Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, October 28, 1879, Image 7

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H Special to Tel^npb and M«awngjr.| (ooiirfli if a., Oji* 25, 1879. •j j, 3 cStf(d i*e» of t'io Hocrce Fuarale C.aiPtro wi'l go 03 "Hooat interruption Auipi--a -, o •n>®Oiaiiooa hare been mad’ for temporary purpas.a. Tile colleen will be rebuilt at ante. The funds tru now ready Xjund -h, Ojtobe* 25 — A dispatch from All Knayl my* two Aptian troopers an J B Sepoy of one of tu<> Herab r.-giaivnu wire liai sed for complicity in the mu- eaoro of ihe British etnbatajy. Elliott fr:a$a if no beats Boyd ho wi! 1 accept n.niian’a term-, aud row him m Tor; B>.y. MascBlIVSB, OR. 25.—A*j the L b«»l dem rns ra'iOo yesierday the Mri-mU Of Huiitinit'en sharply attacked Iieid Balie- burs’w recent speech. lie mid the polio? indicated iu Salisbury’* circuit? had no- been carried .* and Bakia bad Dtt'u confined in ail tOt qU '.ta she made by the treaty nf Son Siefaso. D!4cu»*if»g reforms m the trusty tie ohur.etur.-Eou S-ilisburj’s defr.Qbe of the assertion lhat Eagiiad hid spent biuod and treasure iu defense of bad government as immoral policy. Hi declirad the governtn.n'.’e Afgtft < [O’.iey would end in annexation. MtUPUls October 25.—Another heavy frost fell last m-,;ht nr u a thin coating or Ice formed on tbu pools of water in the suburb;. Toe Ihermomuter, by uiguti service officer on the groned ‘-a a teat marked 32} degrees at A o’clock tui- morning. Steamer Hard Cash, from Sr. L inis, arrived this muiciiiK at 9 o’clock, belt.,, tbs fir-t boat to lend at tba wharf eiac- Jjly 2i n. The wia.tKT is ftl'ar and coal. Tns f..tiuring ulcgram was soat this ,Por>jiBfj: Tno ia d e an d en led this day. Tha csrnps will broken nj a M-rday morning. Thinks am ex trmled in behalf of tun pao,de O' Hem- phis for a-EiHtaucu offered and for fav- t! e ud proni-is 1.if asoenary. W-, U*v~ EDlfieient fends to carry ns through, i:i willuot be ooinpetled to draw on you for any more. [S gned.3 T. S Pcbtbb, Pres, lo Hon. A 8. Masks, <5 >vernor. Kkw Ysek Ootober 25. — lo the Scbs.i ff r-Bi sjoir contest Jast nig Sloitaun m leone thousand points; Seh-t.ff r, 1 C86 B.iea,ffdr’d highest inn was 427, Slo—o*’.- 226 Chatemnjs, October 25.—A dispatch of Tbu ediy night regarding U-.nuui Urus being oa thr war pith ia ojofLaed Gov.’ronr a.y, has i«- egrapbed to W-jb- icet■ n for mu:t«ry re si ’acca. N*'.v Y ek, Oct 25 —A special from C. ur land, Alaosma, says last May Jna T. Ha kins shot and killed 8. P. Drake. To-day (PruJat) J. H. Drake, br ithrt of he dec asH-J, met Hawkins and com menced firing at him, and closing with Hawkins threw him to tbo groan i. The city m usual ran up and uttemp.ed to puli iff Drake, who, beating Davkins over tb- bend with a p.sto! and throwing the tear, bat < ff. placed a pistol to H-.W kin .' head*, fi.u k a:.d blowing out his b mss Thu gna l jury bad failed to find an indictment, against Hawkics and this o enraged Drake iliac he fired on He.'.vkir.a at-eight. ilmruia, i enn , Nook, Oc'-obtr 25 — Out! onto of l« v*r was reported -.Lis mirnin..—Alfred Bevenfz—'.wo deaths 00 ufftd: Wuj Jt.hneob, oj.oo), at B int?n S :-tiou n . Joseph Lea, at the Cl y Ha.p.lal. Thu toltowu-gi- th-, effi- ci d aMiouaeument. ot the Board of II ui:E d.clenng the epid.>: io os-Ioi: O.vmg to tbo tail iu tbs temperature within th« past three days, there having been t'to good fro. ts with a ptoapect Of • confi.-.nation c.f coot weather, th« Boa.d Of Hemth hereby declares the epidemic of 1879 at an end, and announce-, mat there is but littie danger to be appru- feonaeri from yellow tcvur b, ebaraters or otfc.r persons coming in o the city, ptoviii. d tho iii-iruotions pabli-hcr S^p • 2S h nave b or complied with in rtgard lotba vcn.iili-tiou of houses, bed ding, cl jttiitg, etc. It takes this occasion to u.iai s p«;-jiia on tiioir return to avoid infft-ed plaooe. Tasra are a few casm ot y. lt 'W fevor yot iu tha city huj a f> w c.-cs m y y*.t do/stop, bat by ordinary prudence, there is no danger of the dis- e j "c how epru idic;. troui liiai, source. Bj order of the Board of Hesitb. J. Ceaksekb, M. D , Scctctary. Pkthe suno, Ya m October 25 — The firct io« ahd the heaviest frost c£ ;be cefsic wero perceptibl j la many play. ? btr- rbon a law tnornieg. It is fear d great damage has been done to tbs to bacco crop. St Louis, October 25 —The body that was found on tte shorn of L>ku Michi- gati, n-ar Mill-i’n station yesterday, w- b Identified from the <!cto’iptir-n given t.y tbo dispatches from ffo. E. Burr, i a lb.i remains uf his brother, George Bur , who ascended in tbo b.’.i’o .p, the P>uh- fin.ler. with Prvfi,s,or Wise. Nsw Yobk, October 25 —A special from Toronto says Ounrituny’s lelo^csm stating that be acirnts’a propoii tion and will let him ku .w wb=n and wlero be will row is nj*. a'.t.'gother satis- factory aid there is a feeling that Courte nay is asking loo much iu sayioe be will name tuj lime nod plaoa. Hauian pro- fcia tbo Ctia .auqua course, but wi.l to ? wb.niv. r Courtenay may say. Wa-hixgtom, Ojt. 25.—Tae folloviag telegram was roco.v.d this eventrg by tbo Ccmmiseioncr of Indian Affaire Los Piko.-, Oct. 21.—Arrived here ot 2 p. xu. Everything is quiot a p.030nt. I haw h;d a talk with Ouray and two have jus: arrived from the hoa- fiic’e e cop, fliteea mil,;3 Ibis side o? Gian.1 rivet—•.bout bnlf wsy b tueen fc ie ar.d th« White river agency. Mrs M-ilt' r, Miei Mokcr, Mv.-'. Price and her ta'C children nte prisnnets In Jolm eon s jc.ifcp. Too couriers taot Gineral Adama I vit mget oco day’s maroh fruta the tioB i i ’s citup. Ouray bob eves tha pii;C..orj will ba dellvcrfd tuG.noral Adam 1 ’. At the Tiiorcburgh mrsiacrc twenty-tbreo Indian i wero ktlicd sni tw j wounded. After Thornburgh's fl^ht the Indians, knowing of Meriiu’s sr>- ptoacb, mads preparati. ns tor a grand but Is, sed were on tho *70 of atlecking when tli-y received orders from O ira.. to cease fijluing and retire, which ihfj obeyed. Will wait aero too ratura ot A.'oms, whin tho Icuiass eip ct to hold a |.rsiat council the reeci's of trhich cau not be foriscen. [8 i-r. d] PotEuCK I i iTCt-ir. London, Ootober 25—AcivCu /.on Liverpool state that nix ».c< k there wiil doabtie s be au extreme pte n under tb. Oo ober corner, and tha’ si j'otcr ru- m .;u aru afioat touching ihs am-pandtd firm or W. D. Tomlin<oo, etc. ConsTAntiKvPLE, October 25.