The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 07, 1871, Image 1

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER pv Clisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1871. Number 6,066 4 00 a oo lirorgl* Telrgnph liuildlng, T/..^rrtDb and Messenger, one year $10 00 T *i£oiitb. 6 00 i)n3 month 1 00 Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, 1 year u.mmothWertiy''Telegraph imd Messenger, * 56 columns, 1 year 8 00 Six months - • 1 60 P.r»ble always In advance, and paper stopped ■ ,|, en the money runs out, unless renewed, nmciso Aiuuonf cirrs wrrn t. w. buekz 4 co-’s irrnucinons. Telegraph A Messenger and Farm and D J Home $11 00 ffeellv Telegraph and Messenger and Farm end Home ... .. 4 00 iai-Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm and Home 500 . athcm Christian Advocate with Weekly.... 6 00 Burke’s Magazine 4 00 XIus arrangement is whore remittances are made direct to the office of publication. T i,o consolidated Talograpli and Messenger rrecnts a large circulation, pervading Middle, N.iithern and Southwestern Georgia and Western Alabama and Middle Florida. Advertisements at icasonable ratee. In the Weekly at one dollar per nut nf three-quarters of sn inch, each puklica- . Itemittanoes should be msde by express, or mail in money orders or registered letters. Alt About Terns. Correspondence Telegraph and Messenger J Linden, Texas, Jane 27th, 1871. Should one individual, recently arrived in Texas from Georgia, or other Sonthem States, attempt to answer in detail all letters of inqui ry received, bo wonid soon need tho services of il'riciUt hecre'.ary; and as the writer does not wish to employ each assistance, and at the same nine is willing to give all information in his lower in relation to Toxas matters generally, he asks the privilege of becoming “Texas cor respondent" for one issne, of the most central, and perhsps largest circulated paper in Geor- ,na, for the purpose of communicating with his numerous Georgia friends, and all others inter red in Tex»s items. To *11 who contemplate emigrating West, a description of Texas, as to climate, soil, politi cal standing, society, schools and ebarohes, railroads in operation and projected, internal improvements of all kinds, population, and its proportion of black to white labor, stock-rais ing, etc., and t he route to be taken, is, in a pe culiar manner, interesting. Therefore, I take np the aliove subjects, in the order in whioh they are named, and briefly remark upon them —quoting from the “Texas Almanac and Emi grant's Guide,” (a valuable book of informa tion, although called “Almanac,” which can be obtained trom the publishers in Galve-ton, or A. King, of Linden, Texas, and drawing from knualedge obtained since my arrival. CLIMATE. Taking into consideration the vast area com prised within the boundaries of this mammoth Mato, the climate is the most pleasant, and as conducive to man’s welfare, in aiding him to prodnee almost every known vegetable, as the world cau exhibit. It has all the peculiarities of I he climato of Georgia, with many added of its own, that Georgia does not possess. While llui coast counties bawe the refreshing sea breeze to make tbeir temperature as refreshing m that of Chatham county, Ga , the northeast ern and western counties, from some cause, have cooler snmmers and less severe winters linn North Georgia. The traits of climate, if such they can l>e called, that differ from those of Georgia, are the “ northers ”—a species of storm occurring in winter, which sometimes reduces a pleasant temperature down to freez ing and below, in from twenty minutes to an hour; and the dry, pnre atmosphere of the western prairies, or plains—a feature alike be longing to all Dur western plains—and, to a ►mall degree, the wet and dry seasons, that are so well known to some of onr gallant Georgians who have resided in Brazil and Spanish Hon duras since the war. Haring extended the remarks under this bead already further than the importance of the subject demanded, I give a brief statement of temperature of Navarro county for five years, taken at annrise, the mean fur each month and for the year, and proceed with my next sub let of "soil. ” January, monthly mean temperature, 30 deg. Fair.: February, 49 deg.; March, 51 deg.; April, 51 deg.; May, 68 deg.; June, 74 deg.; July, 77 deg.; Angnst, 7G deg.; September, G5 deg.; October, (10 deg.; November, 51 deg.; December, 45 deg. Annual mean temporature, ' T deg. As this connty is on parallel 32 deg. north latitude, and near the geographical centor of the State on