Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, June 24, 1879, Image 5

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BY TELEGRAPH 14. Delong. Tice President Harts esc, of the academy. The Jeannette willleaTe about the 25tb. New Yobs, Jnne 17.—The ship owners b-pcci \tion hae received a letter from W. Hunter, second assistant Secretary of Stalest Washington, saying that the government has under consideration the cl rest ion of making each representations to the countries now at war in South America, as will eeonre the protection of American citizens m the gnano carrying trade. New Oklsaks, Jane 17.—The debate on tbe State debt continues in the Con ▼ention. A motion to close the debt wse defeated. There, are no new develop ments. Night sessions will be inangn rated. The principal prizes drawn in the State Lottery to-day, were as follows: No. 35.493 drew $100 000 in New Tort; No. 19,577 draw $50 000 in New York; No. 24 903 drew f20.000 in Su Louis; Nj. 16.436 drew $10,000 in Washington; No. 82,325 drew $10,000 in Louisville; No. 35.347 drew $5.000 in New Orleans ; No 41,161 drew $5 000 in New York; No. 64.612 drew $5 000 in St Louis; -No. 88,269 drew $5,000 in New York. Mr si pots, Jnne 17.—This afternoon, during toe trial of John J. O’Brien for the alleged seduolion of Miss Lzzio Voss, and while the defendant was testifying aa to bis inuooenoeof the crim-, Miss Lizzie arose Horn her seat near her oounsel, and, walking towards the defendant, sal<3: “You villain, you murdered my father, and now you want to ruin my reputa tion." As she oeased spanking she drew a pistol from her dress pooket, bat before she coaid fire she was caught by the dep uty sheriff, who wrested it from her ■hands. Last Maroh Miss ‘ Toss* father committed suicide oa hearing of bis daughter's disgrace.' The salt now pend ing is for $5,000 damages. Londom, Jane 17.—The ship Chins, Captain Barker, from New Orleans, which got ashore at Lyngbie, May 8, has bro ken up. Versailles, June 17.—Minister Lv pare assured tbe Chamber of Deputies ■^uusin June 17—Dclegates are «x- M shortly from the South P sctc icia Republics to treat for tha ro- A .p,n of diplomatic relations which atoratiou * nd£( j f or several years. Jnn9 l7 ;7 CoD - fn f‘ on Co to a crisis prevails in mmisle- smountint . # re p 0rte d that Kb aired • "•'Sl^a tbe Grand Vizier. wilt reaign dl “ ‘ "J pasha assume the Vizierate f nd "*. t il, to pave the way for the re- SEfSSwr* Mahmoud Nedim, form- t ?l» known as the tool of Bobm.. * S*r*Au.ten Lsyard, the British am- biscaior, is endeavoring to prevent ^It'uMdso reported that Midhat Pasha .,1 rect ive permission to come to Con- funticople. Faad Pasha has denonnosd JJ* ... pasha’s administration or the 21, office. It la thought Caratheodorl P ch» sod Moriff Effendi will be shortly innoiDted as Ottoman commissioners to settle the Greek bonndary question. A demonstration is apprehended at Pniliropnlte, when the Prtnoe of Balga- Ha is iosthlied at Sofia. Several superior fano.iona.tes, and a deputation from va rious Rnnmeliao towns will go to Sofia to attend the oeroraony and congratulate th r ^wnoti* June 17.—St. John’s Colliery c££:£?+**. 1-*>* TJS&S-S - u» that a firm of provision merchants had failed for .2100.000. _ General Gdoy, who ■*»***£ Idrnoy of Paraguay, is one Of tha leaders of the oppositioo party. . Twu ihoueand miners have strucK at Tsmworih against a reduction of wages. St Petebebueo, Jone 17.—A speoial from OJe-aa to the Golossajf the Re-’e offiee in Cherson, Southern Kus- ... bas been undermined and robbed of , million and a hair of roubles. Wilmington, Del., June 17.—The ez-Oasbier of tbe National Bank of Wil mington and Brandy wine Jim phad lhat distarbanoa in Algiers af *■?'/ t0 e “ b . e ”i!?» C *<?ded no present eanse for anxiety. The Lid been sentenced to five yearr JmprU onment. The amount of the defalcation is t*enty*eigbt thousand dollars, of wbicb twelvo thousand have been re- torned to the bank. Wasbinotoh, Jane 17.—In Senate the bill to amend the act of 1793 for en rolling and licensing vessels in the coast ing trade was again taken up. The Senate Democratic caucus this morning took no action on Senator Bay ard’s resignation of the chairmanship of the Finance Cimmittee. but after con- soDiog an hour anl a half in debate ad journed until to-moriow. The indications were, however, very dear that the resignation will nit b» ac cepted and that the silver bill will be left in tbe hands of tbe Finance Com mittee till next session. In the House, Mr. Atkina, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, reported back tbe Legislative appropriation bill and the Senate amendments thereto with a report recommending concarrenoo in iome and non-oononrrence in other of the amendment?. Cbablsston. Jane 17.—A special dis patch to the Newt and Courier from Spar- tanbarg to-day says at 12 o’clock last nightabody of a hundred and fifty armed men entered that town on horseback and proceeded to the Jail where they deman del John Mcore, a prisoner committed for theoutrageaod murder of Hina Woodward on tbe 5th instant. Sheriff Thompson, having been warned that an attempt would be made to lynch the prisoner, had removed him to the Air-Line railroad about a mile from town, intending to hoard tho Northern bound train and resob Columbia; but he bad been watched, and before the train arrived the lynchers secured Moore and t«ok him to the scene of mnrder, near Welford, 12 miles distant, where they said they would hang him at ten o’clock this morning. Mo >re and bis victim were bath white. Concord, N. H., June 17.—Henry W. Blair was to-day elected United States Senator. The vote in the House was Blair, 161; Bingham, 95. In the Senate, Blair, 20; Bingham, 4. Augusta, Ga., June 17.—J. J. Moore, who bos been confined in the Spartan burg. 8outb Carolina, jail for supposed rape and murder of Mrs. Francis Heaton Of Pickens county, was forcibly taken possession of by a party of infanated citizens last night, and hanged at eight o’clock this morning in the woods near tbe place where tho remains of the mur dered iedy were found. Moore asserted his innocence to the very last. Washington, D. C., Jaco 17.—In the Senate tbe army appropriation bill was taken np and altered as follows: Tho committee amendment providing that members of tho next two graduating classes at West Point may receive $760 on completion of studiee, and return home for two years, was stricken out, as were also all clauses forbidding promo tions in any branch of the army. A Iobb debate then ensued in reference to the meaning and object of that clause of the 5th seotion, concerning the nee of the army for public purposes to keep the peace at the polls. Blaine offered an amendment prohibit ing all carrying of weapons at polls under penalty of fine ard imprisonment. McDonald and Beck then read extracts Hons- consequently consented to the postponement of the interpellation oa, that snbjeofc one month. Aloises, Jane 17.—The French com mander telegraphs his arrival at Medina, and reports thst ten chiefs of the rebel tribe endeavored to obtain a suspension of hostilities by falsely representing tha> the rebel leader had fled. They have been warned to surrender him, or they will be attacked to-night. Washington, Jnne 17—The Dem>- oratic caucus met this morning to receivo the report of tha tab-committee appoint ed to confer with Bayard open tbe War- n er silver bill And his proffered res gnaton. The committee reported both Bayard and Kernan are inflexibly opposed to action on tbe bill daring the present session. .Speeches were made by Thurman and McDonald in faTor of dropping the whole subject, and by Garland and Coke argu ing the accept area of Bayard’s resigna tion, re-organization of the Finance Com mittee, and immediate action on the bill. Gen. Gordon replied to Coke, in a speech which is described by all as one of great fervor and eloqnenoe. He said tbe question had both a personal and politi cal aspeot. The aooeptanoe of Bayard’s resignation, or the adaption ot Coke’s resolution, would be oonstrned as a osn- snre o that gentleman, and he was op posed to both propositions. He was as loyal to the silver cause as any man liv ing, bat wouldn't consent to strike down a man like Bayard. He knew he could speak for every man in Georgia, and be lieved he canid for every Southerner, when be said that “A blow to Bayard would give a pang to every Senthern heart,” for daring ail their tronbles and trials since the war Bayard had been the “trneat of the trap.’’ Gin. Gordon also opposed the course reoommended by Coke, on political grounds, since it might cause dissension in the party, and effect other more im portant questions. Bemarks were slso mado by Siulsbnry and Voorhees, and the cancns adjourned nnttl to-morrow without aotioD. New York, Jnne 18.—Washington Darbrow, one of the oldest merchants oa the cotton exchange, died yesterday. In the trial of Commissioner Hoyt and other officers of the International Trust Company, on charge of publishing and circulating its assets, the jury returned a verdict of acquittal. Boston,June 18.—Tha Herald says: «*B. R. Smith & Co., cotton dealers of 21 Central street in this city, are involved in the affairs of B, R. Smith & Co., cotton dealers in New York, whose failure was repotted yesterday. Each firm consists of three partners, bnt B. B. Smith and J. M. Smith are members of both concerns, eo that the two houses are very intimate ly connected—being in fact, generally re garded as one. The Boston House is as yet without any definite knowledge as to tbe amount of liabilities as they wero nearly all con tracted in New York. It is thought, how- ever, they will not aggregate one hun dred thousand dollars. London, Jnne 18.—Matthew Dickie, trading as Bawlee fc Co.» cotton spinner at Stockton, baa failed.; Liabilities. $Gl- 000 pounds. ■ }' •* '- ; THE “LOST AST” RECOVERED. Galen, tbe most celebrated physician, flourish - td in tne second eeroury. His theory was that root sand herbs, properly com aeon lei. are Na ture’s remedy His cur-s wer- to marvelous lhat he was sensed of inagio. His mighty s* ill ana .noses. tiknoea his encode* and his opin ions held sway in the medical world tor centu ries, until the art cf compounding vegetable remedies was gradually lost in the thickening • I uni ti the middle ag-s. and poisonou. mineral miiturei t-ok its place. But tbe clou-19 are br sting In our day, acd tbe almost magical virtues of Ygetine, jovfully attests: by thou sands, alamo it as a troe Galenical compound, and as a blood purifier acd health r» torer probably baa had no equal since the days of Galen himself. A Hopeless Sufferer Oared by VEGETINE Noaek. Conn, Nov li, 1874 H R Stevens. Esq - Dear Mr—Thinking that a statement of my case may meet the eys of soma one snfleHag from 8c ro nla.Ibrgyou to publish the following, whicn I cheerfully furnish ot my own freewill. I have been afflicted with Scrofulous Humor' from my birth, and at times very badly. When about >Ix years old the disease made its appear anceonmyhtad, and it wa, deemed advuable to have the hair thav-d, but they were obliged to cut it oft with embroidery seiners, as my head was so sore I could net have it shaved. After we had succeed-d in heali gtbe sores on tbe ont-ide they broke, but on the inside, caus ing me great pain. There have been times when the surfaca of my hand* was all raw from tbe etfest of this humor, and no pen can describe the great suite ii x I have endured. About three Yean ago small kernels made theirappearan -e on the cords of my neck, sev eoal of which grew into quite large tumors, snd nothing which we could use would rem-ve them *y whole system was so full of scrofu lous humor thst it seemed ready to burst through tbe skin at all parts of my body, and I was in a ternnle wiax and feeble condit-on. Tbe tumors on my neck had grown to such a site as to disfigure mo badly. When in this hopeless condition I was advised by a irietid le try the Yeuetine. and I atooce a-mmei red tak ir g it, and after 1 hsd used it a short time tbe trnsiermmeseed discharging, and I do not think that I overestimate tbe quantity from each tumor when I say thst a good- sized teacup ful of corruption ran out, after which they com menced to heal up and disappear, and now my neck ii as smooth and tree from bunches as any ^r elieve the Yegetlne hss entirely cleansed every taint of scrofula from my system, and I da-ire to have this statement published, so that other sufferers may find relief, as they surely will do. if they try theVe etitie. It will afford me pleasure to give anv farther information relative to my case t> all who will call or address ma. ALICE SHIRLEY. VEGETINE Unsolicited Evidence. Bpsisovielp, My, Hay 141872. Dear Sir—Hy daughter has been out of health forabo>.ttwoyesrj. About a year ago she had stumor come on her aide which was very pain ful. .. I saw Yegetine advertised in tbe Farmer, and sent to Bangor and got two bott'es. She is now taking the second bottles he- health is much improved, and the tumor is going pway as fstt as it came Every ore in this vicinity, knows what Yegstine has done for my daughter, and I take every opportunity to re-ommend it to those who ar e not aware ot its great value. Vt» C ilSDlLL. ! 3very One Speaks Favorably. Eaet Marshfield, Uabs. Ang3!,lS?0, Mr Stivers— a . Dear sir -I bar© been troubled with Canker from childh'**]. c&asimc toy mouth ta be so sore at times that I was unable to eat. Have taken many preparations, but with no effect until I tried your Vegatine. After taking a few dose 11 found it relieved the faintness at tbe stomach that always accompanies Canker Humor; and by the time x bad taken the third bottle my month was entirely cured Have not been tr mbicd with it since that time, which is eight months ago. I have recommended it to several of my acquaintances, and every one speaks favor* «bl, of It. gosd effect. Jfountnr^ gRuiN _ VEGETINE Prepared by H. B. STEVENS, Boston, Miss. Veeetiae is Sold bvall Druggists. junll dwed frisunkw t! Some, JnB« 18.—There was a violent from letters and other documents to show earthquake yesterday near the town of Act, in Sicilly, seven milee eaet of Catania. that interference of the army at tbe polls was not an imaginary danger, but had occurred. Withers said he should endeavor to se- •nrt a vote on tbe pending bill to-mor row, Adjontned. In the Honee, Dickens, of Louisians, from the Committee on Commerce,report ed a joint resolution authorizing the sur vey of tbe Mississippi river near Lake Corcordia, Louisiana, with a view to pro tection of the harbors of Natchez and Vi- dtlit. Fasted. The judicial expenses bill wat reotivad from the Senate and was referred tothe Appropriation Camm'.ttee, The Honse then resumed consideration of the bill prohibiting political assessments, which fed to a somewhat acrimonious debate. Conger, of Michloan, denounced the btU as an infsmons proposition. McLsue, of Miryland, said the Republlean party held power only by tho oorrupt uac ofFeawtl patronage, whloh it was tbe pprposa of this bill to prohibit. He spoke at oon- aiderablo leDgth in favor of tho bill, and In condemnation of Ibo course of the Rspablioan party generally, but was re-' peatedly interrupted by Congee with questions and earcasUo remarks, which finally led to an appeal to the chair on ■ point of parliamentary order. The dis cussion was closed by' a demand for thi regular order of business. And the bii went over until to-morrow. The House then took up the Senate bill relating to juries, bnt the Republican members, who maintained thst it sbpnld not be noted upon until the' judicial ex: penrea bill had been disposed of,resorted to filibustering, and after a two hours struggle to attempt to get a vote on it, it was abandoned, and the House ad journed. - Washington, Jnne 17.