—Ahmed V. fit P-.fih* bE3 rCiigned the Qovtrcsr- etipof Brcrs-s ( Lor don, Ootobor 25.—Wo. Bmggold Copper, the Amsncsa who pleaded guilty to ibe forgeries oa Qlyn, Mills db Co. bankers, L>ndou, and to similar charge pioftrnd by, the effioers of the Bunk v' E .gl mi), was Bentencud to five years’ pn eal eervitude. Livepp:ol October 25.—W. D. Tom. liuLOs & Od., old esiablisned cotton bro ker?. bare eospanded payment. The mirks-: is vary fevernD, owing lo speculator* hiving bought np enengh ootton to create an artificial scarcity, and sqari as tbo Drgsst possible difference ou ot ihu salt-,ra of the Ou.obir delivery. BAETia.-n*, Md., Oc.obur 25.—This iras the fourth and last day of the fall meeting of the Miryhnd Joeky Ctnb, and tho attendance was large. Xne at mosphere was clear and sharp, a north wind blowing, bnt tho track w&3 in splendid condition. With a single ex ception, all the bo:8*s which to h part in the Biwic stakes bad been oonfiuedta shorter diatano??, and never before at tempted fonr mile heats, so that butUn-g men were uncertain how to piao3 ihkir money to moko it pay. Thj great event of the cUy wa* the Boats ititk- ;•, for allag.:3, $100otninc hulf !'oife;f, club to ad I $2,000 for fiteo horse and ffOOfor -the sroessd, who' wM riosivid etstes to the amount of £3i fonr mule heat. The horses which com:-, to lbs post were GUnmore, Willie i a p Ara r aeaios Loaianicr, and Charley Bneb. Gimme ru was the favoiite m the pools, Rtll n,-. for $353 to $250 for Willie D. $189 for Loa, and $110 for Char!e> Bush. Iu tne start Willie D. was first sway, Charley Bash eccsnd, Lonlsnier third, Glenmore last. At the quarter, Willie D. was three lengths ahead or Cn-rley Bush, who was 2 length? ahead of Luala- nisr, who was five lengths ah tad of Glen- more. There was n > further change of positions around to the end of tbo second or third miles. At th; beginning of the fourth mile the running was fin-.', as the pace had been fast from the start, and cuo horses closed np in the qnartei throngh the buck etrsich and to the three qnaitir pale. G:enmara then made a ran for the finish, bnt aonld not reach, and Willie D. came heme winner of tbo neat, (wo lengths ahead, Glenmore sec -».d, who wis three lengths ahead ot (1 artsy Bu-h. fourth. The first mile was rnn in 1 54} ; second mile in 3.501; hi.-d mile in 5 41}, and the htat 10 7 29} Willie D. pulled np lame, hiving pick ed no a pebuie m one of hi> frogs. ais, October 25.—N» now casts since this morning. Total cases reported for the week, thirfy-cnc— wuites twsaty-one, colored ten ; total to date, 1,511. Total deaths from yellow fo v.-r for the week, fourteen— whites twelve, colored two; total to da*e, 470 Thu Howards have eighty-five nurses on duty, attending seventy-two white and nineteen color, d families. This includes those sent to Forest City, Aik. The firing ihroagh train from L-aisvilla with sixty pa-singers, arrived this afternoon. Brownsville, Tc-nn , raised quarantine to-day. Bucast i,d Va , October 25 —Ice from a qo irtrr to a half inch thick formed hero last night. Tho thermometer at saense •ru down to thirty dogrtta Manobblzsk, OitoBiir 25.—At tho lib eral demoE-struti-unyesterday L-urd Hua- tiogion, replying to a criticism upon tho enppoiv d attack of tha tbetals regarding foreign affairs, and to iha charge that a ohengo in the Government would onset- tie th j presen srrangemonf, said: “Tae Lit) rale are aware tost international ob- lu-atione must be respected as long us tho circuuisUhoes under which th.-y were made remained nn -banged. We felt from the begiuniog that ono of tbs worn: rsouhe of onr mischievous and mi.-gaided foreign policy was that its coosiq-uvnce do cot csa-e immedutrly with the tenure of power of its nnthors. Wu know that • he er.gag: ments a gavommeut has en tered into must bo respected. I d.-ty any one to put hi* band ou any statem- nt by any re-pousible leader of the Liberal putty to the contrary. It is impossible 10 describe a policy for the lainre under circamsteuces of which we esa k ow nothing certain, and of which we qan only unakea forecast. England's policy shoulo not bo in imitation of the policy of any othtr po*er. Toero is no power in Eu.-op.i except England which has no- known tha Lor.ora of foieign ievasion in —■BBBBBa—a PILL bbbm am— SYWlPTOfifiS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lots of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the He ad p with ts* dull senselisn ia the becli part, gcinnnderthofihoulderblade, full ness filter eating, witll a diainr^inf*? inn to .terinK ct tiio Hccxt, i*ft i/aHaw kwv* Headache essneis . _ _ Urine. nr THESE Ir/AHKIHGS ABE UKITEEDIID, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTU’S PHIS aro especially adapted to rtnrli cases, cr.s coso efi'erts encli a clsaugc ci iscliug os to cbtonlfih the snCcrcr. COMSTI PATIOS. OrTy with re^r.Iarily of the bovreb cr.n perfect ccali:i bs eajoyrd. If tbo constipation i3 of recent date, n do-o cf TCTX’3 PIXX3 v."Ill Mjfiice, l;ut if i; his become habiiua!. one pxlehonld be taken cv * ' - the fret movement Dr. I* Gay I«c\v*.«, l'ii«tou, Ark.* rays: “After n practice of £3 years. I pronounce TUTT'S PILLS the bett nnti-biiious xaedicino ever mxule. r * omach and cine lo do xne to i inch good as TINT’S PILLS. They are r.3 rood fisreprcaeotcd.** Ollico 35 ilftirtny Street, New York. TUTT’S li&IE SYE. nuATllAinon Wftbkfrs chsnr>d lo a black lij* a f ;:!jr!o Rppl.catwa ut tiiia Drr, It partin Mtaral t'olor,tets lartantana»;r.s!.v, rri in ftS 1 ft fcprinjr water. Sold Ly Lrus-iwis, or s*»Tit express on receipt of 81. OSiCo S5 Murray Si., Kow York. the presu-nt century. It 1. natural that ijumt i'aei liungcs»f tciupsraturo which disor- tho foreign policy of every indiv-5 a-i! ilcr tha oon-tjuitiuus ot the foahie There isyi- G jv-rnineut should bu greatly itflaeue-d by the dread of a recurrence of euca disisters, no: to bo wandered at that ether States view with enspioien the p >.ie, aad every movement of naiionah- tios for the (listarbtnce of the hatenee of power,»».' I say that E giaad, which is, to a great outsat free from appruben eou-o: tain kind, tna- res no moved a great d.:al that psiaus in E iropo, wuich uaioradj rxcitea taeea-pioioa and appre hension of other nation? EjgUad i? curongh her many coir-nial poisesuioa? and nsr Indian possessions, more liable to vital injury than St.y other S.