Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, July 01, 1879, Image 7

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3a*mrat & MfcjSHfcttgec, fKLiStJKAPli t,«os, June 27.—The Tim -a^icle of thi? morning unt fIjU** 1 ) °*^^fd. At present there tt‘ "mob to think t hu immense sum is 00 r ‘ * .jjorably exceeded. *i llc0t r T U r* 27.-At the Catholic ,the Croton of Bsrne on Monday 81 n Catholic* * or the flrat tlme P #r " K>®*“ . t, voting they outnumbered tiaP Vi t'ith die* by 65 to 35 and elected tM °i.rers *nd Synodal Council to hold jrSTtei** four years entirely of **jl?n/b — A Berlin dispatch "T pill Mill Gazette says the tobacco toU :..;,n has dectdsd in favor of a «® B ‘’ , j 4 hty-fl»e marks per hundred Siwamtnes on foreign tobacco. k ‘SuD«LPUiA, June 27.—A boiler ex- tois morning at Win’s planing earner of Front and Brown streets. jKVfBxine house and a portion of the 1 r„ _ blown in all directions. Several Eta, fcuiifea are in ruins. Tho dead tae engineer has been taken from Toiler in bursting demolished the .r north n of the building used as a ptoto* mill It came down Tlho second story of a dwelling near 5,eee»pi-d by a family named Long, male Lmg, 8 yeate old. was killed. 22* Long, 11 Star 3 oW » wa ®, b . ad, y y.- ; > Their mother and Mre. McAvoy yiBis-iug, and it is believed they are Juried in ihernins. . Washington, Jone 27.—In the Hou=e A. doming hour was dispensed with, nl tb- IIju*o went into committeeiof SL whole on the bill appropriating six vondr.d thousand dollars to pay tho £5 ,.f Uai oi States Marshal and their -Ber.l d.paries, me general debate he- L limited to one hour. The debate fiS op-ned ty Otrfi“ld. .... Iaihe Set ale Mr. Veita resolution dj- riuitg in f»»or of a free coinage and xe- Boaetiiuisn of silver was taken np. Dcriox the detats Messre. Kernan, Fer- .. tD d Allison protested against this Ste'Iol of ins.inciing the Finance Com- j t '. eo> Tu. ro Was not time dating this U—. to mature a measure vitally affaot- iw oar whole fiusnoial system and Indi- noilj tb- industries of the oountry. H 'be el Ivor bills hod been postpon- t j The committee was pledged to aot Mtbeiu eaily in D*cember. Mr. V’oei called attention to the fact (jit tb« rtsolntioa »«s scLIy an expreo* ii»of opinion to show the oountry how SsOitoruetood. Ailer forlber debate Mr. Test offered i tub.utnle ss follows: Resolved, that lb® compete remo-t lizdion of stiver and iU K»t»r*'too to pertcot equality with h-j t torh ssciin und bullion, ore de eded iiiiko hy the dictates of jistioe tel she Biatemsnsbip. Tee in' rnisg hour expired nad the r;e- .Jutija went over. Artiolaiioa providing additional pay (sil’oiwesAouil employe* was taken up h-J pisu-d. Mr. Eitcu reported from the Commit* towJoi.cii! Expense* the appropria- lid bill without amendments, and said the majority would make no attempt to jitilen debate, and night suasions would c:t bj forc’d. Toe SeQtta procs.did to consider the bill. London, June 27.—This week’s cir.u- larof the Liverpool Cotton Brokets’ Ai- loeiaticn sije: “Cotton was in increas- cd demand in the carlv part of the week, with higher prices, but 6iaco Tuctdaj hA* been very limited, and the advasois hiTe been entirely lost, while some da- roriptious show a decline. Inquiry for American has become small, and an ad- unceto7 3 10 haa been lost. Inquiry for Sea Island hao improved, bat hold ers have responded freely, and prices ue unohangid. Futures at the com- se&ccment of the week were strong aid Advanced J to 6 32, but eobsequentiy be* cime week, and the whole improvement vis bit Wasuisgton, June 27. — The post* ;S:o department proposes at an early date to extend the fast mail service in tbs Scuta over two routes. Oue route wul be from heft to Jacksonville, Flori da, by way of Coarleaton and Savannah, ::d the other from here to New Orleans, by w;y if "irbinond, Atlanta, Mont gomery usd Mobile. It was expected that these root, a would be put in opera* lion by the let of Jnly nix'-, but tbepos- hints cecesixry for the eorvic?, which trein courts of construction, will not bo Seabed by that date. Work will trot, boverer, b> delayed much after that. Srktdche, number and trips weekly, etc., bve not vo‘ bam determined os, la tho Senate Mr. Cockling spoke t.?tinst tire jury cliu.cs cud moved to strike out lae second section ; rejected. Stvertl ether rno iane to etrike oat ware cade, bata'l ware rejected, and the bill reparted to tho Senile by the committee of the whcla was read tho third time ad pissed—yeas 29, nays 1C Tho House bill making appropriations !:r marshal's feeB was read tiioa and re fined to the Appropriaiione Committee. The House joint resolution providing far an adjournment on Juno 33:h was referred to the same committee. Alliion submitted a resolution: “That til teAtimony taken by the aeleot oom- aittee iovesiigaUag the treasury accounts be referred to the Senate and printed.” Alter eoma debate concerning the al ■ • ! E e i ireegularitlee in the Treasury and ptsding action on Allison’s resolution, tbeSeaite adjourned until to-morrow, lathe House Mr. Garfield continued ku • p«ch. He grouped together Gome of i-elesdisg points made during the pres to! eterion on the Democratic side, par- ticalarly by MoLsne, of Matyland, and LarlUle, of Kentucky. These propoei- i-wi iete that there are no national that the United States have no TOtn; that tho States exslnsively have n 8bt to oouliol the eleotion of mem* JJ** Coogresr; that Senators and Bap* JwoU'.ivra are but offiaers, agents or ‘“Mtssdaif ; that the United States hrvo W Aathority to keep the peaeo within n ow*. inj have no “peace” to keep; that ««United States is not a nation, bnt a *«*4eracj of States, and finally the JJj** »M saverelgn. Ha deolared thora ^Mitiona constituted a body of doc- aore extreme than had eyer been ^“keferj, except at tho very arise ofsc- .Jjf 0, He believed that doctrine to be »nd vicious, and proceeded to f aovn and support by argument coun- "‘.MjPfitiona. “® Mndnaion of Garfield’s speech, M*a’ bonk tho floor and re- behalf of tho Domocrals. He Ifenw! , ied t * i0 pointa for which tho "•rjtntic parly has been contending; ttamv. *??• debato of tho past threo declt rcd the arguments of the It Bide not been fairly met. said that the Democratic tot r,„ hwked down, bnt it was tW wtl «n they begaa the fight ig. ** ™ expect to win in hd For !y*fiHh Congress they „ ®* rm 7 (their army) should ? «lT?*Lth d ^ apone tomitaltu. In tho rQ?‘ x ‘“. Co| igre«i they had s&idit Proposed to use this a.. *1 Of them th,V.