a lino running north and south, >'■* temperature msy be taken, with only a few degrees of variation, as applying to a very large portion of the State. SOIL. Ontsido of an elaborate geological description and a chemical analysis of soils in various parts of the State, perhaps a list of agricultural pro duct* grown and the yield per acre would be the most satisfactory account of tho soil. I therefore state that all the counties in Texas, ucept those devoted to stock-raising in the ex treme West, are capable of producing nearly all ■he agricultural products of the Union. The entities in tho different sub-divisions of the jjate, such as Northern, Northeastern, Eastern, Middle. Western, Southwestern, and North western Texas; differ as regards their adapta tion to different products, and in the amonnt of their yield, owing chiefly to difference of cli mate, but also partly to difference of soiL Corn is a universal product, and is raised even by the stock-men of the far West to supply their own wants. Potatoes and a great variety of vegeta- ■>les are raised all over the State, though some wunties produce much larger orops than others, barley, oats, and rye are grown suooessfully in probably two-thirds of tho counties, while wheat doe* not succeed well, except in the northern counties, embracing about one-tbird of the ag ricultural portion of the State. Sugar cane is not profitably grown, except in the alluvial or bottom lands, and hence, nearly nil our larger sugar plantations are found in the rich alluvial *°»»hes near the coast, between Oyster Creek and the Brazos on the east, and the Colorado on tne west Bat this crop is now being extended up tuo alluvial valleys of the Trinity and many oilier rivers, and promises to become a profita ble and staple product in a larger number of r* "ver counties to the distance of one or two hundred miles from the coast Sorghum seems i° be adapted to nearly all our varieties of soil and climate; but it is grown almost exclusively tor home consumption, and tho fine syrup made ■rom it is extensively nsed ms a substitute for ^Sar by farmers who are distant from market tobacco is a common prodnet of many, and per haps most of our counties; but there are com paratively few who raise it, for want of a con tinent market Before the war, it was one of exports (rom Sabine Pass; and when once F^at problem of labor can be solved, for »nt of which hundreds of thousands of acres I TM°j r * 1,rmer8 ’ rich fields are now uncnlti- iv, 1 . 'k” re is no doubt that tobacco will be kinl ° ar Bta P lc products. Fruits of one wui a* inotb6r ' aft grown in nearly every I arvii coan ‘y- The northern counties raise I nlji, , P etra aQ d quinoes successfully where I sre -. * >ave k® 611 planted; bnt these fruits I so adapted to the coast and western a»~ tl ?i 9 ' Peac *»es are grown in great abnnd- itV* ~ l 0,f r the State, and of the finest qual- '***?«■ are universal, and large quantities I i«3 eiCe ’* ent vr * ne nre made from our native or I IjS**? 0 ®* grapes for domestic n-e. Texas is 1 destined to become a great wine s'ouucing State. Figs are common fmit in all 0 ® 00401 counties. The tropical fruits, such as out*' 8 ’ lemons and bananas, are grown only I mil ' sia »ds, or immediately along tho coast, ‘adhere only to a limited extent. Hoh. Autx. E. S?x?aiS8. “ Have derived some benefit from the use of Sim mons’ Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a farther trial." some lion to the medical science.’*—Gov. J. Gill shorter, Ala. ** Simmons’ Liver Regulator is certainly a specific for that class ot coinplaints which it claims to cure.” —Rev. David Wills, president Oglethorpe College. Simmons’ LIVER DISEASE and Indiges tion prevail to a greater extent than probably any other malady, relief is always anxiously sou ter. If tho Liver is regulated action, health is almost in a scared. W ant of action or causes Headache. Co Jaundice, Pain in the jw « Cough, Li wines*. So w A Bad Taste in the attaoks. Palpita De p ression of.^ »ni a-hundro M\*Y which SIM AT lr UbATOlt that has acts mi sirnpl Regulator. Or, MEDICINE. J. H. ZEILIN A CO.. Proprietors. TESTIMONIALS: ” I have never seen or tried each a simple, effica cious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life.—” U. Haiker, St. Louis, Mo. “I have used the Regulator in my family for the last seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine I ever need for that class of diseases it purports to cure.—H. F. Thigpen " It has proved a good and efficacious medicine.”