Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, August 26, 1879, Image 7

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Qg^xscgwi HUeieHtg BY TELEGRAPH. Eehbitu, Dcik, August 22—Tho Sart Homo hotel at thia place' was de- atrojed by flro about three o’clock this morning. Thera were sixty parsons in ' the homo at the tine, bat all escaped. N*» Yobs, August 22.—A Memphis special my a the sheriff of Crittenden county, Arkansas, opposite Memphis, has issued an order threatening the arrest and punishment of Memphians if caught in the act of crossing to that aide of the river. The entire river front of that oountrf is closely policed by a mounted and armed force. Tao order was pro- mnlgsteil by authority of tho Governor of Arkansas. Ciiicxoo, August 22 —Two hundred laborers of the Chicago Dock laborer's Union are on a strike for twenty-five cents per hour. They now receive twenty cents. * Njswpobt, B. I., Ang. 22.—Soon after ten o’clock this morning, Capt. Webb, the swimmer, was taken oat of the water in an exhausted condition and is there fore out of the race. Boynton has made ten miles. Bath started at 3 o’olock. There are immense crowds of specta tors on tbe beach aud ’he eity wears holiday appearance. Nbw York, August 22 —The qaestion of the right of trustees of cemeteries con trolled by the Catholic church to prevent the interment in consecrated grounds of those who bad in their lifetime belonged tosocret societies, will ome before the courts to-day on a test case, brought by the rtltlives of Dennis Cooper, who was accidently killed last week. Cooper waa a communicant of the EpUoopil churoh and his relatives were Boman Catholics. Tbe body was placed in tbe receiving vault of the cemetery pending the decis ion of Vicar General, and this b -mg ad verse, Cooper’s friends have applied for a temporary injunction to prevent its re moval, nod this will ba argj«d to-day before Jud ; r« Bmnt. The ease is excit ing much mte-eet. .Memphis. Aug. 22.—Two new eases were reported to the Board of Health this morning. Ten deaths occurred since last night, A. K. Speer, Sira’l Cross, Mrs., Goldcamp, Hiram tlifs char, Jam?* P. Murray, Emma Moore, Pail J. Byan, Mrs- S. W. Phillips, Sam uel Bhodee, A. L. Baodes. The last four died beyond the city limits. The daily mail service over the Lyuisville and Nashville Biilroad was resumed this morning. London, August 22.—Two thousand chain makers etruaX at Stowbridgo There was a de-noas-.ratton yesterday of two thousmi nnsm.Jljyed laborers la Glasgow. London, August 22 - G.n-irat Gi-.v Wolleeley, tib-gt:ipjs s> rod.*,: !•’ - thousand S»v^zi-s are rmiy to i u< King Crtywayo, and thu u-ia-b -v -r.s t increased to ten thousand before on . si: Zululand. British operations with these or anoth nr composite force oomiog from the di- reo.iou of Luneburg, should either cap ture Cetewayo or drive him towards Col. Clark's column, which is moving from the Southward There have been farther submission of Z ilne. Toe Daily News, in a special edition this afternoon, says “a saccossfal Zulu raid is reported from Utrecht.’’ London, August 22.—A epecirl to the Daily Telegraph this afternoon contaias tbe folluwiog: Capetown, Augu-t 5.—A resident of Pood jlunci telegraphs that hostilities a.-e inevitable. It i3 stated from Pretoria that Sir Garnet Wolseley is convinced that tbe campaign against Chief Secoe- coem in ths north must bo vigorously renewed. PlETBKSIARITZBUBO, ' AugUit 5.—It.) ports from trnstworthy source* state ibat the Boers have determined t > fight unless their led -pendence is restored. Li veep.ol, Augnet 28.—A London dis patch to tbe Post, eays it is rep rted that Sir Edward Bulwer Lrttoa will shortly return from the Vice Bovslty of India and be euoceeded by Lord Duff-tin, pres cant British Ambassador at S:. Peters 1 bogh. Livrbfocx., August 22.—This week’s circular of tho Liverpool Cotton Brokers r Assooistion, says “cotton was in active demand throughout the week, with har dening prices, and quotations of current descriptions f-hoev a marked advance. American good was in generri demand, and quotations of O.leans are raised a farthing; of other descriptions, 3 161. Tnere are more inquiry for Sea Island, which was freely met by holders. Me dium grades of fc'lmda were rather easi er, and futures opener', quiet, but subse quently became strong, and prioci ad vanced £ to 5 32. Oa Thursday the t ms of the market was quiet, and prices de clined 1321. Final rates show an ad vance of if. for near and 1-16 ' • 3 331. for distant positions on the week. Washington, August 22—The Na tional Board of Health baa received a telegram from Dr. Croft, of New Or- lean-, stating that the location of the new co?o tf yellow fever reported yesterday, is No. 233 Domain street. It is probably Ihe result of Infection from the first cases ia Constance street. Another ca-e is reported this morning at No. 477 Cou st once street, in the infected region. The patient was taken sick oa August 16th. Lolaiicn and disinfection have been en forced. The National Board is also in teceipt of the following telegram from Havans: The b«ks Black Prince, for New Or leans, and W. H. Glenn, for Baltimore, had yellow fever on board while hire. Memphis, August 22.—Niue 0" es in. all were reported to-day, four of which were colored. Among the whites are S. Aarsbsob, Mrs. Fredonia Armstrong and Louis Fez si. One additional death ", re ported, Ferdinand B hkopf. Superintendent of Quarantine Johnson will to-morrow put in operation the rales recently adopted by the State Board of Health for the government of Memphis and other infected districts. Within the past few days sevarl pri vate dwellings have been broken opin. As so additional precaution, there will b • organized to-morrow a white military company, whioh will, it necessary, be placed on active duty, to assist the au thorities in maintaining order. It baa been raining hard einco seven o’clock. General Ss ffiagton remains in a critical condition. MiMrnis, August 22 —Private advices from Stark villa, Mississippi, report four 0i3£8 of ytlldw fever there. They are mid to be refugees from this city. The National Boaid of HsMtU has sent an egrnt to investigate. Galveston, August 22.—Ths Heir.‘ fcecial from Austin ssyt: Taj lor AX) w.u to-day executed in the presence of 4,003 spectators, mostly negrosa. He declared his innocence in a speech to the crowd and maintained b s composure until the bl?ck cap was drawn <n, when he deferred the fical moment by varlcns pretexts. The drop fell while bo auag “John Brown’s Body.” His neok was broken by the fall. Ake’s crime was tape, committed on a German girl nged thirteen years, in July, 1378. V.'CKs-nono, Mias., August 24—Joe Fisher, tbe youthfnl murderer, delivered himself to the sheriff to-day. Ho has been in bisown room since Tuesday night. The poliee were reported chasing him all through tbe country. Naw Orleans, August 22.