Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, November 04, 1879, Image 1

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GEORGIA ICOISAm & MESSENGER. CL13BT, JONES i. REESE, Propsixtors. ‘ 1- ■■■Mf -v \ ■ »w Th« Family Jovihal.»Niwi—Politics—Litzbatubn—AaBidDLTu- GEORGIA TELEGRAPH RTnr.nrwfl Established 1826. MACOJft* TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1879. Volume LIY—NO 44 BY TELEGRAPH. Pbtbbsbubo, Va., October 26.—Collec tions wore taken up to-day in St; Joseph’s Catholic Church for the benefit of Arch bishop Parcel!, of Cincinnati, amounting to $400. Henry Johnson, oolored, who escaped from jail at Lynchburg Friday, was re captured here lost night. Johnson was recently sentenced to,the penitentiary sevun years for larceny. Nxw Orleans, Oct. 26.—A meeting of the Irish residents of this city was held this afternoon at Odd Fellow’s Hall for the purpose of considering the oondition of affairs in Ireland and the relations of Jandtords and tenanta The meeting was largely attended. ll[r. Allen presided. Addresses were delivered by Rer. Fathers Finn and Moynahan, Major S. A. Burke and ,CoL MeGIoin. dissolutions were adopted approving the course of Hon. Mr. Parnell and others and expressing sympathy with the oppressed people of Ireland. A messenger from Unitah agency ar rived at Greenbrier this' evening with dates to the 23d instant. The reported nprising of the Unitah Utes is false. There had been no tronble np to that date. Cincinnati, Oct. 26.—In order to test the question whether chnrch property, formerly held by Archbishop ParoeU, bnt since turned over to bis aBSignoe, is seizeable for the Arohbishop’a debts, snit has been instituted by t'.e assignee. Ail tbiB property is held in '.the name of the Archbishop, under canon law of the church for diooese. The point at iBsne is whether this constitutes him owner of the property. It is claimed that al though the Utter may make him owner, the spirit of the law is against it. Among the property transferred is St. Patrick's Cathedral and a number of ether places of worship bnilt by dona tions of chnrch members. Coldmbuj, O., Oct. 27.—A canvass of the vote tor members of the Goneral As sembly cast October 14:b, shows that the Republicans eleoied 69 and tho Dem ocrats 45 members of the Honse. Re publicans elected 22 and Democrats 15 members of tue Senate. Republican ma jority on joint ballot is 31. Louisvillb, October 26 —The Louis ville & Great Sonthern Railroad has re sumed running its trains to MemphiB on tbe ante-quarantine schedules. Hold ers of round 'rip tickeca can return on them op to November 15th. Ra.wi.in8, Oj ob:r 26—A courier just in Iron. Merrin’e camp reports that Gen eral Adams reached the camp on the 24th with tbe women and children of the Meeker and Price families, given to him b) tbe Indians. Tney were well, and had not been subjected to any inBnlt or injury The Indians are said to desire peace, and ibeir terms of anrrender bave been forwarded to Washington. Rochester, October 26. — Courtney published a Utter m the Sunday Demo crat < fferiog to row Haitian for the hop bit teiapiize, and asking only fivodays’ time after tbe completion of his new shell. Dzntsb, Oc ober 26 —A oompany with a large capital was organized here yes terday to build a new railroad from ihe end of the South Pass road to Lsadville via Fair Plaitv with a tunnel through Mosquito mountains. The distance from Fair Play to Leadville will thus be shortened forty mileB. Havana, October 20.—Owing to con- tinned favorable advices from abroad tbe sugar market has been excited, and pri ces are gradaaliy advancing. Easiness, however, was curtailed on acoonnt of tbe pretensions of holders—a chiefly specula tive being done. Nos. 10al5, d. s., 7} to 8J teals gold per arrobe; Nos. 15 to 20, 9}ilC£ reals; Molaesess sngar, Nos 7 to 10, 7a7J reals; Muscavadoes, nominal; Centrifugal, Nos. 11 to 13, boxes and ' hogsheads, OJalO. Stock in warehouses at Havana and Matauzas, 44;400 boxes, - 51,700 bags and 24,000 hogsheads. Re ceipts for the week, 101 boxes. Exports for the week 1,390 boxes, 4,400 bags, 3,- 300 hogBhcadB, inoladrag 1,000 bags and all hogsheads to the United States. To bacco firm. Spanish gold 2 32. Exchange on the United States at sixty days. Premium on Lorn-kn, 1 80:1 80J Constantinovlk, October 26.—It is be lieved that Midbat Pasha,having receives satisfactory explanations from the Port! will withdraw hie resignation. The.Mia iiler of Foreign Affairs has addressed a note to the powers pointing out the demands of Greece exceed the frontier line indicated in the treaty of Bsrlin (the Greeks laid down in detail their frontier line at Friday’s setting of the commission.) Manchester, October 26.—The great liberal demonstration was continued here Saturday. The Marquis of Harrington and Jno. Bright spoke vehemently, at tacking the Government. Savannah, Oetober 26.—Henw’s siesta bakery and candy manufactory was de stroyed by firs this afternoon. Littlx Book, Ask , October 26.—The executive committee of the State Beard of Health has retired all health officers and precinota from duty and authorized the running of all trains. The only re strictions are upon the stoppage of trains at Forest City and reoeipt of freight or passengers from Memphis for the pres ent. Dr. John Waters has been ap pointed health offioer on Memphis trains. Msxtbis, October 26. — Dr. G. B. Thornton left on a tag this- evening to attend E. E. Clark, a prominent citizen who is reported sick at Bradley’s land ing, eighteen miles np the river. His son, C. E. Clark, died thero yesterday of congestion. One cose of yellow fever was reported to-day—Mary MoGoise. The nnderta- ker reports three interments—Samuel Bass, who lived two miles north of tbe city,Miss Lula Hanna,at Benetsa station, and William B. Hork, telegraphic em ploye on De Sots street. About two hundred absents s relumed this afternoon Tia theLonisville railroad. The Howards will disband their medical corps to-morrow. The weather is cloudy. Cincinnati, Oct. 26.—About fifty Memphians bave left for home since the announcement of the end of the epidem ic. There are about 250 yet here. They held a meeting to day and made arrange ments to start home to-morrow nnd Tuesday. They have secured reduced rates from Cairo by water and both tbe Ohio and Mii»ia»ippi and Yandalla lines have given speoial rates to Cairo. The Louisville and Nashville road has also agreed to give reduced rates over ite line. London, Oct. 27.—The tribes which were infesting Shutargardan have dis persed. Boyd has accepted Elliott’s articles of' agreement. The race Is to be rowed February 91b. It is reported one of the partners of Tomlinson A Co., the suspended coltoa brokers of Liverpool, who abeoonded and has been discovered, obtained ad vances on hypothecation on oot'.on which bad no real existence. Bislin, October 27.—Dr. L:ar.hsi-Jt, Minister of Jnstioe, has tendered his res ignation on acoount of m health. Herr Scellin London, Oetober 27.