The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 27, 1871, Image 4

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FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. JS Publishing our c&rd, ire dsim nothing more for omselves thin i determination to do onr Dim towards onr customers. By strict attention to our business, and studying the interest of our patrons we have been able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who will give ns a fair trial will continue to patronize our house. OY£i til. , WM. EDINGS, W. General Agents, llacon, Ga. Telegraph & Messenger, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1871. [For the Telegraph and Messenger. Ode to tlie Stars. BV BEV. B. JOH5SOS, MACON, OA. Ye watchflres from tho citadels of Heaven, Over Earth s darkened tents high vigil keeping; l'o mark God’s mighty camp above, and toil Hia power—tlio Lord of Hosts—and Love uoaloepiug, Man’s proud arithmetic essays in vain To grwp tout numbers; Bcionco furls nor wings Oppressed with Glory! Infinite beyond Yetbroogtb. depths of spsoe with mystic spUn- Earth hatli its history; Us storiod loro Beoords its loves, its triumphs, its docay; Its Bards can vivify what is no more. Its lyres givo life to its sepulchral clay. Y&ur histories, their trailing grandeurs all; Your names—unknown! this only, that aflame With glorious scorn, yo watch our destinies. Blush o’er our guilt, and beam derision on our fame Mysterious stirs! on your unaltcrod faces The pale Magicians looked of old, and hoped To road the Future: culled in their dark places. Their poisonous weeds, and wandered, doubtod, groped. By your cold beams Iod on. I cravo but this, If Divination’s power indeed yo wear, Tell me, propbotic Stare, is tlioro s bliss abovo, Enough to oempensato for lights of Life quenched here? Anger's blind turbulence; insultant pride, And vengeanco stamping on its bleeding foe; liemorao! by which tho heart-springs all aro dried, Which freshon man’s droar pilgrimage below. Can these bo tenants of a clime so fair ? Enow yo that Titan-Passion’a diro control, Which writhing in its bed of flamo, dethrones The mountain mind, and makes an iEtna of tho soul? Of old, yo fought with God! dofonding high Tli' Etornal order of hia Holiness! O’er tho wide Ages flashed your herald Gros, Tho Word and Sky—twin firmaments of Grace! Earth's wisdom rose and followed on your Light Earth’e Peace was sealed with Heaven’s own Bla zonry, And still, yo speak of kings, and powers to come, Blending Creation's morning-hymn with Christ's Eternity! “The stars shall fallfor God shall gather back From yon diamantlod skies, his glories all; Heaven claims tlieeo Jewelled splendors for tho crowns Of starry souls at Christ's high Festival. Therefore, abovo the Cross ye sparkle now, Await ita triumphs and reflect its Peace! Oh! fill me willi the radiance of this Hope; Help mo, ye stare of God, to reach and wear this bliss. I love to contomplato your thronging ranks, And feol my smallness; and as on my gaze Bashes your Archipelago of Light, Earth vanishes before the Inspiring blaze' Timos's misty veil awhilo seems drawn aside, And thsro above tho darkening thrall of Sense, Ye stand—tho chronicles of Power Divine- Man's sceptic kon to guide to God’s Omnipotence. Decisions of tbo Supreme Court of Ueorglu. DELIVERED AT ATLANTA, TUESDAY, AUGUST22, 1871. From tbo Atlanta Constitution.] John T. Willis, sheriff, ot at., vs. John P. Henderson, ltnle vs. Sheriff, from Early. McCat, J.—Whoro certain lands were levied on as the property of the defendant in fi. fa., and ho filed an affidavit of illegality, setting np that tho lands were the property of a partner ship company, of which ho was a member, and also a claim to the lands in the name of the partnership: Held, That under section of the Codg the assets of n partnership, including lands, tho partnership being for tho pnrpoao of farm ing, are not subject to levy and sale under a judgment against one of the partners. 2. The interest of one partner in the assets of the partnership most bo pnrsuod by a gar nishment against the firm, and the Sheriff was not guilty of a contempt in receiving the affi davit of illegality and tho claim, and, and stay ing the proceedings. Jadgment reversed. It. Sims, for plaintiff in error. H. Fielder, for defendant. J. A. Demington for the heir ofR. B. Carrier, vs. E N. Douglass. Complaint, from Randolph. MoOat, J.