Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 22, 1879, Image 7

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Cslegcsplj a*t& Journal $* 3H***£ftgjeKr.. ^TELEGRAPH. ^ iTinril 18 —Lorillard’a Parols l** 00 1,rove favorite for ihe oily and i*»»* *_ , ftodicap. Betting is five to abutb* 0 It was reported at oo« y e4erdfty that Fred Archer S**“TParol" in that race *> llr rJmalDs ft. Petersburg announ- a anointment Of Aleko Pasha to ;,ror of Eoumelia for five years provilof the treaty powers. ** l V. .n.tional commission is to par- T 8 **?. 1 'in the administration and its It is ,iel #«n. are prolonged one y ear. f»* i .h.t the serious difficulties apprc- tbe departure of the Eussian h* 8 ^ 1 ®"ortoiebt hence will be thus tr» 5 P*,‘ The B ‘l?arian Assembly "will "on the 27th of this month for the *?*“ *» IpfUlA—Of240 miners im- ^tod by ‘be Ate damp explosion in £7ippeootl pit. near Mouse river, ™ ihns far been reeened. ®»£rH April 18—The rivers Maros YvZ'na have again broken their dams a» d ^Ices. The villaRQ of Zirnnd destroyed, and the town of Arad IfdweiRd, tho water having reached ®y nai “ te * ,mAoied of nineteen banka and banking fonicitb'scity and Boston, lo^ay made ^iA iption of $160,000,000 of four per ‘nt tends ana f40,000,000 fundicgcer- ^tee, making the largest single aub- tcription ever made to the g^vernmen "JJlL.i 0 ans in this or aoy other gov- SjS. The Tribune furnishes the ' The'e/nSe* was not fully organized . 1 .Irir ihe doss of business hours in and «he bid for all the four C cents, available for funding the Un- J loan was not telegraphed in time Msire a response before tho Treasury Dement wicked for the day. The ncJicate which has made this unparal- M d subscription of one hundred acd * millions, is compoied, it is under dood of the First National Bank.Fiske * Hatch, the Metropolitan National Bin* Winslow, Lanier & Oo., J. & W. (tohsmsn, MottoD, Bliss A Co., the Third National Bank, the Bank of New York the American Exohange Bank, the Puk National Bank, the Importers and Traders National Bank, Hatch & Toole, Vermilye &0o„ the United States Trust Company, Kuhn.Loob k Co..and New York YL£ 0 { the Bank of Nevada of this aty Maveriok National Bank, Tooie& Frtscs and C. A. Sweet k Co., of Boston, miking nineteen institutions, represent ing the combined capital of over $100,- 000 000. The subscription of yesterday ns made according to the new terms Dsbiiihed by Secretary Sherman in his cir- ealar of Anri I ICh. Whtle the First Na tional Bank, for itself and associates has itbwribed for the full amount of *190,- 000,000 fonr per cent, bonds, available for fOTernment sales until 1881, it is under flow] that the amount will be smaller as the Treasury Department will grade it dovn according tothenumberof bona fide inscriptions which may hare been for- wrded before 3 p. m., by the banks and ^.filing institutions in the regular coarse ot business, and by actual sales of fund ing certificates all over the country. WaiHisoTon, April 18. — Secretary Sherman announces that In oonsequenoe cf tho proposal of tho New York Syndi cate to take one hundred and fifty mil lion 4 per cent, bonds, and forty million reloading certificates, the olrcnlar offer ing tha bonds for sale will bo at once re- eemded. Tbe subscriptions made by ether parties previous to the reeeipt of the Syndloate telegram at six o’oloek last evening, amounted to forty-eight millions The Secretary states that the bonds will ill bs divided between these subscribers ud tbe Syndicate, yet ho is not prepared Upreeent to state the nalnre of tbe allot- cunt, or the amounts to be awarded the Kipcetivo parties. Wisbinoton, April 18.—In the HonBe, tho morning boar, which on Friday is set apart for business of a private character, waidispensed with. Tbs subsidiary silver c ins bill was therefore not taken np and tho House west into tbe Committee of the Whole on the Legislative Appropriation BUI, and wu addressed by Mr. McKinley, ot Ohio, in opposition to the proposed legislation to repeal tbe Federal election laws. He denounced that legielation as a bold and vantoa attempt to wipe from tbe law every protection of tbe ballot box, and to surrender it into tho unholy hands of hired repeaters and ballot box staffers at the North, and of the “tissue ballot’’ cheats at the Sontb. The President nominated Frederick IV. Minor, to be United States Attorney for tbe Northern district of Texas. Tbs Senate proceeded to the considera tion of tbe Woliaoe resolution to alter the rale of the Senate so that removals •od appointments may be made by tbe Secretary ot the Senate and tbe Sergeant- •t-irme respectively. The rule proposed to be amended requires the removals udappointmentato be approved by the president of the Senate. Without notion Mug taken the morning boor closed, ind tbe Senato look np tho army appro- -- bill. Mr. Randolph, of New Jersey, address ed the Senate, alluding to the prominent stents in tbe early history of hiB State slguifloint as shotting the predominance M (bat time of tbe spirit of resistance to Ihe nojntt laws w>.loh now appears in the Proposed repeal of the laws authorizing military interference In civil sffairs. A lively passage occurred daring to- d*)* session of the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections in regard to the Spofford-Kellogg case. Judge Spof- ', j *“ e conr ®° °f bts argument, re named the assertion contained in his . --—. to tbe effect that Kellogg had nbed “embers of the Legislature to rote for bis flection to tho Senate. Kel- ogg, obtaining leave to interrupt Judge eponord, very emphatically denied the “«rtion, and proceeded to say that the committee, consisting of two Democrats J™ one Bepublican, had been appointed ,l, T t no . r Scholls’ Legislature to in- w* 1 *® same charge of bribery as •-? ag° as March, 1878, and failing to jTT J D 7 tiliD ff whatever to substantiate .j r , ne v*r» np to this day, made any itVmu u on Ibe other hand, he believed -.." •i be readily proven that the Dem- h».v ... ibenroelves used money to £«»«>*• Packard Legislature, by BMudafv . “embers to desert to the tk« ,vl!ri -^kture. The committee at of Judge Spofford’e argu te, chimaijj 1811 ,ab ^ ect to the 0(111 of April 18.—In the House c,'TM^ tloa ®? n mittee this morning xe- ctu nr PI 5* r * * n tho contested election third j:.. DDtl, y Waahbnrna of the el ,w,r nct Minnesota. The reading morrow n ° CDt * was postponed until to- K^f.’ 11 .'Senators incidentally spoke Puri rf p P rao Bce of lists being pre- *uth»n.ij. 0 * ,ors wl:0 desired to speak •eid kT?™* question. Mr. Bayard thduo ? ,0 F° ae cl to address the Senate laC? length upon the prepcaed cmIh,;. Aspetor Morgan also inai- &uth,» Int * n ti°n to speak, and raid the Ss oqd.iI^^presentatives regarded these m«tM,.