—The Timed 2-J P 2r correspondents in Afghanistan have nancial article aeys the tactics of tbs I iroussd a storm of lndighation. Their Anglo-American Cable Company-to niD I object evidently is the suppression of all in the bud the Frenoh cable enterprise oritiolsm. It is hoped that the general by announcing a redaction in their tariff I condemnation they reoeive will cause on messages to six pence per wo.d from the opening of the new French cable, ap pears to have been bo far sucoeeaful as that shares of the French company isaued at five per cent, premium have fallen to twenty-five per cent, discount. their withdrawal. A correspondent of the lime* at Simla says the idea must be abandoned' that we intend to stand aioof from Uib internal affairs of Afghanistan. It can not be too soon published that we meau Simla, October 27.—Inquiry inffc the t0 remain in the country. Those who massacre at Cabal is proceeding. The Ameer’s father-in-law, the Governor of Gabnl, and the Mtnister of Finance, are under close arrest. London, October 27.—Adolphus Re- seaberg, of the Town'Talk was convic ted on Saturday last, and was to-day Ben- cow assist us will not hereafter be left to settle acoouuu with future rulers. A dispatch from Oibul to the Time* says: Takoub Kuan is in General Riberts’ camp,in a pitiable state of apa- tbv and depression. London, Out. 27.—The sentences im tcnced to eighteen month’s imprisonment 11®*®, up nn Adolphus Rosenberg, in the on an indictment oharging him with pub- I cases in which Mrs. Cornwallis West fishing defamatory libels against Mrs. I » nd I,ord Londesboroagh were complain Laogtrey, and to six month’s imprison- I an ^ 8 > ora concurrent With .eighteen ment oh each of the indictments charging months sentence in., the ossein which him with similar offenses against Mrs. Mfs - Ling trey was oomplaiaaut, and Cornwallis West and Lord Londeabor- therefore his whola term of imprlaon- ough respectively, and at the expiration I msnt will be only eighteen months, of the term of his imprisonment ho la to Quxbxo, Oetober 27.—The legislati ve bo bonnd over in his own reoognizsnoe I council met this morning and immedi- in the sum of .21,000 for good behavior I adjourned nntil to-morrow, when for eighteen months. Justice Hawkins I ^he legislative assembly will meet, said he regretted he oonld not impose a I Simla, October 27.—The troops now sentence of hard labor npon the prisoner: I al Kuelati Ghiizai will winter there. The Memphis, October 27. There wxa a Governor or Ghuzuee has shut himself general resumption of business this I U P * n l h° citadel, morning in all branohes of trade. Stores I Bkmbadn, October 27.—It is reported that have bsen closed since last July thatServia and Montenegro have oonolud- were opened by their proprietors, who I ed . offensive and defensive alliance, have returned to the city, and the wheels I principally against the threatening of commeroe are onoe again moving rap idly along. Through trains on all the railroads, excepting the Little Rook route, arrive and depart. The streets present their wonted animated appear anas. The Cotton Exchange is open to visitors and members, and regular quota, tions of receipts, shipments and stock will be ported as heretofore. attitude of the Albanians. San Francisco, October 27.—The City of Pekin to-day brings the following news s . ^ Yokohama, October 11.—The oholera is rapidly subsiding. Official returns | show 150,000 cases sinoe the outbreak, [ and 85.000 deaths. The suppression now is attributed to "'the energetio efforts of But One case of fever has been reported I toe government and the unprecedented —Mrs. Rosa Valmar, who was stricken three days ago Nashvillk, Txnr., October 27.—The McKendree ohurch of tho Southern Methodist Church on Fourth street was burned last night. Loss $30,000. In surance, $25,000. The third story of John Luck’s toy store, next door, was expenditures for sanitary purposes. It Is reported that the oountry is flooded with several a illions of spurious govern ment paper money, executed and import ed from Germany. Several arrears have been made In high official circles, but the government refuses to furnish informa tion as to the extent of the frauds. Af also burned, but was probably covered I fairs in Looohoo remain unobanged, Ja pan maintaining her position. Bkblin, October 27. — Intelligence from St. Petersburg has reaohed here that the new revolutionory party in Rus sia has distributed the first number of ih-ir journal entitled, The Will of th* People. It declares war Against the by insurance. Nxw York, Oct. 27.—A special from St. Charles, Missonri, says Will Bray- ton. tho aeronaut, made an ascension yestetday, the wind blowing very hard. He was dressed in tights. The balloon had no basket—having only rings to . _ hold to, Brayton being bead downward I Government, and its tone is very vio holding by hiB legs. When five hundred pent. _ : feet in tho air it is supposed the balloon Paris, Oct. 27.—Mr. MacDonald, ape became unmanageable, aa it crossed the I agent of the United States post-office Mississippi going due north and was I department, has been received by Min- eoon out of Bight. iater Coohery. They have arrived at Brayton, with no olothing on but I an understanding with regard to the ex tights, could not endure tbe cold long. | change of postal money orders between Captain Burke—(taking the bottls by the seek) This is (hesitatingly) - a— President Caldwell—Bom’ Ale. Captain Burke—Ah! Do yon—ah— that is— L . ; President Caldwell (laughing)—We giva it occasionally to students in ill laftiih. H • xy* This little episode occasioned eonsid arable merriment. TH* FARADS or THS GUARDS. Arriving at Eoetmaa Park it was found that despite the threatening appearance of rain thousands had braved it, and ware there packed in dense masses, in positions that would enable them to wit ness the maneuvers of the visitors. That they were amply repaid for any tempor ary discomfort, was manifested in the hearty interest that they took in the drill, the like of whioh. it bad never been theirlot to witness before. Booh perfect motions, made with a olock-like regular ity, and the finished perfection that ohar- saterixsd each movement undertaken, has never* before been displayed in this oity, and would be difficult Indeed to ex cel. In the manual of arms the move ments were as one, while in the more difficult movements of loading and firing in the different positions of kneeling and lying, the obltqueiag of fours eud all tbe hard and intricate movements known In the tactics, were performed with an ease and precision that was marvelous. Numeroas and loud were the well merited cheers that greeted each movement of the drill, amounting at the finish to a perfeot ovation. It is very pleasant to note incidents like the above, whioh furnish the sil ver lining to the Maok oloud of fanaticism and hatred to the South, which, with the advent of Grant from his travels oan bo seen looming up from the western hori zon. All honor to the men of the North who oan shako off the shaokles of preju dice, and render justice and kindness to their Souths n brethren. Such instan ce* should be recorded in letters of brass that they may never be forgotten. TUB GISOBG1& PBBS3. A CHARTRES OK CORKS. seriously hurt. The lasts, as our report er: obtained them, art as folio wit Mr. Cleghom had been hunting across the liver, and in retaining came across tbe lower bridge. Just after he had croked the bridge and was on the trestle, he sew a hand ear coming toward him. In or- dei toget out of toe way he stepped to P”*HnrfaWMMJtfjt le, and in doing ao made an awk- \ The Feenllar Value of the cork Tree—How If drown aa«l How (He l orn crop la Gathered. It is not probaMedhat many of our read- «•* «* >»>• B!