«ii. .n perish oa it* own threshold, at its own fireside? The past and future proteated again.tit; the hopes and fears of the world pro rested agains: it, and what was practicably ef more value, the Democratic party, wiib Us majority of halt a million of American people, protested against it Tima' floan : Jog say* the *'’ l „nnt.’flf hulHon in the Bank of |Aaplsu8e] |jtJ *“ nimelj 35.113,525 pound*, ie Mr. Besgan then vpl'el to Mr. Gar field’s argument on the qusstion of State sovereignty, and the debate was contin ued by Cox, Conger, McMahon ann Hawley. The Committee then rose and reported the bill to the Hone, and it was paesed —yeas 88. nays 69. Only one Green- backer voted, Stevenson, of Illinois, and hie vote was in the affirmative. Morri son, of Illinoi?, as a question of privile ge, offered a joint resolution for the fi> nal adjournment of Corgress, June 30, at 4 p. in. A vote was taken, resulting, yeaa 93, nays 73. A strict party vote, except that Acklen, of Louisiana, and all the greenbackera voted in the negative. Adjourned until to-morrow. Columbus, O., June 27.—Tho Demo cratic Stare committee has decided to formally open the campaign early >n Au gust, with speeches by Pendleton, Thur man, Ewing Steadman and others. Keene, N. H., Jane 27.—Several bnild- inge were mruebby lightning during a 'handar storm here this afternoon, and Taft’s pottery was entirely destroyed by lightning and fi e. Los* $20,000, partial 1/ insured Pall River, Mass , June 27.—All the mills are running this morning with the exception of the N .rrigailaet, whiob shut do ire yesterday. Some of the mills gain ed a few apinnovs to-day while others lost, out on the whole there has been ■ gain of ten pairs of mates over yesterday. Tho manufacturers feel encouraged at tho ait nation, t here is no intimidation b* vio lence, bat the mannfaotarers say threats are made and qnito a number of men wbo were atwjrk yesterday are out to-day tbrongb fear. London, June 27.—The Protestant sobnol honso ia tho parish of Morons Connaught, county of Galway. Ireltnd, haa been aaoked by a gang of thirty per sons, who cacao from a distance. Bibles wtre thrown into the sea. This is a revi val of a series of disturbances whicn It was thought hod been qnited, after ooci- eioniog some alarm in that dtstriei some weeks ago London, June 27.—Advices from Bu enos Ayres to June 1st, received by stoamer at Sou hempton, report that Chili had concluded a treaty with the Argentine State?, containing a clause which gives the while of Patagonia to the Argentine Bepnblic. Sx. PtiTEEsBuno, Jane 27.—Toe Goto* states that the pull tax established by P, ter tb9 Great has been abolished and duties on inleteit bearing paper, on in come of persons subject to mtlitiry ser vice, and buildings outside or towns haa been substituted. In connection with the sacking of tia school houses an Moyous, Ireland, Bight Hon. James Lawther, chief Secretary for Ireland, announced in tho House cf Commons to-day, that the government was fi-mly resolved to preserve order, irrespective of the religion of the per sons engaged in tha outrages in the dis trict referred to. Salt Lake Cut, Jane 27.—The anti- polygamy tociety have prepared.a letter to President Haye?, exposing sema mis statements is delegate Cannor/s letter to the latter, and asking that E-ynclcs, coovicted of bigamy, and now serving a term in the penitentiary at Liuooln, N«b, b) not traarferred to tha Utah penirentiiry. Virginia Citt, Mont., Juno 27.—A firo at Giendale, on Wednesday las*, de stroyed tho smelter quartz mill, office, &3 , of the Jlesla Mining Company, tho most extensive works of the kind in that v.cintty. 'l’h »loss i? estimated at $100,- 0(0 Jacksonville, June 27.—Tho steamer City of Dallas, which went ashore jnet inside Sr. John’s Bar, on the 26th; was got off by tnga to-day, after partially lightened of cargo. No damage done to the veseel, and ehe will sail for New York to-morrow, Philadelphia, Jana 27.—The bailer explosion to-day in Wilts’ planing mil), was one of the most caUmltons ever known here. Several houses were de molished, and one so completely destroy ed (hit a stranger need hardly suppose any hoa-e had been there. The engineer was blown across the court, throngh a wall, and into the second story of an other house, on the southeast corner of two alleys. His death was instantane ous. Not a brick was left standing. Ia addition to tho loss a! life previonsly re ported, Mrs. McAvoy has bean taken cat dead, and oao child is still missing. San Feancisco, June 27.—To-day at California City, j03t heroes tho bay, io Marion county, &. H. Moore, keeper of the Dupont powder company’s maga zine, shot and instantly killed A. Fulton, manager of woxk?, and then blew hta own brains cut. The tragedy took place in the presence of Falton’s wife and chil dren. Moore's action is attributed to bis recent discharge from the works. Washington, Jano 27.—Oa TassSay last Singleton, of Mississippi, read in the Uonso an axtiole from the New York dun, criticising hie conduct with regard to the printing of Glover’s report. He ohargei that the article was Inspired by Glover himself, and prooeeded to denounce him therefor. Glover ha3 now written n let ter to Singleton, denying tho authorship or tho article in question, charging Singleton with deliberately indeaver- ing to prevent the printing of tho report, and with personal discourtesy. He as serts that Singloton is being used by unseen persons to aappre-i the report, and warns him that his present course is contrary to the wishes of his party, and will defeat him as Senator from Mis sissippi. Washington, June 28.—la tho Senate Mr. Vest, by request, offered a resolu tion oalling on tho President for ths cor respondence between tho State Depart ment and Mexico, in regard to a proposed survey of the Northern States of Mexioo for the Austin and Polovampa Bsilroad Company, whloh was adopted. Mr. Harri?, of Tennessee, submitted a joint resolution for the contraction, at the Washington and Norfolk navy yards, or steam vessels and refrigerating ships, under tho direction of Professor Gamgee. Mr. Vooihees objected, and the reso lution went over. Mr. Vest's free coinage resolution wa3 taken np—the question being on referr ing his substitute to the Finacoa Com mittee. Tho morning hour was cc nsum- ed m dlscosssng the resolution, and It went over wltbont notion. In tho House the Speaker eigned the jadfoial expenses bill. London, June 28.—The Times Liver pool correspondent states that tho actual business in cotton daring tko past week proves to b9 very much less than tho ag gregate of tho daily estimate?, thus showing that tho depression of trado at Manchester and in the spinning districts 13 real, and is influencing consumers to an unsuspected degree. The Ohapsl streeet cotton mills in An- coate district of Manchester, among tho largest in tha city, has been burned. The damage is estimated at $80,000 pounds. San Fbancisco, Jano 28,—The new eonstllation party osnvention re-assem bled last evening and appointed a State ibii 9 theirs at the polls to intimi- Central committee. A telegram was ra (KjAQericau citixens In tho exercise of ceived fromj. _P. West, declialiig_ the Uts [Applause.] Thera had ^B] a ^ d ;« 0Barrendef of 1116 eroat WtSto. *t Congress can withhold snp- laL 0tan * of redrawing grievances, ** ‘. h0 Damoortttlc pa*»y was J° n ‘y io the House it never tfjj ° c eerreadered. The present •tti E** 00,5,9 Had made np tho the two patties. The •fcalih. “d Elated that the army p ‘, fr . om rt>° polls; that the repealed, and that not ,n * eiven9 in toa&nfc 9 * points the BapabUcana MUkS > ‘ li wIlI> ,w * *“ co tho Bs- W) .