Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, November 11, 1879, Image 5

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m (?* ta 3 tj 5Smh Sowunsiti ^ B ■CTflRJtr. —- — - — a r — —————:— *—• --- »■ —Mr. Qeorge J«asb Hmyoaks, tti* Hnglich Btdiotl do v VitiuDj ibis cjuniry, uji: 'Xbs beauty of tha women ud iba comeu< nc-oa of iba tu-a buvo ajtouiauca me.' Limax Don in tos to Ui»ruLD—The Bo»- tou Journal ..yi toa; falser fl«s:iug« left tbe traix of dis fortune to tiamrd College *t .ux tbo uMcxid of ina wi/o. It ib eelima- to.1 *t 15 .0,009. Tbe .‘rsciJont of ibs California State YctN ultaral Socioty Iras reported 69,000aorea eofcitu mill vhijjhiiU, muuberL.g 45,000,' loo viuea, and ro*.f eacmuiK, wiai Urn land, a capital oi Rto.oMl.UuO- Auotitr oomplete n-pint in vo oe matio tun ycaic lienee. —Jo on Jt j j iiigiuduU. *Hia lack of teiifciun auHiciviitiy iuiuuatta bid lack of euirae.’ Ooo iagoiaoJ on Oookt *fli» pbU oapuyto tue tbeuiojy of New KugUnd, ee.ioouod *ita poor Herman tboagbt— Iba is to say, bo uiitea tau.r kraut with hie bian=.’ —iiow urai ii'jbii; <J. Coilyer has taken cb Jgbot tasOoarcn ot tn« Messiah, Now Jerk, a now valuation boa toon patOuthe pe-e. lteo soiling Tama aggrcg.iLB 4u45,~ Oou, the run! al cu wuicb leoipaatod to yield about qs-4.6-'1 —‘Umua a' name is Itoea do la Hama, and elm is tbo ilvaguttr of a F.onobmtn. She bves in a lovely Villa t.b jut two miles from Florence, where sno is auiroondel oy books, plenties, auo, wbst sbo piixcs more than both oi these, do*s. Every novel she writes duils s rsaoy matke; at s7,0o0. —l Galena ooriaspoudsat of the Cbicigo Tr.bono 'has positive assurance that Qeu. Uraut will tsako a tour of South America auj uteaioo Oslore souanguownto quet bfe, ana will msko tbo joaru&y after visiting New Xork city aud 1’biUdolphia ’ —Beoietory Evans lias been visiting the binbp.aOJ of WaUiui b lou on ii,id a ce Creek, Westmoroiand county, Virginia- Tin- purs pose of the Vint was to look over tbe grounds With a view of selecting a skit able spot for a monument. An olu-laetuoned brick chimney is all that is left to mar a tbe bouse iu which Washington onigrew pinafores. —Id cast! of tbo defeat of Bobiuarn there is said to be an impression m New York that Mr. iildeuwui issue a pronuncumen.o de clining all part in tuu F,e:idential contest- It is said no has contemplated something of tbs i led for some time. Tna democratic tenusnoy in New York, JL’iidea being off, is to Bayard. —*aou see, rucssa.’ eat. the old colored washwoman, ‘Binco uey e gut deae here big Cray veto we don't bab so much to do. Bo gomnicn .nut on a big craves nogdaysin- •tod of s dean eb-.rt. You don’t know much 'bout dees matters, but if yon iasj off all us cray vans in uis .own an’ luakede gemmen show up, landsaket! you’d see do word lookin’ while men you ebher laid yo’ bloated eyes on.’ —Under lira of a money premi urn offered by too aoik Uouuty (Mo.) Agn- otuture BuOtety, ibuvy-.-tu boys bavs raised upon oue'ji 6 htn of sn acre of land over 1,- 000 pounds of corn, six ov.r 1,100 pounas, five over 1,2yd pound*. one over 1,3j0 ana one over i,4ou, tbe uuampion being Moses B. Mdtieon, Jr., ml Elude!„rd, with a product of l,4t,4 pounds. —Mis. jbewls was atone at night in a house at Air Line, Oat j. nho was awakened by tbe dioppiog ot too key from tbo lock of lira front door. OUwsaing aright that a burglar bad pushed u out, eue armed herself with a pistol, and, when be intruded bis herd, final ai it. liu dead body was taken away by a companion, tuibo wa a ou that was to have cam.u too plunder, —New York Evening Foil! There ns much acti lily in tuo real estaio market at present, and ail well-known dealers are doing a large business. Ibs general revival of trade, tne resumption ot speoie payments, tne restora- tien of butiness confluence mid the establish, mtnt ot rapid transit nave given a autumn, to real ootate traneuctions in tbia city which baa not been known osfore for years, A B.V3W-8TOJ1K BAGIKCl IK NkW EKaLlkD. —Sosioa, Nov. 3.—The first snow of tbe season commenced this morning, and, inter mingled With rain, fell at in trols during lue entire uay. To-nigut a strong wind pie ■ Vails, and enow is falling briskly. Dispatoh- ea frcB various points in New Hampshire and Vermont report a vary heavy storm. Inins aro b.o:kaded. Midnight—Tbe snow si:rm still SDbtinusa, and anlose it toon abates, it most bave tbe fcffoflt of d.croising tbo oxpeotsd vote in tbo oouutry precincts. —Tbe Cincinnati Oomusrcial has a Wash ington telegram which says: ‘Aa invitation has been sent Gao. Grant to visit North Carolina in December, or such other tims aa may be convenient. Tbo invitation is from Jadge Settle and other leaning Bspublicana. Tney promise him a boom, irrospeotivs of party. Democrats from that State say they will J oin in a reception te Grant, provided it is nonpartisan, Thera aro many occasions of atroog effort to get Grant to make an os- tensive tour in tbe Btmlh this winter.’ —Pittsburg Post: It was predicted acvsra, weeks ago that the rapid advance in the price of pig iron would lead to importations from England. Yestorday tbe Edgar Thomson Sioel Works received their first ooneigument wbisb, in tbe aggregate, amounts to 1,5391006, acd tbe duty paid ou it to tbo Government was neatly #10.530. Tbe difference la prioo between tbe iron in England and in America is about $3 per ton, and tbe duty, as ubai been stated, is $7 per ton, bo not oinniing the oust of aud trans portation from tbe soatmrd, tbo iron was pnrebased at $4 more per ton than they oould have bought it from Amcrioau smel ters. This is tbe heaviest importation ever made to Ibis city, but it is eailthat olbers will follow, which indicates that tbero must be profit in tbo movement. —Tbe quarrel ot tbe two widows of Ellas Liepis, in a San Franeisco eemetcrj, as to which should decorate bis grave, was descri bed in this coicrnn last eptir-g. The affair is now in a criminal court, through tbe ams t of tbe superintendent or tbe cemetery. It transpires that widow.l drove w dow2 away ficm tbe grave; that tbe superiutentendont, enameted of widow 2, gave.her a burial plot, aud secrotly removed tbe remaica of Lispis to it. Tbns widow 1 wont on decorating an empty grave, while widow 2 bail tbo rot; gtavo to btrself. Wiiow 2 could not keep so pluultg a liotoiy to herself, and tbe story got oat. Tbe aaperiotendent, frightened by tbit publicity, slyly returned tbs remains to thsirfiret resting place, and declared ihat they bad never been diatuibed. Wife 2 got angry at him for this act, and told all to tbs police. An investigation followed, acd bo Is to be tried on a charge of graTo-robbery. •‘Almost a Fame.” Toe telegrams report “almcst a panic in watat" m New York yesterday. We wish nobody harm, but shall keep dry eysa if the gamblers in breadstnffs Buffer a gaud deal. It is lamentable that Ike b.eai of the poor should ba the constant sp.rt Of gambling operators, with the ultimtto result