Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, March 23, 1880, Image 5

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FAMILY BALSAM FAMILINE. I Safe awl Itelnil Rtasefly pbomptly believing mB eXIEENAL AND IN1EBNAL 1 USE. Tki, Family Balaam is composed of Bark*, loot* and Resinons Gums from the treeiof our Forests. Koch one of i^s£s^ssr^ss&&^jS 2Ji» -1 yculd not bo without it. Every ilauj should haro it tn thtir house, ready for Numerous testimonials tare keen received M-h will bo published, from wrsons whohuv the Famiiine Ba’sam for the past two sears ‘^'liU.thesurpriiinirefficary. value and sue- T* m I lie e B aham. For its quick and “** v-lin* properties, it has no equal; fonts ,u , r *il?.»r»l'sl'«yiBff inflammation, no nsedi- rrheriM^ compounded equal to it. It is c, U2!fii fa muse at any and all times, and a Juleksuf thorough cure for such complaints as p,ins in the Chest. Shoulders, back andSdie Burnt tnd Scalds, Sprains. Strains, Bruises, Rheumatic and Neuralgia Pains, Swelling of the Join) a,Stiff Jointed tiff Neck. Con- trseted Mute,'**. Spiral Affeciiens, White Swellings, Chafes, Calluses. ' Tjalls, Bunions, Chilblains, Corns, Frost Bites, Poisoning by Dog wood or Ivy, Stings of Insects, Chapped Hands, Lips. Bung- wort.', Salt Bheum,Tetter, Pimples, Itching,Dry Sca ly Eruptions of the Skin. OM Sores.Seald Heal Outward Humorsof any kind. Hemor rhoids, Piles, Numbreis, Worms, Ague in the Face, Ear-ache, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Coughs, Cronp. Ibis Fsmilv Balsam Vsm'lino surpasses any sad all other known remedies recommended ."or iucIi complaints. In each package will be found a pamphlet containing a short treatise on all the complaints lor which this BaLan is recommet d- ed ».th full and simple directions how to uao the Btinm lor each complaint. Price 25 and 50 cents per Bottle. fifty. of tweoty-flte-ceiit alts. PREPARED BY II. R. STEVENS, Proprietor of Vegeline, Btston. Hass. FAMtLINB is sold by all rrnggistv. §0iQ <8 is the most economical form of Washing Soap. All bar or square cake* wear down in nse to s large flat piece, too thin to handle and, therefore, wseted: while th* OVAL OAKE of mmm' " NEW” SOAP can bo ent in two, tbe oval end o:aspfd readily In tbe hand, and tbe lore ger end worn down almost to s wafer with out any watte. COLGATE & OO. reeom mend tbeir Trade-Mark Registered) to Oarefal hones eepors not only as attperior in qa ality bn inform the moat eooaomiot -nap over »dd-* *ng30-wAeat tf 00LUM§' VOLTAIG-ELECTRIG POROUS PLASTERS fTlEN times more powerful than the best po- - rous plaster when placed over the centre of the nervous forces, the pit of the stomach, they at -.raulate the liver, stomach and bowels, perfect digtstion. cure dyspepsia, billions exilic, cramps and pains and prevent ague and malarial dis- eaaee. For weak and sore lungs, palpitation of the heart, painful kidneys, rheumatism, neural* gin and scuiies.they are the best remedy in the 5»tf£. £. et A he genuine. Ask for COLLIN 8' VOLTAIC ELECTRIC POROUS PL18TKRS. Prie* 25cts. For sale by Hunt, Rankin & La- m »r, Atlanta and Macon, and Osceola Butler. tiwlallflrnffgi»t<. ier§8 Cm 0 PIUML DIBIT CXJBE By B. M. Woolley Atlanta, <?a. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to cured patients and physicians. Hend for my book on the habit and its cure. The Roberts Trlnl. Yesterday, at three o’clock In the after- nnon, a large crowd, prominent among whom wore the relatives of the prisoner, assembled at the court house to witness the proceedings in the preliminary trial of James Roberts, charged with the murder of Sol Roberts in this city last Saturday, The case having been called by Justice M. II. Freeman, the Solicitor moved a postponement on the ground that Mr. Frank S. Johnson, a material witness for the Slate, could not be obtained, he hav ing gone to Cincinnati. After some ar gument, the case was set for next Mon day morning at ten o’clock.. Some fears were expressed yesterday that a collision might occur between the two parties assembled in town. All appre hensions proved groundless, however, and the crowd quietly dispersed after the case had been disposed of. We are informed by the friends of both factions and by some of the relatives of the prisoner, that no vioj knee will, undei any circumstances, be resorted to, but that a peaceful and legal settlement of the affair will be had. DccNIouh or tlie Supreme Court- Since the recent change in the mode of delivering the decisions of the Supreme Court, by which the decisions are now de livered In full, we find it impossible to print them in our columns,'as pronounced from the bench. We have employed Messrs. Ilill & Harris, attorneys of this dty, to prepare synopses similar to the head notes or abstracts,in which the opin ions of the court were formerly expressed. These synopses will contain every point decided by the court; and in those cases go ing up trom circuits, in which the Tele- enAi'ii and Messenger circulates, spe cial care will be taken to make the abridg ments as ample as possible. They will •rpear on the day succeeding their publi cation in Atlanta. In this way, we hope that the abridgments will bo as useful ta Hie bar as the full reports, and more ac- cts§ible to the general reader. The estimate of Herr Krupp, the fa tuous German gunmaker, for .the steel girders to be employed In the construc tion of the bridgo over the Forth, in Scot land, was 15 per cent, less than that of the lowest estimates from any other firm. The saving in the use of the German tnanufaetured steel in the construction of the bridge, will therefore be about $150,- Tue Northern newspaper mail Tfas cut Lj^^terday—perhaps by high water. /"i BORGIA. Bibb County.—Bh-reas Eusebius VT P. Smith baa made application for letter* of admiriatrotion on th* estate ot Alex. W. Per sons, late of raid rounty deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per- sens concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in April i ext, to al.ow cause if any they have, why letters of administration should not bs mauled to tae apulh-ant Given under mo official signature. mai6:d - J.A. McUANUS, Ordinary. DENTISTRY. I Respectfully L con and th anneu ecto the citizens of Ma- Opened on Mnlberrv street, o-poti’e the Lanier Honse. a Dental office, where I will practice den tistry in all its branches. 1 c r Hally incite my friends and former pat r ns and The public ger orally who need tbe ser vice of a dentist to call-n me. Very respectfully. ». B. BARFIELD, D.D. a j%Tl8-d1r.i-uSm* ADVANCE IN PRIOEs OF PIANOS, Didn’t we tell you so? And it is not high water vet M antlast Call !K> Piano manufacturers hav* railed price* on us hrte times in as matij months, but we have nev ertheless held to our old selling rates through it all. We intended to fisht it out on that line but the last ditch is close by—Its a deep one-and we liave surrendered. Five large manufacturers have to day notified rs of a fourth advance and another lixely to follow April 1.' Th»y claim the following cost of production labor, 16 to £6 per cent. | Ko>ewo>.d,15 per cent, Iron, 150 - | Varnish, 25 Pice, lumber, 25 “ I Glue. J5 Hard " 20 “ j Hardware. 