Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, February 27, 1880, Image 5

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■ rnrnmmm A PROGRESSIVE CITY. Tides from the Capital The throbbing pulse of Atlanta never becomes still for a moment. The same busy stream of life goes up and down lier streets, the same mules pull her clacking street cars, and but for the fact that un der the pressure of time, the windows rat tle slightly more tlian formerly, not a symptom of change is visible in the even yet rushing tenor of the way of the capi tal. A short stay in Atlanta is just now particularly pleasant. The temperature is all that could be wished, the dust,which sometimes renders tlie Gate City exces sively disagreeable, comes up wanting in a great degree, and all things tend to make life not only interesting but posi tively pleasant. Improvements greet the eye on all sides. New houses take the place of old ones ami fill the vacant lots. Especially is this noticeable at the end of Whitehall street where a number of handsome resi dences have just been erected by promi nent citizens. Tlie outer end of Peach tree, or rather Ivy street, shows the most marked improvement of any part of the city for solid additions in tlie way of resi dences, and property in tills part of the city has mounted to ligures that arc grati fying to tlie possessors thereof. Marietta street at its termination, also exhibits no end, that is rinaforicaily speak ing, hardly any end of new and neat houses, all soon to be occupied. Other parts of the city show equal improve ment. Tlie project of having a new court house seems at last to have taken definite shape and form, and in the window of Messrs. Lynch & Thornton on Whitehall street, handsome designs of the new buil dings are now on exhibition. Sjicaking of court-houses naturally calls to mind that now celebrated case of the State vs. Sam Hill, who killed a young man by the name of Simmons a The case has been argued in the Supreme Court for a new trial, and tlie decision of that tribuua! is anxiously looked for. It will be given next week. Tin; Macon and Brunswick road lease or sale excites no small interest at the Capital, especially among those at all interested in railroad matters. The definite sale of the road brings a sigh of relief to all. Governor Colquitt return ed a day two since *'roin New York. Yes terday we learned, on good authority, that the whole matter would he definitely settled on Saturday next, tlie Governor having allowed that time for all interested parties to assemble and peifeet their arrangements. The final papers, as far as'human judgment can now foresee, will be regularly exe cuted at. that time. The members of tlie firm making the purchase are Messrs. It. T. Wilson, MfcGchee, Hazlehurst aud Lane, and perhaps one or two others. Yesterday at tlie freight transfer depot seven freight cars of the Cincinnati Southern railroad were standing, most them filled with freight for this city, Their advent into Atlanta was hailed with joy. They will probably reach Ma con this morning. Tlie prominent amusement feature the week was the Emma Abbot Opera Troupe of about fifty o]iera sing ers. Notwithstanding tlie sombre days of Lent were upon tlie city De Give’s Op era Uouse was packed ou Tuesday even ing to bear the rendition of “Borneo and Juliet,’’where the immortal love drama of Shakespeare is reduced to an inferior and rather unimpressive opera. It seemed, however, to take well with FAMILY BALSAM FAMILINE. A Ssfe End IfMal Mj PROMPTLY BELIEVING PUN MDINFUM1TI0N FOR EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL USE. This Family Balsam is composed of Faria. Boots and Heainona Gams from the trees of our Native Forests, iachoceof these ingredients is good (or tee complaiDts for which FAMIL1N' I is recommended.but wb*n eompounceo tegeih* er they male a Balsam which is a positive rare tor t- e co’uplsii.ts. This Balsam tokss the place oi talvtt. ointments ai.d liniments. U has been tri i duringtte past two years, every one u-icg say log, *T would not be without it.” Every Family should have ii in tbeir house, ready for use. Numerous testimonials have been received which will be published, from persons whobav :uin used the Familine Ba'sam for the past two years showing the surprising rfBracy, value amt rue. oess of this Familine Balsam. For its quick and sure healing properties, it has no equal; for its relieving and allaying inflammation, ro medi cine bss ever been compounded equal to it. It is perfectly nfe to use at any and all times, and a quick aud thorough cure for such complaints as Paics in the Chest. Shoulders, bsck and Side Barns snd Scalds, Spta.cs, Strains, Bruises, Rheumatic and Neuralgia Pains, Swelling of the Joints,Still Joints,Stitt Neck, Con tracted Muscles, Spiral Affeciitns, 'White Swellings, Chafes, Calluses. Galls, Bunions, Chilblains, Corns, Frost Bites, Poisoning by Dog wood or Ivy, Stings of Insects, Chapped Hands, Lips, Ring- , worms, Salt Eheum,T«ittr, / Pimples, Itching,Dry Sca ly Eruptions of the Skin, Old 8ores,Scald Head _ STOMACH _ JfO sitters Do yon feel that any one of your organs yosr elomach. liver, bow la, or nervous sys tem, falters In its work? If so, repair the damage with the most powerful, yet harm less, of inv'gorsnts. Remember that debili ty le tbo ‘Beginning of the End”—that the climax of all weakness is a universal paraly sis of the system and that such paralysis is the immediate precursor of Death For eale by all druggists and dealers gen erally. feM Im A fresh (lock of Hosteller's Bitters ust re ceivnd at dccV-JOLTS’ DRUG STORE. Few Advertisements. loefly’s KiD£ of Malaria. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIAL FEVERS. Only one discovered upon the globe; tested in over four lmndr. d cases of Intermittent Fever— never failed to rare in a single instance; certain preventive as well as certain cure. A vegetable preparation acting specifically upon the Liver, without the assistance of Mercurv; has no equal as an anti- bilious preparation: take i. in every trnubio where the liver is involved. Sold by Uu-T. Raskix A Lavas Macon, Ga , and by tir.TV.ilcoot. Manufacturer, Greensboro, Ga. Price SI por bottlo. febl» Mortgage Sale of Land- G EORGIA. CRAWFOB D COUNTY.- By vir tue of the power vested m me by two mort gages executed ty Annie Marlah Harper, to-wit: One mortgare given to eecure a certain prjm- isrory note for twenty-fire dollars due the Isth October. 