«' onal fixations rather than Wtw-fn 7u Cl «^ 1110 re cent disturbances and the Soutn and this tetuence in the destinies of htsS^^jT. They had an equal other sections in the dsvel- ^sicu o,n atrne glorj of the American tt tisutin 0T . ernme * t , mud were desirous IWfcZ7* » the management of the * #| ib»?b? tof l ? e People, tor the people h ttp 7 ‘^People. They did not nU Its S'niK ^ measures for the benefit of 'h«r preferred to outlive *ro»«of.w * ,ana warehere to-day be- kibehw lr pttient oourse in obedience G ro*raUTv 5lD9 Referred to tho acts of *ith f “ d Bchenck in connection in 1861, and at tkt »im\% M,h ? wln K 10 wbat ieogth tf,ra » pioplA K ° B6 m abaae of tbe rights u P t *Nbw°aAL «t . Tennet »ea, followed, DK Mtonlshment that any man would be found willing that the Federal dectioD law should be retained on tbe statute book. He defended Southern Representatives from charges of falsity to their obligations. Barrows, Of Michi gan, advocated the retention of tbe elec tion laws. Hd asserted that the negroes in Louisiana were fleeing from oppres sion, and couched his declarations in very strong language. Mr. Gibson, of Louisiana, made several efforts to get in adieolaimerof statements, but Mr. Bur rows declined to jiield. The debate be came very animated, the speaker assail ing the Democratic party in tbe House, whom he styled conspirators. At the conclusion of his remarks, Messrs. Gib son and Elam both warmly defended the charges that the citizens of Loniaiana were intimidated voters. There will be several evening sessions next week for debate only. The Secretary cf the Navy recommends to the House of Representatives that the bill authorizing tne construction of Gam- ges refrigeiator ship to tbe test the theory ot freezing oat tho germs ot yellow fever be amended so as to place the supervision and constrnction under a Naval construc tor and chief engineer of the Navy.- The matter was referred to the committee on epidemic diseases. Frederick W. Miner baa been nomina ted to bo United States Attorney, for the Nortbern District of Texas. The Treasury this evening issned a call for tbe redemption of one hundred and sixty millions ten forties, of wbioh $36,775,000 are ooupon, and *113,225 000 registered bonds. Principal and accrued interest will be paid July 18th, next, upon whiett date interest ceaes3. Nsw Oklkahs, April 18.—The weather was clear and pleasant for this the third day of tbe races.- There was a good at tendance. The track was a little heavy. The first race, a handicap, for all ages, of one and a quarter miles, was won by Kingsland by two lengths; Yirgilian 23, Egypt 3d—beating Docility, St. Joe and Jack Batchelor. Time 2:17. The second race, a handicap, for all ages, three mile heat, was won by Lar- geniine. Bill Dillon taking second monoj. Bill Dillon won the first heat by half a head and Largentme took the other two heats easily. Time 1:19,1:50}, 1:52. Tbe third race was won by Eaillah by a length; Ktngsland 21, Leroi 33. Judge Hancock felt before reaching the half mile pole. Time 3:20}. Judge Hancock was crowded against the fence by Leroi and fell, breaking his neck. His rider was badly injared. St. Louis, April 18.—A number of prominent oolored men of this oity have organized a society to be called tbe Colored Immigration Aid Society, and elected J. Milton Tarner, President. The Associa tion was then incorporated, and is de signed to make itself prominent. The object, as stated in its constitution, is to raise funds for the establishment of oolored oalonies, and to aid emigration of oolored men from the Southern States to other sections of tbe United States. Richmond, Va., April 18.—In the United States Court to-day in the cases of J. O. MoOleary end nine others, Judges of cleotion in Petersburg, on trial fer vio lation of the election laws of 1874, the Dietrlot Attorney asked the jury to render a verdiot of not guilty. The neoond trial of John Poindexter, for killing C. C. Curtis last Marob, began yesterday, and np to3 p. m. only one juror was ob tained out of 150 persons examined. The Court is in session this evening. Livbrfooi., April 18.—This week’s oir- oularot tbe Cotton Brokers’ association says the cotton market closed strong on Thursday, and reopened Friday with active demand and a large business at higher prices. Sales since have been considerable, and quotations have gener ally advanced. American was m exten sive demand and advanced a farthing to flve-s:xtc6ntbs of a penny. Sea Island was in fair demaud and a half penny higher. Fatures reopened buoyant with a large business and advano.d 5 32j3-16. On Wednesday they were weak, and most of Tuesday’s improvement was lost. On Thursday they were Bgsin strong, and Wednesday’s deoline was recovered. The final rates show an advance of 5-32a3-16 of a penny. Washington, April 18 —Secretary Sherman this afternoon issned a oircnler rescinding his circular of tbe 16tb instant, giving the terms under whioh the four per cents would be sold. The sale of the refunding certificates wiil, however, bs continned by the bonded officers for that purpose, and by tho Assistant Treasnrer. No refunding certificates will, however, bo sold upon the certificates of National Bank depositories. The bank oall this evening was made partly npjn the large snbsonptions from the syndicate and parity upon the large amount subscribed previously. The exsot amount the syn dio&te will get npon its subscription can not now be given. Secretary Sherman was at a late hoar this evening arranging this matter, and also the question of making calls for ten- forties upon subscriptions to fonr per cent refunding certificates. The circular from the Treasury this afternoon provides that the tendollars re funding certificates will hereafter bo ex changed for lawful money, in sums not to exceed one hundred dollars at one time, by the Treasurer and Assistant Treasur ers of the United States, and by all pub lic officers bonded for that purpose. They will not be issned hereafter upon the certificate of any national bank depoai. tcry. Commissions on snch exchanges heretofore or hereafter made will be al lowed at the rate of one-eighth of one percent, on an aggregate of one thous and dollars, withont regard to the period on which such exchanges are made. MoBes and the chiefs with him had a final business interview with the Secre tary of the Interior and CommisBiener of Indian Affairs to-day. An agreement has been made with the Indians by which they surrender the lands hereto fore occupied by them in Washington Territory and acaept a reservation set apart for them by executive order ad joining and west of tbe Colville reserva tion in the northeast part of the Terri tory. This reservation is larger than the Yakama reservation, in the same Terri tory, which contains 800,000 acres. Senator Randolph, in his’apeech to-day favoring tbe repeal of the laws allowing the presence of troops at the polls, said in 1876 he bora a meesige from Governor, now Ssna'.or, Hampton, to General Grant, then President, requesting him to with draw his troops from the South Carolina State House, in deference to a decision of the Supremo and the highest court of that State. Imagine my astonishment and indignation, said Mr. Randolph, when in an angry tone and uncivil manner the President replied, “I wont withdraw the troops, I don’t regardtbe decision of the Supreme Court, and if I had any message to send to Governor Hampton it wonld be that his message to me is an im pertinence.” A joint Republican caucus of Senators and Representatives was held to-night witb tbe objeot of appointing a Congres sional Campaign Committee, and other bounces. Fry e, of Maine, presided. The resolution heretofore adopted declaring that no more pairs should be made by Republican members of the House, waa reconsidered. A motion that no pairs should be made unless in case of absolute necessity, was disagreed to. A Committee on Pairs was adopted, and it was also agreed that the Repnbli- caoa should offer no dilatory motions or filibustering against the introduction of general legislation, but to oppose the legislation, excepting upon the appro- pria’ion bills, by their votes. A Congressional Campaign Committee was appointed, consisting of a Senator or Representstive'from each 8fate delega tion in which the Republican party ha3 a representative. London, April 18.