—Eugene Gar- dare, colored, formerly a member of the Legislature, and for some years cleik in the post-office, has been arrested, charg ed with embessling valuable letters, oae firm alone claiming to fcave lost 300 let ters containing remittances. Gardere was imprisoned, in default of two thou sand dollars bail. A special agent is expected here to Investigate the case. The Beard o! Health to-day refused to modify the quarantine in case of the steamship Vanguard, from Liverpool, in the West Indies. Louisville, August 22.—Extensive preparations are being made In this vi cinity for ths first annual fair of the Kentucky Agricultural, Mechanical, Zoological, and Botanical Association Vnjch begins.Tuesday, September 01b, to and continues four days. As Loniavi ,, s has not hod a fair for eight years, great interest is Lit in this undertaking. The grounds of the Association comprise 170 acres. The buildings are all completed, as is also the traok. The grand stand 450 feet long and is considered the hand somest in the csuutry. The trick is as perfect as possible. Oae of the fittest live stock exhibitions ever seen in tine State, or in the woild, will be prose need. There will also be a good display of vege tables. fruits and flowers. The list premiums is long and valuable. London, August 22.—It is announced officially that the Grand Cross of tho Or der of the Bath has been conferred upon Lord Chelmsford. The steamer Fxrraday, when spoken on Tuesday last, was engaged in grappling for the cable, which she bad been forced to ent by the storm. Naw Yobk, August 23.—Memphis tpeo- ials slate yesterday that the developments indicue an Increase ia crime, and also tending to more boldness than ever koown before. The depredations of these pests have become so numerous as to awaken considerable alarm. Anonymous letters have been sent newspaper offices, but not published, con taining threats against citizens, and es pecially against the efty government officers, if certain conditions are not complied with. Oao of those letters rent the Appeal last night was signed, “Msny Colored Citizens.’’ The alarming S3peet of affairs has oaused general preparations to meet the wor-t. VigiUnoi committees are talked cf. Minute men are receiving daily ac cessions to their .{number, and the police force is being strengthened by ths addi tion of a mounted police foree for all night duty. This branch of the police had lively work with a gang of six men, who com mitted a roobery on Trigg Avenue Thursday night, finally succeeding in capturing five of the number. A white military company wav organic ed yesterday. The general sentiment is that there will be no occasion for tbeir services, bat should there be, the law- abiding citizens are determined to make examples not soon to ba forgotten. Men who hive proved themselves west effect ive in combatting these pi :gue visitations will prove themselves equally so in a time of unprovoked trouble 1 ka that threaten ed cow. Tbe Howards raparc tve'.vs new oases of fever not contained ia the Board of Health reports. Memphis, Aagast 23.—Seven new c» vss were reported to tbe Board ol Health this morning: Eliai McDoagaJl aud six colored. Nine daatha have occurred, in cluding fear colored. The whites ate M. v. Mandie B. Moore, Willie Stein. W. N. Ddhart, John Kearney, P.triok Mo Ms io-'. Cue two last asa-d died at O. cap Alattbuwa. Tf.f rf.-eo' L>.. 5 il. C»I.a>, W o r3- lurmu Lorn L.Urkcga, Tei»aes-«-e, i l'mutdv, was prostrated with fsvs-r tins foreaooa. She had a typical etse last year. The weather o-satinnes damp aud showery. London, August 23.—It is raining to day with great severity. Tbe floods in Oxfordshire are the highest ever known in summer. The Oxford race course ie inundated, and a large number of persons are rowing over the ooarse in boats. A F iris correspondent of the Financier says over: wenty million francs have been hipped from French ports for the United States during rhe last three weeks. The Bsnk of France has now acid wholesale its email etcck cf bar gold and foreign gold coin. Oae cf the chief bullion houses of Paris edti.natJS that tbe insufficient crops of England, France and Germany v;ill u-eoessitate purchases in the United S:ates to the ainonut of JB20.000.C DO. Lind-sn, August 23.—The Msnonester Guardian, ia so article reviewing the general position of the Gotten manufaot uring industry, says the winter will be one of tho most severe experienced for some time pnt, and tho position of operatives will bs considerably aggravaa ted if they have to sailer another reduc tion. Some of the manufacturers state that tho only alternative of closing fac tories will be another redaction of ten per cent, in wages of operatives. LonddN, August 23.—William Eiliott, of Biytb, v .he Tyne-side eculler, has chal lenged Bobert W. Boyd to row a rase over tbe Thames eouree for X2D0 a side, the match to take place six weeks tf cer- the race between Boyd and Jchn Hig gins, whioh will come off ou tbe Thames September 30-h. San Fbikcisco, August 23 —Steamer China arrived to-day with advioes from Yokohama to July 29. They repoit that the entertainments in honor of General Grant oontinao to occupy public attention. Great excitement was caused by the breaking of quarantine by German merchant ship Hesperia, acting nndsr order of the German Minister to Con* The epidemic is raging in tho south ern ports, whioh a majority of physi- oisns pronounce Asiatic cholera. Of its fatal tffee'.a none doubt. Too quanta ine at Yukoboma ia tally respected only by the United Slates envoy. Naw Yobk, August 23.—A special fromSsn Antonio, Texas, says: Excite ment is tanning high hare again about Washington, August 23.--The Secre tary of War has received the following: San F&ANCisao, August 23. Hon. Geo. TF. McCrary, Secretary of War, Washington: Tho City of Sin Francisoo is threatened with a riot. Unlawful assemblages are now in the street to resist the authorities. The State troops have been called iuto service bvthe civil authorities. The Governor is absent from the Capitol. Is is necessary to have ammunition at once We respectfully request that Colonel MeCslliater at Berecia Arsenal be author ised to issue fifty thousand cartri 'ges to the State of California directed to me. [Signed] • Jons McComb, Brigadier Geneial, commanding Slate Troop?. The Ssoretary of War writes as fal lows : Washington, August 23.