Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, June 10, 1879, Image 5

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^ TfcLKGUAPli. ^ tnne 2.—Henry Dora, «rooer, iosnas*. J le ^ ni8 linbilittea are oi K e ’100.000 pnnnda. Eowsthorne .:.tsd 1 ‘ m ronfaotnrera of Prea- 4 M- ink ' ® J :. ”, fits lUbiHttes are Bis tort ^„VoOO Fiotcber fc Eydar, tei fct 27 -°°“ f p L , Te rpool, oog«R*d In the pjeichiot* c bare failed* Ttoelr be he***. Ll0 ja 8 \ dated Malta, A d i'f “learner A. E Nordens- J** Jiied banes for Bahrlngs »yo!a of t he SatE Canal In qneat rr *' W " Vara* oontalnlna the Swedish orar f Professor Nondenskyold pirii’deipitob to the Teste* eayain- Al .,, on into cxpreBSiona alleged to U30 i by Mgr. Forcade, Aroh- ‘‘VnofAiX, with reference to M. doles; Mediation bill, ha* shown Ihe •■. <rr ’ t0 ba unfounded, or at least to- n0 sufficient case for pcoaecution., f *2£x*ND»i*. Eorrr. Jane 3.—The CoBiul General at this place, J< n proceed to Cairo t0 dcmand a r0 P i » * ! .ha woteat of tba German Govern- Bint DJt tha Kaed ‘ ve ’ 8 decrue 07 1 p£nW' June 3 -The trial of .^nJsrSolovteff. who attempted the ..itniination of the Caw, will commence £“ r0 the Supreme tribunal on Friday next. “^rte Vo”toka charge of the executive i “\VH*«UM»,W. Va, June 3.-The er- citem^v at Littleton incident to thear- 2,1 of seven of a gang of Bedmen who Evez-1 county, is very great. The names of the prisonara are Amos Hrmeleck, George Ultom, John TJltom, John Steward, John Hosteller, Eloy- Batcher acd John Longb The men ,“ 010 have been tried yesterday but no iwtice of the peace could be found will- L, te-iakhia life in doing so, for sev iiilirrit) notified by the Eedmea that , would bx killed if they aasiated in brinciDR »ay of the gang tojuatioe. _ Suet j rrices of Justice Lonester, of the center district, have, however, been ob , tin d md the trial has been set down for to day. Governor Mathews has taken a very decided interest in the matter and is de termined to have this lawlessness crushed cat The prisoners have secured the •etvicos of Fountain Smith, of Ftir- Bount, as counsel. About fifty men of the gang atuck-d the house of & promi- neai citizen of Manoiugtou late on Mon- diy morning, bm finding the occupant* veil armed and prepared to receive them, dcusted from their efforts and rode off WcBOBjr, June 3.—Tne works of tbe M-tmuac Coem'cal C >mpany, at North Wubarn, Massachusetts, were d.-covered to tieou firs last night, and the mo*t valu able pution of the tontldiogs were w- itreyrd Toe lose is estimated at $G0,- 00010 175,000. Tho property la be lie vert tobefuily tn.ured. The lead chambers csnuining vttroil were destroyed letiing Uote Urge quantities of vitriol, which ran round tn pools, making it very dan gerous fur tho firemen. A. V Weeks, book-keeper for the com pany, fell into a large paddle cf the ritrid, and was badly burned, rendering his iecovery doubtful. Several others wire burned with vitriol. Wa.hinotoh, June 3.—The Hon e re tain ed consideration of tho baeiness of tbe morning hour, being tbe bill amend ing the btatmea relative to the removal of causes from State to Federal courts. Towoshnnd having withdrawn the demand for the previous qaeation the morning hoar is being ooceamed by tbe delivery itror oi ■.'ripelt hi'Jns NrtB Xfuk- ' D The remit of last night’s joint meeting cf th>* Democratic caucus committee was the adoption of tho altered programme- tugges’ed bv toe sab-committee ana tbe Democratic members of both Houses will meet in caucus at 3 o’clock this af ternoon to comider the advisory commit tee's report which will then be pre tested. The Senate prccacded to coneider un- fieiihed business, being the House bill to establish post-routes. The President sent to the Senate tbe nomination of George W. McCrary, Sec retary of War, to be Judge of tbe Eighth United Slates Judicial circuit, to succeed Judge Dillon, resigned, to take effect September 1st JicrsoNViLLK, Fta., Jan6 3 —The ex tradition oase ot General W. S Littleful'% of tots city, who waa arrested by warrant of Governor Drew, npin requisition from lbs Governor of North Carolina, ani sob cqo-ntly released on a writ of folcas corpus, terminated here to-day. Toe beeiiog, which was before Judge Archibald, of tbls oirenit, began Friday. Toe Judge in a long and able opinion de cide* that General Littlefield is properly released and cannot be molested Tbs ute exoited much interest, and ths opin ion generally prevails tbat tbe decision is right both in law and eqaity. The General, who is a member of the bsr of ibis county, asked and was grant* td permission to say a few words after ths rendition of the opinion He said that be did not fear to stand a trial fer any charge against him, that oomd be ratted by tbe State of North Carolina, bnt ho did want some a«auraace that be eonld have a fair trial on a ebarge upon which he already has had three exami- nations in tbe city of Baliegh without conviction of wrong doing. Ha only de- Qiads fair play and an examination or trial in the interest of juetioe, rather tsan for tho promotion ot party or per* *oaal end*. WaiHisoroN, June 3.—In the Senate tea amendment to the bill made m the Committee of the Whole waa agreed to, ud the bill passed. The Senate then took np the bill to ‘mend the act creating a northern judi cial district in Texas, and pending the fccEideration thereof went into executive “••ion, and afterward adjourned The nomination of Claude H. Bussell, " nieT*' 4 ' M atB ‘ 8lttn< ' Ear 8 eon ™ 8 C0D ' WainiHQToif, Jane 3.—At the regular meeting of the Senate Ficanes Com- ttUee to-dsy, the Warner 6ilver blU was “ten np, bat the consideration of it post- wed until next Friday when a special SEs'.tcg will be held. The Chairman, Jr - Knott, of House tbe Judlofery committee, has finished his report op th hilt * * T8t0 of tbe »rmy interference it i j ^ Wi8 thought he would submit today. He doubtless would have JJf *°i had not many members been ab- u!“ t j 1 l 9ei8 =ative session of the Senate .j: •ftcmoon.aU tbe pending nomine- fciV ,Gtne three hnndred in onmber, u Pf0 . nlni enla and promotions in tbe W v e called & ° d oonfirmed tn , t No opposition was made, ana a t ,.*f <!n , ProTe, ‘T conoerning them is no* viii . eD d e d|alth°ngh to-dsj’s sotton IhmL!^ 8 * t0 l hh bare possibility of h*M. 61564 motion to reconsider t:t^t- d dnr,D 8 either of the next two Sim?, 0 w SBlons - The nomination of r^«wy McCrary, aa Judge Dillion*’ V7ae laid before the Senate iodim. nea lD tunal eonrse to the i “j«»ty oommittee. S^fHalitood, of Cincinnati, and ex tJT. are talked of for the va- i; s .^ n te,ted *>y 8enator McCrary’s nom* ^“dlatary Committee oon- ww— Mr. Bayard’s bill to repeal tit, *hd 821 of the revised st*'- on. ’ nt took ho deoisWe aotlon there* ‘t?s,.? £ , tt ? ors ^ 0 members of the Honse timoop •- 8 - he!d canena this af An army appropriation bill, vetoed by the President, with the following new section in the place of the eection upon which the veto was based. Section sir.—That no money appro priated by this act is appropriated or shall be paid for the subsistence, equip ment, transportation or compensation of any part of the army of the United States to ba used as a police force to keep the peace at the polls at cay election held within any State. The bill extending the legislative, ex ecutive and judicial appropriation act of June 19.1878, for one year from the -30:h inst., for the same ectnB and pur posed therein specified. The bill contains no general legislation except that portion recently vetoed. The bill known as the McMahon amendment, providing for the repeal of certain laws regulating the payment of pensions In last year’s bill, which it is thns proposed to re-enact, provided for the salaries of all tbe United States Judges, District Attorneys and United States Marshals, bnt made no ap propriation for judiciary expenses, whtob, however, were subsequently provided for m tho snndry civil appropriation bill. Hence it was agreed tbat the committee on appropriations shall reporta bill mak- iog appropriations in detail for all theeati mated judicial expenses, except tbe per diems of the Supervisors and Deputy Afersbals of elections, and contaioing also tho clause agreed npon last Satur day, that no officer shall be appointed and no obligation incurred for aoy pur pose not specifically appropria ted for by Congress. This supplemental appropriation bill also to embody those sections pf the vetoed ap propriation bill whiob provide for the y obk Jane 3.