—In the Newmarket races, the international handioap, the principal event, was won by B/iglia; West Wind second; Alohomiet third, hum others also started. The betting was 7 to 1 against Briglia ; 20 to 1 against West Wind, and 10 to 1 against Alchem ist. Bomb, April 18.—An agreement has been effeoted between Germany and the Vatican on some points eonooming the bishops who are ihe moat compromised with the German government. Tbe idea of a oocoordat has been abandoned, bot declartions will be exobanged establish ing a sew order of things relative to tbe legal position of bishops. St. Pjstxbsbubo, April 18 —The Jgenee Eusse denies tbe statement that Russia has demanded the extradition of Nihilist, refugees from Esgland. Con&tantinoplx, April 18.—The Sul tan, in reoeiving an envoy from the Khe dive, expressed hiB disapproval of tbe Khedive’s conduct, but said he did not intend to dethrone him. HaBBiiBUBO, April 18.—A resolution was recently introduced in the House creating a committee to go on a visit to the Pacific coast to welcome Grant, and which was afterwards favorably reported by the oommittee on Federal relations acd amended so as to constitute its own members, was recommitted to day. Balxikobi, April 18.—The funeral of Isaao D. James, the victim 'of the late tragedy in this city, took place to-day,aBd was largely attended. There were dele gations of Oddfellows,of the Independent Order of American Mechanics and from the Mount Clare Works of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad present. There is a very general sympathy for the affiicted family anddtep resentment expressed against the author of James’ death. The Hinds brothers were sent to jail to-day and a charge against them will be laid before the grand jnry on Tuesday next. Charhston, April 18.—The distress in Waterboro on aoconnt of Wednesday’s tornado 1b so widespread that tbe ci'y au thorities here to-day forwarded *600 worth of provisions for the relief of the suffer ers. The citizens also subscribed over $1,000 for the same objeot. Thx Lewis High School.—This ex cellent school is prospering under its competent teachers, Mieses Gilbert and Phelps. It has been favored by tbe gifts of friends. Recently a fine Smith American organ was donated, and more lately'anothcr Northern friend has given six of Wnrreii’s fine geographical wall charts, which are of great assistance in teaching geography. A number of text book have also been donated. Daily instructions in vocal music is given, besides all tho ordinary branches, and there are weekly rhetorical exerci ses. The three rooms have in all 750 square feet of good wall blackboard, and the best school furnitnre. —No German Emperor has hitherto lived as long as the present soverign. Next to him comas Frederick lit, who died in 1493, aged 78. —It is expected that on the occasion cf the German Emperor’s golden wedding in Jane next the monarchsof Buseia, Austria and Spain will be the gueats of Bis Majesty. The Macon Volunteers. Wo acknowledge the receipt o! an in vitation to the fifty-fourth anniversary of this gallant and honored corps of citizen soldiery. The management is in the bands of Lieutenant G. C. Conner, Lieutenant W. B. Sparks, Sergeant C. E. Armstrong. Corporal G. F. Payne, and Private W. G. Smith, a committee of gentlemen, well qualified to make every arrangement that will insure pleasure to the company and their guests. Last year tho company spent its anniversary day at Griswold- ville. It was considered a pleasant inno vation on the custom of passing it in the city, and this year Adams Park, about twenty miles down tbe Macon and Brans- wiok Road, has been selected. Macon is indebted to Colonel G. W. Adams for fit ting np and famishing this placo with conveniences for pic nios and excursions. To this retreat, her people can go and spend a day in pleasant^recreation.leaving husiners cares behind, and enjoying the invigorating air and pleasure of the country. A large covered platform has been constructed for. dancing and two cottages have been prepared for ladies and gentlemen. A number of invitations have been issued to friends of the com pany, and there ie no donbt but that there will be a large attendance of them, besides the “company family,” which includes the relatives of tbe memLers. The mnsio will be furniBbed by Kess ler’s band. The fare has been put at the low figure of fitty cents tor tbe round trip. The company meets to-morrow even ing for final instructions and full dress inspection. Pigeon snooting. Yesterday afternoon some live pigeon ehootiog was done in tegular Bogardus style by some of the best marksmen in the city. The sport occurred on the parade ground, in tho mile track, at tbe Park. The pigeons, nineteen in number, were placed in a patent bird trap, one at a time; a cord released the prisoner bird, and as soon as they rose from the ground were shot by the marksman. Some very good shooting was done. Colonel W. H. Ross lead off, acd suc ceeded in getting fonr birds out of five. Mr. Turpin killed the entire five shot at. The following is the scors: W. H. Rpss, 1.1. 0; 1.1.—4; J. W. Lockett, O: 0: 0:1. 1.—2; Geo. B. Tur pin, 1.1.1. 1. 1.—5; J. t. Cook, 0:1.—1; J. F. Hanson, 1: 0:—1. 'su The double dots indicato that the first shot missed the bird, and the second bar rel was need. The two last named gen tlemen shot at only two birds. After the pigeon Bhooting, the crowd repaired to the shooting range and had a glass ball practice. Fire Alarm. Yesterday about half past one o’clock a fire alarm was sounded and the department turned out. The cause of the alarm was a slight blaze on the roof of the kitchen o! Mr. H. T. Johnson, on Poplar street, between First and Second. The fire caught from a stove pipe. The house is farnished with chimneys which extend to within a few inches of the Bhinglos, the balance of the fine being stove pipe. It is supposed the heat from the pipe fired the dry shingles. An early discovery saved the building and probably several others. The com panies turned out promptly and No. 2 did Eome of the quickest aort of work in laying her hose and preparing for work. The engine took position at the Cotton avenue and Cherry street cistern, bnt did not play on tho flames as it was not nec essary. No. 5 took snetion at the City Hailciatern and played on the building a short time, being the only company pot ting a stream on the house. TUTT’S PILLS INDOR8ED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE 6REATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE A0L TIITTOf Dll IC Dr. tutt has sne- I Ul 10 lILLO cceded in combining in CURE SICK HEADACHE. TUTT’S PILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA. TUTT’S PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. TUTT’S PILLS CURE PILES. TUTT’S PILLS CURE FEVER AND AGUE. TUTT’S PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC, TUTT’S PILLS Cure KIDNEY Complaint, TUTrS~PlLLS CURE TORPID LIVER. TUTT’S PILLS IMPART APPETITE. AmilBB-HorplOne Habit Cored i* OPIUM o& these pills th« hereto fore antagonize quali ties of a Stkenotbiho, Purgative, and a Pc- biptiso Tonic. Their first apparent effect 19 to increase the jappetite hy causing the food to properly as similate. Thus the Sys tem is nonri-hed, and heir tonic action on digestive organs, regular and healthy e- racnations arc pro duced. The rapidity with which PERSONS TAKE ON FLESH while tinder the inllucnce of these pills, indicates their a- daptahility to nourish e body, hence their Icacyin curing ner vous debility, melan choly, dyspepsia, wast- constipation, and impartinghealth & strength to the system. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents. Office 53 Ufurray Street, NEW YOBK.X FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Amateur Minstrels. On the 24th instant tbe Amateur Min strels wilt perform at Balaton Hall. They txpeot to give a vary superior perform ance both musically and artisltoally con sidered. The prise of admission bou been, at the argent reqyset of a number, placed at seventy-five easts with no extra ebarge for reserved seats. The minstrels are booked for Atlanta sat the evening of the 25th instant and tba Atlantese may look for as excellent psrfianaanoe through out, OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND *iKSSENGEit Afsil 19,1878.—Evening. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS —o— Cotton. LmEPcoi—Noon—Cotton moderate inquiry freely {applied; middling npands 0% middling Orleam B710. Sales 8 000 bales, of which 1000 were taken by speculators and for export: resaipts 9 00, of which 1200 were American Futures opened 1-82 cheaper: Uplandslow middling clause Maj and June de liver? 611 S2, June and Jnly 61S-S2@6%, July and August G15-82067 l*. August and September 615-32. shipped March and April sail 6 la-82. 230pm—Futures hrm: uplandslow middling clause May and Jane delivery 6516. Jane and July 6 n-S2@6%. July and August 818- 82@<t 7-16. Bales ot American 6650 Nsw You—Cotton doll: sales 899: middling uplands 1115-16; middling Orleans 1115 16. Futures opened easy; April delivery 11.74 Hay 1185, Jane 12X2. July 12 18, August 12.50. Cotton—JVel receipts 7S9 grog* 1957 Futures dosed steady: sale* 10*000; April de livery 11.75-76. May 11.83—Si. June >2.01-02, July 1218-19. August 1281—82. September 12,01 —02. Octoher 11.47—48, Ncember U 06—10, De cember 11.03—05. (>otton closed dull: sales middling up lands II18-16. middling Orleans 1115 16. Consolidated net receipts 4423. exports to Great Britain 7816, France , Contm jut 5570, channel —. GAi.vssioif—Cotton higher: middling 11, low middling 10%. good ordinary 10%; net receipt* 124 gross—; sales—: stock ISStO NoKJons—Hatton quiet middling 11%; net receipts 997. sales 100, stock 951L Baitiwohe—Cotton r.rm. middling 11%: low middling 11%, good ordinary it, ret receipts—. gross 900 aaloa 115, to spinners . stock 46SS. Bosxoa—Cotton qniet. middling 12 low mid diing 11%. good ordinary il%: net receipts 90S: gross — «»le« —: stock 4825 WltstnrQloz—Cotton firm middling uplands 11%; low middling 10% good ordinary 10% net receipts 87: grosa ; sales 40 stock 2530. Khipadelphia—Cotton firm; middling 12; low middling 11%. good ordinary 11, netreccip:* 47. gross 281. sa!o» 673, spinners 0:3. stock 9437. BAVAsntAH — Cotton firm: middlin'- 11%; low middling 11%; good ordinary i-%; net receipts 869 gross —: sales 200 sloes 150:0, exports G>eat Britain . continent . coast wise— Franca - . New Obliaxs—cotton firm middling ll%; low middling It: gt«d ordinary 10%: net re ceipts 432 gross 752 sains 1590 -tuck 142922. Hobh.*-- Cotton quiet middling 11%. low middling 10% good ordinary 10% net receipts 507. gross —: sales500; stock 1U»S9 Mejspbxs—Cotton steady: middling 11%; re ceipts 667, shipments 6:6, sales 900 stock 85x05. AUOCaii—UattOO firm; middling 11; low mid diing 10%: good ordinary 10%. receipts 72: sales 107. Obablsstox—Cotton quiet; middling 11%, low middling 11%. g *d ordinary 10%, net re ceipts 118. sales 100, stock 8733. exports to tbe continent 8070 Great Britain , coastwi e - , France — FINANCIAL Lobdoj—Noon -Consols monoy 98%, account S3 5 16. Bri- 27%. 8:15 p m-Consois 93 9 16. Pa .is—Fi e per cent Rentes llif 85c. New Yoke—Stocks opened strong, money 4@5, exchange, long, 4 £6; short 4 87%. state bonds dull government securtues ftrong Money 435; exchange nothing doing-. Govern' mens securities qnet; new Ss 108%, Stale bonds dull. Stocks strong New fork Central 11C, Erie 26%. Lake ahur 91% Illinois Central 84%: Pitts burg 94% Chicago and Northwestern 61%,dopre- ferred 91%. Rock Ulan 1S2 Western Union Teletrrapl. Com.'tun t6%. Sub-Trea-ury balances: Coin $129,418,151: cur rency $59,142,740 Tbo week y statement ot the Associated Banks issued from tbeolearing house to-Jay shows the following ebanse—Loans increase gl08.400; spe cie decreaso ,28,800; legal tenders increase 54/ 626.700; deposits lucres,o (4.951,503. cl'cuiatUn increase *25,100: leserve increas-. $3,861/75. The banks now bold $9,483,959 in excess of the legal requirements. PRODUCE BAliTIKOBa—Flour quiet and unchauged for low grades; high grades 15 cents oil. How ard Street and Western superfine 3 0CS5 75. ei' tra 4 0o&4 65 family 4 76*35 SO, City Mill, super- fineS25@S 75, extra4 25(24 S-i.Rio brands5M 6*62 Fafapsco family 6 75 Southern wheat quia , Western active, firm. South'ru red lc6@109 am ber 113. No 2 Pennsylvania red 111% No 2 Western winter red si>ot and April 109%@109%, Hay 109%. June 110. Souther* corn no receipts, prices unchanged; Western inactive, unchanged- southern white 47. vell.w 42%©43. Oats higher Southern and Pennsylvania 34@87. Wes tern white 33@35, Western mixed S2@33 Hay firm; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland 12014 a tin. Provision, dull and weak Mess pork, 10 25 @10 75. Bulk meats loose—shoulders 8%: clear rib sides S; packed, shoulders 4%, dear rib sides 6% Bacon—shoulders 4%, clear rib sides 6. hams 9%@9%c Lard—refined in tierces 7%. Bu ter steady; prime to choice Western packed 18@20. roll 15@16 Coffee firm; rij in cargoes 10@16 Whisky dull at 107%. Sugar steady. A sott 8@8%. N aw toKE— Flour dull and unchanged. South' ern flour quiet and unchanged common to fair extra 4 10@5 40, good t» choice extra 6 50g6 60. Wheat %c@lc lower: modrrate .export ana fare ; urn quiet No 8 white 31. coffee in moderate demand and prices unchanged; no Ln eg goes U%@15. in job lots If""* ’ —*- J Cuba 6%(. prime 0%..