100 To fell longer at old nuts involves direct lies. We therefore must announce upon our Mathu- sek,. oulbern Gem and Favoriie Pianos an ad vance ol from MO to -55 per style. Chickerlus Pianos will te advanced April lat,,>25 ou each rlrl* TMsisiol lie ¥orst of it. Materials snd labor are still going ud' Im men so strikes among piai o makers are in prog ress. Manu'acturera avemontns lehird orders, Amer ca’a faotorio* can’t supply lull the pianos wanted- large advances are vet to come BOy no# and save twenty- nve per cent. iho-0 who wait for a decline will yet ver* tiled. It will be years before oil prices rule again. Those who need -pii-no* within the next two yea;a should buy as soon as possible. Have ret advanced but we esn’t tell what day they too will rife. The jeast is werking and th-sy can’t be lept down. Send yonr order now. Present prices are not guaranteed for even ten days after this date. March 10.18‘.0. HIDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, OA, WHOLESALE PLANO AND CABAN DEALERS. dec27-ditaw£wly SmPTQNlS OF A TORPID LIVER. asaiafrt!? u H^ Br tho ahouldorblaAs, full* e:r.,“i?* eaLng, witn a disinclination to tocl ? or mind, IrrttaJbSty of withafeeUmtofbav- rr.^fc’^s-modaty, Weariness, Id*- lore'ibf‘i it:cn 3S9 tt * 1 o Heart, Dots be- Kneroi?. e 7<a. Yellow Skin, Headache WLSfi.'- / .°y crtl io right eye, Hostlcasnesa Ip-u^ 1 droa ms, highly colored Urine, tWARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, ‘tRlOUS DISEASES Y/ILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. s«i b .i ® ^TIXS nre ctpoclally adapted to •f fe«3te ** dose cfleets such n chance rll »Sa« la nstonlah tbe auBercr.- 0 . CONSTIPATION. t-f ? f ,l!j regularity of tha bowels can perfect t!. . er -J°yed. If vha constinaii.n Is v iVggJ/y. a sm-la dose of TUTT’B PILL* jil.L 1 ;'; 1 "-but tfUTins became habllual, one uken evciy night, gradually lessen- Lewis, Fulton, Ark- ssltbi Tl rr-U ,..*. J'ra^tlce of S5 years, I pronounce ll « ’’*** and -billoi)>mo(l i cina “m’£ Osgood, Now York, a&ya « * ■ X ' had Dyspepsia, Weak SMnttch. and I iicrur li.-ul any medicine to do j, r**l»» TUTTd PILLS. They.ars Olj^V-^Trescntcd.’’ - “Q .Hurrny Street, New York. HAIR DYE. iravWSSSSSkSt *'»i KSvTM* * pnn « w *t*r. Bold by X>ru«fsts, og Bufi^WMsmensUl. r Jj • "ice ws rv; urr ay St., Mew York* JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. X\l ILL be told before the court house door in W thet.wncf Clinton, Jones connty. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to- wii: Three hundred and thirty seres of land, more or less, adjoining tho lands of Jehu 8. ana F.B. Hsskel and o hers. Levied on as the property of Alford Glawsou to sali-fy two fl. fss. issued from the Superior Court of said oounly in favor of .Elisabeth elawson ai d Stodard B. Glawson.- administrator* of the es tate of Jesse Glawson. dscssssd, v*. Alford Glawson, principal, sad Keabea Glswspn snd Joseph Glawson. security. Tho other w. Alford Glawson principal, and Seabos Glawson and James Glawton se<unty. Proparty pointed out by one of the plsintifl*. and in possession of de fendant. This February 28. 1880. febT7td W. J.OBB8HAM. Bhe-ifT. WARNER’S Is a componuil of the virtues of sarsapa rilla, stilling!a, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodideof potash and iron, all pow erful blood-making, blood-cleansing, and life-sustaining elements. It is the purest, safest, and in every way the most effectual alterative medicine known or available to tbe public. The sciences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valjia-. We a remedy, nor one so potent to euro all diseases resulting from impure blood. It ettres Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Krysipelas, Rose, or St. An. tliony’s v- Fire, Pimples and '-Face- grubs, Pustules,'Blotches, Bolls, Tu mors, Tetter, Rumors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ringworm, Ulcers, So res, Rheumatism,McrcurialDisease,Neu. ralgla, Female Weaknesses and Ir regularities, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood, ana cause de rangement and decay. It stimulates and enlivens tho vital functions. It promotes energy and strength. It restores and pre serves healthf- It infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any disease which arises from impurity of the blood need despair, who will give Ayeii’s Sabsapabilla a fair trial. Remember, the earlier the trial, the speedier the cure. Its recipe has been furnished to physi cians everywhere: and they, recognizing its superior qualities, administer it in their practice. For nearly forty years Ayeb’s Sab. has been widely used, and it now possesses the confidence of millions of people who liave experienced benefits from its marvellous curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Go., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SCU> ST AXJ. DRUGGISTS EVERTWWERH. 2nnt, EankJn & Lamar Wholesale Agents, febl» MAOON, OJS. iJdlmlnatlng tbeimpuriUesof the bloodjthl utes every function to more healtliliil action, and thus abenefit. in all disease*. . i» v«£n*in, tVoshnn* of the Stomach. CoAsUpation. Dtalscu, finvral D*Mf-, lire cured by the Sole Bitter*. It Is as an Appetizer and Regular Tonic. Tt’is a medicine which should be In every famlJ?. aS lilitcli. wbewrar used, will save P %Tt®SftTo^ pricS'aoeenUand «1. _____ - jj®-WARNER’S SAf;' f , grljVt* hAlfN . Vliit SAU P ,ll$ - , Safe Remedies are •old by Druggists ’A Dealers In Med icine everywhere. ^H.K.Wamer&Co., Proprietor*, BOOHE8TEB, N. Y. THB PUBLIC WILL TJIE HOTICE That the Order of the Postmaster General against the Malls of tho Louisiana State Lottery Company Is RESCINDED. Registered Letters and Money Orders can he sent throngh the MAILS AS FORMERLY. A MPLFXMD OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. THIRD GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS D, AT NEW ORLEANS TUE-DAT,APRIL IS. 1850-119lb Jlunthly ursHiug. LouisiaQa State Lottery Oompanv This Institution was regularly incorporated by tbe Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term ol twenty-five years, to which contract the inviola ble faith ol the State is pledged .which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular voto, securing its franchise in the new constitution adopt* d Decembor 2. 1S79, with a Capital of Sl.000,000, to which it ha. since added a reserve fund of $-150,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM. BERDlbTRlriUTIOFS will take place monthly on tho secendT-esdey. It never scales orpostpones. Look at the follow- ing Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZB $33,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLAR8 BACH. HALF-TICKETS, ONH DOLLAR. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 Capital Priz* 1 Capital Priz*. 1 Capital Prtzs 2 Prizes of SJ,tOO....„ 5 Prizes cf 1,000 20 Frizes of 500... 100 Prizes of 1C0_™. 200 Prizes of CO SeO Prizes of 20 1G00 Prizes of ^ _ APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prises ol $800 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200...,., 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes ol 190 903 1.857 Prises, amounting to..................*110.400 Responsible ,um . ... -tf wanted St all points, to #!■*. ao-rsl o own - ation will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further information, or send ordors by express or in Registered Letter or Mcney Order by mail; addressed only to H. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans. Le, or same person at No 819 Broadway, New York a II our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are slider the nupervision and mansaement or Gene ral* G. T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A. EAR LY tf. B.—This Ocmpany has no Agents in the British Possession*, snd all person* pretendi'g to be so and soliciting oiders by circulars or other wise are Swindlers. Know Thyself, T BE untold miseries tbst result frera indiscretion in early life may be alleviat ed and cured. TI.oso who doubt this assertion shonld purchase tho new mrdical work published by the PEA* BODY MBDICAL INSTI TUTE. Boston, entitled THHBCIbNCH OP LIFE; or, ekfir PR.asKRYATION. Exhausted vi- tality nervous and physical debility, or ntalitv impaired by tbe errors cf youth or too close or too close application to business, may be restor ed and manhood regained. ..... Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, last published. It is a standard medical work, the best in tbe Bnglisb language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom war akarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Ns- tkiaal Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and very expensive«ngrsvrogs. Three hnn dred psges, more than 50 valuable preseript'ons for all form* of prevailing disease, tbe result of many years of extorsive snd successful practice, either one et which is worth ten times tbe price of tbe book. Round in Preneh doth, price only $1, sent by mail po,tpaid. The Loudon Lancet says: "No person should be without tbis valuable book. The author U a noble benefactor." i An illustrated sample sen* to all on receipt ol P teat* for postage. HH vice presirfen' MDiHJDO R HOLCOMB. H S. SB LYNCH. MD. andM R O’CONN ILL, M D. faculty of the Phi-sdel- Bibb County Sheriff Sales TUILL be sold before the court hcn*e door in TV tha city of Macon, raring the legal hour* o’ sale, on tbsflrst Tuescsy in April next, the fol lowing pr-peny to-wit: Lot* 10 M IE, according tora'pof the Bend estate, now cn record in Clerk’s office Bibb Su perior Court, said lots tituated in the city of Ma con. is said county. Levie' on as th* p’oper<y of James T. Kisbet to satirfy a 11. fa. famed from B. bh Superior Court in tarer of Joseph Bond, bearer, vs. James T. Nfabet. Property pointed cat by plsimiB’s attorney. Also at the *ao.e time and place, lots 5 «nd 6. in iqutre 66. fron ing on Ne* ,treet 106 feet and rnnnreg t-aci to an alley in th- rear. s*id :o:s sit uated in the rit> of Macon ii said county. Lev ied on as the property of Peter C. Sawyer to s»t- fafyaS. fa. issued fnm County Court of Bibb county, in favor of A. J. Wilkinson v*. P.C' Sawyer. Property ptinbdont by plainMTs at torney. Alto at the same time and place, the h-ns- and lot In the eity of M aco n . Bibb county, Georria. known as. p.rt of lot No. 1. in block 22, on map of >a*d city, containing about one fourth of an acre, bii-g tbe hou-e aua lot lately occupied by David P. Craig. Levied o' as the property of David D. Cialg and Rob*>**t- isfyafl. fa. issued from Bib* Fuper or court in favor Gtorge R. Barker vs. D«vid D. Craig and Robert A. Morris, new held by M s E-'enA. Findfay. transfer roe. Property pointed out by plaintiff in fl. fa. Also at the tame time and place, part of lot No i. in block No. 17. northwest common cf the cltv of Macon in -aid conn y of Bibb, known as the place purchased by Mrs. Venable frrm toe estate of Jchn Hollingsw- rlh Levied on aB tbe prop erty of Mrs. E. Tenable to satisfy a G. fa farce! from Bibb interior \ ourt in favor of Tomlin and Guernsey v». Elizshetb Venable. Property pointed by plaintiff's attorney Alto at tbe stme time and place, tbit tract or parcel of land, situated in the rity of Macon. Hibb county, Georgia, bounded on the n- rtb by the property o! Julius Pi tor. on the touts by tourdary stree , on the west by an alley run ning to the brawerv. on the east by property of tbe Macon Water Works Co. Levied on as tho properly of H. 8. Hold ridge, trustee, to s-tisfy a fl. fa. i sued from Bibb Superior court, in favor John butherlord vs H. t». Holdridge, trurtee. Property pointed out by r. O. Hendnx. Also at tho same time and p'ac*. th.t portion of the north half of lot No ls.herclcfcreconvey-d to R P. McEtov bv F. X. Foster, eaid lot situa ted in tbe city of Macon, Bibb county, Georgia. Lavied on as tbe proporty of tho estate of R. P. McEvoy tolsatisfy a mo Uage 11. fa is*- cd from Bibb Superior Court in favor T. R BKom. B. L Strohccker and Wm. B. J* hfa'on, Irua’e -s vg. Wo. P. G- odall, executor of Rorert P Mc- Evoy. Property pointed cut by plaintiffs attor- ney. ZZ: Also at the seme time and place, part of lot No 8, situated in East Macon. Bino county. Georgia, said lot froming 105 feet on atreot ronmrg book from Fifth street to Central -abroad, thence back 2.0 fact to lands of John F ley, thence H 5 leet to lands ol W.'L. Uivgins. thence 210 r*e> to said street, containing one-rourtb of an furc, more«r 1ms, adjoining the lauds of John Foley on cast and noilb, and W. L. lligems on the west. Levied on as tbe property of W. L. Big gins to satisfy a fl. fa. from Bibb Superor Court, in favor of A. H Colquitt. Govornor. v-.Jsmts C. Hindman, principal, snd W. L. Higgins, secu rity. rnarttd* GBO. P. CHBRRY, Sbenfl. of the National Medical Association. Address Dr WH PAR- TTP A T KHR. No « Bolflneh St, Jlotkn, Mats. Th* au thor may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. novSowlT THYSELF A MDSIUAL LIBRARY. D1TSON A CO. from tine to time, gather to gether th'ir beat, choicest, moat suootasfol sad ropular piece* cf sheet musie. and bind thwn in audio me volumes of from 200 to 250 pages, sheet -tusie size. There are now S3 books of the ae rie*. Collectively, they contain nearly all tho really gcod shoes ru*?c ever published. _ Sepa rately ooktidered, each book is independent of th* other, abd held* the beat aonva or pieces of itslklnd, The very moderate coat commend* k Price m Boards $2.00; C.oth $2.50; Gilt £3.00. The following are the VOCAL books only; Sunshine of Song. £8 popular song*. World of Bong. 95»onga. Great variety. Gems of English Soeg. 79 tongs. New book. Household Melodies. 