* P’rty should be swrcosafnl it «}• tnd of ths Baynblto and an l^P'ro- Could thiro WJklWaltot n contra- tiaif, tud fchcmld oiYii liloily nomination for Lisnt. Governor, and D. C.lteed, ef SanDltgo, was nominated in stead. Memphis, Jana 28.—Last night W. F. A. Johnson outraged^ Lizzie Sherwood eleven years old, and'fled across the riv er to Arkansas. Sergeant of Police, Ktnholx, went over the river this morn ing and arrested Johnson, not, howev er, until he disabled him by shooting him in the thigh. The girl was outraged in a most shocking manner, and lies in a critical condition. Fearing a demon stration against Johnson, ths Chief ot Police had him removed from the elation house to ths county jaiL John Porter, who eidad hie e-ops by rowing him across the river, is also under arrest. •This morning the jnty in the ca:e or I Wiliam Parker, *lisa Charlie Dnncaa I (color*d), charged with the murder of Mr*. Foster, near this elty, January last, returned a vardiet of murdeir in the first degree. Washington, Jnne 23.—Ia the Senate the bJt exempting from lioenee and en rollment fees vessel* not propelled wholly by sail or internal motive power of their owe, was taken np. Mr. Byon, of Pen- sylvania, moved to strike out the word “wholly.” Adopted. Mr. Eenna, of West Virginia, offered an amendment providing that nothing in the act or existing laws should be construed to require the enrolling or li censing of any flat bo&t, barge or like orafs not propelled by sail or internal mo tive power of its own. Adopted and bill pafeed. The joint resolution authorizing the President to appoint one or more com missioners, not to exceed three, at a sal ary of five thousand dollars each, to take steps with a view of entering into far ther treaty with Mexico, war pasted. The Speaker at four o’clook sigmd the last appropriation bill. (That for Marshal fees.) Stephens, of Georgia, made an effort to have action taken on tha bill in refer ence to the settlement between the War Department and the State of Georgia, on account of purchases made from the Western & Atlantic Bailxoad Company, ont objection eras made. At half past four the House adjourned. In the Senate Mr. Beck from the Ap propriation Committee, reported without amendment, a bill making appropriation to pay the fee* of United States mar shals and their general deputies, which was taken np and considered. Messrs. Conkling, Wisdom, Logan and McMil lan spoke against the bill. All amend ments were rejected, and the bill was read the third time and passed—yeas 25, cay* 15. At 4:05 the President pro fern., signed the bill and it was sent to the President. The Senate went into executive session, and when the doors were reopened ad journed. The judicial appropriation bill was placed ia the President’* hands this afternoon. In accordance with the nsnal custom the bill will be sent to the Attor ney General for hia judgment, bnt there seem* to bo no donbt that it will receive the PiOiident’sapproval,notwithstanding it i* cot altogether free from objections. Xae bill for (be payment of United State* Mra*ha>s, etc., will be vetoed oa tho ground ktsied in the late message for withhol iing the signature from the bill mikiog appropriations for certain jndi oiai expense?, namely-, tkat the proposed positive enactment deprives him in effeot of the ordinary and necessary means cf rxeoating the law? still existing on the Mtaicts books, and which it is hia cinsti- tn i nal duty to see enforced. The Presiden.’a veto message will be brief. He will refer tb his former one us bomg applicable to tba bili a* now passed, aud which readied h:tn la'o th * afternoon. Tne messags will be sent t> the House on Monday. It o*n be stated aniboritative y that the President's inclination is to reconvene OoDgress by proclamation should they adjourn before making appropriations for the pay of the Marshals, which he considers aa important part of the judi ciary, oed whose servioes aro indispensa ble to tbo administration of jasrics and the enforcement ot laws. To adjourn without such appropriation weald loivo unperformed a part ot the business for wb oh the extra session was otiled. Of oenrse it is desired by the Presi dent that tba provision for the psy of the Matshals shonli be free from the abjec tions applioable to tbo bill ja*t passed. Tee President to-d*y seat to ihe Sen ate the following nominations as mem bers of the Mississippi River Commis sion : Benjimin Harrison, cf Indians, James B. Bads, civil engineer, of Mis souri, B. Morgan Harrcd, civil engineer, of Louisiana; Lientenant Colonel L. A. Gilmore, Major C. B. Comstock and Md* jar C. 1«. Saitre, from tho Engineer corps of the army, and Henry Mitcuetl, from the roast Geodet ffsurviy. WxrnsviLLS, Va., Jnu6 23.—The engine and tbrts forward cats cf the East bound mail train _ on the dtlant-.c, Mistiisippi and Ohio Bsilroad, this morning, broke through Raid creek bridge, three miles west of this place, falling eighty feet. Express nwauenger Langhorne was kilted, and conductor Fairfax and two mail agents injared. No other deaths are reported, but seveial passengers are said to ba hurt. An ec count, dated Chattanooga, Teancsse.*, states that the engine, baggago, expres*, mail and second-class cars are bidly wrecked, and conductor Fairfax fatally iojnred, and Norvell Langhorne, express messenger, killed. The engineer and fireman escaped by jumping off. No passengers are reported. hurt. The bridge is about fifty feet high. Lonbon, Jano 28.—Advices from Cape town to 10 b of Jane, state, according to tffioial account, that the Prinoe Impe rial, after the surprise of hia reconnoit- ering parry, rode during the general flight into a ravine, where a second bed/ cf Zulus lay cocoealed. Independent ac counts agree with tha atorv of the man ner ot the Prince Imperial's death heretofore telegraphed in these dispatch es. The body of the d.-ceased P-inco, af ter a fcneral parade at whioh Lord Chelmsford was chief monreor, was re moved to Peilzmarilzhurg, where it lay in atite in tbo Catholio church. The body will arrive at Darban on tho 11th Instant, and be esoorted by the garrison on board tbe man-of-war Bocdloca, for conveyance to Simon’s fciy, where It will ba transferred to the troop ship O.-ontea, for transportation to England. London, Jano 23.