Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, August 05, 1879, Image 7

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gy telegraph. s^T^roir, Vt., Angnat 2.—In re- B ff 0 T8«wnade tendered Postmsater KSfrtt Key. h8t ni 8 bt * ba eaid . : u “ My GeB8 £i-Oa behilf of those with me f»l £ , a3l "' v owa behalf. I pinoerely thank «•* oD t 5o not take this compliment to ,0 «n to mnoh a compliment to myself, ^ n ltT ,o me, ae to a representative tee great Executive Depart- Sta of the Government. I also take it ®'3 one coming to the North from f’rtVf'CoMtitaUoa and obey the laws JS, under it. [Loud applauBe ] “i,Lome aa far north as this rarely. This i.tM second time I have had opportnnny ? ««-.omeihing of 7ermont. Two years t-unding the osntennlal oelebration *f*he batUe of B#nmo„.'on, I visited . me pirti of your State, but th.a is the Eft time I have ever viaited your beau- ci y. which U a credit to your not my pnrposs to make a speech. I an only making a tour as a private elu- r »ther thaa aa public offloer. I have fp.„ willing to gratify what I conceived to Sfapitijo*** 1 ® o<» fi « w5t y t0 * a ° tb0 p ° 35 : General of the United Stales, and ? n . wishing you all health, prosperity «J happiness I bid yon goodaight. (A.p- ^Col.vasxiSOPi.B.August 2—Sir British ifondais have arrived in Besika Biy. August 2 -The Italian Minister of the Inteuor has addressed a circular ?! prefects enjoining them to watoh ua- eissingly all persona known as inatiga tars of demonstrations and disorders, lad above all to present any demon3tra- “n of the JlaUa /rredenta part/. Losdom. Angnat 2 -A Madrid dispatch to Bsutei’* Telegram Company sayathe powder magazine at Darango exploded, vnjing fourteen persons. * lh! miners of Warwickshire at a man meenng declared that the award of the mnpuo in the d spute between thore- an d the mviurs means starvation. Gatvi xj*. August 2.—A special to Vmj from Ban Antonio says tbo Mexiooo Oonsulate here has advioas fomOol. V«.- & t CQ'ipedaros De Lt N=uva, Mexi- eo that he hat pursued three bands of Nascilero end L’.ps»n Indians, whion hire bean raiding in that country. They cariieJ off 250 horses and killed 15 per sons within a week in jI;xiou, end oioia- ed the K o Grande i r t> Texas. BiLiFaX, N. S., August 2.—The steam- erLiH-'-fcaw. from N w York for Belfast, pat into St. John, N. P.. on Sunday laet, disabled in consequence of a coil of haw- itrhavioz got round her shaft, watch ntardtd the ship’s headway. The ob- itructi'in was removed and the vessel proieid d on Tuesday. The rofg'sttete nnd policemen seat r c , m Sr. Joan, N. P, to S*. Mtrj’s B .j UBO’eitd in xe.oteriug a considerable aaoimt of property* stolen from the week of the steamer Burgos. The news from the Labrador fisheries toTaerdiy last was very favorable. A schooner from B uringtoa ran dow a pilot boat yesteiday in a fog ctf: l harbor, and dismasted her. The seven men on the p lot boat had a narrow es cape from drowning. Evan Morris, of Piiubarg, has challenged Warren Smith, of Halifax, to a sculling race in Bedford Ba=in for $1,000 a aide, distance five miles. Morris was lately defeats 1 by Smith in a three mile re te cn Silver Lake, Massachusetts. The Halifax Bowing Aesociition will meet shortly to consider tbo challenge. Nxw Yobs, August 2.—Mr. P. S. Davis, of Memphis, now here, received the fol lowing from Dr. B. W. Mitchell of the National Board of Health: Mkkpbi*, August 1.—To P. S. Davit: Just arrived from Nashville. Nine csseB and fonr deaths here yesterday. Do not look for a large increase in tne number, of cases in any one day. If we can get people into canvas we mey stop it entirely. Tae colored people are giving trouble. They do not want to go into canvas. We will need help before long to feed the hungry. It will not bo safe return hers before cold weather. [Signed.] B. W. Mitchell. A private dieuatch from Memphis to- d»y reporta thirteen c 'is and four deaths since jesterdnv. SiBiTooa, August 2.—The first race, a mile dash, was won by Bramble. Ori- role was second and Gabriel third. Time 1.44 j. Memphis, August 2.—Six new oases were reported to the Board of Health this morning. Two deaths have occur red eiuce last night. Miss Eudora I. Athy, daughter of Caief of Police Athy, died at B.leigb, ten miles north of Mem- phis, this morning. Her mother’s condi tion is not the most favorable. Benja min Alams, whose death is also record ed, had a lyp cal case of fever last year, which explodes the theory of immunity from a second attack. Colonel Cameron has quietly collected all the armsandammunition from thognn stores and placed the same in the arsenal at the e' atwn bouse. Toe last passenger train on the Louis ville and NasLviiie Bulroad left last night. No mails wero received by that route tb'S morni g. The fever will be declared epidemic to-night. Ldnd:n, Angast 2.—Begarding the etkumsnt that oholera is raging among tne troops retaining to India from Af ghanistan, nnd that tho Tenth Hassars ind Seventeenth Foot bed Buffered seii- ens laeses by the epidemic, a d apatch from Simla to tne Hooters tc-day stye, ’there has been no cholera nmong the Bna-tra for 6tvsn weeks, nor recently among the 17ih foot, tnongh both regi ments suffered from cholera when ’hey veto in Peshawar Valley.” fr:TH, August 2 —it is officially an- zonco.d that the Emperor of Austria has tooeptel the resignation of Connt Z'oby, ore cf the Hungarian Secretaries cf Sta* wio is accused of corruption in the con- traent of decorations. Bsbliw, August 2.— An Imperial de cree has been pnbliihed, directing that the new law relative to the admlmatra- toaof Alsace-Lorraine shall come into force on the 1st of October next. jSm Fbahckco, Angnat 2.