Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, February 24, 1880, Image 5

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( > A-rll"^ Refunding the National Debt by the Issue of Three and One-half per cent Bonds—Onr Baby Bonds, The Committee of 'Ways and Means in ihe lower House of Congress, after weeks of patient deliberation, have adopted the suggestion contained in Mr. Wood’s m which is to ;*yssue a thiee and » half P® cent, interest-bear ing bond to run fifty years. The debt proposed to be retired by this measure covers the five and six per cent, interest- bearing bonds, which mature in 1881, ag gregating $782,000,000, or deducting the $10,000,000 already disposed of, $700,000, (■00. If these bonds can be floated at par, (and there seems to be no doubt of the fact,) there would be a very handsome saving in interest to the Government, The question was decided in committee bv the almost unanimous vote of ten to two. lu tliis connection, we are sorry to re mark that our State baby bonds seem to hang fire, and will not change hands on the streets at less than five per cent, dis count. The truth is, the South is so poor that very few can afford to invest their money at so low a rate of interest. In seasons of mercantile stagnation, when there is nothing to be done in trade, capi tal may be thus employed. But with the return of more prosperous times there al ways will be, as now, a disposition to sell low rate securities and invest in active business. The baby bonds perhaps will even go lower. But why should tlmy not be re ceived as so much curreney,dollar for dol lar. in real estate transactions, when the fait h of the State is pledged for their rc- demption ? Perhaps they could be so disposed of. Bayard as an Independent Candi date. A Washington telegram says : The leading anti-Grant Republicans have been m correspondence one with another with a view to make an audacious effort to de feat Grant's nomination at Chicago. The plan suggested is to call a convention at Boston in advance of the meeting of cither tile Republican or Democratic convention, mid uoininaic a ticket which they will support in case Grant is nominated. Tlie talk is that they will indicate a disposi tion to support Bayard for President and Morrison of Illinois, for Vice President. The hope is that sueli a move will throw a damper on Grant’s chances. If lie is not nominated the nominee of the Chica go convention is to receive their support. Such a movement the goody-goody schem ers who arc in it think will intimidate l*otit conventions. Our word for it, Mr. Bayard will lend himself to no such intrigue as tiiat above iudicated. If there exists a Democrat fan* puer .sons rrprochc in the United States, one whose course has always been calm, dignified and above board, whose loyalty to his party not even the most ma lignant enemy can call in question, that man is Senator Bayard. Such a nomina tion he would spit upon and scout. The Lesseps Canal. Tlie much talked of gigantic enterprise of a slap canal across theTstlunus, seems at length to be taking definite form and sliajie, as tlie following special to tlie H'orW, dated Panama, February 14, in dicates : Tlie report of the International Scienti fic Commission of Engineers for the vari- ti- .it ion of the survey of the Panama ca nal was presented to-day to M. de Lesseps. it is signed by Mr. J. Dirks and by all tiic members of the commission. They unanimously agree that the cutting of a canal by tlie route which M. de Lesseps ha* proposed is entirely feasible. It is re commended in tlie report that an artificial lake shall be made in the valley of the Upper Cliagres, together with a large darn with sluices, to be built at Cruces, near Matachin. Tlie reservoir will hold one thousand millions of cubic metres, or much more tli m the whole quantity of water that fell during tlie great freshet of last November. The canal will be protect ed and drained slowly by a channel which is to be built partly by using the river which is on the northern side of the canal and nius parallel with it. A lIAIiBOB TO BE BUILT AT ASPINWALL. The report also proposes that a great pier, 2,000 metres in length, should be built at tlie Bay of Colon or Aspinwall, s# as to protect the shipping from tlie gales which prevail there during a great part of the year. ESTIMATED EXPENSE OF THE WOBK. The total expense of the work is esti mated by the commission at $170,000,000. One pertinent question, however, still remains to be answered, and that is, where is this immense sum of money to come from? Will tlie United States consent, also, to allow this great artificial commer cial artery to be owned’ and controlled by the subjects of a foreign power ? On the whole, therefore, it .is safe to say that all the difficulties in the way to a successful completion of the undertaking are by no means removed by tlie engineer’s report on paper. FAMILY BALSAM FAHllUNE. A Safe anil Effectual Beme fl] PROMPTLY BELIEVING PAIN MINFLAMMATION fob external and internal USE. used the Famiiine Ba'sam (or the past two ye showing the surprising efficacy, value and si Cess ol this Famtline Ba't ata. For it* quick i This Family Balsam is composed of Barks. Boots and Kesinous Gums from the trees of our Native Fore&is. Each ope of these ingredients i« goed (or toe complaints (or which FAMILIN a is recommended, but wh n compounced togeth er they mtle a Bai&sm which is a positive curs (ort com plaint*. Thia Balsam takes the place o. salves, ointments and liniments. It has been tried dcrlng the past two years, every one using saying, “I Would not be without ft." Every Family should have it m their house, ready if use. / Numerous testimonials lave been receiwd which will be published, from persons who bay ears sue. quick and sure healing properties, it hat no equal; lor its relieving and allaying inflammation, ro medi cine has ever been compounded equal to it. It is perfectly safe 10 use at any and all times, and a quick and thorough cure (or such complaints as Fains in the Chest, Shoulders, back and Side Barns snd Scalds, Sprains, Strains, Bruises, Rheumatic