Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, August 26, 1879, Image 1

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mm@SA JOURNAL & lMESSEMUEE CL1SBY, JONES & REESE, Proprietors. The Faxilt Journal.—Naws—Politics—Literature—Agriculture—Domestic GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING Established 1826. MACOft, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26,1879. \ olume MY—NO B4i STATE LEGISLATURE. Atlanta, August 18, 1879. THE SENATE. The Senate met at 10 o’olock and w cilied 13 older by President Lester. The journal was read. Tbs special committee of three, ,bom the bill to punish tramps was fsrred, recommended its passage by sub* atitute. The Committee on Corporations aids a repoit which wa3 passed. The ioU was o all id tor the introduction of finv matter. By Mr. Kussall (by request)—A bill tc prohibit tbo sale of spirituous liquors it thir Slate after 1680, except under car ttio restriction*. Jadioiary. Mr. Tison, of the 4tb, to require plain tiffs In cases of bail In trorer, to giro - fees. Jadioiary. UOUiB BILLS ON THIRD READING. To prohibit railroads from making con tacts with employes, in which waiver of damage* is required. The Committee on the Jadioiary reported in favor of its pas- «i#h amendments. **Xh. bill was tabled temporarily. A bill to fix the fees of bailiffs in Jus tices Dourts. Passed. Yeas 26, naya 0. To make it penal for tax collectors to bold intbelr possession at one time, logger than five days, more than $5,000 collected by them. Mr. Harrison moved to amend by noting the amount $2509, The committee offered an amendment to make the time ten days instead of fire. A mesaago from the House of Repre sentatives was received. It announced to* passage of cer! ain bills, and a relnsal to concur in certain Senate amendments to the bill. The bill was laid on the table. K bill to amend the charter of the city of Atlanta. The yeas and nays were called on the passage of the bill. The jets were 32 and the nays 0. So the bill potted. A bdl to establish State depositories in various cities of this State. Recom mitted. To prevent the forfeiture of reoogni- xacee la criminal oases called out of tbo ngolarorder unless tbo State is ready for trial Passed. Yess 21. NaysO. A bill to amend section 2970 of the cods was passed. A message from the Governor an* Bounced that he had signed and ap proved a bill to cede to the United buttes certain land in the Savannah river opposite Loekapur Island. Also, a resolution to employ some one toremuve from tbo Capitol the odioua age ‘-Kimball Opera House.” A message from the Honee, inviting the Senate to a joint session for tbo re- oeption of the of Dr. Crawford \T. Long. Ttia amendment proposed b7 tha com mittee was adopted The report was •greed to. On the passage of tbe b.ll the yeas and nays were called. The yess were 24 and tbe nays were 9. So the bill received a constitutional majority. The rales were euaperd.-d and Mr. Hood submitted a report from the com* mittee of conference on tbo diffarenoea of the House and Senate on certain amendments to a b.U proscribing bow corpoiate powers may be granted. Tha bill was read and tbe report of the con* ferense committee thereon. The report wts adopted. The committee ott tnrollment made a report which was read. Tbe Senate then, on motion of Mr. Bussell, adjonrned to Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Atlanta, Angnst 18 1879. THE HOUSE net at nine o’dook, a.m. Prayer by Mr. Hicks in absence of the Chaplain. The roll was called, journal read and approved. The committee on enrollment sub* netted a report. Road. THE GPICIAL ORDER vu the consideration of the bill prohibit ing ucjaet ditcriminations in freight and piit-ecger charges. The speaker stated that as there WR3 a comber of bills on this subject before the House, the committee on Railroads bad tiered as a substitute for them all a bill consolidating the provisions of the seve- nl bills, some seven or more. That the bill offered by Mr. Rankin of Gordon, be ing tbe firet on the callendar, wonld be considered the original bill, and the consolidated bill offered by the committee, tbe substitute, and the ether bills could b« offered aa substitutes as perfeotiog the the bill on its passage. Jfc Pike, of Jackson, moved to post- June tho consideration of tbe matter un lit next Wednesday and that threo hun. fired copies of thu bill and substitute be printed. Mr. Matthews, o: Talbot, moved to tttspend the lulea end tako up tbe bill exempting certain persons from jary du- tf.inorder to consider the amendmen-.s dhred by the Senate. Tbe motion prevailed. . Tbe Senate offered to amend by mak- **i men subject to jury duty up to 65 Jews of age. Not conourred in. The Senate offered to amend by ix- J®PCog twenty-five members of each “•company in the Starc. Not concun- win. Two ameidatente to the title of the ■J* were rejected, and the action of “•Hoaae transmitted to the Senate. ' The committee on the investigation of p 5® ca of Principal Keeper of the urn tent iary, received permission to JJh fire hundred copies of their report, JM the eammittee received leave of ab- I* 86 * to attend to the matter before tiia. hlr. Dubose, of Hancock, moved to J^Pcnl the rulta to take up a bill. Not ‘tfoed to. Jilt or COUNTIES JOB NEW BUSINESS. *L Bedwlne, of Hall—A bill to ap- rjr*iate money to make a smvey cf tbe j* North Carolina and Gaor- i, Finance Committee. t -~**®ta bill to incorporate “Toe Gaines- College. Committee on corpora- Hr. Burch, or Appling—Ae lation •i 9* ® l ' ts Crosby, sheriff of said coun- Jitor oertain expenses Incurred In ad certain wild lands. iJJff-Sjra, of Tatnall—A bill to pro- 1,"" to® fia,e of liquor In said oonnty. ^ Initiation. **• call of counties being concl ed, TEE UNFINISHED BUSINESS taken np, wbioh was the consider*- Jr 3 . 0 !» bill to pay Thomas U Sneed for B>« 65r *lo** rendered the Stale in the ^TOUwsACo. matter. tt>„v otue had been in a committee of li' ’! 