3 vola. 147 song*. Moore’s Irish Melodies. ICO famous airs. Silver Chord. 160 tonga. Genu of German Bong, ltd German gems. Scottish “ 163 Scottish gems. Bacred " 110 of the beet. Bfccwar of Pearls. 62 capital duets. Wreath of Gems. 93 Songt. quite varied. Silver Wreath, to aoDgs, doets and tries. Operetta Pearls. 92 favorite open eoags. Musical Treasure. Vocal and Instrumental. Any book mailed, post-free, let above price*. OLIVER 0ITS0N &C0.| Boston. O. H. DITBON * OO, 841 B’dwajr N.T. i«i.*4tf. SSBiiti"' .as* ASCE.J Warned, facsw rltlmate. Particular* fc^o NOTICE. W ILL be sold before the court nou«e door in the town ol Dublin and county ol Laurens. State of Georgia, on the fi'-.t Tuesday in April next, *h- following propeity : Six hundred acres of land more or toss. Ivm* and btimr in Lsurent countv. Sl'te of Georgi-t, bounded on tho north by land of D. M. Hoxbes, on the west by W A. Guiney, on the east by J. L. McNeir, and on the soDtb by J W. summers. Sold as tne property of James 51. Lamb to satisfy oi o mortgage deed, with jiower ol tale expressed therein, dated Marrh 18. 1879 sig-ed by Hid Lamb, and paya ble to Good. Small a (’o., and siven torecureO'e premitscry note da’ed March 18.1579, and duo October 16,1874. aud for the sum ot $129.35, al so one note in favor c.f A. B. Kmeil for S100. due Novemb-r 1. 1879 b-ridev interest, attorney’s fees and cost of proreeding*. Terms *1 sale cash. GOOD. SM AoL A VO.. By their attornoy Jus. A. Thomas. mar7-law4w HOPE-DEAF tor _ THE Garmore’s Artificial Ear Drums PERFECTLY RESTORE THE HEARING and perform the work of the Natural Drum. Always in position, but Invialble to otbera. All Conversation and even whispers heard distinctly. Wa refer to thoco ulna them. Send for descriptive circular. GARMOfiE EAR BRUM OO, CINCINNATI, O. m »-7 w«c NOTICE. W LL be sold before tbe court hou*e door in tho town of Jefteisraville end county tf Twiggs, in the Slate of Georsia.on the first Tues day in April n xt. tbeloilownx proper y. to-wit: Four handre- 4 and twenty-tiro acres of land ly ing in tho county or Twigg*. iu n«id bt»t»,bound - ed on tha north by the lauds of 51. B. Blar py. on theessl by Rd Taylor, and on tho south and west by-fandaof Mrs. Matilda (’arte*. Sold as tbe properlv of Irby H. Murebman, to satisfy cue mortgage deed, with power cf sale therein exprea-ed,dated Bibb county, Georgia, Apul i'tv, 1378. sign'd by said Murebman, »nd payable to O. G. Sparks £ Son, and uiven to secure tbe pay ment; of two promiv-ory notes, each dated April 9.1878. and one for one hundred dollare, and due November 1,1878 and the other for seventv-flro dollars, and due November 15,1878, with attor ney’s fees and expenses of suit, besides interest. Term cash. O. G. SPARKS £ 80N. By their attorney Jas. A. Thomas. • msr7-lsw4w G BORGIk, Bibb County—Whereas T. 1). Tinsley, administrator of the estate of Sarah G. Tintl'.r, l»te of zaid county deceased, has made apDlirat-on for leave to sell all tbe real es tate belonging to said estate. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sona concerned to beand appear at tie Court of Ordinary of said county, cn tbe first Mot-day in April next to show cause if any they have, why said application should not be granted. GtV'n under my official signature, marttd# J. A. MCMANUS. Ordinary. G eorgia, Bioo County.—Whereas F. M. Heath has made application for letters of administration on tbe estate of Lunsford Heath, late of said county deroastd. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at tbe Coor! of Ordinary ot said connty on the first Mon lay in April r ext. to show cause if any tb.y bar-, -by letters ot adminutration should not Le granted to tbs applicant. Gi»«n under my official signature. marWd* J. A Me*ANUS, Ordinary. G EORGIA, Bibb Connty.—Whereas JobnC. Curd, admini'trator cf the estate of Jam,-a Dl Carhart, deceased, hag made application lor leave to tell thirty-five snare* ot tbe capital stock otth* Southwestern Railroad Ccmpanv belong ing to the estate ot said James D. Carhart. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons conc-rned to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary ot said esuntyon tl e first Monday in April next to show cause, ifany they have, why ■aid application should not be granted. Given under my cffioiol signature. mar$td* J.A, HcUANUS.Ordinary. G BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whoreas R. K Nixon ha. mads application for letters of ad ministration on tbe estate ot Daniel Nixon, late of said county deceased.. ‘These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons cencorrect to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in April next to any they have, why letters ot administration should not be granted; Given under my official signature, mar6td* J.A. McMANUS, Ord nary." NOTICE. A LL perrons bavirg c’a<ms against the estate of J. 1, Josey are hereby verified to present them. dul» proven *s required by law, for pay ment. And all persons indebted to said estate are nctifiod to make immediate naymens. H.T. JOHNSON, mr4-law4w Admini«tr»tor of J. T. Josey, dop’d fir CANCERS! O U I1ED. TWENTY YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. For particular*, address with *t«mv, JAMBS M HARDAWAY, l iberty Hill, Pike county, G*. rovl* and bvtv ecn the parties Hereof, all residents of said county snd State, tv form a limited co* pa-tuersbir, under the Uws ot Gnrraia, and tbst said copartner,hip shall be condoc'ed under tbe following provision*: 1. The firm name of said copartnership shall be W. A. Doody,” which alone sh&U be used in its dea'inss. 2. Eaid copartnership shall bn located in the cibj of Macon, atr count* and State, and its business ,hall be the dealing by retail in Gene ral me-v haedlae. nub a* ory icerts, cl<thing, boots and shoe*, and ether articles ot such char* actor. 3. W. A. Doody shall tv- the general partner, and sh 11 have full direction srd management of ihe*. Myron Nissboum and Joseph Danoenberg. all ol ss;d connty. are special part ners. 4. W. A. Doody bss contributed four thousand d-l-a-s to eaid partnership and Myron Nuia- baum and Joseph Dannenb-rg have each con tribut'd fonr thousand dollars to the capital stock of tbe am*. 6. This partnershipehall begin on the 20th day of January, 1SS0. and shall end on t>-e 20th dny of January. 