—2b Colonel McAlister, Commanding Be.iitia Arsenal, San, Francisco i You are authorized to in ane to the authorities of tbe Btato of Cal ifornia fifty thousand cartridges, to be obarged to the State on its quota for arms and equipments. [Signed] Gxo. W. KcCbabt. a dispatch hag also been Bent to Gen eral MeOomb, informing him that his ro- qnesl has been granted. San Fbavci-oo. August 23.—Strong gnarda were plausd over the Chronicle business and printing offices to prevent them from being sicked. M. □. De Young, who woe at the Chronicle office at the time of the shuoting, at once sought the city prison where be is now in com pany with Charles. For some time it was uncertain what had been done wi;h the brothers, many believing they had been removed to Fort Aloatraz for greater safety, but they are etill at the prison. At the request of a committee of working men, headed by Chitus Barbour, their candidate for Congress, they were allowed to select twelve men who were sworn in as special offisers to stay about the prison aud see that the DeYoungs were not taken away. Pursuant to tee call the workingmen are now assembling. It is anncuaced that they will march ia a body to the prison and demand that tbeDcYonngs be surrendered to them, and if the demand is not complied with, will attempt to storm the 'orison and take them by force, tt is vsry doubtful, however, if such cn attempt will be made, es the au thorities have made ample preparations, and the buildings will be strongly defen ded. At the latest accounts'Kallaeh was somewhat easier, and one of the physi cians ia attendance addressed tho crowd, ayiag thero was a probability of bis re covery. Oa the contrary, another one of bia mediosl attendants stated p.irately that h8 could not possibiy live tbrougn to-morrow. IC )amey has been sent for, and will arrive ia tfco city late this after noon. Greit fears are > ntartaiaed for tile peace of ths city during the ooeoiog ui'V, ar.i ever- preparation is befog made to copproba viol -;uce. Public s-r. timsatsseicj mainly to rua against D Yousg, partly on account o! the manner of his eT.aek, giving hie victim no chance for defense or esenpe, and partly because ths Chronicle, in its assaults nyon Kil lacb, has been abusive beyond all prece dent iu political campaigns. HNzw Yobk, August 23.—Mrs. Van Bnren, a Memphis refogee, was found suffering from what ia supposed to bs an attack of yellow fever, in the P-msyiva nia railroad depot is Jersey City, last night asd was taken to Jersey City chari ty hospital. Afterward she was placed in a building connected with the hospital formerly U3ed es a ward for small pox pa tients. Dr. Forman, the visiting physi cian, visited her thia morning and made a diagnosis of the ease, bat rcfaied to make known his conclusions. The wo man is still in the hoepitai. General McQaade received a dispatch to-day from T. B. Veriak of the State Board of Health of New Jersey setting forth that tbe case was a suspicions one, upon which the General at onoa telegraphed to Dr. Vanderpoei to send np at the earliest possible moment and have the patient re moved to the hospital on Swinbarn Is land. £t. Louis, August 23 —The sale of the TimesrJoumal at this city, advertised to take place on this date, was prevented by tho trustee, B. M. Chambers having paid the inferior eonrt the default of interest on certain values involved in the ease. It is reported that Mitohell, an old Sc. Louis editor, and recently connected with the New York Times, will become managing editor of the Times-Joumal bat nothing definite ia known. London, August 23.—The London Missionary Society has roooived a tsle- ;ram from Aden, annonnoing that Dootor ffollens, formerly Foreign Secretary of that Society, died of peritonitis on Ja y 20 ;b. Dr. Malleus had gone, at bis own argent request, to assist in establishing mission on Lake Tanganyki. A dispatch from Newosatl?, Scu.h Af rica, dated August 3d, says that one tribe ~ Zatns, who have not yet felt tbe brant the war, aro massing towards Zlobaio. Detachments of the corps cf British troop-, now noder orders to return home, have been harried against them. The rednotion of five per cent, in wages of cslico weavers at O.dham, came quietly into fores on Friday. The weavers are aware that trade is so bad that opposition to reduction is useless, ia believed tho spinners will also yield the redastloo, although they express much disi.tisfactior. Tne Oldham fue- the smallpox, which has infected five fam ilies of whites. Mr. Karlien, a pi eminent {tian manufactory have agreed to reduce saloon keeper, Miss Baer, a confection- the wages of weavers shoot 8} per oent. family record <f tl e JDeYoungs, of the most pronounced cnaracter, aud led to one attempt on their part to kill Naphtaly which failed. DeYoung sent Kallaeh word that if he read that article, they wouli ahuot him on sight. List night an immense audi ence gathered at the Metropolitan Tem pis, and the street octside was packed with the crowd, numbering thousands. Kallaoh addressed the in-door meeting, scoring tbe DtYonogs mercilessly, and reflecting on tbeir personal record and family antecedents in a most direct man ner. After adjourning the meeting in the hall, he went outside, mounted the stand and spoke briefly. After reviewing tbe attacks of tbe Chron iele upon himself, he said: “In maligning tbe reputation of my father who has filled sn honored grave for many years, theeb journalistic vipers have rendered the most vioioas retaliation on my part necessary and justifiable. Their disgraosfal records make snob an attack possible and I am justified in pro nouncing them the bastard progeny of a w .” He said he bad the Sun article i” bis pocket [Cries of “Bead it !*' “Bead »•!”], bnt he aid wish to expand his am- nnitionatonre. It would be published immediately in foil in the working mens’ paper, The Open Letter, and nexo Tuesday evening ho wonld take it op and com ment upon it In aceordanoe with notices posted in the streets the workingmen assembled in immense cambers and by two o’clook, notwithstanding the crowds gathered on the streets, over ten thousand exoited men were gathered around tbe rode ros (ram, shooting, carsing end culling for tbe blood of Kallaoh’s assus-in. C itns Bar- bsnr took tbe stsnd, and addressed tbe meeting, earnestly urging tbe working men to await tbe strive! of Kearney. Tbe crowd, however, was eager for notion, and listen, d bad grace to all tbe ar guments tending to delay tbeir ven geance. ,* Barbour continued dwelling upon tbe fact that.they were unorganized and in no condition to cops with tbe police and military. In reply, tbe crowd demanded to be led at once down town to haug DeYoung and demolish the Chronicle of fice. Barbour informed them the t tbe pres- dents of ward dobs were in session and bad decided to await tbe arrival of Kear ney and that if Kallaeh died, they were fully determined to bang D. Y .nog with out delay. Tremendous cheers greeted this announcement. Wright, Vice- President of tbe party, addressed the crowd in tbo same strain. A dispatch was read from Kearney, fctaiing that be would be down from Val- It-joe by tbe 8 p. m. boa’, asking that a committee ba sent to Vallejse to give bun a fall statement of the condition of afflire on the way dowo, and that any ac tion b9 delayed until bis arrival. Mr. Flynn, Secretary of tbe party, read tbe menage from K iliaeh, counselling the nieetioy to be taoderaie, end wait for Kssrnej’a arrival. William W-iloek and Mr. Cross, of Nevidi City, oandidrt- i,’ tbs party for Attorney General, who Hap pened to be in towo, sl«o counseled mod erate meaEnreB. Stephen May bill, whs has been promi nent at the Sand Lots meetings hereto fore, attempted to excite the too ready crowd to deeds of violence, but w.s sup pressed by those on the stand, although the crowd was with Mp.ybill and claimed wildly that be should be heard. Other speakers Bought to qniet the people, as suring them that if Kallaoh’s wound Droved fatal summary vengeance should bs taken on bis murderer. This was the only expression that called out the un qualified approbation of the crowd which finally agreed to remain qniet until Kearney’s arrival. Tbere is no doubt that ia the event of Kallaoh’s death a determined effo.t will be made to storm the jail and lynch both of tho De Youngs. The military companies and clubs of workicgmen are meeting and organizing and tbe exoice- ment continues at tho highest pitch. Kallaeh remains at bis stnay at the Metropolitan Temple, and oannot te re moved. A throng of men, women aud children are gathered in the vicinity, bat ropes are stretched across tho streets, and qniet is preserved as far as possible in the immediate neighborhood of the building. Kallaoh’s condition remains praatioally nnshanged, and was extremely critical at C 20 p. m. Kallaeh was in a mneb im proved condition. A Blight examination has been made, and his pbyeiolan9 ex press the opinion that there is good ground for expeoting bis reoovery. -SYMPTOMS OR A TORPID LIVER- Lorn of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in tno Hoad, with a dull censatiouin tho bade part, Pain under tho shoulder-blade, full ness after eating, with r, disinclination to exertion cf body cr mind, Irritability of temper, LowspiritSjWithnfecflingcffiav mg no-lcrteasomodut7, Wcarinoas, Diz ziness, Fluttering ct tho Heart, Dots be fore tho eyes, Yellow Skin, Hoadncho KcncrrJly over tho richt eye, Kcstlessncss with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WAENINGS AES UNHEEDED, SEHI0US DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TO XT’S PILLS arc especially adapted to stick cases, oao doso effects sack a ckange of feeling ns to axtonlhh the snflerer, CONSTIPATION. Only with regularity of ths bowels can perfect bcaliu be enjoyed. If the constipation ia of recent date, a single doso of TCTT’S PILLS will suffice, but if it nas become habitual, oao pillshonldbe"’ ‘ - - lug the ti movement Dr. I, Gny Lewis, Pulton, Ark., says: “After a practice of £3 years, I pronounce Ti'TT’S PILLS the beet anil-bilious medicine ever made." Itcv. F. E. Os;ooil, New York, enya: “I have had Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach and Nervousness. I never had r.nv medicine to do me to much good as TCTT’S PILLS. They are as rood nq n»nrrc*y>rif rvl ” as good an represented.' Office 33 iHurrny Street, New York. TUTT’S mm DYE. Black by a single application of this Dye. U mi* parts a Natural Color, acts lost-intanocasly. end is as Harmless as spring water. Sold by Druggists, or sentby express on receipt of $1. Office 35 Murray St., Hew York, BEAVBR—Per Dieoo GREY FOX SKINS.......... BED FOX WILD CAT—Per niece OPOS8U1I—Per piece...... MUSKRAT—per piece. TALLOW—Pnme. per lb... , 2S@1 23 . 15*313 . sce-io . 6® 10 WAX—Pure yellow, per lb •"3INNBNG—Per lb .folT DRIED APPLES—Prime pertf>.........,„1 ‘Nol! ft 5 20® >t @50 DRIED PBAOH88—Peeled,brixlit Nol! Unpreitd, No 1 f ] DRIED BLACKBERRIES «... J WOOL—Fleece, burry, per lb. 10@)8 Unwashed 18@J8 V,'ashed— S5@S3 3tooK3 ona Honda CORUECTED DAILY BT li.KIPLDY, DKOEEIt. Georgia 8 percent bonds 101 a 115 Ghurgut7 per cout. bonds (gold) ...112 a 11214 Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (regular)......lllalliU Georgia 7 per oont. bonds (endorsed) s 111 «eo-8ia7 per cent, bonds (Smith),.... 115 a 118 Georgia S per oent Old) „,...^.101 a 1U5 lieorjcia 6 per cent, bonds (new) 103 a 107 City of Macon 7 per cent, (long) 64 a 6S City of Macon 7 per cent (short)...—... 65 a 66 City ol Augusta 7 per cunt- „100 a 101 City ol Atlanta 7 per cent .......ICO City of Atlanta 8 par cent .102 a 108 City 01 Savannah. 69 a 70 Central Railroad joint mortgage 110 at 112 Georgia Railroad 6 per cent, bonds loo a 101 Macon and Western R R bonds -..pur and int Northcofits-n R R bonds (endorsed) _....105 a H:C —-hw »~tBaUroai*,., par and int ouih <Sa a .d Fla, LtmortgaCo 107 a 108 K. 2d mortgage (endorsed)...10 a 1082 Sout Gsanil Fla 82 a 83 Western K. ft. of Alsbamalst mortgagellO a ll2 Western It. ii ol Alabama 2d mortiraze.„U0 a 112 M A A U.R. 1st mortgagc(not endor'd 80 a SO U iARB, 2d mortgage (endorsed)...par a 101 Southwestern R R stock... 1028103 Georgia Railroad stock... 8118* Central Railroad stock 68a69 Augusta and Savannah railroad stock... 105 (UBRUOTS 12 00 SNUFF—Lorillard'a. Jar 65 LorillnrtTs. foil 70 TOBACCO—Common ao a 45 Medium 60 a 60 Lucy Hinton 52 Fine 76 al 20 Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately adjusted to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases, caused by derangement of tbe stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt aud effectu al treatment. Ayer’s 1’h.i.s are specially applicable to tJiis class of diseases. 9 They act directly on tho digestive and assim ilative "processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliahlo purgative medicine. Being compounded of tho concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel, or any injurious proi*erties ; and can bo ad ministered to children with perfect safety. Ayer’s Pills aro an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of Memory. Numb ness,Biliousness, Jaundice, K l fimi tism, Eruptions and Skin DUeusc- Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural' gia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Ovsen tery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of th Liver, and all other diseases resultiu from a disordered state of tho digestive apparatus. 