of wresting gigantic for- tones out of the hard-earnings of labor, end o: ten, no doubt, out of their food al lo ivance. This is dons by creating arti ficial scarcity, by corners, so-called, by engrossment and speculative monopaly— tricks that confound regular trade—defy the forecast of regular and honest deal ers—msko large margins indispensable to safety, and finally, in the last analysis, extort unreasonable profits from the great body of consumers to oover risks. If there aro no laws against such nefarlona gambling, thoro ought to be. The regu* Ur blackieg basin-si is a small mischief and evil compared with it. T lie New Yorlc Election. The earlier dispatches indicate Ihat Cornell fEepublioan) is eleoted by a small majority, bnt Potter, the Demo- aratic candidate for Lieutenant Govertor, on whom the Dsmooraiio vote was con centrated, has defeated Haskins, the Be- pnblican candidate. The moral of the result is that Naw York would have gone Democratis v.ry easily but for; the Tam- mary«ehhm,at.di» a Demaaratia State, if the Damocratlo politicians cm agree ou a ticket. Bat more perfect returns will time by the later dispatohes in this edition, and to these we refer the reader. Tbb Viickmia Bonn Qoamorr Is siill is the mist, both sides claiming the vic tory. Thc “rema'.as' of ‘ fighting Joe Hook- ti* wsi* o-ttiito-lle, Iti Lc acighal 610 pounds. Keport of tbe JLrostees ana Offlc*r3 of tbo btate Iiunattc Asylum. We have reoeivod a copy of this inter esting document,which has just been is sued from the press of Messrs. J. W. Burke <Ss Co. In all respeoU it is the most favorablo statement that has per haps ever appeared, of tho condition and operations of the Asylum. It will be re membered that in February last, the aged and exc. llent Superintendent of the institution for thirty-three yearB, Dr. Toomos F. Green, was gathered to bis fathers, fall of honors acd fall ot years, and Col. James S. Piackard, also, •n efficient member of the Board ot Tna;e3B,ba? deceased. Tho vacant place of Superintendent was filltd by tha ap pointment cf Dr. T. O. Powell, a most competent gentleman, and Dr. W. H. Hall made the successor of Col. Pinokard. Ho ia every way worthy of tbo position. The trustees report an average of 748 patients in the several wards daring the >ear, and the total expense cf every kind (89,62919, which also includes tho pur- cuase of 25 sores of land and three build ings rendered 'necessary by their too close proximity to the Asylum. This is at the czoeptionally low rate of 32 9 10 cents per capita ptrdiem for each patient. This oertainly indicates groat prudence and economy, and Blows that he gardens and farm of the institution were utilized to tho almost for the sup port of ite inmates. Strange to say tbie valuable State property ia not insured for a dollar, though the matter was brought j specially beforo the appropriate commit- j tee of tho Legislature at its last session. Bat they preferred the State to take its own risk, which is pursuing a policy, to say tbe least, very doubtful. The trustees express perfect satisfac tion with tho managemeat of tho Asyinm, and report a decided improvement in all f its departments. The patients are well aud humanely treated, and & aarefal examination into the single o\ae of cruel ty end neglect complained of to the Leg islature reunited in the complete vindici- tion of all the employes end officials from any blame in tha premises. The Sapsiintendent reports 746 pa tients on the rolls on tho 1st of October, 1878. Daring the year that succeeded 209 more were received. In the same time there have died and been discharged 197, leaving present and under treatment Oc tober 1st, 1879.754 patients. Tha whcl- number of inmates daring the year foots 951. Of this number there hava been discharged cured 64, removed much im proved 12, removed improved 1C, remov ed unimproved 9, eloped 7, died 90. Of the deaths, thirty resulted from epilep.-y, sixteen from paralysis, sight from debility and old age, nine from marasmus, seven from exhausted mania six from dysentery, three from phthisis, time from apoplexy, two from heart dis ease, one from netvcn3 prostration, one from cholera morbus, one from erysipelas, one from carbuncle, ona from measles acd one from pneumonia. This is s vary heavy percentage of mortality, but it should be remembered that all the in mates ora more or less diseased, and many are brought there in the laBt stages of illness. The several buildings aro in good con* ditioo, and many improvements, each ns additional water closets, east iron bath tabs, hot water tanks, heaters, eto. Under the heed of moral treatment, Superintendent Powell suggests the es tablishment of amusement halls in whieh various entertainments could be given, snch as musical ooncertv, theatricals, etc., nhiob serve greatly to break the monot ony of asylum life, and divert from their private sorrows tha minds of the poor unfortunates. A ten pin alley ia also fsocmmtnded, and a well stocked li brary. AU of these addenda to the oomfort and happina.s of tha wretohed inmates should certainly ba instituted. Suitable acknowledgments aro made tr all of those who hava generously made contributions looking to tho abave ob jects. Toe report also embraces detailed ab stracts of the receipts and disbursement, of the Asylum, by Mr. John Hammond— the garden returns from October, 1878, to Oitober, 1879, of tbe value of vegeta bles rxised, amounting to (6,098.25; tho Oust of running the Asylum faro, and value of field crops; statement of stock and vehicles on band; a list of the num ber of articles and packages sent lo tbe VJtians inmstes of tbe instilutisn, end by whom donated; tho amount of provis ions issued for tbe patients, cloth end clothing enppiled for their use, etc. Tbo Chaplain also gives a statement of the number of his religious services eaoh week, and calls for repairs to tbe ohapsl and cemetery. Tee report is exoeedingly complete, and, tt moy be added, exhaustive. It will be read with interest by all who are interested in this great aud worthy pub lic charity foundation. Georgia has just canto to be proud ot her Lunatic Asyinm, acd shonld nev^r withhold the necessary funds to keep it In perfect working condition. . Monet Tight Again,— The Wail street dispatch te the Baltimore As, complaining of the tightness of money, siys it would have bass worth t«B #r twelve peroent. all along but for the in. flux of foreign gold. Bank men do not look fora lower rata than seven per oent the remainder of the year. Boss 'Shifhbbd’s Bonanza, called Batopsolis, in Hexico, is olafmed to be the rietes silver m na on tbs senvineat- —Prince Jhamsre* iut dmu Iu suffering ssTscely from sotattoa. lot -vote *auw mmm. Bicod Poriivr. Sheehan, N Y. May 88; H R Sixties. Dxak Sis—I have used the T« etine. and Blood purifier think it cannot be excelled. Would rccouun-nd it to all os an excellent medi cine. Yours very truly. M L DORMAN, GREAT RE IEF. Sick Headache. Sauk, Miss. April 84,1678. H & Stevies, Bosiox: DBAS 81*.