—Advices to the Peruvian minister announce that on tne < h m»v President Prado, of Peru, left Lima* with tho consent of Congress ^ _ , tate command of the Pernrfaa army, ame ndments of the law respecting the ni.hat tneVtce President has-gone to - - SJ? *• r «ceive tne report of the joint in regard to the ap- K^bfih. After several hours del >irt6»s- “ e following programme was i-n 0n; committee on appropria- unt n®&*tely prepare for the faction ot three bill*, as follows: method of drawiog juries and for tne to tal abolition of the jurors “test oath/’ The bill will also provide that no money therein appropriated, shall be need for fee?, salaries, compensation or expenses of any porooa appropriated under title 2C h of tbe Bsvised Status whiob com pri ses the Federal election laws; also, that no liability shall be incurred for any eb- fect for which speoifie appropriation shall not be made by Congress VstsAH-ixt, Jane3.—The Chamber of Depones to-day dtaenseed tbe election .of M. Bianqnt M. Lrrojer, Minister of Jus tice, said tbe government in dealmg with M. Bianqnt, would aot m full conscionsnes i, of its liberty and respon- slotlity. Daring hie soepch, M Leroyer stigmatized the coup <Tetat aa a crime, wberenpon P-nlde Cassagnao londty de nounced tbe minister as insolent. This interruption created great tnmnlt, and Cassagnao was'ctnsnred by a|large major ity. Al. Mitchell eald tbe Bonaparuats would not vote on tbe resolution of cen sor e beoanse the whole affair was a quar rel between elder and younger branches of insurrection. For this remark he was called to order. A vole was finally taken aod Blacqoi’s election annulled by a vote of 327 against 33. Ns* York. Juno 3.—The ninety- cghih annual communication' of the Grand Lodge of Free Miaous of the State of New York was opened this af ternoon in the Masonic Temple- The attendance was unusually large. Tne opening addrseo was delivered by Grand Master Jursun, reviewing the occurrences during the recess and relations with tbe various Grand Lodges on tbe continent aod payiog a tribute to the dead of the year. Pobtlakd, Ms., June 3.—The-Green back State Convention met in this city to-day with 1,830 delegates present. Evolutions were adopted reaffirming the cardinal pnnoiplea of the Maine Green back platform of last year, favoring un limited coinage of gold and silver, with the issue of legal tender paper money enough to transact tho business of the country, the ueo of coin in tho treasury to rtduce the bondel debt, and the sub stiiute of greenbacks for national bank notes. -JUtAWASaxaH,-Jss? -L—The .appropiu prepare measures in acoordanoe with tbe programme above outlined. Tbe pto- oeediogB of the canons wore unexpectedly harmonica?, there being no national dtf ft re tics o* opinion except regardmg tits army bill and the advisory committee’s recommendation av to that wasopuoied by only a few members of the House while the Senators present were unani mous in sustaining the entire, reporr. Senator Thurman submitted a reporr in behalf of tbe joint committee and ex plained its features and the grounds upon which tbe committee based their conclu sions He scooted the idea that this coarse oonld be considered a ‘‘backing down," since no Democratic caucus or committee bad taken the position that the supplies would be withheld unless tbe President would acquiesce in the re peal of the obnoxious statutes. Be- peal measures were proposed beciusa the- were believed to be right, and Were placed on the appropriation bills as tho most convenient and speedy method of passage, and as the method giv ing the greatest prospect of Persidectiai approval. The President had taken the responsibility of opposing tho will of the people,and thereby giviag the Democracy the benefit of the issues thus raised. Congress cculd now exercise its Constitu tional right to designate the purposes for whioh money appropriated shall be used. Referring to the proposed omission of the appropriation for the Supervisors and Deputy Marshals, Mr. Tnurmau e^id. ‘‘Does any one believe tbat the President will attempt to coerce the United States. Yet this wonld be the attitnde he would assume should be refuse to approve the bill appropriating money for various specified objects on the ground that it did not coniaio an appropriation for some other purposes.” Hamburg. Jnne 4 —The Borsenhalle denies icat Biamarek has asked the allies of Hamburg and Bremtn to surrender their privileges as free ports. „ Brsuh, Jnne 4 —Specle.deoreased 2,- 560 OOO marks. S.iM, Jnoe 4 —Ihe river Po has made a breaon in its embankment between tbe villages of Sermide and the market town of Rovere. Tne damage is very serious. Nkw York, Jnne 4.—James Otton Woodruff, projeotor of the “Woodruff soientifioexpedition,"died this morning of brain disease. Simla, June 4.—Official reports from Cashmere say it is impossible to exagger ate the distress the famine is ceasing there. The Maharajah of this province, at the urgent request of the Viceroy of India, is proceeding toiSeringnar, the oap- itol city of Cashmere to superintend the i-irganization of relief. Toree thousand five bnndred tons of grain are now in transit to the vallev of Cashmere. -WA-tHiNtrroir, June 4.—la the Senate Mr B*y*rd, from the Judiciary Commit tee, reported with an amendment.the Senate bill repealing sections 820 and 821. of tho Bevieed S la niter, which pre scribe the jnrora’ test oath, etc, and siid he would probably aek leave to call it np to-morrow for consideration. Ordered to be printed and placid on the calen dar. The Senate took np the bill to amend an act in regard to the judicial districts in Texas. In the Honse Senate amendments to the Honse grasshopper bill, extending the time of payment by preemptors, were agreed to and-the bill now awaits the Preudem’s signature. Many bills have been introduced on leave and re ferred. • ' * ‘ Mr. Buckner, ebairman of tbe Com mittee on Banking and Carrenoy, report ed a resolution directing an investigation into the affairs of the Ocean National Bank, of New York, and the German National Bank, of Chicago, and especially into ths management ot the assets of these banks by their respective re- ceivers. . Bsnuw, Jone 4 —The government will probably compel nniform rates for all railroads ia the Empire. - ■ ■ London, Jane 4.—Hanlon and Elliott are in constant training for the coming aiateb, and both are getting into good form. Hanlon is tbe favoritei two to one. Phuadxuhia, Jane 4 —The Philadel phia and Biading Coal Company an nounce that the entire prodnot of coal for June ia exhausted and future orders will only bo taken at July prices. Whkxung, W. Va., Jane 4—Beese Parsons, a colored desperado, who re sisted arrest, was shot dead by the pur suing officer. Washington, Tune 4 —Hon. Emory Speer leaves for Georgia on account of telegraphic announcement of his wife’s serious illnees. Sr. Psvwmssm, Jana; 4.—The police are to ba armed with revolvers, by an Imperial d-cree. Alb ant, June 4.—James D. Fish has been appoint'd receiver of the Globe Mnraal -Life Insurance Co. He gives $200 000 oond and deposits receipts with the Mutual Trnet Co. San, Jane*.—Sqnaerst, con victed of murder, cut his throat at Caluaa with a rsz >r, brought by his wife Winnxtrg. Jaae 4.