—. - 1 sissivswsssg's&Tt tuee of abont fifteen feet. He was bad-1 phial or bottle cork- hod yet a few of the it- (y hurt in the right hip, and hie face was I tie devices or app'aaceas which enter into the Skinned* and when picked np the blood domestio and trale uses are so indispensable was running from ble left ear and nose. and wonderful as those etoppers. Taere is ■The polios-carried him to the hospital growth in the vegetable kingdom which and immediately summoned Dr. Johnson. appropnatso to his use so utovemsJjr as who rendered medinst aid * I *he hark from the cork tree. It is not alone iwJ e rif„w? e 7i^r. a Vu a ,°r inestimable value as affording stoppers to Mr. Cleghom states»that some of the bottles, but it ia employedtothe arts and bands that were upon the hand cecpnt I manufactures to a vast extent. If were - their hands oat and shoved him from the j card it, however, Mono in its usee for stop- track, but Mr. Alderman, the section | P««. whit »uteUnou_hnown to man oonld by master, who was in oharge of the elates that not one of the hands tuuuueu i ___ him *7 eciea upoi ■RffiHI$ «■»«. A. tat run yesterday 4 most frightful aocident I Deeded;.todoee the ociflbes of vessels or ooeurred, whioh may result in the death metal, and retain the-oontenta ao as^p be 4f of,-aujockey named Cotton, in the em-1 ® BS T aodess when WAntcd. Cork, like sponge, ploy of. John Loyd A Co., of thU citu. ^ have been e^ecUtily designed 1 for Vho-firet raoe, in whiriJ sS of the fastest horses were engaged, - was pro- wonderfully interesting They are “little tressing atffoovhly, when Sallie Folk, be- things,” regarded in the light of the etupen- tng m the lead, fell, caused probably by | dous adaptions of the reeouroee of. nature to a sinking in thb track. Before she could I human needs, but as indiapeastble, almost, regain her equilibrium the other homes | t0 modern o.vilizstion as the steam engine came noon her. eaoh and everjono fall -1 tag, making an immense group ot horse ?S e f w to ^* hioh oork j a obt ^ ned i® and P»na»5»nn«d ‘w. JT.. Qoercus euber, whioh Dr. Downey, of Louisiana, nephew of Prof. Wise, assisted Brayton, **■ | Franon and the United titates, and the arrangement may ba considered con A. Salt Like special says the’ Mormon I clnderi. ■ _ leaders ard still defiant* At a lute con- 1 Fbaj?ci£03, 0~£5bst 27a**Tli8 M" ferenoa five apostles avowed their ■ deter- I mfcins of W. 8. Bodie, the original dis- mination to defy the Government and | ooverer of tbe Bodie mining district, who five up to their principles. - Tho acquittal perished in a enow storm November 14th, of tho murderers of Elder Standing 1859, were dleaovered yesterday abont a moves tho church organ to tho intenseet ] southwest of the town of Bodie. wrath. loan editorial published last) Nrw Orleans, Ooiober 27.—Congress evening it says it ie evident that a jury m:in King telegraphs from S4. Joseph oaonot be impanelled in Georgia which I *hat Co.onel Gillespie, nominee faw^IA will paniah assassins for killing a Mor mon. London, October 27.—4 despatch from Cabnl ssys the fire men who were hanged for complicity in the massacre of tho British Embassy include the Katral of Governor, refuses to allow his name to be put on the R-mubtiuan riokat. Sloop is absolutely necessary for health, and nothing eo effectuall robe one of sleep as does a crying baby. Use Dr. Ball’s Baby t*yrnp to ease Us pain sad the baby will be Cabal (the head of the oity Mollabs), and I quiet and allow ail to sleep well. Price 25 two Generals. It is charged that they I oents a bottle. dragged tho head of Major Cavagnan from ftie British residence to Balahiesar. Eons, Oct. 27.—Garibaldi has written to tne President of the Italian Itridenta committee as follows: “Some persons talk of peace' and friendship with Aq3' tria. Peace, yes since we have not cour age to drive her oat ot Italy, but friend' ehip with Austria would bs a sacrilege and a lie.” Nxw York, Ootcber 27.—Argument Georgia's tbe Ovation from .Nortb., The weloome received by tbe Gate City Guards throughout New England and many of the cities of tbe Noith, abund antly shows that if the bloody ehirt poll tioians were ont of the way there might be some hope, despite the painful revela- ^■1 tionj of Scnato. Hill, that peace and fra- was heard ta*day before Judge Blatch- I ternity could again be fully restored bs- ford, of the United States Circuit Court, I twen the erstwhile belligerent seotions of on a demurrer to a bill of discovery filed the Union. As it is, however, we ac hy the Government in a snit begun knowledge and record with pleasure, the against Samuel J. Tilden for unpaid in- outspoken demonstrations of good feeling oometax. United States Attorney Wood- manifested by tho masses towards the ford and S. B. Clark appeared for the j admirable .military organization which Government, and ex-Judge Porter and I were tho representatives of onr Noble Aaron J. Vanderpool for the defendant I State. ^ Judge Blatohfoid gave his decision over-1 _The Poughkepsie Daily Newt says "at ruling the demnrrer and directed the | tho foot of Franklin street, New York, plaintiff to serve his proposed form of I tho Guards were met by the reoeption order. I committee of the Twenty first regiment, At the informal meeting of tho Preai- 1 Lt. Col. Wolcott, Capt. Haubennestel and dents of the several leading banks to oon I Capt. Benneway and also the eivilians aider the relation of banks to the Stock I who aeoompanied them.E. White, Eiq., Exchange a committee was appointed to I Principal of Eastman College and Messrs, confer with the governing committee of I W. G. Lathrop and F. Germany, of S» the Stock Exchange in referenoe to the I vannah, R. P. Morgan and S. D. Jones, establishment of a stock clearing honse. I of Macon, and H. G. Converse, of Palmer Drtroit, Mich , Oetober 27.—This I Mass., were also present on behalf of morning,Wm. Copeland and Geo. Rhine'. I Eastman College. bath, whilo digging a town ditoh across t jj 9 passed Weatpomt a na- the land of Wm. Witham, in the town of I tional salute of one gun for eaoh State in Barton, four miles from Flint, were or- t he Union was fired, and at Newburg dered by Witham, who protested againet j a salute was fired from Waahing- the ditch, to stop work. The men not j celebrated headquarters and re- complyicg, Witham shot Ehtaehart dead; Bpon ded to by the diBOharge of musketry Copeland ran away._ Bhinehart^ leaves | f rom the “Guards” who were posted on a wife and several obildten in destitute circamstanoes. Witham was cot arres ted. Curasao, Ootobsr 27.