Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 15, 1879, Image 5

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HIP?* HfesMg «nit Jattett&l & gzr — ^ TELEGRAPH. —'^7Tr|,18.—l’ha 2Yiwm’ flnanolsl IP* 00 , ,hw morning tray a consul* j* ,00 Monday for tbe first time to®**”?! Tne prlnsB of #11 fiist class data l?->3- b | h that capitalists arc jj«rt iw * , . en j “to know what to do it ‘■‘L* money. London dieoonnt fit* 1)1 0 bli*«d to »■*«“• targe de part* frJ|11 the provinces on ae- P®’* 1 * °t h* impossibility of using them eosn> of lC T “' a njonths* bank bills are li per cent, dlsoonnt. «a. a trd •* ■ . a Pafnrno from 1 -*?Ml hell P+h£L , "for'’Regent, 329. and 0N * TtB /R i»y tor Regent, 472 majority Sutt *livivr on the Eepuolican State UTOL at from 5,000 to 10, tgeuj^'^ocrstlo and Greenback C 0 * 1 'n!.nf Kapid* lhe ciUtena’ lioket, 2 of Hard Money Republican* ce»P/ i ’ ,. r ..p nS a elected. At Lane. Sf JSSScMa elect their entire tig »*? ,*%, Jackson the Democrats ptj ****•_ _ and theEepnblicans the •1?*^'J“Ce city ticket. At East Sagi- Republicans elect the mayor £ th4 balance of the ciiy ticket is m1 a At Adrian tbe Eepnbhcana elect J^asrorand the Democrats the balance SWry ticket. At Port Huron the Jujjt on elect the entire city ticket At SOlir the Republicans •Iftthem.y- f/snd’tho DemocraU and Nationals tho Glance of the city ticket ftamiuTi, April 8.—At 1:45 o’clock iJi inorninu tbe returns showed Jacobs S' biicao) to ba elected mayor beyond Sr a,.m.jority will bo from 1.000 t3 Sa, April S.-The city election ws'erday was quiet and orderly. A very J n ii Vo># was polled. At an early hour [h imorning thereturnu from all bat one indicated the election of the entire Monel ticket, with the possible excap. jtonofthe police judge, by from 400 to loo majority. Tho Board of Aldermen ■tin's two Republican?, two Democrats and fonr National*. The National ticket «jh«ad-d by Jaccb Bowes for mayor. Toe National vote shows about the same ttreneth if did in the election last fall. WannNOTOH April8.—In the Senate, the commutes on appropriations, by a itrict party vote, decided to report back lie army appropriation bill witkout any amendment and rcoommend its passage io particulars precisely as it camo from tie Hun." of Representatives. In tbe Houee, Frye, of Maine, bad read gie’ter from tbe editors of the Okolona Slsiri. (which Muldrow, of UissiBBippi, had itited, did not represent any respect- lilt element of tbe Mississippi Democ- tuj,) enclosing an extract from that pa per of August 2Stb, 1878, supporting MclJrow as Representative from t io first district of Mississippi. He had nothing iorthertosay on the subject. A debato ta; sprung np as to tho pro priety of instructing tbe chairman of the Committee of the Whole (when the Honso t ball be in committee on tho legislative appropriation bill) to award the floor in accordance with the rales of the House, lid not bs bound by any list of speakers which may be formed. io the Senate, Mr. Withers reported back from tbe Committee on Appropria tions, the army bill without amendment. lir. Blaine gave notice of an amend ment making it a penal offense, pnnish- stle with fine and imprisonment, for tty military, naval or civil officer, or any other person, except for the purposes timed in the bill, to appear armed with (deadly weapon of any description, with- it a mile of any polling place where a pnerai or special election for representa tive to Congress is being hold. Ur. Withers will call np the bill after tie New Hampshire senatorial qaestion tbtil be decided. The Senate adopted Mr. Bayard's reso lution calling npon tbe decretory of the Treatary for a statement of tbe sums of money paid to John I. Davenport since 1870. Tbe Senile resumed tbe consideration of the New Hampshire senatorial case. In tho Sapreme Coart Chief Justice Waite aonoonoed that the court would bearlbe attorney general of Virginia on Uonday next in support of the petitions tor kaltas corpus and certiorari in the Bivea-Cole case, aud especially apon the question of tbe power of this eomt to tisoe tbo writs prayed for. Roki, April 8.—A letter from tho Pope Io (ha Cardinal Vicar, is published, in which the Pope announces that as the iiectaa of the movement for inoieaeiDg a:d improving Catholic schools in Borne will greatly depend npon peenniary mesas, he proposes to contribute annu ally as large an amonntof money ss his pnvate means will permit; and as eon- Miration of (he faith in Rome is oon- seeled with the interests of the Catboito world, he will also devote to the Roman ishoola as much of “Peters s pence.” as tie needs of the cniveisil chuck will permit. Pabis, April 8.—Tbo Bonapartists are nach elated at tbo almost certain t»i- caph of M. Godello, Bonapartiat candidate, in tho district of Champa Elyses,on the second ballot. Paul Do Cas- •igsic was banqueted last night by one haadred and eighty students of the Latin quarter. In tho course of his speech he related a conversation between himself ind the Prince Imperial, in which th latter raid: “My fathers misfortune wis to mistrust bis health, and so wished jo place two leigns simultaneously, viz: hi* own, which was autocratie, aud mine which might be liberal. He lost both. I id therefore forced to recommence, to ruuaothe autocratie reign and to leave tte liberal one to mv enccosBor, if events Wow it.” At Bordeaux, at the supple* ■rotary election Sandaj, for members W thwDspat, Chambers, Louis Blacque, * imprisoned for. conspiring in '70 Huait the governments’ national de- itcce, polled 3,700 votes against Lavert- I'* 00 * Hambettist-R publican, who re- tttVed 4,706 votss. Two obsonre Radi* Polled 1,600 votes each, and if, on -e arcond ballot, whtch is neoessary, “**• votes shonld swell Blanque’s score, return is quite passible. This is con- uaered significant. April 8.—The Daily Newt ■ tne whole capital of the Poyer W ertier Cable Company, amounting to JzjT**® million francs, has been sub- aDd one qnatter paid np. The °k*cjorp, engineers and cifioiais have ravi® ,n#t Alments on account of the • J® ®»aufactnre, salaries, eto. These kfSs ,bou *d bo made known to the share- „ J®*™ ef tho Anglo-American Cable wopany at tho meetings to-day. 1>rv BI! i? ToN * A P r *l 8 —1° the Senate ew Hampshire senatorial case wsb without action. J~ T ‘ °*rpenter made a legal argument ^utoitiioD, Whni* “ 3Wa went into Committee of the on the legislative appropriation Bio.. . *?‘® r disposing of sixiy-fonr ■“Wow* ****** adjourned until tc- a^hi G ? leams < A P ril 8.—la he regn’ar t^., ® y drawing of the Louisiana tttate Nx No - 65.923 diflv $30,000* drewtsT^ 910,000; No. 88,013 * 2 KfjT °°9- Nos - 61.695 and 33,970 drew Di!»T * c ^‘ The first, third and fourth f^a were aoldfn New Vorlr. Dus” 0 ?,’ A P rU 8-—In tbe United States 0an»«i n ? & motion made by Snir.f BatIer f° quash the indiotments denit d & SQm ^® r °* dlegal voters was 8.—The Alabama State ac,rn,- . ooavened here this n witn a fall attendance.' lGa[ar» IlfN ,t TI ’T> April 8 ~I® Evansville, ratii. Vicket ® 3pn ' >llc,lM el eoted their <W 7 ° aLBAJ f*. April 8.—The Circuit Cev *?°l ,on of the District Attor S 8a i??2*j* lor the defense concurring, parish casts until convicted of manslaughter, been of H. Steinkamp, has “ «ote*oed to five years at hard labor, '-ottnoeg, 0., AprM « —The full effi * cial figures prove the election of a fall city Republican ticket yesterday. Col lins’ majority for Mayor is 1,767. The result cannot be claimed as a partisan victory, inasmuch as many leading Dem ocrats worked openly for ths Rrpublican nominees. It is rt&liy.a Victory ef the citizens and property owners over the lawless element who made a determined effort to obtain control of the city. The Repuolioans will have fonr maj irity in the Common Council and a majority of tha police and school boards. London*, April 8.