—The 'findings and sentences of the court martial m the Hizen*Stanley case were made public to day. On some of the specifications Stan ley was found guilty and others acquitted. The sentence of the court is that Colonel Stanley be admonished in general orders by the general of the army for bteaoh o? In cenauirag Colonel Stanley General Sherman says the present trial acd judgment must stand as the final de cision of all matters raised in the contro- The Democratic members of the House Appropriation Committee held a confer ence to-day upon the judicial expenses bill, as amended by the Senate. A ma jority of tbe committee will probably re- commfnd con-coccurrence in the Senate amendments to the second section, and ask for the appointment of a conference oommlttee. San Francisco, Jane 17.—A compli mentary reception was given last night by the California Academy of Sciences to the officers of the Jeannette arctio expedi tion, which sails shortly for the North via •hrlngs struts. Speeches were made by Five villages in the vicinity were almost wholly destroyed. Ten P«“» 8 * e v r ® killed and several injured. The inhabi tants of the district are fleeing en matie. Washington, Jane 18.—Ib tha Senate, the Miasissippi Biver, Improyehment Commission bid was taken up. The Senate . Democratic caucne met and on motion of Mr. Hill, of Georgia, adjourned without debate, euhjeot to the call of tbe chairman. The Houae resumed in tho morning hour the consideration of the bill prohib iting political assessments. Hpetetter, 6f Indiana, whoh*u-Charge nf the biU, it,sisted on the prevtoua question, as the Republicans declined'to fix any time for action on tho bill before‘next January. The Republicans declined to vote, thus leav mg the House without a qnornm. The Committee of Conference on the legislative appropriation bill reached an agreement this morning, and their xeo- ommendations wi.l -doubtless be adopted by both Houses to-day. The principle motion in tho controversy was House amendment making allowance of $125 for each representative and Senator fqr stationary nsed or commuted daring the present eftra session. The House con- f r eres receded from ihii Amendment. They also recommend concurrence by the Honse in the Senate amendment striking" out tho section concerning pay ment of claims Of laborers under the die trict of Columbia Board «f puolic works Cincinnati, Jnne 18.—A. special dis patch says E. A. White, sixty yearsi of age, end a wealthy planter/rom near Sel ma, Alabama, attempted to commit uu- oideat Evansville; Indians, yesterday. He had married a young wife who reoent- eloped with another man. White ime North with a body servant Intend ing to scours e borne away from the scene of his disgraoa. Becoming despondent be seized a razor and oat a gash in bis throat before his servant oould stay hie hand. Ho was removed to the hospital, wherobetoro the bandages from hi* wonnds, and now lies in a critic*! condi- tl0n ^ BIchxoxs, Jnne 18.—The Cat hoi to Young Mod's National Union mat aero tordayin ita fifth ehnoal convention. Before proceeding to business the dele gates attended divine services at 8t. Fo urs’ Cathedral, where Solemn high mess was celebrated by Rev- F. Jansen, vi- ear of the diooese. Bight Rev. Bithop Keane delivered an eloquent address, In tbs conrsecf which be extended a hearty weicome to the visitors on behalf of the Catbolios and the State. After divine aetvice the delegatee pro ceeded to the oathedral baU, where the. convention was called to order by Nation el Secretary Juan A. Pialini, of this city, all tbepreelding effl^rstreingabeent Sev. J. 8 Melton, of Pniladelphla, was elected temporary chairman. Authorized bj th» Commonwealth of K>, =!Otii= popular Drawing of the . Commouwealth Distribu tion Co. AT HACATJLEY’S THEATRE, In tbe City ot Louisville, on Thursday. July 31, 1879 Un which occasion a GRAND CONCERT will be wtven-holders of a ticket or part of a ticket eniitled to admission ire-. The Drawing will be supervised by men of un doubted character and standing, and ticket- holders. ag-nts and dubs are respectfully re* quested to send on repr-sentatives with propsr credentials to examine into tbe Drawing. A New Era in the Bistory of Lotteries. Every ticket-holder can b8 hit own supervlior. The Management c.11 attention to the grant cpporiunity presented of ootaining, for only 12, any of THE FOLLOWING FRIZES. 1 Fnso • Sd.000 1 Prize.- - — 10,000 1 Prize — 6,000 10 Prizes $1,000 each — ZO Prizes 600 each ..... 100 Prizes 100 each 200 Prizes 60 each 600 Prizes . 20 each - . 1.000 Prizes 10 each — 9 Prizes 800ebb, ap’roximat'n prizes 9 Prizes 200 each, do do 9 Prizes 100 each do do t,960 Prises _ $112,406 Wools Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $L 17 Tiekete, $50. 66 Tickets, $100 Alt applications for club ratos should be mado tothe home office. Remit by po»toffice Money Order, registered letter, bans draft cr express. Pull list of draw ing published in Louisville Courier-Journal snd New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-hold- irs. For tickets and information address COM- UO.Vn&ALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. orTJ riOMMBKF iRD t 8ec’y, Courier-Journal Build- lug. t-onisviilp sV. junlS julySl N c pi ROUGH. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Far- vT dy Sweeny, administrator on the estate of Michsel Roan, I ale of said county, deceased. aD- plies for le«v* to sell all the real ana personal estate belonging to said estate. This is therefore to cite ard admonish all per.ons concernod to be and appear at ihe Court ot Ordinary of said county on toe first Monday in July next to show cause it any they have, why said mpDlica’Ion should not be granted. Witness my hand officially JunS law4w J A McUANUS, Ordinary. Gioboia, Bazik uo. Mav Slit, 1879. OTICK is hereby given that I will, at the _ meeting of the General Assembly July ensuing, offer the following local and special bills, to-wit: A BilL To be entitled an Act to repeal an Act entitled an act to amend an Act entitled an Act to ere .tea Board of Commissioners of Boads and .Revenues for the county of Baker, approved February 26tb, 1875, amended by reducing the number of Commissioners from five to three, and for other purposes therein named, which said Act to be repealed was anprovrd February 28th, 1877: and to re-enact the original provisions o' sail A ct which was smer ded rand slso to amend the same so as to provide that said Commission ers shall be freeholder*, and for other purposes there n stated. . . - A Bill. To be entitled an Act to Confer addi tional posers upon the Tax Collector of Raker County, and to make said Tax Collector ex- Offlc o Sheriff in certain cases, and for other purposes. P D DAV18, tuldlt&wU Member of »he Legislator*. iKORUla, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Am JT brose M Harris, Jr, (col) hag made appli cation for leMcr* of gusr.iia-vbip of the person and property o Ztchariah Woulfolk (cot). This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to bo and apt ear at tho Court of Ordmaryof said county on the first Monday in July next, to show causd, if any they have, why said lottrro of guaidianehip should not bj granted to applicant Wilnevs my hand officially. Juno Ed, 18,9. jnnsiawtw J A MO ANUK.Ordiinr.r- Jamea E. MoKenney, President of tbe MoGill Lyoeutn of Rtehmond, wss intrcM dneed, and weioomed the strangers in brief bnt cordial term: t> tha