1819. bearing interest at 12 Dec cent, per annum, after maturity. Paid mortgage dated 13tb day of May. 1879. and recorded in the Clerk’s office Superior Court of Said county, in book J. And one other mortgage given to -eccre a cer tain prom'ssory note for fl.ty dollars, duo So ys mher 1.1879. nearing interrat at 12 per cent. e datea d mortgagi in Cleik’s office per annum after maturity. Paid mi ah March. IS:9, and recorded in Superior court of ta.d county, in book J. 1 will oil tho first lues Jay in Ap-il. 1880. before the court-house door m Knoxville. Georgia, expose at public sale, to the hfghe«t bidder, for cash, the following cescribed property. ‘o-w.t: Ono hun dred and sixty (ICO) acres erf lend, more or leas, bi-i g all o I-1 >0.42, north oi too Macon r ad, in the siatb district of Crawford ecuntv, Ga. Ti- tes in tee simple will to msde o the par. hiser asaut.ioiizvdiu stid mortgage*. Paid tract of 'and will t o sold to satiJy the principal,interest, and a tom y’a fers, to-wit, sr-ven'y-flyo dollars pr ncipal. with interest as above dr scrlteS. and i«outy dollars attorney’s fees, as expressed in >aid mortgages. The said mortgages mads and delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure said notes with tha power express'd therein to sell S»ia property in the event default war made in the payment thereof, and default having been made, on the day of sale 1 will execute titles m lee simple to the same. ■ A. B. SMALL. February 26. ISSO.-ld BAKER SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be sold h'-fore tho courthouse door in Newton, within the legal lvurscf sale,on tho first Tuesday in March mxt, the following property to-wit: Lots ef land Nos. three hundred and sev»nt>- t«o, three hundred and'seventy-three, and three hundred and seventy-four. all in th-eighth dis trict of laid countv, said 11 contain each two hundred an J fifty acres, more or less.. Su'd as the property ot William Broadawayti satisfy a Superior Court fi. fa. K. O. K-nton vs. James H Scarbrough, pnncipv), and William Brovdawav. J®™.! 51 -!'. Property i- inted out by defendant William Broads way. Tenant in posses-ion not: flea in writing. . JAP. H. KOWELL, Sheriff January 27.1SS0 Sfltd Traatee’s Sale of Valuable City Prouertv. i - . I N obedience to an order of the Superior Court of Bibb county will be sold on the firs; Tues- oay in March next, between the legal heurs of sale, before the court bouse door in the city of •Macon.thofollowirg real estate, te-«i>: the house and lot situated on Hish street, known lately as the residence oi Mrs. James i. Snider, distinguished in the plan of sa-d city as tl o east balfcflot No.(21) twenty-one in the « esteru range of two acre iot9, containing about one acre. Alco, on tho same day. and directly alter the sale ot the rca! estate, will'be sold on the promt sea above described the household and kit* hen furniture which belongs to said. trust estate, the sale to continue from day to day, if necessary until all ilia furniture is uisnosaa cl. Terms cash. J. B. JONES, Feb 8 law-lw Trusti-e. i JONES COUNTY 8BER1FF SALE. TX7ILL bo sold before tho court homo dcor in Tv thetownof Clinton on the fir-1 Tuesday in April next, between ;be loasl hours of sale, three hundred acres cflnnd. mere or less, adioidi's the lands of James B. Denton, Jackscn Roberts, and others, aud kuowu as the Sawyer rhrea. Lev- it don as the property ot P. C. Sawyer, trustee for wife and children, tosatisfy a tax fi fa. is-urd by W. J Gresham, tax collector, forthoycar 1879. Thia February 18. If 80. feM9td TV. J. GRE8H A V, Sheriff. G KO Krill. Bibb County —\T notea* J. A. Fov 'or. d trio istrator o! the estate of A • K. Foe Outward Humors of tlie aitilience. Miss AI>l>ott Iicrself was. tlie bewitching centre of lier talented troupe, ami laid siege to and captured Atlanta’s lii-art. The troupe is a good one. But as tlie train glides through the busy street across tlie sanguinary Whitehall crossiir ami under tlie Broad street bridge, a pe riod must he put to these notes. J. II. J. of of Tlie SInIe Trade. Tlie mule trade in Macon this season lias been larger than ever known before The importations have been almost al together from the West and prices have ruled well. The increased price of cotton has enabled tlie farmers to lie more liberal in their expenditures, aud nearly all thorn have cither increased tlie numlier tlieir mules or supplied the place of the worn-out, broken-down animals which, have done such good service tlie past year with fresh and new ones. The mule seems tci be the only reliable animal for farm operations in Middle Georgia, at least lie is the favorite, notwithstanding his proverbial lightness of heels and his predisposition to the free uss of them, seems that the number of his shadows in this region will never grow less so long at least as the demand continues so lively and his race and generation continue on the earth. Six stables have been fully supplied with every kind of representa tive of the species thisjwintcr the supply constantly changing aud being renewed at short intervals with fresh droves from the West. Tlie trade gives gratify ing evidence of increasing prosperity throughout the country. It is hut one evidence,-but it is a good one, and there are many more, which show that the whole of Middle and Southern Georgia are steadily improving financially. New Bandings. A number of new buildings are be in; erected in tlie city, and signs of steady improvement arc to be seen on all sides, It is true none of the houses in tlie resi dence portion of tlie city, now going up, are of palatial proportions, but they are comfortable homes, such as are always- in demand, and which not only improve the looks of a city, but enhance the value of its realty. In tlie way of brick aud mor tar preparations for the large stores of Mr. G. B. Roberts, on Cherry street, for Messrs. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, and Messrs. Siugleton & Hunt, go steadily forward, and two structures, imposing in their appearance and well adapted to the trade of their lessees, will soon ris< the site of the present ruins. TUTTS PILLS BMBBags’fgrff^^aa - SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain fa tho Held, with a dull sonsaticnia tho bock port, Pcia under the shouldcrbludo, full ness after eating, with a disinclination to exertion of fcody or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, withafeolingofliav- in<r neglected c=mo duty, Weariness, Diz ziness. Fluttering r.t tho Heart, Dots be fore tho eyes. Yellow Skin, Hoadacho gcnorally over tho right eye, Restlessness with fitful dreams, liighly colored Urine. IP THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BEDEVaOPED. TolT’S PILLS arc especially adapted to •tueli rases, one dose eflccls such n change of reeling os to astonish the sufferer. CONSTIPATION. Only with regularity of the bowels can .health bo enx^-ed. If the constif* of recent date, a single does of TUTT’ ■ “ ’ tifbias' will suffice, but Id be become Labi ■ obtained. Dr. I. Gny Lewis, Fulton, Ark., snysr “After a practice of 25 jeers, 1 pronounce TL’TT’S PILLS the best anli-biiiouvtne- !! -ine ever