1853, < nlis* sooner dIs,olved, as here inafter provided, to-wit: Iu ca-eeiiber party be comes diss-ii Bed with arid partnership the same r» sy be disrobed slier the first year, pro vided six months notice be given alter said time, cl suen intended dissolu’ion to .he e ther party or parties—said notice to be in writing, giving th* reato-a therefor. XI ia fuith-r agreed that tbe *uid W. A. roody aha-1 be paid from the p-rtnersh-p assets, the au-n of City dollars per month, and ibis amount to be charge' 1 to the expense account. This pay- mrutto enti- tie until a dissolution, unless oth- erw-se agreed on. Witness our hand*, this 12th day of January, 1880. W. k.DOOI-Y. MYRON NU'SBkUM JUS5-PH DANNENBERG. Signed this 12lh dey of Janxa-y, 1850, and ac knowledged before J. T. RODGER?, N. P. Bibb Co., Ga. Macon. Ga., Janu.ry 12,1880. I certify that the above rostrum-nt was signed ar d a- ku »lodged by the th-reto before me this cay. J.T. RODGERS, N. P. B-bo Co, Ga. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Beforemeesme in person, W. A. Doody. who being duly sworn deposes ard says tbst be is tbe general partner in * limited copartnership abont «o Oe formrd in said counry, under tbe nameef W. A. Dovdy, ard that Myron Nussb-um and Joseph Dann-uberg are the rpecial purtn-r, therein, and that the amount agreed tn be contributed by each of them to wit: the sum of four thousand dollars, to tb» raphal stock < f a-id firm, ha- been actually paid in. and in good faith contrfbnred thereto. A. DUODY. Sworn to and subscribed before me f hi* 24th day of Janaary, 1850. J. T. RODGKR8, mart w 4w Notary Bibb county, Georeia. a f-III I t- For lhuPu tonal Bible riommeutns fts’LlJ I fa tor. 1,018 p»ge.«, 475 illustration 1JL UTrn and map*. The most complete and II I* I £ II com prehensive Commentary on the on! ire scriptures (in one volume) ever published Price SS.75. Bradley, Garret ton a Co, 66 New St. Nwhyille., Turn vm rov7w A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: BY ALFRhD H. COLQUITT, Governor of said Mate. WHBiiiS rfficisl information has been re ceived st this Department that a murder » a* committed in the county ol Twivgs, on toe sixth day ot December last, upon the body of Washiri ington W-lronbv Tarter hryaat, as is allegei and that said Bryant h.s fled (rum justice: I have thought proper, therefore, loitauethis my Proclima’ion- hereby ottering a reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dol-a 8 for the appro- henaiou and delivery of oai-i Tarter Bryaatto the sheriff ol said county ar d State. And 1 do w oreuver charee ard require all offi cers in this State, civil and military, to be vigi lant in et-dravorii g to apprehend the said Tar ter Bryant iw order that he may be brousbt to trial forth* offense with which he standscharg- ed. * Given under mj hand and tho great sesl of the Slat', at the capitol in A tt« nta, this tho second day of March,in tbe y,ar of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred snd eighty, and ot tbe in- of the United Stales ol America the one hundred and fourth. ALFRED H. C Jl QUITT, Governor. B» the Governor: ‘N. O. Bahuett. gecretviy of State. rr.rA w3t Homes in Western The Littie Rock and Fort Smith Railway « flrr for sale the best LANDS in the West or Southwest, with healthy climate, tor ile toil, and not affected by drouth. Easy Arkansas FalIinforma - Apply te *f l). SUCK, Land Commissioner, jsn24-wlSc Little Rork, Ark. ctxkwrTrtr A YBAR ard sxpemesto arerts tj>| ( I Outfit freo. Address P TICK PRY. Aure-t*. Main' O RDINARY BOltco, JcneaConuiy. Georgia, March 2.1889.—Whereas John F. Childs, guardian for Jeasee J. and Madison b. Barfield, apoliea for dismission. These we to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause if any they have, at this office, on first Monday in May next why the tame shall not be grouted. Witness my hand officially. marttd* a. T. BOSS, Ordinary. Valuable Land for Sale BORGIA, Crawford county.—By virtue of vs the power vested in me by a certain mort gage executed by J. L. Parsons to secure a cor tain promissory note, for the sum of one hundred and eiahty-one dollars and fifty cents. (9181.501. said mortgage dated the 26th day of June, 1879. and record,vd in tbe Clerk’s office of the Superior Court oi saU county, in book J., both said note /■YRDINART’S Cilice. Jono* Coontv, Georgia, V/March 3.1889.—When as Martha Pitts, guar dian of John A. and Martha D. Pitts, applies to me for dismission. These are to cite and admonish all persona oonceraed t» show cause i 1 any they have, at tbis office, on first Monday in May next, why the tame shall not be granted. Witness my hand cffic'ally. marttd* R. T. R09S, Ordinary. O RDINAMY'S Office. Jones Connty, Georgia, March 8,1880.—^Whereas A. A. Barfield, ad- minlrtrator estate John J. Barfield, deceased, applies for dismission. These are to cite and admonith all persons corns cerced te show cause at this offi e, on first Mon day in June next, tf ar y they have, why the tame shall not be granted. Witness my baud officially. marStd* R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. /"YRDINABY’J Office. Jones Cennty, Georgia, U March *, 1880. Whereas Samuel L. Chiles, administrator _ .tste Lucinda Mason, deceased applies fordu- minim. These are to dte and admonish all persena concerned to show cause at this office.on tbe first Monday in June next, if any they have* why the same shall act be granted. Witness my bind olfic ally. mar5td* R. V. ROSS, Ordinary. G &ORG1A, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas J.A. Pester, admit istrotorot the estate of A. B. roster late cf said county deceased, hat made ap plication for leave to sell all tbe wild lands be- onring to said 'State at private sale. This is tn cite all peraers concerned to be ard appear at tha Court cl Ordinary Of aald county on the first Morday in Aprd next, to show cause, it any they have, why said application ahould not be granted. Given ander my official signature, marttd* J. A. UcMAN US, Ordinary. U BORGIA,Bibb Coontv—Whereas Mr*. So phia B. Hall, administratrix of the estate of B. Bond, late of add connty deceased, repre sents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully aa mini stor 'd B. Bond’s estate. This ia therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, ifany they can, why aaidadminist ator should not be discharged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in June, 1880. Given under my offieial signature, marttd* J A Me MANUS, Ordinary. |RUinJM(llSSElL»CO/ , IDO 1 Green River Wcrka.l ■lH-fevSm town of K oxville. Georgia, expose at public sale to tbe highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed property, to-wit: One hundred and one sores of I*nd, more or less, being the north half of lot number 128, bounded as follows! North by lands of J. L. Parsons, east by 8. W. Hatcher, south by Mrs. L. G. Parsons, and west by R. R. Harmon. Titles fes simp • will be made to the purchaser aa authorized in said mort. nge.:. Eaid tract or land will be so d to satisfy the prienial,interest, and attorney’s fees, to-wit: One hundred and eighty-oze dollars and fifty cents principal, with Interest at twelve per cent, per annum from the 1st day of October, 1879.and ton per cent, additional upon said principal and Interest attorney's toes, as expressed in saMmort- gage. Tbs said mortgage made a d delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure'taid note Witb the power expressed therein to sell said property in the event default was made in the payment thereof, and default having been made tn ; the day of sale I will execute titles in fee simple, to tbe same, . . < This the 2d day of February, U80. .' 