Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, July 08, 1879, Image 5

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* IfefcWir ««*% Jmrimsl tssyettger* HV TKLK6KA.KH; SiCrameuto to-day, with a fall-delegation present. After a temporary organ z lion and appointing committees. the Cjo venuon ioak a reoe«s until 8 o’cl ok State* lUing followed by falling birom eter, northeast veering to southeast; wind*, dear nr partly cliudy weather. Ciaaort, Ms., July 1.—In the Demo era 10 Stale Convention to-day, the Oora- miitHe on resolutions reported a plat form denouncing interference with elec tions by means of deputy marshals, hired by afrandnlent Executive to perpetuate its own powei; approving the efforts male by the Demo^ra-sin Congress to rep. al the oninguuni and obnoxious lawn which author.zi each interference; condemning the action of the Brpnbii- can leaders in keeping alive sectional interests and hatreds. The bU-form also f ivors a onrrenoy of gold, silver and piper, the paper to te I kept a- all times at psr witn g. Id, and " Lo.iI>J N J,l *J 1 —a: li .u tncrcQ-ut u-usid W.*»tr»g, of Middle'borough, in f h . North Binding of Y wkebir*. has ML with liabilities amounting to 60,000 ^yjo'cop'ain of the vessel jast arrived fron GalfMton, Texas reports that on iho 17ih of June in latitude 41 degrees n'ith bepo^^d stv-aty oreigo'v partial, ly burned cotton bales, apparently or New O-leaus packing, and which bad hut bo'en many boura in the water. Odi:>ai ocirc-pondeuce on the Greek auBsuoa i-ai been piblished. Lord S*IU- baJv the British Foreign Secretary, sag. , s fei to li> e Forte that he should make , tuonuncuus cession of territory to 0;e<'C-'> b 7 whicu the Sultaa’e empire woull b= retlly fortifi-.d.^ _ _ _ . _ -fee Times Constantinople dispatch I approved for unlimited ooinsge stiver, the return of Mahmoud Neiim Toe miLOrity report favoring ljoal optioa I' bc.-c 1 to indicate an approaching chilli*; in'ha Torkish Ministry. Ilc Times' Paris enrreepondent says jjjt.rity ot JBonapartista are are under j concur with M. Bouber rccw’eCiiing Prince Jerome Bonaparte cs cUtf of iN ipolsouio dynasty. Tn.y j fj . U e that the will cf toe late Pnoce Impt-rijl, v.hloh asks the ex E-apres-s tjgcaio to co-operate with Prince Victor, *rUtra on tbo assumption that tue icr.ator would turvivs Prince Jerome Soatpitte. This reasoning, however, is oesid* red a transparent excuse for the coc-tbjciVaLCo of the impiacticable will cf the Prince Imperial M. Bmbet’s retirement, from active politic* is ev.dent- ly owing to the feeling that he and panes Jerome could not art together, and the la ter could not be sot aside., b-twan Piinoa Jerome Bona- pirte's pocriffl* adherence to the Bepnb- iio uni the impossibility of toe cleric,l nation if the Bjuspattists ohuoaing u lc&der, without either acting against the yUhe.* of the Pricoe Impend.’* w.U, or proveti»g a distinet disavowal from p incr Viefcr, the Bonspartists are in ouo of the most perplexing positions ever Occupied by sny party. Tfcu OaHo-bor of deputie* has voted *'tirycney,’’ on Jules Ferry's education bill. Losdos, July 1—Lorillard e Pippuo-ro and bis bay tiliios Netted and G -laidia. entered >o ran for the July stakes for two year old colts and fillies at tbs No#mar ket July meeting to-day, have bren scratched. Tbc qieeu has. commanded that tbs traip snip O'ontes, b taring the remains cf the Prince Imperial, snail be escorted ia u part tf her voyage by the channel fleet. The TJrgraiJi’s P-ris dispatch siy» La Isn/rnii i..ts bam summoned before me toms. Nearly tbd whole of the Paris pies, condomcs the action of the prefect if oolice in seizing that j raroai. Ttie s nm coal c.lliery of Merthyr Tjdvn, m Wales, numbering 32,000 per loan, has resolved to accept toe mas- Ur,’demand of ten per cent, reduction in w»(jea. Alexander Whitelaw, Cocsmvative ceobi r of Parliament for the city of Gia-g w i dead. WasuiaOTON, July 1—In the S-nate iir. B.toa called up tne arijo'iruuj-nt rcstluiion, and moved to amend by fix mg Tuesday, July 1, at 5 r. u., as the time (f final adjiuinment. Mr W adorn is speaking on the reso lution, and explaining bis action yesier- flay. Mr. Wiudom said- his side bad now pthauit.d all ihe legitim *te powers con- ferr.d upon them by the lulea of rbe hea t e, in order to iuduce the m . j »rir.> to make ihe tirceesary appropriations for marshals. The President,tad, eo far as Wmdoui knew, exhausted all .he powers posiesxtd by him on the subj-cr. He had made a patriotic appeal to Congr-se to do its duiy, and not go home without makiogtbe necescary appropriation-. He quoted from the President's message to C -ngress of yesterday, an 1 from the laws dittoing the du-ies of marshals. Tne aJjsurumenr r. s ili.ttun, aaanend- cd. w.ts p >s*ed s' 1:30 p it. In <hs Hone qui e ,n -musing person al ex(jia-suju w*. made ihis morning by 0*n*r Turner, of K-ratncky, who de ni-dtns charge of dro k<-uoe,s made •8*n.-t him by ibe Memphis Avalanche la ih« e -urso uf bis remarks hs auuja-i to*oonversation wbion recently ocarr.d be-weeu Hubo- ll of Michigan, and bun 1 V. ia rc-epect to the * National Tien'’ lhi-* brought forth a short exolaaation from Uaobcll, after which the llonse re turn'd tbs ba,in;8S of the morning VisaisuT.N, July 1.—la the Senate Yr Uiriis moved ti reconsider the vote If which the free quinine bill was referr id 'o the Finance Committee yesterday. Mr U (mil -poke in opposition and Mr. B -<rk in support, and the motion was •grt-td to, and the bill was passed by a f fs voce vote, no one voting in the neg ative. Ai 2 45 p. m. a message from the H:a-etn >ouoe-d its concurrence in S -n- tte amei dm-n's to the final adj turn meat rsaulu- ion. The Senate then went into tXeuutiVa session. tViieu ihe doors w.-ro re-opsued, com plimentary re-'lutions were pas,d banking Vice President Waeeicr for curtesy and impartiality as a presiding tffioer. Also riauki-g Mr. Tburman as Pir,i,.eni pro tem. The Joint Committee *h ch nad Oe.-n apeoin cd 'o wait on (be P-V'd-nt and annonnee impending ai- 3 otnm-or, then reported toat tne Utter bid to farther communication for Con- wheraupon in- President pro tem * s P- ®.»declared the Senate aoiourned n»« die. In tue Hon e the political assessments bdi went ovrr wiinont action in cooso- qj'D:.- af diaory motions by the tto- p*wia ns. Tne Senate amendments to « uiu-e sojournment resolution were •'leaned in. . A melange from the Senate, annonno the p«>.sage of the free quinine bill, •••reetiT.d wnh applause. 4 ’''t 'ha p-s-sgs of some nnlmport- °by uuiaanlmous consent, the 2 B '* ,o k * recess until 4 o’clock, "xoc rta-sembling, Gibson, of Lonis- " “ UTt d to suspend the roles, and ••wed iho oill amending the Mississippi fwr eanioission bill, so as to enable “'oideot to appoint any of the com- «.ut! uBer '. , ° h® president of the oom- T ; , ’-..L°.«far want of a quorum. i, t— h»d no farmer oommaoios- tv. !• * L d ai 5 p k the Sp-aker declared H ts*»dj ururd, tine die. itsiNoToir, Jaly 1.—Ia acoordanae M'** ge U nuts witn the Post office ei‘ ,,a,m ,M A lantio coa t Ime ( ie utn9e * *o d»y tunning new poetal Va., Jaly 1.— -ii*ni Hams Foatame, M. H , has ; 0 ,,; ®t*d to ibe ebsir of natural hia- j, ,botany In tbo University, en- lB»on n^ 00 ' tiottorao, of Wash- JJ. , P'offSior Fontaino was a stu- iii*. ,0,t »H»"nn during the ses- »#l t,18a6 ' nd 1857, graduating with i. g H. Heaf.rrw rJs studied H« ia now Protestor in the : 0 . p ertl,y °* IVest Virginia, at M organ- StwOBtrsira, July 1.—The Constitu fj,o alupted the substitute r ’P° rt * recognizing the Ud B P ' of the Sx'e debt, as constitu* it, ,® de . r the r funding act, but reduo- thterrs-. to 3 per cent, for 15 t ’ ,c d 'oi r per cent, thereafter. It g. Mi., Joly 1.