and Neuralgia Fains, Swelling of the Joints,Stiff Joints,Still Neck, Con tracted Muscles, Spinal Aflectians, White Swellings, Chafes, Calluses. Gallr, Bunions, Chilblains. Corns, Frost Bites, Poisoning by Dog wood or Ivy, Stings of Insects, Chapped Hands, Lips, Ring worms, Salt Rheum.Tetter, Pimples, Itching.Dry Sca ly Eruptions of the Skin. Old Sores.Scaid Head Outward Humors of any kind. Hemor rhoids, Piles, Numbness, Worms, Aguo in the Face, Ear-ache, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Coughs, Croup. Ibis Family Balsam FamMine surpasses an; and al' other known remedies recommended for such complaints, Ineach picksgn will be fosnd a pamphlet containing a short treatise on all the complaints for which this Balsam is recommend ed, with full and simple directions how to use the Balsam for each complaint. Price 25 and 50 cents per Bottle. Fifty.cent site contains three limes the quan tity of twenty-fire-cent tiie. PREPARED BT II. R. STEVENS, Proprietor of Vegetme, Boston, Hess. FAMAL1NE is sola by allall Trupgists. JONES COUNTY 8HERIFF SALE. TT7ILL he told before the court house door in TV the town of Clinton on fho first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of sale, three hundred acres of land, more or leu. adjoining the lands of James B. Denton. Jackson Roberts, and others, and known as the Sawyer rl«ce. Lev ied on as the property ofP. 0. Sawyer, trustee for wife and children, tosatis/y a tax fi. It. issued byW. J. Gresham, tax collector, for the year 1879. This February 18, If 80. feblatd . J. GRESHAM, Sheriff. Poetry. We have several lengthy contributions in verse on hand, which possess some mer it, but cannot be printed for lack of space. Tlie columns of a daily newspaper are primarily devoted to news, which takes precedence of everything else. In these Jays when the wires place the journalist in communication With all the world, it is obviously impossible to’ do much more than keep abreast of the march of cur rent events. i j For long poems there is no room what ever, and indeed all communications, to ensure attention, should be made as tef?e as possible. , ^ \ TUTUS ®*SR2ffiSESSr-L-SitisSia^BSO • PILLS _ _ SYMPTOMS OF A torpid liver. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain la JhoHead, with ndull r.cnsationln tho back temper. Low spirits, withitfeolingofhav- WKr.eglaotcd some duty, Weariness, Din- Jun-.Es, I'luiterin* nt tho Heart, Dots fce- tore tho eyes, Yellow Skin, Headscho over tho right eye, Restlessness jnta fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, — THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, S^IOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. ■i'f'TT’S PILLS arc cspecfnily ndapied to r . IU,c ®» one dose ell'ccts suck a change 01 feeling ns to astonish the sufferer, - „ , CONSTIPATION. . bply wiih regularity of the bowels can perfect “«uia be enjoyed. If the constipation is “.t date, s single dose of TUTT’S PILLS *111 lattice, hot if it has become kabiinal, ono pslsbonld be taken every night,gradually lcesen- “5 the frequency of the dose until a regular dally movement la obtained, wnlch.wlll soon follow. Dr ’ ! , , Cn 7 Lewis, Fulton, Ark,, any si After a practice of 85 years, I pronounce TCI i-*s PILLS the best anti-bilious medicine ever made." *®v- W* R. Osgood, New York, says x v I navo had Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach and " tr vo«ness. I never liad snv medicine to do fo much good as TUTT’S PILLS. They are as represented.’’ ^[jeo 35 .Hurray Street, New York. TUTT’S HATH DYE. HSSfe Office 35 Murray St., New York? 0 PITJM DIBIT CURE dec7-dwAswly By B. M. Woolley Atlanta. Ga. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to cured patientsand physicians. Send for my book on the habit and its euro. w m gcjBdoh May nr asm x W. W. GORDON & CO. Successor to Tison A Gordon). Cotton Factors -aid- Commission merchants, NO 111 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. HOWARD T1N8LKY, Traveling Agent. LOANS MADE UPON SATISFACTORY AS- SURANOBOFCOTTON BHIPM8NT8. VERY FULL ADVANCK8 MADRON CON SIGNMENTS OFUOTTON. BAGGING AND TIBS l-TONISHED CUS TOMERS ATLOWEBT MARKET PRIOR. ausSlsdawtos Do jron feel that any one of your organa— joor stomach, lirer, bcwrin, or nervous eye- tem, falters fn its work? If go, repair the damage with the most powerfnl, yet harm less, of iovgorsnts. Remember that debili ty le the "Beginning of the End’’—that tbe climax of all weakness fa a universal paraly sis of tba system and that each paralvala is the immediate precursor of Death For eaieby all druggists and dealers gen erally. fell lm A fresh stock of Hostetler's Bitters nst re ceived at ■. r.. dec*ELLIS’DRUG STORE. HAirlM VUBB* .•HAife) Has been In constant use by lh< public for over twei years, and Is tho best preparation ever In vented for RESTORING GUAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND LIFE. S It supplies tho natu- rnl food and color to tho Hair glands without stalnlngthe skin. It'will increase? and thicken tho growth of tho hajr, pre vent its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. , x > >• It cures Itching, Ertip-' tions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it la very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps tho head dean, sweet and healthy. The State Assayer and Chemist of Mass. and leading Physi- i cions I endorse and < recom mend. it as a great triumph in medi- BUCKINGHAM'S Dy E WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one x>reparation it is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. FREPARED BY 8, P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N;H. Sold by ail Dealei' (n Medicine. aaiit, Rankin & Lamar Wholesale > ~2VT AOO Agents, OHT.Oj JMLIiS IV O M. JE R. F i' AGENTS'WANTED T F0R7THE. ; i •iGTORlAI. •HISTORY®™ WORLD Cotton Factors It contains 672 fine historical engraving anu 126J large double column pages. snd it the most com plete History of the World ever published. It sells »t sight. Send for specimen pages and ex* . H to* termsto Agents, and see why jt^sdlsfutcr f^QUnlBSlOll MertfiailtS, than any other book. Address National Pub- li»Hnr ■■o.Phiiwl-inHa. nvAtisnt*. f"*>19 JL.OS5X JtlLatSJb. GJTBAYBD or stolen from Linion D. Johnson, (5 living on tbe new Houston road, one moo and a half from the court house la Macon, on the 8th day of December, 1879. between ono o’clock and dark, one large sorrat pony horse. He has a small wbite soot on tbe forehead; the mane a lit tle mixed with white luirs: at leisure gaits is in clined to carry hi« head rather low; with the ex ception of the white spot on the forehead and in the mane he is a solid sorrel; a number on* sad dle horse, a good racker, and* good buggy and W piV6 dollars wtlhMiaia to any person for him •r to let me know where he is. M. and B. R. R. shop, Maoon, Ga. ' deot»...daw1awif J NOTICE- . ': ! 