Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, October 21, 1879, Image 6

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©jjflEKsm ®#Jtejjps3!frt| tsmh Jouemtl & GKOBGIA PKEaa. Avo now the mosquito will know how » fesli to bo bitten. J. Frost is com- k|< •ihb wood work for tb« now bridge ortr the Oomulgee at Hawtinsville, ia completed. The trestle is sixteen hun dred and twtnty-fonr feet in length. The irou work is coming. So Bays the Dispatch Uyebtbodt ia getting the matrimonial *ooso drawn into hard knots around them. The beau knots aro changing into hard kr ta as filet as hes-bands are comple tad. Is it not about time the item about the •‘ vrdloss efflon" raising the <‘treil- iag 11 .g in the fierce beat at battle,” was omitted from cur exchanges? It tbs Stare frees really wants something that •will entbn-o the entire country, let it de scribe the gallant charge of the G. C. Q.’- npon the loaded tables of tho North! Tun Southerner and Appeal says “there is nothing like a boi.o.ii ot the const to causa some folk’s to c:n their good clothes.” Every mas likes to have good suit in oonrt. AH over Central and South Georgia we hear the State Fair Boom cohoing; the hills have caught tho eonnd, and leased it to the dells,and down the solemn ranks cf toe forest pines, it thunders away, Everybody and his wife, and overjbo y'i eb- vrif > ond her husband aud the anil dren of ell four are coming. Grand ex hibti n, exalting races, tweet music, *r<it.d State Fair ball, and unveiling of the Confederate monument in the pres ence of the largest civic and military dis- pl . ’ ever seen in Georgia. LiiCk up your houses, taka the block eff yonr ball dog and come. UtiL. Taos. Habdsmax addressed tfc? tiliz -ua of Milledgevilla and Baldwin conuiy last Saturday on the “Agricul tural Interests of the State.” Tub G.-iiBn fair is ia full awing. Let *a ail make haste whils the aun shines and fair weather continues. Now, while everybody is discussing the occupant for the next seat in the guber natorial chair, it will perbap3 be apropos for us to remark than he is known to U9, but we aro pledged not to reveal his same. The pnblic may rest assured, however, that he will be a man elected from th* people. When we rake up our exchanges and leave the office without having rend more than fonr columns abont the G. 0. G’s. we foresee the day upon whioh some pub< lisher wilt lay on onr table a book upon tho Bise And Downfall of American Journalism. And now in Ssvannab, they coll it M am' ford’s “Exira Dry.” 'Jhb Milledgeville Recorder comes to hand t vo day’a behind. Perhaps it was mailed via Savannah under the promp tin L '.- of the old proverb, that the short est way around ia the longest way borne. A whits man charged with burglary burnt a bole in tho jail dcor In Warren and skipped, us the Clipper remarks, we know whither. Savannah Recorder: Harry Layton, a jonng gentleman of this city, while Bail ing in the vicinity of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad wharf yesterday morning, saved tho lifo of a sailor by his ooolnees and courage. A sailor of tho ship Lord Lytton, socidently fell from a mast into tho rivor and was gradually succumbing, when yonsg Layton espied him and has Ally tacking came to his rescue. The sailor was exhausted and ween bis youthful frtecd reached to aid him, h» grasped the latter and alung to fcim with an embrace that nearly caused the boat to capsize. Young Liyton coaly assured tho sailor that all was right, and bo would be saved, the latter released his hold, and was 'hen a.aistedin the boat. Prompt Attention was paid the viotimand he was eoon restored. * AtraOiTA News: The parties owning the Richmond county coal mine not po3 sesrtag tbs cash capital to work it, have determined to place it on the market. In o few days the; will determine wheth er to sell or mako a joint etock company and reserve an interest in bo many shares, the company to pay the owners so much cash, and allow them so many •hares. We understand that the working capital will be placed at $5,000, whioh amount will cover the cost of a tramway from the railroad to the mine. Several tons will to-day be placed at the dispos al of the Giorgia Rrilroad, for experi ment. On next Saturday several of our capitalists wilt vUit the mines, going on tho 11:30 train, and retaining at 3:30. Conveyances will be provided at the 10- mile post to convey them to the mines. Wo can hope the company will fied it to their interest to place tbi3 cheap fuel on tho market at once. CAKTEB-V1XI.B Free Press: The “im. mortal seventeen,” of the Georgia Sen- looking ant Th* last pedestrian contest is along! Interesting Letter from Senator I Animal Fermentation. the lice of the Georgia Railroad. Four little dsrkies, playing in an empty box I oat in Augusta, were accidentally haulsd up to Crawfordville. They are now try- j ing to walk back before they starve. Morgan to 2Ire President of tbe i j. p stkysns, sr. State Agricultural Sudtly, In 1872, Messrs. Ooze & Fellz, of Washctgt n, October 11,187?. 1 Strasbnrg, made t xperimen to with putrid Con. Thovas Habeeman: I blood, aud found tuat its poisonous prop- my Dear bir—I have returned from a long I crij was attributable to some of the abecnc at tho West within a few days past, I forms of bacteria, and that the blood of The Crawford villa Democrat says the I am dsablodby a fall whuh injured my | au animal poisoned wiih this matter ,. . , p._ thuaider. My recovery is not eaffluently „ou!d cummanicate to another, chickens in »ta vicinity era dying. Per- „ pdto j, aUfytba nop a that I could make and tbMtoo VIta u-aca of this poison is baps, also, the Conference ia in cession, an adiyss at the State Fair increased by successive inoculations. Below wo give a schedule showing the invitation, an! teftnjoyVLo Uie hospitality <)f O^aine, a French physician demo a : interest w-- take in the Georgia military the peooio of Mao n I o.teem it a high I 6trated that one of the most fatal diseases j_- _ ,t, 0 TT.^rih. trip honor that you have extended to me in mu known to physioiane, and whim has company, now doing • » I invitation. proved fatal to so many dissectors of schedule is simply the daily entries made While traveling in the Slates and territo- dead bodice, is produced by a speoies since the company deputed: 1 riff., | oi .animstoali called iaeteridia. He Gate City Guards. I ll,.h Manila natifornic. Wwnmbyr Nahriai I Certain expeKatcuta Upon Gate City G’e. Gate C. G’e. G. C. G’e. G’s. ? uud, ae»du», unmuiuiu, ftjwuuu.;. aouiw* i - 4 jisandlcwa, I have observed &a attentively I * erior animate, demonstrating the as I could the leading points which m»ke np I aoeamifleliDg virulence oi putrid blood the essential value of an agricultural coun- I by successive inoculations wuh the fol try, LLd I am cenviuced that there U no part I lowing results s or thit le^ioa that eq-iala the cotton States, j The first series showed that inoculation I h&ve not time io iomitute a full compiri*1 q£ a rabbit with * drop of blood cutrided son in res, eji-of thwmitkn between our j tbo n alr tare i/kUed the animal, country and that west of itie Mississippi ana I v ' ' * The bodies ot fer uo land Th* nuptials of the Bsxloy Qazelte and north of Ttiis * The bofes ^“^"‘i^d I aad that sometimes ten or fltteen drops the Jeseup Sentinel are announced for the j there are more extensive ili-.n in tho Homh- were necessary. t,f «f v,»mter. We wish all their I frs’em States, bnt ihe most ob^ons advan- Tho second senes comprised snoaeasive tagea that wo poasees are the wide extent of I inoculations ftom one blULd-ootsoned an* onr forests, tbs great number and magnitude | i m al to the next, and showed that 1-10 to 1 ICO was sufficient to kill the fifth, 1st of November. We wish all their fatare issues euccets. CABTEBSVII.I.E Express : Married- in this city on Thursday, 9:ti icst., at four p. m., by Rev. T. ‘E. Smith, Mr, Lswis T. Erwin and Mias Yerdie, daugh ter of our late dietingaishnd citizen, Col. Warren Aiken. The attendants were Mr. T. W. Akiu, and Miss Fannie L. Grier, of Jones county, and Mr. H. C, Ram. esur, Fairmount, Ga.,sand Miss Ida of luaci g streams, a more tqutble c imve. dSSTrf Ute I J- I0 ' 0 ri 00 hl ‘° kl11 lh “ tenth, comb,Bed inflaenco of the guif atream and iocredtb.e as some of these assertions the trade winds, enable us to raise immense I ssctnea, they were vuiined by many ex- cropa of cotton after we have raised iu the I perimenteri; but the minimum dose couon cc-uetry all that ia necessary to sup- that would certainly kill was placed at part every man who will ever engage in cot- | the cne-millioneth part of a drop. In accepting tho truth of the loregoing eta a tent the draft upon our credulity will not be eo heavy when we reflect upon the extreme minuteness of the elementary constituents of matter and tho extreme toa culture It is at this point that we real' zss in money producing capacity the great H«ur, '“““"““'i mhi°onrmia ik'IT I aivamsgo of our country over any other. Price, of C~ sville. The couple hot that rp im i, e r and water cost us nothkg; even w*» evening al five o dock for New York and ter p 0fffr and transportation to the B8i* ether points iu the North and West. _ I board are at almost a nominal cost. Coil a-.d Many moat hearty CCngratu!ition3 iron and all building msieihl abound In the I duodiity and divisibi-ity of certain sub- have been ttDdsie.1 teem by their Burner-1 land. Bo that wo c»n Jivj at Jess expense I s.aaces A crystal of common salt, by cos friends. Mr. Erwin is a coble young fh* n any people in the Uuited States if wo pulverization, is susceptible of such rni- mau, whose prospeota for tuceess in life ® to drace crops ^Hh a'msst tnte diTlfiun that one of ns fragments ia » «r3r:ly equalled, Nr a companion. J'°r' at t ;md that w^nuy chouse to scarcely perceptible through the highest one of the putest and best of women, I mir t-t them. Now it is a k owu fact thai I range of the uticroacop-; and yet this whose excellent judgment renders the I no put of the world esn compete with us I molecular point ot matter still exhibits strongest a<suranoe that, as an hilp- I tu ces;fa'Jy in cotton production This the qualities ot >-alf. Tais particle can meet, she will ba ail that man can wish I problem ia resolved as a m.uerof dem -n- I a nil fartior dir dd by solution in ia this life. I stration by lha efforts that have bsen made wa:er to the one h mdrtd millionth part Savannah Morning News-. The ooppw [2ap£jS£i geo^phf o^ha So“th° W TneIe ° r * «**?• J akd a t ,,6 °-° r a “^ Dcta “ d ore diecov. red tn Asha county, N. C-, in I-g na liteithocd that wa an*U ev r soffer I divac it and each part, will show its July last, is about to develop into a bo- I much from over produc ion, aiocstbe cotton I north and south j o'ir:>y. Subj _ct this nanza. A vein twenty feet wide has I lands that remain io bo opsn-rl me lie -vily I particle to successive been reached, which, it is believed, will I timbered ns a rule and used to be ditched ] eo small aa to be impercepii- prove to be twenty-five feet wide, and it and protected against oveifljwa great | bio to human vision, and still has already opened over one thousand a mo rlpUcxiene; on h P” 1 W1 ‘ 1 *;f ibU '*• P oc . uliar Property feet in L-ngtn. Seven hundred men aro £ f tUe gtowiDg arei . „e need have f P 3tnt,D S 10 tlJ ‘ s norltl aod eoatfa un employed, and tho work is being pusaed no f tM about labor. Any crop that cam- “ 18 not astonishiug, then, that such c-x- vlgoronely. Tho ore yields four hundred j mands money as a caitain and early yield I tremely minnte particles of living matter, pounds of pure copper to the ton. Ten and that can be sold iu any j endowed with vitality ami ouaceptibie of blast furnaces aro at work end ten thou- quantity as rapidly as it cm be gathered, an, I indefinite muiiipl.cation, ehould, in vir- sand pounds of tho refined metal is | W1 } tor „ Je ar,i with ut dctciiora- U Qe 0 £ their fermenianve funotiens, ao- turned out daily. Thia mine ia in tho * l ° u > ^mmro aQd 0bd " oom P li ' lh destructive changes in ihe northwest corner of Ashe county, where “ T “ a ^ar *o * mUtdoal agirntma upon tho j 0I K an /° tiasuea of man and an.mala. Ar- North Carolina, Virginia and Tenntsseo I South nood give us no epecialxroublet I ddnt i&vestig&ton in tho various depart- almost join, and is operated by Baltimore efforts to induce labor to abandon our fields taenia of biology, or the science of life, capitalists. | wdi not give us toa much annoyance, and | are individualizing these invisbile sgento The Vindicator. A ten weeks Talbottou standard alluded to Our puo- i .ff . mijiion bales of cutton from a eincle i .. . . , — - fished notice of taking charge of a select fo“: a “d?h 9 0n busfu e «m‘n 0a of 0 fhe a SSSb I •«“« school Bext year and added some remarks could xeahzo tho Xajt, .tho marpiots would I n i ,l S c 'i? naI . . anoutour bocsing a chain gang come day. I havano feecurity^agdnst puniahoich. at tha j Y r a young German phyiioiau. Well, there ia no knowing to wtat bon I band® of the mo© in taeir own country. Tho I wbile purtuiog the practice of nis pro- ora country editors may attain. Bnt North oouid better iffori to seo overj mine fesaton in cne of the rnral die. brother M/mfoid’a innocent eompliment J£!L2r JS^uJ^SS reminds us of an inoidsnt that is reported ofc3ttona ,, D n-m 7 from our ciod I " expeamenes upon me auvei to have happened dmirg the heated Iiwill ot bs a momtnt tongFr than it is °P“ en , la u f bl0£ ® r J li *, Ha J 10 ® formt , d gubernatorial tanvass made by the Hon. discovered that tte cotton supply is failing ' a tqueoua humor or the exs Henry C. Wise in Virginia in 1856. Mr underths effects of the social aui poliUcal °J e i especially favorable for thoir nufri Wise while addressing an audience in the I W3r that is being waged agiWBt us, until the j tion with one drop of this liquid he northwestern part of the State was fro- who; ? campaign will bo reversed and the mixed the “tiniest sp.-ok of, a liquid oon. auentlv interruoted bv a rather boistar- m ‘ tCh, ° r ™‘k«rs wi 1 ba put to rout by thoso taming ihe rous, fl«ced the drop nnder qocntiy .merrupten oy a raiue. uoisiar wt0 now urge them to the attack. I would ,h B microscooa and oba^rv -d tbBKubse- ona youth conepicuonely stationed npoo detp!y ^ or onr pa3i , l9 t h;u!d „ ° “ a - ti »7 n!SL . Iho outskirts of the crowd. Becoming atttrnpt to introduce Ohineso tabor to supply q a °°°: Cnrlu ° t!l e first two hours lirod of th8 interruptions, the eloquent any deficiency that might ozcar. Thoy work uard ^ an . y change was visible, but at ihe speaker pans; d apd impressively point- I well enough a-_d aro rathor pleasant people ond cf this time the tors begun to length- injr to tho youngster, said: “Youcg to deal wuh Telit laro.ny is about ihe I en and the action wa3 so rapid that, at man. I shall bo the next Governor cf hignact range of their atpj*tions on the the end of three or fonr hours, tney at- Virffin'a • ton will likelv bean iumat- calenuar, and thoy find no eort of I talced from tan to twenty times their Sr&K’r-'lJS? T,r t «p“l: ^TXSSkSWSSt.% ;■*«*»•[j-** »<*'•* bli conccoMons to which you beioeg will ‘mjloy^l to labor uutU .t i5 utterly exfacs d ‘ tl0Ijal toure * tbe J bad f«m« d fllimems prsseut a petition for your pardon, but ted, and give bsck nothi g to ite soil, com- I mau J • ja9as a hundred time? the .e igtb uult as yon sit down and behave yoarself, I mer- e or iaetitations. They purchase noth--*} oE *“ 8 , orlgioal rods, bomctimee tnty I thAll not sign that petition.