—I crrtily that m; wife has fre quently uied your Vejtalinefor Sick Headache and experienced great relief from it. L A DORK. WITH GOOD SUCCESS. Dropsy and Sidney CompLint, Dxi Moiebs, Iowa, September 10,1878. H Hr Stxtxej, IfOi OE; Dims MO.—I think very highly cf your Vega- tine for Dropsy and Sidney Complaint wi-h good fucoess. I bare also recom-ended it to others who hare been greatly teneiit. d bi it« use 1) K EUGLEBTOW. No 109 Walnut street, VEGETINJB. It is What is Needed, FEMALE WEAKNESS. Bsa Moieex, Iowa, Sept 6,1878. H R Psbvsei. Bo&tos: Dea£ Sib —For a long time I have been trouolcd with Female Weakness and a weak sinkinx feeling at the stomach, and. through tha advice of a friend, I tried your Veg-tine. and find it Juat what is needed. lean recommend it to all sallcrinr from those complaints. Yours resnectfullv, MR8 ANNA bKLIA HARWOOD. 818 Fourth street. A SPLENDID MEDICINE Heart sat Sidney Disease. Female Weakness. _ GBJGGSVILIE, III. July 25,1879. H S SlEVEEB. Bos.ON: Deab&ib.—I was afflietet with Hesrt and Kinney Disease and other Female Weaknetses. and doctoral with several physician and re* reived no benefit, -nti! I iried your Vegetine, and alter taking two bottles I was completely cu'ed, and hate been a healthy wom.n ever since, although I am in my aixty-sixth year. I do heartily recommend it a: a splendid medi cine to a'l afflicted a^ I have been, and I bless theday that it fell into my hands. MRS MARIA HOBSON. FEMALE WEAKNESS, PBiLiDzxwni. July 81.1557. H S SlEVBKS; Desk Sib —I hava been afflicted with Female Weakness and Womb Disease for many years. Last March my husband got me a bottie of your Vegetine. and before I had flni«'—d t king it 1 found relief: tbo second and ' rd • ttlei gave me still further relief, and 1 ' • ali&y occinmend it to ail females aufferinc ;om F,-ale Weak ness. Re. pectfsliy yours. MRS ELIZABETH U JOHNSON, 8243 No 7th street. I am personaly acquainted with the above Bsrsong aud soil them a number oi bottles of Vegetine. JOEBERHARD. HD. VEGETINE Prepared by H . B. STEVENS. Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all Drumsts ODDS AND ENDS. •'With Yon Alwuja.” Now tkat cold weather approaches, let us suspend our prayers for the poor, long enough to stnd them around a little kni fing wood; time lost in this way wi-1 not be docked when the day of settlement arrives; it is always comforting of coarse for the poverty striskaa to feel when thoy gather around their frugal repasts, that a whole city full of kind hearted people are doing all they oxn in tha way of rupplisxtiona, to lessen iheir hardships; nevertheless there is a species of solidity ahsat a ba>rel of 11 nr or a oord of wood, sot to be despised, and words of shear are awuetest to a poor min when his stomach is fall and his feet warm. "Onarity begins at home,” we are taught, bit alas we are too forcibly reminded that it never begins at ail; charity with most of os, is parting with such property as is no longer of use te ns, such as a eoat, with private entrances for (he blasts of winter in a dozen sections, or a dress, so dilapidated that the battens oaly retain thsir hold by the strength that is born of desperation. A hat with the crown gone, aud a rim like the moon in its last quarter, m»y serve vocy well to express a charitable feeling, bat a disin terested oritio would have to acknowledge thatitooaid never present the appearance of a Chapeau living tqnire up to its missi >n on earth. And there are faulta to be found with tbo shoes wa sometimes donate: a pair of uppers set over a man’s .nitep may give him a temiak appearsuoe in pnblio, yet what w'U it profit n nan, if he gain a covering for his extremities, and lose tbe feelieg of com fort, the possession Implies, as loss it ho must, when nothing divorces his soles from the icy pavements? We are blaming no ono about these things, for if there is snylhiag in the world a man has a right to exercise his discretion in, it is in choosing snch ob jects from among his possesstons, as will, when parted w.tb, damage him least. Wha; we plead for, is a return to a more solid ba sis in our charities; tbe market is at pees mt UHited, and we are apt to deal too much in false values; when we give away that old hat or those old shoes, lei m not credit our a tenants with what they cost, but with their ariuat faso va’ae at the time of the last t'ansacticD. By this plan, car accounts will come nearer balancing with tho good angel’s books, when the time comes for ns to be served with fioxl statements. Wnen “G. Wash Ohillds” departs this life we presume the paragraph column of tho Constitution wilt be draped in mourning. G. Wash has certainly been a friend to cur con temporary. Augusta did not zsnd a company to repre sent her at the Btate Fair, bu; that is no rosson why we alien'd not say that ths Even ing News is a diamond of the first w-ter, sot far down tho shirt front of the day. The Bader rosxet was fired in Massachu setts with great effect; it otimhod till zrnuh bssctifully, and fit tho hsavene with an electrio flash Lost Tuesday the State laid its oar daw., on tbs ground, and hoard ihi stick fall. This ended tos pyrotechnic:. The wiiow Oiivsr, with her hopes forever blasted, hto trepi away from pub do g zo, and now nurses her mtmories in a poor hou-e. ffwMsr, fee «aj deceiver, cm bed and defeattd, nurse: hie eo.iowa in the Bay Sta.e, that asymm for paupers Tho overs of •‘poetical juirue,*’cm wta.e a pretty little remsuee a.onnd tbii cj'nci- dence. The world applauds the eaterpriao of lb. journal whose rrperter tne sky iu - rickety tuiloo >. wade the poor wretch wh .se duty it is to write up a Pinat-re piro.monce is forgotten. “The mdts of the gode grind slowly.” This is all bsc-uie the h.nds are paid by the day Will the gods never learn teat it is to then interest to let out wo k by contrac ?—St Laois Hepuclicau. Jat Oo -x* & Co., who were forced into bankruptcy eta th? 18*h of September, 1873, and whoi9 failure initiated ths great crash whieh nas lasted aix years and ia&ot over yet, it ia now f mad have paid a»d will pay |1,122 27 on every thousand dollar- of claims against them, attar aU the immerse cO’-te and sacn- flgfg atteadiog thc disposal of thsir assets a id adjustment f thecl'ins ua*er as signment. The waste of their assets has been equal to the original claims against toon. Thb general result of tbo election* will pvsbably shew some gain on ths put of the B:p<*tfV&oc, but nothing like tbe “tidal wave” they were ooonting oat FfMMts cf Joies Oouniy Grand , Jury. rpHE Grand Jury chosen and aworn for the JL tall term of Jones Superior Court 1859, sub- ADMINISTBATOR’S SALE » QKORGIs.BIBBtXiU.ViY.