- quiet but firm. Carolina fair toevime 8@7%: Lou isiana fair to crime 6%@7, Rosin quiet at 140 for good a rained Turpentine dull at SI. Pork iuodera>ey active and lower mess spot 9 SO for old 10 37%@ lu 50 fer new Lard unsettled and elosingsteaay and fairly active: prime steam spot 612VC@6 15. Wfiisky nominal at 108. boujkv. u.a — Flour quiet extra 8 25 @350, family 4 09@4 25, Wheat dull rod and amber 100@1 03 Corn steady: white 88%. -nixed 87%. Oats quiet and ateadv; white 30, mixed 29 Hay firm at 8 00@19 00 per ton. Fork dull wndlorea at 10 25. Lard easier, choice leaf in tierces 7%: choice eat in keg, 8%. Bulk meats weak; shout decs 8%: clear rib 4 75. clear -ides 4 95, Bscon dull; shoulders 4; clear rib 6% clear sides 6%. Sugar-cured hams 8%@1P. Whisky steadv *t 10L CIECI»AT1 Flour dull (amity 4 80<35 60. Wheat quiet: red and amber 100@Xu6. Corn firmer hut quiet at 37@S7%. Oats easier at 28@ SI. Por, firm at 10 00(310 25 Card quiet: current make 6%. Bulk meats dull and a shade lower: shoulder* 3SO. short rib3CO cash and 4 55 seller for May delivery; short clear vides 475 Bacon dull: shoulders 4, Clear ribs 512%, clear side s 6% Whisky steady and firm at 101. UjaCAOe—Flour dull and tending downtspring extras 8 26@4 50. da Minnesota* 4 76, low grades 2 00&275-. Western patent* 50006IV, Minnesota do 560@8 00. Wheat unsettled and hixht r: No 2 Chicago spring £6% cash, 87% Hay, 89% June No 3 do 75: do rejected 61%. Corn in good de mand and a shade lower; 33% cash, 33% April 34% May. 35% June. Oats d ull and a lower at 24 cash. 24%@2»% May, 25% June. Barlsy easier at 69@70. Pork m faredemaud out lower, 970 cash, 9C7%@970 May, 9 77%»»8j June. Lard fairly active bnt a shsde h-gh°r at 5 87% cash and Hay, 5 92%@5 95 June. Bulk meats irregular; shoulders 3 55, short rib 4 55,short clear sides 4 80. Whisky steady st 104. St. i-ouib—Flour unchanged. Wheat dull- No 2 red fall 104%@1 Ot cash, 10<%@104% Hs v, 10*%104% June, M%@96% July; JNoSred fall 101% bid. Corn dull and lower; No 2 mixed 33% cash, April and Hay. 33%@33% June, 3*%@ 34% July, 35% August, elats inactive: No 2 25% c»»h. 25% May. Whisky steady atl 04. Pork dull and lower; johbirg at 990. Laid dull and nominal at 5 73@5 80. Dr, salt meats dull and lower to seller, clear riba 4 45@4 so. Bacon dull sad lower; clear tiba 5 M@5 20. saval'stokxb, WiLisiwaTOE—Spirits turpentine quiet at 27. Rosin qniet ft 105 for strained, 107% for good strained. Crude turpentine steady at • 00 for hard - 160 for yelXaw dip and virgin. Tar iteadv **82%. KAETHs’ihrWS NEW YORK—Arrived—H*etor. John P Best, Germania, City of Columbus,. Charles too, City ot New York, CornwaL, CHARLESTON--Cleared—City of Atlanta for New Yoik, Faloou for Baltinwre. Cathartic Pills Combine tlic choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately adjusted to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases, caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which requireprompt ami effectu al treatment. AVer’s Pills are specially applicable to this class of diseases.- They act directly on the digestive and assim ilative processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use l>y physicians in their practice, and hy all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of tlielr value 03 a safe, sure, and g refectly reliable purgative medicine. eing compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, Aykk’s Pills are an effectual cure for ' Constipation or Costivencss, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul S tomaeband Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of Memory, Numb ness, Biliousness, Jaundice,Rheuma tism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, ' Worms, Neural gia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Gout* Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these Pills are the most thorough and search ing cathartic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is heal ing. They stimulate the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. • SOLD ST AIL bbcoqists zvzbtwhzbe. Hunt* Kaukin. & Lamar Wholesale Agents, feb!9 MAOOXJ, OA- ELE0TEI0ITX! ft Greet Healii g Power DE. rOEBES’ L\ SELF-APPLICABLE, THE BEST IN USF. CURES ALL CHRONIC DISEASES Without Medicine. BHRUHATI8M. PARALYSIS LIVER COM PLAINT. CHILLS AND FEVER. IN FLAMMATION OP 8TOMACH AND BOWELS. NERVOUS DISEASES A SPcCMUA. NER VOUS EXHAUSTION, BE*POrURINARY DISEASES, BiaDDER and kidney affections, For SEMINAL WEAKNESS Arising from Self-Abuse. Excesses, or Dissipa tion, atiended with some of the following sjmp- toms: Spermitorrhcea. Nervous Debility, Lois of Memory, indisposition to Exertion or Business, Shortness 01 Breath, Trembling, Troubled with -Tiuugbtsof Disease, Dimness of Vision, Pains in the Back. Chest and Head. Rush of Blood •• to tho Head, riKIN EBUPTION8, BTC Beokbs-Dowf, Dsbilitated Cosstitcxioss, Both wale and Female, and all difficult cases for which help can be obtained nowhere else, found to be so by undeniable facts. NO DKCEPTION. A TRUE THEORY Tho fruit of forty yes rs experience as a success ful PHYSICIAN and long expe-iencoas a prac titioner in Hospital and City Practic:. who has prodneed a Bystem that, without destructive DRUQUING and DOSING,has brought fotrth a process by which Nature asserts her power to restore, and thousands who were Invalids pro nounce its ineitimablo values as a Remedy Send Symptoms and receive Diagnosis, Pamphlet, Circulars, etc, free. Address DR G W FORBES. Professor ot Improved System ot Medical Electricity, 172 Elk Stbibt, Cixciskati, Ohio. Beware of Imitators, Bogus Appliances and Speculat ing Adventurers- aprgo deodAwSm Pubic Opinion, Planter’s Hotel, Savannah, Ha. AlTHOHGH the tide ot travel is turning northward, yet tho daily arrivals at the Planters Hotel are still on the increase, and the fact can bo demonstrated by the unusual arrival of par ties from tho neighboring States of South Caro tin', Florida and from all parts of Georgia who make thfs hotel their headquarters. The fa cilities are so perfect that families, vieitors. busi ness men and the bone and sinew o: the country are flocking to the Planters. Tile rates of this hotel have been reduced fo meet the exigencies of the times to $1.50 and $2 per day, ac.-ording to location of rooms. . Table Bountifully Supplied. WITH THE CHOICEST MEATS FROM NOR THERN MARKETS. This hotel is endorsed by the public and the pre<s throughout tbe conntry. Whan in the city do not fail to visit the Plant ers. mar29 ly More VMtevasb S 1 END to C Burke A Son for sample car l, etc ot JOHNSTON’S KALSOMINE. maril StawSt New Advertisements. BECKWITH’S A Inti-dyspeptic pillo Theso Pills will prevent and rare 1'yBpepsia. ‘ lild aperl- tod by pie m ou> country, and are extensively used by Fhys:cians in their practice. Bold bv Druggists generally. 8cnd for circular. DR BECKWITH Bole Manufacturer, Peter,burg, Ya. CASH ADVANCES MADE On Rugs, Beeswax, Hides, Tallow, Horns- Hoofs, Bones, Cattle Tails, Old Metals. 4c. tor quotations, Ac,inquire of IRWIN 8 LOBWBNTHAL, aprlS 206 P«ri street. Ne— York, It is false economy to buy a cheap Organ when a few dollart more will get tbe incoa- parable and always reliable MASON & HAMLIN. UflT LOWEST PRICED, ilU ■ POOREST AND DEAREST. OUT HIGHEST PRICED. DU 1 BEST AND CHEAPEST. New Styles* NEW PRICES, Six Stops, Elegant Embossed- Walnut | Case, of new design. u i, 1 in mi only 480 ^■-7. ■ • ,bv Ten Stops, 4 sets Reeds in new style aSf.yWStfw Illuminated Case only 495 Wi Ten Stopr, 4 seta H& Reedl Mirror Ton ^ Case, with Gold J ,o»- Bronze Ornament** •* aboH i»»> tfon, only. >4100 OVER 100,000 MADE and SOLD WINNERS OF HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL WORLD’S EXHIBITIONS FOR TWELVE YEARS FAST. PAEI8 - 1867 VIENNA - 1873 S1STI460, 1*75 I PHIL*. Pi. W6 PARIS • 1876! SWEDEN • 1878 Endorsed by Franz Liszt, Theodore Thoma-, Ole Bull, Gottscbalk, Strauss. Warren, Morgan, and over One Thousand eminent musicians of' Europe and America, rheteitimony as-to tbe immense superiority ot these instruments over all others is emphatic, overwhelming and indis putable. RENTED UNTIL PAID FOE. These Organs are now onered purchasers by monthly installments of from $5 to $10, or will be rented until the rent pays for them. From one to three years time given for payment. Special reduction given to Churches, Schools acdPaitors. Agents wanted everywhere. Or gans rent on trial to any pait of the South. We pay freight both ways if not satisfactory. ^ SOUTHERN WHOLESALE DEPOT. For the more convenient supply of