation in consequence of the non • t of their olaima, but were soon ii»»!v 9 ^ omiie# c * U>8 Director u of the Post-office. lilSJS^.^ 0 ® Madeira to tbe Nstts Tw r k ' ,tah * at boritiea at Sierra Le- ^“• ftaboat Boxer, on the 16th Jo hand to the French officer ’ ihe occupation of s« ,v'„ Ptofeet. The French g Un . d v ,r “ ceded to them •W cUim Poeeeeeion »■ “»«b» remark* that the • * lom > 1 Md . A;P ril 4.—In tbe Honse followed by three other 13 D «I<»M.tyr, of Indiana, n tV®* 1 w «2ht, of Penn- cio- J'^afrcipreased his m- ihe bill ae it stands, the placing of political ^ appropnation bill. ®WuiisTl the reopening of the ■a isjA ;“ e *•*, and predicted de- ». ,0 * «*• party that raued lfc «HcaJ?.! , ® D K courso of Mrvioe ‘ ,r >»ktgf ikl n never beard disputed friuio# Sn Ho ?* e ®o engraft on ap- 1 ®f iLuf. ot “ er necessary meas- i»,SSL ot Con- 'Uiitt? 11 . tbo pur- Which would leave i ^ ■««* oa by the iU officer »* or h ? ; such as flowed >n 1860. It wa* I th, p nUe J f nen °* ®hat major- . *ccii ,e *‘? 8nt *hould veto the 1 •forit* Hf p ? 1116 thumbscrews 'Ihb ° ^ rder *0 obtain a two- ij^.uid failing in that the ^■MldfaU. Tothatpro- Vfo^ wonld iawtaWy - T he ea<1 of tbe chapter. fa? 4 ‘P° k9 He denied t® *oit j,*® 1 , had any right to rbjeet ^ Nif ^ p ' l f e * d ‘o«»OMH by Oon ■ ta,. y* kttoedthe smgMui 93 -io^ 00 ® 1 *® *«iu7a5d not ,“ W * *°° k ,w, f from , hop* ri *ht ;t° preside with * . PP 11 *- Gentlemen on they wonld never ,h *® that the eon auu* lUidT' ?® d hb,rt y if power .v e, “ • Southern ^ P °* w to the army. He de- wbitber be goes npon a diplomatic The; Wallace Committee to-day exam ined, among other witnesses, Messrs. Jno. G. Thompson; Sergeant-at-Arms of the Honse, Dan tea S. Walker and James E. Harvey, respectively Secre try and Treasurer of the Democratic Congression al Committee, John D. Defrees, pnblio printer, and ex-Secretary Gorham. Mr. Thompson testified that no money for campaign purposes was collected from tbe employes otthe Honse ot Represen tatives. Walker and Harvey testified that many documents were cent ont by the Committee nnder tbe franks of Con gressmen, but nothing not privileged. Defree3 says, by bis consent, subscrip tions were taken among his employes, but tbey were voluntary. Da La Matyr, the National Greenback Rspreaentative, will intro dace in tbe Honse, if the oppor tunity offers,a bill authorizing the loan of tbiee handled and fifty million legal ten der money to certain corporations to be expended in internal improvements. It will provide that the loan be made for twenty-five years, tbe first five years without interest, and three per cent in terest s«mi-annaally thereafter. The following are among the corporations pro posed to have tbe benefit of leans: Tbe James River and Kanawha Canal, Flori da coiat, canal and railroad connecting the waters of tbe Mississippi river witn tbe Pacific coact and for the improvement of tbe Ohio and Mississippi rivers, tbe Great Western Canal and Fort St. Phil lip’s Canal. PsoviKCti.iWN, Mass., April 4.—A se vere snow s orm last mgbt did considera- able damage to the shipping. Some lives ore reported lost. Bai/mioBZ, April 4.—Madame Eliza beth Patterson Bonaparte died this after- noon. Atlanta, Ga., April 4.—The weather is quite cold here to-day. the thermometer indicating thirty-one degrees. The peach, pear and apple crops are rained. The vegetable crop 13 not eeriouely damaged The cold snap does not extend all over tbe State. Ayres Jones, the mountaineer accused of the murder, two years ago, of Lieuten ant McIntyre, at the head of hia troops in the Georgia mountains, will be taken from jail to-morrow for hia preliminary examination. McIntyre’s murder created e great sensation in Georgia, and tbe au thorities have been working it np ever since its occurrence. Jones is a desper- at man, who defied the officers and eln- ded arrest for a long time. Boston, April 4—The United States s earner Plimcntu, Captain Harmony, which left Boston March 16th, for a oraise to tbe West Indies, has returned to Yine- yard Sound on account of two oases of'yel- low fever occurring on board when about three hundred miles southwest of Bermu da Islands. The sbip had been in Boston daring the winter, and as ebo had come from tbe West Indies last autumn with yellow fever on board, she had been fiozen and fumigated. Ae she had not called in any port since leaving Boa- ton, thia development showed that tbe germs of yellow fever still existed in her. end she waa headed north, being deemed, nnder tho circumstances, unfit for cruising in tbe tropics. On the 31si nit., when less than one hnndred miles aonth of Martha’s Yineyard,abe met with a heavy gale from the northeast. One boat was lost, also the lower eipdding sail boom, and the vessel leaked consid erably through her upper works, bat tbe next day the wind shifted and tne weather became better In this gale Peter Ea gan, boatswain’s mate, was bnried, bav. ing died of yellow fever the previous day- On the second of Apnl she an chored at Nobeka Point, in Vineyard Socnd, there (o await orders from the Navy Department. Nabhvzixx, Txnn , April 4.—At a rep resentative meeting of oitizenB ftom all parte of the State, of both political par ties, held here to-day, resolutions were adopted reciting that— Whereas, The Legislature of Tennessee, at its recent session, passed an act pro posing to the bondholders of this State a eettlement of tho liabilities of the State of Tennessee at the rate of fifty cents on tbe dollar, with four per cent, interest; and where*?, without discussing whether this rate of settlement meets our views or not, or whether we, aa citizens and tax-payers, would have been in favor of offering more, or wonld have preferred Ices, we recognize the notion of the Legis lature as entitled to our respectful con sideration, and aa we ere desirous of pease and repose, we, as citizens of Ten nessee, representing all shades of parti san political opinion, Jtesolvi, That ex-Govarnor J. C. Brown, W.J. Sykes, Theodore Biehmond, G. A. Washington, D. WeaTer, William Bale, ex*Senator Henry Cooper, J. W. Clapp and James Wbitewortb, be appointed a Committee to at once visit -“Sew York City and confer with the holders d onr bonds in reference to thepropbeitfon enb- mitted to them by the Legulature of Ten nessee, and do