The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 11, 1871, Image 1

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By Clisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1871. Number 6,069 lit-orgiM Telegraph Building, Macon. Tj|«r»pt and Messenger, one year «10 00 s ; i mouths 6 00 Onj month 1 00 ^.tfeekly Telegraph end Messenger, 1 ** \bST 4 00 gx'montbs • • 2 00 .Uainoth Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, 66 columns, 1 year Six months .. y 1 50 I'.Tible always in advance, an! paper stopped * ' w |, en the money runs out, unless renened. . TBCIHO AUIUOEMENTS WITH J. W. BCHKZ A OO-’S C rUBUOATIONS. n.iiv Telegraph 4 Messenger and Farm and 17 Home $11 00 vVwkly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm uid Home ... 4 00 ..mi-Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm and Home...................... 6 00 •iiintbern Christian Advocate with Weekly.... 6 00 linrke’s Magaaine........ ..., 4 00 T),i. arrangement is where remittances are made J r** to the office of publication. ' The consolidated Telegraph and Messenger •f .rueents a large circulation, pervading Middle, Hontbern and Southwestern Georgia and Western A'.Ums and Middle Florida. Advertisements at tet , onahlo rates. In the Weekly at one dollar per intre of tlueo-quartera of an inch, each publica- hh UrDiitunces should bo made by express, or d w SPECIAL NOTICES. 1, I860, the expenditures for the same purpose were but $55,918,188.72. Here is shown the * difference between the ordinary cost of carry- - - 1 ing on onr Government when its agents are 1 T? IT. A T) C* A "PTT'TrTTT T 'V honest, and the cost of the same thing when its Osfl tt JhH U J-r-Li X . officers are so destitute of moral principle as to I ~~~ disregard all legal limitations npon their own I AGUE AND FEVER. preventive _known for Chills and Bever is util in money orders or registered letters. TUT. PENNSYLVANIA MANIFESTO. Addresser the DrtnocrnJIc Executive Com- niltlcc of Ihe Key*tone Slate—The 1‘oIIt- iral Issues of I lie liny Clcnrly nml Strong- ly stnteil—A Powerful Paper by lion. j.rrmlnli IllnrU. Tha fulloWingSiro tbo material portions of the address to the Democracy of Pennsylvania by the Democratic Executive Committee of that Slate. TUepsper was propared by cx Secretary Jeremiah 8. Black: The Executive Committee of the Democracy of this State, to whom tbo following address w,ta referred by the recent State Convention, U ow present Ihe same to yon ns embodying some of Ihe reaHons which actuate and control tho organization they represent: We hero sol- imnly renew our often-repeated declaration of fidelity to the great principles npon which our party has acted from tbo time of its first organ ization. Our ultimate objects are thoRQ of our fathers when they adopted tho Federal Consti tution. viz: “To form a more perfect union, to establish justice, to insure domestic tran quility, to promote tho general welfare, to pro- vide for the common defence, and secure the blessing* of liberty to ourselves and onr pos terity.’’ We sincerely believe that the Govern ment of the United States, administered as it was in former days, with a direct view to the advannementof these principles, would doforns and for onr children all that any people can rea sonably desire from the political system under which they live. We are equally sure that if not earned out in Ihe spirit of those by whom it was framed it must become a curse instead of a blessing. Situated aa we are, obedience to the fundamental law means not only the honest performance of sworn obligations, bnt freedom, peace, and prosperity to all classes of the peo ple. On the other band, the usurpation of un- dolcgited power is not only a crime in itself, hnt the fruitful parent of other crimes, and will lead, as it has already led, to indefinite misgov- irnment, corruption, and tyranny, subverting all liberty, and rendering tbo rights of all men insecure. When we speak of the Federal Con- stilntion, we mean the whole instrument, with all its amendment*, and acknowledge the equal obligation of every part. Several of those amendments were carried by brute force and by /rands npon the public will so glaring as to take from their authors all claim upon onr respect, lint we cannot deny that they have actually be come a part of the Constitution; nor can wo avoid that fact, nor get behind it, by showing the corrupt misconduct of the men who at that time controlled Congress and mastered the State legislatures. Whosoever swears to support the Constitution must perform all that is “nomi- naled in the bond.” Any chnnge which expe rience and reason shall prove to be desirable mast be made in the prescribed way, and not hv revolutionary and disorderly means. THE DEOLABATION OP 1871. Ko candid person will deny that the leading men in powder at Washington have been unfaith ful to their duties. They have broken the pl-dges they made to theyieople, and, in reck- le«s .lUrogard of their oaths, they nave violated the plainest provisions of the constitution.