The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 04, 1871, Image 1

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER HY Cltsby,'Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 4, 1871. Number 6,090 ticorgta Telegraph Building, Macon. | Pardon the length of my letter, bnt yon so seldom hear from ns there is much to tell. There I:!«cr»pt and Messenger, one year. - tlO 00 j in every evidence of unity among onr people. gix month* t t. 6 00 j "One people and one party" is their motto. Respectfully, Osceola. SPECIAL NOTICES. HELMBOLD’S | HELMBOLD’S . Ho.v. au*. H. Shnin. ••nave derived feme benefit from the n>e of Sim mons' Liver Retulator, sod wish to give it a farther [ HELMBOLD’S trial.” The Explosion or the Westfield. “Your Regulator har been innse in my family fot -, , I I some time,and I am persoadeditij a vaJaable addi- HELMBOLD’S r rom longer dispatches in the W estem papers I tion to the modioal&eieaoo.”—Gov. J.Qill cuubtkr, wo take the following incidents: ’ Liver iterator !. certainly a .pecifie HELMBOLD’S Many persons were drowned. The harbor | for that_ciaaa ot_cum»)iAintAwMch_it claims to cure." | Ooi month ^ui-tfeekly Telegraph and Messenger, 1 ‘ .ear 1 00 Stt mentbi. 2 00 Mammoth Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, - aooolnmna, 1 year..... 3 00 gjj month*... ....1 60 Pivable always in advaneo, and paper atopped when the money runs ont, nnleas renewed. , cinawo Asateasurrs with j. w. bot.xk 4 oo.’a _ . t t _ " I several-lives. The firemen also went to the Ds-'J Tdlnpapb 4 Messenger and Farm and ^ ^ | r08CU0> an( j nght bravely did they work. . llTrUU^Mlh lnif'Vfriirtom’Vr iVri 'ilm* W I HALT LDUXD VICTIMS IX THE HOLD. ''^Ld^amaT.^T... .T.. 8 ...*. a .l 4 OD 1119 debris in tho fore part of the hold was I _LIVER DISEASE and Indiges- Telegraph and Mc-iiacngcr and first removed. The cries of the poor, half-boiled Ron prevail to a greater extent HOi Farmland Home “. 6 00 victims were heard rending the air.’ Stimulant ffiTO’Stej' v >utl)«n> Christian Advocate with Weekly.... 6 00 was given them as they struggled beneath the i ter. If the Liver iare/rulated bark*'* Hagyine ............. 4 00 | beams, and oil was poured upon their hums. I action. health is almost in tfiharriuigbnes* — police boat came to the rescue, and gentlemen ~Rxv^A^^fiLLB^reeiden^elethorp^oUege. j HELMBOLD’S who were in a row-boat near the Battery saved I ' Simmons 5 HELMBOLD’S - - *^-r~r-rmA * beams, and oil was poured upon their buSs! I action, health is almost 1 TafitSSSr*** * m ‘ d ° 1 A9 fMt - th - 8 . wormi3e< *_ recovered • th4y were | *; c < . u a ! u c , J e8 Hstd^he^Co” Urn consolidated Telegraph and Mossongor borne to tho deck of another ferry boat moored Jaundice, Pain in the along side, where they were tenderly cared for Consh. biizineu. So - by Dr. Shine. " I lS2c£“ P “piif ' BEHOVING THE SCFrZBEIlS. . p e p r essicn of Within twenty minntes ambulances from the »ui a. hnndre Ljiureof three-quarters of an inch, each publics-1 Centro street Hospital were at Whitehall. The J^lch .SIM | lu mitunys sbonld be made by expreaa, or | scalded victims were pUced in tho ambnlanccs £h*t ha* and driven to the hospital at full speed. Private I acta u carriages and expross wagons were also brought I *>mpl ^^niroiKAl. corkhspohdexcc. I into requisition. The insurance patrol wagon ( r „;,alii Mltlilleimil NoriliOeorglu -Grontb I boro several londs of mourning human boiDgs «»r Aiiuntn-Kimbnii BeSM. i ( 0 th 0 hospital. Pausing for a fqp hours m this Georgia Hub I m \ a WAOqjj load pr cmuuuex. of ibe I'niverse, I will say n word respecting )' Some died on the way; others became deli. *• «**•-» •» «“■ ■>< 233£»-2^r^iyjSS , J2S regirttent* a large circnlation. pervading Middle, s.nthem and Southwestern Georgia and Weatoro Alabama and Middle Florida. Advertisements at ,o*onaM* rxtsa; 4n the Weekly at one dollar per an d | it if- in Its variably in the Liv- ntli pation, S hculd o rs, , ir stomach, Mouth, Bilious tion of the Heart spirits, or Blues Jther symptoms MON’S LIVER RBci- is the best remedy for ever been discovered It Idiy, effeetlly, and beinr a vegetable compound, can do rjury. It is harmless in every way; it has been used tor A ) years, and hundreds of the good id great from all parts of the coun- will vouch for its virtues. HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S children whose eyes wero closed, and their whole faces swelled beyond all recognition. Their lit. Railroad the bam I tlo feet and legs were 1 -cooked, and their tender muscles laid bare. . i THE DEAD AND WOUNDED. I . W j o’clock oyer sovonty wounded persons u irregnlar, but the weed hotter grown and j ] ln( j boeu reC eivod in tho Centre-street Hospital.' more promising than in the lime bolt below. | Five of them died within an honr. The scenes Empire State. From Maoon to tbo Georgia for the most part are productive, and in a tol erable state of cultivation. The stand of cotton Regulator. Or, MEDICINE J. H. ZEILIN A CO., PsorsiXToar. TESTIMONIALS: i having suEered so 1 —R.JGA.vaaasoa. ‘by Simmons’ Liver Regulator, after I HELMBOLD’S severalyears with Chills and Fever.” | HELMBOLD’S , _ 0 — „ | .