^—The steamer Nor man Monarch from New Haven, has ar rived at Constantinople. The steamer Remus from New Orleans, has arrived at Hull. Caps Town, via St. Yincsnt, March 25 —A convoy of supplies proceeding from Derby in the Leonda district to Lane* bnrg on the PongoU river, escorted by one hundred and fonr men of the Eight Rigiment was attacked at daybreak on Haroh 12tb, on the bank* of the Intombe river, by four thousand Zalas under Um berline. Oaring to a previons alarm, the British were under arms, bnt were overwhelmed by the force of the enemy. Captain Moriarty and forty men wire Killed and twenty are missing. The fata of the wagon drivers ta unknown. Lien tenant Harwood, with forty men aao- oeeded in reaching Laneberg. One hun dred and fifty men of ths Eighth Regi ment subsequently proceeded to the soene of the fight and reoovered a quantity of rockets and ammunition and burled the dead. Twenty wagon?, containing sap- plies, were lost. The relief oolumn for Ekcme will start on Maroh 26:b. A party of volunteers have visited the battle field in Sandals and found that the Zalns had left one hundred wagons there, bnt had removed the gnns aod ammunition. A great meeting of Bears has commenoed. Tceir proceedings have so far been qaittly. conducted. Toe transports “City of Paris,” with a battalion of iho Twenty- first Regiment, the “City of Vonios” and “Lady Margaret,’’ with tbe army servioe oorps, tbe “Olympus.” with tbe engin eers, and the “Chins,” with tbe Ninth Regiment, have arrived at Cope Town. Rove, April 8.—The Pope contributed fonr thousand pound* to the Catholic school fond. Madrid, April 8.—A terrible sporaito fever is raging at Ossa Bianca, Moroooo. Easiness is suffering. Paris, April 8 —President Grevy has signed the pardons of two hundred and thirty two more Oommnnisls. London, April ft—Additional advices from Cape Town about tbe disaster to the British oonvoy on Intomba river, March 12tb, report that besides tha troops it is thought forty wagon drivets and followers were killed. Twenty-five Zatu corpses were found on the field of battle. It is believed many more were drowned. The Zulus had ample time to get news of tbe convoy, as i: was delayed at the ford three days by be ivy rains. The ford was only four miles from Luueberg. It Is thought there was great carelessness in selecting the position of the oamp end io neglecting to send a larger foroe from Luneberg to meet the ooavoy. Colontl Pestson signals from Ekowe that he can hold ont ten days longer; that his previsions only are short, and he has plenty of ammunition. Tne dispatch giving these particulars says nothing of siokness in bis command, which is only mentioned by the Daily News correspondent. Tne econts who arrived at the camp of the relieving oolumn jast before the de parture of the last advices report tho Zalus concentrated in large misses 11 mile* north of Tagtls river. They are bidden in a dense jangle, so that their numbers ere traaaoattainable. Washington, April 9.—la the House Mr. 8 ephens of Georgia, from the Com mittee oh Rule?, repotted a resolution for tbe reappointment of the following select ojmmittees: On Census, Reform cf Civil Service, On the Law respecting the Ascertainment and Declaration of the Preddeniiel Election, In regard to the Prevention of Epidemic Diseases, On Ventilation of the Hall, On the Causes of the Depression of Libor. Also to in crease the Committee memberships as fol lows : Enrolled Bills to 7; Coinage to 11; Ways 8nd Means to 13; Agriculture, Ju diciary, Elections, Commerce and Appro priations to 15 eaob. Also a new rale providing that the motion to 6nspend rales and pas* a general ap propriation bill shall reqnirethree-foartbs muj irity instead of as now, two-thirds. Toe report is being discussed. New York, April 9.—Tho eleotion in Jersey City, New Jersey, yesterday for members of local boards resulted in Re publican gains. The boards last year were strongly Democratic. There is a tie in the boards of police and fire com missioners and the Board of Free Holders is R-pablican. The Board of Aldermen stands six Democrats and five Bepabli cans. One district is doubtful. The Board of Works and Board of Education are very evenly divided but will be con trolled by Democrats. la the city of Bayonne, which usually goes Democratic Republicans have made a clean sweep. Io H.iboken the Republicans elect their candidate for Mayor. Tho Democrats elect their City Trtaiuraraad City Olerk without opposition. Louisville, April 9.—The Tennessee division of the St. Loots and Southeastern Railroad was sold in Nashville to-day to the LculhVille. Nashville and Great Southern Railroad for $725,000. Mwpflis, April 9.—A speoial dispatch from Coffeeville., Miss., this morning, says the greater portion of the basinets port of that town w&s destroyed by fire. Galvrston, April 9.—This morning the Norwegian brig Nero, Ommund- aen, with 1,039 baleBof cotton, bound for Bremen, dragged her anchors and went ashore on B«rd Island. She lies in six feet of water and has three feet of water in her hold. She draws twelve feet. The wreckers have gone to her assistance. Washington, April 9.—A brief Demo cratic caucus was held in the hall of the House immediately after adjournment to-day for the purpose of taking some ac tion which would permit the-introdaetio<. for consideration of certain financial measures during tho present session of Congress. Representative House, of Ten nessee. presided, and Messrs. Mills, of Texas, and Covert, of New York, acted as secretaries. Mr. Henna, of West Virginia, submit ted tho following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That it is the jadgmeatof this caucus that the Honso shall not ad journ over Monday next, bat that there should be a session on that day to allow the intreduction of bills in the usual manner and the placing of important legislation in the lino of progress without unnecessary delay. Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, then offered tbe following, with the request that it be read and laid on the table for the action of a future caucus: Besolvtd, That the alms and objeotsof the Damooraoy of the United States, as far as we, chosen by them as members of tbe present House cf Representatives, are entitled to be considered ss the true ex ponents of those aims and objects, are direoted with a singleness of purpose to tbe restoration of constitutional liberty, and with it the restoration of peaoe and harmony and prosperity throughout the length and breadth of tbe land. They abjure the renewal of seotional strife, tney .aocspt all the legitimate results of the late lamented war, they are utterly opposed to the revival in this ooantry or any part thereof of African slavery or any other kind of slavery, exoept as a punish ment for orime; they stand pledged to maintain the Union of the States under the Oonstitation, with all its existing amendments ss they shall be expounded by the Sapreme Court of the United States; they ar9 against all unconstitu tional or revolutionsry method?; they are for law and order end the protection of life, liberty and property, without respeoi of persons or social oonditione; for the re drees of all grievance*; they look alone to tbe peaoefol instrumentality of the Con stitution—first, the law-making power, second, the law-expounding power, third, the law-exeeating power, and finally the ultimate sovereign power of ths ballot box; they are for a free ballot, as well a* for a fair and just oonn<; white they are opposed to a Icrge standing army, as were tbe framers of the