—The German orphan asylum, near Roie Hill, the hurricane deck of the steamer. It wee night before the company land ed at Poughkepsie where they were re ceived by the military and a. crowd of civilians, with bonfires blazing on tbe burb of this city, was burntd yesterday. I streets and rousing cheers. The loss is estimated at twenty thousand dollars. It was well insured. All tbe inmates escaped. Liverpool. October 27.—Charles Tom linson, of W. D. Tomlinson & Co., sus pended cotton brokers, has been arres ted. oharged with obtaining fifty thou sand dollars with intent to defraud. Toere is no reason to suppose that the partners were aware of the malpractice. I gia visiters. Washington, October 27.—The' csbo I or two of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad J n a, m. seven carriages, two fonr Company against the State of Tennessee I wagons, a fonr horse bsronche and et oi., which grows out of the State’s J 0 ih er vehicles halted in front of the Nel« As the column marched np Washing ton street by Eistman coliege, they were greeted by a magnificent display ot fire works by the students, among whom are numbered seventy young men from the South, including aeveral from Maoon. The Poakeepsia Eagle devotes two or three oolumns to the speeches, banquet and other honors bestowed upon its Gear. We extract a salient item guarantee of tbe liabilities of the Bank of Tennessee, came up for argument in the United States Supreme Court to-day ( on a writ of error from the Tennessee Supreme Cooit. The most important son House. They were for the aocom modation of the visitors, in whioh they were to be token to points of interest abont the oity. Tne weather was threat ening and at times raining, and as the question involved is whether the act of 1 Georgians hod no overooata with them 1865 abrogating the previously existing Colonel Lindley sent to the armory and right to bring suit against a State in its I ^ a( j enough brought down for the whole own courts is or is not constitutional. I command and in a few momenta the At” The Attorney General of Tennessee I ]a n t a B0 ldlers had donned the blue and maintains that it is, and that the State I Quay were tbe pleasant jibes and jokeB cannot now bo sued in its own oonrts un- I j n regard to the new departure. Than ell ess by its own consent. This was also I got into the oorriages and tfce line xtarted the view taken by the Supreme Court of! Vassar College via Hooker avenue, Tennessee. and wken the Driving Park waa reaohed Mxmphis. October 27.—No new oases the hesd carriage led the way on the or deaths since morning. Camp Marks I grounds, though not on tbe track, staying was broken np to-day, and the peoplo I long enough for tbe visitors to view the moved into the city. Camp Father Mat I surroundings, and then oat on the rood thew will be broken up tomorrow. Bnt I again. At Vaesar College, Superintend- ono nurse was sent ont by tbe Howards ent Yan Vhet met the party at the main a nee last night, thejsick' person being I entrance to the building and ushered Miss Bettie Bragg, residing four milein them into the reception room, where east of the city. Two hundred passen- I President Caldwell and Matthew Yassor, gers arrived at midnight. The Howards I Jr., wero waiting for them. After intro- received $300 donations to-day. Dr. J. | ductions President Caldwell escorted all B. Cummings telegraphs from Forest j to the public rooms of the institution, City, Aakanaas, that two suspicions oasts I thence to the Museum, Art Gallery, Li- hivi developed there. The people are brary, etc. ro. tive under the quarantine regulations I On tbe way through the large dining- and desire to return to their homes. I room where the tables were eot for din- Londdn, Oct. 27.—A Caloutto die-1 ner Captain Barke.of tbe Guard*, spied a 8celling, under Secretary of State, will patoh to the Times says tbe new rales I mysterious looking bottle on one of the soeoesi him. 1 promulgated for gaidanoe of newspa- * tobies, when tbe following ooonrred: guidanoe of newspa- 1 Thh Evening Newt reporter got into millinery establishment the other day and they dressed him np in a bridal trass eau which he prooeeded to described. He says, "thefront ot this elaborate dress is trimmed with an artistically draped panier.” He must have gotten iuto the dress backwards, or else have let his ex- oitement run away with his discretion. Thr Columbus Times, in notioing the postponement of the Atlanta Fair, calls it the State Fair. The State Fab began here yesterday and will contiuua one week; rain or shine. Wn are requested to state that during the unveiling of the Confederate monu ment In this city on the 29.h, there wifi be a reunion of the “rescuer of the Eh - vannah lady.” Advanoi couriers report the G. C. G.’a nearing home, their pockets protuberant with mementoes, their jovial jowls,' wrinkled with rolls of fat. Among' entering his gi many valnable presents reoeived were l. fo * re "' 1 a fatal Wl >uu(l. tfie rider of Little Venus, was slightly in- tugal that we obtain the major port of our jared. as was also Bob, who was mount- supply. The tree i« quite handsome in ap ed on Lady Gay. But Sallie Polk’s rider Bjarenw. man so, indeed, than the oak isveryseriously injured, and as we write wben tv 8 5 >, ?‘ J* 18 wonderful tree ap- h Ho a is are fc entert h a . ined f ° r ., h / 8 vZas§ recovery. He isi yet speeohless, and it is for constructive purposes, although it is fair presumed by the physicians, who have I for fuel. When the tree is twenty years old, not as yet had an opportunity to make a or thereabouts, it periodically throws off its Complete inventory of hu injuries, that hark, after it haa grown of prodigious thick- tbe boy has mounted his last steed. neM ' 11114 then it begins to form a' new oov Lumpkin Independent: The AtUnta h??. 8 ’ d oe» not, like the snake, crAWl out Lflri^ture ^Ita iDgI d rfl “ta k8 t th h t £* force from withta'^BhLi beenfoMd Legislature adjourned without having however, notto-lot. IhAtree have its own punished the wild land speonlators or I way, for tbe bark thrown off is. not qnite passed snybiil or resolation for the re-1 satisfactory. Nature needs a little help, and lief of the owners of these lands who I the bark is artificially removed by the fol- were swindled ’one of hundreds and thou- Iowm 8 prooees: In the months pt July and sands of dollars. Will it please step to . wh . s “ ,h f plentifully » the front nnd axnl&in «hv rho ugAnaM. I lsciaion is first made a few inohea ■ BP » bova tho surfaoe of the ground, then a tim from the 35th, Colonel E. P. Howell, ilar ciroalar out around tho trunk, immedu the chief editor of that journal, did not lately under the mam branches, care being inaugurate some measure to aooomplisn takin not to penetrate tbe inner bark. The tbie much desired reliet? Sinoe “the portion intervening between the two oute is boss” of the journal had ample oeportu-1 then slit down