The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 23, 1871, Image 3

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'elegrapli & Messenger. JUST RECEIVED, THE Parisian Canopy Musqulto Net. c patent, just out. a perfect beauty ATTUR NEW YORK STORE. ^r. aTbANKS & SONS constantly receiving new additions to their jljoady largo stock, comprising in part: bbenadines, hebnanx bareoes, FRENCH ORGANDIES, LENOES, MOZAMBIGUES, COLORED BAREGES, LINEN LAWNS, 12%c- do., etc., etc. Also, a full line of ’ PLAIN PLAID AND 8TRIPED 8WIS3, “ JACONET, *' “ “ *! NAINSOOK. ICTORIA AND BISHOP LAWNS, TUCKED SWISS, TUOKED NAINSOOK. Laos Mitts, Ribbons, Trimmings, etc., etc Onr stock of House Famishing Goods always | C ° 3ir ’ 1 " 0 ' W. A BANKS * SONS, Triangular Block, Second Street, Macon, Ga. JnsaStf new YORK STORE, 46 AND 47 SECOND STREET. 8ESU-ANNUAL CLEARING SALE —OF — SUMM£3H. STOCK COMMESCISO Monday, June 36th. DRY GOODS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS! FIGURED ORGANDIES At 26 cents, rodncod from S5. FIGURED MUSLINS, At 20 cents, reduced from SO. FIGURED MUSLINS, At 10 cents, reduced from 16. SILK STRIPED LENOS, At 20 oents, worth 40. T EMBROIDERIES, A EDGINGS, and INSERTINGS, SILK and OOTTON LACIES, GREATLY REDUCED. T^.i?ivisrzzax: silks, Rodncod to 75 cents per yard i Figured Silks Brooclie Grenadines, 1 Reduced to 36 conta a yard, and all other Dress Goods st the sarno rate of reduction. I a _____ 4 Oar Cotton and Honselceeping Goods At tho same prices as beforo the advance of those goods. - NOW IS THE TIME For bargains for thoso that will avail themselves of U, as we aro determined to close ont OUR LARGE STOCK at astonishingly low prices. S. WAXELBAUM, BRO. & CO. Jons 25-cod tf W. A. HOPSON & CO. Havo received new and handsome varieties of LADIES’ SUITS, Also tho second etock of thoee groat and good ✓ ' '*• ■ MUSaUITO CANOPIES. A Pinmors Season.—Glorious and delightful as ibe summer weather is, its tropical heat is a severe trial to tho vital powers. Even tho strongest are sometimes prostrated by its effects. The common phrase applied to this condition of tho body is ‘general debility.” Now, general debility arises from, and includes a variety of ailments. The liverU more or less affected, the bowels are cither constipated or loo much relaxed, the stomach but half performs the work of digeetion, tho appetite la poor, and the spirits depressed. Tins is what is called general debility. It is a general disarrange ment of all the physical functions, and requires as a remedy a medicine that will regulate them all. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is specially adapted to this purpose. Its general operation is not confined to a single organ. If the liver is affected, it re stores its tone. If the stomach is torpid, it regen erates it. If tho nerves aro tremulous and weak, it braces and reinforces them. If the mind, which ever sympathizes with the body, is gloomy and de spondent, it relievos the difficulty, and soon brings the whole mechanism of the body into harmony with the laws of health. There Is no rivilizod nation in tho Western hem isphere in which the utility of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, as a tonic, corrective, and anti-bilious med- dno, is not known and appreciated. Throughout the tropics it is considered, both by the pooplo and the profession, tho standard specific. While it is a medicine for all seasons and all climates, is is es pecially salted to the complaints generated by tho weather, being the purest and best vegetable stim ulant in tho world.- Beware of the Bitters made of add and danger ous materials, which unscrupulous parlies are en deavoring to foist upon the people. Their namo is legion, and the pnblic has no guarantee that they are not poisonous. Adhere to tho tried remedy, Hostetter's Bitters, sold only in glass, and never in kegs or barrels. The balance of our summer slock will be offered AT CLEARING OUT PRICES. loijn W. A. HOPSON A 00., 41 Second street. BALL, BLACK & CO., 565 and 567 Broadway, N. Y., Have Just received a fine assortment of imported horse timers for Sporting Purposes—denoting minutes, seconds, ^nd quarter seoonds. Prio* $25. Orders for every ‘hecription of Racing and Presentation Plate, exe cuted at the shortest notice; designs drawn to or der and estimates given. Also, tho largest assortment of Ready Made Sil ver and Tablo Ware to be found in the city. Jull5tf CITY AFFAIRS. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 23, 1871. Preaclilnjr To-Day. Mulbebby Stbeet M. E. Ciicbcii.—Preach ing at 10} a. m., and at 8} v. si. by tho pastor, Rev. J. O. Branch. Sunday School at 5 r. si. Fiest Stbeet M. E.—Preaching at 10} a. si. by Key. Joseph S. Key, D. D., and at 8} v. m. by the pastor, Bey. W. W. Hicks. Snnday School at 5 p. si. East Macon.—Preaching at 10} a. si. by the pastor, Bey. J. W. Burke, and at 8} p. sl by Bey. Jos. S. Key, D. D. Snnday School at 4} r. si. Vinevtt.t.t:.—Preaching at 8} p. si. by Bdv. H. J. Ellis. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Cubist Chub on.—Divine service at 10} a. sl, and 8} p. si., by the Hector. The city again enjoyed the benefit of a tol erably cool northwester yesterday. Whebe’8 That Key?—Some absent-minded fellow carried off an important door key of Brown & Co’s, yesterday morning. If he don’t wish to be ex-communicated from the fraternity who use the key, he will return it, instanter. Betibed.