** Burner bat a stinted all^w-Dce of food, aud I in atidight lints parallel to each h.s it that f L'» vanns Vircmisn subsided much prefer to use the -ioi o-.d salt fim o-.he:; in other oases they were bsnt, taMTabSSritam (tUeir chitI fooJ) tbat ia to P 3rt ' d fron touted and coiled into the moat graoefal Home Journal, a mijaruy or tee pres- ua Jf our cotloa wa , groffQ Dy ohinoea 1 - -- ‘ ent L?gislature, very nnw.ibly, w-ihick, I *i mos t the entire sumof the oast of refttitd to do anything to fosier this very I that labor wonid ba wididcawn from the important industry. The Potiphar Pea- I country and sent to Oh v. It is obvious greens pitted their mangy cars egalnst tuat cot on growing would o:com j a merely 8necp folds, to conoiliate. wo suppose, I speomativj eatsrprisenacorbuolicoicluions, a dodged and howling consiitn&coy. Io would ceaso to bo the work of the true th5q ndverso lavis’aMon wo are former : andequili. cjrtaiu wou:d it be that spite of this adverse legts.a.ton, wo are jU Ulllft woa;d ctlla e m tho country. Other glad to see weressed iateres- ana st-en- I mor# i ££3 eooal reasons of tbs most vital tioa given to sheep-raising in aifforent ni taro stand opposed tp any resort toCbi- parls of the State. Last week we paid nteo L- bor ia oar oountry, bat I will cot ex- avisifclotheeb ep-fold of Mr. Macnider I tend this letter by mintioning them. . - in the vicinity of Greensboro. He bas a I If I could have enjoyed tbB pleasure of »t- germs, esoh a living unit, and capable of splendid flock of some five hundred or tending yonr fair 1 wou.d been glad to self-mnltiplioition almost ad infinitum. more choioe inarin-'S, which he recently agrees jour psoplo on seme oi tho topics I This parasite he o>lled bacillus antho- nnrnhanpd in Ohio For their nrot-ation ba ! e l ? 8nUonetl aDO - V0, . ^ . . , . acts, which was found to be the cause purchased in unio. xor uwir imwouw Wo hivo no occasion to ba downhearted or , wienie fever that des rovpd anoh and comfort he has prepare3 ample and I nnduly anxious for tha future. Wo are spiente jever. inai dca.royed suoa subs’ential pens and alalia; and Jolts for strong, earnest and progressive in onr in- ■r?, 0 / 8 ;^ 3 the Btorage of food. Indeed, all his ar- dastries, and every inch of ground that we and ® 0Ve l a *? eara ai p oa > ln Russia, rangements for his pais aie tdmirable, ore gaining is gained to bo held forever. I where 66,000 of these animals, a3 well and worth in-peoting. VVith nearly • I We are not ep.calattng, bnt wa are working as 528 men and women, fell victims to tvnnnonrl nn-PB of land much of ir al. and wlnnicg. Our heiiuga Is in the soil, its tearful ravages ia the diatriot of ready wall set in Barmuda gr«S3 and well tbe chmit0 ' !be . I * Yonj ' mo highlands, the Novgorod, between the years 1867 and “ffiilnf h“ kwa Dr. Koch inoculated rabbits and Gu-nsa piga with the fresh blood of atnn asd stored away in boxes and tranks 4 Brill l AH I Oailook for Approach St the advent of Jack Frost, hibernate lcg State Fa!r , safel; and cozily cunog ihe winter, and !«,. „ , " t, •* * ■» * reappear in summer, after thor long win- We called upon Present Hardeman ter*8 repose ecergizad for (heir high car- 2 Secretary Maloolm Jchoaton jester” nival of death; as has been clearly iJlus-1 day, and (be following colloquy ensued: iratedtde present year in Memphis and Question—What are tha prospects of New Orleans. It may be asked, 'Is I t b o annual Fair of the Stale Agricultural tsero nothing that will destroy them?” g^ty tbe presentyeai? Happily nature comes the resone. Dry Answer—Better than we have ever heat and czono aro among their deadliest ^ nown at aay previous period, enemies, and will surely destroy many, Question—Upon what doyou bass this though cot all of them. After a f9w 0 piai 0C ? heavy frosts ihe atmosphere becomes By the entries already promised abundantly supplied with ozrne, and ia and the largo spaces which have been ap- thui purified cf the products of vegetable p i itd for and awftrded t0 th9 TatioU8 .. 0 a. and cnimsl putrefaction when exposed to tr i bU!0ra . indeed, if not a single article ltB influence. Many chemical agents also | in addil5on Bhould be entered, there ia more than enough certain to be hero to furnish ihe largest exhibition ever seen iu the State. The fair may be said even now to bemadsvp. Q. What of the field crops and Lorti are decidedly bactericidal, and destroy the germs of disease, when they are brought in contact with caibolio acid, salicylic acid, aul phutious’ acid, the hyposulphites of alkalies, aud tbs various saipnates of I on uurai'showBV z uc, copper and iron, end many other medicinal substances. A oac ain condi tion of the soil, mois ute, the decomposi tion of animal and vegetable matter, and ] high atmospheric tempera'ure are usually i the most potential fsotora in batching A. Tney will be fall and complete without parallel. Scores of our best farm ers and gardeners will oome forward with the magnificent trophies of their indus try in the sbapo of every plant, vegeta ble, cereal, grass, and production that out atmospheric germs, and preparing i the cUmate and soii of Georgia are Oapi them for ifceir minaion of destruction. I ^j e 0 j ® * Remove these oondiiions and infectious q / rQ the f' die8 laking mncb hrterea: und malignant fevers would be, as a rule, I • unknown. Nvtnro dispense A. Yes. Tboy will have the finest sped- logs with a liberal hand, but she is equal- o£ needle work and embroidery, ly ready to visit with t Bnte . and ^ arfal and more of them than were ever oollec- retribution any infraction of her laws by d one di3p i ay in t ho State, aside he etapidity. recklossnere, and presump- ffom b ^ atof rechc / che contributions to .on of man, in h.s wanton disregard oi b n Io addition, the array the simplest sanitary principles of pick f p J re8e rve8, cordials, canned It is patent, therefore, to every reflect- frm *; and Tigetab ,7 s> choice bnttcr ing mind now fearful 13 the responsibil- I btea d, cake, wines, cataups, etc., etc- ity incurred by the municipal authorities wUI b » 9 unex ’ ampled ’ oomp area with torm- when. through stupidity or “difference. er exbibiUone> ^ Xbo flar ^ contributions, they treat with contempt the lessons of t will b excellent experience, as wallIu the sureandme- ^ What are the indications for a good versiblelaws of nature, in neglecting to disDltv? employ every agency in their pow.r for | A aCi, enforoing most rigidly every sanative figure;; while sometimes they farmed knots of such bewildering complexity that >t was impossible for the eye to traco the inaividuil filaments' through the oonfus- Upon farther observation of these tacteria, Dr. E :ch noticed that the fila ments soon became dotted with email cvo.d bodies separated from eaoh other like peas within their Bhcll. After awhile the integument fell to pieoes, and thus resolved the snimaloale iulo spores or measure. Science has not only exposed to our view a world of trans.-endent love liners and beauty, and util z-a her re souroes for our material comfort and en joyment, but through the microscope A. Almost as bright as we could whh. There will be in onr stalls at least one hundred head of bloc led cattle of the various breeds, embracing steers, milch cows and noted bulls. A herd of Jerseys also will be here. The show of bogs, KKfiao™^r»”p“: •" b ’ “ pr "“‘" a bI motor. dtottilMIOO iooonooio.blo oom- Q ; Wlll ' tt , re , S . E „ „ a °. f °“F rac0 ' . th ®*hrf n „* trained horses to compete for the honors bow humbly at her shrine, . . ” treamre up in good and honest hearts A 1obs fif( . m of whicb ara in htr UB.-O0S of wisdom, hoed her admeni- da train , a „ x be rac j Dg and trotting Macon, Oct. 11, 1879. Bmytbekins brought in a long, ramb ling manuscript this morning, whioh he said was meant for a poem. A friend of his had asked him to get it into print, and he concluded to try cur gcod,natuie to the extreme. It isl’t bad, really— some parts of it. It is about an old schoolhonse, and supposed to be written by an old schoolmaster.