— They have deprived the States of their sacred right of aolf-govornmentin matters purely local, and disarmed them of the power to enforce their own laws for tho preservation of order within their own boundaries. They have passed bills of psins and penalties, operating ou mil lions at onoe, without regard to the guilt or in- nocense of the parties. They have trampled on all the securities of life, liberty and property. They have treated the habeas corpus law with contempt, and denied the right of trial by jnry. Tney nave sent out swarms of their hireling agents vriib instructions to kidnap, imprison and kill free citizens for political offences, without judicial accusation, withoat warrant, and without trial. They have not only trodden npon the great principles, embodied in the original conatitution as it cams from the bands of its framers, bnt even the amendments, which they themselves interpolated, have been broken without remorse whenever it suited their inter ests. In defiance of the thirteenth amendment they have doomed many persons to the worst kind of “slavery or involuntary servitude” in the public prisons, without tho -pretence of any “crime whereof the party was legally convicted." In the face of the fourteenth amendment they have abridged the “equal rights” of whole masses of white citizens. Without the least re spect for the right of universal suffrage, gnaran- teed by the fifteenth amendment, they have in terfered both forcibly and fraudulently to pre vent fair elections, and to set them aside after •hey were held. These outrages upon justice, liberty and law have been perpetrated, not daring the conflict of a civil war—not in ihe frantic momenta of wild passion heated excitement—bnt in cold blood, npon deliberate reflection, in a time of profound peace, in full view of the consequences, and their authors have followed out this line of poli cy. step by step, with a persistentev which shows their fixed determination for the fntnre, as in the past, to be bound by no oath and held *>y no promise. The two last and most import ant of their auti-oonstitutional measures show more distinctly than others their settled design to strangle the liberties of tho nation, and take Perpetual power into their own hands. The force bill authorizes the President, not only to invade the States at his pleasure, but by declar ing martial law to snbvert all government, ex- eept what consists of his mere wiiL Under the election law his cannon is planted direotly against the freedom of State elections. Already the bayonets of the executive have gleamed around tho polling places in the cities of. New York and Philadelphia. Who can mistake the weaning of t$eso preparations for the pext Presidential election ? Who doubts that warn ing and rebuke are needed now to prevent the administration from carrying out its purpose hy force? If the warning be not given by the People or fail of its proper effect, can we hope for peace? It seems to ns an error to suppose the> Atnsric&ri peoplq tame enough to be licked nnaer the yoko of' a despotism, or ignorant enough to be juggled out of the great inherit ance of free government which the fathers left them. ROTTENNESS OF THE ADMINISTRATION. We complain of onr present rulers for law less usurpation of power. - Bower.not delegated is always abused. In this, as in other caaeB, usurpation has been accompanied and followed hy corruption. Frauds without number, and almost without limit, have been committed on the public. Mon of jthe worst oharacter for comuon'hrfn'esty are p-rrhltleJ Co occupy the highest places. Of tho money collectedrrom rite people, and not stolen before it reaches the Ti# entry, a large portion is squandered by Con- Rres* on party favorites or corrupt rings, and JjJJ base combinations of pnblio plunderers. The enormous extent to which this-'financial corruption has been carried will become mani fest to anyone who compares the expenditures M the Government during the six years which • ••■•Wed the civil war. lijth were periods of peace, and there can be no excuse for more than a small increase corresponding to the ratio in ^hich the population has advanced. Bnt where Inf ordinary expenditures /or the fiscal year eadiugrJnno 1, 1870, exolusive of Indian annn- ities, pensions, and interest on the public debt, Were $148,669,922.43, for tho year ending June S 00 government is simple in its machinery, easily ■ maintained, and “dispenses its blessings like j the dews of Heaven, unseen and unfelt, save in the beauty and freshness they contribute to produce;" the secure tranquillity of a regal es tablishment may sometimes be a compensation for the hardens it imposes, but a rotten repub lic is at once the most costly, the most oppres sive, and the most unsteady of all political structures. * * * « THE ISSUES. It will surely be admitted that all American citizens who believe these facts to be tree are bonnd by the sacred obligations of patriotism, honor, and conscience to oppose this state of things, and by opposing end it The persons interested in preventing a change will ask how, to what extent, and by what means we propose to make reforms. The qnestion is a fair one, and we will answer it briefly. It will be the duty of the Democratio party, and, to the ex tent of onr authority, original or delegated, we hereby pledge ourselves and onr associates, so far as in us lies— 1. To put the ship of state once again on her constitntional tack and hold her head firmly and steadily to that conrao. 