—Where a suit was pending on a promissory noto payable to A only, and the suit was in tho name of A for the nso of B. Held, That O, who was tbo true owner of tbo note, and who contracted the case, might make the affidavit that all legal taxes dno on tho noto had boon paid, as rcqnirod by the act of Octo- bor 13, 1870. 2. That it was proper in C’s application to permit tho declaration to bo amended by strik ing ont B's name os used and inserting the name of O. Judgment reversed. John T. Clark for plaintiff in error. E. L. Donglass, □. Fielder, for defendant. W. A. Bawson vs. Charics R. Burke, and Wm. A. ltawson vs. H. M. Jenkins. Dismissal under act of October 13, 1870, from Stewart. MoUav, J.—An affidvavit by tho plaintiff in pending suit on a dobt contracted before June, 1868, which affidavit states that all legal taxes cbargable by law in tho dobt have been paid for each year sinco tho mokiDg of tbo debt, is a .substantial compliance with tho act of October 13, 1870, though tho word “duty” is omitted. Jadgment roversod. It. T. Watts, John T. Clark, for plaintiff in error. Beall & Tucker, Ingraham A Crawford, for defendants. B. O. Kraton, administrator, vs. Jno. B. Mul ligan. Attachment, from Early. Warworn, J.—This was an notion brought by tho plaintiff against tho dofendant on a common law award. From tho written submission of the matters in controversy between the parties it is doubtful whether any other matters were submitted to the consideration of the arbitrators and decided by them than the validity of the sale of tho plantation, and stock thereor, and the services of the plaintiff as agent of tho de fendant prior to tho salo. The award of the arbitrators is, that the sale beset aside and that it is fair and equitable that the defendant should retain tho property sold by him to the plaintiff, and that the defendant should pay to tho plain tiff tho sum of $1,800. On tbo trial of tbo cose it appeared that the plaintiff was in pos session of the property as the agent of tho de fendant, at the time of tho pretended sale there of. The defendant offered to prove that the plaintiff had not complied with the terms of the award in turning over the property which was in his possession as the agent of the defen&nt, and which he claimed under the pretended sale, which evidence, so offered, was rejected by the court. Tho jury found a verdict for the plain tiff nrdor the charge of the court as to the eon- clusivenoss of tho award, and a motion for a new' trial was overruled, and the defendant ex cepted. _ Held, That the award was conclusive as to ail matters submitted to the arbitrators, but as it is doubtful from tho terms of the submission whether certain matters were submitted and passed upon by the arbitrators, the court should have admitted the evidonoe as to the facts of the case and then have charged the jury as to the law applicable thereto: Held also, That it was oom potent for tho de fendant to have shown on the trial, that the plaintiff had not complied with the terms of the award in tnrning over to the defendant all the property which he pretended to have purchased, and which tho award authorized the defendant to retain ; inasmuch as that would not have im peached the award, but would merely have shown a non-compliance therewith on the port of the plaintiff. Judgment reversed. J. E. Bowers, B. H. Clark, for plaintiff in error. Sims A Crawford, Hood A Kiddoo, for de fendant hands of a sheriff, he may bo ruled in tho Sn perior Court for hia neglect of duly in failing to erectile the same. Judgment reversed. Jas. Kiddoo, for plaintiff in error. Beall A Tucker, for defendant COTTON STATES Life Insurance Co. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, MACON, GEORGIA' Authorized Capital.... $2,000,000 Guaranteed Capital.. 500,000 Deposited with State Comptroller for se curity of Policy Holders 150,000 W. B. Johnston President. W. S. Holt Vice President. Geo. S. Oueau Secretary. J. W. Bur.KE General Agent J. Mebceb Geeen, M. D Medical Examiner. W. J. Mao ill Superintendent of Agencies. G. F. McOat..., -........'..