Southern trade a Southern Wholesale Depot has been es tablished at Savannah, Ga. from which Dealers, Churches. Teach era, and the retail trade can be supplied at New York and Boston factor; rates. For Illustrated Catalogues, price lists and full information address LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga. HaxtmcxuBB&’s Wholbsaib Agists. avr2 d2awSm nrea A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE, FIFTH GRAND DISTRIBU TION. CLASS D AT NEW ORLEANS, TUES DAY, MAY ISth. 1879 — It 8th Monthly Drawing. m Louisiana State Lottery Compan; This Institution was regularly incorporated the Legislature of tbe State for Educational a Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term ol twenty-five years, to which contract thr inviola ble faith ot the State is pledged with a Capital o! $1,000,000, to which it has since added a reserve fund of $360,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly ou the second Tuesday. It uevor scales or post pones. Look at the following Distribution; CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF-TICKET8, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF FRIZBB. 1 Capital Prise .$ 30.000 1 Capital Prixo 10.000 1 Capital fri— 6,000 2 Prizes c of $2AOO 5 Prizes or 1,000..., 20 Prizes of 500... 100 Prizes of 103..., 200 Prizes of 50, 600 Prizes of 20... 1000 Prizes of 10, APPROXIMATION PRIZES^" 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 9 Approximation Priz s of 200.. 9 Approximation Prizes of 10t’ 5000 5,000 10,000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10,000 2,700 1800 900 1857 Prizes, amour ting to .$110,400 Responsible correspondingageuts wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Homo Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, forfurthe information, or send ore era to M A DAUPHIN. P O Box 692. New Orleans. La. All onr Grand Ext-aordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GBN- ERALSGT BEAUREGARD and JUBALA EARLY. apr8 d£w4w AClNTS. READ THIS We will pay Agents a fcaiary ol *iuu per montn and expenses, or Allow a large commission, tosell our »ew and woudtrful inventions. We mean tchat icesoy* Sample free* AddressSngRimt&Ca, Marshall, Alien* TIB BEST WG BOOHS THE ChURtH DFFIRiNG £&?<£» or $12 p:r dozen) has ihe be9t arranged and l*rgest collection oi Music for Episcopal Choirs ever published. 6 Vemtes. 19 Gloria Patri-, 23 Glorias, etc, etc. all in Anthem Form, besides a largo variety of Chants, and Anthem, for Christmas. EASTER and other Festivals. Although prepared expressly fur the Epi-copal Service, the laree number of One Anthem, renders it one of tbe best An them books tor all Choirs. Easter Music! Easter Carols! E ister Anthems Send for Lists. CANTATAS FOR SCHOOLS AND SEMINA KIE4. Among many good ones may be men- tionrd Maud Irving (75 cents), Le^on in Charity (69 cents). Guardian Angel (50 cts), Coronation (6) cents), Culprit Fav (51), and Fairy Bridal (50 cents). The present number of the Weekly Musical Record is full of Easter Music. Bend 6 cents for it. RICHARDSON’S NEW METHOD FOR THE PIANOFORTE ($3.25) is the most popular ever is-urd. as r roved positively by the sale of hundreds of thousands of copies. Examine it. Any Book mailed for Retail Price. OLIVER, DITS0N&CO., Bostou. C H DiTSON & CO. 8tt B’dwiy N Y. apr Stf lift*™ 5SS%»U £ i jjS ftstffil.a Q* I? A DaY to Agent* canvassing lor tne | FIRESIDE VISITOR. Term* and Out- ht Free. Address P O VICKERY, Angmta H«me. 1 rt¥-trtlCCTtluiiT of 1 net inserted one week ftllr'-, llSrlll .lit in 300 newspapers for $10. and 10c for 100 page pamphlet. G P ROW E LL CO H Y. apilS d&wl*w4w G eorgia, bibb couNTY.-By virtue of authority to sell without an order of Court, given me in the will of Mrs Obedience P Dean, deceased, I will sell on the first Tuesday in Msv next before tbe court bouse door in the city of Macon, Bibb county, between the legal hours at sale, the foil >wing property, to wit: Two ■hares of Southwestern Railroad stock, 1 thou, sand dollar Southwestern Railroad bond, 5 Jentral Railroad bonds, one thousand dollars each. Terms cash. O J ROOSEVKLT, Executor ot tbe will ol V-« O P Deia. aprl dlt*w4w BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALE S. W ILL be told before the court house in the city of Macon on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow- itg property, to-wit: Those parcels of land situated in the city of Uacon, Bibb county, Ga. and known in the plan cf said citv as parts el lots Nos 3 and 4. in square No 5, fronting 71 feet cn Bridge street and running buck 110 feet, cornering-on th- alley. Also lot No 2, in square 67. in tbe plan of salt city of Macon, cortainins one bait acre, more or less. Levied on as tbe property of Pliilipine Ludwig, et al, to satisfy a n fa issued from Bibb Superior Court in favorof the Home Building and Loan Association vs Philippine Ludwig, et al. Property pointed out in said fi'a. -iso at the acme time and place part of a lot ot land situat'd in the city of Macon and known in tho plia or said city a- lot No 6, in block 66, on Filth street, bounded on the northeast i-y lot of RL Henry, on tbe southwest by lot of P Peyton, on the southeast by property Central Railroad, on the northwest by Fifth street Levied on as the property ot Hn Elisabeth Vbn- able to satisfy a fi fa issued from Justice Court 716th Distriit, G M. in lav-or of Gr. en J Blskc vs Mrs Elizabeth Venable. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also at the same time and place that tract or phrcelofland taken from the north side of a lot sold by Joseph Long under a deed from But sell & Peter dateo 20th day of May. 1875, said tract of land containing one-fourth of a- acre, more or less, running clean across said north side next totbeland o’of Mrs Clarke, and running down the north side far enough to make said tract one- fourth of an acre. Levied on as the p-op;rty ot David Lewis to sa’isfy a distress warrant issued by M & Freeman, N P 4 Ex Offi J P, in favor ot Harry M Good va (hive Lewis. Levy made and returned tome by a constable. This 7th day of April 1879. GEO F CHERRY. apr8 tdpd Sheriff E.B. ’8 Liniment FOB XtS^BDMALTXSM! ALSO CURES Neuralgia, Backache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Wounds, Etc* Th« Most Penetrating Liniment in the World. Tin Rock. Ufsow CoUKTT. Ga.T'ov. 1878. E 8 Thompson 4 Co—sist: I used your Lint ment for neuralgia and toothache. It relieved mem flvj minutes, and I have not been troubled with neuralgia or tooth-che since. JAMES T ROSE, IT CURBS A CASE OF 40 YEARS STANDING B*aaisviuj% Ga.Oct. 1878 8irs—Ihadbeen afflicted with Rheumatism in my leg and foot for forty years. I used E B Thompson’s Liniment for Rheumatism and have had no pain since. W F TYLB h. Capt Tyler is well known. He has lived in Barnesnlte a long time, and is one ot her beat men. Hon JR Jenkins, of B*rnesri'le.