25-1 aw A. B. SMALL. /"kUDlNAKY’S OFFICE. JONES COUNTY V/ November 28. 1879—Whereas Eusan A Btadlry, Administratrix, applies to me lor dia- mi**t-n from ertate cf Joseph Bridley decearol These at* to notify all penona coprerred 10 show cause at thtecfflre on tbe firs' M mdayin rarch next, if any ihry hate why the same shall rot be granted. Given under my hand < ffl-fallv. novSOtd* ; BOLANDT ROM. Ordinary. lots'll A, BIBB COUNTY.—wr.'reas VV.iT. Hcllisfsworth has made appli;«t:on for letters otdlasiistion as adminlstr-tor f-emth* citato cf Eliza J. Hollingsworth, lateoi said county deceased." These are therefore to cits and admonish all pr rton* concerned to be and appear at tbe Court of Orcinary cf said county on the first Monday in April rext to thaw ctnsc, if »nv they h*v». whv latter* of ditBiralon should not bos ranted to applicant. Witness my official tignator*. »’4td J. A. McMANCU Ordinary. TINWARE iQ !’ < IRON & STEEL,|o ^ Carriage ati tfagia Hateria]^ aM FnlJlier BeltiB£v|§ Jk.'TXinTfiS TVT- H0E8E PLOWS,!0 a S! I fli r\ kwj m IX-F00T FLOWS. PISTOLS iMMUIIITION, ^IFISHING TACKLE, Etc. Etc-lJj We have a well asserted stock and ! Q) •OPARANTFE PKlfiEi.l' Mortgage Sale ot Land- G eorgia, crawford county.- By vr tne of the power vest'd in tnfby two mort gages executed by Annie Varlah H*rp-r. fo-wit: One mortgage given to <ecure a certain nrtm- fafcry note lor twenty-five dollars doe the 15ih October, 1879, bearing inte-e*f at 12 tier cent, per annum, after ma’nrity. Paid mortgage dated ISHxday of May. 1879. and recorded in tba Clerk’, office Superior Court of said county, in bcok J. And one otter mortg' ge given to ■ ecure a cer tain promlaanry note- lor fl'ty dollars, due No vember 1, 1879, bearing' interest at 12 per cent, per annum after malaritj. Ha d morLisae date-a 6th March, 1819, snd recorded in Clerk's office Superior Court ot *a.d county, in hoc k J. I wi 1 on tbe first Tuesday in Anril. 1580. before tha ecurVhouse door in Knoxville. Georgia, expose at public sate, to |he highe-t bidder, far cash, tbe following described propeity. to-wit: One hun dred and sixty (lC9) acres of land. e ore or to**. b'i gallo'l'tho.42, noithol the Macon r ad. in the sixth dfrtriot of Crzwfcrd county. Ga. Ti tles in fee simple will he made o the pur ch* sir aa authorized in said mortgages. Said tract oi land will be cold toiali ly the principal, intere-t, and a'torn-y'a fees, to-wit, seven’y-five dollars pr.ncipol, with interest aa above dfscri , 'ed,fcnd twenty dollars attorne>’a fees, as expressed in •aid mortgages, lhetaid mortgages made and delivered to me, the undersigned, to •( cure said notes witb the power expressed therein to roll said property in the event default was made in the payment thereof, and default having been made, on thB day of sale 1 will execute titles in tee simple to the same. A. B. 8MALL. February 26, ISSO.-td Executors’ Sile rTN'DSR and by virtue cf an o-der gran'el by U tho Hon. James P. Broadnway, Orciuary iu and lor the county of Baker. Hlate of Georgia, will be a- Id befrre the court h-uso door of Ba> er oounty, town of Newton, within the 1 hours of sale, in the first Tuestlav in April rext, as the proporty ol the 'State of W. D. Williams, laleof Baker county, deceased, thre' tundrtd and«tv- enl*-three ard one third (373 I S) acres of land Imitations, Q To protect the public against Imitations and Fraud we caution all purchatery of BENSOft’S CA.PCINE POROUS PLASTERS to see that the word CAPC1N8 on the label is correctly spelled. Do not aUow some ctnerplas to be p&’med off under a similar sounding mmo, with the assurance that it is the same thing or aat goed. Bear in mind that the only ol ject such vendor tan have is the fact that they esn buy imita tions st the pi ices .less than that of the genuine, and they hope by this aub a tilnticn to gain a mu. additional profit. SFA3URY £ JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical themian, New York, A SIRS CUKE for all the disca-scs Sir which it is recommended, ar.d always perferttif rtrfb in the hands of even the most inexperienced persons. PERKY DAVI KILLER rUaUaUont, Xarscs"in ITiispilalt— in short bv rrcrtiMt/ ctvri/irftere who has ever given it a trial. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. Q A W IS I E?Sa should have a place in every faetoix. machine-shOR r A Q ira 6%. | bn Ean a% and mill, on every farm and plantation, and in every household, ready for immediate use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, sores, etc., out u* ease of sudden sickness of any kind. „. . ... , 53 A 8Ek|| [fill H JP?K> Is the wcll-trieil and trusted friend of all who want If*’ S Ing § 10—. Qa uii. n anre and safe medicine which can be freely xioect interuully or externally without fear of harm, and with certainty of relief. Its price brings it within the reach of all; and it will annually save many times its cosc in doctors’ bills. For sale by all druggists at 25c. 30c. and S1.00 per boitle. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Prouriotors. Providence. B. I- DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LINEN'S, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls* and Boys’ Suits, Ladles’ Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS MAILING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RCCHINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, fringes, NEEDLES. FANCY GOODS, £c. BY MAIL Said for Samples or information, and jj satisfy ysarsdf how cheaply and quickly j you can get everything zn j DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS j of us ly Mail or Express. We carry an j average Wjc* r — bout $J00,000, ah **ougnt j for prompt cash. i6®“ '1'rg us. Have the Children send for a set oj our j Advertising Cards. COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1R53. G EORGIA. Bibb County.