Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, March 19, 1880, Image 5

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0 igazgi® attb 3jcmtro?ti & Wz&&&ng&z< FAMILY BALSAM FAMILlNE. A Safe ail EMail teiiy PROMPTLY RELIEVING PAIN FOE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL USE. Thi* Family Balsam ii composed of Barks. Boots and Uesinous Gams from the trees of our Native Forests. Bach one of is rood for tne complaints for whith FAMILIN» is recommended.but wk*n compounded tegoth cr they make a Bal&in wbitli if n poiitive cure for tr e CJ»* pUtLts. This Balsam take s the place ot wives, ointaents and liniments. It has been tried during the past two years, every ocentiog taiirg. -1 wculd net bo without it." Every family should hare it m their house, ready for use. , . Numerous testimonial* have been receive- which will be published, from persons who hav used the FamLIne Ba’sam for the part two years showing the surprising ©flicary, value and sue* cess of this Famiiine Ba!* am. For its quick and sure healing properties, it has no eqiai; 1 or iu relieving and allaying in flam nation, no seal* cine hss ever been compounded oqnal t" it. It is perfectly safe rouse at any and all times, acd m quick and thorough cure for tuth .mplaiuts as Pains in the Chest. Shoulders, back andSdle Burns and Scalds, Spiains, Strains, Bruises, Rheumatic and Neuralgia Pains, Swelling of the Joints,Stiff Joints,Still Seek. Con trasted Musc'et. Spinal Affociiena, White Swellings, Chafes, Calluses. Galls, Bunions, Chilblains, Corns, Frost Bites' Poisoning by Dog wood or Ivy, Stings of Insects, Chipped Hands, Lips, Binx- wonu,, Salt Bheum.Tetter, Pimples, Itching,Dry Sca ly Eruptions of the Skin. Old Scres,Scald Head Outward Humors of any kind. Hemor rhoids, Piles,. Numbness. Worms, Ague in the Face, Ear-ache, Hoarseness. Bore Throat, Coughs, Croup. Phis Family Balsam Famlline surpasses any and all other known remedies recommended for such complaints. In each package will bo foend a pamphlet containing a short treatise on all the complaints (cr which this Balsam Is recommez d- ed, with full and simple directions how to uso the Balsam for each complaint. Price 25 and 50 cents.per Bottle. 'ilty i of twenty-tive-cent tilt. is the moat economical form of Washing Soap. Aii bsr or square cakes wear down in use to a large flat pieoe, too thin to handle and, the-fcforo, wasted; while the OVAL CAKE of red-ran-ja 1 “ NEW” SOAP- can be cut in two, the oval er.,- e.aspi d readily in tte hand, and the lar ger end worn down almost to a wafer- with out any watte. COLGATE & CO. reccm mend their Trade-Stark Registered) to Care'nl home eepera not only aa superior in qa alitv ba in farm the moat economies- do ip ever ad». ang.lO-wAaat tf pDLU 1% VO UAIE-ELEGTRIG Is a compound o£ the virtues of sarsapa rilla, stillingia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodideof potashand iron, all pow erful blood-making, blood-cleansing, and li fe-austaining elements. It is the purest, safest, and in everyway the most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sciences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valua ble a remedy, nor one so potent to cure dll diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas, Rose, or St. An thony’s «■ Fire, Pimples and ►-Face- grubs, Pustules. Blotches, Boils, Tu mors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, R1 n gworm. Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease,Neu. 1 ralgia, Female Weaknesses and Ir- * - " ■ “ Affections of fTiKN times more powerful than the best po- -* rous piaster when placed over the centre of the nervous forces, the pit of the stomach, they stimulate the liver, stomach and bowels, perfect digestion, care dyspepsia, billions colic, cramps and pains and prevent ague and malaria! dis eases. For weak and sore lungs, palpitation of the heart, paiuful kidneys, rhtumatism. neural gia and sciatica,they sre the best remedy in the world. Get the genuine. Ask for COLLINS* VOLTAIC BLKUTBIO POROUS PMSTBRS. Pnc* 45 eta. For sale by Hunt, Bank in A La mar, Atlanta and Macon, and Osceola Butler, Slid slldrqei/i>t». sepSSSm 0 P1UML HABIT CUBE i- • « t * PREPARBDEY I1.R. STEVENS, Proprietor of Vegetire. Beaton, Hass. FAMtLINE ii sold bv all Druggists. The Roberta Trial. Yesterday, at three o’clock in the after noon, a large crowd, prominent among whom were the relatives of the prisoner, assembled at the court house to witness the proceedings in the preliminary trial of James Roberts, charged with the murder of Sol Roberts in this city last Saturday. The case having been called by Justice M. R. Freeman, the Solicitor moved postponement on the ground that Mr. Frank S. Jolmson, a material witness for the State, could not be obtained,-he hav ing gone to Cincinnati. After some ar gument, the case was set for next Mon day morning sit ten o’clock. Some fears were expressed yesterday that a collision might occur between the two parties assembled in town. All appre hensions proved groundless, however, and the crowd quietly dispersed after the case had been disposed of. We are informed by the friends of both factions and by some of the relatives of the prisoner, that novicj lence will, nndcr any circumstances, be resorted to, but that a peaceful and legal settlement of the affair will be bad. Decisions «f t be Supreme Court. Since the recent change in the mode of delivering the decisions of the Supreme Court, by which the decisions are now de livered in full, we find it impossible to print them in our columns,^as pronounced from the bench. We have employed Messrs. Hill & Harris, attorneys of this city, to prepare synopses similar to the head notes or abstracts,in which the opin ions of the court were formerly expressed. These synopses will contain every point decided by the court; and in those cases go ing up irom circuits, in Which the Tele graph and Messenger circulates, spe cial care will be taken to make the abridg ments as ample as possible. They will appear on tlte day succeeding their publi cation in Atlanta. In this way, we hope that the abridgments will be as useful to the bar as tbe full reports, and more ac cessible to the general reader. The estimate of Herr Kropp, tbe fa mous German gnnmaker, for the steel girders to be employed In the construc tion of tbe bridge over the Forth, in Scot land, was 15 per cent. less than that of the lowest estimates from any other firm. The saving in the use of the German manufactured steel in the construction of the bridge, will therefore be about $150,- 000. The Northern newspaper mail was cot off yesterday—perhaps by high water. By B. At. Woolley Atlanta, Ca. Reliable evi dence given. and reference to cured patients and physicians, t-er.d tor my book on the habit and its core. /N BORGIA, Bibb County.—Wh.