5 As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. ■While gentle in their action, these Pills are tho most thorough and search ing cathartic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then tbeir Influence is heal ing. They stimulate the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, * Lowell, Mass. « ■OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Hunt,; Rankin & Lamar Wholesale Agents, kb'.B MAlOOKT. oa.. ATLANTIC & GULF i E. L0UIHYILIX—Ylour quiet; extra 3 00: family 40:@5 GO; fancy B25S6C0: patent 060®7 0. Wheat dull; redland amber 93a9S. Com Armor: white 4. mixed 38)4. Oats steady; white 26, mix ed 25. Pork quiet at 10 00, Lard qniet; choice leaf m tierces 75f. in kegs 854- Bulk meats qniet: shoulders 3 60, dear rib 4 80, dear side* 6 03, loose. Bacon quiet: shoulders 4 00; dear ribs 6 UJ4, clear sides 5 :0. Sugar-cured turns 0®11, Whi*- ky firm at 106. NATAL STG2E3. WiLJETSfJTOar—spirits turpentine quiet at 24 Rorin steady at 1 00 for strained. 102)4 (or good ■trained.' Crudo turpentine steady at 1 CO for bard: 16) (or yellow dip; 163 forprirgic. Tar sle.dy at 110. Chicago BarkrtSi Closing quotation* furnished daily by L. RIPLEY. Grain and Provision Broker. eris daughter, Jacob and Henry Jaselmen and child, in tbe third ward, are reported down with the dise&ae. Heretofore, smallpox has been confined to Mexicans and negroes. Ten cases appear In the report of the health physician, Videy, of this week. Two deaths have occurred to-day, end one yesterday, comprising Rebecca Tory, Mrs. Johnson and Jaoob Jnaelmen. Mach indignation is caused by persons f ffl.oled with the disease, walking about tho streets, causing danger of spreading it. London, Aagast 23—The limes an noances that Lieutenant Carey, in addi tion to cffiolal notification of the reversal of the sentence of the court-martial in his case, has received a letter from tbe Duka of Cambridge, Commander m- Chief of tbe British army, reviewing the circnmstanoes of the death of the Prinoe Imperial, and concluding with the opin ion that after the surprise of the rocon- noiteriog party by the Zulus, resistance was impossible and retreat imperative. San Francisco, Aagast 23 —Last night Rev. J. S. Kallaeh defended himself be fore an immense andienco against charges thirty years old cf immorality, preferred against him by tbe Chronicle. He said these charges wera revived by Chsxles nn-i MikeDaYouog, whom be re ferred to in hie rem&rks as *'t«o bastard eons of a proililn’.o.” This maraing Charles DeYoung drevo in a covered ompo in front cf the priveto entrance of Metropolitan Temple where Mr. Kal- lach has his stody and room, and eent in _ messenger asking him to coma oat. Mr. KiUsch immediately appeared on the sidewalk when DeYoung ih.thim in tho breast. Kai.'ach tnrn.d to retreat within tho floors whoa DeYoung shot him in the back. Kallaeh is believed to be dying. A crowd immediately seized the Cjrriaje in whioh DeYonng - was, tnrned it over and tore him out. Ho was terribly kioked asd bruised, and would no doabt have been killed on the sjo*. had not an nnosoal number of policemen come suddenly to the resone and harried him to jail. Ths city is intensely ex oited. The polios did not think Ds Young Esfo in the jail and bed made ar rangements to harry him to Fort Alca traz, when the intention becamo known the people. At present the spirit of the multitude Is aroused to prevent any vamoval of DeYoung from the jail. Thera was never a tlmo when San Franofeoo was more angry. Kallaeh ia shot through the left lasg, juit above tho heart. His physicians say that with hl3 strong constitution, thero U a bare possibility of bis recovery. Tbe military is under arms and the pcLso on duty, to quell any disturbance that may arise. A meeting of the workingmen at the Band Lois is called for two o’ clock this afternoon, by runners, who aro go ing ell over the city. Taree thousand operatives will be affeot- ed by tbe rednotion. Ten thonsand looms are engaged in this brut oh of the trifle, in whioh there has not hitherto been any redaction of wages. 0:ber re dactions are pending in tho Glossop and Toomorden di-triota. A leaky, N. Y„ August 24.—Four Georgia moonshiners, named Hall, Col lins, Smith and Driver, who a short time since were sentenced to the Albany peni tentiary for 18 months and to pay in ad dition a fine of $203, were brought before the United States Commissioner Frotk- inghamand discharged The discharge was granted for tbe pov erty cause, they having served their time and being unable to pay th6ir fines. Hxhfris, Aagnst 23—There were 17 cases reported to the Board of Health to day, 7 whites and 10 colored. Among the number were Mrs. F. Wagoner, Mrs. G. Y. Grooves and W. E. Hawlir. Two additional deaths occurred sinoe noon, hothoolornd. Jam iRioss, a well known wagon msnafactar 7 five miles east of Memphis, is down with tbe fever. The total number of cisss reported for the week is 148; whites 69, colored 79. The total number of dealh i from yellow fever for the week 31; to da’e, 177. It has bson raining steadily all the afternoon. The thermometer to-day ranged front 72 to 79. The disagreement between the typo graphical nuioo and E. W. Httmoro, pro prietor of the Evening Ledger, resulted this afternooY in tbe discharge of every onion printer employed in tbe cffica. Ban Fbansiso?, Angaet 23.—The cir cumstances leading to tho ehootingof Rav. Mr. Kallaeh are es follows: After Kallaoh was nominated by the working man of theoity as a candidate for Mayor, CJaerles DsYoaag, in a epaech at ihe Stale oanTontion of Honorable Bilks, on- nonnsed that he wonld osmpel Kallaoh’s withdrawal from tbe oantert. Subse quently he notified Killaoh that unless he withdrew, he wcnld rake np his reoord in the columns of the Chronicle. Kallaeh sent beck word for him to go ahead, that ha esnld tail worse things about ths Do- Youoga than they oould bring against hint- On Wednesday last the Chronicle came out with a long ertiole, revisiting Kallsch’a career in Boston and Kansas, dwelling particularly on his amours, and also ventilating his political ami business record. On Thurs day and Friday tho Chronicle contained similar or moro elaborated articles and dragged in Kallaoh’s father, now do3d, recounting sundry immoralities on hia put. Kallaeh had advertised a ma:s meeting at Metropolitan Templo lass eight, at which it was given oat that he wonld read a copy of the artiole published some five years ago ly B. F. Naphtaly,in a little paper colled The Sun, Thia arti. cle waa es attaok npou the person and 9:35 A 31 Clear Ribs-September 4 •-). I’ork—Feptembsr 8 8254- Lard—September 6 65 bid. Wheat—September 87 bid. Corn—September 3351 bid. 11:38 All CTetr Ribs—September 4 42}' Pork—September 817% Lard—September 6 60. Wheat—September 86?;. Corn—September SSJ-I 1:12 P K Clear Ribs—September 4 50 Pork—September 8 20 bid Lard—September 6 6214 bid Wheat—September 86?