hereby pledge onraelves that should said proposition be accepted by them, we will do all in our power to procure a ratification of the same by the people of Tennesaee. -Resolved, That we will do ev erything honorable within our pow- ar, to secure the passage of an mit by the Legislators that will assemble sn extra session nnder the provision* of the act proposing the settlement of! our in debtedness. tfcat will eet apart an amount of taxes to meet the bonds when they beooma dne, which shall be known and designated aa the compromise bond tar, and which yi»«n not be diverted from this purpose. Washington, April 4—Subscription* to-dav to *h(* four per oent. bond* amount to 869,508,7(0. Tne Secretary of the Treasury this afternoon leaned a call for the balance of the five-twenties of 1867. To<tej and to-morrow a <nll will he issued for Ihe of the < 1iv6 twenties will close tho whole of the series of five- twenty bonds. The two callB amonnt to $59 563 700 in tne aggregate The rails, including rbe*e/ since January I, emberat' to (849,665,700, making an amsn*l saving of lute reel of (6,991,314. No farther subscription* will Oe received for the roar per cent bonds, except for the ten dollar certificates, until farmer notice. * New Obixaks, April 4.—The United 1 States Coart baviog granted the restrain ing order against any interference by thee State or oity authorities with the affaire of the Lottery Company, there will be no interruption to their badness. “ ■’ 1 Gaxs.NTiLLi, Mias., April 4-—Td#ter- da> morniog Matt Cnnsmore, a well known sporting character, ni found murdered to his bed. Hia head, woe crushed by an iron bolt, hia' throat, cut and body ripped open ite entire 14tag>b. ‘Suspicion points to aq associate now in Jail. ... i »• Hasbibbubo, Pa., April 4.—The Board of Par-ions has recommend^ tne coin- asata'ion of the death penally to impria. Sayers, of Philadelphia^.convicted of wife murder. The board refused the ap plication of Hezektah Bbeafer, of Frank ilo coamy the wife murderer, and he will accordingly be banged on tbe 17th LztxbpooIi, April 4.—This week’eciroa- lar of .he L verpool Cotton Brokers’ As- ■ooiaUou s.y» j -‘Cotton re firmer and prices hive advanced. Oa Friday the market w*aqain'.; on Saturday and M on day rattier easier, and on Taesday aoti ve wuh a large bnamea* at a considerable ad- vanou upon las*, fnuthday’a quotation*. AmetiCHu wa* in good d.mind, and ad- vane d il t id London. 4.—A Setter dated De- midru*, J»nuarv 1st, to Gordon Pdsha, the Governor General of South E*ypt, from one of. hu officers who waa sent to break np the sieve uepota ia tbe neigh borhood of Bahrel Gazal, In tbe province ot Kordafsn, reports an eoRagemaot with Suleiman, one of the. chief slaveholders mad tne owner of twenty-five depots. In which it' is -tued that the women alone awaiting importation into Erypt number ten tboaeaud- Tne Egyptian foie si num bered three thousand, and were entrench ed, a part of them being armed witn Rem ington nfles Oa the morning of tbe 28tb of Diiosmber. Suleiman, with eleven thou*and mao, attacked the cntrftQCb* meats. After numerous assaults in which the Arabs, nnder the personal lead of Sn- leiman fought with desperate oonrage. Tn8 attacking part? wss completely de feated, and tie einsiian’e fled in ci under, leaving 1,087 men dead on the field- The Egyptians lost twenty men. London, April 4.—Tbe Timer, ’ in a leading editorial, eayst "Tbe eminent finaaeiai authorities who sit on tbe front Opposition bench, Messrs. Gladstone Childers and Goschen,. threaten to attack Sir Stafford North cote’s financial policy, bat we eball be earprised if his proposal* do not meet with general approval. At no time sines the gloomiest days of Pitl’s administration has the country had to contend against, each a combination of troubles as the last year or two have 1-t loose. Distress and depression at borne, inexplicaole confusion in finance and commerce, banking disasters, and tho de preciation of the precious metal*, have made it hard for tax-payera to bear an increase of tbeir burdens, while at tbe same time tho ware and rumors of war in every part of tbe world impo-e tho>e burdens npon us. This state of things will pass away, and with the return ot peace and prosperity, the expediency of giving temporary relief to tbe tax-payers at Bucb a orieia will be fally vindicated." In tbe House of Commons to-day. Mr. Boarke, under secretary for foreign af fairs, made a statement confirming tbe announcement in tbe Madeira dispatch to the Daily News, that tbe government had proies ed against the Frenob occupation of the Lland of Mnaooug, and said that representations had boen made to tbe French government in respect to the affair Mr. Jnstioe McCarthy has been eleoted a member of the Honse of Common* for the oonnty of Longford, by the Home Rulers, without opposition, in place of Miles William O’Bsilly, who has been appointed a Commissioner of Education Jewish Feast ot Passover. Passover, the first of the three great annual festivals of the Israelites, celebra ted in the Jewish month uisan, from tho 14ih to the 21st, commences to-morrow evening and lasts seven days. The institution of the Passover is based npon the biblical injunctions contain ed in tbe Pentateuch. In the 12ih and 13;b chapter of Exo* dns there are diaiinet references to the observance of the festival in future ages. In the later notices ot the festival in tbe books of Jndaio law, there are many particulars of the original institution. The Jewish writers have laid great stress npon the ‘-Egyptian Passover,*’ and the “Perpetnil Passover.” Consequently, modern Jadaism, whilst the tyirit of the observance of thia festival is the same, yet the ceremonies are greatly modified. . The most oonspionons of all the obser vancea of tbia feast an the following: On the 14th day of Nisan every trace of leav. on most be pnt away fro of the houses, and from the 4th honr of the same day, (16 o’clock, a. m.) no Israelite is permitted to oat any leaven until tbe expiration of these seven days. The peculiar rites ob served in every Israelite’* bouse on the first two nights, called "Sedar’ nights, are very imposing. There we find that the head of tho family will ossomble his relatives around the festive board, while npon it will be fonnd tbe unleavened bread, a sort ot a