-ate. I'hr, conoiasiuu I derive from these eansid- eiaiOEsis that Begland ii 1-ss fi’tfd by ber position and the nature of her re Buurca* than any other power foi a t-oiio» of mitiury administration. Tne P.i« ■ spsko the traih when he said tba resources o! ngl ind are so great, that if Bh > went to w.r, she would no? hive to aonsidcr whether ehe could muiDtuin wjr for one or for three a im- p3igt«3 That I believe to bo true, but it is sis i true that EcgUnd is less prepared than any other power for the first cam paign, and no minister ought to threaten w ir or go to war unless he a.-kj him self the qoes’ioa whether the cans? is obviously jner in tbo eyes cf the whole people, that they will be re-.'iy to mak*. these protracted siorifices which wcnl-i bo necessary for tue prosecution of u war t tr ooo or for three campaigns, as for five campaigns. Nor do: ; It follow from thece opicioes that tbs p iicy of England ought to bo one of a.lfi?h and timid isolation. Di wiies. like thieves, mttac. the weak. Por- tHy jour org-inizntion with the Bitter, ted it a:id btiflli alike tho ejidtre. tali:>- in it. It is a purs veifntabla stiumlaut, a rare ahemtive and anti-billiyu. medioiue, and hainotaharmtul element amonst its m my in- RrothMits. For sal9 o> all drugiria;. and respec table dealer?. ■n-ir^w FIN^SiAL ms QSiii^EHCihl MACON COTTON STATEMENT OFFICII TBlitCQItAVR *Nli fttUHSKIVSBE , Ociob.-ju £5.1ZTJ.—Evsjnse The market to-day was quiet and tteady at lCJiatO^ cats formidoling. JBeceived today 2iS by angou..... m ....... Ssj— EiC rim.ped S3t> Sold *.& StATKMKNT A lock on band September 1,1S79 2S0 SeoeiTcd t day 511 ....- ™... 12675—20121 prevlausly. £0171 .„. 376 ,...15253—27-353 Sbippoi to-d .y....™. previously Stock ar. band this ftvn:ii«g..._.„... Ki-scivcd same day last ycj.r .,.„.... rfcLEHHAl’UlE KEPOETs **o •• Cotton, tilTBnpcos—Norn—Catton nmettlod middling upland* 7. uuddliuK Orleans 7J4- ealoi 8j«j Bates, ot which *20) were UVsr. bi ■; uculatura and tor exports recsiyto 8:02—all Americas. Futures r.penvd epUiiii lo* aiddliiii clauso Or iobrr i:chvery 'Mil .1-Srai5a»7 IS 5-Ja7% OrloBer and Novem- b r6 15-sa, huvember and December 1 -32, ite.cviw and January 6:ia611-35. January and Fobraary 03*uA 1.-22, February and alarcll ti^. March one Apr a G 7-ldaS 15-32, June ana July 6 8« 10. . ..... 4ol) p in—rale* of American 515), UplaTil- low miJdinu clau^O.tjhcraua No-smber delivery 6 7-16, DvC: D.Uir and January 6 5-ls Bay sn-J June 6 17-5£aiy.. Futures dull. Nsw Yo;,'-.—Ooitou Arm tares s:3; mid- dl >■ { upland* 1154. andillUK 0 loau, 11J4 FuiUiC - opc.’.td weik, wetober 1135, Aovem- ber 11.S3. Doceaibe: 11.20. January ll.Ai.February Ootton—He* re»ip;*6!S sress 113 Future* c:usel steady; ,»••!* ln.iwo. October de livery 11.32—31, Hcvembcr 1121. December 11 23— 2*. January 113£—So, February IUJ March llOi-S', April 11.79—10, May 1L91—IS, June 12 Oi—05, July 1S.13-H. Cetton clo:ed nrm; sale; 8 3 middling up land, ll: ! < midillmg O-leans 1-14 OjusdiJattU net recoipts 2<M3A experts to Great bni-m071J, franc.-SLes Continent ill*, cbsuuel ■ ■ —a GacvesioS—Cotton firm-, middling !(■% low middling lbJa. good ordinary 10% net receipts 4313; grot? 4530. sale* 135*. stack 18129. Nostolk— couun arm, middling l.JL net receipts :H6J, 1275, suck 2.-i23. H,r.Ti-.-tnt: 1 —Cutloi; hrm; miuuUn.r 11J4 to-- middling 10>4- gc->-i ordinary .0% net io-. -.pi, —, gross 195. sains 273, to spiuuers 229, slue ^Boston — Cotton firm: middling Hi4,. tow middling U%. good ordinary t0)«. um recoipu 1.55: gr.ew UO;, sales —. stock 2.0. WlldHSOIoll—Cotton quiet; middling low middling 10%. good ordinary receipts 10S2. cross —. sales 70 J, stock 1;0S5. FiULadslfbia—Cotton firm, middling 117a. low middling H74, good ordinary 11, net re ceipts 57: grass 637, sales 381, spinners 831, stock 139 i DaVakxah — Cotton steady; midltiUK 1074- low middling 109 10. good ordinary 10/4. uut rjcftipuBd.S; gross ; cabs 29A). stock 91579 Nbw obliIam—Cotton quiet; middling n:J4, low middliug 10%, good ordinary lO'-i uct receipts 81*7. gross . saloi 4000. Kock 16087* Mobilb—Cotton quiet; miadling 1074, tow mid dling 11-74, good ordinary 1074. net receipts 2542, gross ——. soles ——■ stock 2C033. Memphis—Not reroivei. Acaosra—Cotton steady; middlir.g 10J4, law middling io%. good ordinary 974: receipts 17*7, sliipuen s —• soles 9)2. CiiJiui-saTos—CoiUmiOriuer nii.ldlinr 1074 tow middling 1074. good ordinary 10-4 net receipM 3043 gross—,isles 1000; kteck65364 FIBANSIAi. LOTDOs—Kton—Coma's 971616- Brie 42V4 Fas.,—3 per cent Beutes 82 francs anu S CflflSltttl* <g«w loss—Stocks opened strong: money 7 long 4 80)4; short * &i%. State ooada dull; Sweroweiu securitie- etesdier. Money activa at 6a7J4. exchaago dull at 480)4, gcveruuioiit oecurisMs quiet, uew 6 per cents 1M74. *% per oents lu634. 4 per cents 1 o*>4. B itt? boudsdaiL JisncK* closed buoyant; Bctr fork Central J6%4, mit 41)4; Lake Bbor; 11%. lltinois Can- " c; 4’ Fiitsourg 105, Ohicng* and Korlbues- 87, do preferred i01%. Book Island 147. — Union Tel-)rsph Uoasranv 103)4 „AaUaaiaj,i.«H..saw. Uww aM>A*Uwd(aW ( WiAT* 15,789.175. raoDucB 3t^ BlCON—Clear nb slues., tfaouldera Bulk clear rib sides... Perk Strips........... hulk shoulders... Bellies Choice a 0 hmSuMMMM LAliD—iu ebls ................. Leaf, iu Suos.. trial, in baskets.......... GBA1N— Cons, white. b7 ear fnr.d.„ m ..„, 73 mixed, by car load. 75 Oats, (esd..„_,. 654 Bust proof a-j rd — uoi SALT—Virginia.^..,. l«w Liierpoo!. 1 Jii<i MEAL £0 baited 8 ffwiiinim --th-tt-i.iii 4 &) .TiObB—Fancy pjr OU............ 7 59@3 00 ' Choice ...... 7 50 Kjxtx family, par bbl 7 0G@7 21 Family, per bbl C f.oga 75 Bxtra per bbl 6 to iFrbil—Conai«n12 OOF fair...... 1 S% fX-V** 't»U ''hoice Cuba, obis St<5S7 Siuarhouro. bhds 25321 jgErlioute, bblf is .nuice ins Uncoils nono SbUAlt—Onlden C .................... 8740:9 blown IfiMi O. C0&05.............V.................... 8(38)4 Bxtra O. white.— 974@1CX Slondara A 10:310)4 QrannJated V)%®n Powderedand ensiled.............. lbTiidl OBAOEBas-aoda ... TfclO Cream 9 & 10 Cfinnsr 10 U StTawocny 19)4 Fancy 14 •'INDDHS—«tar 13314 MATCHES—S W, in piper....„ 8 70 in wood 275 kails—Basis ic», 4 to STARCH „.... 4H@0J4 SHOT- Drop 1 83 buck........... 2 10 FEPFbii 17)4 -PlUil........ *0 dlNGbR 12)4 .VUTills It SI 9) OLOvea to -jfOAqa—Peril SC ht-aSO i H E &OOTS......_ ......... 12 00 flSllFF—Loriiiarp’*. )ar....„^„.„„„ 85 LorUlard’s, tou......