The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 22, 1871, Image 3

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Telegraph & Messenger. 'T^mlocs S*A»oy.—Glorious and delightful as , fce rammer weather ia, its tropical heat is a BOTere trial to the vital powers. Even the strongest are lactimea proetrated by its effects. The common hiaae applied to this condition of the body is Lateral debility." Now, general debility arises JLn sod Includes a variety of ailments. The 1 eria more or less affected, tho bowels are either iT _,tipated or too much relaxed, the stomach but performs the work of digestion, the appbtite is r end the spirits depressed. This is what is Ljjed general debility. It is a gonoral disarrange- . 0 f jU the physical functions, and requires as ^itmedy a medicine that will regulate them all. Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters is specially adapted to tlii, purpose. Its general operation is not confined to a single organ. If the liver is affected, it ro- its tone. If the stomach is torpid, it regen- it. If the nerves are tremulous and weak, it braces and reinforces them. If the mind, which ever sympathizes with the body, is gloomy and de- oondent, it relieves the difficulty, and soon brings the whole mechanism of the body into harmony ,nth the laws of health. There is no civilized nation in tho Western hem- sphere in which the utility of Uostottor’s Stomach Eittere, as a tonic, corrective, and anti-bilious mod- one, is not known and appreciated. Throughout the tropics it is considered, both by the people and tbs profession, the standard specific. While it ia a medicino for all eeasonB and all climates, is is es pecially suited to the complaints generated by tho weather, being the purest and beat vegetable stim- elentintbe world. Beware of the Bitters made of add and danger one materials, which unscrupulous parties aro en deavoring to foist upon the people. Their name is legion, and the public has no guarantee that they ue not poisonous. Adhere to the tried remedy, Hoatetter's Bitters, sold only in glass, and never in ktga or barrels. 3 “ 6 “ ......86 84 8 o’clock. BAEOMETEB : 20 48 2 “ *>0 4.8 C •• 29.45 CITY AFFAIKS. SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 22,18*1. Statement of the thermometer at J. H. Zei- lin & Oo.’s drug store, July 21 8 o’clock 12 “ 80 Peusonal.—Hon. Eli S. Shorter, of Enfaula, Ala., is in the city, and stopping at the Brown | House. Wino & Solomon, appreciating the stringency of money matters, offer their large and elegant stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware at lower prices than ever offered before in tins city, and will make price an object to any one wanting goods in their line. Repairing and En graving done in the best style and at lowest rates. Hairwork of any description done at short notice. Work npon the most intricate and difficult watches executed and guaranteed by Mr. H. Peacock, a practical and scientific watchmaker, for several years past with Mr. L. H. Wing. Blaxceabd’s Patent Chubns, for sale by Olives, Douglass & Co. BY TELEGRAPH. Mat-.tit-t-tctti Icon Mantle and Gsates.— Persons wishing marbleized iron mantles will find handsome samples at Wise’s crockery store, The Shooting Gallebt.—Mr. Holder has re cently made several improvements inhis shoot ing gallery, on Poplar street, putting in new I on Mulbery street. Prices of mantle with grate lights and targets. See what he has to say in | from thirty to sixty dollars, his advertisement At Home Again.—We are glad to see our good friend and artist Mr. A. J. Biddle, at home again. His slay in Milledgevillo was rather protracted, but none the less pleasant and prof itable. Watermelons.—Messrs. S. T. <fc B. P. Walker, 88 Cherry street will have another supply of I those elegant AuguBta watermelons this morn ing. They are. by long odds, the best offered | in tho market Hazob.—Another lot of that choice exirat Hazor flour, received r.t Small & Gamble's. This flonr is guaranteed to be the best made, One thousand one quart Tin Fruit Cans on hand. Olives, Douglass & Co. Don’t Foeget these Two Facts ! ! That Wing & Solomon are the agents of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines and of tho L. & M. Spectacles—the best in use. We are selling Cooking Stovos on acceptance by adding a small per cent Olivee, Douglass & Co. FeuitJabs! Feuit Jabs!—We have the Gem, with glass top, Hero and Franklin Jars. Olivee, Douglass & Co. The best twenty-five dollar cook stovo, with and we advise all to give it a trial, for wo know I tho largest outfit of furniture and pipe, at B. A. it will please the most fastidious. | Wise & Co., Cherry Street Store. Sheet Coppeb.— Olivee, Douglass & Co. Postponed.