made." Key. F. R. Osgood, New Yolk, oulyss “I have had Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach and Nervousness. I never hail any medicine to do me to much good as TUTTS TILLS. They are good as represented.” tilco ■ any kind. Hemor rhoids, Files, Numbness, Worms, Ague in the Face, Ear-ache, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Coughs, Croup. This Family Balsam Familine surpasses any and all other known remedies recommended for such complaints, fntuch package will be foond a pamphlet containing a short treatise ou all the complaints for which ibis Balsam is recommend ed, with full andaimp’e dhactions how to ute the Balsam for each complaint. Price 25 and 50 cents per Bottle. tity of twentj--fire-cent size. PREPARED BY II. R. STEVENS, Proprietor of Yeretme, Boston. Mass. FAM ALINE is sold by all all Druggists. A DVERTISERS, send lor our detect List of lai cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell A Co.. 10 Sprue- St., K. Y. gO LLIM; VGLTAIG-ELEGTRIG POROUS TIMIN' times more powerful than the beat po rous plaster when placed over the centre of the nervous forces, the pit of the stomach, they stimulate the lirer. stomach mid bowels, perfect dig* St ion. cure dyspepsia, billious colic, cramps and pains and prevent ague and malarial dis eases. For weak and tore lungs, palpitation cf thehean. psiDful kidneys, rheumatism, neural- gia land scistics.tbey are tho best remedy intbe world. Get thegennir.e. Aak 'far COLLINS’ VOLTAIC ELECTRIC POROUS PLASTERS. PnC 28 els. For sale by Hunt, Rankin A La mar. Atlanta and Macon, and Osceola Huller, andalld'uceUts. serf S Cm L. J Guilmartin & Co., GOTTOn PAOTOBS —AND emission HA BAY STREET, Savannah - Georgia. Liberal advseres made on consignments otton. Bagging and Iron Ties for sale at low tmarket rates. •urSlfls is the moet economical form of Washing Soap. All bar or square cakes wear down in ute to a large flat piece, too thin to handle and, therefore, wasted; while tin OVAL (JAKE of Pi AGEKTSlWAHTEDTFORjniE IGTORIAL HISTORY,omWORLfi It contains C7zfim historical engruviug aiiu moo large doub'e column pages, and is the moet com plete Uirto-y of tbs World ever published. If »el!sattigct. Bend for apocim-n psge»andex tr* term# to Agents, aud tee why it tells taster thin any other book. Address National Pub. listing uo.. PhilsdrlpMs. or Atlanta. feb!9 : Ato!to'i " name, lOcts. 50 Mixed Cards NASSAU CARD CO . Nawau. N. Y Ptlltterlntc rared b.v Batea’Patent April. “ aneo. send for description to Simpson A Co. Box 2iSG. New York. $777 A YEAR and expenses to t-vents . Outfit Free. PftY Aocneta. Maine. Address P 0 VICK natural and necessary result is tbe rare of Kcror- nlnnsnnd otherNkln l-lruptions.YDiseases including Cancers, Ulcer*, nnd other sores. It Is the host ItloiMl Purifier, and stiinu. lntes every (Unction to more healthful action, and thus a benefit in all diseases. Dyspepsia, VVenliness or (lie Nfnmneli, CoiMlipation. Dizziness. General Debil ity. etc., arc cured by the Safe Hitters, it is uncqunled ns an Appetizer and Regular Tonic. It is a medicine winch should l>e in everv family, and which, wherever used, will save payment of many doctors' bills. Unities of two sizes; prices SO cents and fil. BSrWARNEB’S Safe Remedies arc sold by Druggists & Dealers in Med icine everywhere. H.H. Warner &Co„ Proprietor*), ROCHESTER, H. T. A. V. TAILOR") B 1* tor relief, etc, Pibb Suho vs. > rior Court, October Term, WM. TAYLOR J 1879. It appearing to the Court by tbe return of tbe Sheriff that tbe defendant is not to bs found h. this county; and it farther sppesr;rg that be docs not reside in tbit State: Ordered, that acr vice be perfected on said defendant by publica tion to be and appear at tbe next term cf this tv-ut, or that com'-'ainant bo allowed to pro ceed, Ordered further, tn tt this order be nut listed once a n ontb for four months in tbe Telegraph and Mestenacr, a public gazette published in the cltvof Macon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN. Complainant’s Solicitor. T J. SIMMONS, • J. S. C M. C. A true extract from ths minutes of Bibb Su pertor Court. This 22d November, ,819. drciS-lanum* A. B ROSS. Cleik. ohs U Wasr. aeu Vtssi WEST BEOS CtiltB FtcUrt, Cossiiuii ItrtkiiU, —AGENTS FORTHB— W. & C, GUANO. 68 Bay SU • Savannah, Qa. BAGGING AND TIES FOR SALE, j’rompt attention to business and liberal d anm on consignment*. ac?£0 daw6m Valuable Oitv Property TO R SALF. I Offer for eale five hsndsoroebuilding lotr ad joining my rraidence lot and frontier on Geor gia Avenue. Nistet place, aud Cherry street. Fot information a* to terms, etc- apnly to TURPIN AOliDEN. »ho have a mapol the property. If not sold by the first Tuesdsy in March th- se lots wi’l b» exrosed for sale to the highest bidder on that dav before the court hi use door in the city of M aeon, between the legal boors ef sale. JAMES T.N18BET. Macon. Feh 1. ’889 Ids TiNWESSEE SUCKED BEEF HAMS, Jast received on censignment by ian!0 JONES COCK. DENTISTRY. Respectfnllv amtem ce to the rl-.izeta of 31a cod and the public generally, that 1 have S ienedon Wulberrv Hreet. oopoMto the Lanier oase. a Dental c fflre, where I will practice den tistry in all its br> lubes. I c rdiallj invite mv friends ard former pat- r*»ns and the nublis generally who need the cer- v ice of a dentist to call, n me. Very respectfully. 8. B. BARFIELD. D.D. 9. 5anlB-dlm-wSn.4T i. (LUMP) la tlie highest achievement in cereal productions, and renowned throughout tho world as the Standard Laundry Starch. In sliapo it presents huge dense crystals of wonderful whiteness and sweetness, free from tho faintest odor and oi incomparable strength. Its su periority and economy aro the result of experiment and improvement for thir ty-live years, nnd its popularity the re ward ot this e.P.ort ot a lifetime. Royal Gloss Lump Slnreli is packed in hand, some one-ponud, tbree-pouud, anil six. Tjund cartoons, and for sale hy Grocers every-where. Manufactured hy iWDfitU/ £BXEH8BECHEB. Cincinnati. Ohio. NEW” BOAP can bo ent in two, tbe oval end clasped readily in tbe band, and tbe lar ger end wem down almost to a wafer with- >ut any waste. COLGATE & CO. recoin mend their Trade-Mark Registered) to Careful bouse eepera not only a* superior in qn ality ba inform the meet esiaontai Aetp ever ade. aigSO-wAsst if COLUMBUS TIMES. Daily, W«kly, Sfffi-ffftHy aid fesday. THE DAILY TIMES Contains full Telegrsphic New# from ail part# of the wo-ld. Editorials cn all topics of the day, r<- Otilcc - 35 Mnrrny Street, Now York. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. BnzcUxni o* Whiskkhs changed to a Gnossx thi5 ^ u ft” ClprcaapringwaUr. tk Office 30 New York,* tune of the general news and foil Market Re port*. Subscription price S7.08 per annum, in advance. THK WEEKLY TXMF8 a mammoth eight pare abeet. toned every Mcnday. made up of the cream of tbe Daily. Subscription 61.10 per an num in advance. TBE eKMl-WKEKLY iaismed every Mon day and Thursday, c-.ntaining the news of tbe three preceding days. Subscription price ?1.60 per annum. In advance. THE SUNDAY TIMES, a large 82 column sheet, in addition tx the current news of the day, embraces a number of literary departments, fill ed w.thentertaininr reading matter. Subscrip tion prioe 81.10 in advance. Families v anting a good paper could rot do better than subicribe for one ot tbs editions cf the Times. THK TIMES having at all timet identified it self with tbe interests of the people and labored for their welfare, is a welcome visitor at tbeir firesides, and iti column’, tnerefore a most valn- ble advertising medium. WYNNE, DlWULF A CO- Proprietor*. febZ-i-St Columbna. Ga. TO RENT. A Desirable dwellin gon_ Spring street, eon *p3 5 ”* K?ea,00 “ , • flO&vnuM. INSTRUCTION BOOKS. For the Piano. Siekrisii's Ntw Mtlliol fir tlie Pi»M r ortt. (’3 25). sustains it* reputation si the most per fect of Instruction boots, baring been many times revised, improved and enlarged. Hundreds of thoiuarde bten sold, and it is st'll in con stant and laxgedemand. B- sure to get the right book. Notice the exact title, and accept no oth er. Now getlyoir £ tSTER MUSIC.'Send for list. Fpr Reed Organ. TteEBewn Mnihoi (-2.50). bvEmer- son and Mutthcwi, his a capital “method” and an abundance of fine picc-s inatinmrntaland vocahithat please ahile tbey instruct the learner. Do net forn-t WHITE KOBE3, (SO cts.) New Funday Fchool Song Book. A great success. By Abbey anil _ Hunger. Everybody should possess it. tEUPERANOB JEWELS (35 cents.) By J. H. Tenney NewITemporance Songs, all choice and wide awske. EMERSON’S ANTHEM BOOK (*1.25.) EvL. O. Emerson. Unexcelled in quality. Very choireand large collection. AMERICAN ANTHEM BOOK (£1.25). IOC easy Anthems, for common choirs. By Johnson Tenney andAbhey. Any book mailed, post-free, for tbe retail price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston, 0. H. DITSON A CO. 843 B’dway N.Y inStU M c-kXMOOB IfiESfOBED S,S«^S-of^tt. C n d 5 '•nipr** broapht o» by indiscretion or exesee !>m«rsist has tlie ingredient*. Address M % V1I)M)X A CO- 78 'o'fusau 8t^ 7i. T. Core of IS xr x aoBDoi znn agin n W. W. GORDON A CO. 8aooessor to Tisoa A Gordon). Cotton Factors —AID— CemmUsiovi Merchante, NO lit BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. AS- gURANCB (. _ VERY FULL ADVANCES MADE ON CON SIGNMENTS OF COTTON. RAGGING AND TIES FURNISHED GOT TO MB RE AT LOWEST MARKET FU9& ter, late of said county deem-i d, has made appli cation for leave to sell wild lands belonfing to saol estate at private Sale These are tbrreiore to cito and admnnNb all rejsonacOEcerred to be and anr-esr at 1 ho ('curt ot iirdiuarj ofcsai.l t ounty or. the first Monday in Match next to i-hcw cause, if any they have, w hr said at pheation should not be granted; Witness icy hand officially. ■ r . J. A. McMANUS, Oraicary. Jann»ry SO. 188ft. Sltd* 1880 ■ I I- lowt r Sc«df. Plant*, AiHrt*, D« Me rHEEY & CO., Detroit, Miclu MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF , ALL KINDS; BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &c. Send for Price-iU^, W. H; DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY.* Homes in Western Arkansas The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway ctfer for sale the best LAN US in ths West or Southwest, with health) v climate, fer ile soil, and not (affected by drouth. Easy c terms of sale. Fnllinfcrma- J .icm Apply to . _ w D. SLACK, Land Commissioner, JsnM-wiSt Little Rock. Ark. t/TA CC A grots profit ner week. WiJl prote ** Outfit free. B. 3 KiUBOUT A CO. 218 Fulton street, N Y. cc!8 w6m 2ooo Druggists Hare signed th) followirg remarkable paper, tbo ngnatnres of which can he seen at our o3k»; KOHOlAj bibb Ct ur ty— Wberoai Mrs Min Hams, guardian of J., Annie L.mnd Jimmie A. Harris, has applied to the Court cf Orriin«»y of eaid county for a discharge from her guardUmhipof said Mattie J. Anni* L. and Jimmie A. Harris of their \ erson and prod- eny, thia is tnerefore to cite all persons concem- at tbe Court of Ordinary, asid county ou thn first Monday in May next show cans-, if any they have, why the said Mar tha L. Barns should not be dismissed from he guardi-n.’hipsf said Mattie J.. Annie L.and Ji- mie A. Harris and reoeire the usual letters of dismihiion. HESS under my official signature. febltd* J. A. MCMANUS. Ordinal. iri-NT<k For ** le Pictorial Bible Comments- HI'LllIu tor. 1,018 Jiages, 875 illustrations A WTfn and mans. Tho mot complete smi »• * LU comorehensive Corameotarj on the ent ire scriptures (m one volume) ever published Price »7A Bradley, Garreston A Co. 66 New at. NcshnlV., Trnn. umntv7<r 0BORGLA, BIBB COUNTY-Whsreas Lau ra N*ath»ns bag applied to me for the telfrg apart of bomouead of personalty ai d tbe valua tion ot the same, and 1 will pass upon th- sa-> « at my cffico on Saturday the 13th day of March 1883. at 10 o’clock a. m. Witness my official signature, February £P, 1880. fetSItrf* J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. Valuable Land for Sale- /^BOHGIA,Cranford ocunty.—By virtue o the power vetted in me by a certain mort gage executed by J L. Parsons to secure a err tain promissory note, for tbe sum of one knndred and eizbty-ocedollars and fifty cents. (*ii8l.:o>. said mortgage dated the 23th day of Juno, 1879. and recorded in the Clerk's offiie of tho Superior Court of aaic county, in book J., both said note and mortgage oeing signi d by tbe said J. L. Par son-. and due. I wt 1 on Tuesday the second dav ot March. 1880, before tbo court house door in the town ot K cxvilie. Georgia, expose at public sa'c Messrs. SSABURY A JOHNSON, 21 Platt Street. New York Gestxbmss—“For the pest few years we have sold various brands of Porous Plasters Physicians and tbe Public prefer BENSGK’A CAFGINS POROUS PLASTER t alt ethers. We consider them ore of the Terr few reliaHc tonrehold remedies worthy of ccrflderee. They are Superior to all other Porcus Piasters er Medicines for External use.” fcbt-ln of lot number 120, bound, d as follows: North by lands ot J. L. Parsons, east b> fi. W. Hatcher, south by Era. u G. Parsons, and west by R. R. Ham-on. Titles fee simp o will be made to tie purchaser es authorised in said mortgage. Said tract of land will be so'd to satisfy the princi. al, interest, and attorney’s fees, to-vnt: One hundred and dollars and fitly cents principal, with Interest at twelve per cent, rer annum from the 1st day of Oo’ober. 1879 and ten percent, additional upon laid principal and I detect attorney ’sf es, as expressed in said raort gsge. Th- said mortgage made a d delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure said noth with th- power