—By virtoe cl aa order cf tbe Court ot -rSU of said rcuntr, will besoltlo'i'th* «rs» Tuesday in »e- C-mber.1879, >t the court house door In the c tv of Maood. in said court:;. >ctw?eu the Ire*) mit the follow nq aa their acneral presentment!; h0Bn 0( galc ( 0 lIowi j* real nisi I T four We are sorry to report our p blicroacigenor- — - - — ally in b»d condition. We are disposed to attri bute this to tho changes that have been made in our' oad laws by recommendation of tne two preceding grand juries. We believe that under our presen< public road laws our county Judge wit'be enabled to enforce a better a: atom, and we earnestly ask that new Commisskmera be ippointod a. as early a day as may be practica ble in order chat our roads may no lor.gerbea reflection on the co nty we bave tbe honor to represent. Repairs shonld te made cn Fall Creek upper bridge on tbe Hilinboro road, also tbe nigh bridge on the ,ame creek. Beasley’s bridge over Walnut 'should ce repaired and the contractor should be compelled to do so at cnee Wo have through proper committees, care fully examined tie bjoksotour c-iunty offletrs It gives us pleasure torepert that we bare found them ail neatly and correctly kept. Our oounty Treasurer has exhibited proper vouchers for ail moneys ollected and paid out by him. and we t«ke pleasure in adding our testimony to his ef ficiency and honesty. He now has op hand a cash ba anoe of 51.2 2 93. Our Sheriff and Tax Jollectorhas handled no moneysino^ourlastcourt. Hiabooksare prop el ly and neatly kept, We believe him to be an active and vigilant officer, well entitled to the confidence of our peodo Our Clerk ana Ordinary, tha Hon Roland T Ross, we still find, as ever in tho past, the same faithlul and efficient officer, always at hia poit His books and r- c »d» are correct, and believe it our duty to addour testimony to the faithfulness of this officer wh > has seived u-1o long and ro well in examining the nooks of the county Judgeit affords us no little pleasure how satis factorily he has administered the law as entrust ed to him. We find a very great decrease in the annual exp-uses o' our Superior out t and a very marked reduction iu tbe jail expenses. Crime has decreased, and we find t egene al condition of the county much he ter than iu years before the estahlisnment cf this court, and for this haupy condition ot onr county affairs we are dis pose to give gre it credit to the preset t incum bent, Judge Ri.hard Johnson. Tho books of the Tax Receiver are very neatly and correctly kept. Wohtve teen proper to make some changes as to value of property in a lew instances. Wo would recommend that such repairs a: havo been suggested by our special committee to ex amine public buddings be speedily made, under the direction of the officer entrusted with theso duties. We farther recommend that the reckon the Macon road near the Polly Williams place, be blasted and removed. Alto, that the list ol namts furnished by Foreman ot the Grand Jury to the county Judge, bo appointed by him for the purpose of reporting all vagrants in their districts. Our treatment by Hi* Honor Judge Lawson has been unusually kind snd considerate. He needsnoeulogiumatour hands, and we take leave of him confident that nono of our public interests oan suffer under the careful eye acd watchful care of so Iaiihlul a custodian. Colonel Whitfield, our solicitor General, has lighten! d and simplified our l.bors, acd as rep resentative citizens ot tha county of Jones we return h.m our warmest and most heartfelt thanks. We recommend that these presentments ba published in theTeiegiank «nd Messenger. JOHN BKADLXY, Fcremtn, Jackson Roberts, Allen F Holt, . 8 P Glswsou, T J Stewart, JM eirid ebrocks, 8TBra;g, A S Hamilton, W A Chamber:. T GMidulebrooks, H L Chiles. KH. Gordon, Hugh Gordon. Jno W Harains, W P Glover, Eobt T Christian, Martin *' Tyner, Wm T Moi ton, Bt nj T Finney, Geo W Mann. Wm S Monthon. Joxsa SppBBionCouiiT, October term, 1879. It is orderod by ths Court that ths foregoing general presentments b> published as requested and spread npcntbe minutes of the conrt BytheCourt- RUBT WH1TF1BLD. Solicitor General. Glebe's Oppicb. Joees Eppebiob Copar, I doceitify that the foregoing ia a true ex tract from minu'ea o court. Witness my hand offloially October SI, 1879. nov6 wit* ROLAND T ROSS. Oleik. i VkORGIs BiB 8 COUNTY.—Khereas WR VJ Aultman, of raid county, has applied to me for tbe setti-g apart ot homestead of per. on- alty and the valuation of the same, and I will pass upon the same at my oiflesen Wednesday, the 26th day of November, at 1# o’clock a m A B ROSS, Clerk 8 0. This November 5,1879. nov6 Id* G eorgia jonss county.—wtereas Joseph B Alexander applies to me for ac'» ministration on the estate of William Alexinier, deceased. These aro to citeaui admonish all persons con cerned to show cause at this office on or by'he first Monday in December next, if any ll ey have.why the same should noth: granted. Witness my hand officially. Nov S, 1879. ROLAND T ROSS. novS lew4w* Ordinary SOW BEADY. HIS OTHER WIFE! A MOST . „ , Entrancing and Dramitio Story, By Rose Ashleigh. (OF SOUTH CAROLINA.) Author of “foe liflaw’.- Wager,’’ 18 NOW READY IN NO 52 OF THB NEW 1W NEW YORE YORK YORK WEEKLY WELKLY WEEKLY HIS OTHER WIFE! 13 An Intensely Exciting Story. OF Sonthern Life M Sontfcern Sceiias- I TS powerful and artistic situations are devil ed with an ingenuity that is both marvelous and charming The reader knows not which to praise most—tho graceful elegance oithe au thor’s diction, tho magnetic force of the passion ate scenes ortho naturalness that pervades tho DEEPLY INTER ESTING PLOT, and the rare combination ofaurprising incidents leading to its solution. The action is brisk, exciting acd intensely dramatic; tho conversations aro spirited, bril iiant, liberally sprinkled with gems of philoso phy, and as terse and compact as the dialogue of a play by Bulwer—whose graceful style, by the wav. Rose Ashleigh seems to have made her n ode). It will be fonnd impossible to resist ths fasci- nation of THIS SUPERB WORK OF FI0TI03J after thoreaderhas scanned the opening install ment as far as the extremely interesting point where A Happy Honeymoon is rudely t /ded by an appalling apparition, A Spectre of tho Fast, Thia is tho unexoectod and startling appear ance ot a dark-robed figure, who astounds tbe happy couple oy proclaiming a prior right to the bridegroom, sg H?S ..OTHER WIFE. The imaginative reader can finer the strange complications likely to ensuo when the you'll ful bride fully comprehends tho duplicity acd treachery cf tho man she has sw- m to love, and wno now sta&aa agbass before HIS OTHER WIFE. Let no one neglect to read the opening chap ters of th's grand story, which is now ready in No 52 of Ihe NEW YORK WELKLY. Every news agent sells thc New York Weekly.; Price Scents, rent toauy adores- in the Uni too States (pottage free; t^roeaunth, for 75 rents; four months $!; six months d 1 f#: or:., year 88. Specimen copies scut free. Address all letters STrteET & AMITH, 29acd31 Rose street. New York. novS d2t w4t "’WM if 10 PLANT. I. C. PLANT &S0F Bankers a ad Brokers, MACON, - .