| Com—September 33!4 bid Receipts o! bogs 10.000. Market firm at quotations. H&ocn WhoiesTao market aouaxorsD daily sy 23. ’S’SKTSX. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. MACON—Clear rib sides...—........ F. Shoulders. Bulk clear rib sides...— Bulk shoulders Choice S O hams. qARD—inbbls Leaf, in tubs— Leaf, in buckets..,, OATS—For feed...—.. Rust proof seed— SALT—Virginia. Liverpool KBAL — COR S—Sr car load — ■mall lots IUR—Fancy tx lb........ .1 7 to Choice —— 7 0 Extra family, per bbl......— M — 6250650 Family, per bbl LsttSatSS HINNMUIIH 5OC05 25 Ixtn pw bb! ( ts.ttssi**s*s****ss*«sisi( 676 UO*FJBE—Common 1\% FfliS* ••*•■•**• ••*•■• •«•■*( *»as ***•*»•*■•■ til It* 12/J G OOdtss. tt. ■**•■•**•*• ts s •• s ss tat tsistt ill 1^15j PriciQ*, ■■••<••■ *ti iii in 17 J&TdtHIIISMMlillMtMillMII ••■••■*•••■•••« K&Oi UOAPS-Perlb * m■«• * 8 if/ll A OQ Oheies I “ , S3 .»—— 3! @37 MOLA88 SB—Choice Cuba. hhls..„, Choir* Cuba, bbii...— —.... Bugarhouse. hhds —......... — 23021 8ugsrhoute.bbls 29 Uhoicr 7*ew Orleans.... —...— 6 U9AR—Gsldca O — 8K®* Brown.y—— 7J4 y 51 O. sofiee—m.——744 Extra O. white——.— 6X&, Standard A — 9@BM Granulated —— i't&'JA Powdered and crushed—...— 9J43-9’i BACKERS-Seda — Cream ———„ Ginger Strawberry. Fancy — —m.....m——. )ANDLtS^l'irir..n.niiiuiniiiiini. VAILS—Basis lot—— STARCH . BERBER BP 1C 2 GINGER... NUTMEGS OLOVP.H,,.——JIH CIGARS—Per H — _ 7010 ... 11 all -10 11 tS 54 . 20 11*0?@1 85 . ia m*m:oo SHIPPING PRODUCE CORRECTED DAILY BY BERND BROTHERS HlUKd—Green salt, per IO.. 4 Dry sail—...—6® 8 Dry flint 7«11 GOAT SKXifS—D/j, per lb.„ M —I 10{t1S 8HKEP SKINS—Per piece.—2)350 SHEARLINGS—Per mace 6®10 DEERSKINS—per fi)*,«——14®16 LEATHER—In the ronsh — — 15® 12 RACCOON-Per piooe — 1310 MINK—Per piece — 10323 OIXES Per piece,,,.,, 5032 00 Gmxxal ScYABiNiBinnsT’s Orrica, Atlabho ABD GDI.7 Railboad Bavabbab, Msy 17th, 1879.. O N and alter SUNDAY, May 18th, Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at. 4.10 p li Arrive at Jesup ...........6.33 r u Arrive at ThomasviUe— 6.25 AN Arrive at Bainbridge...—...— 9.40 A N Arrive at Albany. .11.00 AN Arrive at Live Oak 1:35 A M Arrive at Tallahassee ...7.50 A N Arrive at Jacksonville......—.............7.30 a n Leave Tallahassee —...6.G0 P N Leave Jacksonville....—.....—...- 6.C0 p n Leave Live Oak — IOSOpn Leave Albany. 4J!5 p M Leave Bainbridgo 8.45 PN Ltavo lliomaaviUo 7.35 pat Leave Jasup 545am Arrive at Savannah 820 a n No change of cars between Savannah and Jack sonville and 8avannah and Albany. Sleeping cars run through to and from Savan nah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah for Pcrnandina, Gainesville and Cedar Keys take this train. Passengers for Darien take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick at 6:00 am. Passengers leave Brunswick at 8;00pm, ar rive at Savannah 8:20 a in. Passengers leaving Macon at 7.15 A n (daily ex cept Sunday) connect at Jesup with this train far Florida. \ Passengers from Florida by this train connect at Jesup with the train arriving in Macon at 6.26 FN. (daily except Sunday.) Palace sleeping cars are run through to and from Skvancah and Jacksonville. Connect at Albany witn passenger trains beta ways on South western RaUroed to and from Ma con, Enfaula, Montgomery, Mobile, New Or leans, etc. Mail steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apalachi cola every Monday at 9. SO a m; for Columbus every Wednesday at 9,60 a m. Close connection at Jacksonville daily (Sam days excepted) for Green Cove Springs, St Au gustine, Palalka, Enterprise, and all landings on St John’s river. Trains on B. and A. Railroad leave junction, going west, at 11.S7 a m, and for Brunswick at 4.40 o m, daily, except Sunday. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—EASTERN DI VISION. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted, at 7.00 A a 6 It is passive suicide to permit the health to be undermined, tho constitution broken, and the lease of life shortened, by nnvous complaint-, constipation, biliousness, ind:gestion, neadacbe. intermittent and remittent fevers, when it is a fact established by unquestioned evidence that the Bitters will prevent ard remove these evils. AU the symp’oms of lassitude and general de- belity speedily vanish whoa this iuvigorant is given a trial. For sale by all Druggists and res- portable Dealers generally. augSlm Authorised by the Commonwealth of Kv, i—llt>Tl = COTTON FACTORS AND GRO CEfiS AND PROVISION DEA I. ERS Poplar Street; Opposite Blake’s Block, BTKOOIS, SEORB1A. We most respectfully inform the Planters of Middle a&d Southwest Georgia that we have removed to th>* •V’are Infuse formerly occupied by Anderson & Troutmua, on Poplar Street, opposite Blake’s Block, where we w >11 do * General Cotton Ware: ouse Business. And in connec tion we have built a large Store House in which we will continue to sell Groceries and Provisions. We hrve on hand a large and complete assortment of Groceries and Provisions which we will sell a*- 1 >w as any house in Macon. We will always keep on hand a large quantity of Bagging and 'Ties to supply o. Cus tomers. Our senior partner, Mr. Robert Coleman, fronl hi experience in handling Co'. ton, is perfectly familiar posted in it in all of its details. He will give Im personal attention, to the sale i all Cotton e to us. Mr. George W. Wright, long and favorably km _ „ the Planters of Crawford, Horston and adjoining c< uties, will weigh all Cotton brought to our Warehouse. Liberal cash advances made on Cotton in Store. ——o jy26 dendAwSm COLEMAN HEWBf o to I. CAMPBELL & JO* X MACON GEORGIA. CTTJI FACTORS AND COHISSM MERl STS. Warehouse Corner Second and Poplar streets. P»tr®ns with thej announcement that their LARGE AND CGMMODI I - UGU®B hss been entirely REBUILT IN B8fOK for the better xccommedstt. « OONSiGNED TO TUBU, sid srecunfldent thstlthtir fscilitits lor ht idling then x be>urps»s<d by any house in the 8tatc. ^ WARE- > oxnr p<onast h.m. pi T rr ve be S“ ttmT $ a 8 d .• T ifW ot improved lig t< n b\k- comfort of vultors, and a cordial invitation is extorded to u)i te call, . Thanking their friends for the liberal palrontgeextonded to them int JfMUl'o'i ance of the same.and premise renewed efforts to pletse. ORDERS FOR BAGGING AND TIES wfii retvive piomot attention. jZ^ N0B . 