—The Democrat ic ” c f«>fentim met here to-day, and Ctsir» ** 10 cr dar By Elmnnd Dana, loin ® 4u 0? the State Committee. Bal- •a;i4 :° r f taudidate for Governor re- cf q _ the unanimous re nomination Buroelnn. iC^O- July 1.—The bu-.ineea J**t*nf« A . r,hur * Iii' n °l»t was burned ^'^■sife Mtimated “ t33 * 090; July 1.—-In the oases of th„T“ ea J onn Nagtnt and John K-Hy, UahJ * lt h ojmplioi'.y in the Msnhattan Ur. rt ' obb ®ty P eas, of nntguil-y were du **iittri h ? ptia!>aet ® re — &nd ed to jail ttilt? Jnl y 1.—The Dsmu- - otate Convention assembled at lioense Jaws was offered, and ores ed giesa eontuat in. It was finally rtjioted, and ihe majority report adopted Gov e/nor Gtroiion was imrodnoed and made a-paeoo, after which the convention ad* jot r i<-d. L mb n, Jaly 1—E lisoo’s agent filed on Ssiuid>y a dual specification for the third and most imp rtsm E.glisb pa ten* on the weotrie li-at, waica relates to so electric lamp or burner of platinum or alloy nf platinum. The Times, in a leading editorial Ibis morning, b-js : ’Tne oreation ot a meie examining board, which is *11 that is propwed oy Lord Oaim'd Irish Uoivcr- sny bill, will not satisfy pnblio feeling, bat ia a step in tbe < igbt dirto'ion. Taere is noibicifc Hpprrectly in the bill to pre clude it's beug supplemented by some sonecae of endowment. Vienna, Jaly 1.—la the elections for m m'jbr- of tue Aastriaa B-ionsra'n thus far the Clstieal aud Nationalist parties h ive gained 75 seats from the Constitu- iiOualuts Tn.i newapauers are discuss* ing the possibility of a re-orgmization ot the Cabioet ou a oouxervsiive basis. Alexandria, Jaiy 1.—It is rumored that toe new vio.sroy, Tawfek Pashs, has reticquiehod h-df his oml list. M. de Bisgatm-ts has depar ed for Parte. Versailles, Jaly 1—In the Cnamber of D-pnties to-day M Bjucbei questioned the g-ivernment respeo mg the seizure of the Lantern. The Pre'eo - . of Pulies re plied tuat be was not striking at tbe Lantern, bnc an association wmoh was trying to dlsorgati'Z • tbd Prefecture of Police, cl. Lipni. Minister of the Inte rior, maintained (bit ibe CJaduo: of too Prefeot of Po Ios wse l;gal. Tne ditsm, eiou tnen el< Bed. Lons n. July 1.—Tue Duke of Cun bri ef, Commander-In-Chief of the Brit ish A-my, beads the committee of army ..ffi iers to superintend tbe raising of a m-m'iiUi to Ihe late Prince Imperial. Field Marshal Lord Strotbracin, Sir Cuarles Y rk, Lieui. General Prince El Ward of hax- Weimar, General L ird Na pier, of Magdtla, and nearly all tbe best known geuerals of the array are mem bers of tbe committee. C n tantinoplz, July 1.—Itis believ- ed Mabomrd Nsdia P^bha will soon en ter tie Cabiort. Havana, July I — A decree is publish ed appiup-iatiag ten per cent, of the in come uf tbe Havana lottery for the ame- ■ioraiiou ot tne paper currency. A di-patch from Madrid annonnees hat tha Senate has passed a bi.l allow ing S -natois elected in Cuba to take seat- wi. ho'it giving proof of their legal quali fications. L nd.'N, July 1.—A disiatih from B rti . io tbe Pail MM Gazette says H-rr Ujririoh, M m.ter of Finanoe, re fuser to wundraw ols renigaation, Ujless tue constitutional gaarant-es demanded by the liberals relative to tbe disposition of the surplus rev -one be conceded. It is expected Herr Fate, Minister of E:cl— -■astioal Affairs, aud Dr. Freidentbsls, 51<Qi.a «.rof Agiicultare, will make simi lar It is reported ib*t Prmca Bism -ruK is Wavering Ibe Ultra* m-tntanea *ls-j demanded additional guarantees beyond tboee provided in H^rr Praakens eiu’a mo.ion to distribu'e tne su p'aa revenne among several states Cincinnati, O, Joly 1.—The opening of the trot mg tnee'int at Chester Park coarse drew a large attendsoes, and with f air weather and splmdid track there was exa-ilont sport. Tb- first race, 2:40 class, for a parse of $1,000 to bs divide i, 12 started, and a d«rk dorse, cas latoo, wod, with Birder B •». senon-f, *>id B>s*itnr third. Time. 2:27j 2:23* 2:25* la mo -cjo d i .o*. 2:21 olasy, for tbe same parse, there w-m 7 starters. Lu O'lle w >o, wun DiOk bright eeoond, and C lie B soeufl Id tnird. Time 2:23, 2:24 aun 2:23} Havana, Jaly 1.—Sugar, in the Ha- VHi, mark t, ia ao'ivf, wun riaing prices. No 12, d. e, 6* to 7 rea's gold, per ur- r->bs ; molasses eaxar. No. 7'O 10 5* o 6r-s>s; MnsoaVado, common to fair. 6* t • 6J reals; ccn rifagai sugar, No*. 11 to 13 I., b xes. 8 *o 8* reals. Spanish gold, 2.12* o212j Exchange rising. Paris, . nly 2 — The debate in the Chauioer of D-pa'iea yesterday on the -t za e of tbf Lanteme resnl.ed in • vio- tory for the Prelect ot P .lice.—tbe Depu ties voting for the order ot ihe day pure and eimple. Tmsre-nlt was apparently brought about by M. Albert Gawner, ot tbs Ored- i< Foucier, in exposing tbe feet that tbe Lanterns w«s a biackmailiog publication, ai>d «as ongin-Ly i-stabiUned wiih a o*p- ital of thirty tnuussnd francs, which sum <t* paid by a great financial Institution for tne suppression of pampnlets. M. Alnert Obnstophe aud otbers de clared nere were personal iatereus con nected with the polios administration, London, Jaly 2 — The liabilities of Tnornby A Co., cotton spinners of Hyde, G idley and Stockport are £55,000. The Ameri-ians in London wilt cele brate the anniversary of American inde pendence by a banquet at Westminister palace bnt Ion Saturday. The Timet financial article of this morning eays evidence of a preponderat ing influence forcing the wheat sapply over the market in Mark Line was af forded on Tuesday last by tne fact that a violent recurrence of bad weather at this erincal oenod scarcely aff rated prices at 1L We note that buyers mainly rely on American supplies, as reports from the continent are far from being uniformly i**J * ,,,t committee then repotted tbaf favorable. «»atmdent n-d no fartner eommaoioa- The official reports of Italian harvest say that rain and inundations have ren dered prospects in the north deplorable. Central Italy promises at least a moder- a-ely good harvest—the southwest and Hioily accounts are terrible and the e.n'.neasc and Sardinian are excellent.. Oa tbe whole anticipations are cn ler an overage crop. According to Odessa newspapers the situation of crops in Eontbern Batata and the Caneasns has been scarcely ever bO bad as at present. Tne wheat tha was left by drought and bail is now as str.ed to be annihilated by frightfnl swarms of grossnoppers,sad corn beetles in the noigtiboihacd of Odessa and in tbe governments of Beeauaoui, Eksterm- alaw, Enebtrson, Follows, Tiflu, Terek, Baku, S r-vopol and K-aitu. CoNbTaNTiNOFLz, Jaly 2.—It is At tied that tbe Solisn bsa Informed diplomatio crpreeentsiiVAS that Kizireddin Ps*b«, tbe grand V z:er, still retains btsoonfi- deooc. Madrid, July 2 —Ia reference to the rec-nt agitation against protective du ties in consequence of tbe dearness of oread, the Minister of Finance stated- in the Cortes yesterday that ihs condi tion of the wheat crops was not such as to require any modification of tew on the sabj-ct of cereals, bnt the minister of pubiio works proposed to reduce rates for their conveyance. Losd in, July 2.—The London Jumwf Ptsf saye: “From informal expressions of opinion it may be gathered that tbe In.h members of the House of Commons are by no means disposed to accept- Lord Cairn’s University bill. Some go to the length of describing it as an insult to the oouutiy.” Geneva, July 2—Merchants 'of the Society ot Zurich, in behalf of tbe cotton trade, in wnlch the wise manufacturers h&v* four hundred millions of franc* in terested, a’rongly deprecate piO'ectire mtararea and state that, ia coast queues of tbe increase of German duties on E i- glish cotton, an imp-ntant trade in mixed silk and cotton g Aids which the town ot Cerefield ia Pnerisb, Prussia, hitnerto monopolized, will pass to Zurich. San Francisco, July 2.