—Poston Sera’di How welr.1 it looks in the moonlight—and how ttilll Not a scul i>stir at thia d -ad hour but me. There’s the mark of Iiou Pitt’s boot on tho win dow »P1, • Hem ado when ha ran from school and went to tea. *Iis thirty years—it doesn’t seem so long, How much has happened in these thirty years! They comoliko note< of a forgotten song And whisper .-ad things ln my memory’s ears. What bright lads thumbed their books and sat a-row Aud played their pranks with ever busy head, Some grew and married; 1 loach their children now Soma went to other lands, and tome are de-d, ODifS AN » MDS. is given up to be tbe Deal at the South Q. Is tbero much interest manifested in tbe poultry department? A. More than usual. Seventy qoo n s have already been bespoken from abroad, and they will be filled with the most beautiful birds known to the country, Ths father of bis country in Ohio, appears to be a Foster father. Thebe is & greediness about tha man who | and oover-ng all the breeds cf fowls, escaped from a Tennessee j ail, and then re- duoka^geese, guineas and pigeons, turned to oiaim tha reworu offered foi liis I Q Dj you expect any distinguished body Possibly he needed fanda more than visitors to the fair ? fruodom. A. Several; prominent among whom Let us see; has uot samo one already re- I will be the eminent Western statesman, matted that Ban Batter was the Dick Dead- George Pendleton. Mr. Pendleton will eye of Amatican politics ? What a team it certainly (D. V.) be present two days of would mako to play k.m, with Oonkiing as I ^e Exhibitton. (Wednesday aud Thant Adm.r.vjlu Porter snl ons.n B. Antnony a3 day) and all wno wish to meet and hear this polished orator and modal Democrat would do well to heed thia notice. Q. Are tbore any special attractions arranged for the benefit of visitors to the fair? A. There will ba a rs-uniou on Wed nesday of Gsc. Cook’s gallant Brigade, aud it is highly probable that a large majority cf tbe war-worn and battle scarred veterans who followed bis stand ard will attend, and after exchanging greetings with their comrades,fight their battles all over again. Then cu tbe same day, the beautiful monument to the Confederate waterod, we hope and think his experl- 1 ‘ in muir woaierrul combination and ad ment will proves successful one. Let I jistmont there is found ihe monopoly of Tho boys know they have done wrong, and they are Eorry for it. Rcnfroo said As did teko tho interest on the State’s funds and the “immortal seventeen” said he was not gnilty. Hotr do you fix tha ? Ambbicus Recorder 1 One of tha most pleasant features ot our fair will be the reunion of Confederate soldiers on Friday 24.h met., 00 tho fairgrounds, and we urge upon every soldier who took part in that cause sacred to every Southern heart to be present. We cannot say now what form the oeremonies will take, bnt the matter is io the hands of a competent committee and an interesting programme will ba presented in onr next issue, and In the meantime let every survivor of the battles fought for Southern freedom mako his preparations to bs in attend ance on thatoocssion. Last January in Leary, 8. Whltikind, merchant, was brutally murdered, his •tore tired and his body burned. The Albany Kewt eajr: Rocenily Information was received at Lsaty that led to strong suspicions that Perry Vinson, a noted negro desperado of that section, was the long-bidden criminal. Exoltement again ran high, and a party of young men secretly left Leaiy at night, and went to the cabin where Perry was known to be concealed. Tbe party surrounded the honse, and aftir r.n exciting search found him con- pealed in a sideboard. A gun was fonnd in the bed in which he had been lying, whioh was loaded, containing thirteen bnckfbot in each barrel. It was identi fied ns a gun which had baen stolen from tho nioro of W. D Williams’ Sons, at Newton,_ and which belonged to Mr. Sam Livingston. The captaro was made Otar GiilionvilJo, in Dougherty county, and was engaged In by Messrs. J. C. Price, W. T. Simmons, J. F. Lark, J. A. McG.ogor, Jr., Robert Boyd, of Leary, and Mr. W. Bunch, of Dougherty. “Sox,” ihe correspondent of the Aa- gesta Fewt, wants to know what Marcel- lus Thornton will do, now that the Legis lature has adjourned.- If Maroeliui wants a permanent job we wonid suggest that'll he eitdownon the side steps of the Oapi- tol and wait for his prophecies to bs ful filled. Th~ News and Farmer, whioh dived under the sarface at Stndersville and sheep-folds be multiplied. JlOSKIBLf - Odamlmo iZVmcFi negro boy named Toney Stephens, about twelve years of age, engaged in driviDg ths gin for Capts n W. J. Hen ry, at Villnla, Ala., was accidentally killed Ta&my morning by his own care lesfness. Ha balanced his body, face downward?, across an arm of tbe large cog wheel while it was in motion, bein, ins promotion of oottoa, and this will give innnjndustrioa3, generous and brave j-oo- pleaiitue ocCTpower they may de sire. With gr'at respect, your ob’t. eervant, Jchx X. Moboav. mala that had died with Bplenic fever, and invariably they perished with in a short time. He then dried the spore- charged blood and permitted it to assume the form of dust, and after keeping it four years, when moistened and intro duced into tho tissues of rabbits aud mice, by inoculation, it was attended with as fatal results &3 those which fol lowed the use of the fresh blood. Not only did these animala die within thirty.eix imnre, but thay exhibited all the symptoms of spicnlo fever, the dia- lo Prevent aud core Coughs and Colds riliible icmv.y is necessary in every _ hons*hoM. P.rkot’s Ginger Tonic is Jaet drawn around by four mules. He was I the uudiciuo „euJ-:<L It radio illy cures going feet foremost and came backwards I cuugbs, colds, sore throat, broncLics and against the stirrnp whioh bolds the band j eve “ topsompUpn it tued in time, by its _ wheel It struck him near tha lower end pomufal . e i‘ ec:a3 acuou oa ,ha stomach, ease .from which tno animals perished «the spinV He scream^ once Md wan ^ a T’ ekia ’ ^ or and “ n40 « ““f 1068 ° f which fnrnlshed the blood for experimen- 01 cue spins, ne soreamea once ana wan tbe throat and longs. It accomplishes the About flftppn nr twpntv drawn by Ihe cog wheel on an Jer the 6fir- cnreia aW ondtrfuJiy short time, and re- if“ 0 A n ,V«' n * up until tbe latter passed up his spins more all pain and soreness of tno lungs. It ?‘ CC6 ‘“ 9 Bllk “ 8bandry °* Franoa was within b few inahes of bis neck, squeizing I is a.’so a moat valaabie siomichii remedy, I threatened with uttsr extinction by a him with great force against the arm of I tffeciualiy icmoving dyspepsia, beadaohe, I disease which prevailed among the silk- the wbec-1 which likewise passed Irvar dissrdore, costivonees, nervousness, worm?. At aceitain stage of their de- upwards to hia breast bone where it cculd Io ? s P Uu3 > “/btfalness, hesnhurn, cramps, velopment it was found that they were go no farther and the pressure stopped of tho bout, sour stomach, e:c., incapable of spinning silk. Their inter- I 'S3^S I “■ —^ *- — rose with a puff at Louisville, is at hand. Savannah needs an investigating com mittee to settle the question: “who rcs- taed the lady ?” Mr. Shelton of Albany beheld the lady first; he rnshed up the back stairs eseioi her in his arms and ■lid down a ladder into the front street. Mr. EUloubry beheld her second ; he lushed up the ladder, seized her in his arms and slid down the back Blairs. Mr, Bird beheld her third; ha flopped his wiccca up to ihe window sill, seized her in his t lions, and emerged with her from the rule, like the Phoenix amiog from his Bribes. Be staled, gentlemen, and let tho i.