0 °le to consider this bill, and a mo- hso.f . bean made to disagree with the tut °* ,ba Finanoe Committee wbioh Ui i 1Tota hle ta tho passage of the bill, M , l hw state of affairs the oommittee l.,,;fP°tted progress and had asked 410 to sit again. u ijt C'ltUITTEE or THE WHOLE, j,-*'o.hili ( of Jefferson, in the eh&ir, ml" u °tchlne, of the committee, chair- t,^“°‘thePinance oommittee, spoke in ij at vt cl Us passage of the bill to pay Mr. as bid claim was an honest one maim was an i , 00 °tbe 8; ate ought to pay. jT® 8 Phtlltpi, of Cjtb, also fi ® Mew, favored the Mr. Miller, of Houston, opposed the amount demanded, which was $2,244, and proposed an amendment to pay Mr. Sneed the sum of $1,226. Lost. Mr. King, of Floyd, thought Mr. Snoed had already been paid enough. Mr. Mathews, of Talbot, was in favor of paying the claim to the foil amount, which was, after all, but three per cent, or tho amount involved and saved the State. Mr. Paine also spoks for the claim. Mr. Halsey favored the bill in fall. Mr. Yanoey moved to suspend the order of business to gat in a resolntion h r biu,. eeir relative co the picture of Dr. Craw ford W. Long. The Committee suspended business end the resolution was r6ad. The motion of Mr. Smith, of Ogle thorpe, to disagree with the report of me committee, was voted down. • The motion of Mr. Wright, of Rich mond, was voted down. Mr. Adams, of Chatham, moved that the oommittee of the whole report the bill back and ask to be releasad-from its farther consideration. Agreed to and tho oommittee co reported. IN THE HOUSE The committee having reported as above, Mr. Wright moved to table the bill. L03t. Mr. Rankin moved to indefinitely post pone, and on this motion Mr. McOarry, cf Hart, oalled for the yea3 and nays. Tho bill was sustained, and the vote stood, yeas 52, and nays 70; so the mo tion did not prevail. The question then was pat on agreeing with the report of the Fiaancs Committee, which wae favor able to the passage of the bill. Mr. Cox, of Troupe, moved to amend by inserting $1,500 instead of $2,240. Lost. Mr. Turner moved to write $1,000. Lost. Mr. Hall, of Spalding, moved to write $1,200 instead of $2,240. Mr. Cox moved co recommit to the Finance Committee. Lost. Mr. Roaoh moved to write $S00. Lost. Mr. Milner, of Bartow, moved to make the bill tbe special order of the day for Tuesday next. Lost. The previous question was then called for on the question of agreeing to the report of the committee, whioh was favor able to thepaasage of the bilL The question was put and the report of tho committee agreed to. Toe question was then put on the passage of the bill, and as it was a bill to appropriate money the yeas and nays were called by the rules. Tne vote stood yeas 63, nays 67. Lost. A meseage from the Governor an* nouncing tne Ececrtive signature to several acts and resolutions was re ceived. A meseage from the Senate announcing the passage of divers Honee bills. A resolntion by Mr. McCurry of H«t appoint by tbo Speaker a special committee of seven to investigate the office of Publio Printer of the State. Agreed to. HOUSE BILLS ON TBIBD READING. A bill to amend and act leasing the penitentiary convicts. This bill was tabled to await the report of the investi gating committee on the office of the principal keeper of the penitentiary. A bill to provide for the establishment cf county chain gangs. The committee reported favorably. The report was agreed upon and the bill passed. A bill to amend an act to creat the office of State Geologist. The committee on the Geologiosl Department report that the bill do pass. Tho bill wasenbseqaently referred to the Finance C.mmittee, which recommend chat the bill do not pass. COMMITTEE OP THE WHOLE. The bill being for an appropriation of money, the House proceeded to consider the bill m the committee of the whole, Mr. Northern, of Hancock, in tbe chair. The bill was read. Mr. Sikes moved that tha committee rise, report progress and recommend that tbe bill do not pass. Mr A Urnc, of Chatham, moved that the cou. recommend that the.bill do p its, mid supported his motion in a speech clear, forcible and full of argu ment and eloquence. Mr. Mynatfalso spoke on the bill. The committee finally rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again, without having accompliahed’anything. Mr. Yancey opposed a resolution to pre sent the names of Dr. Long and Gen. Oglethorpe to the National Art Gallery. Adopted. A message from the Senate announced that they wonld sit as a high court to try the case of W. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller General of the State,under articles of im peachment for high crimes and misde meanors, tn Tours lay, the 21at of this month. House adjourned. Caroltnn. BY TELEGRAPH. Havana, August 17.—Tho sugar mar ket has continued very dull and quota tions must be considered as nominal. Nos. 1 to 12 ds 171 to 18 rests gold per robes; Noe. 15 to 20 ds 8} to 10 reals ; classes hngar, Nos. 7 to 10, at 6} to 6} reck; Mueoavado sugar, common to fair, 61 to 61 real.; centrifugal eogar, Nos. 11 to 13, In boxes and hogsheads, 81 to 8} reals. Stock m warehouse, at Havana and Matanzis, 77.700 boxes, 625,000 bags and 33,600 hogsheads. Receipts of the week 1.250 box-"., 317 bags and 800 hogs heads. Exports during the week, 2,240 boxer, 1.750 bags and 2,823 hogsheads, including 1,300 bags and 2,200 hogs heads to the United States. Tobacco quiet. Spanish gold 220 to 220J; ex- cnango quiet and firm; on the Uoited States, 60 days, god. 10 to 10} premium; short sight, geld, 10* to 11; on London, 29} to 2L premium; uu Pans, 6 to 6} pre mium. New Yckk, August 17.—Considerable excitement was created on Staten Island last evening by tho announcement that there was a genuine caen of yellow fever in the village of Stapleton. Tha caBe wes that of a Spanish child, named Lo pez, brought up by the steamer Saratoga from Havana last Thursday. Steps were immediately taken for the removal of the patient to quarantine. General Appraiser Ketchum rende.-ed a decision yesterday in the imported vel vet coses, fcust-iiuing tbe original ad vance of twenty-five per cent, upon in voices of imported velvets, whioh the chants had declined to pay. Much di ettef action ib expressed, and tbe cases will now go to Collector Merritt for final decision. Over half a million dollars worth of imported velvets are withheld, pending the final settlement of the ques tion of duty. Franklin, La , August 17—In a diffi culty at Centreville yeaterdiy, George Parish, ward constable, was shot and in stantly killed by Louis WendalL Tne murderor was jailed. PbjVIdenc*, R. L, August 17.—The 75 hours go-as-you-please walk in this city was finished at 12 o’clock Saturday night in the presence of some thonsands of enthusiastic spectators. The first prize of J250 and a gold m.dal was award ed to Charles Harriman, of Haverbili, MossRchnseliH, who walked 283 mils*; the second prize to Alfred EUcn, of Me r iden, Connecticut, who made 274 milee. the third to J. Albert, of Philadelphia, who made 270 mileB. Newport, B. L, August 17.