*»js: I nsec your Liniment on one of my farm bands who was completely broken down in the back and hips. It cured him. Thovabtoh, Ga. Sept 22d, 1878 B B Thompson 4 Co—Sirs: I was confined to my bed three mouths with as painful acaseof Rheumatism as is ever the lot of man to suffer, and came near dying. Doctors did ail they could fur me, but I grew worse. E B Thomp- son’s Liniment was sugg jsted as s sure cure. I got a bottle, and as soon aa I us d it I began to improve rapidly until I waa well. I ao not be lieve anything is half so good for Rheumatism as your Liniment. T J MURPHBY. Thoxasto*. Ga, 1873 I certify that I have used E B Thompson'* Liniment for neuralgia and do not hesitaie to ■sy it U the best thing foi nenr-lgia known to me: and Ihaveused many remedies. I he-riil.; reoommend it to all. JOHN F MEANS. Editor Upson Eute> prise. Judge E B Thom&ston, Ga. says: I consider your Liniment for Rheumatism an excellent remedy for that complaint A lady friend while stopping at my nouse had an att&ok of Rheumatism I got hur a bottle ol your Liniment which effected a perfect cure, Hope it will prove a great biessiug to all suffering with such pains. E B ThompwmACo—Sirs: I am well pleased with vour Rneumatic Liuiment. 1 he bov 1 hsd It used onhad been suffering with Rheumatism about two mouths causing a contraction of the muscle* so that he was drawn downward until almost naif doable, and unable to do any work. I had the Liniment appplied as directed, and in two weeki time he waa almost entirely well and ableio do his regular duties as a farm hand, I have also used it on mysell witb like -ucee«s. AUGUSTUS J KING. County School Comurs-’r, Upson Co. Ga. THOXA'XOa, GA, 1878. £ B T A Co- Sirs: I de-ire to thank you for your excellent Liniment for Rheumatism I have been a great sufferer with Rheumstism since I was IS years old, and am now about 61 years old. Ihave found many remedies duritg my life but have never found anything equal to E B Thompson's Liniment ior Rheumatism. It is pleasant to use and_gives relief almost is stantly. HRS EUSTACE E BEEVES 49-Prepared by B B THOMPSON 4 CO Barnesviiie, Ga, For ssle by Druggitts; or sent by express on reeeipt of price. 25,50 and 75 cents and tl 50 a bottle. teb23 sunAwSm ijXif 3*1 _AUTioa— Wtojpper on Sof t!«ytUoJtprin^d^ ,vn,o»u. R B HALL, Agent. Macon, G» maril dttawAw tf CENTS WANT ED,-for the bast and fast . eat selling Pictorial' Books and Bibbs Prices radueed 83 per cent. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING riQMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa A TEAK Agents wanted. 95C ness legitimate. Partioularsfree. A4*rew J.WOITS * CO- Morals, »r £SSS 43 -SsIsQ David Lanflreft & Sms’ are the most extensive growers of G1RDEN SEED in America. Their four farms, comprising over 1500 acres, situated in Pennsylvania. New Jer sey. Virginia and Wisconsin, are _ OWNED OCCUPIED AND CULTIVATED BY THEMSELVES. The zee-is offered are the result tf the nos careful and erperienced salection.yesr aftc-vear Market gardeners, private families, al 50od seeds. wh-> desire» i, should purchase L&ndreths’ Garden Seeds. If you, merchant doe* not keep then wnte for them. - DAVID LAND SETH 4 SONS. Philadelphia Pa Business established is 1784 and kept up eTer since Reliable. Oct 2S...dwedAw6m LORD & TAYLOR, NEWjrORK. Opening Spring Display OP . NEW DRY GOODS. WE CAS POSITIVELY ASSERT THAT AT NO PERIOD HAVE WE DISPLAYED AN ASSORT. RENT OP DRY GOODS SO ADEQUATE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OP THE PUBLIC OR AT PRICES RO ADAPTED TO THE NECESSITIES OF ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. SULKS. passed. Our American Cachcmire-INDESTRUCTIBLE BLACK BILK lastly elatms earnest attention. . offered at prices that cannot bo undersold. COLORED AND BLACK S< 8ILK D All ASSES, em bracing the rarest gems of the European or American Markets. In SUMMER SILKS and FOULARDS wa have everything thatis new and beautiful DRESS GOODS. Koveltin In Caehemeres, Suitings, Debeiges, and the standard dlotbs.tnsplendid variety. Also, •• Anderson’s ” Scotch zephyrs, printed cotton Dress Goods, Mamie Cloths, Cotelioes, Percales, Cheviots, 4c.. with every grade to be found in* first-class establishment Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps* This department maintains Its supremacy, and ■hows tbo best productions from tbe European centres. Our Cleats and Saeques are cut and made by men tailors, therefore style and fit are guaranteed. > Suits and Costumes. ladies’ and Children's Undergarments. Superb assortment of fine French hand-made INDERWBA" — — .sdy’s wardri age and size. Our Infants’ Furnishing Department is thor oughly equipped. complete Wardrobes as low aa S35: better goods in proportion. Any article in tho wardrobe at list price; really cheaper than the home-made article, and much more satisfac tory. Hosiery, Gloves, & Handkerchiefs. The largest, rarest, and most nnique French novelties in the city. Also, the medium grades of koto for ladies and children at very moderate prices. Ladies*, misses*, and children's kid. cloth, and Lisle Thread Gloves of tho best manufacture, in all the newest shades to mntch any dress material. A superior selection of plnin hemmed linen, and all linen hemstitched, and scolloped Handker chiefs. Also, embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs nSMrpassed in beauty or color. RIBBONS. Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Every possible requisite for n penile man’s outfit. First-class and medium rvad J3 of goods at our usual reasonable prices. QoaUty. style, and fit the prominent features of thU department. Boots and Shoes. For spring onj summer, for Lnilios. Misses, and jM3ituuiQ:.wiuq-.wu. » ti-vus ,ivuun, gva»i worked buttonholes, $2; Children’s hand made, spring heel, button boots, CLG0; lafanu* shoes, aU colors. $1.£5. Boys' and Youths’ Trench calf button boots, $2.75, and a good, durable laced shoe $1.93. 99* Onr ccode crc all fi rat •close. Wo fill all orders exactly and (o (heInterest of purchasers, aaarnofco nil purchase* to bo wthlhctory to tr.vcra, and •land ready to remedy all errorru We lovlle orders, convinced that a first trial will Insure ns tho- regular custom hereafter, All orders Tor Goods to I»c accompa nied by tbe money; os% where parties wish. Goods wall bo sent by express. C\ O. B. Where tho remittance Is too larze, vro always return the dURerecce. Broaijway end Twentieth Si, - Grand, dhrystie, and Forsyth, fi. Y. The Brown Cotton Gin. Clean, tbe Seed better, Bu. Lighter, Clu Faster; ■nil es-t- lens money than mmj other Gin In tbe mar ket. Every mm-blne fully nsdlegally gnsranteeA Theso machine* are made of the bert materials, and th« workmanship and finish are unexoaM. lias been awarded premiums at nil the SUto Fairs, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, etc., etc. Price List of Gins, Feeders and Condensers. Tayable during tho Cotton Season. Sim. rrWofGIne. IMc«ofGfci*wUk Self-Feeding AU UclajzeuU, Price with 8elU Feeding Attach, menu and Cod* SO Sow S 75.00 S 07.50 $120.00 S5 “ 87.50 113.75 140X0 40 •• 100.00 130.00 160.00 4ft u 110.00 141.75 173.25 BU 1 120.00 152.60 135.00 60 “ 130.00 176.00 202.00 70 “ 110.00 182.00 231.00 80 “ 1G0.00 20S.UO l 256.00 1 ready for shipment and delivered at onr Special terms to cash purchasers. Bend ‘ - —nlai ‘ ‘ Fczedi fcctif. (W circular containing testimonials from over two hundred live planters, who bought and used our machines last season. From 1613 to 1£S we manufactured Gins at CW- tn I’m, Georgia, uadtr the firm name of E. T. Tat- Lon & Co., afterwards Clemons, Brown A Co., and mado what was then known as the Taylor Gin. Durieg tho year 1858 wo removed to this place, where wo have been exclusively engaged Inmans- factoring tho l men, \-- w _ _ other manufacturer In onr lino for producing tho nn3T work for tho least money. Presses. Engines and complete outfit furnished v-haii desired. Address BK01VX COTTON GIN CO.. Sew London, Conn. Dr. M.W. CASE'S