Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, August 05, 1879, Image 5

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gy f ELEGBA P 0, 'p2t«r and bound 10 j was unable *■* R»t away **X&u£* when ou Tuesday md I $Jda«W- 8h ® d,, * # twe,Ta “ nd * half ° f Yjbk Jaly 2D.—Ship Praatid, , ^Vlmoa’b to Penssoal*. whicb ar- *’• N Sydney, C. B July 23 t j ’Winter repaiis, bavins- been in a ool- ft’Va a think fog on July 21, in UtU ***!? it xi) tongitade 43, with an nnknown I wounding fourteen persona. opposed to be loaded. It could No „ jU£ , July 30. - Bev. John xt. 2* a-jeitamed what damage was done, I Young. 8r., prominent trusker of Norfolk . hoth v« sseta were going very fast. Toe - ' ‘ “ Medical Doctor. H. W. Austin. M. D., Marine Hospital Service. M. J. Whitieurst, Mecical Director. To W. N. Elliott, Sanitary I rupee tor of the National Board of Health. Liwbinoz, Mass. July 30.—Prescott G. Pillibury, cashier of.the Lawrence Na tional Bank, is a defaulter to the amount of $Gi.OOO, haviog used that amount to speculate in mining stocks. A warrant has been issued for his arrest. TCti.iut.vibivis, July 30 —A cannon of 24-oatlbre butst on board the German gnaboat Renown to*day,killing three apd pleatid loss ho* cutwater and bad her j *fl!'TO=*, July 20.—A iioeeial ifrom „D.vU to tbe-New eaya Maj >r Court- 5r,SirmUhed with *he Indiana at Silt Si 75 miles west of this post, oo Sit- ’ Two soldiera wore badly wound- *L T‘„ horses w*ro o»ptured from the I# f U JJpjtch from Mullinnty, Texas, i a tornado struck this place from the county, and probably the meet extensive cultivator of etrawberries in the country, was drowned this morning oat fish ing. Mr. Yonng was formerly of Albany, New York, and a minister of the Presby terian church. _ New Osneass, July 31.—Two suspi cious esses were reported to the Board of Health to-day, mokiog a total of five new oases under observation. There have been no deaths. , .. Salt Lake, Utah, July 30.—la the this evening, completely damol-1 case of Cannon, Carrington & Young, ex- •Kino the Christian church, the flying ec utors of the lata Brigham Young ses- - K?r« from which damaged several I tate end John Tajlor. President of the pmbora i™ _ No casualties, '" - • » ‘^w OuLxaNS,' Jnly 20 —There has I to-day for contempt in no * bn , on9 death from yellow fever in I property over to the receiv | Mormon Chnxch, before Judge Boreman in not turning the ___ hn , 00 g aeaiu imm — —— -- ■ «».*• — -— receiver, it wa3 0r- ^ ' his vear, that of the Spaniah girl dered that the executors pay into the 1 .1 .... — „. I . nnn ..A IKo. Tnlin nr this oily Sifi® moroing- The seoond osse ra mrod to the Board of Health was a two o urt $142 000 cash and that John Taylor • ..a t ho noara oi - .pay $200 000 in cash and stocks illegally CS oaild of Dr. Moinegra, oorner received by him, and to be imprisoned S*” d Wanhmgton etwete, who is nn tll he did so. The order for lmpneon- « aanvalesoent. It is regarded aa a I nient was suspended until to-morrow at 84 - - - — > ten o’clock a. m. Nxw York, Jnly 30.—John Jenkins, a diver who was let down into tho water below the Battery to-day in submarine oostume to recover an anchor, was drowned by the barsling of the pipe - Hosig- sty ‘ts reporters visited I JierdaV ever, doubtful case known to] L, doctors- They express the opin Satnoceof them has jeliow fever, gin d be almost Imposs b.e for a case the vigilaoooo! tho State Bo rd of | which supilied him with air. S!lbb the National Board Authorities na n ed t0 bu drawn up’ out tbe signal at f.d sioiury Auxiliary Association effi- I g ce t was mistaken, and when he wa3 .i.i,‘.ho know of no case other th.n ei ae d to the sutfica he was dead, the etBM WU« - At a I m I «-rfriti.1c frftM hlB •Hone nrfore mentioned. Mxmmis. July 20.-SIX new cases re- JJed :o tbe B ara of Health this morn- Among tae numbjr are S. A. Hatcher, of li- L. Cochran & Co , Mans Lie,;an, E. Rosenheim and Toney - B r | l l “'e laat night a messenger arrived , R,i„i..h. Tenn., for a nurse to at tend Dots,” daughter of Chief of Police A:by, who is down with the fever. Colonel Cameron with his detail of col W ed soldiers took quiet possession of tbe nounda selected for the establishment of The betting just »c»mp aud by six o’clock thw moroing | to one again-t G< hid 125 -ints erected. blood having gushed profusely from his mouth and daring his last straggle. All the Memphis refugees sent to the quarantine last week were discharged to* day. London, Jaly 30.—Tho rsoo for the Lwunt siskes for two-year-olds, and run today at tbe Goodwood Meeting, was won by Lorrlllsrd’s b f. Geraldine. She made it all running and won by a half- leugtb. H E. Beddiogtoa, brother to Er.ilia, was second, and the Duke of VVeetmiaetei’s oh. f. Bdolair. Seven ran. before tbe race was ten Geraldiun. * Ns w Okleans, Jaly 80.—No now cases The firet train with refugees will leave 0 f yello w fever are reported to-day. Tco thu afternoos at five o’clock. Tne policy j totsl cases to data ate five, sad one cl tbe autuorities, to furnish rationi ouly I death, tbe first osee. to those who are in camps, will be strictly 1 r »-■-«<■ ^Mnail matter leaving this city is Sr L his. July 30.—A colored servant of Captain Lie, of Use steamer Coaohona, _ _ known by tne name of Henry, died last thoroughly disinfected under the personal night st 712 Washington of yellow fever •notrviaioa of the inspecting officers of | Tie premises have been tboroghly disin- the Naiional Board of Health. The I »—* -* wither continues sultry. OsisiQt O. H., Va., June 20.—A bag nsv car of the northbouud mail and pa9- Lwier train of the Virginia Midland wiltOAil was thrown from the track near thu pl*o» last night, by the breaking of a buck. P- H S-annard, of Mobile, All., leiped fiom tho platform and fraotnred his left leg. One other person was itjaifd. The track Was cleared after five honra’ delay. Mr. Stannard is doing well* tuiao, III., Jaly 20.—Hickman. Ey . has eitablii-hed a quarantine against aU iteamboita up or down tbs river. Csuo his qo#r*n;ine as yet oniy prehibits tne landing of steamers that have touched at or near infected ports Tbe heal h of this city is good. Richmond; July 20.—The executive committee of tbe Southern Historical Society has decided to bold a special meeting of tbe society on August 15, at Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, when an address will be made by General J. E. Chalmers, of Mississippi, on “Forest sad his campaigns. 1 ’ A large attendance of oil Onnfoderatea is expected. E.L E-nest, conductor of the sleep to? car Coataugus,for Atlanta, was killed to-’day two miles sooth of here, on (thu Cthville road, by being knocked off the teir [Inform of the car by aatook gaard fence while leading out 10 look at the track. Hia remains were brought here, and will be forwarded to Orange, C. H., for burial. Judge Oald and Dr. J. S. George, who were arrested on a charge of being about tofUbt a duel, were examined in the pchoe court to-day aud discharged, the ioKitigaiion showing that tho matter between them had been arranged and there was no probability of a breach of the peace. K*w OsLtANB, July 20.—No new cases of yellow fever reported. The little child at 105 Bourbon street^ who was brought here sick Sunday night, from feet-d. New Ouleans, July 30.—John Keoop, a Norwegian, age 33, at 123 S ven*.h street, is much batter. His case, together with that of Fiizpatrick’e, was reported to the Board of Health aa genuine yel low fever. Dr. Choppin, who has been absent several days, returned to-day and visited Fi.-zpatrick who is sitting up. Dr. Ghotpia expressed tho belief that Fitzpatrick has nut had tho yellow fever. O her patients are doing well. It is now believed they will all recover. Naehvillb. Tznn., July 30.