1 OFFICE CITY CLERK, j 1 Mxcojr. Gx, Fchro»-yl8,1S90. At regnisr meeting of Council February 10. use. tbe following ordinance was patstd - Beit ordained by the Mayor and council of Maeon. and it is hereby ordained by authority of fhesame, that it shall bennlawinl foranyprr- ■on or nersons to dig ditches or excavations in tbe streets of tbe city, without first grtting per* mission from tbe Major and Council, who shall give directions as to covering. lfghuWlOTOteCr lion, both by day and light.. and anyperson or K rjons Tiolatiog said ordinance shall bo subject U, a fine of one hundred dollars; Mid th*t all or- dinsn. es militating sgainst; this ordinance be and Novsllo's Music Primers. toe (1.00 LOO 2.CO 1.00 1.10 1.00 Jdt L Rudiments of Music. Cummings. 5. Art of Pianoforte Playing. Pauer. 3. The Organ. Stainer. 4. Singine. Kandegger. fi. Musical Form*. Pauer. 6. Harmony. Stainer. 7. Instrumentation. Prout. 8. Violin. Tours. a Very popular book* in England, and rapidly beoemiw «o 1“ this country. They «« n ct prop erly Primers, but Imtructio* Books, y'bPtJrtt’ cal treatises on thi instrument*,, and aonndant picture and musical illustrations, a hutory of the organ, eta- Valuable books for any one In terested in music. White Bobes fSS'.'flffiS »>S Temueranoe Jewels. td at a Temperance Bone Book. America * 12 p&f i e 5i ein8 A Any b^k ma led, post-free,for the retail price. The Weekly MUSICAL BJ5CORD gives nesrly 30pages of good music per month, sSpery at. OLIVER D1TS0N & CO., Boston. O. H. DITfiON A CO, MS B’dway N.Y. jintfitf Lovely Rosebud Cbromos. or 20 Floral 2OMott* with name, lOcts. so Mixed Cards lOrts. NASSAU CARD CO., N.Y. Otuttetinff rured by Bates Patent Apnli- S ancef wend for description to Simpson A Co., Box 1«0; New York. s UVERTI8ER8, tend forour Select List of Lo- A Nwpaiir.. Geo. P. Sowell * Co., 10 R rue 8t.. N.Y.:,, -— mm -Vaicd to fdl Supl« Oo<x>« to fc*asB*»3»fit-> I A DROPS OP fill Constitution Water * v THRBH TIMES A DAT Cares' Brigbt’s Diseue, Infl.mmstion of th Kiiceyi, Stone In the Bladder, Catarrh of th BJsdder, Diabetes, Gravel, Gleet, Brick-dus, Childhood Weakness. For Female Complaints a specialty. Bend for circular. For sale by all druiqri.t. MORGAN A ALLEN, ortg.faw'm li> Johcstreci,N T JOBS VLABBSKY. JOHB t. JOHBSOI JOHN ELANNEUY & CO NOS KELLI *8 BLOCK. BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. A GBNTS for JEWELL’S MILLS TABUS and DOMB&TICS, etc, eta. . , r BAGGING and TIE8 FOR SALH AT LOW EST M ARKET BATES. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVBN TO ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSThD TO US. . LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON- S1GNMENT8,. augSl d wftswSm •HIIIIIHMIMHHIHNWMISSMt ....M.wssHmsssSwiswHtnwwit Th L. J Ghulmartin Conor ■» —AND is. BAT STREET, Savannah - Georgia. Liberal advances mads bn consignments- otton. Bagging and Don Ties for sale at Joy t market vatb»T- r -whMvSa is the most economical form of Washing Soap. All bar of sqaare cakes wear down in use to a large flat piece, too thin to handle and. therefore, wanted; while the OVAL CAKE of “ NEW” SOAP can be cut in two, the oval end clasped readily in the band, and tbe lar ger end worn down almost to a wafer with- but any wsate. COLGATE A CO. ream mend their - i Trade-Mark Bcgie(ered) to Careful house eepera not only at superior In quality bn in form the moat eojuimiat* Soap ever sdo. aug30-wAast tf ) The Little Rock ai Homes in. (Smith BaUway offer t the beat LANDS in tl The Little Rock and Fort ffer far sale , in tho West ) or Southwest, with healthy western Arkwsasfe 0, “ le - faUfa *T r App SLACK, Land Committioaer, Ian24-Wl3t Little Bock, Ark. DENTISTRY. f HefPeetfullv anneu-ceto the riifterit of Ms* I eon Mid tbe public generally, that 1 have opened on Mulberrvitreet, oapojtte tbelanler House, a Dental office, where I will practice den tistry in all iU benches.. jl ., I c rdially invito my fnenda and former pat- r;us and the enblie gereraiiy who need the eer- Ti-e of a dentist to call m me. Very respectfully. janl8-dlm-wSm* S. B. BARFIELD, D. D. B. ell Tools Aiipps, Drills, Horse Power Machines for Borirg snd Trilling wells. Best in America. 525 A D&Y MAD* EASILY. Book free. Address LOOMIS A NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. an20-lm Q7,: w I Prof. Ht bra’s .Treatise on Dis- ■ Kfj&in I eases of the Skin, describing I rymptomsof all skinditeases. Diseases] With drecliors for their sure n,,y, ni 3 | cure. Sent free to a!l afflicted. Ad LUrea. Idress. with stamp. K. 8. Web ster, 50 N. 5th street. Phils., Pa. isnSO-lm a iPbritniD erwiETitsiTT WIN A FORTUNE. THIRD GRAND DISIB BIBB GOUHTY DELINQUENT TAX LIST, GEORGIA, J9JBB CO.UNtY SHE BIFF SALE. t: : t -j ■.,[ :n,*i \hio-’. M.i.fiv-Tl/.I.’ •) T T® I TTGN following ascribed properly Temaiqipg STB I- 1 delinquent for tbe xon-p«iment of Stste and BUTltiN, CLASS C, AT NBW ORLEANS, county taxes forthe yotrs 18'8tndI87# aptf pro TUESDAY, Mar. 9, 16S0-U8ih awaillip Jions years, or so muth of said rfoperty wa may Drawing. I be necessary to daebargo tbe taxe^, interest and Louisiana Stste Lottery Company, ;herSSat“heti^ b? wiS^"^ been renewed by sa cyerwhelming popular yoto, securing its franchise in tbe new constitution aoopted Deermbor 2, 1879, with a Capital u! -*l,(ii)0.coo. to which it haa tinea added a reserve fund of *550.006. ITS GBANDB1T ititeft pledged,wlirhpledge hat etCherrv and Fourth .treet. ;ytStEPEtSZ coo, and known as th: Kimball House property. Juried on by H.J.P* t«r,Mz collector and ei- cfiicio sheriff, to sstisfy the texet « u* by W. Al' Hoff for the year 1879. Amount due, including tsxev and costs, 8175 64 '\<i , Also, part of lot No. 8 western, range, being o-e-seyentb interest-in the property known as Findlay's Iron Works, fronting 550 feet,: more or 100,COOTIOKEtSAT TWCrDOLLARS BACH. I J^i?