—The Ga.lio craved from Hong Hong and Yokohoma *iih inttl igenoa that the revival of the Sewaid sffair in Coogrees excites disour- lion. The copaUr feeling la strongly ex- inwl against the return of the Minister while criminal charges against him exist. His friends declare great confidence in Reports are current tn Pektnof the Gov- *!Hie A's dt tirm niton to resist the Kus- tua i dvances in ths distriot of Eslee at ‘llhszuds. Preparatioas are said to bo in piogreis for tho transferring of a large Put of the army about Pekin to the ex- treme w«t. VoK.Haua, Jaly 17.—The flasno al tiodition of Japan 13 shown by ‘be budget to be in a thoroughly healthy condition, alihongi. the necessity for increased revenue in comieg years is frankly avowed. Tnere is considerabls excitement in cooseqaence of the British Minister’s in ter:«BUca with the Japanese quaraitine wgnlations. Cholera prevails in the •onto of the Empire, and a stnot quaran tine has been ordered for Yokohama. The American Minister has ordered Americans to comply with the regulations. The British Minister asserts the right to break the quarantine* Tho German Minister supports him. AH other diplo matic representatives are indifferent, ex- eept the Bussian Minister, who sides with the United States Minister. The reception to ex-President Grsnt in Tokio is unprecedented in Japanese h:s- *wy. In addition to the demonstrations by the Government, the oitizenB have given lavish entertainments on a sump toons scale. Every day and night there w ere fresh novelties for his diversion. General Grant had an audience with the Emperor on July 4th. His Majesty, al luding happily to the coincidence of the date, said the sole obstacle to harmony was caused by the demeanor of the Eng lish cfflsials, who persistently keep aloof from General Grant, tad decline to give BilutM or recognition. General Grant, after visiting the various points, wiU sail for Yezo. He will start tor America the last week in August. Vhbsailles, August 2.—Premier Wad- diueton to-day read a decree in the Sen ate and Chamber of Deputies prorog aa- ing the session, to reassemble in Pans on the 25th of November or the 1st of De cember. Previous to the prorogation the President of the tariff committee stated that the tariff might be discussed and Voted before the ead of the year. The members of the ministry* Senators ana deputies,M. Jules Simon and many other distinguished persons have left here for Nancy to participate In the ceremony of unveiling the statue of M. Thiers. London, Aogu it [2.—Wilbur P. Bay- mond, absconding agent cf Eamsey & Oo., cf 8’nica Pa'N. Y , who was be fore the Bow Street Police Court on the 26:h ultimo, charged with committing forgertupon that Aim, has been dis charged from cutfody in consequenos of a telegram from bis employeis, who de cline to proceed in the proseoution of the caso. Kiymond* wM la & consumptive, is not expeoted to live many months, and he Is anxious to return to New York. London, August 2.—The Sporting Life says, “We understand Lonllard and hia friends had five thousand pounds slaked on Parole for the Goodwood cup raoe, which tcok place on tho 31st. Easton, Penn. Angnat 2 —James Mad ison Porter, Past Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge, of Pennsylvania, d ed here this morning. Mr. Porter had attainod the highest honors in Masonry to be obtained in this country. He was son of the ex-secretary of war, James Madiscn Porter, He will be buried here Tuesday afternoon. Washington, August 2.—Bsar Admir al George B. Bale yhaa bsen appointed Superintendent of the Naval Academy ▼ice Commodore Parker, deceased. The National Board of Health received the following from Southwest Pass, Lou isiana: Pilot Town has been inspected. There is no sioknes3, nor fear of ye’ow fever entertained. There is no qn^an- tine, and disinfectants are not needed, [■Signed.] Kilpatbick. Nxw Yobk, August 2.—Car us N Chapman, second mate of the brig Salis bury, of S*. Johns, New B.aaawiok, an Neil C. Dirnetni’, sailor, of the same vessel, which tonuoed at Havana on her way hither, wexc admitted to the quar antine hosplttl oa Swinbura Island this morning, sick wita yellow ft vet. There are now five patients x-n the hospital Three large building* on Huffman Island nnder the control of the quarantine com missioners, arc in readiness for the recep tion of patients, should the disease in crease, and the hospital on Sninbutn’a Island bj found insufficient to accommo date the patients arriving. Fall Rives, Angast 2.—Tne produc tions of piiat o'otbs for tho week v 81,000 pieces against 77,000 last week Gbneva, August 2.—It is stated that the Emperor Francis Joseph, se well as the Austiian Government, has expressed his approval of the scheme for connect- ng tae Austrian and Swiss railways by i tunnel through Mount Arlbcrg—in the Baedan Alps. An Austrian engineer is now engaged in making a special study of the p’.ans of St- Gothard tunnel as an a.d in this work. London, August 2.—A Vienna ais- patoh to the Times says a telegram from Athens dated July 30;h states in consequence of the threatening move- men's of the Turks a large number of new rifles have been distributed among ♦he Greek troop3 and six new batte.ies artillery completely equipped. Pabis, August 2.—The Council Gsn- erpl of the Department of the Seine has passed a vote urging the Govern ment to promptly enquire into the practicability of making a fre3h tunnel iu the Simplon Pass. London, August 2.—The United Ser vice Gazette says the proceedings of the Court martial in the ease of Lieutenant Carey, who commanded tho expedition in which the late Prince Imperial lost his life, ha3 been quashed informally. A Berlin dispatch to the Pali Mall Gazette says: “In view of the success of the So cialists in Brealau the Government is con sidering the practicability of making the anti-Socialist law more rigorous. The leaders of the Liberals are now discuss ing a programme to unite the various sections, BbbliN, August 2.—The Government opened eight new telegraph offices in this city last week, wh : ihare fitted eLo with telephones. Ten more telephone offioea will be opened tbi3 month. Boars, August 2.