—We learn that Dr. James A. Da- mour has sovered his connection with the Maooh Daily Citizen—the resignation to take effect in a few days. We didn’t think Jim could, or would, stand it a great while. Good.—The Mayor, yesterday, ordered the negro bar-room and gambling den on Fourth street, opposite the gnard-bonse, to be closed, and put the infamous proprietor on the street brigade for thirty days. Wo say “good,” from the bottom of onr heart. Personal.—We were pleased to meet on the street yesterday, Mr. J. A. Walker, who returns from Colnmbns to wind up a little old business preparatory to a permanent removal to Colum bus. Tbe thought of soon losing bis genial spirit and companionship really grieves m. Several of onr fire companies have determ ined to carry the opinion of Judge Lochrane, in regard to firemen serving on juries, np to the United States’ Supreme Court, for its opinion, and shonld Judge Lochrane’s views bo sustained, then they will consider the matter of disband ing. New Call Bmp.—Mr. Jno. Clarke, a watch maker of this city, has invented a call bell for offices and hotels, which, we think, wiU super cede all others when its convenience and sim plicity become known. Mr. Clarke has filed his application for letters patent, and the hell will soon be introduced to the pnblic. No mobe Delay.—The managers of the Mem phis Distribution, Messrs. Passmore & Boffin have positively fixed August 31 as ths day of drawing. There will be no postponement, and all who desire a fair chance for some splendid Memphis live property should call on Messrs. Brown & Co.,here in Macon, at onceandRee to it- SroTswooD.—There is no hotel in tho South that has grown in popular favor more rapidly, than the Spotswood, of this city, nnder tho skill ful proprietorship of Tom Harris. Situated within a stone’s throw of the General Passenger Depot on Fonrth street, it is very convenient to travelers, and the elegant accommodations it affords, commands for it a large and steadily Increasing patronage. Many Maconiteo are now off at the Springs in various parts of the State and county, and the city, in point of amusement or pleasure, is distressingly dull. Pin-nics are played out; it is too warm for balls or general assemblies, and there is nothing more interesting for the Can’t; get-aways to do, than to make efforts to keep cool and suoceed. ^ v . ^ A. c. ADAMS. B. M. BAZEMOBE. SHAD EACH WABE. Adams, Bazemore & Ware, PUNTERS' WAREHOUSE, FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. TTTE have admitted Mr. ShaJrach Ware to our TY b'.'.Mnega, the new firm to go into effect on and after lire first day of September next. But all drafts accepted by Adame ,fc Bazemore on the pres ent growing crop will be assumed by the new firm- We will in the future, as in the past, give our whole attention to the atorago and sale cf all cotton entrusted to us. Our warehouse is, as is well known, commodious, newly built, and fire-proof. Liberal advances will continue to be made to onr friend*. may23 dAwSm Col. Thomas Hardeman, jr., left last evening for Washington, to testify before the Ku-klnx Committee. It was little less than ontrageous that his dispatch of two weeks ago, announcing his readiness to appear before the Committee, was not delivered by the Sergeant-at-arms to the entire Committee. CoL H.-will be apt to inves tigate the matter when he gets to Washington, and fasten the responsibility for his apparent tardiness where it belongs. Decidedly Gbeasy.—The following extract from an advertisement appears to be pretty oily: “Castor Oil for taking; Salad Oil for eating; Linseed Oil for painting; Sperm and Kerosene Oils for burning: Lard and Lubrica ting Oils for machinery; Tanners’ and Sewing Machine Oils; Thick oils and thin; sweet smel ling oils and bad smelling oils, and all the other oils can be found cheap at J. H. Zeilin & Co.’s Drug store on the corner of Cherry and Second streets.” Trrr “Geeat Benefactor.”—We received yes terday a piece of most elegant cake, baked in one of the stoves of the above name. It was as brown and evenly baked as anything conl£ be, and was a most delicious evidence of the good merits of the stove and the culinary accomplish ments of the lady who made it. Messrs. Oliver, Douglass A Co., Third street, are the sole pro prietors of the “Great Benefactor” in this city, and there is really no better cooking stove in the world. It has been fully and thoroughly tested, and has never been found wenting in any particular. Fecit Jabs ! Fecit Jabs ! 2—A handsome stock of the very best jars, in glass, stoneware j and tin, at reasonable prices, can be found at Truman A Green’s. Orders from wholesale or ; retail buyers will be promptly filled, at the lowest rates. The Meecze Univeesity.—We are often asked when will the buildings for the Mercer Univer sity be commenced ? We do not know. Our understanding about the matter is, that every legal obstacle has been removed, and that there is nothing in the way of the work going forward at once. Bnt in this, as in almost all other pnb lic matters, it will take the Building Committee about six months to meet, then an adjournment for three months, then another meeting with out a quorum, and then an action of a minority directly contrary to law, the rulings of tho judge, and to tho horror of council, but look ing direct to the main business, the carrying out of the original plan. All men chosen upon such committees ought either to enter with alacrity upon dnty or refnse at the outset and out-and-ont to serve. But such leaders are al ways and invariably chosen from men who have so much of their own affairs to attend to