Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, March 05, 1880, Image 1

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CL1SBY, JONES & EEESE, FBOPKntxoM. GEORGIA JOEBHAE. & KES8EBI6ER. ThJ FAMILY . JOUfKiL.—N*W8—POLITICS —LlTIKiTBUl—ASBICVLYtX**— DoillTl GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING Established,1826. MACON* FRIDAY, MARCHE 18801 'SS,‘i. Volume LY-NO ft THE MACON A BRUNSWICK ROAD. TIic New Company tabes Formal Bos session-How the “Ten Dollar Man” Ix>st Ills Connection by a Half Hour —A Lively Day’s Work. Yesterday early in the day it became known that the purchasers of the Macon and Brunswick road were in the city ready to take possession, and that they brought with them the executive order from Governor Colquit, giving them the road in pursuance to the sale consummated in Atlanta on Saturday. As soon as this fact became pretty well known, it was also discovered that Mr. E. T. Paine, who is known as the “ten dollar man,” was on the ground preparing to take advantage of every legal means he could to prevent the new company from going into possession. Things began to look lively and both sides soon found out what the other was doing. A portion of the gentlemen composing the new pur chasers called on the commissioners of the road, Colonel W. A. Lofton and Colo nel George S. Jones, and presented the official order from the Governor. This they promptly acknowledged and signed an order to Colonel George W. Adams to turn over the road to the new company. The third Commissioner, Dr. E. A. Flewellen, was sought for in vain, and it was at length ascertained that he had gone into the country to the place of Gen eral W. S. nolt, to see a sick friend. Af ter obtaining, however, the signatures of a majority of the Commission, all took carriages and went ont to the depots of the road, and there ths formal transfer of all the stock, appurtenances and pos sessions of the road were made to tlie new corporation by Colonel George W. Adams, Superintendent. Mr. Johnston, the new president, imme diately assumed control and issued a no tice to all the employes of the change in the management of the road. An inspection of the shops and depots and various departments of the road fol lowed, when the party returned to the city. The transfer was made just at ten o’clock. In the meantime Mr. E. T. Paine had appeared before Judge Simmons with a prayer for an injunction against the trus tees of the road, to restrain them from turning it over to the new com pany. • The bill embraced some six pages of .legal cap paper, and set' forth the entire transaction, from the passage of the act author izing the sale to the present time. It al leged that E. T. Paine was the lessee of the road under the first attempt to lease it. That the Governor had not complied with the law in not appointing the com missioners provided for in the actrihat the second attempt to lease was a'violation of law; that the Governor acted contrary to law by leasing and selling the road to parties who were not bidders, and that the Governor, in reality in selling the road to such parties, sold ,it at private sale and not as provided for in the act. The bill concluded with the usual prayer for an injunction. The matter was presented by Messrs. Geoige Gustin and Joe Hall. A temporary restraining order was granted by Judge Simmons, the hear ing set for Thursday and the bond fixed at $250,000. Sir. Faine went out as soon as possible to serve notice of the order on interested persons, lie met Dr. Flewellen who had not signed the transfer, and serve's it on him. Colonel Lofton was next hunted up and when the notice was presentedMr. Paine was informed that the roadliadbeen duly turned over just a half hour before to the new owners* This ended tlie mat ter., Yesterday afternoon, at ten minutes before six, Colonel Couper and Mr, TV. M. Johnston drove up to the house and left for record the lease and sale deeds from the State. They are executed in ‘due fond, signed by Governor Colquitt, countersign ed by N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State attested by Colonel I. Avery and John Rhea, notary public, and also sighed by Mr. tV. M. Johnston and George H. Ha- zlchurst, President and, Secretary of Jhe new company. The great seal pf the State and the seal of the road is affixed to each document. _ J The warrantee clause of the deed of sale reads as follows: “And the said par ty of the first part, the above described and hereby, granted and released premises and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances unto the - said party of the second part, its successors and as signs, against the said party of the first part and against all and every person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, shall and will warrant and by these presents forever defend.” The payment of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars was made iii bonds of the State of Georgia. Tlie’deeds are very interesting ‘documents. They have been recorded in the executive office,’and*%ill be recorded in -every county through which the road passes. The only pro viso is that • nO lots of land nOw owned by the SlSte m~ the' counties ' of Pulaski, Dodge and TVayneJ transferred . with the road, except so much as is neces sary for depots, right of way, etc. The sale of the road aqd the final dispo sition of the whole matter gives entire sat isfaction here. All.feel the property has emphatically gotten into the right bands, and in so feeling deem every interest con nected with the road safe. There will be no change in the manage ment of the road, at present. Aft officials will be continued, and will stand on^their merits. This is the first wqc, step q£.the company sipce they have assumed the reins of government, and it will no doubt be followed by a wise administration of the affairs ofthe road. Berrien County Mr. Harde man Giddens, of this county, lias two or ange trees which are five ye ft re old. They are of the bitter sweet kind, and the two trees, last season, produced eighteen Lnn- _ dred and sixty-eight oranges. The only protection the trees had from frost was a "covering of pine tops; and six indies of middling at the roots. Thus it will be seen that Berrien is an orange growing country. BY TELEGRAPH tification o: _ 1 *■■ . -i_ f Senator Conkling and others presented soni in ten days, or they will send Col-: for certain and abandoned property..