8 COTTON IN cTOKE made when detirui, at LOWEST BANK aeodiw sm • TEE. Hamncr Kali, Montgomery, Ala., Chnrcli School for 61rla. Rt Rky R H Wilnbb. D-D. Visitor. Rav Geo M Eveiuubx, D D. Rector. Beriion opera October Te jm StlDporsy; ir. Bellevue High Bchool BEDFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA. On Va. S Tenn. R. R. 15 Miles West of Lynchburg. A school in which young men and toys are pre pared for University or (or bntine-s High and healthy location, fuli corps of teache s, thor ough instruction, liberal provision for the ac commodation and comfort of students. For catalogues containing information, address , ,WR ABBOTT, Principal. Bellevue P O. julj21d&w 2m Mncfcy Military Instim iThe school for boys and yoong men. 1 hirty* fth year begins September 1st. Six miles cut Frankfoit. Address CcL H 2) Allxv, Supt, Farm ale, Ky. aug5w4t Foitterj Female Cullep, Arrive at McIntosh Arrive at Jesu; Arr.vo at Jesup “ Arrive at Blackshear • * Arrive at Dupont '■ Leave Dupont " " Leave Blackshear “ " Leave Jesup “ '• Leave McIntosh ** * Arrive at Savannah " “ WESTERN DTVtmON: NOXDiY, WEDHE3DAY ASD E2IDAY. Leave Dupont...—6.40 A H Leave Valdosta..— —8.15an Leave Quitman 9 87 an 9.60 A N 11.60 A M 2.20 PN 6.45 PN 5.00 A N 9.10 A N 12.20 PN 2J13 P If 5.15 PN Arrive at Thomaaville..—..... Leave Thomusville. Leave Camilla... Arrive at Albany Leave Albany..— Leave Camilla Arrive Thomusville Leave Thomatvilie .................... Leave Quitman— Leave Valdosta Amvo at Dupont ...4.16 P N .. 6.80 P N .. 5.20 AM .. 7 S3 A K ..10.60 A N 1.00 P N ,. 3.13 P II m 440 P K ... 6.50 PM IPO' J S Tysob, Matter of Transportation.' H S UAINES. spristf General Superintendent. Georgia Bailrsatl Company. Popular Monthly Drawing of the Commonwealth Dis$rlfeu tioa Co* AT MACAULEY’S THEATRE, fn tbe City of Louisville, on Saturday. Aug. 30, 1879 The Drawing wifi ba supervised by men e* un doubted character and standing, and ticket holders, agents and clubs are respectfully re quested to send on representatives with proper credentials to examine iuto the Drawing. A New Era in tho History of Lotteries. GBAXD AND UNi’BKGEOBXTBD hUO CESS OF THE HEW FEATURES. Every ticket-holder can bo bis own supervisor, o-ll out bis num ber and see it plaoed in the »h?e!. The Management call attention to the gran 1 opportunity pretented of obtaining, ior only *2, any of THE FOLLOWING PRrZ33. 1 Prise ZZTT._. IFrixe...— 10 Prizes $1,000 each 20 Prizes 600 each . lOO.Prizes 100 each 2C3 Prizes 60 each 600 Prizes 20 each ... 1,000 Prizes 13 each ., 9 Prises S00 eta fa, ap’rorimat'n prizes 0 3’nzes 200 each do do 9 Prizes ICO each dc do L960 Prizes $112,404 Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets. $L 27 Tickets. $50. 65 Tickets, *100 All applications for club rates should be made to the homeoffleo. Remit by Dostoffioo Money Order, registered letter, bank draft or express. Full list of draw ing published in Louisville Conrier-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-hold ers. for tickets and information address COM MON IV EALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. orT J COMJIIIUF )RD, Sec’y, Courier- Journal Build- log. Louisville Kv. aug5aug?8 The Voice of Worship Fos .Cnoias, Cobvebtioss ahd Siren,a COHVBHTIOSS Schools. HY Ij. O. ICMES«iON. This splendid new book is marly through the press,and will be in great demand. Full collec tion of the best Hymn Tnnes and Anthems for Choirs, numerous Glees for Socisl and Claes singing, and a good Singing School course. Its attrscliro contents, with the low price ($i 00 or B 00 p-r dozen), should make it the mist popular ot Church Mutio Books. THE TEMPLE. For Singing Schools, Con, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, August4, Ga, July 12, 1879. Commencing Sunday. 13th inat. tho lolloping passenger schedule will bo operated. Trains run by Atlanta timo—3 minutes slower {Ban Mf-rnn j HO 17-EAST (daily). Leave Kaoon.,— 7-.00 a m Leave Milledgevflle— 8:53am Leave Sparta ...10:03 am Leave Warrenton. ii:i4 a m Arrive Camak..— ,11:27 am Arrive Washington...... 2.00 p m Arrive Athens...—. S:15 p m Arrive Atlanta,.....,., 6:00 p m Arrive Augusta..— 3;28pm NO 17—WEST (daily). Augusta. Atlanta——.— Leave Ai Leave Leave Athens.... Leave Waahington Leare Camak—..— Arrive Warrentou Armve Sparta— Arrive iliHedgoville... Arrive' Macon 9:86 am 7.45 am — 9.15 am ...10.45 am ... 1.14 pm ... 1.50 p m — 2.33 pm ... 3 *5 p m 5.85 p m ventiocs aud Choirs. By W O PEBSiHd. Will be ready in a few days. First clast book for Suiting schools, with large collection ot Glees and plenty of Hymn Tunes and Anthems. Price *100 or $9 CO per dozen. Although Suiting Classes are especially pro vided fur, both the Secular and bacred Music render it one ot the best Convention and Choir books. MTIlIfU. The new and very favorite opera, is now ready, with werds in terse angpeges, all the Music and Li bretto complete. Price $200 paper, $2 25 boards. PINAFORE, Price reduced-to 6C cts. The sime elegant edition hereto ore told for a dollar. Con piete Words, Libretto and Music. All ready (or the itago. Any book mailed for retail price. OLIVER, DITS0N&CO„Bo3tou. , O H DiTUON A CO, 843 B'dway N Y. lullO tf No connection to or from Washington oa Sun days. NO 18—EAST (daily, except Sunday). Leave Macon...—7.u0 p m heave MiUedgevtlle...— 9.15 p m heave Spzrta*. .1045am Leave Warrenton ....12.15 a m Anive Camak — „12.roan A.. .vo Angiista.................................... 6-20 a m NO 15-WEST (daily, except Sunday). Leave Augusta.......^ 5,30 p m JheaTe Camak a m Arrive Warrenton 1.15 am Arrive Sparta..--.- 145am Arrive SliUedgeTiUe 420 a m Arrive a. aeon....................................... 6,45 am Trains w:ll no', stou at flag stations. Close connections at Augusta for all points EaU and Southeast, and at Macon for all points in Southwest Georgia and Florida. Snperb improved Sleepers between Macon and Augusts. Pullman Sloop res Augusta to Now York. Only one change Mwon to New York. Tickets and Baygago Checks, Time Cr.rja. 0 to. re to ci iuined at Union Depot or at Union Depot or at Union Ticket Office, 64 Mulberry Street. 8 K JOHNSON, itnr MttJt ’ General Pssaemter Ayr it A YEAH. Agertjwanted.Bnsi- ncas legitimate. ParUcuIara free. Ailrcs: J.TrOJTB*CO„ Bi Joule. JI»; A8EKTS FOR BASSET'S EXCELSIOR GOTTlH SINS, DISSTON'S CIRCULAR SAWS AND FAIRBfiNX’S STANDARD SCALES,. „ C&RHABT & CURD. Importers and dealers in Hardware. Iron ware. £eel. Agricultural Implements, Carriage Mats- rils.PUuts.Oils.etc. marl dawly WARM SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUNTf, GA. S ITUATED on a spur of Pine Mountain, 1,800 lcet above tho tes. a fountain gushing forth 1,400 gallons per minute—temperature 90 de grees Far. The j-iu OAphere is unexcelled tor purity and dryness, and tho continual mountain breezes render it always pleasant. Bates OF BOARD. Per d ay, $ 2 00 Ter week — 10 to Per month : — -- so (O Chiidreu and servants half price Hacks to meet each train at Hamilton, Geneva and LaGrange. T For further iufoimation eddresa JL MUSTIAN. ' natal wood Proprietor Sllfl SALAUl. rua *-«uato>ell8 CR-Vop ‘ La Grange, Ga., Wi'-hnfaculty of nine thorough teachers, fine buildirgi aud a complete outfit for »11 depart ments. literary, music and art, effers the h-gb- eat advantages at tbe lowest charges. Nearly doable ths usual time devoted to music and art fcence the wonderful p-ogy-ss hero. Last eence the wonderful P'Ogress hero. Last cata logue numbers 83 in music. Board, literary tui tion and drawing per annam $107: same with music SS57- Correspondents invited. Write tor Cata'ogua for full particulars. July29 deodk w Im IF COX. President. New Advertisements. We wi;l - a-.d fX^iu*. $777 Oi-fo ERY Augusle. Mi halt and eiii SEND TO F G RICH A CO Maine, for best Am-t.r- l> Expensive Outfit. THIS CONSTITUTION OF Tlii, - IUD STATES Sent free to any eddr^s rn rcc ip* .