—The ground for the Canada Pacific railway was broken to-day. Concord, N. H., Jnne 4 —Cooke, wit ness agaiosr- Buzzsil, the alleged mu ', derer, retracti his testimony and a new trial is probable. In the Senate the bill amending the Northern Judicial district of T*xcs was considered and passed. Adjourn-d. ' In tbe House, the Bank investigation was continued, after a short discussion as to the propriety of investigation, in course of which Whitteborne, of Tenn., expressed a desire tbat tne whole Na tional banking system be investigated, a id its corruption exposed. The reso lution was adopt-d. Atkins, of Tennessee, chairman of tbe appropriation committee, reported hack the joint- resolution repealing snndry clauses of the sundry civil bill, approved March, with Senate amendments thereto- - ■ Human, of Virginia, offered an amendment increasing the appropriation for tbe family of tbe late Representative Sebleirher, of T-'xas, to ten thousand dollars, which waa agreed to. Tbe Senate amendment waa then concurred in. Springer of Illinois, as a question of privilege, offered a preamble and resolu tion reciting ths proceedings of the Com mittee oh Eipccditnres tn the State de- pftrtBM-nt'lo tbe last Congress, in connec tion with the charges against George F. Seward, Mio ster to China, and referring (he report or tbat committee, articles of lmpesobment fr -pored by it, and testi mony taken in the cise, to the Jodtciary Commi-'fee. with instrncUons to consider the Same, take other te-iimony if neoes- eary, acd report to the Honse at the next session. Agreed tr. Adjourned. Among the bills introduced in the Hoqee to-day was one by Mr. Buckner amending eection 2070 of the revised statutes eo as to retd as follow- s “The Secretary of the Treasury may purchase coin for the purpose of maintaining re sumption with notes of tbe United States authorized by law at such rates and upon such terms as he tnay deem most advantageous to the publio interest, aod be is hereby prohibited from sellisg or issuing any interi at bearing obligations of the United States for any purpose ex cept refunding the public debt ” A met tmg of tho appropriation com mittee of the House has been called for to-morrow morntn?,when the bills agreed upon by the joint Democratic caucus last nigh% will be submitted for action. New Orleans, June 4.—The Board of Health adopted a resolution n questing the Governor to modify his proc amation establishing a quarantine against certain porte, so that the period cf detention will be two hundred and forty hours instead of twenty da; s for all vesaels arriving from «ucb ports. Note —THe above refers to all Mexi can, South American and West India ports. Columbus, O.. Jane 4—Esins was nominated for Governor by ihe Dema- erntio Convention to-dsy, on second bat- lot, and Rice for Lientenast Governor. eafffe‘SaBerS n fo 2 fey ,? byeiatr£g"yj5iS5r F. Hurd, of Cincinnati, permanent Chair man. The following tioket was nomina ted: For Governor, Thoa. E ring, of Fairfield; Lieutenant’Governor, A. V. Riee, of Putnam; Treasurer Anthony, Howell, of Stark; Judge of the Supreme Court, W. J. Gilmore, ,of Preble; Auor nev-Gemral S. Pillars, of Allan. The platform adopted demands a fair election wi’hout tbe interference of military pos- .ei; says tbat tbe laws enacted by Con gress, which, under-, tbe pretence of reg al iting Congressional tlaclions. interfere with the eleotion of S’.ate officers and overthrow the laws of tbe States governing the ohoice of such officer.!, are uncanatt- tntional, and ought to ba repealed. It demands aohangoin the Federal jury laws so that juries cannot he packed and cont'Olled by the Government fordeapotio andparuian purposes cahere- tofore. It charges that the action of the Pieeident and the' Bepublican mi nority in Congiess, in refusing to allow supplies to be voted unless the majority would consent to the use of troops at the pells and the maintenance of unconstitu tional acd unjust eleotion laws, has shown the spirit of a faction and devo tion to party success instead of to the welfare of the country, and deserves the condemnation of the whole American people. It asserts that President Hayes by interposing Vetoes'to defeat constitutional and well considered legis lation has disregarded the intentions of the framers of the constitution and wishes and welfare of tne people'; that it is tho sense of the Democracy of Ohio that not a dollar should be appropriated •by Congress to pay soldisrs, marshals 6r supervis3rs to interfere with elections. The financial plank of the platform reaffirms the principles heretofore advo cated by the party in Ohlc; favors the abolition of the present national banking system and the substitution Of green backs for national bank notes, and de clares that the demonetization of silver was a monstrous fraud on the people,- and that it. should be restored tj, its pice on an equality with gold. An additional resolution requesting t\e Democratic members of Congress not to TOie for the army appro priation bill until provision ba made to keep the army from influencing or in timidating tho people at the polls was submitted by Frank Hard, in behalf of the minority of tho Committee on Reso lutions, but was defeated by a heavy vote. Columbus, O., Jane 4.—Tho State Greenback Convention met here to-day; abfrat 500 delegates present. S. F. Cary was made permanent chairman, ana the following ticket was nominated: For Governor, General A. 8iunders; Piatt, of Hogan county, Lieutenant Governor. The platform adopted favors the distri bution of civil and political rights, without favoritism on account of birth, oolor, crOed or financial condition. It de mands the issue by the Government of an ample volume of legal tender-curren cy to meet the business wants of the country; charges the present suffering of “financial distress npon the old politi cal parties; denounces til reference to the late civil war as revolution ary; calls for the abolition of the national banking system; srtsutn- tion jot a graduated inoome- tax for the internal revenue laws, and ealliBg in ana the payment of all United Btates bonds in legal tender notes. A minority report was alsj'snbmitted by the oommittee on tbe'platform, and led to a bitter and exoi- led discussion. ' • a0i New Uniform*. Yesterday the poUea force received their new uniforms. They were ordered through Mr. J. H. Hertz, the clothier. To-dsy the foroe will appear in their new regalia. They are male from melrofel- itan police flinnal, navjf. blue, the eame aa that uied by the New York polios. The officeiB will wear double-breasted Backs with silver buttons, while the privates will woar blouses with gold buttons. . ' ■«»•■— Persona living » unhealthy localities may avoid all billions attacks, by taking a dose of Dr Bull's Baltimore pills occasionally , to been the liver in a healthy acti:n Vru ' n Bull’s the VEGETINE SAVED MY LIFE Boscox. Dec 17,1872. H R Sxsvess. Eiq - Dear Sir—Mvv 1 ask the favor of ;eu to make csv publio f In 1831, while on picket duty in tho army. I was taken with a fit, wbioh 1*> ted all night. Was token into camp, ana dosed with whi>ky at d quinine. After this had fits every day. and wa« taken to Newbem Hospital, and there treated by the atterdinc physicians. I grew wtrse and was sent home. Uemamed in poor health lor fonryears, treating with many phTsicbni, and trying many remedir s. Finally Scrofula made its appearance on different parts of my body, and my head was so diseased as to be fright!nl to look at and painin' beyond endurance. After trying the most eminent phy stciacs without im provement, a change of climate was advised. Have been to the Hot Springs in Arkansas twice, each fme giving their treatment a thor ough trial Finally came back to Boston, dis couraged, with no hope of help. Life was a bur den to ono in my situation. My diseaie, and tho •off-ct of so much powerful medicine, hid so dam seed my system, that the action of my stomach was apparently destroyed, and my head was covered