—Dr. J. D. Plunkett, President of tho Sanitary Council of tbs Mississippi Valley, to-day received the following dispatch from the major of Centre Point, Iowa: The report sent abroad of our having cholera a: this point is entirely false. We have a number of oases of dysentery, proving fatsl only among children of the first and second summers. Fall Rivsb, July 30.—Ia tbe District Court this aftsrnoon Huge Knowles, Henry Whitaker and Jeremiah Delaney were each adjudged guilty of Intimida tion by threats of spinners employed on Slsde and Wampanoog mills. These oases are the firstthat have been tried, and the oourt room was crowded throughout tho day* Memphis, Jaly 30.—SamaelA. H*tcb- er died to night at 8 o’clock. Jas. Hea ter, tho laat of a family of 7, two of whom ara dead, was prostrated with the fever this afternoon. Frank Beamsb, a printer, was shot this afternoon by C. B. Hammer. The wound is not serious. Bramah had reported hia kissing tho Leadvtlle-Its Sadden Hrowth- tlft Fabulous Treasures—nor ale ot the City—Uuihweit Colorado. Towns, Ga , July 18. 1879 Editors Telegraph and Messenger On my return from LeadviUs, Colorado, I promised to give you an account of the plaoe and surroundings. Along prostra tion by sickness has prevented a fulfill ment of the piomtse nntll now. The phenomenal o'ty Is located about 140 miles southwest of Denver on a gen tle tlopo or incline, in a emsll park, at an altitude of 10.247 feci, and near the head waters of the Arkansas river, sur rounded by su Immense chain of moun tain peaks covered with perpetual snow. This locality was known to the Colora do mioer for some-years as “California Gulch,” a small stream flowing from the mountains a few miles above Leadvilie, and receiving aa it* tributaries before reaching this point several email strvams, or as we would coll them hero, creeks or branobes. All these streams and bottoms have been worked for years as free gold placer mines, and where Leadvilie is now located was old “Slabtewo,” the mining camp or headquarters for all Ihie seo- tien. There are two pssiible routes to the plaoa, tho most practicable is from Denver via the South Park railroad to the summit of Stenoaheo Mountain, tbcuoe by stage a distance of sixty-five miles. The railroad ride on this ronie ia Gimp'.y grand, and awe-impiring, following up canons, roam ing throagh ravirei, carves and reverse curves—tho train frequently doubling up onto itself, presenting an imaginary phenomenal danger of a rear collision in to itself, now darting through aapur and again under perpendicular walls tower ing thousands of feet above, with an an gry, dashing stream far beneath. No son-light, nothing but the weird shadows end damp atmosphere of these immense osnena and tbe ratling, heavy exhaust of the monster engine echoing and re- eoboing its every jarsnd.pnlsailon, from wait to wall, until its tcumulated deaf ening clatter become* almost unbearable. The other route is from Pueblo via Can on City, thence following the valley of the Alkane as river about 110 miles. The freighting into and from Leadvilie is immease, and tariff high, both routes being literally lined with teams, taking in supplies of all kinds for bniiding and sup porting a oity, and bringing out the pro- duot of the mines. The oity now oontains over fifteen thoueand popnlation, is well built, and all branches of industry and trade prosper ous. Money Is extremely abundant; the im mense freighting industry eoatters it like chaff; the lucky prospector who haa re ceived his thoueands for his fortunate bit puts no value on his fabulous pile, buc to waste in saloons, gambling dens and dauce houses. Thii wasteful prodi gal propensity beeomea oontigious to an alarming extent, but of course the more prudent anl economical inclined profit by other’s excesses and reap a corres ponding benefit. I will drop back to the days of placer mining, le-B than three years ago. At that time W. A. H. Tabor, now Lieuten ant Governor of ths State, owned a small store near tho present city of L?adviiio, his whole stock being leas than $500 in valae. A poor impecunious miner named August Richie called on and solicited aid of Tabor m the way of a prospector’s outfit, consisting of tools and miner’a provisions, promising Tabor one-half of hia findings. The resalt was an imme diate accidental finding and looating of tho “Little Pittsburg” lode. Up to this time no one had even dreamed of.the immense wealth lying in tho immediate vicinity. Riobie soon void bis half of the mine for the sum of $360,009, and Tabor one half of his interest for $250,000. This is considered tho richest mine in the Camp, and is ic-day valued at $10,- 000.000. Rich discoveries followed in Address of Prolessor J. E. fflllet on Entomology In Its Relations to Xlortlenltnre Before tbe Horllcnltn-al society, at its Fourth Annum Sleeting, July, 29tb.1S79, Mr President and Members of the Qcorgi% State Horticultural Society: In my first report on entomology, at your second annual meeting, I presented eome thoughts on the origin, distribution and food of insect, in general, together with tho general methods ot keaptog them in obeck. I propose, ia the present paper to discuss, in a familiar way, a much narrower topic, vis: Tbe inseota injurious to the cabbage, the squash and the tomato, with the remedies. insxcts injhbious to the casbioz—cor WORMS. Tbe firs*, assailant of tho osbbage, la tbe spring, i3 the out worm. Harris aud Riley describe at least seven cut worms aud their moths. Ia the Northern States the moth comes cut in the summer, lays her eggs in autumn at the roots of plants and dies. The yonng laivao or cut woiuib feed on the plants or their roots until, driven down by tbe cold bslow tbe frost, they become torpid aud lie asleep till the spring thaw3 them cat and famishes them appropriate food. Some of our cat worms may pass the winter in the same way, which will explain their appesr- auoa in tbe spring long before there is enough heat to thaw out a moth, or to hatch one of their eggs. But I an persuaded that many ot our cut-worms pass thu winter in the chrysalis stage, and that the moths come forth from them in spring and lay tbe eggs which produce •he later cut-worms. Thus there may be too broods at the 8iuth where there is only one per aBnum at the North. The transformation! of the cat-worm ac the Sonth r- quire some study, as shown by an experiment of mine this spring. I plic'.d, from time to time, grown cnt-worms In a flower pot filled with earth and buried in the ground. Soon one moth came forth, but none since. I examined the pot July 16tb, af ter, as yon know, an exceedingly hot and dry term. I oxpeoted to find no hiag alive, bnt thero were one living chrysa lis, one dead chrysalis and seven or eight living cut-worms, the latter, however, sorely shrunken and blanched. One worm had perfected a moth ia a few weeks, while, in two months, two had becomo chrysalids, and tee others bad undergone no change. BtKSDIU. There is no remedy werth naming, ex cept digging np the worms, one by one, where thoy have cut down plants. CXTZBFJXjLABS. The “worms,” which eat holes in t oe cabboge leaves at intervals dating tbe summer and fall, are the lanm or ycnag ot two whito butteiflies. Oar native cabbage butterfly pieris protodice, I saw lss; fall, but hove oanght none this spring or summer. Their caterpillars ara ot a light green oolor, and mostly oa the under side of the leave?; They web up, sometimes on the leaf, but frequently under li av.s and trash on the ground. The butterfly is while, with square black spits on the wings. The mate has four of these spots on each fore wing; the female four on each fore wing, together with a notched border of black, aud on the hind wings a black border and shading of black._ Our lmpo.tsd cabbage-butterfly, pieris rapae, is now much muro numerous aid destructive. It is the common c-b Cage butterfly of Europs, and vas dmb.less the familiar garden buttetfly of our ex cellent President, in his Belgian home. k It was first seen in America at Montred, in the the y sar 1857. It has been about Macon, at least, two years patt. I have oanght it in every month, exospt Jaunx- ry aud February, Binca last October. 