Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, March 09, 1880, Image 5

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►jsscgra jawwiwt ft M«*.«flnggr, The Troubles of Kansas. \ Kaunas correspondent of the New v'rkSim, writing near Topeka, gives a liscouraging account of the state of aflat' iicadquartcrs of the Southern uc- ; vs< Ti ie bulk of them, lie thinks, were born idlers at home, and they have not !ost ,]iat character by emigration. They live on charity and the labors of their wo- men „ bouse servants and laundresses. I iviug in tins way almost without ex- ‘ ami offering labor at fifty cents, have destroyed the labor market for ,l, c w hites, who demand a dollar. gut while they are very forward in tlicir proposals to work, few of them will labor under any engagement more than a day or two at a time, for they can't en dure the cold and prefer to subsist on any dole of charity and what little tlicir wives and daughters can cam to anything like cady work. Meanwhile the white la borers, who must pay for their food and shelter and subsist tlicir families, and canuot do it at titty cents per day, are in a vel v moody and hostile temper. And so property owners whose possessions lav near the habitats of these colonics of refugees. They can neither sell nor rent to decent tenants. The correspondent says: In a street by the Topeka State Bank, I saw two white men dressing building stones. I counted thirty-one negroes leaning against a railing or standing the sidewalk in small groups, all smok ing and all with great interest watching the white men work. At an hour later I a"ain passed. There were but twenty, three black men braced againt the railing by the bank. Kiglit had crossed to the other side of the street and joined a gang of nine other refugees, and the black for ces, now numbering forty, steadily watclied the two white men dress the building stone. The negroes are living in barracks and huts in North Topeka. Two little towns have been built, one called Itedmanville, the other Tennessee Town. The prop erty adjoining these towns lias greatly de preciated in value. One gentleman told me lie owned a piece of real estate that In-fore the negro exodus he valued at $I!,0UU; now, he would gladly part with it for $2,{!00. lie believed the evil to he a |K-niiaiicnt one. The barracks and huts having been built, he feared would be kept fiili of this worthless class of negroes until tiie buildings are burned by some property bolder. The barracks are situated at the side of the railroad track. Itedmanville is on the northern edge of a corn field. Across tin- field to the south, a fringe of timber marks the river’s course. About a quar ter of a mile east of the barracks is a creek or slough. Iloavy, well beaten paths h ad from the barracks to this wa ter. When I visited the place, negro men and women were slowly walking up and down these paths carrying pails of water, or in pairs idling the time away. At the barracks the air quivered with laughter, (■'roups of negroes sat sunning themselves in the hot sun. Some were dancing, oth ers amusing themselves by tricks to dogs. There were little dogs, middle-sized dogs, big dogs, yellow, white, black, spitted and brindle dogs, smooth dogs and“ rough haired dogs, some with long tails, some with stub tails, all of one breed—the cur. 1 was astonished at the generosity of the subscribers to the exodus fund. To feed, rlotlie, and shelter tiie poor, outraged ne groes, who fled from the brutality of the Southern land, is charitable. To cheer fully feed a drove of mangy animals, so as to keep the outraged ones* from brooding over tiie wrongs they have endured by giving their minds occupation in teaching tricks to cure, is an unparalleled act of gen erosity. A yellow dog with a bobtail, sit ting upon bis haunches, balancing a bit of lioecakc on his nose, and at the command ‘•Bar now!” tossing it into the air, and patching it as it fell, attracted my atten tion. 1 felt that the negro was progress ing in civilization. A white man situated as this negro was,.would have gone crazy on realizing his degradation as a pension er on public charity. The negro sat in tiie sun, happy and contented, and taught a bobtailed cur tricks. — The Northern Winter. Tiie Tribune lias an interesting note of the winter which expired with last Sun day. Interviewing professional meteorol ogists in the neighborhood of New York, it gives some figures to illustrate the con trast with previous seasons. Mr. Lynch, who has recently succeeded Mr. Donliauser in charge of the Signal Service station at this port, said : “We have never had a winter like this since the bureau was established in 1871. Why last month the temperature w as sixteen de grees above the mean average for January in other years. The average for January generally is twenty-four degrees, while this year it was forty. In 187if it was tweuty-seven degrees; in 1878, thirty-two degrees; in 1877, twenty-eight degrees; in 1<I0, thirty-three degrees. This month has probably been tbe coldest one of the season, and Uic average thus far is about thirty-seven degrees, while the mean average is about thirty-three de grees. Last February the avc was about twenty-five degrees; ... 1 £78,'thirty-four degrees; in 1817, thirty- six degrees; in 1870, thirty-one deg The highest temperature this month was on the 27th, when the thermometer reach ed sixty-five degrees. These weather wise authorities say confidently that there will be no more cold. The winter Is over, and the ice louses are empty. And this, while the season has been remarkably severe in Europe. In Rome the weather has been very cold. In Paris the gas and water pipes have been frozen, and there has been plenty of ice and sleighing. In southern Europe, where there Is no provision for defense against the cold, the people have been frozen up and have suffered severely, without fire places or fuel. FAMILY BALSAM FAMILINE. A Safe ari Effectual Etsedy PROMPTLY BELIEVING PAIN AND INFLAMMATION fob KXI'EBNaL and internal USE. This Family Balsam is composed of Parke. Boots and Hesinons Goms from tbe trees of out Native Forests. Kwh one of these ingredients i- good for tee complaint* tor which FAMIL1N t. is recommended.but wh*n compoundeo togeth er they male a Italians which tea positive cure lor t e Ci-aplaix-ta. This Balsam takts the place o: salves, ointments anil liniments. It has been tried dnring the past two years, every one using saying,‘ I Would not be without it." Every Family should bare it m their house, ready for use. Numerous testimonials have been received which will bo published, from persons who bav used tha Famiiioe Ba'sam for the past two years showing the surprising efllcary, value and rat- eras of this Famiiine Battam. For its quick and anre healing properties, it baa no equal; lor its relieving and allaying inflammation, no medi cine bss ever been compounded equal to it. It is Perfectly safe to use at any and all times, and a quick and thorough cure for such complaints as Fains in the Chest, Shoulders, back and Side Burns and Scalds, Sprains, Strains, Bruises, Rheumatic and Neuralgia Pains, Swelling of the Joints,Stiff Joints,Stiff Neck, Con tracted Muscles, Spinal Affections, White Swellings, Chafes, Calluses, Galls, Bunions, Chilblains, Corns, Frost Bites, Poisoning by Dog wood or Ivy, Stings of Insects, Chapped Hands, Lips, Ring worms, Salt Rheum,Tetter, Pimples, ItchingJDry Sca ly Eruptions of the Skin, Old Sores,Scald Head Outward Humors of any kind. Hemor rhoids, Piles, Numbness. Worms, Ague in the Face, Ear-ache, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Coughs, Croup. This Familv Balsam Fsm’line surpasses any an-l all other known remedies recommended for such complaints. In each package will be found a pamphlet containing a abort treatise on all the complaints for which ibis Balien, is recommend ed. with full and simple directions how to use tbe Balsam for each complaint. New Advertisements. ’s King of Maria. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIAL FEVERS. Only one discovered upon the globe; tested in I over four bundr d case* cf Intermittent Fever— never failed to care m a single instance; certain preventive as weq ascertain cure. A vegetable preparation ae*ing specifically upra the Liver. ' without tbe assistance of Mercury; has no equal as an anti-bilious preparation; take Is in every trouble where the liver is involved. Sold by Hc*l, Bijria A Lxfab Macon. Ga., and by Dr. W. Mcody. Manufacturer. Greensboro. Ga. Price SI per bottle. feb!9 P AGENTSWANTEDTORTHE ICTORIAL HISTORY omm WORLD It contains G7f lln< historical engraving and 1200 large doub’e column pages, and is tbe moet com plete Hi-1 ory of the World eTer published. It (ells at sight. Send for specimen pages and ex tra terms to Agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address National Pub lishing rjkjJPhnadtdbhimorAtlantm^^feblP I <5 Lovely Rosebud Chromos, or 20 Floral MS* VF Motto with name. 10 ets. 51 Mixed Cards 10 cts. NASSAU CA RD OO , Nswen, N. Y. OtnttortnR cured by Bates* Patent April* It ance. send for description to Simpson A Co., Box 2tSG. New York. Qi'T ty ty a YEAR and expenses to aaenta 7* i l l Outfit Free. Address P O VICK- BBT Augusta. Maine, a DYERTlr-EKB, send forourge'ect List of Lo' n cai Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell * Co., 10 Bpruoe St., N. Y. L J GcilwAKiiir, J K GatTDBT Late Cashier Southern Bank State of G Sitter 5 The Bitters i-ivtriably rem*dy yellowness cf the complexion and whites of tbe eyes, pain* in tbe tight aido and under tbe right shoulder blade, furred tongue, high colored urine, nausea, vertigo, dyepenela, constipa tion, heaviness of the head, mental do-pon- deney, and every other manifestation or eo- dmpaniment of a disordered condition of tbe liver The e'omacb, bowels and kidneys a'eo experience their r- gnlating and tonio in- flnecce. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen- 0**Uy. mar2 lm THE Cincinnati Packing Packers of PORK LARD AND QUEEN OF THE WEST BEAND OF Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Breakfast Bacon. Cincinnati, Ohio. Bitters uat re A fresh stock of Hoetetto ceived at doc* ELLIS'DRUG 3TOBB. L. J Gniimartin & Co., COTTON p ACT0RS I the best remedy —AND Clin Merchants. BAY STREET, Price 25 and 50 cents per Bottle. Fifty.cent size contains three times the quan tity ol twenty-flve-cent size. PREPARED BY II. It. STEVENS, Proprietor of Yegetin®, Boston, Mass. FA M ALINE is sold bv all Truegist*. Opium is the most dangerous drug, es pecially when given to children in the shape of a soothing remedy. Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup is warranted not to contain oi him in any form and is the most inno cent remedy for children. Frice 25 cents, TUTTS -SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID -LIVER. Lom of Appetito, Bowels costive, Pain in J^JHead, with r. dull Eor.saticnin tho back Part, Pan under thoshoulderblodo, full ness altercating;, with r. disinclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Lowcpinta, witnofioelingcf hav- i-.-g no-iectad aomo duty, V.- earinesn, Du- nnccs. Fluttering at tho Heart, Don be fore tho eyes, Yellow Skin, Hcadacne KcnerrUy over tho right eye, Hostlescncss with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. CI2ESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL S00M BE DEVELOPED. TcTT'S PILLS nro especially adapted to *«rli rows, one dose cflecLi such a change °* feclins ns to astonish the sufferer. CONSTIPATION. Only with regularity of the bowels can perfect “jal’-b be enjoyed. If tho constipation is of recent fate, a single dose of TUTT’S PILLS uillannk-c, bntifltuaa become babiiaat, one Pllthou lit be tsken every night, gradually iefsen- ,n g the frequency of the dose until aregtuardatly movement is obtained, which will soon follow. cvrr made.” “e*o much good as TUTT’S PILLS. They are “ G'°°d «s represented.'" • Ofllcc 33 illurroy Street, Now York. TUTT’S TTATR DYE. ^ Jut Hair or Whiskers changed to * Glossy J]/ * aing!e application of this I)TK. lt im- Color, acts Inatantanoonalr, sod » aa llr.rmlc— as spring water. Sold by Drug*i«U, or rww- y expr *** on receipt of 81. M _ | Office da Murray St., New York, A sPbEXnin OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. THIRD GRAND DISTRI BUTION. CLASS C, AT NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. MAR. 9, 1830-lISih Mommy urairiog. Louisiana State Lottery Company. This Institution was regularly incorporated by tbe Legislature of tho State for Educational and Charitable purposes, tD 1888. for the term of twenty-five years, to which contract the inviola ble faith ol the State is pledged .which pledge has been renewed by aa overwhelming popular voto, securing its irtnrhue in the now constitution adopted December 2, 1879. with a Capital of S1.009.QOO. to which it has since added a reserve fund of *330.030. ITS GRAND SINGLE NCR. BBR D1STR1 riUTIOPS will take place monthly, on the second T-iesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE *33,000. I00.C00 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF-TICKETS, ONK DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prizs S-SO/OO 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize..... ..... 