«o l fSi?t b o 0 2Swth^«*t?»L HALF-TICKETS. W.R DOLLAR. WlrtoZg LIS1 OF PRIZES. | H. J. Peter, raxodlector, to satisfy the taxe. due by Chss. S. Findlay for the years D78aLdl879 amount of taxes and cost*57S.09. *560.000. ITS GBAND81NGLB NUB. BBB OlSTRInUTIOFS will take place monthly, on tbe secvndT*esd»y. It never scale* or pourones. Look at tho follow ing Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE >53,000. 1 Capital Prizr 1 Capital-Prize... 1 Capital Prizi 2 Prize* of 82,£00.... 5 Frizes of 1,000. 20 Prizes of 509. 100 Prizes of 100. 200 Prizes of 56. SCO Prizes of 20. Z1000 Prizes of It [ Also, part of Jot No, 8 we-tem rang* being one- I ,eventh interest In the procerty known at Find lay’s Iron Work*, in tho ci<y ot Kacow, described ■in as above and levied on by HeJ. Peter, tax <ollec- ~* Jlj x?? j tor. to sati»fy she t»xes due by Arthur P. Kind lay — ,2-?®® I forthbyear*1878andl»79 Amount dee, inolud- ... 10,000 , nit taxes and easts. 574 71. 'r APPROXIMATION FRIZEb. 9 Approximation Prizes of 5500. 1,700 9 Approximation Prist a of 200. 9 Approximation Prises of 100. in aim I m * t “ ,cs aul c - 8t "- * 7 * 7i - 10,000 | Also, part ot lot No. 8 western range, bring one-r seventh interest in tbe property k<*ownas Mnd- 1,867 Prises, amounting to 5110.400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted rt all points, to whem liberal compensation will be paid. Write, dearly stating fall address, for further | bribed as above and levied oh b; information, er send orders by express or mail addressed only to _ . N M. A. DAUPHIN. NewOrfeanr, L». or same person at No S19 Broadway, New York. a 11 onr Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Gf ne- 3.T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EAR LY N. B.—This Company haa ro Agents Outside tLe United States, aed ail persons pretendi gto be so snd soliciting order* by circulars or other wise are 8windle>i. lor the jears 3875 and 1879. Amount due, in cluding taxesand rests. 574.18. Also pnrt of lot No. 8 western range, being four sevenths interest in the property known as Findlar Don Works, in txe city of Macon, de- " * “ ' ' H. • J. Peter, tax ue for the year e? d. New Advertisements. 1 d»/7 ft A MONTH and expenses guaranteed | 3)1 ' to Agents. Outfit free. Bnsw A Co Anausta, Me. - - - : - jyJ collector, to satisfy the tares due ... _ 1-79 by C. D. Findlay individually, snd I Findlav.sgenor Mrs. Mary Ann Findlay, Mrs. Robert F>ndlty, tr. and Mrs. A. 8. Sims. A meant due, inrludirg fan s and charges. SIC71C Alto lots 7 and 8 in block N o. 37. south*' stem common, io ear of *acon cotton factory, in city! of Macon. Levied on by H.J. Peter, tax colito- tcr, to satisfy the taxesdue by ihe estate of Jattb Fchall for thoy< ar 1879. Amount ot balan.e due including cort*. 542.99. Also part of lot No.1 in aquaro No. 87.. 105 feet on Wa'nut (tr, et ana ISO feet cm street, being the south corner ofthsaqu cityof Macon. Levied on by H.J. Pet>,. uu ccllector. to satisfy the taxes due i»y J. C. HcBab ney furthojear 1879. Amount of balance due im fueling charges. 5203^3 . ,,, Also part nr lot Nos. 1 and 2 in block Np. 14 northwestern common, >r nting 105 feet, more or lees, on College St. adjoining tbe Weed let neit to DeGraffenreid propers, in city o’ Maeou. Leviod on by U. J. Pete*, tax collector, co satisfy the taxes due by Frank H. Stone, trustee, fort be years 1878 and -1879. Amount due, including charges, 863 40. .<"J Also part of lot No. 6 in squireNo. 91. fron'lng li6 feet more or lass, on Oak street, adjoining the property of Ellis A Cutter, next to an alley, in cityo! Mecon. Levied on by H. J. Peter, tor collector, to satisfy the taxes due by F. M. Long for the year 1879 Amount due, including charges 81316. also part of lot No. lV, western range, (renting ICOfeet, moroorfms.on the esst side cl College na -**- -* "-ofSP lot 11 For a Fertilizer that will Compete with Black’s, in price and quality. ;.! • YT7B offeba special prstbiuni of 560 at the next -v y Georgia Stale Fair for tnelanrest yield of cotton cn one acre of land, when it is ieniliz.d J^rtaul X.L .--a .... Black’s Fertilizer ouljr. Tba right to make it fo be purchased from uxFarmenriwhohgTe not already bought rights wlfl ffad it to their inteiest to call at our office and get one. Office Telegraoh and Messenger. A8KLBY A 8PEIB. /GEORGIA. BIPB COUNTY-WOTICR Iff V7 DEBTORS AND CREDITOR a : . Tau arene-ifled to present unto the nnder- allelalms you may have against the es- Dte df Calltofonia Savage, and all persons in debted to said estate will make immediate set tlement onto the undersigned. f»l5-l*w6w* L1VINIA 8AVAGF, ■HMMM Executrix Have signed thvfollowfrgremsurkabie'peper, the signatures of which can be seen at cur cl&wr Messrs. 8KABURY A JOHNSON, 21 Platt Street, New York: GjnrrLMiH—“For the past few years we have told various brands of Porous Pinter* Physicians and the Public prefer , - -i BENSOK’S CAFCINE POROUS PIASTER. # t all others. We consider them ore of tie xery few reliable lontihold remedies wcrlty of Tbew are Superior to all other Poniua Plastera er MedMate for Sxterxal use.” fcM-js*ij gsasstfggg: von guardian; for the minor children of Samuel L M xSir““ ,o me fcrdi * m,9fcion ••These are to notify all persons concerned to show cause at this office, on or by the first Mar.- ®*F t J n April next, at any they harp, why the same shMl net be granted. Witness jay h ai d' ofllcialljr. - f*’'24'd«;;u . RQLANPT. ROSS. Ordinary. IIItinware liotor. to satisfy the t-txes du* by Charles T Holm-s, truster, for theyear ISIS. Amountdue, £777 A YEAR and expense, lo «ent« SSSding tai£Sfid^co-ts'MSSL 8RY Atura.ta. U !