-naa Burenins VJ P. Pm-.tb has mate application for letters o! «dmii istration on the estate of Alex. W. Per sons, late of laid county deceased. This is therefore to cite ar.d admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary of said county on tile first Monday m Apr.I i.eit, to show cause if any they bate, why letters of administration should not bo granted CO the applicant Given nnder mo official sixnature. muifitd* J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. DENTISTRY. T Respectfully anneu co to the rftizAES ot Ma- .1 con and tbe public generally, that lhave opened on Mulbcrrv street, opposite tbe Lanier Hon«e. a Dental cilice,« here I will practice den tistry iu all its branches. 1 o ratal!; invite my friend* and former pat- r ns and tbe eublic generally who need the ser vice of a dentist to call • n me. Very respectfully. 8. B, BARFIELD, D. D. S. j*rl8-dtm-uSg)* ADVANCE IN PRICE s OF PIANO Didn't we tell you bo? And it is not high water vet. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges oat the foul corruptions which contaminato tho blood, and cause de rangement and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions. It promotes energy and strength. It restores and pre serves liealtlif- It infuses new life and vigor throughout tho whole system. No suffererfrom any disease which arises from Impurity of the blood need despair, who will give Aver’s Sarsaparilla a fair trial. Remember, the earlier the trial, the speedier the cure. Its recipe has been furnished to physi cians everywhere: and they, recognizing its superior qualities, administer it in their practice. For nearly forty years Ayer’s Sab* tAPAKtLLA lias been widely used, and ft now possesses tho confidence of millions of people who Iiave experienced benefits from its marvellous curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. •OLD BY ALL DBCGOISTi SVZBTWMKaX. Sunt, Rankin & Lamar Wholesale Agents, febl# 3UCAOON, O-JA. Bibb County Sheriff Sales W ILL be told before the court hour? doer in the city of Xsocn. curing the legal hour, o' sale, on the first Tuese ay in April u, xt, the fol lowing pnperty to-wit: Lota 10 and 19, according tom»pof lhnBond estate, now on record in Clerk's effire Bibb *u- perior Court, said lots situated in tbe city of Ma con. is said county. Levie' on ae tkap-operlj ot James T. hiebet to satirfy a 11. fa. is>ued from Superior Court in inv.>r of Joseph Hood, bearer, vs. James T. Nisbet. Property pointed cut by plaintiffs attorney. Also at the tame time and place, lots 5 „nd 6. to square 66, Iron iug on New street 105 feet and rnnnmg fcac* to an alley in th* rear. s»id .o'.s sit uated in the city of Maccn ia said county. Lev- Sawyer. Property pointed out by plaicMTs at torney. Alio at the same time and plaeo, the b*n8* and let In the city of M aco". Bibb county. Georgia, known as p-rt ot lot No. 1, in block Si, on msp if su'd city, containing about one fourth ot an acre, boirg the bou-e and lot lately ocupicd by David D. Craig. Levie t or as the property of David D. Craig and Robert A. Morris, to sai>- irfy a ft. fa. issued Irom Bibb Paper or court in favor George S. Barker vs. Dsvid D. Craig and Robert A. Morris, now held by M s. E len A. Findlay, transferree. Property pointed ont by plaintiff in fi. fa. Also at the same time acd plaeo. part oflot No A in block No. 17. northwest common . f the city of Maccn in raid court y of Bibb, known at the place purchased by Mrs. Venable from tbe estate cf Jchn Uollingsw. rth. Levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. 1. Venable to satisfy a fi. la. issued from Bibb F upeiior Court in favor of Tomlin and Guernsey vs. Elisabeth Venable. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney* Also at the same time and place, that tract or parcel of land, situated in the city of Macon. Bibb county, Georgia, bounded on the n r rth by the property o! Julius Peter, on the south by rourdary stres'.on tbo west by an alley run ning to the east by property of the Macon Water Works Co. Levied on as tho property of H. 8. Hold ridge, trustee, to srtisfya fi. fa. i-surd Irom Bibb Superior court, in favor John Rutherford vs H. 8. Holdridge, trurtoe. Property pointed out by T. O. Hendrix. A iso at tbe same time and p'aos, that portion of tho north half of lot No 14,heretofcre conveyed to R P. MrBroy bv F. X. Foaler, raid lot situa ted iu tbe city of Macon, Bibb county, Georgia. Levied on as the property cf the estate of R. P. MeBvoy toisatisfy a mo'tgage fi. fa. ism ed from Bibb Superior Court in favor T. R. Bloom. B. L Strohecker and Wm. B. Johrsfon, truste e vs. Wns.P. Geodafl, executor of Robert P. Mc- Bvoy. Property point-id out by plaintiff's attor- Also at tbe'lime time and place, part of lot No S, situated in Bast Macon. Bias county, Georgia, said lot ftomirg I0S feet on strert running bick from Fifth street to Central ►ailrosrt. thence baek 110 feet to Mads of Joh* Folry, thence It'S feet to lands o! W. I,. UUgins, thence 210 tret to said street, containing one-fonrth of an acre, more ir lees, adjoining the lauds of John Foley oneastard north, and W. L. Bigrins on tbe west. Levied on as tbe property otW. L. Hig gins to satisfy a fi. fa. from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of A. H. Colquitt. Governor, v.-.Jsmes C. Hindman, principal, and W. L Higgins, secu rity. marttd* GBO. F. OH BRUT, Sheriff. NOTICE. W ILL be told before the court Bouse door in the town of Dublin and county of Laurens. ?ta»e of Goorgta. on tbe first Tuesday in April next, »h- following property : 6ix hundred aerrg of isnd more or less, lying and being in Laurena count*. 8t*te of Georgia, bounded on the north by lsrdolD. M. Hushes, on the west by W A Guiaey. on tbe east by J. L. McNeir, and on tbe- south by J. W. Bummers. Bold as tne property deed, THK PUBLIC WILL USE SO.ICE of James 34. Lamb to satisfy oi e mortgage deed, with power of sale expressed therein, dated ' March 18, 1879. tigred by said Lamb, and paya ble to Good, 8i 79,sigre _ ... Small A Co., and siren to sreuro o-e That the OpaepofthePoatTTBter-te^yMU^S’i 1 ^^ General against the Malls or the Louisiana State liOttery Company is fees and cost of pro:ee i : r - . Terms ct »-!e nut. 1 t JOB. SMAlL &LO.. By their at uey Jas. A. T! nos. mar?-1aw4w RESCINDED. Registered Letters and Money Orders can be sent throngh | tbs MAILS AS rOBMERLY. a spLEKmo orpeariuiiTT to WIN A FORTUNE. THIRD GRAND DI8TBL BUTlON, CLA88 B. AT NF,W ORLEANS. TUEuDAT,APRIL 13. 18S0—llOlh MwacttlJ amriBg. HOPE DEA F Gar more s Artificial Ear Drums I PEBFECIIiY RESTORE THE HEABUfO and perform the work of: the Natural Dram. Always in position, bat Invisible to others. All Conversation and even whispers heard distinctly. Ws refer to thos. using ttum. Send for descriptive circular, [ GASMOKE EAB DRUM CO, CINCINNATI, O. m ar7-«4t TIM asi Last Cal Piano manufacturers hav* raised prices on us hrte times in as many month-, but we have nev ertheless held to our old selling rates through it all. We intended to fight it out on that line but the last ditch is close by—its a deep one-and we have surrendered. Five large manufacturers have to day notified t s of a fourth advance and another likely to follow April 1. They claim the following ad vane-, in rest of production: Labor, 15 to 2S per cent. | Rosewood,IS per cent, Iron, UO Pino, lumber, 25 “ Hard “ 20 “ I Varnish, j Glue, 25 15 Hardware. 