—The Bepnb licana last evening nominated Hon. J. G. Pnelps for Bulroad Commissioner of thn. district. The Working Men'd Municipal Convention nominated D. L. Sraot for Cuy and County Attorney. He was formerly Dasir-ct Attorney of Alexandria, Virginia. Washington, Jaly 2.—Hw. A H Sieptieus leaves for his nome in Craw lordvtlle this afternoon by the Atlantic Coast Line. New York, Jaly 2.—A frightfnl eoo dent occurred oa tbe Metropolitan ele vated fisikoid shortly after one o’oJoik this mitning. Tne regalar np tram had eiopped ruunieg at that time and eevei-l trackmen on a band car started down tbe east side track to make some needed re pairs. Wnen the Franklip street etatio^ was reaoaed, they ducoveted an engine with some new cars coming ap the road. Davie Stodly, one of the oldest employe- «m the road voinateered to get off and warn tbe approaohmg train, wnen he wae struck by the regalar south boned train. His body was mangled in a bar ubie manner. Oae of his legs was ou off ana remained on the-traok while his body was thrown into tbe street below. Death was instantaneous. London, July 2—The Eltaile Beige states that on Sunday last a placard was posted on toe wall of the Boyal palace o- -jockery, three miles from Brussels, threatening the King with death if he ratified the bill recently passed by tue Belgium Parliament, depriving tbe clergy of the control of elementary edn- catioo. The race for tbe Jnly cap, at the New Market meeting to-day,was won by Count DeLaGrange’a four year old cuestnu Oolt, *‘Pilenix,” Mr. Crawford's tarot- year old cnestunt filly, “Out of Bounds,” second, and Capt. Prino’a aged bar horse, -‘Trapist,” third. Capt. Mitchell’s four year old bay colt, “Hack Thorp-;’ was the favorite at 7 to 4, but did not get a place. San Fbanci cs, July 2.— A fire broke out last night in a deserted wing of the Yellow Jacket Mine, Virginia City, on tne two thousand and forty foot level. Balk heads were at onoe erected to re strict its farther extension, aud smoke aud gas were thus driven north into the bullion mine, and poured in dense vol umes up t lis shaft. The fi.-e is now nn- d-r control and tbe damage done is -light. Three boliioa miners are mUs ing, and were prooably suffocated. The Democra ic Convention, after choosing the State Central Committee, went m:o a nomination for Governor. Hugh J Glean, nominee of the Hrnor- aole Bilks’ Convention, was nominated by acclamation. A recess was then taken till evening. Chael ttssvillz, Va„ July 2.—The Jefferson Society held its final cel.bra tion to-night. A large number ot peo ple were present. The debit*rs med*l was present'd by the Presid-nt, Gjo. D. Tancv, of Miry laid, to P. A. Bruce, of Virginia. Nzw Tons, July 2.—Articles of insar poration Were fi ed to day by the Ndw York Steam Power .acd Heating Com- pxny, tbe organization of which Gra. Spinola was a promoter, whose objsct i* to convey steam throughout the streets of tbe ciry, to be used for motive power, for cooking purposes, for heating house*, and for meltiDg* snow from the streets in tbe winter. The incorporators include some of the weal'hteet aai bssl known citiz ns of New York. The capital stock is fix«d at five million dollars, divided into fiftv thousand shares. Nsw Oblzans, July 2 —Several articles of ordinance reported by the Uommittee on General Provisions were to-day adopt ed by tbe Constitutional Convention. Article 20, authorizing the General Assembly io grant lottery chart rs o> privileges, each party to pay $10 OcO per annnm into the State treasury ; alt char ters shall cease January, 1895, from which time ail lotteries are prohibited io this S ate; also recognizing ee a con tract binding on the Stare the onarter of the Louisiana Lottery Company, ex cept its monopoly clause, which te abro gat'd, was adopted: ye,869, nays 55 villz, Et , July 2—At a meet tog ot the Lonuville and Nashville rail road dir-o-ore to-day the earning* of*iht road being shown to be larger tnaa an aloipate), a resolution to declare a two and a half per cent, dividend for the eix months ending Jaly 1st, was unanimous ly adopted There was no eff >rt to fix t ntgner dividend, as It was deemed be.t t reserve a eurplus of tbe earnings. Meuphis, Jaly 2—A conference meeting ot the members of the N*'tou*l Board of Health, members of the M eais- nippi Valley 8anfary Council sod repre sentatives of railroad and river Interea t was held at the Peabody Hjtel to-day. Bales and regnlatioce were presentee by tue National Board ot Health as appliea to r ailroads and steamboats, and wrre ap proved. Tne recommendation of in- Mississippi Valley Sanitary Council that a etaiioo for inspection be eaiahliebeo every «umm r on tbe Mississippi river nt Vicksburg, Memphis and Cairo, were tr- darn'd. Washington, July 2.—The Laa<sisu« Bab commit'ee of toe S.-naie oommnter on privileges and elections will be com posed of Senators Hill, of Georgia, si d Houston, as its D-mooratio memoir. and ri brr Cemeran Who orL,gao ior tue B- publicans. Toe Liattiana mveo- tiga'l >n will not be resumed until about the 20 b of November, wnen the enh committee are to assemble ia New O - leans. A letter mailed by a young lady ol*»k in Superintendent Blackfaus offise, bs* been retnrned to her after completing a circuit of (be globe, westwardly in 71 days, the quiokeat time on rreotd. London, July 2.—Prince Alexander, ot Bulgaria, bos embarked a* Biindisi foi Conatan'ioople on board a Samian cor vette. Upon arrival there he will re ceive the “Barsl" investiture and be pre- aented^o tbe S 'lun, While the Paine* was in Bime, he visited the Pope, and i- is said brought letters to him rrom the Czar and Emperor William. The latter re quested the Princa to give the P*>po assu rances of the early establishment ofeatis- tactory relations between the Vatioanand their respective governments Orders have baen received at Ports mouth navy yard to prepare three large Indian trcop ships for immediate service l'heir destination is unknown. Cairo, July 2—The Ministry, which was appointed after Ihe dismissal of Mes. ere. Wilson and DeBlignier*s, has fur mally tendered its resignation A liqui dation commissioner will be institu ed, consisting of delegatee appointed by the power*, to regain e tbe finances oi Egyp'. Bzblin, Jnly 2 —In the tariff commis sion no resointi n has beau arrived at r*speoting the duties on petioleom and coffee, for the rea.oa that the Central party, National L-bsrals and Pregnes aists want lower rates than the Govvrn- tna-nt btir prorides. Iv is thoogbt, no~- ever. that there will be a compromise. Parliament baa approved <he clauses re lating to raw, carded and dyed cotton waddiog and cot-on yarn. Vienna. Jmy 2 —Tue JPolitieal Cotres pondenee learns that after Me dina Pasha bad been sammoaed to Cun- etsutit opls. be woe ordered to petition tne Saltan for permission to reside «a> tb* ospital, wi h a view of all.ying the ap- pr<-hen*iooa of tbs ambiaes**l r« that he would be appointed Grand Vizier. Panama, June '23.