-.dy speak. Sayakxahuns ara now the cnly p;o- p’.e who are amoved to vhi-tie airs from Pa afire. nal machinery frem some unknown forts to'pnU "it on,' but were 'unable to I “a firaH-SwsTugltets? For^alTby BoTand | CftUB ? " aB emit * 1 I’ , oat oi order - 0 Faateur move it. His situatiun being disoovcrsd 1 B. nail, drnggist cci2 8m I a PP lled hia wonderful po vers of investi- by tbe other driver, help was called and I «>» m ■ ■ I gallon to reveal thia mystery. He stud- the masgled boy extricated by mshitoh- the Prinossa Lcnise and anita occu- Sed tbe 6 i ; ^ orca every stage of its ing the mules and running the wheel | . , . , , _ j growth and development to discover U»a backwards. He fell to the ground ? Iod eleven state-rooms on tho Sarma nature of the disease with which these speechless, and was taken up and carried tion, which left Montreal for England last animals were afflicted. “This malady to a house near by- He spoke onoo inoo- Friday afternoon. 1 which received the uama of elrine was - 1 tho product of a parasite, which took »« — n. n „ I possession of the intestinal canal of the Oyiluion oi Auilaeut Dr. H. 16. 8 ji k worm, sptead through it3 body, and herectly, the blood rattling in bis throat. He raised his head several times and looked at hia breast, bearing the deep im. pression of the arm of the wheel. He, _ . _ .. ... . died in about half aa hour. Coldi.11 s Liebig a Liquid Extraot of J tain the viecid matter of the siik. Thus tt„ 1, ,v„ . I Bsct and touio Invigoratur, is a most ex- I smitten, the worm would go automati- . , F 1 '. S a n „ r fhA °' llcnl preparation. It ia par excellence, cally through the process of spinning ? e0 » mb 4f f Superior to Cod Liver Oil or anything when it had nothing to spin.” .. WiB ever osed ia wasted or impaired oonsti- Pasteur, by hia subtle genius and Nate.i a ]lnntn^t n e rTr t I “Hon. and au excellent preventive of indomitable energy, pushed on his re- rAn.i’J?i en£ ^ , a | I malarial dieeases. Sold by John Ingalls, searches until hiB efforts were rewarded released acd never indicted. A report of I M I _:.u tta ik, that killing waa published in Iho Times 1 00 * a few days after it occurred. Little tiutteicap. Irnigme lioscoo O. eing' iog beneath hi- horizontal Hyperion curl— For I hold that on tbe Tne expression, “git aw^y from here,” a. parueular auxiety to obey will beget— EspsoUl.y wbon tho p aoj is, Narragansett. I abhor butb^ntis And I abominate taunts, —Aud eo does K .to Aud hia sisters an her aunts. Verily it would bo rtgirded as tha greatest effort of his life, Xauhahx is fighting on its “own hcok.’ The next thing we will hear, will be that it is wriggling there. Hea tho pom:? GaAwr'so' ject in j sumoying around the . ... ... world was evidently to U,e tho Democrats dfiad . W,U ba retied with appropriate . Al _ J . , . .. | aod imposing ceremonies, and tbotuanda ia the tsaT. We crinot look upon him a w m fl jck to our city to behold the pa. political Btar of any mignitada; whoa a star 1 g uant. Fifty military companies hove been invited to participate in the exer- hlls tho country with distrast. Noih-ng in a'l . . .. „* - ^ _ nature ever rises in the west, unless wo ex- cisea, and the parade and oration of G«n- a*pt bacon and ha*. oral Cook form a m03t inviting pio- VrniLS ihe ojuuiry ia wrostliug with too *"““«• 1“ addition to this, there will problem, “how to pacify the Indians,’ we ba a magmlioent pyrotechnic d.splay on , “It , ’ the Fair Grounds, one night which will would znctk y suggest tho general govern- D0 wltnessed bv thousands. P Q Will the several tailroads extend CoxHisstosza LzDua should be nnesas- aOBmoat ' * th8 pnW, ° *° ing iu hia tfferts to increase tho yield or A . Y«; thoy have been more liberal the oirraway seed. Send them to us by the I than ever. General Snpezintendent Bog- 0it , k ., tb8 Tu e 1 °. r i°?.A f ^L 8 iJfA Jo 1 “to will giant half-rates to passengers on - v f-»■ - “• grass, but wheuwe saw the oolf nibbing during Fair week. The Georgia Rail away on it, we were oonvinoid that youkn£w I road willdotbe same thing, and run a what was wanted, better than we. | special train besides during tne Fair from between Camak and Maoon. Indeed, W* speak knowingly when we assert I a ** railroads of tho State have tnat Hall’s Vegetable Sioilian Hair Re- a 8 re « d «o give half rates to visitors to newer is the best attiole of the kind sold | Fair, and paes tneir contributions on the American continent. Personal I exhibition and return, for oao trial has demonstrated this, and the ar- . ticle is an elegant and oleanly one, with-1 From ths above it will be seen that out whioh we think no toilet complete. | never was aa exposition of any kind in Messrs. Johnston, Holloway & Co,, 602 I Georgia, gotten np under more favorable Aroh Street, Philadelphia, are the agents Apices, and neT er has more enthusiasm for the artiole, and when our Philadel-1 r ’ phia friends return from Cape May, they been manifested in behalf of any similar should certainly procure some of is. Wo I enterprise kLOw of no such articlo extant for the At lea8t thref oouotle8 ala0 t0 . wi ^ hair, and thus speak in such deoided and .. _ _ . . m ,. . „ , emphatic terms.—-Oceon Foam, Cape Map, ^° Broe i Sumter and Talbot, w 11 oaler 2f. JT, lw. I ihe lists for tbe beet oonnty display, for which a prize of three hundred dollars ia offered. The President has refrained from pub* litbing sensational ariioles in advance, whose statements might fail to be real bod. Bnt the above report of the eitua tion may be regarded as etriolly anthem tie, and, indeed, the balf has not bsen GEORGIA JDirGE IN TROU BLE. Effort* Being Made for ihe Im peaebmeai of Judge GnklM. A special from Atlanta, Go., says: Exoltement bas been oreated here among the legal fraternity ondthepnb lio generally by a report that some law- ] told. We are glad to announce also that yeis were going to make on effort to have I Maoon will oome sqaareiy np to her Judge^mp'a’he^byOonzrlss! Charges I to contlibatB U.OO in oa?h to will be preferxed alleging general inoa- jSsato exposition. Lot as many pscity and also paitiality in ruling. Era-1 Georgians and oitisens from other States kine, for a long time, has given great I os possible attend our great fair and par diseatisfation te «he bar Iwm and Im- thilpato in it. eajoyable attractions. Ms- Waliou, Aiinapolis, MU. fll j ed the1 saok which ought to con- John Conley, one of the lawyers who will j 00,1 °P eB * "Ida her doors to receive them 3 t T.i—'j Tc-, . _• “ ' 11 1 make the charges against Erskioe, reins- | and extends a hearty welcome to all. ea now to make any statement, but says he will talk plainly in a few days. Rcb. | >p aB R 3AD to Health.—Clesnae the lw. with snccees. He discovered the precise stage of tbs development cf this parasite, Ohio.—The latse; telegram from Ohio I when it could bo mo.-t easily destroyed, The entries are far better than ever he- 000, but it sounds l irgv. Ohio is a close j fore, aud prospects for a much better at | state, tendance than heretofore. The most prominent men of the oountxy wiil be in | deas Iizll.—uur commenccoienx exercise. ! ened with financial ruin. Passing on from tho consideration of the agenoy of atmoepherio germs and animalcules in the induction of disease phet, and one lees, he would have saved SSj!^to2SliS.of^5i^3SS;oiS? us ecme trouble. s-und, Cousxens Honey 0: Tar, will cure his cough. It is only !M) cents a battle, and can bo bought at Boland B Hall'* Urui store, mav7 Tour* in haste, attendance. A large number of our peo- oreorer. I have received my diploma, and am inferior animal*, we have ana- id* Kilt rrnfrnm Uii* aoAtinn I nowrwidj toeukr with lftit into thepleasure* among iniuriu* ““‘““'1 “““ pis will go from Ibis section. 