**1 hare never teenor filed suMr s’simple, effica-: Early corn lookod well, bnt a distressing drought here wero boart-rending. Twelve dead bodies u?H;“ t j^i°LoS“. d i[o““ t ” a#dr !nm7Uf *“” ibrratens to reduce the yield materially. In wero removed from tho boat. Four have since “I have used the ilegulatorin my family for the ... . • , , * been found in the water, and five have died, Iaet seventeen years. lean safelyroommand it to llanoock, the Dickson method or crowded cot-1 mR kj D p iS0 fa raa t nowni 2I persona killed nearly } theworldasthebestmfcdicinel ever used for ihat Ion and shallow 6ulUvation, and wide rows and outright. Many of those in tho water clung to C| “fthw”a^^and* effiwioM'm^fclM"- errat distanco between the hille of corn, seemed the piles until they wore rescued, bnt othsnj C. A_ Numso. . . * '. ' ■ 0 . ' h i* mu- • ... .. a | sank before aid could reach them At leant Til hare been aequiintcd with Dr.* Simmons’ to obtain generally. This system Will hit the . , . ki |. . ’ . , , Liver Medicine for more than twenty years, and . r„c,nt admirably “ nst ?® vo **•“ k,u « a "° d a«>wned, know it to be t ke best Liver Regulator offered to the present season aumiraiity* . ^ -. ihiais basing it on the-lowest estimate. The publio.”—M. R. Ltox. and H.L. Lrox. Bellefon- Tbe crops in Warren wfire ropoiioBby Ool. wounded will roach 100. Many of them were tamo, Ga. Pottle and others as very poor.' From Union I placed in carriages and driven to their home - L ttwLSjiH Point to Athens the cotton prospect is probably ■”* 'f'JWJJ* 0 *"L!“ wer « fi “ J * . ,, ‘ , , , ' I with them. Among tho injured was Sheri the best in the State, nnd tho fields wero clonn Madden, of. Brooklyn, who was driven to and will tilled. From Athens to Atlanta, how- I residence. * * - C T1 WjTWJ ever, corn languishes for moisture, and bread I _ crowds of spectator. .■SuTi’C. JSSX.CS. 1 b * u “ speedily. I THE OFFICECS or THE BOAT. Of fruit (hero in n fiiipornbtindanco ovory- John Alager, tho pilot, was thrown from tb win re, as tho 1 lending boughs of tho trees at- forward pilot-houso twenty feet in tho air, fall test. Ou iti« whole, tho prospect of the bus-1 tng on tho boat and escaping without a scratch.! tiittiiliiMii in Middle Georgia fs quite enconrag- John Freeland was captain of tha boat and nig. The Northern part of tho State will not Harry Kobinson engineer. Tho latter is a col- I ire so well if a scant production of corn sue-1 ored man, and tho indignation of thepassen- CMtfs the almost total loss of the whoat erop. .111 this region of country is eapabio of sup i ntitig a very douse jiopulation, if ’ o i;! 1 bi'.MUiJiviiifd nud sold tointelli,, fii.igrants. To parcel thnm out amoin i:ri>.-i would be to fnston upon tho body politic nti uicuhns which, like tho Old Man of the Sen, Mould ride the Anglo-Saxon to death. Experi- CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. * CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS . CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS . CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS; i CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. ... ( I CATAWBA GBAPEPILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. j CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. >r.1 a : " - ’ A i CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. HELMBOLD’S i passen gers against him is tremendous, though his friends claim he is not to blamo. The boiler was inspected by 7 John, H. .Mathews, United [ States boiler inspeefarj ^n fhp loth of Jnno, and Acoording to the statement of tho engineer^ "My wife and (elf have used the Regnlator for [ year!, and I testify to its great virtues.”—Rxv. J. R. rxt.Dr.K, Perry, Ga. ." I have used your Liver Regulator with successful I effect in Bilious Colic and Dyspepsia. It is an excel- lent remedy, and certainly a public blessing.”— Shkbipy C. Misrxasox, Bibb county, Ga. JUST PUBLISHED. IK ONE viu nn:, price 50r. Tho following Medical Lectures for Gentlemen: 1. rniLOSOPHT OF MARRIAGE. 2. PREMATURE DECLINE IN MAN. 3. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. 4. DISEASES OFTHE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 6. SPERMATORRHOEA. 6. ABUSES OFTHE NATURAL FUNCTIONS. 7. TREATMENT AND CUBE. Pries GO cents by mail. Addrese the author, Dr. CURTIS, 9 Tremoat Place, Boston. Juno 14-eodct HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S CORN. CORN. 1 A CARLOADS Choice White and Mixed Com on J.V/ consignment and for salo&t lowest market rates by JONES 4 BANTER. BRAN, OATS AND HAY. 1G,000 pounds WHEAT BRAN. 1,000 bushels NEW CROP OATS, 16,000 pounds COTTON SEED MEAL, 300 bales TIMOTHY and CLOVER HAY, All for sale cheap by JONES 4 BANTER. MOLASSES. MOLASSES. 20 hhds in fine order, for sale by the hogshead or barrel, vory low. by JONES 4 BANTER. “ACME.” 25 cases "ACME” WHI3EY—full quarts, 25 cases CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY—full quarts 10 cases “ PURE OLD RYE WHISKY.” For sale by JONES A BAXTEP,. Sole Agents for Georgia. LIME,PLASTER AND ; CE fiENT Always on hand ami for sale by '. JOIJES'4 BAXTER, Agents. v SOAP, CANDLES, ETC. . 50 boxes “TELLOW EBASIVE” SOAP, 50 Boxes STAR CANDLES, 21 boxes TOBACCO. C bales 4-4 SHEETING. For sale by ... JONES & BAXTER. GUILFORD & HILL, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,) GEOEQIA OEXTBAL RaIU!O.U>, f. Savannah, May 27,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, the 2Sth inst.. Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows: UP DAY TSAIS. Leave Savannah 7:15 A n Leave Augusta 8:15 am Arrive at Augnsta 6 : SS p s Arrive at Milledgeville 8:45 p ji Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 l* it Arrive at Macon 4:51 rw Connecting at Augusta with trains going North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAY TRAIN. Leave Macon 7:00 a a Leave Augusta 8:15 A a Arrive at Augusta 5:33 p a Arrive at Savannah 5:25 p a Making same connection at Augusta as above. NIGHT TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Le&vo Savannah 7:00 p a Leave Augusta 8:30 pm Arrive at Macon 5.-15 a a Connecting with trains to Columbus, leaving Macon at 5:25 A a. NIGHT TRAINS DOING NORTH- Leave Savannah 7:00 r a Leave Macon G-20 p a Arrive at Milledgeville 8:45 pa Arrive at Eatonton . .10:45 p a Arrive at Augusta 2:45 a m Arrive at Savannah i.5:30 A a Making-close connection with trains leaving Au gusta. Passengers going ovor the Milledgeville and Eatontou Branch will take night train fium Macon, day train from Augusta and Savannah, which con nect daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with tho Milledgeville and Eatonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on alt night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be had at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a 1 r or,and from3 to Cpm. Tick- ets can also bo had at Depot Office. ” ’ . WILLIAM ROGERS, may30 tf General Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFIOE, ) Southwestern Railroad Company, - Macon, Ga., May 23,1871. ) Musical Emporium of Georgia. rvN and after Sunday, the 28th inst.. Passenger \_y Trains on this Road will run as follows: FIATJOS. CALX. A>1> SUE OCX 86390 JPX^VjSTOS the boiler had been in use nine years, and was I enoe has shown that in the majority of Instances patched on the cylinder part. One of tho fire men an erstwhile industrious African, when in-1 men says that fifteen minutes before the acci- vested with landed proprietary righto, degener- dent ho was on tho head of the cylinder wiping I OTT 1 Up OTT 1 Up 01TT 1 Up atea into a lazarone, nnd from n producer bo- I it off, and then went into ono of tho -cabins for l.ljll AiVilJ, UlljSlili!l, Ijllailiji comet a oonsnmor of the earth's fruits. A little » drink-of water, and ihenCe IntoXHp'te-o-room.j I ' spot of land cultivated nominally seems lint’‘to I While there Tie heard a lifsAng noido proceeding ■an* to cover his peculations nnd thioving pro- from the roar of the boiler, and went to see tho i wirniT titttvit imnn 1'tnsittes. J cause.' Ho had gono but about halfway of the’I k||kW KikW HII K N For long years to come onr freedmdn, ; t<?be‘| ieDgth’of theboiler when found the steam I r: iMJiiii, buiui, u u nil. profitable to tbemselvea or employers, must la- so dense ho could proceed no farther, and turn-! l>or under the direction of the superior intellect od to come' back, when ho was struck in the face «mi control of the old owners of tho soil b'y flying splinters, and knocked’"down. Ho'l Cbilla and Fever seem to bo tho order of tho day, Hot seen Atlanta and Maeon, save in oxcep- j made his way to tho deck as fast as possible. I ^ nt Bac ^ n0 ‘ Ike case with those who tako our | tionnl instances, cotton is small, irrognlar aud I This hissing - noisG which Orosson beard must backward. The drought is general nnd dis-( have been the starting of the plate of patching _. lrc$aingin this region also. on tho boiler, and tho first premonition of. the JTOHIC lilYftl* OlttCrS. | At Griffin on Wednesday afternoon a rushing impending disaster. A cursory examination of I rain roared through tho gullies; aud filled the | the boiler as it rested in the bottom of the boat row* of tho erops of corn and cotton with the | revealed the fact that tho explosion occurred at | itratefal fluid. Alas, it extended but a short ] the rear, and that a piece abont four feet loDg In onr Southern climate, tho system is constantly | absorbing malarious poison, the first effects of FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA; FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ELUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ortGAisrs. We are Selling a 8500 Organ for fi:75. , Florence Sewing Machine. ilUUnce, however, and wo soon emerged again | and two feet wido was torn out of tho jacket which are to stupify the Liver; costiveness iromea Tmumcv rotro into tho parched region beyond. andI thrown a distance of about 100 feet on the ^^on to be toUowedlf^^y ae3on°^d' ' BEAUTIFY THE Atlanta continues to grow like Jonah a gourd, dock at the barge office. Another and larger burning fever. To prevent this, keep your Liver I COMPLEXION j| without wy one being able .to toll tho why or | portion of the boiler was thrown directly for-1 stimulated with some good vegetable medicine, and - - the TONICLIYEBBmERH is better for it than anything. Incorporated in it are Cinchona Bark, Gentian and other valu&blo vegetable tonics. The doee is from a tabloepoonfnl to a wino glass fall two or three times a day, or often enough to produce a healthy action on thebowels. The Bitters should only be taken when you need them, and wherefore, unless the hope of perpetuating ltad- | ward into the bow of the boat, ieal rule and spoliation, causes tho multitude of harpies who have fattoned upon the treasury