longitudinally in three or nity,’ during R session that lasted 1441 £° ur J P}* 08 '' wh Wh divides the bark into te/nnd Since he'failedto'do or^fvT**' “ fo? StoWSS the mriSfuS fmm ter, and Wnee he failed to do or say any- the sap may dry. The bark is then taken thing m that direction, it ill becomes an I from tne stem, more or leas curved aoaord- able journal to criticise the neglect of ing to the breadth and diameter of the trees other legislators. from which it has been taken. Tbeinatra- Thr Rome Uourier: A negro man met I n»ont need for cutting and removing the with a serious and perhaps fatal aooident °, f * a -** 8 - 1 ,?? e TJSvSkiZskjSzi JSfaspsasawfSsfBae Tcarsaay. He was getting oyer the fence j the t ark. The bark grows again, and as tho near where a sorghum mill was in opera-1 tree liv.», according to Dr. Hamel, a hun- tjou ; and stepping down on au old mus-j dred and fifty years or more, its disbarking the Blue -Laws of. □ouneotiout, and a “History of the Eirlieat Survey of the Sackatchewaffonatka river, together with a Treatise on tho Esrly Stages of Potato Worm Therein residing.” This is an enlargement, not a trade issue. We particularly desire not to be misuuderstood in this matter. With all thsir enterprise, the direc tors of the Atlanta fair failed to securo one of George Washington’s old coach' men for exhibition. Mexioan mustangs and trained buffaloes oan but poorly fill tbe vacasoy. A “Small Boy,” in the Albany Udverti- ter, advanoes upon us with a column. We are overwhelmed at one moment by a torrent of rhetorio, and the next lulled by light zephyrs ot fanoy. If he comes to the State Fair we propose to lasso him from the Brown Hones balcony, and give him a sample of our early training with the loose end of the rope. “Chiidrin, did yon ever stop to con sider the wonderful power of the bumble bee?” sake a writer in an exchange. We never did; we always considered it while traveling at the rate af fifteen miles an hour, with a band on the affected part, and our faoe modeled on the plan of a howling dervish. Albant Adverliter: Harry J. Ryan, the insurance sharper, of whom promi nent mention is mode in another column, succeeded in making his escape from tho Sheriff of Mitchell county, lost night. Ryan wa3 bronght up to Camilla from Savannah yesterday morning, bat, on ac count of the absenoe of witnesses, bis trial wee postponed until Thursday next. There being no jail in Camilla, Sheriff DeGraffienreid started oaths accommoda tion train yesterday evening to bring-the prisoner to Albany for safe-keeping nmil the time arrived for hii trio). Ryan waa extremely jovial and tolka tive along the way, and appeared 'o be very little eonoerned about his oondition. Just after dork, and when the train was within about half a mils of the city, Ryan went into the water closet, dosing the door behind him. Mr DeGraffenreid went to the window nearest the oloeet and stuok hie head out, thinking that if hie prisoner attempted to esoape he would be in reaoh of him and oonld oatah hire. There’x where he made the mistake. Instead of jumping through tbe side window as Mr. DeGraffenried thought he wonld, in the event he undertook to ea- oape at all, Ryan raised the end window and drew him* If gently out on tbe plat form. After awhile the sheriff thought of the end window, and went to see about it, but the bird had flown. The train w&3 running at the rate of about eighteen milea an hour, and the sheriff leaped out into the dark only to turn a doable som ersault, and find himself completely be- wildered. He didn’t know whioh way to start, and could not have started very fast if he had. Sheriff DeGraffenreid, who is a faith ful and moat excellent officer, says he never was so badly sold out before in bis life. Madisonian: Wonder if Senator Hoi- oomb, who cavorted eo extensively in tbe Goldemith and Benfroe trials, is the same Holcomb that figured so extensive ly as a so ala wag in the days of Bullock? If so, “upon what meat hath this onr great Csesar fed” that he should set him self up as a peculiar champion of honeBty and fair dealing? Washington Oasetts: We have re cently met up with a newfeature of jonr- nalism. Mtn oome and tell ns something abont themselves and ask us not to pub lish it. Well, ws would not have found it out otherwise, but we are always glad to learn tbe foots for onr own gratifica tion, if not for publioation. Th* Atlanta Btpublican: “The Demo cratic Legislators at ite present session, impeached their Comptroller and Demo cratic Treasurer for high Crimea and misdemeanors >gainst the people of Georgia, and put them on trial. The Comptroller plead not guilty, and they found him guilty, Tbe Treasurer plead guilty, and they found him not guilty. And tbe retson for the deeision is, that they found the Comptroller guilty to save the party. Blessed are the peacemakers ” A Man Falls From th* Railroad Bridgs.—Columbus Time*: Last night abont 7 o’olock, Mr. John Cleghorn fell from tbe lower railroad bridge and was l*ing near the was discharged I takes plaes regalorly every eight, nine or tan the ball entering hla groin, causing, it is T 08 ”* tho quality or the bark improving with •efd, a fatal wound. I the increasing ago of the trou, whioh la not year, 11J bushels of sweat potatoes on} and other inferior uses, it is not until'tbe tbe47tu part of an acre, at the rate of I third disbarking that the tubstanoe haa at- over 500 bushels per acre, and all fine, I tained the deoiiod pnr/ectioa for the rawin' larwH nntatoaB facture of corks. The enema, layers or ta' 1 A l,r ft. a.n,. nf Tl nnl in Tnhn I bl« of OOlk, OS they ATO Called, 816 HOW A darkey by the name of Donan John- eorAp(ld on ^ ontef 8nrftC8 to J. e move the 8011 wa8 tried at tho last term oe W&re I ooiraor parts of the apl'-termis ani any epi- Superior Coart and sentenced to bu | pbytee or otber extraoeoaa eubatanoe. They hung. The Supreme Court reversed tbe I are then thrown into deep pita, and oovared judgment, and intimated that if no new I with water to soften thetn, in order to be evidenoe was addnoed. the prisoner^pressursi under heavy stones, >d. When the oLie Was. I ) ftar which they are dried over a fire being frequently turned during the ^?rooeBaTo_ pre . shape. should be released. When tbe case was, called it was on motion nol prossed. . - ^ burning to their Mubdirkd nob a Potato.