- onel Syage’s head'to Salonica. Authorizing the purchase of the ground A Lahore dispatch says the English adjoining the Bureau of Eugraving and Envoy to Ghuzuee lias been unsuccessful Printing. ■ . in his negotiations with Mahomed Jan. j The'Viee President laid before the Sen- court Abdul Rahman Khan is communicating ! n ( C ^message from the President inviting frdnrBixlk with Mahomed Jan and Aysfib’ attention of Congress to the subject of London, March 1.—The Daily Tele graph this morning publishes the following note in a * semi-official form: “It is not at present probable that Herat and Scislam will come under the Persian rule. It is untrue thatKhelat and Casmere will receive a portion of Afghan territory. It is untrue that Eng land desires to form Merve into a. protec ted state, Candibarand Cabul Macbraeme' capitals of independent States and levies may he raised among' Hazaras, Kizelbas- his and other well affected tribes, but all these future arrangements- are dependent upon circumstances.” London, March 1.—Intelligence has been received from Bombay that a steamer from Rigenola has foundered and that five Europeans and fifty-five natives were lost. Dublin, March 1.—The libel suit began by the Lord Mayor of Dublin against the publisher of the Dramatic and Sporting Times waft compromised by the defend ants paying the costs and twenty guineas- to the Mansion House relief fund. • London, March 1.—The Irish relief bill has been read a second time in the House of Lords. Berlin, March 1.—In the debate which followed the introduction of the army b:ll, Herr Richter thanked General Kamakft for his final statement. I£c said it showed that the pessimism news that obtained in some quarters relative to the relations of Germany and Russia were unfounded. Herr Richter, as a compensation for the increased burdens imposed by the bill, proposed a reduction of the pericyl of mil itary service to two years. General Von Moltke said: “All our neighbors are more or less safe from at tack in the rear, and only need to front on one side. They have stationed a consid erable portion of their forces close to our borders. Our regiments are distributed equally over the whole country since the conclusion of the terrible war. Russia has considerably extended her military establishment, and France * ng DeLesseps by the Lotus-Club. BodmUm Conkling presented the memo* In response to an address of welcome, -s„r Tc ■ wEST DeLesseps said when he went to Wash- Z ingtonas a private citizen of-France to irnlmt reu ' a * tlie see the President, he would be able to as- Bnajj?iStIrKSf * ntC T egt * f th sure him of the correct relation of the American Republic to the progress of the ^d in^^fi^ papcr? Especial from London to the Herald Z says asecond meeting of the Herald Re- S* lief Fund Committeewas held in Paris on c £ e Friday. It was thought that the approach support of certain Indian tribes, smd sta- of actual famine had been meteor the • moment to a considerable extent by tho " as placed on the -By Mr! Muldron of Mississippi, .a bill laffianfe^rA to^mlroallsTondirioned Sirtee d should P re“are?or ^ Seville on tjie extinguishment of the Indian foS C amumn“ iSery By Mr. Ellis of Louisiana, by request, a James Gordon Bennett, who was pres- ^ comSetim/nfrtiB TVva J*r ent, informed the committee that the fund raflroaT 1 f ^ T ““ ^ Paclfic would be placed at their disposal at once. r>., ‘V_ _ „ ,... men the committee delegated two mem- 1 SFSSur here to visit the distressed^districts immp- ® diately with power to act U cases of spe- , ty ?® „ tial need and to report at the next meet- ' J&JSf J L ing of the committee which will be held f“”ed: 5 b U introduced and re- in -£ u ™v' WniiT-riQnr 90 \ 1 IJ y Crittenden, of New York—Pro- from RIchSd.v'S^ S^ThKal aiding that after the first of July, 18S0, tion has just been rereived here of the dii yVSffif S.SW missal ot twenty-seven students from the J Vireinia Military Institute at Lexington, P? , cent, advalorem in all cases where for disobi^enreof orders, and for break- »>• duties are now imposed and col- 5SSS&? SSS.SS.’SfS toSTS 0105 - SS '--ft ft H r °,r 5fjsa!OT55ss:saiS'iS!a SratSSfte teft a Ss2 r J5L3 mp, * t '“' >,u “ business visit. The ’ students refused to T 'V ^^S^a^nc^nn-ere yey anddisposa! of the public lands, bT- has doubled her army. Meanwhile '1'smisspil nn lii^ return ’ ing the bill recommended by the Public we have kept our troops within a propor- I S rf U.' dS SclUea to join tta £ o”-|S'r of Kontadtv "»» “ f «.“ ■«' «“• « «».fl»MoO. uid) returned to duty* * The Supciinten- comp without lieetusp dSrinlmi^sertin” forth ' By Mr Carlisle, of Kentucky, amend- disciplnie,_ sctririo forth the facts in the j n „ the act for the exchange of subsidy whole affair. The_ mutmy began on the co ins f op lawful money. 24th, and the dismissals followed prompt- By WiUiSj of K | ntucljy> to regulate ly - fr, i, , ofl T . the Inter-State commerce. I Tlie resolution was adopted. fonnation has Just been reerfved at this i 0n motion of Mr> Manual, of Maiy- Z lan d» tllG 111,68 were suspended and the ^iltv b a few T da^s sinre Conwav^ H U1 pass f d appropriating $550,000 for county, a lew (lays since. L-onway ac the purchase of a site for the post- cased Nubie with having had improper oflic e in Baltimore. ^n.iZ Ce l?r£ iIr - McLane, of Maryland, moved to suspend the rules and consider the bill instantly. He then fled, and has not yet ame nding the Pacific Railroad Sinking W/.t.vf.aM, 90 ’riuffM Fuik1 Act * Before coming to a vote on Washington, February 29. The fol- t p e mo ti onj the House adjourned. The low ing open letter to President Hayes bill will not come up again until Mon- wil! appear in to-morrow’s Republican: 1 = Raleigh, N. V., February dG.—To Ms By Mr. Atkins of Tennessee, to admit ExceMency the President. SiK—On the f ree 0 f j u ty the chemicals used in mak- ,i?Ljrr i n ?jT r ’,r l to rcduce the duty on the State of North Carolina, was held in I lrl «ring papci. the city of Raleigh, at which time and tlie fn A i lab ? ma ’i abo,IS,lln S the. Republican Nationa. Convention, • cdnuctexi u.