biscuit, mads ot the finest wheat, and called Mefcnh, emblem atic of the miraenloaa delivery of the children of Israel from Bgyntian bondage. go effective proved God’s judgment on Pharoah that that tbe task masters hast ened the Israelites’departure hence, they were compelled to bake biscuit by the beat of the sun, instead of the naua modes of baking. The bone of a lamb will also be fonnd in commemoration of tbe Paaohal Lamb wbioh Moats commanded the Israelites to slaughter, the blood of which was to be smeared on tbe door posts in order that when the Angel etrask down every Egyptian first born, be weald on seeing this blood, pass-over the Jewish house. Another of the features of this evening’s solemnity ia the "bitter herbs, and the aanae; the former ooronaseaorating tbe bitterness of tbeir affliction, and the lat ter the compulsory building on the part of tbe Jews of the two 9gyptian fortress- ea Pithom and Beamaeae. .The four oups of unfermented wine whieh is drank by every Hebrew adult on thia solemn occasion commemorates the four exiles whioh Israel underwent ere It had reached the haven of real. There ore many more rites appertaining to this feast, whioh even Jesus and all the apostles did not abandon, bnt observed with tbe same aoleasnity and Bacredness, and at the same time, as the Israelites of qo-day. ' The Synagogne will undoubtedly be well attended daring the divine services, which win be held to-morrow evening at d:45 o’clock, and Taesday morning at !• o’clock. Babbi Benson will offleiats. , (UKEI, ISN’T IT, flow (set *U smeker* w fomnhjg tte* Suite’sDnrham" MwMpsTokaoooi* Ue best gnu derier for it, and taken* ether. uH eodAwlv Tna damage by the o. 14 wave which has swept overttheHsntb baa not yet be. n ►fally Animated,, . Aaevfnt* pi daQSg. d fruit and vegauM* crop- oontinne to reach ns in cor pr*M telegrams, ard in Southern Alabama even tbe cotton whioh wa«. np was somewhat damaged by the cold weather and frost. It U lbs general •pinion of the beat observers that around Maoon toe damage is not great in elevated parts, but th*t ail the vegetables and of Abe fruit in low localities have bees cat off by tbe frott. Beperts from tbe suburbs, esp-oially toward therirer, •ay that all the growing vegetables in the 16w Unde are trilled. The temperature all day yesterday continued raw end disagreeable, end a more dangerous froet than hai' yet fallen expected last night. The trait crop nonu of this point, it is thought, i<* m «t certainly se riously damaged. Tms is yearly becom ing a more importin', o.-jp to tbe Sooth ern f«imsr until ha is beginning to look upon it -a one of tae items of income acd a curtailmea of i »nl_tM a enois Ice». “John,” said Mrs. Smith, “what smell is thaif ’ “Clove*.” “Bn ihat other smell ?’’ ‘‘Allspice.” “Batttu’ there anoibt-r?" ‘•Yes—apple*.” “Just one mori ? ’ “Cider, my deer ” “Weil, John,” she said, "if you’d only drink a U<tle brandy now, yon wonld maks a good mince pib QD**T—“wn> will men amoks common robuoeo, -When they o*n buj Btorburs Bros. ‘SBAi OF NORTH CAROLINA.” at the not cries ! '• ‘ . - - - FMUMMLMD tOAMEKUlM. OVPtCI TBLriGRAPH AND kSSBBNGZtt Aran 6.1ST*.—Branise LATKHT TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS Cotton. Livbbpooi.—Noon—Cotton in good demand and freely met at prev! ns prices; middling upland* 6J4 nnddlitur Orleant «5j. Bain* 10 WIO bales, of whieb JOuo were taken by ~*tor* and for export: receipts 1S2S0, of SOoO were American. in* aooneo partially at 1.16 cheeper, but the decline has race recorded. Uplands low middlin. clause April delireiy 6 SSZ. April end May 61160S3 8& Mai am Junees-rdej* Jan• and July 6X@*B-3t@e!‘ 18, duly snd August 88-1698 7 ii. Auguitud September 83498 9 32. September and October 8pm Future* dud: uplands low middling Clause April and May delivery 8 l t<Mk« l-i*. May and Jo..o 81-16, June and July 6 5-889634. July and August 68-16. 4 p m—Bales of American 8080. Now Toma - Cotton quiet: .*ies 186. middling upland* 11J4 middling Orleans UK- Future* opened ea»y. April delivery U.15 May 1117. June 1140. July 1183, August 11.C5. Ootton— Net receipts £86 gruoBSO. Futures rlosed firm: sale* 131,000 April deliv ery 11 JO—81. May 1187- 38. lune >1 SI—SS, July 1167—88, August 11.77—78. September 11,69 60, October 11.14—16. Nc-ember 1884-85. December 10.82-84 ' ottoo dosed quiet: tales 186; middling upla ids UH middling Orleans 11%. Consolidated net receipt* 8491. exports to Great Britain 2742, France , Cont:njut4Cl6. charn el ■ . GakvasroN—Cotton weak middling 10%. low middling 10%. good ordinary 10; net receipt* 1018 gross —. sales 285; stock 21932 Noavonz—Cctton easy, middl ng 10*4 net recaipis 1399. sales 805, .tori 9077. Baltinoks—Cotton firm, middling 1C34 low middling 10%. good ordinary 10, net receipts—; gross 115. sals* 278, to spinnrrs —. stock 8832. Host ON—Cotton firm; middling 11% low mid dling 11. good ordinary lv% net receipt* 770. grout 1‘83 sales—; stock 600u WlLMlsaios—UottoL quirt middling uplands 10%; low middling 10% good ordinary»% no re oeipts ISO. grosr —, sales ISO stock 2793. ‘■hiladelphia—u&ttu,. firm, unummg 11%. low middling ll%gocd ordiuarj 10%, net receipt r ISO, gross 110S. sales 1081, spinners 888, stock 739*. 8AVAHNAH- Cattou very firm, middling 1(^4 low middling 10 7-16; goou ordinary 10% net re ceipt* 788 gross —5 sales 28 stock 24186. export* Gioat Britain , continent ——, coastwise , Franc- - . Naw usasaNs—Cotton firm miuilmg 10% low middling 10%: good ordinary 10 cot receipt, 272 grot* 681 uiieaBOCO. .tock i.SUO. Mobil*—Cotton steady middling 10%. low middling 10% good ordinary 10 net receipts 268 gross —: .etaslOUO. slock 28518 Mbmphis—Cot ten firm; middling 10% receipts 1030. .bipmentt 612. sale* 1400 stock 44814. ACODhta—notion q.iiot. middling 10%. low mid dling 10% good nliiisry 9%. receipt* 152 sales 27. . . ' QASLB8TON—Cottoi firm; middling lt% low middling 10%. g<od ordinary u>%, net receipts 434 sales 408, stock 143-8 exports to the conti nan; — Groat Britain 2201, coastwi-e 24, France . -0- FINANUlAt Paris—Fi»e per cent Rentes 11 If 85c. Nsw Tone—Stocks opened eiron*; money T. exchange, long, 4 86% short 4 87%; state bonds dull government tecuiitie* strong, q 0 ney easy at 6^7 exchange long 4 66%@4 86%. short 4 87%@4 88% Utverumeni aecunties strong: uew Ba 105%. State bonds Ann. Htnca active: (ora ueutnu i 16%, Brie 26% Lake Shor< 72% Illinois Central 83% PitU- Burg 92% Chicago and Northwester: 01. do pre ferred 90%. Rock Island 131% western Union Telegraph Company -l>7%. Sob Treaaun Balance*—Coin 8123,007.801 cur* 1 The weeHy statement of the Associated Bank* shows the following changes: Loans, decrease 8a621,90.