—Berrien j ,,, County News: A negro named Isaac Week’s Cotton Figures Watson and a white man were engagedh in a game of cards at MoDonald’s mill, I Tho cotton reoeipts of the seven da, s B.AA.R B., on Sunday morning last, | ending lsst Friday night, 24 h instant, and while the game was in progress an-1 according to The New York Commercial other negro named Isaac Johnson came and jfcuwicial CXronidt, were 214,461 SUfJaajeS V P £~ Watson objected, and a quarrel ensued, I last year. The total reoeipts to that date whioh wound up by Watson drawing his wele 976,622 against 848,075 for the cor- knife and plunging it into ftsao Johnson’- ndi rk)d ol , aBt Botton , e8r - neck. The wounded negro ran a short _ * . % . - i M1A l V. distance and fell deadp the carotid artery I lowing an increase of 128,447 bale? had been severed. The murderer eeoaped. I The Cotton Sxchange statement is 996>-> An kxohingo etyi; *A one-Armed negro | bales igMosi 807,861 making the i2* | ■ ■ boy in Angoste has saved fonr persons from I increase 188.706 bales, drowning. This m nothing however, for Dr. ^ Tfae 0hronieleU .tatement of interior Ball’s Oough Syrup has saved thousand from consumption. port operations Tor the weekis as follows Receipts 88,748 bales, against 77,250 for A Pxesb/leriau Vamp meet log This may sound singular in our latitude, | the corresponding week of last year, but nevertheless *uoh gatherings do take | na O01 ,oa pUce in various parts of toe oountry and re- [ Shipments 76,981, against 63,483 last suit in great good. “W. G. W,”a oorrea-1 year. Scooks 95,993, against 97,887 last po'dent of the M«w OrleoM South Western Presbyterian, thus describes a recent osmp I v eBr * meeting In Mississippi i I The Chronicle * visible supply stats ,^ 9 iJ P ^ li ^ g .«S^ 0 t.;*h? h ;no I i« S -?ih ed .’ reports 1,366,187 bslsa ofootton In strongly built, oovared with shingles, with a I . ... . .. . . , expicity of seating about 800, on either rids sight last Friday night against 1,359,9a7 of ic were sMts for several hundred more a year ago at that date—1,874.854 in Tho whole was lighted of nights by pine knot I fires, built on stands exeoted for the purpose j W77 at same date, mud 1,952,275 in arouud the abada. The effeot waa noval, 11876 at same data. These figures show ^it°wmide 0 Sf?S? d ffi, L • de0MM * ol 3 ‘ 770 b » lM on the “PP 1 * 0 * vstsd a foot or more by the platform. But I lost year at that date, a decrease of 18,- lpa.jafsrss3STsS?ate»K35**'.*s“* •' «a then to sleep. Prayer meeting was to be 1088 on the supply of 1876. held each morning first after breakfast; | Gotton was quoted lost Friday In Liv. Las oW^' 8 B^Vo^bri4i 1 th#tawlyordS‘-|erpooiat6i for middlingupUnd. ■■■■■ wm _ ed asd installed pastor oi the ohuroh at Bn-1 year at Bams date the quotation was six- teiprise, was appointed to presoh the fitst I' •. __ si-rmon on .Saturday, Dr. Bardwell the see-1 penoej in 1877 it .was 6 9-16, and in ond, and Bro. Moaeiy again at night. At 11876, sixpence. The Iepott * receipu from preaobed with great power on the Judgment, [ plantations since 1st September lost at taking at his text, Rev. Xx. 11-13. A vol- 1065,214 bales, against 9*0,310 for same elm stillness rested upon tbe 1200 people! ’ 1 who were there to hear tho message. After I time in 1878, and 619,530 for same time the sermon the Bsorament of the Lard’s Hup-1 j a 1877. mmmmmmmmmmnmmm „ per was administered by Bro. Mosely. It wss a “g iod” thing to be there— 1 “pleasant” —the oommanion of salats was here! The Chronicle'* weather telegrams of , last Friday show a continued and disas- After the next servioe Bro. Woodbridge . dronoht in Texas with varv nool administered tho Sioiament of Baptism to teron8 dr0U 8“ t ln AexaB » wn very cool five little ones, after which he preaobed. weather in whioh high winds alone have “oJffijaySSSiS^PM^of Mo- Prevented frost. The streams are dry bile, attended by Bro. Patrick, an elder of j ana the stook perishing. Dallas, we are the Enterprise ebureb, cune in. That night f gyrry to say, reports grasshoppers in my- Dr. Palmer preached. After on earnest, . . . .. powerful discourse, the Dr. requested those I viWs in the whole region of Texas west of who felt anxisty on the subject of their | that place, and great uneasiness about soul’s salvation, to rise in their seats. Eight | ... or tea arose. Tbe session of Pisgah and tlie falaro * Good Hope oburcbes were ordered to meet, ] No heavy rain is reported till as far 3ftSStoKSm SKh 841 ”* 3 - oonKregation diemiised. Tm two Motions I of itin tho first ot tho weok. KoDtgom< mat; severul were reoeived Into the church ery B lxdajs, umonnttog to five ioebee. oS^ f by , letterfrom i tbe^th5u«t , Miaone Columbus had throe days, or 1.78, Macon from the Baptist church. While the sessions I reports five dsys; Savanusb had light BMSSJSJSSSS’JtSIS U—«*» tbe edifioe, convening with persons who r«- on every day; Florida had six dsys of ni * “ d 001100 r0 “‘ D «’ The *“ owl the Spirit wss doing His work. The same port from the crop Is more unfavorably round of services on Tuesday, on the night I j; u deteriorate in the fis Id of which a few more nnited with the ohurch. . ,, . . , . , On Wednesday Drs Palmer and BsrdweU Indication* point to an early froot. and myielf took oouveyanoa book to the 11 11 railroad, leaving Bros. Mosely ard Smith to I Rtf. 15. W. Warrea, D. D. contfame th. servioe# as much longer a* I T . „ . a ,, should be deemed best, | It was our privilege on 8abbath and . our privilege Uptotoetimr wTour d-parture twelve I morning to listen to a most edifying hid joined ths Persbyterisn church; others 1 sud instructive disoourso from Sev. a. we: e deeply interested in the matter; the I W. Warren, D. D., the excellent pastor pe pie were awakened anew to the impor-|of ths First Baptist Churoh. The Doo tanoo of the “great matter.” The ohoioh- Kor had been announced to preach as es,pastors,elders^..P-plewem revived. | uraml j, Bt unexpeotsdlyc£ed upon to oonduot the funeral services of the late Mr, J. T. Joeey. The many fiiends cheered. Eternity will determine the full results of oar having oom-i logo-n-r. From Dr. 8. a Pool. rnRarms, T*m» — 1 0 f the deceased and the Knights Tern I recommend# 1 and aaed witu my patients 1 - - ' - - - - X reoommenaei ana Oned witu my patienU nu— 0 # n* Omer’s Commonderv. tozeth- Golden’s Liebig’s Liquid Exiraot or Beef r and Tonio Inyigorator, and I find it exoeod- ® mjphers ol Macon Lodge, After prayer, and the rendering in an -niMte manner, by the ohoir of the exq- * “Nearer, My God to Then,” sweet retr»_ # «ud Jjnefftgine his dli the speaker arose, _ -* funeral ■« r- course by the remark ttu. -ieAt mons were capitally designed to bo. the living, proceeded to preach from 1st Timothy, 4th chapter and a portion of tbe 8th verse: “but godliness is profitable onto all things, having promise of tbe life that now is, and of that which is to oome. She burden of the sermon was the levs of God for His creatures, as manifested in tbe gift of his own son to ransom it fallen world, and the duty and obligation ot all mankind to obey and serve their Creator. Bat ws took no notes, and do pot propose to give any outline whatever of tbe speaker’ argument. It is enough to say that it was eminently simple and conclusive. Thera is. ap-earnest piety, vigor and logical comprehensiveness abont the ut terances of Dr, Warren, occasionally rl- sing even into genuine eloquenoe, which oann.t fail to make a lasting impression npon the intelligent hearer. He feels that the man before him reflects in his own person and life the truth and reality of the precepts and maxims he so faith fully seeks to delineate, and is prepared to accept without questioning all that he sayv. This is the secret of his great pow er iu the pulpit, and