> —.f ow which will meet at Chicago on the second gresSj w i,i c h have since been declared ii- of June next. As members of that Com- jpgal and void; also, to repeal the tax on inittee, and participating in its meeting, tobacco ill tlie hands of producers; also, were William P. Canaday, Collector of reducing the tax on distilled spirits to Customs at Wilmington, North Carolina; twenty cents per gallon. J. J. Mott, Collector of Internal Revenue By Hendon of Alabama, amending for the Sixth Collection District .of North the act relative to the Mexican Commis- Carolina, and Pinkney Rollins, a clerk in s j on awards. the loan division of the Treasury Depart- j q-be morning hour having expired Mr. ment. _ Those office holders took part m -Weaver of Iowa, attempted to obtain the the deliberations of the committee, in de- recognition of the Speaker and introduce fiance of your civil service order N o. 1. j bis greenback resolution, hut the Speaker As wide publication was given to the fact ruled that the regular order was the con- and as you have taken no steps to punish sideration of the motion comingover from the offenders and appear consistent in February ICth, to suspend the .rules and your announced efforts to purify the civil adopt a-resolution for night sessions on service and keep Federal office-holders March 3d and 10th, to consider pension from interfering with the rights of our bills. citizens in conventions and elections, 11 the Senate to-day, the Indian defi- write you at the request of many citizens, c iency hill was reported favorably from as well as on my own account, to ask you the Appropriations Committee, and placed to do us the favor tojtell us what your on tb e calendar. civil service order No. 1 means. Even | B iH s wer e introduced by Mr. Jonas, for a double-headed construction will be some deepening the mouth and removing the consolation. With great respect, I am • obstructions of Red river, appropriating your obedient servant. i $200,000-therefor. [Signed] John C. Gorman, j By Mr. Windom, authorizing a Natioiyil London, March 1.—A Constantinople , Savings Bank, dispatch reports tliat the Greek brigands The following hills passed : have sent a letter demanding £15,000 ran- j Faying John Key and W* G. M. Davis, France has an army of 497,000 men, while Germany has only 400,000 men. The peace strength of Russia is twice as great as ours. The full term of service in France is twenty years, in Russia four teen years, while in Germany it is only twelve years. The degree in -which our army is’ behind others can only be made up for by activity. Eight thousand druggists ted States sell Foutz’s and general stores in tlie United horse and cattle powders. They sell Foutz’s because they know them to pos sess intrinsic merit. The Chronicle’s Cotton Figures. The New York Chronicle, of last Sat urday, reports tlie receipts of the seven days ending Friday night, at 102,975 bales, against 110,047 for the corresponding week of last year. Total receipts of tho current cotton year, to that date, 4,201,820 bales, Khan. The latter is reported to have re ceived an offer from the Khan of a large bribe for the surrender of Herat, but de- cUned at the instigation of Abdul Rahman Khan. ' London, March 1.—-The steamer- P. Coland, from Rotterdam to New York, ireviously reported as spoken and returni ng to the 'Channel with the loss of her rudder, lias 'passed the Lizzard on her way to Falmouth. : ' Paius, March 1—The municipal elec tion JnSt. Thomas d’Aquin quarter yes terday resulted in the return of M. Bar- tholoiii (Bonapartist). St. Petebsbubg, March 1.—Tlie Ve- domaste says that the female Kiliilist agent, Vera Sassulitcb, was arrested at the instance of GeneraLTrepoff, her<in- tended victim, who recognized her at a theatre. i • Washington, March 1.—The jury in tlie case of the negroes Babe Buford, San dy Blan and Edward Queeran, diarged with the murder of George-P. Hirth on tlie evening of the 7th of January last by hitting him on the head with a stone tide in a handkerchief, and-- kicking him after he liatLfailen, also robbing him of a gold watch, ring anil a small sum of: money, come into court this morning and render ed a verdict of- guilty as indicted. ,,-, On Friday evening Miss Land," residing on Capitol ilili, while on her way to St; Joseph’s Catholic - Church, was knocked dovrii, stunned and carried into-an-open lot by a negro, who outraged and robbed her of a satchel and prayerhook. It wa3 nearly* two' hours before she reached home—"her throat black with choking, one ear nearly severed from bar body, and her body covered ivith bruises. She lies in a'criticai; condition. A negro named Thomas Smoothers, was arrested yester day and recognized as her assailant. 7; At. midnight about one hundred men went to the seventh district station house and demanded the prisoner, but he had been removed to another station and was guarded during the night by the entire re serve police force. A department statement shows a de crease of the public debt in Eebruary to he $5,072,019 50; cash in treasury $196,- 351,053 03; gold certificates, $10,0S2,C00; n ! 1 • li'/ 1 AAA, . .« t 1— — n iXi. Af J A f f ui/ij wd j:uiu LX.UJibaa.Cj silver, ; $9j3G9,920; certificates of deposit outstanding, $11,485,000; refunding cer tificates $ the unsettled claims of the Spanish-Ameri can treaty of 1819. The Treasury De partment has refused to allow interest on claims allowed by tlie tribunal established under that treaty, and as claims therefore arc constantly pressed, the matter is re fereed to Congress. Mr. Hoar 1 spoke upon tlie ’ Geneva award bill, arguing that the remainder of the.award should not be paid to insurers who grew rich by reason of the war, hut to uninsured owners and to those who had to payTieavy war premiums. Mr.* Randall then spoke in support of tho hill for the relief of General Fitz John Porter, holding that Porter was convicted on distorted evidence and that the report of tho late board of review completely vin dicated him. -The Senate then adjourned. ^Washington, February 1.