to | John Van Buben was dining in Downing’s plant thoir stakes at tho Capital, nnd invest saloon, having just cleared a man from some their plnniipf (Jim. This solution of the prob- I charge in the court,-when the complainant in lem is sufficient to aecpnnt for a world of nriok | the case, angry at the lawyer whd had beaten ______ ____ __ ______ and nioWktFL .ffl-Ll. 1*1. VL Fi him,, walked -npWtd v roundly- abused Prince | yot^feeltogs^lTen you when.' By using HELMBOLD’S CATAWBA GRATE-JUICE PILLS and HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Some are ill natured enough to say the I John. “Could there be any man,” said he, “so I ’ Sold by dealers generally, at SI for large bottlCB. “big Kimball Uonse” don’t pay. We certainly wicked, so mean, so vile, who could possibly | Proparedby_ saw nothing like the bustle and crowd of visi- commit a crime so foul that yon wouldn’t de- r tors vtaiblo every day at tho hospitable lioad- fend him for it.’’_ “1 don't know,” said the 'Harters of mino host of tho Brown House, prince, sucking' nriolher oyster right from tho V 'cry ; Will tho “powers that bo” call for a 3nb- shell; “what have you been doing.” ■ !y from the Legislature to restore tho oquili- The mode in which stock-raising is managed tmum between the credit and debit aoconntsbf in England is shown by the following extracthf j _ _ , . W Iht* pet eonoarn if there shonld boa deficit? a privateletter near London: “Last week I went A.PPLE PXLLS. ka PP® ned * Witness that to SBale of pedigree stock,’ and Bair some splen- | >, t.00,000 that wm demanded to snstam the sink-1 did" cattle, aff well as splendid prices paid for "g fortunes of tho btato Uoa.l, which under tho lhem . 0 no cow, only two years old, sold for h.'iiest direction of a private mlmimstratton, | ovtlr ^ : o»lf, six months old, for ^,000; now pays y’->5,000 pormonth into tho Treasury.' anJ Huckling calves for $125 nnd $150 each: tmt wo believe this palatial structure is runby | while $10,000was ort'ored nnd refused for n bnll.” •HUNT, RANKIN 4 LAMAR, Druggists. Macon. Georgia. (SiignJr-Conteil.) For ail tho purposes of a family Cathartic Medi- This is the time to use good blood renewing, pu rifying, and invigorating medicines, | HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARIL LA AND HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT GRAPE JUICE PILLS ABE THE BEST AND MOST tift.tabt.t: One bottle of Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Sarsapa rilla equals in strength one gallon of the syrup or decoction as made by druggists; and a wine glass Maoon. hli.M......... ITT 77 J7. •' Jill 9UCOX AST) WESTERN RAILROAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE* ■7.65X. 1.40 A. M 6:05 r. M. 8.35 p. if Atlanta 7.55 A- a. 2.10 p. at . . - | 2^0 p. at. 10.25 P. at ■ " ■» P HAOOK Aim HBCNSWIC* KAIXBOAD. death. Amm; Macon 6.45 a.m. 6.25 p. at Bruuewick.. . 5.00 A. M. 7.05 P. at Bavannah ....... A. M. S.00P.M HawkinsriUe 6. SO a. at. 6.45 p at Macon 3.05 p. at. 10.20 A. x CENTRAL RAILROAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Macon 7.00 A. x. 4.51 p. x • 6.20 P. x. 5.15 a. v Savannah 7.15 a. at. G.25p. if 7.00_p. aL 6.30 a. x private enterprise, and this may save it. Tho passenger depot here will compare favorably with any in the United Statoa. J. ...rKrutu Wileoy 4'euuly. wiLoor (feficNTY.'Jnly 31, 187li take away her dead body. While they wore Editor* ■ldtgraphandMtttenger:^ It appear- B ivinf i. v ) e . nt t . heir ,v B ! ief ’ J, telegram was , i . . I brought them saying that a sister whom they tng to the deponent that every portion of the left well at Geneva, in tho morning, had sud- habitoble world aspires to some distinction in denly died. your invaluable journal, save this deioafahte fM** W faQ* toift said a griddlo^gpd wife,” »* a part of oar own State, it is theref.jre liectnuV too#how to atraSeu up things. , . * t. » ^ ■ I Ho-4m>s noVknow how to pusrninwelf ahead. ’ i able to ask a small spacain your columns, I He does not know howto begin. Idon’twon- whercin to chronicle the inarch of erents in this I der," she remarked in conclusion, “that when locality. . I (Jod made Adam ho. went right, to work nnd Although the wire grass region is considered | made a woman to tell him what to do.” m more advanced communities as rather below par, capable only of producing superior gophers and inferior beef,and its unsophisticated natives » capital target for donbtfnl witticism, it is des tined yet to become the New World to emi grants, both native and foreign. These bread level lands, so easily cultivated, MM capable of" producing everything gTown in the temperate zone, need onfy the magic touch of a “developer” of resources” (not a “ carpet-bag developer,” but one who can famish to tho people pott bit- la'll aujfflum ) If, for instance, the renowned High K. would only deign to observe this ob- •cure region in his railroad transactions and send a steam engine through here with a shrill whistthlft rouau. Uisae Rip Van Winkles from their dreamless sleep, what a resurrection there would be, my countrymen! These wild lands would rejoloe in civilization, and bloom, and smile rich returns to their benefactors. Many lands are lying waste this year for the. want of h. bo rers. In, lecd, we are sadly m need of more laborers in' this. npqymdkl>oih tempts