>; Specie, deerta-e 881800. Legal Ten ders, decrease $2,453,100: Deposits, decrease *5,- 823,900* Circulation, increme $123.4 0 neserve, deermse $1,078,926, The bank, now hoid $1.900,378 ia exceu of legal requirements. PBODCCB BaltiNOKa—Flour steady and unchanged: Hov ard Street and Western superfine 8 25&S 73. ex tra 4 Oo@4 68 family 4 78®5 60, City MiU. auper finr Slugs 75, extra 4 25@460. Rio brands 60 Fataosco family 67A Southern wheat quiet. We. tern quiet. Bouthtrarod lUfflltKamter l iG®l 16%.No* Feunsylvamared t. 3%^% No 1 Western winter red spot and April 112’*8%-. Ma»113%@%. Sontherr corn quiet: We.tern wmer. southern white 46, .elk.w 4S54@4i. Oat* firmer Southern and Pennsylvania S2@S3. Wes tern white 32(953, Western mixed S0S.U. Hay entet; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland 11@13 per tun Provision* firm Mess pork, I« 60 <310 73 Bulk meats loose -shoulders 3%, dear rib sides 5%: packed 8% ‘ " ‘ —.-a, in CATKOCM AVyVAO n uuaj utui •* * »»/!•. ^OgaT quiet—a soft 83834- Freights steady and better lor grain * _ Nswtoxx—Floor without deadeichsuge: pat ent Minnesota extra good to prime 5 75®6 BU: choice to double extra 6 60®7 7A Southern flour steady, common to fair extra 4 10@5 80. good te choice extra 6 80®6 75. Wheat %»% lower and dull ungraded winter red 1043114 No A do 110 a 110% Com steady futures a shade lower with moderate trade, southern yellow 45% on steamer. Oats, white s shsde firmer, mixed quiet and un- U%@15.' m joblots 12%@IA Bugy duUand weak: Cuba 6%06% tfair to good r»aning6%(3 67-16. Mslaasrs about steady and quiet. Rioe quiet and unchanged; Carolina fur to prime 6©7’4; Iionisiana fair to onme 6%®7, Rosin quiet at l sOforgoodsuained. P rk- shsde lower and in moderate demmid: mess spot 9 40@9 8 J for old, and 10 78 new. Whisky nomi D *ibnxsviLL» — Flonr fins extra 3 00 @ 326, family S 75@4 28. Wheat steady, red and amber 1003103. Corn fair demand; white 88: mixeu 27 Oat* steady: white 82, mixed 29. Pori steady at 10 62%®% Lard quiet; choice leaf in tierces 7%: choireeU in kws 8%. Bulk meau .quiet; clear rib uefes 8% hams.9c@l?c. Lard-reflnrS shoulders 8%; dear rio 6 dear sides - Brood stead.*: shoulders 412%iclear ji“»»f clear sides 6 62U«65. Bugar-cured hams8%@»% Whisky nominslat 161 jiboi*»ati—riour quiet family 4 S0®6 85. Wheat higher, red and white 105®108 Con. -firm at 37^88. Oats fair demand at 29®SS Pork firmat 10 50@75, torn stricily firms prime steam 680. Bulk meats quiet but firm, aboulaers 368 clear rib 4 85; clear -ides 510 Bacon quiet, tboul dere 4% cl«r riba 6& clear sides 5%. Whi*kj steady at 102. Batter steady and unchanged, smear etoadv, Hogs steady and firm, c-.mmon 2BS®3 45. light 3 50®S 80, heavy 3 7003 98, select 3 s^iou’ia—Flour iteadj and unchanged;douoIe extra tall 4 45@4 66. treble do 4 60®4 60 «'hea' TUTT’S PILLS. TORPID LIVER. Xioss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Bain in the Head, with a DuU sensation in the back part, Pam under the shoulderblade, fml- pess after eating:, with a disinclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of ‘ • with a feeling of hav- ‘ -, "Weariness; Dis- s Heart. Dots bo ro re loo eyca, xouow 1 Skin, HssdfidlA generally over the right eye, Hestlecsnesa with fitful dzeatns, highly colored Urine. IF tttbsti WABKINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED, TUTT’S PILLS are especially adapted to such eases, a slBgte dwse ctTeeis such ix change of ml* log ate to astouiah tho butlcrer. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Dr. TOTTj—Dear &r a martyr to $15,900 «$1 KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY Web Draws Aeril IS, 1879. AN XXCSU.SNT INTBeTNNNT. Don’t overlook the opportunity i •- SCHEMJB: Prhe of $15,000 ia.. Prise of 8 000 is. Prise of 6.000 is. hare good i ^‘“bxv.R. L.SiHpSOR7LaQiaTtne, gy. The first effect of XU'IT’S FILLS is to In crease Ibe Appetite, and canse tbe body to Take an Flesh, thus the system is nowrfaked, and by tbeir Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs, Kegular Stools are produced. Dr. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK. SAYS:- TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Osat Raib on WmsiKBS changed to a GlosbT sent by express on receipt of 8L Office, 35 Murray St., New.York. THE BEST REMEDY Diseases of the Tfiroal ana lm AYERiS PECTO Diseases of" tbe pulmonary organs are so prevalent and fatal, that a safe and reliable remedy for them is invaluable to every community. Ann's Cheesy Pectoral Is snob a remedy, and no other so eminently merits the confi dence of the public. It is a scientific com- [blnatlon of tbe medi- ‘cinal principles and curative virtues of the finest drags, chemically united, to insure the great est possible efficiency and uniformity of re sults, which enables physicians as well aa Invalids to use it with confidence. It ia the most reliable remedy for diseases & the throat and lungs that science has pro duced. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt and certain relief, and is adapted to pa tients of any age or cither sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it without difficulty. In the treat ment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, I nnuenza. Cler gyman’s SoreThroat, Asthma, Croup, and Catarrh, the effects of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral are magical,and multi tudes are annually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithfnl use It should b6 kept at hand in every house hold, for the protection It affords in sud den attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. The marvellous cures which Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral lias effected all over the world are a sufficient guaranty that it will continue to produce tne best results. An impartial trial will convince the most as well as of its superiority over all other preparations for pulmonary complaints. TCminent physicians in all parts of tho country, knowing its