— C. A Nutting. " Wo have boon acquainted with Dr. Simmons’ Liver Medicine for more than twenty years, and know it to be ike best Liver Regulator offered to the pubtie.”—M. R. Lyon, and H. L. Lyon. Bellefon- taine, Ga. " I wsj cured by Simmons’ Liver Regulator, after having suffered several years with Chills and Fever.” —R.. F. Anderson. “ My wife and self have used the Regulator for years. and I testify to its great virtues.”—Rbv. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga. “ I have used your Liver Regulator with successful effect in Bilious Colio and Dyspepsia. It is an excel lent remedy, and certainly a publio blessing.”— Sheriff C. M astereon. Bibb county, Ga. janll-dAwtf and Uncurrent Funds. Collections Made on all Accessible Points. CJTOffice open at all hours of the day. Beptl-lyr CUBBEDGE & HAZLEHURST’S SAYINGS INSTITUTION. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 TO $5000. O FFICE HOURS, FROM 8 a. si. to C p. ai. feb3-tf The average yield per acre for all crops gTOwn in the State cannot be, as yet, accurately obtained; but for the leading crops, such as cotton, com, wheat, oats, rye, potatoes, etc., the yield per acre is about one-third more than can be obtained from Georgia soil, aided as it is by fertilizers (we never think of applying man- factured fertilizers here), or, say, for the whole State: from twenty to forty bnshels of corn and from a half to a bale and a half of cotton) per acre. A few more brief remarks, coming under this head, and I close. The ramie plant is cultivated to a limited extent, by way of experiment. Broom com and the castor bean are receiving increased attention. The gronnd-poa or “goo- - . her” is easily raised everywhere in the State, rehef is always anxiously soug , Hemp has been tried sufficient to prove that our ” soil and climate are well adapted to it. Rice, though not a common product, is raised in tho eastern counties. Fish in great abundance are found in all the rivers and along the sea coast Our freshwater fish are principally the bass, trout perch, cat and buffalo; and the saltwater the redfish, trout, whitefish, oroaker, sheephead, flounder, cat and drumfish. The finest oysters abound on the whole coast, with crabs, sea tur tles, etc. The valuable timbered region of Texas is chiefly confined to some twelve or fif teen counties of Eastern Texas, pine and cyf press being the chief timbers and the most val uable ; bnt all of onr settled counties have more or less timber, and generally enough for fuel and fencing, bnt for bnildiDg purposes the tim ber of tho western counties is not generally suitable. Steam saw-mills are found in all the counties where the timber can bo nsed for building. POLITICS. Tho State, like Georgia, South Carolina and other Sonthem States is yet under misrule, and to such an extent that in many of the coun ties negroes, with scarcely more knowledge of jurisprudence Ilian a cow, wero chosen, sworn and sat as jurors along with white men, at the last term of the District Courts, (the same as our Superior Courts in Georgia.) The present incumbent of the State “White Honse,” E. J. Davis, is a full-blooded Radical, and peer to “Rufus B.” of Georgia—though. 6o far, tho State Treasurer, Goo. W. Honey, and himself buve not come so prominently before the people in regard to tho State’s money. I Negroes are seen in some of onr cities as po- lioe—this is a shame on the cities; as I pre sume the State does not appoint police for the cities. SOCIETY. The society of Texas, being made up of na tive Texans, with emigrants from all parts of the globe, nearly, is of course mixed, and of all descriptions from the illiterate and nneontb, to the highly educated and refined; but with all there is a quiet, law- abiding demeanor that makes both life and property as secure in the settled counties, as in the older States. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. In i.he larger cities of the State nearly all de nominations are represented, and have suitable places of worship; while through the more thinly settled country, nearly every neighbor hood has a church, (generally Baptist or Metho dist,) and a common school, and at nearly every county seat there are two or more churches and generally a good school. RAILROADS IN OPERATION AND PROJECTED. I now come to the greatest need of Texas—a a system of railroads, like that in the State of Illi nois, ramifying her every county, to supersede the miserable common roads, and take to mar ket her abundant crops. Texas greatly needs railroads in all directions, and her people, aided to some extent by Northern capitalists, are ac tively engaged in building