expressed therein to s-11 and property in tbe event dclauit was made in the payment thereof, and default having been mad: i n the day of sale! will execute titles in fee simple to besamo Th's th- 2d day of February, 1880. ' 4. B. SMALL, 8 liiriv EORGIi, B1PB COUNTY—N O I Itii TO AJM DEBTORS AND CKEDltOltW: ' Yonareno iHed to‘pteeect unto the unde-- aigeed all claims youmay- have against .the es- tatn of Calliedonia Savage,, and ail i«-r^ons in debtrd to said estate will make immtdiate set tlement unto tbe undersigned. . . ■ t LAVisiASAfw. Bx-ranjx dopes fet5-low6w* My Annual Catalogue of Vegetable and Flower seedfer 1880, kith i .engrav in*s ‘rem photug-aphs of the originals, will be sect PithB to all who applv. My old customer* need not write for it. I offer one of the largest c jiloctirnsof vegetable seed evers-nt out by any Heed House in Amer ca, a large portion of which were grown on my six seed farmFull direc tions lor cultivation on each package. AHteed warr-tnted to be both fresh and tru» to name; so far, that should it wore otherwise, I will refill the order gratis. Tbe original introducer ot tbo Hubba'd tiquu-h. i'hn Bey's Melon, Marblehead Cabbac* *. Mexican Corn, and seres o' other veg etables. I invite toe jatn-nngeof *1! who are anx ious to have tbei- seed directly from the grower. Ire- h. true, and ot tbe very best strain, Uf v/ vegetables a sxscjalt ■ £77 a ami ixpeise. gna.-nteed Age,.la. Out!;: free. ,-n*w A C 'c. sire f gHg,- if JISH Ague Cure iifa!??! mm imii Is a purely vegetable Litter and powerful tonic, and is warranted a speedy and cer tain cure for Fever and Ague, CUills nnd Fevt-r, Intermittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, and all malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the Lack and loins, and coldness of the spine and extremities, are only premoni tions of severer symptoms which termin ate in the agne paroxysm, succeeded by high fever and profuse perspiration. It fa a startling fact, that quinine, or- Rcnict, and other poisonous minerals form the basis of most of the “ Fever and Ague Preparations,” “Specifics,” “Syrups,” and “ Tonics,” in the market. The'prep- arat ions made from these mineral poisons although they are palatable, and may break the chill, do not cure, hut leave thf malarial and their own drug poison j the system, prodneing quinism, dizzincsr ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, an if other disorders more formidable than the disease they were intended to cure. Aveb’s Ague Cure thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from the system, and always cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure the most delicate pa tient; nnd its crowning excellence, above its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the system as free from disease as before tbo attack. For Liver Complaints, Ayer’s Ague Cure, by direct action on the Uvcr and biliary apparatus, drives out tho poisons which produce these complaints, and stimulates tho system to a vigorous, healthy condition. 0* •’7 n n A Y K A tt and a»po i.ev to *«nt* *•'«<< Outfit free. Address F VICK BRY. Augusta. Main* m to $ioo Inv-ated in Wall street stocks makes fortunes .very inontn. /"v ttDIN A kY’S attics, Jones county, Georgia, V_/ January 20,18S0.—Wherenn kobert II. Kar- ron guardian lot tha minor children cf Samuel T. Morgan, dt ceased, applies to roe (tr dismission from said suarjianship. These are to notify all persons concerned to show cause at tf is office on or by the first Mon day in April next, if an; they have, wt; the same shall net be granted. Witncs* in; ba-d officially, j S’ 24 d c ROMNDT. ROSS. Ordinary. G EOKOIa. Bibb Countv.— Mbetcas Charles asten, in tbe connty cf Upson, belonging to said minora. - These aro therefore to c'te and admonish all persons concerned t# be and rppear st the Court of Ordinary cf said countv on the first Monday in Marth next, to show cans', if any they hate, why said applital on should not be g.anted. Witness my hand offi.-iali v. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. January Sft, 1880 Sltd# G EORGIA. Bibb Coun’y.—Whereai George H. __ Hazl :h,irst,< xecutor cf the estate ot Janes A. Nesbet; bile cf said county receace.d. ha? made application ft r leave to sell wild lands belonging to said estate at private sale. These are therefore to cite and admonish all person* core rnedto be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said ccunly cn tie first Mcnday in Marcbnrxttoshowcause. if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness m; bandofiM’lly. J. i, McMANUS-Ordinary. t 1 BORGIA, Bibb Cecil tv—Whereas Marsaivt \JT Schail bus applied for the setting apart of homestead ot realty and the valuation of the same. I w it pass upon sale application on Satur day, January cl. 1830, at 10 o'clock a. in. at my offee. ■ a Witness try official signature, jantotd* - J. A McMANUS.Ordinary. C 3EORGIi. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Ben- X jamte T. Ray h»a made appli ation for let- tersof dismission s* administrator from the cs fate o' Valentine Nasb, late cf sa.d county |de ceased. I The-e are* therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and sp; carat. tho< ourt ot Ordinary cl si d county on the first Mondry in April ii-xtto show cati'C. if any they haie, why lei ter* of cti mission should net ba arvntsd ' applicant. Witness my tffieisr! sien«ture. iati4 J. A. McMANl’e', Ordinary. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, Ff.AltA'hlTJl, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls’ amil Boys’ Suits, Ladles' Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, ' COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RCCHIXGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, «fcc. DRY GOODS BY MAIL. • Send for Samples or information, and satisfy y^-arsdf' how cheaply and quickly you can yd everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us ly Mail or Express. We carry an average ui.t-e >- ^bout §J t 00,000, all *>oughl for prompt cash. SSS'Try us. Have the Children send for a set oj our Advertising Cards. COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1852. BIBB COUNTY DELINQUENT TAX LIST, GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. r ( ns following described property remaining J delinquent for the lon-ravmentof Bute and _ delinquent for the lon-rarmentof State am ocunty taxea for tbe years IS S aud 1879 enu pro viou* years, or so much ol raid rroperty as may be necessary to discharge tbe taxes, interest and charges due thereon, or due from tbe owner* ’here* u at the time of ailc, will b^ sold be tween thekgi' Uoursof sale, at public auction bv the sheriff, at the court house, in the city of Macon, county and state aforesaid, on the first Tuesday in March. 