^,79 TOBACCO—Common 49 a Medina*......... SO a 60 Lucy ilintoa...... £9 Fine ... 75 al 90 Shell Ksad.„^......^_ £0 CHF.E8B 15)4016 KICK (new crop) 7Ha7T4 potatoes soea325 ONIOAS ....... 350 RnMAkza—'Ihcro seems to be an upward ten dency on all goods. Uheo- e alv&nced 2)4 c.-nt? to-day. Bccess aaa tsoaaa COBBSCXBD DAILY EY L.BIPL.B2Y, UHOKEK Georgia8percent bonds .............101 nils Georgia? percent, bonds (sold) 112 a 112)4 beorgia 7 per cent, bonds (regu!sr)..., M lltsU2)4 •Jeorfcia 7 per cent, bends (endorsed)....HD a 111 Georgia7 per cent, bonds (Smith).., ..lit a 115 Georgia 6 per 00111 ( Jd) .!01 a 105 Georgia6 per oonf- boud*(new)„ 107)4al08)4 City of Macon 7 percent, (long) 73 a 73 City of Macon 7 per cent (short). 70 a 72 City of Augusta 7 per cent....... .....ICO a 101 Oily of Atlanta 7 per cent...... 191 a 102 City of Atlanta 5 por cent.....................US a let City cl Savannah 69 a 70 Centra! Bauroao joint mwigoge... 108 a il'3 Georgia Railroad 6 par cent, bonds 109 & 101 Macon and Western U R bonds par and NorlheastcTi R R bonds (eudoned) 1C* a 1(5 Southwesterj Railroao .....parand irt s'cuth Go. and Fla. lstmortcoSo 167 a !03 A. A G. R. It. 2d mortgage (enaoncd)...lo a 1632 Sout G iand Fla. 82 a 83 Western R. U. cf Alabama l-.l mortgagellP u ]i2 Western R. R of Alabama 2d mortgaa6...U0 a 11 11 t i 8.E. let mortgage (not endor’d SO 90 M iiSB, 2d mortgage iendowed)...par a 101 Southwestern R Rstock l02al0S)4 Georgia Railroad stock si.-g- Centr-,1 Railroad stock. 7Ia72 Augusta and Savannah railroad stock...5 ICO CALTIMO.IS-Fioaruncharged; Howard Street and Western suoerdue* 75:55 50: extra 17526 60; fainiiv 67o"^7 50 Oil) Mills superline 5 uo.»5 5a; extra « ZVi.0 75. Rio brands 7 75; l’niaps o family 8 25 W —gsuthorn dull and lower Western a-.-tive and firm, soutbero red 125nl 40. amber 1 dial 62 so 1 Maryland red 145 No 2 Wes tern winter r.--j spat and October l *5% Novem ber 1 *?» December 160)4 Southern com Arm and steady: Western steady; whit, 62*65,yefow 62 Oats southern 42s4t Weatrra white -I2st3; !o mixer) :J -iiX. Fcnnsylvania 4ta*5. Hay steady . rime to choice Pennsylvania, Mari ianu 15#l6. Frov:,ions firm: Fork U CO. ..ulk meats, loose moulders 4, clear rib 7)4; do picked 4)4 and 6)4 Bacon—shouMeis 6, clear rib 8)4. Hams Ml. L-rrd, refined in tierces 7)4- Butter quiet; p-imn to clioiee Western packea 13316 CwOco ktiong, rio in .ary./es lta’,7)4. Whisky firm at 115. Freights du II. ubicaou-Fmur quiet and sRady double ex tra Western sprieg 5 2)a8 50. Hiuneao-a 8 0 it 615; wn.-er wheat 5 53*6 35, extra 5 i Oat 50 superfine *0jo5 80. Wheat strong and hi-iber No 1 -..hicoao pri; g 1 21)Sal2*:<, No 2 do 1 17)4 a)4 a-b, 1 lS%al x9 ~'o ember, 1 n)4 December. No 3 ito : OS Corn unsettled and generally lower, (1)4 ciuh and November, 42!£ December 'ruts m tool demand nn i a ■ h ide higher at 3i% cash, Si% bid Octib’r. 39)4 November. For. strong ana higher excep; lor cash which is irregular; 1160 bid and 12 09 as-o-'i cast, 12 75 October, lu 50 November. 111954 January. I,aro excited and lux nor -t 6 C5*6 67)4 cub and Novemb er. Bulk meats strong and bigho ; shoulders 4 60, ebon tins 5 85, short clear 5 99. Tne following reports ol the hicago marset tor Futures, by si-cci«l telegrams, aro furnished us by Mr. L KlPLkT, Broker iu Stocks, Grain anti Provisions Chicago, October ir, 10;CO a m.—Pork January delivery — :lar • (Jet: ber delivery 6 59 bid. wheat November deiiv. ry 118)4. corn November deliv ery 45% 1109 am-Clear October delivery 5 75; lard'oer delivery 6 6S. wheat Novemb-r oe.ivery 118)4: com November oeiivery po k January delivery 1115 ItO pm—tlear rib* October delivery 5 75; lard October delivery 6C5 pork January delivery 1102H wheat Novenber deliver; l I9 i; ca n November delivery 45)*, Reiwipis oi he** io 503. NawYoiiX — Soutnarn flour stoaiy; common to i .ir extra 5 90s6 75. good to choice 6 85% 8 00. Wh at feverish and unsettled, closing )4-»l cent -usher, ungraded winter red 1 SSal 43)4, No 2 du 1 *S‘;4sl 47)4 t-'oin a jhade firmer and aetc' : ungraded &if2'4. Oats null and unchanged: No 3 *;s42. oilec quiet but very strong, rio .n cargoes quoted at H)4*1734> do iu jab tots 15al9. Sugar sternly and strong; fair to good rehmra quoted st7)»“7)4 prime 7)4; refined firm anil iu fair demand; aiandard A 9)4 granulated and |g>w.ierea 10. era bed 10)4 aioia-:s;-r - rin. Rico mo-ieist# inquiry and steady. Carolina 6>i a754 Ko-.i'i firm at 1 6|)-j, turpentine Higher ul 41aH. Wool firm sul iair.y active: domaitic fleecy S;s4' pulled 2!xt*. urwashea 9a33, Texa, 14aSl. Fork active and higher: now mess »p.t auc-ted li OMll >5. Middles firm. long clear 6 5 , short cDor 679. I. trd higher closing wojkipriir.e steam spot 8 07M,7 05 cavh. Whisky quiet at 11*. freights oul. . L.OUII.Vi;■«<—»'!niT firm; extra 4 25*4 5S; fimily 5 0071500; No 1575s-)S£3 patentS59©7 59. When: steady; red and amber 127 Cart steady. whit< 62. mxeu 50 O-S, steady white 33, mizod 35. : ork steady 30 50 lynrri steady: choica leaf Iu 'tiorces 8. do in ke-r, 8%. Bulk m«als_ steady and firm; clear 6. Baron firm: sfcuuideiv 4)4 olia- r;b» »J4, clear s des % Sugar cured h,ir„ 8<|i 19)4. V.’UUa 5 fi rm at 1 «3 ’laeiaaaii— e:©-: stiady fftmiiy 5 90«7fl6 Whs--, lower »t 2ral £9. Corn lower a tty. Oa • firm; No 2 ciix.-il 8188. Pork scarce and fi-c-l st 11(0 Lard linn: current make 6 50. Bulk mc-u'B firm: cho-xlytrs 37 : si.crt rib new 5'• 0. ll-ua qu-.oi and lir.*: shcuWi-rt *)-*, rib 8)4 clear sides SJ4 Whisky active at 168. Hogs active, par king 5 80a3 89 ST (. 0 — Ficur qu'rt: double extia fall u It) 8510, treble do 6 CJ, family 5 76a5 8‘>. to lane-5 09,874 ..heat opened higher b.s 00- ciined No 2 rytl fall 15’a! 2i'-j cash, 1 ■211'--.% November, 1 31)4 D.-csmber; 13»’<a! £6; < Jannury Whisky .-t sdy at 169. Fork high-r at U5'3. Balk meats firm.r; ihoulders S £6*3 75, cl-ar 1 6 09:6 to, cicarvdeso 25. Bacen tower, shou'.dtri 4 4, c'.- A- tit) 8K. rho-t dear 8)4, Nl:W OaLl.Ka -flour :U*dy. supeifiuc 45Ca 475. uauh!e extia 4 2.'a5 50. treble extra 6 004 0 2%high grades 0 7tta7 ii. Co.u firu.; white Outs ve k»( 41. Fork alraagat 12 00. hard steady as 7;-,. Bu k meats Him. sbouid.-rs !o,-e 4)4 Bacuii a shade firmer, •huaid.-.i at clear nt9 £. cle.r sides 0)4 * ugur-eitretl him* onto*4 V.lua.y dull at 1 C3al 19. lisfleefirm. Rio in cargoes, ordinary t* prime 14)4*18. ou- gar active snd him, Hifcri-yr 5)4 common 6)4. full-, fair 7)4.5 ell ♦ clarified 8%>.a}i. ilnla-a.