6,000 2 Prizes of S2AOO S 000 6 Prizes of l.OCO 5.000 20 Prizes of £09 „ 10.000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes cf SO 10.000 500 Prizes of £0 10 ooo 1000 Prizes of 10. —.... 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of *800. 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of !00.„.1,800 9 Approximation Prizts of 100 900 1.857 Prizes, amounting to *110 .too Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Write, clearly stating fall address, for farther information, er send orders by express or mail addressed only to _____ H. A. DAUPHIN. NewOrleans.-L*. or same person at No S19 Broadway. New York. Ail our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Gene rali G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EAR LY N. B.—This Company has no Agents in the British Possessions, sod all persons pretendi g to be ao and soliciting orders by circuLrs or other, wise are Swindlers. Savannah - Georgia. Liberal advances made on consignments etton. Bagging and Iron Ties tor sale at low t market rates. »u»!l fin WARN EFTS Diseases of tie Throat ana lm& Aye&s Warner’s Safe. Pills are an immediate stimulus for a Torpid Liver, and cure*Coa- tivenesn. Dyspepsia. Itllionaneaa, Bil ious Vlnrrlicca. Jlalarls, Fever and Ague, and are useful at times in nearly all diseases to cause a free and regular ac" the Bowels. The best antidote for all rlalPotaon. Price, 85 cents a Box. Trainer’* Safe Xcretne quickly gives Best and Sires to the suffering, cures Ilcad- aebe and Neuralgia. Prevents Epileptic Fi lx. and ts the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought on by excessive drinking, over-work, mental shocks; and other causes. 1 “ It relieves the pains of and is all diseases and is nev- I er Injurious to the sys tem. Tiie best of all | Nervines. Bottles of two sizes; prices, 30 els. and 81- (£7* WARNER'S Sore Remedies are sold bj Druggists A- Dealers In Medicine everywhere. H.H. Warner & Co. j Proprietor*, ROCHESTER, N. Y. (jySend Cor pamphlet and ] tertimaaUl«s 1 SAK^UV? Diabetes - ■? Cure Safe Bitters saFE Nervine SAFE; piusc. Diseases of tha pulmonary organs nre so prevalent and fatal, that a safe and reliable remedy for them is invaluable to every community. Aveb’s Cherrv Pectoral fc such a remedy, and no other so eminent!, merits the confi dence of tho public. It is a scientific com- ri(1 'bination of the rnedi- Ijt’cinal principles and 7/-curative virtues of the finest drugs, PECTORAL, chemically united, to insure the great est possible efficiency and uniformity of re sults, which enables physicians as well as invalids to use it with confidence. It is the most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs that science has pro duced. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording proi tain relief, and is adaptetf to pa- f any ago or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it without difficulty. In the treat ment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Cler gyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Catarrh, the effects of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral are magical,andmnlti- tudes are annually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use It should he kept at hand in every house hold, for the protection It affords In sad den attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. The marvellous cures which Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has effected all over the world nre a sufficient guaranty that it will continue to produce the best results. An impartial trial will convince tho most sceptical ol its wonderful curative powers, as well as of its superiority over all other preparations for pulmonary complaints. Eminent physicians in all parts of tho country, knowing its composition, recom mend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to inva lids, and prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proved its absolute certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. \ Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. •OLD BY all druggists xvertwhxrb. Sort. Hankfn & Lamar Wholesale Agents, MAOOW. O-AL. febl» osa & West. J AS G IT III WEST BROS Cotiii lukn, Cmummi'm ItrckiiU, -AGENTS FORTHE— W. & C. GUANO. 68 Bay St. - Savannah, Ga. BAGGING AND TIBS FOR 8ALE. Prompt attention to business and liberal I Mica on consignm enti. undo d>v6ni Valuable Citv Property FOR SALE I Offer for sale five handsomebnilding lots ad joining my residence lot and fronting on Geor gia Avenne, Nlsbet place, and Cheriy atreet. For information a. to terms, etc., apply to TURPIN AOGDEN. Who have • map of tbe property. If not sold by *he first Tuesd.y in March these lots wi'l be exposed for sale to the highest bidder on that day before the court house door in the city of Macon, between ‘^>«^| 0 T r .^f 8BEr . If aeon. Feb1.i880.tds G BORGIA. BIPB COUNTY—NOTICE TO DBITORI aHIICREDITORS; .'on are notified to present untothennder- signed all claim* jou may have against the es tate of OaUiedonia Savage, and all persona In debted to said estate will make immediate set tlement unto the nnder.igned. feb5-law6w* LAYINIA SAVAGE, Executrix OPIUM habit palnlesgr and pennsnendr Cored. ti{<W and <irc*ljsi ex- ItfshmoniAl* r*f care*, i _ I Alto a trial baUfr frto rT frioes redoceYto o«U tho tinea. Mr*. J. A. Of (formerly Mrs* Dr. S. p. Collina^ LaPortc. iafans COLUMBUS TIMES. Daily, Weekly* Smi-WttHy aid fnidaj. THE DAILY TIMES Contains full Telegraphic Newa from all parts of the world, Editorials on all topics of the day. re sume of the general newa and full Market Re port!. Subvcriptlon price 87.09 per annum, in ^TfuTWEEKLY TIMB8 i# a mammoth eight mure sheet. Drusd every Monday, made up of tbe cream of the Daily. Subscription *1.10 per an- D ^iE ftBMIAFEKKLY is issued every Mon- dar sud Thursdsy, oontalrnn* tbe newt of tbe three preceding days. Subscription prioo ST.W per annnm. in adranoe. *'HB SUNDAY TXMBS, * large *1 column sheet,in addition t» the current newa of the day, embraces a nnmbe- of literary departments, flll- od entei