hospital! ties of the city. After the appointment of vsnona com mittees and oilier preliminary business, the convention adjourned till to-morrow morning. The members of the conven tion are the speoial guests of th8 McGill oeatu, and are beiog handsomely ea tertained. This afternoon they visited numerous places of Interest in carnages, and to night will arisnd 8 complimentary oocoert at Mcz .rt Hall. New Orleans, Jaae 18 —la the Constitutional Convention to-day tho reports presented by the Conven- vention on the State debt were committed. Several petitions on tho subject were re ferred to the same Committee. Section* of the ordinance regulating taxation were adopted. Section three provides that tho taxing power shall be exercised cotton parry on and maintain the State Gov ernment and pnblio institutions, educate the children of the State, pay tho princi pal and interest of the public debr, sup- press insurrection, repel invasion, or do rend tb3 State in time of war, to supply citizens of the Stato who l03t limb or limbs in military seivice of the Confed erate States with substantial axtlHxial limbs, daring life,and for leveo pnrpcses. Atlanta, Ga., Jane 18 —The Jury in the case of Hill,on trial for killing Simmons for sodnotion of biB wife, bas rendered verdict of- murder and recom mended imprisonment for life in tho pen itentiary. London, June 18.—At fonr o’olcck this afternoon tbe tcores of the pedes trians were: Brown, 281 miles; Wes ton, 271; Ennie, 180; Harding, 109 There is every reason to expect a clo-e race between Brown and Weston. The latter has astonished every body by bis performance thn3 far. He looks fresh and is confident or winning. Madrid, Jnno 18.—The government has ordered energetic measures to oo- tain satisfaction from San Domingo for outrage to tbe Spanish flag m anest last winter, and subsequent «eea tion of two lesargent Dotnimem Gener als, whah ad taken refuge, on board Ihe Spanish vessel,at Paerto Plato. Washington, Jana 18.® 1 -Mcllahon, from the appropriation* cdhHmitee, re ported back the jadldUL expenses bill, with the Senateamendmefl*, and on hia motion amendment*, Nos. -3 and 8 (verbal) were concurred in, tod amend ment No. 1 (excepting from provisions of the bill 3732 of the revised statutes) was non-concurredin. > Mr. Atkins, of Tennessee, anbmittsd the conference report on the legislative bill, which vras agreed'to. Debate en sued on the bill’reported by Stephens .from the coinage cemmittee, Morton, of New Yotk, making a long speech in op position thereto. Mr. Fort, af Illinois, original introducer of the bill spoke in favor of it. The bill finally went over until to-morrow, when Stephens, of Geor gia, will dose the debate. Adjourned. In tbe Senate the Mississippi river im- provement contnisaion biU was paflffcd, with Senate amendments providing tear, the commission shall consist of sev> & members, three from the engineer oorps, one from tho coast and geodetic survey, and three from private life, -two of the latter to be dvil engineers- Chandler, Platt, Morrill and Sauiebury were the only Senators who voted cay. The army appropriation bill was taken np, the pending question being on Blaine’s amendment prohibiting all car rying of arms to the polls at Congies* sional elections. " . . Beck resumed tha reading o- the docu ments to show that there was military interference at the pjlls In'Kentucky in 1865, and went on. to denounce the laws under which outrages were possible. A long, desultory and.unimportant debate followed in which subjects were discussed as remote front tha ptoding bill as “Southern Bchool books,” “bebavior.of I-idiana troops in the Mexican war,” an£ tha 'Attitude of New England with refer ence to the admiaaion of Texas.” At 9:30 tbe Senate was still in session, the Re publicans absenting themselves to pre vent a quorum, and no prospect of an ad journment. L-noon, Jane 18.—A Bsuter’e dir- ptteb from Alexandria reporta that, ao JASPER SHEfcClrif’ti SALE. W ILL be sold before tho court house in the town ot Monticelluon the first Tu adav July next, between tho 'em hours a - sue, ouo hundred and fifty acresotland, more or lew, lying and being in Jasper county, Gs, adioinini? land-i of Mrs JR Groves, Kuby Jojdsn and others, and known ns that portion ot the planta tion of 1 M Jordan, deceased, allolted to Mrs E 0 venefee in tha division of the • state of said dccea- ed Levied upon a* the property cf T H Mtuefni tinder and by virturo of a fi U (rom Campbell Oou .tv * ourt in favor of RPS Kim- bro A tin, vs J 0 Carlton and T H Meet w. and other fl las in my hands. Property poiotid out bv plaintiff’s attorney and written nn^-eof this levy served upon THMene'en. Tnti May 2ttit: 1679. W B GRUBBS. : - Sheriff. ^ LUKUla, BIBB UUVHtl.-Wnisu W W JT C rues has mado application for letters of usrdianship ol tho person and property of Ktn- y H Carnes. . . . This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at tbe Court — ordinary of said county on tho first Monday ... July next to show cause, if any they have why said etiers of guardianship should cot oe granted to arplicant. Witness my hand oulctally* Jane 2a. 1879. iunS 1>.4» J A MCUANUS. Ordinary. G E BOR'- IA. BIBB COUNTY.-Under and by virtue of an order from tbe Court of Ordi nary «f said countv will be fold before the court house door in ihe city ot SIscon on the first Tuesday in June next, between tbs usual hours ot sale, forty shares of tbe canital stock of tbe Hzohacge Bank ot the city of Macon, belonging tothe estate of W B Barker, late 01 said county, deceased. Sold for a division among tbe legatees of said estate. Terms cash MARTHi J PARKER, mayStd ' Executrix G eorgia, talbot cuUNiY-ay virtue of an order to us granted by the ‘/ourt ef Ordinary of s*ld cuunty.we will sell »o the high est and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hours of sale, ii the city ol M.coa. Bibb county, at the ptico of holding publio aa’es in said county, six (6) Bharojof Ihncspital stock of the Southwestern Railroad Oompany of Georgia, be onging to the estate ol James C Lennart, deceit ^ \VD LENNARD. iuneStd Executors. n EOSGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Mru- *JT ltim F Holt, Guardian of Willi m H Wim berly snd HV Wimberly, now HY Peters, hav ing applied to the Court of Ordinary of sa.d county for letters of dismission from ni; guar- dia< ship of William H Wimberly and H V ttlm beriy, now H V Peters, person and property. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause bv filing objections in my office oythe first Monday in Juno next to show cause why the said William F Holt should not be dia missed I rom bis said guardianship and receive the uiual letters of dismission. <,iven under ray official signature. March Sd 1879 j a mcmanus ontny. cording to intelllgencs jnat received there from Cairo, the French Consul General will proceed in fall tmlform to the palsee to-day to annonnee that the French Got* ernment baa decided to insist on tbe de position of th« Khedive. BIBliCOUNlY SHERIFF SALES. W ILL it sold before tbe court house door in the city of Macon on the first Tuesday in July next, during the legal hours of sales the fol lowing property, to- wit: Lota S, 4 6 and six in square 42, and lots 5,6 7.8 and 9 m square 48, all on lot 48 of the Macon Reserve, w»t aide Q -mulaee river. Levied on as the property of M 8 Ihomson to satisfy a mortgage n fa issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of the Piedmont and Arlington Life In surance Company vs M S Thomson. Property pointed out In said mortgage fib. Also at the same time-nd place part oflot No 8. in square 68 routing on Fourth street in I he city if Macon, the tame being that part of said lot wh-reon there is a brisk storehouse standing ai d occupied