- &: MBOIA TRANSACT A i? c HEAAL BAMH8 3USMCSS (4) in rquart forty twn 142' inthecilyof Vcer>, nubo virtcd into four (4 lot*, or..- «f laid .ot, with a dwrUi-:g of'cur («)reom,.the oth-rthree (') lots rsrant. Th- a*OTe property fiortin, on fecond and PTnm streets, divided from Camp bell A Jone-’ war-boa,, by an slley Sold at therro erty cf ill its J. Hilling,worth, l&teot • aid county, deceased.' *olo for the 'benefit of the heirs and creditors of aaid estate - ■ Term,, easts aud the.balance on twelve months’time at eight (si par cent inter est per annum. W T HOLLINGSWORTH, nStd* Admim-'raior 8 BiBB COUNTY bHEKLFF a ALES \STILL be sold before the court bouse door in T T the city of JiacoiA during the legal hours oi sale, on the first T eayar in Der-mber naxt. tbe billow ngpropcityW wit: Tbatt act or parcel of land in tha city of Ma con, known in tha «t said ci’.v as that p-rt oi lot Nc Lin square 14. and for man - years prior to January Uth. 1875, known as the residence lot af Mrs Sarah A Weed and family, hud containing ono ha'f clone acre more or less, next to tne " y which divides the said land Irom the Jraffinrifd iot iu the-handa of Clifford An derson. executor of agidL Mrs Sarah A Weed, to be administered. 1 cried on as tha proper*, of Clifford Anderson, executor of Mrs Sarah A Weed, to satisfy a mort gage flfa issued lions Mbb Superior Court in favor ot Jot he a J Tinley exemtey; of Jauxos Tinley, vs Clifford A Person, exesutor- of Mrs -arah K Weed. Properly pointed out m said mortgage a fa. . GhO&UK t CHkRRY. - nov4 ltavdwpd hberiff. GORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-By virti-e of VjT an order from tbe: cm rsol (Minas of Saio ccunty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in De- ce nbar, 1879, at the coup house door in th: city of Macon, between tbviogsl hours of kale, the folio ring fausda to rit Tea acres cf land of lot number 273. in Rutland district, in said county, lying between tlpring lak- aud Btube’s bridge. Also 50 acres cf famiot lo* number *Mi, bringtbe west half of tha east hall ot raid. lot. Alsothe west half of same lot number 85 c n taming 50 acres all of she above described lands contaioingHOacresmcreol les,. fold as tbe pro perty of Berry Willis, Itje otssidft ouuty deceased for a division amongst' the heirs of said estate. Termscasb. "NANOY PAhKIB. nov4 ltaw4w pd Ad minlstrstrix. EXECUTORS’ SALE. EOBGIA, JONB8 COUNTT.-By ootaent OT of parlies, sold before tbe court house door in Clinton: Jones county on the first lay in Decembennext. tun louowlog paop- erty, viz One ^hundred and fiftj^ acres pi land Ibgiog tritawt oiom or less, tbo place whereon wm G Middle- brooks now lives, snewn at the home place be longing to the estate bi Wm > MtfliHstnoqks of said county deceased -old lay .toe purchase money. Said well improved—a good ir .ee;ion of both peach and apple trees. A good ginhtuse. g|n »l d screw on the place. T-rmaon the day of rale. A J MIDDLK BROOKS, WmCHILDBS. Wr MID'LB BROOKS. October 20.1879 novfi Exeeuiora. AUJUNISl'KAlOB’S SALE. G E ORGIA, JONES COUnTY.-Agreesbleto an order granted by tbe court of Ordinary ol Jones county I will sell at tbe court house door iu the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in Do-ember next, four acres of land more or 1-ra, belonging to the estale -• Henry Christian, do ceased,'adjotnlng- Samuel Hodne, two and one-hmt miles i oto r at ot- Clinton. 8sid land has agoodginll. H , d screw upon it, good laud and level, ea W ritivate hold for payment of debts. Tvn: s M< Oct IB, ttf9 n«.vl 1aw4w ■ HR T’ats «e . > jSjt18S8%b * Slsso 8 *!52i 3 upj^i HK |6Sa“-=^ 3 «l feasts r* BORGIA, BIBB C iUKTY.—Whereas Wm VT Ryder has made application to me for let- tors of administration on tho estate of Mary A T Mmshew, late of said'eounty, deceased. Theso are therefore to cite and admonish all perions cocc.-rnedf to be and appear at the Court of Ordiniry of said coun'y on tha first Monday in December u«it to show cause if any they have why letters of administration should not be granted said applicant. Witness my hand offiHally. no2 JAMcMANU?. Oritrary. EORGU. BIBB COUNTY. — Whereas Tallulah O Wilder has applied to me for the'setting apart a homestead of personalty, and the valuation of the same, and I will past upon the same at my efflee on Tnursdar. the 20th da< ot November. 1879. at 10 o’clock a ra. Witness my hand officially. . J A MCMANUS, O dlnary, October It 1879. not* in his petition duly filed and entered on record M a sue estate. that be has fully admmistere ■ on 8 Whittekend’s This is therefore to o!te all persons coneerned. kindred aud creditor*, to show cause, if any they can. whv said executor should not be die- charged from his admitiiatration and receive iefc ters of dismission on the first Monday in Feb* roury. 1680. ‘ nov21sw4w i J A McMANUS, Ordinary. EXB6UTOR3 AND COMMISSIONERS SALE. W ILL be sold before Hie csnrt hense door in Dublin, Laurens county, on tha first Tuesday in Uecemberncst, a large and valnaole tract oi laud situate in said county of Laurens, ccuUiniuz one thousand acres and known as the Howard F.hce-t'ue rams being the plaee on- which Mr, Mery A Howard resided al ths time ol her death. There is on tbe premises a large, comfortable dwelliog and good outhouses: also a country store. The placa ia in a high state ot cultivation and tho whole premises are U good repair, Tho ubare prrprrty will be so’d by vir tue of a decree from Laurens Superior Conrt in the case ol A 8 Howard et al. executors, vs Sauls- Bury, Kespess ACo*t *RSH 0 WARD, WCfiOWARD, W A GAINST. • - Executors. ROLLINA STANLEY, JAS A THOMAS, JOSH HALL. no 8* Cammlasiscera. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. YTTlLLbesoldin thetownof Knoxville, Ga, TT on tho fint Tuesday in December next, all th) lands heljugingto the estate of Nosh Cloud, deceased,containing 150 acres more or less, a.ij >in!rg the lauds of Caasay and Hancock, and the pumbirs given and more par.icularly do scribed on day of sale- ociSl dltw4l* JOHN W ELLIS, Adtn’r. IjC Masbmc Building:, 3 IT T a ~3 ivi f l tji . 5* -•>< «>• -i* Macon* p .if Cfcor^ia* IfelSOW OFFERING teth mblie thelfoilow i : x uota tionsD/yin 3 joJ, : ’ . . DU* r 'o SfLKS in endless variety from 15 ett BLACK KJLX8, a very knre assertment, frem (1 per yard to 54. » • BLACK GRENADINES ol every imaginable pattern from,65, 75 cents and cp to (260 per yard: DRESS GOOD^. Hie largest selected siock'in this city, Irom 8. lO.'lsSTw, 2?, 25,59.55c toJ85» mtjm* toXHtoa lie. -LINEN LAWNS. *310 have a splendid line o! Pattarna Irota 18, 2fl, 25, ?0, S5,40c per yard. PACIFIC LAWNS. OarstyPs are very n- tonaiva,Xtqui.l2|^15 25c pe yard. WHITE LONDON CORDS in stripe and chock from 8 1012* i» 1910 apfl 23c per yard, COLORED LONDON CO&DS in kill theni-w shades And patterns from 8 to 121-2 15 IS 2bc per yard. , HOSIERY for SadieN; Misses and Children This Department is very extensive ia new style; and .hades. HAMBUR'LBBGTNHB, thelarc, :t stock ever broitebt to Macjn, from 5 7 910121 - J 1518 20 25 to 42 50 per yard. WHITE GOODS. Everything pertaining to this Department, comprising I.iucn Lawns. Rwiss Muslin, Jaconets, Na nsook, from 121-2 IS 20 85 to 60c per yard. * LINEN TOWELS, a very la-pe assortment from 31,3185, 3lS0, 3175. $2 and up to {Spin- dozen. L ■ PARASOLS: of the latest styles and patterns from 85 50 75111 251 Cn 1 75 {2 up to 310 apiece SILK TINS AND BOW*, a beautiful se ecteo line, from 25 80 55 40 45 50 CO 76c Bp to 3250 apiece • ;; GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING,.