—The fol lowing nominations were sent to the Sen ate to-day: Census Supervisors—B. F. Jourbert, First, Wm. J. Fleming Second District of Louisiana; Henry Hammond, Second Dis trict of South Carolina; J. A. Newton, First District of Tennessee; Francis Rich ardson, First; Robert Bulling, Second Dis trict Virginia. . . Collectors of Customs—Benjamin Up ton,‘Jr., District of Tappahannock, Vir ginia;. Charles T. Green, District of St. :ilary3,-Geoigia. • 1 ■ r n . ■London, March 1.—The D istrict bank, glimited concern, has suspended pay ment. It has a nominal capital of £83,- 000, of which there was a paid up sum of £28,000. The effect of the suspension is entirely local. . ... , Meiipiiis, March 1.—Roosa & Gra ham's wagon factory on Jefferson street; the largest m the South, was burned to- ,day. Loss, $05,000; insurance, $17,500. Richmond, March 1.—Both houses of the General Assembly to-day passed a bill repealing the Moffett bell punch liquor law and re-establishing a license system which is to go info operation on May 1st. The vote was nearly unanimous. Washington, March 1.—A decision was rendered hi the Supreme Court of the United States this evening in the case of Taylor Straudcr, plaintiff in error, versus The State of West Virginia. The ques tion involved was the constitutionality of Tlie interior port account of the week is as follow; Receipts 47,450, against 51,700 for the corresponding week of last year. Shipments 57,568, against 58,924 Iasi year. Stocks 316,972, against 170,638 last year. The Chronicle's visible supply table showed on Friday last 2,630,614 bales of cotton in sight, against 2,002,091 last year, 2,837,710 in 1S7S, and 3,101,673 in 1871. These figures show an increase of 28,520 on the supply of 1879 at this date, and a decrease of 207,102 bales on the supply of 1878, and a decrease of 531,059 on the supply of 1877, at a corresponding date. Cotton in Liverpool on Friday last was quoted at 7 5-16 for middling upland. Last year, at same date, the quotation was 0|, in 1878, at same date, 61-16, and in 1877, at same date, 611-16. - The Chronicle appends tho following to its table of receipts from plantations: The above statement shows: 1. That the total receipts from the plan tations since September 1, in -1879-80 were : 4,511,491 bales; in 1878-79 were 4,001,350 bales; in 1S77-7S were 3,773,507 bales. 2. That although the receipts at the out] posts the past week were 102,995 bales, t the actual movement from plantations Was only 92,8S3 bales, the balance being drawn from stock at the interior ports. '-Lastyear j the receipts 'from the, plantations for the same week were^,936 bales, tma for 1878 they were 78,599 bales. "- - ; ‘ * “ ’ j The Chronicle's weather reports show' very light rains in Texas, arid Galveston says “we have nearly despaired.” Farm work is, however, progressing.- A good deal of coni and some cotton have been planted. Light rains are also ■ noted, throughout the Southwest. The * heaviest rain on the list was at Nashville, and; amounted to 0.99. An increased Acreage, of cotton is universally proposed. Ellison & Co.’s Liverpool report-to 10th February has the following: - j PBOSPECT8. So far as the prospects of supply ate concerned, we see no reasonfor modifying the figures given in our annual report;-ex cept that the supply from .Egypt may. he rather more, and that from India rather less, than our estimates. Tbe diminished receipts at the American ports,' witnessed during the past fortnight, were fully an ticipated in our .crop estimate. As to price, everything now depends upon Manchester Speculators here and at New York ate .getthig timid—which Is only natural with middling upland at 7id. for neat, amL7|d. for distant delivery; but if Manchester maintains its present vigorous, attitude, and spinners continue to add to their sur plus stocks of the raw material, it would not be surprising fo Witness a further rise in prices. ■ -The-advance; h&#river, would not he the result of any actual scar city of . cotton (provided the Amer ican crop is not less than 51 millions), hut the outcome of a desire to "hoard cotton and goods in anticipation of a pinch later on in the year. The mos ment that buyers hare secured what they consider to he sufficient to meet their ex pected wants, the demand will fall off, tho anticipated pinch will not he felt, and prices, instead of advancing, will decline, provided the new American crop.makes .a favorable start. There is no doubt that a good deal of the business doing in Man chester is more or less in anticipation of future wants; but while the demand lasts; and so long as, the orders given out show Engnmment and Monopoly. There is some talk among Congress men abaut legislation against engross ment and monopoly. Most of the States have statutes against these practices, which are founded, not in the idea of re stricting or hampering trade, but in un chaining the wheels of trade and setting it in motion. There is no pi act ice more fatal to equitable, trade and scarcely none more prejudicial to the public welfare, comfort, and morals than this one—-of small combinations of great capitalists to block tlie free operations of the laws of supply agd demand, in order to extort an unreasonable and needles* price <mtof the necessities and scarcity thus arbitrarily created.; „ • v ' • ; , f ' Such cpmbinaUons range about At will in the whole field of staple produce, and whatever they touch - they disorder and paralyze. They-touch y, for that purpose, They have no . concern with legitimate trade.. They! belong" to:-no permanent class of merchants and traders. They touch only articles upon .which, after in vestigation, they believe it is easiest to force a rise by iritroduclng a block through their enormous capital, and when their His last portraiture of the funeral of a willful youth who had gone down to the grave Without hope, from* the neglect of Ms parents, was harrowing in the ex treme'.' Scores of the congregation wept outright. Albeit the sermon exceeded an hour in length, even the .little children listened intently to Its close. Mr. Bovkia is doing a great work for the cause : to which he has devoted his life, and is supported solely by the volun tary contributions of those who appreciate his labors. , ... : ; THE other sermon was pronounced before a goodly-auditory iu the Yineville Union Church, by ELDER THOMAS M. HARRIS, a