by W B Walla -e as a storehouse. Levied on as the property of Mr* Wo 8 Wallace to satisfy a 0 fa i am <d from Justice Court 716ih District G M in iavor o' N Bliss vs Mrs W 8 Wallace Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by a eons'able. Also at the a»me lime and - lace the foUewlng to w.t! Part of lot No 8 in square Nil 41 fronting on Pinm stre-t, between First and Second streets, in city of Manor. Levied on as the property of Mrs Georgia Moms to satisfy two fl las for Stato and countv taxe > for the years 18>7 and 1878. Alio at the same time and plsoe Ihe f-Bowing towit: Part of lot No 5 in square No 54 corner Third and Pium etreets, in city of Macon, rued as a msroleyitrd, and le-ied on as the property cf J B Artopt- to satikfy a fi fa for State and coun ty taxes for the year 1873. Abo at the same time and place the following to wit: Part or lot No'S in square No 66 fror t- irg on the east side of Pine street, between Fifth and feixth streets. Levied on as the property of tbe estate ot Mr* Lucinda Cobb to satisfy a tax fl fa for ihe year 1879. Also at the same time and place the following to wit: P«rt of lot No 2 in square No 14 front ing on the north side of Cherry street, between First and New, in city of Macon. Levied on as th* property of the estate of Thomas L Rost to satisfy a fl fa for r-tate and connty taxes for the ar 18*8. Property pointed out b?H J Peter, x Collector, Also at tho same time and pWe the following wit: Part ol lot No X in block No 14 fronting n weatsideof College street, in thecityo! Ma con, and adjoining the property of the Weed estate, m rear of tbe Academy lor Blind. Levied on aa the proper,? of Frank H Stone, trnitee, to satisfy a fi fa for State and county taxes for tha year 1673. Also at the tame time ard place the following towit: Part ol lot No 1 square No 90 fronting on the west sideot Fourth atreet, corner of Areh, in the city ol Moon, near Findlay’s foundry. I.OTied on to satisfy a tax fi fa vr, Mrs M A Wal lace for her State and connty taxes for the year 1878. Also at the same time and plsce the following towii: Part of lot No 5. Northwestern Com mon In block No 12 corner Madiion ar.d Jeffer son streets, near Femile College, in cit of Ka ron. Levied on a< the property ot Mrs Mary Kostin* to satisfy'a tax fi fa issued by H J. heter, 'fax Collector, for State and conn ,y taxes for the yearl878. Also at the same time and plaoe the following towit: Port of lot No land 2 in square No 71 fronting cn High atreet in the city of Haem. L vied on at the property of Jobs »Hoge,ad n. inlet rater of the estate of John Hoge, to satis fytwofifas for Mute and county taxes for the years -877 and 1878. Also at the same time and place th» following towit: Lot No 1 in block No IS 8-uthwestern Common corner Ash and Elbert streets in ci'v of Macon Levied on as tha property of J olinB Camming, agent for 1 rustoe, to satisfy two tax n fas for State and county taxes for the years 1877 and 1878 Also at the samo time and place the following o wit Partof lot No4 in East Maco" near tho ltv limits and adjoining tha Graves property near t'-e Methodist church. Said property was reiurned by Peter O Sawyer and is levied on to sati-f; throe fi fas for State and connty taxes duo on said property for tho years 1876,1877 and 1878. Alseat the same time on the premises known as 8awyer’s Gin Works, corner Cherry and Fifth streets, tbe following machinery to wit: One 12- horse power engine and bolter In good running condition, two good tun ing lathra. one hard lathe, one screw cutting lathe, one drill pro,*, two planing machines, 50 fee’ of shafting pulleys and belting, Tbe foregoing machinery is offered at the place stated on ace- nnt of tho cx pense and inoonveiience ot mevi g tho same and is levied on to satisfy two tax fl fas for the vesrs 1677 and 1878 vs Peter 0 Sawyer, by whumsaia machinery was returned Juue 2,1879 GEO F CHERRY. Sheriff, THE MACON TELEGRAPH TTAYIKG secured the aervloes of Mr. H. i~l O. Billings, a competent workman, and having th crons hi y overtimed and pnt our Job Offioe in first-olau condition, - We are prepared to fill orders for JOB PRINTING Cf every description at short notice SEASONABLE BATES. BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE BEADS, BUSINESS CABD8, YX8ITINJ OABDJ, POSTAL CARDS, CIB0ULAB8, ENVELOPES, SHIPPING) TAGS, * MONTHLY STATEMENTS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, PARTY INVITATIONS, BILLS LADING BOOKS, HAND BILLS, POBTKB8, BALL AND PABTY PROGRAMMES, G eorgia, bibb county.—win bo sold en tha first Tuesday in July next before the court hou-e door in tha city of Macon, in said county, betwren the U‘ual hours of sale, forty shares of the capital stork of the Exchango Bank of Maron. Bold as the property ct the i-sta'e of tV B Parker, late of said couniy, de ceased • m j parkrr, unlltd Executrix. AND XX Tier XVZBXTOT'O XN MS SILK TIES AND BOW*, a beautiful selected _ , . _ » line, from 15 SO 35 49 45 60 60 75c up » $2 !0 JobPrmti ng Line * pioce New Carriage Factory. KENT & GREENE —Manufacturers ot and Dealers fl EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Wh-reas Mf- VJT ch«el Loh, admWstreior on the estate vf Michael Eisner, late of said county, do -eased, ap* plies for leave to sell all the Dersonal property, including bonds ofincorporatrd companies, be longing to said estate, This is therefore to cite and admonish all perrons conremed, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if ary they hive, whv said application shoul-l not be grailed. Witness my hand officially. junSla*4w J A MCMANU8, Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Under and by virtue of en order from tho Court ol Ordi nary ot said county wi-U be sold before tho court hou<e door in tbe city of Macon on ih» first Tuesday in July next, betwern the usual hours of sale, ten shares of the capital Stock sf the Southern and AtUutie Tele graph Compiny. Fold as tho property of Jsck- ton Deloache, late of said connty, deceased. /’’I BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas R ‘ J Lawton, admin strstor on the estate of Jackson Deloache, late of said connty, decca-cd has made application for letters of dismission from said estate. 1 bcao are therefore to cite and admonish all perrons concerned to be ar.d appear at tho Court if Ordinary of said county on the first Monday n July next to show canse, if any they can, why letters of dismission should not be granted the Applicant. • . . , - Witness my hand and official signature April 4th. 1879. J A McUANVS. anrs td nrtirumr g»«41»w$W ‘ ■ _ others and known as the G EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY-Mra F. o wuer .anu* own __ . . Jordan makes application for exemption oi personalty and valuation and sotting apartor home* te*d and I will pass upon the same at my office at 10 o’clock a m. on S.turdav^h Jure. JoneB County Postponed Sheriff Sales." T17 ILL be sold bv’ore the conrt hense door in • W the U ' ' “ '" in July next . - _ ftllowing property, to-wit.- One hundred rand, twenty-five acre, ot land adjoining tlio lands of Dr James F Barron on the si-lib. W A Cham bors on the cast and W W Hunt en the wAst. and known as the plaro where John P Hnnt now resides. Levied on as tbo property of John P Hurt to satisfy n 0 fa is-uei from the Kupo rior Court of s»ld county in favor of Hairy A Middlehrooks guardian, etc, v*Fsmuel U Mid d-ehrookf., principle administrator, of Isaark Middli-hrooks, deceased: William A Julian and John P Hunt, securities Property pointed out bv plaintiff’s attorney and-ln possession of John PHunt. t of • Also at the same time and place wjjlbesold' one hundred acres of land, more or les*, adjoin ing the lands of W A Malone, James Dorsoti ard " rs and known as the Msivh Levied tha property Of Charles T Wilson to satisfy fa issued from the Connty Conrt of Jobes jun6 law2w* Ordinary. Central and Sentnwestern Haiiroa &AYACTAH. Ga. June X4.1K9 O N and after Sunday. Jnne 16.1879, passenger trains on the Central and Southwestern ttmfliondq and branches will run as follows: 1-t.itw go. 1.