many. The South ern Trans-Continental—International Railroad —Sonthem Pacific Railroad—Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad—Houston and Texas Cen tral Railroad—Gulf, Western Texas and Pacific Railroad—Texas and New Orleans Railroad, are the roads built, now under construction or projected, in this State, and running, or to run in it from other States. Of these Roads, the “Southern Pacific” is now finished from Shreveport, on Red River, to Longview, Upshur county, Texas, a distance of sixty-six miles, and is still being, extended westward; the “Missouri, Kansas, ard Texas Railway,” to be a system of railroads extending into and entirely through the State, has the Neosho Valley Road” line completed from Junc tion City, Kansas, to Ohetopa (State line,) a distance of one hundred and eighty-two miles; tho “Houston and Texas Central Railway” Company was chartered in 1847, and eighty miles of road bnilt to Milliean before 1861. Since the war the extension of the road from Milliean has been slowly but steadily progress ing, and is now completed from Houston to Groesbeck, on the main line, a distance of one hundred and seventy miles; while on the Aus tin and Western branch it has boon extended to Ledbetter, a distance of fifty miles, thus making a total of ono hundred and seventeen miles completed during a period of three years; the “Gulf, Western Texas and Pacifio Railway” will be the “San Antonio and Mexican Gulf,” and the “Indianola Railroad” consolidated; and it is expected that thirty miles of road, beyond Viotoria, will be constructed next year; the “Texas and New Orleans Railway” charter was passed September, 18GG. Before the war, the road was finished and in operation one hundred and eight miles—from Houston to Orsnge, on the Sabine. The road “went down” and was mnch injured during the war. It passed into the hands of a receiver, nnder whose adminis tration it has been rebuilt, and is now in opera tion from Honston to West Liberty, thirty-five miles. In addition to the railroads in operation there are regular stage lines to all points of any importance in the State. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Having extended remarks on “ railroads” to such length, I merely state that the people of Texas seem to be animated by the “ spirit of the age,” and are building factories of various kinds and making many improvements, that for want of space cannot be mentioned. POPULATION. The tide of emigration constantly pouring West, makes census taking but an uncertain manner of estimating the number of inhabit ants in this State; but from the best data at hand, the lowest estimate of the number of people making Texas a home, is 852,500 and about one-third of this number, or 284,166 2-3, are negroes; and as there are one hundred and fifty-seven counties in the States, this gives an average of 5,429 as the population of each county. LABOR QUESTION. The labor on the farms of this State is prin cipally white; the farmers and their sons, and frequently daughters, being compelled, even if they were not inclined, to take the place of the freedman—the latter generally cultivating in miserable style leased farms and “patches” for their own benefit. The greatest need of Texas as a State is railroads—the greatest wants of the people, labor and then pure or Democratic pol itics. STOCK RAISING. A chapter could be devoted to this subject, but space will not allow. I merely name the best stock or grazing counties and a few of the “cattle kingsThrockmorton, Stevens, Jack, Young, Callahan, Coleman, Brown, Tarrant, Ellratb, Comanche, Palo Pinto, Hill and John son. Richard King owns 65,000 head of cattle, 20,000 horses, 7,000 sheep and 8,000 goats. O’Connor, near Goliad, owns 40,000 head. Mr. Robideanx. between the Rio Grande and Nueces, owns 30,000 head of cattle, besides immense numbers of horses, sheep, goats, etc. As to the route to be taken, etc., I will not require any further space. If this letter, writ ten in a hurry, is not sufficiently satisfactory in v ariably i the Liv- i pa tiou. Should era, .r Stomach, M-utb, Bilious on of the Heart the spirits, or Blues other symptoms, MON’S LIVER RKU- i the best remedy for ever been discovered. It _ , effectually, and hemp a e vegetable compound, can do ir jnry. It is harmless in every way; if has been used for 40 _ ears, and hundreds of the good and great from all parts of tho coun try will vouch tor its virtues. CUBBEDGE & IIAZLEHURST, Bankers and Brokers, eelmbold ’ 8 MACON, GA. tSecEIVE DEPOSITS, BUY and SELL EX- 1b CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS BANK OF DISCOUNT, DEPOSIT AND COT- LECTION! E XCHANGE on New York for sale at lowest cur rent rate. Exchange bought on Now York, Philadelphia and Savannah. Advances made on Bonds, Stocks. Cotton in store, or shipments of cotton to good Northern, Euro pean. Cliarleston or Savannah houses. Collections promptly attended to in all parts of tho United States. Our circulation is amply protected by United States Bonds. I. C. PLANT, President. W. W. Wbigley, Cashier. ang!6-tiloct28* -A.