—Dispatch** from Sontb America report that the Chilians are preparing a grand coupe, wticb, if eaccetsfal, will lay Lima ana Callao at their mercy. Thsy propoie t.axaporting ten or £f- ten tnonsaiid men by sea to Chonite-, or eome cocveoient lauding place, and fall ing upon Lima, which is almost defense less, while their ironcladb occupy tbe at tention of the P<_ruviar. forces at Csllao. The main army of Pern is far dis tant ’ from Lima, and with transports blockaded by Chilian iron clsds et C,li» ', they oonll not rtlev L'.mi for many rnon'na. Tne enoo-ts or this movement of the Cni ians would nrubatly end tbe war. Toe bloekade ot rquique oiotinues. Several trsn pirts have left here oith arms for Petu xgiln- thc protests of the Cnilian co i-nl. f‘. i German steamer Luxor, s z,d by Pcio- v;ans nt Call 0 for carrying ocntcAbatrs of ws», bs* beau rebcel npoa ihr friecniy intervention of tbe E ,g!ua It grti-^e. ~VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole tiystem. ITS SlEDICIXAL PllOPERTlES ARE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent ami Dinrelic. Veoetinb Is made exclusively, from the uices of carefully selected barks, roots and jerbs, and so strongly concentrated, that it will effectually eradicate from the system every taint of (Scrofula, Scrofulous Uuiuor, Tu mors, Cancer, Cancerous Humor, Erysipelas, 8n!f Khruni, Syphilitic Disrasrs, Canker, Faintness nt (lie sionineh, and all diseases that arise from Im pure blood. Sciatica, luflnuiiunlory aud '£hronic IthennialisMi, Neuralgia, (font and Spinal Coniplainls, can only be effectually cured through the blood. For Ulcers and Ernpiire Diseases of the Pusmlos. I'lmples, Blolchrs, Roils, Trllrr, Mcnlal-ltcnd mid Itiuc- worui. Vegetise has uevor failed to effect a permanent cure. ForT'nins in ihe Back, Kidney Com- ilaiuts. Dropsy, Friunlri Wcakiirss, .eacorrlurn, arising from internal ulcera tion, aud uterine diseases and General De bility, Veoetine acts directly upou the causes of these complaints. It invigorates aud strengthens the whole system, acts ii|K>n the so cretive organs,alliiys intinumiatioii,cures ulcer* atiou mid regulates the bowels.' For_ Ualnrrb, Dyspepsia, Unbiltinl Costivrurss, Palpilniiou of Ihe Heart, llendnrhr. Files, Nrrroirsucss and General Frostrniion of the Ncrvon* System, no medicine lias giveu such per fect satisfaction a* the Vkobtixe. It punlies the blood,-demise* nil of the organs, mid pos sesses a controlling power over the nervous sye tem. The remarkable cures effected by Veoetine have induced many physidnns mid apothecaries whom we know u> prescribe aud use it ill their ewn families. In fact, Veoetine Is the hest remedy yet discovered Tor the above diseases, and is the only reliable BLOOD FUBCFkBli yet placed before the public. PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. What is Vegetine? It Is a compound extracted from barks, roots and herbs. It is Nature’s ltemedy. It is per fectly harmless from any bad effect upon the sys tem. It is nourishing ami strengthening. It acts directly upon the blood. It quiets the nervous lystem. It give* you good, sweet sleep at night. It is a great panacea for our aged fathers and luothors.for It gives them strength, qsiets their nerves and gives them Mature’s sweet steep, as lias been proved by many an aged person. It is the great Blood Furitier. It is a soothing remedy for our children. It has relieved aud cured thousands. It is very pleasant to take; every child likes it. It relieves and cures all diseases originating from impure blood. Try tbe Vege tine. Uive It a fair trial for your complaints; *’ n you will say to your friend, neighbor aud ualutauce, “ Try it; it bos cured me.” Veoetine for tbe complaints for which it is recommended, is having a larger sale tli rougbout tbe United States than any other one medicine. Why? Vegetine will Cure these Com plaints. then acqi G E JSGIA.-BIBit COUNTY.—Wheieas John J Greihan. executor of the estate ot Leroy 41 ttliej. represents to the eourlin b's petition dnl> died ami entered on reer rd that behss telly Administered Leroy M Wi icy’* estate This is tlu rcfore to cite air persons concerned.- kindred and creditors, to scow cause, it ary they can, why said execn or should not be dis charged from his exeentorship and receive let ters o! oi>m;s*ion on the first Monday in Au gust, IMS. Witness mv hand and official ,L(nature, mars l«w*m J A McM ANUS. Ordinary. t-JAOKGlA. BjbBuoUN 1X-— Whereas Am- VX brose M Harris, Jr, (col) his made appli cation for la'tera of guardianship of tbe person acd property o Ztcharuh VTouifoik (col). This is therefore to cite and admonish all persona concerned to be and api ear at the Court oi Ord inary of said county on the first Monday ln J** 1 'nyxt, to show cause, it any they have, why said letter* ot guardianship should not be KTinted to applicant. Wiftntti my band offirinJiy. Jutrn 2d, 187#. rensi.waw J A Mo ANUH. Ordinary. rjkOHGlA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereof H t v Uw ^3f* “J*” 1 ? « tn 'tor on the estate c. Jackson lTelotche, late of said county, deceased boa made application for letter* of dismission from said estate. these are therefore to cite and admonish all person* concerned to be and appear at the C'cnrt of ordinary cl said county on ihe first Monday in July next to show cause, it any they can, why letters of dismission should cot be granted the applicant. Witness ray hand and official signature. April «h. 1874. J A kCilANUs. td *lrd—n*r JUJLULL F'UB mVOKUE. S S^ABKBB. ~) Li'el for divorco-Enlei: fprtjeetanviee—Bibb8(iOcl CATOPABKEBJ Adjourned Term, 1878. It appearing to the Court by the return of tbe Sheriff that defendant does not reside m this county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in the State of beorguu It is ordered that said defendant appear and answer said suit at tha next term of thia court or be con sidered in default. It ia farther ordered that semeo ot this rulebe made on said defendant by publication in the Telegraph and Messenger a month (or four months. „ T J SIMMONS, J 8 C M C. F.j the Court: A true ertiact from the minutes of Bibb Supe rior Court this January seth, 1879. ioc84...1sm4m A B ROSS. Clerk J^hOKGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereaa Geo VT b Obear, executor of tbe estate ot 'J hom- s A Harris, represents to the court in his petition duly tiled snd entered cn record that he has tally odministere ■ Thomas A Harris’ estate. This is therefore to cite all persons coneorr ed, kindred and creditors, to thow cause, if any they can. whv said executor should not be (In,- charged from hi* txeeaiorsbip and reedve let- Uni of dismission cn.the first Monday in At gust; 1879, Witness my hand and official signature. j a McManus, rravfl lswSm Ordinon, A (SoRGlA, JASPER COUNTY —Mrs F C VJ Juidsn makes application for exemption ot personalty and valuation and setting apart ot homestead and 1 wiil j- is npon llie same at my office at 10 o’clock a m, on Satuidsy, k&h Jure. 1874. . t&m F M SWA NOON, inug lswSw* Ordirari. t (J>Ok(*lA, JUNES COINTY.-To each td t mii.istrator, executor and gcardian who cio required by law to male annual returns to Jones Court ot Ordicarv- Greetii g. Yon and each cf yen arebenly notified snd n quires to make ycur annual returns as direct ed by low tetweert this 11 d the first Monday m next aulv. In delimit thereof action l>y 'the c urt will be taken under ihe law of such cases. And to those uLo have failed to make returns at last July teim. at n quired by law, notice is given that action will he taken by the court to enter Judgment agaiisttbem snd their snieties on bond lor such default and ter all moneyanot legally accounted tor in this court. Ordered that this notiro be published in the Telecrat b and Messenger lor three n onihs Witness my band tfiiciiiliy March 28,1879. s, sc land t boss, • —* Orricarv trZrH tfS, NOTICE. We nar* A LARGEST aid „ . ■ - - ,, , be•-s,liingStatior.erv Park-ig. in tlio crc.-M. Ttcntaim 18 sheets o' Paper, is Envelopes, Pencil, Penholder. GoMer remand a niece of vaicnble Jewelry. Com pint satnplupackage.