Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, May 13, 1879, Image 5

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and 3knxetrol ^jssoengec, BY TELEGRAPH. T , ND ,N, May 6 —Sub-L-iaieDa-oiOovt fthe Rijal Navy, arrested early lam ° mh in Cork, on euspicionof being tb* ®° thjr 0 f tbo boas about a pirate ship off fS&tUgto.}Wand alonwide of its 00 the 16 h of January oommilUe as to this matter. I' is oue < f its factor* in (be movement, and whioh we c tonnt now fcreossf. There ere in the State of Micsisaippi alone 5,500,003 acres of land belonging to the United Slates now subject to home stead entries. Any thrifty colored man in the South can pre-empt one hundred and sixty acres of this land at the moder ate coat of $18. Lind in Kansas cannot last, bas be occnpitd tor less. Ia no pan of the te,n convicted of the off-nse and dir- civilized world can the unskilled laborer «iEsed the service. This was the story eecnre a larger return for honest labor thit sent ganboat Guehawk to sea on a than among ns, bnt idleness,accompanied fiuid*** chase. Sub-Lieutenant Coyt by extravagance, produces suffering and ^ tl(et vingon board theuashawk at the want here as elsewhere. Tour oommir- tee believe that the legialatioa of our ' r .' s ms, May 6—E-ibart Barrett, cot- State should ba so shaped as to foster inn mil* owner a f Bolton and Manchester, habits of industry among the colored his failed! for 80,000 pounds. people, elevate the standard of social C it* temportry order granted by Vice morals, improve and pre<eive our f!h»DCoil->r Bacon on application of Mr. commonEchool system. Diver’s views SlcH-crr, April 80 b, restraining Gen- have been expressed by parties equally rill Sir® Balfour, Mr, Charles _ Lewie desirous of reaching soma c nclu-rioD, _ j pother person from oirrymg out viz. to ascertain the grievances and apply theoropoaed lease of the Atlantio and as far aa can bo done by the proper re- ftraai Western railroad to the Erie Kill- dress, but this conld only be done with Company was vacated to-day and a the fall knowledge of all the facts. Tnar. tearihg of the motion for an injunction errors have been committed by tbu oottpooed till Thursday. whites and blacka alike, as each in torn *WisHi!t0T05, May 6.—In the Smat- have controlled the government of the «r McDonald reported, from _tho Cum- States hero represented, maybe safely 0 n the Judiciary, with amend- admitted, disregarding the past and menu ll>® bill introIticed declaring it burying its dead with it, standing upon nnlawfel *o n ® 9 pafi’Of the arm J an<i the living present, looking hopefully to T , the polls. He gave notice that the future which ia before us, your com- . would call it pp to-morrow. mittee think their duty accomplished Mr B-rak reported,from the Committee when they have adopted and repotted on Aporopriations, with amendments, these resolotion: the legislative, executive and jadicialap- Resolved, That the interest of planters, otopriation bill, and gave notice that he l&burots, landlords aod ten-nta are ideu- would call it op at an early day. Meal; that they mast prosper and Buffer ’ The Senate Jttiiciary Committee, at an together; that it is the duty of planters txtra meeting this morning, took action end landlords of the States here repre- noon the bill introduced by Mr. Eaton seated to devise and adopt some oontraot yesterday to prohibit military interfer- at stem wiih laborers nod tenants by ence at the polls, and by a party vote de- which both parties will receive the full oided to rccomtne Dd it for passage with benefit of lacor, giverned by intelligence two amendments. The first provides that and eoonotny. the bill’s prohibition afiainst bringing to j Resolved, That this convention does or employing troops at the polls shall not | affirm that the oolored reee has been innlv to the use of a military force when placed by the Constitution cf ine United * _.. tho Sr,f« inninnl. m. ~ .... - - — - - necessary to protect the State against in vision. Tbs Other amendment in .“’t, the words “when the Legislature oasnot be convaoed” after the clause which exempts from the prohibition the employment of the army or navy to en force the fourth section of article four of the constitution aod laws made in pur- Ettsnce thereof, upon the application of th« Legi»laturs or the executive of a S Ths priuoiptl amendmonte made by the Senate Committee on Appropriations to the L-*gi8lativ^,Erecntivo and Judicial Appropriation bill, as reported to the Smate to-day, are those which were agreed upon by the committee yester day afrernooD, incloding the House clause, directing ten millions reeerve to beissued in payment of arrears of pen sion*. . In the House the morning hoar was (cammed in the introduction end refer ence of tullg. The House has oonomred in the Petals amendments to the bill pro- Tiriinv fir osrtain expenses of the present session. Mr. Knott, Chairman of the Jadio’ary Committee, reported b o»,witbou’ amend ment, the bill introduced yesterday to pr> bibit military interference at eleotione Mr. Robeson offered a substitute mak- in* it unlawful to’.bm g or to employ nt any place white a get.e>al or ppeo'al elec- tiouis being held In a S ate, any part of Ibe army or navy, unless such employ- m»nt ehsll be r.ocessnj to o«rry out the proviaton* of the Constitution, or over come forcible obstruction to the execu tion of the laws made tn parensooe there of, end making any violation of this act • penal offense. The aobiti me is enti tled a bill to farther proteot the freedom of eu-oi ions. Washington, M»y 5.—In the Houko Bobetoii’s aubstl'Ute for the bill was de feated by a vote of yees 93, nays 121, af ter whioh the origiral but to prohibit military fnteiferenre It elections was passed by a stnot party vote. Cnslmers attempted to oall up the reaolation here tofore offe ed by him for the investiga tion of the Pitt Pi.ljwm siacre, bat the H'-'-k adjournal wubom action on bis motion. i'ue Senate proceeded to the consider ation of ihereso utton reported from the committee on privileges and elections, authorising'he t-king of testimony on tbs memorial of Mr. Spofford, who con- te-lri ibe - et of K ltogg, of Louisiana. Hnar offered a sn bstitate declaring that the 8<nate had already settled tho case State, and the laws of the States hero represented, on a plane of absolute legal equality with the while race, aod does deolare the oolored raoa shall be accorded the practical esjoymenta of all the rights, civil and political, guaranteed by said constitution and law*. Resolved, That to this end the mom< bora of this convention pledge themselves to nee whatever power and influence they possess to protect the colored race against all dangers in respect to fair *x* preraioaa of their wills at the poll., which they apprehend may result from fraud, intimidation or bulldozing on the part of the whites, and os there can be no liberty of action without freedom of thought, we demand that all elections shall be free, fair, and that no repressive me i-tires shall be employed by the col ored people to deprive their own rac*. in parhof tbo fullest freedom in tho exer cise of < hn highest right of citizenship. Resolved, That the unrestricted credit system pervading in the States here represented based upon liens or mort gages on stock and crops to bo grown in the future, followed by short crops, has provoked distrust and created unrest, and distu-btd their laboring popnlation, and b-1 laws authorizing liens on crops for advances constituted of articles ether than those of prime necessity at moderate profits, whether each advances are made by landlord, planter or merchant, should be discountenanced and repealed. Resolved, That this convention oall upon ibe colored people here present