'Ihi butteifly donbtlees survives the win e in Georgia. The male his wh’te wings, VEQETINE vox chills tsnalccis, FEVER AND AQUEi Taeboeo.N C.1S72. Da HR Brxvzss— ... Dovr Air—I fed wry vrslefal for whvt your ▼aluxble medicine, Vejtet ne, has done in my family, I with to exp ess my thanks by inform ing you of the wonderful cure otmrron: alio to let you know that Vegetine is tbe best medicine I ever saw for Chills. Shakes, Ferer vnd Ague My ion wax sick wi h measles in 1873. which Ie>t him with Hip-idnt disease. My eon mitered a great deal oi pain all of the *ime: the pvin was so great he did nothing bat cry. Theaoctors did not help him a part cle, he o.uld not lift his foot from the floor, he oould not more without crutches. I read your advertisement in the “LcuhTffle Courier-Journal." that Vegetine was a great Blood Purifler ana Blood Food. I tried one bottle, which was a great benefit. He kept on with the medicine, gradually gaining. He has taken eighteen bottles in all. and he is com pletely restored to health, walks without crut cbes or cane. He is twenty years of a*e. I nwe a jountrer son# fifteen years of a?e*whoi§ sub 1 nost of tbtt Icta. “ bad effect upon the like — - medicines reco'Dmended for Chills. I cheerfully recommend Ywctino for such com claints. 1 think it is the r eatest medicine in the world. Respectfully, MK8 J W LLOYD. YiGETunB.—-When the blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from change of weathe* or of climate, want of exercise, i-n-gular diet, or from any other cause, the Vegetine will renew the blood, carry off the putrid humors, cleans© the stomuch, regulate the bowels, and impart 8 tone of vigor ia the whole body, VEGETINE • FOR DISPEPSI4, NERVOUSNESS And General Debility. Bssvaudicos. Macs. 1873. Nervousness, o* General Debility, it being the Great Blood Purifier. Bold b; R L Crowell 4 Bon*, who sell m ,re of it than all other patent medicine pnt together. MBg L y pEBKINg> a w suoTr. J03-PHUS SLATE. Vegetine is the great health restorer—com posed exclusively of bsrxs, root, and herbs. It is very pleasant to take; every child likes is* VEGETINE FOR NERVOUS HEADACHE 5 And Rheumatism. CisciBBAfX, O. Aprils. 1S77. H R 8TBVBSS. E.q- . Dear sir—I have used your Vegetine for Ner vous Headache, and also for Rheumatism, and have fouBd entire reli t from both, and take great pleasure in r ecotnmending it to all who may be likewise afflicted. ^ QOOV. lOSMUlSACinn. Vegetine has restored thousands to health who had been long and painful suSorers. "V 3E3G- ETINE Druggists* Report. Mb If RSiavaas— . Dear Sir—Wo have been selling your remedy, the Vegetine, for about three years, and take pleasure in recommending it to our customers, and ia no instance where a blood punfier wmld reach the else has St ever failed to effect a cure, to our knowledge. It certainly'’a she ne plus ultra of renovator'. Respectfully. B M. SHKPRBRD A CO. Druggist* Mt Vernon, lit Is acknowledged by aU classes of people to be the best and most reliable blood punfier in the world. VEGETINE Prepared by, H. R. STJSVENS. Boston, Mass. Vesretiae is Sold bv all Druggists. lufj w«c G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Geo 8 Obear, executor ot the e.tete of lhom-:s A Harris, represents to the court in hi« petition duly filed and entered on record that be has fully administere ^ Thomas A Harris’ estate. This is therefore to eite all persona concerned, kindred »nd creditor*, to »how cause, if any they can, whv scid executor should not be dis charged from his executorship and receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in At gust. 1379. Witness my hand ar.J cfllclal signature. J A MCMANUS. irajS XawSm Ordinary. Masonic Building. Macon, IGeorgia, EORGIA. BIKB COUNTY.—Whereas Wil* _ .Usm p Unit. Gnsrdisnof Willi-m H Trim- bedpkhfl H V Wimberly, low U VPeters.huv- ing applied to the Conrt of Ordinary cf i»'d county for letters of dismission from pis guar- dikt ship of Willism H Wimberly and H V Vim- ber’y, now H V Pfter.i, per-on and property. Thii is therefore to cite all person, concerned to show reuse bv filing objections in my office oy the first Monday in June next to show cause why the said Wi!'iau» F Holt should r.ot be dis missed from hia said guardianship and receive the usual lotted of dismission. Given nndn my official signature. U arch Sd 1879. marllowSm J A McJIANUS Ordn’y. p BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas E S ' JT Poe has made application for letters of administration cn tbe estate of Washington Poe, late of raid county, doccased. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil persons concerned to be ard appear at theCourt of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in Angus t next to show c&cse. if any they have, wbv said application sbonld net he granted. Witness my hand officially. July 6th, 1179. j a McManus, jnISlawAw Ordinary. FINANCIAL SND UOffiMEHClAL rapid succession; among ‘hem *> a with one round black spot on each fo named “Carbonate,” “Tho Iron Doub- | w ; no , n ndnn each hind wins: tbs fema! le Decker,” “Judza Peodiing, 1 ‘•Dun- cIn; r »Long '& ~Derry,” “Printer Boy,” “Robt. E. Lee,” and valuable striker are being made almost daily. Tho oreB from these mines assay from eighty to one thousaid ounces per ton, and some of tnem carrjine a fair per cent, of gold, “tbo Printer Boy” bring the richest gold mine yet discovert d. Tho whole bowela of the mountains seem to be one vast and exhaustlees deposit of citbonates of lead and silver. Instances almost in numerable could bo named, of an instan taneous leap from extreme poverty to . . . fabulous wealth almost rivaling the fas- aunt of Hammer, and refused to con- 0 j natinff talea of the “Arabim Nights.’ tradict it, which caused Hammer to shoot J is ro fiction—it is i him. Hammer was arrested. St. Louis, July 30—P. Ereiger, the President of the defunot Broadway Sav ings Bank, has been arrested cn a chcrgo of emfcizzlement ,1a connection with tho alleged frauds osmmitted by that institution. Caibo, III , July 30-John Higan, living, phenomenal reality — eclipses tho Comstock in its palmiest days; burriea deep in its shadows any Mexican or Peruvian mining of whloh bis’-oiy makes record. It is no exagg-ra, tion to eay there are many mines in which can be seen from one to three million dol- wing and on each hind wing; tbe female has two black spot < on each fore wing and one on the hied wing. Tho cater pillar is of an olive color, and has the singular habit of always lying lengthwise, along one of the ribs ot the leaf, on the nppar side. It feeds on the bad-leaves and heart of tbe cabbage, acd is the therelore more deatruc.ivo than tne other worm. This butteifly, being a new earner among ns, has outstripped its insect enemies, and is hence so abun dant. But its enemy, nn ichneumen fly, has been found in Canada and Ver mont, and will soon reduce its num bers. Eskidizl—Hand -picking cf the cater pillar ia one of the beat remedies. Hot water, neatly boiling, has been used suc cessfully. The butterflies ara easily kept in check by means of a hand net. THE HAHIiIQUIN cabb&qe buq. There appeared throughout the South, about the time of the late war, a new enemy to tbe cabbage, a black bug . < * A.fI - -A —; aV. waJ afin Afa lara worth of ore in Bight. I® passing I rftl he* prettily striped with red and or- .1 a XL _ a' Me ... A t naWo zlwifta &TU1 I . 