Liver Remedy BLOOD PURIFIER Is Tonic. Cordial, Anti-Billons. OH DEO Lives Complaint,Biliousness. UeAt uUnCO ache. Sick Headache, Necualgl 1'eyeh and Ague. Palpitation, Conscmptio. DYSPEPSIA and all Diseases of the Stoumeli, Uver, ac Wood. It builds up the system.w pleasant to tak does not sicken, gtfve pain, nor leavo Uie system co. stipated, aa other medicines do. . HOW TO BE your own faf&'aasa doctor, assa Case from his favorite prescription, used fn hi« own extensive practice for over 27 years. Superior to all known remedies. He euccrjatt xrondrTful. AGENTS WANTED ^EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS offered. Send for Circular and Terms to A«vutn. HOME MEDICINE CO., Philadelphia. Sold by ail Druggists, General Stores, and Agents. Price, 25c.; Large Bottles, half pint, 75c.; lloxof GLargefor 153.75, sept by express, prepaid. Trial Bottle free. Ask your Druggist for It. NOTICE to DEBTORS AND CREDI- TORS. A LL perzons indebted «o the eztats of Joh L Jones, late of said county co-eated, are hereby requeated to mat e immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said es tate will pnsent them duly authenticated to Arthur K Boardman. mpr21taw6w JULIA P JONES, Executrix. April 1.1.79. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Mrs E'fxs Smith, late of Bibb county deceased, arc hereby reqneitoi to mike immediate pay ment. and a'l persons having demands against s id estate will preaznt the same duly autli-att est'd M.TohSS.lsTJ. B CSMITH, K xecutor. mar291taw C«r Notice to Debtors and Creditore, G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Noticois here- by given to all perso-s having demands against John L Giibe-t, late of .aid c.uel. to present them to uz properly made out within tho time presnibed by Jaw ao as to aho» their character and amount. And aU per sons indebted t> said deceased *ro hereby re- auiredtsmaVsimmcdiatefayment April 18tb, 1879. R RGfLHKRT, BPGILBKRT. aprl91aw6w Administrator;. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. J3Y Yirtn« of sc order from the Court of Ordi- X) nary of Bibb county will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in April, 1879, lur ing ibe legal hours of sale before the the court house door, in Maaon. one (125) hundred and twenty five shares ot tbe capital stock of the Ex change Burnt of Macon. Sold as the property t> the estate cf John B Ro-s, late of Bibb county- deceased Terms cash. WM H ROS8, R H PLANT, feP2S taw4w Adtn’rs estate J H Rms.dw'd. /^J-KORGIA. JONB8 COUNTY.—To each ad VJ minietrator. executor and guardian who are required by law to make annual returns to Jones Court of Ordinary—Greeting. You and each ot you are hereby notified and required to make your annua) returns ss direct ed by law between this and tho first Monday in next aulv. In default thereat action by the c urt will be taken under the law of such cases. And to tko'o who have failed to make returns at mit July term, as require 1 by law, notice is given that action wilt be taken by the court to enter judgment against them and their sureties on bund for s icb default end for all moneys not legally arcounted for in this court. Urdere I that this notice be published in the Telearub and Messenger to* tbr.e months Witness my hand officially March 25.1879. ROLAND T ROSS. *p»6 la vSm* *' , r linary. GEORGI1 JONB4 COUNTY.-Jfotica hereby given that Rachael Owens of said count has applied for setting ap art and va option o homestead and exemption of persun.lit; fo-ths benefit oi dependant fern les, And I will pats npon tbe tame at this office on Saturday, the 26: h instant at the hour of 11 a m Given under my hand officially, ROLAND T ROSS, apr2 td* Ordinary. Ordinary’s office April lat, 1879. G eorgia, jasper county. — Alfred Goolsby having applied far guardianship of the perron and property of William K Power,* mix or under fourteen years of age, reaiJeiisTit said county, this is to cite all persons eaucemed to show cause, if any they can. at this office De- fore or on the first Monday in April next, why guardianship of tba person and property of said William R Powell should not bo entrustedto him. Witness my Official signature. February 27th, 1879. P M 8WANTON, marl Slid rr. G eorgia, jasper county-Wbere*s Alfred Goolsby and CL Goolsby appliyto me for dismission from executorship estate Cf William Goolsby, deceased. 'i his ia therefore to cite and admonish all per- sonscon erned to sho* cause at this office oner by the first Monday in July next, if any they have, why tbe same shall not be granted. Witness my official signature this dav, April 2d, 1879. F M 8 WAN HON, ap;S IzwSra* Ordinary. G eorgia, bibb county.—wh-re»s wm L Hass has aoplication for lettered administration on the estate cf J alia B Collins, ate of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cile and admonish AU persons concerned to be acd appear at the Court ot Ordinary of asid county on the first Monday in May next t»show cause, if any they can whv letters of ad minis* ratior should not he granted the applicant. Witness my hand and official signature. April 4.1S79. J A JicM-NUH.y. ap:5taw4g Ordinal P KORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Ben- vT atom C Smith has made application lor letters of administration de bonis non .urn tat- tam-nto snnexo upon the estate of Major James Smith, late of said count}, deceased. These sio therefore to cilo and admonish all persona concerned tj be and appear at the Court ul Ordinary of said county on the first Monday ir, Ms? next to show cause, if s, y they aan, why Idlers of administration should not Oo granted the a* piicant. Witness my haul and offic al signature. April 4,18.9. J A MCMANUS, apr51aw4»• - O-dinary. s£EG- U N IsskSSs ~*a Rada, Bax (Java and t\ . dak. Matt, Bsa (Veda, Bax Coxa and trad Peach. - Alan oar celebrated Kentucky Rifle for 91*. rear ranted or «« mate. Bend fbr Il lustrated Catalogue and Price Lists to ■ dt (Soaa, Enterprise «uu Works, is* 4 tats i*oo.; m., nttat>urtiU L Bn. Ebtaslibhid, 1848. aKOl.GIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Who eu SF JT Lawlec, administrator on the e.taie ot Jackson Deloache, late of said county, deceased L:a made application for lerre io sel. tea snares ot the capital stock of the ' ou'hero ar.d Attain- ti" Telegraph Company, fct vonging Lost id estate, These are therefore to ove and admonish All per-coi concerned to be and appe.-.r a. he Oont ot Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in May next to show reuse if any they can, Why m il application should ut.t he gruniod Witness my hand and official sign ature *ml MVi®- JAMcMANU<T aprS 1aw4w firdiqyv. H BARING KKBTORBD. Particular! free Verry & Harper, Madison lad. •prtfUzAwrt O.SORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Wberees R*? a-* Lawton, admin stratcr on the estate St Jackson Deloache, late of said countv, decza-ed has made application for letters of dimuSaion from said estate. I hese are therefore to cite and numcnUbtoll ptrsons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on > he first A! nday in Jnly next to show cause, if anv they nan, why letters of dismission shcuh- not k gianted tbe applicant. Witness ny hand aud official signature leg] 4(h, 1879. J A McmaNUA/* 1 ap?5td Ordinary G eorgia, crawford countt— and after this d te tho iazi ed. .-t -euisais of Urawfonl County will lu- »,..bli»i c- ia the T HS3&5S«!r wr -a4‘SSSi.»*