—Wo aro requested to say that the match game of base ball between Macon and Milledgeville, announced for tho 25th inst., . has been postponed a few weeks on account of | riNAMClAL AND COMMERCIAL the work being done on tho grounds. Sally Itevlew of tlie market. OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER,! July 21—Evening, 1871. j Cotton. — Receipts to-day 7 bales; salos G; the pain killer May Justly k® riy 1 ® 3 fb® Great medicine of the world, for there is no region of the globe into which it baa not found its way,and been largely used »nd highly prized. Moreover, there ia no clime to which it has not proved to be well adapted for the enre of a considerable variety of diseases; it is a ipeedy and safe remedy for bums, scalds, cuts, hroisca, wounds and various other injuries, as well u for dysentery, diarrha) and bowel complaints generally, it is admirably suited for every race of men on the face of the globe. It is a very significant fact, that notwithstanding the long period of years that the PAINT KZIjLXR Has been before the world, it has never lost one whit of its popularity, but, on tho contrary, the rail for it has steadily increased from its first dis covery, and at no previous time has tho demand for it been so great, or the quantity made been so large, as it is to-day. Another significant fact is, that nowhere has the Pain Killer ever been in higher repute, or been more generally need by families and individuals, than it has been bare at borne, whero it was first discovered and introduced. That the Pain Killer will oontinne to be, what we have styled it, The Great Medicine of the World, There cannot be the shadow of a doubt.—Provi dence Advertiter. June 2-eodAlm. Bbown & Co., No. 4G Second street, have just received the following newspaper and pe riodicals: Saturday Night, Appleton’s Journal, Leslie’s German, Dutchland, Police News, New | shipped —. York Clipper. All the magazines for August. I Tho market is quiet and unchanged. Liverpool "■ — middlings are still quoted at 19 cents, Steanoees in Boston, wishing quiet and ele- “Futures” sold in New York to-day as follows gant accommodations, with every convenience, For July delivery 19%; August 19%; September 20; and in tho very centre of business and amuse- Octobor 201-16; November 20 5-16; December 19%. ment, can find no better stopping placo than ala con cotton statement. the American Honse, on Hanover street. | Stock on hand Sept. 1, 1870—bales JCST RECEIVED, THE Parisian Canopy Musquito Net. NEW PATENT. JUST OUT. A PERFECT BEAUTY AT THE NEW YORK STORE. jm.29tf Coen.—We dropped in at Small «t Gamble’s yesterday, and found the largest and most se- | lect stock of Com in this market. Send your orders to these go-ahead young ] men if yon want full weights and low prices. A pais of festive mules got on a spree with a wagon yosterday morning, on Cotton Avenue, and ran into a lamp post in front of Vannncki’s. The wagon and post got knocked into “smith ereens.” The affair cost the owner of the mules $12 50 for the lamp post that we know of, and a new wagon will “snatch” him for another hundred. A New Beidoe.—The Macon and .Western 2,331 Received to-day 7 Received previously 98,512—98,549 100,883 Shipped to-day — Shipped previously 99,158—99,158 1,725 Stock ou hand this evening , There was a moderately brisk retail trade in the city to-day, but nothing more. The grain and pro vision markets are quiet and prices firm. Com 115@125; clear rib bacon sides 10%; shoulders 18%. [|[ Morning Market Report. New Yobk. July 21.—Cotton unchanged; middling uplands 21; Orleans 21%; sales 3000, including 2000 in transit. Turpentine firm at 52. Roam quiet at S 12% for strained. Freights quiet. Flour dull. Wheat heavy. Com dull. Pork dull at 14 62. Lard dull. Stocks much better than at the opening. Gold Railroad have a force of masons and mechanics at work throwing a new bridge over the cut on tb„Col™,™,rond. ItI.Ibl.nd.d to,.potted.I the present frail and dizzy looking structure, I Exchange, long 10%; short 10%. and will be a work of solid masonry. The floor I July 21, noon.—Consols 93%. Bonds will be much wider than the one at present in nse, and built so as to afford ample room for the street railroad track soon to cross it. 92%. Weather favorable to crops. Paris, July 21, noon Rentes 5Gf 7o. LrvEarooL, July 21, noon—Cotton opened strong; uplands 9; Orleans 9%; saleB 15,000. Sales of the week 69.000; exports 10,000; specula tion 1G,000; stock 000,000 hales, of which 385.000 are American: receipts 53,000—including 25,000 Amer- can; actual exports 12,000. Late it —Cotton firmer and advanced a fraction: uplands 9%; Orleans 9%; sales 20,000; speculation and export 10,000. 4 Flonr 23s 6d. Red winter wheat 10s lOd. W.A. HOPSON &CO. Have received new and handsome varieties of LADIES’ SUITS, Also the second stock of those great and good MUSaUITO CANOPIES. The balance of our summer stock will be offered AT CLEARING OUT PRICES. Fibe in Milledgeville.