—A decree has been issued imposing quarantine on vsebsIs from the United States because of the prevalence of yellow fever in that coun- Capstown, July 15.—Lord Chelmsford has resigned, and is returning to Durban. Hamilton, Ont., August 2.—Abont 10 w dook last n ; ght the dividing wall be tween Molnnis & Ferness’ block, destroy ed by the fire, fell in, and tho eastern wall facing John street, fell also. The block is a complets rnin. Tae vaults of the Baak of Hamilton were opeuedthi morning, and the contents found in per fect order. Tha colored churoh is a total lose. Shortly after 7 o’clock M-. Hen- nc-sy, with C. TowtH, Wm. O gire and John Rogers priceeilrd to open tne vaults of the Bank of Hamiltop Iu the meantime James Ivery.Wm. Seymour and John Nibbe, In the employ of the cas works, prooeeded to fix tne gas pipe in Mclnnis’ building, and, at half-past seven o’clock the wall feU with a fearful cresb. Hencessy acd his companions escaped with their IiV63. Powell being struck, Ivery and his companions were buried in the ruins, and have not yet been rescued. . Memphis. August 2.—Eight new cases were reported to the Board or Health this afternoon. 1 Among the number Dr. Moon and John Waters. Five additional deaths occurred: Mary Mulbrandon, Ma ry Lanahan, Marshal Hoskins, Charles Forbes and Julia Richmond (colored). Total number of deaths, according to the official announcement of the Board of Health, ending ending six o’dcok to night, were 41. Deaths from yellow fe ver 26; from other causes, 18. It was the purpose or the President to dedans the fever epidemic aa tho number of deaths from this disease exceed those from all causes combined, but as ft* death ra’e for the week shows a material decrease from that of the previous week, be withdraws the declaration for the present. Last week the total oomber of deaths were 71—from yellow fever 34, from other causes 33. The physlolans are sanguine tb»t the maximum death mte has been reached, and a deoraase In the number of deaths can bo exp-oted. A drenching tain fell this aftern.on. Louisville, Hr., August 2.—There were forty-four deaths in this city during the wick, one being aa iapsitod cossof •Bellow fever from Memphis. * Cincinnati, O.. August 2.—Tho Con gressional investigation was returned to day, bat nothing of Importance was elicited. Mr. B. S. Saulebury is in the North a Saratoga or the Thousand Isles, having a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Payne are on a summer jaunt through the North. • Alderman Cannon and family are at the Indian Spring. Hev. B. F. Jackson is visiting friexdi and relatives in Virginia at Petersburg. Mias Georgia Tracy is spending some time in Atlanta with Mias Jennie Ham mond. Hon. A. O. Bacon and family are at the Kimball House. Bev. O. A. Glaz-brook is viewing the Hudson River, and wfil go thence to Canada. Mr. John C. Von Syckls is enjoying himself in Northern New Jersey, and taking frequent trips to Long Branoh and New York. Mr. C. L. Bartlett and lady are *n North Georgia. Miss Fiorina Holt is tho guest of Miss DuPont in Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. Chartes Herbst is in Louisv ;1 le, with Mr. Hal Hunter. Eav. S. S. Sweet (Jack Plane) is spend ing some time in Boston and New To . Mies Ida Holt, of Vin6vi"9, is making a visit to Miss A’lec, LaPsystte, Ala. Mrs. J. JL Dobbs 13 spending a month in Greenville, South Carolina, with his sister, Mrs. Zick Dobbs. Mrs. Henry J. Lamar, Miss Fauaio and Miss Wilena Lamar are gracing the socie ty of the Indian Spring. Mr. H. E. Bees is making a short vis it to Cave Springs.' Colonel J. E. Jones' family are at White Sulphur Springs. Mr. W. B. Cox and wife, are at Baw« ley Spring, Virginia. , Mr. John T. Boifenillet, is also taking moonlight wa’k3 at Catoosa Springs. Mr. Calder B. Willingham and family 019 at New Holland. Professor and Mrs. S. P. Sandford tre spending the Sam-ner at New Holland, Professor E. A. Steed and family are at Mimmee, Georgia. Geo. A. Smith Esq, is in the West somewhere. Mrs, Charles Campbell, Miss Camp bell and Mrs. J. H. Campbell are in Marietta. Judge E, F. B t and family are in Eastern Mai y? ' u. Mrs. Jones r»d the Misses Snider ate in Marietta for ihe season. Mrs. Judge Lyon is airing Dahlon- ega. Mayor Haff’3 family p»e at Toecoa City. Dr. P. M. Kennedy end family are at White Sulphur Springs, in North Geo.- gbu Mr. E. Kiitland:and daughters are vis iting old friends in Ssybiook, Connneoti- cat. Captain J. C. Rutherford is revittfng hia old home in Athens. Mrs. B. F. Lawton and fam-ly are at Forsyth. Mr. L C. Plant has gone to Saratoga, New York. Mibb Lizzie Plant is visiting Miss Eoxie Lane in Sparta. Mrs. B. K. Hine3 is in Chailsston, South Carolina, at the residence cf Hod. W. D. Porter. Mieses Wood are in Northern New Jer 89y with relatives. Mr. Joe Bond is somewhere spending the Bummer, bat where we are unable to elate. Mr. J. M. Boardman and wife are at Old Point Comfort. Colcnsl B. B. Lewis is at Old Point Comfort. Miss Carrie Johnston is in Macon bat will return to Atlanta soon to be the guest Mrs. L. L. Abbott. Mr. W. B. Sparks and J. S. Iverson are studying the anatomy of moonlight at Saratoga. Mre. B. C. Smith, with Mr. and Mrs. Kenner, of New Orleans, are in Marietta. Catoosa ha3 been very popular with the Maconites this year. Many have been there a few days and returned. At pres ent those at the Springs from Macon are Judge T. J. Simmons and wife, Mrs. C. A. Nutting, Miss Cora Nutting, Miss Mattie and Miss Clara Nutting, Mrs. A. T Newsom, Mrs. J. W. Burke, Mis3 Leila Burke, Miss Tommie Ford, Miss Lucy Key, Miss Jessie Hardeman, Mrs. S, Waxelbaum, Mrs. J. H. Hertz, Mts < William Wolf, Mis3 Lila Landb3rg, Mrs*. M. Nussbanm, Mr. John T. Boifenillet, Joe Waxelbium, Charles M. Nutting, H. O. Spears, T. W. Ellis, E. H. Smith, B. Dub, P. J. Doody, H. W. EUwooi and G. C. Price. This does not inolude nearly all cf those who are absent at tha Springs, and we regret that the present locations of oth. era no nakuo.. jtors. In about three weeks the tido of reluming summer ab sentees wi'l fu'ly set in. At all of tho resorls they ate hav ig a very gsy time with one or two eruption*. The season has been one of exceptionable ecj >y- ment, aud the ab3en’ :es are tho envy of the etayat-homes. ABSENT MACONITES. XVhtre They Are n«d IVhut They Are Dolnjr.