-withelegant gold stole Sioevc nntto s, Set Gnld-platod Binds, Engraved Go!,' matrtd R'.il-. and a Ladies’ Fashionable Fane Set, Pm and Drops, postpaid" S5 cents 8 Pack •X 1 * with Assorted Jewelry $*. SPLENBll' WA CH AND CHAIN PBKE WITtt VVERI OF GOODS YOU BUY? Eitrewr draw Inducements to Agents BRIDE A CO. •9 B real wry. N Y OiHI MB .= - fL-;2 xifp PstKZ§CTs {!i TiU f t» O t ' uccEUla. ELBB.DUUNTY-—WBoreas W W VA C rnes has made application to- letters of F Q *i' < '>anfhip oi the person and property of Hm lly 8 Carnes. This is IherefoTO to cite and admonish all penons concerned to bound appear at the Coart of Ordinary cf said county on tbe first Monday in Ju!y_ next to show cause; if any the; have why said aliens of guardianship should not oe granted to a* plicant. Witness my hand officially. June 2d. 1879. Jun» I*w4w J A McMANFS. Ordinary. C jBORo IA. BIBB COUNTY.- Under and by * virtue cf an order from the Court ot Ordi nary of raid countv will bo io)d before tbe court bouse door in the city of JIacon on the first Tuesday in Jane next, between the usual hours of sale, forty shares of tbe ranital stock of the Exchange B*nk of the city of Macon, belonging to the estate of Vt B Parker, late oi said county, deceased. Sold for a division among the legatees of said estate. Term s cash MARTHA J PABKEit, mays td. Executrix. »n cider to us granted by the Court ef Ordinary ot said county,«e will sell >o the high est and be-.t'bidder tot cash on the first Tuesday to July next, baween the usual hour* ot sale, in the city of M-ioon. Bibb county, at the pi-ce of holding public sales in said oodnty, six (S) shares of * he capital stock of the bonthwesiern Railroad Company of Georgia, be ouging to the estate of James C Lec.nard. deceased' J U LEN.v.kRD. , _ WDLENNARD, funcStd Executors. $7>i A MONTH and expenses guaranteed x to Agents. Outfit iree. Shaw A Co Auioata. Mo. Cannot be Excelled. Chahlestown, Mass., March 19,1869. Mr. H. K. Stevens : Dear Sir—This is to cer tify that I have used your “ Blood Preparation ” in n.y family for several years, and think that, for Scrofula or Caukerous Humors, or Rheum atic Affections, it cannot be excelled; and, ns a blood purifier aud spring medicine, it is tbe best thing 1 have ever used ; and I have used almost everything. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, AIRS. A. A. niNSATORE, 19 Russell Street. Gives Health, Strength and Appetite. My daughter has received great benefit from the use or the Vegetine. Her declining health was a source of great anxiety to all of her friends. A few bottles of tbe Vegetine res tored her health, strength and appetite. N. H. TILDES, Insurance and Ileal Estate Agent, No. 49 Bears Building, Boston, Mass. Prepared by II. B. STEFENS, Boston, Mass. VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FMA'&AL * ? D COtlMERfM LA its I IfibbufiAPHii Kbro.s. -o — OFFICE TELEGRAPH *ND HESSENORI, Jolt 2. 1879.—ttvaaize Oo"OI. IitvsBPOOL—NoO:i—Cott ju opened very steady m* "l>i« mia'i.i 0 14- 6. wioniiii- ilrlean* 7 Soles 800* bales;ot whieii I* 0 > were -age u.<ui-sore ana for export: reoaiue 314* . SJ50 o wb.cb w re A'U'rican . .. op— d < S3 et'er. Uplands low middling clause July deliver* • Z7S Ja>>s.Ki > <us M 1» 1-l.ydZ. Si tuga-t and ep>mtw- 0 2(-dk(S 6-td cep*cmber and tiotobe, - *' 6 I SO p m—Up and* ‘OW middlinr clause Sep tem be ml ,«'n.ocr delive y 631-vS Noreniner an-* December 6K. 4 00 oi—- * American6100 Upland* low middling clause Oct -ber an t No-«m ier delivery 6% HNwTobi—rtotton o-ie-ed *t-wiy. --.le, 5 8. on -ulrnguplands U7-id > idaung - l-*ii. U9 it '"■ur»- a*'-*i *" dy. jui, delivery >4sii July 14 54. August 12 57, Sepiembe 1.-47. Octo ber 11.07. ottou—fiet'rjodipta—; gros* 251 Fut -res cb.- udul sain- 51 uuu July driivery 12.4 42, u-uai 1*51 62 aspcuiiier l£S4."c tobu It <7-s8. S.vember -l.'7-'8 l)o-«inh«> 11.01 02 Ja. u-.r, lluS-5 February 11 Is—15 U reh IU2 - s. ot on osed dull -ales 542: m-d'ii'D-' up - iu,- 12 7 1*: m .. '»rit--ij' 124 ifi < uno>didated net recrip.' 271 exports n- tireat Britain 6s2 valv e< -v-utton n minai; m diiii. 12. ow mi-* ling I %. soo-i twinasry 1154. re reipto 92, <r,ita £57 sale- 5*9 stuck 2*25 V JKk -lE— ijl'OO numlu -I; nmoi ug 12J4 nr reoeipi. Is, -u« —■ -tue* use 'alt i wok-—qi-i 1254 ■■ middlin' ixV, good ordina-y 1154, ost receipt- .ro** . sales —, to ipiniiirs , -luck 3 67. ijOitow—Uo'Lin steady nnt i n» 1-54, low ono limy 1:54' <ood "itliiiAry l % nm reclpre ISO err.. ■ -»wr *1 wk *7 -4 WlLaI»OTO»—Oottuii dull mind Hint uplands 12; low ...indlmg l*54 *•««! onnuary tl ue re ceipt* —: nos* sale 20 stops 266 PaiLADBLr-lA—*io*'On i|unt *• diin. 12%. low mlddii". l*)i. ec.e< dmary 11% ue* rev*. .• To*- Bales 2:5 -ale- to apinueri 22 , stor* 10727. Sava»bab—Cotton qul* ; uidduu. 12. low mu liras tooo urdmary >154 ***>t receipt' 6 gruaa sale* —; sloes Z6&> oipurt- euamwis' Now iraLUASS—Uottoci qui-t. a >*iuib 12. low middliu- il54= w» ordiu-ry 1 V, oet re- -eips. It gros.- 6ud —'•> 250 *--•» 2:,yS Uosilb-*inivu q in snd steady mtdd in. 12 low middiina 11 % • ru".»r' 1IV4 ne receipts —; gross . s lei — * ock 2J6U VlaMPHlt—Cotton 'Lady miuunu- 12: re ceipt* 7s nipmeut* 6tt uie, s o .tu**k 5*72 scec hta—• cuon quiet middling 1154 uid- dlinz t)54 good rdinary 1154, receipt' 6. mes —, Stocks InaRLSaroa - Coitoi quiet and nominal mio dbng 12, lu» middling H5k. *0*1 --nuimry, 11)*, net receipt* 15 sales 1V Hoik A 6. 5 pm—tl. lands low iaHi',un- clause Au-uat aud c*eptember.dehver> 61* 3d. Lutarea yuiei. FIKABCia,' Pazxw—100 pm—Reote* 1171 snd SOo S SO pm-BeuteS *151 an* 7ic. n ipu- 0.H1U Con,ol*.u,oa«y97..116. A • count 97 13 16. 140pm 9754 zOop m —Cofols money 47 13-16 Account 4715-Id. Brie 29 4 sO u m- Consols 9715-16. 4 30 p m- Erie 28)4- \ww coax—e*o* s'opened qu «.t money Sy-alJi eiehanve. long 4 85)4 "on * 81)4- State bonus dull. Govern mem securities lir:ii Muncy active 4^6. .eioOBiig. firmer at 445)4$ * KcveruUMUi e’iuritiwn weak ne*5 pOi cents 103)4 new *)4 per oent* 108. new 4 per ft all f ul5i- State bonds dull. dt"us cioB-d weak and lower. ve» ior. Oen •• 118 drit 2754; 'ai, . 1 ii preferred S9)i IllinoisCemn.' 9’, Pittsbur, 6,‘4- hunt'. . Non (waster 65)4 Rod Dd; *3754. 'eaten Union lel-grapL Uompwiy 4i)4 guu-Trea ury balarces; coin reucy 25,377.818. rKODUUF Baltixosb—Floar dull H e rd s'ree' am Wes ' rn so ernne 3lfl<»4 60: . xlr« 4 o-"54j3 faoil* 6 O'4)575 City Mill*anperai e ax-495 50: extraOnilorms 473 R'obr.nd' 6 0 P, -p- o lamny 675 Wheal—* ulbe u. or ... tugh-7' a-mail; good i..rp-w: W 'ten; fi'in. outben. red 1 12^115*2* 18 No* l‘eni"j »«nia re> l I West r.i wuier r a «p>i ■ * - J jy I b'idrw 1105s. August L t eepiembrr ■ 852*1 < »J4 iMtkr n eo o vvmt. Inu. • ,o-l"W no '-inw;. Western firm; 'Outhe. ■ »h re 6* yellow *8 * •» s strong -ad lair y art Ivc; s.-uib. ru ,7 K. * , A I, to u white 86*5;, d mi rd Ae»56. Ton .sylv. a Si '*67. . ye quiet at 57 <'5* ay are dy ana unhanged. l'rov.«ion« unjhvngtd Bailor dull and unch need. Fggs ami attOToll Coffer quiet ana unebang--;. wbuky t'-ull and uu ch»rge sug.r firm; A iickhta un* **ange’ . Nawloas—Flour mtbonidecide) chraie -ua sjgbt.y in bnyera t»»or wait mid ha* ‘n Booth rn flour very quiot uud gei. Wheat without uec.uru ,hj go «ud moJLt-tu business. Corn orenca u * vun t.-nwr and cloiol'ilgh.iy iu bn.ersluo -uo* «<i-9-4..>4, about H ••ettorsnJ m •o.'T.tta 1 . 337^'ftS 54 u,»niu-.iJ8.i NoiS-v. dull a> d quiet 'bipom. *5,6 rto. - ui.q" , C off-e more A'-,*. ’‘-rn. •>. *-. 1., moderate Onha muscov io * .'u.6/ t . i r.i.n n-quoted at 6;&«.6)fc r.-fi • their i in good uo— m lio.usac.