—Whereas Willism 1. Abbott has a ale appheatiou for letters ot gu*nlian*bip tf the proiertyot John Early Thrasher ami Ann'e Lee Thiaiher . reaident ot Vlcrida. and minor children ol Early W. Thrash- < r, late of the State of Florida, decea*'d. ffhi* is therefore to cite and admonish al! per sons concerned to te and appear at the Court of «irdioary on the first Monday in April next, to show cause If any they have, why letters of guar dianship ahould not be granted to the applicant. Given under my official signature mor6:<l» J. A. BcM'HW Q-dirary. Of-iost, administrator cf ihe * state of Doquilla Woolfolk. latent said county deceased, ha* m*de application for leave to sell all the real estate be longing to said estate. .. _ This ia therefare to ute and acmomsh all rer- sons concerned to be «nd apt ear at tie Court ol and km an ai lots Nos. £'4, t6 and 29i- amount ing to 3731-3 acres, ’old Iu division among the heir* cl said W. D. Williami, deceas'd. Terms feb24 Uw4t J. H. A W. W. WII.l IAM*. Xxeoutori. THE Cincinnati Packing Packers «f PORK, LAH0, —»>.and—• QUSKIT OP THE WEST BRAND OP Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Bi eakfast s • ■ i Bacon. Oiccinukti, Ohio. env>-»nreo ara one inua io<o ioj ucre* oi huu “r o- , , n siieatd iu Howmrn’s dis’rict bibb county.«... said eoun^ou the fi-^ondaym taid application thould not be granted. e.iven under my hand and official aisnsrive. mar"ld» J. '■*cMkWPS."r l iwrr. O RDINAH-Y’S office, Junes county. Ueurgia, January 20,18?0.—Whereas Robert H. -ar- 'on guardian tor til, minor children cf Samuel T. Morgan.deceased, applies to me far dismission from said guardianship. These are to notify all pert aua coneerne'* to show cause at this office on or by tbe first .’—or.- day in April next, ii any they have, wty the same shall not be granted. Witness my hard officially. ji-24 ! d* BOLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary. G eorgia. Bibb county.—wt Rogers, guardirnof John N. Little, having appli-d to the Court ot Ordinary ot sa d e-nnky for a d.schrrxe from his guardiauabip of Joan N. Little’s person and property. This is therefore to 'ite all pereons rnBcerxrea to allow cause by fili-g tbeir ohj -ctions in lay of fice by tbe first Monday in Jure n-it. wbytho ,rid M. R. HoL-pr. should not la d MUissed freak Ms guaruiar ship ot John N, Lit‘leaii-1 receiver th* usual letters of diamission. Given under my olficia’ sun atur*. marCffi* J. A. McMANU '■ Ordinary. ’ G ElRGlA, JUNKS «Ot MTY-vVbcreacr Charba L. Ridley applin* for adminisrira* lion with the wiilannexed, ou tne ectoto of Mrs Susan A. Rialey, deceased. These are to ci’e and adm-'ni-h al! peratma concerned to show causi if any they I»x~e way the fame shall ■ ot be granted at the n-xt term of this court, on fir t Monday in April next. Witness niv baud narSrt* ROLAND TK-pa* Orilrew. M 'AN1MB RESTORED ne inyrMient.v A«i«J re.'.i fa * Vl tfaJON CO.- 7S St.. S. L Kew AdvertiS’-imetits. ncvlS vrtm 1(1 tfl (Iffl Inv»alert in Wall street stooks IU (tf uUUU. msk-sfo-tune*-very month. Dokrent tree explainioa everything. Address AXTRR A O.-Bankers, 7 Wall street, New York. •* G Coui NOTICE IEAVE TO v ELI, LAND. .BORGIA. JONHS COUNTY-Four after dato appli'st on ni l be m-de lUrt otOrtllaafy of Jones caunly. for an order to sell all the lands and nndivioed interest in lands belonging to estate of Joseph C. Barbie, deceased, in th* county of Jcmr*. March 1 1853 marSid* A J. STEWART. I - i , Adaainistratcr. AD MINIS rKATKIX’S SALE. BY authority of an order of tbe Coart of Ordi nary of Chatham soauty. will be sold before the coarr Satire door in 8a van nab,on tbe 1st Toe-day In April next, within the leral hours oi sale, the following property belonging to the estate of Ed ward O. Anderson, deceased: All that track of land situate ia the c.uDty o{ Bibb. Mate *f Geor gia, near the rity of Macon, and fronting on ths rood leading from Macon to Forsyth ia Tineville, known aa tbe plae* ooagbt by Geo. W. An derson from M-s. H. B. Freeman, eiaewtrix, ete., containiog S»ri acre*, more or lea*. Por information apply to Torpia A Ogden, agents. . • — • - - -7Ttti mats dim wtd JANB M. AVDBR80V; m j_ A JminUtrRtrix,. ]- iKiriuk. I Have this day- assoe'afel with me in the warehouse and commission business, Mr.’A. W. Gibron, so tong connected with, the firm of Ha demon £ Sparks and more recently with Q. G. .Sparks A Son. THOS. HARUBMAN, J*. The anderalgned having this day nasoqiatol themselves together under tneflrm name of Har d-man A Gibson, and will be pleated to le* their respective friends. We will he prepared to make liberal advances, and hope br close and potate at tention to busines*. to merit the confidence of o«r plantiag friends. THOS. HABDHMAN, J*. A. W. GIBSON.’ - mar7deodlm-wlm. Administrator’s Sale- YT7TLL be sold before the court boawdaoeee VV the 5th dgy of Anril next, between ual hour* of selo, oee-roorth of an ease more or Ice*, part of land lot No. 154 district, im Bibb eaunty, abont thro. tb* city of Macon oa the Oolambne rtaA,; .Bcymel ’ G.' J.'bLaJ&iH Administrator oath* eatoto of Mary Ooar, deceased. ’i*,u-b M BOO*. Ga., March 6,1886. rnmdhl a»tn qqs uran.tntw wo4a sf tffMirr^lAls of c«t«< 1 * — AUo a laid fcottlt ~ Mm i»M I* lak tb« Han. Kn (fcnawtr Ur.It.*. M. C«UUh^ LmlocU* JIIIPL. i S Si'll W»i is 1 _ jfore the court house door in Clinton on the first Tuesday in en »h# legal hours of sal**, three ■Tidrcd acres * of land.. more or less, adjoining Aland*of Jamee B.Denton, Jackson Roberts, 4 other*, aad known as the Sawyer place. Lev- Ion aa the property of P. O. Sawyer, trustee rj wife and child relr, te satisfy a tax A fa. friued ■JT, JV Gresham, lax collector, for the jtar ibhlMd * VY GR88HA V, Sheriff. 1, TATLOB") BH’ for relief, etc. 8ibbSu*e- v». }• rior Court. October Term, Wjr*TAYLOBJ 1879.- kRDEMAN. t’* Solicit or. this oountv: _ doe*not reside te -tbis State*: Uidrr-d. tbst ser- vioe be perfected on said defendant by j.ubiica- tian to bemud appear at the. neit (erm tf this Court, or that eo»»*ainaut he sl owed tu pro- iiOtd-red fnrthar. tb it this, order be r.u> listed grpoibior four months in th-. Telegraph ■, a public gazette pubiished in the > —JOHN L. BARD leilflifc , J. 8. Cf M.Cv . from the minutes ot Bibb 8q; This 22d November, i K9. - -^A. ll »Q88 Oie-k. 1 ii FACTORY SUPPLIES OF : BELTING, HOSE and OKlffG, OWLS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, ““ PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE (OftS.&o. Send for Price-list, HLLtNGHAM & CO., 143 Main t;t<)UiSYHJL£ t ,KY5 :—* smooth aad expsa«es gavanteol' tank Outfit fr>*. iSavW to "Valuable land for Sale. G EORGIA.'Ora wforit county.—By virtue ot tbe power vetted in me by a certain mort gagi execute-1 l-y G. M. Lumpkin to secure a certain promissory note furlbe»um of one hun dred ano fifty dullara (S15d), said more gage dated the 23d day ol January, 1879. and recorded in the Clerk’s office oi CraWtord county, in Book J. pages 7 <and 77.1 will, on Tuesoay the second dav of March. 