« large assort ment in all styles. Tbe best Bine Flannel Suit, at *10 50 a suit. t YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ SUITS in all the new designs from 85 00,{6 50: $S CO, 36 50,8700. $7 50 ud to 312 51. CHILDREN’S SUITS from S to 10 years oil age from $260500 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 GO up to 110 pet suit. CHILDREN’S KILT *UIT8, from 21-2 tos years of nge, a splendid assortment. MATTING in all styles and patterns from 16 SO 85 5055 to 75u per yard. CARPETS, the largest stock in the Ststr, a gr:ally reduced pii.-es.- Aud all kinds of Goods pertaining to a first elate Dry Goods Establishment. —o — ‘ OUR SAMPLE DEPARTMENT Is now com plete, and we will be pleased to send Samples ol any kind of Gooditosny one free of charge. S. WAXELBAUM & BRO., New York Store, ' Masonic Building, aprS 6m liacon, Ga hours of sa!e, on tbe first Tuesday in December next the ft-liowmg property to wit: ,, That tract of land tit .a-ea in the countv of Jorcs coMnimrg S50 acres core or e's one hall j.iluiMitbo! Mi tJU adiemieg public road on the northeast by lownsev.d place, south and east by lands of Samuel Hedge and belonging to tbe t.-lale of lunry Chriitiafi. c.cceaied, and < re in xhr possesion o! Rcbeic T Christian, adminis- . at rof Henry Chri-tian.deceased. Levied oust the property of Henry Christian, d-ocaied to sat afy a fl ta issued from Jones Superior Court in fsvur of James H Blotmtvs Robert H Christian, as admmittrttorof Hncrv Chrittisn, deceased. Robert T Christian aud H C Christian, Lr>perty pointed oct by defendant's aU.-rney. BJPHILL1F8. ict-0 law4e* D-DUtv Sheriff . *il'7 r 7 r 7 A YKARai •Pt < 4 Outfit tne. KEY Allrreta, F: a expenses to aaer ts. Address P O TICK rj.kORblA. JONE!*COUNTY.-Whereas Ga V* J»-o>3 B kberlaailm n:«tratoron‘iheestate oi Joseph G 8Tlf », decva-cJ, applies to me for dismission from Arid estate. 3 w - These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if ary the v have, at the November Term ot this court why the same shall not be grunted. - Given underlay band officially.. lullStd» RUfiANDT ROSS,Ordinary A GOOD FUN Anybody oss leer a to make money rapidly oper ating in Stojk, by tbe “Two Unerring Ruleefc: euccess,” in Sleiirs~T.awrer,ce A Co'a new Circu- ar. The combm&tioa method, which this firm has made so successiuL er.abie.-. people wivh Urge ortmall means to reap all the benefit, oi largest capital and best skill. Thousands of or dera, In-rarious sums, are pooled into cno vast amount arid, co-operaced as a mighty whole, tout set urine to each shareholder all the an van eges ol. the largest operator. Immense profit* are divided monthly. •Any amount, from {5 to Ji.COe or more, ton be urad ntccesslully. New York Baptist Weekly,September86.1878, says: “By the combination system $15 would mnke$75, or 5per cent: JtO pt,y» 3s£0, or 7 percent: $100 -■ .ililM>lVMOiar«aper cent nn Aha jtoek diirirg t%wt month, aewmiiug te tbe market.” Frank Leslie’* Illu&lrsted Newspaper, June 29th; “The combination method of epera’ing stocks is the Si fist raeresofut ever adopted.”. K ew York .In- dependent Sept, lrih: ‘-The ctmb-.mition SF temis founded upon correct busuie-s prircipire, ar.d co person need bo wifhoui an income while it is be; I workiDg by Mca-rs LaWrerce A t'o." Brooklyn Journal; April 20th i "Our editor m«a< * net profit of sun 26 irem $20 in c:iu crMer.-.— Lawrence A Co’k combicitions-" New circular (mailed free) explains every thing. Slocks and bond* wap ted. Gaertr- uent bonds (Ruplicd Lawrence A, Co. Bade is. 57 Exchange flare N*»wTnrk CTu I j ifmm. MR iSCaapguSfl nkOi::i.s EIHB titill -VX.—Wnerea- Mrs U Martha L Harris, guardian of Mattie J Har ris. Annie L Harris and J«mc i A Harris, minor children of Thos A Harris deceased, has made application tor letters of disruption from said gnardlanstio. These are therefore tocitoand admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary c-f said county on tho first Monday it; November next to show cause i( any they have why aaid application ihouid not Witness my hand officially. J A McMANUS, Ordinary. Anirust 4.1879. niiKStf] Horiuij:, Valuable Fiantation for Sale; fpKRBR miles from Leesburg on Muekalee JL Creek, WOO acres, about Sot in a fiae state of cultivation, well improved wHh good gin bouse and screw. Gin can oe tub either w th steam or horse power, with seven horsepower engine on the plaee ready for ginning. Five mules that I will sell also, tegetber with corn, fodder and cotton seed in abundance tosupplv the place. Five other mules on the place owned by tenants. Desirable place to liveaadno trouble to get la bor. Frire $5 per acre cash. Any one can we the plaee by calling on the manager. Also at the same rricol will soil Fo8 ccr“s on Flint river, abo-t 600 under cultivation. Good improvements, with gin home arid screw. Both oi tha above places are well watered and have an abundance of fine timber. T desire to sell because l'have too much lan l ar.d lire to Jar froth these places to attend to them. 1 bind rayw'.l to there pricos only Ur thirty dsys. Ad- drets 80L PAGE. aap81 wit Starhsville. Ga. NOnCE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS. A LL persons having rlat-ns s gainst tbe estate if Vlicbsel Rowan, deceased, are re hereby required to present them to me prop erly sworn to, Htid those indebted to said estate manotiaxdtu mrjro immediate par merit ol the •«e PARKY KWBKNY.&dm’r. G eorgia, bibb county. — whortas Emily E Butts has made application for letters of administration on the estate cf Heury Butts, latcof said county deceased. These arethferefora to nto and admonish all persons concerned to ba and appear lt the conrt o! Ordinary of s*M county on the first Monday iu Decnrobcrnext.tosbowcauieif anrthey have, -by ledeYio! almiuistration'should not be granted to’he applicant. Wilnesa tuy hand olflciaiiy, - t.ov2 ltawtw* J A McMANUS, Ordinary, I N accordance with an ord-r of tne court ot Ordinary of DsKalo county, Ga, the under •igned will came to be sole within tbe legal boi.ra of sale before-the conrt honre door in Clinton, Jones exunty, G*. on tke first Tuesday in Dcc.