2. To protect tho individual citizens of all parties, classes, and creeds in tho enjoyment of life, liberty, property, reputation, and the pur suit of their lawfnl business, by an impartial administration of jnstico in the ordained and established courts. 3. To preserves the power of thegoneral gov ernment in their whole constitntional vigor as onr sole defence against foreign aggression, the safest bond of nnion between different sec tions of the country and the only sure promise of general prosperity. 4. To maintain, unimpaired, tho reserved rights of tho States, not only because they are guaranteed by tho Federal Constitution, bnt be cause the States alone can safely be trusted with tho management of their own local con cerns. 5. To reduce the expenditures of the govern ment by confining its appropriations to legiti mate objects, by a rigid system of accountabil ity and economy, and by abolishing much of the unnecessary and pernicious machinery with whioh it is now encumbered. 6. To moderate tho bnrdens of the people, not only by economical administration, bnt by a system of taxation npon foreign imports as well as domestic productions, whioh shall be jnst and equal in its operation upon the prop erty and business of the country, not enriching soma while it impoverishes other, and not open to the frauds now habitually practiced. 7. To preserve the public credit hy the prompt payment of the public obligations. 8. To consecrate the pnblio lands to the use of the landless people who need it by a system whioh will secure a sufficiency to all, and stop at once the long series of swindles by which so many millions of acres have been given away to those who already have more than enough. These are some of the duties which lie before the people if they desire to seo their govern ment administered with a decent respect for the Constitution of their fathers or with tolerable honesty in financial matters. We have no test of orthodoxy, no disabilities for nor discrimination against former political antagonists. We cannot and do not object to bygone differences, provided the citizen be truly and faithfully devoted now to the interests and inRtitntions of the whole country and all the in habitants thereof. .,, Oar object is not revolution, bnt restoration; not injury to onr opponents, but an assertion of onr own rights and those of onr fellow-citi zens. .. .; i ! • 1 i . , By order of the Democratio Execnfive Com mittee. William A. Wallace, Chairman. the use of Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for Dyspepsia. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is a preventive of Chills and FeTer.' Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for all kidney and bladder complaints. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps la need all over the world by physicians in their practice. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for Gont. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for all Urinary complaints. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is recommended by all the Medical Faculty. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps . Is good for Colic and pain in the sfomacli. HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLDS HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S Wolfe’s'Hchiedam Schnapps Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers will have to use cantion in purchasing. I beg leave to call the attention of tho reader to testimonials in favor of the Schnapps: I.feel bound to say that I regard your Schsatps as being in every respect pre-eminently pure, and dceerving of medical patronage. At all ovents it is tho purest posrible articlo of Holland gin. hereto fore unobtainable, and as such may be safely pre scribed by physicians. DAVID L. MOTT. M- D , Pharmaceutical Chemist, New York. Louisville, Ky.. September 1.—I feel that we have now an article.of gin suitable for.such cases as that remedy ia adapted to. .... ■ • DB. J. W. BRIGHT. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. HELMBOLD’S . “Schnapps” is a remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, etc..... I take great pleasure in bearing highly creditable HELMBOLD’S testimony to its efficacy as a remedial agent in the diseases for which you recommend it. Having a natnral tendency to the mucous surfaces, with a slight degree of stimulation, I regard it as one of the most important remedies in chronic catarrhal affections, particularly those of the genito-urinary apparatus. With much respect, your obedi»nt ser- HELMBOLD’S vant, CHAS. A. LEAS, M. D., New York. 26 Pine stbeet. New Yoek. November 21, 1867.— HELMBOLD’S Udoltuo Woolfe, Esq., Present: Deab Sib—I have made a chemical exam nation of a sample of HELMBOLD’S your “ Schiedam Schnapps," with the intent of de termining'if any foroigu or injurious substance had been added to the simple distilled spirits. The examination has resulted in the conclusion that the sample contained no poisonous or harmful admixture, /.have been unable to discover any trace of the deleterious substances which are some- HELMBOLD’S times employed in the adulteration of liquors. I would not hesitate to use myself, nor to recom mend to others, for medical purpose's, the “ Schie dam Schnapps,” as an excellent and unobjectionable variety of gin. Very respectfully Vonrs, ! . ’ CHA8. A. SEELY i HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S Supreme Court or (leorsla. Saturday, Jnly S.—Argument in the case of Jeremiah Walters vs. B. Howland Crossdale— No. 4, Albany Circuit, complaint and motion for now triol from Duuglioiij- wm and concluded. No. 6, of the Albany Circuit, was argued. Gilbert & Vason vs. Saymonr, Johnson & Co. Complaint—motion for now trial from Dough erty. Vason & Davis for plaintiff in error. Wm. E. 8mith,_c«nfra. _ No. 7, Albany Circuit, was argued—John G. Tyns vs. V. G. Hast. Trover. Motion for new trial from Dougherty. Wm. E Smith and II. Morgan for plaintiff in error. Vason & Da vis and K. F. Lyon, contra. No. 8, of the Albany Circuit cx parte motion of B. S. Hast et al, being a motion to"discharge firemen from jury duty, from Dougherty. It was argued for tho movants, by General G. J. Wright. -■ j.ttu / • * '* An order was taken withdrawing No. 1 of the Maoon^Circnit. Cynthia Saunders, elal Cavia tors vs. David E. Butler et al lYustets." Application for amendment of tha Charter of Mercer University—from Bibb. M. W. Lewis. Keese A Reese for plaintiffs in error, Whittle & Gustin contra. Pending argument in No. 9, Albany Circuit, James W. Kemp, sheriff, vs. James Williams; Rule vs. Sheriff from Dougherty. The court adjourned till 10 o’clock a. m. Tues day next. Monday is consultation day aR usual.—Era. 0th. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Mattson’s and Davidson’s Syrinps. IMPROVED ATOMIZING or SPRAY APPARATUS. A large lot of BERMUDA ABBOW BOOT. Foil’s and Coleman's MUSTARD, A large lot of William*’ Barber BAB SOAP, Betti in use. , . Chemist. ■ Chemical and Technical Laboratory, 18 Ex change Place. New Yobk, Nov. 25,1867.—Ud'ol- pho Woolfe, Esq —Dear Sm: The undersigned have carefully and thoroughly analyzed a sample of. your “Aromatio Schiedam Schnapps,” selected by oureolve3, and have found the same free from all organic or inorganic substances more or IeB8 inju rious to health. From the resnlt of our examina tion we consider tho article one of superior quality, healthful as a beverage, and effectual in its medic inal qualities. Respectfully yours, (Signed) ALEX. TBIPPEL, Chemist. FRANCIS E. ENGELHARD, M. D. For salo by all respectable Grocers and Druggists. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S EST., july9 dAw2w 22 Boavor streot, N. Y. JUST PUBLISHED. ' IN ONE VOLUME, l'RICE 50c. Tho following Medical Lectures for Gentlemen: 1. PHTLOSUPtix ur nanniAUE. 2. PREMATURE DECLINE u» 3. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. 4. DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 5. SPERMATORRHOEA. 6. ABUSES OF THE NATURAL FUNCTIONS. 7. TREATMENT AND CURE. Price 50 cents by mail. Address the author, Dr. CUBITS, 9 Tremont Place, Boston. june 14-eodct . Rosadaxjs is used in the practice of, and endors ed by some of the leading physicians throughout the land. They are induced to do this from the /act that its formula is published around each bot tle. so thaf tho physician knowing its component parts, and being already acquainted with their properties, prescribe it with all confidence. Nicholabytlle, Ky., February 17, 1869. Gentlemen .'