taininr reading matter. Subscrip tion price SI 00 in advance. Families wan tint a good paper eould. not do better than subscribe for one of the editions of th f H^BTIMES baring at all times identified It self with the interests of the people and labored for their welfare, it a welcome visitor at their firesides, and Us columns, therefore a moet Tum ble advertising medium. WYNNE, DaWuLF A CO..Proprietors, fcMt-St Columbus, Ga. ( Is absolutely odorless, and chemically Dure. It is snowflake white. It is susceptible of the highest and most lasting Polish. It possesses greater strength of body than other trade brands. It Is packed In Pound Parcels. Foil Weight guaranteed. It costs less money than any Starch fn tiie World, It is sold universally in America by Grocers and Dealers. Its annual consumption reaches Twenty Million Pounds. * It Is ninnurnctnrcd by Andrew Erkerbrechan at Cincinnati, Ohio, In the heart oi the gTeates* cereal region of tbt Globe* ^COLLINS’ | VOLTAIC-ELECTRIC OH POROUS $777 BSi. Auarui A XiiAft nrtl fupcu*e« to noents , _ Outfit free. Addreat P VICK Auarufttft. VaioA 510 to $100 look ront free ei look BAXTER A lO.lBankerr, York. Invested in Wall street stocks „ makes foituneievery month expisiaing everything. Address ' ',7 Wall ttl Vail street, New NOTICE, LEAVE TOSELL LAND. G BORGIA, JONES COUNTY—Four wee>s after date application will be muj«. the Ocnrt ot Ordinary of Jones county, lor an order to sell all tbe lands and undivided interest in lands belonging to estate of Joseph V. Earb-e, deceased, in the county of Jones. March 1 1880. matStdo A J. 6TEWART. Administrator G eorgia.- jones county-where** Charles L. Ridley applies for administra tion with the will annexed, on tbe estate of Mrs 8<tsan A. Ridley, deceased. These are to ci-eand admonith all persons concerned to show caus-t it any they ha-e why the sanesbifl not be granted at tbe next term of this court, on first Monday in April next. Witness my hand oillriailv. matStd* ROLAND T ROSS, Ordinary. LANE & HODLEST CO., CINCINNATI. - Manufacturers of Standard PLANTATION MACHINERY, ’ STATIONAEY AND POBTABLE Steam Engines. Saw Mills, Grist Mills. Shafting Hangers. Pul leys, etc. Our machinery is strong, simple ani well made,and is especially adapted to the wants of farmers and Planters, for Ginning, Sawing. Grinding and Factory use. Bend for an illna tratal Catalogue. LANS & BODLKY CO- John and Water Sts., Oircinnati, O. mar2dllaw8m-weowlst G'JRATINE, For Blood Diseases. OURATBNE3 For Liver Complaints. CURATINE, For Kidney Diseases. GURAT2NE, For nbeumatism. CURATfiNE. For 8croftila Diseases. CURATINE, For ErriipeU., Pimplei, SloIcbM, etc. A medicinal com pound of known value- combining In one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the Blood, tbe liwr, the Kitlneys. Harmless in action and thorough in Its effect. I Us unexcelled for the cure of all Blood JHs- eases spell as Scrof ula. Tumors, Bolls, Teller,Salt Bheu mi , Bheumatlsm, Mer curial Potsontnff, also Constipation, Byspcpsia, I util- yestlon. Sour Stom ach, ttetention of t^rlite, etc, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. THE BROWS CHEMICAL CO BALTIMORE. Md. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR. Wholesale ihuggitts. Macon. Ga. ■lVt23L 0 PIUM HABIT CUKE 7-d.A.wly Plasters IIT1HN times more powerful than the best po- X rout plaster when placed over tiie centra of _ 1 tbe nervous force*, tbs pitot the stomach, they Rxr R VVfiflMpxr I stimulate the liver, stomach and bowels, jwrfect U J -***• •' uuiiey I dig.stun.cure dy.pep.ia, billions colic, (nmpt Atlanta. Ga. Reliable evl- I » n<1 paint and prevent ague and malarial dia- decce given, and reference to ease.. For waak and tore lungs, palpitation of cured patients and physldans. thebew*. painful kidneya, rhenmatism, neural. Send for my book on the giaandaeiatiea, they are thebestreniodym the habit and its rare. I world. Get the genuine. Ask Ifar COLLINS’ name ana its cure. j VOLTAIC BLBUTR10 POROUS PLA8TBR8. Pric* *5 cts. For sale by Hunt. Rankin A La mar, Atlanta and Maoon, and Osceola Butler, andalldnugiita. MNta NOTICE, A LL perrons baring claims against the estate of J. T, Josey are hereby notified to present them, duly proven as required by law, for pay ment. And all persons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. H.T. JOHNSON, mrt-lawtw Administrator of J, T. Josey, dec’d INSTRUCTION BOOHS. For the Piano. EichrisM’s IJtw Method fir the Piawfortf. P (-S.25). sustains its reputation as the isostper- V 1 ITflfl A nnn I IT ft I feet ot Imtractiou boots, having been many time* i A HI 11 \ U 11 U |' A |\] \ 1 T?Yised. improved and enlarged.. Huadredi ot BOOHING rWORDTO THE WISE-1 ^5?rev!!!inHoomB*r?treePSeRSKnd Organ trade. All creation and their relatives are [ buying inatrum.nt- this year. America’s count less Factories can’t half supply tha demand, i Manufacturer, have to-day unfilled orders enough to keep them busy for the next six months. Materia’ and labor cost twenty-five to fifty per cent, more than a few months since. Manufacturers have raised prices and must con tinue to advance. The low prices of tbe past j wont come again for jears. -ed fit thousands ti-ve been sold, arid it if at'll in con stant and large demand. Ba sure to get tbe light book. Notieeth* exact title, and accept no oth- ir- Now'get [your E LSTBR MUBICCSend for list. I For Reed Organ. The Emeries lettod. has a capital ‘ method” and an abandanoe of fine pieces, instrumental and vocaLttbat please while they inslrnct the learner. Do not forget WHlTB ROBE 3, (SO cts.) New Sunday School Song Book. A great success. By Abbey and _ - mey. and wideawake I EMERSON'S ANTHEM BOOK (?l-25.) BvL. O. Emerson. Unexcelled in quality. Very choice and iargorellection. AMBBI0AN ANTHEM BOOK (?1.25). 100easy Anthems, for eosmon chairs. By Johnson. Tenney and Abbey. Any book mailed, post-free, for tbe retail price. OLIVER DITS0N&C0., Boston. O. H. DITSON A CO, til B’dway N.T. janfiitf Popular Mont ly Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribu tion Co. AT MAOAULBY’S THEATRB, In the City of Louisville, on Satarday, Feb. 28.1880. Three drawing* authorized by act of tbe Leg islature of 1889 and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly on the last day of every month (Sundays excepted) and are super vised by prominent citizens of the State. Tbs Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, tor only St, aayol THB FOLLOWING PRICES. 