minister of the Christian Church in Sanders ville, Ga. His discourse was the very antipode of Mr. Boykin’s. The one. was simple, the other profound. The one on the narrative'order and full of tender- j ness; the other a calm, logical argument, replete with strength and vigor. The one excited the emotional sensibilities; the other appealed to the judgment and right reason. ..Each were alike interesting, however, and instructive. The divinity of Christ, as-laid down in the fourth and Western Union Telegraph Company on tbe Kansas Pacific Road, the former com pany did cut out ths wires tills morning and have possession of the same. Under ■Mr. Gould's order the wires on the Union Pacific Road known as the Atlantic and Pacific wires were also cat out this morn ing and are in possession of the American Union Company. —The Ho-Chung is the first real Chin ese steamer that ever visited tho Hawaiian Islands. She made her first voyage last November. She Is a larys, Iron plated, splendid looking steamer, and brought 481 Chinese immigrants. THE GBOBOlk PRESS. against,3.83(y?64halesfor thecorrespoftid- capital constantly and these all come, in U1H period-©! Uia cotton jear 1878-9-k;. ihcjast analysis' of 17 * during the increase to 365,2oin,»u. ? ’ out 01 8™ at body of ^mhSsi^l 0 -® f ten of who® have If anybody will figure up the loss to "con sumers growing out of the speculative cor ner in flour, we will De glad to know what Mantilini called the “demnition total.” It is getting to be a had and a dangerous business. If it cannot he abated, it will take the whole field of trade in time, and raise as lively a row as can be imag ined. object is accomplished they sell out and - ‘fourteenth verses of the first chapter of buy something else.' Their business is, in a word, to avert and confuse healthful and r^ular trade, and therefore to claim for their operations the sanction of the laws of healthful trade is a mischevious error.' .We do not hesitate to say that 'if such cruel sport with healthful trade could be stopped by healtbfol and: practicable legislation, it ought’ to be done. Bub it is an exceeding ly difficult thing to do. There is great danger of failure and mischief. The State laws are a dead letter, and the ; United States laws might he the same, or be pros tituted and misapplied to blackmailing htenest^ndlejatiouite tra^c^ _ On the other hand, it is due the people to consider the'amount of wrong and dis satisfaction created by these practices, and the rapidity with which they are growkjg. ,Tlje vast stores of capital de- * UttMiMH of engrossment, mo- arid swindling the people, are sweHIbg iv4i^; day; And controlled as they-are in and specific directions, they constitute an increasingly fatal me nace to all regular trade in produce. Everything ; is . at their mercy, if they choose fo touch it. They are sufficiently powerful to com mand success, and defy failure. The cer tainty of profits swells their number and capital constantly, and these aUcome, in . -pn-.,— the West Virginia legislative laws of 1S72 .„_a900; legal tender* ,91ft-I and’73, fffiajter 47, excluding colored c|fc siauding, $346,681,016; fractional currency j'lzens from jury service In the courts of;’he handsome profits, which, they do„at outstanding, $5,631,311 031" • * ’ | that Slate f Thfe court holds that when a present, spinners are Acting wisely in cov-r Washington, March L—The Vice colored citizen is tried for: his life by a tef— ” - — , - Pxcsident laid before the Senate a com- ! jury from which citizens of his own race- manication from.tbe Secretary of War ' are by a State statute expressly eschided, transmitting a letter from the quarter- | he is denied the equal protection of law master general of the army showing the ' guaranteed by the third clause of the urgent necessity for tlie Tepair of the old Fourteenth Amendment f,o the Constitu- uublic building at Fortress Monroe which tion and that' the State statute denying repairs are estimated to cost $22,450. The him the right is repugnant to said consti- ScCretan* recommended an appropriation tntional provisions. The judgment of to that amount. | the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Senator Conkling presented resolutions ' Virginia is reversed. Justice Strong de- of the Legislature of New York directing livered the opinion, Justices Field and the Senators from New York to endeavor Clifford dissenting. ering their contracts, because’while tta “boom,” as they say m America, is,pn, all reasonable calculations as to the probable future course of prices arc liable, ; for a time; at rail events, to he blovfn .to'the winds. Mother, think of the battle that is be ing waged by worms against tlie life of your child. There is no night of rest with therii; they fight to.kil). Shriuer's Indian Vermifuge will annihilate them. Only twdnty-nve cents a bottleJ Get Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffeners ap plied to those new boots or shoes before you inn them over. Sunday Exercises. We enjoyed the privilege of listening to two remarkable and deeply interesting discourses on the past Sabbath, each of them unique in its way. .-•.■ .; One was delivered to a large congrega tion in the First Baptist Church at eleven a. m., by Rev. T. C. Boykin, the Sunday-1 school evangelist of the Baptist denomi nation in Georgia. He had been specially invited on this occasion to repeat his fa mous sermon on the training of childrefa, and tvas ! introduced by the pastor, Rev. E. W. Warren, D. D. | The text was drawn from those familiar, words of the wfiest of men :' “ Train npi a child injhe way Jieshould go and when he is old he will not dop^rtr from it.” ; -.: JWe t'ook no notes, but even had » sten ographer reproduced every word that was uttered, no adequate conception of: the, power and effect of the sermon would • tiej conveyed to the' reader. The burden of the good man was the temporal and. eter nal salvation of the little ones; and verily,; no one doubted that their future' fate res ted heavily upon his soul. It was not tho youth, the stripling, or the half grown generation of the country, in whose bej half he proposed to speak. No, it was tke‘$ifcit, that was the only word to he emphasized in the text. The infant in its cradle, the little innocents wdio could barely toddle around their mothers knees] These were the tender tivigs to be “iri4 clined,” and bent deftly into shape. The speaker illustrated his theme by numerous anecdotes, some humorous, some thnilingly' sad. At*’intervals,]thd countenances ©f the whole auditory werq wreathed ; insmiles by Jhe. Ijfe Rice expe riences of parent and (fluid, am}, then be dewed the anguish the way ward little irups were, capable of creating in the hearts of their, parents. Thpn,..