with ulcers, which had in places eaten to ths skull bore. She best physicians caid my blood was to fall of poison tnay coaid do no more forme. Abont tins time a friend who had been an invalid told me Vegetine had restored him to perfect health, and through his persuasion 1 commenced taking Yegetine. At this rime 1 was having fits almost rvery aay. 1 noticed the first good effects of Vegetine in my digestive organs. My food s»t better and my stomach grew stronger. I began to feel encourage ), for 1 coaid seo my health a'owfy and gradually improving. With renewed, hops icontinned taking the Vegetine, until it had completely driven disea-e out of my body. It cured ihe fits, gave me good, pure blood, and restored me to perfect health, which l had not •njoytd be.ore for ten years. Hundreds of peo- plein the city of Boston can vouch for the above Vegetine has -avert my life, and you aro at liberty to mike such use of this sta’ement as pleases you best: and 1 beg of you to make it known, that other sufferers may find relief with less trouble and exp. use than 1 did. It will afford me great pleasure to show the marks of my disease or give any farther infor mat ion re'ative to my case to all wbo desire it 1 sm, sir. very gratefully, JOHN PECK. No SO Sawyer Street, Bosten, Msss, Rev. J. P. Ludlow Writes 178 Baltic Strut, Brocxltn. Nf.) Nov ia. 187*. $ HBStevxbs, E tn- Dear Sir—From personal benefit received by it* use. aa -ell as from personal knowledge of those whoie cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most heartily and sincerely recommend ths Vegetine for the complaints which it is claimed to care. JAMES P LUDLOW, Late Pastor Calvary Baptist Church. Sscramenio. Cal. VEGETINE She Bests Well. South Portland, Mb, Oct ll, 1376. He H B stsvrhs— Dear Sir—1 have been sick two years with liver complaint, and dnnng that time have taken a great many different med cines, but none ot them did me any good. 1 was restless nights, and had no appetite. Since taking the Vegetine I rest well, and relish my food. Can recommend the Vegetine for wh,t it has dune lor me. Fours respectfully,• Mis ALBEBt BICKBS, Witness of the above, MB Ozones il Vaughan. Medford. 11—- VEGETIHE Prepared by H Ii. Si EVENS. Boston, Mas..’ Veeetiue is Sold bv all Druggists. may 28 dwed fri suniw tf GOOD PLAN Anybody can learn to make money rapidly oper- ating in Stork, by ths “Two Unerring Buies for Success.” in Messrs Lawrence St Co's new Circu lar. The combination method, which tlifs H na has made so success! ut, enables people with large or tmall means to reap all tbe benefits of largest capital and best skill. Thousands ol or ders, in v.rious suuis, are rooled into one vast of tho largest operator. Immense profits are divided monthly. Any amount, from $5 to $1,000 or mone, ran bo used successfully. New York Baptist Wevkly. September 26.1876, cays: “By the combination system $15 would make $75. or 5 per cent. $10 paya $550, or 7 percent: $100 makes $1,000. or IS per cent on the stock durir.g the month, according to the matket." Frank Lesbe’sIllustrated Newspaper, June29th; “Thfc combination method of operating stocks is the most successful ever adopted.” New York In* dependent. <cpt, 12th: ‘ The combination -ys tern is founded upon correct basinets principles, and no person need he without an Income while it is ke t working by Sfessrs Lawrerce A Co,” Brooklyn Journal. April 29tb i “Our editor made a net profit of $101 25 from $20 in one of Messrs Lawrence & Co’s combinations ” New circular (mailed free) explains everything. Stocks and bonds wanted. Gover' nent bonds supplied. Lawrence (t Co, Bankets, 57 Exchange rlace New York. Bibb County Postponed Sheriff Sales W U bs sold bofoie the court house door in the City of Macon, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jnne next, the following property, to ■ wit: Part ot.lot No 4. in block No 68, in the city of Macon, Bibb <ounty. Ga. now known as the livery stable of 8 A Porter^ on the corner of lot No 4: bounded on thenor'li by K O Wilder & Sons’ shop, on tbe south by the residence of S A Porter, on tbe west by Third street, and east by an alley. Levied on as the property of 8 A Porter, trustee, to satisfy a fi fa. Issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of R C Wilder & Sons ys S A Porter principa’, and R W Ellis and J R Griffin securities on appeal bond, property pointed out in said fi fa. Also at the same time and place all tbat tract or parcel of land situate and bcitg near the Central railroad deoot. In tho city of Macon, in said connty and State, beginning at a point which Is the intersection of Fourth street, and an alley east of tho railim-d depot, extending i ■ an easterly direction along said Fourth street 210 feet to the intersection el Fourth and Poplar streets, thence at rivht angles to Fourth street, along Poplar street 210 feet, tbenco at right angles 210 feat, thence at right angles 210 feet to said alley, 210 feet from original starting point, thence along said alley to said starting point, with the warehouse and all the storehouses situated thereon, except tbe store owned by J 8 Schofield and tbe land occupied thereby on the corner of said alley and said Fourth street, hav ing a front on Fourth street of of twenty-eight (2S) feet and mnetv-four (94) feet on saidalley. Levied on as the properly of tbe Planter’s Warehouse Company to satisfy a mortgage Ufa. issued from the Superior Court of Bibb connty in favor of Duncan. Sherman A Co, vs the Plan ter’s Warehouse Company. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. GEO F CHEERY, mayStda* Sheriff. CRAWFORD COUNl'Y SALES. SHERIFF 11/ ILL bo sold before the court house door jn VT the town of Knoxville, in said county, on the first Tuesday ia July next, daring the legal hours of sale, the following property, tw-wit: The east half of lot of land No 107 in the first district cl originally Houston now Crawford eourty. containing 10.14 acres, more or less, Levied on by J L Home, constable, aa the prop erty of W C Jordan to satisfy an execution U sued from tbe justice court of 573d District G M. in favorof John A D&milly vs said W o Jordan. Also at the same time and place tbe following property, to wit: The north half of lot No 166 in the first district of originally Houston now Crawford connty. containing 101J4 acres, more or less. Levied on and returned to me by J L Home, constable, as the property of W C Jor dan to satisfy an execution in favor of Mo D Damllly issnel from the Justice & urt of the 6731 District G M, against said W C Jordan. June 2d, 1879. jun* lawtw R M BOND. Sncriff. Commissioners’ Sale oi Valmble liity Property. TTND3R and by virtue of a decree of Bibb 8n U perior Court in tbe cause of Harriet J Aderhold, et al. vs J W Aderhold et al, the un dersigned commissioners in said decree named will expose at pablic outcry before the court house door in Bibb county on the fir, t Tuesday ef June next, between the lawful honra of sale, the following property ic slid deer e specified: Farts ol lots .three (3) and four (4). in block twenty eight (28) in tho plan of the city of con, fronting on Troup street; having thereon one dwelling house with all necessary appurten ances; said dwelling house containing eleven rooms, and bring the house and lot whereon said J W Aderhold now resides. Terms cash. By order ol the Court: JOHN L HARDEMAN. WASHINGTON DBS4AU. mavis tntds Commissioners. Postponed Commissioner’s Sale. THE SOUTH END OF JEKYL ISLAND. B Y virmv of a decree in equitv of Baldwin Superior Court, ia the case of Ann V Da- Bignon vs Jeremiah Beal, executor, etc, I will offer for sain the south end of the Island of Jekyl at the court house door in hrunswick, Glrnn county, Ga. on TUKSDlV, the 1st day of July next, between tho usual h .urs ol sheriff’s sale Te-mso.rh The property consists of 1.500 acres. The whole Island contains over 6.000 acres. Seaward it hat th- finest beach in the Southern States Game, fish and oyster* abundant Macon, April 23th, 1879. B K HINES. Commissioner. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Clemmie Corbett vs Charles Corbett—Libel for Divorce—Jasper Superior Court, April Term, 1679. It appearing to the ccurt by the ret u - n of the sheriff that tho defendantna not to be found in the county: and it beingfurtber shown that he does not reside in ihe Mate. There tore it is or dered tbat service be perfected by publication |n the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, pub- li bed in Maccn, Ga, once a month for the space of four mo ths before the noit term o! this court. May 2d, 1879. By the Court: C W JORDAN, jun* lamim*Plaintiff’s Attorney. N OTICE is hereby given that a Bill wifi be introduced into the Legislature at the session commencing on Wednesday, tbe 2a day of July next, “Untitled an act lor the protection o) game and birds in the couuty of Bibb: to pro* hibit the killing, trapping, or netting the same, or buying, selling or offering for sale the same during certain months in said county: to pro vide penalties for »o doing, and for other pur- p-w. Jnn- 4th. 1«79. junttl JONES COUNlY SHERIFF SALES. ILL be sold before the court honsedoor in the town or cunton on tne first Tuesday in July next between the legal hours of sate one black borsa named Fox Levied on as the propertv of Jt J Turner to satis'j a fi fa issued from tne Superior Court of said county, in favor of Hil lard Blount and Stephen Barron vs R J Turner. Property pointed .ut by plaintiffs attorne;. Also av tbe >ame time and place will • e sold one hundred acres ot land adjoining tbe land, of A J Brooks, William Hutson end H 8 Greaves and others. Levied on as the property of 4 note A Stubbs to satisfy a fi fa issued from iheSupe rior Court infavor of Radio) d J Turner vs James W Stubbs, trustee, Annie M Stnbb , principle. K V Hardeman, Jackson Roberts. Tbomas R Striplin ltd K T Christian, administrator of Henry Christian, deceased, securities Propi rty pointed out by plaintiff. Thi* May 2«th, 1859 lawtw W J GRESHAM, Sheriff. Georgia, KaksrCo. Mavsist, 1879 TVTOT;CK is hereby given that I will, at th> JLX m-etinr of the General Assembly July ens uing, tiler the following local and special bills, tivwivs A Bill. To be entitled an Act to repeal an Act entitled an act to amend an Act entitled an Act to cre-tea Board of Commissioners of Bonds and Revenues for :he county of Baker, approved February SOth, 1875, amended by redneing tho "••Tiber r.f Commissioners from five to three, ar.d l..r other purposes therein named, which said Act to be repealed was approved February 28th. 1877: and to re-enact the original provisions o era shall tie freeholder*; and fbr O iler purposes theren stated. ..... syj , A Bill, To be entitled an Act to Confer a’di tioual powers upon ths Tax Collector of Baker County, and to make said Tax Collectorex-Offic’o Sheriff in certain cases, and lor other purposes. P D DAVIS. 1)1 dltAwjt Member of the Legistatur G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-^Wharua* Am brose U Harris, Jr, (col) has made appli cation for le’-lera of guardianship of XBe person and property o Zichariah Woslfolk (col). This is therefore to cite «nd admonish all persona concerned to be and appear at the Conrt oi Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in July next, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters of guardianship should’sot be granted to applicant. Witness my hand officially. June 2d, 1879. juris law-lw J A McVl ANUS, Ordinary. G « KORGIA-BIBB COUNTY.—Wnercaa W W I C rnes has made application fo - le.tters of guardianship ol tbe person and property of Em ily 8 Carnes. t* This is therefore to cite and admonish al) persons concerned to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday Mi July next to show cause, if any they have, why said otters ol guardianship should not ue granted to ar plicant. Witness my hand officially. Jane 2d. 1879. jun3law4» J A MCMANU8.Ordinal?. /^BORGI*. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Far- VJI dy Sweeny, administrator cn the estate of M iehael Roao, lv.a of said connty. deceased, ap plies for letve to sell all the real alia ptrsonal estate belonging to said estate. This is therefore to cite and admonish all persona concerned to be and appear at <ho Court ol Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in July next to show riu*e if any thev hive, why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand officially. ]un3 law*w J A McMANUS, Ordinary. NOTICE to debtors and CREDI- V toes. - LL persons - indebted to tho estate of Mi- L chaei Eisner, late of Bibb county, deceased, ora hereby required to make immediate pay- menttotho undersigned, and persons holding claims sgainst said dcceaveu must present them tomein thetime required by law. ^ m ]unS Administrator. Georgia EailroaG Company SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, Ga, Jan 17,1879. Commencing Sunday. 19tbi n»*, 9 00 p m the fol io wing passenger schedule willbe operated. Trains run by Atlanta time—7 minutes slower than Macon: NO 17—EAST (daily). Leave Macon 7:10 am Leave Xilledgeville....^....».M.M»M...w 9:08 a m Leave Sparta ...—10:16am Leave Warrenton —...11:2* a m Arrive Camak 11:37 a m Arrive Washington kOOpa Arrive A there, —...... 3:30 p m Arrive Atlantan...5:00 o m Arrive Austuti..—.-..--— h *.. ,h “ mmhi 8;i8pm NO IT—WEST (daily). Leave Augusta — 9:46am Leave Atlanta ——7A!im Leave Athens 9.15 a m Leave Washington ..............10.45 a m Leave Camak. 1.10 p m Arrive Warrenton., 125 p m Arrrive Sparta..,- — 2.25 p m Arrive MilledgcviUe 8.30 p m Arrive Macon. .,, 5,20 d m No connection to or from Washington or Sun- NO 16-BAST (daily). Leave Macon 9.C0 p m Leave Milledgeville ,.,^.1L45 p m Leave Sputa—,. Leave Warrenton,, Leave Camak Arrive Augusta, .,— 200am 4.16 a m ., 440am 7.50 am NO 15—WEST (daily). Leave Augusta 8,30 p m Leave Camak 11.45 p m Leave Warrenton,,, 12.15am Letve Sparta 2.20 a m Leave Milledgeville 4.16 a m Arrive Macon, 6.40 am Trains will not stop at flag station s, Close connections at Augusta for all points East and Southeast, and at Macon for all points in Southwest Georgia and Florida, superb Sleepers between Macon and Angusta, Fallroan Sleepers Angusta to New York. Only one change Macon to New York. Tickets and Baggage Checks, Time Csrds, etc. are to obtained at Union Depot or at Union Ticket Office.64 Mulberry hITJM” 4 ' jsnlt-U . Gto end Passenger Agent C v BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—WUcnwa Mi S chsel Lob. .administrator on the estate of Michael Eisner, late of said county, deceased, ap- { dies for leave to sell all the Personal-property, m lading bonds of incorporated companies, to longing to said estate, This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Conrt ot Ordinary of sud county on the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand officially. jau3 law4w J A McMANUfl. Ordinary.' rZfEORGlA.BlBB COUNAY.—Under and by VX virtue of an order from tbe Court ol Ordi nary ol said conn'y will he sold before tho court house door in the cit7 of Maeou-on Ihe first Tuesday in July next, between tbe usual hour* ot sale, ten shires of the capital stock of ths Southern and ’ Atlantic . Tele graph Company. Sold as the property of Jick* son.Deloeche, laleol said, county, deceased. Terns cish. R F LAWTON. jdo31au4w Admirii-trator. G eorgia, talbot couni Y-By virtue of anorderto us granted by the-Court «f Ordinary ol said county,we will sell to the high est and best-bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual- hours of sale, in the city of Macon, Bibb county, at the place of holding public sale* in said county, six (6) shares of l he ctpit&l stock of the fcouthwesienr Railroad Compsny of Georgia, be ongiug to the estate of James C Leonard, decease! JNLBNNARD. . WDLENNARD. jnneStd Execute-*. GUARDIAN’S SALE. • A GREEABLY to an order from tbe honorable Conrt of Ordinary of Muscogee county. Ga, I will sell in front ol the court house doer of Bibb county. 