« B »ine ree " " AddrWt P ° I Alsorartofiot No. M north* Also yart of jot No. 12, northwestern common. iDVERTISKRS by addressing GEO. P. ROW- l ELL A CO., 10 Spruce street. New York, can lesrn the exact cost of any proposed line of Al>- ra. 93J<r jan20-lm - - - ------ V pro; VKRT18ING in American Newspapers. ^RS.100 page Pamphlet, 10c. FOR FOOD. As manufactured by Andrew Erkenbrecher, at Cincinnati, Ohio, is tho Qncon of tablo edibles and tho most delicious of Maize preparations extant. It is Incomparably pare, healthful and economical, and a blessing; alike to the sick and well, for children and adults. It enters into tho most recherche pastry, ices, and dessert dishes, embrac ing blanc-mange, ice cream, puddings, enstards, pies, etc., lending a peculiar delicacy and nutritious quality, and is, —e a necessity and a luxury in every don,^5. storehouse. No edible Starch stands so high the world over. Sold by Grocers every.-wliere. Vicship, in the city c ■ Levied on by H. J. Peter, Dr ccllDctor, to satis fy tbe taxes due by Htyne Ellis, sgeut lor Ida L.. Ellis for theyear 1879. Amountdue, includicg taxes and costs, {13 83. - Also part ol lot No. 3 in square No. 45, front ing 40ioet, more or lets, on Plum street, in City ot Mzcoii, corner of alley between Poplar anij Flum&treets. Levied on by H. J. Feiev. tax col lector, to satisfy the taxes cue by Mtt. Geo-gi«g. Moxris, fer theyears 1877, 1878 and 1879. Amount due. including taxes and charges, 5S6.16. Auo lots & ami 4, routh western common, block No. 45, between Ogli thorpo and Bibb streets, in city of Macoa. Levied on oy U. J. Peter, tax collector, tossti-fy the taxes due by B.F.Mc- Ginty for the year 1879. Amountdue, including taxes and charges. >*<5.73. Also, part of lot No. 8, in squire No 7>. front- lag 105 feet (nFlie street, and running back to Cotton avenue in the cify of Eaocn, - adjoining the property of W. L. Ellis, pear tbe. intersec- ti-n of t>-‘ng street. Levied on as the property of R F. Lyon, to fatistr his State and county t-xes for *-e year 1879. Amount due principal and costs 576,04. Atsojurtof lotNo.5 iusquare No. 89, frnt- ing on Fourth street in city of Mscon, Levied on by H. J. Peter, T. O., to satisfy the taxes due by R. K. Raifort, trustee, for the year 1879. amount of taxes snd costs, 815 86. A Iso part ol .ots Nos. 5 and 6 in square No. 66, fiontu.g on New street near Powder Maga zine, in tbe cityof Macon. levied.on by H. J. I'etrr.T. U.,. to satisfy the State aid county taxes duety Mrs. M. A. Sledge for the year 1870; Amount due. including principal and costs, $11.35. Also part of lot No. 4 in square No. 68. front ing on Third street, corner of alley bet vein 'lh rd anil Fourth, snd known as ' Porter's Liv ery stable, in the city ot Macon. Levied on by H. J. Peter, T. C., to satisfy th* taxes ot Sam uel A. Porter, trustee, for the year 1873. Amcuut due taxo< andebarges 3119.89. Also pait of let No. 6 in block No. 12 North western Com men.-f onting on Jefferson street; in tbe cityof Macon. Levied on by H- J- Pe- ter.T. U., to tatnfy the taxes due by William. Sivaeefortho year 1879. Amount due taxeaai d charges 315.09 aiso part of lot 7 in square No. 87, fronting 60 feet more or lees on Wharf street, comer. o( Al ley near Rose Hill Cemetery. Levied on bvH. J. Peter,T. U., to satisfy the taxetdue by Jeffer son F. Lot g, trustee, fot the year 1879. Amount; of tax and charges *16.90. a • Also part of lota fi and 6 in, Block No. 19. Northwestern Common, near east corner of Monroe street, in the city ot Mscon. Levied on by H.J. Peter, T.C.. to satisfy tbe taxes dubby ■ Robert Carter for tba years 1678 ,*qd 1879. Amount ot tax, inoIncUmtchargei Cherry. febs-did. ” j-' ' - Sheriff. GRAY’S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. THE vraatTBAOE MARE. I firfEMra For the Pictorial BiblfDpmmenta- i s n»a* wiasara If ill Ell comprehensive Commentary on5te entirescripturee (m one volume) ever published Price *8.75. Bradley, Garretton a Co, 66 New St, Nashville,, Te'nn. ' , emnovfw Brglleh rem edy. An un failing are for Seminal eak- Spermat orrhea, fmpo- tvney. and all diseases that. Before Takingquense of self AftaTrifeino- I tofrti* L.’BeddW. minon, has made apffliiwtWii . . _j. ,, } for leave to sell real estate m tbe town of Thom abuse; as s Ices of men u iy, nmvertal lassitude, I sBton. Jn the county cf Upson,,■ belonging to said pain in the back, dirntrsea of vision, premature I minors, , ' , r old age, at d many othi.-diseases that lead to in- I These are itierefore to c’te and udmonlsh all mnity tmd aonsumptionand a Drematnre grave I -persons concerned ta he »Ud eppesr at tbe Court full pamrawii in out psmph.'et, which*ve de I s>l Ordinary ©f Mid connty on Ida Bondoj in •ire to send ftwiby iraii to every one. The Spe j March next, to show cause, if any they have, ishjr .iditpplical on should not be granted.. '• 1 Witness my hand Uficisllr. 1 * ,7wU< M J nnisiw J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary,, January 50,1S80 21 td* , ,, - Vf 5 IRON & STEEL, 3 ^ Cartiip ad Wage lafttiik PJ lifi fiDlerJelliigja AVERY'S ’W E0BBE PLOWS,!0 t rriN . wm m fcpjf ;’/^ (OOT PI#WS - wmtr* ffiSSlSBSWSSSSlS. . * FISHiSG TACKLE, Etc. Etc g •T We'iairA a well aBBortcd stock ac’d : tt Z: • ' »mo Ul •'•! l. ; 1 1... 4. ^•GUARANTEE PRICES-» fti -Taluablo/iaild MSale-. J^vB08GIA,Crt*ford ctunty.—^y tbe poorer, vetted in me by a eerfi gage executed by J L. l’srjons to sect . ^ yirtre of age executed by J L. Puts on a to secure a cer am promissory note, for the sum of one hundred and *ivhty-oue depart and. filly ctcts. (il?I,t0». said moruiuie dated the 26th day of June, 1879, and reco-de.d Tn tie Clerk's Office of thq Superior, Court ofs’aic -county, in book J., both said note and Mortgage ceing tigetd by'the said J L. Par- ton*, and due..I-wt Ion Tuesday the second dtv of March. 