3 a. _ Vi.iam Morgan City, has black vomit and will I connty constable, to-day shot and killed t j, roa gh the different leads, drifts, and I anze <phia WBB uupposed to hare been die. The cnild and its parents were sent Charles D. Arter, ex-chief of police, f-*' I W inga, the walls oneither side shins and I bron ght into the cauntry, in tone way. here by the Morgan city authorities. ter was seated reading a newspaper when ligten jjj- 0 £0 mao h solid silver, and all I ^ the federal army, and was generally Uimpbi*, July 29 —Two more cases of Hogan approached him from behind, and theaa vaat jj^eg were trampt and worked | ^bed the Lincoln bug. Ite history has illow lever were reported to the Beard fired the fatal shot without a word ot QTer foE 6eTera i years before thoir acci-1 bgen 8 t n£ fi e d since then, and the Murgau- - * *— • Hogan was taken to jail. ■ — ' * yello' of Health this alternoon and four deaths have been repotted by the undertakers— Ad* flicks and Easton OIney, colored, ud Bridget Tworcey and John Tworney. Ins isst two had naver been reported to the B >*rdof Health as having yellow to warning. Hen Battitng Extravagant ideas are entertained by manypersons ot the practical health re- dental discovery. Leadvilie is a city of no mean preten sions. It has most of the luxuries and tia histrionica of the naturaliatB is found to n»ve come from the South iostead ot the North, being a native of Guatemala, conveniences of an Eastern metropolis, I jj e jj COj Texas and Arizona. It had been and it ia (afeto say there never was such prcba hW kept in its Southern home, un- a place of approximating ago before on tU (he ta ttiing of Terai aud the south- ver. Neither did the burial certificate . f the ea it water, and tha continent. The city ia built mostly ern bel ' t "ors"ates with a civilized popula te ihe signature of the attending phy- Btowc S ® atmlication. of wood, a few brick buildings are being u Bhich hft d gardens which farnishtd lieiin. hn: as both died within two I some suffer injury by ove pp | ere0 (. ej j_ There are over 200 drinking I - t aD propriate food. Finding abnndsni . A-ii /mi *ii nr st rfnno.A I _ * * .7 . , • \r al :a Lamm ita i id in, bat as both died within two . - - .. ■ Hruotuu. xu»d — - m — — ■ ir gppiuuntue xwuu. . ——— boats of esoh other, and had blaok rum- The Tribune, in an article upon the wa« BaloonB# BOmo half dozan or more dance y 0ra “ 0 tb e D , to the North ifc began its it jes: previous to death it was presum- t et ; n g place?, quotes from old seaside J houses, aud, aa for gambling quarters, 1 traTa j. whleh may, again be limited by tdbythe undertakers that they died of _ b _.; e - ians as below, whose suggestions l they wonld bs difficult of enameration. 1 1 j jreaeb iD2a climato, whose winters may jsllow fever. p J {They are thrown open to the public I t00 r ig 0r0 us for its survival. It haa Dcbcqvs, Iowa, July 30.—A disease may be opportune. .. without any attempt st conoeahr»"» 1 “ * skin to obolers is ravaging Centre Point, l “The old idea that nobody can catch 0 - t _ ig we q supplied with hotels Lum oonnty, in this State. Fully twenty I cold, either in or ont of the water at tne I restatlran t3 and the tables are not sur] peitons have died from Its effects daring seashore, has been exploded long ago m j . an »^ bere j n quality leqnalnnm- the mindi of phynciana of any experience I r0Be J Tera i wel j huill aurpsra- __ _ ^ or quantity. There __ tbe put twelve days, and an eqnal nnm-1 the mindi of phyticiana of any experience » we fj fcu'lt acd commodious r " B ~j gra f , eara B go,tohave known ber h*s been prostrated by it. It is also along our coast, and should bs extnpatea cbarc hes, with efficient and able preach- j tb ; B g^jpsd pest wss going from cs gone rapidly from Texas to Missouri in tbe West, and along the gulf and Atian- tie as far North as Maryland and Dela ware. It may have been a satisfaction to a littlo town seven f tom the minds of the pubho as soon as #rg ^ » baT0 a ref , u i a r and good city J. Northern friends, instead of com- Polntr-ieveral deathB poesihie. A short bath once or twice a e0Terninen * B weU organized fire and 1 - n _ from t h e m to ns. Bnt, I believe we bsving ocoorred there. An order for we ek may be a good tonic in some cases, ° ollc0 eyate m, together with efficient I * better tempered now. fun* «mAa* was r/Mirxfi from Centre 1 ;* (a ontnvpd; bnt. as for etavine In the 1 works. The professions are all! — -- * * - - ■ nging in Walker, rnles from Centre LATEST TELEttKArHIU REPORT' —O — OFFICE TBLEGRAPG AND MK88BNGBH JUlT 39. 1879.—KVKSIZO Cotton. Livsep'-ol — Noon —Cotton firmer; middlini uplands middlina: Orleaui 6 9-18 Sales 10 000 bales: of which 1COO were taken b> (peculators and for export: receipt* 3700, ol which 300 were American. Futures opened stcacy at last night’* prices: Upland* low middling clause Auguic and 8ep temper delivery 6 17-3S. September and October 6 19-33, October and November *%. Novambor and December 6'/i. Janua*y and February 61i Si. ISO pm—Middling uplands 69 18, middling Hales of American 87J0, Uplands low August and September 6'A, September and Oc tober 6 9-W, October and Novembers 11-31, Do cember and January 6% 430 um—Uplands lo- middling clause August and September deliver* 6 15 S3, September and October 817-33, October aud November 05-36, November and December 6 3 16. ' G p m—Uplands low middling cl»u*e July de liver* 6 5 S3. August and Semem - er 6 7 IS. Sep tember aud Ootooer VA- October and November 8 9 S2ai 5 16 November and December 6 a SS. December and Januiry 63-33. Future* closed firmer with more bay*ra*tlast quoutiooa Nsw Voax -Cotton quiet: tales D.63. middling upland* lljfi. middling Orlean-llJi Future* opened ateadieit July delivery -—. August 116t, September 11.65. October 10,97, Nov ember 10 60. December 10 63. Cotton-Net reoeipt*-: grosjSUJ. Future* dosed firm: «aie* 79 000 July deliv- nrv UTO—61, August do, September 1163 Ucto bS 10.83—86, Ncvember 10.53—00. December 10J5 January 10X9-60, February 10.69- 70. M rcb 10 < 8 otton closed quiet sale* 2S2; middling up- U’lds 11 A: middling Orleans 11J4- 1 Consolidated net reoeipt* *M. exporU to Gmat Britain 2151. Franco —.continent —. Oiivxnox — Ccttom quiet; middling 1134. low middling 10% good ordinary receipt* ^Noaroix—cotton Q»iet. middling 11%, net re BALT > lMO as—Cd to*n°d ul if miiMl ing 11% lo n — ‘, »toc 17 Bostok-Cotton dull; middling 19, low mid dling 11%. good ordinary 11%. net receipt* 197. KT03* 453; iales —; stock 5253. WiiKisGToa-Conon steady; middling 11% tow middling U%. good ordmaw 10%: net re- flints m STOSS —* M$l08 l7» itOCA fc** e iLrr. tivt.pith—Cotton firm; middling 12; low middling 11%. good ordinary H%. net ro- reipt* 7: grots 9, sales —. spinner* SIS, stock 6 ‘!ivASSAH-Cotton dnlh mlddliag 11%: low middling 10%. good ordinary 10%. net receipt* ^Nzw* Oblzass—Cotton quiot: middling 11%: low middling 10%.good ordinary 10%, net receipt* 104 grots sales Soe« stock 7895. Mobilr—^Cotton nominal; middling lo middling 10%,good ordinary 11%, net receipU - ross —. sales —»stock 2U9. MHMPHii—Not received. Augusta—Cotton quiet: middling 11%. low middling 11%. good ordinary 11, leceipt* 14, **(hiABLMio5'—Cotton quiet, mild ling 11% low middling li: good ordinary 10%, net receipt* 9 rrns* —. sale* 10, stock 180. IsjNOW OFFERING to th public the fo’low g quo tatinslin Dry Gaoii’jJ " t? feKS'in endlett variety fiom 35 cts per yard upwards. BLACK SILKS, a very large assortment, from $1 per yard to $4. BLACK GRENADINES of every iunginable pattern from 25,35.45, 65,65, 76 cent* and up to 3350 per yard. DRESS