—General Newdi- gate’a column ha3 advanced to Selefa river, twenty miles beyond Blood river, where an istrenchment will bo formed. General Crealock’s command will leave for Fort Chelmsford to-morrow, His division will then ndranco and establish a base at Fort Dsmford, thus obtaining supplies by sea. Tho gun boat Forester will start for Fort Darnford immediately. Adjutant Frith, of the Lancers, has been killed in a Ekirmish. The yeomanry have again ncsoocssafnlly attacked Mor- ri8 Mountain in Vasntolandy, losing C *o men killed and tiralva wounded. Sir Barilo Frere has arrived at Capetown, where ho was enth*ai*stically received. Rome, Jano 23.—'Tk» pleadings in the Inlonelii will cue haw* lmn closed, and judgment will bs rsaiSMd in ten daye- The defense plsadsft that the suit of the Cenntess LambertinI, who claims to bo the daughter of tho late Cardinal Anto- nelli, ehonld be rejeotsd beoauso of ssori- Ilgious children—that is to say, children or priests who had not even the right to olaim parentage. Bnuasxts, Jano 28.—Tho government has submitted to the Chamber ot Bspre- aentalives the bills taxlsg the cultivation of home and the imputation of foroign tobacco. Bebliit, Jano 21.—Ii tb# Tariff Oosa- mitteo it is rumored that Herr Hobrecbt, Minuter of ifmaass, has resigned. Vebsailles, Jane 28.—The Chamber of Deputies to-day etmdaded the general debate on the odasatten bill, and decided by a vote of 366 te 150 to proceed to a discussion of its elnucs. Washington, Juts II.—In tho House Mr. Herbert, ef Afahasta, rising to a question of porsehal privilege, referred to the statement in fht Washington cor- resDondeuce ol the #iE«isnati Inquirer tha’t a bargain had bis* entered into be. tween certain Sea theca »*mocrats ana 1 the Republican member*- ef tha House to the effect tea* the President might have all the apprepclalieis he wanted if the Southern Dtmemats could get the teat oath repeals!? Misname had been mentioned in lUlHiiM with that bar gain, and he desirldieuy that so far as he was cenetrasd 11 ins a simple, un varnished falnha*?, and ths informa tion, if tha eorrasjtkdtnk had derived any, was absolutely fa!**. Mr. Gibson, of Louisiana, what* name was alto mentioned in eonimWes with tho hl> leged bargain, aim dsaefjfeMd the state ment ao ubiotataqr axd unequivocally false. ■ 1 '' . The Struts 0<«nBfm ** Appropria* tiens deciotd it po?tes*a» (lie adjourn-' men. resolution until Kwtivy msmlc?, London; Jane Ltrf Slcscousfleld bai a se vere r.ttsck of tk* ««*t. i Maw C)elsa.hs* Jfln h#.—A reeolution instructing the State officials not to pay Jnly interest on State bonds nntil ordered by tbe Constitutional Convention was adopted by a vote of two to fifty-six The Convention appointed a committee of five to investigate the charges of cor ruption m relation to the public debt, to the effect that members have been influ enced in casting their votes, by a desire to speculate m bond?, or have been paid a price for their votes. Nsbbasfa. Citt, Nib , June 28 —A special says a horrible accident occurred on the Missonri river, 5 miles below this place, late yesterday afternoon. The boiler of the government mg boat Clytio exploded, killing James Lin?, ot east Nebraska City, and Herman Bowl, fire man, and fatally injuring Isaac and Wii- lia’in McKinney, engineers of the Sc. Louis. B Pinney, Captain of the tag, and Matt Pfle, were horribly scalded. St. Louis, Jane 28.—Preparations for ohanging the gaago cf tbe Ss. L mi? Iron Moantaia and Southern Railway, whioh have been in progress for the past two months, culminated last night, and at day break this morning over three thousand men eommenord the work of ahifting rails, and long before night the entire line, extending from &t. Louis to Texar kana, nearly 790 miles, had been changed from five feet to (he standard gauge of tour feet 8 j inches. Locomotives and oars had al*o been altered to correspond, nod traffic under tbe new order ot things wiil proceed without break or hindrance. lh* road will also be conoeottd with tb* Union depot la this oity to-morrow, nod thereafter all passenger trains on thts line for Southern points, on both Bides of the M'ssissippi river, will start from, that oeuter. New Orleans, June 23.—In the de bits on the resolution prohibiting tne payment of Jaly interest, tbe opposition held that the Convention had neither the power nor right to interfere with tbe provisions of ths funding act, or any other law of tbe State, and that State of* ficials would be held responsible if they obeyed the order of the Convention, and violated the law. Mr. Kidd, Chairman of the Committee on State Debt, presented the reports. The majority report ia almost the same ns the former one, with the addition of one hnndred and thirty-six thousand dollars due tho Agri’ cultural and Mechanical College. The minority report recommends the pay ment of the debt in fall with three per cent, interest for five year*, and four Der cent, thereafter. Another report recommends that tbo debt question be left to tbe Coarts to deoid?. The reports come up Monday at noon as tho special order of tbe day. Montreal, Jane 23.—At a late hoar last Light the mutilated body o* a woman named McCo.miok, alias Cosway, woe found in a bouse oa Williams street, Gtt fill ton Tbe house, which is in the lower part ot tha oity, is occupied by M , and Mr.-.-. Jacobs, acd is frequented by dissipated obaraolers. Tho body of the unfoitunate woman was fou-.d lying in a pool of blood, while ber head and right hand were fen ad in a bsiktt Mrs. Ja cobs ba* been arrested. Washington, June £S—Tho S.-cat? in executive Mission to day rejected the. nomination of D. T. Corbin, of South Carolina, as Chief Justice of tae Supreme Court ot If tab. Baltimore, Jugs 23—A sever. wia-J and raiu storm pissed over the cential psrt of tho city this afternoon. Tne streets ia the path o' the sterrn were del uged With wat?-, and in the vicinity ot tbe custom house and loo M*ry land Insti tute a large number of building* were unroofed aud a large pia'o gl-a* blown out. Damage about $25 OOP TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH fc THE AGE. mmiki andcommerw. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC KErURi OPPIOB TBluSGRAPR AND toUSSENGBh * J USB 27. 187?,—KVBjnub Cotton. LIvaorcoL — Noon — Cotton openei steady: middling upland) 6%; middling Orieanl 15-ai- f-a’ea 4 Oi« bale*; ol which 1.000 were tafceu hi •pec-ulaton and (or export: reooipta 7t0‘,S8'J0 o: which w<:re American. Future* opened IS 16 better. Uplands low middling clause June delivery 6 27-32, Jana and ,July do, July and Autavt fij£. August and September c xa-sasiO 16 16, Sep tember and October 6 16 lC@i3l -S2. 880 p m—Sale.-ot American *460 Upland* low middling claua-s June deliver? 6} June and July do, July and \uaust6 la-SS, August and Septem* for 681-51, October anl Novemoer li- Futures closed strong. NawToax—Cotton opened qu et anl steady: •ale* £78: middlingfipla ias 12 7-16, middling Or? leant 129 16. Futures opened firms.