*7 those tiny creatures , waxed, oilier and larger in stature, and the lessons imparted to them were heeded .or otherwise, the man of God followed them up, portray ing the young lady as she resisted or yielded to the seductions, of the gay world, and the grown youth, whom true .tolia train ing, dashing aside the tempting chalice of forbidden pleasure, or, if alas, spoiled and devoid of conscientious scruples, succum bing without an effort, and ending his ca reer iiv- a drunkard’s grave or. felon’s ■cell*:- . »**f i-"rm * J * tadl - •••/wxift* I There was a mobility, of countenance and piercing earnestness in the tones and bearing of Mr. Boykin, which evinced thai he was a student of natnre> and had learn ed the'secret of reaching the hearts of his hearers.; Not that he was eloquent in ths ordinary acceptation of the word. Far from it. His language was simplicity It self, and evenbordered upon homeliness. But still, if eloquence consists in enchain ing the attention and awakening the out spoken sympathy of an audience, then was the speaker indeed truly eloqnent. the gospel of St. John formed the subject of Elder Harris’s sermon. His effort was eminently logical and original. As a sound thinker, and terse but com prehensive speaker, Mr. Harris has few superiors. There was just enough of quaintness also about hl3 style and de livery to be attractive. His exordium and introduction of himself was most in genious and original, and at once placed him in perfect rapport with the audience. Especially was the figure of the Scottish mist apposite and forcible. ■Whatever, in their entirety, may he the tenets of the Christian church,‘(and we will attempt no enunciation of them) it Is certain that the gifted speaker promul gated no new doctrine on this occasion. The divinity of our blessed Saviour; his perfect equality and identity in the Godhead with the father and the Holy Ghost—the truth of his resurrection depicted in graphic lan guage, and the mission, and power of the Redeemer to save, all were so plainly and triumphantly set forth, that no doubting Thomas could have interposed a single tenable objection. The Elder defended his creed also, with great zeal and force, from the charge of Socinianism, Arianism, etc., but had no time to go into its pecu liar merits. .His able discourse was lis tened to with the closest attention, and he made a fine impression upon those who heard him. As willbese&f'rfmyflbrer. the action taken on Saturday last by the Governor, in executing titles to Messrs. Couper, Hazlehurst, Lane, Johnston & Co., to the State property known as the Macon and Brunswick railroad, was car- ried’into full and practical effect yesterday, by the formal transfer of the road and its appurtenances to the purchasing parties. In the eleventh hour, Mr. Paine, com monly known as the “ten dollar man,” sought and obtained from Judge Simmons a “restraining decree” to prevent the turning over of the road to the new com pany. 1: But, to the chagrin of that gentleman, he was just thirty minutes too late with his formidable document, as it arrived after the transfers had been made, and the whole affair was un fait accompli. .As it chanced, however, Colonel Flew ellen had been detained at the bedside of a sick friend in the country, and was not present at, the signing, though, the other commissioners! comprising a quo rum, had appended their signatures to the necessary papers. Mr. Paine then served It must he good, .for everybody recom mends it, and the doctors precribe it. Wft meafi Dr.' Bull’s Cough Syrup. Price twenty-five cents. :i ■ ■ ■? —r Australian, Meat in London.—A steamship recently arrived in London with 35 tons of fresh meat—beef and mutton —/ram. Sidney, Australia, after a passage of two months. The meat was kept in a room about 28 feet square, and tbe tem perature maintained during tho voyage was frqnvlO to J5 degrees below freezing point. The keef, when served in London, was,, pronounced .very good, whilst the mutton,was of a rich, unctious quality. Nothing is ,said in the English papers as fo the price pit .jvhich this importation could be sold in J^mdon at a profit. Mr. Govld, (Jetting tue AVuuis.— A Chicago,dispatch says, aotwiilistauding the injunctions granted by the courts of Kansas City, and ; Denver to restrain the American Union Telegraph Company from interfering with tlie wires of the Mb. Elhannah Johnson, a half brother of ex-Governor H. V. Johnson,.ift visiting Louisville, after an absence of twenty years in Alabama. Mb. John Greenwood’s residence in Louisville, valued at $2,500, was acci dentally burned last week. Insurance $2,000. The Wiregrass Watchman is the name of the latest journalistic bantling. But why the' wiregrass needs a watchman, is still unexplained. The next name will probably -be the Gopher Pamcr, or tlie Swamp Land Messenger. ■ . , , The town hall of Sparta is being ar ranged for exhibitions. „{V The Quitman amateurs will-give ex pression to their talent in “The Lpan o, a Lover,” and “Limerick,” shortly. . The orange trade of Columbus has largely increased. Mr. H, W. McCrary, of Fort Yalley, has removed his stock of goods to Ge neva. ! ; ■ . > . ! ■» Bill Arp will soon lecture in Hawkins- 'ffie. ..... ... ' A man who bought A-load of ,wqo<l in Americus, found a large opossum under it the next morning. The Dixie Farmer is now issued with a very handsome head. ' Mb. W. S. Gorton; Superintendent of the Muscogee MiUs oi Columbus, resigned and was presented;a handsome silver watch by the employees, n . Political rumor, remarks the Albany Advertiser, says the Whig party is about to be reorganized in that place, r' Oats in Stewart county are looking badly. The railroad fever is again breaking ont in Early county. Mb. Edgar