that th6y seldom or never pay much attention to the duties of such committees. There is no pay in it, they, therefore, take the glory and do no work. Hence, the work flags, dies out, i3 for gotten, the public ask for another funeral, and get it in the same way. The people of Macon who havo subscribed so liberally ought to be patient—they may have a University—after awhile. - j The faces of the clocks in the steeple of tho new Conrt-honse were painted the popular color yesterday, and the face of tho raised letters gilded. The black ground and gold produce a strong contrast of colors, and renders the let ters visible at a distance of six or eight hundred yards. The building is now receiving the fin ishing touches, and when the contractor turns it over to the Connty Commissioners it will be one of the most beautiful and imposing struc tures of the kind in tho entire South. BY TELEGRAPH. The best proof of the sterling merit of the Csabteb Oak Cook Stove is that it has been in the market nineteen years, there are over 180,- 000 now in use, and Ike sales are constantly in creasing. Last year the sales reached over 21,- 000. “Success is the grand test of merit” For further particulars call on Truman & Green, at the sign of the Golden Stove. Flobence Sewing Machines.—Messrs. Guil ford & Hill, Mulberry street, are the State agents for the sale ot these popular and incom parable maohines. They seU faster and give better satisfaction than any sewing machines now in use. The large supply received bnt two or three week ago, are nearly all sold, and another stock of ICO are on the way, and will be here in a day or two. Every machine will give the purchaser the utmost satisfaction and they are' sold on such terms as plaoes them within the reach of almost everybody. 25 Handsome Silver-plated Ice Pitchers, at very low prices, to close out summer stock. Tbuman & Gbeen. Sow Good Seed.—Landreth’s Turnip Seed— warranted crop of 1871—Ruta Baga, Flat Dutch, Large Globe, Large Norfolk, Bed Top and Seven Topped, in large supply. The trade supplied at low figures. Hunt, Rankin A Lamab, Druggists. The last Refrigerator on hand will be sold at coBt. Tbuman A Gbeen. Bbown A Co. have just received: Harper’s Weekly, Leslie’s, Every Saturday, People, Sci entific American, Scottish Jonrnal, Days’ Do ings, Police News and Gazette, and late dailies. All ths magazines for August. News Depot open this a. h , from 7 till 10 o’clock. All size Freezers at very low prices, to close out summer stock. Tbuman & Gbeen. Mo'Clean’s Cordial and Blood Purifier is the best tonio and blood alterative in tho world. Sole Agent of Hook’s Babbitts Metal. Oliver, Douglass A Co. A large lot of Wire Dish Covers wiU be sold very low at Tbuman A Green’s. Fbuit Jabs, Fbuit Jabs!.!—Call at B. A. Wise’s Crockery Store on Mulberry street, if yon wish to examine the greatest variety and purchase the best bargains in Frnit Jars. Wateb Coolebs, from two to ten gallons, at low prices. Oliveb, Douglass A Co. junet-Gm. Wing A Solomon, appreciating the stringency of money matters, offer their large and elegant stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware at lower prices than ever offered before in this city, and will make price an object to any one wanting goods in their line. Repairing and En graving done in the best style and at lowest rates. Hairwork of any description done at short notice. Work upon tho most intricate and difficult watches executed and guaranteed by Mr. H. Peacock, a practical and scientific watchmaker, for several years' past with Mr. L. H. Wing. Blanchabd’s Patent Chubns, for sale by Oliveb, Douglass A Co. . Mabblehed Ison Mantle and Grates.— Persons wishing marhleized iron mantles will find handsome samples at Wise’s crockery store, on Mulbery street. Prices of mantle with grate from thirty to sixty dollars. One thousand one quart Tin Fruit Cans' on hand. Oliveb, Douglass A Co. Don’t Fobget these Two Facts ! ! That Wing A Solomon are the agents of the Grover A Baker Sewing Machines and of the L. A M. Spectacles—the best in use. We are selling Cooking Stoves on acceptance by adding a small per cent. Oliveb, Douglass A Co. FbuitJaes! Fbuit Jabs !—We have the Gem, with glass topi Hero and Franklin Jars. Oliveb, Douglass A Co. The best twenty-five dollar cook stove, with the largest outfit of furniture and pipe, at B. A. Wise A Co., Cherry Street Store. Sheet Corrzn.— Oliveb, Douglass A Co. Out of the three hundred and seven millions of people carried on English railroads in 18G9, only seventeen were killed by causes beyond their own control, while in the streets of Lon don one hundred and forty persons were killed, and it is estimated that the orange peel onLon- don pavements kills more people than all the English railroads. Rosadujs is need in the practice of, and endors ed by some of the leading physicians throughout the land. They are induced to do this from th9 fact that its formula is published around each bot tle. so that the physician knowing its component parts, and being already acquainted with their properties, prescribe it with all confidence. NicholasvnLE; Ky., February 17,1869. Gentlemen :—I have seen the effects of “Eosa- dalio" on patients in my own practice, and take pleasure in attesting to its merits as a very power ful alterative. In cases of scrofula, rheumatism, seeomlarv sypbylis. etc., I always recommend it. Very truly, yours, J. 8. Stases, M. D. aprl4-eod*wtf. CONSIGNEES FEB 91. A W. R.B. July 22,1871. Burdick Bros: Richards A Co; Rogers’ Sons; Smail A G: NA Megrath; W A Huff; E Price; Smith, W A Co- Flanders A Son; Jones A B; Sanders A Co- H Bell; E F Davis; McCailie A T: Bmith, S A Co- B A Wise: W A E P Taylor; Bemd Bros. DAT DISPATCHES. Doings or the Mississippi Negroes. Jackson, Mbs., July 22.