—Soon af ter leavlDg New York la?fc night, a wo man, named Boche, on board steamer Bristol, of tho Fall river lino, soot for botila of champagne, drank it, gave the purser of the boat a diamond necklaoe, her watob, state room key and a note ad dressed to a gentleman in Pailadelphis and then sprang overbo»' a *** drav-co. nti L»-iy was not reoavared- New Yoke, August 17.—Special/rom Cincinnati, bays the question as to the liability or non-liability of Catholio church property in thAt city for Archbishop Par- cell’s debts has bien referred by the Gttholio dignitaries in charge of the Archbishop’s affairs, to a oommittee of reference for an opinion. Tha Commii '.ea decides that if grounds were purchased and churches built with money exclusive )y raised by congregations worshipping therein, said property cannot be held li able for the Aichbishop’a personal debts even though the title stands in his per sonal name. Cumberland, Md., August 17.—At three o’oioak this morning, a Baltimore & Ohio freight engine ran into the rear of express train, No. 1, 17 miles west of this city, throwing tho engine and several cars down an embankment and instantly killing engineer Ellis MoDonald, of Mar- brosburg, West Vs. No piBBengers were injured. Memphis, Angnst 17.—Twenty-five new cases were reported to-day, one of whom is colored. Among the whites are F. H. Finnie, Waiter Fmaie, Henry Fin- nie, Charles H. Jonke, A, Eoggi, H. P. Biokett and Mre. Ella Lecong. Four deaths have occurred: F. H. Finnie, Paul Boss, John McLaughlin and Daniel . Cronin. Several additional cases of parsons stricken beyond corporation line have al so been reported, J. H. Hahn, preecriptionist at Hen son's drug store, was prostrated this af ternoon. Hon. John Johnson, Dr. B. W. Mitch ell, D. T. Porter and A. D. Longa taff re turned at midnight on a special train from eon^rence at McKenzie, Tenn. Dr. Jerome Cochran leaves for Mobile to-morrow. Edward R> Bedford died of yellow fe ver this morning at Borle Station, Tenn., 20 miles east of this city, on the Charles ton railroad. A fire eaily this morning destroyed a large brick building in the rear of How ard’s Baad, formerly used as the ice bouse. The property was valued at $6,- 000. Toe fire was of incendiary orig in. Tbe weather is dear and cool, the thermometer ranging between 62 and 76. Mrs. Julia Sammens Tobin died yes terday at Grays Springe, Ky. Vienna, August 16.—Tho Press an nounces that the Emperor will arrive at Vienna on Tuesday, and Count Acdrassy on Wednesday. The later, on his ar rival, will enbmit to the Emperor the name of statesman as his successor, who qualified to continue his policy.' No idea is entertained of reversing the policy pursued in occupying Bosnia and Herze govina. The Emperor on receiving the above nomination, will make known his decision relative to the acceptance of the resigna tion of Count Andraeay. £t. Petersburg, August 17. — The Galas announces that last night the police seized several carts conveying boxcB of gunpowder, grenades and other explosives to a small ohandlers shop in this city. large store of explosives was also found in the shop, and its proprietor was arrested. It ha3 not yet been ascertained where the powder was obtained or how it was to be employed. Belgrade, August 17.—Eight thou sand Albanians are now threatening the Servian frontier. Constantinople, August 17.—France having refused to authorize ex-Khedive Ismail Pasha to reside in Algiers tha powers have intimated to the Porte that that they do not object to his living in Constantinople. Tho Saltan, however, is opposed to having Ismail in his capi- toL Quebec, August 18.—There was no resumption of open hostilities yesterday. At tho Irieh’s ship laborers meeting Saturday night, it was resolved not to accept any reduction of wages, as asked by the French section. In both St. Patrick’s and French churches, the clergy of yesterday recom mended moderation to their congrega tions. A number of ladies remaining in Form- town have sought protection at the Cita del. The Magistrates of the city met last night to consider the position of af faire. It was agreed to call a meeting of interested parties for today. Also to gat np a movement to enforce the Clarke act in town. The arms of the companies of Quebec have been stolen at Loretta, by the people from Cape Blanc. London, Angnst 18.—Ssvere storms are reported from various quarters, caus ing much danger to crops and interrupt ing traffia. The sugar refinery of David Marlinean & Jones, No. 6 Christian Btreet, St, George’s, In Eist London, was burned on Saturday. The damage is estimated at a hundred thousand pounds. In oonseqnenoe of the storm traffic on the line of railway between Cheater and Holy Head is suspended. The viadoot at Llaudalas, Wale?, has been wash, ed away. Also some of tbe bridges. Several aewerabnvo been burst byfieBbets on the lines of tho Liverpool railway. Birkenhead is fi rnded. There have been thirty hours of continuous raia at Ches ter. In Derbyshire tho Trent and Corwent nvore nave oveifloved their bank? All low lying lands are firoded. Wheat is gradnally totting, and any crops left btending will not pay for catting. The rain at Sheffield was so violent aa to wash away the foundations of five To rsea in course cf construction. AtLur- gan Ireland, on Saturday a force of police mustermg two hundred charged on the mob with fixed bayonet?. Tne police were beaten back and twenty of their number injured. Bival mobs fired at each other with rifles. One of the lead er of tne Catholio party had some dyna mite in his possession, which exploded, injuring him, it is feared fatally- The British steamer Royal Welch from Baltimore, strock a pier when entering the harbor of Dieppe, causing a leak by which five hundred tons of her cargo of wheat has been damaged* A week’s notico of a five per cent, re daction of wages of operatives has been posted in most of the cotton mills at Staley bridge. Two hundred thonsand Bpmdles are tanning on short time and the same number are Btopped altogether, while 636,009 are working fall'time. A very general adoption of the short time system is expected this winter. In Ashton, upon Tyne, 425,000 spindle are stopped and 200,000 are working ebort time. -. _ London, August 18.—-Miss Julia ol man, opera singer, died yesterday. Cairo, August 18 —Tne Egyptian min istry formed by Cbief Pasha, on the ao- OcBjon of the present Khedive, has re signed, and another ministry, oompoaed of various pashas of whom little is known, has been formed, the Khedive holding the Presldenoy of the Ooonoil. Chxsteb, Fcnk., August 18.—William A. Todd, editor and proprietor of the Evening Ninos of this city t3 dead, t New York, August 18.