1880. before the court, house door, in the town of Knoxville.Georgia, exposeat put- lio sale to the highe-t bidder for cash, tbe fallow ing describ'd projerty, to-wit: The east hal : of lot of land No. 65 in the seventh dutrio originally Houston now Crawford co mty. t of Georgia, containing one bundredone and fourth acres (U1 k), more or less, known ri Sa cy Shaddell plaoe. Titles in fee simple be a ade to tbe purcharer. as authorized in said • mortgage. Said tract of land will be sold to sat- * itfy tbe pnnqipal, interest and attorney'* fees, to- wit: One hundred and fifty dollvs prmcipal, with interest at twelve percent, per annum from November 1,1819. and y25 attorney’s fees, ag expressed In said mortgage. The *a:d_mort. Kara male and deliver* d te me, the underMiraed. to secure said note, witv the newer erprcised therein, to sell aald property in the event def ult was made in the pajmen I thereof ana default having been made on theday ol aalf, Vwill exe cute titles in fee rimple to' the same. This Fdb- mary 2,15S0. J ■ j -rr29-law4v JACOB SBISEt*. Moaij’s Kill of Malaris. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIAL FSVSR3. Only one discovered upon the s'obe; tested in over tour bundr d cases of lutonuiitont Fever- neve.* failed to cure in a stogie instance; certain preventireas we 1 ascertain cure. A vrgdaHS prepirstion aaiing tpecificsi'y upon the Liver, without tbe assistance ot Merecrv: has no equal a* an anti-bihocs prenarolion: take is in every troabe where the liver is involv'd. Sold by Hear. Rakkix A Lxvxn Macon. Ga., aad by Dr. W. klooDr, Manulaiturur. Greensboro. Go. Price SI per bottle. febl9 ft™ of AGENTS WANTEDTORTHE * UZCTOXUAIL, P i n HU . “■ HISTORYohik WORLD It ccntains 672 flni historical engraving ano 1260 large double column pages, and is the most com plete Hiatory of the World eter published. It se-Is at sight. Send tor tpecim-u p. go-and ex tra terms to Agents, and why it sella faster than any ’other book. Address National Pnb* liahing to, Philadelptta. orAilanta. febl9 AmrS LoVely Rrtsebttd : C!iro-roa, or 24 Floral VMotto with name, lo cto. SO Mixed Cords NASSAU CARDUO-. No* aa. tf. Y. /"kRDINART’S office Jones county. Georgia, V January 20,1880.—Whereas Bi'hard John son. administrator ol estate of Toliver Hows, de ceased, applies to me fordnmi-eicn. These are to cite and admonish all persons cotcerned to show cause at this office on or by the lint Monday in May next-,' if any they %ve, why tbe asm* thill not be granted. Witness, my hand officially, t j ■ '-i . Jtnli td* ROLAND V. ROSg, Ordinary. i . LOSX HOUSE. gTBA.YED or stolen from Liuson D. Johnson, and dork, one large sorrel patar horse. Ho baa a small white spot oq tbe forehead; the mane a lit tle mixed with white hairs: at leisare gaits is in clined tocarry hl* Head rather' low; with tbe ex ception of tbe white spot on the forefa ad and in the mane he it a ■ solid icrfrl; a number oue sad- die horse, agool rocker, and a good buggy and wagon and plow horse. - Five dollars wil be paid (o any person for him or .to let me know where he is. Address. Ii. D.-1QHNSON. . , 'll. and B. R. R. shop, Macon, Ga. decl2...dawlawtf mm mm&z* iron 1880 ; VTIU tx BuSeil nn to til applicant*, and to customer* without < riering IL ' II contain* four colored plates, 600 enzrarln"*, about SOOpaffe*, and full descripUons, price* and dirtetions for planting 1400 TurMek of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, riaaU, Rom, OtC, la valuable to alL Send for it. Addrew, ' D. JS. FERRY dt C0w Detroit, Mich. ^J_EORGX4, Bibb County—Where** Mrs Mar- I xhaL. Barns, guardian of Hattie J.. L. and Jimmie A. Harris, has applied to tho Court clGrdinary of said county for a discharge from her guardivnihip of said Mattie J . Annij L. and JimiiU* A. Harris ot their person and prod- erty, tbis ia t&erefbrc to cite all persons concern ed to be and appear at tha Court of Ordintr;.- stid county out be firtt Monday in Mujiiaxt show cause, it any they have, why the said.Har. tha L- Harris thould not be dismissed from he guardianship ot said Mattie J., Annie L. and Ji« mie A. Harris and receive the usual letter, of dismissioa. " ■ n: Given nnder my official signature. - - - Ct-mtoi lxitf .ured by BaUa’Piicnt Apnli. U Fend for descript on to Simpson * Co., box 2Z5G. hew Yo-k. *7*7 A 7 bait and np- i sta to agent* fPl 4 i Outfit Froe. Addrca* P O VI0H- KRY ancustsL as)**.' A DVERlIaERS, send for oar Dc'ect i.l si if ho cai Newapaoers. Geo. ’P. Rowell A Co.,1 S|)rnc> S'.. N> Y.. , , , FE£E VO ALL Tree*-, otc^ cimidniatg S lilti.:. *v::- irfre cup ZOm&ttLLlAl'. , t - JANTE IgooeTm(i SELL I CIGARS TO DEALERS* JAR Axnouth.andcxpcn: !yU Samp'eB Kre CutUUs Nollce Out i send it with yourap-Koitien.also pend a 3c. Stamp to insure fanswer. S. FOS S i:.4 & ’P.O.Box 1379. dncinnal im COTTON SIN Clean* the Send better, Run* Lighter, Clns Faster and Costs Lee3 Money than any In the Market. Every machine xUlly and fesally guarranteetf. I fab ltd* J. A. McMANUS.Ordinary. BAKER SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be sold before the courthouse door in I • Newton, within the legal h-urs of sale, on the first Tuesday in March util, the property to-wit: Lota cf land Nos. three hundred and seventy- i *0. three hundred and aerentj-three, and three hundred snd seventy-four, all in the eighth dis trict'of (aid comity, laid .to contain each two hundred and fifty acres, more or leas. Sold as the property ol William Brotdaway to satisfy a -uperiur .Coui t fl. fa. B. O. K'nton vs. James £ : Icarbrough. pnnciptl, snd William Brosdaway. reoirity. Property pr inted out by defendant William Broad*way. Tenmt in possej-ion noli fled in writing. ’ JAS. H. ROWELL, Sheriff. January 27.1880-S9td Citatio of Heirs- f —Francis Bisnerat G eorgia, Bibb coupty- tha administrator ot M. Slater, late of said county, dewoaed, bavig filed his -a-nlicaton in this court for a citation of the heirs of the de- eeued for a distribution of the e.tate now in his bards. _ ‘ jt *>'*», These are therefore to cite the ne it of kin r f de ceased to be am appear at the Court of Ordinary for said county on tbe first Monday in April r.rxt,then and there to show their relationship todaceased. Witcen my cfficfal lignatuTe, this March 1st, 686. marttd* J. A. McMANU?, Ordinary. * Theao nvick’n tears made of tho best materials, aad the worijaansldpoadfluLhareuncxcolled. Have been uwardoa pnanluoa at all tho State fair -, Georgia Alabajr*,Tcxarq etc. Upwards of 5009 pfi our dns crelncocstruitiirela tho southern states, over 1000 ha ,-^ug been said laisnt Price List ot Cfns, Foeosro and Condensers Sizes. Price of Gina, or Oondcnscr. SO saw 35 “ 40 « « « - «0 « 60 ■ 70 “ 80.« 975 CO 87 60* 200 00 H 2 60 22500 1*0 00 1G0 00 180 00 $103 00 116 00 239W.t 216 00 200 00 18000 203 00 832 (O B'Terms given on “ppllcatior.^l rVomlU3tolS38wemaimr r dGlnsatCoh:^,f>u<LQa A name ot 11 ynoaar Co_ afterwari hao’fards Oo_aud x vrl—t ‘wastoeaknoroa as the Taylor Gin. During they- issswereoiored tottfa* * he T? wo have been gel rely cugaged tn mama- acturin^ Gina ever ainoew Witi. lone cyoerimwe, the beat l^>or saving machinery and skilled workmen, vre poeseat ff^P^tyand hope t° be able to xneet alj demnnd», nUU t or ffiustrmted BROWN COTTON GIN CO-, HEW LONDON, nmar, (j