0 , w Mt y, Attired becomingly m » pure lrgoni effects *n their predatory mour- An Exon as ob : Tom Moore traced hia yMtarobqwcfaai »u yg»> ■UtoBvetowmr. B ions upon the human body. It is now esoentfrom the ark aa follows: Ncab to?he ereffl^/dt“ou*b X SSwSif* concededJby the large majorityrof biolo- had three soub—Shem, Ham, and one severe oold a few uaj* beiare, I wa* enabled by j gists and physiologists of the present mo.* I IbenroorOcnss-iu’Hono; Ci Tar.thobeat reme-j <jiy that the long list of contagions and _ ...... I Jy in the worldfor us,andalldi*ca*e* I diseases have their inuoDlicn If ho had had three «ons, Bhem, Ja- or the throat and lungs to sing so well that 1 infections aisease nave tneir moeption . cunuieatiy enraptured a large audience. Tell and development m the fermentation of nnia hA-TA i « « tbe blood arising from these invisible instruments of death. Oextol has yery graphically and lucidly explained the Email and large investments (from i25 to | «“v7 tour, m noste, I aj<ncy of micrcocoel in diph herla. He $10,003), in the combinations of Messrs. axxi*. baa minutely described their operations Lawrence &Go,p»yluge profits This I ~~T V* _ rrTl I tbo Ptcduction cf. tho whitish,Ieath* new and sncjeesfnl eyeiom unites thousands I Scattziisd and Lo=r. The hostile | 0ry membrane that lines the throat and of orders fruin customers into one jimmon-e Utes cannot be found. It ia said they | air passages, and the breaking down of capital, and is manssol with thei best eMll . broken UD j n £ina u detached binds, the vital organs from fermentation of the made aouthwL and lost themse^ ^ ^ tfc f various agencies, so that it Curshm.nn, Heller. Lybea- we wpidlj msiuQg money, and many havo | will bo eilrsmely aimcolr s if not impos- I mtister, Hamifib, Lebort, Oertcl and Paz* acqnhed handeome fortunes by this c-fe | a ; b i e to hold them to any responsibility teur, have advocated the germ theory in and legitimate method, which bas, bc'ti _ * . , . the production of glanders, small-pox, among the .most eucojsesfnl ot tho .move- j their ^ ate rai<Ja °“ tju Heltler8 ’ I SC arIet fever, typhoid fever, yellow fever, | relapsing fever, cholera, tiicbinia, diph theria, and other diseases. It has been before remaiked bow exceedingly tena cious of life are many of the forms of the various animalcules that are so de- | structive of life. They appear to defy extremes of temperature from fifteen to twenty degrees below zero, and two | hundred and fifty degrees above that 1 point. It is not wonderful, then, that the germs of yellow fever oan be safely put to I bed between blacketsaad woolen Nothing meats of tbe Stock Exchange. 325 vr’U make $123, or 5 per cent., ’$100 will return $500, $5j0 will not tS.003, eto , according to the stats of tho mukst. New expleuv.ory c : rcu!ar, wi.'h “unerring rules for eaoee-r.” moiled f i all applicants by M.ecrs. Law/en". & Co, Bankers. 57 Exchange Pisco, New To:k City. Whleh Is Cheapest A package ot Dnxa’i Durham, containing twenty pipo lulls of the be t siLjkir.g tobacco made, or one common cigar? Bach costs 10 lU anZO dA w Whitherare you bound?” said John Moore, a* ho ctood in th* dour-way cl his establishment and saw his old fnand hem Uogor* walking slowly pash The latter; with sunken etesana palli d yis»50, bearing evidences of disease, hast ened to re;ilv, "1 have long safered all the bor- rut»iuv.,L, ir«n an Inactive liver, and am go- irigto the office of Dr Slow to sao< relief.” "Do no»uchll>;: taiiUi friend, "whon yon can buy ;* bottle of 1’ortali .e, or Tabler’* Diver Kegnlatcr, lor onbr S3 cenis, and be permanent-- ly relieved. It will cnre UyspeDsia, Heartburn, hour Stomach, 8ic* Heo-lachs, and all disorder* cf a torpid liver.” For sale oy Holaud BHsll D.aggiit. moyl erb Toombs, hearing of the proposed im- j g ( omaob| bowels and blood from allsoiid, poachment, said! s Why, —— his skin I cottnpt and offensive accnmulations, and rtheu I was in the United S.ates Senate J0U rcmoT0 i be cause ot moat diseases, he wes keeping bar in Charleston. The j ftad tbna preBer y d g0 od health and also rumored impeoohment has caused muob j ga¥0 Iftrg0 doot0 r’s bills. The moat ef- gossip hero. Conley is baeken by many I f eotua j and reliable remedy for this pur members of the bar, while many support pO80 jg gj mmon » 8 LiverRsgulator, purely ^ • __ • • , ... .. vegetable. The trial of one bottle or The foregoing, which we slip from ihe ^ wJ1 , pr<JV0 t0 the patieat the vir Nashville American, i3 very much m error, j t nQ 0 f t b ; Q mt jjcine. even if il does bear tbe autborily of ex- Senator Toombs. The writer knew John I An Anolo-Rdsbian Quabbil.—The Er.kine as long ago aa 1840, at that time Btrald’t London correspondence of Wed- a young graduate of the Irish University, nesday tells of a very curt interview to- engaged as a tutor in a highly reputable tween Count Schouvaloff, the Russian family in Gadsden county, Florida, a re- J Ambassador to Great Britain, and Lard markbaly handsome and scholarly young j Salisbury, about au Eastern frontier. To gentleman, acd by no meana given to bar I of Russia’s proposals for an agreement keeping I u P Qn ® common frontier, Earl Salisbury ° —i- j replied in the mo3t peremptory and even “Don’t Know Half Their Value.” j harsh terms, that England would not per- “They oured mo or Ague, Biiliousnecs j m jt; any intermeddling by Russia in the and Kidney Complaint, aa recommended. II .. .. ,. _ , , had a ha f bottle lsft whioh I used for my I matter, but would fix a frontier ta suit two little girls, who the doctors and neigu- I herself without regard to any real or snp- borseaid oou’dnotbe oured Iwould have I j , n ,. rn . ln „* Tina,!* in »»,* an v;„„, lost both of them one night if I had not £iv- F° 88d of Russia a the subjeo-. en them Hop Bitters. They did them eo I The same correspondence also asserts know half ths voice of Hop Bitte:s, and do I ance baa been formed between tho coarts not recommend them high enough.-’—B, 1 0 f Berlin and Vienna with the cordial ap- Boohester, N. Y. See other column.—lAmer-1 . . io«h Enrol Home. | probation of England, The Apac&es have followed suit with | ^ Wise Deacon, the Utes acd broken ont in a lively man-1 “Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me ner in New Mexico. It U very desirable how yon kept yourself and family well the that these gentlemen of the plains should I P«t season, when all. the rest of us have be quieted once for all. RHEUMATISM. This dreadful torment, ths doctors tell ns, is in the blood, and, knowing this to be true, we advise every sufferer to try a bottle of Darang’s Bheamatio Remedy. It is taken D6«n sick so mnob, and have had the doctors | visiting H3 so often.” | “Bro. Taylor, the answer is very easy. I I used Hop Bitten in time; kept my family well and saved the doctor bills. Three dol- | lore’ worth ot n kept ns Well and able to work all the time. Til warrant it has cost you and the neighbors one or two hundred Internally and will positively care the worst dollars apiece to keep siok tbe same time, case, in the shortest time. Sold low every I “Deacon, Hljuse your medicine hereaf- driiggist in Maoon. janlt dAwSm 1 let.'" The wind is rising in tbe darkened night. My dear old friend. 1 cannot see you now, But 1 cau hear you tremble in the might Of the gatberiugstorm, whichroughiy fans my brow, I’m chill. What ails my limbi? I’m growirg old. I’ll sit awhile. This weakness will pass by. Tne wind is—fierce and—very—very cold— That crash!—My Godt—ThoSchoo.housel—and —and—I— tlEUR*—"way will men smoke common TVoacoo, when they can buy Morbnig Bros. •atiALO* NORTH CAROLINA.” at the sama price, Rills Phased by tbe Georgia Legislature. Wo will publish a list of tho bills passed and approved by the Governor. Tne list begin* with No. S3, the December session having parsed only 32 bills- The ciptions of the aote of the General Assembly will be published daily until the entire number is exhausted. 