6a, within the legal hours cf sale, on the first Tuesday in July next, ten shares ol the Mechanist Building and Loan Association stock belonging to me as guardian cfGAMil- lier. Terms cith. Macon, 6», June £d, 1S79. C F MILLER, unSlaw tursBar Guardian. JASPER SHERIFFS SALE. W ILL be sold before the court house in the town of Monticello on the first Tuesday July next, between tbe logai hours ol talc, one hundred’ and fifty mores of land, more or less, lying andbeing in Jasper county, Ga, adjoining lands of Mrs J B Graves, Ruby Jordan and others, and known as that portion of tbe planta tion of T M Jordan; deceased, allot ted to Mbs B C Menefee in the division of tho estate of arid decerned. Levied upon as the property of T H Menefee under and by virtnre of a fl fa from Campbell County Court in favorof RFSKkn- bro & (To, vs J O Carlton and T H Menefee, and other fifas in my hands. Property poirted out by plaintiff’s attorney acd written notice of this Javy served upon T H Menefee. Tnl« May 26th. *797 W B GRUBBS, 4w* Sheriff. /3.EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Wil- VJ liam F Holt. Guardian ot WilH*m H Wim berly and HV Wimberly, now HV Peters, hav ing applied to tbe Court of Ordinary of said county for lettera of dismission from nia guar dianship of William H Wimberly and H T Wim berly. now H V Peters, person and property. ^ This is thoretore to oite all person* oonoqrned to show cause by filing objections in my office oy the first Monday In June next to show cause why the said William F Holt should not be dis missed from his said guardianship and receive the usual letters of dismission. Given under my official signature. March Sd mar*lawsm - J A MCMANUS, Ordn’y, H EARING RESTORED. Particulars . Verry St Harper, Madison lad. free OPIUMSSSSS Masonic Building, Macon, Georgia, Is NOW OFFERING toth puhlie the fo'Iow Ear quotations in Dry Goods: DRVBS SILKS in endless variety fi om 55 ct* per yard upwards. BLACK SILKS, a very large assortment, from $1 per yard to $4. BLACK GRENADINES of every imaginable pattern from 26, SS. AS. 55. 66. 76 centa and up to $2 80 per yard. DRESS GOODS, thelanrest selected stock In tbis city, from 8.10.12J*. 15,20,25,30,35c fo $2 56 per yard. LINEN LAWN8. We have a splendid line of Patterns from 18, 20,26,30.35,4Cc per yard. PACIFIC LAWNS. Oursiylrs are very ex tensive, from 12J41518 20 25c pe yard. WHITR LONDON CORDS in stripe and chock from 810121151810 and 25c per yard, COLORED LONDON CORDS in all the new shades and patterns from 8 10 121 2 15 IS 20c per yard, H08IERY for Ladies, Misses snd Children Tbis Department is very extensive In new style; and shades. HAMBURG EDGINGS, the largest stock ever brought to Mao An, from 5 7 919121-21618 20 25 to $2 50 per yard. WHITE GOODS. Everything pertaining to this Department, comprising Linen Lawns. Swiss Mnslin. Jaconets, Na.nsook, from 121-2 15 20 25 to 50c per yard. l-XNEN TOWELS, a very la-ge assortment from $1, $1 26, $1 £0, $175, $2 and np to 19 per dozen, PARASOLS of tbe latest styles and patterns from 25 50 75 $11 25 1 50 1 75 $2 up to $10 apiece «ILK TIES AND BOW*, a beautiful ejected line, from 25 30 35 4» 45 60 60 75c up • $250 apiece GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING, a large issort rnent in al! styles. The best Blue Flannel Suita at $10 60 a suit, YOUTH*’ AND BOVS’ SUITS in all the new designs from $5 00,(550, $6(0,$650,3700. (7 50 uo to $12 53.’ CHILDREN’S SUITS from 3 to 10 years oi age from $260 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 00npto$10per suit. CniLDREN’8 KILT 6UIT8, from 2 1-2 to S years of age, a splendid assortment. MATTING in all styles snd patterns from 15 18 24 25 SO 35 to 75c per yard. CARPETS, the largest stock in the Stat’.a greatly reduced prizes. And all kinds of Good* pertaining to a first class Dry Goods Establishment. OUR SAMPLE DEPARTMENT is now com plete, and we will be pleased to send Samples of any kind of Goods to any one free of charge. S. WASEIBAOT * BBO., New York Store, Masonic Building, apiS6m Macon, Ga BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. TE/TLL >e sold before the conrt house door in V V the citr of Macon on the first Tuetdav in July next, during the legal hours of sale, the fol- lowing property, to- wit: Lots 3,4,6 and six in square 42, and lots 5.6, 7.8 and 9 in square 43, all on lot 43 ofthoHacon Reserve, went aide Oemnleee river. Levied on a* tbe property of M 8 Thomson to aatitfy a mortgage fl fa issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of tbe Piedmont and Arlington Life In surance Company vs M B Thomson. Property pointed ont in said mortgage fi fa. Alsoatthssame time »nd place part of lot No 8, in square £8 (routing on Fourth street in the eity<f Macon, the same being l hat pan of said lot whftvoa there ia a brie* storehocue standing and occupied by W B Wallace as a storehouse. Levied on aa the property of Mrs Wm 8 Wallace to satiify a fi fa issued from Justice Court 716: h District G H in favor of N Bliss vs Mrs w 8 ■Wallace Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made ana returned to me by a constable. Also at tbe same lime and , lace the following to writ: Part oi lot No 3 in square No 41 fronting on Plum street, between First acd Second streets, m city of Maces. Levied on as tbe property of wrs Georgia Moms to satisfy two fi fas for State and count? iaxe, for the years 1877 and 1878 Also at the same time and place the f Jlowing to wit: Part ol lot No 6 in square No 58. corner Third and Plum streets, in city of Maoon, used aaamarnleyord, and lesied on as the property cf J B Artope to satisfy a fi fa for State and coun ty taxes for the year (578. - Also at the same time and place the following to wit: Part ol lot N o 3 in square No 66 f rot t- irgon the east side of Pine street, between Fifth and sixth streets. Lesied on as the property of themtste of Mrs Lucinda Cobb to satisfy a tax fi fa lor ihe year 1879. Also at the same time and place the following to wit: P*rt of lot No2 in square No r* front ing on tbe north aidoof Cherry stmt, between First and New, lncity of Macon. Levied on os th* property of the estate of Thomas L Rost to aatuiy a fi fa for State and county taxes for the fear 1878. Property pointed out bv H J Peter, Tax Colloctor. Alto at the same time and place the following to wit: Part oflot No 2 in block No 14 fronting on vest side of College street, in thecity oi Ms- con, and adjoining the property of tbe Weed estate,.m rear af the Academy lor Blind. Levied oo as the property of Frank H Stone, trustee, to aatitfy ad fa for State and county taxes for the year 1873. Also at the same time and place the following to wit: Part ol lot No 1 square No SO fronting on the weat side of Fourth street, corner*! Areh. in the city of Macon, ne*r Findlay’s foundry, l evied on to satisfy a tax fi fa v, Mrs H A Wal lace for her State and county taxes for the year 1878. Also at the same time and place the following towil: Part of lot NO 5, Northwestern Com mon. in block >'ol2 rerner Madiion and Jeffer son streets, near Female College, in cit, cf Ha* eon. Levied on a* the property of Mrs Mary Keating to satisfy s tax fi »issued by H J 3 eter, T*x Collector, lor Slate and ooun.y taxei for tbe j ear 1879. A Iso at the same time and place the following to wit; Part of lot No I and 2 in square No 71 fronting an High street in the city of Macon- L vied on as the property of John eHoge,ad niinistrstor of tht estate of John Hcge. to satis fy two fifas for Mate acd xounty taxes for the years 1877 and 1878. Also at the same time and place th* following to wit: Lot No 1 in block No 18 S- utbwesiern Common corner Ash and Elbert atre-ts incrv of Maeon Levied on as tha property of J ohr.B Cummins, agent for trustee, to satisfy