1 Prise.,.. IPrias.. 10 Prises *1,000 each 10 Prizes *00 each , 100 Prises 100 each 100 Prizes 50 each ... 000 Prizes 10 aash *, .,000 Prize* 10 each . • Prises 800oath, ap’rexbnaPnprise* • Prises 200 each do do • FrisealOOeach do do 1284)00 104)00 8,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 12.000 10,000 2,700 1,80* 908 L$ 80 Prises • *U2.«70 Whole Tickets, *2. Hall Tickets, *L 17 Tickets, *60. 85 Tickets. ff00 . All applications for dub rates should be' made to tbe home office. Full list of drawing published in Loulsrill Courier-Journal and New York Herald, ane mailed to all ticket-bold irs. Send all orders bd money or bank draft in letter, or- by expret* Orders of $5 and upward by express can beaexa at ourexpense. Address R. M. Bosrdman.Oonz ier-Journal Building. Louisville Kv„ or at No 16$ Broadway. New York. augSO eodtuthusatAwly A. O, TATLORY BUI lot relier. ttc. Bibb Suce- m v *-, f- rior Lo-rt. Uilobur Term. WW. TAILOR J 1879. Itfanpearing to the Court by the teturn of the • Sheriff that the defendant is not to bo found it this county; arif it further app-anrg that he does not reside in thig Stat? ; Oidcred, that ser vice he i er fee ted on said defendant by publiea- tientobeand arprar at the nextterm of this • omt, or that co""«inant fce allowed to pro ceed. Hid red farther, th it this o der be r u' lished I occe sn oath for four months in ttw Trh grai.h [ sud MttH-cser, a public gazette puKiihed in the ; otrof Macon. N By the Court: JOUNL. HARDEMAN, j - Complainant’s Sclicilor. T J, SIMMON8, A true extrset from tho minntes nf Bibb 8u tenor Court. This 22d November. '859. decai-1 amtnr* A. B RO^d. Clotk. RAKER SHSUlRh 1 SALKrf. W ILD bezo'd before the corithoase ccor in J>e»ton. within th* legal the erst Tuetday in March mxt, tho following property to-wit; Lota of land Ncs. three hundred and seventy- tab, three hundred and seventyihrea,«nd tbreo hurdred and seventy-four, ail in the eighth dis trict cf said countv, laid tt contain each two hundred sud fifty acres, more cries*. Sold as the property of Wilinuu Bro«daway to satWv a huperi-jr, fa. K. O. K-r.lon vs. James K Scarqrough, principal, and William Broad sway. -froPrtty P‘inted cut bydefendart Wiihtin Broadawsj. Tenint in potsesiioii noii fied in writing. t JAP-H. ROWELL. Sheriff. January 27, IS80-S6td Imitations. To protect the public w:*inst Imitations and Fmd we caution *11 purchaserj ot BENSON*8 CAFCXNE POROUS PI.ASTER8 to Ih&tthe word CAPC1NB on the label is oorroot'y spelled. Do not allow some ctnerplaste to be pa'med off under a similar sounding nime, with the assurance that it is the same thing or as good. Bear in mind that the only object such Tender can have is the fact that they can buy Imita tions at the prices less than that of tho genuine, and they hope by this subs titutim to gain a i n al additional profit. SfABURY A JOHNSON, PtarmacentI=aUheu;sts, New York. JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. \\l ILL'be sold before the court house door in v l tbe town of Clinton on tho first Tuesday in April next, between the less] hours of sale, three hundred acres of land, more or less, adjoinirg the lands of. Janes B. Denton. Jackton Roberts, and ol hire, and known as the Sawyer piece. Lev ied on as the property ofP. C. Sawyer, trustee for wife and children, to satisfy a tax fi fa. istued by W. J. Gresham, tax collector, for the year 1879. This February 18.1!80. febl9td W. J. GRESHA W. Sheriff. C UlUaUll, biouooutitt —Mlieica; J.A. bos )T ter, -dministratoro! the estate of A. E.Fos ter. If te of ssid county deceased, has made apnli- cation fur leave to sell wild lands belonging to said estate at Private sale Thus: are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at tbn Court of Ordinary of said county on tho first Monday in March next torhow ctuse-if any they barq, why laid aiplirationshould not be granted. Witness my hand officially. J. A. MCMANUS, Orsinarv. Jaan«ry80.188a. ' 8’td* WHS, «*' pon 1880^ Will U m»U«l r»xz lo all applicant,, and locailmnm wliiont D. M, FERRY A CO., ~ » Detroit, Mich, MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES 0F~ ALL KINDS: BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILSj PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ao. S«nd for Price-list, W. H: DILLINGHAM A CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY.- DRISS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls* and Boys’ Suita, Ladles’ Underwear, Infants Outfits. DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RUCHINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, FINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, dro. Send for Samples or information, and satisfy ivrself how cheaply and quickly you can yd teen,-thing in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS cf iw ly Mail or Express. We cany an average Aw .- ^bout $400,000, all bought for prompt cash. BSP* Try us. Have the Children send for a setoj our Advaiising Cards. CS0PER~&G0NARS, importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. • FetdidfebodlXl T ’ f° /?f EOKGrA, BIBB COUSTT-It is agreed by U and betv een the parties hereof, all resident* cf said county and State, to form a limited co partnership, under tha laws of Georgia, and tbat. raid ccp-»rtner*hip shall be condscted under the following ptovi-ious; 1. Th* hrm name of said copartnership shall he • W. A. Doody,’’ which alone shall be used in its dealings. 2. Said copartnership shell bs located in the city of Macon, said county and State, and its business shall bo the dealing by retail in Gene ral mer. handiso, suth as or.v roods, clothing b-cts and shoes, and other articles of such char acter. 8. W. A. Doody shall be the general partner, and sh 11 have full direction and menu-tenant cf tlio bu-,nos». Myron Nnsshaum and Joieph Oannenberg. ell of aa:d county, are special pin ners. 4. W. A. Doody has contributed four thousand debars to said partnership and My-on Nuss- fcaum and Josoi h Danner.btrg have each con- tribvtrd four thousand dollars to the capital stock of the sam*. a. This partnership (ball begin on the lOlli day 'of Januarv, if SO, and shall ena on the loth day of Jairo-ry, I8f8 >. nli-ss sooner dis»olvcd. as here- inatt-r provid'd, to-wit: In cusee.ther pnrty he comes diss.ti-tied with it id partnership ifce same v ay he dissolved after thfirst year, pro- viced sit months notice be given alter said lime, cf such Intended dissolution to .be ether party or pariies-said notice to be in writing, giving th) rcasous therefor. It ft farther agreed that the said W, A. Doody shad be paid from the partnership assets, tbe sum of fifty dollars per month, and ibis smeunt to be charee t to the expense account. This pay ment to centime until a dissolution, unless oth erwise agieed on. Witt e** our handr. this 12th day oi January, 1880. W. 4. DOODY. MYRON NUSSBtUM JOShPH DAN5 EM BERG. Signed this 12th day ot January, 18SA and ac knowledged bilore J. T. RODGERS, N. P. Bibb Co., Ga. Macojt. Ga.. January 12. if So. I cerlify that the instrum-nt was signed aid ackn- wiedged by the thereto belcre me this cav. J.T.RODGER8, N.P. BbbCo.Ga. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY— in person, W. A. Doody, who being duly sworn deposes and says tbat he is the general partner in »limited copartnership abont io bo formed in said county, und-r tbo name of W. A. Doidy, and that Myron Nussbtum and Joseph Dann-nberg are the special partner* therein, and ibat the amount agreed to be contributed by each if them to wit: tbe sum of four thousand dulltr*. to tbe capital stock if avid firm. ha« been *ctunlly paid in. and in good faith contributed thereto. A. DOODY. 8wom to and subscribed before me thi-20th day of January, 1830. J. T. RODG K RS, mart v 4w Notary Bibb county, Georgia. My Annual Catalogue of Vegetable and Flower seed for 1880, rich iuengrav inzs from photographs of the originals, will be sent FRkE toall who applv. My ^ld customers need not write for it. 1 offer one of tbe largest collections of vegetab’o seed rversent cut by any Seed House in Amcr rs, a large portion of which were grown on my six seed farm*. Full direc tions lor cultivation on each package. All teed warranted to be betb irrsli and irua to name; so far, that sbould it nrore otherwise, I will re till tbo erder gratis. Tho original introduc-r of tbe Hubbard Squa-h, bhn nvj’a Melon. Marblehead Csbbagcs. Mczican Corn, and scores ol ctber veg etables. ) invite tbo latromgeof all who are anx ious to have th- i- seed directly from th* grower, fre*h, true, and of tbe very h-st-t-ain, M*W vewalab'es a ajeol’ft CONSIDER TBS 'j;-.-: ~/al cake; is the moet eoonomteal form of Washing Soap. All bsr or square oakea wear down in use to a largo flat piece, too thin to handle and. therefore, wasted; while the OVAL CAKE of At yet we still *-ll at old prices, but we MUST ADVANCE SOON. Give us your order NOW, for delivery of instruments at once or within THREB MONTHS, and we will guarantee OLD PRICBS, even if the advance eomra. To do thia we mutt have immediate orders 80 THAT WE GAN CONTRACT AHEAD Don't hesitate. Don’t delay. We stale the esse precisely at it it. Prices will advance YBRY SOON and LAB9B- j Lr. asd these who wait will pay for tbe privi lege. Take our business advice and iCO,GATE too - ORDER AT ONUS:. LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH. GA, WMLESftlE HAM AND OMAN DEALERS. der27-dlta*Awlr’ S12B0 -vawe um-hsu/iff GoidstedrS aa SopcMHu*. Ezm-m»? H,. k. ora at a 1-0 isajS,: NEW” SOAP een be cut in two, the oval end clasped readily in tbe band, and the fare ger end worn down almost to a wafer with out any waste. OOLGATE A OO. recom mend their fNEVTSOAP Trade-Mark Begiatered) to Careful hone* I eepere not only aa superior in quality ba in form the most eooajnbi' 4o«p ever [ ads. angSO-wAaat tf OPIUM: ■ M HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) COXTXISS HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, Aim xms Pour axd Best UzsicinQTMsniM or TBLK r OTJZUEI AH Dboases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Oq T'mrirn'airag Slaep- *1000 IN GOLD.\ J • wmbo paid for a cast they win not cure or hrip, a for snythlsw lmpars or lajuloaa found la there. AfikyvurdzuaM farHopBitten andStxtbte before you aletp. Take ao ether. sBorPxnfor Stomach, Ilvvr and KUaaykiate r So All other*. Cures by absorption. A* drafgM, D.LC. is an absolute sad irresistible cure for drunk enness, use of oplmn, tobacco *M narcotics: ■■■ Send for circular. ■■■■ Above sold by JragshU. Hop BhtwMfg.Co.Rochwter.N.Y. w k ooanow niXT tux aw W. W. GORDON I OO. Successor to Tison A Gordon). Cotton Factors . Gommhslon Merehaato, NO 112 BAY 8TRBBT. SAVANNAH. GA HOWARD TINBLBY, Traveling Agent. LOANS MADE UPON SATISFACTORY Aft- 8GRANCB OF COTTON 8HIPMBNTB. YBRY FULL ADVANCES RADEON OON- SIGN MRKT8 OF COTTON. BAGGING AND TIBS FURNISHED CUt TOMRR8 AT LOWEST MARKET PR10B. lururaooB ixL erderabroaghtombylndiAcretkm orexoseaa iwi- r>vu»wt hAAtn»ln*T»diei ■ »A YlMON dl CO., I Know Thyself, T HU umold miseries tb»* result from indiscretion in eatly life may be alleviti ed and cure-]. Tl.oso who doubt this assertion' should purchase the now mrdical work publmhrd b.r tbe PEA- BODY MEDICAL 1N8TI- TUIE. Boston, entitled THE SCIENCE OF LIFE ur, -ELF PRESERVATION. Exhausted vi- lality nervous ani physical Crbility. or vitality apalredbj tbe errors of youth or too close or too dote application to buiinni, may be rtltor ed ard manhood rerainsd. Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, jutt published. His a standard medical work, the bret in the English language, written by a phrtioian of great experience, to whom was awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Na tional Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and vtry expensive engravings. Three hun dred psget, more than 53 valuable preseript’ons for all fount of prevailing diiraie, tbe result of many yean of extensive and successful practice, either one el which is worth ten times tho price ot the book. Bound in French doth, price only *t, sent by mail jo-tp*W. Tbe Loudon Lancet lays: “No person should be without this valuable book. The author is a noble benefactor.'* An illustrated sample sent toall on receiptof 6 certs for postage. • Tho author r-.lers by permission to JOSEPH S FISHER, president; W I. P, INGRAHAM, vice president; W PAINE, M D US GAUNTT. M D; H J DOUCKT. M D. & H KLINE. 9 3.1 R EOI.COM B. M D. N R LYNCH, M D. and M R O'CONN ELL, K D faculty of the Philadel phia University ot Medicine and Surgery, alio tha faculty of the American University of Phila delphia, alto Hon P A BIS 'ELL. M D, president the National Medical 4asoeixtion. Addrcaa Dr W H FAR- TJT 1 A ¥ KBR.N04 Balfioch St, H P,Al, Boktcn, Maas.