tat and spiritual Our crops are similar to those ** reported from other sections of tho State- drowned ont on ibe hammockr, upland cotton delinquent and com striving for usurpation. Oar f«mera contest with their enemy, grass, has ***“•0acfaro this year that they bethought • ittweeltf a to h,IV,• one grand holiday on Satur day last, the 29th Ihst. By previous appoint ment they met at Cedar Creek church, with their wives, children and friends, forming quite an impoting crowd. After a few preliminary re marks by Hon. D. Johnston, Jndge Jacob Wat- ■ou was introduced (is o^itqr of the day. His address waa.exocedingly appropriato, dSconin- lag aa he did most eloquently on the advantages of social interoonne. He was followed by Dr. *»tg»l Walker, in quite a short, but original and pointed address, alter which all hands adjourned to a abady grove on the banks of the creek, where ntl table 130Teet Iongfliterally groan- »ng beneath the weight of a good old-fashioned country dinner. After the inner man was nonn-' tifoUy supplied, the old people gathered in Fs 00 ?*!* 0 discasa farming, housekeeping, eta, the children‘played haso and the yrning people sought the abady Book*, where Vhew-#rf ( a would not be disturbed. As old Sol’s rays grew Slanting and the shades deepened, the inspiring sjvaina of a violin fell upon the ear. Of course, -’ oaE R P»opl* eoulii not roost lire tenipta- tr> keep rime,wo'on tho velvety sward they trippc.i the light fantastic toe” until the evon- tngahades prevailed, when after many adieus, •jUgyijU for _h°tne with the consciousness of - ‘ring spent k pleijsct if not profitable day of recreation. cine, and will answer in nine cases ont of ten in our I added to a pint of water equals the celebrated Lisbon Some young ladies from Geneva, N, X., by I section, where nearly all the diseases_are caused by I diet drink, a dolightful aud healthful drink, the name of Collier, lately went to Roohester to m So^valMb^atharti® 1118 Gra P a Jnic0 Bffl is composed of fluid extract vifto 8 find r k b ?™ at^d^o Medicin6 ‘ S‘^ 5S guar^tee tbit they n ^ grape-juice and FLUID EXTRACT RHU- ym, to find a hearse standing at the door tq | D0 mercurial or other mineral enbatauces. f f aitBR - - - - Sold by dealers generally at 25 cents per box. - 4 ■ Prepared onlv by HUNT, RANKIN 4 LAMAR, Druggists,’ jn!30tf Maoou, Georgia. JNO. W. O’CONNORT" WHOLESALE DEALER IN IgipM-illL H RAILROAD TIME TABLE. I RUM?, ALE AND PORTER. And sold agent for his Premium Whiefcr, Old Monongaliela Rye. ,o rl l * v/v* Useful in all diseasos requiring a cathartic rema- J dy, and far superior to all othor purgatives, such as | salts, magnesia, etc. Helmbold’s Grape Juice Pill is not apatentedpiU, I put up as those ordinarily vended, but tbe result of I ten years* experimenting and great care in preparv I tion. ' _ SAFE FOB, AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN ; NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPING PAINS j BUT MILD, PLEAS 4NT, AND SAFE IN OPER ATION. Two bottles qj tho Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla and one bottle of tbe Grape Juice Pills are worth their weight in gold to those suffering from bad blood, poor complexion, head-ache, nervousness, wakefulness at night, oostiveness and irregularities, and to those suffering from broken and delicate constitutions it will give new ood, new vigor and new life. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS are dono up with great care and handsome bottles, and will sur pass aU thoss vended in wooden boxes and care- Just received— la barrels XXXX WHISKY, 100 cases CLARET and ST. ANDRE, 50 cases CLARET, (HARDY 4 CO.), ISO M DOMESTIC.CIGABS, Together^ with a foU line of Sherries, Ports, i le6a, y Vrepued by inexperienced men, comparing JJrtiinirom Gordon f0 IHDl-lgf vjlTo and Eaton! I Cliampagnes, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, etc., all I with the English and French style of manufacture, tonOoanect.- H.tU-tto'vnnigbtvr&.ti! ftemMacon and of which will be told cheap for CASI1, or ca time j _^n of jj_ x. HELMBOLD’S Preparations are To Country Merchants, extra inducements will amuve. 1)0 sivon. 4.35 a. x , _ JNO. W. O’CONNOR. 5.00 a. X ] J’CD21 tocti 60 Cherry street. 4.53 r. x Up da*4rain frofttUaVirtnaJJ.- SO Wil WESTERN RAILROAD. LEAVE. Macon...;.. A..„ Eufauia... 8.00 A. M. 8.50 p. r. 7.45 A. x. Pharmaceutical not a single one being patented, but aU on their own merits. To dispel any impression or prejudice that might exist in the minds of many against my preparations XX3000F.E J 3 LEAVE. ATJUVE. Macon 5.25 a. k. 6.12 ?. x 8.15 P. X. 4.10 A- x Oolmnbns 12.45 p. x. 11.00 a. x 8.05 P. X. 4.45 A. X XACON AND ArorSTA BAILEOAD. r r . i | r p r^W’’ jflnvL uni Mscon..*-..-^ ..7...o-SOa. x. Augusta 12.00 x. ■■■»■■ AND ATLANTIC BAILLOAD. LEAVE. AIUUVR. Atlanta 10.30 r. x. 1.42 a. x 8.15 A- x. - 2.45 r. x. Chattanooga 6.20 r. x. 6.30 A. x. 5.1 0j.ii lflOQ X Greatest Improvement Of the Age. I from the publicity given through advertising, and 1 .. ^ 3 . . - - O. w. MASSEY’S PATENT EXCELSIOR COTTON 6IN F )R the past forty years I have been engaged in tho manufacture of Cotton Gins, and have sot 7.10 p.x 1.45 p. x 6.1G a. x 4.25 p. that I am and have been a druggist fora period of twenty years, and more conclusively to prove th is see lettter: [.From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World.] November!, 1554. “lam acquainted with Mr. H. T. Hembol.d; he occupied the drug store opposite my residenc s. and G?JPAGJE, * CO., hr®. 