—On the arrival of the steam ship "Arizona,” this morn ing, Utbrn Catlaw, an Englishman, was arrested for murder committed daring ta*# passage of the vessel. Thomas Gil more, purser, oharges that on the fif teenth, while the vessel was at sea an al tercation occurred between Catlaw and Owen Jonee, the Steward. Catlaw b tab- bed him on tbo right sid?, severing the jugular vain. Jones died in a few min- utee, and after a post mortem examina tion the bed/ was sewed np and cast into the 80s. Catlaw was arrested and kept ironed until the ship’s arrival in port. He will he taken before a U. S. Com missioner this afternoon. London, August 18—The report pub lished here of the death of Mrs. Saztoris, daughter of Gen, Grant, is declared un founded. The mistake arose from tho death of Mrs. A. T. Sartoris, formerly Adelaide Kemble. Quibzo, August 18.—All is quiet to day. The troops are still under arms. The Eighth Royal Footmen moved from Station Bick to Queen’s Wharf during tbe night The rumor that tho rioters had seized upon the arms stored at Lsvlss, ell as Loitette, is inoorreot List night iha Mayor had a consultation upon the affairs of the day with a number of Magistrates and leaders of various mill tary bodies now uuder arms. It wae deoided to request the Govern meat to phee the whole of the atty and country under the provisions of the Blake act. A meeting of those who it is thought oan influence the extreme members on either side is now being arranged. The upper town and business ponioas of the city am quiet and free from danger; none are interfered with, but those ojaneoted with the labor movement in some way or other. New Yobs. August 18—Farley Rip- son Sweet, merchant of Savannah, ua., died at the New York Hotel, Monday morning after short illness. He had come to the city on business, and had been here only six days when he died. His body will ba taken to Savannah for burial. Atlanta, August 18.—Tbo resolution presenting tbe names of Jame3 Ogle thorpe and Crawford W. Long, as rep resentatives of Georgia in tbe national gal.'ery of States, of Washington, was passed unanimously in the House to-day, asd will pass the Senate to-morrow with out dissent, and at once be signed by the governor. Carpenter’d portrait of Dr. bong w’H k " r-~“* >ua uu Btiusy lue ~Z1 lusiant, by United States Senator Gor don. Petersburg, Va., August 18.—A rail road aocidentoocntred to-day on the Sea board and Roanoke railroad, between Wataon and Portsmouth. One parson was killed and two seriously wounded. Wilmington, N. C., August 18._—A terrific storm of wind and rain visited this section early this morning. At 4 a. m. the velocity of the wind had reached sixty miles per hour. A number of shade trees were prostrated. In the city several houses and shed3 were unroofed: No lives were lost. The German barque Marie is ashore on the middle ground be tween the Rip and tbe bar. She has cat away her mainmast, fore and m'zzsn masts. There are seven feet of water in her hold. The British ship asbore above Battery Island will come off without trouble. It is feared that serious damage hes been done to the crops. Memphis, August 18.—Eight cases were reported to the Bsard of Healih up to noon, of whom six were white and two colored. Among the number are J. H. Hahn, Cordelia Atwood, Ed Freeland. W. Carroll and Mrs. Julia Zeller, Five deaths ocourred: W. C. Nelson, Arthur White, Lorentz Jallis, Elizibeth Helcher, W. C. Nelson, Alex. Franklin. The last named was colored. W. C. Nelson died five miles out on Poplar street boulevard. General John S. SUffiogton, a prominent criminal lawyer, was prostrated this morning. His case bos not yet been reported to the Board of Health. The weather is growing warmer. Provtdenoe. R. I, Angusfc 18.— Schooner Susan Stetson, of Damariscotta, Captain Hole, from Meragwani for Bos ton, arrived at Dntch Island harbor Fri day. A report having been made that she bad yellow fevor on board, Gov, Van Zaot sent Cap*. Uelville a3 health effieer to inspect the vessel, and report this morning. Cspt. Melville reports all well oa board now. The Cjp'am’a wife died at Hayti ofyrllow fever, and on the passage two seamen died of the earns disease. The vessel looks olean, and the remaining six men of the crew appear well. The ves sel will leave for Boston at the first op portunity. Lebanon, Pa., Auguet 18. — Jadge Henderson to-isy. sentenced to (’eatb four of th9 men oonvioted of the mnrder of Joseph Bobers, in Deoember lost. Ro- ber-j’ body was found in a oreek about fourteen miles above this oily, and it at first appeared that he had aooidentally been diowned, but it was subsequently aeoextalned that ho had been murdered by th9 prisoners bow under sentenoe in order to obtaiu ten thousand dollars in surance on bis life. Tne polioy for which he had been slain was assigned to them by bis wife. Weiss, one of the murder ers, ba3 mode a confession, bat it is withheld for the present by the aalhori- ties. ^Nashville, August 18.—At a oalled session or the Tennessee State Board of Health the fcllewing resolutions were adopted for the government of Memphis or other .jfecttd. pointe; "First—No person shall ba permitted to enter a town or plsos whioh is daogeroualy infeoted with yellow fever, unless tbe person has already had yellow fever, and then only after obtaining permission of the Super- intendent of qutrentin ding and all other fabrics, baggage, mail, care, depots, sewerB and drains, publio and private, and snob other things and places as it may at any time be consider ed necessary to disinfect. ' 3. Looai boards of health are expeoted to have charge, and enforoe general sani tary regulations within the limits of their reepeacive jurisdictions, and give aid and support to the Superintendent of quaran tine daring the epidemios in carrying out nuoh rules and regulations as the State board may, from rime io time, adopt. Mxmhhis, August 18.—Thirteen caseB in all were reported to-day, six of whom were colored. Two additional deaths bava occurred—Wm. Costell and Griffo Salretta. Thomas Cooke, a well known citizen was itrioken at noon, also J. C. Hock, a printer at the Appeal dBase. Mrs. Anderson and daughter are down with tbe fever four and half miles from the city on tbe Poplar street boulevard, This is the daughter of the ex.Govern- or J. 0. Jonee. The Tecneesea State Boaid of Health will to-morrow begin the isolation of dwellings where tbe yellow fever exists. Guards will be plaoed to prohibit com munication with the inmates. Dr. Jerome Coohrmne left atuooo for Mobile. London, August 18.