—I have seen tho effects of “Bosa- dalio” on patients in my own practice, and take pleasure in attesting to its merits as a very power ful alterative. In cases of scrofula, rheumatism, secondary syphylis, etc., I always recommend it. Very truly, yours, J. S. Sparks, M. D. sprit eodAwtr. - cheap"gaslight I S a simple, safe and reliable apparatus for sup plying PUBLIC BUILDINGS and PRIVATE RESIDENCES, with a superior and CHEAP GAS LIGHT. „ Upwards of FOUR HUNDRED are in successful operation in private residences, churches, factories, m RUlluuU i BillUliluilfl i lie. No other apparatus is operated on the same or FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA: FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ELUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. PURIFY THE BLOOD AND BEAUTIFY THE By using HELMBOLD’S CATAWBA GRATE-JUICE PILLS and HELMBOLD’S • HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA WHITE EOSJC. J Art BARRELS of above celebrated brand choice luU Family Flour. Just received and for sale very low hy JONES & BAXTER. TEMESSEE FLOUR AND MEAL, by For sale at lowest prices, to close consignment, BAXTER JONES & ] Cotton Seed or Oil Cake Meal. The best, richest, and cheapest food for cows. For sale by JONES & BAXTER. Agency Chewacla (Ala.) Lime. This Lime is conceded to be superior to any ever brought to this market, for Building, Plastering i Whitewashing. For sale by car load or in lei quantities, by JONES & BAXTER, Agents. Rmiale and Louisville Cement AND PLASTER PARIS. Always on hand and for sale cheap. Can furnish either bv car load on short notice at very lowest rates. • JONES & BAXTER. BACON, CORN, LARD, HAY Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Soap Candlos, etc., for sale at lowest market rates, by JONES & BAXTER, june 21-tf 100 Cherry street. J. E. ELLIS, MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR, And LUMBER DEALER, WHABF-ST., Bet. Third and Fourth, H4CON, GA. I HAVE leasod the largo and commodious two- story brick factory on Wharf street, where I ex pect to manufacture Building Material in all its styles. I will keep on hand Blinds, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Brackets, Mantles, Ballusters. Door aud Window Flames: also, Rough ami Drossed Lumber of all varieties and sizes. I will build and repair houses; fencing of any and all dimensions. Let the house be ever so small and the fenco short, I will gladly receive the job and give prompt at tention. Thankful for past favors, 1 earnestly solicit a share of publio patronage. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and tho goods ship ped with dispatch. Terms—Cash; charges moderate junell-tf J. E. ELLIS. CHANGE OF SCHED1E. NO CHANGE OF OARS BETWEEN GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. AU- COME OUE! COME ALLI! TO THE Great Soutliern Grain and PromioH Emporium — OF — SMALL * GAMBLE, 61 Third Street, Macon, Ga., AND BUY YOUR COEN, BACON AND FLOUR At the lowest market price, either for cash, or on time. SPECIALTIES : FLOUR, TOBACCO AND WHISKY: SMALL & GAMBLE. Send your orders for the celebrated HAZOR CHOICE EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, guaranteed to be the best made. SMALL & GAMBLE. AU orders for CORN, BACON; FLOUR, HAY, OATS, LARD, MEAL, SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Wheat. Bran, Syrup. Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Liquors, wiU receive prompt attention, at the lowest mar ket prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. SMALL & GAMBLE, 61 Third st., Macon. 1 jy6iy W - T . m O BL C3r A. 1ST Dealer in all Mnds of Plain and Patent MAGIC BOOR^ SHOW CASES! T HE doors have a brass spiral spring extending from hinge to hinge, giving an ornamental appearance to the projecting part of the hinges. The advantages of this door are: It will shut or open as by magic, without tho slightest noiBe, jar or Can be opened or shut inetantly by most any part of ■ ■, bolt “ ' ' breaking of glass, even by the roughest of use. the hands or arms, and remain so peifectty without catch, bolt or appendage of any hind. Is not affected by warping or shrinking, and is warranted to be exactly what has long been wanted for a show case door. "Sales Rooms up stairs over my Grocery Store, comer Mulberry street and Old Court-house srp’.aro, Macon, Ga. jnn4 This is the time to Use good blood renewing rifying, and invigorating medicines. pu- A large and well selected stock of O I Or A. n 9 . Smoking and ‘Chewing Tobacco jnl7 At popular prices. G. E. SUSSDORFF, Druggist. arriving. 750 POUND3 LAND RUTH’S TURNIP SEED. Warranted Crop of 1871. RUTA BAGA, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, BED TOP, j j LARGE WHITE GLOBE, LARGE ENGLISH NORFOLK, SEVEN TOPPED. Dealers snppUed at a smaU advance on Philadel- p lji* pn< 'jjqnT, BANKIN’* LAMAR, Druggists. Jnl9tf FELIX CORPUT, Groceries, Fish, Friiit.VeptaMes, Ice, Etc Second. Sti’eet, WITHOUT The practical operation of the Machines can be seen at the PASSENGER SHED of the Railroad Companies in MACON; also at the Printing aud Publishing House of Messrs J. W. BURKE & CO. We call attention to the following extract from a letter from J. W. Burke, Esq.: Macon, Ga., March 23,1871. We have had one of the U. S. Gaslight Compv ny’s Machines, in operation since the 10th of No vember, 1870, and it is perfectly satisfactory to us in its general working and cheapness. We paid the Macon Gaslight Company for four months of last year and the year previous—viz: November, De cember, January and February—$’309.56. In using this Machine our gas for the four corresponding months coat us $114—thus