18S».to-wit: Part el lot No 4 in aqnare No. 24, near corror ot i herry and Fourth streets, fronting 3. feet. S oieor less.m Fourth street in tho city of M&- •i, end known a* the Kimball House property, le-a led on by H. J. P-ter, isx collect, r and ex officio sheriff, to satisfy tbe raxes -ve by W. A. £ uit for tde tear 1879. Amount due, inducing xet and costs. >175 64 Alao. p-rt of lot No. 8 western range, being o e sevtuta interest in tbe property known as Findlay’s Iron SToris, fronting 380 feet, mure or lets on' Ogh tborpe street, and ranfii..c tack abuLt4C0lcet to Hawth rnesireet, in tt evilyr.f Ma ot:. Said one- seventh Interest levie<l on by H. J. Ueter, tax c llocto.-. tosrii-.Iy ihe tnxu; due by Chis. S. Finumy tor^theySr*. 1.78and 1879 a mount Of taxea and Also, part ot lot No, S we tern range being ore tevenlb in’e'CSt in th * property known as Find- lav *» Iron Work*, intbsci^rcl Macon, dwciibtd Valuable land f:r Sale. i"1 BORGIA, Crawford roenty.—By virtue \JT the power Testid in me by a pertain mort ook sent free explaining everything. ' Address " OdBaukers, 7 Wall street. New BAXTER & York. Know Thyself, T HE untold miieries that result frtm indiscretion Wo warrant it when taken according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist*, Lowell, Mass. ■OLD ST ALL DUCGQISTS SVtaSWSSBS. aunty Rankin & Lamar Wholesale Agents, febi» MAOOTW. G-A. Trustee's Sale of Valuable Property. O N tho first Tuesday in March nert t will er pose for tale to the highest bidder, before th< court honte coor in the city of Macon, between •he legal hour* of *"1», leveral valuable building lots on Windsor H ill. just beyond the city limits, beinzpartof 'ot No. 45. in the Macon Reserve, west of the Ocmnlvee ri>er. For pa tirulars in- quire of B.W. Onbbtdge or Matt R. Freeman, auctiooneer. feb1-law4w A. J. BIDDLE. Trustee. Executors’ Sale rTNDBRand by virtue cf an order granted by SJ tbe Hon. James V. Rroadawsy, Ordinary in and for the connty of Baker. State of Georgia, will be acid bet- re tbe court bruse door of Baser county, town of Newton, within the loyal hour* of sale, in tbe first Tuesdav in Anril next, as tho iroperty of tbe estate ot W. D. Williams, late of Baker count;, deceased, tbrei hundred and sev enty-three and one third 13731-3) acres cf land •heated in Howara’s district. Bibb count;, Ga., and known aa lots Nos. 284. 26 and 297. amount ing to 3731-3 mares. Hold for division among tbe heirs of said W. U. Williams, deceased. Terms cash. feb24-law4t J. H. A W. W.WIL11AMR, Executors. o: HUM I By B. M. Woolley Atlanta. Ga. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to HABlf I cured patient* sad pbjticisna CURE | fiend torn; book on the decT-dwAawly habit aud its cure. in early life may be allevirt ej uni cured. Those who doubt this assertion thould purchase the new nredical work published by the PEA- KODY MEDICAL iNfiTI- TUTE. Boston, entitled THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; or, . ELF Fit SoRRVATION. Bxhauited vi tality nervous and physical debility, or vitality impaired b; the errors ol youth or too close or too close application to business, ma; be rtstor ed at d manhood reatinsd. . Two hnndredtb edition, revised and enlarged, Jmt published. It is astandsrd medical work, the b-stin tha English language, wntten by a physician of groat experience, to whom vai awarded e gold and jewelled medal bytbe Nt* tiunal Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and vary expensive engravings. Thiee hun dred pages, more than 50 valnahle p.rescript'ons for nil foims of ptevaidng disrate, the result ot msny years of extorsive anJ succtssful practice, either one cf which i« worth t;n times tbe price of the book. Bound ia French doth, price only sent by mail | o tp-rfd. The London Lancet ssys: “No person should be without this valuable book. The author ia a noble benefactor.” An illustrated sample aent to all on receipt ol 6 recti for postage. . . , . The author rwdrs by permission to JOBBPH SFIpIIRK, president; W I. P, INGBAHAM, vice president; W PAINE, Mil HI GADNTT. UDiltJ DOUChT. M D. R H KLINE. HO. J R FOI.COM K M D. NR LYNCH, MD. apdM R O'CONN ELL, M D faculty of the PhiUdel- 8 biaUmvereitv ot Medicine and .Surgery, also io faculty of tbe American University oi Phila delphia. also Hon P A BIS-ELL. M D, president ol tbe National Medical 4 sat cist ion. Address Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 Bulrinch Rt, 11-ktv.n, Mass. The au thor tra. t econsu't"d on all disesses requiring skill and experience, novso wlv 1I1UU. BEAL THYSELF Mortgage Sale of Land,. gaga executed i y G. M. Lumpkin to secure ce tain promissory note forthesem of cne hun dred ana fifty d j'fors(-l8<>), said mortgage dated tbe 23d d»y of JanrAry. 1879, and recorded in tbe Clerk’s office o' Crawford county, in Book J, S ages 7' nod 77.1 will, on Tuesday the second ay jot March..1883 b’fore tho court house door, in the town ot Knoxville. Georgia, expose at pub' lio sale to the highest bid -er for ca-b, tho follow, lnz de-cribtd property, to-wit: Tbe east half ot lot qftaod N •. 65 in tt e seventh diitnc of originally Houston now Crawford co mtr, State of Georgia, conuining on j hundred one and one- fourth acres (HI 1 *), in: re or less, known as the Na icy Sbaddell place. Titles in fee simple will be u ado to the purchaser, ss authorized in said mortgage. Said tract of land will be sold to sat- isfy the principal,interest and attorney’s fees, to wit: One hundred and fifty dollats principal, with interest at twelve percent, per annum from Nev mb»r 1,18*9. and S25 attorney’s fees, as expressed In said mortgage. Tho ta'd mort gage male and deliven il to me, the undersigned to secure slid note, with the p- wer expressed therein, to sell said property in the event default was mode in the payment thereof and default haring been made on the day ol sale, 1 will ere mite titles in lee simple to the tame. This Feb ruary 2.189). j-n291aw4w JACOB 8EISEL. /''kBDIXARY’S office Jones county, Georgia, V_r January 20,1 SSti.—Whereas Richard John son, administrator of estate of Toliver Haws, do cessed, applies to met for diami,sion. These are to cite and admonish all persons cot cerned to show cause at th’s office on or by tho first Monday in May next, if any the; have, why tbe same shall not be granted. Witness m; hand officially, jan24-td* ROLAND T. RQSB, Ordinary. Executor's Sale of Valuable Property, B Y authority of an order of the Court of Ordi vary, of dibbcountv,and in pursuance of a d-creeot tbe Superior Court ol arid county, madeon thelSddayof Januaiy. 