100 To sell longer at old rales involves direct ii sa. We therefore must announce upon our ilathu- se.k, i.outhern Gem ai.d Favorite Pianos an ad vanceol from £10 to f 35 per style. Clnckering Pianos will be adtanced April 1st 123 on each This is not tlie Worst of it. Materials end labor are still going ud' Iir mruse atrites piat o makers are in prog ress. Manu adorers are months l ehird orders Amer ca’s factorie* can’t supnly halt the pianos wonted. I«rge advances are yet to come. BE WISE in TIME Buy nowand save twenty-tire per cent. Those who wait for a decline will get ver> tiicd. It will be yews before did prices rule again. Those who need pbnss within the next two years should buy at soon as possible. ORGANS Havex*t advanced but we can’t fell what day they too will rise. The yeast is wrrking and they can’t be kept down. Send yourorder now. Prerent prices are act guaranteed for even ten days after this date, March 19, J8£0. LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, GA, WHOLESALE PIANO AMD GROAN DEALERS. dec27-dltawAwly . SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IjOmiof Appciiio, Bowels costivo, Fain in Uie j.Ioad, with a dull sensation in tho back £ain under tho shoulderbhida. fuU- ness cit^r catmpr, v/ith & disinr»i jnf-i-mi to exertioaof boayor iniad, irritability S temper- LowEpiriU, withe feeling’of har- injt noelectedstmo duty, Wonrinens, Di=- __ Ruy.t with fitful dseams, hiahly colored Urine. IF rr.FSE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TciXX’S PILLS sire capcclollyr adapted to ■ueb cusc-e, one doae cfleet* such a change of feeling as to aetouleh the suflerer.- CONSTIPATION. Only with regularity of the bowels can perfect bcllth bo enjoyed. If tbe constipation fa of recent dale, a single dose of TUTT’S PILLS will suffice, bnt if it baa become habitual, one Dr. I. Guy Lewis, Fulton, Ark., soyas “After a practice of 25 years, 1 pronoui TUTT’S PILLS the beat anti-billousjned'c ever made.” 4mm Kpy. F. It. Oagood, New York, eSa I _ I have liad Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach Nervousness. I never had any medicine to iiv me so much good ae TUTT’S PILLS, sa good as represented.” outre 30 -Hurray Street, New York. •Sll and to do They are TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Giut Hazk on Whiskies ch*of«d to a Glostt black, by a imflo application of this Dye. It im part* a Natural Color, acts lnatantanoooaly, and is as Ia.jtrmUvfe < asprmtf water. Sold by Drufyisa, or oj-r* byt*ron rucaiptof $1. , Office bo Murray St., Nyw York, JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. Til ILL be sold before the court bouse door in TV thet vntf Clinton. JonescGnnty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wn: 9 hree bundrod and thirty sens of land, more or less, adjoining the lands of John 8. 8tewart,ltobt Smith ana P.B. Hsskel and o hers. Levied on as the property of Alford GIaw>ou to satisfy two fi. fit. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favm- of Elisabeth Glawson *Ld Stodard B. Glawson, adminiatraiom of the es tate of Jesse Glawson. die eased, vs. Alford Giawcon. principal, aad Beefcee' GJawscn and Joeeph Glawson, security. The other vs. Alford Glawson principal, and Seabce Glawson and Jamei. Glawson security. Property pouted out by one of the plaintiffs, and in possession of de fendant. This February 25. 3886. febfftd W. J. GRESHAM, Sheriff. WARNER'S BITTERS In eliminating the impurities of the blood, tbs natural and necessary result is the cure of Srrof* wlotuiand other Skin Eruptions A Dia^RMfl Including Cnncem, VJIcfrSf ard other sores. It is the best Blood l’urifler. and stimu lates every function to more healthful action, and thus & benefit in all diseases. Dyspepsia, Weakneas of Use Stomach, Constipation. Itissiaosa, Gfsrral Debil ity, etc., are cured by tbe Maft Bitters. It Is unequaled as an Appetizer and Iteguiar Touic. It Is a medicine wb’oh should oe In every family, and which, wherever used, will save payment of many doctors’ bills. W}\' * ttiss of two frizes; prices M seats and SI- §©*WARNER’S Safe Remedieaare sold by Druggists & Dealers in Med icine everywhere. H.H. Warner & Co., . riwrrletere, ROCHESTER, H. Y. enrscad for reaiphle* eed Terttmontele. S... i l»JAH ' ' - »; ■ Siv" t • r v, VaI( N > • I-’ SAJI ftf. NOTICE, State Lottery Company, WILLbepold ^ oretheeourtllon , a docr in This Institution was regularly^incorporated by VV the town of JeffeMonyiUe end county cf the Legislature of the State for Educational and I Twiggs, in the State ot Geonria.on the first Tuei- Charitabla purposes, in 1863, for the term of | day m April n-xt, tbefollow n*proper ;, to-wit: twenty-fire years, to which coctract the invlols- I Four hundred and twenty-tiro acres ol land Jy- ed olo faith ot the State is pledged,wl ich pledge has 1 j n g i n the county o! Twiggs, in »«id Ktit».bound- been renewed by a.i overwhelming popular vote, | ed on tbe north by tbe lands of M. B. ttlatpy. on the east by Kd Taylor, and ou tbe sontb and weft by lands of Mr,. Matilda Car'o". Sold as the property of Irby If. Hurcbman, to tatisfy one mortgage deed, with power cf saletbnreia expresred, dated Bibb county, Georgia, Spril ?tb, 1878. signed by ,aid Murcbm&n, end paya-le to O. G. Sparks & Son, aud itiven to secure tbe pay - ment-of two promt,’Ory cotes, each dated April 9.1878. ansi one for one handled dollarr, aud due November 1,1878 audtbeotber fer seventy-five dollars, and due November 15,1878, with attor ney’s fee, and expenses of suit, besides interest. seeurieg iu iraHchbe in the new ccnal itution aoopttcT Decrmbor 2, 1879, with a Capital of 81,000,000, to which it has since addod a reserve fund of 5350.000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM BER D18TRI rtUTIOFS will take place monthly, on the see»nd Tecsday. It never scale* or post pones. Look at the follow- mg Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE J33.000. 300,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. half-tickets, one dollar. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capita] Prixe 830,000 I Term cash. 1 Capital Priz- 30,000 1 1 Capital Prize....... 2 Prizes of S?J,600 5 Prizes of 1,000..... 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prizes of 100 200 Prizes of 50 5:0 Prizes of 20. 1000 Prizes of io , APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prise* of *800. 9 Approximation Prises of 900. 9 Approximation Prises of 199 5,000 5.0GO . 5.0(0 , 10 000 , 10,000 , 10,090 . 10.0CO , 10.000 . 2,700 , 1,800 , 903 O. G. SPARKS & SON. By their attorney Jas. A. Thomas, marf-lawlw 1,857 Prises, amounting to.,.. ~.„.Sll(i,400 Responsible » out- . -1, wantedrt all points, to vH ita-ral c-1>:< n ation will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further information, or seed orders by express cr in a Registered Letter or Money Order by mail, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La or same person at No 819 Broadway, New York. sll our Grahd Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Gene rals G.T. BEAUREGARD and JUBA.L A. EAR LY M. B.