* It will be of interest to those of our Oil.- zsnawho have been away and hava re turned, and those who have rtmain- ed at home, to know where their absent friends are spending the sultry days of summer* The exodus this year his been large than usual, and every prominent and popular resort in the State has had some representatives from our city, while quite a number hava gone beyond the the limits of the Btate. Among them we noto the folloi , . „ . Hon. J. H. Blount and family are at the Indian Spring. Mra. F. B. White and family, Misses Bedding and Mrs. L. Ripley and children will remain in Marietta for some time. Colonel L. N. Whittle is at Sewanee, Tennessee, attending the commencement of the University of the South, of which he U a trustee. PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLiCTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. ■nJTTS' PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE. TUTT’S PILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA. TUYT’S PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. TUTT’S PILLS ;<.«E PILES. TUTT’S PILLS CURE FEVER AND AG'JL TUTT’S PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT’S PILLS Cure KIDNEY Complaint. TUTT’SPtLLS CURE TC3PID LIVER, TUTT’S PILLS IMPART APPETITE. Da. Tutt has suc ceeded In combining in these pills tho hereto fore antagonistic quali ties of a SmESaTurNO, Purgative, acd a Pc- Bipnxo Tonic. Their first apparent effect is to increase tho appetite by causing tho food to properly as similate. Thus tho sys tem Is nourished, and by their tonic action on tho digestive organs, regular and healthy o- vacuations ore pro duced. Tho rapidity with which PERSONS TAKE ‘ON FLESH while under tho indaenco of these pills, indicates their a- dantabilitv to nourish the body, hence their cflcacy in raring ner vous debility, melan choly, dyspepsia, vrast- ingc/tas muacleaslng- riahness of tho liver, (chronic constipation, 1 and imparting health li _ itu Sold everywhere. Price 23 cents. OiV»» 53 Murray Streep NFW YOKK..- Bellevue High school BEDFOBD COUNTY, VIRGINIA. On Va.&Tenn.R- R.15 Miles West of Lynchburg< A school in which young men and boys are pre* pai ed for a TJniverHty or for business. High and healthy location, fall corps of teachers, thorough instruction, liberal provision for the accommo dation and comfort of itndents. For catalogues, containing information, address W B. ABBOTT, Principal, Bellevue P O. ]nly24dAvr2m University oi Virginia- Session begins on the First oi October, and continues nine months. Anplyfor catalogues to the Secretary of the Faculty. P. O., University Virginia, Albemarle county. Virginia. JAS. F. HARKISON, Chairman of the Faculty. lul21deodXw2m ELECTRIC BELTS; A sure cure for nervous debility, Premi decay, exhaustion, etc. Thei only,reliable GircaUr* msiled f AddWU^& RgBYa Chatham 8t. W. Y fehlft ature cm© FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LATEST TELEtiimP&IC BEPORTS OFFICE TEIiEQBAPH AND MKS3BNGER August 2,1S79.-Bvranra. Cotton. KgwToxK—Cotton quiet: sales 2595; middling " P FuiS^o^eSd September JW8> October 10,t9, November 10 51* December Frt^S’closedweak';” 1 safest ^MO: August de liveraUiG-aTseplember 1119. October 10 61- B- icTerabJlo SS—37. December 10.I1-M. Jan- u\ry 10.58 -i'l. February 10.43- 50, iLrchlC.^i- m ootton dosed quiet: sales 2595; middling up. laid* 11 J£: middling Orleans UJi i‘Consolidated net receipts 6J7: experts to ftrPAt HriLiiH 15G, Fincc© ■*■* continent n i mms—llottom nominal: middling 11)6, low middling 10J6 good ordinary 10)i:net receipts ^Noissotx—Cotton Qui t, middling 11%, net rc jj'2.txiMOBR—Cotton dull; middling 11% low • ordinary 10%'- net receipts -i d p 1 Ss x’mBi-«• SSn 5, stoo 11 rAstow—Cotton doll; middling 12, low mid' dl££net receipts 93. yriBSSSSStns £7pt.-fiwM <^£dei spinner. HI. stock 71 sivorson—Cotton -—: middling-—: low middling ——. good ordinary . net receipts middling. ID lowSddling l^foodw^naw 19%. net reoeipu ? ? lMoMijt^-'Jotton iomlnah^ddlingil%.low middling 10%^oodordaar7M9<, net receipts SB, gross —* smies —, stock £lt7* Ausurax—■^SwS^ntet: middling 11%. low m^idling 11%, good orilWWJ U, leceipt* 7, bU (^abSstos—Cotton dull: middling 11%: low m igs«ng good ord^wy lML ne* .receipts —; MT. AIRY HOTEL, Mt. Airy, Georgia, The summit of the PIEDMONT AIR LINE, 83 miles from Atlanta. GRAND VIEWS. PURR MOUNTAIN AIR. MINERAL WATERS. COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS. FIRST CLASS ‘SABLE. The Mount Airy Hotel is situated in Haber sham County, Ga, npan a spar ot the Blue Ridge Mountains and npan the highest point crossed by the Piedmont Air Line, is 80 miles from At lanta. R-golar Hack Lines to Clarksville, Tal lulah Falls and Nacoochea Valley, and, when desired, to Porter Springs. Hotel open ail the year. In Atlanta buy a round triD ticket to and from MtAiry for ONE FARE. Terms, $2 per dav; $3 and $10 per week, according to room. Chit' dren and N urses half rates. M 0 WILCOX Manager. Fred H Scoleld, late oi Uplands Hotel, East man. Ga, Assistant Manager, in charge ot Office ujnSStt FINANCIAL LCXDOX—Noon—Consols, money 931-16 Erie **s**30 p m—3 per cent Rentes 8Sf and EOc. Ksw Iobx — Stocks epened strong; money 2sS; exchange, long 4 S2iv. short 4 81% State bonds dull. Government securities quiet. Money active 2%@7: exchange 4 82%a4824f government securities quic.: new 5 per cents 102?