composition, recom mend Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral to inva lids, and prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proved its absolute certainly to euro all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reacu of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD SY ALL DRUGGISTS ETXRl'WilXHB. fluut, ttauliiu A Lamar Wholesale Agents, tebtO MAOO -S7. G- A. 8J%«3SX esih. 83% for April, 33%M«y, S4% June, 86% July, Oat* steady, firmer and higuer: No 2 20 oath. Whisky steady at 1 04, Fork dull. Jobbics at 10 60 cash delivered. Lard quiet; prime steam 6 28 aak*d cub. Hulk meats —dear ribs 486, clear sides 49S@8 OS, Bacon inactive and lower; clear ribs 8 8535 40 cub, clear .ate* 6 SO. N OxxcxM—Fkmmnchsnxed: spring extra* 8 26 4*450 do Miunesotu 475, low grades > 00@2 75 Western petent* 60036 tk>, Minnesota do S 8038. Wueiu dull, weak ana lover; No fi Obicato sprint freih 92, regular 89% cash and 94%394% April 96%895k Say. No S do, 80. Ke|£ted & Corn uull ann *haae lover, fresh 84%. regular 31% cash, 85% May. 86% June. Gate qmet and weak at 21% rash. 26% May, 2$ June. Fork dull at. 10 8734310 40 euL -nd May, Lard dull sad a shsdeiowerate 3836$7% cash. *4036 42% May, 647)43680 June. Bulk meats firm and unchaug ed: shoulders 6*0: short rib 5 00, short clear tidea 618. Wbiity steady ailOA ■AVAL STORES. Wiixncioi-8pnltt turpentine quiet at 21%, Rosin dull aud unchanged at 108 for straiim , 100 for good strained. Crude turpentine steady at i 00 for hard: 100 for yellow aipand viriru.. Tar quiet at 91, The BEET m BOOH THEM HOFF HHfi&JStla or $18 p-r doz^n) has i hd best arranged »nd l«rge*t collojrion ot Muum for Rpivmpal Choirs ever publisba.i. 6 Ten tes. 19 Glona Patri-, 23 Olo’ias, -tc. eic stt in mthem Form, besides a lane variety of *!h iut*. and Anthem-for ''hri-tmai. KlSTBRand otb;r Fe*ti»»ls. Alttongb nre'iai—i exprrs-ly for the Epircopal Brmce. the lsrxo numterof fine Anthems renders it one of the be-t An them books for all Choirs. o — Easter Basic! Eastrr Carols! fcsfrr Apthcms! Send for Lists. CANTATAS FOR 8CH<M)LS AND SEMINA- BIBS Araona many rood ones mat be men tiun-d Maui! lrvimr (75 ceil'*). Le-son in Charity (60cent-). Guardian inqel (50 cl*), Coronation (6 >(16111*). Culprit Fay (41), and Fairy Bridal (50 cent.-). -o— i The presens number of the Weekly M usica* Record is full of Raster Muiic. Head Scents for it. RICHARDSON’S NEW METHOD FOR THE FIANOFORTB ($3 2S) i- the nod popular ever issued, es j roved pusiti«e)y by the ule of hundreds of thousands ot copies Bxamin- it. Any Book mailed for Retail Price. OLIVER DITS0N& CO., Boston. C H DIT80N ft CO 843 B'dvay N T. eprjatf Difii Laudretb h M are the most extensive srover* cl GARDEN SEED iu America Their four tarm*, comprising over •BOO acres, situated in Penc»jlvaiiia. Sev Jer sey, Vinriniaand WHronxin.ore OWNED. OCCUPIED AND CULTIVATED BT THEMSELVES. The seeds ottered are toe result of tho uos careful and erperienoed seiectiopyear alb ■ war Market gardener*, private families. 41.C al who desire good seed*, should purchase Landreths* Garden Seeds. U your merchant does not keep th-.n vnte for them. DAVID LAf-DRETH A SOKX Philadelphia. ! - Business established In 1764 and kept apen-r since Reliable. ort 23...dvedAv6m COMsHSl ckclofidia. Rarest opportunity for makiug money u now offered to geueral agents and canvassers in tbe South on this exceedingly useful -nd lov-pri-od book i.Soo op. doublscelumn 700 engraiicgt 10 donMe-page colored map*. Only $5 a copy For term* a.d territory addros, T KLCW<*OD ZELL, DaVI; A O’ >. telDhfci nuuTvAl ADMINIs K s 1 Offri’ BALE ’ 1AT Virtu- of an order from ill. Joursoi OriL- X) n-ry of Bibo county <*>li b, ->ld at public outcry on tbs first Tua-day i -p. 1. 1879. • >• ing ihe legal hours >J -air Uiur;. hi: .'>■ u.i-t house dour, m Mao<>n. - 0(128) auniir-! j-.J tventy fire share-of tneramtu 'to--: of if.* Kx change Ban of ksvi. **!•> aa ib-pityrdyut the estate of. John B Ro-a. rate*.-! Blob uoutiit deceased Terms ca.b -i u’i lani'! feb261aw4v Ailn ra-iK-t.i 3 fix ..v.'d. F i {i RAL80MKN AND ■ JANVAeduttS. Tne II latett and brat thing or. .F.uitb W|t; prove it or gloO. .1 lifelong -itustMiu Adore*. OH-DEFTER A C>), 107 :urih ire, NrwTo-k.*pi»d6'Av t flffy aD.Y to a va-.;> , 3)< F1RESID- VISIT 1 'B f s fit Free Address P <t VICK HUT Maine. iti DRUOGlfirv W P are now prepared e* print Drucs'sts Libels oi ev--y deatription uno.. aa rea sonahletetmvaa ran t* ha- ai.vvi.--. feb27 TBLBGRaFH ft i$e i£ fey .» Uft W ILL beaold at lb- City ->-11 u-. -aturday, the 12th >u-t,,at 10 o’clock - a,, a otot Hog- of diff. rent m-rka. *ts and -nluf ’* *p,8tf •• I• S. Mm*'at. eof 800 are..., of 100 are. of 50 are., Prises of 25 are.. M0 Prizes of 10 are. MO Prize-, of Bare.— 27 Approximation 1,894 Prizit amounting to „ $67,928 WHOLB TICKETS $1. Club ratu upon application. ’■All the sbive prists will be dravn at this drawing. The following numbers drew the first three prises iu theordmmry draviegof February 28: No 72,267 drew $14,OCO, BOLD IN ALBANY. No 40.497 drew $3,000. SOLD IN NBWTOKK. No 27,510 drew $4 009: SOLD IN PITTSBURG. A9*Address all orders to ear General Eastern Agents, WILLIAMSON A CO, 609 Broadway, New York. The Kentucky State Lottery has. during its existence, paid more money in prizes than any lottery, dome-tie or foreign, whose tickets are told in this country The drawings take place twice a month, under sworn Commissioners ot th*8t»te, and are published ia the NY Herald! Btsats Zeitung and the Louisville Commercial. And all outeof-town ticket holders are mailed* copy of the Official Drawing as soon aa received. AU prizes are cashed, without deduction, on presentation, andno on* eutside oft ho vi utters are made aware of the fact of their being richer by thousands of dollars but themselves, for we will not, undo* any circumstances, publish the names of persons drawing Capital Prises for tho purpose of drairing custom to our lottery, Thenextdrawing April SO. 1679. 