5 Baltimore. to work on plantations, and have seen in operation , — , , ^ hundreds of Gins, and have no hemtanev in pro- I was successful in conducting the business where counting this the BEST WORKING GIN I ever | others had not been equally so before him. .Thave saw. It toes light—gins fast—does not injure the I been favorably impressed with his character a uden- cotton—impossiole to break the roll—no use for terpriae.” WILLIAM WIGHTMAI ?, selWeedere—and no trouble to feed. The commit- Finn of Powers 4 Wigbtman, Manufacturing 2.20 p. x j tee at tbe lata Bibb Oounty Agricultural Fair, being Chemists, Ninth and Brown atreeU, Philtdelp! oia. 9 10 a. x j so well satisfied of itB superiority over anything ' ” 1 they ever saw, awarded me the premium. I am now prepared to furnish any ono in want of a Gin. A sample of Excelsior and also of the Griswold Gin can be seen at Carhart 4 Curd’s Hardware Store, Macon, Ga. Send for desepriptive list. O. W. MASSEY. — * Mscoa, Ga. % V*ANUFAOTURERS of Portable and Stations lv_L Steam Engines and Boilers, patent improve-^ Portable Circular Saw Mill*. OaDg,.l(«lsy and Sub I Griswold Cotton Gin. I wUl continue to manufacture the celebrated 8aw Mills, Grist Mills, Timber Wheels, 8hingle Griswold Cotton Gin, a Gin that has given univer- Machuiee, etc. Dealers m Circular *iaw^ Belong sal satisfaction, and out of ait the Gins I sold the End Hill buppliea generaliv, &du Mii>DftrtiirBr'B [ put two yews, bat on© aiogl© complaint, and not agents for Leffel’s celebrated TurbmeTVater Wheel, one Gin returned. Every Gin warranted. A aam- and every description of Wood Working Machinery. p i a ^ po , ee n at Carhart 4 Curd’s Hardware Agricultural Engines a specialty. Send for deacrip. I Store. tive Catalogue and Price Lists. *sp9 eodwly * jun29tf O. W. MASSEY Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. Crystal Palace Drug Store, 534 Broadway, New York. I Palace Pharmacy, Gilsey House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth street, New York. Temple of Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, Phil: tdel- piria, and 164 South Tenth street, Philadelphia. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCJH0 HAS GAINED A WORLD-WIDE FAME, mayll tf This Machine is without a peer for durability, simplicity, and variety of work. Call and see for yourselves. ju!23tf THE “WALLIS” TIE For DIPLOMAS Best Cotton Tie CHANTED BY LOUISIANA STATE FAIR, APRIL, 1870. GEORGIA STATE FAIR, OCTOBER, 1870. COTTON STATES FAIR, OCTOBER, 1870. MISSISSIPPI STATE FAIR, OCTOBER, 1870. ALABAMA STATE FAIR, NOVEMBER, 1870. Made of the Best English Iron B4FIDLT AND EASILY ADJUSTED. OCTAVUS COHEN 4 CO., General Agents, Savannah, G*. LIGHTFOOT 4 JAQUES, ju!23 lm Agents, Maoon. Pfoyiience Conference Seminary, EAST GRF-EMWICET, R. I. REV. DAVID H. ELA, A. M Principal. N INE efficient Teachers. A first-class Male and Female Seminary. A thorough English course of study. A College Preparatory Course. A La dies’ Graduating Course. A Commercial College Course. A Musical Graduating Course. Beautiful and healthy location—overlooking Narraganeett Bay; half-way between Providence and far-famed Newport. Only six hours from New York by direct route. Fall Term begins August 21.187L For in formation address tho Principal, at East Green wich, R L jnl22 3m Anchor Line Steamers. a ITT. TTTBV WEDNESDAY AND EATDBDAY, TO AND VHOX NEW YORK AND GLASGOW, Calling at Londonderry to land Mails and Passen gers. The steamers of this favorite line, are built ex- preesly for the Atlantic Passenger Trade, and fitted up in every respect with all tha modem improve ments calculated to insure tho safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. PASSAGE BATES, PAYABLE IN CUERENCY TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON DERRY. First Cabin, $65 and $75. acoording to location; Cabin Betnm Tickets, .t130. securing best accom modations: Intermediate, $33; Steerage, $28. Parties sending for their friends in the Old Coun try can purchase tickets at reduced rates. For fur ther particulars apply to HENDERSON BROTH ERS, 7 Bowling Green, N. Y., or to It I DeLAMATER, my30 diw3m South. Espr. Co., Macon, Ga. DAY EDFAULA PASSENOEB TBAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 a. ar. Arrive at Eufauia 4:58 p. u. Leave Eufauia 7:45 A. m. Arrive at Macon 4:35 r. Connecting with tbe Albany branch train at Smithvillo, and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbert. E0PAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TBAIN. Leave Macon i. 8:50 r. m. Arrive at Eufauia 10:00 A. Mi Leave Eufauia 5:10 p. M. Arrive at Macon 5:00 a. m. Connect at Smithvilie with Albany Train on Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Np tra leaves on Saturday nights. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TBAIN. Leave Macon..,. 1 . 5:25 a.m. Arrive at Columbus 11:00 a. mL Leave Columbus ...12:45 p. sr. Arrive at Macon 6:12 P. sr. COLUMBUS NIGHT FBEIOHT AND ACCOMMODATION TBAIN. Leave Macon 8:15 p. m. Arrrive at Columbus 4:45 a. m. Leave Columbus 8 05 p. M. Arrive at Maoon. 4:10am. VIRGIL TOWERS, juulO ly Engineer and Superintendent, SUMMER SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. 