- un.lm .Kc ... * 1125927 816; cur U -O..U,., *aor»a tuuMl —Whereas Ai'red Gonlsby and C L Goonby appliy to me for dismusion from exe< utorehip estate of William Goolsby, deceased T bis is thrreiore to cite ai d admomch all per sons com erned to »how cause at tbia office ou or by tbe first Monday in July next, ii any they have, why the nine 'ball not be granted. Witness my official signature this dav, April 2d, 1879. F M SWANMiN, spas lawSm* Ordinary. V BTPONrD JASPEE SHEBIH’S BALE. WJ ILL be sold before tbe conrt house in the V V town ol Mont,cello cn the first Tu sdu» August next, between tbe >ga hours o’ saie,one hundred and IK >y acre sot land, more or less, lying and being in Jasper county, G*. adjoining h nd ■ ot Mrs J B Graves, Buoy Joidan and ntbers, and known aa that portion ot the planta tion of T M Jordan, d# ceased, allotted to Mrs B 'i » enofee in the division of the • state of said dccea ed Levied upon as the property < f T H Mtnefon under and by virlure if u fi fa from Campbell rcu tv • curt in favor ot R P8 Kim hn> A O'c, vs J C Carlton and T II Mere'ee. and 01 her fi la- in u y hai ds. Prrpei'y pci' Ud out bv plaintiff's attorney and written notice of tbia I* vy served upon T H Mene ce. f ni- May 26ih. 1879 W B GRUBBS, j-K’Scw bheriff. demand Rice fairly active and steady. Potatoes qoi't and fl m. Turpemi o don ai d onchangcd ggs dull anc easier State.and Pennsylvania t2dl2V4 W'Ol Him and quiet domniesiio fl-ct 5®**. pulled fl'ffl4U. unwashed t:a32 I'exaa 12^30. Fork without important ehanae and closing firm old mesa spot quoted ot 9 0, and new at 10 23: cut meats dull with pric-s not quota* ly changed; Mid-i>s dull aud e aier long clear qu ted 5 15(96 20*short e!e*r|S So, long and short clear 6 25 laird opened low r aud closed about Heady and re y quitt prime steam spot quoted at 6 3:. Whiskey qu*e* and arm at 05i*® 10c issh r r ight* duil laciHSsvi - rlou dull family 4 9M24 9S tV'ieai low-’new red ki'@i03 'ion dud aid hrm »t 38(538)4. ' Mt * stead sin* fair demand at 5 Rye null at 6*@ 9 Harlot quiet: No 2 f-.ll 85 'ori no uinal'y unchanged L-rnduLand nominal: ’trreut make 6 0 bid, 6 01 as ed Sulk 'Uea sum -bouioere 3 »2‘a hid. sales at 4a« 03 for seder A, gust, short riba held a' 49 . short dear bed al 0. Ua on good Utniand; abouluer 44*4 clear ribs 6 3 <a5S7X cea- sues ctbi-k, active and firm at ICS Butter dui und unchanged sugar "rm and 11 chi' gcd. Hogs auio and u cha g d common S@j».-o, light "37,. cn ng a70ai89U bulhers 8 9li@4 00. R cti " 1978 sh umenis 93 non.e Four duli snd urn-hang, d: double * fa 1 :»73«a4 A tr bie do 4i5f<s473. family 4S5?55 20. choice to Uccy 52 @5 85 * hew. low r No 2 re*., foil 9-«2i o ■ f’.r old. 9lfc9ifor ne ',9.)4&93 July, V 541491*4 August: No vu-SO 19*2 re-ill easier at 5*4 oa-h. .vJ-g 'oa5Vi Au- gu t. 3-54 Septemb r. ork sic, y at ID 23. * 10 '0, Whisk, quit at 1 •*. Lara now nal as ii*bi * - '"111 ureat- »oive. fir and b *her .dear ihs 4 S0!3*9 Bae 1 high, r^ rlea rit-s 5 45® l« c'e>r aidis 5 J' 1 **’* 80. ! -1, ago—Fluur quit and urebanged. Wheat unset'leu *■ 0 U g**er o- luturu*. No 2 dhio-»o ...riia BS f. r ,0**11. 9 % July, .54 August, 90}^ fieptemoer. rej.-cteii 66aio7. 0-11 s e.oiy an, lair d.mauu: Noxngh mue.i at .9*05 )J cash.86)j luly. S'.J4®.i7 August 57)4 33754 6 p ember, re j-cted.34 at' Iiisoti eai.d io--rs No 2 iivtZM g>b,9s)4 Julv. 28 August 27)4 eutemcer. re- j ouu ae. er 29, For- -air demand am tower at 984 c-sh and July, 9 90 August 10 02J4 heptem- bei, i.aro tower air demand a* a 03 a a it, 616026 07*4 July. 6 *6^6 174 August. 6 2214 (0.6-5 Seotembdr. Buik a,"tssho l ers 59*. hurt ribs 4 95, short eleaSlt), W h sky firm at 105. NAVAL STOKES »1 hub Gi OB- spirits turpei. tine steady at 2' Ti iuau. firm at i 10 far strained, 1 15 for gouu "trained. Or,.it- •*>-,.—>n- steady a* 00 loi 180 for ye"ew dip; 210 for.vbain. Tar uuiet... 75 —o— 4 Isicwgu Haik'lR. filosing quot.tiuus iuiui,heo daily by W. W. earns 8, M. icbaud<sr is r*. p*er JOLT 2 1879. C R Bute Sides august 4 77)4, September 4 87)44*4 90. Porx—August 9 90. 8eptemb3r 10 00. • ar*— Aogo't 6 Is. Wbent-July 9,54 bi*. August 93*4- Cora-August 3654#37/ *'Bid—August 2»5p Receipt ol Hogs- ta-CV*. FURN1S iBD BY HILLlkH H siUltkEViM' &>W. Florida Oraugm a»d SnntDern Frasits andVccaiabls-a a Ape-* ciany New Y<B(, June SOth, 1879. W* quot 1 our market to day: Georgia Melon'— *69 A eorg a Melons—2” lbs and upwards 40 Georgia Peaches—Ola-third bish.l crates 175 @2 O' Dried Peaches— rhoice ".<*.9 Largo tight Plums—800(919CO p:r hcs'ie) ah ppers ,nou d be ear fit- in packing to fill hel crab* a" lull (bat they canuo shake abaut a d beoume bruis *> in transit. Peaches come better by express than by ab.amer ■ aivo.wt, aira uotKXJt COBBS SD DAILY BT Li.KlPL.Rk, fiRUKRR- Goorgia 8 percent boat* ................ >101 alia ..opa 7 oer uo* cxcld) -12 a I 3 Gd t :;t 7 per oer.l bond' (r*eo >'*; 08 s 109 'HOT'S 7 1-r mvit brjgls i9iv*f>resd)—HI a 11-8 Georgia7 per cent.bonds (Rmrli) .... 112 a 113 7 ora," 1 net ret,* ld| w -. l)l a lcR •e*>rgia 6 cent 'ho**• 'new) 705 a It 6 Tity of Maori: 7 per ccn* (long)....—.... 64 a 65 iiy of Miron 7 per cent (ah,70 a 75 '■ry ot Au»"*,a < aa, -m ,« ,..'C0 a 101 tty ot Atlanta 7 per coal... . 190 i(y of Allan In 8 per cent....... lux a 105 >ty cl Savanunn. 67 a 6» 0-ntsal Uauroaa joint morir*** ...1(7 a 103 Georgia Railroad 6 p'r cent lands..... 10s a lu, xac. u al'd AVnstern R fj bonds ,„ p*rau't ini Northeastern RRboudkieodarjed)»....l05 1 16 *4-ithi>nuen, Railnsa . par and ret buth Ga a.d Fla. Rt . 107 a 109 . 1 G. t it. aa luortgogt (endorsed)...162 a lot oulhGaand Fla 82 a 8 * eaten; R. •a.o! Alabama 1st or. rtgagelio . 1(2 i’-stern it» Rel Alabama td mortgage 110 a lit . t A. R.R. 1st morbinv, (notendur’d }S0 a Oil >■ R it M mortgage .end-rsedi.. para 100 Soui'i '- ileru R "V stock . — 29 a lull . • •* re- . 81 *5 * 67 . il r* ■ 105 ■ THE MACON TELEGRAPH —AUD — MESSENGER JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Macon, Ga- SHERIFF J-aLE NOI'IOE. WILUberold b.fote tue court h use door in »f the town 01 Monticeilu tetween the legal houraof'aie. Out;, e first Tuesday in July next the first day of fad month the fohfwug prop." ejl-to-wit- A rertaiu tract or parcel oi ,nnd 'dusted in the county ot J-uperon the north side-and near the.ccwncf Momiceilo. adidnirc Jshto® H Kcher s cn tbe south, a J Tatm-dge on th” ea-t, John H Keliy ou the north and Dr W D Maddux on the wit: con- tainmg 2«2t 2 acre', mere or levs The same being tho lifei' t-rest of Mrs FC Jordon rajiaid fand. To satisfy ad fa issued frem the foun'y (e' rt ,°i August term 1876. ia ,T or «f. A ¥ ftobiH'ou A Cn. va F C to dan and other 8 fas m n.y hand*. Tbia M*v 28lb. 1879 . Tn ' 3 w R GhUh'-Rg, She-iff. (v BOKUi A. JA'PBR ; CoUTNY.—Whereas V Ann fjfygatt *wli« to me f, r leliers cf vdminiatratiou de boms with the will an vexed on tne estate cl Stephen U Umad 0. do ot a«ed. This 13 there’ore to cite snd admonish all p-r- eon* CO I cerned to show C su e on or be'ore the orst Moidavra July.lt79,i any they can. whv said 1- tiers should not be granted. 3 "ffiriBi cisnsture. this 23d day of mavSA law4w F H RWAJlsON, Ojd’y. WE CAN POSITIVELY ASSEET THAT AT PERIOD HAVE AVE DISPLAYED AN AL . KENT OF DRY GOODS SO ADEQUATE TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE PCBUC OS PRICES S3 ADAPTED TO THE NECESSr OF ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. Pen \kl *.’ •{ 4 • OS new Grown UilUinfl’t fr wel bT TI INERT PiCZiGS 37 60 per 10a to Agent]. Cheapest In *he World, Two samp’ea with Jewelry, by mail, rortpaid. 