to contradict the Mie reports circulated among and impressed upon the mote ignorant and credulous, and to instruct them that no lands, mules or money await them in Kansas or elsewhere without labor or price, and report to the civil authorities all persons dissemina ting reports. Resolved That it is the constitutional right or the colored peoola to emigrate where they please, to whatever State they may select for residence, bat this con vention urges them to proceed in their movements towards emigration as rea sonable baman beings, providing in ad vance by economy and means for trans portation and settlement, sustaining their reputation for honesty and fair de -ling by preserving intact, until the completion or contracts for labor-leasing, which have already been made. If when they have done this they s'iil de sire to leave, all obstacles to their depar ture will be removed, and all practicable assist tneo will be afforded to tnem, and on it* merits, by declaring Kellogg was th-ir place supplied by other contented entitbd to the seat An animated die- j a t,or.' Yonr committee beltevo that if the CQKinn followed, pending which the Sca re adjourned. Oaring the debate the President pro iem, announced the reception of a House hill to prohibit military interference at elections, and it was read a first time. Ur. Edmonds said tbaf as the me-ienre via veiy important, be moat object to the stoond reading of the bill to day, with a view to its inference to a commit tee. The Cabinet to-day again ci.-cns?ed tbo Indian Territory question, acd the threat ened frontier invasion of that section. It was decided 'bat, in ctso of iavistou by white*, tho Iadtan service wocll have to call for troops to be need es a posse comitatus tor preventing enob violation- of taw and to t-jsot persons «rbo have al ready invaded tbo Indian Territory. All the Greenbickers voted in 'h* affirmative with the Democrats on the bill tar piohibitlog military interference at elections. The Honso Oommitte9 on Ways and Heine met to-day and appointed a enti ce remittee, of which representative Oar- li-le i* the chairman, to take under con iideratioo at-d report to the fall oammii- tee on nil tho bill* now b-fore them relat ing to tha enbj-etof internal revet nr. No other holiness was transacted at to day’s meeting. A resolution was introduced in the Han*- to-dav, tendering the thanks of he American people to Mexico for the hearty contribution to the success of the Indoairial mission of Amerc&n merchants sad manufacturers recently visiting the oynf Mexico, which will extend the ftt-ndly commercial relatione of cur countrymen hays been so instrumental hi establishing. VicxiBcao. Mi-8., Mby C—Tho Mis- euippi V-lley Labor Convention re- WMmbled this morning with increased attendance. Tho committee on rcaoln- uor.a -o^mi'i-d the following report; ■ofr President; Tonr comm<ttee on tttaiatiooa heg leave respectfully to re- Port, they hare mqoired into tha ciu-e. •hick have given rise to the present ex>- “A» of onr colored popnlation, as far as P°^i»le within the limited time allowed, and whit* these causes are difficult to ascertain, owing to exceptional cases of All kinds brought to their attention, they Wieve the following to inolade thoee *tich may be considered proximate: The pnee of cotton and the partial failure , t6s fit't yoar’a crop; the irrational •fitem of planting adopted in some eco- W» whereby libor was deprived p the intelligence necessary to di- ••ct, and the presence of economy tnake it profitable; a Ticions eyatem fostered by-laws permitting “Asrersand tenants to mortgage crops ®*"ore thr-y were grown or oven plantefj •PDrebeajion on tha part of many colored People produced by insidious reports cir- w »ted among them that their civil and Po'itic.l rights are endangered or likely j°®f hortfol and false rumors diligently ttseminat- d that by emigration to Kan- r***® colored people would obtain land, r“.oks and money from the Government iM Ooteo8tto themselves, and become oa> pendent fermetr; many retail country -’Orefceepers are engagiog in the cure** of sell ng whtvky to laborers and whereby their moral* have be-n eepted, their labor rendered insulB- t tv ; and the pleasant relations between . ’Bund their landlords and employes • ttoje-j, it {■ a matter of astonieb- n yonr committee that the colored t^oplD aould be indneed to credit the tettoMu circulated of a promised land thM th *' r * iatl ®suld be supplied and J, *’ r 'cflapeodenoe secured without exer- , an on their part. It was going to the , ot , k nor anoo and credulity to Bntv. 1 804 J et oyldenea of an nn- “owed character wu farnUhcd yonr views expressed in the above resolotiona are practically carried out by the people of both race?, in good faith, the diequiet of onr peopla will subside. We appeal to tha p9ople of both races in the States here represented to aid u* in carrying thess resolutioha into effect, and to report to the authorities all violations of laws and every interference with private rights At the conclusion of tha reading of the resolutions, ex Gov. Foote offered a reso lution authorizing the PreuJent of the convention and two persons to be asso ciated with him. to act as a committee to carry ought the objects sought to be at taint d ny the convention, and making provision for local committees comprised of members of various coontiee and par ishes, wboee duty it eualt be to wntoh over the rights and intesesta intended by this plan of proteo ion to be guard'd, to b h Drumhead. Lematte; R Peck’s eh. g. Reefer, Luk-; plutbptue'a cb. b. Da- lader, llopper; EicUe’s V.tary, Rie; Ltr'l RoJSlyn’e hr. h. Mountain Ash, Barrett. Lit.-1—The race for the Chester trades cap was won by Reefer with Touehet seconr and Ridobo third. Lord s, May 7 —The Journal D» St. Petersburg -ays the news publuned abroad about the - tate of affairs at St. P-tere bargta untrae. There has been no pro hibition against the possession of arms, tut parson* possessing arms must inform the aulh me*. All trsffi: is entirely free and unimpaired. Sta'ementa that the theatres conld not ba visited without an official permit and that light! iu bouses after 10 o’clock are prohibi edare lidiculona intentions Tne city lives and works in the same manner as heretofore, without excitement, and andieturbed in its daily life and intercourse. Nzw Yohk, May 7.—Toe strike of the Longshoremen appears to have been par tially sacoe-sfal. Tne agent of the Pa- oifio mail Steamship Company, Hading it lmpoB-ribte to get bis eteamer off on time, yesterday decided to give the men their former wages. He had no dtfficul <y whatever in finding plenty of Long shoremen to work. It was motored last night that several of the coasting com panies would follow this example tc-day The Frenob Une. finding it impossible to get the Caosda ready last night took on the old hand-, giving them the old wages of forty-fiva cents per hoar for night wrrk and thirty cents for day work. Pakaua, April 28 —The flret naval eo- counter of the three cornered dnel now goiog on in Sooth America, took place on tbe 14’.h off the river Loa, between the Chilian corvette Magaliania on one side, and the Peruvian vessels Union and Ptloom*ye on the other. The Peruvian vessels eat ltd from Cal lao several we-ks ago to Antofagasta. O-i their arrival at that p-unt they fonnd the harbor deserted. Tney then pio- ceeded noitb, and when abreast of the Loa, sighted the Chilian vessel A sharp firing was maintained two hours, but it appears that the damage inflicted was alight. The Chilian vessel had six guns • ith which to oppose twenty, and after burning a little powder without effect, the Chilian captain ooncladed to with draw from the fi^ht, which he did, run ning away easily from the Peruvian ebipp. No report of cxsnalties have been made public, but Capt. Garcia, in command of the Peruvian vessels, reports that his command behav-d remarkably well. Washington, May 7.—In the Senate, on motion of Ingals a resolution was adop'ed calling on the President to com- mnnicate to the Senate what measnrea have been taken to prevent the occupa tion of Indian Territory by white sett lets. In tbe House Mr. Chalmers, of Missis sippi, called up, as a question of prtv ilege.tbe resolution previously offered by him for an investigation into bis conduct at Fort Pillow. He said that hie friends had pointed oat to him a difficulty in the way of such au investigation, and that he himself recognized tbe danger of re kindling the flames of passion and prtju- dise which all good men deaired to tee covered up in their ashes; but it was a hard .hing to aek soldiers who had lost all cave honor to permit that also to be taken from them by tho repetition of ac cusations that were utterly untrue. Tbe aotion of tbe House yesterday, bad satiefied him that tbe gxutletnen were not willing now to go into that investiga tion, and therefore he had coneladed to accept the advice of his frietdi and to make bis orostatement. He prooseded to na'ra’.e tbe incidents of the attack on Fort Pillow, in which at tack he h-td been early in the • ay in com mand of tbe Confederate oavalry ; bnt about nine o’clock in the mointog Gaa eral Forrest bid arrived aod taken oom- msnd. He admitted that a number of the garrison in making a tosh for a gnu. boat bad been fl-ed at and killed ; bat if any had been killed in violation of the usages of war the moat starching exami nation on tbe part of tbe OoogrrssioDal Committee bad been unable to fix any responsibility for it, at least on tbe gen eral officers in command. He denied that any wonnded men had been burned up in tee quarters that had been eel on fire the morning af'er the capture of the fert. He asserted that forty per cent of the garrison were saved wholly uatouohed. Part of the Federal troops had run out ot the foit, end nearly all of those were killed or wounded; bat a large number of tbs garrison (meetly white men) had remained, and had gathered around Genet si Forrest ad himself for protection, and bad been pro tected. As to the Confederates taking advan tage of tbe flag of truce, in order to gain a better position, that s'atement was not trne—he said so in via icaii m of bis dead commander—for “glory is tbe eoldier’e pride; tbe soldier’s wealth is hotor.” In reply to questions Jby Hawley, of Connecticut, he stated that the gar rison of Fort Pillow numbered 577 men, of whom about 40 per cent wero saved, that about SOO wero killed and wouuded, and about 250 on the Confederate side. Remarks wero made by Garfield as to the impolicy of re-opening the subject with an intimation that the officers were not so responsible as bad at first been euppoeed. Bnt the general impression at the *imo bad ba»n strong hened by an order issued about G weeks previously by take charge of such grievances brought Qentfra i Forreat that if .he Fort were »^i ay Jd,®urrended, the garrison should be their power for redress of the earn*, and to adopt eneb legal and proper expedients as they may jndgo necessary for the fu ture prevonuoa of grievances of like na ture. . .. The introdact on of thsas reaointion®, which were mtarapar.-od w to remuks by Governor Foote, to the effect t hat- otht-r causes than those named in the teeoln lions m'lodaoed by tho committee, and wnioh was tbe prime cause of tbe exodus, caused quite a commotion. After remarks by several otb«r gentlemen the o inven tion adj-jornad sine die. Nontceaii, May G.—Tho material that led at Stratford yesterday wan blasting powder, shipped from Belveil. Qiebeo, for Amherstbarg. Taree Lves were loit, three men serioady and three slightly injured. The (03S oo property and frelgbt in transit is estimated at 125000. Ottawa, May G.—A strike and riot ia reported to bo in progress on the Paoiflo Railway. Tua Winaepeg Volunteers have been called ont, atd oidsred to pro- oeed to tbe scene. Nofv >r.x, May G.—Tbo hearing or tho petition for forealoenro of a mongiga on the AtUotta, Mississippi and OW® Btil- road oommences to-morrow in the United States Circnit Conrt. Bsbu.’t, May G.—The Commit-ee of the Reichitag has r*solved to move for aniuorisitton to proieonte Socialist Dep uty Herr Hasselmanc. Atlanta, May 6.—Theargament in the. Cox oaso wss continued to-dav bsfore toe largest and mo->t distinguished andienoe ever gathered In a Georgia court house. Tie interest was intense. Over one hun dred ladies were present. General Gir- trell made tbe ooadading speech for ths defent-e, and attempted to establish the theoiy that it was Alston who pursued Cox and bronght upon tbe latter the ur gent and pressing danger which would jnstifv him in taking the life of Alston. Ex Judge Hopkins concluded for tho r>tate in a threo hour speech, embodying a complete statement of the facta of the ease, and pressed for a verdict ot uncon ditional guilt. The jury are now out, and the court room is full at 10 p. m., awaiting the verdiet, which is expeetpd soon. Cox is anxious. His wife and sister are his devotad companions. London, May 7.—The following are probably the starters, betting and jcckles ia the raoe for the Chester trades cap at the Chester meeting to day: Seven to 4 on Parole, Archer; 4 to 1 against Lord Eoseberry’a br. b. Toucbet, Con stable; 10 to 1 against Widlom’s cb. g- Zucchero, Gallon; 10 to 1 against H. fl&ll’i cb. c. Astronomer# C'ftte ; 12 to 1 against Jardine’a b. O. Tam Glen,Greaves; 2Q to 1 against any other of the following probable starters: Lord Riaeberrj a b. 1 o. Bidolto, McDonald; Sir J. D. treated as prisoners of war. But if the works were st'.rmed, no quarter might be expected. He was glad that ss much had been done by the gentleman from Miaeirsippi to disconnect his name from r.snonsibility in the matter. In the Senate the Hoa.a bill (o pro hibit military interference in elections was read twice. The Sanate, by a vote of 24 against 31, disagreed to a motion of Elmuods to ref>-r it to the committee on the judiciary, and then laid it on the table subject to be called up hereafter. London, May 7.—The race for tbe Center Trad-fl Cap came off tc-day at the Chester meeting, which opoued yes terday, and bronght out a Jield o! ten starters. Parole was the favorite, bat failed to get a place, tho winner being Lord Dapplin’s Rie f er, while Lord Rise- bary’s brown horse Touohet came in second and the same owner’s colt Ridot- to third. Sir Austin Henry Layard, British Am bassador to C lnatamiuopla, has arrived in that city. Aleko Pa*ha, Governor of R mmclia, and the International Com mission will go to Pailrpoppolis in a fort night. Tao Crown Pcinea of Austria and the Archduke Rudolph will arrive in Madrid to-day and bo received in great state. Coloonn, May 7.—Tho Gazette esjb that Priuoe Alexander, of Battenberg, will visit tho Czar at Lividia before re ceiving the Bulgarian deputation whioh is to tender him t~e throne of Baigaria London, Mav 7.— Pnnce Alexander, of Brt'enbnrg, d'ined with thu Emperor William at Wiesbaden yesterday. £m- p-ees Augusta, of G-rmany, will visit Ragland this month Gaoer.l Todleben has arrived at Odessa aud assum-d com mand of tho Governorship aud tha Ori- mta and tho greater part of South Rus- si', under tho Czar’s ukase establishing martial l >w. • Lord r, May 7.—Ia the House of Com mons fo-aay there w«e read a eeoood time without a division, a bill aathortz ing the establishment of volunteer regi ments in Ireland, spbn the asms priori- pie andonbjeo: to tha same r.gula'iona as the Erglish volunteers. Tire hill orig inated with the Home Rule member*. Tne second reading was issented to by tbe government, with the understanding that the bill would be considerably modified. Wilkkbbabbn, May 7.