51 icon and Brunswick Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., Juno 26,1871. O N and after Wednesday, June 28th, until fur ther notice, the following schedules wilt be ran DAY MAIL TBAIN DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon G.45 a. x Arrive at Jessup - 4.42 P. x Arrive at Brunswick 7.05 p. at Arrive at Savannah 8.00 p. x Leave Brunswick 5.00 Ardphtt Jessup 7.10 a. x Arrive at Maeon 5.25 r. m HAWKINSVTLLE TBAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Hawkinsville G.30 a. x Arrive at Macon. 10.20 a. Leave Macon 3.05 p. sr Arrive at Hawkinsville < 6.4 5p. x jun27-tf WM. MacRAE, Gen'l Sup’t. Macou and Augusta Railroad. MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Macon, Ga., July 15, 1871. T RAINS on tins Road will run daily as follows (Sundays excepted): Leave Macon, 6.30 A. M Arrive at Augusta 1 45 p. it Leave Augusta 12.00 M. Arrive at Macon 7.10 r. sr j No change of cars between Macon and Augnsta. CloBe connections made at Camak for all points on tbe Georgia Railroad and its branches. Passengers going North leavo Augusta on Ex press Train at 6 r. M. Through tickets can be li&d at Passenger Depot. . Baggage checked through. ■ - •;((—-ji. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. jullGeodlm CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN 4 ATLANTIC RAILROAD,) Atlanta, Ga., June 2S, 1871. j NIGHT. PASSENGER TBAIN—OUT * ABD. Leaves Atlanta.. ..10:30 p. >r Arrives at Chattanooga.. - 6:16 a. x DAY PAS8ENGEB TRAIN—OUTWARD. Loaves Atlanta ._ 8:15 A. K Arrives at Chattanooga... 4-25 p.m FAST LINE TO NEW YOBK-^-OUTWABD. >' i Leaves Atlanta 2:45 p. m Arrives at Dalton 7:58 P. M . NIGHT PASSENGER TBAIN—INWARD. Leaves Chattanooga1. 5:20 r. m Arrives at Atlanta. 1 1:42 A. M DAY PASSENGER TBAIN—INWARD. Leaves Chattanooga 5:30 A. M Arrives at Atlanta 2.20 p. m ACCOXMODATION TRAIN—INWABD. Leaves Dalton... 2:25 a. m Arrive* at Atlanta 9:10 A. M fiST The above Schedule goes into effect July 2, 1671. ; E. B. WALKER, julyll tf Master Transportation. nmkn^mm relief! CURES THE WORST PAINS IN FRO.It OXE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any ono SUF’FER WITH PAIN. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY J?AIN. It was the first and is The Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops tho most excruciating pains, allays inflammations, and euros Congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating tho pain tho Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled, Nirvoua, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Will afford Instant Ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys Inflammation of tho Bladder. Inflammation of tho Bowels. Congestion of the Longs. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Toothache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Cold Chills. Ague Chills. Tho application of tho Ready Relief to the part or parts where tho pain or difficulty exists will af ford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments euro Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels and all intornal Pains. Travolers shonld always carry a bottle of Bad way’s Ready Relief w th them. A few drops in wotor will provont sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Rittors as a stimu lant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Agno cured for fifty cents. Thero is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow- aDd other Fevers (aided by Radway’s Tills) so quick as Ralway’s Ready Be lief. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH^beauty STRONG and PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH and WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to all. DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE 3IOST ASTONISHING CUBES; So quick, so rapid aro tbe changes tha body un dergoes, under the inlluenco of tliiB truly Wonder ful Medicine, that Every Day an Increase lu Flesh aud IVeight is Seen nnd Felt. TIIE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ! Every drop or tlio Saraaparillian Resolvent com- municatos through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, aud other fluids nnd juices of ths system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with now and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis. Consump tion, Glandular Disease, U1 ora in the Throat, Month, Tumors, Nodes in tho Glnnda and other parts of tbe system. Sore Eyes, Strnmorous Dis charges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin Disea-es, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in tho Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loes of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wondor of mod«m chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any person using it for either of these fo ms of disease its potent power to cure them. If tho patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually pro gressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs tho g&mo with new material made from healthy bloo.t—and this the Sarsaparillian will and does secure—a cure is certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its re pairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing bettor-and' stronger, the food will digest