81MMOHB A DI. KINBON, Managers. Sellable Agent* wanted in every Town. prS 5 810A wit FOK TEN DOLLARS GASH we will insert a seven-line advertisement one week in a list of 269 weekly newspaper*, or four hues in a different list of 837 papers, or ten lines two weeks ina choice of either of four separate and distinct liita containing from 70 to 100 pa pers each, or four lines one week in all fou oi tho small 1ft t*. or one line one week in all six lists combined, being more than 1.C00 papers. We also have lists ol papers by State* through out the United States and Canada. Bend 16 cent* for our 109 page Pamphlet, Address G.P ROWELL A CO, Newspaper Advertising Bu- re-u.iOSpruooht ,-ew York. P s—if you will send us tbe names of a half dozen high priced paoers in which you wonld advertise JUST NOW, if a satisfactory induce ment was mode, wa will submit a proposition, by return mail, which we think will please you. Mossy satsd is tossY caused. Rend copy >.t the advertisement you will u>0 and state in what paper vengaw ihi* ■ JE?,-.*; ,851*95 ASBB Pf3 iiplm rg5l®Pl 5?pH-n lo* = jj SB 9 s iliif g i Cg’l =' «i 3 3 2C0 % a. 3 fill i ONE SALESMAN for each State, salary from $73 to $100 per month aid ex pensos References re quire 1 LA ttl‘.l.l l> MANUFA -T’NGCU, S< Clark fi* Cb’eaae LORD & TAYLOR, XEW_YORK, Opening Spring Display OF NEW DRY GOODS. ;s OF ECONOMICAL SHOPPINQ. SULKS. Our BLACK SILKS contain the welt-known brands ot Bonnet. Fnnton, Tapisster, Ouinet, Ot- Our American Cachcmire INDESTRUCTIBLE BLACK SILK justly claims earnest attention, MVaSB® s In COLORED *ILK8 our well-selected stock is offered at prices that cannot be undersold. COLORED AND BLACKf>ILK D AMASSES, em bracing the rarest cems of the European or In SUMMER SILKS '/nd FOULARDS we have everything that it now and beautilul. DRESS GOODS. Novelties in Ctehemeres, Saitingf, De beiges, and the standard clotUs, in splendid variety. Also, “Anderson’s” Scotch Zephyrs. Printed cotton Dress Goods, Momio Cloths, Cotelines, Percales. Cheviots. Ac., with every grade to be found in a firsbclass establishment Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps. This department maintains its supremacy, and ■hows the best productions from the European centres. Our Cloaks and Sacqnetare ent and made by men tailors, therefore style apd St arc guaranteed. Suits and Costumes. Our SUITS Slid COSTUMES folly sustain that pre-eminence so justly established, and always represent tho latest styles and fashions. Ladies’ and Children’s Undergarments. Superb ftc.ortmcr»t of fine French hand-msdo UNDERWEAR, comprising every requisite fora lady’s wardrobe. Also, children’s suits for every msc and sin-. — Our Infante’ Furnishing Department is thor oughly equipped. Complete Wardrobes as low as S3S; better rood* in proportion. Any article in the Wardrobe at list price; really cheaper than the home-in?!'’ article, and much mcro satirise- to ry Hosier uloves, & Handkerchiefs. Tho lai, «s, rarest, and mn-t unique French novelticsln the city. Also, the medium grades at boss tat l.tdie* and children at very moderate prices Ladies’, misses’, and children’s hid, cloth, and Lists Thread Gloves of tbe best manufacture, in all the no wrat shades to r.ietrbanv dress material. A superior selection of plain hemmed linen, and all linen hemsutchu. and -colichid Handker chief-. Also, eqsbnuUeivd silk HamlkerolUelk uuurpnssed in beauty crcoior. Jfmai-HarsMae fiakM€«rr4 ia B.B. RZZBtjaiAkTXSMS ALSO CURES Neuralgia, Backache, Sore Throat, Sorains, Wounds, Etc. Tht Most Fenstrstlnr Liniment inttlff « Werlo, - ▼ Tas Rock, Ur ton Uousxy,Ga. Not, i$7A B B Thompson~R Co—.-irt : f. used your Innl- mont far neuralgia and toothache. It relieved main fire minutes, aad I have not been troubled Witt neuralgia cr toothach* tines. JAMES TROIIB. IT CURBS A CASE OF 40 YEARS STANDING Babsbsvtus, Ga.Ori, 1178 Sirs—Ihadhetnuaieted with Rheuuutumin my leg snd foot for forty years. I used B B Thompson's Liniment for Rheumatism aud WFTTLBh. mpson’a' Link shad no fatal _ Oapt Tylo- ia well known. Hu hu lived in Barnetviil* a long time, and is one of her best *flon JR Jenkins, of Buraesvtlla, says; Iusrc your Linimeet on on* of my tarm hands akt was completely broken down In the back aud hips. It cured hia. Thov Aaron, Ga Brat ltd, 1872 B B Thompson A Co-Sirs: I was confined te my bed three mouths with as psiulul a case of Rheumatism as is ever the lot of man lu suffer, and come sear dying. Doctors did ull they could for me, but I grew worse. B B Thomp son's Liniment waa suggested aa a sure eure, J < cola kettle, and aa toonaslus d it I began to improve rapidly until I was well. I «o sot be lieve anything ta hell so good for Rheumatism us year Liniment. T J MURPMBY. Thoxastos.Ga, 1878. I certify that I here used B B Thompson's Liniment for neuralgia knd do not hesitate to toy it is the heat thing foi neuralgia known to me: and I have used many remedies. I heartily recommend it to all. JOHN F MB AND. Editor Upson Ente* prise. JudgeB B Thomstton, Ga. says: I consider your Liniment for Rhrumatism an excellent remedy for that complaint. A’lady ‘ ~;ud wh Je stopping at ay bouse bsdkti *U«cx _ Rheumatism I got her a bottle ol your Liniment whieh effected a perfect cure. Hope it will prove a great b-’eraiog to all suffering with such pains. It B ihompMHi ACo—Bin: I am well pleased with vourRaeumatie Liniment. Thebevlhad It used on had been suffering with Rheumatism about two month* causing a contraction of tke muscles so that he was drown downward until almoat hall doubtae Md rrAIr to do tar work. I had the Liniment appplied as directed, and la two weeks time he was almost entirely well and able to do his regular duties at a form hand. ' 1 have also used it on avsett with like tueeeis. AUGUSTUS J KING. County School Comm’s-’r, Upson Co. Ga Twomastow. Ga. 1878. BBT Arie-Rirt! I desire to thank you for your excellent Liniment for Rheumatism. I have been a great tnfferer with Rheumatism since I was 13 yean old, and atnpow about 61 G BORGIA. JASPER COUNTY —Brbereas Alfred Goolsby and C L Goolsby sppliy to me for dismirekm from executorsh p estate of William Goolsby, deceased. This is therefore to eitp and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office on ee by the first Monday in July next, ii any they have, Why the mine ahull not he granted. Witncsa my official signature thia day. April 2d, 1879. F M 8 WAN SON, spiB xswSm*Ordinary. _ HUB* mbofStfil years old. I hare found many remedies during my life hut have never found anything equal to B B Thompson’s Liniment for Rheumatism. It it pleasant to use and elves relief atmos* in stantly. MRS BUST ACE B REEYES AVPrcpared by S B THOMPSON A CO Barnatvilie, Ga, For tile by Draggitts ; or sent by express on receipt of price. 