- tut n.minat June de livery 12.41, July 1*60, August 1240, September 12-53. Uoiton—Netireceipt*—; gross—. Futures dooed weak: sale* 4-1,000 July delivery 12.65, August 12 64, September 12.-0, October 11.57—58, Ntvember 11.15—14, December 11.03, January 1111—12, February 11.16—17, March 1126-50. • otlon closed staidy; sales 275: middling up- la ids 12 7-16-, middling Orleans 12 9 16. Consolidated net receipts 183; export* to Great Britain 25. Galvbstos—Cotton no demand; middling If, low middling 11%, good ordinary 11%: net re ceipts 23, grass —. sale* —; stock 2170 NooyoLK—Cotton quiet; middling 12%: net receipt* 18,sales —.stock U69 Baltinoes—Cotton dull; middling 12%. low middling 12%. good ordinary 11%, cst receipts —. gros* 4. soles , to ipinntri , stock £619. BOSTON—Cotton quiet: middling 12%. low mid- dling 12%: good ordinary 11%; not receipt* 41 grots : udoa . slock 4155. Wilninotos—Cotton dull: middling uplands 12%: low middling 11%: good ordinary 11. net rt« eeipts —. grosi ——. »a!es is. stock 523. Philadelphia—Cotton quiet, middling 1£;& ow middling 12%. good ordinary 11% net receipt* 4, gross 59,' sulci —, tales to spinner* 125, stock 100!6. gAVAHNAN—Cottou dull; middling 12, low middling 11%; good ordinary 11%: net receipts M: gross , sales 60; stock 2124. exports coastwise 893, NEW OM.NAJM— 1 Cotton in good demand; mid- dling 11%. low middling 11%: good ordinary 11%: net receipts so. gross 91, sates 1030; stock 2S675. Mobile—Cotton quiet and firm; middling 12 low middling 11% good ordinary 11%, net receipts —: gross —: sties 50: stock 2624. SlaHPHis—Cotton fteady; middling 12; re ceipts 87: shipments 160, sales 75: stock 6729. AUGUSTA—Cotton steady.- middling 12, mid dling 11%, good erdinary 11%, receipt* 6, sales 61, stock -. . Oilut.wston—Cotton doll and nominal; mid dling 12%. low middling 12. good ordinary 11%, net receipt* 2, sales 20. ttock 651. II "O IS FIHAHCIAL Paris—130 pm—Bentos UOI and 4 To 4 53 p m—Bcate 1161 and 25c. London—N oon - Con sols, 97 9-15. 1 p m—Contois 9711-16- 2 pm—Erie23%. NEW Tork—blocks opened strong; money S© 4; exchange, long 4 26: short 4 88. State bonds dull. Government securities firm. Money 3$S; exchange 485%®1S6; govern ment securities firm: new 5 percents 108%, new 5% P«r cents 106%, new 4 perctntslOx%. ° Blocks closed quiet and firm; New Tork Cen tral 118; Brie 27%: Lake8nore 75%. preferred 877£: Illinois Central 87, Pittsburg 65%; Chicago acd Northwestern 96: Bock Island 159%, Western Union T ’ " • Sub-Treasury t rency 855.696,205. U, cur- ihe woekfystitement ot the Associated Banks issued from the clearing house shows the fo’!owin?chan;es—Loantfdecrease $2^26,100, spe cie Increase |s69Ji'0; legal tenders increase deposits decrease 363,400: circulation 15.100: reserve increase 55,413,550. The hold $10,019,600 in excess ot the legal requirements. PB9DUCB Baltmoxe—Flonr dull, Howard Street and Western suptrOne 3 OOaJ 85, extra 4 Mu 175, fsm- ily 8 00a* 75, City Mills supordne S 25aS 50. extra 4 Wa 4 75, R!o brands 6 00, Fatapscci8 75, Wheat Ssuthtm, firm with light receipt!; Western firms southsrn redll7©l 20; ember 1200122; No 8 PeBDjylrsnia red 120;.No S_ Westeni .winter red spot 119, Jnnel 29 in scttlcratat. July 1101. August 107%, ScptembcrlOS%. Southern corn nominal; Weitcm dull; routhcra white 58; yel- log 43. Oats steady; southern56049,. Western whito 35053%, do mixed 31055; Pcnnsylvauia 35®S6%. Provisions urchancrf. Coffoa quiet: nnch&iiged* Newxobk—Hoar without importsnt chi acd very quiet, closing doll; Southern Ilsur and unohangsd- Wheat without decided cl dosing firmer with limited export and scsculative business, Com without important change, closing stronger. Oats a trifle firmer bnt r*th«rquietai37for No 3; 37% for white, Cofiee quiet and steady; no cargoes quoted at 11%0 14%, Job lots 111015%. Sugar qnlet and firm; fair to good raanb« quoted at 65-1606%; prime 0%; refined fairly active bnt nnchanged. Molasses quint wiih prices unchanged. Bice steady with jobbing trade. Tallow firm but quiet at 0, quo ted at 815-1506. Eosin stoady at 1530155, Tor- pentine steady at 27%- Wool about fair inquiry; dommestic flrcct 3. lont steady with ®2S89. C po?k @19, cnwr.'hnd 9@52. Texas _ without decided change but doll; now ■■■! 10 23. cid quoted at 910: cut meats dull with price j not quotxbly r!.»:.cttl: Middles firmer and quiet, long dear qu Red 615© 5 £t>, short dears 89, long and short dew 5 25., hard oponod lower steady at 10t% cr.ih. Freights quiet. Louiyvrssa— PJour dull and un-hanged; WU»at quiet; new red and winter Stoj. Com TUTTS’ PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE. TUTTS PILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA. TOVT'S PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. TUTT’S PILLS T'JRE PILES. TUTT’S PILLS CURE FEVER AND AGUE. TUTT’S PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT’S PILLS Cure KIDNEY Complaint. TUTT’SPILLS CURE TORPID LIVER. TUTT’S ?m IMPART APPETITE. Dr. Tctt has suc ceeded in combining in these pills the hereto fore antagonistic quali ties of a Strexotiiixo, Purgative, aud a Pi- armNo Tonic. Their first apparent cfleet is to Increase ttio appetite by causing the food to properly as similate. Thusthesys- tem is nonrUhed. sod by their tonic action on the digestive- organs, regular and healthy e- voc nations are pro duced. The rapidity with SONS TAKE while under lluence of theso pills, indicates their a- daptability to nourish the body, hence their efficacy in curing ner vous debility, melan choly, dyspepsia, wast ing qf the iuusclca.slug- ntslmcsa of tho liver, chronic constipation, and imparting health t'j strength to the system. Sold everywhere.- Price 23 cents. Ot«~s 53 JTurray Street, KFW TOBK.. Aye SUtR MUSIC BOORS! Pi! THE GOSPEL 0? JOT! 35 ot*. Just out. Great favorite. GOOD SEWM 35 ot*. Well known, always good. SHINTKG UITKk! 35 cts. Very beautiful songs. » 1 GUMS OF ENGLISH SONG! $2 50. gBi Best song collection. • - “ g | CLGSTER OF GEMS! $2 50. £ g ! Capital Piano Pieces. “a GEMS OF THE DANCE! $2 60. go j BrilliantWallzos,Ac. Lives ot Bethoven, (S3 00), Mozart (31 757 Schumann, (jt 7a) and other-; most interesting, also Ritter’s History of Husie. 