1880, before tbe court house door in the town of K txville. Georgia, expose at public sale to the highest h dder, for cash, the following de scribed property, to-wit: One hundred and one ao’esof Imd, iroroor less, beiig the north half of lot number 126, bounded as follows; North by lands of J. tr.'Parsons, east b. B. W. Hatch*r, south by Mrs; UG; Parsons, and west by R. R. Harmon. Titles fea simp « will be made to tie purchaser as authorized in said mortgage. Said trai t of Und will be io!d to satisfy tbe priicn al, interest, and attorney 'a fees, to-wit: One hundred snd eighty.Qie dollars and fitly cents principal, with Interest at twelve per cent, rer annum irom the 1st day of Oc ofcer. 1879 and: tan per cer t, additional upon said prlnelpil and interest atlornev’aLes, as expressed in said mort gage. Tin-said mortgage made ad delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure said no te with the power expressed therein to sell said propyrtyin the event default was made in the payment thereof, and default having been made tn the day of said I will execute tides in lee simple to tbe hum f.-v • - Th s the 2d day of February, 1880. jn2S.5aw4w - A. B. SHALL. DRESS GOODS, BULKS, - SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, gloves, HOSIERY, GirLt’ and Boys’Suits, Ladles’ Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS MAKING, "WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, , neckties, RUCH1NGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURG?, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK. PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, Ac. M>4lTirr1 DRY SOOiiS BY MAIL. Send for Suniples or information, and satisfy ‘y^^rself •"kino cheaply and quickly you can get everything in ' 1 DRY 6GQDS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Express. • We carry a?i average cu-tv y a bout $£00,000, all \>ught for prompt cash. f&S*Try tis. Have the Children send for a set oj omt Advertising Cards. COOPERf&CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established im * Lite MUM Else. A . WORD TO THE WISE. tiling Organ trade. All creation andiheir relative, are myirg instrument- this year. America's count ess Factories can’t half supply the demand, s-.anu'acturm have tc-day unfilled order* enough to keep them busy for the n*xt six months. Material and labor cost twenty-five to fifty per cent, more than a few months since. Manufacturers have raised prices and r-ust con* tinue to advance. The low prices of the last wont come again for years. CONSIDER THIS imi. mi—wartb———l^—aa Asiyet we still sell at old prices, but we MUST ADVANCE SOOwT Give us your order NOW, for delivery of instruments at once or within TH RE8 MONTH i). und we will guarantee OLD FRICKS, even if tho advance com- s. To do thia we must have immediate orders SO TB AT WE CAN CONTRACT AHEiD Don't ha-itate. Don’t delay. We stale the easeorecUeiy as it *s. Pri es will advance VERY SOON and LARGE LY. ard those who wait will pay for the privi lege. T»lte our business advice snd ; S = g WMIfM W it r E°2“ 3 SB ■ e ‘S.- p* cificMedicine is Sold byall druggists at *1 I package, orsix packages forts will be tent fro by mail on receipt cf tho money by address the GRAY MEDICINE CO.- No >0 Meehan Bleck, Detroit. Mich, bold in Macon and e her-' all dwggjvt*. oct2i da OPIUM fireLit pilnlcwrt- »»i leeruMioentif cored. Papefv >oJ circAUrt *i- plaioja^ mode pf treetaiYny witfc tesiUBOBiala of cun Alio ■ I rial bottle r\ EOSGU. Conniy.-i-^bareii QiGffett. I VJ Haileburst, executor of tba'eatate ot James A.Neebtt, late of said county ' rare therefore to cite end admonish all persona core-reed to be and appear bt tba COurt of Ordinary of said etunlyon the first Monday In not 1 “ r0 ’ * bT s&id application inoold not t>© gnoltd. - 7 ; 1 ■*■ Witness my band officially. Ii .r SJjmwtai is ,-.ia uwro ^a- A result from indiscretion doubt this assertion should ?,THB HCIttNUB OF LIFE; or, fELr FRHSERVATIPN. Exhausted vi- tslity nervous and physical cebihty“.crvrit«Htv im paired by tbe hrror* Of youth or taorioseior too dose application to business, may be restor ed and manhood regained. -‘ Two hundredth eiLtion. revised and enlarged, luitpublisiiftd.' It is a Standard medical work, too beat to: the Bng’ish tomM miitmby a physicianfif great..exterience,-to whom was awarded a gol I and jewelfod medal bythoNa* fiili and wry exponsive dngcsxnma' e. Threwton-s iBAXSB «8HEEI?F f ; SAI,^. ; „ r property to-wit: Lots cl land Nos. three hundrid' agd Serant, , two, three hundred snd seventy-ihree, and three hundred and seventy-fonr, all jn the eighth dit- ■snet of-rifld oountv, said-to Contain eSchi.o hundred and fifty acres; wsorei.qr.less. Boida* .'security. Property pointed out by defendant William Broadawsy. Tenant in passed ion petti- flea in writing. H ROWELL, Sheriff. Jannavv87.1R80.S8td • -o K-r'-.U times more mwerful than the best po uring tbe legal'hour* of toh. following property to-wit: That lot of land lying in too Macon Reserve. r*n> meriting at a'point m l-j w • . -tali’*? reaitl 919/ii>: av.nst -*SHR rT :,;£5* Es ;: .^esp^ijbncb. For p«rticu T ar r , address with JAMKS W DXWA?,/LibexlJ : ,^iP,. Pike count.y. wor1^ d Get thegenuine. Aak >for. CULLINB’ VOLTAIC FLBUTR1C POROUS PLASTERS Pric* Met*.' For sale by Hunt, Rankin Ala- mar. Atlanta and Macon, and Osceola Butler, and aVdvusslata. * i 7 D. I. c. Is an absolute and irresistible cure for J Os **t of Optam,Tb- mutants, removlog all of Birr of them, ren- SdiooS and and irresistible control of tbe sobriety of them- that abaohlto physical and mor^ at follows tbs andde from uring atiinulanta or aarootics. Temperance societies should recommend it It la perfectly barmleas and neTer-talling. Hop Bitters Mig. Co., Rochester, N.Y. Sole Agents Haw Orach Chare deetroya anpatmlooecns tbe cough, qnieta tbs nerraa, produces re^ tafia to cure. ■ Tbe n»» T»4 for Stomach, U-rcr rad KJdneyu, is Mpcrier to aU others. Cure* by absorption. It la perfect -aak drusglata. i/y.piv- Tt.H.pBUUraSrg. &i.,<.f psre ti—• remedk,, alav tba ircp Blum, wlit-h ar, IB m MMttcrmri orlatojdCMit,but anil Belt Mtd.