constitution, yet they ore (or keeping the army sufficiently large to repel invasion, defend oar exten sive frontier, as well as all neoessary inte rior forts and garrisons, and to eosble the President to pat down domestio violenoe or insurrection in any of the S ates, and in aid of elvil officers as a posse comilalus in the execution of legal prooess in par ssnee of the oonstitation and as provided in tbe sots of Congress of 1795 and 1807- Bat they are utterly opposed to tbe a*e of the military foroes of the United Bta-ee in oootroiliBg or la any way Interfering with tbe freedom of eleetione. They ere for the maintenance of the pnblta oredit inviolate, bat are utterly opposed to aa inorease of the bonded debt anises exi gencies of war shonld render it neoesssry. Taey are for retrenchment of expendi tures, lessening tbe burdens of taxation and s thorough reform In the present nn equal and unjust method of raising reve nue. They are for placing the eolnsge of gold and silver npon the same footing, witbont restriction or limitation npon the amount of either. They ore for reviving the languishing and perishing industries of the country by an inorease of the vol- nme of oarreuey, founded on s sonnd basis, snffioieLt to meet tjie argent de mands of trade in eveiy department of labor and bnainesB.” Without transact ing any further business the oiuous ad journed. The Senate continued the discussion of the qaestion of admitting Bell nntil 4:30 p. m. when it went into executive session, and after the doors were reopened, ad journed. Jones, of Florida, spoke tc-iay in favor of admitting Beil. In the House, after considerable dis cussion, and the adoption of two or three amendments, the report was agreed to and the House adjourned. Confircautions—George Holmes, Col lector of Customs Bsanfort, S nth Caro lina; Henry G. Thomas, Postmaster at Decatur, Alabama. Cadet Engineers— Wen. N. Little, of Georgia, and Edward R. Freeman, of Mississippi, to be Assist ant Enzineets United States Navy; Captain George H. Butler, of Arkansas, to ba Major in the marine oorps. The President nominated Thomas H. Dickson to be postmaster at Vicksburg. Pari?, April 9.—The approaching visit of the Austrian Crown Prince to Madrid is believed here to foreshadow the marriage of King Alfonso to Arch duchess Merit, daughter of Archduke Cbsiles. London, April 9.—Tho Standard’s cor respondent at Berlin says tho Russian Revolutionary Committee have sent let ters to all tbo Imperial dignitaries at St. Petersburg saying that though they do not intend to attack the Czar, they will not ceaee to kill bis attendants, especially the beads of the police deportment, eo long as the treatment of political prison ers is unameliorated. London, April 9.—A dispatch from Z i- ham, county of Darhacn, states that the miners in the Houghton and Z iham dis tricts havd determined to destroy the property of the owners and managers. A hundred police are stationed in Ziham and a conflict is imminent. The col liery managers are leaving or barricading their bouses. Washington, April 9.—The Secretary of the Treasury to-day issued a call for the redemption of ten millions of the ten- forty bonds, of whioh three millions are ooupon and three milliona registered bonds. Chief Moses and several of his tribe arrived] hero to-day. They w-11 confer with Seoretary Sobaiz to-monow, and be fore their departure will have a talk with the President. In the House to-day, when the debate on the resolution.for a change of rules bad progressed for about two hours, an ecoentric individual in tbe gentlemen’s gallery, anppoaed to be the same who had sermonized on the violation of the Sab- batb, at ths cloBeof last session, suddenly gave vent to his feelings by declaiming in a load and solemn tone, “Woe, woo, woe to this den of thieves.” Before he could get any farther in his denunciation he was pounced open by some of tbe door keeper’s assistants and harried out of the gallery. St. P*tkb5Bubg, April 9.—Several ministerial oonnoils have been held, and there been have frequent interviews be tween Lord Dufferin and Prinoe Gortsoha- koff in regard to an alternative arrange ment for mixed ooonpation. It is under stood that Russia ha* taken a resolution of a conciliatory nature, which is calcu lated to hasten an nnderstanding on tbe subject with the powers, especially with England, Pab», April 9.—la view of the possible eleotion of M. Btanqui on the second ballot at Bordeaux for a vaosney in ths Chamber of Depntles, the Radioais are urging tbe government to pardon him, and thus avoid ill-feeling and soorimoni* ous discussion in the Ohamber, if Blanqni is eleoied and not permitted to take bis seac. London, April 9. —The Times’ corres pondent at Pans eays there are real signs of returning animation on the Paris Bourse. Greater attention is being be stowed upon foreign stocks by the invest ing public and home rentes, though still rising, are becoming less an object of speculation. Bonk, April 9.—The Capitate publishes a letter written by Garibaldi before leav tog Caprera. He sayt: “Italy owes gratitude to the royal house for having contributed ta its unity, but it did not accomplish it alone. Tbe country was more flourishing nader its old tyrant* than it is now.” It commends Signor Da Pretis in no- measured term 9 , and oonolndss. “The monarchy is not eternal in its dnration, bnt will be in proportion as it merits the' affeotion of the people and oalls to its oouncils not flatterers bnt ca pable end trnthfnl man." Tbe Pope’s donation of twenty thousand dollar* to the school fund* i'. a firs: annual contribution from his priva-o fortune. Tirngva, April 9.—Ta# B .lgarian As ■»eu My passed six mote u teles of tbo Cor •> i’U’i?n, resolving that tcero shall be no crmorehip of lhe press. Even r<lc* i< us publications are to b free, Ih'-.ujh cols, b p therefor was ii mended by son, ci r.orl tUpnliev. Toe Assembly in* r.t a reaolveo against tb?creation of a SouatV. After u violent «l°b3‘.o daring wi'lcb .hi aivioa eaof a Senate quitted tho tn.'i , tbo ’ Ns'it tsl party are grea ly anti-isd Ai the progress mode and hope >o 0 ..,ti tbo commutation before Eister. l'!is tleo.ion if tbo nx- .-nix additional at.-nihe.s, w u *, \»i h the pres ent A*-"enb!v, shall el-ei u. Priuc.-, uas been fii d wr tee 27:h that London, Apri, 9.—Tt.e Times' Tirngva aLpaiob says tho Bulgarian* ere deter mined to buv<> i* natloani democracy of lb* s.Vertet timplici'). All parties are nailed io lb* determination mat tho legislature shall oe elected wholly by the people. St. PcTXBtBaaa, April 9.—The Ayence Russe statue Iliac the powers hiVc u^der con.-.’eraticiU »a .rranjemen*. y.bicii, if agte.-d open, could b. aubaU'-uttU fot the proposed mix'd oecn;„tioa of R. um'lia. The member., ot the I iternxtioL*, Com at P.nilii; pi’.iu b&ve unanimous ly pi 'non need .<g In-1 th-, us try of Turk ish ti.o/3 into Rnrirelh. Palis, April 9.—rue Paine announces tbat ii ii:., ,r,a.:i to iw:i vs Che car riage of Kiue A'lrinso of Spun to the Arohj'ichesc Ha ii of Austria will take place ;'c July. CaatiLRCTON, April 9.