2 vols esc-. (8 60). Musical Record ($2 00). Good reading, once a week, all the sews, and fine selec tion of music. Descriptive Catalogues. (10c), of am [os all Music Books tiivt are publisncd. Very valuable for reference. ISOj books. Any book mailed, for retail price. OLIVER, DITS0N & CO., Boston. lun „[ ; , H D TSON 4 co - 815 B ’ d ^ K *• White Sulphur Springs, HALL CODNTT, GEORGIA. Johnson & Brook, Manaeers. Open from 1st June to 1st October, 1879. Carriages at White Sulphur Springs Depot to meet *1! Trains on Atlanta and Charlotte Air l.i:« Railway, only two miles distant. Diuble Daily Mails. Houses all new, with Lome comforts. Considerable improvement since last year. -ivrms per day $2 per week 3te: per month 5-35. Children under 14 year*and colored Nurses aud ••, half price. Special rases to families. i :u.oyf? 2aw3«* Season of 1879. Western & Atlantic B. B. Co OrFlOE GEN. PASSENGER AGENT, At LIMA, Cf A, June tit, 1879. An Attractive find Cheap ■ummer Programme B W Wbekn, Prop. John B Pools. Man. Oatoosa Springs UaDBB new management. These celebrated Springs are 112 miles from Atlanta, on the W A A K B, only 4 hours’ ride aud aro very remarkable for the great variety aud medicinal virtue of the waterr. line moun tain air, aud convenient location. The spacious Hotel buildings and Cottagos are now open for the season, and visitors will find commodious grounds, ample shade, cool, airy rooms, courteous attention, and a table supplied with an abundance ct good things. The Proprietor and Manager are determined to use ever, means to make this the most desirable Summer Resort in the South. Fast Trains leave Atlanta daily at 5;t0 a m. and 5:00 p tn. -for the hirings. Being only 26 mtlei from Chsttanofga parties desiring to visit tho far-famed Lookout Mountain can leave Ca toosa at 9:50 a m, visit tbe Mountain, and re turn at 6:09 p m. Un and after June 10th, (and unlit October 1st) 1879. Excursion Ticket* will be rwldatthe ful- iowieg Bates: Excursion Ticket from Atlanta to Cat:csa Springs and return, including both Railroad and Stage Fare and one week’s Board. 8i0: two week’s Board. 817; three week’* Board, (21; four week’* Board. 551. Tickets can be purchased for a longer time than four we-ks at s.tne rate per week as above. Excursion Tickets good to return ths day of leaving Springs. For further particulars or copv ol ’ Guide Book to Summer Resorts” aid farm, or pimpblat giving Analysis of Catoosa Springs, adore*. B W WRENN. Gen Pass Agt. jqn8 e idem'Atlanta. THE BEST REMEDY FOB Diseases of the Throat ana Ini© Diseases of the pulmonary organs - are so prevalent and fatal, that a safe and reliable remedy for them ia invaluable to every community. ■AVER'S CnERRY Pectoral is such a re-fnfedy,. and no other so eminently merits the confi- i dence of the public. ! It is a scientific com- jbination of the medi- ! cinal principles and .j.?/,curative virtues of __ _ _ . -fid' the, finest drugs, ' PECTORAL. Chemucally . uniteil, est possible efficiency and uniformity of re sult a, which enables physicians as well as invalids to use It with confidence. It is tho most reliable xemedy for diseases of tho throat and lungs that science lias pro duced. Jt strikes at the foundation of all i or any _ very palatable,” the youngest children take it without difficulty. In the treat ment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Cler gy limu’s Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Catarrh, tho effects of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral are magical, and multi tudes are annually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use It should be kept at hand in every house hold, for the protection it affords In sud den attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing; and helpful. The marvellons cures which Ayeb’s Cherry Pectoral has: effected all over the world aro a sufficient guaranty that it will continue to produce the best results. An impartial trial will convince the most scepticaTof its wonderful curative powers, as well as of its superiority over all other preparations for pulmonary complaints. Eminent ninent physicians in all parts of tho country, knowing its composition, recom mend Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral to inva lids, and prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proved its absolute certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, • Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGrSTS EVZBTWBXRS. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar Wholesale Agents. febl9 MACOrJ, GAL. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A fortune, seventh grand dis TX.IBUT10N.CL8S3 G. ATNBVV ORLEANS. TUESDAY. JULY 8th, 1S79-110 MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company* This Institution was regularly incorf orated fcj the Legislature of the State for Educational ana Charitable purposes, in 1SGS, for the term ol twenty-fire years, to which contract thi in viola ble faitb ol the State is pledged with a Capital ot *11,000,000, to which it ba* since added a reserve uud of 5550.000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly tn the second Tuesday. It never scales or post pone*. Look at the following Distribution: OAP1TALPR1ZE 839.000. If 0,001 Tickf tsat $2 each, HaT Tickets 81. LIST OF PRIZES, 1 Capital Prize.. (S1.00C 1 Capital Prizo 10.000 Cupittl Prize 5.000 2 Prihis of 52 590..:...„.. 6 Prizes of Lew........ ... firmer: white 4b mixed 49. Oats dull and easier; white 43, mixed 4*. Pork steady at 11 CO. Lard steady, choice leaf in tierces 7%. in kegs 8%. Bulk meats *t ady; shsulders 57%, clear no 61005%. clear sides 6 l-4a5% for loose. Bacon cosi jr; shoulders 4%; clear ribs 5%, clear silea 6%. Sueur cured bams lt@ll. Whisky firm at 193. St. I.ourn- Four dull, weak and lower; donblo extra fall 3 7604 26. treblo do 4 450175, family 4 850520, choice to faccy 52305 85. Wheat higher for cash, options opened higher bnt declinad: No 2 red fall 98%®89 cash, 95095, July, 92093 August: No 3 do 95. Corn firmer: No 8 mixed S3%031 cash, 531053% Jnly, 550 55% August, Oats higher: No 2 81%0S2 cash, *7%0i7% August. Whisky higher at 105. Pork quiet at 10J5. Lard qniel at 610, Bulk meats nominally unchanged. Eicon firm: clear ribs 537%a54S)$, , CkiCAOo—Flour weak and oasler for winter wheats, other grades unchanged: winter wheat grades S0JU5 25. Wheat in fair demand but lower: opened firm and closed weak; No 2 Ohi- bid. rejected «6. Corn fairly active and a shade higher for high miied and No'2 at 56 6.95% cash. 39033% June, 56% bid July, 271-4 bid Auzutt, 57% September, rejected 541-4. Oats qnlet,'No 2cushSt%, June a2%, July SS|. ’August 291-4, September 231-4. Pork in fair demand and higher at 9 83 cash, 9 8l%a985 July.9 933 9 97% August. 10 07%tl01u September. Lard stesiiy and in fair demand at 616 cash and July, 617% a629 August, 627% Srpiombar. Balk meats shoulders 893, short ribs 490, short clear riba 6971. Wh'sky steady at 104. NAVAL STORES. - WIIMISOION—spirits turpentinesteady at 25% ©25%. Kosm firm at 107% lor strained, 1 lj% for good strained. Credo turpentine steady at 1M (or hard: 160 for yellow dip; 210 forlvhgm. Tar quiet at 75 —o—* * Chicago Mar lifts. Closing quotations famished daily by W. IV. Carnes, Merchandise Kroner. 