-mb'er next, the following properly he- longirg to the estate of Mary Mary F Tults de ceased, tivit: l'hsoll Tufti homestead known as tha Btountsvillo tr:ct containing twohun- attd smlsixty two and em hi*t acres togetJcr' with -ovonty one anil ine ball acres of * hat is known fs Ike Goddard tract, and siventy ons a: d onoia l acres cf what is known as tho Mil- ■«- tract. TUco lands rank with thc best Jones romr.y lands aud aro sit. ate in sue of the heal- thicst rirlions of the cvnnty. The dwelling is ap eigb* rcosed two story bail ding beautifully situated.' at tbe crassins cf the Katvrtjn and Meccn and Miiledgevilte and Acnti- rel’o lia s, in'y seven miles from Bad* dock Station o . slacon acd Augusta railroad, There is also n now tw,» story gin n-us: arid argot <1 frame store house now occu pied by>’ thrifty merchant The well u a seal ni b-iiuty with nn abundance of tend w ter. -There it an abandatire of all kinds of choi c fruit. Tbo tieighbo h.ou is gooJ. there are two Uefboditt chur.hes n :xr by and a Bsptist church'on the place. Any p«rton 1 oking tor a firm iir-th-sportion o! the State wculd do well -o look at this property beloredsy cf talc, and the a tentioatf pbyairii, r & lo: king for a!c:a'.ion •» esp cislly called te it The tcrm3 will bo cash TIS&f wi tbe surrendered on tet of Januaiy, Afffih , JFATUFT8, A minlstrafor with will anteted, of Mary P Tuftk, deceased, laieo: Crawford county. r.ovitl T la A LB, K9UL sell on the *nt Tuesday in December, _ aopublio sale, (if rot raid at private silo be fore) my let coctatcmg two residences with all ihe hiceiaary out hou ee, known and described on ""t nt city of Macon as lit No 1, in block No 84 f renting on McIntosh street and running back to alter t’OJMt, containing one-half acre more or lea*.. Terms cash. MRS ELLEN ORONAN. November 4th, 1*79. ner*lts*4w’ JO»E3 COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be aold before tha oourt house doo* in the town ol Clinton, on tbe arat Tutsday in Dreamber. between tbe legal hours of sale h fuliowicg property to wilt Sixty-live acres ot lau I nasra or teas, adjoining the lauds of RD Le-te", 1 O Benner, Joeph co> gains and others. «ud known as the home stead of George ■ Par sue. Lerivd on to satisfy a d fa issued from tbe Su perior Ct are ot Jones oount in favor ol Pleasant tt Thompson, surviving paxtner etc, vs George 8 i ■ Ferine. Froperty pointed out by plaintiffs at- in—f.v And in nct-'tssion of defemiaut this ko- WJGKI8HAX, Sheriff. .Ler -u, i&79. cor 51 BW AW EXEGUiOJi’S SiLE. B Y virtuo of tbo last will and testament of Ambrose A Williams, deceased, I will sell at tho court home opor in CImton.'J-jses county Go, on ths first Tuor.dty in Dtcsmber next SC5 acr. sof laid more or less,in Jones county, be loosing to liter-state ot aaid deceased, situate six mfleB nurlheast of Macon. Fair land, plenty of wood and water with log cabins on it. Sold for distribution. Terms cash. Oct 11. 1879. JACKSON ROBERTS. ortl&ltaw4w* Executor. APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION OF PERSONALLY. G eorgia jasper coUNTY.-tniiiamj Polk Henderson makes application for ex emption «f personalty, and I wtil pass upon tho same nt my office on Saturday, ISth day o' Octo ber. 1679. Witness my effloial signature F M S WAN SON, Ordinary. Ordinary'* cfflre, Sent 24.1879. se53 law»q» A V TAYLOR') LIBEL TO fa. ltlVuitOB vs ' >■ To isibb Superior Court, Wat TAY LOR J April .Term, 157S t It appearing to ton Court by the return of toe Sheriff that ths defendant docs net res’de in Bibb county, and it further appearing that be doesnjt resile in tni* State, and it further ap pouring that Servian has not been perfected in accordance with a rule irom this Chart granted November 15th, .878. It is cn morion ordered that said defendant answer said libel at tbe October Term. 1879, of this conrt, or t-at aaid cause bo considered in default >rd libellant allowed to proceed. Or dered further tout service be perfected Dy pub lication in the Tttlsgr -ph and Messenger oaca a month for four months. By the Court: JOHN L HARDEMAN, Libellant’s Attorney. This Juuc 21th. 1879. A true e: In ct from thn minutes of Bibb Su perior Court, tils 24th June, 1S78. jcii231aai4m A B RQ33 Clerk. TBUri EE’S SALE W ILL be sold in the city cf Macon ontbs first Tuesday in Deccmbe' next for the purpo-e of a Ulvsiun amonnAt the htira the old price known rs thc ble residence ol JsmeaW Knott, and tw bmlciiigius adjoining said place. Also let of lands wear of the city known xa thn Bailey lot, aonfalning one hun dred aores. Alsou h, If interest in fire lots con taining four hundred and eighty acres, tbe other bul'belonging to theestate ot the late JudreT G Holt deccatt d. a l known aa the Holt A Raines lands. Terms on the a avof sale. ; JAME2 W KNOTT, wot dlt Aw4t* Trustee. NOTICE. We have the LARGK8T and he Mlling Stationery Package la toe world. It contains 18 sheets ot Paper, IS Bnvelopes, Pencil, Penholder, Golden Pen, and a piece of valuable Jewelry, Complete sample package, with elegant gold store Sleeve Sutto e. 8et Gold-plated Studs, Engraved Quid plated Ring, and a Ladies* Fashionable Fanej Bet, Fin and Drops, postpaid IS cents. SQteck ages with Assorted. Jewelry $1. 8FLBNDIE WATCH AND CHAIN FR8E WITH EVERY $50 —.ORTH OF GOOD8 YOU BUY. Extraer- din n lnda«e meats to Agents BRIDE A CO, < Broadway, N-Y ZhiT .JLi’io COSDEKSED Rarest opportunity for'making money is now offered to general agents and canvassers in the South ou this exceedingly useful end low-priced book. 1.000 pp, doable column. 700 engravings 10 double-pnge colored maps. Only SSaoopv For terms and territory address T ELLWOO ZBLL, DAVI6 A CO, Philadelphia. mar7w4t c\^ceai ocrasD 1Y>WBNTY years’ txptrience. For particulars A address ^{tAslamp J AMES M HARDAWAY, T.i twrtv M HI. Pike counts. Ga FOR RENT. I WILL at public outcry, on tbo first Tuesday in November, 187J, before the court house door in MoLticelloT during tbe 1-gal hours of sale, rent to therhighest and lust bidder, 840 acres cl land situate In Jasper county, Ga, be longing to the-stale of Henry Walker, for ihe tear 1880. 7he land is under good fences ard is well improved, has a ccmfciwbio dwelling home wrih five rooms, good barns, stables and homes ■ or labo er*. FLBSTU OOD WALKER, octS Taw«w Eio’r ofHerry Walkvr. Cf CC aaetiia pictU por week. wtUtproie 03 00 it or forfeit $50i $4 Outfit free. E Kf DKOUT ft CO. 213 Fultou street, N Y. -.Cts w6m JONES COUNTY IASDS FOR, SALE. 1\TY plantation on the Ma'on 4 Augusta road. JxL ore half mile 'rom Haddock’s Marion, containing seven hundred and twenty sc-rsof land. Onefoctth of the land is in the woods— oak acd hickory. The-e Is runnii g aster and good sorings in every field. A handsome resi dence with eight rooms, and surrounded by a beautiful oak grove 1 will sell it all together, or divide tt In throaparcels, a« Darrin- may wi-h Oct 29 THOMAROBOWBN. ligtlSllfjli ylg|giii4|tt Eft mus 13 THE LEADING CLOTHIER OF MACON. CEO,, m l!»li ill HIS BUSINESS SUITS ARB THE NOBBIEST OF THE S&iSON AND HIS STOCK OF BENTS FOBlSBIffi&OBDS cannot be equaled. Ho t Uo curries kb imtri n it.