—Tbi* Company baa no Agents in the G EORGIA, Bibb County —Whereas T. V. Tinsley, administrator of the estate of Sarah G. Timl.-y, Mo of said county deceased, has made application for leave to sell all the real es tate belonging to said esUto. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons conrerned to be end appear at tbe Court of Ordinaty of said the first Monday in April next to show cause if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Gtrm under my official signature, marttd* J. A. MoMANUS, Ordinary. NOTICE, . A LL persona haring c’e'int against the estate of J. T, Jcs*y are hereby ratified to present them, auh proven tn required by lew, for pay ment. And alt i error.* indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. . H. T. J0HN80N, mr4-law4w Admmittratorof J. T. Joepy, dec’ll ^CANCERS! CURED. TWENTY YEARS’ EXFEBIENCE. For particular-, address with rtrmp, JAURB M HARDAWAY, libeily Htll, Pike county, Ge. rovl* and bet* ecu the parties hereof, all resident* of said county end 8iat , f» form a limited co* pa- tuership, under the laws of G-cr«ie, and that said cop»ttner,htp shall be conducted under tbe following p:ovi-.ion»: 1. The firm name ot said copartnership shall be ’ W. A. Doody,’’ wbi:.h alone shall be used in its dea’hus. 2. 8aid copeitr.crship sh*H bv located in tbe city of Maron. sat" count, and Etete, and Its businers (hall be tbe dealing by retail in Gene ral menbandise. tuth a* cry roooa, clothing, bools and shoes, end ether articles of such char acter. 3. W. A. Doody shall h- the general partner, and th-11 have full direction ard management ot tbe bu-’nes,. Myron Kirtbnuoi and Joseph Dancenberg. all of said county, are special p> rt- ners. 4. W. A. Doody has contributed four thousand (l' U’8 to said partnership and My on Kur*- baum and Joseph Danr.tnbfrg heyerach con tributed four thousand dollars to the capltsl stock of tbe mm-. 5. This psTtncrshinshall begin on the 10th day of January. 1880. and shall en i on t> e JCtb d*y of J»na»ry, J8s3, . nits-sooner dis-olvcd. as here inafter provided, to-wit: In raeeo ther party tm- comes diss,.U-fied with s-irt par tiersbtp the same it ay he dissolved after the firrt year, pro vided six month* notice he given alter said time, of such intended dissoluiion to . bo other party or parties—said nox'ce to be m writing, giving th* ruasnm therefor. It U fuith-r agreed that the sail W, A. Toedy sha'l be paid Irom tho p-rtnersh'p asrets, the au-u ot fifty dollars per month, and ibis amount to be charset to tho expense account. . This pay ment to--enti ueuutil a dissolution, unless cm- sgtetd on. Witness our hand*, this 12th day of Janua-y, 1880. _ W. t.DGOI’Y, MYRON NUrSBtUK JOSHPH DANPENEERG. Signed this 12th day of Jam.ary, 1880. and ac knowledged btf ore J. T RODGERS, N. P. Bibb Co., Ga. MlCOV. Ga.. Jai u-ry 12,1880. I certify that tbe .tuve mstrum-nt was signed ar.d acknowledged by the part on th reto before me this cay. J. T. RODGERS, It. F. B'bhCo.Ga. EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Before mamma ’ in person, W. A.Ducdy. who being duly sworn deposes at d ssjs that he is tbo general partner in a limited copartnership abont >o ho formea in said county, under tbe name cf W. A. Doody, and that Myron Nursbrum aud Joseph Dannrnberg. are the rpotial par’n-re therein, and that the amount agreed to b« re-ntributed by each of them to wit: the sum of four thousand dollars, to the capital stock • f a id firm, ha* been actually paid in. and in good faith contrlbu'ed thereto. A. DOODY. 8wom to and* subscribed before me thi> 20th day of January, 18S0. J. T. ROUGhRS, mart w4w Notary Bibb county, Geocna. G 1 Hjitij a v' i?or tlie rutonal moldvjomaxeutac I vi tor. 1«018 pfcffc*, 475 illaiitrutton tt NTED and The ruo,t complete and O RDINARY’S OFFICE. JONES COUNTY November 18. 1679—Whereas Posen A Biadlcy, sdmlnittratrix. applies to me for dis- wil'sl n teem etateef Joseph Bridley decea-e.l Them aietonrtify all t-norm.oof-errst-d to show catur at this bffire on tbe fits- M .udsy in ‘arch nest, if any they have why the same ■hall not be grantrd. Given under my hand rfl«i*lly. nortutd* iOLAND T R'iHS. Ordinary. *ORGlA, Bfafi OUUNTT.—Whereas Wyr, Holltugsworth hss made apehre-tien for letter* of dtawiiasioa as alminfstr-tor from the estate cf Elite J. Hollingsworth, lateof said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all frr-ons conrerned te be and an pear as the Court of Ordinary ot mid county,on tbe first Monday fxi April rest to ilnw rdm if anv thev hav-*-. wh» letters of diami-skm should sot be g ranted toaarticaat. Wireess my offlcitl sighstt re. J «’Atd J. A. VcMANUd Ordinary. O it la §1 TINWARE SjlRON & STEELjJq ? i farragi ffjgw Msttiisls, jS glLnatlmr ani HM Bel(ingt|l Jf! AYJERY’ri &\ TW H0E8E PLOWS,!0 f;l IN-F00T FLU W$. '|« fIGUNS, PISTOLS AMMUNITION, p;FISHING- TACKLE, Etc. Etc-!^ ■j We have a well asst.rf:d stock and j $ IGUARANTKE PRTCEf.r 05 Mortgage Sale otiand- J^t EORGIA. CRAWPOh D COUNTY.-By vir- Va tue ot the power vested in me by two mort gages executed by Annie Marlsh H*rp»r, to-wit: One n-ortgaire given to • eenre a c* ruin pr jm- issory note tor twenty-five dollars due the 15<h October, 1879, bearing inte’ett at 12 per cent, per annum, after maturity. Paid mortgage dated 33th day of M*y,1879. and recorded iu the Clerk’, office Superior Court of said county, in book J. And one other mortg»ge given to>ecure a cer tain prom’senry note for fl'ty dollars, due No vember i, 1879. bearing interest at 12 per cent, per annum alter maturity. Paid mortgage dat< a 6th March, 1839, and rseorded in Cleik's office Superior Court of sa.d counly.inbockj. Iwul on the first Tuesday in AD’il. 1880, before the cod-t-houae dor in Kroxvilie, Georgia, expose at public sale, to ihehighe*t bidder, for cash, the fallowing described property, to-wit: One hun dred and sixty (1(9) acres of lend. core cr le.*, b-r g all o’ 1-t N o. 42, north of the Macon r ad, in the sixth district of Crawford county. Qa. Ti tles in lee simple will be made'o the purchaser •a authorized in s tld moitgages. Said tract of _ JR land will be told to tati-fy the priaclpal. interest, prehenstve Cooimentary on the I aud a' torn-y’s leer, to-wit. seventy-fire dollars n:iireacnpi.iirea tin one volume) ever published I pr ndpa). with interest a* abort ducrftei, and L'rice 53.75. Bran ley, Garrettou a Co, 66 New I twenty dollars attorney’s fees, as expressed in bt. NashvilV.. T»eu vm nov7w | said mortgages. 5 he said mortgages made arid delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure said notes with the power rxsreswd therein to sell said property in tbe event default wax made in the payment thereof, and default having boon made, ou tbe day of tala 1 will ezecute titles sn fee simple to the same. A. B.8MALL. February 26,1880.