—A'largo frame house belonging to Mr. Calloway was entirely con sumed by fire on Thursday last, about 12 m , in Milledgeville. There being no water in the vi cinity, the fire engine could not be brought into service. The firemen and citizens worked man fully, however, and saved all the furniture. Tho fire was caused by attempting to kindle a fire in one of tho rooms with Korosene oil. There was no insurance, wo believe, on tho building. A neobo man, wo are informed, was found In a dying condition on Wednesday last, in tho basement of the old guano depot near tho rail road track, at the foot of Plum street. He was about thirty years of ago, and said he had been whero he was found for two or three weeks. He had on no clothing, and appeared to be dying from starvation. We do not believe anything he said, as he was qnito deranged. He was sent to the hospital bnt died soon after he got there. How he got into his wretched condition, and 1 nes!* Gtrvomrnenir.llis 15%; ^62sl4%r64sT18%; 65s why ho was not found sooner, are questions 13%; new 12%; 67s, 12%; C8s, 13; liMOs 13%. ... , , , 1 Baltdiobe, Jnly21.—Oottonmarket closed quiet; that puzzle ns to answer. | mj^dlinKa 2l%@21%; net receipts 17; gross re ceipts 21; exports coastwise 2; sales 3; stock 845. Net receipts of tho week 395; gross 510; exports Jnlyll W. A. HOPSON & CO.,’ 41 Second street. W. A. BANES &SONS Aro constantly receiving now additions to their already large stock, comprising in part: GRENADINES, HERNANI BAREGES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, LENOES, MOZAMBIGUES, COLORED BAREGES, LINEN LAWNS, 12%c. do., etc., etc. Also, a full line of • miN PLAID AND STRIPED SWISS, “ “ “ “ JACONET, “ “ » •! NAINSOOK. ICTORIA AND BISBOP LAWNS, TUCKED SWISS, TUOKED NAINSOOK. Lace Mitts, Ribbons, Trimmings, etc., etc Oar stock of Houso Furnishing Goods always complete. W. A. BANKS A SONS, Triengular Block, Second Street, Macon, Ga. • J«a25tf ball, black & CO 565 and 567 Broadway, N. Y., Have Just received a fine assortment of imported horse timers I for Sporting Purposes—denoting minutes, seconds B ~ Q quarter seconds. Price ©25. Orders for every ■ Racing and Presentation Plate, exe- I y u ® <1 *t the shortest notice; designs drawn to or- |1 Wd estimates given. I —' th ® largest aeeortmont of Ready Made Sil- ■ ver ana Table Waro to be fonnd in tho ci I JullStf > city. a. z. Adams, b. m. bazemobe. shad bach ware. Adams, Bazemorc & Ware, PUNTERS’ WAREHOUSE FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. W E have admitted Mr. Sbadrach Ware to our basin ess, the new firm to go into effect on -na iftc the first day of September next. Bat all ®aft« accepted by Adams A Bazemore on the pres et growing ctop will be assumed by the new firm' 'V®will in the future, as in the past, give our attention to the storage and sale of all cotton trusted to us. Our warehouse is, as is well commodious, newly built, and fire-proof. Liberal advances will continue to be made to our L nen d«- may28 dAwSm THE MISSES LANE TRILL open a Boarding School for Young La- v V dies in New York city, on Wednesday, Be: temper 20,1871. For reference andcirculare app f® *• J. Gresham, Esq., MaooD, Ga. jull6 3m Markets—Evening: Report. New Yobk. July 21.—Cotton steady and in fair request; ealos 3131 bales; uplands 21; Orleans 21%. Receipts of cotton at all ports for the week 10,866; exports 10,853. Flour, Southern dull and lower; common to fair extra 5 70<®6 40; good to choice G 45(5)9 00. Whisky firmer at 95<5>96. Wheat 2@3 lower; high freight checks export; winter red and amber western old 115(S>118; new and southern 1 3S@1 45. Com more active but 1(5)2 lower at 68(5)71. Bice dull at 8%@9. l’ork unchanged. Lard dull. Navals and tallow unchanged. Freights firm Money easy. Exchange heavy. Gold 12%. Gov ernments steady. State bonds dull and heavy, except Tennessees and new South Carolinas; Ton- neesees 72%; now 72%. Virginias 65%; now 73. Louiaianaa 66; new 62. Levees 72; 8s 84. Alabamas 98; 5s 68. Georgias 85; 7s 94. North Carolinas 44; new 26. South Carolinas72%; new 58. Discounts firmor; little or no paper passing under 5; primo names high as 7; little confidence in val- Looation op the Street Railroad.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors tho street I coastwise 169; sales of tho weok 885. „ r , . , , „ _ . ' Flour, old dull; now quiet. Wheat active and railroad was located as follows: Commencing I g rnli Com, white steady; yellow woak. Provisions at the general passenger depot, tho track will unchanged. Whisky 94%@95. nrn a— r°..lh «~l to Cherry, np Ch«j to TSWSSU Third, down Third to Mulberry, up Mulberry to I wintor rendered 10%. Bacon, Bhoulders 6%; clear Cotton Avenue, and out Cotton Avonuo to Tatt- Jtfi^2lI-Fiour in liberal demand nail Square. | com 70. Provisions quiet. Pork 1500. Bacon, President Hazlehurst left for New York yes- I shonldors 6%; clear sides 8%@9. Whisky 92. , , ,, , , . I New Orleass, Julv 21.