31. To amend section 4411 of the cole relative to iaroeiiy from the person, Si. To prescribe the manner of allowing insolvent luts to taxcoiJeatcrs. 85. To provide for filling vacancies that may ocoar u tho offire of Gove-nor. EG. To prescribe the jurisdiction o? justi ce-! of tho ps»03 and nofsrice who ara ex- cffloi i justices and to require them to bold monthly oourts. 37. To authorize tbe p olice courts to im po-.e sentenots in ths alternative. 31. To permit parties defendant in all cases where a pioacf reo.npmeat has been filed <o recover there-n any dsmiges proven in OXC1S3 of the claim of ths plaintiff. 33 Co fix fees cf county officers in cisa of lunacy. 4<J. To make four additional truste es for the univoreiiy of Georgia aod to give their election to the State Society. 41. To requiro constables and bailiffs to sell only on rognitr days and in legal hours of salo. 42 To amend section 3315 of tho codo relative to pay of State’s witnesses frum otnur counties. 43 To authorize city of West Point to organizes system of pnuiio school. 41. To protect Jibeny of citizens incase for the recovery of personal properly whero bail is required. 45. To amend section 4110 of the csdo relative to punishment for misdemeanors. 4G. To appropriate $35,033 und use of the walli of the old penitentiary to the trustees of the luna’.io asylum to enlarge buiidmgs for the colored patients. 47. To cede to tho United Stales certain lands on the Sav&onah r.vcr. 48. To provide for tha acceptance by tbe State of the p.op3 :cl of the city of Atlanta to convey to tno State a site fora capitol, eto 48. T • nathotiza ths issue of bonds by the city of Macon. 49 To change the timo of holding the Superior courts of Lnmphia aud Dawscn cuuuties. 50. To snthorizi tho Commiubhera of B,bb oonnty to pnrohaso the Wiley turnpike. 51. To confer additional powers on tax collectors and to moke them ex-officio slier 52. To establish iho line betwoaa Gear gia and North Oarohnv. 63 To amend en not to incorporate the Louisville branch railroad. t4 To incorporate the Hartwell railroad company. 55. To authorzi Iho Governor to emp’oy soma proper person (o remove from tbe cspiioi tho edions sign '‘Kimbail Opera Honse.” 5G To amend the aot to establish a cow charter for Atlanta. 66 To authorize the ordinary of Jackson count j to issue bonds to build a court bouse 57. To regula o the publication of regis tered viteca of nugcati. 53 To amend au aot fixing the solaty of the treasurer of B : chmond cranty. 69 To requiie the major of Augusta to perform the duties of recorder. 60. To fix the tons of j ustices of the potca in appeal cases. 61. To relievd Bich aud H. Leonard, of Taibo. couvty. 62. To roriso tfco Jury box ia Harris county. 63. To provost forfeitures of recogni zances ia criminal coses, except where the bt&te is read; for trial. 64. To amend an ac l . authorizing the city council of Augusta to create a board of health, 65. To authorizo the Comptroller-General to administer oaths. 66. To preecrsba the manner cf letting the publio printing. 67- To amend section 1876 of the code restive to creation oi private corporations by tho oourts. 63 To provent driving or grazing of dis eased cattle in places where cattle are not diseased. 69 To change time of holding superior oouct of Mitchell county. 70- To prevent sale of liquor in McDuffie omaly. 71 To repeal aot consolidating effi'es of o’erk of court and treasurer of Paulding county. 72. To craate a board of police commis sioners for Augusta. 73. To amend an aot regulating the man ner ot holding municipal tlect.ons iu West Point 74 To aathoriz a payment ot balance due tbs aobool OummUsioner of Whi'fisld oouu ‘y 75. To amend an aot fixing the pay of tax reocivu and collector of Laurens coon- «7; Si Ll Hi tion. others believe thetrhean is *ffe«2i many imagino thej are » terribly aUbciS’ ,v B ? it ia luiposMbie for themlo locate Putwe w,!l tell, you why year ccu g h you, your heart ja&mpu, aud a irenS-f i ” of dullnosa pervades ,x>ur entira svstJm feC ii D ^ bocaute your liveritina dUorJeiS e «5«*.4- Ii and does not properl* perform lions, and you reverwiU be we unuul 1 '?^ 0, the Regulator to relore yoiir]iveM 0 V“ u t Ul!a aad h.slthy cocditioi. We tell you pkimj'jw SimmonB’Liver Kfjulalor wUl powSS. you andatnalof ttemedicine will mra St the truth of whi-is SEx Wl11 “avmce you known?" 6 US6J “ t:>blJ tie bcstlirerae^tolne take Snunons’ Ltver Ucgu ator ft you wan) aomethirg to Etrennh,,] you take Simmons’ i-iver iterator if you 'vant a good appetite take Simttors Liyer Kesculttcr. If you J r . aut of n-rvou»ness tako Bimmuis Liver Regulator, if yoil want jcod digestion take HnnLons* IiiTor K^oilator. if voa waut to f. I i e A e ^T We Tf t ^ aSimm0nS ’ LiVS? Re i’ ul&tor. Ii you waut to build up your ““•""bk) Simmon.’ Yte" BegUator. Ifyuu wans a brisk and yigotous feeling tako S.mmons’ Livtr Regulator. If you want to re* iter* tour health take Simmons’ Livtr Eeguaior. Eoad the following testimonial: 1 wa3 £er ' oa s'y alfecled -n-Tti 1 -,? Ih ? nd “V?" dyspepsia to such my health was much im-' paired. So.rapid was the advaur i of thii insidi ous complaint that! soon felt that my eonititu- tion w*s broken. After sufiering lor several y ?’J s I a dvned to try Simmoua’ Liver Err. ulator but declined because I bad conceived it to be ‘o.uly a patent medicine.” At length, believ- mg it could do no harm, I yielded: Xu a few, I became not only relieved, but abso lutely oared and for two years past I have be ;n thoroughly restored to horltil aad enjoyment of 1 look upon the Regulator as a most excellent mod lcine, and wiii al ways have it by mo to resist any msunons approaches of xnyold enemy. I write this ingratitude for tho benolt which I nave received from the useot tho Emulator. Pcipictfully, etc. W is a ALL-, Jthincipil HaU’s select scha-jl. Hat on, Ga. The Original aud only gemiiua mattuf&cturod by J HZEILt.V A CO, '■ _ . . Phiiarteli bi»,Pa. Price ST, For fifilft by Rlldni(rm-^» 76. To amend the aot incorporating toe ntookbolders of the Cartersvilid and Yon Wert railroad. 77- To oonfitm an ordinonco of ihe city council of Augutta, to create a sinking fond. 78. To amend section 2970 of the code. 79. To authorize each county to establish and maintain a system of drainsg s SO. To amend an act creating a board cf oommieeioners for Gwinnett oounty. 81. To amend an act incorporating the town of Talbotlon. 82 To prohibit oito' ing fish to ship or sell from the waters of the Little Oomulgte river in Telfair o ucty 83 To amend an aot creating a boird of oommiaefonera for Monroe oounty. Ut. To amend section 951, 952 and 953 of the code as to lost bonds so as to mike It ap ply to lost conpone also 65. To autho. ize commissioners of Hous ton county to parohseo property 86. To prescribe manner of creating corpo rations by the courts. 87. To amend an act carrying into effect paragraph 2, section 18, article u cf the con stitution. 83 To provide for organiz'ng chain gangs for misdemeanor con riots. 79 Xu amend Bectbu 4717 of tha code oa to boil in criminal cases. 93. To amend the charter cf Crawford- vilid. 91. To amend aot incorporating the Geor- p» Bonking and T:Uit Company so os to al ow reduo.ion of its capital stock 92. To amend an aot establishing a new charier for Atlanta. 93. To create a city government for Eo- ton ton. 94. To provide for payment certain insol vent costs tn the Angn-ta oirouit. 95. To amend the sole or lease of the Ma con and Brmmick railroad. 96. To amend the oh&rrer of Atlanta. 97. To incorporate tno Cherokee Iron Company. 93. To amend section £8 of tho school law of 1&72. 93. To repeal sections 4337- 8 of tbe code, and to amend seotion 4386 of the revised oode, and to prescribe the punishment for burglary. 