25, Cents H ustrsteo circulars of et*pm aid ,a,FiT'BLB Novell o*free. _ q -J.brioe Stco., iriiiri 307 “iwYo5k w “ y * JEWEL Uni'tofstites" favorWy inown tbrenghout /4BORGIA. BIBB CuUNTY - Uh 'er and by VJ virtue of aa order from tha Court of Ordf narvof said county wid be sold before- lire court house door in ihe eity of Macon on the first Tuesday n Ju-y next, b, tween tbe usual hours ?* *«*• ton unincumbered 'hares ol aiock in the Bibb Uanana Building A, nod, turn oi tb cb of Macon belonging totne .state ot« RBurgess, late of said county, deceased. T.rmsca'h. jun3 1aw4w B RiikB. »dmt. i-trator 4'kORGlA. nine ouun11 wucreasW • J I lam F Holt, Guardian of Willi m H Wim berly and H V Wimberly, now H V Pete,', huv fag applied to the Court of Ordinary of sa'd county for letters of diaousakn from nisguar- dia, ship of William B Wimberly and H V Wim bejy’., "°» H V Peters, per-on and property. Thn is therefore to cite ail person* concerned to show cruse by filingr objections in my office 0 w lh rv. fir,t 5 fJJune next to «how cause why the said Wil iam F Holt should not be dia missed from bis said guardianship and receive tbe u»nal letters of 'tismicsion. 1879™ undtr 0 ® c i‘ l1 signature. March 3d tnarWlBwSm J 4 VcMSN’UH Ordn’y, JStw Carnage Factory. KMT & 6REENE —Manufacturers of and Dealers H AYING secured the eerv'oes of Mr. H. (i. Billing , a competent workman, ai d hwing th rookhly oveih U'ed and put our Job office in firot c’ass condition, Ve are prepared to fill riders for JOB PRINTING Cf every description at abort notice il»D IT REASONABLE RATSS. BILL HEiD-f, LE1TEB HEADS, N JTE HEVD3, BUsISE3d CAHD3, VBITINJ 04.UD) POSTAL CARDS, OIBOCLARS, E iVELOPES, SHIPPiN 1 TAGS, MONTHLY 3 TATEUENrS, . WEDDING NVITATION), PARLY INYfT .TIONS, BILLS LADING B0CK J , HAND BILLS, POBT5B9, BILL AND PARTY PBOGBAMME9, AND ITT >CT XVEKITD1 O IS IHS JobPrinti ng Line * CA, ‘ Ageti]wanted.Bust. A GOOD PLAH Anybody can learn to make money rapidly oPer rin Rtojk, by the “Two Unerring Rules tor css,” in Messrs Lawrei.ce A Co’s new Circa- The combination method, which this hrm- has made so succmsiul. enable* people with largo or ■ mall means to reap all the benefit* o, largest capital and best skill. Thousands 01 or dors, in vrious su ns, are fooled ii to one vast amount and co operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advantage*- ui the largest op-rator. Immense profits are divided monthly. Any amount, from 25 to S'.OCO or more, ran be used sncceestullv. New Turk Baptist Weekly, September 28. 1878, says“By toe combination svstem 815 would m„ke 875, or cent. 850 Pa's 8350, or 7 per rent * tux is 81." to per cant on the stock durii-g tbe mouth, according to to e market.” Prank Losl e’s Illustrated Newspaper, June29ihs “The combination method of operating stocks ia the most successful ever adopted.” New York In dependent, «ept, uth: ‘•The et mb:nation tys tem is founded anon correct 'lusine-s prii'ripi-s, snd no pqraon need be without an bioome while it is ke t working by Messrs Lawrerce ft Go.” Brooklyn Journal, April £9th: “Our editor maar a net profit of Slot 25 from $10 in or.e of Me-sr- Lawrenre 4 Go’s combinations” New circular mailed free) eiplan* everything, Stocks ant 1 lends wanted. Gover" uent bonds supplied. Lawrence ft Oo, Bankeis, 67 Exchange rlacc New YorS. v Buggies, Wagons. Our Shops ou Poplar Street, next d< or to Stew art’s Stables. Are sunplied with a full stock of tbe choicest materials, and w« have n oui employ tbo be! me- hanic* in Georgia. We will make notninv but tbe, very brat work, and at prims within thi reach of all The n-anufartuni'g d- partment i> in rh*rse of T S Greene, late ot Fr --man ft Greens who will be gU>, 10 wait on ail his ols coat-oner*. The best band msue harness slway rahuna Booairing of -likuid* will have care fnl attention. Prices l<-w. We will occupy th, old carnage stand. Goof, final] ft Co, as aaolse room on < >,-iober 1st All work warrant-d. M« -n An-H't »». IR7R wen LOUD & TAYLOR, NEW_YORX, Opening Spring Displar OF NEW DRY GOODS. AT R® OR >srrn» SILKS. Our BLACK SILKS contain tbe well-kurnns brands 01 Bonnet. Ponson, Tapisser. Goi»Ll& rard. snd "Iherequa’.ly nrenunent msuufacturera. The Lord k Taylor FAMILY 6iLK enjoys a am- tation lor universal excellence that is unsqa- pined* * Our American Cachemire DfDESTRUCTJBfac BLACK SILK justly claims earnest. atteotiaL being ca«al te the best cf reign mantrfactanQBt hair the cost. EUCRY YARD VrARRAOTE In COLORED SILKS our well-selected stoeSn • offered at prices that cannot he undersold. Also, COLORED AND BLACK bILK DA U ASSES, tea- braciuff the rarest gems of the European or American Market?. In SUMMER SILKS and FOULARDS we luw*; every thine that is new aud beautiful DRESS GOODS* Novelties in racheraeres, Suitiurfl, Debegy^ — CCtQEB Cheviot?, Ac., with every grade to befoundixm. flrsticlass establishment * Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps. This department maintains its supremacy, etS shows the best productions from the Eurdpsn. crntrcA Our Cloaks and Sacqnes are cut and rondo tor men tailors, therefore style aud fit are KuarantOfC. 'Suits and Costumes. Our SUITS and COSTUMES telly sustain flui preeminence so justly established, and -1-y— represent the latest styles ais.1 fashions. Ladies’ and Children’s Merprmenta. Superb asrortment of fine French hand^nfte UNDERWEAR, comprising every requisiteftara lady’s wardrobe. Also, children a suite for evsty age and size. Our Infants* Furnishing Department Is Star- cnehly equipped. Complete M ardrubos as hrwois $35; better roods in proportion. Any arttclnzt tho Wardrobe at list price; really cheaper t3n. the home-made nrlicle, and much moru satisCae- tory. Hosiery, Moves, & Randkerdud^. The lolLdSt, rarest, and most unique French novelties in the city. Also, the.medium gradelfc# hose for Indies and children at very modscooe ^Ladles', missel’, and children’s kid, cloth.ssiW Lisle Thread Gloves of the best maamuctiireMn alltho newest shades to mntch any dross mater*®. A satorior selection of plain hemmed linen.sum all linen hemstitched, and ‘ chiefs. Also, embroidered — unsurpassed in beauty or color. HIEBOHrs. All tlio cholco grades, eoniaimng every colow and shado known. Fresh additions daily. Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Everv I’Oesible requisite fora cesdeman’s ""9** irst-ciasa and medium grades cfccods fttsw usual reasonable p-rfees. Qaality. style, and fit tha prominent leatures of lids department Soots and Shoes. For spring and summer, fur Ladies. Mis; Children. Cloth top. low button shoes, tbo I of tho season, C- 50; genuine kid walkinc 83.73. IiOW'hoesf-o-n 82to$3; ftnoquaU^ _ pcrefrom8LS3to8LSO: Mi*scs* best pebble *» worked buttonholes, $J; Children’s hand ma spring *\-'l^button boots, 5L60; latent^ Shoes, Roys’ v and Youths’ French call button jxrots, 52.73, and a good,durable laced aho: $L0o. ai- Oar goods are a fill all orders exactly 1 ■. * trarcbnsrro, guarantee all pur . be satt'fiictory to Sayers, nnd 1 reculy to remedy all errors. Vie Invite,, orders,convinced that a llrat lrlnl *dH Insure us tho resnrir rastoni here aft et. All orders fbr Ctoods to be necoatn. Died by the nioocy; or, where pardr* wish, woods w:a bo sent by expr“ C. C. D. Where the remittance I*, large, we always rcinra the 1 Eroadway red Trrcatiefii St., J Srand. Chirstic, snd Forsytli, L % aOliLifl to DEKiOKB AND CRED1 TOES A LL persons indebted to the estate of M< ebae Fisner, late ot B-bbcount*,decra-idi are 1 ereby reou-red to make immVdia'ei pay a ent toth-under-goed, aud p. r*"ns hol-i-'g claims against Mid orcea-ru mus* present them to me in tbe time required h.v law. UI HU3L LOU, ]in31aw6w Administrator ^UARDIA'.'B SALE A GttEB * BLY to an ordei from the hoconiBle ikmrt tf Ordinary of Muscogee county. Ga. I will sail ia front ol the court huu-o (Ioo/k B bb count*. Ga, within th9 le-tal hours ofsBlb on the first Tuesday in Ju. v next, ten sharesiE tbe Meehan’cs Balding aid Loan A eo claries, stock belonging to me as guardian ofS A Ma iler. Terms c*sh Macon, a, Jnne 2d. 1879. OF 1IILLHTV nnS <aw tues 5« Guardaut. THBi a u Taylor - ) libel fu* d;y ,rcb vs > To nibb Sup-ri.