* 4% per oents 108, 4 per cents 1 US Si&*© bonds dull* __ Stacks clo3«d buoyant: Now Tork Central 1191^- Brie 23: Lake Siior© 8X IlHnoia Central s<r!raL» awA2s«s ^^^^“^455.25!; cur rency 4l.S27.42i. The wedUy statement of the AssocUtea Banks ismed from the clearing house shows the fol by inr change!—Loans iccresse$S,C97,5'iO, spe cie decrease 1275,3 0; legal tenders increase $3 887 000; deposits ncrease 311.SS7.7C0. cl-cuhttnn increase $458)0: reservo increase $214875. The banks now hold $13,814,825 In excess of the legal requirement. PRODUCE Bixtikozs—-Flour unchanged Howard Street aud Western sunerano?.00@S 50: «tra4 00®4 75; family 5 00®5 75. City Mills snperiilie 825@3 60: extra 4 25@4 75t Rio brands 615; Patapsco family 6 75, Wheat — biuthorn lowen Western lower aud weak: loutheru r.-d 103®10S; mnber 109 @Uu: No z Pennsjlvama red 111%: No a Western winter red spot and August 10S%a%. f juthein com firm and higher, Western corn @37K: Pennsylvania Stale. Eay steady; Prime to choice Pennsylvania and Maryland 15®16, Provisions lower: Pork 10 25. £ulk meats, loose, shoulders 8%. dear rib 4*4; i do packed 4% and5% Bacon ■ ihooltflilQtctearrio5%.Haas llali Lird, lefbied in tierc-s 7. Butter steady; prime to choice Western packedUQlS. Coffee quiet: »io in cargoes 11%*14%. Whisky inactive atl07%al03. Freights1 active. Nawloax—Flour in buyers favor and limited dtmind lor expert anl home use: Southern auiet and unchanged: common to fair extra 510 M5 65. good to choice 5 75&710. Wheat lower but active, ungraded winter red Sfiil 03%. NoSdo 103%at06% No 2 do 1 t9Mal 10%. Com opened firmer hut closed with advance lost;ungraded 4i a45 Coffee quiet and steady; no in cargoes quoted ntll%rlijf do in job lots ll%al8%. Su gar very firm but moderate busness; fair to good refining Quoted at pnme7: re fined steady, s'andard A 8%a5%. g.auulatcd and nowdered 8%»% crushed 8%. Molasses dull and SSKed. Klee firm ar.d ITairiy active inquiry. Ro: in dull at 127%. Turpentine firm at 25a 0. Purk in buyers favor but retire; new mess quoted mv.t 8 S0a9 25 cosh—the l itter fancy. Middles SSli; l£S clear 4%, short clear :%,longand short clear 5 20. Lard a »ha4e easier and moder- eiate business; prime steam spot 597a597%- Whiskey nominal at 1JCC%. Freights quiet. Loaimxti—Fioux quiet; extra 3 00: family 4 0^)5(OT fancy 523®8CO; patent 66007,00. Wb.-atoaiet: red and amber 93a93. Cora quiet, white 4;», mixed 40. OaU quiet; white *5,mixed S3 Pui£ quiet at 10 00. .Lard quiet; cboioe leaf m tierces 5%. in kece 8%. Balk meats quiet, shouldera 8»5 a 887%. clear rib 462%. dear aides BUS. Bacon quiet; shoulders 4: dear ribs 5, SteS ildii 8%. Bu^r-cured hams 0%@1L WhU- °- Flour quiet: family 4 60S5 75 Wlivat duH. w eak and lower at 90a95. Corn weak at S9U0. Uau quiet at 27-52 for new. Pork firm- ly held at 8 75. Lard quiet; cutreni make 6 65. bulk meats steady: shoulders S 20, short rib 4 224 at 15. clear sidoi 4 45. Bacon in good demand and firm: shoulders 8 9k clear ribs 4 85. clear aidesIS 12%. Whisky steady at X 03. flogs Steady Pa gr. i Lo*h*-Four quiet; d-mhle extra fall S 85® sSsra Afi5St!rei»s% September. Oal, nominal L? meats nominal- Bscon easy; dear nb 4%, clear “oaicaGo-Fiour quiet and weak.. Wheat dull. BMMaaB.sssittJaKs lpmbf r Pork steady and in fair demand at 815 carih 815 Auauht, 820-3 22% September. l.ard heavy and a tUide lower at 6 524 cash, 5 52%a5 65 August. 5 60 September. Hulk meats fair demand; thiulaers 840. tlwrt libs 430, ah:rt dear 400. Wbiaky steady and unchanged. NAVAL BIOSES. Wilitcnrovo*—Bpints turpenilne firm at 25% 8o«.t, steady at 102% for attained, 107% for good strained, uruda turpentine steady at l Od for S£*17S for yellow dip; *25 for virgin. Tar firm *t 102% —0— MARINE HEWS NEW YORK—Arrived—HermoJ, Weser, City of Montreal. Arrived out—g»8» p , „ Chicago Marhvts. “TBaBB^fiswSSr. Grain and Provinons. ctcsira at 2 SO. O R Sides - Sertemher 412% Pork— Septemb-r 8 CObid- Wbeat—St ptember 8j>% Corn-Sept mber 33% asked. Receipts of hogs4.0«u. Ague Cure Is a purely vegetable bitter aud powerful tonic, and is warranted a speedy and cer tain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever. Intermittent or Chill Fever.Remlttcnt Fever, Dumb Ague- Perioaical or Bflious Fever, and all malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the back and loins, and coldness of the spine and extremities, are only premoni tions of severer symptoms which termin ate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever and profuse perspiration. It is a startling fact, that quinine, ar senic, and other poisonous minerals fo.rin the basis of most of the “ Fever and Ague Preparations,” “Specifics,” “Syrups,” and “ Tonics,” in the market. The prep, arations nmdo from tlicsc mineral poisons^ although they are palatable, and may break the chill, do not cure, but leave thy malarial and their own drag poison ya tho system, producing quinism, dizzinesy. ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, amt other disorders more formidable than the disease they were intended to cure. Ayer’s Ague Cobb thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from the system, and always cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure tho most delicate pa tient; and Its crowning excellence, above its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the system as free from disease 03 before tho attack. For liver Complaints, Ayer’s Ague Cure, by direct action on the Hver and biliary apparatus, drives out tho poisons which prodneo these complaints, and stimulates the system to a vigorous, healthy condition* We warrant it when taken according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. 