—Cotton active; middlings terday morning for tho purpose of purchasing j 20 iV@20%; net receipts 1060; gross 1550; exports the iron and the cars, both of which we under- coastwise —; sales 2500; stock 50,031. RtfiTid can ho obtained there If the stock- Net receipts of the week 4850; gross receipts G076: stand can be obtained mere, li me stock- exporta t0 Great Eritain 3293. to Havre 349; to holders will promptly come forward and pay np Amsterdam 1291: coastwise 6201; sales of the week the installments as they are called for, it is con- 7000. „, „ Flour scarce and firm; snporiino 5 00; double fldently expected that the road will be finished c 00; t^bio 6 75@7 00. Com is firm; mixed 75; from one end to the other by the 15th day of I yellow 72; white 80. Oats easy at 6G@G7. Bran _ . , ... . . .. . ,. - ,, 105. Hay, prime 80 00; choico32G0. Pork dull; October. It is hoped that it will be, for there &t 15 7g Ba{ £ n ^ good demand; shonldors 7%; rib is no valid reason for a long delay over tho ao- sides 9%; clear sides 9%; sugar-cured hams 14(5)15; complishing of a work which may be executed jjSa’aSdf^f in a few weeks. It seem3 that several months i ow clarified 12%@12%. Whisky firm; western rec- have already been consumed whiehshould have titled 92%@103. Coffee 13%(5)15%. . ,. . ,, , ... .,, I 'Sterling 21%; Sight % premium. Gold 12%. bG6n applied directly to tne construction of tne I "Wilmington, July 21.—Cotton firm; middlin^a road. * 119%: net receipts 40; export coastwise —; sales 45; The road ought, by all means, to be extended Bt °®£ S r £ eipta of tho week 219; expert, coaat wise down Fourth street to Walnut, and thence to I «i; sales of the week 182.* the main gate of the Fair Grounds. Wo hope , Spirits turpentine firm at 52. Rosin ffimat 2 45 _ . . ... .. . . for strained; 2 75 for No. 2; 6 32% for extra pale the City Council will take this suggestion into Crnda turpentine steady at 8 60 for yellow dip; 4 50 consideration, appoint a committee to solicit I for virgin. subscriptions and ask. up lb. d.M.ncy b, | "S«lg’»c-5 special appropriation. 59. Savannah. Jnly21.—Cotton in moderate demand: Boat Launching.—A select company of la- I middlings 19%; net receipts 159; exports coastwise .. ,, , .. . , , 333- sales 390; stock 5203. dies and gentlemen assembled on the river bank N ’ et receip ^ of W6ek 653; exports coastwise near the oemetery,yesterday af witness 1112; sales of the week 400. the launching of the Empire Boat Club's new oanoe, “Minnie Lee, christened by Mr. Ben. coastwise ISO; continent —; sales 100; stock C. Smith, who, in doing so, broke a bottle of 3093. , _ , ,, 7_ ,, . „ , Net receipts of tho week loOO: exports to Great champagne over the bow of the boat, and B ritain 80; to the continent 652; coastwise 1282; mingled the sparkling wine with the waters of I sales of tho week 600. the Ocmnluee The comnanv were then in- Mobile, July 21.—Cotton closed quiet; middlings tne ucmnigee. ins company were men in lg ^. net rece jpta 75; exports coastwise 666; sales vited by the “Empires” to join them in a glass 200; stock 8645. of wine or lemonade, in honor of the occasion, _„£ et receipts of the week 963; exports coastwise .. . , ’ ... ; 566: sales of the week 775. which was responded to with a will—several Galveston, July 21.—Cotton firm; good ordinary gentlemen, as they were called upon, offering 16; net receipts 214; exports to Great Britain drinking fleet and beautiful craft. The Boff Boat Club were present, with their “Juliet,” in which was a splendid crew, with Miss Clare deGraffenreid as coxswain, snd most skillfully, too, did she act in that capacity. All of the other boats, well manned, were also in attendance, and the weather being cool and pleasant, the occasion was one of much interest and enjoyment. Mo’Clean's Cordial and Blood Purifier is the best tonic and blood alterative in the world. of the week 4592. B06TON, July 21.—Cotton doll; middlings 21%: net receipts 6; gross receipts 245; sales 200; stock 0000. Not receipts of the week 74; gross 7803; exports to Great Britain 35; sales of the week 1400. Kobfolk, July 21.—Cotton dull; low middlings 19%@20; net receipts —; exporta coastwise sales —; stock —. Net receipts of the week 079; exports coaatwise 1130; sales of tho week 590. Liverpool, July 21, evening—Cotton closed with a hardening tendency; uplands 9%; Orleans 9%. Stock afloat 490,000; American SO,000. Yams and fabrics steady. Sole Agent of Hook’s Babbitts MetaL Oliver, Douglass & Co. CONSIGNEES PER 3T.4W.E.B. July 21,187L Smith, S & Co; W A Hnff; Buell & Gamble; Geo T Rogers’ Sons: Seymour. T A Co; Oliver, D & Co; H W Bronson. M T; McCallie A T: Burdick Bros: Jones A Baxter, Lightfoot A J; IJ Trawick; J H Anderson A Son: Rogers A Bonn; E Price; order Fecit Jabs, Fruit Jabs!!