- e i nt erer making man cans then b11 other remviieto FOR SALE BY ALL DRUQQISTS. lands or Green A Domer on the eait-,mrd tbe Maeon and We; <lfi’’Urcad on tbe north,and tho lands form;- j W ei by 51.8; Thompson on the west said lot touutinizg a fraction less than th-ee eighths ot an acra, mere or less. Also that parcel of land situate in Vinevtlle, at said county, said lot bounded on tbe south by Hilyard Bowles, on the t orth by the Macon and Western railroad, cn the esst by an alley 15 feet wide, on tho west by a disputed line, the owner not knswn, said lot being ot SO feet front, end 17J feet deep, together with all tho improve ment, on both of said lots. Sold as the property of Charles Marshall to satisfy a mortgage given by said Charle* Mar shall to Seymour, Tiesley * Ca. executed Bsp- tem-erl8.1876. and duly recorded September Jl, 1876, in which said mortgage Beymour, Tinsley A Co are authorized to sell witnout foreclosure febl*4» Attorney tor mortgagee*. G EORGIA, BibbCounty—Whereas Mr* Mar tha L. Harris, guardian ot Mattie J., Annie | L. and Jimmie A. Harris, baa applied to tbe ertr, this it therefore to cite all persons concern ed to be and appear at the Court of Ordinsiy s ssid county on the first Monday in May next show cause, it any they have, why the said Mar thali, Harris should not be dismissed from he guardianship of said Mattie J„ Annie L. and Jin xoie A. Harris and reoeivo the usual letters of dismission. Giver under toy official sicnature; •febltd# J. A. McMANUS.Ordinary. #77, Agent]. ugusta, Maine. Outfit irjo. gu*r»' BXbW AW * O nebi*benefactor" -...;tae ^ wot An iflubtstted sample sent toallon - The\|thorrt^ -^r permiairion JOSWH D.N KLYN^I. 1 ^ D,*aS M _ _UONN*LU;M D ’faculty «Mh«ithilsdaL ■phialUmvenity oI Mediciue^apd Rqrgery^i*\a6 thefwultyof the fir*- teconsu’tedon all disetsea requiring xkilt and -experience.: i a 1 f. 1 i 'i- ii ■ imtabn |T^1K Cincinnati! BPackers of HlsARD, ;hi*y ur?£. loh-teil# AND QUEEN OF THE WEST BBAND OF Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Breakfast Bacon. Cincinnati, Ohio. ntvl* w«m artsb J A^tiuOMriniea. nusy ‘Ultimate. Particulars free LWliKTSSMlL. OKDEK AT UJMUb.. j LUDDEN & BATES, j eAVANNAH. GA, jwDOLfSItE PIAHO AN!) 0R8AN DEALERS. ! dec27-dltaw*wiy ' Valuable Land for Sals. YNBORGia, Crawford cdunty.—By viitueol VJT tbe power vetted in me by a certain xport gags executed ly G. M. Lumpkin to securer, ce tain promissory note forthesum of one hun dred and.fiftv dollars (*150), said mortgage dated the 28d dsyol January, 1879, and recorded in tbe Olerk’a office ol Crawford counly, in Book J. pages 7-< and 77.1 will, on Tuesday the second dav of March. 18S0 before the court housedoor. inthn town of Knoxville, Georgia, expose at pub- lio aale to tbe highert bidder for ca-h, the iollow- m< de;cribtd property, to-Wit: The cast half ol lot of land No. <5 in the seventh distnc of originafiv Uouiton now Crawford co mtv, State of Georgia, containing one hundred one and one- fourth acre* (U1W). more or less, known aa the Nancy Shaddellplaoe. Titles in fee simple will be wade-td tbe purchaser, as authorized in said mortgage. Said tract of Und will be sold to sat isfy the principal, interest and attorney’s fees, to-, wit: One hundred snd fifty tfolla’s principal, with interest at twelve per rent, per annum from November 1,1879. snd &25 attorney’s fees, as expressed jn said, mortgage. The said mort gage mate and delivered to me, the undersigned. tosecdre said note, with.the piwerexpressed therein, to sell said property ia the event <ief ul t wu made in the payment thereof and default having keen made on the day of sale, 1 will exe cute title* infee aimplo to tbe same. This Feb ruary 2.1885. :,.iv 5 S J j-njo-law^w, , JACOB SE1SEL. A.O, Ta.ILUR') B.l-lor relief, euc , dibOSuuo- vs. y riot Court, October Term. WM-TAlLbRj '187*. ‘3ft finpearing to the Court by the return of the gheriff that the defendant is not to be found ir. tbit comity; and it further appearing that ho does rot residain this State: Ordered, that ser vice l-e perfected on said defendant by publica- tisn to be and -appear fit the next term cf thia Court, or that eomesinant be allowed to pro. oaed. Ordered fmtier. tbte order be nuhlistiS once a fi ontb for four months m the Telegraph id W4*»enter, wfiublic gasette publiiheU m the JMMM9.9ys;il .... fc.;; ., ■ Tf B/itoCour»: HffftDMMAN. tu ’ii • CocBpiBinaaVfl Solicitor. w5Ssar«s««!asaK»' decil-lamfmw,. Execntoi'tf Sale " of Vaioablft PropertT* • " T>Y authority or an order of the Court oTOrdi- D part of Bibb county, and in pursuance of a d'ereeof tbe Superior Cocit ot said county, m&deon the ISdday of January. riiSO, 1 will of fer for sale before the court bouse door in tbe city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in bluets next, within the legal hours of sale: the /of}ow ing pro tetty belonging to the estate of B. i*. Ke- Evov, deceas’d, viz: The lot on Mulbexry street in the city of Ma con, being part of io- number six (6). squaae number twenty-two (22), separated Irom Afa- tonic Hall by an alley, and extending from Mul berry street to thtalley in the rear, on which there i» a three-story orick building. ., The lot in the city oi Macon on tbr coiner et (.'allege and Bond streets, at den the north side, 1 cftheiait named s'reet, frontlrg on Collect sircet, and being part cf loi fiitcen (15) in the western range cf t»o acre lots in said city. - a handsome cottage residence and u.l neeee- : sarroutbu'ldi gson it. The desirable vaca tlot fronting on Cofloga street, lying teiween the'above described lot, and the let on which James M. Jones xesideac snd also One Hundred and ten acriB of swamp land, more oriess, near the <-itv of Mtcon in tbe Mason reserve on the west sine ol tbe Ocmulge- river, being portions bTr umbo gone hundred and sfx 106). one hundred and seven (107) and eighty- • t»o (82) and all of fraction numoer eichty-onia (31). except that portion of said fraction ciautfi ' by J.; . Wwhmgton. the sail lands bans; rao’e particularly described ina deed made by Olvin Fetter to K. P. KcRvoy, on the £4lh41sy oINtvomoer. 1S62, the purchaser taking tbs risk, if there is any, trowing out of chaui-ex iit ' thecerrmtofth-i Ocmulgee river. Theabovo property sod to pay deb-.s and for the purposes oi aistribution. Term* mb. W. P. GOODlLIi, FebS-tf Jfxrrstor. G EORGIA, thaibam I.oimty.