—OOIB6 XOETK AJtD WMT, Leaves S»r»niiati~ A li Leaves Augusta..... Moron for Atlanta- ~M£»g hi? air*poInt« West and North. COOTX8 lours AXD VLSI. r Loaves Atlanta „.i.lti40 f Arrives at Macon...... fJJ* J LMTCi Uaooa. HmH 7dJ0.AS 4^* ** 11^031011110..--................^** A M i. 4:46 T1 s.-oo r * 9-JO AM Lrriros at Eaton ton Arrivoa m - Errive* at Savannah... lj *^ingcoSert^*tSavannah'with to? A?- lent lc and Gull fUulroad for ritopinU in Florid*. ibaii «o.z.—aoxxe toxih ««n, 1 mSS Savarmah^..'..^......;..,...... Trso r m . irrivo* at Aupt*ta.M..i..M.. * * Arrive* at MiUedgevillo.^- -•-•*•** * J Arrives at M*tontmL«« .....u^lLJO A M Leaves Maoontor Albany and Enfaulo, 8 36 A M Arrives at Eufaul*,^ 8:46 p x Arrives at Albany.. ••••» *.J2 P M Leevei Macon (or Oolmabas..«.a4e**.*««M MO A M Arrives at Columbus S.15 P II Tndna on this tckedule lor Macon. Atianu Columbus, Eufaul* and Albonv daily, makma dose connection at Atlanta with Western ana Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line, At Buioul* with Montgomery Eufauti Roll, way: at Golnmbns with Western Railroad; at Augusta With the Charlotte. Columbia snd Au gusteRailroad for all points North and East Eufaul* Train connects at Fort VoBey for P, rv. daily exoept Sunday* and at Cutbbert for Fort Gaines Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. . Train on Blakely Extension leaves Albany Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday*. • ■ oo kit. south atd hast. Leaves Atlanta...—.. .1:1< Fl 18 Arrives at Macon from Atlanta 6.66 P.K Leave* AJbanv...»-.«. — 4 H Leaves Buiou[*......„ Jl.f 5 A I Arrive* at Mooauliom Enfaala and £1- Arrive* st Macon from Columbus...... 6:05 v ■ Leave* Macon - Arrive* at Angnato... fSi S take train No. 1 from Savannah, and train No. 1 from Macon, which trains eannect daily except Monday, for tbeeo point*. „ . , Pullman Paiaae Bleeping Cora to Now York via Angaata,Colombia, Charlotte and Richmond od 7:80 p m, train* Pmmoicera from Bouthwcitern Georgi* tike Bleeper Macon to Augusta on 7-M p ns, train connecting with .Pullman Sleeper to New York without change. ' E H 6*1® WILLIAM ROGERS, Gen Ticket Agtl .Gen Bnpt. 0 B R, Savannah, J 0 Shaw, W. G. RAOUL, GenTrav Agt. Bnpt. B W R B. Macon, snirt Terns c-sh. janSlavSw R F LAWTON. Admiriktrator. Xtw ■ Connty tn'favor of w W Holland v* fbarles T Wilton Property pointed oqt by pi sintiff's at torney and in possession of defendant. This May tbe 26th. 1879. maj281aw4w W J GRESHAM. Sheriff o8tponed Commissioner's Sale, THE 80UTH END OF .7BKYL ISLAND, [IT virtuv of a decree in equity of Baldwin D Superior Conrt, in the casaof Ann VDh* Bignon.vs Jeremiah Beal, exseutor, etc, I will offer far sale the south end of the Island of Jekyl at,tho court house door in hrunswick, Glvna county. Ga, on TUESDAY, the 1st day of July nest, between tho ujnalh pra {Of theriff^saje. Terms cun. consi.ti cf 1.590 acres: Tho whole !v'ancl contains over 5.030 acres. Seward it hai th* finest beach la the Southern States Gam*, fish and oysters abundant., .. Macon, April 23th, 1S79. RK HINES, OommlsvlQrer. LIBEL FOR DiYcJRCE. Clemmla Corbett vs Charloi.Corbett —Libel' for Divoroe—Jasper Superior Court, April Term, 1879. ‘ It appearing, to the court by the retu not the sheriff that the defendant ia not to bo found in theoountv: and it beingfurther sbown that ho does not reside in the Hale. Therefore. itis oV. derod that service be perfected by publication n the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, pub- i<bed in Haccn, Gs, enco a month for the apace ot fonr mortbs before the next' term ol lhta court. May 2d, 1879. By tho Court t 0 W JORDAN, juntlaratm* Plslntiff’s Attorney.- LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. SRPARKBR, 1 Libel for divorce-Ru vs {-perfect soi vice—Bibb S C CATO PARKER J Adjourned Term. 1878. • It appearing to tbe Couit by tbd return of tbe Bheriff that defendant does not reside in this county, and it fortber appearing that he does not reside in the State of Geerma: It is ordered that said defendant appear and answer said suit at tho next term of this court or bo eonf sldered in default, It is further ordered that servtco of this rulebe made on mid defendant by puhbcation in tho Telegraph and Messenger once & month for four month*. 1 .T J SIMMONS. J 8 C M C. By tho Court: A true extract from the minutes ot Bibb Supe rior Court this January 20lh, 1879. ianl4...1amtm A B BOSS. Clerk N OTICE is hereby given thataBill will be introduced into the. Legislature at the a vision commencing on Wednesday, the, ** day of July next, “Entitled an Act for the protection or game and birds in the connty of Bibb: to pro hibit tbe klUing, trapping^*.Dotting the ar-" or buying, selling or offering for sol* the: during certain month* lu said county: to pro vide penalties tor so doing, and for other pur- pose*. Jnne4th, 7679.un41! ■GUARDIAN’S SALE. A QRBE ABLY to on order from the honorable F\ Court of Ordinary ot Muscogee county. Os I will sell in front o! tho court house door ot Bibb ooonly. Go, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July next, ten share* of th* Mechanic* Building and Loan Association stock belonging to me aa guardian of GA Mu ller. Terms cash. ^ - Macon, bo, June Id, 1879. - OF MILLER, nnSlawtnea »w Guardian. MESSENGER OB PRINTING OFFICE, Macon, Oa- Carnages, ft Buggies, Wagons. Our Shops on Poplar Street, next door to'Stew ' art’s Stablei. Are supplied with a full stockof the- choicest materials, and we have n our employ the best mechanics in Georgia. We will mako nothin* but the very best work, and at prices within tbe reach ot all- Tho manufacturing department is In charge of'TS Greene, late of Freeman 4 Greene, Who will bo glad to wait on all bis old customers? The host hand made harness always on hand. Runairing of all kmds will ’have care ful Attention. Prices low. We will occupy, the old carriagestand. Good, Small A Co. uasalas- ■room.on October 1st. All work warranted. Maecn. August 22.1878 uawBm • . Masonic Buildings Macon, Georgia^ IsiNOW OFFERING to th ruble the follow ivg quotatious In Dry Goods: DRUBS BILKS in endless variety from 85 cts per yard upwards. BLACK SILK?, a very largo assortment, from fl per yard to $4 BLACK GRENADINES of every imaginable pattern from 26,8$, 45.65,65, 75 cent* andksp to $2 50 per yard. DRESS GOODS, the tarvest selected stock ia this city, from 8.10,12& 15,26,25,30,85c to $2 51 per yard. LINEN LAWNS. We have a splendid line of Patterns from 18, M, 24 80,35,4Ce per yard. PACIFIC LAWNS. Oar styles are very ex- tensive, from ItJS 1818 20 28c pe yard. WHITE LONDON CORDS in striae and check from 810 Hi 151810 and 25c per yard, COLORED LONDON. COEDS in all tbe new shades and patterns from S 10 121-3 1$ 13 20c per yard. ■ - ' HORIBRY for Ladies, Misses and Children This IVpartment ia very extensive in new style! sad shades. i HAMBURG EDGINGS, the largest stock ever brought to Mac in, from $ 7910121-3M182025 to $2 50 per yard. WHITE GOODS, Everything pertaining to thi* Department, rompniing Linen Lawns. Rwits Mnshn, Jaconets, Ka.ntook, from 121-3 16 20 2$ to 50o per yard. UNEN TOWELS, a very Ta-ge assortment from $1, $126, $1 £0, $175, $2 and np to 19 per dosen. PARASOLS of tho latest styles and patterns from 25 60 75 $1125 1 60 1 75 $2 np to $10 apiece. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING.a large assort ment in all style*. The best Blue Flasuel Suits at $lo 50 a suit. YOUTH?’ AND BOYS’ SUITS In all the new designs from $6 00, $5 60, $6 (0. $6 50. $7 00, $7 50 up to $12 53. CHILDREN’S SUIT3 from 3 to 10 years Of age from $2 50 fi 00 6 50 4 00 4 60 5 00 np to $10 per suit. CHILDREN’S KILT SUITS, from 31-2 tos years of age, a splendid assortment. MATTING la >n styles and patterns from 15 18 20 St 80 36 to 75o per yard. CARPETS, tha largest stock in the Slat-, a grtatly reduced pii:e«. And all kinds of Goodt pertaining to a first clan Dry Goods Establishment. OUR SAMPLE DEPARTMENT is now ipm* plete. and wa wili be pleased to send 8ampies ot any'kind ot Goodstoanj one free of charge. S. WAXELBAUM A BRO,, New York 8tore, Masonio Building, anr8 6-re Macon. Ga. TUESDAY. JULY Alb, 1879-110 MONTHLY DRAWING. •; r Id oj . t tr ■ . Louisiana State Lottery Oempany. This Institution- was’regulkrljrjlnoerparated to State is pledged with *- Capital oi cn the second Tusday. It never scales or post, ponte. a-lCP,«90»dkrtoa T t M^hjH.UTicket.1 1 . i c^iui p p ri^::::::::::::::::::r.::r..::.:.7 , i°o:^ 1 Capital Prise 5J»6 - 2 Prise* ef $*,500.„. ...» ; 6.006 6 Prizes of 1,000 230 Prizes of 50,.. mm ». 10A« " & «====*« APPROXIMATION 9 Approximation'Prizes of . .& Approximation.Prlari of. 200. 1) Approximation Prizisof 100, 1^17 Priite. amounting to- $119,400 . Rffponmb’-*' corsesponding aaenU warned at all prcmmnnt points,!} whom* libera, compen- “lapliration tor rate* to club* should only he Utadetq the home Dffire in New Qrlean*. . Write, clearly tilting full address, for fur User inrcrmition.or reed order* to M A DAUPHIN. i - PO Box OM. New Orleans, La. All ourgraud extraordinary drawings are un dertho sunervisicn and management of GEN G T BEAUREGARD and GEN JURAL A EARLY. - - inn 17 G EORGIA^ BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Geo B Obear, executor of the estate of 9 bomas A Harris, representeto tbe court tq his petition duly filed ud enteredon record that helm* fully odminiatere: Thomas A Harris* estate. This is therefore to cite alt person* conoemed, kindred and creditors, to ihow cause, if any th«y can. whv sold executor should sot be dis charged from hit executorship and reoeive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in August, 1879.' 31 Witness m.v hand and ciBc j ninyB lawSm - o . ? / .... : Ordinary. MOriClS lO DEBTORS AND URED1- « TORS. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Mi- chael Eisner, late of Bibb county, deceased, arc hereby required to moke immediate pay ment tothe undersigned, and person* holding claims against said deceases muai preseat them to me in the timo required by law. MICHAEL LOH, nr.Slaw6w . ' ' Administrator. jasper sheriff’s sale W sold before ihe court honse in the town of Monticello on the 1st Tuesday in July next between tho iega hours of sale one hundred acres land, more or Ie*«, b ing and being in Jasper counts adtoining lands of i- A Lone, Tom Rhodes, Williams, Wsahhgton Hay and others Le-ied en as the property of Joan W Burney to satisfy sundry II fas trr State and countv taxes for the year* 1876, ’-7. ’78, and other fi fas in my hands. Thi« May 2«th, 1879. mzxi la«4w* W B GRUBBS. Sheriff. ; LORD & TAYLOR. NEW_YORK. Opening Spring Display OP NEW DRY GOODS. PERIOD HAVE WK DISPLAYED AN ASSORT MENT OF DRY GOODS 80 ADEQUATE TO TBB REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBLIC OR ST PRICES 80 ADAPTED TO THE KECEBSXttBB OF ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. SILKS. Our BLACK GILES contain the welt-kaeww brands ot Bonnet, Fonson, Tapisaler, Oalnet. St- rani, an* other equally prominent indnafacturara Tho Lord A Taylor FAMILY SILK enjoys a repo- tadon tor universal excellence that Is nnsur- ^ Our American Cachemlre INDESTBUCTIBLB BLACK SILK Justly claims earnest attention, being equal le the host ot reisn mftuolacturaot half tha cost LUIRY YARD Vl'ABRANTKD^ In. COLORED SILKS our wcll-seiccted eteeffle offered at prices that cannot be undersold. Also, COLORED ASD BLACK SILK DAM ASSES, em bracing the rarest gems of the European or American Markets. In SUM HER BILKS and FOULARDS we have everything that is new nnd beauthoL DRESS GOODS. Novelties in Caehemeret, Suitings, Debeiges* and the standard clotiukln splendid variety. AJMO. ••Anderson’*” Scotch Zephyrs, printed cotton Dress Goods, Motnio Cloths, Cotelines, Percales^ • Cheviot*. Ac., with every grade to beloundln * flrst-cUss esUblishment. Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps. This department maintains its supremacy, and ■hows the tost productions from the European tentres. Our Claris tad Sscqoes are cat and made bv men tsilora, therefore style snd fit Are gaArsnuea. } Saits and Oostomes. Oar SUITS and COSTUMES tally sustain that prc-cmincnsc so justly established, and Always represent the latest styles and fashion*. Ladies' and Children’s Undergarments. Superb assortment of fine French hand-m*de UNDERWEAR, comprising every requisite tar a lady's wardrobe. Also, children's salts far every age and size. Oar Infants* Furnishing Department is tber* ouglily equipped. Complete Wardrobes as low as $35; better goods in proportion. Any arttdeln the Wardrobe at list price; really cheaper than the home-made article, and much more satisfac tory- ■* Hosiery, Gloves, & Handkerchiefs. Tho largest, rarest, and most unique rrepqh novelties in th* citv. Also, tlio medium gredesjof hose fur ladies snd children at very moderate P Ladies’, misses’, and children’s Md, cloth,add Lisle Thread Gloves of tha best msuufaeturerta all the newest shades to match any dress material A superior selection of plain hemmed linen, and all linen hemstitched, and scolloptd Hondlftr- chlefs. Also, embroidered Silk hundkerchftfs unsurpassed In beauty or color. RIBBONS. . .icicc grades, containing _ known. Fresh additions daily. Gents’ Furnishing Goode, Everv possible requisite fora gentleman's outfit. First-class and medium grad cs of gooda at our usual reasonable prices. Quality, style, and fitthn- promlnent features of this department. ' Soots and Shoes. summer, for Lailics, Mimes, and lour button shoes, the novelty ; genuine kid avalkinu boots. *273. low shoos from F’ to $5; fine quality slip- pen from $1.1M totiSO: Misses' best pebble goat, worked buttonholec, *1: Children’s hand made, spring "gel. button boots, 51.00; Infants’ shoes, air CC Boya’ v aiid Youths’ French colt button fcoote. $479, and a good, durable laced shoe $1.83. , 10- Oar goods ssre all flnbelao. We flit all orders exactly nnd to the Interest, of purchown, gaurantcc all purebuw* to be ustlsnsctory to buyers, unit aloud ready to remedy all errors. Vie Invito orders, convinced that- n first triall will Inaurc n* the ■•ecntsr enstom hereafter. All orders Tor Goods to be uecompo- nlcd by the money: or. where parties wbh. Good, will bs .out by express C, o. B. Where tho re-e'.Uuneo Is zoo- large. we aluujs l-cturts tho difference. Broadwey r.nJ TwoDtictli SI. ' firacd, Chrystio, agJ Forsyth, S. J. CRAWFORD COUN: Y SALES. TYTILL be sold before the court houie door in VV tbs town of Knoxville, m said cmrotyron the first Tuesday in Ju y next, during tbe Iqga! boors of sale, the following property, tw-wit: The cast half of lot of land No 107 in the first district ol originally Houston now Urawfort com ty, containing 10 di acres, more or lass, Levied on by J L Home, constable, a* thoiirffp- erty cf W O Jordan to satisfy an executiqnxs- sort from tbe juatico court of 57Sd District G>f, in favor of John A DamilLv vs said W n Jordon. Also at the same time and place the following property, to wit: The north half of lot No IBS mthe first district of originally H -uston cow Crawford county, containinc l’>ll4 acres, paova or Less. Levied on and returned to mebjJL Horne, constable, as the property cfWO Jor dan to satisfy an execution in favor of H.a D Damillv issued from tho Justice Ci-urt of tho 673d District a M, against said W C Jordan. Juno 2d. 1879. jun41aw4w R M BOND, Sheriff. GONDEKSID CYCLOPEDIA. Rarest opportunity for making money is now offered to general agents and canvassers in the South on this exceedingly useful end low-priced book 1.000 np. double column. 