GOOD*. tbeiarre«t (elected *toek in tbi* city, from 8.10.12%. IS, 20,25,30. S5c to $2 51 per yard. LINEN LAWNR. We have a *plendid line of Pattern* from IS, 2?, 25, SO. 35,40o per yard. PACIFIC LAWNS. Our style* are very ex tensive, from 12% 151R 20 25c pe yard. WHITB LONDON CORDS in stripe and check from 8 10 12} 15 1810 and 25c per yard, COLORED LONDON CORD3 in all the new shades ard pattorns from 8 10 121-2 15 13 20c peryard. HOSIERY for Ladle-, Misses *nd Children This D-pirtment is very extensive in now style; aud shades. HAM8URT EDGINGS, thelargest stock ever hrcarht to Mao m, from 5 7 910121-21518 2025 to$360 peryard. WHITE GOODS. Everything pertaining to thi* Department, comprising Linen Lawns, Rwist Uushn. Jaconets, Nainsook, from 121-2 15 20 25 to 50c per yard. TINEN TOWELS, • very la>*e assortment from $1, $125, $150, $175,. $2 and up to {9 per dozen P4RAROLR of the latest styles and patterns from 25 50 75 $1125 1 60 1 75 $2 up to $10 apiece. SILK TIES AND BOWS, a beautiful se’ected line, from 25 SO 35 49 45 50 CO 75c up to $250 apiece GENTLEMEN’S OLOTHING.alarge»ssort ment in all styles. Tbe best Blue Flannel Suits at $10 50 a suit, YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ SUITS in all the new- designs from $5 00,35 69, $6CO.$660.$700. 37 60 up to $12 63. CHILDREN’S SUITS from 8 to 10 years ot age from $250 3 00 3 SO 4 03 4 50 5 00 up to $10 per suit. CHILDREN'S KILT SUITS, from 21-2 to S years of age. a splendid assortment. MATTING in all styles and patterns from 16 182'25SO35 to75c peryard. .• * CARPETS, the largest stock in the State, a greatly reduced pii-es. And all kinds of Goods pertaining to a first cla>-a Dry Goods Establishment. —o - OUR 8AMPLE DEPARTMENT is new com plete, and we will be pleased to send Samples of any kind of Goodstoany one free of charge. S. WAXELMUM & BBO., New York Store, Masonic Building, aprS 6m Macon, Ga. R. H. MAY & CO., 98 Cherry Street, MACON, - - GA. Manufacturers ot and Dealers in CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, WAGONS, larness,. Saddles, Whips, Bridles, Collars. Hames, w alises. Trunks Traveling BagSi CHILDRENS’ CARRIAGES, ap Robes Horse Blankets, Sole, Urn? atf Han Leather Calfskins, Shoe Findings. Call mnd examine our sttek before purchasing Repositories—93 Cherry Street, Macon, and 20S BioadStreet August* (TOSS ftttjeoffiM WM received from Centre if it ia enjoyed; but as for Staving! , wa icr wux*=. — . Poipt jtuterday by a Bnbuque under- I Bnr f until ears and lips, as well as fingers | re _ re3en t e( j and tho opportunities for a ttter. The pbysioians of Centre Point I and toes, are livid, as many, chiefly wo-1 v comBt ar e not fistteriog. 1 ms worn out, and residents are fleeing I men, do, it ia self-evident that catarrh.of - - • With all the vast mineral deposits here- Tha rapid spread of this harlequin cab bage bag, from South to North, OTer thousands of miles,within our own knowl edge, is to the naturalist to. i __ FINANCIAL Lchdox—Noon—Consol*, money 9715-16. a fsot as l uii-u, uv, —— , I Y¥ jLQ ftU IUO i QQng VUw uHsuiueta. ww —— Iron the place. . all kinde must pravaU among BeasiaoDa- , entionea it mus t era long palo be-1 intere3 ti DR u the migration of nations iB Loudon, Jaly 30.—A. thousand masons | there, as in faot snoh diseases do. Fine j . m j nera i resources of souihweet- - — it Brittol who have been on a strike for j swimmers remain in the eurf, as is well I Colorado, or what is known as San (o the historian. . . ■ —- nan* *n*»« — ■ m — — — — | WWW— ■■■■■«* — — — - - » ,. m | pm S^Jiy [dUU, VS nUS*W — - -- — —— | Q Jj|Y0 h $1?f Within >W 0Dtj"fi78 yfiftB, t*o month*, have submitted to the mas* I known, tor hours. Not long since the vrti- j caD w hich is undoubtedly the richest | , a im0r ; r ~ throe great migrations of in* t*r»’ terms. I ter was consulted by oneof the best phs-1 , ’ j ba i ton the continent, but so far Firat.thstof the European oab- Therace for tho Goodwood stake to-1 nomenal swimmers who had reurSVned one m ; ner al3 have not been so concentrated b hntterflv. It was first seeninMon- .. S V. H W. I* J r„.,_ mlnnho* iwlmais* CO I M T - <. I Ui KW .. „• W-JmS hour Tmd forty minutes, swimming np S 30 P m—3 per cent Rentes 821 and 38o. Nnr tou — Stock* opened firm* money 2%*3; exchange, long 682% short 4 81%. State bonds dull. Governmeni ■ecuiitie* flru>. Money easy 3%@S: exchange dull 4 82%s4 82% government seouritie* strong: new 6 por oents lOlT4% per oents 106%. 4 per cent* 1 03 ^'stocMClo^ 1 'irregular; Now fork Central 119 fine 28%; Lake Bhore 79%: Illinois Oentrai oai>. pittgpuix 99%, Chiau?u »nd Northiroctern do preferredi8H: ttock Xilana 159, Wes* rency 83,113,823. FSODVtat __ „ B d «rranJ^3».»0^4T5; HiiiPBis, July*30.—Font new oases I a;a ntly and withsome discomfort ta the | "country can only bo conjee-1 gener^rasemblanoe' ot thfs bnUeifly to bmfii’ **"—* —i^a.ha, n-atnr. uaDCHUI. - cur native one. 8eoond,thst of the Oolora- S“-7 a ™?S.t — Southern firm: Western firm '** »nd staady: southern red 108(^109; ambsr 110 »112%Tno S Fennsjivama redll2%: No» Wertern winter red spot and July 110%. Au gust! 10%. Southern com finn: Westerncora quiet and firm: southern 63, yello w 60. Oars ibuthtrn 87a40> Western S7i«, do ariied 36 at Goodwood was won by 8. W. Crtwfor-.’* three year old b. c. Bay arober. A L, Boyle’s fenr year old b. f. Mistress ol Eobes wss seuond and C. Perkins' six leirold c. h. Roehampton, SJ. Lorit* Ws b. f. Geraldiae, won tbo race for tie Lsvant slakes. lit—PHIS, July — -* | g,*u:iv »uu - * I .ninra c j vellow levs were reported to tho Board I patient while in tho water. In all c&bm ture5> „— - , asabout Laadvillo. San Juan 1b doubt* tre at In 1857; then ‘'in New England anddowntha surf at Cape May. ins mnc htho8afe»tplaeeforinve8taient8 j,,,,- the differentrailroadsleadtDgfrom surf was high and the water cold—it was m in er al craze has no firm hold Canada; lu 1870 in New Jersey; then In Jane; and the result of this indulgence Soma of our luckiest Lead- { Philadelphia and Washington; and snb- was a severe inflammation of the-drum, ^ imvsating in San Joan, J gjquemly In Georgia. This migration for the water had entered the ear most them 2. Tabor, the “gSoLnoith to south, and has not exposed to tho direction of the surf, con j j j | entenali t Goyernor of the State. The j been m uch noticed by ns because of the o! Health this morning, Robs Hendricks, of ge&eids bathing, if it is likely that ths I The mountains are as yet acarcely do potato-beetle. This oonfineditself to its IohnE.CreedeD,O.H. Smith and Mag. j head or the bather is going n ? de F. t “ e | c Cr at 0 hed—tha proepeoting haa -been I niliT0 ho me in Kansas, Colorado andDa- P* Townes. No deaths hare been report- snt faoe of the water, the ear should be 1 Buper fi c i a i. Ni advantages of kolBt nnt u about 1859; when it begin to »4 *p to noon. W. W. Corcoran, banker protected by cotton hold in position by j* * which are now rapidly working I eat t ho potato leaves or the new settlers, “ m •• * * ' xrosming from the » 5nt0 the utmost receeaes of th0 , ad finding abundant food In the Liah 3*SSiX audraviWS, supplying the ^5*?traveled eastward Mtha rats of king this opportu. . w - tb fael f or g0 ielting and reduc- B6Ten ty miles a year. It reaohed the At- nity to dry their hair. This practice e re<3nc - in „ freights Immensely, ex- lintio coast in New England about 1876, leads constantly to colds, and no. uncom- j •. £V “ r _ furnishing la- Bn a ct ossea thenoe to Dublin, Ireland, in borers at reasonablo w**res, faolliUting 1877 . This migration was from west to exchanges together with the long line of eaa! . an d has been a terrible ecourge to benefits to be derived from prompt and tho Western, Middle and Eistern