—A dispatch to tho Time* from Calcutta says affairs in the Bumpa district in the Madras Presidency, growing ont levying of a THE OK OB til A PRESS. Mr. M. S. Corbitt, a very prominent | than that an innoeent one should suffer oitizen, informs ns that on last Sunday * would say to the hastily organized # - - - - ^ , - Mr. O. B. Mitchell, of Hawklnsville, evening he and three other parties went to ff,,° arefal! f ‘ represent Gen Cook’s district at the of ceed in person to the scene of disturban- Annapolis Naval Academy next year, he « ; hite ° b or ’ fi . e , the contagions miasma that is now weigh* (jes. This is muoh criticised, as it ia having distanced seven competitors *tfp roce I,jingdireoUy over the ourrent, np Beufa 0 Snathsh^°n b tlfv 80Ul i^* U ba ^ J considered that great harm has already the examination last week. ftreom, and, upon particular notice, dis- J cenial snnahlne^wiif to, d.n. b, . uolltt ol “tboRl C.UV.UX refenafot tbel The Standard's correspondent at Borne present year show an inoreose this over u<«h stUl passing. ‘ b3 ‘!°“ e9 ?, p . t0 finee„- ends, “A legrsphs that a dispatch hae been sent last year of $185,010. Ha^aysthey’ were flying about L telegrapl to the Papal nuuclos signed by Cardinal Nine, Pontifical Secretary of State, an nouncing that the health of the Pope is comparatively good. The Braiilian Embassy has published telegram announcing that the new Brazilian internal loan is more than twice covered by subscriptions. A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph from Vienna says quiet baa been restor ed in Macedonia. AuouiTA had a mad dog sensation Iob Saturday! whioh ended as usual in the death of the dog. says they | thick as they flying conld, in Bfronm l ble ‘” Go » ern0r Colquitt is all Of this, and BU am | w it b wb at he has behind him in the way The Augusta News sa/B chickens and I u taking the bends of the river they whiskey sell at the following prices j would all turn at one place. He says it in the mountains of North Carolina: I was about Bunaet when they got to the SS te>“ Wliat Sir*, isprisgue jusss to Say About it. Providence. (R. I.) Special to the Cincinnati Commercial. | The following is the statement of Mrs- J" t rTlTTi,. i*miles when the party left, and the etring following is , per gallon. To obtain the^ above chick- I wft8 niilmojren and still passing ae when I Senator Sprague m relation to the nn- London, August 18 —A Constantino- ens and eggs, yon have only to knock on tfa fifat eftw them . Mr. Corbitt eays in I fortunate difficulty at Narragansetfc Pier, pie dispatoh to the Reuter’s Telegram the bark ototree and theywillbebroUght J or M 8 i ne the river he caught some of them. J which else has given permission to be Company eajE: “A note of instruction to you. The “Dew is .obtained bypla-1 Theylookedentirely strange—were white, I publish ed: to the Tarkish commissioners makes no j cing a jug at the root of a tree with a I f e ifc t ar ^ aa( j resembled yonng locust*. As you must have surmised, Governor eservation in regard to the rectification ball dollar on the cork; leave it a short j As Mr . Corbitt is a hiuh-toned gentle- Sprague’s diesolute life and dissipated of the Greek frontier. Tho Tarkish am- time, go back again, and you find the man and of nadollbte a Teranty, we can hBb, ‘ 9 lon 6 8 8° Interrupted our marital bassador at Rome has informed the j * a *b gone and the jug filled. I nQ j t ba truthfulness of the state- I ’options. Though I have striven hard Porte that Signor Cairoli in conversa- Thk Augusta Chronicle figures 29.040 I men t made by him which ia also verified {b r0D 8“ nmold humiliation and pain to tion had said that Italy would support | aa the number of miles traveled each by the other parties’statements. v lh ® for °bHdren’s CT 1 ^ ^ sake, the true condition of a blighted, France relattvo to the rectification of the frontier.’ London, August 18.—Calcutta dis patch to the Times esye: "Bain in Cash mere might yet secure a rice crop equal to a hell crop. The statement made some year by the drivors on the street railway of that city—more than the distance | around the earth. The same paper eays “a prominent J Governor Colquitt Vindicates j miserable domestic life, abont a year ago Himself TrmmpnanUy in tbe I 6V : n this poor semblanco abruptly oul- Slatter of tbe Higgle Fee. ’ °. r & ie “ d “* , ., , , m I rcBu fit liftDt&fiEfit Bdscb. with who oir< Aside from any personal preferences or cam(l tauoes of which many people in time ago that there would be enough to l J wyer of that dty reoentlypaid a visit to I prejudices for or against the present Rhode Island are not unfamUiar. Tthen support the people rests upon the assump- a friend residing about three miles from j State Administration, it ; is - the duty of sought, with my little girls, the neighbor- tioc, apparently, only too well founded, I the city, on the Hilledgevilte road. Upon I Democrat to sustain it whenever it j boon ot old friends and the shelter of my that half of the inhabitants had either I entering the house he was seized by a M® and we are free to aver that so J honored father’s former home. There perished by famino or emigrated. I little black dog, who made an earnest I ^ ar no ^ a shadow of a charge has been j dwelling at least within the shadow of his A dispatch to the Standard from Vren-1 nibble at his right foot, imprinting its I proven by tho calumniators of our worthy | tomb, I felt more seoure, less unprotected, na says preparations atejmaking to enter teeth through the shoe, near his heel. I pbief Magistrate. _ I Here kindly sympathy sought meout, and Novi Bazar shortly with fifteen to twenty I The strangest part of the case is that t In Sunday’s issue we gave in the pro-j though covert malioe pointed some can- thousand men so as to extinguish all an- three years ago, August, 1876, the last I oeedings of. the House, a succino!: but I serious oommen'a, relief came, and our ticipated opposition. I time the gentleman visited the place, he f comprehensive synopsis of the Gover- I circumscribed means were adequate to New York, August 18.— Esv. Atherton I was seized about the same time, place aQr .’ a Message, in response to an inquiry J our simple snd quiet mode of life. Lshigh Powz. a distinguished clergyman j and spot by the same dog, he being tbe j which originated in that body respecting I Gov. Sprague’s irregularities having of Eoghnd, 60 years of age and possessing | only white parson the dog ever attacked/'J theappolatmant of Col. Tuggle to collect I been visited upon him by the trustee ed- a large property, was adjudged insane tm Lawrensvilln TT f rni,l nothinI certain claimB due the State of Georgia ministering his embarrassed estate, the two years ego end placed on Blackwell I . , , ... ? p I by the general government. The Gov-1 contribution towards tho maintenanoe of Island. Ha was disoharged about a year I a “ ort v-O.OOO will secure railway con-1 ernorsaya Mr. Tuggle’s mission did not i myself ard Children, without a word of afterwards as cured, and took up bis real-1 nection for that town with the Air Line I conflict with that of Hon. James A. | explanation to me was suddenly cut down denoo in this city. Saven months ago road, and that the subscriptions have now } Green. Wo extract from tho message as to a palpably inadequate sum. Even this ho disappeared from his resideuaa, snd 0 limb6d to $17 400 The same naoer re-1 ^°^ owa ; j waa remitted bnt for a few months, then since then bis eons have been searching I f;-, I He CW. O. Tuggle) proposed, and his owin £ t0 a complete rupture between all th9 principal clties of the Union in | porta tbo best oro?9 In t - e ooual y for I proposition wa3 soeepted, to investigate I ® 0T - Sprague a«d the trustee, all remit* ty-flve years. and prosecute, if found, other claims The same paper has some remarks I against the general government m be- about the Legislature, ou whioh that I half of the State, His report, herewith hope of finding him. The case was re* ported to the polios here, and deteotives aarned that a tall, elderly looking gray- haired Eaglish gentleman had been living for Bix months past in a house of questionable character at No. 145 Green street, kept by Mrs. King, spend ing money lavishly upon the inmates. J It would have been much better if the l cclaHnotb* interest on final Hattie ment J This morning they -t*red. I a"iigle I ho&Tn K* * tances ceased, and for tbe six months past no money has been contributed to wards the maintenance of his family or household by Qov. Spragae. In addition accompanied Kr ana ConsUlcufidtfWhoff considered a single curred daring the .Indian nostilities in ~ found the prodigal guest to be tbe miss- i 0CE j bi ji tba t bad nofc been introduced as 11836-7-8, and how he proceeded to collect aoa 5 , f 10 oc ing clergyman. In his examination by required by that instrument, bnt there} this hitherto unheard of claim. Aa to “ nst . look l ? “J unswering when pressed by me to way to meet thesp just demands of importunities, that “I , my powerful Washington Drs. Hardy aud Jackson, Mr. Powz said I ^e'tou manyaxea^tTgrind^an^tho 11 ©^ j the services rendered by "him in collecting I friends for aid,” and to my deep distress he wae about being married to « girl | cn p a tion of at least two-thirds of tha body I this claim for additional interest, I re« | an , 3 mortification, permitted, after long 16 years old, one of the iomateB of the woa la have been gone. Muoh valuable epectfully refer to the following letters , a bl11 f° r . carua 8°. blre for his plane, who had a fortune of fifty thousand I t; me j a wasted in long winded discussions I addressed to him by members of Con-1 ®. otbe .‘ 8 use da J 1D fT a visit to me in dollars and large estates in Virginia. I that p ro fl|; nobody. We sat in the gallery I gress, which were anbmitted tomeba- The insane clergyman will be removed to | an( j wa tched members making high I fox® _the settlement was made by me Bloomingdale Asylum by his relatives, j sounding speeches and not half a dozen —No child oan aleep'souully whilejmffer. | “ e “ bera any attention, while the ingwithOolio or from Teething. tbs cause by using Dr. Bull’s inby Syrup. Only 25 cants a battle. Bemove olerka chatted quietly and the speaker —The Gnat Doom ia sold to be reboom- rcg. —Iha shot gnu policy, since the affair at Namganeett Pier, has become more than , ever odious and intolerable to Senator Conk- { and works through a resolution putting held long conversations with friends. This coats the people abont two hundred dollars an hour. Over forty days of the adjourned session has run, and yet there is no limit to debate and the introduction of bills. That member who introduces ling. Ho cant etaod it. —Thero ia talk of a new dsily in Now York, o ho under the control Of John Bussell Young, formerly of the Tribune, and cne of Us purposes is said to bo to urge the nom ination Grant for President. —J&kutek, east Siberia, is supposed to be the coldest of towns. Prom November (o February the thermometer ranges from 42 to 68 degrees below zero, and the neighbor ing river iB solid isa for nine months of the ye»r. Yet it is a place of considerable busi- with W. O. ToggU: LETTER OX HCN. JAMES H. BLOUNT. Washington, D. C., March 10,1879. Col. W, 0. Tuggle-. Dear Sir—It affords me great pleasure to testify to your signal success under most diacouragelng circumstanoes, in se eming from Congress an appropriation of $72,000 due the State for mere than forty years. Bat for your great intelli- Washington, to be paid by tbe gentle man who had recommended to ns the stable from which tbe carriage was hired. This and other more unmanly exhibi tions have been in idenul to the past year, while the brutality of recent events, repetition of similar scenes of violence an) outrage enacted in former years, has finally driven ns from the door and filled the publio prints with a scanel too cruel to be endured without redress. Governor Sprague’s causeless off debate to five minutes ana shuts the j ge poe, industry and unwonted faith, such shameful persecution of the children'* ??,? r 0I ?.. 1 . he iutrodnoticn of any future | i,'issue would not have been reached, bills, willba a publio benefactor. I Your contract, as I am informed, gives Jabtzb county had an election for aher* j y 0Q jg p BJ . cgm, on auoh sum as you may iff last week, which brought out 726 of I recover. You have earned every dollar the sovereigns, of whom 502 of whom J o£ I trust no one will gainsay it. An intimate knowledge of your difficulties jus- [ titles me in expressing this opinion. Yours, etc., [Signed] James H. Blount. LETTER CF HON. A. H. STEPHENS. Washington, D. C., March 13,1879. preferred Mr. Jeff F. Aiken, and no he will wear his han hereafter in the conrt house. We find tha following rather perplex “fowl's foe item in the Conyers Examiner: ot WalUngford, Conn., wasmorried the other I The difficulty which occurred last week 1 ^ Tuggle, Washington, D C: evening, and while tba festivities that fol« (at Loganville, between Hunt and Kobin- j Dear sir—Allow me as * Georgian to Iowa he ceremony were at their height the J son, in which Eobin3on was seriously r ooog ratala te you cn the extraordinary bride eloped with one of her old admirers, j wounded by Hant with a knife died on [ sacoc-as of your reoenfc efforts in discover- last