saving us in that time $285.56. The light is quite as good aa that of the City Ga3 Company, and has the advantage of being entirely under our control to use as we please. During the severe weather in December it burned without intermission, not being at all affected by thie freeze. We see no trouble in the Machine or the light, and cheerfully recommend it.” [Signed] . J. W. BDP.KE * CO. For information or testimonials, apply to yid EDWARD ROWE, Or myj tf Fost-offico box 159. Macon, Ga., WM. FOSTER, Jr., President, 2 and 4 Reade street, N. Y. SUMMER SCHEDULE. i- F SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. Macox asd Brunswick JIailboad Cojipaxy Macon, Ga., June 26,1871. O N and after Wednesday, June 2Sth, until fur ther notice, the following schedules will be run: DAY WATT. TRAIN DAILY (.SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Maconi 6.45 A. at Arrive at Jessup 4.42 p. at Arrive at Brunswick. 7.05 r. at Arrive at Savannah 8.00 P. ar Leave Brunswick 5.00 A. ar Arrive at Jessup... 7.10 A. ar Arrive at Macon 5.25 p. ar HAWKIXSVnX* TRAIN' DAILY, (SUXDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Hawkinsville ■. r 6.30 a. ar Arrive at Macon. 10.20 a. ar (Between Telegraph Building and Baptist Church.) H&ukiiisviii’e'TA.r.6.4 Sr! k i * jun27-tf WM. MacRAE, Gen’l 8up’t. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARIL LA AND HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT GBAPE JUICE PILLS ARE THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE. One bottle of Helmhold’a Fluid Extract Sarsapa rilla equals ui strength one gallon of the syrup or decoction as made by druggists; and a wine glasB added to a pint of water equals the celebrated Lisbon diet drink, a.deiightful and healthful drink. The Grape Juice Pill is composed of fluid extract Catawba grape-juica and FLUID EXTBACT RHU BARB. “ Useful in all diseases requiring a cathartic reme dy. and far superior to all other purgatives, such as salts,' magnesia, etc. Helmbold’s Grape Juice Pill is not apatentedpill, put up as those ordinarily vended, hut the result of ten years’ experimenting and great cara in prepara tion. -A ' SAFE FOB, AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN; NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPING PAINS BUT MILD, PLEASANT, AND SAFE IN OPER ATION. Two bottles of the Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla and one bottle of the Grape Juice Pills aro worth their weight in gold to those suffering from had blood, poor complexion, head-ache, nervousness wakefulness at night, costivoneas and irregularities and to those suffering from broken and delicate constitutions it will give nerw blood, new vigor and new life. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS are done up with great care and handenme bottles, and will sur pass all those vended in wooden boxes and care lessly prepared by inexperienced men, comparing ■with the English and French Btyle of manufacture. All of H. T. HELMBOLD’S Preparations are Pharmaceutical, not a single one being patented, but all on their own meiits- To dispel any impression or prejudice that might exist in the minds of many against my preparations from the publicity given through advertising, and that I am and have been a druggist fora period of twenty years,and more conclusively to prove this see letttor: I From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the L World.] November 4, 1854. •X am acquainted with Mr. H. T. Hembold; he occupied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and en terprise.” WILLL4M WIGIfTMAN, Firm of Powers * Wightman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 Geobgia Gentbal Railroad, > Savannah, May 27,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, the 28th inst., Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows; UP DAY TRAPS. Leave Savannah..... .V. 7:15 a si Leave Augusta....; 8:15 A si Arrive at Augusta. 5:38 p si Arrive at Milledgeville 8:45 p si Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 p si Arrive at Macon 4:51m Connecting at Augusta with trains going North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAYTBAIN. Loave Macon 7:00 A si Leave Augusta 8:15 a si Arrive at Augusta. _ -s.aa •- « Arrive at Savannah............ ••••• o:2„psi aiftVing name connection at Augusta as above. .°T7T^... . iwrs Leave Augusta 8:30 p si Arrive at Macon 6:15 a si Connecting with trains to Columbus, leaving Macon ftt 5:2l) A M. ! ‘ ’ NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH* Leave Savannah Z : ?9 PM Leave Macon G:20psi Arrive at Milledgeville... 