—Call at B. A. Wise’s Crockery Store on Mulberry Btreet, if you wish to examine the greatest variety and I Herbert Bell; £ F Davis; N 'A Megrath; D Good purchase the best bargains in Fruit Jars. | Son; B A Wise;^Johnson A Smitlg King^ABro; Watzb Coolers, from two to ten gallons. _ _ low prices. Oliver, Douglass A Co. iFlanders A Son; Decker AH; ALButts. DAY DISPATCHES. New York, July 21.—A great storm on the coasts of New Foundland and Labrador, has distroyed three hundred and fifty fishing smacks—twenty-three dwellings and forty stores, involving a million'and a half of property, and ninety-three lives lost. Mail advices from Cuba, report Genoral Covada shot on tile seventh instead of first of July, and after orders bad been received from Madrid, .thathe be.pardoned and-sent to this country. Biots are reported at Nounet on the Erie Raidroad between the Irish and German labor ers. The Irish picked a quarrel in a lager sa loon from which they drove the proprietor and family. Subsequently, two Irish laborers were terribly beaten by the Germans—one named Kyan, possibly, fatally. The Irish then again attacked the lager saloon with clubs and stones, and were replied to by tho Germans with re peated volleys from shot guns. The Irish beat retreat. Patrick McMahon was shot in sev eral places. His wounds are not necessarily fatal. Isaac Cullen was shot in 2G places—re covery doubtful. Martin Graham was shot two or three time3 and severely clubbed. It is not known how many others are injured. New York, July 21.—Tho Cotton Exchange examining locations for a mammoth store house for cotton, to lessen the expense of cart age and sampling. A storehouse for 100,000 bales will probably be erected at tho Brooklyn, N. Y., dock, whero ships can unload and load. Cincinnati, July 21.—It now appears that the Cincinnati and Cattlesburg Railroad is the first link of tho short line through Virginia to New York, saving, it is claimed, 120 miles. Cincinnati, July 21.—An incomplete bridge of tho Chesapeake and Ohio Bailroad over Davis’ creek fell, precipitating thirteen killing two persons. Omaha, July 21.—Frontier advices report Red Cloud preparing for the war path. London, July 21.—All the papers contain ed itorials on tho subject of cancellation by royal warrant of tho act legalizing tho purchase of army commissions. The Times, Post and Standard believo tho course of tho ministry un constitutional, while tho Daily News and Tele graph approve fully tho step taken by the min istry. Dispatches from the East represent that the cholera is making terrible ravages in Persia. The Germans are evacuating Amiens, Rouen, and tho departments of tha Somme, Lower Seine and Eure. Paris, July 21.—Bullion in tho Bank of Franco lias increased over eleven million francs. Madrid, July 20.—Marshal Serano has been entrusted by the King with tho formation of a new minishy', and he has already designated the following members: Minister of Justice, Senor Gomez; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Audan Manne; Admiral, Maleampo; Minister of Fi nance, Senor Camado. The Cortes adjourned in a tumultuous condition, and protests against the minority. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, July 21.—In recognition of the report of last night regarding tardy witnesses, one of tho parties named telegraphed the fol lowing to-day: “I telegraphed July 11, that I was ready to report. I received, July 12th, from J. R. French a dispatch that I need not oome. The Oommittee have not the time for more witnesses.” The reading of this message in the committee produoed a sensation, and new summonses were orderd. The witnesses particu larly wanted by the Democrats on the commit tee are those mentioned in last night’s dispatch for Georgia, and Hon. Plato Denham and Mr. Schenck, and others from North Carolina. Now summonses have been telegraphed. St. Lours, Only 21.—The case of Millier vs. Shepherd, manager of the Bradstreet Com mercial Agency, was before the Circuit Court yesterday, the hearing being on a motion of the defendant to dissolve the injunction granted a few days ago, enjoining the circulation of the July number of Bradstreet’s Commercial report, on the gTonnd of being false and injurious to the rating of plaintiff. Several witnesses testified to tho solvency of Millier, his business qualifi cations, integrity, etc.; also that hois doing a largo and prosperous business. King, formerly in the employ of the agency, testified to the mode of transacting the business of the agency. He said most of the roports were manufactured in the office from the time Shepherd took oharge. The reports wore based on old reports. The city reports were all copied into a title book, and then forwarded to New York. A book, call ed tho black book, was kept, in which all un favorable reports wore copied. Everyone in tho office had access to this book. He testified that Bradstreet’s Agency was partial to the subscribers, and that a goldheaded cane would often raiso a man’s rating. Plaintiff had been reduced from rating of C. O. D. D., a very high rating, to D. E., which meant ho was do ing business with a capital of loss than $500. Subscribtion to the agency generally meant in crease of credit. Witness further stated that he had manufactured hundreds of reports him self. New Youe, July 21.—Tho Orange and Hiber nian lodges aro receiving largo accessions since the riot. JohnT. Pickeroll has beon sent to South Caro lina under a charge of conspiracy to defraud the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Bailroad. Postoffico clerk Kerovan, was held in $10,000 bail for robbing letters. The work of rebuilding the docks and piers under Gen. McClellan’s plans have commenced near Castle Garden, in tho southern end of the city. New Orleans, July 21.—Tho annual regatta of the Orescent City Yacht Club to-day, over tho usual distance, a triangle of fifteen miles, resulted in tho Bestless winning, in second class. Time, two hours nineteen minutes and thirty seconds. Preston, won third class. Time, 2 hours 39 minutes and 30 seconds. Jes sie wonin tho 4th class. Time, 2 hours 44 minutes and 30 seconds. Six boats entered are of the second class, two of third and three of fourth. No boats of first class in the race. James Lynon suicided to-dayfrom laudanum; cause, continued illhealth. New Brunswick, N. J., July 21.—Bev. Dr. Joseph F. Berg is dead. Hudson, July 21.—Abbot’s cottonmill at Val- atie is burned. Loss $60,000. Auburn, N. Y., July 21.—Kobert Buffum, wbo committed a murder last winter, suicided to-day in the asylum for insane criminals. tion before the Assembly. It is rumored that Due d'Aumale and Prince DoJoinville have re- gned seats in the Assembly to-day. Minister Lawbrecht explained that a state of siege was still maintained in Paris, because the reorgani zation of the police had not yet been completed. Vienna, July21.—Count Agenor Golucheow- ski has been appointed Governorof Golilca. Berlin, July 21.—Several decrees were pub lished to-day, organizing conrts of law in Al sace and Lorraine. London, July 21.—Several persons perished in a destrustivo fire in Lisbon. The yellow fever has entirely disappeared from Buenos Ayres. London, July 21.—The engineers on a strike New Castle held a meeting to-day, and re solved to moke no coifipromise with the em ployers. George Francis Train lectured in Cork last night. He explained plans for the invasion of Germany. A naval squadron is fitting out at Cronstadt to accompany the Grand Duke Alexis to America. HUNT, RAMI & LA1AR, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. CJ GROSS SPEARS’ PRESERVING SOLUTION 5 Gross Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperient, 50 Bbls West’s Kerosene Oil, Epsoms Salts, Sal Soda, Sulphur, Copperas, Blue, ■ Stone, Logwood, Indigo, All for sale as low as tho articles can bo bronght here in small lots 100 Cases Crystal Potash, 6000 Lbs. Bock Potash in bnlk, 50 Carboys .Oil of Yitrol, 20 Bbls. Marblo Dost, At very low rates. 1X00 Ounces Quinine, 50 Lbs.'Calomel, 100 “ Chloroform, 60 *“ Blue Mass. WILHOFT’S ANTI-PERIODIC, HOLTON’S AND FARMER’S PILLS, And all tho nostrums for Chills and Fever, and any other disease. We are Headquarters for Jewett’s Perfectly Pare White Lead, And can offer the best figures on LINSEED OIL., TURPENTINE, VARNISHES, COLOBS, ETC. 450 boxes Windsor, Glass from 8x10 to 30x40. Warranted good Glass and in good order. Dealers and others who buy in largo or small quantities, will find that it is to their interest to deal with us, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, jy20 3m Druggists, 82 and 84 Cherry St. BUDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Synopsis or Ttpther Statement. War Dep’t, Office Chief Signal Officer,') Washington, D. 0., July 21, 7:40 p. ir. J The barometer has risen very generally north of Kansas and the Ohio Valley since Thursday afternoon, and has risen still more in New En gland, the area of lowestpressure having moved eastward beyond our stations. The barometer has varied somewhat on the Gnlf coast, where it is lower than on Thursday. The temperature remains quite low on the lower Lakes, south ward to tho Gulf and eastward to the Atlantio. An area of cloud and rain has extended from the Ohio Valley to Michigan and Lake Ontario, and has traveled eastward during the day. Rain and threatening weather is now reported from eastern North Carolina to central New York. Bain has also fallen in northern Florida, and it is now reported in the Bocky Mountain stations. Partially clondy and clearing weather, with cool northeast and northwest winds prevail from Kentucky to Iowa and Minnesota. Probabilities: A small area of cloud and rain will probably pass northeastward from Maryland. Partially cloudy and clear weather is probable on Saturday, from Lake Huron to Virginia, and eastward to the Atlantic. An area of threatening weather will probably extend towards Wisconsin, with easterly winds on the upper lakes. No important change is indicated for the Gulf coast, bnt a storm is probably pre vailing east of Florida. Washington, July 21.