—By viituets au order of the Ordinary cf ssid county will be sold o ■ the first Tuesday in March next, befoie’he court h.use door in said county, tin fulliwing property, b tween tbo legal hums of sa’e, to-wit: Apart of lot number thirty-eight ol the Fork Hawkins reserve, in Bibb county, b irg cn lh» esst side of the Ocmulsee rix or, and on the \atak side of the public road leading from Macon to Clinton, lately iciuuiot by Job R Cherry, con taining five acres moro or less, known as Apart of tbe Luke Ross place Also, the uuoiv.dtd one-half interest in tba other port'en of said lot th.r.y u«hi, on the weak side of said Clinton road, tho whole of said undi vided pm of said lot, containing twenty-fomr acres, more or less, the ssme adjoining trie above first described property to thenortb. itoutber lia'f of >a dl-.stdeicrih;d lot.owned by Thosts* F. Tbomp;on and Mary E. Whitehead. Soil for distribution and for the benefit e! toe heirs of the estate of Eliza E. Davis, deceased. GEO. O. FREEMAN. febS-law4w Administrator. O 'RDINaRY’S Ob'BIOE. JU.vRa COUNTS.' • November 28, I8J9—Whereas Fusan A, B>sdley, administratrix, applies to xneiovda- misskn from estate of Joseph Bradley defeated These atu to notify all perrons cow-erned to show cause at this ofbreon the fiist Monday to March neit. if any they have why tha&axte shall not be granted. Given t novsntd* Jt uc jriauicu. ) uncer nay band officially. ltd* PODAMDT RiiSS. ”rdictry. a vEOhGlA. Counts—Wberera JlargaTvi • U Schsll haa applied for tho retting op,it el homestead of realty and tho valuation of the same. I will pass upon ssiu application on 5»tur- da.v, January tl, 1SS0, at 10 o’ciook a. m. at x*y ottce. Witrass rry official signature. janlltd* J.2L McMANUS. Ordiiuvy. /^RDINARY’S office Jouos county. Georgjo. U January 23. JSS0.—Whereas Rirh.ird Jokrt- son, administrator of eststrof Toliver ceared, applies to me for dismission.- These are to cite and admonish all paranaw concerned to show cause at this office on o- t>y tho first Monday in May next, if any they bars, by the same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially, ■ • jon24-td* ROLAND T. BOSS, Ordinary, G EORGIA. Bibb County .—Whereas J. A. Fos ter. administrator oi tho estate of A.K.Fcs- ter, late of said oountv deceased, has made apah- cat-on fur leave to sell wild lauds belcmriag to said estate at privsto sale. These are therefore to cite and admaniabsS persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary o’said county on tbe first Monday; in March next to >hcw cause, if any they have, why said application should not he granted. W itness my hand officially. January SO.’.mu. J. A. kl cli ANU.-', Orsinary. SBtdc* jttN WtX tA»l)S COQUIuitlK Wrcu ijmi’uw land.' One fourth of tho land it in toe woods— oak «nd hickory. There U runnUig watex find good swings inc very field. A handsome real- epon 1880 Vn be ntolUd rus to al! applicants', anfl to customm wHbout erdertor it, ' It rorUiai four colored pl*t«, aiBsattwaratomaaia ~ MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS: BELTING, HOSE and packing, cits; PUMPS ALL KINDS, My Annual Catalogue of Vegetobfe and Flower seed for 1880, li.b iu lugrsv- »w» ' ' sent Weed collections tf vegetable teed ever sent cut by sag Seed Bouse in America, a largo pertion cf whitA were grown on. my six seed farms. Full, direc tions lor cultivation on each package. Alltsiii warranted to be both fresh sr.d i rue ip name; >«► far, that should it Brpvq- otb< rwise, 1. will Trail the-order gratis. Tbe original .introduci r of tic Hubbard Squa-Ii, Vhirnty’s Melon, MarbfehsaA Cabbages. M cxlcan Corn, and scores ol ettsr WS- etables. 1 invite tte patronage of *U who areanz* tout to have tin i- seed directly irom ths graww. Ire«h, true, and or the very best strain,’ Nsw vegetables a speeiiity- JA8. J H. GREGORY, MarUehetd. Mas*. jafilOwIm . ■ i Trustee’s Sale of Valuable Property, O N the first Tuesday, in March net 11 wilf «s. pose for sale to tbehigbtst bidder, hifun that court bouse coor in the city of Macon, between the legal hours of rele, several valuable bu.ldlnur lota otrWicdsur Hill just beyond tbe oily limits, beinrpartof ot Nr. 4* in the Macon Reserve, west of ihe Ocmuivee ri er. For pa ticvbtrsin quire of Matt R. Freeman, aucrioon- cr. febs-law4w A. J. BIHD1.E. Tnntw. or R re, t UaityJWM, C ‘ VKORGl.v.BlatvCOUw il.—UiM-reas X»«i- Y ismia T, Kty hsa made appli ft ion for li ters of dismissiunassdm-iiistrH-orfioj, Ihe •»- tate of Valentino Nash, late cfca d count, de ceased. These are therefore to cite end admor .q IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS j'oTOrdiuiry of sa d oounty on tho hrst Moi OOOD8 STEAM 8MJO,™®! SSSS&.’fefflS’eiajS GOVERNORS, &o. Sand for Price-list, l applicant. W. Hi DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main my ^T^mcvanu* Street, LOUISVILLE, KY; } /^.HORHIA, B1BK COUNTY.—Wtereas W.iT. VT Hollirg*worth has made apjilir- tisn for- letters of dissdszion ns" a^minialr tar ifecte the estate of Eliza J. Hollinrswoith, latcc! said county deerssed.-y„ Thvsoarc tbfciefore tacit? and zdicr.ish all p T.onn c-interrea to be aod-appear at the Court ol Ortinaiy of raid county on the hrat 5,<>nd»y in April t ext to,show. bow, if r.uv ihov hsve. whv letters of dismi b5on should no: by* ranted ta applicant. ■Wiinessmyoffi 1.1 signstern j*-4td J. A. Me>iaa 175 Ordinary. 0**71717 AY BA a and nperoesto aveuii. ff) / / / Outfit free. Address f YlCh* BUY, Aarusta. Value 1 OH* R WfiST. jas u Wasx WEST BEOS. MLm Fickn, baiiiMi ItnttiU, —AGBNT8FORTHB— W. & G. GDANO. 68 Bay St. - Savannah, Qa. BAGGING AMD TIBS FOR B ALB. Prompt attention to business and liberal 4 anoe ou consignments. aweto dawim- . JHO RUSSELL A G3 Green Uiver fflerk s. pnl^2-ita^Sm mm M 'ASHId-OB- BEISOPGHimt dll fn nnn Invested in Wall street stocks I wlU IU ifilvU makes for tunes r vary rrontn. ‘ Book sent tree explaioing everything. Address BAXTER A UO.lBankers, 7 Wall street. New York. .Prescription Free. - SeminalWeakoPFs, Liw of M \ * ntefff brnnefat o»i by iadii«creti JfrarvLit h.\» *ne »rMr*e»lient •. v »vinso\ a* r*'. ' ‘-‘fir ***** ^ OPIUM sSS®a!?L‘i!iCTfe