—There was a terrific explosion of gaa In the Stanton shaft of a mine here last night. Several miopr3 ^ere terribly iojared, and a cocfltgra-ion followed. The mine waa flooded to extinguish the fire. 8l Louis, May 7.—The Nitional Wo men’s Stiff.-*ge Assocution convened to- d*y. It wan attended by the oldest and most prominent workers’in the cause. Wa-hwoioN, May 7.—Alter further remarks between Messrs. Chalmers and Burroughs, the auiij-ct »&i finally laid •n tbe table. Th - House discussed with- cut action the bill diter'ing tne ex* outive '.fficera of the guvernmtnt to c*rry oar tbs eight hour law. aod then proceeded to the consideration of tbe coinage bill aieoiaaiou on which waa continued until adjournment. The 8enate resumed the consideration of me Louisiana contested election cate. Mr. Edmunds’ amendment was rejected. Mr. Conkling then offered an amendment pending the resolution providing that tbe inquiry shall be confined to the mat ters alleged in the memorial of Mr. Spofford, to be new and different fiom th.jse covered by the previous inqairy, which was also disagreed to. Tne com rnitteu then accept'd an a u niment in quiring whetner Mr. Spofford used cor rupt or unlawful mtase. After considerable discussion, in which Louisiana affairs were alluded to with much animation, the Senate passed the rta ilntion of the Committee on Privi leges and Elections authorizing them to take testimony in the matter of the me morial of Mr. Spofford, contenting the seat of Mr. K-llogg with tne amendment of Mr. Hoar as above mentioned. The note on the adoption of the resolution was ye-s 26, asys 17. Tas Senate took up tbe Home bill for prohibiting milita ry iaterfe.ense at the polls. Mr. Blaine efferrd an amendment imposing severe penal- ies upon an v person woo shall carry a conceal d deafly weapon at any place or within a mile of any plaoe wntre a general or special election for Eppresem tative to Congress is being held. Atlanta,Ga., ieay 7 —The jury in the Cox case were ont au night, and cams in at noon to-day to t<e recharged in full. At a quarter to four p. m. they ctme in and announced that they had agreed apon a vt rd>ct. It was defined to cor* rect an informality, and was then read as tollowr: • We, the jury, Sad the prisoner guilty, and recommend that he be pun ish- d by imprisonment for life.” Cox received the verdict withcalmn sa and etoii-iam, having evidently, nerved himself for the worst. Hts wife, on bear ing tbe words bo tatal to her hopes, sat for a moment trembling and then rushed for the op ;n window near by for the pur pose of throwing herself to the ground below. Sho was wild with grief As she reached tbe window she waa caught by Cox who held her fast. Sae threw her arms around his neck and dang to him wildly, exclaiming, “On, my God, oh my darling.” Her ebrieks were heart- and the occupants of tee crowd* ed room could not reatr-m their t -are or pity. Cox used all bis power to ca<m her and finally soothed her grief until only her deep morns broke noon the solemn stillness. Judge Hillyer sentr need Cox to be “confined in the penitentiary or soon other place as the Governor may direct, at bard labor for and daring his natural life.” General G-trtrell gave nonce that the defrcaa would make a motion for a new trial and praying for a writ ot enper8edeas. Tbe execution of the sen tence was thereupon etayo I twenty days. This pet alty is vntnali> tbe extreme of the law in this Suite, as a law passed with A'bu.l’s aid «t tbe last session of the lii-g-B a>ure, giving juries tbe ri^bt to recommend the life imprisonment m <11 canes of murder as th-y see fi in et- free abolish 8 tho death penalty. Cox is tbo fitrtt m.n convioted of murder who receives tbo benefit of that law. Tbe verdio: is r« c-nv. d with general approval Wa. hinoton, May 7.—It is generally believed that the President will sign tbo bill to prevent military interference with elections. Smstor Ca'l to-d*y introduced a bill sp propriatmg $150,000 for tbe purchase cf sites for tne erection of public building* „ud for the improvement and repairs of the Umod States buildings in Jackson ville, P-u>asola aotl Key Wett, f or the ac commodation of United bt»t-a oon.-t- post offices and for other governmental purposes. L iNDiN, Ma* 7.—The London corres pondent of the Eliobarcn Scotsman saye: «*. be S, antatda have concluded a conven tion with the K>ng of Anam, Cochin China, for tho purpose of supplying Cuba with Anamite laborers, and Mr. George Ringiand, Liberal and Home Rale mem bsr of tho Hoamfef Commons, for Long rord courty, Ireland, intends to ask Mr. Bonrke. Uader Secretary of State for for eign affaire, whether hu knew of such a treaty, and woether ho will a-certain what provision has btes made for the prop -r treatment of tbo Anamiti 8. London, May 7 —In tho Hott-e of Luce, Uatnhth-, tha Prmo- <>f Wales presented a p=ti ioa from S,25S Norfolk farmers, favoring tho bill leg-! ztog mar riages with a deceased wife’s tiettr H- beUrTtd the m-a^ure wonli be of groat advantage to the o immunity at Urge, nno ha would support tt. Lord H-nghtor, Liberal, moved ibe second readme Toe Government, repreBen od by L ird Crac- brook, Secr*-t«y of S ate for India, op posed it, and ihe erooud reading was dt- feated by a vo'e of 1011<> 81. The Prince of Wilts, th Dok- otEltuburah and th- Bishop of Rtpau voted with the minority, and fourteen of tbe B shops with the ma jority, thus showit g that opinion rather tavors the meabU'C. In the House of Commons a decl»rato- ry resolution, favoring abolishing aotioi. for breaoh of pr.,mtso cf marriage, exospt in cases where actual pecuniary less ba been iuoarred by rea.oa of tbe promise, was carried by a vote of 105 to Co Atlanta, May 7.—Tho National Board of Heabb to-day discussed the question of railroad quarantine, and pass^l reso lutions regulating the same. R solu tiona from tbe Misaisiippi Valley Samta Council wero alao folty discussed VEGETINE Tiie Watchmaker’s Beport _ ETAB>vixLS,l*D.DeeZ7.1b77. DBS B Rixwss- I bare «uffare* with So-ofula and Rentals Hutnrrs ever «inee I con'd rememb-r; it hu been in nr f mtly for yean before 1 was born. 1 inherited it 1 have tried all kinds ofmedi- ein-A Alter harin* rued agree' many other patent meoidnes, aft»r having paid many large doctor’s bills I h ard from a nrubb -r that Tese- tine had cured him. I had g od faith becaiue I •aw it, aid sol went to the i uddenhauien Bagle prog Store io par hue a bottleol the Vwetine. I kept takirg tbe Togatine and. in fait, 1 became better and better. When I bad taken several bottle!all ScrofulaRorei and marks were gone; tnv health verr good It it the best blood Duri fieri ever tried. It will core serotnlo. It took the sores and hamon oft ray fare: b gave me a olerr ski". Brerybody who has git Scrofula Humors should try it. VERDINA’ D 8CHNICK. Watchmaker, Main St. I know the above to be true. DZ'-HASM DUUDBXHUJSBN, Apothecary, S19 Bain Street. Vesetioe is uow acknowledged by onr b*it physicians to be the only sura and safe remedy lor all diseases ariiinv from impure blood, tuen as scrofula audscrofuloua humors. VEGETINE For General Debility. XIAXT BIB, NX, Oct 2.1877. H & Stzvms— De»r sir- ify health h s always been poor. Hare taken a great many kinds of medictn bnt never took any that could begin to help me like theYenetine. Oue yt«r ago i<tt March 1 bad the Lung Fever; it left n-a >ery feebe fur a longtime. I could do but v-ry little work, and bard fur me to do a little. I had never brardof Vegetiue. One day L -aw the advertisement tn a paper. I felt it I could get that it would he p me. I tent the next day and got one bottl-. and before I took one bottle I could see good effects iron; the medicine. After taking a few bott'es I could do a good w«,tnng. I nave taken eeven bottles, am sixty fiv- years old, never was to well in my life and never wan so fleshy, for which I Ie<-I grateful t >you and to our Heavenly Father, I recommend it to all around me, for I prize it above ali oiner medicines Ke»pectfully yours, Mbs L R HOWABD, Thousands will bear testimony (and do it vol untarily) that Veget inn is the be-t medical com pound jet piactd before the public f<-r the reno rating ami purifying the blood, eradicating all hnmors, impurities er pui-onous secretionsIrom the system, invigorating anti ktrergth ntng the syetem debilitated by disease; i-.a manv bare called it, ‘-The Great Health Be storer.” VEGETINE Kidney Complaints—Dys pepsia. KiS.L OTTERY BY STATE’AUTHORITY. $15,000 «$1 THE KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY iadtawnin perta*nce of an act of tbe General Ast-mblv ot the State o' Kentucky For the Benefit of Educational Institutions THB FOi iiOWISG ATTRAC1ITK SCHbMB WIU, BR DRAW \ IM bCBLIC AT COV. INGTON. KY. UNUEB TH K tUPKkVISION OF SWORN COllMISalONBKS ON 1879, Lewiston, Ms, Nov s, 1S77. Mb if R SrxvRNS— Dear Fir—5I> father has been afflicted with Dyspepsia and Kidney Complaint tor the Ja«t ten year, and has been a great suffer. Our family and the neighbors thought we , hould lo>e him. About six months ago he commenced taking year Vegetine. Now be <s a well man, bnt he would not be without the Ve, -tine in bia hou e. and he ad rites all persons afflicted with tho«e ccmplaints to give the Vegetine a fair trial, and they will besatisfled that it wi'l cure them. Be had tried all kinds of medicinei without auerem before taking the Vrgetine. I have myaelf been unwell fur a long lime. My fath-r wrote to take theVeietiue.and l bare, and can truly iay that I never felt bettor in my life than I do now. J A CROSS, No S Chestnut Street, De* iston, Me. VEGETINE Druggists' Beport. Mb H R Stbvans- Dear 8ir—» e tell your Vegetine and find it to be aond for the complaint, foi which it i»r, com mended. It is «* good medicine. We have many calls for it. B F WH1TH KRSPO >N A CO. Druggists and Apothecaries, Deo 87,1877. Evansville, lnd. Vegetine is acknowledged by all clasecs of peo ple to be the best and most reliable blood puri fier iu the world. veg¥tine Prepared by H. B. STEVENS, Boston, Mate. Vosretine i3 Sold bv all Druggists. may! dwed fri funtw tf 1P0 ars SJ&re... - 25 sre.„„„ 10 are — 5 are MAY 14, SCHBMS; 1 Prize of $15,000 ii 1 Prizeof 8 txxj it._ 1 Pnteof 8.000 U... 8 Prizes of 8 500 are.. 8 Prize, of 1.000 are... 10 Priz a of 500 are..,, eoPrizeiof 100 Prizes of 800 Prizes of 500 Prz-mof 1.000 Prize-of 87 Approximation Prize, amounting to 1,891 Prizes amounting to {67,9*5 Whole Tickets, $1, C’ub rates unon application. CERTIFICATE AS TO ‘ Bond for Payment of Prizes Bv the conditions et thi« aet the manager, were require! toe-ecu's TO THR ,! TATB KKNTUCKY a HOND TN THB PEN 1L -UM UF ONE HUNDRBU THOUSAND DOLLAR-, conditioned for the prompt pa- ment »f all priz-v. and the faithful discharge of alidutie' ia-pohed b> said act. as seen by the certificate of the County Clerk, as below ktaied SIMMONS A UI KINSON, Managers, StaxbopKsntucxt, 7 Henrj County. rss. Cirv on NswcasrlvJ I, W W Turner, Clerk ot tbe County Court in and for mid County and 8t-te. tb, hereby certify tb-t the bond to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the sum of one bun ird theerand dollars, required to be filed by the Act for the benefit of the Henry Ma’e Academy and Henry Female Coll-ge paste t by the Gen, ral is-embl, of raid Commonw,aUh. and approrod Deo 9. 1850. was duly executed, de livered accepted, and approved, and that said bend is dnly filed in my office as Clerk of .aid Court Witness ray official eigust ure and seal of office at Neweast e. Henry County. Ky, this 25th day of March. A t>. I8M. W W TURNER, County Clerk, Henry County, Ky. Addreaa all orders to WILLIAM ON & CO, Central Eastern Agtsts, 519 Broi.dwa?, hw Turk List of drawings published in the New York Herald and gun. All out of town ticket ho ders are mailed a copy ot the official list as toon a. received The next drawing May 31, 1879, Wanted atonce Good Re iable Agents inEveryTown Address as above- tnsv3d68 !04fAwtt O EORKIA,- BIBb COUNTY—Whereas J,i M Kichardocn hex marie application tor lrtte,sufaduiiiihtre!ion on th., cataleul John S Richard?on -ate o' said county, dccca-ec. This is therefore to ate ant! admonish all por-o«! concerned to be and appear at he Conrt of i >rdinary of mid county on tbt first Monday in June nezt to show c,u«e if any they ra„, why le teraoi admjniktrat.on -hould not ce granted toanulitaut Witnetamy hand and official signature. May $.1-79 J A MCMANUS. ma>8 Uw4w tiriinarv. (1 uhGlA. DIHtt th'UMY.—Wbenwi Gto A* BTurpitthos ma e aopiictij- f,r letters of a<iminUtretlon on the estate Of Michael t i-ner, late of -aid county, deceased. This is therefore t j cite and admonish all persons conoernei to be and apt ear at the Court of < 'rdinary of said county on th- first Monday in Juno next, tosh' w cause, if at-y they ran, why letter- of administ ation should cot be granted to applicant. Witn--»s my hand and official signature M Stb, 1879. J A MCMANUS, maySIawAw Ontiimry. {6} G eorgia, BIBB COUNTY— Whereas Ge< 8 Obear, executor ot the rat-te of T bom s A Harris, represents to the court in his petit it, 1, duly Sled and entered on record that he has lull- admmif tere i Thomas A Harris’ estate. Thisiz therefore to cite al persons concert ed kindred and creditors, to -how esute, if any th-ycan, why taid executor should not be <ti> •hargetPfrom his necutonhip and receive let tera of dismission on the first Monday in Au gust 1879. Witness my hand and official signature. J A MCMANUS, iraifl law.'tra Ordinary. They provide for tho thorough inspection of ell boats, barges and tugs at New Or leans, Vicksburg, lietrpms and Cairo. The Sanitary Council ptoves o! great value to the B,ird in suggesting the Sanitary needs o£ the Sonte. San Fbancibos, May 7.—The vote Iu the city on tua new Constitution is very heavy—probably forty thousand. Its opponent* are confident of defeating th* mt-aanre. Information received is not snf- ficient to wartent an estimate of tto r> PrrrsvicLD, Mas?., May 6—The West woollen company is bankrupt. Liabilities $76,000. Assets consist of Block, miChtuery, end mortgaged mill property. ., . . T.W1, April 16, via Panama—Admiral Montero h^ a-sumed command of the defenses of Anca, where ha haa over two thousand soldiers. A powerful bat'-ery ie already in position on Uorro H 1> ovetlooking tho port. Ptsagca_ is ais, well guarded, and a strong division uu aer Colonel Suarez bas been pushed for ward from Iquique to Q ullagua, an out lying town on the boundary between If Olivia and P-rn on the river Loa, and in the immediate neighborhood of the Chil ian advance detachments. General Daza, President of Bolivia, at tha nead of near ly 4000 men, ie expected to xeaon Taieu nbouE tho end of this week and will con tinue his march through Ttrahara to the Bolivian terri'ory occupied by tho Chi lian army. Whether he will be accom panied by Peruvian forces ia not yet made known. War enthusiasm iu Limx is still extraordinary. Donations ot mt nvy are still being made. SuVtral regiment- of National guards havo been placed un der arms, and nearly ad foreigners resi dent in tha city hava organized them eelves into an urban guard to protect pnblio and private interests when the police are sent to tao front—this we un derstand will be in a tew days, and ub gendarme compose one of Ihe most ef fective organizations in ths army, their presence at <he seat of war is to De de sired. In Eacuador, although a prepond erance ot sentiment is in favor of P-ru. still the government ia determined to maintain tho strictest neutrality in the war. _ Cotton was active and firmer yesterday in Liverpool, «i-.b middling uplands at 6J and Hale* of 15.000 oales. Fatuces went up 7 1-16 for S-p ember and Ornob-r deliv er er. Th- Manobtater market for yarns nod fabrics was reported fiim Aud tend in. n w*i«w. lx ib an important>- that ire in this part of the mot at vtney-ro h-ve a o little oi the raw staple left to sell. New Music Books. The Gospel of Joy. ^gSSfSSi S U Speck A book tf great beauty, being in effect ‘The Gospel ia Song.” fall of good tens, with the best of new hymns and molodi-s made for them. InPreis ami nettriy ready. Wait for it. (55 cents) The Shining River, ^ 3 °“ a ° f u ^? and sweetest of Sun 'ay School Song li xiks, (85 rot'ts.) txamine i*! Gems of English Song, of the no’,lo Home Musical Library, which con- tains ,earl all tho go ol Rbe, t ever pub- li»hed. Full of tbt best Songs. 