-s in good demand, cjrnmon *0. prune :o rhou-a toy to. Rice quiet, ordinary ts cb.i-.e, Louisiana ;■% a7. NAVAL STORES Wixuradfow—Br-:nn surpenFnr firm at 33. toxin film at 1 40 tor strained. Crude tr..- pratir • firm at 159 for hard; 250 lor yells* 410: Tar firm at 1 25 HAHINEREWS NBWY02K -Arrival—Scotia, Dr-n-.Citv of Columbus, Charleston. Arrived out—Cana js. filacoFi wno esale IHarksf. COZtBJCCiSD DA:Z,T BT JAQUES & JOHNSON. WHOLESALE GKOCEB3. s«€-9 5)4 a 6 I......H,... 464)3 noue r.',£ a BU , 7HS7X 10H<M1 UUUOL.A UAifcY TO AND FROM SP L. O I 13 .s*L M^aoon & ^rangwiefe E. B, GstrsBAi. SsFsBiFratrbssT'e Ostia, > Macon, Ga.. April 19, 1379. i O N and after Sunday, the 20lh iiatant, Pas senger trains on this read will run ay fel- low* CUMBERLAND ROUTS via BRUAWICK NIGHT FiFBBNGEa NO. 1. SOUTH. Daily Leave Macon.......-.,,..,..,....,.,,. .......... 7:45cx Arrive Cochran. 9:»7 £ X Arrive Eastman.... r& Arrive Jesup 8:27 A s Arrive Brunswick.^,.—..-- 6:00 a >' Leave Brunswick per steamer. 6:15 A s Arrive Fernandina .—.,.10:15 a b Arriye Jacksonville tdtra Arrive Cedar Keys — 8:35 t it. NIGHT PASSKN'GKS NO. S, NORTH—Daily Leave Cedar Keys..... 5:25 AM Leave Jacksonville ........11:15 a 51 Leave Fernandina nor Steamer 3.45 s- Arrive Brunswick 7:45 P it Leave Brunswick...... — 8:09 V it Leave Jesup......— 10:15PM Leave Emtman 3:51 a a Leave Cochran-......—. —........4:33 A li Armor., Macau 6:45 A s Close connection at Macon ler all points North, Bast and West via Atlanta mid Anaistu. DAY ACCOMMODATION NO. ,Soat Via Jesup and Live Onk—Daily, except SuuOay Macon — ..7:15 a a Arrive Cochran 9:48 A Arrive Kastman - 11:14 A £1 Arrive Jo:'::;' 6:25 P !i Arrive JarkvanviFe 7:26 a x NO.4 NORTH. Daiiy.excyfil fiuufiay. Leave Jachtcnviiie 6.15 P fc Leave Jo-up 6.15 — A Lrave Bastmm 1:21 Pix Leave Cochran... —...... 2.45 PJS Arrive Maccn - 5:15 P — Connoots at Macor. fer poults North, Bast and West. HAWfQNSVll.LB BRANCH, freight and accommodation—Daily except Sun- any. Ljavs Cochran lthOO S 31 Arrive HavrkL'.'.riUe 10:45 ? a Leave llawkinavi'Ie 8:30aw Arrive Cochran 4:15 A ti Connects at Coctrvr. with trains 1 uad 2 to and from Mi-ttn. Leave Coehran ...10:00 am Arrive IiawkinsTilla..... 10.45 n J» Leave H-awkinsvfiie— 1.45pa ArriveOochtafi 2:30PM Connects at Cochran -riti trains S and 4 tosnd. Iron: Macon. GSO. W. ADAMS, Oieu. Sup. W -V t uvi-.. V-'.vi. T-v.-;- ATLANTIC & uULF 11 H. ; sass-u, stTSBiniaspuat’a Orrica, ■> Axiavniic aed Svli Railuoav > Sava?HAn, Oct 3d,;i879.J / sN and after WBDNB.aDaY, October 5tb. Vy Fasiengsr Trains on this Read will run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at.. Arrive at Jesup - Arrive at Thonui*viUe.— Arrive at Bainbridge..—.. Arrive at Albany...... Arrive at Live Oak........... Arrive at Tallahasacs Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Tallahassee Leave Jacksonville—....... Leave Live Oak Leave Albany ........... Leave ily.-n*'ri-i.:o. Leave Thomasvi’lo.. —, Leave Jesup..... ISC Leave VaUcsta... fiette Quitman Arrive at Tbomstrille.—. I,save Tiioinasviile...—... Leave Camilla— ... ........ Arrive at Albany Leave Albany— ......... ..... ioAve Camilla - Arrive 'i'homasville...... .1142 A X — 2.10 A IS —.2.40 p a 5.24 P U 7.20 pa .—. 5.00 A 1 7 29 k a 10 20 A M avo Thomtuville 10.K P s Leave Quitman 110 v a Leave Valdosta 3.16 t B irnve at Dupont...— 51 rs J S TTBOB, Master of Transports, iou. E S HAIN 0(tl7 t( General Sui-eriiiwifiJcrl. JTUH&^msA smmm OAJPd—Fertb... KOLASaSa-QbSJtUubA.'iih'is—‘ 85 ..... lows 17 ...— XSB5I - 4H a 8 H. SCH&U.& BED., H AVE opened their stars. No 71 Cherry Street, next door to Cims Waehtri A Bra witb an entire nevr stock ot BOOTS and SHOtS of tba latest stiles and best manufacture, ana we ate p-spired to manufacture ail s-yles ol Uu-tem Work to order Repairing neaity and romptly at.teidod to. Also a Urge svg.-k ol F.-VTHRteuiid -INI INGSalways <n, Hoping to roceire* share of the public o*tra le we ask ail to oa.i, exam aw and »• conriucs- ist this l* the best and cheaperi store in tb* Ci ^H. 80rji%l,L & SRO. Mfcllg IN STOjtJE T’riTDMC'E «ral Earley, rlioieo Timothy >l*y, \J a(incu«»e Uia, Wnaac ana tan Curu, ’lea* not£8e.iluite; and Egge icceirod weekly. AASCOALLIE, Oct 2 St Cotton Artnus. HOP BITTERS *\ (A Medicine, not a Di-Ink,) co.\ta:.\-» HOPS, BUCI1U, ifLVNDKAKE, DANDELION, J Asa the Pzzzzn: axd Ehtt iTincii Qtauzzxs or all OPP Unzrjts. TE33tr cuas | AH Disease3 cf tho Stc^iorh, Dot.*c13, Blood, Liver, !t Kidneys, and Urinary Nervousness, £leep- |lcs3ngss and cspecL.Cy Tcmalo Ccrcplainta. 1 SlOOO IN GOIkD. 1 fco paid fer a case* they win not enro cr help, or for anythin" bnpnro or Irjurlons found in tlmm, Arh your <1:-. jjL « f^r HopBlltcrs and try them ! beforoyoado-'p. Take r.o ether. Hop Copan Cull Ls the rsnclcst, sofert and best. Ask Children. Tho Ho? Pa? fer Stomach, Liver r«n>i Kidney is srpe- *I«r to nil others. Cures hya!wo;-T)ti ju. Askdrusclst. D. L C. 1.3 cn n’jsG'ute an ! Irrc.,: enness, use cf cpia-:: Popular Hontbjy i>r«wiu< of tho i’oinaioai^eaiik Dlsirlh^- tioft do. AT MACAU!.TS’8 THEATRE, In tbo City of Louisville, on „ October 30.1879. Th eo drawings authorized by set ol tbo Leg- islaturo of 18^9 and sustaiued by all tho couits of Kentucky («U fraudulent advertisements of ct^er lottery comtar.ies whocl-im ill* soleown ership cf "all the grants in Kentucky,” to the contrary notwithstanding) occur regularly on the Iasi day of every month (Suedays excepted) and are snpervited by pronineut citizens cf the Stato. A iSew Era in tlio BiBtory of Lotteries. GRAND AND i Ni'RKUKIiKNTBD BUC UJfBS OF THE NSW FKATURE8. Every ticket-holder can be bis own Bupervi-or, c‘ ll out his num ber uud see it plaocd in the « heel. The Management call attention to tho gran ! opportunity presented of obtaining, for only 82, any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. Prize....— —...................J Sd.OGl l Prize iu,ooe 1 Prize...— 5,00. 10 Prizes $1,000 each — lO.UC' 20 Prizes 600 each - — 10,0» 100 Prizes 100 each 10,00( 200 Prizes 60 each 10,000 09 Prize* 90each 12,001 tiOOO Prizes 10 each. IOjDC", Sprites SCO os, h, ap’roxirBut’u prizes 2.7C; 9 Pmes 200 each du do 1,S0» 9 Prizes ICO each do do 90? 1,9 apprises $U?40! Whole Tickets, $2. Hall Tickets $1. 27 Tickets. $50. 