the vast influence which Dr. Warren has ever exerted as a pastor upon every community in which he has officiated. The people arc won by his piety and gentleness,and convinced and subdued by tbe unmistakable zeal and earnestness this faithful ambassador of God. It a matter of sinoere congratulation to all trne believers that Dr. Warren, reaouno- iug the emoluments and commanding position of a numeroas and wealthy charge, has consented to respond to the appeals of those he onoe eerved so faith fully and loved so devotedly in his own native Georgia. By God’s blessing hiB return to Macoo, we trust, will bo signal ized by great good'to the entire comma' nity. The Doctor, in oloaing, alluded feel ingly to the lsst scenes iu the life ot the deceased, and announced that ha had sought and obtained the pardon and for giveness of his Father—God- “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his,” After the ohoir had sung the soul stirring hymn “I would not live alway," the coffin was tenderly borne ont, and, under tne solemn escort of the Msaonio fraternity, followed by a long cavaloade of private carriages, taken to Rose Hill cemetery and there, with all the im posing rites and oeremonies of the order, oonsigned to its last resting place. The sermon acd entire proceedings were sol emn and deeply interesting, —California is infested by awarms of wild geeeo, which do serious damage to the groin. —‘He lies ' 8uoU ie ths blunt manner ol the Boston Herald in speaking of Gen. But ler. —It is estimated that 530 oana! boats are stuck at points along tbe Sohuylkil!, await- -TI.u net >uwtM. ■•«■ _. ands i»St year were £410,000, or about 93,- 060,000. ' , —George Pyle, a Wilmington, Del., ma chinist, claims to have invented a machine which wU turn oat two horseshoes in a H*rd times in Bosnia, but not for the Czar. The new yacht, Ulyde built, will cost, exclusive of fmnuhing and deoorations, $1,000,000. Sx-Gov. Hendricks bos a bet of a oana with Editor E. B. Martindale, of the Indiana- polls Journal, that Grant will be tbe next Hepoblican Presidential oandidate. —The Indianapolis dentine!, Hr. Hendricks’ organ, says that State will present nia name in tbe next Demooralio National Convention, and adds if tb6re is any thing in tbe drift of pablio^ eentiment he will ba nominated. —Bios growers along the banks of the MUeiseippi have often had to pat np with small crops for lack of irrigation by the river. This year, pumps have been largely need when the water was too low for the necessary overflow. —An English weekly says that the fall in paper makes a difference of $150,000 a year to tbe Duly Telegraph, and that the New Pork Herald is in treaty with a Lanoashire firm for a supply at a cost so moderate as to oover carriage and get besides a handsome margin. —The Springfield (Mags ) Republican says: Ths Ohio result ia seen very clearly at Wath ington to help the prospects of Bayard and to hurt Grout. Poster is not a Grant man, Ewing is certainly not a Bayard min. In other words, the conservative influence in eaoh party is going to make itself felt in If katan* mum than flrant TiMfln * favor of better men than Grant aud Tilden —As a proof of tbe eoonomy practised by the new Government of Egypt, the Austrian Journal Bombe gives the following illus tration- Criminals of a certain grade are entitled to one hundred lashes with the bam boo cans; but a superior ooart has reduced ths number to fifty, on the ground that the Government is obliged to spend too muoh for bamboo canes, when the lashes are too lavishly administered. —if Washington people have eny becevo- lense to expend upon the oolored race: it would ssem to ba eminently a p.aoe for charity to begin at home. Tbe health report ■bow* that the colored mortality in the Dis trict of Columbia is more than twice as great aa the white—$7 to the thousand os against 17 among the whites. The simple explana tion is that the negroes have flocked into the city in eaoh swarms that they can’t sup port themselves and so fall an easy prey to disease. —Postmasters have no soul for sentiment. A young lady in Georgia a short time since sent through the mail to e gentleman of Washington a box of flowers. Unfortunate ly she had put in the box a slip of paper with the simple legend, ‘With love,’ written thereon. Tne postmaster fauna ont about the writing, end the joaog man had to pay letter postage to tbe amount of sixty cents on the packiute—thirty cents apiece for two simple words. Let us hope that he did not begrudge tbe oo»t. —The warlike tone of the foreign new* oontiauea, end tbe prophets are promising a triple alliance between Germany. Austria end England against another trio—Baeeto, Italy and France, ihe monstrous proportions which European armaments are assuming can be inferred from tbe official statement ot the Hungarian government that when the military systems of Europe ore completed Italy will have over2,000,000 soldier*; Franoe, whioh has 1,815,000 now, will have 2,728.(00; Russia has 2.889.000 already, anaAosiro- HUngsry 1,194,000. —Tbe Philadelphia Times say* the Theo logical Seminary uf the Presbyterian Ghnroh in Columbia. 8. O., ia iu a bad way, owing to tbe failure of Adger A Co. The extent of tbeir loss has not yes been accurately ascer tained, tut these who ore In a position to know think it will hardly be less than $25 - 000 or $26,000. If this proves to be tbe case ths inaatation will be left without the means of continuing it* work. In case of *uoh a oalamity it is comforting to know that tho cause of religion will suffer no serious injury, as tnere are already several hundred more Presbyterian ministers than the chur ches have found themsolves able to employ. A church of sixty members recently bade bandied applicants for it* vacant paipit.. —New York Graphic: ‘A leading Democratic politician, who professes not to like to see iis name in print, said in a decided manner, in the Bt. James Hotel this morning, that Samuel J. Tilden wss by no means depressed tbe reeat of tbe recent election in Ohio. r. Tilden,’ said this ardent Democrat ‘didn’t oars a d—n whether Ohio went Be- inblioan or not. He feared both Ewiag and ?bnrman as Presidential aepironie. The Ewings and Thurmans and their crowd did aU they coaid to defeat Tilden, and then tbey eont to Tilden for money. He sent word book that tbey had done their beet to defeat Urn before tbe convention met, and ttuy whole State, and that Bobinson will have a fair majority over beta Cornell and Kelly.’ About Gan. Grant.