—The public print ing difficulty was argued before the Chancery Court The Judge reserves his decision until 31st July. At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Republican Club of this city, the follow ing was adopted: That wo have full confidence in the honesty of purpose, abiding fidelity and earnest desire of Gov. J. S. L. Alcorn, to serve the highest interest of the Republican party. And will cooperate with him in the approach ing canvass to achieve an overwhelming Repub lican victory. The Pilot continues its vigorous attacks on the Governor. Little Bock, July 2.—All the mail contract ors on lines leadinghence having failed, aspecial mail agent is here, endeavoring to make special contracts. The people are inconvenienced. Louisville, July 22.—Nine alleged Ka-kltzx have been brought hero from Estelle connty,one of whom, it is stated, has “peached.” It ap pears to be a band local to Estelle and Powell country. The prisoners were held in a thou sand dollars each, to answer at the October term of the U. S. Court. Washington, July 22.—Tho United States arsenal at tho navy yard was burned last night. The loss is estimated at $1,000,000. It is sup posed the fire was caused by spontaneous com bustion. Montbeal, July 22.—A Cuban force of 200 men has been organized here, and will depart as soon as the Virgin arrives from Trinidad. New York, July 22. — Prof. John W. S. Howes died of pnenmonia. A bale of cotton raised by A. B. McShaw of Lee county, Mississipi, picked by himself, wife and daughter in their parlor, and which had gained premiums aggregating $3,312, was sold to-day for fifty cents per pound. The bale weighed 443 pounds. Evansville, Ind., July 21.—The preminin hogshead of tobacco sold at 5S cents. Two hogs heads from Ballard county, Kentucky, not ad mitted from some informality, sold at $1 02 and 90 cents. The range of prices was as follows: Lugs $G 70(5)7 75; common fair bright low leaf $7 50@8 GO; medium bright leaf $9 00@ll 00; common to medium cutters $12 00(5)16 00. Se lections of all grades nominal. Low tobacco in demand. Sales during the Fair amonnted to over a thousand hogsheads. The sales will be continued to-morrow and during the next week. Large offerings will be made daily. Stocks aro large and receipts increasing. London, July 22.—The Spanish ministerial crisis is unsettled. A deputation of German, Dutch and Austrian bankers has sailed from Europe to the United States, for the purpose of making an examination into the route and con dition of tbe work, and financial prospects of the North Pacific Railroad. NIGHT DISPATCHES. St. Louis, Only 22.—The hearing in the case of Mellier against the Bradstreet Commercial Agency continues. Mellier introduced further testimony as to bis solvency, and stated that the report published in the July number of the Agency’s report had injured his standing. J. H. Eames testified that he had been sent for by Mr. Shepard, superintendent of the Agency, and told by him that he (Eames) could have good rating if he would pay for hunting up the evi dence of his credit.* This would cost from $250 to $500. Eames refused the offer. Shepard was then placed on the stand and flatly con tradicted the statement of Eames, and said Eames offered him money for a favorable rating; that be (witness) told him he ought to bo kicked out of the office for making suoh r.n offer. He nover received presents, and money considera tions bad no influence with him. King, whose testimony was reported yesterday, had been discharged for making an incorrect report, falsifying the index, and general disobedience of orders. King had threatened to injure the firm, and assaulted witness with brass knuckles. The rating of Mellier was based on information received from men who are regarded as well versed in trade and business, and who stated Mellier’s assets and liabilities so nearly equal as to justify witness in rating him to be trusted with caution. The case excites much interest. Washington, July 22.—It is now supposed the loss by the explosion at the Arsenal, to day, is not more than two hundred thousand dollars. In addition to the artillery and cavalry equipments, and general military stores, the Museum is totally destroyed. This contained many wnr trophies, models of firearms of all nations, together with specimens of uniforms, forming a valuable collection. Daring the fire there wore many explosions from shell and loaded muskots, bnt no one was thereby in jured. Galveston, Tex., July 22.—The first bale of now cotton was received to-day, by express, from Columbus, Tex. It was consigned to Focko A Wilkins. Philadelphia, July 22.—Tho Pennsylvania property in the Atlnntio and Great Western Railroad was sold to-day. It was purchased by Senator Thurman and Gen. McClellan on behalf of trustees. It was sold in throe section. The price aggregates $020,000, of which $11,000 was in cash. San Fbancisco, July 22.—A water spout in Nevada lifted the passenger train from the traok. An incendiary fire destroyed tho business portion of tho town of Terueker. Upon tho withdrawal of tho military from Armador coun ty, the leagued miners rosolved they would work for themselve and families. They havo armed themselves, and declare they will defend themselves to tho last. Fighting is anticipated. Chicago, July 22.