M. Brunson and Miss Lizzie Stewart took a trip from Blakely to Arlington together, and were married at that place, last week. Rev. J. T. Bruce has been called to the pastorate of the ’Eatonton and Madi son Presbyterian churches. Captain M. C. Austin has sold the SniniMW, -Yews to Messrs. Lastlnger and we have no dontrvteTM—1 ■ he, one ofthe best weeklies in the South ern part of the State. The oat crop is heading in Berrien county, and is very fine in Irwin county. Mb. T. T. Taylor, a Thomasville sewing machine agent, is missing. His liorse has been found, but his friends have discovered no trace of him for sever al days. * Early County News: Bibb county jail is without an occupant, which is some thing unusual. And why i3 this unusual? Macon’s crop of criminals can be short, hu{, that should not excite the E. C. N. man with But the two enterprises cannot be com bined. We, us a committee, have no au thority to do this, and, I suppose, would not do it if we could. . While it is contemplated that the mon ument be erected in this dty the very end iu view requires that the enterprise be di vested, as Ur as passible, of a mere local character. The design is not to glorify Columbus, but to honor Dr. Pierce. The citizens of Columbus Will do credit to themselves in the honor they pay to this one of the greatest of Christian philanthro pists. I have no fear of failure. Although tbe amount contributed to date is small, yet these contributions coming in week after- week and spontaneously, (just as they should come.fn such au enterprise), will continue and increase until the sum reached Will be such as to add to the al ready widely-extended reputation of Co lumbus for generous liberality. special wonder. Road * Commissioner Broadaway, of Mifchell county, was recent)/soused in a pool Of water, by the hands, just because he thought he knew more about fixing.the road than the overseer did. '%‘hvncrgPaph r 1 In^Ttpiech oii ihe ques tion of railroad taxation before the Su preme Court- Judge Lyon; of Maeon, was particularly severe in his criticism of Attorney-General Ely and Governor Colquitt.' ' ‘ 1 ' "* ! ’ “ The Ishniaelite says that Hon. Emory Speer •‘should be careful not to confound tbe applause of Radical Congressmen with honest fame. He would do well to ‘fear and withdreto it. "- This ended the whole- matter arid we learn that it is'pot proba-. ble that Mr. Paine will press his claim foe~G~reeks,’even whenBringing gifts.’ ” any further, or that there is much likeli- Athens Chronicle: Mi. George W* hood that the new company will be trou bled with ahj litigation in the premises. To-day, Mg.,Johnston, the n(sw presi : dent, -ME ' Couper, Colonel Hazlehurst, 1 Mr. Lane; Mr. Drane and other officials will go down the road on a tour of inspec tion. : v/i. ,'t*- •/ - -"i j 'No definite.slatehasyet been arranged for. the future management of the road, and who tbe officers will be aside from the president has not yet transpired. Colonel Hazlehurst, it is said, has his hands too full elsewhere to, assume any 'active position even-if H were tendered to bim.’ -! l,; ''’4 1 * • 1 | After diligent. enquiry, also, 'we were assured'that nothing definite has been decided upon, so far, as to the location of the extension, The route will be se lected after the necessary surveys have been examined and passed upon. "We congratulate our Newton, Jasper and Jonef ftiends. And the citizens of Ma con, Brunswick,.aud, ali, the intermediate country, on th© auspicious termination of! this long.protracted and vexed question. • n Mora anon on the subject. Ware, deputy United States collector, « sisted by deputy marshal John Bird, suc ceeded Tuesday in capturing three barrels of illicit whisky, three horses, one wagon and other articles. The distillers were lodged m Jail and the property taken cade' of by the officers. fad tmls-iha : - i Berrien County News: Mr. Henry S. C. Harper sent us the claw of an eagle last week killed by his son, F. Bi Harper, which spanned eight . inches. ' The feigle weighed a fraction over twelve pounds, and measured seven and a half ieet from tip to tip, and over three feet from ‘point of bill to end of tail. Americus Recorder: The wonder with all Is,-how. the.wholesale house ofWax- elbaum & Bro., of Macon, has assumed sueh vast proportions, their trade permea ting five Southern States. Tlie question may lfo answered in-part by the fact that tbe firm are great believers in the virtue of newspaper advertising, they’ deeming it to their interest just now to occupy a double"column in their home daily, the TelSQiuMI ,f r : ‘ ••.!: u-.. ATHENS' Chronicle: Wednesday.night, when the tram&rrived at N icholson, it was discovered that William Davis, colored, the mail, messenger, was missing. The conductor went back up the road, and he was found lying unconscious on the side of the track, - his scull being fractured. He w as taken on board and brought liome, where he has since been very ill and un able to speak. It is supposed that he went to sleep lathe car and fell out of the side door. Destructive . Five.—Chronicle and Constitutionalist: Yesterday about two Washington Correspondence. Washington City, Feb. 27,1880. r STILL BLOCKS THE WAY. The report pf the committee on rules still blocks the way to general legislaton and it may be a week or ten days yet be fore it is gotten rid of. Both Houses are muck behind in their work and the result is sure to be one of two things: Either the session will be prolonged far Into th*. summer, or there will be much hasty and crude legislation and a general rush to “clear, the decks” aigi get away without giving 1 the proper attention to many im portant matters. The latter is much more likely to happen judging the future by • the past. It has generally been the case, and will probably continue so. Kill- [ ing time is an art thoroughly understood by Congress, and I see no likelihood of Its ever being forgotten. When, however, the new rules are out of the way we shall be able perhaps to seo the way more clearly. The Radicals, as usual, are almost wholly responsible for this delay. • Among the Democrats there is an universal desire to finish up the business and get away. MB. HAYES talks very fairly on tlie suject of Simmons, At