-f 8 eent stamp. Address Geo V lioweil a i«. n y,— m at. New York. A gents want ed.—tor th, o-»t »„o est selling Pictorial Boult -ud Kitatsa, Fricee reduced 38 percent Address N AT1< iklT. PUBLISHING COMPANY. Philmdel hi* *77 * rTTi~rs n ~ rnntscB . to Agents. Outfit tree. 6s,wt4o, Anguste, Me. WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. STAUNTON, VIRGINIA Opezs its 20th Session lej-ten btr I8tb. T8». One ot the first schools for young ladies in tbe United States. (Jlinjite nii)tDLiM>f *. 8m> roundings beautiful. Attenceu b> pupil Inn Seventeen Stit«>. btricteit cmoha r-qutmd. Among the lowest terns in tho Umon. Finest Varieties now fieady. Also 8p.11-eh and other Feeds for Fall Saw ing, Barley, Bye. Outs and Wneet will soon be ready. Our TURNIP FERTILIZER should be used by all. Evaporator, Case Mills and Steam Engines arriving dallj- st HAEK W. JOHNSON & CO.’S, 8/ MARIETTA STREET. ATLANTA GA. ‘’♦•Pil W PrirM fnlis S«r TERMS—Board, Washing. Lights, 1 iVTsh Courec, Latin, Frecch, for each ball c the hobo* lastio year— ... . $ixq All extras very low. For Catalogue add ass Rev WM A HABRI8. D D. Pre— ont. jnlll d8Ui6t 8tauuton. Vtn^^r MERCER UNIVERSITY MAOON. t*A /"OFFERS the advantaves otahraitfaiul J*ca- \J Uon, low rates cf tuition and bc.rd,*nd by a folly or.n-ized A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A fortune, seventh grand dis TAlBUTtON.CLASS I. AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9.18j9-ll£lh MON THLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company This Institution was regularly incorporated t.v the Legislature of the State for Educational ana Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term ol twenty-five years, to which contract the inviola ble faith ot tee State it pledged with a Capital of *1,000,OuO, to which it has since a-lded a rese ve fond ot *350.000. ITS GRAND 8INGLB NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly cn the second Tuesday. It never scales or post, pones. Look at the following Distribution^ thorough instruction Faculty. A course of study embrerirg' Math: - Natural bc.encc, English and otier Modem LMgu»gof, is pruviddd for irn galir Muueuis. Tbe law School, of which Hon Clifford Ander- wn, John O Kutforfon., Eiq and WB Hill, Esq. are tbe instructors, efftr. petuiai edvsn- tsges to students cf Law Tbe Fall Term will open on Wednesday , Octo ber 1st. For Catalogue and cth- r information address the Preshitnt. Bev a J Battle. L)D w tbe undersigned JN'O J BBANTLY, Sec Fac. DllSlnllsivl: Coffee. I F your fancy is for a RIO COFFEE otatigl rich flavor, not coate-i with a g:u‘.;ncut foreign substance alter na-ting. tuy non but ihe "ABICA” ca-rtlu ly beleclec roasted ana shipped tre»h to the tiadelty Moon Jenkins A Co, New York, told in Me-ou by augSd*w8m J D CARVER. CAPITALPR1ZB *33.000. ICO,003 Tickets at *2 each. Half Tickets *1. LI8T OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize— .tSQ.003 1 Capital Prize—..— 10.000 1 Capital Prize.....-,, S Prizes ol $2.500.— —.... 6.000 L000.— 5.000 609..— 10.000 103 10.000 53 1O000 20 — 10,000 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizos of $300—.... *2,700 9 Apprextmation Prizes of 200............ 1800 9 Approximation Prizes of IC3— BOO 5 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes of LOGOPiizes of 1,857 Prizes, amounting to *110400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compen sation will be paid. duplication (or rates to clubs should only be mace to the home office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, tor further informaUon,orsoud orders to M A DAUPHIN. P O Box 892. New Orleans, La. AU onrgrand extraordinary drawing* are un der the suuervisicn and management of G3N G T-. BEAUREGARD and GEN JURAL v EARLY. POniJ/M i * CO’SncwCrawj UlIU «bH ■*-.**?*?«» Ficuss --•* S7 50 per 100 to As Cheapest in 1 lio World. _ - 1X0^ Two samples with Jewoby. by mail, postpaid, 25 cents- Illustrated circulars of biajh aud yacFiTiBu Novelties 1 roe. W-fiS-'Sf&'S-Ay. JEWEL Nsw yokk. foblithed, 1870. Farorbly known tbroughent United States. University oi Virginia Session begins on the First of uctobar, continnes nine month*. Apply for c.tuloguL..^ ‘baSecrefof/oi the Faculty. P. O., Uni.ersiiy Vi.ginia, Albemarle county. Virginia. 3AS- P. H ARRISON, Obuirmanef the Faculty. ]uli4deod&w2m The 8 i -DOTS nr»rw*fc*es-iSM2nT;I • :■ - 1 —utorinem.TUVta ... : > VPeme.* - ^vawasaabi*> fitEL-.— ohyRWbst. Jib G Wist. WEST BROS G.tUi Facto, Cosnol&oi Merclmt 5 , —AGENTS FORTHEv-- W. & C. GUANO. 68 Boy St, - Savannah, Ga. BAGGING AND TIES FOR SALE. Promt t attention to basinets and liberal d anceonconsignmsnti. surtOdawOm DIVERSITY 01 GEORGIA, P HMELL.D.D.LL D, CnisctixoB. T HS 79th session of tbe Departments at Athena vii: Franklin College.. State Col lege ol Agriculture and Mechanic Arts; Law School opens on first Wednesday in October. Fa 1 ', course of study in Ancient and Modern lan guages. Mathematics, Bells Lettres. Hiitoiy, Metaphysics and Ethics. Natural Phi’osmhy, Aktronony, Chemistry, Geology, Natural His tory. Agriculture, Engineering. Analytical Chens- isrr.r. Mechanical Drawing, Law 56 free scholarships in Franklin Coltege. 210 free scholarships In Stale Colicge. For full iniornutijii and catalogues address the Chancellor or LHCHAUBOXN1EB. Secretary Fsculty^Aihrns, Ga, gSOdecdlvrswCwwiia - > .acre naennies sre mats. ny ; foe workmanship att. &U&S-! i.-ceu award—’ rtroruiu:--. ziii! g*a. Aiahar-ia, Tesk<. dCngR l ice List of Olns. Fee-' ' a ti5 "(' Jnrn. Piyabji dorm; th- C-gou fiacf-i. ! 120 (I i 3 i S re-Sl to: MVteAi. u iTnn*Mrrn • a,’, , ■ _ '--iAfwwi hcnghi , ,ij ; r; : c. Til te ISoi stai^adatM v- 4 UwqU,. aud-g a- Ann saws »♦ ft V A Co., efic^wirdi- < ■ - .»* Ca&rvwjS. •at 1 .ad.- v.hal -. - 1 ittar j cfoey - •* •- ■1. tl;». .vinaa wa have been exria-ivto «i . 1:Gk.' - ' !C. ■ *- rtecec • •*! • hi .« -. -Y«d ■ ' ; - -■ v- • t<y eny ather ••'1 .' ve:!: f, .... Fr•>, T.:r.d w •v.lOu 1. ired *1' ! if Kr* * cc. ■ ci> Lsnaps, fjtMta ' ivfmf ■-