8:45 psr Arrive at Eatonton * ,2 p 51 Arrive at Augusta 2:45 a si Arrive at Savannah 5:30 A si Hakmg close connection with trains leaving Au gusta. Passengers going over the Milledgeville and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Macon, day train from Augusta and Savannah, which con nect daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the Milledgeville and Eatonton trains. An elegant Bleeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be had at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, comer of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a si to 1 r si, and from3 to Gpsi. Tick ets can also be had at Depot Office. yy I IiTiTAM ROGERS, may30 tf General Superintendent Sunday Hours Same as other Ice Retailers. Ice House below Passenger Depot in building formerly occupied by H. N. Ells. J, A. ANSLET, attorney at law amebicos; ga. mar25tf CASH ORDERS SOLICITED. • XXTILL practice in the Courts of Southwestern W Georgia, the Supremo Court and^ the U. 8 I Circni ■ 1 Circuit Court. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, OJacxjxr-A- -zvuxttd Touching at Mexican Ports AND CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Fares Greatly Reduced.. O'lhieto'e Yrifftoam" loot picanal Btrcqt, o dlfca fallon Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday), with ASPINWALL, connecting, via Panama Rail way, with one of the Company’s Steamships from Panama for SAN FRANCISCO, touching at MAN ZANILLO. All departures connect at Panama with steamers for South American ports. Departure of 15th touches at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran cisco first of every month, except when it falls on Sunday, then on the day preceding. One hundred pounds of Baggage allowed to each adult. Baggage Masters accompany Baggage through, and attend ladies and children without male protectors. Baggage received on tho deck tho day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced Surgeon on hoard. Medicine and attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further in formation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on the 'Wharf, foot of Canal -street, North River, New York. ( mar21 ly* F. R. BABY, Agent. CHANGE Of SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Southwestern Railroad Company, V Macon, Ga., May 28,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, the 28th inst.. Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: PAX EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave'Macon 8:00 a. m. Arrive at Eufaula.... -4:58 P. M. Leave Eufaula 3=45 a. si. Arrive at Macon.... .4:35 P. si. Connecting with the Albany branch tram at Smithville, and with Fort Gaines Branch Tram at Cuthbert. ■ IOTAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACOOSMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon. 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Eufaula A ’ M ' Leave Eufaula 5:10 P. M. Arrive at Macon 5:00 a. m. Connect at Smithville with Albany Train on Mon day Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. No tra leaves on Saturday nights. OOLUSIBUS DAT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 5:25 A. si. Arrive at Columbus JJ™ A - Leave Columbus 12:45 P. si. Arrive at Macon 6:12 p.m 00LUST3US NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOSISIODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon. 8:15 p. si. Arrrive at Columbus 4:45 a. si. Leave Columbus ° Arrive at Macon................... • • ■.. ..4:10 a si. VIRGIL POWERS, junlO ly Engineer and Superintendent. Y 6 0 * Stocls & Bond A*’ Broker 4? z / letropolitsm Works, CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. WM. E. TAISTNER & CO. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and BOILERS. FORGINGS, CASTINGS, oi uivu BRASS, MILL GERING, etc ; Engines and Saw-Mills of various sizeB always on hand. Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and sold on commis sion or oxchanged for new. All other repairs promptly and satisfactorily done. Freights to all pointB low. Send for descriptive circular. jul7 d sw&wtiJdeelS. H. R. BROWN, Agent. R 0 8 D OSADALIS! T he great American health re- storer purifies the blood and cures Scrof ula, Syphilis, Skin diseases. Rheumatism, Dis eases of Women, and all Chronic Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kidnoys. Recommended oy the Medical Faculty, and many thousands of our best citizens. Read the testimony ol physicians and p .tients "wh<v have used Rosa- dalis ; send for our Kosudali* Guide to iieaait Book, or Almanac, for this year, which vre publish for gratuitous distribution: it will give you much valuable information* Dr. R. W. Carr,' of Baltimore, says; I take pleasure in recommending your Rosadalisas ^ very powerful alterative. I have seen it used i two cases with happy results; one in a case i ^secondary syphilis, in which the pa tient pronounced him3elf cured after having taken 1 ve bottles *f your medicine. The other Da case of scrofula of long standing, which is rapi dly improving under its use, and tho indi cate ns aro that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Kosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative ingredients. Samuel G, McFadden, of Murfreesboro, Team, says: _ , . _ _ .. I have used