States, efficient communication. . | And, third,_ that of the tulqiiln cab^ W *p to noon. W. W. Corcoran, oanxsr protected DJ cotton nniu *u railroads « Washington, D.O., has sent a check an 0 iled silk cap. After oemmg from the » w J2 000 to be used for the removal of j bxth, people ara too apt to 6it abo». in ^•poor and destitute from the city. Of draughts, the ladies taking this opportu. |~«»ick. Brooks W. A. Hatcher, Miles' - - ' — “ *“*- — 0?en tod Michael Anthony aro reported * critical condition. The weather is settled. Eight more oases wero reported to tbo Baudot Health this afternoon, including »ie colored. No deaths from yellow «ier daring tho twenty-four hours end- 10 ? at 6 p. m, to-day. ^Several cases monly to earache. The seaside is the place where perhaps one most ^easily takes cold in all parts of the body: Lett Boy. . , . jj I I H!lY0 fcUUO KlibU —— — — There was some excitement yesterday j a9 ft t present. Its future, as over a small boy who was reported to be J w ‘ u a8 that of all Southwest Colorado, is -a y. m, mj-uhj. 1 over a email uvj iwen reported outside the corporate I. , . th0 lo!Ter p3Z tioxx of the oity. The glittering, fascinating and attractive ob Lmit* of the city, which are not included i;in n fellow is Warren El- far as the lovo of excitement andaven- SS1.W - «“ B "* d •* *r. ot “JS ' .to .pwt I have thus given you an outline of | bago-bug, from south to north, as just * “ ““ fiesoribed. The hailequin is speoi3liy noxtou?, be* rounds. HU mother is a poor woman who habits form- 'eci on a solid impregnable basis of moral Htaltb. The Howard Association has forty-five wor ia in the factory acr#s3 the river, nines on duty distributed among fifty- nainea Mra> Eal8 ii aa Creawell. The lit' Brook* W^Wegraph operators are tie feUow, who is nine jearsofagowas atTT?.- J—V... I last 8een about nine o’clock yeateidiy morning. Ssarch had been made every- where without avail. The aid of tho po lice failed to bring him to light. His mother is muoh distressed about the little wanderer. He is well grown for hlsagf; has black eyes, dukh&iraDd oomplection. When he left home he had on home-made clothing, yellow pants, whito shirk and no coat. HU home is cause, -like all its great class, hsmiptcra, it finds its food on the same plant all its life. The oaterpillar feeds on the cab bage, bnt the butterfly subsists on honey from many kind* of flowers. A few of the reemude. ' Any ^akueTs would bo sure hVrlequin bug. survive the winter These to degenerate into xuiu and wretched-1 lay their eggs on the cabbage and other to degenerate into •» ^ B T> ar ^ clferoa3 plant s in the Epring. From **Ported dying to night. The daughter «the Chief of Police Atby, is aick with •be fo»er at Raleigh, Tenn., in a critical buffiition. There are about 203 people stCttnp Marks. Ths weather is clear W pleasant. K*r Wxst, Jnly 30.—We certify there >* not now nor haa there bienacaieof >*!bw fever in this city, port or at the UUq<i this eeason. [Signed] L. W. BrrmtL, Mayor, 1‘rbslaentct the Board of Health. J. V. Haasis, Ho'.1th Officer and Port Physician. J. W. V. B. PUJMMZB, on Wharf street, near the city bridge j ij eY6 a b y Dr. $300 deposited with Alex. Frothioghsm & Co., brokers, 12 Wall street, New York, as margin on one hundred shares St. Paul railroad stook, realized $i,600 for the^op erator a few weeks afterwards. Their Weekly Financial BepeitU sent free. Oemuigee Clab. The Ocmulgee Farmers’ Club will hold its fair to-morrow. Co’ia, Hives and Thnuh in infanta ro« sved bv Df. Moffett’s Xeelhma (Toethmg mSvk Petmsvlvsoia S8aS9. Fay steady; crime ISasirs-A 1 fesas. quiet: rio in careoo* U%»14%. Whisky inactive at 107%sl08. Freights active. Naw lost—Flour generally weak; very moder ate demsnd, closing dull anl heavy; Southern flour moderately active common to lair extaa 5 60 @5 65, good to choice 6 750710. Whmt jailo towerandactive busines*. mafnly in Ao xred; No 2 winter red 111®111%. Corn %i% l°wer: moderate export and home trade; ungraded 43 a45 Coffee quiet and steady; no in cargoes quoted atll%al4%. do in job lotaU%al6%. BU] gar very firm but moderate buyiiera; fair ti good ro fining quoted at «@6%; prune 7; re j Uned firm; svandard A 8%aS%, granulated and powderedS%*%.cruihedb%. Molasses duUand Snchragto. Rice firm and fairly artfTO inqmry. Ro.iu dull at 127%. Turpentine dall at 2«>4*%. Pork a shade easier »nd moderately,active; new extra 3 00: taffiy 4 00@510: - fancy 5 iS®S 00; patent 6 S0&100. Wbeat quiet; redandamber 93a9d. Corn steady. I We hope he may be found. Powder j. Druggists b**P It- these eggs hatoh young bugs, wbioh suck tbs leaves of the plant, through all their ohacoes, and continue the same fcoJ, even when they have attained wings and maturity of growth. Remedy—Hand pioking is the only remedy. Rain. Aheavy andeostinned rain visit’d tha city yesterday. The water ojmmincod falling about eleven o’clock, aad ojniin- md.with varying violence! early three -, , hints. It was estimated tiuttso ino’ 0) * %yheat in good deraaul at 94tl 0L, Com In good Of water fell in the oily. * -tdemtndal40%ail. Oat*easicra.-5aJ3fornew, •houllers S 57%. clear rib 4 63%. clear tides 6 00. Rsccn scare3 ted firm: shoulders 4%; dear ribs 3, cleir«:des5% Sugar-cured hami 9%@1L Whis- ^\ii3cnf*AXi — Flour steady; family 4 60^575 BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF BALES. YX/ ILL be sold beture the court house door in F> tha city oi Macon during the legal hours of .ale on the first Tuesday in August next the following property, to wit: Tho northwest part of lot No 7 in square No Situated in tha city of Macon. B'bb county, Gs,os Wharf street and witha dwelling there on uc npied by Jeff F Lone. Levied on as the property of J F Loug to xatisfy a 6 fa issued rom Justice Court 716th D strict, G M, in favor cf N Bllssvs J P Long Property pointod out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by a constab’e. Also at the tame time and p'ace all that body of land known as the New Park, m tbe city cf Macon, Bibb county, Ga. fronting on Be.entb street, beginning st a point on Keventh street denoted by a fence divining sail New Park from Cm ral City Park and running along (aid Seventh meet to Popli- street, thence parallel with the lice cf tbe Mr con and Augusta ralioad tea point where said dividing-fence again meet* tho fence of Central City Park, thence up the line of said division fence to the starling point; said New Park containing 95 a res. more or less. Levied on as the property of the City of Macon to satisfy three fiiaa issu'd from Justice Court 7iC:b District, G M in favor of James Hunter, Agt. vs tha Major and Council of the City of Macon, and fix fi fas in favor er Peter Solomon vs ssme defendant. Property pointed out by plsintiffs’ attorney and 1ui8'*w4w GEO F CHERRY, Sheriff. nuRivlA, JlHPik COUNTS.—Whereas John W Grubbs, administrator of Temper ance Cheer, den asrd, applies to me for di-mis sion from his administration. This is therefore to cite aU persons concerned show cause at this office on or by the flr«t Monday in October next, if any they ran, why tho same shall not be granted. Witness my official sigLatnre, this 3d day of Jnly, 1879. iul6 lowgm* P A SWANSON. Ord’y. G EORGIA BLBBCOUNTX —Whereas V*il- LamS Holt and John E Jones, almin istrator on the estate of James Pern, late of said county, deceifed, has made applica tion for leave to sell all the real aud personal property belonging to said estate Tn- se are theretore to ate and admonish aU persons concerned to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in Augur t next, to show cause, if any they have, by fai ' appiiration *hould not be granted. Witness m, hand officially. July eth.^e. Jnl6 lawtar Quinary. EOSGIA, BIBB COUNIY.