250 Pagas. $!S’J Hoards. $3 00 Cloth. Pina£irn continue! in cioatdemand $1(0 l lUdiJii. forrocalcopy.complete. 75c>nts for Instrumental arrangement TUS bOR- ■ ERER nlsj complete, is equally aa good, at same price. The Musical Record and is a capital Weekly 5In,ical Pacer, (s2 00 per vesr) C cents for single copy, containing 50 cants worth of music. OLIVER DITSON & CO,, Boston. 0 H D:T£ON A CO.SH B’dwayNT. apr£2 tf LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. SR PARKER. T Liel for ctvorce—Rule;; vs r P“rect seivi.-e—Libh 8 0, Oct CATOPARKKRy Adjourned Te-m. 1878. It appearing to the Court by tho return oi the Sheriff that defendant does nnt reside in thi> county, and it further appearing that h« does not reside in the State of >-eorgi». It is ordered tuat -aid defendant appear and answer taid sui; »t thn l eit terra of this court or ba con • sidered iu default. It ia further ordered that aervico of this rulob», mad-on raid defendant by uublica'ion in the Telegraph and Mossengor once a month for four months. T J bIMMONS. J90UC. By tbe Court: A true extract from the minute! of 3ibb Supe rior Court th<>, January 80th, 1879. jan34...1amlm A H liO<S. Clerk Notice to Debtors a. a Credit >r& / 5 EnRGlA. BIBB COUNTY —Notice is hero- aJT by given to -11 perao e having deaanda •gainst Joan L Gilbert, tate of raid county, de* c.aM-d, to pi6461,t them to us properly mode nut within thn time pres'-ribed by law so as to •ho- their character and amount- And all par- eons indebted tj said receased ero hereby ro- aairedtumaksimmediateraiment April 18th. 1879. R RGILBERT, E P GILBERT, aprl91aw6w Admlnl-traliy* EORGTA, STrtUuTuNlt -nhereasWil* <i»m F Holt. Guardian of Willi m U Wim berly end 11V Wimberly, now H V Peters, hav ing applied to the Court 9f Ordinary of an d county for letters of dismission from ni» guar- dia ship of William H Wimberly and H Y Wim bor y. now H V P-ters, peron and property. rhi- is therefore to cite ml}persons confined to show cause by filing objections in my office oy thr first Monday in June next to show cause why the said Wu iam F Holt should nut tie dia missed irom his said guardianship and receive tbe usual lutes of -lismisiion. i-iven undtr my official signature. March Sd 1879. msr*law3m J I MoMaNUS Orrln'v, G eORUtz Uldtf >;uU.S I't.-lVnurea, ti( Lawton, admin strator on tho estate of Jackson Deloachs, late of »aid county, deceatd has made application for letters of U.,mission from said « state •) hoso are therefore to cite and admonish all prrsous roncernej to b» and apprer at the I'uurl uf tirdinary of .aid county on ihe first Monday iu July next to show cause, if any th-y can, why letters of dismission should not be granted tne applicant. . . Witness ray band end offlaial signature April 4th, 1879. JAUCU4NU8. apri td Ordinary 111 llilWl DB.J.STEPH^alebaoon.t G B IRGIS. BIBB* COUNTY.-Whereas C F Newton, administrator on tha estate of A Goolsby, lsie of aaid county, deosased, repre rents to the Conrt of Or inary of said county in his petitiq duly filed that he has tally administered A G tlihj’i relate. This i* the et -re to cite all persons concerned, kindred and ered tors, to show cause, if any they cm. why raid administrator should notbedis- t-hargeu from his administration and receive letters of dismisuon on th- orst Slouday in June, 1379 Gitou under my official signature. marSlawSm J A 510MANU* OTdn*y. Gr Ai‘red Gonlsoy and C L Goolsby apphy to mo for dismi-sion from executorship estate of William Gootztiy, deoeasid. 1 his is therefore to cite a- d admonish all per sons con erued to '•hu- cause at this offire on ot by the first Monday in July next, it any they bare why tbe wmo shall not be granted. Witness my official tignature ihii dav, April Zd.1879. F M SWANMiN, ap.5 Uw3m* Ordinary. JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. W ill ha sold before the court bouse deor in the town of • botun on ihe flra» Tuesday in Ju- e next between tbo Irnl hours of sale ihe fjliowitg property, to wit: Three hundred acres of land or-noueh of raid land to satisfy » taxn fa te-urd by John Bradley, Tax <‘oll-ctor ot aali county, ti D H U Ksbern for tbe year 1878 Said Ians adjoins th- lands of V tt Gluvr, •alie Rusted and o>le». and known ns tbe Kabem plaoe. Le*y made by eon»ta le and tuned over t> roe th ! May 8<1.1879. may71aw4w W J GRK**HAM,-henff. $777 o« E&X Augusta. Outfit Free. Maine, t -xuai Address P O TICK BMjlwly A L 7 Ross, aduiinixtrator on the estate of W R Burgess. la eof said county, deceased, has m d< application lor leave to salt ten sn-rea of stuck ol tbs bibb Loan and Building Association be longii g to eai i estate. This if thcre'oro to cito and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear ct the Conrt of Ordinary of raid county on tbe first Monday ii June, next, to show cause, if any they tan why leave to sell raid stock should not b, granted. _ Witueaimyhand and official rignatuie. May Stb, 18 9. J A MCMANUS, mivrt law-lw Orriitory, dy Sweeny has in -de anplication for letters of admiuiatratioc ou the estate of Michael Roan late of taid county, deceased. This is ihrretoro to cite and admonish al persons concerned to ba and appear at th. Court of Ordinary of said county on the firs, Monday in Juno next to show cause, if any tke, can whv letters, of 8da.mistrat:oi should noth’ granted to applicant, Wi*neas my hand and official signature. May 5,1879. JV MCMANUS, matS law4w Ordinary. G eorgia, bibb county—whereas e s Langtuude has made application fur letters of admioi-ttration upon tbo estate of Jas G Rogers, Ute of said county, deceased. This, is therefore to cite and udmonivh al persons concerned to beand appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of taid county on the first Monday in June next to show came, if any they cai* why letters of administration should not oe granted to a» plicant. Witnrns my band and official signature. May 5.18-9. j a mcmanus, m*.vil:i«4* Ordinary. ( ilRlablished 1857.) PATENTS For invrntors Preourod by T. H. Alexander & Elliott, ^o* c.t th and Counsel in Patent Causes. > o ia’*3 unle s bucc«xnIu1 Cnses rejected by other a specialty. Send for “Hints to Inventor*’ frm *v*7w su.i/d, B URT’S Extra Early Prolifio Rust-Proof Oat", Ea'ly Minnesota Amber Ca< e, heu Brazilian Artichokes, Golden Dent Corn, an- 25 other interesting varieties; Peabody’s E rli Sweet Pcta'ocs, Spanish Chufua, Carmichael’. Money Bush C tton -eed.. German or Golden Millet, Cst-tail or Pearl Millet,BUmond Wheat Ivo-y Wheat, UullresOats Carr* t». Beet*, etc Beauty ot Ilebror Potatoes, Sure- Head t'abbage 6'0‘K) bushels Gra-s and Clover Seeds, l,o> bushel. Red Rust-Proof Oats, New Acme To mato, New Golden Wax Bean. Now Alpha Pn tvery fine). New Karly Summer Cabbage Fertilizers, Piow*. Garden Tools, Kann Ma chinery, Steam Engine., etc. Send or call for prices to MARK W JOHNSON A OO. fnhiartsw'm -7 -t ->. Bibb uoumy rostpoued ctariff Sales, /GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY. - Ui der and hy VJ virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi narv at taid county will tie told b> fure the court house door in the city of H.con in the flrtt Tuesday in June next, betse i, th usual hours of sale, forty ihin* of th« cwnitilatcck of the Eichange B.nk ol the c;t» uf Macon, belong ng to ihe date of W B rarker. 