109. To amend an aot to icooprate the town of Thomson, eto. Printer’s Roller* . ui Roller Gam. We again call the at'antion o! the Southern Press to the advertisement in th'n p«D?r of While’* Ruller Gum We havo b-ea using it for some time, and find it the best we have ever us • ed. Iiis tough,ete'tis.aul pos-easei that pecu liar suction so nocsssiry to do gooi press work. It will also recast as well, or oettartnan any other. It will mi’te a roller that will stand an Adams b30k press, ortib'o distribution on cyl inder press bettor thia any other. 3Ir_ WiKla uses in the mam-Cloture ot tin's Gam tho ••ncortod gluo that cm bi hid. aud other mate rial ot tha Inst graies. Baud invour dersfor Hollers or OomocMtion to this ofica, Erica in lots oi less than SO pounds, 53 couts per pounc: 6C pounds and up, SS cents. Boilers cs*4 for tho oonntry preij at W goats per pound —Senator ana mis. wayaru, »uo xauer much improved in health, expect to sail for home in tho steamship ‘Hose,’ from South ampton on tbo 26th instant. —Dean Milman, seeing Bishop Wiiber- forco and_ the very Low Chn.-cu Bishop ViHte-ra driving away togeiher cno day. ho enjoined them as thoy started to ‘Sco that ye rail not ont by tho way.’ • NABFOwira _iek Gaose,—Tho stockbol* de.'B.uf tbo tibictgo, St. Louis and hew Or leans railroad held a meeting in New York Monday snd ro oived to narrow tho gangs to 4 feet 8}£ inches—standard gauge—audio reduce tbe gradeB of the load- bed —A yoong ledy of Philadelphia hid her pocket picked of a wallat contsining $5. On ascertaining h-r loss eha fonnd that a dia mond ring, pronounced to bu worth S3 JO, had siipp^d from the thief's finger during tbe operation and remained in bur p-cket. —It is estimated that Dr H. J. Glenn, Democratic candidate for Governor of Cali- fornii, thia year has raised 1,2w,UlO sicks of g.uiu on his ranch in Colusa conaty. Tii'-j is equal to abont 65,; to tons, or enough to lead thirty-two vessels. Tub crop is worth about *2.310,089. Dr Glenn te a naiivo of Augusta oounty, V.i t ,inii —Great excitement prevails in tho vicinity of Fott McEenney, Wyoming Territory, on aocouat of recent rich discoveries of gold- bearing qainz on the Big Horn mountains, about 75 mites northwest of tbo foit Large numbers of miners are en ronte to tbe mints. Tbo ore has b:eu essayed, with the following retail*: Lowest SI, highest £79 per ton. —Simon Gimoron thinks m power on earth ecu prevent the nomination of Grant in i8S9. 'I never saw anything like it.’ he Kaidtocen'iy to a reporter of Ihe Philadel phia Record, 'except with Ji.okeon. There was a hnrran etutud with him, Jn:t iike tte's Gr*nt boom, and it went all over the coun try.’ MA?8icmj<jETT8 Son BuxiF.l).—The Spring- field Republic tu cays: Against any but the best EepnbUcon osneidate utassichuietta h a Bayaid State The Worcester L’emoora’s, tepresenting an overwhelm,eg m jerity of tbo Duiuootalto voters of th s Uouimonwealtb, show hard sense in choosing Bayard dele gates. Tho gun of the Presidential campaign wUMn the Democratic party is a esinto toBtyird. —John Elder Ada., ths fatuous British shipbuilders, have Just taken a contract for a miUion-dollar yacht. It is for ths Em peror of Bcssia, has bscu designed by Ad miral Poptff, -nd will replace the Levadia, lost off tbe Crimea last autumn. The Cz?r is represented in tbo cu. tract by Admiral Losovsky. the linerian of Mrrias. Tho guaranteed spetd m to ba 15 knots snd tha horse power 10 530. Them VVKDDisa Jodakey —In the last fsw daja a young laoy ana gentleman in AngtuU county, Ya„ both in good citcnmstanoes, wero married »■. 9.31 A. il, wont straight to their new residenco, to which tho groom had already ontereu new fnrnitu.o aid an outfit for honaekospirg, and at 12 o'olock tney had dinner, which tne biiao had attoudes to. In the afternoon tho biidesanids hid a good deal of fan pu img down the carpets for the happy pair. —A suange incident of toe rent agitation ia Ireland recently occurred near Mallow. A landlord offered his tenants - reduction of 15 poroenh, and they rtfast'd it. nis treat ment of them m the poet had, they said, oouu so gui.erous, and they had u.enench gainers in prosperous j.a-s by taa arrsuge- raents with them, that they were doiermined for this yt*r, at 1—ot, he o-eilul not suffer from the existing deptecrion Several of them eui{ busizcu tins dsdorauon hr paying in full cn tha epo , an i tto remainder offer ed to settle acoomts oy tno eod of Novem ber. Tax Is flux on GolL —Hon Horatio N. Batchard, director of the mint, states that the import jtions of oiin ana bullion into the United States during tho test threo ironths have amounted to £34 312,745, and that f5.509,Cuu ore now in the way, making au aggregate of r.buat £4'*,000,0 0 for three months, or at tno rate of £iCU,CbU,000 per annum. Mr. Burchard thniae (ha; this in flux will continue fur at least six ur seven ixo-tbs. It mu: tbo itmunbcrcd also that tbe total annual prodacts cf ear mines, about 9109,000,109, are retained >n the country and go to swell tlie volume of our circulating medium acd onii LOspncee Tex Shce?.—Ths cheapest meat for the farmer is mutton - It may safely be said to cost nothing, a* the fl.ccu fioiu a sheep of good breed wt i ampy pxy for its keeping. Then, for addtuon.-.l pro at, tnere are a iamo or two, tho pi it of the ai.imi', if killed at home, tho excellent manure f ivnn its drop- piegj, and the riddance cf the p'et.iroafrotn weeds, to wtuen sheep arc a^suuctlve foes. With tho exception of pomt /, n,u> .on is also tha most oonvenisn: mu-i for tha farmer. A sheep is Cast y killed ai d dressed by a singlo hand in au hour, aim iu tho war nut weather it can be readily disposed or before ittpoila. fcc.hncj and txpirience both de clare it iho hetUhiQst kiud of meat, and a foolish prt-Jcdics alone prefers pork, woich, whether freth or salt, u tha cu-cclihieetof alh Whenpcopis gain m ro v! Morn far* mars wiUksep inure sheep- —The fcX-EmpreBs OEilottv’s health h'3 much impiovea in her new home, bnt h-r minu is still d>man<l. hhe has cncremsr- kablo peculiarity—that of never speak og in the fust pereon, always using tbo abstiai.. subsiantiVe ‘on.’ ‘On .’Cairo, oa vent, cn exige.’ She is kindly snd grso ons to ail who surround her, and takes a gresi interest in the families of the farmers and cottagers on the estate; when inquiring -bout than, she eays: ‘It is wished to knew it they are well and happy’—or the will m otion »o the gar dener that ‘it is remedied’ the.e are leaves in a certain alloy ibat shemd be swept away, or that ecme al- oration has born nicely done. Her muatb ate etrvea the uawo Ceremo ny xs at court, a d she always arasses ape- c.olly for Ui-m. Vi nun tor v dinmr is-n- ncunced, she esters tbe room, mafcoia ceremonial ccnrtesy to her end takes her seat, ta Jng with, excel’ent appetite and talking etcaih.y enough, —Tho royal family cf Denmark aro now gathered at Berostciff Uastle, with the ex ception ot Tnyi . ih; jcutg nufiisM of Cumberland, whose little daogh cr keeps her at home. The future Qqec . .; Lnrisnd andEmprere uf i.. .. to:. uu-'J-’ic’s andohildren, are toi,e.;:cr again in their childhood's h'.'inc, which, tbough «-:s ! l fnd erawdoi, they hive preferred rc-r their vieit to any other of tho roj al rceideDcee- The two irui:e c.c. a i itogmar, in sisted upon el....teg tne »,me r-.m *■- ween they sere uin-d-en, brsagnt np under ti e tender eyes ce : r parents, but iaihou-u The childten , iy happy tc- %. eea of tho K:c", and w’ re bo* s a bevy of j! id; in, pisying q ; about in,' - hecorria- ki'h uo'«y you'll, and often thu A g hims'-l", n excellent liver, Loids the uine. of the iho-t tr of the two en gether; r.! avtnuo <4 on his arm fore or beui: hoi,liny ana ic an(Uiagt..:u evtiythmre gee are fii ctiiractst i have b.i i,bo a •.••j a or t)fg ,