better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent oxcel all known remedial agents in the core of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; but it is tho only positive cure for SIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppago of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all caseti where there are brick- dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sub tanccs liko the white of an egg-, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appoaranco, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain m tho small of the back and along the loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elfgantly coated with sweet gum,purgo.regutato, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nervous diseases, headache, constipation, costiveness, in digestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious fever, in flammation of tbo bowels, piles and all derange ments of the internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. igT Observe the following symptoms resulting from disorders of the digestive organs: Constipation, inward piles, fullness of the blood in the head, acidity of ths stomach, nausea, heart burn, disgust of food, fullness or weight in the stomach, pour eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit of tbe stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breathing. A few doeses of Radway’s Pills will free the system from all tho above-named disorders. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggists. Bead “ False and True.” Send one letter-stamp to Radway & Co., No. 87 Maiden Lane. New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. J une23ddeod As w-ly PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AICX) JAFAU, Touching at Mexican Ports AND -CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Fares Greatly Reduced. CHEAP GASLIGHT Tie leiiti Gas Ws." " '8 a simple, safe and reliable apparatus for sup- . . plying PUBLIC BUILDINGS and PRIVATE RESIDENCES, with a superior and CHEAP GAS LIGHT. Upwards of FOUR HUNDRED are in successful operation in private residences, churches, factories, etc. No other apparatus is operated on the same or any similar principle, which guarantees a light of uniform oualitv. in either arg&nd or open Burners, WITHOUT THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL HEAT. The practical operation of the Machines can be seen at the PA-'SENGER SHED of the Ilailroad Companies in MACON; also at the Printing and Publishing Houso of Messrs J. W. BURKE 4 CO. We call attention to tbe following extract from a letter from J. W. Burke, Esq.: Macos, Ga., March 23,1871. We have had one of the U. 8. Gaslight Comp* nv’s Machines, in operation since the 10th of No- --. __ , . . ■ vember, 1870, and it is perfectly satisfactory to U8 foot o*. Canal street, 12 o clock, noon, on the 15tn ; • ti. general working and cheapness. We paid tho and 30th of every month (except when those dates Mac0 n Gaslight Company for four months of last fall on Sunday, aud then on the preceding Saturday), , vear arK ] the vear previous—viz : November, De- with ASPINWALL, connecting, via Panama Rail- Member, Januwy and February—$399.50. In using way, with one of the Company a Steamslupa from -q ac hino our gas for the four corresponding Panama for SAN FRANCISCO, touching at MAN- mont hs cost Us 21.14-thus saving ua in that time ZANILLO. _ $285.5G. The light is quite a« good as that of tho All departures connect at Panama with steamers q^ Company, and hag the advantage of beiner for South American porta. Departure of loth entirely tinder our control to nse as we please, touches at Kingston, Jamaica. During tbe severe weather in December it burned For_Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran- w jHjont intermission, not being at all affected by the freeze. We see no trouble in the Machine or o NE of the large and splendid Steamships of this line will leave Pier No. 42 North River, cisco first of every month, except when it falls on Sunday, then on the day preceding. One hundred pounds of Baggage allowed to each adult. Baggage Masters accompany Bagg.go through, and attend ladies and children without male protectors. Baggage received on the deck tbe day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tiekets. or further in formation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Olfice._on the light, and cli .erfally recommend it.” [Signed] J. W. BURKE 4 CO. For information or testimonials, apply to EDWARD ROWE, Post-office box 159. Macon, Ga., Or WM. FOSTER, Jr , President, my6 tf 2 and 4 lieade street, N. Y. * S. A. MeLENDOiNT. the Wharf, foot of Canal street, North River, New ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIO York. mar21 ly* F. R. BABY, Agent. Responsible Agents wanted in town and country-1 Ga. TOUT GAIX’ESj GA. \ I TILL practice in all the Courts of the Pataula VV Circuit Will also act as agent in purchasing, selling, and renting real estate. Jan I8-tf. THE MISSES DANE W ILL open a Boarding School for Young La dies in New York city, on Wednesday, Sep- tethorpe, Ga.; CoL Sam’l Hall, Fort Valley I tember 20, 1871. For reference and circulars apply oct2-t/ ! to J. J. Gresham, Esq., Macon, Ga. jul!5 3m A. D. SMITH. M. D„ Attorney ui Counsellor at Lav, MONTEZUMA, GA. Refkbekces—Gen. Phil Cook, Ool. W. H. Robin- son,