-td A PROCLAMATION- GEORGIA: BY ALFRLD H. COLQUITT, Governor of laid Mate. ‘ WHS89AS. rfficial information has been re ceived at this Depart ment that a murder - a* committed iu the county of Twivgs, on the sixth tsaciag’Raffaaftfflaa-i r*w» and that said Bryant h,s fl-nt from justice: I- th *’ Hon. James F. Broidiwsy. OroiLary I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this Executors’ Sale my Proclamation hereby offering .reward of One Hundred acd Fifty Dol'a s for tbe appro* he tsiou and delivery ol said Tarter Bryaat to the sheriff of said county et d 8tste. And 1 do u oreiver ebar.e t’ d require all offi cers in this State, tivii and military, to be vigi lant in endeavoring to apprehend the Mid Ter- in and for tho county of Bakrr. State of Georgia, will be .-Id .bob re the court house door ot Ba* er oouniy, town of Newton, within tbe leta! boars of safe, iu the first Tueadav in April next, aa tbe property of the estate of W. 1). Williams, late ol Esker county, dccuseed. thre ■ hundred and sev enty-three mx! cue third (S7S l-S) seres of lend silvat-d in Howard’s district Bibb county, Ga., Imitations: To protect tho public against Imitaliocracd Fraud we caution all pttrebaoerg of BSNSOR’S CAFOINjE POROUS PLASTERS to see thxt tbe word CAFC1NB on tho label is corro.tly spellea. Do not allow some ctnerplas to be palmed cfl under a si-r ilar sc undiug n me, with the assurance that it is tte same thir g or s.v goed. Bear in mind that the only ol ject such vendor can have is the fact that they ran buy imita tions 11 the prices less than that of the geuu : ne. and they hope by this subs titxtiin to gain a i»r- additional profit. Sr ASURT ft JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, New York. A SURE CURE for all tho diseases f>r which it is recommended, mid always ; in the hands of even the mott inexperienced persons.. rrftctTli tvfdr PEKSY DAVIS’ PAIN KELLER Is rccnm"icr-ted b;i niystcians, Miiitefrs, Mttsionnrif*. Munnftcrs of Jrriorief. JUanf-'i '-w, Xamti in Hospitals'—in short bv mrpmien who has ever given it - trint.. . HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. Qftini £7 SB | should have a place in every fnclon-. machtoo-etorq 3 r» E*4x IBm the b aC and mill, on every farm and plantation, and m. eyerj- householiL ready for immediate uso not only for accidents, outs, bruises, sores, c,c., but us case of sudden ‘sickness of am- kind. PAIRS KILLER Internally or externally without case of sudden ‘sickness of any kind. . .. . „ „ is the well-tried and trusted friend of all v no want. -i snre and safe medicine which Can bo fi-eely nseix. internally or Externally without fear of harm mid with certainty ot relief. Its price brings it within the reach of all: and it will annually save many times Its cost in doctors’ bills. For sale by all dnnreists at 23c. 50c. and Sl.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors. Providence. R. la DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls’ and Boy»’ Suits, Ladles’ Underwear, Infant* Outfits, DRESS MAKING, "WRAPS, COSTUMES, . RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RUCHINGS, " HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, fibc. rresa ‘■’ ar «Etegg r ’ I0US BY MAIL. Soul for Samples or information, and! satisfy yourself how ^cheaply and quiddy j you can get everything in i DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS] of us by Mail or Express. We carry an average n ^.bout $400,000, ail bought j for prompt cash. ESP" Try us. . Etn a the Children send for a set oj emr j Advertising Cards. COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers t PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1S51 G EORGIA. Bibb County.—Whereas William L. Abtx 11 has « ale application for letters ot guardianship of the proicity ot Jehu Early Thresher and Annie Lee Thrasher, resident of PUrida.utid minor cln'drenof Bsrly W. Thrash- tr, late of the Slate of Florida, dece ived. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sona t occemed to be and appear at the Court ol < irdir.ary on the first Monday in April next, ta stow cause ii any they have, why letters o' guar dianship should not be granted to the applicant. Given under my official signature, marttd* J. A. McM-KUS.OrdmsTy. G ROUGH . i ter B rj an tixerd er lhTta££ & b™,h\ to, ?"<* !ot * No ?' 88 ‘ rd m - *«onjt- trial for tha effense with which he standi charg- I S«*ej. hold figotytuon among tho trial for thi effense with which he standi charg- ed. ■ Given under my hand and the great seal of tho State, at the capitol in ft slants, this the second day ot March,in tbe year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and eighty, and of tbe in- doperdenee of the United States ot America { the one hundred and four'h. . ALFRED H.C Jl QUITT, Governor. Brthe Governor: N. Cl. Babbstt. Secretary ot State. mrft.wSt heir* ol said W. D. Williams, deceased. Terms feb24-law4t J.H. * W. W.WIU IAMB. Kxeoutirt. Western in 1 ThoLittie Rock and Fort ttomes in (Smith Railway tlfrr foraala ( thebe.t LANDS in tho West I or Scuthweit, with healthy I climate, fer ile soil, and Dot affected by drouth. Baty Arkansas 5£T 0, “ le - FuUinfora8 - 1 Apply to . W D. SLACK, Land Commissioner, Jsn24-wl3t Little Bock, Ark. G KORulA, Bibb County.—Whereas F. M. Heath has made application for lettsrs of administration on the este-e cf Lunsford Heath, late of said county deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appecr at the Court of Ordinary ot said county on 'he first Monday in April rest, to show caute if any th-y have, why letters of administration should not bo granted to tbe applicant. Given under my official signature, marttd* J. A Me MANUS, Ordinary. British Pisiiessioni, and all persons pretendi'g to | flibb County.—Whereas JohnC. be bo and soliciting orders by cireul*n or other- I Curd, administrator of the estate cf Jam-* - • -• ■ D. Cnrbart, deceased, haa made applieation for leave to sell tbirty-llve shares of the capital stock wise are Swindlers. Know Thyself, T HB untold miseries that result from indiscretion in early life may be allevi ti ed and cured. Those who doubt this assertion should purchase the new medical work published by the PB A- HOUY MEDICAL 1NSTI* fUTE, Boston, entitl. 1 THM SOTbNCB OF LIFE; ... bBLF FRXHBRTATION. Exhausted vi tality nervous and pbyticel debility, or vitality impaired by the eriora of youth or too close or too close application to business, may be restor ed and manhood regained. Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, juitpublisued. It Is a standard medical work, the hast in the Bnglisb language, written by a pbyaioian of great exr orience, to whom was awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Na* tietol Medical Association. It eonteins beauti ful and very i drect ■■ HVUUHUH many years of eitersive and successful practice, either one ef which is worth ten time* tbe price of the book. Bound in French cloth, price only $1, sent by mail postpaid. Tbe London Lancet says: “No person should be without this valuable book. The! noble benefactor.” An illuitrzted sample sen* to all on receipt of C costs for postage. S _____ _ I vice ptesWxaflB MDtS JDOUOBT.HD.RHKLINB.MD, J R HOLCOMB. MD.NRLYNCH. M D. aud M R O’CONNELL, MD. faculty oftbePhihdel- phiaUmvereity of Medicine and Surgery, also the faculty of the American University of Phila delphia, also Hon P A BISsBLL. MD, president ofthe National Medical Association. Address Dr W H PAR* KB R, No 4 Bulfineh St, Boston. Mass, The au thor may ne eonsu'ted on all diseases requiring skill and experience, novtu wlv I of the Southwestern Railroad Company belong ing to the estate ot said Jamos D. Carhart. Theta are therefore to cite and admonish all ! persons concerned to be and appear at the Court : of Ordinary of said county on tbe first Monday in April next to show cause, ifany they have. why. I said application should not be granted. Given under my cffioi-1 signature. marttd* J. A. McMANUS.Ordinary.’ * /"'t BORGIA, BJLBB COUNTY.—Whereas R.K VT Nixon has made appheatiou for lelters of ad* ministration on the estate of Daniel Nixon, late of said county deceased. ■. ■* These are therefore to cite -and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Cou. t of Crdlnary of said county on the first Monday in April next to akow cause, if any they hare, why letters of administration should not bo granted. Given under my official signature, marttd* J. A. McMANUf, Ord nary.’ 1 O RDINARY SDItlca. Jutes County; Georgia, March 3.188*.—^Whereas John F. Childs, guardian for Jettee J. and Madison (j. Barfield, applies for dismisrion. These aie to cite and admonish all persona col eemed to show cause if any they have, at this office, on first Monday in May next why tbe saute shall not be granted. Witness my htnd officially, marttd* M. T. ROBS, Ordinary. rf* Ay XT XT A YEAR ard expenses to agents ?p I II Outfit freo. Address V TICK ERY. Aumtts. Main* .1 iibri l! IsJifl THE I Cincinnati Packing Packers rf PORE. ZftAHD and QUEEN OF THE WEST B8ASD OF |JExtra Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Bieaktast Bacon. CIrcimiati, Ohio. Valuable Land for Sale $io to S100 IS QBOBGIA,•Crawled ccunty.—By. wretoe of j Book sent free expla: BAXTBR A York. Invested in Wall -treet stocks _ makes fo 'L-Ttcs-Very montn. explai-ing everything. Address O.'Ba.ikers, 7 Wall street, New NOTICE LEAVE TO^ELL LAND. the power vetted in mo by a certain m*it- gage executed by J. L. Parsons to secure a eer tam promissory note, for the sum of one hundred and euhty-one dollars and fifty cents. (*181.501. said mortgago dated the 26tb day of June, 1879, S£!?.srg!ggtatoeClerk’SrfBooofthoBoperior f r^joRGIA. JONHS COUNTT-Four wr?»s and mort»aga < rp!n«fiiirnfd 0 hv fhauift jm? pji 8 I ^ * fter date ■PjflCafon wi'l be made t. the somt^nd^M 1 1^1 nn°-rS«5iw I ®J Ordinary of Jones county, tor an order scribed property, to-wit: One hundred and one O RDINARY’S Office. Jones Conntv. Georgia, March 3.1886.—Whereas Martha Pitta guar dian of John A. and Martha D. Pitts, applies to me for dismission. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned t» show cause i* any they have, at this office, on first Monday in May next, why the nune shall not be granted. Witness my hand offlcally. marttd* R. T, ROSS, Ordinary., HEAL THYSELF! A MUSICAL LIBRARY. D1TSON A CO. from time to time, gather to gether th*ir best, choicest, most ancc*»fcl sod opniar pieces cf sheet mutie, and bind them in andtome vole mo* of from 200 to 250 pages, rheel tuticaize. There are now SI bookioftbe co nes. Collectively, they contain nearly aM tho really gcod sheet rusks ever published. Sepa rately oorsidered, each book ii independent of the other, and bolds the lest sonrs.or pieces of iUkitid, The very moderate cost commends hem. Price in Boards $2.00; Cloth £2.50; Gilt £3.00. The following arc the TOCAL books only: Sunshine of Bong. 68 popular songs. World of Bong. 95 songs. Great variety. Gems of English Borg. 79 songs. New book. Household Melodies. 2 vols. 147 songs. Moore’s Dish Melodies. ICO famous airs. Silver Chord. 160 songs. _ Gems of German Bong. 1UJ German gems. Scottish “ 163 Scottish gams. Sacred « 119 ef the best. Shower of Pearls. 61 capital duets. Wreath of Gems. 95 Bongs, aufta varied. Stiver Wreath. M songs, duets and trios. Operatic Psarie. »2 favorite opera soagg. Musical Treasure. Toealand Instrumental. Any book mailed, post-free, far above pricer. OLIVER DITS0N &C0.j Boston. O. H. DITBON * 00,646 B’dway N.Y. IsnSitf O RDINARY’S Office. Jones County, Georgia, March S, 3889.—Whereas A. A. Barfield, ad ministrator estate John J. Barfield, deceased, applies for dismission. Theso are to cits and admonish all persons ton* eemed to (how cause at this office, on first Moire day in June next. If ary they have, why tbe same shall not be granted. Witness my hood officially, msrttd* R. T. ROBS. Oidica-y. QRDINARY’a Office, Jones Whereat Samnel L. Chiles, administrator e tste Lucmda Mason, deceased, applies for dis mission. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show canto at this office,on the first Monday in June next, if any they have, why the same shall Lot be granted. Witness my hand offic-ally. mart'da .ROBS, Ordinary. BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas J. A. Uf Foster, admir.ii.trator of the estate of A. B. Foster late of said county deceased, ha* mado ap plication for leave to sell all the wild lands be longing to said estate at private sale. » This it to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinaly of said county on the firet Monday in April next, to ihow I eacre. if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my official signature, marttd* J. A. McMANDS, Ordinary. | y* BORGIA, Bibb County—Whereas Mrs. Bo- I U phia B. Hall, administratrix of the estate county deceased, gepro- r petition, dniy filed and she has fully aa minister* g2£6fi'" v "' Agents wanton, mmr Ttttrunte. Particulars fro. of B. Bond, late of said couni tents to tbe eourt in her entered on record, that | td B. Bond’s estate. This is therefore to elte all kindred and creditors, to show oause, if any they can; why said admicirt a tor should not bo discharged from her administration and receive letters of diamita<on on the first Monday in June, I860. Given under my official signature. marttd* J A McMANUS, Ordinary. •OdiJMiusstuaco i Green River Work*. alM'dewSm COTiBY acres of Isnd, more or leas, being tbe north half oflot number 126, bounded as follow*: North by lands of J. L. Parsons, east by 8. W. Hatcher, sonth by Mri. L. G. Parsons, and west by R. R. Harmon. Titles fes simp’s will be made to tbe purchaser si authorised in said mort-are- t-aid trart o' land will be tod to satisfy the prisaral, interest, and attorney’s fees, to-wit: Une hundred aud eighty-one dollars and fifty cents principal, with Interest at twelve per cent, rer annum from the 1st day of October. 