-The an, •smammms tbormav re consul all diseases requ skill and experience, OovtO wlv SM THYSELF ^CANCERS! CURED. TWKNTY YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. For particular-, address with it>mp, JAMES M HXXUtl'XI, Libei ty Hill, Pike county, G*. norlX ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. BT authority of as order of the Court of Ordi nary of Ckatbam county, will be told before the oeurtBoole door in Savannah,on the 1st Tuesday la April next, within the fetal hours o. sale, ihe following property belonging to the estate of Ed ward C. Anderson, deceased: All tbat tract of land situate in the County of Bibb. State of Geor gia, near the city ot Macon. &u-' Irontingon tha road leading from Macon to Forsyth in Vinevilte, known as tbe plaoe oougkt by Geo. W. An derson from Mrs. H. B. Freeman, exeautrix, etc., eontaiaiag S8,S' acre*, mere or less. For iaformatiou applv to Turpin A Ogden, agents. mark dim wtd J ANE M. ANDERSON, •. Administratrix. uHfl • month and expense, guaranteed rr I f Agent*. Outfit free. Shaw A O apMa Maine. O RDINARY'S office, Jones county, Georgia, Jannary 20,1880.—Where*- Bobert 11. uar- •on guardian for th) miror children cf Samuel T. Morenn.deceased,eppheslomoferdismission from said guardianship. These are to notify all perrons concerned to -how cause at thia office on or by tbe tirst Mon- cay in April next, if any they have, why the tame shall net be granted. Witness my hard official] v. jantitd* BOLANDT. BOSS. Ordinary. Ifaluable Land for Sale. G EORGIA, Crawford county.—By virtneof ’ the power vested in mo by a certain mort gage executed I y G. M. Lumpkin to secure a ro tain promissory nolo forthosum of one hun dred ana fifty dollars ($110), mid mortgage dated tbe £3d day of January, 1879, and recorded in the Clerk’s office ot Crawford county, in Book J, pages 73 and 77.1 will, oh Tuesday the second day of March, 1833 before the conrt home door, in tbe town of Knoxville. Georgia, expose at pub- Ho sale lo tho highe-t bidder for rath, tho follow ing described projerty, to-wit: Thoeatt half of lot of land No. 65 in the seventh district of originally Houston now Crawford co mty. State of Georgia, containing one hundred cne and cr.e- fourth acres (H1A), more or less, known rs the Nancy Shaddeil place. Titles in fee simple will be a ade to the purchaier. as authorized in said mortgage. Said tract or land will be told to sat isfy the principal, interest and attorney’s fees, to- wit: One hundred and fitly dollars principal, with- intere.-t at tw-lve per cent, per annum from Novtmb'r 1,1879. and M 25 attorney’s fees, ■1 s expressed in said mortgage. Tho raid mort gage mate and deliver* d to me. the undersigned, to secure said rote, with tho power expressed therein, to tell said property in the event «ef »ult was trade in the payment thereof and default having been made on tbo day ol sale, I will exe cute titles in lee simple to the tamo. This Feb ruary 8.1880. j»n29 t-.wtw JACOB STCtSEL. O RDINARY’S office Jones county, Georgia, January 20.-1883.—Whereaa Bi-h* January 23.-1880.—Whereas Bi-hard John son, admiuiatrator of eatatenf Toliver Haws, de ceased, applies to mo for ditmirsinu. These are to cite and admonit-h all persons ootcrnied to show esuso at thi* office on or by the lint Monday in May next, if any tht-y have, why tbe same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially, ianas-trt * ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary. JONES COUNTY SHERIFF S ALES. W ILL be told before the court house door in thet wntf Clinton, Jones comity. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April rext. between the 1- gal hours of sale, the following proparty, to- wit: Three hundred and thirty acres of land, more or less, adjoining the lands of John & Stevrart.Robt Smith aud F.B. Hazkeland o hers. Levied on as the prop'rty of Alford Glawton to sati-fy two fi. fas issued from the Superior Conrt of said county in favor Of Elizabeth Clawson a. d Stodard B. Glawton. administrators of Shoes- tat- of Jesso Glawson. deceased, vs. Alford Giawson, principal, and Seaton Glawson and Joseph Glawson. security. The other YJ. Alford Glawson principal, and Seahott Glawson and James Glawson *e>unty. Properly pointed out by-one of the plaintiffs, and in posieibion cf de fendant. This February 2X^1880 feh27td .GRE8B AW. Sheriff. Homes in T The Little Rork and Fort (Smith Railway effer for sale (tbe best LANDS in the West TTfaataam ’J or Southwest, with healthy VY esteril kclimate, fer.ile roil,and not (affected by drouth. Easy, f terms of sale. Full informa- Arkansasiflcm Appl^to^ land Commisnioner, Jan24-wl$t Little Rock, Ark. |55.66 & G-Kill BOUT ZaOST HORSE. QTKAYED or stolen from Linson D. Johnson, O . living on the new Hooatui load, one mile and a half from the court house in Macon, on the 8th day of December, 1879. between one o'clock and dark, one large sorrel pon* horse. He ha* a small while soot on theforebead; the mane a lit tle mixed with while hairs: at leisure gaits is in clined to carry hi- hsad rather low; with tbe ex ception of tho white spot on ‘he forehead and in the mane ho is a 1 olid sorrel: a number one sad dle horse, a good Tacker, and a good buggy and waaon and plow horse. Five dollars wLl be paid to any person for hint or to let me know where be is. Address, L. D. JOBNaON, M. and B. R. R. shop, Macon, Ga. decl2...da«lawtf /ORDINARY’S OFFICE, JONES COUNTY V4 November 28, JS79—Whereas Sntan A Biadley, administratrix, applies to me for die- miisicn from estate of Joseph Bradley deceased These a-o to ncddy all perrons concerned to abow cause at t hist, IB re on the first Monday In warch nest, if any they have why the same shall not be granted. Given under my band officially. novSOtd* BOLAND T R<« R«»SS. Ordinary. imJHO HU3SELL&con Green River Works. anl32 dawSm CUTLERY (-t SOKH1A, BIBB COUNT Y —Whereas W.|T, VX Hollingsworth has made application for letter; ol dismission as administretor from tho estate of Eliza J. Hollingsworth, late of said conntydecraied. These are therefore to cite and admonish all p. rrons concerned to be and appear at the Conrt ol Ordinary ol said county on tbe first Monday in April rext to show canto, if anv they have, whv letters cf dismission should not be granted to inplicant. Witness my official signature. 