least so I am informed by a distin guished Senator who recently talked with him on the subject. He told this gentle man one day last week that he could not now withdraw the old Tory’s name, but that if he had known as much to his dis credit before his name was sent in as he did now he never would have done so. The truth seems to be that the President has been so deluged with misrepresenta tions about Simmons by those who had a personal interest in deceiving him, that it was almost impossible for him to do oth erwise. If all the appeals and distorted statements, to use the very mildest'term that will'do the subject eve'11 faint justice, could be known in Georgia there would be such a storm of iudignation in the Sev enth district that the cunning political parson who misrepresents. that dis trict would have to take to the woods for shelter. There is, however, great comfort in tho thought that the Democrats of that district will not be al lowed by a faithful aud vigilant press to forget this _ iniquity, and that they will make matters exceedingly lively next summer for the author "of it. if the P; P. aforsaid cannot be beaten on this issue alone at the next election, the people of tlie district may as well have a Felton collar made, and prepare to wear it indefl- Ri&fS9uchaconsummation,gOQd It is reported here that the hum ofbrisy preparation for the next battle is already faintly heard In this district, and that the fight will even fiercer than the last. Mr. Speer, it is understood, will stand for re- election, and will make even a more des perate fight than he did at the last elec tion If I am any judge, he will be harder to beat, too. He has strength ened has been here, ac cording to Democratic reports from his district, and now heads an organization more solidified and dangerous than ever. I understand the Hon. H. P. Bell is muc ous to try conclusions with him onen more and is not letting any grass -grow - under his feet. . The Hon. H. H. Carl ton, qf Athens, is also- represented as in tlie field, and I for one should like to see him have the opportunity of .a clear field for the fight. With a harmonious party at his back, it seems to me he would push Speer dangerously dose for the latter’s comfort and safety. But that seems the weak point in that district. There is too much sulking in tentB, too much sullen hanging back because “one man” didn’t get the nomination. It almost makes me swear to see and know these things and think ofthe days when Howell Cobb— daretn et rencrabiie nomcn—illustrated Georgia as the representative from the district. To think of that district of all others' Swinging from its moorings ia enough to make a Quaker kick his mother. t - . A LIVELY DAY IN THE HOUSE was yesterday, and I judge Mr. Brady, one ofthe Assistant Postmasters General, fully concurs in the 1 opinion so far as he was concerned in it. He was literally scalped, some of the best men in the Re publican party assisting thereat. Brady is one of the pupils and relics of the late. O.T. Morton’s school of politics, and as sumes to run the department. He-has more cheek than a mule, is bold, unscru pulous, and a thorough believer in the doctrine that all meri have their price, and that Radical officials have a right to do exactly as they please with the pub tie money, without let, hindrance or even question, front the Democrats. But he caught it hot yestertkiy. Some of the best men in his own party sacrificed him —notably Gannon, of Illinois, and Gener al Hawley, of Connecticut. They proved and denounced his open and flagrant vio lations of law and joined Messrs. Blount and Clymer in so scorching him as to completely break down the general sup port Brady had openly and boastingly relied upon. Old Conger, was one of the few men who attempfed a defense, and with hid usual meanness and malignity sought to give a partisan turn to the mat ter. A strong lobby has been at work here for .weeks in Brady’s interests, but all to no purpose. His gang were so completely beaten and cowed that they did not call the yeas, and nays on the disputed points of the bill. If Mr. Hayes does not remove Brady after what lias been re vealed in this debate amove will probably be made to impeach him. The country is indebted to tbe sub-committee oi the Ap- 6’cfoek the stable, carriage house, barn j propriation Committee, of which Mr. and several other buildings on the farm of 1 Blount is chairman, for the searching in- Mr. P. J. Berekmans, near the city, were vestigation which brought this rottenness totally destroyed by fire. Iii the stable at ,l 8“ t * time were three horses, which were also I Mr. Blount led the Democratic attack consumed, together with a carriage, two j yesterday and carried the House with him buggies,' farm implements* provender and 1 on all the points of the bill which he in- other property. Ever eft'ort-was made to 1 troduced and had passed. In the course save the horses, but without avail. Two j of tlie debate, Page, of California, made or ihre€ mules and two farm wagons Aveie I tlie point on Mr. Blount that he (B.) had in the field at the time, and "'thus escaped 1 had nineteen new routes put on in his dis- (testniction. It is not known liow the tiro j trict which were not touched by the pro- originated. Mr. Berekmans’ioss is quite posed reduction, but it fell still-born. Mr. heavy. i Blount tried to get Page to say how much say this whole matter has passed in review j the nineteen routes cost but the lat- before the South Georgia Conference, by > ter dodged every time and refused to &n- whoafc authority the work is undertaken, i su er. Page made considerable fun ia and the conclusion readied to erect a neat ! the course of his speech by having the monument of marble. This accords with I clerk read “X. A. •£.’* description ofthe a time-honored custom and is certainly iu 51out ice Up mAil as it comes into Maeou. good taste. Iam In hearty sympathy 1 That sprightly young humorist. W'Oiftd with tbe library movement, (although 11 doubtless haTe felt complimented conWhe had nothing to do with my appointment have heard tbe laughter which interrupted on a committee, to take that matter in the reading of his description. charge, as “Ruben Jones” seems to think.) A, W< R*