1 r. v. C R Sides-AugusU 32%, September 4 93. Pork—August 9 94. Sep tem Der 10 07% Lard—August 6 W. Wheat—July 97%. August 81%. Corn—August 5i%, Oats—August 29%. Receipt of Hogs-tO,COO SHIPPING PRODUCE CORRECTED DAILY BY BERND BROTHERS HIDES—Green salt, ptr ID 4 Dry salt Dry flint GOAT SKINS—Dry, perlb„, SHEBP FXtNS—Per piece... jtAiigjoN—Per Pie^ MINK—Per piece OTTBBr-Per piece........,, BEAVER—Per niece..., GRKY FOX SKINS BED FOX WILDCAT—Per piece OPOSSUM—Per pieoe......... MUSKRAT—per piece TALLOW—Prime. perlb...i WAX—Pure yoilow, per lb GINSENG—Per lb DRIED AFPLK8-Prime per ft DRIED PEACH B2—Peeled,b Stsrs 09; n lee jaa; sat lm at 5 o'clstk a m. M.asrri Waters THEO W ELLIS. 5.090 5,000 . 29 Prizes of .500™ 19.000 l 100 Prizes of 190....... 10.000 2J0 Prizes of 50 10,090 690 Prizes of 20 19.0C0 10,000 Prizes of 10. 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 5300 $!,700 !»Approximation Prizts of 200 18X1 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 930 1,817 Prizes, amounting to 5Ut'.4flO Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, t> « bom a liberal compen sation will be paid. Application tor rates to clubs should only be made to the home office in New Orleans. Write, clearly staling full address, fer fur.her information.or 5e: d orue.ra to M A DAUPHIN, I* O Box 69?. New Orleans, La. All our grand extraordinary drawings are un der tho supervision aud management o( GEN G T BEAUREGARD and GEN JUBAL A EARLY, iun 17 It, ia fats e-conemt to buy a cheap Organ whtn a few dollars mere will get the irccm- parable and alsrays reliable LOWEST PRICED. ;^t}i POOREST AND DEAREST, nnr MKilil 81 PRICED. DUl e>M9 CHEAPEST. 1 ,'£b . New Styles. HEW PRICES,. Ira: H* Stops, Fleeant K4ftf C—-' .•> Embosstd Walnut C*«e,of new design, {’■’ Ten Stopj, 4 sets If-tv- stxiXseAW'V K««ds in new style VdP».aiV ji o Illuminated Case pnly • 49S Tcn gtc 4 Mtj 2a -S:\Reeds Mirror Ton Case, with Gold „ c. . Bronze tirnamenta- ma3°n hK ,iv tfon. only....8100 OVER 100,000 MADE and SOLD WINNRRS OF HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL WORLA-h FXHIHITIONS FOR TWELVE YBABS PAST. PABIS - 18671 ‘VTENHA - 1873 BAHTUSO, 1)»75 FHIL4. PA. 1S76 PABIS • 1876 } SWEDEN • ISIS Endorsed by Frans Liszt, Theodore Thomas Olo Bull, Gottsclialk, Strauss. Warren. Morgan, and over One Thousand eminent musicians ot Europe and America, She testimony a« to the immense superiority of these instruments over ail others ia omphatic, overwhelming and indis putable. RENTED UNTIL PAID FOR. Those OrgansTroT!oi^raereuTmrcn»serrM monthly installments of from 55 to 810, or wifi be rented until the rent pays for. them. From one te threo year* time given lor payment. ■ Special reduction given to Churches, Schools and Pastors. Agents wanted everywhere. Or- grtu sent on trial to any part of the South. We pay freight both wavs if not s&tistar.tnrv. m For the moro convenient supply of Southern trade a Southern Wholesale Depot has been es tablished at Bavannah, Ga, from which Dealer*; Churches, Teachers, anil tbe retail trade can be supjilied at New York and Boston factory rates. For Illustrated Catalogues, price lists and tulj information address LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga. JIsSCPACIUREa’a WfiOLBS-SUS Agbstv. n»r2 dZawSrn top being a sheet of They are elegantly suu catin Trimmings, and tnts, etc. are Gold Plate. into this # ity, and are n than the old Mettsliio < durable in existence. 1 Crystal Burial Caskets. XX) Si have just been appointed sole agent for W Macon of tho Crystal Burial Case Com pany, of Ohio. These Caskets are made entirely of iron and class—the sides, ends and top beinga ' Plate Glass % an inch thick TI lined with heavy Silk and Batin the Hardies, Omammts, etc. They are ,be handsomest Casket ever brought • - —• •*- and are much lighter and cheaper * Casket, snd are the most They will only have to be seen for their worth to be appreciated. There are two distinct linings in tbe Casket; one *«2££ife*riockcr Metallic Burial .Cases, Caskets and, OcMns our Specialty, I ROSEWOOD ■ , „ WHITE CASKET, for children, , • Our prices are lower than anyone in the city. .1 give my personal attention to citj orders. Sunday and night calls answered from my resi dence, corner Second and Walnut Streets, ARTHUR L. WOOD, Next to Lanier House, maylleodlm MACON, GEORGIA. PBK.SB GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, • COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, ijt GLOVES, i C ^ HOSIERY: Girls* and Boys’ Salta, Ladles’ Underwear, Infant* Outfit*, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, • RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RUCHINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, H AMBIRG S. SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, needles, FANCY GOODS, jkc. DRY GOODS BY MAIL. Send for Samples or information^ and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can yet everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Express. We carry an average stock of about $Jfi0,000, all bought for prompt cash. &3?*Try us. Save the Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER ¥CQNARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1862. . Authorized by tha Commonwealth ofKv, Commissioner's Sale, SOUTH END OF JBKYL ISLAND, PY virtue of a decree ia equity of Bildwin Superior Court, in the case of Ann V Du- Bignon ys Jeremiah Beal, exsoutor, etc, I wiil offer for sale the south tnd of the Island of Jekyl Btjthc ecu;t house door in Brunswick, Glvna conntv, Ga, on TUESDAY, the 1st day of Ju’y next, between'tho usual hsu.3 of ntxSTstaio. Terms cash. '' The property c:m>nts <f 1.500 acres. Xhe wholeIs’anittontaius over 5.060acres. Seaward it hai His finest .beach in the southern Etaieo Game, fish and oysters chuudact Macon, April FJth, 1579. » K HINES, ' Commissioner. ilOtia popular Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribu tion Co. IT MACAULEY’3 THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on Thursday. July 31, 1879. Un which occasion a GRAND CONCERT will be given—holders cf a ticket or part of a ticket entitled to admission free. The Drawing wi;l ba supervised by men pf un doubted character and standing, and ticket- holders, agmts and clubs are respectfully re- , quested t» send on representatives with proper credentials to examin- into toe Drawing. AWe-y Era in the Biatory of Lotteries. Every ticket-holder can be bis own supervisor, c*ll out his number and tee it placed in the wheel. - . , — , Tbe Management call atlenton to the gran I opportunity presented of obtaining, for only 82, “ T ° THH FOLLOWING PRIZES. ;t Prize 58.000 1 Prize i 10,000 l Prize.™^....-. 10 Prizes 51,1)60 each 20 Prizes 500 each 100 Priie* lOOeaeh £00 Prizes 50 each 600 Prizes 20earh .. LOCO Prizes ISesih — 9 Prize* S00ea.h, ap’reximst'n prizes 9 Prizes 200 each, do ' do 8 Prizes 100 each do do 1,960 Prizes 5112,406 Wnole Tickets, 52. Half Tickets. fL 27 Tickets, $50. 