-....Actuary. INSURE ON ALL POPULAB PLANS, INSUBE YOUB LIFE AT HOME. AT.T, ITS FUNDS INVESTED IN GEORGIA. ALT, LOSSES PAID WITHOUT DELAY. IT IS MANAGED WITH ECONOMY. ITS POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITING AF TER TWO YEARS. F. M. HEATH, Spocial Agent, Jnl8tf Macon, Georgia. DIXIE WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA, Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, Fropr’s., Contractors, Builders, and Dealors in DOOBS, SASH, BUNDS, BRACKETS, MANTELS, WINDOWS AND DOOR FRAMES. WHITE PINE WORK, BGBOLL WORK, And ail sorts of Taming done to order. Beady Dressed Flooring, Ceiling, Bonph Lnmbe and Lathes in any quantity always on hand. Orders solicited and promptly filled. may20 tC SCHOOL BOOKS! NOW THAT THE SCHOOLS ABE OPENING, J. W. BURKE <k CO. NO. GO SECOND STREET, MACON, GA., r lFOBM their old customers and tho public gen erally that they have on hand, or can procure at short notice, ail the At New York wholesale prices, for cash or approved city paper, or thirty days. Where parties are not known to ns, they must send good reference in the city. BOOKS OF INTRODUCTION UNDER THE NEW SCHOOL SYSTEM, Famished at HALF PRICE until November! These books fnmlshed only through Commis sioners of County Boards. ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL FURNITURE Wall Maps, Writing Materials, etc. We cannot be undersold, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL,. Orders solicited and promptly fillod. -. -r » ■■ ?1 -ii Rl fi' uJHi ill NEW BOOKS IN JOHNSON & SMITH’S, Corner Fonrtli and Poplar Streets, 50 tierces fine HAMS, 50,000 pounds CLEAR BIB SIDES, in casks and half casks, 10,000 pounds PRIME LEAF LARD, in tierces, 1000 pounds PRIME LEAF LARD, in cans, 100 sacks VIRGINIA and LIVERPOOL SALT, 100 boxes SOAPS, 100 boxes CANDLES, 30 cases POTASH, 20 cases SODA, 200 barrels best brands FLOUR, 1000 sacks, halves and quarters FLOUR, GOOD WHITE CORN, by the car-load or saok. 100 bales HAY, 200 bushels OATS, 100 bushels PEAS, £0 barrels SUGAR, all grades, 50 bags COFFEE, 50 boxes RAISINS, 75 boxes Assorted CRACKERS, 25 cases SARDINES, 50 boxes CREAM CHEESE, 50 barrels SYRUP and MOLASSES, 25 barrels CEMENT, 10 bales OSNABURGS, 100 bales BAGGING, 1000 bundles ARROW TIES, 200 kegs NAILS, LORILLARD'S TOBACCO, COVE OYSTERS, YEAST POWDERS, PICKLES, etc. In abort, all goods kept in a first-class Wholesale Grocery, which wo dosiro to sell for CASH or APPROVED PAPEB, at the lowest market rates. Onr Country 1 _ Merchants and planting friends will save time by calling and inspecting onr stock, as the close proximity of our stores to the Kailroiul Depot, Hotels and principal Warehouses, makes our loca- THE MOST CONVENIENT TRADING POINT tion THE MOST CONVENIENT TRADING PC All orders promptly attendod to. aug25 tf 1 IN MACON. JOHNSON & SMITH. LAWTON * WILLINGHAM AMERICAN WONDERLAND, LOWLY WAYS, LITTLE GEMS, FOR LITTLE PEOPLE. ARDREOLA, or THE LITTLE BLACK SHEEP. DAVID LLOYD’S LAST WILL. Also, other Choice Books have been THIS DAY received, by J. W. BURKE & CO. auglS tf mix COJRPUT, Groceries, Fish, Froitjegetaliles, Ice, Etc Second Street, (Between Telegraph Building and Baptist Chnrch.) Sunday Honrs Same as Other Ice Retailers. Ice House below Passenger Depot in building formerly occupied by H. N. Ells. CASH ORDERS SOLICITED. SURE POP ! ®. McDonald & Co., vs. H. Q. Faegan, Sher- Buie against Sheriff, from Stewart. Worn, S.—This was a rule against the Sher iff calling on him to show cause why he had not made the money on certain distress warrants placed in his hands, issued by a Justice of the Peace to enforce a factor’s lien under the 1977 section of the Code, the amount of each being less than one hundred dollars. The Court r£ fused to grant the rule against the Sheriff on the ground that the conrt had no jurisdiction to rule tlia Sheriff on such claims. Held, That under the Constitution, the Sudo- rior Court has concurrent jurisdiction with the Justices’ Courts in all civil oases where the amount of th6 debt claimed is less than m. hundred dollars: Held, also, That under the provisions of the Act of 1S70, when an execution has been issned by a Justice of the Peace to enforces factor,s lien for a sum less than one hundred dollars the same may i>e levied by any sheriff of this StAte, or bailiff, on the property of the defend ant subject to such lien, and when placed in the Death to Rats, Roaches, Bed Bugs, etc. Never fai ling. Boxes double the size aa others. Hermetri cally sealed and always freeh. For sale in Maoon, at wholesale and retail, by J. rT. Zeilin Jc Co-, Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, and all druggist*. feb26dAwly USA Sc PERRINS' SAUCE, Pronounced by Connoisseurs “Tlie Only G-ood. Sauce-” It improves the appetite and digeetion, and it is unrivaled for- ita flavor. W e are directed by Messrs. Lea A Perrins to prosecute all parties making or vending counter feit- JOHN DUNCAN’S BONB, augJS-eodQra Agents, New York. SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON Sc LAWTON, COTXOlsr FACTORS, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, anglC-Sm GEN. JOHN B. GORDON, GEN. A. H. COLQUITT, W. O. MORRIS, H. V. M. MILLER, M. D., Medical