—Thomas A. Scott, the railroad king, and N. S. McComb, of the Jack- son Railroad, have bought into the Louisiana Levee Company, and propose to commence active operations immediately. It is understood that the transaction was consummated through the intervention of Senator West, of Louisiana. Collector Casey is here. Toronto, Canada, July 21.-—In a billiard tournament last night, Frank Dion and Phelan played, Dion winning by 221 points. New York, July 21.—The Cotton Exchange will probably lease the extensive warehouses at the Atlantic Docks, Brooklyn, for the Btorage and sampling of cotton. Nine elephants, from Ceylon, arrived yester day on the bark Nehemiah. White Sulphur Springs, July 21.—Governor Randolph, Mr. Davis, General Breckenridge, and General Beauregard, have engaged cottages for tho season. Paris, July 21.—The Bachcals are actively canvassing for the municipal elections, to be held next Sunday. Notwithstanding the ad verse report of the committee to the Assembly, , Thiers intends to defend his policy of protec- 1 Fi COME ONE ! OOME ALL 11 TO THE M Soiita Grail! an j Provision Emporium — OF — SMALL * GAMBLE, 61 Third Street, Macon, Ga., AND BUY YOUR CORN - , B-A-COIsr -A.3STE EEOTLR At the lowest market price, either for cash, or on time. SPECIALTIES : FLOUR,TOBACCO AND WHISKY. SMIL & GAMBLE. Send your orders for the selobrated HAZOR CHOICE EXTRA. FAMILY FLOOR, guaranteed to be the best made. -; SMALL & GAMBLE. AU orders for CORN, BACON, FLOUR, HAY, OATS, LARD, MEAL, SUGAR-OURED HAMS, Wheat, Bran, Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Liquors, will roceive prompt attention, at the lowest mar ket prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. ly SMALL & GAMBLE, 61 Third st., Macon. Southern Life Insurance COMPANY, ATLANTA, - GHEJOH.OXA. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON,..-. President GEN. A. H. COLQUITT, Vice Preident afd Business Manager W. O. MORRIS *. Secretary H. V. M. MILLER, M. D., Medical Director J. L. ROGERS, WM. EDIXGS, W. W. LEM AX, General Agents, Macon, Ga. ASSETS, June 1, 1871, * - $1,500,000 BANK OF DISCOUNT, DEPOSIT AND COT- LECTION! E XCHANGE on New York for sale at lowost cur rent rate. Exchange bought on Now York, Philadelphia and Savannah. Advances made on Bonds, Stocks. Cotton in store, or shipments of cotton to good Northern, Euro pean. Charleston or Savannah houses. Collections promptly attended to in all parts of the United States. Our circulation is amply protected by United States Bonds. 1. O. PLANT, President. W. W. Wrioley. Cashier. augl6-tiloet28* Insure Your Life AT HOME in this Company, Because Tho SOUTHERN LIFE is well managed and has abundant Capital. All of its funds are invested in Georgia. The rates are not h'gher than those of any first-class Company. Each year tha surplus is returned to the insured in Cash Dividends. The success of the Company is unparalleled. Gens. Gordon, Colquitt, Wade Hampton, and like honest and honorablo men are its Tmstoea and Directors. All losses are paid without unnecessary delay. The Company is no longer an experiment—its experience and accumlated capital renders its suc cess assured and its security unquestioned. Its economy is unsurpassed. All Soliciting Agents, who are authorized, have a commission signed by the Secretary and Gen eral Agents. ROGERS, EDIXGS & CO., General Agents, CUBBEDGE & HAZLEHIJBST, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. R eceive deposits, buy ana sell ex change, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and Uncurrent Fonda. Collections Blade on all Accessible Points. tSTOflico open at all hours of the day. septl-lyr CUBBEDGE & HAZLEHBRSI’S SAYINGS INSTITUTION. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 TO $5000. O FFICE HOURS, FROM 8 A. SL to 6 P. ar. - f eb3-tf ■A-GKEIxrC-Sr Savannah Bank and Trust Co., MACON. QAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid in ADVANCES HADE ON COTTON. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, On which Interest will he Allowed, AS AGREED UPON. jan&lj I. C. PLANT &■ SON, Agfa. FOR RENT. A DOUBLE tenement house, which can be used as a boarding bouse if desired. Apply to OLIVER, DOUGLASS A CO. july 19-lt CANCERS CUBED. H AVING been afflicted with Cancer, I was cured in the year 1856, after trying many prepara tions and Cancer doctors. I hare no new remedy to offer but the same old remedy with which I was cured fifteen years ago. I have since been practicing with the same remedy, and have been successful in a number of cases, a few of which I refer to below, as living witnesses of tha virtues of my medicine, some of whom, like myself, have been cored a number of years, and yet have no symptoms