seven bottles of^Rosadalis, ana am entirely cured ol Rheumatism. Send me four bottles, aa I wish it lor my brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes. • • m Benjamin Bechtol; of Lima, Ohio, writes: I have suffered for twenty years with an in veterate eruption over my whole body; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Rosadalif and it effected a perfect cure. IE*. OSADALIS IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ^-Laboratory. No. 61 Exchange Place, Eal ^O’ciements A Co., Proprietor.. For sale by J. H. ZEII.CN <fc CO, 6-eodiwtf I— W. 11 C.M A CO MWM MINERAL SPRINGS. We desire to call tho attention of invalids and of all persona who may desire to spend the summer months pleasantly, to onr city. Onr mineral waters have been carefully analyzed and pronounced un surpassed for their medicinal properties. Many re markable cures have been effected. Improvements have been recently made at the Springs, and they are accessible from all parts of the city. The hun dreds who have annually visited our city can testify, not only to the value of the mineral water, but to the hospitality of the citizens. We, therefore, call the attention of all health or pleasure seekers to the advantages of our city. Board and lodging can be had at either of the hotels or with private fami lies, from $25 to $30 per month. For particulars, address either the McDowell or Yancey Houses. jun20 2m General Commission MerchantSj Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. Crustal Palace Drug Store, 504 Broadway, New York. Palace Pharmtcy, Gilsey House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth street, New York. Temple of Pharmacv, Continental Hotel, Philadel phia, and. 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUGHU VUR GAINED A WORLD-WIDE1FAME. may 11 tf ]unel6m SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. JOHNSON HOUSE, SMITHYILLE, GEORGIA. O N and after this date the Johnson House will only charge for board and lodging per day $2 50; meals 75 cents each, while the permanent decline in supplies and the greatly reduced profits in agricultural, mechanical and other pursuits ne cessitate economy. The proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage extended to his house heretofore, trnate that the public will sustain him in this, an effort in the right direction, by an increase of bus iness. T. W. JOHNSON, Proprietor Johnson House, may4 3m SmithyUle, Ga. DOBSON & BARLOW Bolton, England, [established a. d. 1790.1 Makers and Patentees of the most improved MAOBCINBU.'Y’ FOB Preparing and Spinning Cotton AD80 Double-Cylinder Saw Gina, and Knife Roll er Macartttiy Gina. Employ upwards of 2000 operatives. Refer to CLARK THREAD CO., Newark, N, J. where 30,000 spindles are m operation. Prices and estimates for projected mills, on ap plication to above address, or to P. O. Box, 3024, New York. aov22-eodly Anchor Line Steamers. SAIL EVEBY WEDNESDAY AMD SATUBDAY, TO AMD FEOM NEW YOBK AND GLASGOW, Calling at Londonderry to land Mails and Passen- gers. The steamers of this favorite line, are built ox- preesly for the Atlantic Passenger Trade, and fitted up in every respect with all the modem improve ments calculated to insnro the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. PASSAGE HATES, PAYABLE Et CUBBESCY TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON DERRY. First Cabin, $05 and $75, according to location; Cabin Return Tickets, $130, securing best accom modations : Intermediate, $33; Steerage, $28. Parties sending for their friends in the Old Coun try can purchase tickets at reduced rates. For fur ther particulars apply to HENDERSON BROTH ERS, 7 Bowling Green, N. Y., or to L. L BeLAMATEB, my30 d&w3m South. Expr. Co., Macon, Ga. Responsible Agents wanted in town and country. SURE POP! Death to Rats, Roaches, Bed Bug's, etc* Never failing. Boxes double the size as others. Hermetrically sealed and always fresh. For sale in Macon, at wholesale and retail, by J. J. Zeilin A Co*, Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, and aU dmggistB. feb26dAwly HEALTHFUL PLEASURE. A NEW SKATING RINK at the Central Geor gia Trotting Park, with Hubbard’s Patent Parlor and Sidewalk Skates. Open day and night. No charge for admission. N. H. BIDDLF.COM. Proprietor. The abOYe Skates for sale WITHOUT ANY RE STRICTION. Leave your orders and measure at Brown A Co.’s Book Store. jun2 tf MATT. B. FREEMAN, Agent. STATE OF GEORGIA. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Atlasta, July 6, 1871. ORDERED: By his Excellency, the Governor, that his procla mation of June 8, 1871, offering a reward of One Thousand Dollars, for the apprehension and de livery of Matthew Harris, with evidence to convict, to the Sheriff of Jackson county, bo, and the s&mo is hereby revoked, and that the Secretary of State give public notice thereof. Given under my hand and seal of office, DAVID G. COTTING, julyO d3twlt Secrotary of State.