two tax u fas for State and county taxea for the years 1877 and 1878 Also at the same time and place the following to wit Partef lot N04in East Macon ne»r the city limits and adjoining the Graves property neart* e Methodist church, (-'aid property was re urnedby Peter G Sawyer and j« levied on to Sati ((.three fifas for State county taxes due «n said property for the years 1876,1877 and 1878. Ala* at the same time on th* premises known as Sawyer's Gin Work*, corner Cherry and Fifth streets, tbe followinv machinery ta wit: One 12- horse power engine snd boiler in good running condition, two good tuning lathes, one hard lathe, one screw cutting lathe, one drill press, two plantar n fee’ of shafting pulleys and bt-tilcg. The foregoing machinery is offered at the place gb-ve stated on arc unt of the ex pense aud inconve ol movi gthe same and is levied on to satisfy two tax fi fas for the tears 1977 and 1878 vs Petir O Sawyer, by whomsaia machinery was returned June 2.7879 GBO F CHERRY, Sheriff, LOUD & TAYLOR. NEWJTORK Opening Spring Display OF NEW DRY GOODS. WE CAN POSITIVELY ASSERT TIIAT AT NO PERIOD HAVE WE DISPLAYED AN ASSORT- KENT OF DRY GOODS SO ADEQUATE TO TAB REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBLIC OR AT PRICES SO ADAPTED TO TUE NECESSITIES OF ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. SILKS. Our BLACX SILKS contain the well-known brands ot Bonnet, Ponson. Tar isaier, Guinet, Gi rard, and other equally prominent manufacturer*. The Lord A Taylor FAMILY SILK enjoys a repu- taiior^ tor universal excellence that la unsur- P ()ur ’American Cachemlro INDESTRUCTIBLE BLACK SILK Justly claims earnest attention, being equal to (ho best et reign manufacture g* half tho cost EOtnY YARD WARRANTED. In COLORED SILKS our welt-selected itock la offered at prices that canuot bo undersold. COLORED AND BLACK^ILK DAMASSES, am- bracisff tbe rarest poms of the European or American Markets. In SUMMER SILKS and FOULARDS wo have everything that is new and beautiial. DRESS GOODS. Novelties In Cachcmeret, Suitings. Debei) 11 MAY & CO, 98 Cherry Street, MACON, - - GA Manufacturer* al and Dealers in CA h RS AGES BUGGIES, WAGONS, Harness, Saddles, Whips* Bridles, Collars. Homes, Valises. Trunks Traveling Bags CHILDRESS’ CARRIAGES! Lap Robes Horse Blanhets, Sole, D jmeranA Harness Leather OalrSkins, Shoe Findings. Call and examire onr stack before purchasing Repwltorieo—98 Cherry Street, Maeon. and 20* Broad Street. Augusta Jones Oounty Postponed Sheriff Sales." and known sa the place where John F Hunt now resides. Levied on as the property ot John PHnnt to satisfy *-fl fa issued from the Hope rior Court of raid oounty in favor of Mary A Middlebrook* guardian, etc, vs Samuel C Mid dlebrooks, prine-plo administrator ot Inack Hiddfrbrooko, deemed: William A Johan and johu P Hunt, securities Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney and in possession of JohD P Hunt. . Also atthe same time and place will be sold one hnndred acres of land, more or Was, adjoin ing the land a of W A Malonq James Dorsoti bed others and known aa- the Marsh pi- ce Lev-ed on as the property of Charles T Wilson to gavsfi' a-ft fa issued from tbe County Court of Jone* County in favor of W W Holland vs Charles T Wilson Property pointed out by plaintiff’* at torney and ta possession ot defendant. This Hay the 26th, 1870. mav28l*w4w W J GRB8H VM. Sheriff rnOlfli. JASPER CuU.MY—Whereas VX Ann JB Mygatt appliaa to me for lei on of administration de boms con with tbe will an nexed on the estate of Stephen CTalmad.c. de ceased. c This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show oau-e on or before the first Monday in July. UJ9, it any they can. why said letters should cot be granted. Witness my official rignature. this 23d day of May. 1879; may21 law4w F H SWANSON, Ord’y. CROWN J BBIDS t CO'S newCrowp Jewel Br.Tiosxay Pxcxsgx* $7 60 per 100 to Agenti. Cheapest in tne World. Two sample* with jewelry, by mail. roatDtid, 29 cents- Illustrated circulars ot STarza and rifFiTiBM Novelties free. , JEWEL Hnr Yomc. UWllUt ■tablished, 1870. Favorbly known throughout United States /2JKORGIA,BIBB OOUNTY.-Under and by VX virtue of an order from the Court of Ordf nary of said oounty will be Mid before tha court house dodr ta the city of Maeon on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hours of sale, ton unincumbered shares ot stock in the Bibb Loan and Building Association of the city of Macon belonging to the estate of W E Burgess, late Of said county, deeetaed. T-rms cash. jun% law* w A B BOBS, Administrator I2B0BGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas Gto H Love, guardian of Elisa E Lowe, now Bliza B Roberto, has made application for let ter* of dlsmis .ton from said guaidUnship. These are therefore to rite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in September next to show cause. If any they have, why letters, of dumisaios should not bemnted to applicant. Witness my hand officially. Jnne Id, 1879. junS law4w J A McMANUS, Ordinary. iRlilP JASPER SHERIFF'S SALE W ILL be sold before the court house in the ■ own of Monticello on the 1st Tuesday in July next between the iega hours of ealo one hundred acres land, more.orless, I> ingand being in Jasper county, adloining lands of i, A Lane. Tom Uuodes. Williams, Washi: gton Hay and others Lc-iod <n as the property of John W Burney to satisfy sundry fi fas fir Stare and county taxes lor tbe year* 1876. ’ 7. '78, and other fi fas in my hanca. This May 2«th. 1879. my31 la»4w» W B GBUBB8, >hen 17. • SHU&iFF ALE NOIIOK. W ILL be sold before the court h use door in the town at Monticello between the legal hours of sale.nn toe first. Tuesday in July next, the fir:t day ot said month the following prop er!- to n it. a certain Tract or parcel of land siluitnt the county ot J-isperon tho north side and near tbe town ol Monticello. adjjinirg the Litds of J,mes H Roberson the south, A J T»lm-dse on th- east, John H Kelly on the erth aim Dr W D Maddux on the west; con taining 2-212 acres, morecr le-s The same being the Isle i> tarrst of Mrs FC Jordon in said land. Tj satisfy a fi fa issued from the County Co rl of Ja-pt r county August term 1876, in f,Tor of A 51 Robinson A Co. vs F C io.dan. and other fi (as in n-y hands This M.y £6‘.h. 1879. mj3 law4»* W B GRUBB*, fchenff. SifJ! I? ul=j 2 Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps/ This department maintains its supremacy, olid shows the best productions from the European centre* Our Cloaks and Sacquesara cut and made by men tailors, therefore style and fit are guaranteed. ' Suits and Costumes. Our SUITS and COSTUMES fully sustain that pre-eminence so justly established, and always represent the latest styles tad fashions. Ladies’ and Children's Undergarments, Superb assortment of fine French hand-made UNDERWEAR, comprising every requisite for a lady’s wardrobe. Also, children's suits for every afM and size. Our Infants* Furnishing Department Is thor oughly equipped. Complete Wardrobes as lowjui $35: better goods in proportion. Any article in tne Wardrobe at list price; realiy cheaper than the home-made article, ana much mor* satisfac tory. Hosiery, Cloves, & Handkerchiefs. The largest, rarest, and most unique French novelties in the city. Also, the medium grades of hose for ladies and children at very moderate prices. L&die?. misses*, and children’s kid, cloth, and Lisle Thread Gloves of tho best manufacture, it: all the newest shades to match any dress material StXBZSOZVS. All the choico grades, containing every color and shado known- Fresh additions daily. Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Evers* possible requisite for a gentleman’s outfit. Firat-clasj and medium grades 6f goods at Onr usual reasonable prices. Quality, style, and fit the prominent features Of this department. Boots and Shoes. For spring and summer, for Ladies, Misses, and Children. Cloth ton, low button shoes, ilia novelty of the season. 