of Cancer returning: Mrs. H. B. Bloodworth, Liberty Hill, Ga.; Mrs. Fannie Settle, Liberty Hill, Ga.; Mr. J. D. Boyd, Griffin, Ga.; Mr. Wesley Reid, Zebulon, Ga.; lbs. John Stillwell, Griffin, Ga.; Mrs. Mary Thurmond, Indian Springs, Ga.; Mrs. James Carmichiel, Mc Donough, Ga.; Wm N. Fambrough, M. D., Senoia, Ga.; Mr D. G. McKinney, (Houston co.) Macon, Ga.; Mr. Jas. Douglass, Greenville, Ga.; Bev. H. T. Dicken, Locust Grove, Ga.; Mr. R. Dolton, Fa yette Station, Ga ; Mr. Wm Harkness, Jackson, Ga ; Hon. Thomas M. Harkness, late Representa tive from ButtB county, Jackson, Ga.; Mrs. A. Mad dox, Indian Springs, Ga., Mrs. Eliza Hill, Forsyth, Ga.; Mr. Willis Bowden, Forsyth, Ga.;Haj. A.Nall, Griffin, Ga.; Mrs. Green Duke, Liberty Hill, Ga.; Mrs. A. Porter, Griffin, Ga.; Mrs. Rebecca Ward- law, Bamesville, Ga.; Mr. D. Lewis, Barnesville, Ga.; Mrs. B. Goodman, Monticello, Ga ; Lou(color- d.) former servant of B. W. Collier, Indian Springs, Ga. Tha above is only a few of the many names that could he added to the list. I take pleasure in Btating that Mr. J. M. Hard- away made a perfect cure of a Cancer upon the eye of Mrs. M. J. Bouyer after she had been treated by several physicians, and her Cancer pronounced in curable, and I cheerfully recommend him to all afflicted with Cancer. GEO. B. TURPIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. I cheerfully bear testimony to the fact of Mr. J. M. Hardaway having performed a perfect cure of a cancer upon Mrs. M. J. Bouyer’s eye, after eminent physicians had failed to relieve her; and I firmly believe his Cancer treatment to be a specific for Cancer. L. A. HANSE, Macon P. O. To th.e Afflicted! I prefer not treating doubtful cases. After sat- isfving yourself describe your cancer to me and I will give you my candid opinion. At your request I will visit your houses when cir cumstances permit. My residence ia twelve miles east of Griffin, Ga. which is my nearest express office. Money may be Bent with safety in registered letter. Communica tions strictly confidential and promptly answered when stamp and envelope sent addressed to your self. Address J. M. HARDAWAY. Liberty Hill, Pike co., Ga Those to whom it may be convenient, may call upon T. J. Hardaway, Southwestern Railroad, who attended me in my affliction and has been with me in several cases since. He may be addressed through the postoffice at Macon, Ga., or Enfaula, Alabama. J. M. HARDAWAY. Julyl3d4wtf Juno20 3m Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Ga. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H HAVING perfected my arrangements to correct tho slightest error in tho time-keeping of my fine L Regulator, by the eroction of an obsorvatory and one of the most approved TRANSIT INSTRU MENTS, for the purpose of observing tho meridian passage of tha sun and stars, I -will be able to keep tho exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. Especial Attention paid to the Repairing and rating or line Watches, as well as all hinds of new work made to order. apr6-tf DIAMONDS, WATCHES, o .j o co # 0 QJD to <D ft o s a w ft ft ft JEWELRY 'AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Xotice, and Warranted. AGEXCI OP THE GROVER & BIKER SEWIXG MACHINES. June 14-tf JNO. W. O’CONNOR, WHOLE3ALE DEALER IN BRANDIES WINES, GINS, RUMS, ALE AND POUTER, And sole agent for liis Piemium Whisky, Old Monongahela Rye. X X X X. Just received— 15 barrels XXXX WHISKY, 100 cases CLARET and ST. ANDRE, 50 cases CLARET, (HARDY & CO.), 150 M DOMESTIC CIGAKS, Together with a full line of Sherries, Torts, Champagnes, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, etc., all of which will be sold cheap for CASH, or on time for approved paper. To Country Merchants, extra inducements will be given. JNO. W. O’CONNOR, Jun21 toctl 60 Cherry street. C0PPEIUS, CHLORIDE OF SODA. Darbv’s Prophylactic Fluid, CARBOLIC ACID, And other cheap Disinfectants. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Druggists. For tlie Sickly Season. QUININE, CALOMEL. BLUE MASS, OPIUM MORPHINE, CASTOR OIL, And everything in our line of business, in quantity and of the boot quality. We offer special induce ments to dealers. HUNT, EANKIN & LAMAR, Druggists. jull6tf ’ bb ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. W ILL be sold on Tuesday the 1st day of August next, at the Ells' Store, on Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. The entire stock of Merchandise, consisting of Fancy and Family Groceries, fine Wines and Liquors, and also, the Stock and Fix tures, belonging to the Saloon and Ilestuarant. At the same time and place will be sold, the celebra ted trotting stallion “Climax," and trotting buggy. Together with other effects belonging to the estate of the late H. N. Ells. Terms of sale, cash or approved paper. Sale to begin at 10 o’clock, and continue from dav to day july 2-tds W. A. CHERRY, Adm’r.