1879. and ton per cost, additional upon said principal and Interest attorney’i fees, as expressed m saMmort gage. The said mortgage made a d delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure said note with tha power expressed therein to sell said property in tbe event default was made in tbe payment thereof, ani default having been made cn tbe day of sale I will execute titles iu fee simple to tbe same Thii the Id day of February, 1C89. 2J*t aw A. B. SMALL. A J. STEWART, Administrator. mSem siW fSlflj ADMINIS TRATBIX’S SALE. BY authority of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of Chatham soonty. will be sold before tho court houre door in Savannah,on the 1st Tuesday •“April next, within the lessl hours oi sale, ’he following property belonging to tha estate ol Bd- wa-d C. Anderson, deceased : All that tract of land situate in the empty of Bibb, State of Geor gia, near the city of Macon, aud fronting on tho road leading from Macon to Foi syth m Yinevilic, known a* the plaoa nought by Gao. W. An- 111” I 5«1 Bibb County.—Whovae A. B. AO*t, administrator of tho<st-t« ot Dequilla ta col folk; lata uf said counts deceased, ha* ra »de application for leave to sell all the teal estate be longing to tail estate. .. „ This i* therefore to cite and nemonish all rer- sons oencerned to be *nd appear at the Court of 1 Uidinary tfxaid county on the iirat Monday in April next to tjtow cause if any they have, why ta’d application should not be granted. «-iven under my hand and official aignatu e. marTtd* J. a. vcMANUn.’-r-fir-arv. O RUlNAKY’o office, Jones county, Georgia, January 20, I860.—Where»» Robert Q. • ar- ron guardian for ths mir or children ol Samuel T. Morgan, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said guardianship. These are to notify all persons concerned to show caute at tl is office ou or by the first IX-'B- day in April next, if any they have, wby the same shall not be granted. Witness my baud officially, j q.£4.d* BOLAND T.ROS3. Ordinary. Valuable Land for Sale. G EORGIA. Crawford county.—By virtue of the power vested in me by a certain mott- gaga execute* by G. M. Lumpkin to secure a co-tain promissory note fori he sum of one hun dred ana fiftv do'lars (?15ii), said corgago dated tbe 23d d«yof January, 3879, and recorded in the Clerk’s office ol Crawford county, in Book J, pages 7 > and 77.1 will, on Tuesaay tha second day of March. 3831. before the court house door, in tha town of Knoxville. Georgia, expose at pub lic aale to the highe-t bidder for ca»li, the follow ing describt d proj erty, to-» it: The east haft of lot of laud N >. 65 in tbe seventh diatric of origictlly d out ton now Crawford co .nty, Stata of Georgia, containing ona hundred one undone- . fourth acres (U1 h ). mere or lea*, known ft the j Na.cySSaddelf place.' Titles in fee simp’o will . be n ade to the purchaier, aa authorized ia tald < mortgage. Said tract of land will be sold to sat- ; Lfyth9 principal,interestand attorney’* fees, to' wit: One hundred and fifty dollar s principal, with interest st twelve per cent, per annum from Novcmb-r 1,1879. and £25 attorney's fees, as expressed in said mortgage. The raid mort< gage male acd delivered to me, the undersigned to secure said note, with the p-wor expressed therein, to sell said property in the event def .ult was made in the payment thereof and default having been made on the day of sale, i will exe cute titles in fee simple to tbe same. This Feb. ntary 2,1880. _ _ j n2fl law4w JAQfiB SE1SEL. ■/~1 EOKGIA. Bibb County.—Whereas M. 31. VT Rocers. guardisc of John' N. Little, bavins: appli-d to tha Or urt of Ordinary cf ta d etunty for a dischrrge from hitguardianship of JobruSa- Liltlo’a person ar.d property. This is therefore to cite oil pi-reors cr.nctra'rT to show causa by tiling their objectioua m mv ot- ficebv the first Mor.dav in June Bert, why the. >tid M. R. Roger- should not b-daninwS frmta his guaratar.ahip of John N. Littisi aud receive* th.v usual letter.* of disiuiiEioa. Given tinier my officia signature, marttd • J. A. VcMA5U J , OhU aery. JiBJllGIA. JONES COUNTY—w har*M» VDT Charltt L. Ridley apolioi fur'.dciiutstrov- tion with the will annexed, on tno eatatu of Mrs Snsau A. Rialey, dectase i. These are to ci e and admonish all persons: concerned to show causr tfacy th-y h*.-ewhy tho *ame shall not be granted, at she next tents of this court, on fir t Monday in Ap ril next. Witness my hand offi-iallv. roatS’tv ROIANDTEOW QrAlrarv. . i wm Prcwrlption Free. For M^prtcodyCnreof- tWiaiul Weakness. Loss ofMviQBNI, ana. nrd«n» brought on br indiwrelion or oycs££& Ak$ *ce ingredient'*. Aftdre«<s v • y 10*03 A ro.. 76 ^I-u»au St % New Advectisemfifits. O RDINARY’S office Jones county, Georgia, • January 20.1880.—^Whereas Richard John fon, administrator of estateof Toliver Haws, do ceaaed, applies to me for dUmission. These are to cite and admonish all persons coc earned to show cause at this office on Or by tbe first Monday in Mar next, if sny they l _ve, why tbe same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially, Jan24 id* ROLAND T- RQ38, Ordinary, LOST HOBSE. STBATBD or stolen from Linton D. Johnson vJ living on tha new Houston read, olo mi'e and a half from the court house lit Macon, on the Sth day of December, 1819. between one o’clock and dark, one large sotrsi pony horse. He haa a small white root on the forehead; the msne a lit tle mixed with white hairs: at leisure gaits ;s in clined to rari7 ht» head rather low; with the ex ception of tbe.white spot on the forehvad'and in the m»ne ha is a solid sorrel: a number one sad dle horse, a good racker, and a goo t buggy and w»gon and plow horse. Five dollars wi 1 be paid to any pe-son for him or to let me know where he is. AJuress. L.D. JOHNSON. M. and B- R. R.:hop, Macon, Ga. decl2...dawlawtf jjffewraBjjigfc P&mgg? 9 *’ mmm Moofly’s Kill of BalariJ. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIAL VKXSW. Only one discovered upon the globe: tested im over four hundred rases of Intermittent Fever— never failed to cure in a single instance: certuiiK preventive hs we 1 os certain cure. A v( t,-els6#er pren .ration oc'ing specifically uprn the Ltaej-.. wit-taut the assistance of Merects ■ baa no r?u»t as an anti-bihops preparation: take itinerery troube where thn liver is irvo!v»d. Sold fry Hust, Barkis A Lav ah. Merer.. Ga .. aud by Dr. W. MccDV, Manufacturer, Greensboro. 8a Price SI per bottle. febl» AGENTS-WAKTEDTORTTHl a XCTOHXAlLf HISTORYopj2eWOBSJI It centains 672 flat hiatorical engntvir.fl; and 135^) large double column ppgeH. and ia the moat com - plete History of the Wor:d e?er published. IS- feds at aight. Send for tpecim>*n p»go^ and cb- tra terms to Agents, and heo why it solla fastor' than any other book. Address National FuN* grot «.o., PhiTm!e^p^ia. orAtlfcnti>. Iebl9^ Qf&^vely llDsebiid Chro«o«, cr 2* Ploral* “"Vwfth mme. lOcts. 60 Mixed Ca>da 10eta. ^ASbAU CARD OQ , jf. J. OtUttcrintf cured by EaUs' Patent H bend for description to Simpson A Cer_ -POI ZZl6. A eur \ o»k t Ssf? 77 A. J aD<l CUrtMS K> air f * OLtto free. Addretr f Q ViCJK- KHY Angp»ta. Viipf. a DYERTls-BkS, aeud for oar *=-ect List cf Le- &ruV^ T r rS - GeC ' i ’-. Row-iI1 4 c*.,» FREE TfifALL Omr lliustrr IsotvrrinCJvw C3ta:o:-je or PMotw, Syg’.