26,80and 78 cents and »150 k bottle. ' feMS sunAw3m : ui : purmblt ffl&d ihreys * •» uo c i?.} a ns a »* » *■ UDT LOWB8T PRICED. - N0T.POORE8TAND p DBAR M T. BEST AND CHBAFEST. Nfw Styles. ■EW PRICES. Six Stops, Flegact Embossed Wsilnut -Case,of new design, (only ,..$80 (Ten 8topi, 4 sets 'Reeds in new style Illuminated Case only .$95 i Ten Stops, 4 sets l Reeds Mirror Ton *Case, with Gold Bronze Ornaments* tfon. only $100 OYER 100,000 MADE and SOLD WINNERS OF HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL WORLD’S EXHIBITIONS FOR TWELVE YEABS FAST. PABIS - 1867 VIEHBA - 1873 S1NTII60, 1»75 • PHLL>. PA. 1M6 PARIS - 18*61 SWEDEN - 1878 Endorsed by Frans Liszt, Theodore Thoms', Ole Bull. Got tschalk, Strauss. Warren, Morgan, and over One Thousand eminent musicians ot Europe and America, The testimony as to the immense *up?rioiity of these instruments over all others is emphatic, overwhelming and India on table. 4 \ KOuGlA, BIBS COUNTY.—Whe eai R ¥ UT Lawtou, administrator on the estate ot Jaeksan Deluache. Iatqot said county, deceased, hu made application for leave to ael ten sharer.. of tbe capital stock of the Southern acd Atbin- tlqTUtegraih f’ompanyv belonging to said eatater These are. therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to bo and appear at 'he Court of Ordinary ol skid county on tee first Monday in Mky nest to ibow wiim if any they can, why ta'd application should not be granted Witness my band and ofnraUugnsturo^ ilprll an-s Iaw4w Ordinary. HA80H RESTED UNTIL PAID FOE. These Oraanv are now onored purchasers by monthly installments ot from $5 to $10, or will be rented until tbe rent pays for them. From one to three years time given for psyment. Special reduction given to Churches, Schools and Pastor*. Agents wanted everywhere. Or- gam .ent on trial to any pait of the South. We pay freight both way* if not satisfactrry. S HIMS WHOLESALE DEPOT For the more convenient supply ol Southern trade a Southern Wholesale Depot has been ei- fablished at Savannah. Ga. from which Dealers, Cburehes, Teachers, and the retail trade can be -u-plied at New York and Boston factory rates. For Illustrated Catalogues, price li-ts and full irfora alien addresi LUDDEIT & BAT2S, Savannah, 6a. M»MJFicxuLEi’s Whops sale Aqbhis. asr2 d2aivSm kw iimsi to 4 s in. , ^. u for w $r; and iCcfor 100 page pamphlet G P lUWELL IX) NY. febSldAwlawtw mm A bl'i,BNDID OFPORTUNITT TO WIN A BO TUNS. FOURTH GRAND DISTRIBU TION, CL*8S D aT NEW ORLEANS, TUES DAY, APRIL 8 th. 1879 — 117ti Montht; Drawiar. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Thu Institution was regularly incorporated bj the Legislature of the State for Educational anc Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term ui twenty-five years, to which contract th> inviola hie (aith ol tbe State is pledged with a Capital o JJ,000.000, to whieh it ba« since added ■ res err. fond of $180,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NU M HER DISTRIBUTION will take place mouth - on the second Tuesday. It never scales or prnt- oones. Loot at the following Distribution: CAPITA PR ZE $80,000. '00,900 TICKBTn AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF-TICKKTAONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize... $ SSynO 10.1-8 6.U0 BOO 622$ 10.110 10, €0 10280 10 >00 louoa 2,700 t 00 l Capital Pnzo ..™ _ 1 Crpital Prize....... 2 Pruea of $2,600.. 5 Prize* Of 1,000 ..... 20 Prises of 600....... too Prizes of 102... 200 Prizes of 50... 5W1 Prizes of 20.... I IKK) Prizes of 10 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. » ApproximatKiL Prizes of i300 ... 9 Aupr:ximat:* ; u Friz a of 200.....: 9 Approximation Prizes of 108........... 1887 Prises.aniou ting to..: .:...$ln» *00 i^i-punsible corresponding agent* wanted*: all prominent points, to rhom a libera: compensation will be paid Application for rate* to clubs should only he •utde to 'he HomeOfflcr in NewOrleai.a Write, clearly stating full aa dross, torturths tn!ormu2icn.«r«end order*to m a dauphin. P O Box 602. New Orleans. I a. All our Grand Itxt aordinary Drawing, are under the supervision and management of GEN' BRALfi G TBE - URU8ARD and JUBA'l A KsRLY. rearie JAa.-.w l O PL AN . a a pla'T 1.0-PLANT & SON Bankers and Brokers, Si ACO s - - O ^OHQIf r-ftiSA8r A ENERAL BAfiKIKB BUSINESS StoitH and Honda taught and -»)<• on dents’ Furnishing doods. 1 mi-ion F1m:m:!bs< an t gradi« of goods at our to ia! r.'i onrMe; ri:, rtyic. and flt tlio !" • |oa» :res<V . I'l v.naaw. Boots Shoes. 1 .i» h irl:i &n<l tu*,;:..: •, i\; Ladies, .‘Ii. j s*s. and Ouiidraii. i:ioU» l-'p. lour I r.i.on ^103*% itss novelty of tfic *Ha3on. C*. W; rer.uIv.kjAji boots. 9S.7Tk itjw thuc*V o' i f.i i »fra; Hn*: Q’i«lity slip per* iro.»fl.S3 toill i* rcbti!« jro^t. vrorUcd hu; '•ahotev$~: <ttil!!rrn’* band made. rpriiHj heel, button C*lXO; Infants’ shoea, all and Tooths* Prcocb call Lntton U>ot*, , ts.73, acd a roodadamhic mi rtioc* clo>. •9* Oar coouB are ell Crsc-daaa, W<* * All all erdrm exactly and to tbetotercaf i of pttrchiiirfni mran's? all purchu- - I to be (Jii&SKinry u Iicyca-w, m;d n.*«» i ready ti ren-uy u ; l wt*. We intut' i o t-itt Crct.trial svJU ln»;ip ui t^ie »•• 3,’ • rra-rn brrcw»rr< All orders ftr tfooda to be* rcrortn. Bird by iho -r . \ ois where par urhbi Woo*?' irLt bc neat hy J*. I # D. Where the resi:Un<r 1> Fatrr* urr . rccra the dllTer' - - . Di'oadbuV mfl p te3tictli St # {rdul ttrystic, sad, PersytL, i>. i. I. R,:wpiiniwpawi,Phila. ri,wi,«wnu«jr. CATTTTOS— trrr.-iJ^'Onfco'V.f. I'.-Coi. -rinttd inbUick. SspJfoa Itwtgmutmt • 8 HALL, Agent, tiac u, G» marts dAtewAw it GEORGIA JONES COUNTY.—Notice i* hereby gi>en that Rachael Owens oi said county, has applied for setting spirt and va nation cf homestead snd exemption < f perannaiit' for the benefit of dependant fsm-les, Acd I will pais upon the isms at this office on Saturday, the 26ihmstsnt at the heur of 11 a m Given under my hand officially, ROLAND T KOBfi, apr2 Id* Ordinary, Grrfl. an’ar fllre April 1st. 1879. NOTICE IO DE« ' OR3 AND CEEDI- - TOSS. A LL persons indebted t 0 the estate of John I* £A. Jones, late of said county «e eased, are tote will pr- *eni -them 'duty authrcticated • to Aithir H Board man. apSltawBw J ULIA P JONE8, Executrix. Anvil 1.1-7A fiKOROIA. JONBBCOUNTT.