—James B. Young, Esq., late executive clerk of the .Senate, haa returned to Washington from among the poliotana 12 p hiledelpUia end New Xoifc. He says the Republican* - Pennsylvania wtii j*ve a walk over ic November aesu the lei- 10 * hi Phliadaiphie'(i$ for Grant “^dont, with Blaine as second choice. A S®ket made up of Great end Bisine is .much tailed of. Air. Young toys that in all hie intercourse with Gen. Grant, John Bussell, his brother, who travel ed round the world with him, never conver sed with him an the presidential subject, nor did the General alludatoE to oonvamo- tion with anybody; that Grant paid the bulk of bis expenses on his trip, and that they were heavy; that he is worth about $159,009, bat baa it tied up in snob a way that it dose not yield him mush cl an inootae. Mr. Young says bis brother reports Gsn. Grant to be one of the moat liberal hearted men tbst he ever knew; that he ie constantly con tributing to the aid of his relatives, and takes *atii faction to doing it. —Washington speoial to th. Cincinnati Enquirer: Senator Ben Hill, it has been alleged, visited New York to endeavor to stah up the breach between the New York lemocraay. Hie manner of dotng it is a good deal like the Texes woman kept hoteL It will be remembered that some time ago Congressman Chittenden, of New York, a peppery little fellow, wrote Hill an open letter on the Solid Booth end iu defiant attitude toward tbe North. Instead of the Georgia Senator ;r eating ic with Uieoontempt of eilenoe, he is out in to-day’s New York papers in an offensive reply. This reply, while it may be good logic from Ben Hill's standpoint, is bad policy to tbe faosofth. difficulties with which the Democrats an beset; and breathing, a it does, the threat that the South proposes to remain solid so lODg as the North continues to make ado about it, is oaloulsted to aid the Bepublioan rather than tbe Demooratio ticket, ihe let ter has attracted considerable attention here, and its author oomes in for a fall share or condemnation for injection Into the New Yerk campaign issues whioh had no buatneae to enter into it. It ia the opinion of politi cians here that Hill ought to go home and atay there, and let the New York Democracy manage its own affairs, without his unsolici ted advice. Mato* Huit.and isi Horn Subsidy to th* Noxth Gxoboia Stock Association.—It is currently reported that the subscription of Messrs. Huff A Brown, the proprietors of the Markham House, to the North Georgia Stock Asso ciation, was little less than black mail on the part of the managers of that concern. The firm had only been in operation a few days, and one of its members was the Mayor of Maoon and the champion of that city before the Btate Agricultural Convention, which met last spring In Hawkinsvitle, when the question of the location of the State Fair was being dis cussed. Mayor Huff denies the statement, how ever, end says the contribution of $250 by the proprietors or the Markham to the North Georgia Association, was purely a voluntary offering. Moreover, that had his partner and himself reflated a mo ment, they would not have givtna oent to continue tbo fair in Atlanta through •the present week. We Rive Mr. Huff the benefit of this’statement, bnt it i fu W‘latAi\Q<Ufi. -magi*, lemma,though as a quasi oitizsn of Atlan ta now doing business there, we would not have blamed him in tho toast had he given $10,000 to the Atlanta fair, pro vided he had stipulated that the amount should be expended for the furtherance of the normal exposition, which had been extensively advertised by circulars and in the press, to open on the 20th instant and close on the 25th. But it is stated by an Atlanta contemporary that the amount given was for the speoido pur pose of gstting up a race on Wednesday of this week, the very time appointed for the unveiling ot the Confederate monument, whioh has been erected at such infinite labor and pains by the la dies of the Memorial Association. We blame Mr. Huff for this, has been stated he headed a delegation to the Agricultural Con vention at Hawkin8viito, sent for the purpose of urging the claims of My^ n to tbe permanent location of tbo State Fair at Central City pork, and aw-mta have known that the continuation of tho Atlanta exhibition for another week must, If a success, operate disastrously to our city, and State Agricultural Associa tion, of whioh ho had been the accredited representative. Why did h9 not stipu late that the sum donated should bo devoted to tbe races whioh were to come off on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week? We have no desire to do Hr. Huff any injustice, and will gladly print any ex cuse he may bo able to render in the premises. The State Fair. A visit to Central City Park to-day, de pile tbe steadily falling rain, revealed a busy soene in every department. Aoontinuoos procession of drays and wagons, laden with contributions repre senting all tbe industrial interests of the common wealth,kept pouring in, and were quickly relieved of their oonte&ts by the erowd of experts who were engaged in classifying, arranging and ptoeing in po sition the numerous artistes. The spacious halls were rapidly filling np with choioe contributions from the field, garden, orchard, looms, machine shops, and mercantile guilds of the country. The stock pens, stables and poultry ocops on tho grounds were »l«o recsiving hourly additions, and already contained a larger display than was ever collected at any previous expos!- siou. Every thing points to a grand exhibition of tbe varied industries of tbe State, and if Providence will but vouchsafe propitious weather the num ber of visitors will be unprecedented. It is too early to partionlarize, but it ia ssfe to say that the present exhibition will be by far tbo most complete and extensive that ever illustrated Georgia. Loxdon, October 25.—Wm. Ringgold Copper, the American who pleaded guilty to the forgeries on Glyn, Mills A Co., bankers, London, and to Bimiiar charges preferred by, the offioers of the Bank ef England, was sentenced to five years’ pe nal servitude. —- ——, uuu .. uiiw,- | _ _ . u - I oonld do their worst afterword. He asked Ingly henefloisl in debility, weskpees, febrile | No.^ f^F.^A. _® T ^J j no favors. I stw Tilden lost night. aud he andnervoua diseases and a reliable nutritive I seat lit the ohuroh. Seldom have we tonio Sold by John Ingalls, Maoon. fees $ larger atfeitfesve M a funeral. > u oonflilsnt that they will win. He Sara Li vs stool, October 26.—W. D. Tom linson & Co., old established cotton bro kers. bare suspended payment. The market is very ieverisb, owing to speculators having tonght np enough ootton to create an artificial scarcity, and squeeze the largest possible difference out * the sellers oi the October delivery. Baltikobb, Md.. October OL—This was the fourth aud last day ot the fall meeting of the Maryland Joeky Club, sod the attendance was large. The at. mosphere was clear and sharp, a north wind blowing, but tho traok waa in splendid oondition. With a single ex ception, all the horses which took part is the Bcwie stakes had been oonued to shorter distances, aud never before aU tempted four mile heats, so that betting men were uncertain how to plaoe their money to make it p*v. toe week Kelly cannot get over 15,000 votes ja the and in melting 22 tana of iron dally. Fairbanks’ So lzs.— During ending 18th of Oetober, 1639 i shipped from tits foe ory at St. Jo _ Yt, {saving then unfilled orders for ^ three thousand settee The Messrs. Pair* bonkit are running tbeir faotory evaotogn, ffififl IT* maltinw 04 tons nl (win *1.11* ~ 1 . 'iv/ ■ W ...