«jBa .eotoMW d fPf tofcrmatlott *-o the anna— temjorLst. 2 a ere* under glues* Ex-*iiiiu<r war * Ooodj tee (2 rn-stG’alf'y.S’B'isw'.ejrt- fi5™p_rW' po»*r-,c. Ak>v Price List in Addreu, NAI-TZ A VfRrrv ktc zomsriLiz, sr. A^ESMEN WANTEI GOOD menTO sell) CIGAR s to dealers. Ajnonlhandexpensei Free Cut.tuts Notice Oat J Vpqsendlt with your«nl (Rend a jc. Stacuu to insuref s - VS’S'J’riJS A: CO. f P. O. Box 1379. Cincinnati, Ohio, j JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. Ilk/ ILL be sold before the court house door m Yv tbe town ot Clinton on the first Tuesday in April next, between the local hour* of sale, three hondrsd aerne of land. moreorte9t. adjoining iforsnn from Ufn ~#r~rnm—itho landsof Jawe* B. Denton, Jackson Roberts, from Mi- H. B. Freeman, eseeutrix, etc., | and others, and known as the Sawyer place. Lev- — .... itd on as the properly ofP. O. Sawyer,’trustee eontaraiag 8*K For informal scents, mart dim wtd acres, more or less. •turn apply to Turpin * Ogden, | JANBM.ANDHRBON. Administratrix. . . Jfonojs. I Bare this day sssoefafei with me in the warehouse and commissU-n business, Mr. A. w. Gibson, so long connected with the firm of Ha deman A Sparks and mere recently with O. G. Sparks A Bon. * TH03. HARDS MAH, Jx. for are/e and children, *e satisfy a tax A ft. issued by W. J. Gresham, tax collector, for the year 1879. This February 18,1380. feMtod W. J. GRESHAM, Sheriff. A. O. TAYLOR-) BUI for relief, etc, Bibb 8ure- vs. f rior Co-irt, October Term. WM. TAYLOR J 1879. It anpearieg to tbe Court by the return of tbs Sheriff that tbe defendant is not to be found il this county; and it further app-srerg that he does not reside ia this Stata : Order d, that sere , vioe be perfected on said defendant by poblica The undersigned having this day Mandated I tion to be and appear at tbe neitterm efthis ihemsdvet together under tne firm name of Hsr- I rourt, or that eoasmeinant be allowed to pro d-man A Gibrou. and will be pleated to see their I seed. respective friends. We will be prepared to make | Ord-red further. tft«t this o'der be nul lisbed liberal advances,aod hope by dote and polite at- I ocee ■ u-onth for four months in thi Tt-legrarh tentiou to business, to mr it tbe confidence of our I and Messenger, a public gosette published in the planting friends. | dty of Macon. THOP. HftSDIMAH, Jx. A. W. GIBSON. mar7deodlm-wlm Administrator’s Sale- r the Court: JOHNL. HARDEMAN. Compitipsot’s Solicitor, T J.SIMMOtr*. J. 8. O M. O. *A true extrrot from the minutes of Bibb Su* perior'Court. This ltd November. 1879. ft. B. XOft*. Cterk. G. J. ii-ixs Administrator on the estate ol Mery Comer, downed. Macoa, Ga., Hatch 6,1880. miTM I ha aii {uisiimA a«i pgraatM Icurtd. TxpeW *b4 wcilm 'i |pl«itoaf PM* of tr* lefitoMboxtAlt ot earo Also r Utah Mia I tlratuBM. Un. ' * tfouMriy Mn. Hr* 8. 8. Caikt*) UTotu, 1 WLL4t FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS: BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &o. Send for Prioe-liat, W. H; DILLINGHAM A CO., 143 Main Sfcroet, LOUISVILLE, KY. WlTIT a saoxth and expeaoae ru* an:eel . •T' f / Agaate. Outfit frjj. kSu.W A C 1 oy asm, K«e*b ft 1880, WUbrnaJItdmi to a!I applicant*, aad to customers without ordtrlsjr it. It coots?a* four colored platex, COO earravioFt, -*^Bt SCO PSfM, and fall deacHptloaa, prices aad directions For ating 1600 varieties of Veceuble and Flower Seeds. PlaaU, m, «tc. la valuable to a!L 8end for It,. Address, " D.M, FERRY A CO, Detroit, Mich, mm COTTON Old «i* ,e w an “ the ^ bettsr > Runs Lighter, Clnx farter and Coeta Less Money than am *b« Market. Everyma.china fttlly and legally guarranteed* G EORGIA, Bibb Ccunty—Whereas Mrs Mar tha L. Barns, guardian of Mattie J., Annie L. and Jimmie A. Harris, haa applied to the Court cf Ordmtry of said ecuoty for. a discharge from her guardianship of said Mattie J., Annij L. and Jimmie A. Harris of their person and prop erty, this is therefore to cite all persons concern ed to be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary ■aid county ou the first Monday iu May next ahow cause, if anr they have, why the said Mar thaL* Bart it should not be dismissed Irom he guardianship of said Msttie J., Annie L.aud Jimmie A. Harris and reoeive the usual letters of dismission. Given under my official signature, lebltl*J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. BAKER SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be told before the coc.thousu door in Newton, within the legal h:urs ot ealo, on the first Tuesday m March ntxf, the following properly to-wit: Lots tt land Net. three hundred and sevrnfy- two, three hundred and seventy-throe, and three husdred and seventy-four, all iu the eighth dis trict or laid county, taid to contain each two hundred and fifty octree, more or less. Sold as the property ol William Broidaway to satiafy a Superior Con: t ft. fa. B. O. Kenton vs. James E Scarbrough, principal, and William Broadaw.iv Froperty printed out by defendant william Broods way. Ton-.nt in posses.-ioa noti fled in writing. „ JA8. H. ROWELL. Sheriff. January 27.18S0 39td Citatio of Heirs- £OB>G!Ae Bibb County “Fnncij Eisner m the Gdsiautrator of H. Bitter. 3ate of *.a.d county, dec*Med, h*vi* filed bis a-t.licaton in this court for a citation cf tha belrv ol tbe de- ccflktad for a dimibatioa of the e»Uie now in hit hards. The»e are therefore t> cita the n^xt of kin of de feated to be ana appear at the Court of Ordinary lor Mid county on tbe flrat Monday in April next, then and th«ro to show their relationship to deceased. Witoeaa my official signature, this March 1st, 1880, marOid* J. A* XoHAHU8» Ordinary. These xnachineixu* made of the best materials, ajrf zh* YrcrLmanj^up and finish arc ucrn?dlod. Karo I>xa a wrjdock premiums at all the State luirz, Geers!* Alai^n^TfexwL etc. UiArarda of 50» of our Gera are fn cooEturt naate the southern states, over 1000 ha^i a-beec sold in l*7\ Price List of Qlntj Feeders and Condenses*. Boxed ready for shipment and delivered as our factory' 875 CO 87 50 100 00 112 50 125 00 KG 00 ICO 00 180 00 Prico with 8elf Feeder or Condenser. 8100 00 110 0) 182 CO 248 CO ICO 0G ISO CO 208 00 232 0) rrieewiUt Self Fester a* CondczuscR. Clemons, Brown A Oa,and as the Taylor Gla. Dorurtb ;-lace, where, wahare been « , .aeturlnff Gins ever atnoOs 1 abor saving: machine 1 Terms given on Application.^! ryom 2842 to 1S58 we manufactured Ginsat Cuhnabon; Qa under the firm name of K. T. TaxLoa Aafter*ndL rr.wwrtWH n-xrvwr Sr jya -aid xuacte what w»w then,JLao^a. the yeiurlKO we remavwil tofWIi and akUlsrt vroSrura, vb pmmws^ . u-~—w»»yany oiBwrmiin^fitfirorff fa> , for producing the aa»r work forttoLirASSmooCTL^^ The demandlart year wag ao great thas ne*r)y»fo~ “ remained unfilled, but we havw double * J ‘ * capacity and Lope to be able to meet i the wisest plan to cetyour orders In u ftvdnftrnrTV voiuxtarv t BROWN COTTON GIN CO.,