-To each ad VJT executor and guardian who- are required by law to make annual returns to- Jones Court ot Ordinary—Greeting. You and cash of yon are hereby notified and required to stake year animal returns ss direct ed by law between this and the first Monday in neat sulv. In default thereof actioc by the Court frill be taken under the law ot such cates. And to those who have failed to make returns at tail July term,- as require ! by law, notice is given that aettow will ta token by the court to ester jadgment them and their tare tie* on bond for inch default and for all moneys not legally accounted for in this court. Ordered that this notice ba published in the Teienre- h and Meeeenger for tnrre months Witness my hand offltUliy. March 26,1S79. ROLAND T ROSS, Aprl 1>w2ib»Oreiuary. /3.RORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas R T VJ Lawton, admin strator on the estate cf Jacksen Delotebe, late at said county, decra-ed hat made appUottioa for letter* of durtissiott from said tstste These,are therefore to cite and admonish alt persons roDternw to be snd appear at the Cou: 8 of Ordinary of mid county on the first Monday iu July uegt to show cause, if any they car, wliy lqtterif of dismission should not be granted tbe applicant. Witness ray han* and offlsiil signature April 4th, 1879. . . J A MoMANUS, anrtid ~ Ordinary^ G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Ben jamin C Bmith has- made application for letters of admlnfc-tration de bonis non cum tes- tameuto anuexo upon the estate of Major Jam?? Smith, late of aid county, deceased, These ate therefore to cite acd admonish alTl persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on tha first Monday in May next to show cause, if any they cau. letters of administration should cot DO ‘ ies»plic»nt.. my hand and offfc’al sigrature. AprLV - J A MCMANUS, gn^tgtthearplja A18791 »prSlaw4w Ordinary. 4 muttulA BlBR COUNTY.—tv areas We UT L Bass baa m-de application for Tetters of administration on tbe estate of Julia B Collin?,, late of taid county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admenish al. persons oonoarned to be -and appear at the Court of Ordinary ot taid county on tbe flrat Monday in May next to show cause, if apy tbey can wbv letters of adminutratio: should not bo , granted'tbe spoil -ant. Witness my hand and’offieial vign-iturr. April 4* 1*79, J 4 McHANUi, .pprBI*a4w Ordioaty. C YH RGIA. JASPER UOUfilY. -Alfred Y Goolsby baring applied for guuiiixusMpol toe person and property of William R Powell. A~ mirorunder lourteen years of age,resident bf-*' said county, thia is to cite all pera.iis concernrei- r to show cause, if any they can, at this office DC” fore or on tbo find Monday in Apnl next, why guardianship ol tha prrson and property of said William R Powell should not i« intrusted to him. Witness my official signature. February 27th, 879. F « SWANSON. m»n 8 *1 Ordinary. APPLICA1 ION' FOE LEAVE TO SELL A T the regular April term, 1879, of the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county a. plication will be made tor leave to fell one (100) bundren shares of tha capital stock ct the Bibb Loan anil Building Association as the property of «hc es tate ot John B Boss, Into cf Bibb county, de ceased. WM H ROSS, R H PLANT. feb2S law4w Adtii*rae»tate Jno B fares. lac’d. Barreled Shet< In the world J themone; nSteqJ _ twist,* _ Kelt, Box VFaOo, jPMMrlk. Also our celebrated Kentecky for gl«, wamnife4 sr «* safe. Sendfi lustrated Catalogue and Price Lists to Boms A Hon, Enterprise Gun Wod _ ' 2MAi8snr*s«i Established. 1S43. jraMargkJ Price of GUn. Price of Gin* with Self-Feeding AA- Uchmta^.'* rrtrm wHflkll- Ai) Saw & 75.00 “ 8 97.rO St2'*0 ! 87.50 113.75 140j» 100.00 130.01 13®0 * 110.00 141.75 173B5 w • ■:.) y 122.00 130.00 152.60 173.00 « 140.00 l^.MO -> « | 180.00 2u8.i>J 2)%j DYING OUT : m ap Ronda of cigars and for the benefit of ir.t UUer.f -meters and iu tg«», we wil> wn (p.. «p in) . vamo e taxof nur r*o t i-.- i- am andrraa upon receipt oi-twety-n.r OOODM iN & ’SAYEh * na.MJ .’ ru tr. ri". .-.V \ HkNT- W iNi’RD, forth- b-t anc (to ast -cite . Pictorial and ‘tibl i Pr era reduced 88 per renti Ado reus NATlnNAi PUBLISHING UOMPANT. Phifodoi hia. Pi. Or. M. W. CASH’S Liver Remedy —AND— 11000 PURIRS* Is Toaic, Cordial, Anti-Bilious. I-1VEB COMPL-AIXT,lTa,lC\:> %'K-FF. 2 uiin&v ACTS* Sics Heapachbl Kvceali vEvuj AKX> Ague. Pai*pitati««n, DYSPEFSI. •nd aft Disease of the .Sl.«nrvc!i, U vcr, i ,tlocu■ It hniWsupthasvfteiu iTiv,.-{ ■Ices unt sicken,givepriu, norleavotAofo aup»ted,aa oibor mediatoes da HOW TO BE sSdyourb’nc; YOUR OWN S?s^S.“a?o DOCTOR. . Lasse lrom bia fovonto prescripHou, nsc-.l fn hi« extensive praotiae for if yean. rr'flFMgBA^LoCAT. ifiPMTo'V’-" ! J^K\V»a3SuSSky IN‘»r.' «!vfW i onorei 8«-im for Circu «r:i7. ... Ah; lltrME MEDICINE CO., Phiu.dejpfi .-K. d by ail DraKgi»U.Gei)ein S.oi. . . I v A." g'ffee ':; '• -J Priul Houle free, A„i; v t >,’; r . mi la dswlv S« »%* „.2i n- V 7 A • .* t-wff It si o Jit !t dj* The Brown Cotton Gin. Glenns the Seed better. Runs lighter, Gfus Fastest and co*t«lera money than any other Gte la the store tab Dverr binchlno Callyaad legally guaranteed. These Tnachlne3 ftro made of the bc-tnifltrffob,. -id the workmanship and finish'are n- • vciff®. t is been n warded premiums nt alt the 8tete Pfiirs,. icorgia, Alabama, Texas, etc., etc. Prloo List of filn*, Feeders snd Condcussn. Payable during tho Cotton Season. f^rkS ready for shipment and driivercd ul t; Special terms to cash pnreluuers. Sj ... ritiAr contiinlng fostiuiom J- from over audredlive planters, who bought and qae* --chines lost season. ■y - S43tolS58w« manufactured Gits VBjSbt ? IUeorgla, under the firm name • r K. T.ftkY- ., .a & Co., nOcrwarda Clexoss, Bno.-.u A tap... . >4 made what was then known as tho T-ylu 81a, Dari gtheyear 1858 wa removed to this prape, ■n •vi have been exduaively engaged tn m|to •; ul-igGinaeverBince. Withicr-gcrp rfotma, t ia b-stlabor saving machinery, and skla d smk- ■ ”i, wo possess advantag-s not enjoy- d by hoy • thcr manufacturer ia our tine for produoiugMi* res* ork for the least mo;.i y. rr-r-Aes. Engines and complete outfit fuaaljhed i ae Jr d. Address 3B0W5 COTTON GUT CO., Now Louden, Doan. Spr» . tvtg