Friday. Hunt has bean arrested. iDg and establishiDg n balance of up. H^bowTwdls^SgtewuinNev^a! Bat what became of Robinson? Hunt j of $72,000, due our State from the stripped themselves of olotblug, held a war is accounted for and so is difficulty, bnt danos in the principal etreet, and declared , nhnni Enhfnsnn their intention to sick tbe plwe; but a party n0 ^ 8 w °™ 8bon ‘ KoblDS0D -, of mounted men drove them naked into the I The Albany News says thero oan no hillsjmd whipped them soundly. _ | longer bo any doubt but that the cater- —The Government of Moscow bis taken General Government. I epsak of this j sqooqss as extraordinary, bccimo I know [ nothing like it in ths history of onr ooun- I try. You certainly deserve the thanks of the entire people of Georgia. I am aware teacher is literally true as he tells the story, the real animus being, as confessed, Gov. Sprague’s unwillingness sub jected to the restraint at the table and in tha household observances, of the con stant presence of a gentleman. The at tempt to complicate Mr# Conkling with this affair is absurd. The two men never met, I believe—have never seen each .other. Gov. Sprague’s indeoent affront to the guest in tha house was most gross and without excuse. Mr. Martin, whom I had met in s very precarious condition of health en route for Narragansett Pier, I induced him to go to Cononohet for quiet and good nursing. He waa re moved under Gov. Sprague's threats of murder, to ba dose at the imminent risk of his life. Mr. Conkling wav, of course, nucha- scions as I that Gov. Sprague sought oc casion to enact the tragic role ot the ic- of the obstacles th3t have been raised by I jured husband, for at their last meeting, ——AAIO VS 4/ * OA AJAAAOAAW UA I 111 S ! A. J- . w . I tit IlUO UUOiaUlCS lUGS Uttf C UDUU i(M3UU f • , J . ' ; OF the extraordinary step of expelling from I P llllr *® going to do serious damage to the 0 fq 3erB 0 j the Treaanty Department, not since, Gov. Sprague had sought that city all the usurers and pawnbrokers the present cotton crop unless something against the payment of the amount j f r ° m Mr. Conkling not only legal counsel, is done to destroy them. whioh both Houses, with the sanotion of bnt Rented athis hand a favor such as were householdere of substance. They were I „ , . . I the President not onlv allowed as last only the friendliest confidence conld war- aooompanied in their exodus by * large foroe | How Long?—The Albany Advertiser a ,f e ^] a Y^i Biiaweuaa just j TiifiTa rtntirnnlnntlnn tn of military and a vast crowd of spectators. L„,v. . and right, but directed to be paid. Bat »nt. in hia determination to overthrow —TheJewish population in the United! ias tbe f°l IowiD g- I do not think these objections will prevail j Mi:. Chaffey as trustee, and nepmg to States is put down at a quarter of a million, | In a reoent issue of the Advertiser we I long. I oan but believe you will soon I j** forces with the creditor interest to and it is larger than in any other countiy, J stated, upon ths anthorily of a farmer I reach the ultimate goal to whioh your drive him from his post. Governor except Germany. Austria. Bussia and Tar- I w ho said he had marked a oolton square I efforts have been directed. Henoa my | Sprague bad carried _away from the key. The Jews in the Ua’ted States have an d thns tested the matter, that “it takes congratulations. mSf 1 “over it! the E iaore i^at thirty days from the time [Signed] Alexander H. Stephens. OW 030 cf chu-ch property. ^ v ' I it begins to bloom, the bloom thirty dayB I -letter from senator b. gobdan. —The largest bridgoia Europe will be o:m- J to develop Into a full grown boll, and an- I Washington D. C., April 22nd, 1879. pleted next year. It will oross the Volga in j other thirty days to open.' Two of our | Hon, W. 0. Tuggle: tho government of Samara, Bussia, on the I subscribers, Messrs. W. B. Fairoloth and I Dear Colonel—Yon request me to state Siberian Railroad. Ths river at the point of | Bedding Gray, who read this statement, I ; n writing wbat I know of your recent ef- calIod at onr offioeoneday this week, and I f orta a „d enterprise iu securing the pay- umbridM willbs*3 600 OOO^Twetee Dlers f convInoed ua ‘ hat 1110 faEiaar fro®- wh0B1 I ment of money due by the General Gov- 85feet h?gb,itadufanw of everyM^ wo gotourinformationdidnot knoweny ernment to Georgia on acoount of the will anpport the atinoiure- 1 moro about the growth of cotton than J Indian hostilities of 1836 7 and 8. I —Tbe Grown Prince of Germany ia notaol we editors do. Mr. Fairoloth says ce l T8r y gladly do bo. I had never heard, popular as he ought to be ( and this ia maioly I planted cotton on the 21at of Apnl last,'I as £ believe any member of Congress because, like his ancestor, Frederick the I and that he had open bolls on the first I f rom Georgia ever heard of each a claim I ot Auguot. If we allow ninety days be- unt U yon discovsred it and call- at the fools wiffi whom he U brought in con- tween tho time the squares were formed I e d attention to it In the h“bitni ex?gg^tion a?Mrato|u)ihkhaU I ftnd th ® tim « tha b°Ua commenced to L ext pi^a it was considered by every Princes or Princesses who aro not idiota are I open, then the squares must have come I on 8 I heard speak in private on the sub- intellectual phenomena, is a lady of singular I on when the cotton was only about teu I j ac t a hopeless task to undertake ita col* capacity and decision. I days old whioh, as every one knows, I jection. You oextainly have not only —The divorce suit of Bev. Newman Hall, I would be impossible. Mr. Fairoloth I m ade good your title to the per oentage of London, the eminent preacher, against j gays he has seen blooms on cotton fifty- I allowed you by your contract with the his wife, which resulted, asWctoforesUted, fi / a daya ftf tar it wae planted. He also fKnov*? you are entiOed to the says that if it took cotton fruit ninety I thanka 0 f the people of the 8tate. In days to mature there wonld bo very lit- J deed you have displayed a degree of en- tle of it .made In the country. j ergy, enterprise and ability in this mat- The Atlanta correspondent of the Ad- j ter, whioh I think has rarely been < qusll- ia a decree in hie favor, ahowed that the reverend gentleman bad very good reason for seeking the relief of the courts. Mrs Hall was never fitted for the wife of a clergy' man, and during late years has shown her* self unStted to bs the wife of any man. 8he had a habit of emokiog and drinkln her husband was absent untilw late night with a disreputable mile individual, who wss supposed tabs the proprietor of a livery stable. Within two or three years her oonduot has been worse, and she hag long oeased to be a wife in any way to the great. . preacher. 