-Whereas tito H Love, guardian of Bliza R Lowe, now lEliza B Roberts, has made application for let ters of disrnis ion from raid guarditnebip. ■ These are therefore to cite and admonish all Irsous concerned to be and appear at the Kurt of Ordinary of saidconnty on the first Monday in September next to show ranse. it any thej hive, why letters, of dismissioc should not be granted to applicant, ■Witness my hand officially. June 2d, 167B. |un3Uw4w J 4 McMANUAOrdinary. G* KOSGlA JASPER COUNTY.- Wherers ' Mrs Mary A B Pern has applied for letters administration on the t state of William C Penn, deceased. . .... This is therefore to give notice to all persons concerned to file their objection*, if any they have, withirrthe time prescribed by taw. else letters will be granted the anp leant as applied tor' n the first Mondiy in August, 1879. June 19th, 1579. F M SWANSON Jun2I lawlw*O-dinar VfTxlKRRAS James W Turk, guardian for yY Walter P Godard, applies to me for dis- mikslon. These are to cite and admouith all persozs con cerned to show cause at this office on the first Monday in September cext. if any they have, why he shall aot be discharged therefrom. Given under “^‘lANDT ROSS. Ordinal*. Ordinary’s Offico, Jonee county, Georgi*. July 23.1179. julMtdpd Southern Female CeReie, La Grange, Ga., With a faculty of nine thorough teachers, fine bull-lings and a complete outfit for all depart ments, literary, musioandart, offers the high est advantage* at tbe lowest charges Nearly double ths usual time devoted to mus;p and art, henot the wonderful progres* hero. Awstcata logue numbers 83 in musio. Bowl, literary tui tion and drawing per annum $ 107: sagswltlt music SS51 Oorre»p®i!»nce invited. Write for Csta'ogue for full paiticalari. $777 aa^^azrvo a. KEY Augusta, Maine. SI 12 J%HALAKY. Permanent «aie«n#% £■ ■■ wiGWxi U> icil Staple 0*-jd« U> deal- (Htentes Pork firmer at 8 75. krinjA cmremt make ribs 49ofcYcar sides"5“ 12T' Whisky in fair deinand and steady »t 105, Hoge steady: paoktag 3 4Ua weak anl tower: No 1 Chicago spring 98% cwh. S-s&fi&ssSfifssrsmte lard dull an-1 a shace closing’at inside prices; 825 fowerat 56085 62% each an* August,5 67%a570 Houtcmber. Bulk meats steady; thooklera 345. fhSrtribs 440. sh-rt dear 470. Mhhky steady and unchanged. HATAL STORES WixwntMOZ-BpmM turpentine firm at 25% Resin steady at 10*% lor strained, 107%forgood strained. Crude turpentine steady at 1 Od tor hard; 175 'or yellew dip; 2 25 for virgin, T»r 6rm at 102% MARINE NEWS NEW YORK—Arrived-Westbourne, Hcrdon ^^nive^out-Bunetta, Atlas, Erin Sumatra Chicago Darkrlfl, Closing qnot«tions furnished daily by FLEMING D. ilNibEY Grain at.d Provisiun*. CLCS-rr, AT 2 30. O R Sides auk-. st4 tt %, September 417% Pork—August 8S5, ©ptcabrrSSS. Wheat-August89% bid. G eorgia, biba cuuaxx.—\vne.ea* Jonu J Gresham, executor of tbe estate ot Leroy M. Wiley, represents to the court In bis petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered Leroy M Wiley’s estate. This is thf-refore to cite au persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to snow cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be dis charged from his executorship and receive let ters of dismission cn ths first Monday in An- ^Witnefs"mv hand and official signature. may6 lawSm J 4 McM VVUS. Ordinnw LIBEL. FUR DIVORCE. RPARKER, "1 Like! for divorce-Rnle vs [-p-Tfect set vice—Bi'uh 8 C, Oct OATO PARKER J Adjourned Term. 1878. It appearing to the Couit by the retnra ol the Sheriff that defendant does not reside in this oonnty, and it farther appearing that he docs not reside in the Stale of G eorgia: It is ordered that said defendant appear and answer said suit at the next term of this court or be con sidered in default. It is further ordered that semco of this rule bs made on said defendant by nufelication in the Telegraph and Messenger once month for foar months. T J SIMMONS. J 8 C M C. By the Conrt: . A true eitract from the minute* of Bibb supe rior Court this January 20th. 1879. ian»4.„lam4m a b ko* 8 d<—» LORD 6 TAYLOR, NEW_YORK. Opening Spring Display OP NEW DRY GOODS. T7E CAN POSITIVELY ASSERT THAT AT^O PERIOD HAVE WE DISPLAYED AN ASSORT MENT OK DRY GOODS SO ADEQUATE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OK THE PUBLIC OR JlT PRICES 83 ADAPTED TO THE NECESSITIES OF ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. SILKS. Our BLACK SILKS contain the wetl-knewn brands ot Bonnet, Fonson, Taplssicr. Gclnet, Bl- rare, anil other equally- prominent manofactam*. The Lcril A Taylor FAMILY SILK.enJcysarepn- ution lot universal excellence that U uniur- ^ Our^ American Cachemlre UTDESTBUCTIBLE BLACK SILK lastly claims earneit attention, being equal to tho b^st ot .r^!co inar.uiarfur*®t half the cost EVERY YARD WARRANTED.* . In COLORED SILKS our woll-sclcclcd lUjck if offered at price* that cannot bo undersold. Also, — ' v COLORED AND BLACK SILK DAM ASSES, jam- bracing tbe rarest irems of tbe European or American Markets. In SUMMER SILKS «nd FOULARDS we tier® everythin* that i« new and benutUoL. DRESS GOODS* Novelties in Cachcmeres, Suitlnas, Debeices, and the standard cloths, in splendid variety. Aud, ••Anderson*!” Scotch Zephyrs, nrlnted cotton Dress Goods, Uomle Cloths, Cotelices, Percalss. Cheviots, Ac., with every grade to be found t& a flrsVcIass establishment ^ Shawls, Cloaks, and Wrajg. Thi* department maintain* its anpremaoy. and ahowt tbe best productions from the European Onr Cloaks and Sacqnesare cut and made by men tailors, therefore styls and fit are guaranteed. . > Suits and Costumes. ■■ Onr SUITS and COSTUMES fully sustain-that - proeminence 10 juatly eaubliahed. and always “ represent the laUst atyles aad fasbion*. d ladies’ and Chilton’s Mergarneits. g Superb assortment of fine French hand-made I UMJEItWEAR, comprising every requidte tor a-* lady’s vrardrobo. Also, chUdren 1 * suiu for every ure and size. " - - » Our Infants’ Furnishing Department i« thor oughly equipped. Complete Wardrobes as town* 535; better goods In proportion. Any article In the Wururobe at list price; realty cheaper than tt* home-made arttcle, and much more, safisfac- Hosiery, Gloves, A HandhefeMefe. The laraiit, rarest, and most unique French novelties In the elty. Also, the mrdtum grade a of here for ladies and children at very moderate *Ladlea’. mtares’. and children’s Ud. cloth, trad Lisle Thread Gloves of too best manufacture,In all the newest shades to match any dress material. A superior selection of plain hemmed linen, nd all linen hemstitched, amt *coliqpcd Handker chiefs. Also, embroidered Silt Handkerchief* unsurpassed in bsauty or color. RXBSOZffS. All tbo choico grades, containing every color and shade Known. Frcsli additions daily. Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Everv possible requisite fora gonUeman’* ontat. First-lass and medium grades of c usual reasonable prices. Qaality. style. prominent featores of this department. Soots and Shoes. For tpriD-i and summer, for Ladies, Hi?ses.'and Cliildrcn. Ctotli top. low button shoes, toe novelty of the reason, 66 SO; gennlro k:d walking boots, F3.73. Low ahoesfrom S2 to$5; flna quality Up pers from $LK> to 22.50: lllfres’ best pebble goat, worked buttonholes, $2; Children's hand made, spring 'v~t, button boots, 5L00; Infants' shoe*.all Bovs’* and" Tenths’ French calf button boota. 32.75, and a good, durable laced shoe 91.95. S9* Oar coeds ore all flrst-elaa*. We a-.l all orders exnctty nnd to the Interest of purchasers, guarantee all purchases to be satisfactory to buyers, nnS-umod ready to remedy all error*. He tsvtle orders, convinced that a first trial will luanre e. tho regular custom hereafter. All orders Ter Goods to be accompa nied by tho money: or, where parties wlah. Good* will bo scut by express. C. O. D. Where tbe remittance Is taa larce, wc always return the difference. Broadway find Twentieth Bt\/ grand, Chmtie, and Forsyth, I. V. e yBORGIA. JONES •••OUXTY.