—Two now National banks have been organized in this city—the National Bank of Illinois and Cook Company Mational Bank—making nineteen national banks in Chi cago. Boston, July 22.—Arrived, bark Commodore Dupont from Savannah, for Montevideo. She reports having had heavy weather and spring ing a leak, and the crew being sick with fever and ague put into this port to recruit. Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Va., July 22.— General Joseph E. Johnston was among the ar rivals hero to-day. Gbeenbrieb White Sulphur Springs, West Va., July 22.—There was white frost here this morning. Shawls and overcoats were in de mand. Savannah, July 22. — Arrivod,-' steamship Virgo ; schooners Maymom, Baltimore; Etta- wan, Norfolk; George B. Sommers, New York; T. W. White, Kennebeck. Cleared, steam ships Magnolia, New York; Tonawonda, Phila delphia; Catharine Whiting, New York; steamer Lizzie Baker, New York. Charleston, July 22. — Arrived, steamer South Carolina, New York; brig O. S. Packard, Rockport; schooner H. O. Shepherd, New York; schooner Nancy Smith, New York; schooner H. Baker, Baltimore; schooner M. E. Simmons, Georgetown, D. O.; sohooner Lily, New York; Sailed, steamer James D. Adger, New York; steamer Sea Gull, Baltimore. Toronto, July 22.—It is officially announced that emigrants may enter the United States with cattle and baggage, upon personal bond. Madrid, July 22.—Serano, Sagasta and Her- resa and Admiral Taple had a long interview yesterday with the King. The ministerial cri sis is still unsettled. Paris, July 22.—Algeria advices indicate the insurrection abont crushed ont. Versailles, July 22.—Thiers addressed the Assembly in support of the dnty on raw cottoD. It is thought, nevertheless, that the biU will bo rejected. London, July 22.—The Prince of -Wales has returned from the continent. The Princess re mains at Kissengen. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Synopsis of Weather Statement. War Dep’t, OmcxCHnp Signal Officer,) Washington, D. C., July 22, 7:40 p. m. ) This afternoon’s reports west of Omaha are not received, owing to a storm, which is prob ably not of very great extent, as the barometer has been rising in that region. The pressure is now falling in Iowa and Minnesota, after rising rapidly Friday night. The area of highest pressure is on southern Lake Michigan. An area of low barometer apparently exists south and east of Georgia, and northerly winds with cloudy weather prevail east of Louisiana. An area of cloud and rain has passed from the middle Atlantic coast northeastward and is now east of New Hampshire. Partially cloudy and cool, pleasant weather has prevailed daring the day from New England to Minnesota and southward to the Gulf States. Easterly winds are now reported from Lake Superior to the Ohio river. Probabilities: It is probable that stormy weather will extend on Sunday from Missouri to Wisconsin, with fresh easterly winds on Lakes Michigan and Superior. Threatening weather with rain is also probable for the Gulf coasts. Partially cloudy and clear weather i north and east of North Carolina. Chicago, July 22.—Thebnilding of the bridge of the Southwestern Railroad Company, at Leavenworth, on the Atchison branch will soon be begun; the main line of the Southwestern is now complete, except 20 miles in Davies county, Missouri, which will be finished by September 1st, when the whole line from Chi cago to Leavenworth, via Bock Island, will be opened. St. Louis, July 22.—The steamer Olive Branch, hence to New Orleans, sunk this mbm- ing ten miles below Grand Tower. It is feared she cannot be raised. She was valued at $37,- 500. She was insured for $25,000 in Cincinnati, Wheeling and Pittsburg. •Plymouth, July 22.—Brig Kyrie, from Phil adelphia, May 20th, for Elinore, was totally wrecked. The crow was saved. Versailles, July 22.—The Communists con victed by military commissions at Marseilles have been sentenced to various terms of im prisonment. Count de Chambord is passing tho summer in Belgium, near Ostend. In the Assembly to day, there was a very exciting debate npon the subject of a petition of bishops in reference to the temporal power of the Pope. President Theirs, who was the chief speaker, deolared un equivocally that he would not in any way com promise the polioy of the country; he would do his best to secure the Pope’s independence. Gambetta followed in a speech approving tho sentimonts of Thiers, and supported a motion for the order of the day, which was rejected by the Assembly. The petition was then referred tho Minister of Foreign Affairs. London, July 22.—A letter from Count Per- signy, published in tho Loudon papers, attrib utes the French disasters during tho war with Germany to the isolation of the French armies. Buisson, tho Communists’ commander of the Paris free shooters, has been arrested in Paris. Favre has promised to accelerate tho proceed ings relative to the fate of foreigners, prisoners and political agents Count Chambord has re signed the seat to which he was chosen in the Assembly. It is probable that sentence of death imposed on political insurgents will be commuted to exile, transportation or imprison ment for life. It is reported that an agree ment has been reached between the Legitimist, Fnsionist and Orleanist deputies, in Assembly debate on Italian affairs. The French Assembly has adjourned. London, July 22.—Tho steam frigate Agin- court, recently ashore at> Gibraltar, has arrived. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Daily Review of the Mnrket. OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, 7 July 22—Evening, 1871. I Cotton. — Receipts to-day 10 bales; sales 2; shipped 8. Tho market appears to be at a dead lock. There is so little doing that it is difficult to give quotations. It closed—say at 19 cents—nominal for Liverpool middlings. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1, 1870—bales.. 2,834 Received to-day 10 Received previously 98,549—98,559 100,893 Shipped to-day 8 Shipped previously 99,158—99,166 Stock on hand this evening 1,727 Groceries and provisions unchanged. Clear rib bacon sides aro quiot and firm at 10%; shoulders 8%. Com very firm at 115@125. Morulng Market Kepurt. New York. July 22—Cotton dull and nominal; middling uplands 21; Orleans 21%; sales 144. Turpentine strong at 56(357. ltosin quiot and firm at 3 1214 for strained. Freights steady. Flour dull. Wheat heavy. Com quiet. Pork dull at 14 50(5)14 62. Lard quiet. Stocks dull and steady. Governments dull and steady. Gold heavy at 11%. State bonds very dull. Money easy at 3. Exchange, long 10%; short 10%. Specie shipments to-day $335,000, including $230,- 000 silver. London, July 22, noon.—Consols 93%. Bonds 92%. Tallow 44s 3d. Weather continues favorable. Paris, July 22, noon Rentes 6Gf 12c. Liverpool, July 22. noon—Cotton opened firm; uplands 9%; Orleans 9%. Later—Cotton continues firm; sales 18,000. Cot ton nearly duo from New Orleans 9 7-1G. Markets—Evening Report. New York. July 22.—Cotton declined %; sales 1290; uplands 20%. Flour, Southern steadier; common to fair oxtra 5 70@6 40; good to choice 6 45(5)9 00. Wheat steady. Com strong. Pork firmer at 14 62%@14 75. Lard dull. Navals strong. Freights firmer. Groceries steady. Gold 11%. Govermeuts dull and steady. State bonds, Teuneesees and new North Carolinas stroDg but not active; all the others closed steady; Ten- nessees 72; new 71. Virginias 65%; new 72%. Louisianas 05; new Cl. LeveeB 72; 8s 84. Alabamas 98; 5b 68. Georgias 82; 7s 94. North Carolinas 44; now 2G%. South Carolinas 72: new 57. Money 2@3. Sterling, long 10%; short 10%. Bank Statejlant.—Loans docreaso $1,250,000; specie decrease over $1,600,000; legal tenders in creased over $1,750,000; deposits decrease over $1,- 750,000. Governments, 81s 15%; G2a 14%: G4s 13%; G5a 13%; new 12%; G7a 12%; C8a 12%; 10-40s 13. Baltimore, July 22.—Cotton firmer and higher; middlings 20%; net receipts 32; gross 100; ex ports coastwise —; sales 30; stock 925. Flour steady. Wheat steady and firm. Com, white firmer at 80; yellow dull at 72@73. Provisions unchanged. Whisky higher at 90. Cincinnati, July 22—Flour quiet and weak. Com, holders anxious at 53@54. Fork hold at 14 50(5)15 00 Lard firm; 10 offered. Bacon, advance asked but not established, shoulders 6%; sides 8%<®8%; ad vance of % asked; markot closed hardly so firm. Whisky in good demand at 92. Sr. Louis, July 22.—Flour active and 10@15C higher. Com drooping; sacks 55. Provisions on orders: Pork 15 00. Bacon, shoulders 7%; dear sideB 9%. Lard quiet. New Orleans, July 22.—Cotton quiet; middlings 20%@20%; net receipts 437; grosB 481; exports to Great Britain 2067; coastwise—; sales 2000; stock 48.837. Flour market is firm; superfine 5 00; double 6 00; treble G 75@7 00. Com is quiet; mixed 75; yolIow72; white 78(5)80. Oats quiet at 60(5)70. Bran 1 00. Hay, prime 30 CO; choice 32 00. Pork dull; mess 15 75. Bacon quiet; shoulders 7%; dear rib sides 9%: clear sides 9%; sugar-cured hams 14(5)15; clioico 15%'§17. Laid quiet; tierce !0%@10%; kegs 11%@11%. Sugar in good demand; fair 11%; yel low clarified 12%@12%. Whisky firm; western rec tified 92%@1 03. Coffee 13%@15%. Sterling 24%; Sight % premium. Gold 12%. Wilmington, July 22—^Cotton firm ; middlings 19%; net receipts 60; export coastwise —; sales —; stock 879. Spirits turpentine firm at 53. Rosin firm at 2 40 for strained; 4 50 for No. 1: 6 25 for extra pale. Crude turpentine firm at 3 75 for yellow dip; 4 75 for virgin. Tar steady at 3 00. Augusta, July 22.—Cotten market dull and easier at 18% for Liverpool middlings; gales 70; receipts 25. Savannah, July 22—Cotton market irregular; middlings 19%; net receipts 60: exports coastwise —; sales 50; stock 5263. Charleston, July 22.—Cotton quiet: middlings 19%; net receipts 95; exports to Great Britain —; coastwise 10; continent —; sales 50; stock 4013. Mobile, July 22 —Cotton closed dull; middlings 19%; net receipts 216; exports coastwise 58; sales 10C; stock 8280. Galveston, July 22 —Cotton doll; good ordinary 16; net receipts 161; exports to Great Britain 244; coastwise—; sales—; stock 12,116. Boston, July 22—Cotton dull; middlings 21%; net receipts —: gross receipts 290, sales 300; stock 6000. Nobfolk, July 22.—Cotton quiet; low middlings 19%@20; net receipts 86; exports coastwise 157; sales 38; stock 688. v NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS! T OM PIPPIN’S WEDDING,""By the author of The Fight at Dame Europa’s School. STRIFE, A Romane of Germany and Italy. CALORPOD, A late French Novel by Maurice Sand, (son of Geo. Sand.) “WHY DID HE NOT DIE,” by Mrs. A. S. Wiater, after the German or Ad Von Volckhaasen. July 13 tf J. W. BURKE * CO. Attention, I F you love fat, tender Spring Chickens, and de licious yellow Country and Goshen Butter, and new fresh Eggs, call every day at CORBIN Sc, YIB- CnrS New Provision Store and get supplied at cheapest rates. They have also on hand choice Hams for family nee, nico Lard, Crackers, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, and everything else tbet may be needed. jnl22eodlw NOTICE. H