<3-EKTC'5e' Savannah Bank and Trust Co., MACON. QAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid in ADVANCES HADE ON COTTON. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, On which Interest will he Allowed, AS AGREED UPON. j»n25-ly I. C. PL A. NT A SON, Agrl«. LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, Surplus, and Reserve (gold).$20,869,079 04 Assets in the United States, over.... 3,000,000 00 Daily Cash Receipts upward of (gold) 20,000 0 The Policies of this Company Are issued by well known American citizens resi dent in New York, who are Directors and Share holders, and consequently, with the other Share holders, are individually liable for all the engage ments of the Company. All policies are signed by them. All claims are payable in cash on proof of loss, without deduction for interest, and not, as is usual, sixty days after presentation of proof. They expire at six o’clock p. si., and not at noon' L O. PLANT, Agent, apr23 Sm Macon, Ga. JNO. W. O’CONNOR, WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, BUMS, ALE AND PORTER. And sole agent for his Premium Whisky, Old Monongahela Rye. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLDS HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S Thn. i.'.'t u~ " I will reply to questions bv mail, giving as ac- "t a^i!ni; b ?7. 6 d,!a ' t ^ 1,10 least import- oarate information , s * gr “ a «nral items. I now come to the great 1 f onn d enclosed. oinem and South we*t ern staple—cotton. 1 ? a few of tho northern, northeastern and ' ’'7 1 counties, this is the leading product all *’ late - Therefore Texas is more em- S„n.i y a cotton State than any other in the 1 ; , Xearl ? a " 'b' vast extent of rich soil is •wt B P ara ^el 3 of latitude best adapted to . alt overjhe world, and it is entirely within t-n, ,^ s of ! ru,h iu saying that Texas has far t j, D,jirgin soil adapted to cotton than all as possible, if stamps are Address, H. W. Betoee, Linden, Texas. ■STSumter Republican and Savannah Repub lican please copy. NOTICE. one i were I TREASURER’S OFFICE, > Macon asd Westebs Kaii.uoad Company > Macon. Ga , June 28, 1871. ) A DIVIDEND of FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE from the earning* of the Road for the pi$t six ,j,, '-(j.-ouiiaomiicuiocoiion lilt half s f h!,ltts I* ut together. Indeed, if of tho fine ootton lands of the State were i - — - 3 -— “Mer cultivation, the'product would be greater months lias been declared by the Directors on the fc» h8 P^at «mti?e cotton crop of^Uthl ' Capital Stock of the Company as held on toe 1st irn s ‘ a tea pnt together. This statement extravagant to people abroad, bnt tttth onr State ‘i Qestionod by anyone acquainted J oat received— 15 barrels XXXX, 100 cases CLARET and ST. ANDRE, - 50 cases CLARET, (HARDY & CO.), 150 M DOMESTIC CIGARS, Together with a fnU line of Sherries, Ports, Champagnes, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, etc., all of which will be sold cheap for CASH, or on time for approved paper. To Country Merchants, extra inducements will be given. JNO. W. O’CONNOR. jun21 toctl CO Cherry street. Notice to City Tax-Payers. A LL persons owning taxable property in the city of Macon, are required by the city Ordinance to make immediate returns of too same to the city Clerk, or subject themselves to the penalty of double taxation. JNO. A- McMANUS. apr4-tf City Clerk. S. A. McLENDON. present entire cotton cron of all the ! “ f*i 0n TT® Ut ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Southern nni «nitaiK_ r!y ” a of July—payable id the currency of tlie United* ,j .. —-— * ■'"* P n ^ together. This statement states," as now received, on and after the 20th July, i poet GAINES, GA. The government tax will be paid by the Company. ! \.\/HjLpractice in all the Courts of the Pataula MILO S. FREEMAN, j Vy Circuit Will also act as agent in purchasing, jun29tiljul20 Secretary and Treasurer. * 'Belling, and renting real estate. jan 18-tf, HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ELUED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. PURIFY THE BLOOD AND BEAUTIFY THE COMPLEXION By using HELMBOLD’S CATAWBA GRAPE-JUICE PILLS and HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA This is the time to nse good blood renewing, pu rifying, and invigorating medicines. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARIL LA AND HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT GBAPE JUICE PILLS ABE THE BEST AND MOST TtFlT.TA~RT.Tl. One bottle of Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Sarsapa rilla equals m strength one gallon of the syrup or decoction as made by druggists; and a wine glass added to a pint of water equals tho celebrated Lisbon diet drink, a delightful and healthful drink. The Grape Juice Pill is composed of fluid extract Catawba grape-juice and FLUID EXTRACT RHU BARB. Useful iu all diseases requiring a cathartic reme dy, and far superior to all other purgatives, such as salts, magnesia, etc. Helmbold’s Grapo Juice Pill is not apatentedpUl, put up as those ordinarily vended, but the result of ten years’ experimenting and great care in prepara tion. SAFE FOB. AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN; NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPING PAINS; BUT MILD, PLEASANT, AND SAFE IN OPER ATION. Two bottles of the Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla and one bottle of the Grape Juice Pills are worth their weight in gold to those suffering from had blood, poor complexion, head-ache, nervousness, wakefulness at night, costiveness and irregularities, and to those Buffering from broken and delicate constitutions it will give new blood, new vigor and new life. THE CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS are done up with great care and handsome bottles, and will sur pass all those vendod in wooden boxes and care lessly prepared by inexperienced men, comparing with the English and French style of manufacture. All of H. T. HELMBOLD’S Preparations are Pharmaceutical, not a single one being patented, but all on their own merits. To dispel any impression or prejudice that might exist in the minds of many against my preparations from the publicity given through advertising, and that I am and have been a druggist fora period of twenty years,and more conclusively to prove this see lettter: ("From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World.] November 4, 1854. ‘Iam acquainted with Mr. H. T. Hembold; he occupied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where otoerB had not been equally so before him. X have been favorably impreesed with his character and en terprise.” W1 1 -T.TAM TY1GHV5TAN, Firm of Powers & Wightman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. Prepared by II. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. Crystal Palace Drug Store, 591 Broadway, New York. Palace Pharmacy, Gileey House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth street, New York. Temple of Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, Philadel phia, and 1G4 South Tenth street, Philadelphia. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU HAS GAINED A WOBLD-WIDE|FAME. mayll tf "WHITE HOSE. "I A A BARRELS of above celebrated brand choice JLV/V Family Flour. -Just received and for sale very low by JONES & BAXTER. TEMESSEE FLOUR AND MEAL, For sale at lowest prices, to close consignment, by JONES & BAXTER Cotton Seed or Oil Cake Meal. ■ i The lies!, richest, and cheapest food for cows. For sale by JONES & BAXTER. Agency Cliewacla (Ala.) Lime. This Lime is conceded to bo superior to any ever brought to this market, for Building, Plastering or Whitewashing. For sale by car load or in less quantities, by JONES & BAXTER, Agents. Roseiale aai Louisville Cement AND PLASTER PARIS. Always on hand and for sale cheap. Can furnish either by car load on short notice at very lowest rates. JONES & BAXTER. BACON, CORN, LARD, HAY Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Soap Gandies, etc., tor sale at lowest market r&teB, by JONES & BAXTER, june 21—tf 100 Cherry street. J. E. ELLIS, MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR, And LUMBER DEALER, WHAKF-ST., Bet. Third and Fourth, MACON, GA. I HAVE leased the large and commodious two- story brick factory on Wharf street, where I ex pect to manufacture Building Material in all its styles. 1 will keep on hand Blinds. Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Brackets, Mantles, Ballusters, Door and Window Frames; also, Rough and Dressed Lumber of all varieties and sizes. I will build and repair houses; fencing of any and all dimensions. Let the house be ever so small and the fence short, I will gladly receive the job and give prompt at tention. Thankful for paBt favors, 1 earnestly solicit a share of publio patron age. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and the goods ship ped with dispatch. Terms—Cash; charges moderate jnnell-tf J- E. ELLIS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND OOLUHBUS. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,) Geoeqia Cextbal Railjio.U), Savannah, May 27,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, the 28th inst., Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad wiH run as follows: UP DAY TKAIN. Leave Savannah 7:15 am Leave Augusta 8:15 a m Arrive at Augusta 6:38 p u Arrive at Milledg-ovilla 8:45 p m Arrive at Eatonton 10:15 p m Arrive at Macon 4:51 pm Connecting at Augusta with trains going North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAY TRAIN*. Leave Macon 7:00 am Leave Augusta 8:15 am Arrive at Augusta 5:38 p m Arrive at Savannah 5:25 p m Making same connection at Augusta as above. NIGHT TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah 7:00 p m Leave Augusta 8:30 pm Arrive at Macon 5:15 a m Connecting with trains to Columbus, leaviDg Macon at 5:25 A M. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH* Leave Savannah 7:00 pm Leave Macon 6:20 r h Arrive at MilledgeviUe 8:45 p m Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 p m Arrive at Augusta 2:45 a m Arrive at Savannah 5:30 A m Making closo connection with trains leaving Au gusta. Passengers going over the Milledgeville and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Macon, day train from Augusta and Savannah, which con nect daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the MilledgeviUe and Eatonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can bo had at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a m to 1 r m, and from 3 to 6 f m. Tick ets can also be had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, may30 tf General Superintendent. o CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) Southwestern Railroad Company, J- Macon, Ga., May 28,1871. ) N and after Sunday, the 28th inst.. Passenger Trains on thin Road wiU run as foUows: DAY EUTAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 A. m. Arrive at Ecfaula 4:53 p. m. Leave Eufaula 7:45 A. m. Arrive at Macon 4:35 f. m. Connecting with the Albany branch train at Smithville, and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cnthbert. EUTAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Eufaula 10:00 A. m. Leave Eufaula 5:10 p. m. Arrive at Macon 5:00 a. m. Connect at SmithviUe with Albany Train on Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. No tra leaves on Saturday nights. . COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 5:25 a. m. Arrive at Colnmbus 11:00 A. M. Leave ColumbuB 12:45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 6:12 p. m. COLUMBUS NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:15 p. m. Arrrivo at Colnmbns 4:45 A. M. Leave Colnmbns 8 05 p. m. Arrive at Macon ..4:10 a m. VIRGIL POWERS, junlO ly Engineer and Superintendent. ASV X Stock & Bond A* S s Brokers* tf . / * 4 u « a « a Zj. GROCE, DBALIK IN Boots, Sloes, Hats, Trunks, Mirellas, etc. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing* executed With XVeatnes and Dispatch. Call and examine my Stock, at apr9-3m* No, 2 Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Oa. Opposite Planters’ Warehouse. GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, , NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. THREE TIMES A WEEK-TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACC03M0MTI0XS. SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER via CHARLESTON. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, And connecting-Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamships to the above Ports, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at tho PORT OF CHARLESTON, Offering facUitieB of RaU and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other Port. The loUowing splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Line: TO N"EW MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhull, Commander. CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commander. JAMES ADGER. T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. GEORGIA; S. Crowell, Commandor. SOUTH CAROLINA, T. J. Beckett, Commandor. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND, Ingram, Commander. ' WAGNER, HUGER & CO., WM. A. COURTNAY, Agents, Charleston, S. C. TO FBCXTi A.DB£iF33:i.a.I VIRGINIA, Alex. Hunter, Commander. EMPIRE, C. Hinckley, Commander Sailing Days—THURSDAYS. WM. A. COURTNAY, Agent, Charleston, S. O. TO BAXiTIlVEORB. FALCON, MARYLAND, Hainie, Commander. Johnson, Commander. SEA GULL. Dutton, Commander. SaUing Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. Rates guaranteed as low as tboso of Competing Dines. Marine Insurance one half of 1 per cent; THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. State-Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of the Steam ships in Charleston, at whoso offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets Bhould be exchanged and Berths assigned. The Through Tickets by this Ronte includes Transfers, Meals and State Room,.while on Ship board. The South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad. And their connecting Linos have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movoment of Freight and Passengers between the Northern Cities and the South and West. Comfortable Night cars, with tho Holmes’ Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on the South Carolina Railroad. First-Cl*^ Eating Saloon at Branchvillo. On tho Georgia Railroad First-Class Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from Steamer to day and night trains of the South Carolina Ra'-toad. Close connection made with other Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great prouptuoas. The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their Patrons that the Line VIA CHARLESTON cannot be surpassed in Dispatch and the Safe Delivery of Goods- For further information, apply to J. M. SELKIRK, Sup’t Charleston, S. C.; B. D. HASEbL, Gener Agent, P. O. Box 4979, Office 317 Broadway, N. Y.;S. B. PICKETS, General Passenger and Ticket Agen South Carolina Railroad. ALFRED L. TYLER, juno 20 eod-6m Vice-President South Carolina Railroad, cnarleston, S. Fourth Street, Near Brown Honse, Macon, Ga. BTJILDS -AJSTD REPAIRS STEAM ENGINES, Saw, Grias and Flour Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Rexes and Gearing for mill- work generally. IROTNT RAILING, For enclosing public squares, private dwellings and Cemetery lots ; also all kinds of Ornamental Iron work, Brackets, Vaces, Chairs, Iron Fronts for Stores, Window Caps and Sills, etc. PARTICULAR, ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING MACHINERY. I make the best HORSE POWER in the country, it never fails, runs light, simple to put up and lasts well, and is cheap. Address dec3-2tawly All Work Made G-ood. E. CROCKETT, Macon, Ga. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! General Commission Merchants, j on el Cm SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. GEORGE PAGE ft CO., Mo. 5 M. Schroeder Street, Baltimore, M ANUFACTURERS of Portable and Stationary Steam Engines rad Boilers, patent improved, Portable Circular Saw Mills, Gang, Malay and Sash Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Timber Wheels, Shingle Machines, etc. Dealers in Circular 8awa, Belting and Mill Supplies generally, and manufacturer's agents for Leffel's celebrated TurbinoTVater Wheel, and every description of Woodworking Machinery. Agricultural Engines a specialty. Send for descrip tive Catalogue and Price Lists. aep9 eodwly BELLE LOVED. BELLE L0YEL! A new and interesting JUVEUIXiKI BOOK. MAX KROHER, a story of the siege of Strasbourg, a new Juvenile book. NELLY’S DARK DAYS, THE LOST PEARL, New and choice Juvenile books. WHY DID HE NOT DIE ? a new German novel, and other popular new books. Stationery, School Books, Blank Books, Legal Blanks, Wrapping Paper, Fancy Goods, Pictures, Mouldings, Picture Frames, etc., etc.; all af J. W. BURKE & CO.’S, jun!3 tf No. 60 Second st., Macon, Ga. SUMMER SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. ) Macon asd Bbuxswick Railboad Company, > Macon, Ga., June 26,1871. ) O N and after Wednesday, June 28th, until fur ther notice, the following schedules will be run: DAY MAH, THAIS DAILY (SUXDATS EXCEPTED]. Leave Macon. .*. g.45 A. M Arrive at Jessup 4.42 p. m Arrive at Brunswick 7.05 P . m Arrive at Savannah 8.00 p. si Leave Brunswick 5.00 a. sr Arrive at Jessup 7.10 a. si Arrive at Macon 5.25 p. M HAWKCISVILLE TBAIU DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Hawkinsville 0.80 a. m Arrive at Macon 10.20 a. m Leave Macon 3.05 p. si Arrive at Hawkinsville 6.4 6p. si jnn27-tf WM. MacRAE, Gen’l Sup’t. A. D. SMITH. SI. D., Attorney and Counsellor at Lai, MONTEZUMA, GA. Refebexces—Gen. Phil Cook, Col. W. H, Robin son. Oglethorpe, Ga.; Col. Sam’l Hall, Fort Valley, Ga. oct2-tf