65 Tickets, $100 All applications for'chib fates should be made to the home office. Remit by postoffice Money Order, registered letter, b-.nk draft or express.' Full l»t of draw- ,ng published in Louisville Courier-Journal and Sew York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-hold- .rs. For tickets and information address COM- lIO.s ribALTH DISTRIBUTION CO, orTJ COMB EBP JRD.Sec’y, Courier-Journal Build- imr. fjjuisvjile Kv. | unlSjuiySl N B—Alter July 31st Drawings will occur Monthly. . ELECiEIOITVi ft Grsal Hjii Power 0 9 M ► o* Cl ►2 O ►3 W w DO d ta ss o 3 * > d p p > s £> o' £ o y- ^ • a - 1 ^ P- p g oo3 ® rt" l_J ft « £ r 3. kfi p ^ p -- _ op a* cd CD w fej s p tei g 5 rejl! C+- ^ _ 00 o C 00 W . hj 3 g. 9 Qj ^ - o* 8 M t=J 3 e-i xJ GO There seems to be no country uuderibesun wrbered3*n©p«i* w prcia'ent »» m the united States. Here the disease hastecome domestl* cttodi and i« to be I *und in aJxcst tverj house* hold: and eonsequ^Xitl.v such a household r#medy as tbo Bittern i»of inesiimable value to the American peop'e. As an ia»i.43rAting. regulat ing and rastnrati«rt»reparattor., rt stands alone ers generally. janis lm David Lanflreti * Sots. are the most extessivo grswarsol GARDEN SEED in America. Their four farms, comprising ovei 1500 acres, situated in, Pennsylvania. New Jer- soy, Virginia and Wlsconsin. are- WNED.OCCUPIEITAKD CULTIVATED BY themselves. The seeds offered aro tne result of the mo* careful aud ex; Market part who desire good Landrethis* Garden Seeds. If your merchait iota not keep, them write for them. ,\ v . DAVID LASDRETH * SONS. Philadelphia, Pa. Business est&blUbm in UStar.d kept cp ctc tine* Reliable ort tl. ii»? 1,1 wfire ricnced Mlecticn.ycar after year lere, private families, asdial reeds,should purchase __ JfMHNMMM fta»ptieq/ r *ton««JlMfa.tlS70jOa«, . t uea<r«» E 8 H ILL. Agsut. M nil G t ■ Ud<art «i- GUABDIAS’S SALE. io an order from tha'Iioaorabl.i Court or Ordinary of Muyjcgee eouniy, Gs, I will sill iu front of the court house door of Bibb county. Ga, within the legal hours cf sale, on tho first Tuesday in July uext. ten shares of the Mechanics Building and Loan A-sociation stock belonging tj me as guardian of G A Mil* tier. Terms cish Macon, v>a, June 2d. 1S7?. „ • a, C F HILLER, un3iawtn;s5v Guardian. Generous Proposition Better than Greenbacks. Opo ol DR FORBES’ Celebrated Beau tiful Eleciro Galvanic BelUsent to any first applicant (and ouly cne) iu a town at hat.f pjeiioe. Is Self-Applirable. Cures nil Nervous ar.d Debili tated bystems, that no other treatment can rcstb, and a host cf other diseat ec, DR. P0RBES' CURES ALL CHRONIC DISEASES Without Medicine- BH8UUATISM. PARALYolS LIVER COM PLAINT. CHILLS AND FEVER. IN FLAMMATION OF STOMACH AND BOWEI-S, NERVOUS DISEASES A SPtCIUlL NER VOUS EXHAUSTION. 6E«nO-UR!NARY DISEASES, BIADOER AND KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, For SEMINAL WEAKNESS Arising from Rdf-Abuse. Fxresses, or Dissipa tion, attended with bomeof ih„f.Bowing symp toms; Spermatorrhoea. Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, lodiaporltion to Exertion or Business, Shot .ness of Breath. Troubled Svith Th-.ughts of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Pains in the Back. Chest and Bred, Eush of Blood to tho H-ad, MKIN ERUPTIONS. BTC Bbokss-Dowa. Dibiutatsd Cossirrcrics j Both uale and Female, aud all difficult cases for which help can be obtained nowhere wise, found to be so by undeniable facta. NO DKCKPTION. A TRUE THEORY. The fruit of forty years experience as a suoeests ful PHYSICIAN and long experleuceasaprao titiouer in Hospital and City Practic-. who ha produced a System that, without destructive DRUGGING and DOSING, has brought fotrth u process by which Nature asserts her pewerto restore, and thousands who were Invalids pro- nounct its Inestimable values as a Remedy Send Symptoms acd receive Diagnosis, Pamphlet, Circulars, etc. ftec. Address DR G W = - ORBES Professor of Improved System of Medical Electricity. 172 Ena Sxni w, Ciacrauxir, Omo. Bewa*'e of Imitators Boeus Appliances and Speculat ing Adventurers- - • aprtO deodAwSm Hew Advertisements. SUMMER TRAVEL. If yen journey for businett. health or recrea tion. to the Mountains. Lobes or Shore, over land or over sea.don’t fail 'o secure they.-elec tion of ACCIDENT INSURANCE in THE TRAVELERS, of. Hartford Any n AgenttciUwrite a yearly or monthly Pa a few minutes, or a Ticket from one to l _ days. ■ The cost is so small that any ons can afford it who travels at all-Cash paid for Accidental Injuries over g3.COO.OQO. BECKWITH’S < INTI-DYSPEPTIC P!Lt< These Pills wili prevent anl cure Dyspepsia. They are an unnvallsd Dinner FilL mild aperi- rient, and admirably adapted as a Family Medi cine. They are used by she most cultivated poo- ' , and are extensively used hy r practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Bend for circular. DR BECKWITH Kale Manufacturer. Petersburg. Va. t-xmcle free. AAdressKaagmACo. CTTTvTTt tu r G Rt"U ec CO, Portland, XJ Maine, lor best Agency Business in the World. Bxp.-niive Outfit Knee iltryrr a month and expenses guaranteed to ep ft Agents. Outfit firee, Shaw A Co, Augusta, Maine. A YEAR and expenses to "agents u) l I 4 Outfit Free. Address T O VIOK- ERY Augusta. Maine. unrinoM sirs&m Scad lOe for luO pige pxmnhlet. junto 6 P HOWELL £ CO. N Y. A GENTS WANTED,—fer the b:st acd fast- cst telling Pictorial Books' and JBibles. Pkices reduced SSpe.-cer.r. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. Philadelphia Pa, QPIUMiSsssraS The Brown Cottes Gin, ( lruazthe Sccdhclter, Knaa Lighter. (^»lffie»4rn ir * tor.:, tea. money then any ciiicv6?2iffthamar« A,cry macldna TiUly Dad legrJSg ■ ,-v .a.icmacs 9rt i:.;ir.e of ri* t: .■Lrr-ftcriai-, :■>: sd^Ssnvhfp and debh s— jfe^ccBcd. l.x» awarded i-rcuriom j t x ft/ yLAc Fairs, —la, Alabsma, 'foxaa. etc., etc. Price f.Kt ct Glrr-, Peedsn tad <t>s ’> -lasn. j'^Claduaa;thvC .:'.lB(MMk • 'Vr*’ •: ^ 6.1 i WESTS FOR MASSEY’S EXCELSIOR COTTON j e!NS, D1SSTDTS CIRCULAR SAWS AND FAIRBAHK’S STANDARD SCALES, CARHSRT S CURD. 4 in H^rccraro. iivu and EtceCAfsTicalt’jr^'. Cvo^a ilnt?- rh>% l*aSut3, Ol!«. fti. nr-nr 1 ajw ly *• L.T'iV. <ai’ v -3ci?a wsiit«i .'lauic tipod* uyicai* _ ir. Esp€*6tci*paUL l 4* v GuA .,7 & cp.. 1, r i. 6 6 ^ CiaacjMtt* Ow ’ :1 fOT §Dl;*S»rtit • }* Spt t. :ul Uni** "eC ;<•*/> i 'TeircoBtalniLt testl:aoi>la4 i:drpulivo pi;, «U> i li£t ec:-r on. ’543 to If ; we nacari-.r ’.. . Gi irf’l, nudes lie ffira aaw u A Co., raids CKEU^ua.; : r a J: rrhet was then known lirg the year 1558 wc removfcj .. . . V nV- u ; -(’instVeiv *s •...'«v.:.ratv :z_,v Wiiii rln-r • ■ Iwo-v.j ■ :.(> r ■ nti , i r ’t»«Ak.....''tarer-u .mr Huy 6r* j :rft- f..l t.’.Jii ASTTUOaej’, i'.,’-ee 1..1 eompitto -drolshcd ■ tcvibs Gils 00., VraJaa, Cwwn,' . d sfoik-