1889, lwlll of fer for sale before tbe rourt bouse door in the cit; of Macon, on the first Tuesday in March next, within tbe legal hours ot sale, tho follow ing property belonging to the estate cf R. P, Me Evo'.deceaacd.riz: - The l »t on Mulberry street tn the city of Ma con, being part of io: number six (6). square number twenty-two {tt). separated from Ma sonic Ha:) b; an alley, at d extending from Mul berry street to the alley in the rear, on which there re a three-story brick builcinv. The lot in tbe city of Macon on thr corner of Csllegound Bond stretts,aid cn tbe north side of tbe last named s' fronting on College sir. ct, and being part cl let fif teen 05)' to the mae of two acre lots in said city. ■yyiLL be sold before tbo court bo are door - in the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in March next, during the legal hours of tale, tbe following prope-ty to-wit: That lot of land Ring in the Maren Reset ve. commencing at a point ia the thirty footstreetadjoini gtke lands former- ly owned byM.8. Thoxip-cn, and lsnning along said thirty foot street in an easterly direction seventy-two and cne-half feet, thence at right ingles arxoss said lot in a nort tiernlj direction to tho boundary line ot said land until it readies the Macon end Western railroad, leaving the lands of Green A. Comer on the cast, ard the Macon and w es’ern railroad on the north, aud tho lands formerly owuo l byM 8. Thompson cn the west said lot containicg a fraction lets than th-ee eighths r.t an acr*, more or less. ALothit parcel cf land situate in Yinenlle. of said Ouunty. said fot bounded on the south by Hil.ard Bowles, on the :orth by tbeMaconand Western ral<road. ■ n tho cast by an alley 15 feet wide, on tbe west by a disputed line, the owner not Imwn.aaid lot being ct 89 feet froct.and >7J feet dtep. together with all the improve ment, on both of said lots. 8oIdas tho property of Charles Marshall to satiai; a mortgage' given by said Charles Mar shall to Seymour, Tinsley A Co., executed Sep- li m-g-rlS. 1S7'1. ami duly recurred September XI, 1876,in which said mortgigo Seymour, Tinnier A Co are authorized to sell witnout foreclosure said mortgage. Termscah. JOHN L. HARDEMAN, feblwAw Attorney for mortgagee*. OPIUM palcleuffr i cared. Papelff a plaining mode of treil Itrktimcnialt of cure*, i I Abo a trial MtEflM Frier* redoced to suit the times. Mrs. Wormerle* Mrs. Ur. S. O. Colliut*) L&Forte. lnlftiM* •Mm ims | w.tb a handsome cottage residence and ail neccs sarroutbu-ldirgson it. The desirablevaca tint fronting on College it reel, lying let ween tbe above described lot and the .ot on which James M. Jones resides; and also One uundred and ten acres of swamp land, more dr leas, near the ritv of Mre-o'n ip tho Macon re>erveon tbe west sioe ol tbe Ocnulge- river, beirg portions orruobe s one hundred and sfx (106). one hundred and ssren (107) and eighty- two (82) and all of fraction nnmuet sighty-one (81). except that portion of said traction owned b; J. H. ft. Washington, the sai I lands being mo-o particularly described in a dcol made by Olvin Porter lo R P. McEvoy, on the 24th dr.y of November. 1862, tbe purchaser taking the risk, if there is any, snowing out of changes in tbe earn nt„f the Oomulcie river. The above property so d to pay debts and fer the purposes ol distribution. Terms cash. „ , . - * W. P. GOODAtL, Feb3-tf. . Executor. (~1 EORGIA, Cha ham Coiintv.—By virtueo IT an order ct the Ordinary of irid counU will be sold o i tbn first Tuesday in March next beforo the court house dcor in sajd county th following property, b tween the legal toms o sale, to-wit: Apart or lot number thirty-eight of the Fort Hawkins reserve, in Bibb county, iyfrg on the east side of the Ocmulaee river, and on the west side of the public road leading from Macon to Clintor, lately cocuniel by Job U. Cherry, con- mate five seres more or Jess, known as apart ot the Luke Ross pUos Also, the undivided one-half interest in the other portion of said lot th.rright, on the west stdeef said Clinton road, the whole cf said undi vided part of said lot, containing twenty-four seres, more or lees, the same adjoining the above first described property to the mrth. the other ha'f of said rest described lot, owned by Thomas f. Tbompxn and Mary X. Whitehead. field for distribution and for thn benefit of tbe baira of the estate of Eliza E. Davis, deceased , v . „ GBO. 0. FBEIMAN. - fobs lawiw Administrator. as above and levied cn by H. J. Peter, tax • ollec the tvxcv duo by Arthur P. Einala; for 1 be year* 18*8 and 1 »79 Amount di e, includ ing tales and costs. S7t 74. Also, part ot lot No. 8we-ternringe,b'ingore- seventh inter- st in tbe property ki owu as i uid- lay’s Iron Works, in tbe city ot M.oon, deacnbcd a* above std levied on by H. J Petir. tax co'lec- tor. to satisfy the taxes due by Geo. W. Findlay tor tha year* 1879 and 1879. Amount due, in cluding taxes and roata s7t.l8. Also pari of lot No. 8 western Tange, being four severtbs interest in the property known as . Fin ilav Iron Works, in toe chy ol Macon, de scribed as above and levied ou by H. J. Peter, tax collector, to satisfy tbe taxes dee for the year 1-79 by C. 1). Findlay individually, and C. D. Fit.dlkv.sge t lor Mrs. Mary Arn Find:ay. Mrs. Bobert Findlay,tr. and lira. A s. Sims. Amount due. including tax-s and charges. $i67 CG • Also lots7 and 8 in block No. 37. south««sxem common, in ear of waoon cet'.on factory, in city of tlacon. Levied on by H. J.. (refer, tax collec tor, to satisfy the taxes due by i he estate of Jacob fichail for thay. ar 1879. Amount ol bilanoe due including co.- tt, ?4&9l>. • A Uo pait ol lot No.) in square No. S7, fronting 105 fret on Walnut s tr et ana 130 feet on Spring saoet, being tho south corner ot the aqucrc, in eitj ot Maeon. J.evied on by H. J. bet-r tax collector, to satisfy the taxesdue t-y J. C. McBur- ney for tbe year 1879. Amount-of due including charges, >20).l3 Also part ot lot Nos. 1 and 2 in block No. 14 noithwtstern common.'r ntiug 103 feet, more or less, on College St. ad j lining tbo Weed lot next to DeGrsffenrciu proper- , in city ot Macon Levied oil by ll. J. Pete -, tax collector, to satiafv the taxes due by Prank H. Store, trustee, for Uie years -878 and 1879. Amount due, including charges.!;66 4ft. Also n*1t of lot No. 6 in squore No. 9'-, frcn'ing 1 3 feet more or !e-s, on Oak street, tbe prpp ity of Bliiv A Cutter, i eit to an alley. in cife'of Mecoo. Levied oil by H J. Peter, tax eo(:ector, to aatisfy the t lies duo hy P. M. Cong h r tneyoar 1979 Amountd-.e, including charges £72 15. a W part ot iot No. 1?, western yarge. fr; nt'ug l'OftOi,, o-i the eest side ot College street in the city ot Mac.n.acjo uing -be proper- tyot J. E. Jone». nnd running back to tbe lot «I is. Wins tup Lovied ot. by It. J. P-ter. tax col lector. to satisfy the foxes du t..v Cbariea T tlqlm-s truvf, lor the year 18 9. Amount due, including torus and costs. >48 S\ Also part vf.ot No. 12. northwestern common Ironti: g 75 feet, more or less, cn tbe east sue of C'olleae street, adj -inirg tho i-rc.per.y cf O. T. Holmes and H. Wiusbip. in the c t.v if Timor. I evi- ii on ty H. J. 1 cter. tax c-Uector. to satis- fyibe taxesdue bv Hay no bills. sge»t lor Ida. J,. Ellis for the year 1879. Amount due, includiog taxes and costs, $1S S t. Also part ol lot No. 3 in square No. 41, front ing 40feet, more or less. on. Plum strict, tu city ot Kscun, cointr of allot between Poplar and filumstreets. Levied on by H. J. Pete-, tax col lector, to satisfy the taxea due by Mrs.Geo giiA. Mo-ns.trr the y ears 1877. 