80X9 ST AT.T. DRUGGISTS XVSRYWBXRS. Hunt, Bankin & * rir Wholesale Agents, feb!9 TVTA.nOjNr. GA . ELECTRI0ITYI Tie Great Healiog Power FURNISHED BY HIILD«:U 8TUBIEVANT A CO. Florida Orange* and Sonthtrj Fruits and Vegetables a Spe cialty. Nxw Yoxx, July 30,1879. Wequoti ourmarket to-day : Geonria Melon*—The markrt iionrerstpcked. Georgia Peach e»—One-third bushel crates fancy $850, common *L Peslre—Bnihel «at«b Ikrtiontes, $ t CO; Bartlet t $4 50, common 43 Doled cherriea. pitted 15c .. . ... Shippers ihoulil be careful In packing to fill th’ir crates so toll that they cannot shake about aadbeeomebruisMtin transit. Peaches come better by express than by steamor, LOWEST PRICED, POOREST AND DEAREST. — HIGHEST PRICBD. BEST AND CHEAPEST. New Styles. HEW PRICES. Six 8tors, Elegant jk&SL Embossed Walnut •Civ, Ca,e * of nelr design, '--P only ...... 480 Ten Stops, 4 sett K Reeds in new style Illuminated Case only j(SS Ten 8 tops, 4 sets Reeds Mirror Top Case, with Gold * •v’,", .*• Bronte Ornaments- HASOH H ^vi5- tion, only ...$100 0VEE100.000 MADE and SOLD WINNERS OF HIGHEST HONOB8 AT ALT. WORLE'o EXHIBITIONS PoR TWELVE YEARS PAST; PASIS - 18671 VIEUNA - 1873 SiNIUfiO, 1*75 PHIL4. PA, 1876 PABIS - 1876 1 SWEDEN - 1878 Endorsed by Frans Liszt, Theodore Thorns*, Ole Boll, Gottschalk, Strauss, Warren, Morgan, and oror One Theuand eminent musicians ol Europeand America, Ibetethmony as to the immense superiority of these instruments over all others is emphatic, overwhelming and indis- putable. RENTED UNTIL PAID Foil These Organs are now onereu purchasers bv monthly installments of from $5 to $10, or will be rented until the rent pays for them. Frcm one to three years time given for payment. Special reduction given to Churches, Schools and Pastors. Agents wanted everywhere. Or gans sent on trial to any part of the South. We — alfnc‘81 Silll'tHMN WBOLKiiHH DEPOT. ' ‘ Soiuneru i or the more convenient supply at trade a Southern Wholesale Depot has been es tablished at Savannab, Ga, from which Dealers, Chnrches, Teachers, and the retail trade can be supplied at New York and Boston factory raxes. For Illustrated Catalogues, price lists and full information address LULDEN & SATES, Savannah, Ga. MaBUvaciuBxa’s Whoibsoxr Agxxxs, Authorized by the Commonwealth of Kv, “lOtHi Popular Drawing ot the Conmioswealtii Distribu tion Co, AT MACAULEY’S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on Thursday. July 31, 1879, On which occasion a GRAND CONCERT will beciven— holders of a ticket or part ol a ticket entitled to admission free. The Drawing will be supervised by men of un doubted character and standing, and ticket- holders. agents and clubs are respectfully re quested to send on representatives with proper credentials to examine into the Drawing. A Ne’sv Era in the History of Lotteries. Every ticket-holder can be bis own supervisor, call out his number and see it placed in the wheels The Management call attention to tha grant opportunity presented of obtaining, for only $2, any of THE FOLLOWING FRIZI 3. : Prize $ 86,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize... 5.000 10 Prizes $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes 500 each 10,000 100 Prize* 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes 20 each 12.000 1,000 Prizes 10 each. — 10,000 9 Prizes 800 eaih, ap'roximat'n prize* 2.700 m The Best and Cheapest Steam Engines In ljie United States can be had on application to 9 Prizes 200 each 9 Prizes 100 each Generous Prooosition !3etter than Greenbacks. One of DR FORBES’ Celebrated Beau- tiful Electro-Galvanic Belts sent to any first applicant (and only cne) in a town at nAXiF FHICE. Is Self-Applicable. Cnre3 all Nervous and Debil • tated Systems, that no other treatment ern reach, and a host of otherdiseasea. DE. lOBBES* Eiectro-GalMic BELTS 5 CURES ALL CHRONIC DISEASES RHEUMATISM? I pARALY^is*5riVER COM* AND BOWELS, NERVOUS DISEASES A SPfcOIALlA- NER VOUS EXHAUSTION, BERP0-UR1MARY DISEASES, J1AD&ER AND KIDNEY , AFFECT OSS, For SEMINAL WEAKNESS Arising from Self-Abuse. Excesses, or Dissipa tion, attended with some of the following symp- ^Spermatorrhoea, Nervous Debility, Loss of «• Memory, Indisposition to Exertion or Business, Shortness of Breath, Trembling. Troubled with Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Pains in the Back, Chest and Head, Rush of Blood to tho Head, SKIN BBUPT10N8. ETC BBOKES-DOWX, DsBII.iTATED COJTSTITCTIOSS Both Male and Femalo, and all difficult cases for which help can he obtained nowhere else, The fruit of forty yesrs experience as a s u ess. fol PHYSICIAN and long experience as a «rao titioner in Hospital and City Practice, who ha produced a System that, without destructive Drugging and DOSING, haa brought futrlh process by which Nature asserts her power to restore, and thousands who were Invalids pro nounce its Inestimable values as a Remedy bend Symplqmi and receive Diagnosis, Pamphlet, Circulars, etc. free. Add ™J’ a Q w FORBES Professor of Improved System of Medica Electricity EH f giaiKTi cnrcnrrrxii, Ohio. Beware of Imitators Bocu8 Appliances and Speculat ing Adventurers- aprSO deod&wSm 1,960 Prizes _ , ^ $112,406 Whole Tickets. $2. Hail Tickets. $1. £7 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, *100 All applications for dab rates should be made to the home office. Remit by postoffice Money Order, registered tetter, bink draft or express. Full list of draw ing published in Louisville Oourier-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-hold ers. For tickets and information address COM MON V\ fcALTH DISTRIBUTION CO, or T J Monthly, The Voice of Worship Fob ;CnoiBB, Cosvsirrross lira Eisgisg Schools. BY L. O. KMEI180N. This splendid rewbook is marly through the P’ess, and will be in great demand. Full collec tion of the best Hymn Tunes and Anthems for Choirs, numerous Glees .for Social and Class singiDg. and a good Singing School course. Its attractive contents, with the low price ($100 or O 00 par dozen), should make it the most popular ot Church Musio Books. THE TEMPLE.l§ffl?!fdo& c “; W O PBBX.H3. Will be ready in a few days. First class book for Singing Schools, with large collection of Glees and plenty of Hymn Tunes and Anthems. Price $U0 or $900 per dozen. Although Singing Classes are especially pro vided for, both tho Secular