65 Tick ef s, $11* AH applications for club rates should be made to the homoolSce. Remit by pcstolfico Money Order, registerco letter, bsnk draft or express. Full list uf draw ing published in Louisvillo Courier-Journal ana Sew York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-hold j«. For tickets and information address CO M MOSWiSALTH DISTRIBUTION CO, or T J COHMBRF )RD, Ccirer-Jcurnal Buildine. Lmim.l* Kv. AvskPeodtulhiivstAwiv $777 KRY Aueus STew Advertisements, MTenuer&.u&t.'frtf P. fiuwcii 0, ;)n Newspaper Adverti-ic* Bureau, to K UUi 0 Spracustrcot, New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed lino of advertiain.- in American nowspapers. *3.103- page pamphlet 10c *S» sepJOJm A YEAR acd to agouti . _ Outfit Free. Address P O VlOK Augusta, if ains 0*67/7 A MONTH and expenses guarantee:; 0)1 ' to Agents. Outfit tree, chaw & Co Aususta, Me. SiTlOo Counters! TO THE TRADE: The live bujixess men of tho day are starin g t-iesc counters. Wo are the Originator, and Headquarters! We hare tht only two exclusive 5 A 10c Jobbicg Houses In th Unitod States S3. Send for catalogue and particulars to suts?A.JS at a-aoe , 200 and 202 Randolph street, Chicago. Also if and 28 Chimney street, Bo-lon. ►ep25eobgm CoSee. I F your fancy is fer a RIO COFFEB of a higl rich Haver, net coated with a glutinoiil foreign substance niter roasting, t-uy non but the -’AltlCA." carefuily soJoete, roasted end si ipped lresh to tho trade by Moor. Jenkins*Co,I\cw York. Boldin Maton b» augSdiwf r 3m J D CARTKB 93HAS. P- STUBES. (Successor to Groover, B.ubbs * Co). COTTON FiCTOR AND GENERAL COM MISSION MERCHANT, 94 Bay street, Savannah- Georgia. Bagging, Ties, Hop- and other supplies fur nished. Also, liberal cash advances mafio or. coni>iKnme:its for sale cr shipment to Liverpool or N01 them ports. aug3l 5m ia the must economical form of Washing 8oap AU bar or square oikts wear down in nee to a large flat piece, too thin to hand!*) and, theiefore, wasted; while tba OVAL UaKE of JBMLlsssJ^i 4 > .^3. Jii; ki 1 A DROPS OF / jConstitution V/ater v TH RRE TIMES A DAY "n'es' Bright’s Disease. Infl.mmation of the Kidreys, stone in the Bladder. Catarrh of tho hUdder, Diab’tts. Gravel, Gleet, Brick-dust Depout.Childhood Wrakueis. For Female Comblaintz a (-penalty. Send for cbcalar. For sale by alldrcegiMs. MORGAN * ALLiiN. criadsvvVro 69 J. hn airw'. N Y. cut.NCR TU aiAKB 5U.NK1 by our careful plan ;f speculating in Wallsirm-t, amount fro-i SlotoSSOOeiihvr in a put cr v>ry tieqncntly gives back fi to 10 times » money in profits. You cannot lose any x ( re than the amount 3 0U invest. Mem a cf all kinds taught and told through New York r.tork exchange iu any number o! .taleson » per ceni to- Tgin. Fend icrour cirea- 'arcxpittuii' < hew lospcculate. PECK* IlARRlrs. Rnnkere and Brokers, 79 Bread at eet, New York. f- p28 dtn Ih s<t u-.'ini AS9 P Jt — 7.00 P a 6.35 a is ....9.40 AM —..10.45 4 U —... 4: 012 .7.00 AM 7.60 AM —5.45 P M 5.60 P M lllKPM ,4.(6 PM 4 0) PM .7.35 P H ... 6.tO A !£ Arrive a) Savannah 9.(0AM N 0 change of care between Savannah and Jack- BOavillc and Savannah and Albany. Sleeping cars run through to and from Savan nah srd Albany. „ . Fassenrere from Savannah far Fcn.sndirr, Grillesvii'.* and Cedar Keys take this train. Passengers for Darien take this train. Passen.-.era from Sr.vam.ah for ilrunawirk take this train, arriving at Brunswick at 6:C0 ait. Passenger* leave Brunswick at 8;l0pm, ar rive at Savannah 8t23 a Passengore leaving Moeouat 7.)5 A M (daily ex cept Sunday) connect atJevup witb tois train Jot tloricia. Passengers HbraVtorida by this train ccnnort t Jesup wi’.h the train arriving in Macon at A25 PM. fdMiy except Sunday.) Palace »'!scpjnjj care si oron through to and from Savannah and Jacksonville. Cenuect at Albany with passenger trains both trays on Southwestern Railroad to end from Ma con, iiuisuia, Moatgumery, Mobile, Now Or leans, etc. Mai’.slsiznerl.uives Bainbridge tor Apvischi- ca'.a every Monday at 9.60 a mi tot Columbus every Wcdnssday at 9.63 a m. Close conuccticn at Jaei30HTi!!u dally (Sun days eir.pled) i*r Green Cove Spr-.cgB, Bt Au- vustine. Paint* *, Sneer prise, end all landings on bt Joan's river. Trains on B. and A. RaSrood leave Junstior., golug west,«t 11.37am, and for Brunswick at 4.40 DP, daily, except Funduy. AvJCOMAiODAi’iON TRAIN—EASTERN Dl- VISION. i.eare Sivannsh, Suud’ys excepted, vi 7.06 a m Arrive at Mcliitarh “ . “ 9£8Aii Arrive at Jesup “ 12.10 AM Arrive at Black (hear ‘ “ 2C5 s a Arrive »t Depot t 6.15 PM Leave Dupenl " 5.16 am Ulaekxhear “ “ 9.55 a m Leave Jesup '* “ XSJfi' PM Leave McIntosh “ 2,!£.t a arrive at Savannah “ “ 6.4) P ts WESTERN DIViaiON, Lrave Dapcnt Sunday seiecp'.cfi —.... 7 ?0 A K 10.( Ague Cure Is a pnrely vegetable Litter and powerful’ tonic, and is warranted a speedy and cer tain cure for Lover and A"i:a, Chills nnd Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodleai or iiiliocs Fever, ami all malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, los3 of appetite, pain in the bade and loins, and coldness of tlio spine and extremities, are only promoni tions of severer symptoms which tertnin- a f e in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by lii;^ fever and iirofuse perspiration. ir^ a startin'." fact, that quinine, ar senic, and other poisonous minerals form the basis of most of the “ Fever and Ague Preparations,” “Specifics,” “Syrups,” and “Tonics,” in the market. The prep arations made from these mineral poisons, although they are palatable, and may break the chill, do not cure, but leave th? malarial and their own drug poison the system, producing quinism, dizziness ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, amf other disorders more formidable than tho disease they were intended to euro. Ayer’s Ague Cure thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from tho system, and always cures the severest cases. It containwno quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure tlio most delicate pa tient; and its crowning excellence, above its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the system as free from disease as before the attack. , For Liver Complaints, Ayer’s Aowe Cure, by direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out the poisons which produce these complaints, and stimulates the system to a vigoroas, healthy condition. "We warrant it when taken according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co„ Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. CQLS ST ALL MCGOIST3 rVZRYWCSKZ- Htm; Baski