Dibeotob J. L. ROGERS, WM. W. W. LEMAN, ASSETS, June 1, Si,500,000 Insure Your Life AT HOME in this Company, Because The 80UTHEBN LIFE is well managed and has abundant Capital. All of its funds are invested in Georgia. The rates are not higher than those of any first-class Company. Each year the surplus is returned to the insured in Gash Dividends. The success of the Company is unparalleled. Gens. Gordon, Colquitt, Wade Hampton, and like honest and honorable men are ita Trustees and Directors. All losses are paid without unnecessary delay. The Company is no longer an experiment—ita experience and aacmalated capital renders its suc cess assured and its security unquestioned. Its economy is unsurpassed. All Soliciting Agents, wbo are authorized, have a commission signed by the Secretary and £ta$ oral Agents- ROGERS, EDINGS & CO., General Agents, juno20 dAw3ra Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Ga. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & WAGONS Wo are now receiving daily a large stock of Victorias, Cabriolets, Phaetons, _ i Single andDouble-seatedBuggies WAGONS, DRAYS, Etc., AT oun Branch Repository, Third at., Macon, Go., Where if you wiR call on Mr. A. W. Chapman, ho will sell or order any kind of vehicle that yon want. MR- W. W. WOODRUFF is now at Headquarters, 678 Broadway, New York Having Manufactured, selecting and shipping, ESPECIALLY FOR THIS MARKET. augl7tf DEMAREST & WOODRUFF. Metropolitan Works, CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. WM. E. TANNER & CO. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and SAW-MILLS; * BARK, GRIST and PLASTER MILLS; BOILERS, FORGINGS, CASTINGS, of IRON or BRASS, MILL GERING, etc ; Engines and Saw-Mills of various sizes always on hand. : Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and sold on commis sion or exchanged for new. All other repairs promptly and satisfactorily done. Freights to all points low. Send for descriptive circular. jul7 d sw&wtildecl8. H. R. BROWN, Agent. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE T. C K: riedorthoseabcut SS.TTTTt'E' to marry, with the IT U JLJL9 JUm latest discoveries on the physioloz- ieal mysteries and revelations of the physical sys. tern, how to preserve the complexion, etc.. This is an interesting work of 224 pages, with num erous engraving, and contains valuable information for those who are married or eontemplato marriage; still it is a book that ought to be under lock and key and notlaid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free of postage) for 50 cents. Address Dr. Butt’s Dispensary, No. 12 N. Eighth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Jta- NOTICE TO THE AFFLICTED AND UN- FORTUNATE. Before applying to the notorious Quacks who ad vertise in public papers or using any Quack Rem edies, peruse Dr. Butts’ work, no matter what your disease is or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail _n the diaeases mentionedin his works. Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, bot. Market and Chesnut. St. Louis, Mo. LOOK TO TOOK CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. MRS. Cures Colio and Grip- PRICK WHITCOMB’S ing in the Bowels, and 25 SYRUP. facilitltatestheprocess CENTS; MRS. of Teething. Subdues PRICK WHITCOMB’S Convulsions and over 25 SYRUP come*all diseases in- CENTS. MRS. cident to infants and PRICK WHITCOMB’S Children. Cores Di- 25 , SYRUP. arrhea. Dysentery and CENTS. Summer Complaint in . a children of all ages. It is the Great Infant’s and Children’s Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought on by teething ox any other cause. Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO. St L Sold by Druggists 'and Dealers in Medicine every where. auglV-dAwlr FINDLAY IRON WORKS MACON, GEORGIA, Head of Third Street, Sign of “Tho New Flag" O TIE LARGEST, THE BEST AND THE LEADING ESTABLISH;.- Of Its Class in tlie Cotton States. EACH DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH SKILLED THE ORDERS DAILY RECEIVED FROM ALL SECTIONS FOR STEAM ENGKEESTES, BOILEBS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MILL GEARING, GIN GEAR, SUGAR MILLS, SHAFTING & PULLIES, X3EtOKT rJ.A.ILIKTG, COTTON TRESSES, HORSE POWERS, CASTINGS AND MACHINERY. Of various kinds, etc., etc., attest the popularity and rapid growth of THIS LIVE AND PROGRESSIVE COKES All Work From “Findlay’s Iron Works” Warranted. WE CAN AND "WILL COMPETE "WITH THE NORTH AND EAST, IN PRICES FOB MACHINERY IN GENERAL. TTTITH the assurance of promptness in filling orders, fairness and liberality in all transaction!, r- VV tention and courtesy to all who may favor us with a call, we solicit a continuance of the pittEr age already and now being bestowed. . . Visitors to the city are invited to look through tho various departments of our EXTENSIVE EST1L LI3HMENT. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, f S Hundreds of Thousands ?f\, ^Z Bear testimony to their Wonder- £ c s ful Curative Effects. g Sfo Is-WHAT ARE nTHEY?|=» c2r Mors tc-- rHEY ABE NOT A THE ***'“ »* lUii. < at FANCY DRlN'Ks.sfl Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey* Proof Spirits mid Refuse Liquors doctored,gplced and sweetened to please the taste, called " Ton ics,** 44 Appetizers,” 44 Restorers,** *c. t that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and min, bnt are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from nil A I. ohelic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PUIN- CIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tho blood to a hcxlthy condition. No person can take these Bitten ** t* direc tion and remain long unw'* ■** - For Inflammatory an 1 rpusic ithea* matfhiii and Goaty Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are canscd by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of tha -^igestivo Organs. r DYSPEPSIA OK INDIGESTION. Headache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations ot the Stomach, Bad taste in the Month Billons At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs.Pain In the regions of the Kidceys.and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efllcacy In cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, and imparting new life andv^rto the whole system. FOB SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions.l-etter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes.Erysipclas.ltcb, Scnrfii, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug np and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most *ncredulons of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Bloua whenever you find Its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins; cleanse it when it is foal, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will {allow. jiR. TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in ti.2 eysv nn of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions. r-,*ad carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R- H. McDONAj-D Jb CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal,, and S2 and Si Commerce Street, New York, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, K. FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay Iron "Works, Macon, Ga. FINDLAY & CRAIG ECLIPSE SCII COTTON Al HAY PUS (PATENTED FEBRUARY 21,1871.) PAT MACON ANAL ■' r i/ .\Vl— Wen An Anti-Friction Screw. A Mechanical Wonder. This Great Press is simple, durable, rapid and the best, fastest and with more Labor Saving conveniences than any other known Screw Ires- Will pack twice as quick, and requires less power doit. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, AND OBLIGATE OURSELVES TO REFUND PRICE Di CIS* OF FAILURE. This Press is being rapidly introduced in various sections of tho South—supplanting the old i«> ioned Friction Screw, and gaining the admiration and satisfaction of all who witness ita perform^' Wa challenge the world to produce its equal in a Ootton Screw. Send for descriptive circular, containing testimonials, prices, etc. Manufactured solely by R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay Iron Works, Macon, «*■ CRAIG'S PATENT HORSE POWEB. for c3-X3siKriKr& cottojst. -A/.'. ' This Machine Stands To-Day Without a Rivai^ Worthy competitors acknowledge its infinite superiority. Compact, simple, light drangbt. all iron, sets npon ’ground under or outside gin house, attached in no way to house. It can „-- (0 301 either end or side of house. No long shaft for mules to stumble over. Runs a gn from ^ ^ revolutions per minute. We mako two sizes, viz: No. 1 for 50 and 60 saw gins; No. 2 for b»w gins. . OUR CHALLENGE fora Public Test remains open, with no prospect of being accepted WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, OR WILL REFUND MONEY. Examine all the Horse Powers advertised. Make inquiry relative to Strength, D Light Draught and convenience generally, what it will cost to pat np and in operation at then visit “CRAIG POWER” and it wiR sell itself. Send for circular with testimonials and price list. Manufactured only by aug20-tf R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay Iron Works, Macon, Ga-