50; trcnuir.o kid walltine boots, 53.75. Low shoes from $2 to $5; tine quality slip pers from $1.25 to£150: MUscs* best pebble goat. , and a good, durable laced shoo $1.85* 99* Our good* are all firnt-ela**. We HU all order* exactly and to the Interest of purchasers, guarantee all purchase* to be snthlhctory Co buyers, and stand ready to remedy all error*. Wo Invjtc orders, convinced that n first trial will Insure us tho regular custom hereafter. All orders fbr Goods to be accompa nied by tho money: or# where parties wish. Goods will be sent by express. C. ©. 11. Where the remittance Is too large, we always return tbe difference. Broadway and Twentieth St, ’ . Grand, Ckystic, and Forsyth, ■?. Jj. SSs lifggsff; t°fss£=i- pcnSfli &o*l! a Ur jr ius»~ - c '> S a e § sw 5?;^ 1 Jrnmot s JONESCOUN IY SBEK1FF 6ALE9. W ILT, be fold Were the court hauae floor in the tow cf Clinton, Joi.-es county, Ga, on the first Tuesday in Jul next, within the It gal honra cf tale, five hun-nd acres of land, mure or It sa, in Jones connty. Lev-ed on os the property r.f William 3 Mon.hon, anewn aa tho Walnut Level place, adjoining lands of Lee 8mitb, Mr* Lamar and otheis. and wl.ereon said W S Monghon now resides, by virtue of a fi fa No 5 issued from Jones uperior Court to April t rm 1879 in favor ol C Masterron vs Wil liam 3 Moiwhon. Property pointed out hy' 3 J PHILLIP*, may22 lawtw . Deputy Slyeriff LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. S RPAEKKS. ■) Li el for Divorce—Buleit vu Vpertect seivioo—Bifcb 9 C.Oei CATO PARKER.) Adjourned Tenn 1873. It appearing to the Court by tha return otthe Sheriff that dcfendsnt does not reside in this county, and ttoforljiar appearing that he does not reside in the State of i.eorgia. Ii is ordered that taid defendant appear and answer raid suit at the next term cf tins court or be con sidered in default. It is further ordered that servico of this rule bo made cn mid defendant by publication in tho Telegraph and Messenger once a month for four months. T J bIMMONS. J S C M C. By the Conrt: A tree extract from the miuutes of Bibb Supe rior Court this January 20th, 1879. jan21..:l*mtm 4 IS KO<8. Clerk f V KUKGiA, JASPl-yt CUCNTY —Viucreas VX Alfred Goolsby amfC LtSoui-Kj appliyto me for dismission from rxe. ulor-h p estate Of William Goolsby, deceased This is therefore to cite ai d adm»msh all per sons concerned to tho* cause at tbU office on or by the first Monday in July next, ii any they have, why tho same shall not be granted Witness my official signature this dat, April 2d, 1879. F M SWaNKON, ap:5 lawSm* Ordinary. G kORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas Sco 3 Qfcear, executor of tho-st.te of IbomsB A Harris, represent* to tbe court in Iris petition duly filed and entered c-n record that be has fully admmistcro ThcmssA Harris’estate. Thi* is therefore to c te at persons coneerred, kindred *cil creditor*, to rhow c«nse. if any lh.-y can. whr said executor should nut Ca dta- rhargeci from Lis executorship and receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in A 'gust, ^ Witness my hand and cfCcial signal ore. j a McManus, rrarB liw&tn - Qidirpry, W/ ILL be aoldhafore the conrt house door In Yv the town of Clinton on the first Tuesday in Jply neitbetweentoelegslhocr* of sale tbe following property, to-wits Ocn hundred and twenty-five acres ot land ad joining the lands of ^r^t’TnS W W^^o^trPwert *»»** sncce.sfnl Osset rejected by other .hand* a specialty. Pend for •’Hint, to (EstAblls bed 1857.) PATENTS For Inventors Procured by T. H. Alexander & Elliott, Solicitors and Counsel in : Patent Causes. Inventors’- free. CONDENSED CYCLOPEDIA. Rarest opportunity for making money u now offered to general agents and canvassers in the South on tins exceedingly useful and low-priced book l.Ouo op. double column. 700 engravings 10 double-page colon d maps. Only $5 a copy For terms aud territory address TJtLLWCH) ZELL. DAYI8 A OO. Philadelphia mar7w4l G EORGIA, BAKER CuUNTY-Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Adjourned Term o- the General Assembly ol ih- State of Georg a. in July next, lor *hv passage of an Aot to add to the county of Doucb ertj about forty am e* of lots of land No* 20 and 21, in the 9tb District ot Baker connty adjoining tho line of Dou*b«rty county, and being part of the plantation of Neld A Staves. May SOth,1879. FRANKLIN NELD, ■ mayta . I : GEO F SKATES. G eorgia. BIB*COUNTY.—Wheieas John J Gresham, executor of the estate of Leroy M Wilqy. represents to the court- in hia petition duly, filed and Entered on record that hehaa fully administered Leroy M Wiley's estate Tht* i* therefore to cite an persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to snow caute. if any they can, why taid execu or should not be dis charged from hi* executorship and receive let tees of dism oaion tn • the first Monday in An- gust, 18)9. , Witness mv hafia and official signature, may 6 la w3m J A McM ANUS. Ordinary. fXKORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Wberea* R VX Lawton, autnio atrator on the estate of Jackson Deloachs, late of said county, deeea-td has made application for letters of dismission from retd estate i hew are therefore to cite and admonish all persona roiicernei to be acd appear at the Court of Ordinary of aaid county on ihe first Monday ta July mext to show cause, it any they can, why letters of dismission should not be grantee tUe applicant. Witness -oy bsnd and official signature Aprl> «h, 1879. J A McMANUS, apr5 td Ordinary /2J.BORGTA, BIBB COUNTY.-Under and to VX vfme of am orderfrons tbe Court ot Ordi retry of said connty will bo rold before tbe court bouse door'in tho city of Mscon on the first Tuesday in June next, betwe?D the usual hour* of sole,-forty shirts of the canitsl stock of the Exchange Bonk cf the city of Mscon, belonging to tbe estate of W B Parker, late oi said county deceased. Sold for a division among tbe legatees cf said estate. Terms cash. MARTHA J PARKER, mavgtd Executrix $2600 A is;ah Agents wonted. Bust nest legitimate. Particulars free. Atdrssi J.W02IH 4 CO»Bttg*i*ACg iORQl A, JONES COl’NTT -To each ad VX niir.ietretor. executor and guardian tflio are required by law to make annual returnrto Jones Court of Ordinarv— Greeiii v. Yon and each cf you aro here) y notified and required to make your annual rcturrsas direct ed by law between this > t d tbe firet JJonda£ln next jutv. In default th-rei.f sctioi by the o urt will be taken under >he law of such cater. And to those who have failed to make returns at loot July term, as require! bv law, noticdxs given that action will be taken by the conrt to enter judgment against then, and their sureties on bond for such default and for *11 moneys not legally accounted for in this court. Ordered that this notice be published in the and Messenger for tune months Witness mj hand officially March 25,1879- RuLaND T ROSS. apr5 la.Sm- Ordinary. New Carriage Factory. KENT & GREENE —Manufacturers of and Dealers Carriages, Buggies, Wagons. Oar Shops on Poplar Sm. next door to Stew ark’s Stables. >y ' Are supplied with a full stock of the abffcest moicria’s, ar.d Wti have n cur employ tbs^bbst mechanic* in Georgia.' We will make nothing but the very best work, and at prices witldtjjha reach of all. The manufacturing d< part metro is m charge of TS Greene, late of rr-*uianTA Greene, who will be glao to wait or all biarild customers. The best baud made burner afways ..nhand. Repairing of oil kmds wit) bavenjre- fulartenticn. Prices low. We will craupyothe old carnage stand. Good, (-mail A Go. a* a sales room cn October 1st. All work warranted. Macon, August 22.1878 uow6m GUNlL.krit Beit, Bmue trade, Bote Cape an* BUHcts. Also our calebraMd Keatocky . *or|M, eearrantedoy ita •<*»«. - Sends lastrated Oalalogue and Price I.lew tori. tames Sown dt Son. Entorpcia* pgm T~ £BTaBLBH*»,M4V $1200: