Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, July 01, 1879, Image 5

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fexncgi?* !>JtegJc;st|sf| im& Jmttmal & i writer of tint delegates decided to support th ticket bat act >tn platform, Th» electing w«a an exo-ted one, and the Opera Hour a Greenback Conven tion, which Witd al-o held here to day, vm bntsiiy denauooad as a “dell oat” to tb Demooret*. B jsT 'H, Jane 21.—Sir. John L Tay lor, Drofe-eor <.£ Ibsoljgy, and Err. Am- Jit d* *l^r Sjcrelary, In the Ministry tin Padp-, professor of eaored rbstono io (^•'“.r-nr when the other Bonapar. Andover f biological Seminary, real; ■o-diy on aceoant of ill health. Both hafo b.-ea more than Cairiy yeara eonneo ted with that iosUtation. ProDs-or r»y!or mada a parting gift of $80,000 Caan to tbe seminary. Washington, Jana 24.—Tbe Jana re port of tbe agricultural department -bowa tbat tbs increase la thi acreage of oats end ryo h about 4 per cent. Tbe condi tion of oats is unfavorable in neatly all aeetionsof the Uaioo. Barley la also low, the general average bsing 85 agaiost 102 list year. Ooro is backward, owing drpntb. Tbe prospect for fruit ia gloomy The apple or op wlil be short except in New England. Iu tbs Golf Salta there wilt be only a half crop, the peach crop io the Bra tern Sates is toocl, but in roe Atlantic States tomb of Virginia and States bordering on the Oni i river, it is a failore. The persooel Of tbe Mississippi river Improvement Commission was diecamed at the Cabinet meeting to day, bat as the bill creating it has unc yet reached the President, no appointments were deoidednpon. Captain Elds is men- iomd ia the probable bead of the com mission, and Gilmore aod Comstock rj tbs members from the ehgiaeer corps. Uoeroir, Jana 25.—Tho nt-grd Coxj who murdered Mrs. Hull in New Torh, gave the officers this morning a minute description of the way the crime was committed. Ha says he smothered her with bis band*, bnt did not intend to kill bar, and did not know until twenty- four hours afterward that she was dead. Toe most of the jewelry taken hae been recovered here and In New York from pawn brokers and women of ill-fame, to whom Cox had given it. Cox says he did not leave New York until Taursday after the murder, and returned there to get somethings the next Monday. Hi did not anticipate arrest either there or bere. London, Jure 25.—The Times' Cairo correspondent telegraphs that though tbe abdication of the Khedive appears im minent, it was not signed on Monday night ai reported. The Manchester Guardian's London correspondent says it ie now known that the Government baa decided to oppose a second reading of tho Irish University bill. Paris, Jane 25 —The Temps sayi the insurrection in Algeria is ended, and four thousand insurgents are in thohan'is of the French. London, Jane 25.—A Simla dispatch to Ii.'Uters says a strong Afghan fore * has left C»bul to pacify tbe tribes in the ILdxkshau district of Tcorkiaun. Washington, Juae 25—An adjourned meeting of lbs Advisory Committees of ibo Seuate and House o-u-cates was lie d this morning, sod it *»s agreed to reccm- msid to tbe Joint D.'taocratio Canons of tho two Houses tbit tho provisions contained in tbs measure making appro priatioca for the jadicial expenses of tbe government, be divided into two bills; the first to contain ai! lbs appropriation of tbe ve oed bill, except tlis ium of six buxured thousand dollars for fees of Uait.d S ates marshals and their depu ties. This bill will ala i emoody tbs sec tions prov ding for the repeal of the ju rors’ us: oi h and amenda sat of tho l*w io regsid to d.awing jario?. jgriit second kid, which it ia proposed to pass irmcodir.ij !y after :ho fi rat, will i>e mad : up of tbe above mentioned item, together Kii.ii Ibo olau-ie prohibiting tbe exp.nditure of rtoy pardon cf that amount for the j-6jmeat of deputy utarshuU of elections, or the incunirg of any liability by appointing such officers daring the next fiioxl year. It Is understood that, in addition to inserting lbs substance of Ibe second section of the vetoed bill io this supplement d measure, penalties of fine and imprisonment will bo prescribed for violations of its icitrictive provis ions. Tbe preparation of the tbs bills will be completed try the sub committee, and submitted for final ap proval at Another joint meeting to bo d-!d at thtes o’clock ibis afternoon. The joint caucus will probably be held soon alter wards. Ia tho Senate, th9 President pro tern' unable to bs present on account of iilDCts, end under rule four appointed Senator Eaton to act as presiding officer. A commsoicatiou was recsived from the S. cretary cf tba Treasury transmit ting i a for tuition a-kad for by the S mte in relation to the action of the National Board of Health under the act authori zing contract for a refrigerating ship, cti. It was referred »o the committee cn epidemics. WA-ntsoTos, June 25.—In the Sena’e, Mr. Yeas introduced a concurrent resolu tion favoring the rcmonetiZition and free coinage of silver. Ordered printed. Mr. Burnside introduced a joint resolu tion reaffirming tbe principles of tbe Monroe doctrine, and declaring that tbe people of the United States would regard with serious inquietude the establish ment of a canal across the Isthmus of Baiun under the protection and domi nation of European powers. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Beck’d concurrent resolution pro viding for a joint committee tb recom mend changes, if necessary, in the meth ods ot collecting revenues and making appropriatioss, waa considered and re ferred to the Finance Committee. Tho unfinished business was then ta ken up, viz: tho joint resolution provi ding for extra pay for clerks, pages and other employes of Congress daring this session. Tne pending question wai on Wallace’s amendment to Ingalu’ amend ment, tho two together forming clansos of the Jadicial bill lately vetoed. Wic- dotn spoke upon the record of tho Be* publican party as compared*with that of the Democrats, and was replied toby Sanlsbnry. A debate ensued upon the alleged frauds and defalcations cf tho Republican administrations, and at the closo of the discussion the Senate ad- jqarced. Tho bnEiae33 transacted by the House to-Jay waa unimportant. Upscn, of Tkzts,offered a resolution calling on tbo Secretary of War for information rela tive to Mexioan and Indian massacres in Texas since 1873, and tbe cumber of troopi "there stationed. Adopted. The unfinished tminess of yesterday was thon taken up, viz: The Senate bill ex empting from license and enrollment fees vessels not propollecf wholly by soil or in terns! power. A long debate ensued, Ryan, of Pennsylvania, and Conger, of Michigan, favoring tho bill, and Reagan, of Texts, opposing it, as a pieoo cf olssa legLUlioa, involving n change In tbe laws U regard to ooastwlso navigation. Acklen, of Lonliiana, moved to recom mit the bill, pending which tbo Bonse adjourned. A joint Democratic caucus wts announced for this ovsninf. Mohtogbkbt, Ala., Juno 23.—Tho Coaederate Survivors’ AsiocisUon will hive a grand oslebralion the 4 h of July. Rev. Father Ryan will deliver the open ing address. Hen. Jefferson Bjvis is ex dccied to be present. Many Northern soldiers have been invited, General Han cock being among tbo number. Extra trains will be ion into tbe city , on all tbe railroads* - Wa bin*ton, Jcno 25.—Tho Dsmo- cyit o members of tho Houce.aud Seiato held joint cauouses this evening to ro- oeive end discuss tbe .report of the Joint Advisory Committee upon tho judicial expenses bill, as foreshadowed in aprt* vlcus dUpstoa. Ths commitlco recom mended the passage of two separate measures ia the place of the bill just ve toed, with tho provtsioas of the latter disinbaioJ between them in Etich a man ner eb to Include In one of them all (bs features of the original bill whioh tho President disapproved, and this will leave the other free from objectionable olauscs. The first mSucnro la to be identical with 1 the vetoed bill, except that it will omit tho ssotions prohibiting the psymeat, or $he increase of liability for the payment (t'i telegkaph '^T^aesl—The Times? F* is h# presence in to* cn Sllur £ ay n V ^^ F-urton and Buon Bailie, his when the othor Uonapar- i!iM KVthamsclres as a token oi » b ,o tbo deceased Prince Inyjo deemed an indication of their iM . w ,m nl of Bonspsrtism. ‘^ff Kaycoldr,. widely known u •'ItiCna!fifltioB, is dead. *** Timet’ Vienna dispatch ssys the I-® .. b i U: t crisis was terminated by pt:ki»b o be retired list Fum , fr aar et Pasha, who hod aeon p»W Secretary of War, oi BIlllW in t® 06 * , . Jace 24—Sevenl newspapers f‘7, p,moc Jerome Banapatte will “maaifeeto this eveningdedsr- **"/■ rffr*’ p i faithful to hie Ajiosto ai .' c ^ wnioh he annoauoed hie fS£»’p»tocisJM «nd th»t he ia no. ...j r - to the imperial ensoassioe, lbe same time, ho says his dsr- sUiics bar the sucoeaeion of any *ri<DoTjoae 24.—The anti-landlord ■, .|j B in the west of Ireland has lxtely .^‘.ju-ing soma apprehension. The Honorable James Liwthor, Ohi.-t S^ury for Ireland, replying to a qaes- *T;a mo Hau.-e of Commons list night, Z,i that Government were fully ahv- B£c:aslty of dealing promptly with Lots ter. He said lb« .he Depatyln- Z? x (i cerMof the Constabnlsry had S^wpxtchcd on a special mission w ‘r.auwis concerned to consult witu SListratesand local constabulary, «4uDart whst additions to the police f„ou,‘rrd in order to insure protetUoa .lVr ooi m the exerewa cf their *7 /ijhta. That considerable rein- H r-: biing drafted into tbo cone-uned, atd nodes has been AVa'trst ia tbe event of any outrages jj. v t tbes. measures will be levied Zxx tie Jistrict where it occurs, ffiisisaroN. June 24.—Iu the H.oao «, g MWf ot Teuueasoe, offered areso Sr, f.,r tie fiual sdjournmojt of Coa •MtsS fire u'c'OCi oa Wednesday, Jane ’jI, G,: field ioqo'red whether Mr. fiiirdsoall Bi.y th*t thi appropriation yb woali be pissed by tb time, bat Mft'.r.d no aeswer. ilf, I'oVQM&d, Of Ill»D0l8, Otj^Ctfld (O fcbi-e. A ye* and say vow is Using ta. 1*3 upon iho resoiutiou, and it is being anadby e-tret pxr.y vote. Xae resolution for Coal adjournment dCiOfMii*: 5o’clook tomorrow, was ddifrd. by 82, nays 103. Several Dia»ci»i3 voted ;n iho negative, atncaj; ilea Stephens, oi Georgia. Ite j-ial adv.SJ.y commilteo o? tho Suits aod Bouse assembl-.d shoitlyuf- lerl p. m. for the purpo.o of pr paring im# bill, nuking provisions for tho ju dical up*a.-w of tbe govemmont for the j car of 1SS0. TTuiuxoroa, June 21.—Ia the Ssn- iltsie-uletton fixing Wtdaeeday. Jane S’.h. it i p. in., a.3 toe lime for adjourn- Bitt. *as oa motion of Mr. Davis, of West V.rgitiU, r<committed to tho c:m- mi’.trt oo apprjpri .tioui. Chciskati, Juno 2-1.—A Frunkloit, Ey, ilnpaich ssys at Saw Duffi.t, on Sat- erhj Bijkt, a par;y of unknown men attacked ibe hou,c cf Sam Faulkner, ae- verrlf wonniing him as he ran f.on the Uui.-, Tucy 6ct fire tn the dwelling, vhicb coesumc-d with the inmates. Harry iiiuitll, aged 17 years, was also iho^ ml two chtl-JreU of Faulkner, aged II and 3. No cause ia given for the bra- tlUffur. Wa-niN’QTJN, Jun: 21— Ia t’us Ssav.o It. J.aospruscatA.l tne m.-monal of ths biaiac. Corsntutiocal Convention, iikiiig 'kat tbs; c! tic Navv bs iiitei«a to establish a ccvsl or . msrme Kisol a- New Orlosns ; referred to th9 C.-Lici :.. co KiV-1 Aff lire, Mr. B ek submitted a concurrent reso- isi on provi ling for a jiint committee effive S.-_.tera sed seven Bspreientatives loitpjrta: the i; Xi eesuoa What chau- jw,it»t.y,.■. t bs made tn tbe ciodo o! fcuxrd i'v: o: collecting rt>vcnniB ; f-httii cu tie E. Lcdar. lie S:..s tk.n tock up the Sc-naic joint rcsj:u:iO:i relating to ths aidilional pay ol.ia^'iiyi < a cf bosh Houses, and af- Ur t e-lisft oa cf sundry tm.scdmenis lalpttiiirg larib-r ooneidaratioa th.rc- tf, tba S ■ :*:» a-jjaurned. In its Bo ise Mr. Sitgleton, of Miasis- lifp:, 11 a point of peisonal privrl- t£«, H -t to the clerk’s and bad read at'tio'-s irera (he New York San, of th-? 231 instant, criticising bis oaara-j fckt re o -bs priuttng of tho Glover re- pul. lie hliiuited ‘.bat ths article had bsa writtrn by G’.r.ver, a man for tkcia Le tad a ssptcmc omtsspt. Tee Bnt -e then r coasidcrction ct lie k.U piohtbiliug political assess- ztB!\ bnt the It-publicans fillibustercd !iprevent action tboreupon until ths miration o: the morcinj; hoar. The t.::ceB3 on tee Speaker's desk was next Men up, R!,(l pending consideration of tit bill relating to the enrollment acd lining of vessels not propelled wholly If tail or internal motive power, the H;n-e adjourned. Wa-nisuTo:,-. Jens 21.—Joint meeting ci Democratic Caucu9 Committees to day tljoarcei until to-morrow without tek- :ig cefinits notion. It is probable that It: re 0:d bill will bs divided into two fcpuite mcF.scres, ono making appro- [tU'ions for fees for United States mar- ttih act] prohibiting the appointment or P»JEest of deputy marshals for elec- boai, snl tbo other containing the re minder of ths vetoed bill. Cucixhaii, 0 . June 24.—The large iwtatr, General Lytte, stradk a logfif JJ* B1 l** below this city, Ibis morning, «<» lit kin ten feet of water. No lives «!'. foi liovai,, Jano 24.—A committee (• Uw Board of Trade of Atlanta bas just ^‘ted Poit Royal Hsibor, with a view of Wbegthst baibor their shipping termi- “ii estieg the earning cotton and grain "****• By tho time tho season opens a waoiwliaa will have been formed be- >*«n the rr.ilrosd8, boards of trades and -tieship lines, snd direot oommunica- ffmubllihed by way of Port Ruyal r , intetior P J ‘ot« West and Sontb, , = . , countries, upon tbo same ba- «Kd»t tbe same ratee that freight is einied by the New York Central ^wKsvY™ 1 * 8n ** sW PP ed ^baesmniUtccs from lha Louisville tt-*i. c,DMU Bu-rds of Trad9 ero cx- ■ilTi 0 BBka »‘“‘lar arrangements with . 8 company recently establish- tiw. *?l° ntil ’ IS the superior advan- i-A .7 fo >iRoyal Harbor for expurta- ' “Pcrlation acd immlgratiob. ’' Ja ™ 24 “Eav. Henry i- 9r -?7 B:ley V aa cunsecratod with cetcm °oie8 in Trinity Church M th ® fifat Episcopal ti t «7 ct ««!?. Fifty clergymen, in- e*uir.?i evcn . P 1 ® 110 ??, marched in pro- bls m r* 0 ” al8lc, to 4he chancel, to 1 t® C0D8 ccraticn. SitL. 1 ® 3 * 01 June 24.—A'ccnvention of liZ I'* w h® withdrew from tbe U,V° qb1 Jl? j convention, waa held The attendance waa email, L-i-u twenty Congressional dis« A!;!. ,r State being represented, p^b® adoption c* a series of ultra- iWj" 6 * msolutione, the convention atd*3? Bst to “ominato a State ticket, E^ Jr 5®d ‘ins die. 24.—Power & Co’s, shop J^nt grist mill andfonndry, tdb, ,. l * r > Massaobneette, were destroy* ' 11 ,so -°“- J«no iTo^, W. tf ' *, x ' Ja<3 ** of the Orphan’s court disUd «° 7 ’ attd I*®ao W. L. Helm, in- the were oonviotod in HsniSS” 1 *5 nit t° Sentenes Is pending ua appcal. °’’ Jna0 2 * ~ A mesBug of Iks ,T^° P r °P° 33 to support j^wolamhni Ueket ana plalform; was Tk( Booiy House, this p. m., hio delegation xeeolvsd to eus- *; ro »w, lDg3 of tho Columbus on Wholly, while the remainder of the deputy murshslsof elsotioas, and will also out; tbo » of 630 000 dollsrs for the foes ot United States Marshals and tbeir deputies. Tbe seooad measure will contain the appropriation for foes of Uaitsd States Marshals omitted from tbe first, to gether with all the prabib.ttons oontainsd in the original vetoed bill, relating to the payments snd liabilities under the Fader •1 election lews It will also contain clause preeoribiog a penalty not exossd ing $5,000, and unpiisonmant no: csedmg five years or both, for violitioa •f the prohibitions aforesaid acd simtlsr prohibitions now oa Ibe statute books. Senator' Ksromn . explained tbs eom- mittee’s r<*p jrt, and said,* altbungtb there bad beau serioas diversity of opinion os to tne course of acnon to be pursued, the majority of the committee firmly believ ed that tbe plan reported was in every way wisest acd the most expedient. Representative CUridy, of Missouri, offered a resolution in the nature of a substitute, declaring it to be the sense of the causae that the recently votosi bill ehoald be again passed by botb Houses and Bant to the President forth with. Representative Stephens, of Geor gia, opposed this resolution in a speech of considerable lengib, and favored the adoption ot tbo committee’s report, as did also Mr. Herbert, ot Alabama, and Mr. Goode, of Virginia. They were followed by Mr. Sparks, of Illinois, and Olymer, of Pennsylvania, in opposition to the report. The latter, who is a member of tbe Advisory Com mittco, said it did not meet his approval in any particular. Spaeohes were then mods iu favor of the adoption of the com mittee’s report by Rspresent ttires Young, of Tenuessue, Singleton, of Mississippi, and H inton, ot Virginia, and Senators Hill and M.-Dsnaid; and against it by Representatives Biacxbarn. of Kentucky, and Ssuator Wallace. R ipresentatire CUriiy’a substitute was than rejected by tho following vote: Sauators— 5; nays 20. Representatives—Yeas 36; nays 50 Tho committee’s repsrt was thereupon adopted by nearly tbe samevot). and it was then readvjJ that tbe billi recom mended t-y lac committee should bs brought before tbe Honse through to. Appropriation. OommUtse to-morrow. Tne fctrjr.jjj-bt npeeeh made in tbe eaams iu favor of the adupnna of tbe couoi'.ieb’s report was by Senator Hill, of G sor^ia, uasl nearly all the South- era members and Hsna’ore insisted with great e'.rncstness upon the importance to the Sjnth of the repeal of the juror’s testov.h and otuer important amend- moots contained in the bill and the folly of throwing away the ooportiaity for their enactment by such action as that recommouded iu Rspresentitive Csari dy’a substitute. Washisoton, June 23—The Senate Fiaacce Committee held a special meet ing to-day to discuss the House bill rela ting to trade dollars, but adj juraei un til tomorrow, wi'hiut taking my act cn ^jsrenpon. Buffalo, N. Y, Jane 25.—A fire here to--ay drutrojei the Empire & Mtriae Elevators and a number of small house?. Tho total ls.s is $70,000 to $80,000 Partially insured. ScKEhiCTADT, June 25.—Tho com mencement exercises of Union College took place to-day, with tbe awarding of priz.‘j for scholarships. The most of the latter were taken-by undergraduates from South Carolina, as follows: War ner prize fer highest standing in gen eral conduct awards# to John E. Mullen, of Columbia, South Caroliaa; sjeond prizr, for the beat Junior and Sophomore oration, to James !£. McMasters, of Col umbia, S. C.; first and third prizse for best essays ou any subject by selected Seniors, to Eiwatd L. Hutcbiasou, of Somerville, ..u<l James L, Perry, of CnarUstoa, Ssulb Carolina. This i3 no apology for whisky drink ing ; it is a medicine that cannot be used to intoxicate; it produces a tonic effect, as well as acts as a cathartic. Iu fact Simmons’ Liver Regulator is pronounced au um-Tcsprioa-ble medicine. jaa24 lv VEGETME Purifies ike Ttlocu, Renovates and invi-joratcs the Whole System. IT3 MEDICINAL MtUPKUTIES AUE Alterative, Tcaic, Solvent acd Diuretic- Veoetinb Is made exclusively from the ntors, Cancer, Caaceraus Humor, Erysipelas, Salt Bt-enia, Syphltiiic Disease*, Canker. Faintness at (he isioniacli, and ali discares that arise from im am! pure blood. Sriulicn, Inflammatory aut Chronic BlicniuafiiiB. Ncaralgin.. Ciont and £?p:nnl ComniafnlH, con only be effectually cured through tho blooa. For Ulcere and Ernpiire Dlrcateeof the **I“i Pustnlvs, Dimples, Blolcfaet, Ileili, Teltrri Mcnld-liend and ICinR- worm, Vcci’TiXE has uover failed to effect • permanent euro. ,v For l*aiu« ia I lie Bach, Efidncy Tom- E lniuta, Drop-r. Frnialii UV«Iniem, ■cucorrhan, arising from internal ulcera tion, and uterine diseases cud Beuernl De bility, Veaerixe Acts directly upoa tho causes of theso comidaiuts. It invigorates and strengthens the whole system, acts u|>on the se- cretive organs,allays iiiiiaiimiatiuu,cures ulcer atiou and regulates the bowels. For Catarrh, Dy»prp*in, Ifnbitun! Coatircncsi, Pnlpimiiso of (he Henri Headache, Files, IVerrocsnCHS euil Cicneral A'rosirnrion of the IVcrrou* System, no medicine has glreu each per fect satisfad Ion as the Vkcktixe. It purities the blood, demises all of the organs, and pos- * a controlling power over the nervous sye The remarkable cures effected by Veoetixe have induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we kuyw to prescribe and use it iu their ewn families. In fact, VEGETIXE i» the best remcly yet discovered for tho above diseases, and is tho only reliable BLOOD FtIUlFIKR yet placed before the public. rnnpAUED nr H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Maco. What is Vegetlne? It Is a compound extracted from barks, roots and herbs. It Is Nature’s Remedy. It Is per fectly harmless from auy bad effect upon the sys tem. It is nourishing and strengthening, ltacts directly upon the blood. It quiets the nervous system. It gives you good, sweet sleep at night. It is a great panacea for our aged fathers and mothers, for It gives them strength, qxlets their nerves and gives them Nature's sweet sleep, i has been proved by many an aged person. It the great Blood PuriUer. It is n soothing remei for our children. It has relieved and cun thousands. It is very pleasant to take; every child likes it. It relieves and cares all diseases originating from impure blood. Try the V eg E- Give it a fair trial for your complaints; thon yon will say to your friend, neighbor auu acquaintance, - Try it; it has cured me. 1 Veoetini: for the complaints for which tt is ill recommended, is ha ring a larger sale throughout the United States than any other one medicine. WKjr? Vfcl plaints. cgcline will Caro these Cota- Cannot be Excelled. ■ Cuablestowx, Mass., March 19,18C9. Mr. If. it. Stevens : Dear Sir—This is to cer tify that I hare used your “ Blood Preparation” in my family for several years, and think that, for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors, or Kheunt- atie Affections, it cannot be excelled; and, as a blood puriiieraud spring medicine, i; is the best thing 1 hare ever used; and I hare used almost everything. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to any one iu need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, JIBS. A. A. DINSMOUE, 19 Russell Street. Gives Health, Strength and Appetite. My daughter has received great beneGt from the use of'Uie Vecetixe. Her declining health was n source of great anxiety to all of her friends. A few bottles ot the Veoetise res tored her health, strength and appetite. N. II. tflLDEN, Insurance and Itcal Estate Agent, No. 49 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. Prepared by Q. B. STEVENS, Boston, Mas*. VEGETiiiE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. jan25 -Iwcii’ If ioti 10®10, E5 7S38J ...... 109 ....... 1 toai 25 ..... 710472 730575 70S 72 72978 7 69 7 CO anooa wnwlawie filfirwtH 0>a»»0?.*9 DULY BY S'. £3. TXFrsiaST GRAIN AND PROVISION'D. BACON—0:eKr r.a sties. Ahautder* 4R95 bulk older rib tidM... Kulk shoulders 4] Choice SC haQS., inDbls ......... iu tun,....... Leaf, in backets. OATS—For feed...™ Bust proof seed ♦ SALT—'Virginia.. Liverpool.......... SCBAL... bolted 0<TRN—By ear load •mall tote —. 1 LOUR—Fancy per btl......... Choice ' Extra family, per bbl 809 Family, por mm 0 25 Extra per bbl...„ 575 IJOFFBE—Ocmtaon 1114 Fair 12X tkioi. —.b. 1«®15 ibr.d-c........ 17 Java - MS8J SOAPS—Perlb a 8 MOLASSES—ChoiceUuba.fctadi.„.„ S3 Ubcicn Cuba, bbls.................. 31037 Sugarhoase. hhds KfgSi Dugc;!:_................ SO Choice Kew Orleans.............. S B39AB—Golden C 8z£<31 brown....................... ii.ii... 5*£:vi O. notice Ifi ■ Extra O. white - *J«3 Standard A Granulated v'i®y>4 Powdered end crushed Ojk'flflji dBACKBBS—Koda ... 7©i0 Cream 11 all Hinxer. Wall Btrawoerry 1254 OAND^B^SU»CZIIZl!ll!r.'.!Iir.i^7.1144 NAILS—Buis ll’a.............S 05 gTABCH..... P3PPBB SPICE... GINGER A GOOD PLAN Anybody can learn to make money Tap'dl.v oper ating in Sto;ki by the “Two Unerring Buies for Success.” in Messrs t-awrence k Co’s new Cjrgu- ar. The combination method, which this nrm has made so successful, enables people with large or small means to reap oil the benefits oi largest capital acd best skill. Thousands of or ders, in various suir.s, are rooled icto one vast amount and ce-operated as a mighty wade, thus securing to each shareholder all tho advantages of the largest operator. Immense profits are divided monthly. Any amount, from £5 to $*.000 or more, ran lie used successfully. New York Baptist Weekly, September 28,1878, says: “By the combination system $15 would muke $75. or 5 per cent: $50 pays (350, or 7 per cent: $100 makes $1,000.or 10 per cent on the stcckduricg the month, according to tbo market.” Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, June 29th: “The combination method of operating stocks is the most successful ever adopted.” New York la- dependent, Dept, lith: “The combination sys tem is founded udou correct business principles, and no person need be without au income while it is ke-it working by Messrs I-awretee & Co,” Brooklyn Journal, April 29th: “Our editor msae a net profit of $10125 irom $20 iu ore of Messrs Lawrence A Co’s combinations ” New circular (mailed free) explains everything, Stocks and bonds wanted. Gorer- cent bonds supplied. Lawrence ft Co, Backets. 37 Exchange i lace New York. 17J4 NUTMKGti ................ CLOVES .... UIGABS—ForM...—..... CHBBOOT8 tHUFF—Lorillard's. iar_. LorilUrd’i. leil„.....M..,. TOBACCO—Common Modium.............. Lucy Hinton 5U*ft|»«S«HI •«SSSSH*yw/^»»«V ==*•!.. 20 OOtKIOO 1200 «5 7i> ...... 49 a 45 ...... BO a 60 (2 75 al 20 o IOC KB one HOnOB cosBZ »» xawJbt - • Xj. BIPIiBY, BBOKEB. Georgia8percent bouis..............101 a 115 Georgia7 percent, bonds (gold)... 112 a 113 Georgia7 per cent, bonds (regular)....Ill a 113 Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (endowed)..111 a U2 Georgia? par cent, beads (Smitb).„..115 a 116 Georgia 6 per cent (jld) ........ J01 a 105 Georgia6 percent, bonds (now) 10714 a 108J4 City oi Macon? per ceat. (lour) 65 a 70 City of Macon 7 per rest (vhert).70 a 75 Oityol Augusta 7 psr oeat^..-.......100 a 101 City oi Atlanta 7 per cent... 10O City of Atlanta 8 per cent....... ...102 a 105 City ot 8arannah.....M...»«.L.............. 07 a 65 Central Saimaa lolat wvtysrr .no a ill Georgia Railroad 8 par «at. bou-Zs 109 a 101 Macon and Western &R bands —pjrandint NortheasternRBbaads(a*dereed)^^,103 a lc-5 Southwestern Itailroaa...... ...pnrnnd int South Ga. acd Fie, 1st w*rt?a«o....—.107 a 109 A. ft G- &• R. id mactiKa («ndorted)..103 a 1C4 youth Gaand Fla.......^ S3 a 85 Western R. R. of A law*** 1st mcrtgagelio a 112 Wes tern R. R el AUboas* Si mortgage...113 a 112 M.4 A. R.R. 1stmortapw»(notondcw’d )S0 a 93 XAARR-td osTtaaes(indorsed)..pira 100 Southwestern RR i*wS... SO a 100 Georgia Railroad sto*r.„ ,.m Hi a 81 Central Railroad slesk.^........... 64 a 65 Augusta ft Earann.\l( | )t*arsad ttrr,.-„.,.10I Chlosaft isiwltc w. Clcsing quotations fonrisked daily by W. IV. Ct»r*«», 52erclinucItS8 O KBnlk9idM-’Xu(iu«sS0:Bontcmtcr5e:)4 Pork—July lard—July ; A»iw*>riS «. • - £c5pt<Klip . FUBK1SHBD BY wiLLua i^ncRrEViKr Florida 8ra«s«i asd Kondieru Fruits auaV*«»lJri»leM tiSpe- •4CU- ITsh Tour, June 2lst, 1S79. StaStoPaSwMPttSfhMMcrates ICO Goorgm reacboj-HhrilgSerato^.fO. C^owiiPlaiui—CWSTfeoce) 2 00G3 C3. Georgia llsl»xs-ai ,1b* aad uplands, 5C® Slnppers fttonlJ U» *5*^1 in packing to fill (heir crates so iBllihat they cannst<*haiw about and become bruised in fcskmt, Peaclios came better by express than b> iteamori THE MACON TELEGRAPH —AXD— MESSENGER JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Macon. 6a- 8DHH8K Mllilfi KOOKS! TUB G0&PEL OP JOY! 35 c!?. Just out. Grrat favorile. GOOD NEWS! 35 .ts. Well known, always good. SHINING BIV4E! 35 cts. Very beautiiu! songs TgEHSOFENGIISHSONG! J3 50 i ll.-st song cotlecticn. CLUSTER OF GEMS! $2 50. Capital Piano Pi-.-ers. 9EM8 OF TUE DAME! 42 50 BriliUn* Walla w, 4e Lives of Bcfhorcn, (52 03), Mczirt, (51 75) Bchumsnn. ($1 79) and btlicri ; most interesting, also Bitter’s History o( Music. 2 roll end (81 CU). Musical Record (St Ce). Good reading: once a week, all tho reus, and lino selec tion of mu-ic. Descriptive Catalogues, (10c), of almost all Music Books thst are published. Very valuable for reference. 1609 books. Anv book rutiled, far retail prica. OLIVER, DITS0N & CO., Boston, OH DiTSON ft CO. 8M B’dway N Y. Iun23 tf miDistrator. executor and guardian who are required by law to make annual returns to Jones Court cf Ordinary—Greeting. Yon and.each ol you are hereby notified and required to toifkeyonr annual returns as direct- ad by law betwoen this and the first Monday in next julr. In delanlt thereof action by the court will be taken under the law of each cases. And to those who have failed to make returns at last July term, as required by law, notico is given that action will be taken by the conrt to enter lodgment against them and their sureties on bond lor such default and for all moneys not legally accounted for in this conrt. Ordered that this notice be pnblRhcd in the Telczrauh and Messenger for tnree months Witness my baud clllrially. March 25,1879. BOLAND T BOSS. a»r5 lawSm* Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Clcmmie Corbett tj Charles Corbett—Libel far Divorce—Jasper Superior Court, April Term, It appearing to the conrt by the return of the aberla that the defendant is not to bo found in the county: and it being further shown that he does not reside in the State. Therefore, it is or dered that servico bo perfected by publication jn the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, pub- liihed in Haccn, Ga, once a month for the space oi four months before the next term of this court. May 2d, 1S79. By the Court: C W JORDAN, JunS lamlm* Plaintiff’s Attorney G EORGIA, bibb COUNTY.-Whoreaa Far! dy Sweeny, administrator on the estate of Michael Kocd, 1ste ot said county.deceased,ap plies for leavo to sell all the real tmdpeno al estate belonging to said estate. i This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of faid county on the first Monday is July next to show cause, if any they hare, why said application should not bo granted. Witncfsmyhand oClcially. ]un3 law4w J A McMANUS, Ordinary. ./GEORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.-Hrs F O \J Jordan makes application for exemption of personalty and valuation and (etting apart of hpmeitead. and 1 will pais upon tbe same at my otiico at JO o’clock am, on Saturday, 28th June. 1879. V 51 SWANSON, JucS lawiw* Ordinary. H AVING secured the services of Mr. H. O. Billing', a competent workman, acd having thoroughly ovMhaulcd and put our Job Office in first-c’aee cendition, We tie piei med to fill crdeisfor JOB PRINTING f f every deecriptlon at ehert notice ABD AX SEASONABLE BATES. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEAD3, NOTE BxlADS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CABDJ, POSTAL CARDS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, SHIPPING TAGS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, WEDDING NV£TATIONS, PARTY INVITATIONS, RILLS LADING ROOKS, HAND BILL?, POSTERS, BALL AND PABIY PROGRAMMES, 9*r ikf.:ct ivznvnn a is ins J obPr inti n g Line A O TAYLOR") LIBEL EOR D1VOBCB vs }■ To Bibb Superior Conrt, Ww TAYLOBJ April Torn, IS7S. It appearing to the Court by tbe return cf the Sheriff that tbs defendant does not reside in Bibb county, and it farther appearing that be.> does nit reside in tnis State, and it further up pea ring that service has not been perfected in accordance with a rule Irom this- Court granted November 15th, 1878. It is on motion ordered that said defendant ■ wersatd libel at tho October Term. 1879, of „ court, or t»at said ranre be considcrei in uc'unlt .nd libellaut allowed to proceed. Or dered further that seivicebepetfecfed ny pub lication in the Telegraph and Messenger omi a month for four months. By the Court: JOHN L HARDB-rlAN, Libellant’s Attorney. 'I hit June 2>th. 1879. A true c:trect from th/ minutes cf Bibb Su perior Court, this Sith June, 1871*. fung lamlm A B ROSS, ClerV. . deceased ; dismission r\ BORGIA.’ BIBB COUNTY.-Whoreas R OT Lawton, admin strator on tbo estate ot Jackson Dcloacho, late qf said county, ~ has made application for letters of < from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all pmons concerned to be and appear at tho Court ot Ordinary of said county on lha first Monday in July next to ihow cause, if any they can, -why letters of dismission should not be granted tho applicant. —- Witness rsy hand and official f ignalure. April 4th, 1879. J A McMANUS, . _ aprStd Ordinary -A 1 BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. W ILL oe sold before the court house door in the city ol Macon on tke first Tuesday in July next, daring the legal hours ot sale, the fol lowing properly, to- wit: Lots 3.4. 6 and six in square 42, and lots 5,6 7.8 and 9 m square 43. alt on lot 43 cf Iho Macon Reserve, west side Ocmulgce river. Levied ou as the property ol MS Thomson to satisfy a mortgage ft fa tamed from Bibb Superior Court in lavorof the Piedmont and Arlington Life In surance Company vs H S Thomson. Property pointed out in said moriytge ii fa. Also at iho samo time *nd plsco pait of lot No 8, In square £8. fronting on Fourth strett in tbo city cf Macon, tbe samo being ihitpsrtofsald lot whereon there is a brisk storehoore standing and occupied by W B Waliaco as a storehouse Levied on as the properly of Mrs Wm 8 WaUtoe to satisfy a fi fa i s acd from Justice Court 718th District G U ia iavoro.' N Bliss vs Mrs tv S Wallace. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made ana relurntd to me by a constable. Also at the same time and glace th: following to wit: Part of IotNo 3 iu square No 41 fronting on Piua stre t, between First ar.d Second streets, in city of Mann. L-vieJ on as tbe property of l!r» Georgia Morris to satisfy two fi fai for Stft'e snd roiuitl l.-xe, far the ycirs 1377 and 1878. Alsaat the samo time and 'place Iho (.How ing to wit: Part ol lot N r 5 in square No 51 corner Third and Pium .treats, in city ot Macon, used ns a marble yard, and lovi«i cn as the properly c f J B Art one t r satisfy n fi fa for State and ccun-' ty taxes for the year 1678. Al-oat ibe sumc time and place the following to wit: Partot lot NoSin square No C6 frost ing on tho east side cf Pine street, between Fifth and sixth streets. Levied ou as tho property o' tboeststo ot Mrs Lucinda Cobb to satisfy a tax ft fa for the year 1879. Also at the same time and place the foilswmg to wit: Part oflot No 2 in square No T4 front ing on tbo north side of Cherry strut, between First and New, in city of Macon. Levied on as th-> property of tbe estato of Thomas L Boss to ■stilly a ft la for State and county taxes for the year 1878. Property pointed out by H J Peter. Tax Collector, Also at the same time and placo tbe following to wit: Part ol lot No 1 in block No 14 fronting on west side of Col lego street, in Iho city of Ma con, and adjoining tho property ol tbs Weed estate tn rear of tho Academy for Blind. Levied on as the proper.y cf Prank U Stone, trustee, to satisfy aft fa for State and county taxes for the year 1673. Also at the fame time and place the following to wit: Part ot lot No 1 tquaro No 90 fronting on the west video! Fourth street, corner of Arch, in the City cf Macon, near Fin-lla;’a foundry Levied on to satisfy a tax ft fa vs Mrs H A Wal- laei for her State and county taxes tor tho year 1S78. Also at tho f sme timo and place the following to wit; Port of lot- No 1 and 2 in square No 71 fronting cn High street- irt tho city *f Uieo”.' Levied on ns the properly of J«hn allogc, ad ministrator ot the estate r-f John Bcgo, to satU fy two ft fas for State and county taxes far the years 1877 and 1878. Also at tho tame nmo and place the following to wit: Lot No 1 in block No 13 Southwestern Common corner Ash and Elbert streets tncitv ot Macon Levied on as the property tf J obnB Camming, agent far trustee, to satisfy two tax 0 fas for State and county taxes for the years 1877 and 1878 Also at the same time and place the fotidw!n|r o wit: Partot lot No4 in Bass Haoon near the ttv limits and- adjoining the Graves property near tho Methodist church, haul property was returned by Peter O Sawyer and ii levied on to satiib three tl fss for State and county taxes due on said property for the years 1875,1677 and 187S. Alsaat the same time on tbs premises known as Sawyer’s Gin Works; corner Cherry and Firth streets, the following machinery to wit: Ono 12- horse power engine and boiler in good running condition, two good tnreing lathes, one band lathe, ono screw cutting lathe, one drill pro's, two planing machines, 50 fdet of shafting, pallors and belting. The foregoing machinery is offered at tbe place above stated on account of the ex penso and inconvenience of moving the sxmeand is lovied on to tatisfy two tax G far for tbo voire 1877 and 1878 ts Peter O Sawyer, by whom saia machinery was returned- Juno 2.1S79 GEO F CHBRRT. Sheriff. LIBEL-FOR DIVORCE. SR PARKER. ■) Libel for divorcB-Ruie:: vs 1-perfect seivicc—LlbbSC, Get CATO PABKBRy Adjourned Tram. 1878. It appearing to tbe Couit by tfie return of the Sheriff that defendant docs not reside in this county, mid it farther appearing that ho does not reside in the Stato of Georgia: It is .ordered that raid defendant appear ana answer said suit at the next term cf this court'sr bo con sidered in default, It is farther-ordered that semco otthls rule bo mad a on said defend an 1 ! by publication in thoTelcgraph aud Messenger once a month for four months. T J BIMUONS, J SOM O, By the Court: A true extract from tho minutes of Bibb Supe rior Court this January 30tb, 1879. ‘ ' jan24...1am»m A B BOSS. Clerk G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Geo S Obqar, executor of the estate of Thomas A Harris, represents to tho court in his petition duly filed and rntcredon record that ho has fulJy adir.iniit.ue i Thomsa A Harris’ estate. This Is therefore to cite all persona concerned, kindred and creditors, to ihow cause, if any Witnessmy hand aud official signature. - J A MCMANUS, mayg lawSm ^Ordinary, I ZHSIjIj’S CONDENSED CYCLOPEDIA Barest opportunity for making money u now offered to general agents and canvassers in tho South on this exceedingly useful and low-priced book. 1.000 pp, double column. 700 engravings. 10 double-page colored maps. Only $5 a copy For terms aud territory address TBLLWOO ZELL, DAVIS ft CO, Philadelphia. mar7w4l c’ BORGIA, BIBn COUNTY.—Whereas John VjT J Gresham, executor of the estate ot Leroy M Wiley, represents to the conrt in his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered Leroy M Wiley’s estate. This is therefore to cite au persons c kirdred and creditors, to snow ram., „ they can, why said executor should not be dis charged from his executorship and receive let ters of dismission cn the first Monday in Ac- gust, 18i9* Witness mr hand and official signature. may-6 lawSm J A McMANUS. Ordinary. JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALBS. TtTILL be sold before the court house door in TV the town of Clinton,Jones county, Ga, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, five hundred acres otlsnd, moreoricss.ii] Jones county. Levied ones tbe property of William 8 Monghon, known as the Walnut Level place, adjoining lands of Lee Smith. Mrs Lamar and ethers, and whereon said W S Monghon now resides, by virtue of a fi fa No S.issned from Jones Superior Court to April t-.rm 1879 in favor of C Mastereoa vs Wil liam 8 Monghon. Property pointed out by plaintifTa attorney. May 20tb,lS79. 8 J PHILLIPS, mayi2 law4w Deputy Sheriff Jones Oonnty Postponed Sheriff Sales." TTI7 ILL be sold before the court bonce door In It the town of Clinton on the first Tuesday in July next between the legal hours of sale tbo following property, to-wit.- One hundred and twenty-live acres ot land adjoining the lands of Dr James F Barron on the south. W A Cham berson the cast and W W Hunt on the west, and known as the placo where John P Hunt now resides. Levied on as tbo property of John P Hunt to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Kupe rior Court of said county in favor of Mary A Middlehrooks guardian, etc, vs Samuel U Mid dlebrooks, principle administrator of Isaack Middlehrooks, deceased i William A Juhanand John P Hunt, securities. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney and in possession of John P Hunt. Also at the samo time and place will be sold one hundred teres of land, more or Las, adjlin ing the lands ot W A Malone, James Dorscti acd others andknosrn as tho Manh levied on as the property of Charles T Wilson to satisfy a fi fa 'ssuea from the County Court of Jones County in favor of W W Holland vs Charles T Wilson. Property pointed ont by plaintiff's at torney and in possession ol doltn .ant. This May tho 26th, 1879. m*vlftl*w4tr W J GR.RSHAM. Kh»r : fT u*uaoi*. niK»B t,o. May ai»i, ja3U. N OTICE is hereby given that I will, at the meeting of the General Assembly July ensuing, iffer tbe following local and special bills, to-wit: A Bill. To bo entitled an Act to rental an Act entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act tecreitea Board of Commissioners of Boads and Bevennes for the oonnty of Baker, apnroved February £6th, 1875, amended by reducing the number ol Commissioners from five to three, ar.d for other purposes therein named, which said Act to be repealed was approved February 2Sth, 1877; and to re-enact tbe original provisions o' said A ct which was amended: snd also to amend the tame sou to provide that said Commission ers shall be freeholder-, and for other purposes there-n slated. A Bill, To bo entitled an Act to Confer a ’di- tional powers upon the Tax Collector of Baker County, and to make said Tax Collector ex- Office 8heriff in certain cases, and lor other pnrposes. .-wai, P D DAVIS. Ini dltftwft Member of lha Legislature. t 1 BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Am- VT brose M Harris, Jr, (col) has made appli cation for letters of guardianship of tbe person tDd property oi Zxehariak Woolfolk (col). This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordinaiyof said county on the first Monday m July rext, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of guardianship should not be granted to applicant. Wilnrts my hand officially. Juno 2d, 1879. JAMcv. - i-tnS lswSvr -• ANUS. Ordiimry. JAbk'EB sHEKIt-F’S HALE. ILL ho tol l before the conrt house in the vv town of Mcnticello on the first Tuesday July next, between the '(**> hours o' sale, one hundred and filly acres of land, more or less, 1) ing and being in Ja/per county, U», adjoining bind- tf Mrs J It Grates, Buoy Jordan and others, and known as that portion of tho planta tion cf T M Jordan, dreessed, allotted to Mrs B C .Veuefee in the division of tbe - state of said deceived. Levied upon a-tho property -f T H Jlt-nefns under and liy virture tf a ft f:i frera Campbell Ccuntv Court in tavor of BPS Kira- bro ft (to. vs J C Csrlton and T U Mene'ee. and other ft fas in my hards. Properly pointed out bv pliintiff’s attorney and written notice of this levy solved upon T 11 Munov-O. Toil May £«tb. 1679. W B GRUBBS, 4w* Sheriff. | i autvUia, BIBB tAiU.Vi Y.—Wneieas W W VJ C .rnes bes made application for letters cf guardianship of the person wild property of Em ily B Carnes. Thi* is therefore to cite aud admonish all persons concerned to beend appear at tho Court ot Ordinary of raid county on the first Monday in July next to show cau-o, if any they have, why said otters of guardianship should not nc granted toar plicant. Witnesa my hend officially. June 2d. 1879. jun8 l»w4»JAM OMAN US. Ordinary. / 1 Butt*- IA, U1BU COUNTY.- Ulcer U virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary ef said rountv will l-e sold before the conrt bouse door in the city ot Msoon on the first Tuesday in Jun- next, bet*a u tbe uses! hours of Bile, forty stuns of tbe raoitil stc.-.k ot the Exchange Bonk ol tho city of Moron, belonging to the estntn of W 11 Parker, Ir.te o’ sni J county, deres-ed. Sold for a division among the legatees of said erlV.c. Terms c- sh M.vBTil i J PARKER, ir.avfttd Vie/ntrir THE LORO 4 TAYLOR, ISTIIiW YORK. mug Ui^ay Masonic Building, Macon, Georgia, XsiNOW OE PERIL"G to th public the foTcw ng quotations in Dry Goods: . DRkSO SILKS iu cndlets variety Lem 55 cts per yard upwards. BLACK SILKS, a Tery large assartmmt, from $1 per yard to $4. BLACK GRENADINES of every imaginable Pattern from £5,35,45.55,65, 75 cents and"up to $2 50 per yard. DBESS GOODS, the Unrest selected stock in this city, from A 10,12)4,15.29,25,30,35c to $2 51 per yard. t splendid lis Ccperyard. | l‘»(.ilui '.-.'tiNl Y — By virtue \JT of&no-cdrto m pr-i-tod by the Court af Ordinary ol surf e.,unty,*e will sell >o the high- e.-t and be t bidder for rush on tbe first Tuesday in July liex-. ls-i w en tho usual hours of rale, in the city (-hM-.cou, Bibb county, at the place cf hjldnu |.ub|i.r s .'os in said county, six (6) shares ot' he capital steel; of th-r southwestern Railroad ' nripsii.v of Georgia, bu oi.-giag to the eatetoof Jann-S C I.orhnrd. ilceeaset .1 U LBNNARD. WD LBNNARD. iunc'J U Executors, rT BORGIA. HiKli COUNTY.—Whereas Wil- VT-liam F Holt. Guardian of Willi-m H Wim berly snd HV Wimberly, cow HY Peters, hav ing applied to the Conrt ol Ordinary of said county for letters ol dismission from ni* guar- dial ship of William 11 Wimberly and IIV VVim- bcrly. now H V lVu-r-, person and property. This i3tliaruf„re io cite all persons concerned to show esuso by li:i,;g objections in my office oy the first Monday hi June next to show cause why tbe said William F Holt should not bo dis missed from his said guardianship and receive the usual lotto's of dismission. Given under unofficial signature. March 32 1879. msrtlsvtm J 4 McMANUS Ortn’v. ONioO CO UN i Y OttEttiFF SALKS. W ILL be sold before the court honse door in tho town of Clinton on the first Tuesday in July next between the legal hours of sale one black horse named Fox. Levied on as the property of R J Turner to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court ol said, county, in favor of Hil lard Blount aud Stepl-ou Barron vs R J Turner. Property pointed ont by plaintiff’s attorney. Also at-the tame time and place will to -old one hundred acres of land adiuining tbe lends of A J Brooks, William Hutson and HS Greaves and others. Levied on as the property ef Annie A Stubbs to satisfy a ft fa issued from the Supe rior Conrt in favor pf Radforel J Turner vs James W,Stubbi trustee, Annie H Stub!).’, principle, R V Hardeman, Jackson Roberts, Thomas R Btriplin ar.d K T Christian, administrator of Henry Christian, deceased, securities. Property pointed out by plaintiff, {New Carnage Factory. KSIf & 6EEENE —Htnurnffiurereo! aud Dealers Carriages, Buggies, Our Shops on l’ophir Street, next deer to Stew urt’j Stables. Aro supplied with a full stock of tho choicest materials, and we have n cur employ tho best mechanics in Georgia. Wo will mako nothing bdt the very best work, and at prices within the reach of all. The manufacturing department is in charge of TS Groone, late ol Freeman A Greene, who will be clad to wait on all bis old customers. The best hand mado harness always on hand. Repairing of allkmds will have dire ful attention. Prices low. We .wDl occupy the old carnage stand. Good, Small it Co, as a sales room on October 1st. _AUwork warranted. Macon. August 22.1873 uaw6m Patterns from 18.27,25,30,35,4: PACIFIC LAWNS. Ouratyles are very ex tensive, from 12J41518 2025cpe yard. WHITH LONDON CORDS in stripe and check from 810121151810 and 25c per yard, COLORBD LONDON CORDS in all tho n»w shades aud patterns from 8 10 121 2 15 13 2Cc peryard. HOSIERY for Ladies, Misses and Children This Department is very extexaive In new style; HAMBURG EDGINGS, thelargrat stock ever hrouvht to M ae Jn, from 5 7 910121-21518 2P 23 to $2 50 per yard. WHITE GOODS. Everything pertaining to this Department, comprising Linen Lawn*. Sniss Muslin, Jaconets, Na.nscck, from 121-2 15 20 25 to 50c per yard. LINEN TOWELS, * very la-ge assortment' from $1, $1 25, $1 £0, $175, $2 and up to (9pcr doren. PARAFOLS of- the latest styles ard patterns from 25 60 75 $11 25160175 $2 up to $10 apiece. D BOWS, a beautiful selected line, from 25 30 35 SO 45 SO £0 75c up tp $2:0 apiece . GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING, a large twort ment in all sty’es. The best Blue Flannel Suits at $10 50 a suit, YOUTHS' AND ROYS’ SUITS in all the new deiigns from £5 00,(5 50, $610, $6 501 £700. $7 50 up to £12 5 J. ' CHILDREN’S SUITS from 8 to 10 years of ago from £250 3 00 3 50 4 09 4 50 5 00upto$10per suit. CHILDREN'S KILT SUITS, from 21-S to g years of age, a splendid assortment. MATTING in all styles and patterns from 15 18 2-125 30 85 to 75c per yard. CARPETS, the largest stock in tho Siat-.a fir. ally reduced prii-es. Anil all kinds ol Goods.pertaining to a first cla-s Dry Goods Establishment. OUR SAMPLE DEPARTMENT ia new com plete. and we will bo pleased to send Samples ol any kind c-f Goods toany one free of charge. S. WiXELMUk & BRO., New York Store, - Alasonic Building. Opening NEW DRY GOODS. ? WE can POSITIVELY AS8EKT THAT AT NO PERIOD HAVE WE DISPLAYED A\ / SSORT- uknr oi : v <;ooi> - adia’I'a ;t- ro the REQUIHE> 1 ENTS OF THE PUBLIC OK aT PRICES ADAPTED TO THE NECESSITIES OP ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. - SILKS. Our BLACK SILKS contain -tho well-known brands ot Bonnet, IVnson, Tmptader, Gmnel. Qi- rard. and otlierequnhyi ronunent manufacturers; The Lord A Taylor FAMILY SILK enjoy, a repo- tat^n for umvcrsal excellence that is ensure Our Ani-ric..n Cachcmlre tND"SrRUCTIBLK BLACK SILK Justly claims -xrne-t att.-nUon, being equal to th* best ol rei-in in-.nmac-.ure at tali ilia cost LVhCV YARD WAKiVANTEU. in noxcn^Q SILKS our wsllsdttm stock ta Onerca at P-!■-t.,t ret,::ot bo undersold. COLORED AND BLACK 1 SILK DAMASSES, em bracing Ibe rareatsem^cf the Euro.-x-au or American Market.. In SCXMER SILKS and FOULARDS no lava every thing that is new :ix] 1 ea.uml. imKSS GOODS. Novelties in Cachemeret, Mtimrs, I»<: • ijrus. and thefrtan*.liirlc'lt>tiis,iUNpl< , nditl v.i'i- \. Also. “Anderson**” Scotch JEcnliyr.^, rented cotton Dress Goods. Momie Cloths, Coteliu^s, Percales. Cheviots *r.. with every grade to be lobod In fk flrst-cl&fs rstiftbiishment Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps* Thi c department maintains its supremacy, and •hows the bttA productions frost tho European Our Clocks and Sscqoesare cat and ladebr men tailors, therefore. $>:yle.Audfit arc earnntoed. ’Suits aad Oostomes. Ladies’ aad Children’s Cadcrgannents. Superb aasnrtment cf fine French hand-made UNDERWEAR, coninrixtng every requisite for a lady’s wardrobe. Also, children's suits for every age and size. Our Inlants’ Furnishing Department la thor- equipped. Couiplcto Wardrobes as law 03 “ "* ’ nrtian. -Any articlo in e; really cheaper than at>rS6xi Macon. Ga JA8PKU SHERIFF’S SALE. TTT ILL ba sold before the court house in the Vv town of Monticello on the 1st Tuesday in Julyr.rxt between tho legal hours of sale one hundred acres land, more or less, Ij ing snd being in Jasper county, adioining lands ol L A Lane, Tam Rhodes, Williams, Washington Hay and others Lc ied ta as the property of John W Burney to satisfy sundry, fi fas fer State acd county taxes lor tho yeara 1876, ’,7. TS, and other ft fas in- my hands. Tbi« May 2«th, 1879. 13THU»«4»' W B GRUBBS. Sheriff. NO LICK. We nave the LARGEST and be i st liing Stationery .' i.ik-igc ir. thr- world. Itccnlaim 18 sheets of r*l>er, IS Envelopes Pencil, Fenholdcr, Golden t’en, and a t-ieeeof valuable Jewelry. Complete umplo pnekbao. with elegant gold store Sloovr Buito s. Set Ucld-plated Studs, Engraved Geld platid Ei.ifi. and a Ladies’ Pr.shionable Pace? Set, Pin and Drops, postpaid 25 cents. 5 Pack ages with Assorted Jewelry $1. SPLENDID Wa CH AND CHAIN FREE WITU EVSEY $50 TORTH O? GOODS YOU BUY. Extraor din 'V induroments to Agents BRIDE ft CO, 2 Broadway. N Y ■; - i imm 98 Olierry Street; Manufacturersol aud Dealers in CARRIAGES. BUGGTES. ■ WAGONS. Harness, Saddles, Whips, Bridles, Collars, Hames, Valises, Trunks Traveling S:j'. imme. mmm, Lap Robes^ ' - ■ u 7;-Horiie Blankets, Sole, apjerana larfless Lsather i Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, Call and exahaire our stack before purohatieg Repositorics-93 Cherry Street, Maccn. and 203 Btoad Street, Acgnstiv SHERIFF m said ccun tv, on S the leal CHAWFORD’ ‘ CO^JNl'Y SALES. YTTILL bs sold before the court house door in W.jtha town of Knoxville, in saklcci the first Tuesday in July next, durius t' hours ot sale, the following property, tw-wn i The east half of, lot of land No 107 ic the first district of originally Houston Crawford courtr. containir-s. 701J4 acres, more or less, Levied on by J LMorne, constable, ns the prop erty cf tv O Jordan to satisfy an execution is sued from tbe justico court of 673d District GM, infavorof John A Damilly vs saidWO Jordan, Also at tho samo time and place tho following property, to wit i The north half ot lot No 163 ia the first district ot originally Houston now Crawford comity, containing 101)i acres, more or less. Levied bn and reiurneu io mebyJL Horns, constable, as the property of W C Jor dan to satisfy cn execution m favor of Sic D Damilly issued from tho Justico Ccurt ot the 673d District G M, against said W C Jordan. June 2d. 1879. jan41aw4w Ii M BOND. Sncriff. OPIUM —Mari lOto20< >hlno Habit Cured iq JNOXICE AO DEBTORS AND CEEDI- TOES. A LL persens indebted to tho estate ot Mi chael Bisner, late of Bibb county, deceasi d, are hereby required to make immediate pay ment io the undersigned, and persona holding claims sgaicst said deceases must present them to me in tho timo required by law. . . MICHAEL LOU, jonS lfiwGw Administrator, G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.—Wherear Alfred Goolsby and C L GooLbv nppliy to me for dismission from executorsh.p estate cf William Goolsby, deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish fill per sons concerned to show cause at this office on or by the first Monday in July next, if any ihev have, why tho seme shall/v.-Advsumgr.tod. . Witness my official sis—,-mts day, April 24,1879. ? H SWANSON, apifi UwSa* Ordinary. Hosierjo Oloves, & Handkerchiefs. Tho largest, rarest, and most imiquo French novelties iu tbe city. Also, the medium grades of hose for ladies aod ebUdreu at very moderate P L«d!es\ misses’, and children s kid, cloth, and Lisle Thread Ulovcs of the best manufacture. Iu all tho newest shades to unite Ii any dress material. A superior selection of plain licinmcd linen, and all linen hemstitched, aud * nlloped Handker chiefs. Also, embroidered Silh HundkcrcMifs unsurpassed In beaut v or color. XUBBOm. AU the choice grad-.--, coniaiiung every color id shade known. Fresh .-- Jditioua daily. Gents’ FurnisLing Goods. Every possible reqnlsita font gentleman’s outfit. First-class ami medium grades of goods at onr usual reasonable prices. Quality, style, and lit tbs prominent features of thisdrpanment. Soots and Shoes. spring end summer, for Ladies, Misses, and rcn. t ioUi top. low button shoos, tbo novelty the season. $2 50; genuine kid walking boots. . 75. Low shoes from *21»£3; fino quality slip pers from $1.25 to ULOO; Ml-srs' best pebble goat, worked buttonholes, FJ; OhlUren’s hand made, spring *w-i. button boots, f LCD; Infants’ shoes, alt colors. v w. i Boys’ and Youths’ French calf button boots, 52.7o, and a good, durablo laced shoe 5L03. n* *ur goods nro nil first-class. 'We lt. 1 all orders exactly aad to the Interest “ laarcbascra, guarantee ntl purchaacH be aatlsfactcry to buyers, and stand ready to remedy all errors. V.'e I a vile order*, convinced that » first trial will Insure a* tho regular cosloa hereafter. All orders Dr Uooda to bo accompa nied liy iho moneyt or, where parties v.bib. Good* will bs seat by express. C. O. D. Where tho remlttanco ts too large, we always return tbo difference. Breadway mid Twentieth Grand. Chrystic, aad Forsytli, j. Y. £ G kURUiA. Utah CO UN l'Y.—Under aud by virtue ot »n order from the Quart ol Ordi nary oi said coun’y will be said before the court boura door in the cft7 of Macon on til a first Tuesday in J-x’y nex’, betwnn the usual hours cf sale, ten shares of thd capital stock of th* Southern and Atlantic Tele graph Company. Sold ** th* property of Jack- ton Deloacho. late of said county, deceased. Terns ersh. R F LAWTON, junS law 4w Admiti, trator. G eorgia, bibb county.-wm bo sold on the first Tuesday in July unit b-fore the court house door in tha city of Macon.iH said county, betw en th* usual hoars oi tale, forty share* of the capital stock of the Bithengo Bank of Macon. Fold as the property of the estate of \> B Parker, late of sal-1 ceoniy, de ceased M J FALKdR, unit td Executrix. /^.EORGIA, BtliB*COUNTY.—WhrosS Mi- VX cfi«cl Lob, administrator on tho estato ol Michael Eisner, late ot said county, de -eased, ap plies fur leivo to tell all the n.-rsonal property, including bonds ofinrorporuted companies, be- lonaing to raid estate. This is therefore to cite and admontsh sll persona concerned, to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordinary of snd couutv on the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if ary thgy have, why said application ahoul.l not be grafted. Witness my hand officially. junS law«» J A rdcMANITS.Ordinary. jlgeLts Wantea to Bell GENERAL "DICK” TAYL’ R’* MSY,BOOK, DiiSTRMiifn BECONSTRDETIOK, Termfifil Experiences of the late War. BY RICHARD TAYLOR, Lreuten-rt-General In th* Confederate Amy. l Yol. 6re. Cloth, 274 pages. Price $i For tarther i-articnlsrs apply to I) APPLETON 4 CO. PUBLISHBES, 519 ft 551 Erradawy, New York, jan24diw It G EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY. —Wherer3 Mrs Mary A E Penn has applied for letters ct administration cn the t ataio of William O Penn.der'esfeJ. This is therefore to give nc-tiea to all persons eonrermid to file their objections, if any they have, within tbe time prescribed by law, elan letters will be granted the app. leant as applied for 11 th* drat Monday in August, 1879 June 19th, U79 P M SWANSON Jut2l lawiw* O'dinary. . BORGIA, BfBB tXiUXt Y.—Wiwroka Geo 1 * H Lo*c, guardian of Eliza E Lowe, row Eliza R Roberts, has made spplication for let ters of disuis-icn from said guardiar.ebip. Tlio-oure therefore to cite and *dui-;iish all perrons concerned to be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary oi said county oh the first Monday in September nerttosh-.a cause, if any they have, why letters, of dismission shauld net be granted to utUfant, ■ Witness my hand officially. June Id, 1879. nnSlawtw J * Me >1A X UH, Ordinary. G eorgia, baker oounty—Notico ;s hereby given that application will bs made to' the Adjourned Term o-lhe General Assembly of the Sluto of.Georg a, in July next, for the passage ol *n Act to odd to tho county of Uofigh- ertv about forty aneaof lots of Iaa-1 Nos 20 and 21, in the 9lh District ot Baker county cd joining the line of Daugherty county, and keing -part of the plantation of Neld ft Scare*. May 20th, 1S79. FRANKLIN NELD, m»y29 GEO P SFAgjril. (JtxlistaDl'irsrrocl 1S57.) For Inventors Procured by T. H. Alexander & Elliott, Sblieltora and Couhtei in Patent Causes. No fee unlo-s roece-sful Oases reacted by other bands a spedslty. Scml for "Dims-to Inventors’- free. Ivl7w SHERIFF SALE NOIICE. Id WJ ILL-bo kola before the court ktn door in Vv tbo town tf Mcnticello betwetn ths legal hour* cf tho firzs Tuesday iu July next, tho fir,t day ot laid month, the following prop erty to-wit: A eertitn tractcrparcel of Jarul situated in the county o! Juper on th* north side, and near the town of Monticcll*. adjoining tho lands of James II Robcr:s cn tba south. A J Talmsdge on the.oat,-John 1! Kelly on Abe cr-.u u'iJ Dr \V D Maddux 0:i'.ha w-rtsreon- c £ 21-2 r.«. mora cr !-."■» Ttioaame Mac tbe life ir,t;rest of Mrs F Q Jordon maaid land. To satisfy a fi fa iirugd from the Oounty Coart of Jasper county August tcr.u 1876, iu fivor of A ?l Robinson A (>. vj F C Toidan. aad othor ft fas in ivy hands. This .''Ivy 2Gth.iS79. mv31 law4w* .W R GRUBB9, Hieriff. /~t EORGIA. JASPER COUTNY.—Whereas vT Ar.n i, Myr-itt applies to mo for letter* cf rdministinUon da bonis rnj uithlhewillssn- nexcd cn the cilo'.o cf Stephen CTulmad e, -do* ceared. ' - fir *- ' This is therc’ore to cite and aiasstilah all p»r- son J coucerr.oi .io show cau-o ev cr l-o.'cro the first llordav in July.If 79, i. ny they can. why said litters ih r . nld i.ot l o granted. Witncsj mj eiffeia! signature, khh 2Sddayef May. 1879. aaj231»w4w F it EWAVJBN, Ord’y. rnnuiu j'bride ft CO'sTewthfown lnirtlJ U* ifl Jewel SiiisoxEfi-s PxCKxoa’ {7 59 per 103 to Agents. Cheapest la tlio wopld. Two samples with jewelry, by moil, postpaid. 25 cents- Illustrated r : ru !nrs of STAMPS ar.d ytt yiTinnn Noveltirafree, j. bride & co.. iriifra 307 liroitdway, Jr HH tL NlW YOBK. B!»»»4.ta tahlished, 1S79. Favorbly liaewn throughout Uuite'i States^ • EOUGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—USEr^cifsby virtue of aa cider from the (Tourt r * ~ rr.ryol said county will be sold feefera 1 house door jn the city ef Mscf— — Tuesday m Jc’y next, betwoen I of pale, ten unincumbered — Bibb Loan and Buiffitag i of Macon hotel gins to the < lato of said county, de