8he attempted in her defense to I pared with loet year, of $52,442. drinking ’while j vertiser suggests, in very complimentary I m the management of ®ny cose be- s P ea * el Bacc “ 88 8 8nit8bl0 Bno * tiona Mon^the jJwage of the biU and upon the passage cessor to Gov. Colquitt. I the collection of the earn appropriated, I Brooks county Is ia the dumpB. Her I am very traly yours, tax returns show a decrease thus, as com-| (Signed) John B. Gordon, From the above letters, and the sy Thomasville bad quite a respectable j nop®I* of tbe message already (.printed. foist a oouoter-charge on Dr. Hall, but it ^outiieunersat Butiioav.—A New Yoikl fire last week, which caused a* loea of 1 every candid mindmust admUthat the Tribune letter »ays among the reoent zirivrisl *2 760, j vindication of the Governor xa complete at the Grand Union and at Congress Halil ' . . p .v.f I in every respect, are on unusual number of people from the J Th * Qa«men Reporter opinee that | ^ • Southern States, NorthC&rohna, Booth Caro-1 Brooks oonnty will grow more cow peas these come in families It is believed that I year in her history, the registers at the leading hotels wUXMww I x HI3 shot oomea from the Berrien more gacate from the tfoath this yeir than | any other year sinee 1813. Baa idea those at I county Newt: the hotels, there U afoii number of Honth-1 The batoh of oirculare of tha pat- em fundie* at the bowling house*. Tnial .. ccre&ee from the South it not believed to J outside establishment at Atlanta e caused by alarm ou acoount of yellow I have arrived. We will try to utilise fever, but rather, tt U lookedupon asau | ^ ft3 wrapping paper. To tha S. N. U. we will state that when we desire to indication ef reviving prosperity in the late I Confederate States. Thsre have been very few arrivals from Mempbia or Mew Orleans eompared with the number from the States j abovo named. publish a paper in Atlanta we’ll move up there. At Gcod Advicb.—Atlanta correspondence of the Colnmbns Time*: Dear Time*: I find myself in this ' wonderful city, where everything is in motion. A nervous feverishness seems to be on almost every faoe you meet. The State is certainly hanging on the shoulder of tome men here and they should have the sympathy ot the people I Now and then you wiU see them in small, earnest ’clubs on the corners, and by listening a little while you will hear, “Tremendous! worse than Yazoo 1 coal Nashville American.) Horrible to relate, it ia now tolerably cer- nS ^ I P it8 lot Ufe *” st0, > WO* calculated our publishing in Berrien county. | ^ ma ^ # countrymen quite uneaey, and I _ _ Mb. C. Powell, of Berrien oounty, I found myself disposed to seek places tain that Spragua’a ohot gua was not loadbd. I oula oel talnlv have been mobbed by tbe I where I could see more and hear less. T But Opnkhog wu-Joeded to tee rnn^le 1 “T* f I would eng with the belief that there were nine buckshot in each barrel and being thus loaded he went Off. Chicago Times-] The aoandale in drcnlatios involving the name of Senator Conkling ate doubtless un true. Mr. Conkling Is too mob in love with j Whigs if he hod lived in the campaign [ daya of 1840. He bo* murdered forty. ] five coons this year to date, and is work | ing to score one hundred by Chriatmt*’ The same paper narrate* the following' suggest the propriety just here of “making haste elowly” for be “who steals my money,” etc., should remember that thu thief oan never meet his proper reward in this life, and that the innocent sufferer's afflictions may mar tbs lives of unborn innoeent ones. It Is better that a hlmealf w OT^ri?l in lo“vriffi «fbid“ » hioh » cffe " *>’ 01 nlb “ «> J or mlnal man should «o unpunished, save else. 1 swear for Mr. Corbitt t by the lashings of hii own conscience, counting-room of A. & W. Sprague books of the Qaidnick company, refusing to re turn them. Mr. Onaffey, in return, re fused until these books were returned to permit Governor Sprague to bold any barincss relations with the concern, and, of course, re.ustd to permit mm to draw any money. This was the situs! ion of affairs which, by coming to Bhode Island, I hoped, through some influence or other brought to bear on Got. Sprague, to help to set right, and to secure, by some means, a malntainance for the four chil dren, for whoee wants and education I have been and am now bearing the undi vided burden. A conference with coun sel employed by the firm achieved no results. Prof. L'nek, under a oontroot with me for tbree months, was neither permitted to psriorm his duties, nor paid, and dismissed. We bad no ostensible means for living at Canocohet without incurring additional indebtedness, to which he refused to be a party. In this awkward and painful dilemma I requested Mr. Cockling, who had already been consulted by Mr. Sprague, and upon whose judgment and advice I have safely relied upon in my own matters, to see Gov. Spragae and try end ascertain what point there Is in this proposed programme of opposition, end what results are likely to follow that would benefit or provide for the obildreo. Mr. Conkling stopped at Canonobet for this purpose, and was swaitlog Gov. Sprague's return to seek on interview with him when the now notorious notorious outbreak occurred. If any hostile words were exchanged bet , tween Mr. Conkling and Gov. Sprague a- Conoscent they alone know what they were, for no one else beard them. 'What transpired to tbe vili&go I do not know, beyond what is reported m the sensa tional accounts given in ite newspa pers. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retire 1 from practice, hav- by »u Bast India ng nod placed in ni* Cauda ey au Bast India missionary tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tbe speedy and permanent cure for Consumption. Bronchitas, Catarrh. Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Affection*. al#o a pceltive and radical cure for Nervous Debility ana all Norvoui Complaints, after having tested ita wonderful curative powers In thousand* of oases, has felt It his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated tar this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this reeipe. with full directions tor preparing and using, in German, French or IngUsaT Bant by molT addressing with stamp, nam Bhabie, MS Powers’ Block. eb!4 dm ling this paper, W J , Rochester. X Springfield Bepuuucaa, lied.) Senator Blaine probably rtftv*' is more (longeron* and las*' ment, for a stoto-" railway ~