1st • ot taid county, de> eased. Bold for a division among the legatees of said estate. Terms e»sh MlRTlf 1 J PARKER. ze, utrix. ma-Ald Ex LORD & TAYLOR, NEW_YOKK. Opening Spring Display OF NEW DRY GOODS, WE CAN POSITIVELY ASSERT THAT AT NO PERIOD HAVE WE DISPLAYED AN_AS80r WENT OF DRY GOODS SO NT.OF DRY GOODS SO ADEQUATE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBLIC OR it PRICES SO ADAPTED TO THE NECESSITIES UF ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. SULKS. Our BLACK SILKS contain the well-known brands ot Bonnet, Ponson, Tapittier, Guinct. 01- »rd,and nther equally prominent mamifaetnrers. Tho Lord A Taylor FAMILY SILK enjoys a repu tation lor universal excellence that is unsur passed. _ Oar American Cachemire INDESTRUCTIBLE BLACK SILK justly claim* earnest attention, being equal to the beat ot .rclen manufacture at hair tho coot EVERY YARD WAR In COLORED 8ILKS our well-oe: offered at prices that cannot be WARRANTED, ■elbselected stock if J undcraeUL > black’kilk X rarest gems of the DAi!ASSES. *m- Enropcanor COLORED ANDiML I bracing the rarest gem* of American Markets. In SUMMER SILKS and FOULARDS wa have everything that iz new and bcantliuL PRESS GOODS. Novelties in Cacbemeres, Sailings, De beiges, and the standard Cloths, in splendid variety. Also. •• Anderson’s ■ Scotch Zephyrs, printed cotton Dress Goods, Momie Cloths, Cotelinee, Percales, Cheviots, Ac., with every grade to be fonnd taw first-class establishment. Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps. This department maintain* its supremacy, and shows tlio best productions from the European centres Our Cloaks and Sacqoesare ent and made by men tailors, therefore style and Stare guaranteed. ‘Suits and Costumes. Onr SUITS and COSTUMES fatly sustain that preeminence so justly established, and always represent the latest styles and fashions. Ladies’ and Children's Undergarments. Snperb assortment of fine French hand-mads UNDERWEAR, comprising every requisite for a lady's wardrobe. Also, children's suits for every tge and size. Our. Infants* Furnishing Department is thor. ougllly equipped. Oomnlete Wardrobes as low as 835; belter goods In the Wardrobe at list _ tho home-made article, tory. Hosiery*, Gloves, & Handkerchiefs. The tars cat, rarest, and most unique French novelties in the eitv. Also, tho medium grades of hose dor ladies and children at very moderate ° Ladies’.misses’, and children's kid, cloth, and Lisle Thread Gloves of the best manufacture, ia all the newest shades to match any dress material. A superior selection of plain hemmed linen, and all linen hemstitched, and scolloped Handker chiefs. Also, embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs unsurpassed in beauty or color. RIBBONS. Cents’ Fumisliing Quods. Every possible requisite for n gentleman’s outfit. First-class anti medium grades or goods at our usual reasonablo prices. Quality, style, and fit the prominent features of this department. Boots and Shoes. Fur spring aud cummer, for Ladies, Misses, and Children. Cloth ton, low button shoes, the novelty of the season, $3 DO; genuine kid walking boots. $3.75. Ik>w shoes from 82 to$5; fine quality slip- pers from 31.23 to 8ASO: S!l*scs’ best pebble goat, worked buttonholes 82; Children's hand made, spring heel, bntton boots, 3LCC-; Infants’ shoes, all colors, $1.75. Boys' and Youths’ French cat! button boots. 32.73, and a pood, durable tuccd shoe $1.03. *V Onr cooda are all first-class. We fill atl orders exactly and to the Interest or iiarchuscrs, guarantee ell purchases to be catlstactary to buyers, and stand ready to remedy all errors. We Invite orders, convinced that a Erst trial will Insure us tho regular custom hereafter. All orders for Goods to tic accompa nied by the money; or, where parties wish. Goods will bo sent by express, V, O. B. Where the remittance Is too large, wc always return the difference. Broadway find Twentieth St,,.' Grand, Chrystie, aBd Forsyth, X. Y. OMSHOTwSf; VLiftlT’N'f “d«& ■asnnvI *1>V •twlat.withjfrtifc. Kelt, Bax IPads, Bex Cava and Wsd Cunett. Also our celebrated Kentucky Bitie tor gf V. wsrrsNf ed or n« safe. Sena for Il lustrated Catalogue and Price Lists to James flown A Son, Enterprise Gnn Works, JMAfSflMSb, Established, 1848. BUUburgh, jpia. j v hiJK'ilA, JON KB COUNTY.—To rachad 'J ministrator- executor and guardian who ire required by law to make annual returns to Jones Court of Ordinary—Greeting. Yon and each of yon are hereby notified and required to make your annual returns aa direct ed by law between this rrd the fint Monday in next julv. in default thereof action by the n urt will be taken under’be law of such cases, knd to throe who have failed to make returns ,t last July t -rm. As -.quire 1 bv law, notice is given that action will he taken by the court to nter judgment against then, and their sureties n bond lor such default and fora'.l moneys not ecally ai-counted for in thif court. (irdrrel that this noties be published in th. felo-r i h and Messenger for tnr>e months Witness m> band officially March 25.1879. BoLAND T RONS. apr5 1aw3m* Or-’inarr following property, to - wit: Part of lot Nos. in h'oek No 58, in tho city of Macon, Bibb .canty. Go. now known as the livery stable ot 8 A Porter, ou the corner of lot No 4 bounded on thenorh hy kU Wilder & Sons’ shop, on the south bv the residence of 8 A Porter, on tie west oy Thin* street, and east hy an alley. Levied ou as the property o'#4 Porter, trustee, to s'tufy a 6 fa. Issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of K 0 Wilder Sc Sons vs 8 A Porter principa’, and R W Riba and J R Gr ffln secumies on appeal bond. Properly pointed out in taid fi fa. Al.o at tuff same time and place all that tract or parcel of land situate and beu g near the Central railroad denot. tn tbe city of said county and 8tate. beginning at a point which is the intersection of Fourth stree r . and an alley east of tbe ratlro d depot, ext end in. iu an easterly direct on along gam Fourth stre t 210 feet to the intersection cf Fourth and Pop'ar streets, thence at ri.kt angles to Fourth street, along Poplar street 2li> feet, thence at rwht angles £lo feet, thence at right angles 21u feet to said alley, £10 feot from crt. inal starting point, th-nce a ot'g said a,ley to said storting noi, t, with tho warehouse and all the atorehsusi s si'uated th-rcon, th store owned by J. Schofi.ld aud the land occupied thereby on the corner cf said ahry and said Fourth strroit, hav ing a front on Fourth street of ot twenty-eight (28) >ect and mnetv-four (94) feet on said alley. Levied ou aa the proper y of tbe Flanrer's War. home Company to satisfy a mortgage fl la issued tn.rn ibe Superior Court ot 8ibt> c- uuty in favor of Duncan, 8i.erman A Co, vs tbo trr’a Warehouse Company. Property pointed out in said tnortgise fi tA GYO F CUERBT, mBy6tds* Bher.g. G eorgia, biba count Y.-whoea« joh J, executor of the estate of Lerey It Wi.ey. represents to the court in bta petition duly filed an.