1 »- 4td J. A. McMANUd Ordinary. Aktuts profit per week. Will prove it or forfeit *500. (4 Outfit free. E. HIDEOUT A CO, 218.Fulton.street, NY. cct8 w6m / t EOKGla, bibbCi^nty—Where** Mrs Mar- UT tha L. Barns, guardian of Mattie J.. Annie L.and Jimmie A. Harris, has applied to the Court cf Ordinary cf said county for a discharge from her guardianship of said Mattie J ,Annij L. and Jimmie A. Harris of theirperaou and prod- —r, thia is therefore to cite all persons concern- :o be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary -> said county on the first Monday in Mnyneit show cause, if any they have, why the laid Ma thaL. Harrit khould not be dismissed from ho ausrdisnshipof said -Mattie J., Annie L.and Jin mie A. Harris and receive the usual letter* of dismission. Given under my official signature, febltd* J. A. MCMANUS. Ordinary.' irtUTC For the Pictorial Bible Comments * Al'ClIlu tor. 1,018 .pages, 475 illustration 3 uL UTCn and maps. Tbe most complete and If (11 CU comprehensive Commentary on the eul ire scriptures (10 one voiome) ever pnblilhed Frice t3.7A Bradley, Garres ton a Co, 68 New St. Nashville., Term. . am nov7w G BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Whereas Ltu- at my office on Saturday the Uth day of March. 1883, at 10 o’clock a. m. . . Yt it ness lay official signs to re, February 20, 1 feb2ttd* J. A. If Ml ANUS. Ordinary. Vslcalle lard for Sale- EOEGIA, Crawford ceunty.—By virtue o v V the power vested in me by a certain moit- gage executed by J L. Parsons to secure a cer sun promis'ory note, for the sam of one hasdred -and eiahty-ene dollars and fifty cents. (-3181.10). said mortgage dated the 2$tb day of June, 1879, and recorded in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of a&ic county, in book J., both said note and mortgage Being signed by the said J. L. Par son*, and due, I wt 1 on Tuesday the second dav of Marob.1880, bofore the court home door in the town of K cxvilie. Georgia, expose at public sale to the highest bidder, fer cash, the following de scribed property, to-wit; One hun.I ted undone acres of land, more or less, brie g the. non h half of lot number 126, bounded aa follows: North by landsolJ.L. Parsons, eatt by 8. W. Hatcher, south by Mr*. L. G. Parsons, and west by R. R. Harmon. Titles fea simp’e will be made to the purchaser as authorized in said mortgage. Said tract of land will be sold to satisfy the priccttal, interest, and attorney’s fees, to-wit: One hundred and eighty .one dollars and fifty cents principal, with Interest at twelve per cent, per annum from the lit day of Oc’ober, 1879. and ten percent, additional upon taid principal and Interest attorney’s Lea, as txpreesedtn said mort gage. The laid mortgage made a d delivered to me, the undet-awned. to secure said note with the power eiprested therein to sell taid property in the event default was made in tbe payment thereof, and default having been made on the day of sale I will execute titles in fee simple to he same Thia the 2d day ot Fehrnary, 1880. 58 law4w A. B. SMALL. G BORGIA. Bibb uountr.—Whereas Charles H. <:a-r pbell, guardian of Mary M ar.d Vir ginia L. Beddirg, minora, has made application ior leave to soli realeatate in the town of Thom- aston, in the county cf Upson, belonging to said miners. These are therefore to c’ie and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary ef said county on the first Monday in March next, to she? cause, if any they hare, why laid applies! on should not be gianied. Witness my hand officially. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. January 83, 1830 !Utf* C >BORGIA,BIBS COUNIX.—Whereaa Ben- 1 jamia T. Roy has mads appli atiun/or let tered diamission as administrator from the es tate of Valentine Nash, late of said countj|de ceased. There are therefore to cite and admonish all persona concerned to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary of sud county on the drat Monday in April next to show oause. if any they have, why letters of d it mission should not be granted to applicant. witness my official signature. i*c4 J. A.MCMANUS, Ordinary. fP bL I TINWARE i gllEON & STEEL,;o *j- Carriage aii Wages Materials, |{Sj State ail Bute BeltiB&|§ Hi AVJEIIY’S i|£ 8j|- TW E0BSE PLOWS JO J- IH-FOOTMOWE. 13 glGUNS, PISTOLS. “ Wj AMMUNITION, 12 ® I FISHING TACKLE, Etc. Etc.|§ w | We have a well assorted’siock and - JJJ "GUARANTEE PRICKS.:’ Mortgage Sale at Land- /N EORGIA. CRAWFORD COUNTY.- By vir- vjr tue of the power vested in mr bv two mort gage* executed by Annie Mariah Harper, to-wit: One mortgage given to lecure a reruin pr rm- iaaory note ior twenty-five dollars due tbe 15th October, 1879,bearing inteieitat 12Dor cent, per annntn, after maturity, t-aid mortgage dated 15th day of May. 1879. and recorded in tbe Clerk’s office Superior Court of said county, in book J. And one other mortgage given to-eenre a cer tain promiasory note for flity dollars, due No vember 1,1879. bearing interest at 12 per cent, per annum after maturity. Sald mortgage dated •th March, 1879, and recorded in Clork’s office Superior Court ol sa’.d county, in bock J. I will 00 tbe first Tuesday in April. 1.SS3. before the court-house door in Knoxville. Georgia, expose at vublie sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: One hun dred and eixty (U0) acres of land, more or lees, beirgallo* lot No. 42, north cf tbe Macon read, in the sixth distriet ot Crawford county. Ga. Ti- t’es in fee simple will te o ths punhiser at autborized in slid mortgage,. Said tract ot land will to told to istiffy the principal, interest, and altorney’a fees, to-wit, Ftven*y-flve dollars pr.ncipul, with interest as above dtscrircd.end twenty dollars attorney’s fee*, as expressed m laid mortgages. The said mortgages made and delivered to me, the undersigned. to secure said notes with th, power expr< sera therein to sell said property in the event default wa-made in tbepaymeut thereof, and default having been made, on the day of sale 1 will execute titles in fee simple to the tame. A. B. SMALL. February 26. l880.-td Executors’ Sale rTNDBRand by virtue of an order granted by U tho Hon. James P. Brosd&way. Ordinary in and.for the county of Baker. Slate of Georgia, will bo sold ba! re tbe court house door of Baker county, town of Newton, within the lecal hours of sale, in the first Tuesday in April next, as the property of the estate of W. D. Williams Iateof Baker county, deceased, threr hundred and sev enty-three sod one third (J7S l-S) egret of land aituat-d in Howaro'a district. Bibb court;-, Ga., and known as lots No*. 2!4. 26 and 207. amount ing to S7S1 8 acres. Fold for division among the beirtof said W. D. Williams, deceased. Terms eiah. feb24-l*w4t J. H. A W. W.W1LI 1AMS, Bxecu'OM.