—In-the United States Ciiouit C- n.c to-day. before Judges Bond aod Bryce, the -lection cases weie resum-4- Argument look place on motiou to qissu tbo panel of grand and p*tit ja... a, dutriot attorney Noribotp tbo government andMta.r*. Majrari., Miicat-li, Conner and Moi o thodefendvria. Thu court an nounced tbat ib> decision would bo given lo-mortoiv moraine Boston, April 9 —A numbor of repre sentative, colored u,ou of this city held a mco'-ing to-night ro ooi^'d v plans ot farthering tbe atgra no its from the South. wan appointed to call a in is, meetliv/ i < F jituil Hall, ami srrang- fo tntau-. to rauaporo a* many as may be desirous of leaving for new homes in tbe west. VEGETINE I Will try Vegetlne. He Did AND WAS CURED. Dzlawasx, O. Feb it. 1877. Ha « &8IZVXHS— Dear Sir—I wish to give you this testimony tbatjon may know, and let others Know, what Vegeiine bu done (or me. About two Tears ««o a small sole came on my lex; it s*on became a tirye Ulcer,si troublesome tbat I consulted tbe tloct,r. but I got no relief, (trowing worse from day to day. lauSered terribly; I could not real day or nigbt: I was so reduced my friends thought I would never tvotTer, I e intuited a doctor at Columbut. I followed bis advice: it did no good I can truly lay I was discouraged, *t this time I wu looking over my newspaper! I **w jour advertisement of Vegetiue, the “Great Blood Purifier.’’ for cleanain* the blood from all imparities curing Humors, Ulcer*, etc, I said to my family, I will try -omeof JieVege- tir.e Before I bad used the fir*r bottle I be: an to feel better. I made up my mind I had got the right medicine at lux I could now sleep well night*- I continued taking ths Yegetine. I took thirteen bottle*. My hea‘thi*good The Ulcer leyoaa. and I am able to attend to buti- u»**. I paid about four hundred dollar* for medicine and doctors before I bought the Vege- tire, i have recommended Vrg-toe toothers with good success. I always Keep a bottle of it in the noose now. It f* a moat excellent medi cine. Very respectfully yours, „ F ANTHONI. MrAntboni ivore of the pioneers of Delaware, O. Ha settl-d here in 18j4 He is a wealthy gentleman, of tbe firmcf V Anthoni A eons. Mr Anthoniisextenalveb Known, especially among the Germans. He is well known in Cincinnati. Hs u respected by ail. Inpub* Blood.—In morbid conditions oi the blood are many diseases: such u sati rhtum, ring-worm, boil*, carbuncles, sores, ulcers and pimDles. In this condition of the blood try the Yegetine, and cure these affections Ass blood purifier it has no equal. It* t Beets are wonder- VEGETINE Cured Her. _ _ DoKCHMUJr, Mass, June 11. Or H B Pirvkss— Dear Sir—I feel it my duty to say one word in regard te the great benefit I have re-eived from tbe use ol one cf the greatest wonders of the world; itisyonr Yigetme I have been one of the greatest sufferers for the last eight years that ever cculd bo living I do sincerely thank my God and your Yegetine for the relief lgot The Rheumatism has pained me to such an ex tent that my feet broke out in sores. For the last three years I have, not been ablotowalk; now I c«n walk and sleep, and do my vorkas well a* ever I did, and 1 must say I owe it all to vour blood purifier, Yegetine. MARGERY WELLS. Yzgktin*.—The greet success of the Yegetine u a cleanser and purifier of the blood is shown Deyond a doubt by tne great numbers who have taken it. and received immediate relief, with such remarkable cures. VEGETINE Is better than any MEDICINE. Hrhdbrson. Kt, Doc 1877. I have used H B Stevens’ Yegetine, and like it better than any medicine I hare usedfor purify ing the blood. Ono bottle of Vesetine accom plished more good thin all other medicines I have taken. THOS LIME, Henderson, Ky. Yegetine is composed ot Boots, Barks and Herbs. It is very pleasant to take; every child likes it. VEGETINE Recommended by M. D.’S, H It STEVZSB— Deal Sir—1 have sold Yegetioe for a long limp, end find it give* most excellent a<-tiif*ction. A it DR FI88T, 11D, Hazletoo, .nd. VEGETINE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS. Biston, Maes. Vesretine is Sold bv all Druggists. aprj dtw tf —wu—j— OFFICE TELEGRAPH AMD MESSENGER Atbil 9,1879.—Evwnxe. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS —o — COtlOD. LrvMPcoL — Noon—Cotton firm-, middling uplands 61 -IS: middling Orieani 63-13. Sale* 8 000 bales, of which 1000 were taken by speculators and (or export: receipts 6701, of which 6450 were American. Futures oDened firmer with buyers at lost night's prices: Uplands tow middling clause April delivery 61 IS, April sr 1 May 61 lit, Maj and J one 6 3 32, Junj and July 6S 32@G 3-16, July and August 67-3.’@6^, August and September C9-32® 60-'A. 130 p m—Uplands low middling clause April delivery 6}£. May and June 63-16, June and July 6'/i. July aud August 0 9 3203 5 16, August and September C11-3206% September and October 6Jfi@G 13-32. ■Z p m—Middling uplands 61-16. middling n r- leans 68-16, low middling uplands 516-10,good ordinary S13 16, ordinary 5VS Futures, up lands low middling clause April delivery 0 3 32, May and Jur,e6£ 32, June and July 67-32. 600pm-Sales of Americas 65.0, Uplands low middling clause July and August delivery 0 9-82, August and September 0U-3S. Futures closed steady. NzwTobk—Cotton dull: sales 724 middling uplauds 113-16 middling Orleans 115 1C. Futures opened barely steady; April delivery 11.21. May 1134, June 1151, July 1166, August 11.77. Cotton—Ketl'OOjipts 476 gross 7953. Futures rlosod firmer-, sales 107,000. April de livery II 29-30, May 11.61-42, Juno 11.63-59, July 1173-74. August 11.81—85, September 11,62 —63. October 11.18—19, November 10 82—91, Do ccmber 10.78—80. ' otton ciosed inactive sales 381; middling up- la ids ll'A: middling Orleans 11% Consolidated net receipts 5310. otports to Great Britain 48S9, Franco , Contmjut ——. channel —. GaLVBsios—Cotton quiet middling 10% low middling 10-% goo-1 ordinary 10; net receipts 386 gross : Sates 300; stock 21057. Nobiolk—cotton steady: middl ug 10% net receipts 15J4. sales 75. stock 10229. Baltinoeb—Cotton firm; middling 11% low middling 10% good ordinary Is. net receipts —: gross 149. sales 403, to spinners 260. stock 6533. BoflloK—Cotton steady; middling 11% low mid dling 11, good ordinary 10%; net receipts 582: gross—: sales—; stock6600. Wiinikgtox—Cotton firm: middling uplands 1034; low middling 10% good ordinary 9% net re» oeipts97;groai ;sales30 stock7274. . pHnamatPHiA—Cotton firm; middling 11%; low middling 11%.good ordinary 10%, net receipii 211, gross 5C2, sales 427, apinaera —, stock 8875. BAVASXAB—Cotton quiet but firm: middling 10%. low middling 107-16; good ordinary 10% net receipts 322 gross—; sale*300; stock 24331; exports Uieat Britain—, continent —, coast wise 362, France—. Mbit ORiiABi—cotton firm, middlhsg 10%; low middling 10%: good ordinary 16% net re ceipts 1370 gross 2190 sales 4000 stock 186665. Uobixb—Cutton firm; middling 10%. tow middling 10% good ordinary 10% net receipts 91; gross —I sales 400: stock 215t7. Mbmphis—Cotton firm and held higher; mid dling 10%; receipts G6?, shipments 1119. soles 2100; Stock 4lU7 9. Augusta—Cotton quiet; middling 16%: low mid dlingioiftgood ordinary 9%. receipts 266. sales 49. CHARLS3TOB—Cotton quiet; middling 11, lo- middling 10%, good ordinary 10%, net receipts 202, sales 109. stock 11861: exports to the conti nent — Great Bntaia —. coaxtwi-a 45L Franoe _ FINANCIAL Loxdok—Moon -Consols 9713-16, Erie 26 4 p m—Consoli 9715*16# Paris—Five per cent Rontcs 11317%c. Mew Iobk—Stocks opened weak; money G. exchange, long, 4 S3 short 4 87%; state bonds dull; government securities weak. Money l; exchange duU at 4 £606 86%: Gov ernment securities weak; now Ss 101%, State bonds dull. Stocks active; Mew York Central 115, Brie £5% Lake Shore 71% Illinois Central 84: Pitts* burg 93 Ghicag* and Northwestern 62%, do pre ferred 91%. Rock Island 131%: Western Union TclfWTsph Company 117%- Huh Treasury balances—Coin (119,802.053. cur* reney 142,090,842. PRODUCE ■ Himnwis Tlieil steady and unchanged:How* srd Street and Western superfine 3 8003 75, ex tra 4 0004 65 family 4 7505 SO, City Mills super fine 39503 75, extra 4 2304 50,Bio brands 562075 Pal speco family 6 75. Southern wheat dull: Wes tern dull and lower-. 