-r Court, W* 1 AY* OR> Ai.r.l Term, 1678 It spearing .0 thn Court by the return of thn Bhsriff tb>t tha defend *nt dues not te-‘de in Him* county, and it furtber appasring ibat be do snjt reti-Je in tnia Mat", and it further »p peirmctbst srrvie* has not been perte-tedra a oirdsnre with s >n'e irom this Court granted November 15tb. 878 It is on mo: ion ordered that said cef.,n>*ant an>«erssid libel at the itcioeer Term. <879 > f thi-court, or f at n*id osMbtsmibas* in fiefsnU-nd libellant allowed t-> ,-roceed Or- ■ ertd further ’hat ce’vlce be pel feet ed Dypub- licstinn 'ntuoTelegr ph szd Mosiaiger o ,e» a month forlonr months. By tha Court; JOHN t HARDEMAN. , Libellant’a Attorney. This Jane Jith. 1679. A true nitr-ct Irom th* miantes of Bibb Su perior Court, thia 24'h June, 1879. (nr*!s 's"4m* B KO88. ■ ler*. CONDENSED CYCLOPEDIA Rarest opportu' ity for making money is now offered to general agents and canvassers in the South ou this exceedingly useful nd low-prieen Nek 1 0v(‘ up. double column. 7*19 e> srsvii gs 10 douMe-psge colon d map*. Gnlr 85 n ropy For term* »ud territory sndrea- T sLLWcSj Zr ! 1 , DiVI- c O ', Philan-Iphis ir».-7*4i 1 -. B- b 8 o, h h • S I It* u, -a m-n. - *, Dr Bul.’e *■ y* ■ eliuble. KAIoAttl- iVranaitu oruiusl to Fell Stapu*. Ocxi Nff^’Wlin:* Ki|tci (leal- ntkL A CO.. Masonic Building, Macon, Georgia, S NOW OFFERING to th public the follow ng quotations in Dry Goods: D2.fiRS BILKS In endless variety from 55 eta per yard upwards. BLACK SILK?, a very large assortment, from 81 per yard to t*. BT.ACK GRENADINES of every imsginshle pattern from 25.85.45 55, £5, 75 cents and np to 8250 per yard DRESS GOOD?, the larvest selected stock in this eity, Irom 8.10,12%, 15,20,25,30,S5e to825» per yard. LINEN LAWNB. We have a splendid line o! Patterns trim 18 2°.' o per yard. PACIFIC LAWNS Our styles are very ex tensive, from 12)41518 2o 25c pe yard. ■WHITE Linton CORDS in Stripe and check from 81012) 15 <810 and 25e per yard, COLORED LONDON COB DR tn all the new shades and patterns from 8 10 121 2 15 12 20c per yard. HOSIERY for Ladies Vhm and Children This D- pirtment is very extei sive in no w style, and shades. HAMHURl EDGINGS, the largest etork ever hr*iu»hi to Maora, from 5 7 910121-S1618 2o 25 to {2 50 per yard. 7 WHITE GOODS. Everything pertaining to th'< D partment. rompnting Linen Lawns. S*is* Muslin. Jaconets. Ka ncook, Irom 121-S 15 2025 to 50c per yard. 11NEN TOWEL®, a very ; a-ge assortment from 81, 81 25, $t £0. 8175 42 and np to <9 per dozen. FaBA p OL s of the latest styles ard patterns from 25 SO 75 $11 25 1 60 1 75 {2 np to 810 apiece. SILK UK? AND BOW«, a beautiful se ected line, from 25 50 35 «0 45 60 CO 75c up to $2:0 apiece GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING.alorge sssort menFinad siyes. The best Blue Flannel Butts at $l<> 50 a suit. YOUTH-' AND BOYS’ 6UITS in all the new de-Uns from $5 00,(5 50, (810,$0 50,(700. 8750nptoSi2 57. CHILDREN’S SUITS frian 3 to 10 yesrsof ago from $250500 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 00 ujttoSTOjcr- suit. CHILDREN’S KILT .“UITS, from 21-2 to 9 years of age,acplend<d aasertment. MATTING in >11 styles and patterns from 16 18 2125 3035 to 75c per yard. CWPKTS, the largest stock in the Stats a gr.a’lv redu.-od mi-es. And all kinds of Good* pertaining to a first c!a-s Dry Goods Establishment. OUR SAMPLE DKPARTMBSriiu'iweon,- p'ete, an.1 we wil bn plmand to send “awplcj of any kind of Gooustoan- o e freeof 1 harxe. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Clemmie Ccrbett vs Charles Corbett—Libel SiT Dlv roe—Jasper superior Court, April Tear, 1679. It appearing to the renrt by the retu n of {he sheriff that the defendant is not to be found'in tbe e»nntr: and it beingfurther shown that he does not reside in >be -tate. Therelore it is or dered that service be perfected by publication in the Macro Te ecrsph and Messcnaer. pfib- li hed in Mactn, G».' nee a month for the SB»«» of f.ur mo ths before the next term of (hie court. May 2d, 1879. By the Court: C W JORDAN. TO-.4 MUS* toMutiir Attorn B. B. MAT SCO, 98 Cherry Street, MACON, - - GA. Manufacturers of and Dealers in.- OAR Rl AGES BUGGIES, WAGONS, Harness, Saddles, Wh^is Bridles, Collars. Hames, Valises. Trunks Traveling Bags.- CHILDRENS’ CiBSlARi; Lap Robss Horse Blaiikftev Sole, OpperasH Harsess Le liter Calf Skins, Shoe Findings. Call and examiro our stock before purchasing- Repositories—93 Cherry Sir-et, Slaccn. B 'id Street Augusta G i.uisvj A. 0100 n)"MX.—Under an 1 ftpy virtaoof an order from thn Cuu toiOsSi- nary o- said conn y will b» sal J before the aodrt house door In the city of Maora 01 ih» (Un Tuesday ioeJ-xly next, between the .s*al Inarm of *ale, ton s&.res of the capita) tPetk. ot the South'rn and Atlantia %Sxr graph Comp-ray. Fold as tha property of 84t3=- son Delosche. fate Of said county, deceased. ■ eras eah. junSlav4w R F LAWTON. Admit iftretac. G eorgia, bibb cou-NTY.-wiit Lev on the first Tuesday in July next bf the court ttou-e door in tha itv ot yava said to.untv. hctvr en 1 h - u-uat hoars et ai forty share* of the capital tto< k of the Esvhss Bank of Macon, bo.d as tbe property A i e*tate ol W B Parker, late.of sail couiriy. 1 ceased UJPtV.K«HR, unlltd FxermM G eorgia, bibb county.—wb-ma *»- ch-cl l.oh, ad’nini.lraior on the estate’of Michael Ki.ner, late of said cuur-ty. de QJsed.jmv- piiw for ie*ve t • «ell all the o rsonol pinpflCf, in-Iuding bonds of iu -orporoted eumpaniei, te- lonaing to -aid estate. This ts the-efo e to cite and admomAj per»on, com-tmi-d, to be and appear ai of Ordinary of said ronntv o» the first 1 _ in Jul- next, to show caaae. it a'-y to** ttlr, why said -pnlication aho .1-1 not be gru ted. Witness my hand nffict'ity jun3 la«4*» J A McM A NUB. Ordiryzy. soakAJCff : lbe-«£re st 8n1» G kO GlA- JtSPER COUN1Y.- WY Mra Mac; A R Pe n has applied for 1'ftaos of administration on tho stale of Penn, de-eiael. Thi* is the-efnre to sive notice to a'! ns coniern'-d to file tbetr object or,-, if my have. Within the time pr *cr,Ud l-> imw, leitera will be sraiited iho api- ior-ta* for n'he firct'tm.d.y in ogu t, 1479 June 19tb, U79 F M SW * N 5u:2l lawtw*O 6 BORGIA, BIBB C UN T 'It Lo*r. «'ian*ia-, of 8, r* Plita S' Hober's h»s oiaoe api-li ters"tdi'mi* ion from t aid f.a c! Tie -r are ih'iefoie >0 eiie a>Oi > coueerneu*io be an" 1 3ourt *.f lirdirar:. of "id cuur-t Monday in Beptrmtier pen.': -ii *h- h-c-.why ’..-tier' o' -J -i-i,* be rranted to app’i ant. Wi'neaa my hand oBtoi-iiy. nr 3 la«*» J * V'CM Whereas Bn K Lowe, Hvw a:- '. tar fet- ■ a d' 1 .- pea. . ou the ! tCic J " e :d.'m NU - . Oaitap S. WAXELBAim A BEO,. Si. w Xork Store, ’ , YlVfci: J Builviilj , uprS Cm 31: •••»!:, Oa. \b- ;. b ratae I t viratay .. G VfRGiA, BlK* C U'TT har. hy given tnaXapp i,-<- to the Adjourrd Ttrmo r- ; rt :h- Ha*-- of Gewrv e. in Jo:., 11 . _ of »n Art toadr 1 th ■ < :> ul jmt- ert' aboutf > a--, eaollota c-f laa No, AwML f'.tr the 91 h District ol B'kerc uni; tbeli'e of D lOJher'e e 1. *y, a- c e ng I lit Of the i.iaitiatioZi - ’N-to A 6. uvea. May 1 1 ANK' N . m>y22 GKO V (Ketabli»'ieu IBW.) PATENTS For ht'i 'w. Proeur.-J by T, K. A loxiitGor Sz Solicit r. Ji.'i ■ Oi.nse* iu knient _ j .« 00 - * aiul C | o.'uor baud' • s;.t-.aliy, Scud for * T- V: 1 ''*:'- *