700 engnv&gs. 10 double-page colon d mips. Uni* $5 a copy For terms and territory address T KLLWvD ZELL, DAVIS A CO. 1‘lillr.dclphis marTfll NOriUK. We nave the LARGEST and be ■ tilling WmIbmi I’ncksBc in the world. It c< ntaini 18 sheets of Paper, 18 Envelope*, Pencil, Penholder. Golden Pen, and a niece of valuable Jewelry, Complete sample package, with elegant gold store Sleeve Butto s. Set Qold-piatod Studs, Engraved Gold plated Rug, and a Ladies’ Fashionable Fancy Set, Pin and Drops, postpaid 28 cents.* 6 Part- ages with Assorted Jewelry $t. SPLENDID WA CH AND CH VIN FREE WITH EVERY $50 T oRTU Q8 GOODS YOU BUY. Extraor- din w inducement-1 to Agents BRIBER CO. Broadway. N Y B. I. MAY & CO, 98 Cherry Street, MACON, - - CS-A. Mauufacturera of and Dealers in CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, WAGONS, Harness. Saddles, Whips, Bridles, Collare, Hamee, Valises. Trunks Traveliag Bags, CHILDRESS’ CiSEIAGES, LapBobea Horse Blankets, SeteJirailHaraessLeatte Calf Skins, Shoe Findings. Ct EOKGIA. DlBri COUN IY.— Whe:£SS Johu 1 j J Gresham, executor of the estate of Leroy M Wiley, represents to the ccur In his petition duly filed and entered •>:> r«c, rd that he has tolly administered Leroy 11 Wiley’s estate This ia thf refore to cite all persons ecr.certied, kindred and creditors, to show canse, if>ny they can, why said execu-or should not bqdia* ebarged from his executorship and receiyq,let- tors cf dismission on the first Monday in Au gust, 1679. . Witness rav hand and official rignature. mat6 lawSm J A Mc\l ANUS. Ordinary. JONKdCOUN lY SHKRIf P SALES. \\J ILL be sold Wore tbe coart house doqy in rv the tow.i of Clinton. Jorot oounty. Go. on the first Tuesday in July next, withinthe Ugsl hours of tale,-five hundred acres ot land, more orlisi, in Joses county Levied on aftbe iroccfrty of William 8 Monahon. antwnsstha Falr.ut Level place, adjoining lands of Lee Smith, Mrs Lamar and ethers, and whereon mid W S Menghou now resides, by Tirtosbla fi fa.Nop issued from J.mea -upertor Courtrxo April t rml879 in favor of O Maatcr.ioa vfjjtl- liam 8 Monahon. Property pointed out hy plai’-tifPa attorney. May *otb,1579, B J PHILLIP^ may231aw4w Depuiy fiffiiff. . BORGIA, BLUB UoUN < Y.- WherraS t>o 1 * H Love, guardian ef 81 aa B Lowe, pew Elisa B Roberts, has made applicati m tor Jet- ten of dismla-ion from said guaidiansbip. These ore therefore to cite and wupnoishgi persons concerned to be and apjeu at 3ourt ol Ordinary of said comity on toe^ Monday in September next to show cause, j they have, why letters, of dismirsioi thou be granted to applicant. Witness my liond^officially^ Jure id, 1 Call and eaoeaiee our stock before purchasing Repositories >8 0berry Street, Maccn. and 208 Bioad Street. Augusta pr- JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALES, WILL be sold before the cent* house door in Vv the town of Clinton on the first Tuesday in July nnt between the legal hour* ot sale one buck horse Homed Fox. Leried bn ** the property otRJTurrier to satisfy *» to jsaned from the Superior Court o* «*ia county, in favovof Hil lard Bhjunt and Stephen Ban-oars R J Turner. Property pointed out by pUintilTsattornej. tCi *t tbe tame ti"« end place will te raid on* hundred aerosol bad adjoining the lands of A J Brooks, William Hutson and H 8 Greaves and others. Levied or>*s the property of Annie k Btubbe to mtiriy a fi to iasuedlrom the Bupe- rior Court in tover ot Radford J Turner v* James WBtnbha trustee. Annie M Stuhbi, wtodpf- ftriplin and R T'chriattoadSidatrator Henry Christian, deceoeed, securitie*. Property pointedotitopWtiff. t, $2500 A TEAR- Agents wanted. Boat. nets legitimate. Particulars free. A44m»» J. WORTH 40th. 9GU*I* Me- G EORGIA. JA8PBR COUNTY.—Wnerea* Alfred GaoUby and 0 L Goolsby appliy to me for diamusion from executorship estate o William Gootoby, deceased. ' „ This is therefore to site and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office on or by the firat Monday tn July next. H any they bare, why tbe same shall net be granted. •as-"‘“iv.TKswr ‘ v - apzSUwSm* Ordinarr executor and guardian who iw to make annual return* to G IORGIA. JON1S OOUNTl^-To each ad miniatnter. executor and gu are required to I Jones Court of 0._,— ... . Yen and each of yon are hereby notified and require* to Brie jour annus! returns aa direct" eaby law between this ard the first Monday in next Julv. In default thereof action by the court will be taken under the tow of inch cose*. And to too** who have failed to soke returns at last July term, a* required by law, notice is given that action will be taken by the court to enter judgment egiteti them and their sureties on bond tor such default and for all money! not legally areannted for in this court. Ordered that this notice be published to the Tetamt h end Messenger for three months Witness my hand officially. Maroh 25,1879. ROLAND T ROSS, aprf lawSm* Ordinary. unSlaws* [ ANUA. Ordinary. G eorgia, baker oounty—» hereby givrn ibti application will be to the Adjourned Term o' tbe Geneiol An _ of the State of Georg a, in July next, WFjhe passaged an Act to add to the county of Drt$b- grta about forty an *s of lots of load Nos 20 Mud St, in tho 9 th District of Baker enunty adjoining the line cf Daugherty eourty, and being partof tbe plantation of NeU A Scare*. May 20th. 1879. FRANKLIN NKLD, ras?22 GEO F 8BATK8. (KstabUsbed 1867. For Inventors Procured by T. H. Alexaudor & Elliott,. Solicitors and Counsel in Patent Causes. No fee unlera sueccriul Case, rejected by other bards a specialty. Send for “Junta to Inventors’" free. . SHERlFi' SALE NOTIOE. TSTILL bo sold before the court b uae dbor in Vv the town of Monticeliu between tB total hours otaaie, on ttio first Tuesda: is jliJjBfXt, the first dny o! £*id month the fohowu gj ert. to-wit ? A certain tract or parcel of situated in the county ol J-uperon tbe i aide, and near the town of Monticello, adji the lands of James H Bober son tbetcuCL J Talmtdge on the east. John B Kelly psJ north and Dr W D Maddux on the w taining 2( 21-2 acrer, move or lo>s The | being the life interest of Mrs F C Jordor i land. To satisfy » fi fa issued from the Cg Court of Jasper couutj August term 187 fsvor of A M Robinson A Oo, vi F C lo-d.n.* other fl fas in my hands. Ttis M y 16tb. 18* mySt Iaw4w* W B GsUBB*. thq JAvFlSli COU> 1Y -ffl fygatt applies to me for let* .dmtiiistration de boms non with the wilftoa- rexedon the estate of Stephen (J Talrnad. e, Me- oeased. This is thcre’ore to cite »r I admani-h t sons roocerned to show can e on or boA_ first Monday in July.lt79, ii any theycaftwhy said letters should not be granted. Witness my official signature, this 29djfryoi May, 1879. uajii tow4sr 7 H E-WAKKOK, Ordiy. CROWN rerttwn Jewel StsIIoubxt PJCUtiX' $7 60 per 100 to Agents. Clieapcet in the WorM. Two samples with jewelry, by mail. ri'Hgald. 25 cents- Uteatrated eirmilar* of ffPAWtg aid vaarnrtBW^ffevelt’i-srree. HBY'.. . , Nxw loss, tebltibed, 1870. Favorbif known teroaghOct United State*. trirf'er I. BRIDE *CO.. Broadway, JEWEL G eorgia, bibb county rirtuo cl su order fTcra the f-oart of Barf of said eouBtysriJl be told before tha house door in tbe city ef J(»ebn en tin Tuesday in Jaly next, between the asaa7 of saleLten unincumbered' sb»re*«f stock Bibb Loan and Buiklreg Aaseru -’m. J ' of Macon belonging to the estate ot YRI___ Late cf aaid county, beeeoned. Terms cart. jocS UvAw A B LOSS. Admlnij^rtw