8onthtrn red 1130115 amber 1 i5@116..Nol Pennsylvania red 113%0%-No 2 Western winter red spot and April 112%0%: May 112011:%. Southern com lower: Western firm;southernwhite47043,jeUow43%041. Oats firm; Southern and Pennsylvania 32033, Wes tern white 32033, Western mixed 51032. Hay quiet; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland 11012 per ton. Provisions steadr.- Mess pork, 1050 01075. Bulk meats loose —shoulders 8%05Cl£Kr rib sides 5%05%-. packod, shoulders 4%i dear rib tides 5%. Bacon—shoulders 4%, clear I rib sides 8. hams 9%09%e. Lard -reSn-d in tierce* 7%. Ea ter steady; prune to choice Western packed 18020: roll 13016 Coffee firm-, rij in car goes 10016. Whisky dull at 1-07%- Sugar quiet; A soft 808%. Ninvioux — Flour again in buyers’ favor. Southern flour quiet and heavy: common to fair extra 4 1005 40, good te choice extra 5 6004 75. Wheat, spring dull and scarcely so fins; winter about %c lower, closing more steady, ungraded winter red 1060110 No 3 do, 109. Cora without Important change, closing firmer; ungraded I4c0 45%c, Mo 3 44%044%. Coffee active; rio in cargos* 11%@15. in jofilota 12%016. Sugar infakdT mind; Cuba 6 3-16: fair to good reining 4%0 6%, prime 0%. reflnea quiet and unchanged. Rice in geoa demand ana firm; Carolina fair to prime 607%; Louisiana fair to prime 6%07, wmn quiet at 140 for good r rained Tutpen- ti-.efirm. 34 bid. Pork lower with vtry moderate trade: old. mess 940 spot, new 1O62%01O65. Middlei steady, western and city long dear 5%. short clear 7%. long and short clear 5%. Wklakv nominal at 195%, Freights firm. *** Louiktilui—Floor firm extra 3000 325, family 1760415, Wheat Ora.- red and amber 1000102. Corn steady; white 38: mixed 27. Oats quiet, steady: white 32, mixed 20 Fork buoyant 1U75. Lara steady, choice leaf in Heroes 7%; choice leaf in kegs 8%. Bulk meats »tro: y. shoulders 3% clear rib A: dear (idea 6%. Bacon firm; «houlden 412%; dear rib 63'%: dear side* 5 62%. Sugar-cured hams 8%Wt%. Whisky steadv at 1 0l OlxcrinraTi—Flour easier family 4 6006 50. Wheat weaker, prime to choice red winter 1040 11»6. Cora steady aud in fair demtnd at 3703$. Oatt steady at 29032. Pork quiet: h-dd at 10 780 1100, Lard in fair demand but lower; prime steam 6S*% 0*35. Bulk meats dull; shoulders held at 363 clear rib 4 75: dear (idea 8 CO Bacon quiet; shoulders 4% dear riba 6%, dear aides 6%. Whiikj dull and lower at 10L Hogs quiet: packing 3 6503 90. ST iaiUU - Flour dull and lower to sell; double extra fall 4 4504 55. treble do 4 CU04 60. Wheat active. No 2 red fall 1O2%0102% cash and April, 1030103% doting at 103% Kay,lO3%0lO3%, cl. sing at II3% June. 9Sc July. Corn inactive; No 2 mixed 35% rash. SS%0*3% May, 24%0S3% June. Oats huhtr; No No » mixed 25% 026 essh. Whisky steady st 1 0k Pork inactive and lower; jobbieg at 10 45. Lard nominally an- chanied;prime steam 6 2506 So cash. Bulk meats inactive snd lower, dear ribs 4 85 Bacon dull and lower: dear ribs 5 !S. clear sides 5 45 S5 50. Oucaso—Flour unchanged: spring extras S25045O. do Minnesota* 475, low grades! 000 276: Western patentss000600,Hinnciotado 150 08 00. Wheat active but lower; No 2 Chicago auring fre.h 91, regular £7% rath and April. 92% May. 93% June; No 3 do, 78%078%. Corn in fair demand; rreshSt%, regular si sash and April. 35% Hay. 36% June. Oats 21%@2l% cash, 15% May,2o% Pork in good deuu-nd but lower at 1025 cash, 102501027% May, 1037%® 1049 June, Lard in good demand but * shade lower: 6 32%@6 35 cash, 6S7H06 4O Hay, 642%0645 June, Bulk meats dull and prices a shade lower; shoulders S£0: short r:b 600, short dear sides 5 25. Whisty steady at 10k At the close of market wheat was active but a shade lower. Com quiet andunchaugtd. Polk closed firm and unchanged. NATAL STORES. YilfilSIKM nisilli turpentine steady at 29. Bonn quiet at 105 for strained, 107% for mod strained. Crude turpentine steady at 100 for hard; 160 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar steady at 99, KARJNENBWS NEW YORK—Arrived—Saratoga. Bothnia. Arrived out—Prime Regent, Ann Wheaton, Bosano, Tbe Queen. Tuscany, Canada. Jovin Jlig' el.Narcino. Helmi, Aj»x. NuovaEmitla, Caleatins. Egrtmont, Avonpont, Galveston, As- key. North Carolina, Ocean Child, Atlanta. New Carriage Factory. KENT & GREENE —Manufacturer* of and Dealers U&oon Wb«?ioate Mxrxet ookrboixd dailt vt F. D. TlfTSLEl GRAIN AND PBCV181UNK. BACON—Clear rib sides Shoulders. Bulk dear rib sides Bulk shoulders Mngnoliahams. LABD—inbbls... Leaf, in tub*. Leaf, in buckets «... OATS—For feed. East proof seed. SALT—Virginia. Liverpool 606% 5@5V4 B%®5% <%0B 9%01O 8%@9 8088 10010% 45050 baited COEN—By car load small lots FLOOB—Fancy per bbl Choice —— Extra family, per bbl..., Family, per bbl „ „„ Extra per bbl..,,.,.*........ COFFEE—Common Fair Good..,, Prime,.,,,,,, Best Bio.. HO A PS—Perlb . MOLA88E8—Choice Cuba. hhda... Uhoioe Cuba, bbls,.,............... Hugarhouse, hhda Uiigarhouie.bbls Ohoioe New Orleans, UGAB—Golden C .... brown O. ooffee. Extra O. white...., Standard A....... Granulated.- Powdered aud crushed-..—... CHEESE—Bert Cream... 601 etc 12501 401 66070 77080 65067 63070 7 00 , 6 60 600; 575 550 15 15%01S 16%018 II 26028 0BA0KBB8— Soda Cream .............. Ginger Strawberry Fancy CAN DL KS—Star. Light) weight NAIL*—Basis 111 STARCH PEPPES— HPICE™.., -iNGEu ....... MUTMEGS— -JLOVK8. 01G4 BS—Peril... CHBBOOTS — *NUFP—Loriilard’s. i*r„..., Lorillard’s.foU.— TOBACCO—CommoD — Medium — Lucy Hinton... — Pine..... .. ...—— CEB BEL—Kits .... Half bbls— Foreuia Exchange on all the principal cities of Europe and direct remittances to any place of the Euro poan continent torrected by A. E. Seifert. Respective value ot foreign monoys: 1 Reichsmark 24%cgola 1 Austrian Florin (silver) 43 ’ 1 “ •* (currency) —<2% ' 1 Hollandlsh Florin — «... 41 ' 1 Franc on Belgium...——— 18% ' 1 “ on Switxerland (eidg. Wahr) 19% ' 1 “ on Paris - 18% ' 1 " on the Orient— 20% ' 1 Lire Italiano. —... 19 ' 1 •’ gold - 19% 1 Kroner on Sweden,Norway, Denm’rk 27% 1 Rube! (Russia) —... t2 ' 1 pound Sterling— 4.91% s teens ana Bonds CORRECT*) DAILT BT Xu. HIPLEY, UltOKEIl Georgia 7 percent, bonds (gold)............lit a 114 Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (regular) Ill a 112 Georgia 7 per cent, bonds fanooned)—110 a 111 Georgia 7 percent, bonds mew)- .115 a 117 Georgia 6 per cent ( Id) -101 a 105 OooginG percent (new) 107%al0S% City of Macon (longdate)...—— 59 a 60 City of Maron (shert date)——. 70 a 75 O;tyof Augusta 7 per cent——ICO City o! Atlanta7 percent.... -.100 City of Atlanta 8 per cent - If 5 City ot Savannah 75 a77% Central Kaiirjaa joint mortgage -.110 a 111 Georgia Railroad 6 per cent, bonds 101 a 102 Northeastom BRboada (endorsed)......ICS a 105 Macon and Western B R bonds —103 a 105 Southwestern Bailroau 102 a 105 Western R. K. ol Alabamalst mortgagelis a 113 Western B. Bel Alabama Id mortgaan. .113 a 113 H. A A; M.B. 1st mortgage (not endor’d) 75 a 80 JS A A B O. 2d mortgage 85 a 98 A. ft G. B. B. 2d mortgage (endorsed)...100 a 103 South Ga ft Fla 1st mortgage bonds...lC7 a 1(9 do 2d do .- 89 Southwestern BB stock. —.105 a 106 Georgia Railroad stock —• f3 a 84 .antral Railroad stock 75 a 77 Augusta ft Savannah Railroad itoek—108 a 110 SHIPPING PRODUCE CORRECTED DAILY BY BERND BROTHERS HIDES—Green salt, per ID... Dry salt - Dry flint- .... 60 8 8010 GOAT 8KIA1—Dry, psk tb U0!6 SHEEP SKINS—Ter piece — 20040 HBABLINGS-Per Piece _ 6 DBBBSKINS—per ft 15015 LBATHBB—In the rougn 15020 RACOOON-Per piece 6025 MINK—Per piece— — 10035 OTTEB-Per piece - 5002 50 BEAYBB—Per piece 2t@l 20 OBEY FOX SKINS— BED FOX - WILD CAT—Per piece OPOSSUM—Per pieoe MUSKB AT—per - pieoe TALLOW—Prime, per lb... WAX—Pure yellow, per lb, GIN8HNG—Per ID.— _ DRIB DAPPLES—Prime tier ft..,.—.*1 DB1EDPBA0HB8—Peeled.brightNol i no _ Unpeeled, No 1....——[ DRIED BLACKBEBBIES-.J WOOL—Fleece, burry, per lb 10011 Unwashed — -. 16026 Washed— —— *6028 — 15030 .20050 . 6015 . & 5 , 0 6 , 0 5 , @24 @59 (Established 1857.) For Inventors Procured by T. H. Alexander & Elliott. Solicitor, and Counsel in Patent Causes. No fee unless successful Cases rejected b- other hands a specialty. Send for “Hints A Inventor*' - frog.|v87® NOTICE. We have the LARGEST and be i selling Stationery Package in the world. Itacntains 18 sheets of Paper, 18 Envelopes, Pearil, Penholder, Golden Pan, and a piece of valuable Jewelry, Complete sample package, with elegant gold, store Sfeevv Butte (.Set Gold-plated Studs, Engraved Sold Plated Bing, and a Ladies’ Fashionable Faney Set, Pin and Drops, postpaid 25 cents. 5 Pack ages with Assorted Jewelry' fit. SPLENDID WATCH AND CHAIN FB8B WITH EYE BY <50 * ORTH OF GOODS YOU BUY. Bxtncr din" Inducements ta Agents BRIDE ft CO, 2 Broadway, N Y PIECED TIES WiS have ia store 150 Bundles Pieces Ties which we offer at $1.25 per Bundle to close'shipment. Seymour, Tinsley & Co. Buggies, Wagons. Our Shops on Poplar Street, next door to Stew art’s 8tables. Are supplied with a full stock of the choicest materials, and wo harein our employ the best mechanics in Georgia. We will make nothing but the very best work, and at prices within the reach ot all. The manufacturing department is in charge of TS Greene, late of Freeman ft Greene, who will be glad to wait on all his oM customers. The best hand made harness always on hand Repairing of all kmds will have care ful attention. Prices low. We will occupy the old carnage stand. Good, Small ft Co, a* a sales room on October 1st. All work warranted. Macon. August 22.1878 uaw6m Pubic Opinion. Planter’s Hotel, Savannah, Ga. LTHOUGH the tide of travel is turning northward, yet the daily arrivals at the Planters Hotel are still an ths increase, and the tact can be demonstrated by the unusual arrival of par ties from the'neighboring States of South Caro lina, Florida aod from all parts ot Georgia who make this hotel their headquarters. The ta- o'lities are so perfect that families, visitors, busi ness men and the bone and sinew a' tbe country are flocking to the Planters. The rates ot this hotel have been reduced to meet the exigencies of the times to <150 and |2 per day, according to location ol rooms. Tabl9 Bountifully Supplied. WITH THE CHOIOE3T MEAT8 FROM NOR THERN MARKETS. This hotel is endorsed by the publio and the press throughout the country. Whan in the city do not fail to visit the Plant* era. nar29ly 1,000 MiLE^ TICKETS, Georgia Railroad Company. Omc* Gxrsral Famzxois ASSET. Augusta, Ga, April Stb, 1879, Commencing Monday. 7th instant, this company will sell one thousand mile tickets good over main lines and branches, at <25 each. These ti diets will be issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms and families combined EE DORSEY. aprlOJ.'t General Passenger Agent 10;15 A u —— 2:35 V at .... 8:35 7 X n.-HBLE DAILY TO AND FROM l' 1^0 H I D A Macon & Brunswick E. B. Gmkxax. Sup»RnrrajrD«KT’« Orncx,» Macon,. Ga., Jan. 11, 1879. i O N and after Sunday, the 12th instant. F*>- «engor trains on tni* road will run as »oi» CUMBERLAND ROUTE via BttON8Wl'!K NIGHT PASSENGER NO. L SOUTH. Daily., Leave Macon.—— - — Arrive Cochran — —...—-. 9:47 P » Arrive Eostman.....————10:*6 Arrive Jesup J Arrive Brunswick.—,.—.. 6.-00 A M Leave Brunswick per steamer.— ...... 6:15 a ■ Arrive Fernandina —.... — Arriye Jacksonville — NiGUT^ASS^NGER'NO.'ii NORTH—Drtly Leave Cedar Keys—.—•••»—»»—• 5:25AM Leave Jacksonville- —11:15 AM Leave Fernandina per Steamer—-. 3:45 p M ■Arrive Brunswick —————7:45 P M Leavo Brunswick—.. —8d)0 P M Leave Jesup — — 10:35 PM Leave Eastman.— ——- 8:31 A M Leave Cochran —4:33 a m Arrive at Macon— •-.•6.55 IS Close connection at Macon for all points North, East and West via Atlanta aud Augusta. DAY ACCOMMODATION NO. 3.Bout YU Jesup sod Live Oak—Daily, except Sunday Leave Maron - £46 * * Arrive Cochrsu ———10:33AM Arrive Eastman - .12sj* A M lrrive fesup — - 8:50 P M Arrive Jack* uvihe 8:00 a M SO. I NORTH. Daiiy.except Suudsy. Leave Jacksonville—— 6 £0 P M Leave Jesup 7^45 , a Leave Kastman f P M Leave Cochran 3-*5 p * Arrive Macon 6:25 P M Connects at Macon for point* North. East and W6!>t ' HAWKIN8YILLB BRANCH. Ifreigbt und accommodation—Dai]y except 8nn* diy.i Leave Cochran — — — }0:60 P M Arrive Hawkinsville— - — 10:45 P M Leave Hawkinsville—. ..——•••• 6:J0-KM ArriveCochrsn 4:15 AM Connects at Cochran with trains 1 and 2 to and from Mactn. Leave Cochran ..— 10:45 A M Arrive HawkinsvUle——i. - Leave Hawkinsville.—— — 245PM Arrive Coen ran— 3:30 P M ConnecU at Cochran with trains 3 and 4 to and from Macon. GBO.W. ADAMS. Gen. Bupt. W.J.Jamvi*. Mast. Trans. A GOOD PLAN Anybody can leant to make money rap'd ly oper ating in Btosk, by the “Two Unerring Bales lor' Success,” in Messrs fa wren oe ft Oo's new Circu lar. The combinatioa method, which this firm has made so lucoeastul. enable* people with large or i mall means to reap all the benefits of largest capital and best skill. Thousands of or dors, in various sums, are pooled it- to one vast amount and re operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advmu'sges of the largest operator. Immense profits ape divided monthly. Any amount, from <5 to 31JXW or more, ran be used successfully. Mew York Baptist Weekly, September 28.1878. says s “By the combination system <15 would mike <75. er 5per cent. fto pays <360, or 7 percent: <ioc makes <1,600. or 10 per cent on the stock ounce the month, aeoordieg to the market.” Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, June 29th: “The combination method of opentlogstocks is the most successful ever adopted.” New York In dependent. Sept, 11th: “The ocmbinstiOR sys te« is founded upon correct business principles, and no person need be without aa income while it is kept working by Messrs Lawyer re ft Co.” Brooklyn Journal. April 29th: “Our editor mod* a net profit of <10124 from <30 in see of Messrs Lawrence A Co’s combinations ” New circular (mailed free) explains everything, Stocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds supplied. La wren oe ft Co, Bonkers, 57 Exchange rises New York. Central af Southwestern Hailroa s hkYAXEAft. GA. Mar. 30 1K9 . O N and alter Sunday, Mar SO, 1879, passenger trains on the Central and Southwestern Railroads and branches will ran as follows: tsais *o. l.—noise xobtk axd wbst. Leaves Savannah —— -9-.|0 A M Leaves Augusta. — — 8:30 A M Arrives at August* .4:45 PM Arrives*; Macon. 6:43 T m Leaves Macon Cor Atlanta.., 9:16is Arrives at Atlanta .—...5:02 A M Malting close connection at Atlanta with West ern and Atlantic and Atlanta Chariot to Air-line for oil points West and North. COMING SOUTH AMP MA6g. Leaves Atlanta— 11:48 P M Arrives at Macon. 6:20 am Leaves Macon—«....——— 7:00 A M Arrivos at MiUedgeviile ——. 9:44 A M Arrives at Eaton ton ,11:S0 A M Arrives at Augnsta—,—....— 4:45 p m Arrives at Savannah 4:00 p M Leaves Augusta....— — 8:30 A M Making connection at Savannah with the At lantic and Gulf Railroad lor all points in Florida. TKAIX *0.2.—COIMO SOBTH AMP WS8T- Leaves Savannah— P M Arrivos at Augorta —« Jk*0 A M Leaves Augusta.'../—sJ——....- 8:30 v m Arrives at MiUedgeviile.— . 8:44 a m Arrives at Eaton ton —11:30 A M Arrives at Macon—, 8:00 A M Leaves Macon for Atlanta 8:40 A x Arrives at'Atlanta— — IDS P H Leaves Macon for Albany and Enfaula, 8 35 A X Arrives at Bufaul*,,.- - — 3:44 P M Arrives at Albany- 3:00 P M Leaves Macon for Columbus.— — 9,10 A M Arrives at Columbus 8.15 P V Trains on this schedule for Macon. Atlanta Columbus, Eufaula and Albany daily, making close connection at Atlanta witn Western ana Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line. At Eufaula with Montgomery ft Enfaula Rail- road; at Columbut with Western Railroad; at Augusta with the Charlotte, Columbia and An* gusts Railroad for all point. North and East. Eufaula Train connect* at Fort YaUey for Per sy, daily exoept Sunday, and at Cuthbert for Fort Gaines Mondays, .Wednesdays and Fridays. Train an Blakely Extension leave* Albany Monday*, Tuesdays, Thursday* and Friday* OOMIMS SOUTH AMP HAST. Leaves Atlanta-.———.—..1:15 rHa Arrives at Macon from Atlanta 6.65 P x Leaves Albany- a •***•* is# **a*M *•«**• sssre »***•• 11:20 AM Leaves Eufaula 18:30 A M Arrives at Macon from kulsula and Al bany—i■»—».»»• 5:35 P M Leaves Columbna ...11:00 am Arrives at Macon from 'Jolumbus 6:03 e « Leaves Mucin 7:35PM Arrives »t August* 5:40 A as Leaves Augusta— .—.—.—9:45 P M Arrives at Savannah.... 7:15 A x Passengers for MiUedgeviile and Eatontcn wiii take train No. 2 from Savannah, and train No. l from Macon, which trains oounect daily exoept Monday, (or these points. Pullman Palaoe Sleeping Car. to New York via Augusta. Columbia. Charlotte and Richmond on 7:SO p in, train. Passengers bom Southwestern Georgia take Sleeper Haooo to Augusta on 7:38 p », train connecting with Pullman Bleeper to New York Without change. B H SMITH. WILLIAM ROGERS, G. n Ticket Art* Sen Bupt. ORE, Savannah, 3 C Shaw, W. G. RAOUL. 6e - Trov Agt. Bunt. B W R B. Macon anStf r - , II. Lit HO, 98 Cherry Street, MACON, - - GA. Manufacturers of and Dealers in CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, WAGONS, Harness, Saddles, Whips. Bridles, Collars. Hames, Valises. Trunks Traveling Bags, CHILDRENS’ CARRIAGES, LapBobes„ Horse Blankets, Sole, Upper asR Harness Leather Calf Skins, Shoe Findings. Cali and examire our stock before purchasing Repositories—98 Cherry Street, Macon, and 206 Bioad Street Augusta BIBB SUPERIOR COURT, OCTOBER ADJOURNED TERM, 1878. Martha J Parker. Executrix and Trustee, vs William W Parker. Throdosta Green. Theodore Parker, «t al—BUI' in equity in the Superior Court of Bibb County. Georgia. In the foregoing rase, it being shown to the court that two of the said defendants, to wit: David D Anderson and Cha* lea R Yincent, re* side without the limits ot the State of Georgia, to wit: In the State of New York. It is hereby ordered and adjudged that the said Davi D Anderson and Charles R Vincent, defendants in said ranee, appear in the Buperior Court on the fourth Monday in Apri), eh-hteen hundred and seventy-nine, then to be held iu and for tho county of Bibb, and in said cause to demur, plead or answer to said bill, and to stand to and abide such order, judgment and dei'ee as shall he thereon entered and adjudged by the Court. It i. further ordered, that servica in said cause ana ot this order be effected on ths said David D Anderson and Charles RVincert by publication of this order in tbe Telegraph and Messenger cnee a weex for four weeks prior to the fourth Uonday in Apri), eighteen hundred and seven* ty-nine. By the Court: BiCON 4 RUTHERFORD, Complainant’s Solicitors. March 21st, 18)9- , , A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. A B ROSU, Clerk. March 21st. 1879.apri Iaw4w ESTRAY. GEORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.—All persons interested, are hereby notified that ThomaB J. Bridges ot the 364th district G. M., of said Coun ty, reports to me an eatray bright, sorrel male, eight o: ten years old, medium size, with tho let ter ”f>’’ branded on her left jaw. valued by F E. Jenkins ann J. 8. Toland, oi said district, at <40. The owner of .aid est'ay it required to come for her and pay charges, or lhe will be disposed as thethelawdbects. Witnera. my offi ial signature. 28th day of March, 1879. F. M. SWANSON. Apri td Ordinary. Ho More Vkiunst JOHN a WSiD J1S G WEST* WEST BROS COTTON FACTORS — -AND OOMMIS’lT MERCHANTS Agents for the W, O. GUANO, AND — DELTA COTTON TIE. 68 Bay St.. Savannah, Georgia Prompt and careful attention to busines Liberal advances on coDEigumems. an*9 dSmwfim 2STJSW SEEDS- T>URT’S Extra Early Prolific Bust-Proof Oats, Ea-ly Minnesota Amber Cane, Red Brazilian Artichokes, Golden Dent Corn, and 25 other interesting varieties; Peabody’s Early Sweet Potatoes, Spanish Cnufua, Carmichael's Money Bush C-.ltou v eed. German or Golden Millet, Cit-liil or Pearl Millet. Diamond Wheat. Ivory Wheat, Hulless Oats Carnt*. Beets, etc: Besnty ol Hebron Futatoes, Sure-Bead Cabbage. 5.000 bu*hels Gra«s anl Clover Seeds, I.ooj bushels Red Rust-Proof Oat*. New Acme To mato, Now Golden Wax Bean, New Alpha Pta (very fine). New Early Summer Cabbage Fertilizers. Piows. Garden Tools, Farm Ma chinery, steam Engines, eto. Send or call for prices to MARK W JOHNSON ft CO. febl4 dftwTm 27 Marietta St. Atl»ntv.G*. G eorgia. bi«b county.—whereas wu liam P Holt. Guardian of Wilti-mH Wim borlysnd HV Wimberly, now HY Peters,hav ing applied to the Court of Ordinary of sold county for letters of dismission from nlsguar* diar ship of William H Wimberly and H V Wim berly. now H V Peter., per-on and property. This i. therefore to cite all person, conwrnad to show cause by filiug objections in my ofilee ny the first Monday in June next to show cause why the said William F Holt should not be dis missed from his said guardianship and receive tbe usual letters ot riismiuion. Given under my ofitiial signature* March 3d 1879. mar41»w3in J A MCMANUS, Ordn’y. Masonic Bui Id id g, Macon, Georgia, Is NOW OFFERING to th public thefo'low- 2ut quotations in Dry Goods: DRFBS BILKS in endless variety from 55 eto par yard upwards. BLACK BILKS, a very large assortment, from <1 per yard to <4. BLACK GRBNADINB8 of every imaginable pattern from 25,35,45.55,65, 75 cents and up to <2 50 per yard. DRESS GOODS, lhe largest selected stock in this dry, Irom 8. ID, 12%. 15,20,25,30,S5c to <2 6> per yam. LINEN LAWNS. We have a splendid line ot Fatter as from 18,29,25,30,35,4.'c per yard. PACIFIC LAWNS. Our styles are very ex tensive, bom 12% UKtOSa per yard. WHITE LONDON ‘CORDS in stripe and. check from 81012) 161810 and 25c per yard, COLORED LONDON CORDS in all the new shades and pattern* from 8 10 121*2 15 13 20c perjard. HOSIERY for Ladier, Misses and Children This Department is very extensive In ne sr style: aud shades. HAMBURG EDGINGS, thelsrgest stock ever brought to Mac in, from 5 7 010121*21618 20 25- to<25* per yard. WHITB GOODS. Everything pertaining to this Department, comprising Linen Lawns. Bwiss Muslin. Jaconets. Na.naook, from 121*8 15 20 25 to 50o per yard. T.INBN TOWBL8. a very )a-ge assortment’ ■ from <1, <146, <150, <175. <2 and up to 49 per dozen. PARASOLS of the latest stylet and patterns from 25 50 75 <1125 1 60 1 75 <2 np to <10 apiece. BILK TIMS AND BOWS, a beautiful so’ectod line. Irom S6 30 35 40 45 50.60 75c up to $210 . apiece GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING.* large assort ment in ail tty:es. The brat Blue Flannel Butts at <10 50 a suit. YOUTHS* AND BOYS’ SUITS in all the new de,igns from <5 00.{559, <600,<0 50,<700, <7 50 up to <12 59. CHILDREN’S SUITS from 3 to 10 years of age from ?! 