—Wnerea* yy Mis L V Farrar, sdm n.stratrix estate o! Samuel M Farrar, debased applies to me for dismission. These are to cite all person 1 concerned to show caus.\ if any they bare, at this court on the fimt Monday in November next why the sume shall not be granted. Witness my hand offie!*Ilv. jillStd* ROLaND T ROUS. Ordinary. CORDED CYCLOPEDIA. Rarest opportunity for making mon?y is now offered to general agents and canvassers in the South on ths exstedmuly useful - nd tow-prieed book LOCO np, double column. 700 engravings. 10. double-page color,d maps. <mlv $5 a copy For terms nud territory a-hires. T SLLWOO ZELL. D CVI» t C< »■ iMiila-iclnhia mar7w4t LlBKL Fun. UiVuadK A U TAYLOK.') Wff TAYLORJ It apprariog to the Court by the 1 Sheriff that tha defendant does n F.iairurs ell JA.SPES SHERIFFS SALE. W ILL be soli bifore the court house in the town of Monticollo on the first Tu -tdaa August next, between the ’mra hours o! eaie,one hundred and fifty acresotland, more or less, lying and being in Jasper county, G«,*dioininc lands of Mrs J B Graves, Ruby Jordan and others, and known as that portion of the planta tion of T M Jordan, deceased, ailol ted to Mrs R O Yentfeo in the division of the estate ot said decerned. Levied upon a* the property of T H Menefos under and by virture of a fi f* from Campbell County Court ia favor of R P S Kim- bro A Go, vs J C Carlton and T H Mer.e’ee. and otherfi las in my hands. Property pointed out bv pHintiff’s attorney and written notice of this lew served upon T H Menetee. Tnis May 26ih. 1879- W B GRUBBS, juiySlw Sheriff To bibb Snp-rior Oourt, April Terra, 1678. >return ofthe not reride in Bibb county, and it further app-aring that he does not resile in tnis State, end it further ap pearing that service has not been perfected in accordance with a rule lrom this Court granted November 15th, ,878. It is on motion ordered that said defendant answer said libel at tbe October Term. 1879. «f thi* court, or that said cause be considered-in default and libellant allowed tu proceed. Or dered farther «hat service be p^fected dj pub lication in th* Tekgr»ph end Messssgsroccsa month for four months. By theCourt: JOHN L UARDBWAN. Libellant’s Attorney. 7 hia June 21th. 1879. A truH eitract from th- minutes of Bibb Su perior Court, this 241 h June. *187*. jun251am4m A B BOSS Clerk. New Carriage Factory. KENT & GREENE —Manufacturers of and Dealers LIBEL FOtt DIVORCE. Clemmie Corbett vs Charles Corbett—Libel for Divorce—Jasper Superior Court, April Term, Itoppearing to thec^urt by the return of the sheriff that the detenJant is not to be found in the oonnty; and it being further shown that he does not reside in tho .-tate. Therefore, it is or dered that service be perfected by publication n the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, pub- i.hed in Maocn, Ga, once a month for the space ol four mo.-ths before the neit term of this court. May 2d, 1879. By the Court: O W JORDAN, laat tanlm"Plaintiff'* Aitcrn I- 'IfU,— fiSMBl o A GOOD PLAN Anybody can learn to make money rap'dly oper ating in Storks by the “Two Unerring Rule* for Success.” in Mesara T-awrence * Co’e new Cirou- ar* The combination method, which this firm has made so successful, enables people with large orimall means to reap all the benefits of largest capital and best skill. Thousands of or ders, in various sums, are reeled Into one vast amount and co- operated a* a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advantages ot the Largest operator. Immense profits are divided monthly. Any amount, from $5 to3V000 or more, ran lie used successfully. New York Baptist Weekly. September 26.1878, says: “By tbe combination syitem $15 would make $, 5, or 8 per cent; $50 pays $350, or 7.per cent: $100 makes $1,000, or 10 per cent on the stock dune g tho month, aeoording to t-e market.’ Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, Juno 29th: “The combination method of operating stocks is the most sucaestful ever adopted.” Ijew York In dependent, 8ept, 12th: “The combination sys tem is founded upon correct business principles, aud no person need, be without an income while it is kept working by Jlessn Lawrtr ce A Co.” Brooklyn Journal. April 29th: “Onr editor made a net profit of S1QI25 from $20 in one of Messrs Lawrence A Co’s combinations ” New circular (mailed free) explains everything, Stocks and bonds wanted. Gover - uent bonds supplied. Lawrence A Co, Banxeis, 67 Kxchacge Flora New York. • —• NOTIOB. We have the LARGEST and be 1 selling Stationery Package in the world. Itccntains 18 sheets o! Paper, 18 Envelopes, Pencil, Penholder. Golden Pen, and a piece of valuable Jewelry, Complete sample package, with elegant gold store Sleeve Butto s. Set Gold-plated Btuds, Bngraved Goto u-atea Rieg, and a Ladies’ Fa*b.o -.hie Fsne' •wt, Pin ana Props, postpa.d wenL t th *.-es with A-sorted Jowel-y $. “• PLBN L-I> ‘A'4_CH iND OF kIN FR«S V- * '*1 A50 XuRTR OF GOODS YOU BUY. o.ri d;n ” tndu.-ements to Agouts BdlDUi ri • • -f - 2 BroK-lwcy,:* Carriages, Buggies, Wagons. Our Shops on Poplar Street, next (loot to Stew art’s 8table*. Are supplied with a full stock of the choicest materials, and wa have n our employ the Best mechanics in Georgia. Wc wfil mahe nothing but tho very best work, aim at pri.-es within the reach ofalL The manufacturing d-psrtmeBtss in charge of TS Greene, late oi Freeman‘_3: Greene, who will he glad to wait on a’.! his old customers. The best hand made hsrneas always onhand. Rapsiringof allktnds will have rare- fnl attention. Prices low. We will occupy Jbe old carnage stand. Good. Small A Co. as a sale room on 1 ictober 1st. All work warranted. Macon. Auvnet 22.1878 uswfim bUKGia; JO.^fSCOUNTY.— Where**Ga- brid B Roberts admoi-trstb’--nth. estate of Joseph G Stiles, decea-ed. applies to me tor di-mi-rion from *»id estate. These ar* to cite all perrons concerned to show cause, il ary they have, st the November Term of this court why tho same ehntl not be granted, . . _ . „ Gitcn under my hand officially. lullstd»RouANUT RUSH,Ordinary, NOriCEFOK LEaVE FO nKLL LAND SORGIA. JONkS COUNTY—Kwr wseti ' afterdate I willapp'v to the Court of Or- dinary of Junes County for au order to cell all Ihe real estate of William C., ry. dic. a.o t, situ ate in this county and known as tbo Mary C Upery dower. July ltth.1879 jall31»w8w* 8KTft :QWf,K■ BUltQls, B1HB 060: 1. Aflm'r. G K 0 dy Sweeny, »Jmin!-;r«v>rcn tin • state ot Michael Roan, 1ste of said oountv.d--oeased,ap. plies for leave to sell all the rail andperao al estate belonging to saidestste. This is therefore to -t. ani adiuouiah al persons conoernod to be and appear at theCourt of Ordinarv of said county on ;.u- first tloaday in Julv next 'to show cause if auv they hive, why said appHca’ioa should not .,0 gr-nted. ■Witness my hand offiriatt* lunS law4w JAMcMaNU.-.. Vdinarv. KOR'iLA. JUNES bdlMU'i.-Io raah ad mtui3trator execut:. .2:2 who startle to ..dod and a as direct- Gr are required by law to mat Jon-vt Court of Ordinarv—Greelin You and each of you * _ required to make your auuuai rctun.aas dir* ed by l-.w between this *d llio fr*t Moaday next Julv. In default th-rcof uttif by the court will be ta"ke--ur. 10 ” 1 rhemes And to those who have fnit.ii tu make return at last J u'.y tern*, a* r- q n -.-a l by li», notice i given that action will :>- hr theeourt to enter judgment og>i-st th-”n 1 on bond for 8-ichd.-r-.ult an-i f legally a-roounteu I llrtrrel tbit th r ’ f r-> h and V. -ree- id their sureties lor all money* n oaoliseod Iff the ' aMi months. »> a-t’l, 25,1879, N!> T ROSS, Oftinarv.