* -uterrd on record that hohas fully a Iminlstered Lero- M Wil.y's estate Thn, is th. re fore to cite mi persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to scow cause, if any they can, whv said execu-or should not be dia- i-bareed from his executorship and receiVo let ters of dism.saion cn the first Monday in Au gust, 1879 Witness mv hind and rfflcal signature. majBlawkm J ! Mow SNU8. O-rtinaiy. G BiBB-OUNTY —Wnerea Jacob Dinkier, guardian of tbe person acd mop- erty of Edward B»rend. a miaur nowdeo-ased. hasmoae spp.ica ion for leave to sell all the real and personal property belonging to the estate of said minor, recr-snu This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to b« and appear at the Court ol Ordinary of said county ob the first Monday m June next, to show cause il any thsy can. why leave to «rl! •aid re-1 and personal property should sot be granted. * Whness my band and official signature. May 5th i-79. J a McManus, urate las t*-- ■ 8120013 82660 A YEAR Agents wanted. Bust- ness legitimate. Particulars f: se. ittei J WOITH A CO.. Bhleais GTotioe to Debtors and Creditors. A LL person- i. deuted to the estate of Mas B'iz» Smith, lat-of Bibb county deceased ,re hereby requested to make immediate my -n-nt, and a'l persons having demand, against arid estate will present tbs asue duly auth-nti- it d. B CSMITH, t-xecutor March 8* l v 7o m.- fl i,-w «■* CONDENSED CYCLOPEDIA. B.rezt epportu, ity tor making money ts now offered to general agents and canvassers in the South on this exceedingly useful -nd low-priced «.ok 1.0- 0 tip. double column. 700 engravings to double-page colored map., tmlv $5a-eeny For terms aud temtorv addres. T aLLWPOD ZELL, DlVii- A Q, »■ Philad-lnhia rn.^w41 HOriQtf. We nave the LARGEST and be s*lling Stationery Package in thn world. 18 sheets ol Paper, 18 Envelopes, Pencil, Pei holder. Gulden Fen, sett a rleoeof rm uable Jewelry. Comjrictt rample package, with elegant gold stoi o Sieert Hutto s. dot Gold-plateo 8tuds, Engraved Gold urated Rtng.sida Ladies’ Fashionable Fane <et. Fin and i rops, postpaid 25, ents 5 Pack ages with A-scrted Jewelry $>. sPLENDll WATCH AND CP UN FBKR WITH RVERT 850 W'«RTB OK GOODS YOU BUY. Kitruor din Inducements to Agents Bit IDEA CO. Brca-tway. N.Y E. I. KAY M, 98 Cherry Street, MACON, - . GA. Manufacturers ol and Dealers in CARRIAGES BUGGIES, WAGONS, Harness, Saddles, Whips. Bridles, C ollars. Hames, ViKses. Trunks Travuliag Bags, CHILDRENS’ CiRBiiSES, Lap Bobes. Horse BJan^ets, Sole, DpperanilHar; ess Leate Calf Skins, Shoo Fiudirg;, Ball ondexamirenur -lack In-fo-e purcharine R*po-itorie.»—98 Cherry .rt, fi.rcn. and SU B'Ood Street Aumi.ta Damages, Buggbs, IWagons. Our Shops on Poplar Street, next door to Stew Art's Stables. Are supplied with a full stock ot the choicest materials, and we have n our employ the best mechanics in Georgia. We will make notbtag but the very best work, and at pritea within the reach of all The manufacturing d>par(ment3s tn charge ol TS Greece, late oi Freeman .A Greene, who will be glad to wait on all bia old oust,ucers. The best hand mode harness alwatys <nhand Recalling of nil kinds will have care ful attention. Prices low. will occupy, the old carnage stand. Good. Small A Co, as a sales room on October laz. All work warranted. "*r«n. Auvust IA 1878 u»w8m «r tt* bOLUlA, JiSPhtt OOU.viX—U. Buaaey and Charies P Aiken applies t or dismission from executorship * James Aikin. deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned show earnest this office on or by the fire indsy in Hay next, tf any tbey have, shy the me shall net he granted. Given under my band officially this day, Jan uary 10th,1879. F M SWANSON. Ordinary, tan! 4 dlt wlawSm H EARING K.gSTOKKI> Particulars free Tuny A Harper, Waduot. lnd. acrtdsutwst A GOOD PLAN Anybcdy can leurn to make money rap'dly opbr- atiug in Stosk- by the ’"Toro Un-rnns Role- Air riucoesa. in Messrs A Co’a new Ofanen- far. Tbe combmttioa method, which this arm hs* made ap aurcesstut, enable* people with largo or. mill means to reap all the benefltaof largest capital and best skill. Thousands or ders, in V-nous su-i.e, are rooled i to cne vast amount and ee-uperated as a migutv wn Ie, t*-— securing io eseh shareholder all the raivan i S. t>P-r»tor. 1mm, n-e prafii* divided monthly. Any amount, from $5 tuf or more, <»n be used succreafull* >ew ' Baptist Weekly, September 28,1878, save r the combination ivstem $15 would make!,. • per rent $'0 pavi $!50, or 7 percent: L makes $1,1-00.or 10 per cent on the stock dar tbo month, aooorditig to t- e market.’’ F Lcsl-e’s Uluitrated Newspaper, June 29>h; ' combination method of operating .tucks is ( most successful ever adopted.” New York] dependent, Kept, l«h: The cumbinatiOH . tem is founded upon correct nuaine-a priueip. and no person need be without an income wh it m ke t working by Messrs Lavret re AI Brooklyn Journal. April 29th: “Our editor - ... an.t profit of $101 flstrem $20 in one of Kami Lawrence A Co’s combinations ” New oircuSb (mailed tree) explains everything, stocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds inr»ia Lawrence A Co, Backers, 57 Exchange iBfla Y«>rk Punilfm 4 RkIDB a .08 newCiwu LnUnn ^ ewel 8r «i»*«y Picxuii’ ’ $7 50 per lOu to Agent], Cheapest in tbo World. Two ssmp'os with jewelry, by mail, postpaid, 25 Cents lhustreteo circulars of BXaZM ard tsiSiT-BLfl Movdtw-free. 207 “iwY*i w “ y • JEWEL Betshlkhed. 1870 Favorably known throughout tbe United States JStW €ar$iage Factory. KENT & GREENE -lluibetUMidMd Dealers ti- arleijt, 'Safe THEI Masonic Building, Macon, gSeorgUfe S NOW Of BERING to th public the ftUow Sa; quotaKocs in Dry Gcods: DRESS 6ILKS In endless variety from.10 eta per yard upwards. BLACK BILK?, a very luge assortment) brum $1 per yard to $4. BLACK GRENADINE? of every imsririible pattern from 25,35,45. ES, 85, 75 coats anapD to $450 per yard. DRE8B GOOD?, the largest selected stop* in this city. Irom 6.10,106-15,20,25,30,33c5P per yard. LINEN LAWNS. We have a splendid tine of Patterns from 18.20,25, SO, S5.4.'c per yaxiA PACIFIC LAWNS Onr Styles am rarftx- tanaire, from UM 1518 $ 125c per yard. WHITE LONDON CORDS In stripe Aad check from BIQlfii 16 >810 and 25c per yard, COLORED LONDON CORDS In all thcrae* shades acd patterns from 8 19 IS 1-3 1* lS.SCc peryard. HOSIERY for Ladies, Misses and GitUaren This D-psrtment la very ex ten air* in near fiyUj ■wd shades. - HAMBURG EDGTNG8. the largest elBftever brought to Mae m, frost S 7 910 IS 1-Z I5J8MflS to $2 60 per yard. WHITE GOODS. Ewrrth'ng partafoMrflo this Department, eompruing Linen pni. Kwlia Muslin. Jaconets, Na.ntook, from MW* 16 20 23 to 50e per yard. IINBN TOWELS, a very la’ge aetcrissent from $1. $1 £5, $150, $175. J2and uptffJOper SMB. P4RAR0LS ot tho latest styles and partem a from 25 50 73 $1125 1 50 1 76 $2 up to $10 XqjWee, SILK Tim AND BOW<, a beautiful («>eted line, from 25 SO 35 40 43 50 Cft 75c up tfb$9S0 apiece GENTLEMEN*!} JJLOTHING.a -sate meat in ail styles. Tbe best Blue Fl< at $lu 53 a amt, YOUTHS’AND BOYS* SUITS in all thc -or de-igns from $500,(5 50, $610, $u »)#J<W, 47 50 UP to $12 5J. CHILDREN’S SUITS from 3 to 10 S&rsfil «g« from $25i>S0056040i)450 5 00uptojMper suit. CHILDREN’S KILT f-UITB, from Sftttoa yean of age, a splendid assortment. MATTING in all styles and patterns trtaflS 18 2 ’IS SO 55 to 750 per yard. CARPETS, the largest stock in tho RMtoa gr.ariy reduced prizes. And all kinds ot Good' pertaining tq A first c-'a-a Dry Goods Establishment. OUR SAMPLE DEPARTMENT is plete, aud wo wit be pleased to tsa4 “ any kind of Goods to any one free of c \SXS3 S. WAXELBA.UM & Em, New York Store, Masonic Building, apr8 6m \ GtKTs W AN l'BD,-for the b*st est tolling Pictorial Book* and Prices reduced S3 Per «nL Address NaT PUBI.’BHlhG fQWPANT. Philsitql h 1 KAL’SHKN ANDOANYABShRH ,( latest and u -«t thine on Barth nr, vo it or tort,-it tluO. A Ut« lung -sii , Adores* CHlDBBTKR A CO, lOTFour 1 New York,