AYING purchased the entire Btock of Messrs. S. T. A B. P. Walker, opposite the Market, we will continue the business at the “old Btand,” and would respectfully solicit a share of public pat ronage. Julyl8 eodlw CORBIN A VIRGIN. NOTICE. T HE firm of Clisby <£ Reid was dissolved Novem- vember 14, 1S69, by mulnal consent. W. A. Reid is alone authorized to use the firm name in settlement of the old business of said firm. JOS. CLISBY WM. A. REID. NOTICE. The firm of Clisby. Reid & Reese was dissolved by mutual consont'May 1,1871. Wm. A Ried is alone authorized to use tho firm namo in settlement of any old businees of said firm. JOS. CLISBY. WM A REID. A. W. REESE. TO TH0S* INDEBTED TO ABOVE FIRMS. Y’ou will perceive by the abovo that I am entitled to close np the old business of the said firms, liav- cloaed business as far as my former partners aro concerned. You will oblige by early attention. Thoso out of Macon can address me, P. O. Box 106, Macon, Ga. jun22dGtw2t WM. A. REID. SOMETHING NEW. THE STAR TARGET H OLDER, at his Shooting Gallery, Poplar street, has introduced the Star Target, somoilung new and popular iu prize shooting. Prizes.—The person taking the largest number of stars during the next ten days (commencing July 22d) will have choice of a tripple-plated Silver Cup, a Goblet, or $5 in Greenbacks. Fivo shots for 25 cents. july20-lt Providence Conference Seminary, EAST GREENWICH, It. I. REV. DAVID H. ELA, A. M...... Principal. ~VTINE efficient Teachers. A first-claes Male and JLN Female Seminary. A thorough English course of study. A College Preparatory Conrse. A La dies’ Graduating Conrse. A Commercial College Courso. A Musical Graduating Course. Beautiful and healthy location—overlooking Narraganeett Day ; half-way between Providence ntnl far-famed Newport. Only six hours from New York by dirwt route. Fall Term begins August 21. 1871 For in formation address tho Principal, at East Green wich, R I. jul22 3m CORN. CORN. -t A CARLOADS Choice White and Mixed Corn on IU consignment and for sale at lowest market rates by JONES A BAXTER. BRAN, OATS AND HAT. 16,000 pounds WHEAT BRAN, 1,000 bushels NEW CROP OATS, 16,000 pounds OOTTON SEED MEAL, 300 bales TIMOTHY and CLOVER HAY, All fur sale cheap by JONES & BAXTER. M0LASSSS. MOLASSES. 20 lilids in fine order, for salo bv the hogeheador barrel, very low, by JONES & BAXTER. “ACME.” 25 cases “ACME” WHISKY—full quarts. 25 cases CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY—full quarts 10 cases “ PURE OLD BYE WHISKY.” For sals by JONES A BAXTER, Sole Agents for Georgia. LIME.PL ASTER AND CEMENT Always on hand and for sale by JONES & BAXTER, Agents. SOAP, CANDLES, ETC. 50 boxes “YELLOW ERASIVE” SOAP, 50 boxes STAR CANDLES, 21 boxes TOBACCO. 6 bales 4-4 SHEETING. For Balo by JONES & BAXTER. JNO. W. O’CONNOR, WHOLESALE DEALER IN umm. WINES, GINS, RUMS, ALE AND PORTED. And solo agent for his Piemium WhiBky, Old Monongahela Rye. XXX X. Just recoivod— 15 barrels XXXX WHISKY, 100 cases CLARET and ST. ANDRE, 50 casos CLARET, (HARDY A CO.), - • 150 M DOMESTIC CIGAKS, Together with a full lino of Sherri-s, Ports, Champagnes, Jamaica and St Croix Rum, etc., all of which will be sold cheap for GASH, or on time for approvod paper. To Country Merchants, extra inducements will be given. JNO. W. O’CONNOR. Jun21 toctl CO Cherry street. CANCERS CURED. H AVING boon afflicted with Cancer, I was cured in the year 185G, after trjing many prepara tions and Cancer doctors! I hare no now remedy to offer bnt tbe same old remedy with which I was cured fifteen years ago. I have since been practicing with the same remedy, and have been successful in a cumber of cases, a few of which I refer to bolow, as living witnesses of the virtues of my medicine, some of whom, liko myself, have been cured a number of years, and yet have no symptoms of Cancer returning: Mrs. H. B. Bioodworth, Liberty Hill, Ga.; Mrs. Fannie Settle, Liberty Hill. Ga.; Mr. J. D. Boyd, Griffin, Ga.: Mr. Wesley Beid, Zebnlon, Ga.; Mrs. John Stillwell, Griffin, Ga.; Mrs. Mary Thurmond, Indian Springs, Ga.; Mrs. James Carmichiel, Mc Donough, Ga.; Wm. N. Fambrougb, M. D., Senoia, Ga.; Mr D. G. McKinney, (Houston co.) Macon, Ga.; Mr. Jas. Douglass, Gretnvillo, Ga.; Rev. H. T. Dicken, Locust Grove. Ga.; Mr. B. Dorton, Fa yette Station, Ga; Mr. Wm Harkneas, Jackson, Ga ; Hon. Thomas M. Harkness, late Bepresenta- tivo from Butts county, Jackson, Ga.; Mrs. A. Mad dox, Indian Springs, Ga., Mrs. Eliza Hill, Forsyth, Ga.; Mr. Willis Bowden, Forsyth, Ga.;Maj A.Nall, Griffin, Ga.; Mrs. Green Dnke, Liberty Hill, Ga.; Mrs. A. Porter, Griffin, Ga.; Mrs. Rebecca Ward- law, Barnesville, Ga.; Mr. D. Lewis, Bamesville, Ga.; Mrs. R. Goodman, Monticello, Ga ; Lou(coIor- d.) former servant of B. W. Co lier, Indian Springs, Ga. The above is only a few of the many names that conld be added to the list. I take pleasure in stating that Mr. J. M. Hard away made a perfect cure of a Cancer upon the eye of Mrs. M. J. Bouyer after she had been treated by several physicians, and her Cancer pronounced in curable, and I cheerfully recommend him to all afflicted with Cancer. GEO. B. TURPIN, Insurance and Ileal Estate Agent. I cheerfully bear testimony to the fact of Mr. J. M. Hardaway having pei formed a perfect cure of a cancer upon Mrs. M. J. Bonyer’s eye, after eminent phyeicians had failed to relieve her; and I firmly believe his Cancer treatment to be a specific for Cancer. L. A. HANSE, Macon P. O. To tlie Afflicted. 