r f Lamar Wholesale Agents, fehl9 BJAOOfXf. C r:EW” SOAP can be eat in two, tho oval ad o aspr-d readily in the hand, acd tho lar ger end worn dottn almost to a wafer with out any waste. COLGATE & CO. reeom mend their I'raXe- •. «rtt tt-gntered) to Caieml homo, not only as superior in quality but 11 bn luo uliit BOjaottio. vnpavar ado. asgW-w&a »t tf ess G W»3i WEST BROS Gstioa Factsi?, Commlsnsn Mtrjbih, -AGENTS FORTHE- W. & Oa 8UAM0, 68 Say it, - Savannah, Os. BAGGING AND TIES FOR BiLB. Promot attention to business ani iih-ral d snee on cnsUnment- •>u-"20 9:.w3m rTIEN times more [.uwer/u: than (hi best pc- J. ious plaster when place I over the centre of thourrious/crces, the pitoftbe stomach,they Stiniulaiy th-. liver, stomach ard bow-ls. perfect digestion, core dyspepsia, biilious colic,yiamps and pains and prevent aguoBnd malarial dis eases, For weak and sore lungs, pripitat en oi the hear . painful kidneys, rheumatism, ncurul- niu cud scktics.the; sra tho best rr-med.v in tbo vrorid. Ga; thazonaice. AsVf .r OOLLISS' VaLTiIO ELKOTR10 POROUS PI,ASTERS Prices.’, cts. For sala by Hunt. Ratikir. ft La- roar. Atl-nta and Macon, aui Osceola Butler, S*v«nnsb. and all dm,gists. septd 6m GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS; UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls* and Boys’ Suits, Ladies’ TJiidcsnvcar, Infants Outfits, CRESS MAILING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, • NECKTIES, RCCHINGS, UANDKERC’nEF-i, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, ' SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, | FANCY GOODS, Ax- j BTMAXI,. Send for Samplca or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us ly Mail or Express. We carry an average stock of about >fJ t G0,000, all bought for prompt cash. SZSFTry us. Save the Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. GGSPeT&CONARD, importers and Retailers, PH ILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1KB. 7 . HEW BRIO FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUS Macon CSreoTtT'g', WILLINGHAM’S Will! OppoBits J, W. BITEKE & CO.*S Boot Store. ^EOOND STREET. & SEND ME YOUR scptfieodtulTo GOTTOIf AND I WILL, PLEaSE Yuu. Ms Zi. WillinghazQ. William Peiteer Pffaotical Gunsmith, 59 Mulbarry Stra t, L -liOAA WOODS. dLRUitLA WriOI WOODS &CO. Cslloi laclsrs m Gaienl Caiifflj Imtasfs. Age:) t? for the eala of Soluble Paclfle Guauo. ( 82 BAY STREET, SAVANN4H, GEORGIA ■ L' adyanc: mil ou Ujui^ananss Prompt personal attention ,-lvon to all bust- asrtt dawSa CAMPBLLE & JOSES 7? i pr KJ# >1 A.C COT O EOliGIA. IB C0MI8SI0H IESCSANTS WarelioQsa Corner Second and Pophr streets Greettbiir p?.t,onswith tho announcement tba’ their LARGE AND COHXODIOUS WARS- HoilsB bos b.riu-ontlro'-v lli-illUll.C IV B tlJS f>r thi bettor acj.mntadationof UOrfOJt Oi.Nf .Of. »fi r.j V ; il{ -l.u-.uarociifiiant that their facilities or haudliuj the next crop cannot br «urpu‘s. «i t-.v ary bouse in the Stale. The;r Office met -(ole ro'Tn heve b ivn rearranqet with a vi-w of IMPROVED LIGHTS ON S AaC- Fi. KS axil the comfort of vUilori. end u cardial invitation is extended to all to call and aoa them Tha'ikin;.- tficir feicu isf ,r the liho. H iia>r.,n«0rxta (del to then ia tne px.t, thoy ask a coa;ian- euce of the ra.-nc,»:id p-f-mise reneae I aS >r:s to pit.(8f. SSr O H f> t“( '■ WiSBiKfitNOASD FIBS Will ren.iva n omnt attention. W ADVANCES (.’N C 0TT-JN 1X ST.ritK mzd.i when desired, at LOWEST BANK BATES. «nv44 dwri < •• »•« (LUMP) THE KiSNlUOKY ItXSBASY JOURBAI. for lb* rarpi-r* nf lneruslns tits cbcalafian of their paper, ufil d|..(r(but» Cash 1'bkuicxis r.:munt- lnx to 3lW,C(Xi, ransInR fr.-. ti $ [a to $20,070, to *iibiciifier*. «Asu Fitetuim lOasfi Preml-a— of S'-’O.OOO 1 “ “ 7,3110 I " “ 5,0!I(J lOOarii Pceiclcou of liOOtl *-S68 fit) 430 ...9100,000 . pnM!c.pn9sr,*li^TTU!ffB o; mea of filch efisracter an-1 undooterd etondlac. ai Corlngion, Kenlackj, STov. 2.3, "TO Wa ar* aatbartzed to dtitribata atxjv.i rremiaus to soteorlbnr* of our pep __ ore* w* will rend on* UM which will entitle the narchaser to a ehuic* whleh mrjr secure any on* of ita* above Gosh Preiaiam*, cod f.!to th* Litroakt Jons k xl for ss« year. Address *11 orders to d.j^uiiTacu, i Is tho highest achievement iu cereal productions, and renowned throughout tho world ns tho Standard Laundry Starch. In shape it presents lingo dense crystals of wonderful whiteness'and sweetness, free from tho faintest odor and oi incomparable slrengih. Its su periority nnd economy arc tho re sult cf experiment and improvement for thir ty-five years, nnd its popularity the re ward ot this effort ot a lifetime. Royal Gloss Lump f-tarch is packed in hand some cnc-pouud, thrcc-;>ou::d, and six- pound cartoons, and for sale I-y Grocers every-wliorc. Manufactured by /IIJDP.EW ERKENBBECncB, Cincinnati, Ohio. -. uj.A-v-,1 Slannrrer, r.O. Hot 110. Coxlnxlog, Kentacky. ,ty~ K-c^rsn.;* ret.nts .rent -J ra. | Mew’sasf W fi cull- the attention ot our brethren c( the Southern Fr.-as to the fact that ve are now havir.z uianuf-re-hired in cur otll;.\ by Mr W K • Wikk>. _ liillio IUM Ili ffl, whi.-li. for touklificss, elacticity and durability, cannot oe exqciied. Me are now Uiing it and pi on uuceU'.Vliii BLhT. Send iu jourottlen (Otbis offiaetor Ro ier* or composition. R dura lor the Country Frcis cast to oritfr in rekaktr 8)4 inch Hac-1-Vrei.s mould. AVfine earlia.- prete- Boiler Stork, will be >uiainhe.t at 0<vn;i ench. ri your Sellers luicked prcpeify in a box in wbb h they can tie returned, ot we wili tare to charge ;or Uoi : g. rimt.njoui orutri, and wa guuracteo44tix- faction. OL1SB7. J >N8S x ilKSfiH. au*l - »t ..-.■n. Ga. 3P f _ 9 SAVE YMOE JSTXS. ( P vour fl-iui; to fa l'.ng— il you arr growiru iHMr-subteJ, o» .ys-wh: •» *r- uu'i ./ in s .y way. a*., oo utaX. Gh. unfold, UntcfftR si youi a>'r.i/!u Will b>- r.:.-.Stcfi Dy fii* Miponor Spevtaciss ani i-jv GlaHCt. Tbsy siU ;emeve all 'iiumoi.. bluTs, confta onl *nfi fioxtms speck and tbs tnori -enrrttve sxe will be rest'.*6d «'• •** c rm -• s:v *• -..Ishy condition ; ravuir; fatigue, rsquinn< ia*.. iikht ana enabil ij th* wnuivr r... .-i.-w ni»,."5v -il r-mnt- nbiec’'- Teaxevet-hU ana unepyreaeaxhifi tituets e*a only Vio pro;urcfi rem Hr UR i£5Fi£.D, Sic. tabluhincuc—No 39 dec jnd Bt, Xaoco, Ga, aprBSm Carmen. Opera by Bizst $2 00 Carmen is an opera that has gra .u-)l.v and *urely won its wsy to a gnat popularity. Although tho bock :sla>gd. in f.ct ofiat one muhtc.Hafcur dollar book it ts got up in o'e- r.nrt ,tyle witb reu-icand (bo words, Kugii-.ii ami foro‘g i for 53. Fatinitza Opera by 8uppe.„™*3 U FplenOid naw Op-ra thatisa deetdofi scccl, A large, fir.o 000k, wilb English and f ra gu words, a ’d thi opera l-i every way compleie, fur a low price. Doctor of Alcantara. Bv Bichfierg , Sl 6t A lainoes Op-ra now tirougnt, ny the popular price, with n tho resell of ail. ihchestra paras (15 Beils of Co?neville. B , Flauquette (nearly r.-ady Si Sr 1 great success This * It a tba‘ Doctor” and th) "‘O C! cr* (51) are well worth adopting by GL-mpai.i.a who ba e finish'd Froafore. (-till s'l.icg wi ll tor 5:- cents) ac t wuoare lujiin. on to. ncW aad easy p.ros. Remember our first cl;.M sing n,t -cIkoI and ch-.lrfijfcks, V loss ot Worship n-d 4 lio Temple, each 59 vertioz -r orSl ei -ti.- .-<;6d for C 111 -a. il o, hlwsy* re m.jifcer l£i«j Nlusl.-ai Kco >id. nub- .’issed weekly. 1*. k.eps you »e l p.stei a? to musia J mats is. gives six or a vou p-gcsol mu sic j or we- k and ccsti rnlj 82 per year. OLIVER D1TS0N 4^Boston OH DiTdON A Ou.645 K'dway N X. Guct-tf hi O N tha Houston ilosd -ix miles trout Macon - 781 acres of valuable 1 nd. lhour £50 cleared balaice heavily timber, d. Tb - wo . u on- be place wit sell readily lor 319.010. Sit uated on tbeb tro-i le.dirg out trern lb c.lj. -ple.-alddnre and convenient ts own there is aho is'valuable mill on tue place and a new store hi .i-e. where a good bus nets can 06 Uv,l< W: 1 sell for psrteasli. tulanoe ontio.e7 ; > cent, or it crelerrcd. wifi exohaage let mty icy erty Aidtraes POllix 6' orapnh tn H W GUBBCDGS. s.-i92tawlm Vgj Heal Ko»tr Ar-r r SlaSlir^" tiGHl H?n«e ni Sicra Paister?. IN ALL ITS BUANCHEi. 6BAINIKG, Cfi DIXU, tiI. S51.V-, PAFER.niJfeiNG. KAi.8ti.MiNlMi, FRAME tiUDINtt, AND WOOES AND HAUaLF-S IMITATED. J.8PAN1NU 4 bFECIALlI, h v treet (Eetwrci; 1‘orlar aid C’arr street*) -S: 5la-.-n.ri> L J fcFJFLjuim*, J t uxcobt halo Cashier Southern bach Stele of <i L. J ^uilmartia & Co., O0TTOK FiGTOli -AND- (Miiia'i Ifteis. hay rTHfefiV ~ av i*. u alt - G e. rgi ju Li«je:al :v.vjitcci mirt: on contlscin-^ntr of <tfoa. Brs^’njC a r <t Iron Ties for ale at low> tm*r**t *** ++• •• «ft***4****« * •a«—***+***' J’MV.i SLlKZE »T. jon»L jonssttH ima FlilNNEUY & €0 Cotton Factors —AID - (xinmi) si 11 Mer ba«U, KOSs 1 Li’S BLOCK. BAY-TdKi T, ■ F*. A V riT W A, H , Abi A,. A Ga rTS for JEWELL'S J.U.LS YiKES «nd nOMk -’l ICS. etc. etc. BAGGING ana TILS (OK DALE AT LOW Eti. MABKKl RATES pp/-' 1 ;* XT’"' VT«m GIVER TO ALL BU-. ^NThl - ' DTOVS 1.11 Al.VANOfca MAD/S yN OOIb Sl((>‘ - i- iS augSl d wv-wfitu M4*t«Hsi5*i «•■*, -«-*><*.*»(*.*<,> '-St** .**,**»* Mt, ds al s AcadHmy U0 .DUuI’i D Y IHt hff: fiHO 0f ! tjuroy-oh- btbbeo fkb. 23.-76 | iJEIVa'IS given in Drawini x ilusio toj'-uiig lir:.-. not ccanrc:«t [ witb the Academy. Terms $2 to $5 por month. 1 *«p83iw 1 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A A PoBTUKS TENTH 6 RAND DIS, r tBUT10S.CI.ASS li A’VNRW ORLEANS, TUBSDAY. NOVKMBBb. Ulh, 18J9-114th MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Oompany* This Institution was regularly incorporated by (au Legislature oi the State ful Bducatibnal ana Charitable proposes, in 1S63, for tbo term et twenty-five year*, to which r. rtrart thr ir.7iola- clo faith ot the State is pledged with a Capital ot i1,000,000, to which it ha* sim o added a reserve U)-d0l fmoco. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUK- 3-ia DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly re tho second lu AdaV. It never scale* crjost- couos. Look at the following Distribution: OAPITAtPRiZE $S0JW. 190,COO Tickr tsat $2 each, Halt Tickets SI. Lltn OP PRIZES. 1 Capital Price ...„ f"ODJO 1 Capital Prize 10SKO 1 Capital Prize 5.000 2 Prices ot ti.i.V'. 5.000 6 Prizes ot 1,000 5,000 » Prizes ol 500.., I0JXJ0 ICO Prices cl 10?......... £00 Frizes of 63..... 10D99 500 Prizes ol *n 10H0D LOOOPrixos oi 10 10,069 APPSOXIMaTIO.N PRIZES. 9 Approxlmatiuk Prizes oi 5300..$2,700 9 Approximation Priz* s of £00 1800 9 fippruximuiua Prize* cf 100 , 900 t.857 Prizes, smnunMfi.c tn $110,496 Responsible corresponding axenU waiiledat all proinm. nl points, ta whom a liberal ccmpen- tatina wul be paid. Applicettcn lor rate® to clubs should only 4k re ado lo tbe homcoSlrr in New Orleans. Write, clearly mating full address, for further informal isa,or rend order* to M A DAUPHIN. P O Box e;*S. New (Jrlcr.Dj.La. or same person; at No 319, Broadway Now York- The Fart euiaraltention pab’ic tr- csihd tuthc fn .fi that tbe entire n.’Jiber of tho .i.kets tor eseh msr-thiy drawicai* *o d. act ronnw quretlyailtho priz sin each dr.uingqro sold and drawn <tui pr.i l. Tbu is uct the cate With any othercampany, Alt ourgrand ostrecrdir.ary drawings ere un der the saperriaicn aud m» of GKN-G V KSAURtiwARD and UBN JUBAL -A. B4B.TV M W GOi DOS. U 3S AT fit: «K43C W. W. GORDON & CO. 8ncces3sr to Tiacn A Gordin). * Cotton factors —ASD— GommlbSioit ^lErc’i-nU, NO IU BAY BTBBBT, SAVANNAH, GA. HOWARD TINSLEY Travtlin* Agent. I.OAN-<M IDE UPON «ATI4FAOTOSY-A8* 8URANOH OF COTTON SHIPilBNTS. VARY FULL ADVANCES 1IADB ON OON- IC.XHS-NT2 OF COTTON, HAGGIXG ANDTlNS -URNWH8P OUS- OMriBS A V LOWJUST 3fi.RKETP.EJ8S. ausMsdnwtm mmsBSs mmm ^41 ^5 Spr^o lOif — irre rperrmbo^t* i* »tUoxjirtnUvt *yj llaci^ [ci* < c t loos, staiidi unit ■. * ci*.,i» nd o rdjnriT7C?«^rtn S dvy*. 9.tft|«cn)e* Boldly C^UtIoN— Wnsvpernnbo**UU9 xUoicj.tiaU-s in Hack, piUof A 2tC3&ersacx*tM» ABE4TS FC-R SASSEY'S HBEISD3R GOTM 8I8S,OISSTOS'SCiJtStiUR Si.r.i jUID FAlRB*HX'SST,.^A.iD SSH'S. St yufitl*. mnm Importers*: 1 levers:> .inxdwh.e. nvwware Ettil,Agricultuntt Ita>i.v . y a rr; g- Mate- rials. Fainnts -a ly FOa SALE—Piva w^endid MON P, ACTIONS XII DAT'D If SEA VTreitc-r ...Dcrou: n tyron plait L'e Lee tfo-. YVimberlv. Baaer Pruposal* forth above wed know: td by the trade:si: lob-r. 1373. Any eiv be. bfn e-1 l I B.n-:el I ’ li-H.-nWY. GA. » of Arret CStarei ■ •>.. • ...0 900 . »,-V5 1,600 .. S.2W LIS5 ■•££ 900 2 fiO 1.100 nt r. ■In. r >l one or HI ol tne i ns wi'l hrireoeiv- ■ 'be 80tli 'er of«e- : 'i rex;ircd:i< ’hem ■» .. .. . it Wm H , ^ 'd.-aU plantation, i 'en lacftihanS h.rt :ini’ purrhs-x-r* ■■ ' ire 1'iTl',N . UVd li Vtforreya, , 4 ST 'n at ' PU'.tcei phio, Ka. sep deorlStwCt muni:’ rv.bji (xiieasi- :... w |»Hj iilltmge*. >3 JC ■ ,-4-en.<-nan»e«.Sa«^