and Sacred Mus'c -onrinr it one of the best Convention and Choir bHkta . T?lir>TMT i'71 Toe new and Very favorite rAUnilZia opera, bi now ready, with werds in terse anguages, all the Music and Li bretto complete. Price $2t0 paper, $2 25 boards. DTHirnDD Price reduced to 5C eta. The rlnulUODa si me elegant edition hereto- ore so'd for a dollar. Con ple:e Words, Libretto and Music, All Toady for the stage. ‘ ' ‘ retail I Wf SEEDS. Finest Varieties now Eeady. Also Spinach and other Seeds for Pall Sow ing, Barley, Rye; Oats and Wneat will soon be ie Oar‘ TURNIP FERTILIZER should be used Evaiioratow, Cane Mills and Steam Engines, arriving dally at LEARS W. JOHNSON & CO.’S, 27 MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA GA. Send for Prlcaa.jullSdkw 8w WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Opers its 80ih Session feptember 18tb.. 1379. One of the first schools for young ladies in the United States. Climate uruxirpa^so). Sur- renniiegs ueauiifut. Attendee by pupit from Seventeen States. Strietest economy nqu'red. Among the lowest terns in the Union, TERMS-Board. Washing. Lteht*. Erg’fsb Course, Latin, French, far each ha.f o: the bebjv luiio ye*r.„. A)1 extras very low. For Catalogue address Kct W* M A fiABB IS, D D. President, julll d8Uw6t htamiton. Virginia. Any book mailed for i price. OLIVER, DITS0N & CO., Boston. O H DiTSON * CO, 843 fc’dway N T. inllO U Kentncky Military IastiWd. The school for boys and young men. Thirl _ Fifth year begins September 1st. Six miles out of Fra: ktort. Addre s Cox R D ALPS «, Supt, Famdaie, Kv.aug»w4ii G eorgia, jasper county.—Apphca tion Will bo made to the Court of Ordinary ot Jasper on tire first Monday in September next for leave to sell tho house and lot in the town of Montirello, in raid county, belonging tothaes. of Lucy B Smith, late of said county, derV for tho benefit of tho minor children ol said de ceased. Angast 1st, 1879, . 8 A FLOURNOY. sugSlawtw Adm'r of I-pcy B Smith, dee’d. Strata Female Colleie, La Grange, Ga-, With a faculty of nine thorough^ teachers, fine nplote outfit for all depart- sic and art, l iters the high- rally < and s com meats. Uterarv, must , „ est advantages at tho lowest ohargea. Nea-ly double tbs usual time devotol to musio ar.c t, hence the wouderfal p.-ogresi logue numbers 83 in mas:c. Bo*r<t. literary tui tion and drawing per arnara $197: * ,ir ®J l . t . tl music SS57- Uorrespondenr, invited. Wxito •'tfgEESXi** ""TpoSx. President. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DIS TftIBUTlON.CLASS II. ATNEW ORLEANS, TUB8DAY, AUGUST Utb, 1979-imb MON. THLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. This Institution was regularly incorporated by tho Legislrturo of the State for Educational acd Charitablo purposes, tn 1868, for the term of twenty-flvo years, to which contract the inviola ble faith ot the State is pledged with a Capital ot .000.000. to which it has since added a reserve faSdofl5150.000. IIS GRAND SINGLE NU SI- BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly cn thesccond Tussday. It never scale, orpost- pones. Look aUheJoilow^ DUtttbution: 100,009 Tickets at $2 each. Hail Tickets *1. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize..... —- .tSO.OCO 1 Capital Prize 10OC0 1 Capital Prize............... 5.000 1 Prizes of $2.5>J 6.000 5 Prizes Of 1,000 5,000 10 Prizes ot 600....M - 10.000 ICO Frixos Of 100 .... 10.000 Prizes Of CU.MM—,.- 10,000 Prizes of 20 10,000 l.OOOFrlzes ot 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300. 8 Approximation Friz: s of 200, 9 Approximation Prizes of 190.,, L857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsib’e corresponding azents wanted at all premia -r.t points, t u whom a liberal compen- ^Appllation tor'retos to clubs should only be ado to the homo office tn New Orleans. ■ Write, clearly Hating full address, fur further ir'ormalion.or eezd orders tc il A DAUPHIN, P O Box 892. New Orleans. La. All our grand extraordinary drawing; are un- derthe aaperrijijn and maaisanent of GbN G T BEAUREGARD and GEN JUBALA ARLY. ABEMTS FOR MASSEY’S EXCELSIOR COTlUB GINS, DISSTON’S CIRCULAR SAWS AND FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. CARHART & CURD. Importers and dealers in Hardware. Iron ttdjAgriralturallmplements, Carnsgellat TF yonr fancy is for a RIO COFFEE of a high, J. rich flvvor, not coated with a glutinous, farelgu vubstance alter roasting, buy none but the -ARICA." carefully^selected, roasted aud shipped iresh to the trade by Moore, Jhnklns A Co. New York. Soid in Maron by augSdiw Sm J D CARVKlt. S2S0G AIkaR. Agents waatea. Busi ness legitimate. Particulars free. SMnm J.WOaiH*e(VBVU ala. awh’ jn!8 lm dh O o-, COLUMBUS, GA. COLEMAN & NEWSOM, OOTTOJST FACTORS -—AND GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS Poplar Street, Opposite Blake’s Block, M&CSOET, ------ We most respectfully inform the Planters of Middle and Southwest Georgia that we have removed to" the Ware house formerly occupied by Audo^sou & Troutman, on Poplar Street, opposite Blake’s P T -k, where we will do & General Cotton Warehouse Business. And iu connec tion we have built a large Store House in which we will continue to sell Groceries and Provisions. We li we on hand a large and co., ilete assortment of Grocer ea and Provisions which we will sell as low as any house in Mu "on. We will always keep on hand a. large quantity o.’ Bagging and Ties to supply our Cus tomers. Our senior partner, Mr. Robert Coleman, from his long experience in handling Cotton, is perfectly familiar and we'l posted in it in all of its details. He will give his entire personal attention to the sale of all Cotton entrusted to us. Mr George W. Wright, long and favorably known to the Planters of Crawford, Houston and adjoining counties, will weigh all Cotton brought to our Warehouse. Liberal cash advances made on Cotton in Store. jy28 deodAw 8m COLEMAN & NEWSOM. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS: UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls’ and Roys’ Salts, Ladies’ Underwear, Infanta Outfits, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RUCHINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, DUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PIN3, FRINGES, NEEDLES; FANCY GOODS, Afc asm DRY GOODS BY MAH 4a Send far Samples or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can gel everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Express. We carry an average slocJuof about $Jfi0,000; all bought for prompt cash. XSFTry us, K Have the Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. £Tew Advertisements. PaIsis a Btsfsiso. It locates diseiso. Whom ever the bowels become i, regular uso Tarrant’s Seltzer Apetlc It wilt save much pain end danger. Na.-ue aoiretuccs is ro outraged bv t « burden sue fa made to carry, through the hcedlessm-M of her children, that she ap> nly rebels, aud pu: *shes Don’t neg ect the proper treatment when the sj mptoms first appt ar. Besort «o the A peri- c, and get we 1 speedily. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, lollitw •IO t G A.Utl A UO, Portland^ Maine, for best Agency Business iu Expensive Outfit Free. a* nr? a month and expenses guaranteed to I I Agents. Outfit firee, Shaw A Co, Augusts. Maine. A YEAR and expenses to agents - Address P O VICK- MERCER UNIVERSITY MACON. GA. /'VFFERS tha advantages of a healthful Ioca- vJ^tion, low rates of tuition and bo»rJ,-and (borough instruction by a fully organizad Faculty. A course of study embracing Mathematics. Natural Science, English and ether Modem Langusges, is provided for irregular students. Ihe Law School, of which Hon Clifford Ander son, John O Rutherford, Esq. and W B Hill, Esq. are the Instructors, offers peculiar advan- ^Sfo^aUT^mwillopenon Wednesday, Octo ber 1st. For Catalogue and other information address the President, Bev A J Battle, DD, ar the undersigned^ y BBAJSrllT< Pm . Jill BdeodSwAwSt sizeo HALAKY. rem*n«ns lain wanted to sell 8uple Goods to deal- peddling. bXMBMfi paid. « S,/. GRANT A COw, i 4. S * S SL. ClaciaasU, Oa $7 7 7 Outfit Free. ERY Augusta, Maine. Alvertn eient co. n y. A GENTS WANTED,—for the best and fast- r\ est selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Wees redni^d S3 percent. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. Philadelphia Pa. Bavifl. LaiM & Sods. are the most extensive growers ot GARDEN SEED tn America. Their fonr farms, comprising over ’W0 acres, situated in Pennsylvania. New Jer sey. Virginiaand Wisconsin, are OWNED OCCUPIED AND CULTIVATED BY THEMSELVES. The seeds offered are tno result of the mos careful and experienced selection^rear alter year gardeners, private families, and at who desire good seeds, should purchase Landreths’ Garden Seeds* If your merchant does not keep than write fox “““■ DAVID LANDR2TH A SONS, Philadelphia. Fa. lurreRtsa area luhed in 1584 and kept ep e k d|)ll M The wear and tear of business life makes snob f meudous drafts upon body acd mind that v. .hunt recourse to some sustaining agent they must give way nnder the pressure. To those who are breaking down, or win-ting awayirem general debilitv or affections it the liver, stom ach and the kidneys, a systematic course of the Bitters will so rem-oice the vit 1 mnetons ms to baffie a'l the assaults of dise. te and restore the system to its wonted health. For tn'e by all Druggists and respectable Dtaieis generally. QNM^to&SSS! The Brown Cotas Gin. Clcanatha 8—Abetter, EaMlIxUnCMMm and «wt» le—money than may rthea Oto to••—are tree £tct/ tnaohl— Iklly aad ts^aUg | EXECTIiOR’S SALE 03 VAlTfADLB linns IS JOSES C0P31T, I hY virtue cf tho last will aud testament of > Man In Seabrook. late deceased. I will sell ou tba first Tuesday in October ntxt, at the court house dror in tbo town ot Clinton, wilhm tha ltgsl hours of sate, five hundred acres of laud, more or lo. s, three miles esst of Clinton, known as the Seabrask place. Good lard in a goed state of cultivation, good dwelling and all oiher houses neoded, gin house and good well of Also at same time and piece 233 acres otland. more or less, one and a hslf miles of Clinton, known as the Newton place, being a part of said es Ate. This Is good, avenge laud with buildings tkoreon sufficient for farming purposes, plenty good water on both plaoes for all farming pur ports and plenty of timber. Sold for distribu tion among the heirs. Terms cash. - augs w4t JNO A JOHNSON, Executor. f* DR Forrnjease' AalDcItillA’l-l'llO bc«It fails to cure. 16 inunediaterelwf.euros j of loMEtandmA in 1 week.andorainaiT * " dm. 1' ’ • neve mncnlnes ore made ot ttre best mum mw »i ’ the work:n-':i«h!p and finish M« anexeelca *J i, been awarded premiums at afi tbs State Fairs • ;.:Cic!a. Alabama, Texas, etc., ete. 'rice f.fat of filaa. Feeders an* fwlwaw. Payable during tbvCouons i*o». !—.MBraSS V" Saw ”T 8750 I'JOUi toot tiJK I3>iU0 .tifi-OC 160.CZ -ftiW- fjEK 11376 t>.l.C0 14175 155 SO t7e.f>D ■V$f t«.(X Ml *». thlpmenv zxid j. ;>rerod xuh gw-^.a— r.l'iir fr fitUTiOK— Wrapp^onlotllei.vfllotrjjrmtKnnbUici, aJ^q^nwwvnWawMTO,—ia J&elAww—to* | B B HAIL, Agent.' Ma—i.Ga llltor* w*w (-xi-S ready jj.ij. Fptewir . , _ .. e*. :..ciuar containing tesumonliur rromi t.. irrdllve plautera who bong a: «n* —— ci h.ncs lust season J*,om 1^13 to 18** st nh.oitcttiet Gin* si' - r . '' (rforyitY audKi U.c Ar--uau.wof li.T.1 !,:•! A Co., ufterwurdf Qumo**, BnoWlsA ( .i I made what was tbeo Ein-waasthoTaylDS G. tf.r.h'g the year IS’9 wo rouiored (ofiutdbt win I,- we h ive been exciuitt-ty engaged UtoanL laehuisg Gina ever »l:uo Wttnlong«npaffenee ; tne Uvtt labor sating mochBiery anaafcCteawcrk- no i we poasoaa advaotigot not wnfoyen by at ey ot..rr nuinuficturer in our hne for producing the EEeTirork foi the lsast money. PreaN-s. Eaglnes and complete OutfitfB—lsbed When dealred. AddnSJ BK01V3 COTTO3 OIS CU., !f-w ‘