39 S 00 3 so 409 4505 00 up ;o $10 per suit. CHILDREN'S KILT SUITS, from 2 1-2 to S’ - years of age, a splendid assertment. MATTING in all styles and pattern* from 15- 182)25 So 35 to 75c per yard. CARPETS, tbe largest stock in the State, a reduced prices. And all kinds of Goods pertaining to a first- clx-s Dry Goods Establishment. OUR SAMPLE DEPARTMENT is now com plete, and we will be pleased to send Samples ot any kind q! Goodstoany one freeof charge. S. WAXELBA.UM & BBO., New York Store, Haionis Building, sprS 6m Macon, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue otan order from the Court of Ordi* nary of Bibb county granted April 7th. W79, will be sold to the highest bidder before the court house door, in the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in Hay. 1879, between tbe legal hours of sale, one (too) hundred shares of the capital stock of the Bibb Loan and Building As sociation. Bold as ths property of the estaterf John B Ross, lste ot said county, deceased. Terms cash. April 7tb, 1879 Wh H R08«. R H PLANT. Admr’a on estate of John B Koss. tlecM. api81aw4w - ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. /ft BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY,—By virtue ol an- VJT order from the Court of Ordinary cf said count; I will sell on th9 first Tuesday in May n-xtst *be court house in said county, between the *egal hours of sale, tea shares of tha capital stuck of the City Bul-imcand Loan Association, cf tbe city of Macon. Bold os tha property of Bsmusl G Bonn, deceased,for p-yment of debts aud for distribution. W W C ARNES, spr8 l&wlw Administrator. /ft BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas O F Ur Newton, administrator on the estate o)A Goolabv. Isle of said county,ueoeased, represents to the Court of Oy ttnsry of said county in bis petition duly filed that he has fully administered A Goolsby's estate. This i« therefore to cite ail persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, it any they can, why raid administrator should notbedu- chargei from his administration and receive letters of dismission on 4he first MondkyJu Jane, 1879. Given under my official signature. mar41aw3m J AMoMANUfi Ordn f y. JASPER SHERIFF SaLE. . YTTITiL be sold before the eouri house door W in the town of HontlceUo on the first Tuesday in May next, eighteen hnndtea seres of land, situated in Jasper county, adjoining lands of Richard Phillips. James Roberts, James Huff, VolBey Kpandifer, Hurd ft Hnngerford and G T Bartlett. Sold aa the property of Beniamin Bar row. to satisfy a mortgage 11 fa In favor of Wm H Head, from Jasper Superior Court. Tenant in possession notified. ’> hi* March 7th, 1879- m*rl2 td* W B GRUB BB, Sheriff. nonillAS’J BRIDE * CO’S new Crown I.nil inf ft Jewel PACHSCta’ UIIVIIM <7 60 per 100 to Agents. Cheapest in tho World. Two sampler with Jewelry, by mall, postpaid, 25 cents- Illustrated circulars ol STaril at d ixckDiBtl NoTclt esYree, J. BRIDE* CO.. irUfCI 207 liroadwuy, Naw Yosk* Established, 1870 Favorably known tkroogbont the United 8uto<- G eorgia, orawford coi'NTY—From snd after this d*te tbe leral advertisements of Crawford County will be published in the Telegraph and Messenger. 11 rrch *7, 1870. msr27dltftw4w R M BON D. Bheriff. / xBObGIA. JabPER COUNTY—Ouarlra L VI Bussey and Charles PAkeu app'iestotae for dismission from executorship of estate James Aikin. deceased. This is therefore to cite all person, concern’d to show cau-eat this office on or by the firs Monday te May next, >f auy they nave, why the same shall not be granted. r Given under my hand officially this uav, Jan uary 10th,1879- ' F M SW AN SON, Ordinary, fan 14-lit wlawArn F. S. Johnson’s Sons. Successors to F. H. -J0HA8ON «Sc SONS 81 THIRD STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. AVERY IRON FOOT PLOWS, HARDWARE. IRON AND STEEl, BUNS PISTOLS AND SP0RTIN9 EOODS, ftgrnts tor CML Dm MAR'S CELEBRATED POWDER. Equal to aoy Surpassed bv none. s END to O Burke ft Boa for eempie card, eto of JOHNSTON’S start StavSt 82500 A YEAR Agenti wanted. Busl- ues» legitimate. Part! color* free. A44ia*.J.W0Xia * CO- BOasla. te- BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be sold be’ore tbe court house in the city of Macon on the first Tuesday in May next, witbin the legal hours of sale, the follow* Ug property, to-wit: Those parcels of land situated in the city of Maoon. Bibb county, Qa. and known in the plan cf said cite as parts of lots Nos S and 4. in square No 6, fronting 71 f«t on Bridge street and running bsok UO feet, oornenng on th- alley. Also lot No 2. in sqnaro 67, m the pi.n of tail city of Macon, oortairtng one ha.f aero, more or lets. Levied on as the property of Philipine Ludwig, et al. to satisfy* 11 fa tttued from Bibb buperior Court in farorot the Home Building and Loan Association vs Philippine Ludwig, et al. Property pointed oat ineaidfla * Iso at the same time and place Dart of A lot of land situated in tbs city of Macon and known in the plan of said city a* lot No 5. in block J56. on Fifth street, bounded on tbe northeast bv lot of RL Henry, on the southwest by lot of J’ Peyton, on southeast by property Central Kailsosd, on the northwest by Fifth street, Levied on to the property of Mrs Elizabeth Fin able to satisfy a fl fa issued from Justice Court 7!6th District, G M. in favor of Gr-en J Blake vi Mrs Biiiabeth Venable. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also at the same time and place that irackor parcel of land taken from the north side ht a Jot sold by Joseph Long under a deed from Ruitell ft Ft ter dated 20th day of May, 1875; said tract oi land containing one-fourth of an aero, more or lets, running clean across said north tide next to the land o’of Mr* Clarke, and running down the north tide far enough to make said tract one- fourth of an acre. Levied on ta the piopAgty of David Lewis to satisfy a distress warrant issued by M R Freeman, N P ft Ex Offi JFfin tavor of Harry M Good vs Dave Lewis. Very made and relumed tome by a constable. T£u 7th day of April. 1879. GEO F CHBRRY sprt tdpd BIBB POSTPONED SHERIFF SALEf* W ILL be sold before tbe court house ddff in the e-ty ot Maoon on the first TnetdBtn May next, wiihin the legal hours of safe, xbe foliowinr property, to-wit: Alt tbat part of let of land in the city of Maoon, Bibb courtty, Ga, known as lot No 4, in square 57. lying 66 (rat en Fourth street, and bounded on oue ido hy a twenty foot alley. Levied on as tho properQrel James Harvey, trustee for his wife and children, to satisfy a t! fa issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of tbe Home Build ng and Loan Association vs James tt&rvo?, t usley Hthlg wife and ch idrea. Property pointed oofftis said fi fa Also at the cacao time and dVice s' I that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and beingYn Yinvville. Bibb county, <«a, and known aa mat tract or parcel of land situate in tbe liaconjto- serve, west side of vhe Ocmulvee river aud i£ng on the roa - leading from Mulb*rrv sir jet ujjtee esty of Maoon, to Yinevillx. betw-en tbe Jst. owned f .imerly by Isaac %Ym«hin, now by the estate of John L Jone^ A McCarthov. and ex tending back lo a plank tones -reidm* .-id lee. from W B Parker - , lot, and containing three- fourths ot an acre. Levied on ui hep rapertywf Charlotte Y Barker to sathfy a m rtgagenlt issued from Bibb fiuparior Court :n favor eftb. Mechanic Building and Loan Assoc:atiqBVi Charlotte Y Barker. Property comted putlw said mortgage fi fa, Thi. 7th day of A pricy* 79 *pi8id GEO t CHERRY :)a,rrg. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. 8 R PARKE B. ■) Libel tor <fivor.vs-Rrita: vs /-perfect saivif-p—bibb SC,tact CATO PARKRRJ Adjourned Term. 1878. It appearing to the Court by tbo return ot the Sheriff that defendant does not reaido it jbis county, and’ « further appearing that h»« not reside in the State of Georgia. It is oust that ;aid defendant appear and answer said j at tbe next term of this court or bo ( •iilered in default. It is further ordered i Service of this rale be made on raid d- fenupnl by publication in the Telegraph and Me*aesi£flrtaH* a month for four month*. a mo vu or T j SIMMON8 JSOKC. By tbeCemTte A true extract from the minutes of Slhb-tKKe ricr Ceurt this January 20th, 1879. janM-lamim ABF'