1 I prefer not treating doubtful cases. After sat isfying yourself describe yonr cancer to mo and I will give you my candid opinion. At your request I will visit your homes when cir cumstances permit. My residence is twelve miles east of Griffin, G? which is my nearest express office. Money may bo sent with safety in registered letter. Communica tions strictly confidential and promptly answered when stamp and envelope seDt addressed to your self. Address J M. HARDAWAY. Liberty Hill, Pikeco., Ga Those to whom it may bo convenient, may call npon T. J. Hardaway, Southwestern Railroad, who attended me in my affliction and has been with me in several cases since. He may be addressed through the postoffice at Macon, Ga . or Eufaula, Alahama J. M. HARDAWAY. julylSdiwtf S. A. McLENUON. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC roar a Aims, ga. W ILL practice in all the Courts of the P&taula Circuit Will also act as agent in purchasing, selling, and renting real estate. jan 18-tf. HUNT, NANKIN & MAN, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. GROSS SPEARS’ PRESERVING SOLUTION 5 Groes Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperient, 50 Bbls Woat’s Kerosene Oil, Epsoms Salts, Sal Soda, Sulphur, Copperas, Bluo, Stono, Logwood, Indigo, All for salo as low as tlio articlos can bs brought hero in small lots. 100 Casos Crystal Potash, 5000 Lbs. Rock Potash in bulk, 50 CarboyB Oil of Vitrol, 20 Bbls. Marble Dust, At very low rates 1100 0unco3 Quinine, 50 Lbs. Calomel, 100 “ Chloroform, 50 “ Blue Mass. WILHOFT’3 ANTI-PERIODIC, HOLTON’S AND FARMER’S PILLS, And all tho nostrums for Chills and Fever, and any other disease. Wo aro Headquarters for Jewett’s Perfectry Pure White Lead, And can offer tho best figures on LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, VARNISHES, COLORS, ETC. 450 boxes Windsor, Glass from 8x10 to 30x40. Warranted good Glass and in good older. Dealers and others who buy in largo or small quantities, will find that it iB to their interest to deal with us. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, jy20 3m Druggists, 82 and 84 Cherry St. BANK OF DISCOUNT, DEPOSIT AND GOT- LEOTION! E XCHANGE on Now York for salo at lowest cur rent rate. Exchange bought on New York, Philadelphia and Savannah. Advances made on Bonds, Stocks, Gotton in store, or shipments of cotton to good Northern, Euro pean. Charleston or Savannah bonnes. Collections promptly attended to in all parts of tho United States. Our circulation is amply protected by United States Bonds. I. O. PLANT, President. W. W. Wbioeev. Cashier. &ugl6-tiloct28* CUBBEDGE & HAZLEHIIRST, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. R ECEIVE DEPOSITS, BUY and SELL EX CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and Uncnrrent Funds. Collections Made on tall Accessible niuta. t&TOffico open at all honrs of the day. septl-lyr CUBBEDGE & 1IAZEEHUKSI S SAVINGS INSTITUTION. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 TO $5000. O FFICE HOURS, FROM 8 a. m. to 6 P. m. feb8-tf AO-ENCY Savannah Bank and Trust Co., MACON. 0ATITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid in ADVANCES MADE ON COTTON. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, On which Interest will be Allowed, AS AGREED UPON. jan25-ly I. C. PLANT A NON, Afft«. LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, Surplus, and Reserve (gold).$20,869,079 04 Assets in the United States, over.... 8,000,000 00 Daily Cash Receipts upward of (gold) 20,000 0 The Policies of this Company Are issued by well known American citizens resi dent in New York, who aro Directors and Share holders, and consequently, with the other Share holders, are individually liable for all the engage ments of the Company. All policies are signed by them. All claims aro payable in cash on proof of loss, without deduction for interest, and not, as is usual, sixty days after presentation of proof. They expire at six o’clock p. st., and not at noon* L C. PLANT, 4gent, apr23 3m Macon, Ga. STUDWEXX BROS., 17 J1UKRAY ST., NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES Expressly for Southern Trade. JOSEPH LaBOYTEAUX, Salesman, juno 30-3meod JOHNSON HOUSE, SMITHVILLE, GEORGIA. O N and after this date the Johnson Honee will only charge for board and lodging per day $2 50; meals 76 cents each, while the permanent decline in supplies and the greatly reduced profits in agricultural, mechanical and other pursuits ne cessitate economy. The proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage extended to liis house heretofore, trusts that the public will sustain him in this, an effort in the right direction, by an increaeo of bus iness. T. W. JOHNSON, Proprietor Johnson House, m&j4 3m Smithville. Ga. BLACKSMITH SHOP. A LL who desiro firet-claea smith work are re quested to call at the Blacksmith Shop of HOLME 1 * A CIjAY 9 Near the PaseeDger Depot, and be s&tiafiecL Horse-shoeing a speciality. Julj6 tf the misses lane W ILL open a Boarding School for Young La dies in New York city, on Wednesday, Sep tember 20,1871. For reference andcirculars apply to J. J Gresham. Esq.. Macon, Ga jull6 3m TURNIP SJKED, L ANDRETH’S New Crop, 1871, Just received and for sale bv G E. 8USSDOBFF. GBEEN AND BLACK TEA, Th6 best brought to this country. For sale by g. E. 8US3DORFF. COAL OIL, Ten birrels prime, for sale by G. E. SU33DORFF. “WINE SAP” TOBACCO, for sale bv G. E. SUSSDORFF. CONGRESS WATER, ten cases, for sale bv G. E. SUSSDORFF. QUININE, P. and W. G. E. SUSSDORFF. CALIFORNIA BRANDY, No. 1. G. E. SUSSDORFF,' Druggist, julylGtf Third and Mulberry htreats.