18*8 and 1S79. Amount due. Including taievacd charges. -86 t5. Abo lotas aiid4. vonti. western eo-nmon, block No. 45. between Ogh tborpe and Bibb streets, in city of Macon. Levi-d on oy H. J. Peter, tax oollfctor, to ssti If tbe taxes daety B. V. Me- Gitty for the vear 1879. Amount due, including taxes and cbar-rtB, s-25.73. Also, pait cflot No. 3. in aqturo No 72. front. lag US tcet on Pine street, and running back to Cotton avonuo in the city cf Macon, udjoinr.g tha property of W. L. Ellis, near the intersec- ti n of Spring street, i Levied on as tho property ot p- F. Lyon, to satisty his State and cuquty taxes for tne year U79. Amount due principal and costs ®<6 01. Alco part ot lot No. 6 insqnara No. 89. fr nfo icg on Fourth street in city of Macon. Levied on by II. J. Pete-, T. C.. to satisfy the taxes duo by ft. B. Raifovt, trustee, for the year 1879. Amount ot taxes and costs, SIS 85. Also part ot .otsNcs. Sand 6 in square No. 66, Doming on Sew street near Powder Mage, atoe, in tho city of Mae n. 1 cried on by H. J. Petir,T. to satisfy tbe fitato aid county taxes duely Mrs. M. A. (sledge for the year 1. Amount due. includiog principal and s, $11.35. sopart oflct No. 4 in square No. 58. front' $500REWjRO For a Fertilizer that will Compete with Black’s^ in price nnd quality. YT7B offer a special Pentium of >fO at tl.-e neit v T Georgia (stale Fair for tne largestyield of corton on one acre of land, when it is fertilized Black’s Fertilizer only. Tho right to miTcs it 4 o be purrhascJ front tt ?;,? ar J n . crs who ^ aTO r » ot bought ri>rhts ^lll find it to their interest to c\ll nt oor office and tel one. Ofhce Telegi&nU and Mo-s&enger. SHARD WARE TINWARE a n C| <|lRON & STEEL,|o Carriage and Wagia fialtiiili, PliTOLS, giLBaihor M BHlilicr Bctol® AVKItY’.-l 'W HOESE PLOWS,;0 «i IS-FCOT PLOWS. ■*? a w: 5 IS5 *: AMMUNITION, ;q FISHING TACKLE, Etc. Etc.|§ w : \7e have a well assorted slock raid \ (J) QUA RANT RE PRICEf.l* ii CO Lite MyHE Else. V-;/./ ,«r:> .'kv't'a. ; m A WORD TO THE WISE: Ingon Third street, corner of alloy betveeu Thrd and Fourth, and known as Porter’s Liv ery Stable, in the city of Macon. Le-ied on by B. J. Peter. T. 0., to satisfy th; taxea ot Bam- net A. Porter, trustee, for the year 1879, Amount due taxes and charges $119 8). Also part of let No. 6 in Bio k No. 12 North western Consmtn. fontine cn Jefferson street, in the elty or Macon. Levied «n by II J. P<s- ter.T. CJ., to satisfy the tixee due by Wili am Savagefor tho year 1879. Amount duo tazesai.d charges $15.06 Also part of lot 7 in square No. 87. frontlrg 60 feet moreor less on Wharf street, corner if al ley near Rose Hill Cemetery. Levied on bv H. J. Pe er, T. U., to satisfy the taxesdue by Jeffer- sen F. Long, trustee fo- tha year 1879. Amount of tax aud chare es $16.90. Also part ot tots 6 and 6 in Block No. 12, Northwestern Cornu on. rear cast corner ot Monroe street, in the < it; ot St aeon. Levied on by II. J. Peter, T. C., to satisfy the taxes dae by Robert Carter for the ysars 1878 aud 1879. Amount ot tax, including < hargei, $21.10. GEORGE F. CHERRY. f-bS-dtd. Sheriff. LOST JtiUKS£. S TBATED or stolen from Lin-on D. Johnson, living on the new Houston toad, or© roi'o and a half from tbe court house ia Macon, on tbe 8th day of December, 1879. between ore o’clock and dark, one large sorrs< pony horse. Ho has a small white spot on rtutforthead; tho mane a lit tle mixed with white hairs: at leisure gaits is in clined to carry bit head rather low; with the ex ception of the white spot on <!i - loreh- -.1 a::.; :i: tt.o m- he bo is a (olid ecrrtl: a number one std* die horse, a good racker, and a good buggy and wagon and plow horse. Five dollars will be pail to any person for him or to let me know where he is. Address. L. D. JOHNrON. M. and B. R. ft. ahup, Macon, Ga. docl2..Jaalavri.f O RDINARY’S OFFICE. JU.'Ea COUNTV November 28, 1879—^Whereas hut an A B adley, administratrix, applies to meloruis rrbsim from estate of Joseph Bradley decea-ed' These a-e to notify all perrons conferred to show cause at this tfiice on thefiist Monday ia varch next, if any they taro why the same shall not be gractrd. - Given under my band cffieully. nov3ftd • BOL AND T ROSS. Ordinary. 1 iPJHO SUSSLLL * C3$ 1 Green River Work: snl*2 JawSm miM momtA.blBH COUNTY.—wteresa W.tT. ' JT Hollingsworth has made application for letters of dismission as alministr tor f-cmtiis estate cf Eliza J. Holl .igavorth, latoof sajd county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all irons concerned to be and appear at tlie Court Ordinaty of said county on tbe first Monday in April rext to show c~u>c, ti auv they have, whr letters of dismission should not bo granted to applicant. Witness my official signature. J. A.M- ar4td JcHANP-t Ordinary. $1200 The prevailing boom has at-uck the I'ianoand Organ trade. All creation and their relative* are buying instrument’ this rear. America's count less Factories can’t halt supply the demand. Aumutucturrra have to-day urffideJ orders enough to keen tbem busy for tbe next viz months. Materia’ and labor cost twenty-five to fifty per cent, more than a fow months since. Manufacturers have raised prices aud i>ust con tinue to advance. The low prices of tho past wont come again for years. Wlg»I9V(WHre«MPjLfol.-—saw W-Vriix- COKSTDEHTHIS Mi tart stiff A« yet wo still a-11 at old prices, but wo MUST ADVANCE SOON. Give us your order NOW. ford-livery of instruments at once or within TH RBB MONTHS, and we will guarantee OLD FRICKS, even if t’ta advance eon--s. T-vdothia ue must haveimmeiiste orders 80 THAT WE CAN CONTRACT AHEAD Do-.’t fcmitsie. Don’t delay. We ststetbe case prccif e!y e« it t*. Prices will advance VERY SOON tr6 LARGE LY. ard the*- who wsit will pay for the privi lege. T-ke our business advice ai d OR-DEtt AT ONUE. ■mamm— % LUBDEN & BATES, ” r * S4VANNAII, OA. WHCLfSHE PIAKO AND 0R3AN DEAUSS. d—27-dlta'»Awlr THE Cincinnati Packing Co. Packers cf PORK JLsAHD, -AND- QUEEN OP THE WEST BRAND OF Extra Sugar Cared Hams, ^boulders and Breakfast Bacon. Cincinnati. OMj. 8®* GANGERS! CURED TWENTY YEARS’ EXTERIENCE. vftOted to aeilSupIv OoodstodMl I ———— . W&S38 1 SZSJJBi For partii-u’irt, address wi h st-m JAN-FS- M HARDAWAY, l iberty H>1’, rike lurotv. Ga. i ovt» -*u As.ef.i - vfAJrtei,’. —inmate rvrticuiaretree. • Wiki a a ML