-ck of DHYGOODS. Klcn’t fail; to insiect. Very Respectfully. Gus Nuss!muni< 09RNBR THIRD AND SECOCiD STREBTS, epptld't w-m. Macon. Gn. Butchers- TTLAVT Oxen and fai Bcof Cattle for sal* in JLL loll of iwent.Vor more. Apuly in par,on to F AThompson. tuperintende.nt on Mr Foil’s i-lace in Houston county,six miles fr m Houston faitcry. Post office Bustard Roost, Gu, octsldStw: ' vlipl /ZjEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-By virtuo o VJ an order from the Court of Ordin&rv o Bibb county will be sold on the first Tuesday ,n November, 1879 at the court house door iu said county lx tween the legal hours of tale, the tract oi Islu known as parts of lots numbers 119 and 189 in Warrior district ol raid c:nnty whcicon Ruths Jonts resided at the lime of her death, containingltoacres roorecrles*. »ith improve menta thereon adjjinixz lands of Frank Holley on the east and south and on wcs: aud north the landtof Marshall. Tidwell. Sold for distribu tion and to pay expenses of administration. Term# cash. Oct fi, 1879. JOSEPH J JONES, Administrator Ruths, deoeaied. oct7!*w4o* ••r«*»t»«»Htj> Mnnit rnrwf yriyirti>ix«Brtia«nAffir8a i mAiemm* ADMINISTRAIOR’8 SALE. 1 JY virtue of the last will cf William Wbeatly, > of Jones oounty. deeetsed.l will tell at the courthouse doordn Clinton, Jones oounty,Ga, on tbe first Tuesday in Deo, mber next, -8 acres of land more or lea* belonging lo raid estate and known as th- old Duncan place near the line ol Baldwin oounty. Fair land in a good state ol cu tivation. fiejd for distribution. Terms cash, octi.. i»;b. NEW_YORK. Opening Spring Displq or NEW DRY GOO WB OAK POSITIVELY ASSERT THAT A PERIOD HATE WE DISPLAYED AN Afifl ireNT OF DRY GOODS SO ADEQUATjlW REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBT PRICES 80 ADAPTED TO THE N OP ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. SILKS. Oar BUCK SILKS contain the brands ot Bonnet, rouson, Jarlsaicr. ( rard. and other equally prominent manufactC Tha Lord ft Taylor FAJiiLV SILK erdoysai Ulion for universal excellence that is a passed. • - • < : Our Amerisan Cachexriire INDESTRUCT1BEE ALACK- SILK Justly clfuros enritest attesttB. btinff equal t» the fc**t o! reign manattooaaPM hAlf tile cost EVERY YAFJ) WARRAMHHJt' F In COLORED SILL3 our well-seleeied ttafeLim offered at prices ttant be underrold. / COLORED AND BLACK fclLK DAMAASSa bracing the rarest gem-* ci tha EuropcAacC^ AmeriCAn Mflrket*. ^ In SUMMER SILKS and FOULARD® mf tfaf everything that is sew and b«?r. Jtkai. ^ DEESS GOODS. V*. Ds vanetj printed lines, F Novcltiea in Cachemercs, Suitings, DeL aud the itandard cloths, in splendid variety. ••Anderson*#” Scotch Zephyr^ i * ' Dress Goods, Mnmie Cloths, Cotel ... Cheviot*. Ac.; with every grade to be fcaul in first-cUftS eaiablishmcDt < W«. .. _ ' Shawls, Cloaks, and Wrap. * This department malnsaina Its supremacy, aafi shows the best productions from the Europe*, centres — . • / Our Cloaks afid Sacquca are cut and made bw men tellers, therefore atyl; aud fit aro guaranteed. > Suits and Costumes. Our SUITS anil COSTUMES fully sustain 'that pre-fminenee so justly established, aud always represent tho latest styles fashions. ** Ladies' and Children's I'nderg&nnah. Spw rb assortment of Klee French haixMoado U?TdeR\TEAR, comprisinff every requisitefcr« lady's wardrobe. Also, cL.Idreu's suits for teqr ape and size. * « » Our Infants* Furnish;r.ff Dapartment la &***• ourhly equipped. Complete Wardrobes as low $35; better goods in proportion. Any artfete the Wardrobe at list price; really cheaper tin home-made article, and much more saf tory„ Hosiery., Gloves, & Haudkefe&^b. The lergddt. rarest, ar.d most unique Pmiek novelties in thc city. Also, the medium grwtss of hose tor ludiee and cliildren at very motorola prices. y ' \ Lsdifis*. miitti’, and children’s kid, ch>th. Obd Lirfo Thread Gloves of tfr-Q best manufacture,** all the newest shades to match any dress motertet - A superior selection of plain hemmed linonjMl all linen hemstitched, and scolloped Haad£p>>- cliiefs. Also, embroidered Silk IlandkerchSte unsurpassed in Lo.. ,./ or color. \ 3EtXSBO»rS. AU the choice grades, containing every oiSit and shade known. Frcs’i additions doily. r dents’ • Furnishing Goods. Every possible requisite Mrogcnllcnian’sotfcai. Firshcl2s3 and Knltnn grades of goods at-Hr .usual reasonable prices. Quality, style, and fit tim prominent features of this department. Soots acd Shoes. Forsprint and summer, for Ladies. Mlsses,lrafi Children. Ck-lli lop. low ballon shoes, thc novcltt- of tbe season. 6- 60; genuine kid vralUine boric, $3.73. Lowshocafrom£2to33;flnoqua]ltysl|B- pers from $l.i» to 83.00: Jii-ses’ best pebble w, worked buttonholes, S3; Children’s hard xntor, spring -vcl. button boots, $1.00; Infants’ shoes. *B colors, vV^i. f Boys* and Youths* French call button hoots, $2.75, and a good, durable laced shoo $1.05. 19* Oar are all firat-doM. fill aU orders exactly and to thc SntereflC of iiurclKum, eanrnntce nh pnrchj^* to l>o BiitUlhctory to buyers, and a Land ready to remedy all errors. Wo levWe orders, convinced that n first trial will Insure ua tho regular eaatoci hereafter*. All orders for Goods to be nccoiapa* elect by tho money; or, where partlea trial!• Good* will be tent by express, C.O.D. Where th© remlCtunee h too larj;e, wc alwuya return tho dlffereafcc. Broadway asd Twentieth St. v ,.* k grand. Cfcrystio, and 'Forsyth, TIACdKfiS & 8TU DBINTtt SSO to si I tin or SSffiffi PK15 MONTH. during Vacation. For foil particular* address J U McGURnv * t;o, ngfl w't> t I.cuis. Mw' HARDWARE -*| »l TINWARE IS ^jlRON & STEEL,1 Carriage aid Wagu Sittiials, ?|Le>ili8r aid Eiiier BelUn&jJ ““ . AYEBY’8 !- ?! ro & TWO HOESE PLOWS, fci ItO* -FOOT PLOWS. “Isons, p!stols| I AMMUNITION, |Q FISHING TACKLE, Etc. Etc.;? ® ; W. have a well asserted stock acd ^IgUARANTKE PRICES. S^r Carnage Factiry. KENT & GREENE —Manufacturers of and Dealer* Carriages, Buggies, Wagons. Our Shops on Poplar Street, nextdeor toBtew art’s Stables. Are tunplird wit h a full stock of .ltd cbeipesC we have n our employ the base mechanics in Georgia. We will make nothing but the very beat work, and at prices uit'-in tho reach of all. The n.a..ufi. 1 urirg dtr-rlmentie in rbarxe of T 8 Greene, late of Fn-etnaa ft Greene, who will be gls, io wait on all bis ok! customer?. The b*st band made fcarnesaalways -tiband Roi/airiii^of .- Hkinds will Luveoare- ful altenticn. Prices K.w. W<* will occupy toe old carnagestami. Good. Small ft Co, as ».salat- room on < ictober 1st AU work warranted. Vann. Aumst 22.1878 nififm te Y iAtetemtaraN, Ad m'r with will annexed. BJ. MAY III, 98 Cherry Street, MAOOL, - - 'IA, Mauufacturer- ot aud trpalcra in C A T* R fAGSS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, Harness. Saddles, Whips. Bridles, Loiters, Hames, Valises. Trunks Traveling Baci, CHUM? CAMAfiftl Lap Robes Horse BLnnkets, Sole, Dp* ini Hariie&btfilhr Cali Skins, Shoe Findings, Call and examire onr stsch befo”o 'liKreha#- Repo’iitones— 98 Cherry Si reel, Muuun, oafi Btoad Street Augusta a in'.iith tirl faipen?” ;u-sst<)ri - r - C - :a - T4 =- ■iutUfa: