The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, September 09, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. SATURDAY MORNING. SEPT. 9. 1871. From (At JMon Commercial Bulletin.! Tbo Missing Unit. Hs w« lllri ‘y. t ”gli!!Siu,i ,|r With a proud untrammeueoisir, He built * neat on the palm tree * crest, And dwelt • master there. The monarch ofaU theeerth. The lord of wood end plein. The lion fled when htaangry , the earth with proud disdain. He dined on elephent, did And the hJp-po-P°f'*’ mn *’ Brewny of limb wee be, Tet topple end egile, On took or tree hi* enn* fr *®> For hU toe* were preheMfl*. Tet doth the monarch dgh .uSSBKeS*w And e highlj regsl frown. Bad ia the royal heart, With e XtJtitgo Ml**" bride. ‘•Whet! merryeeubject! I So memlJienoe for me. Perish my royal blood, Ferish the princely 1®'; Ere I deeecreto, with * vnlgar mete, This lineage of mine. The monereh pen**4 trtwfir*^ Venlebed hit growing wntp. And e bright surprise bcunedin hit eye* A* be gtzed down the forest pnth. A tWon of beenty, «ach n^^r^^SwoodUnd green, Or been known to Simian lore. A midden young end fair A* the cheroot! * ebon tint, With teeth ** white tt cowriesi bright From the Boytl Congo mint. Her Iockt of » crispy curl. He; feet of e meiumotb tlze, All made her teem a bewitching dream To the fond gorilla'* eye*. To e Ugh o’ererehing limb He iwung by hi* *»new7*rms. And dangling there, twiit earth end air, Gazed on her duty charm*. "Now, by my kingly troth, Thi* maid thall be, I Hdnk, My royal bride, and enppiy beeide Mr. Derwin'* miming link. The thoughtless ebon meld, Bneplolonlea* of gwle, To the trunk strayed, end beneath it* shade. Tarried in thongbt awhile. Then the monarch spake his love A* he awnng by the lofty limb; He was gifted, they say, with a taking away. For the lady smiled on him. Ha pets her curly locks, With hi* great prehensile toe* Entwined In her wool—a vigorous pull— A shriek—and up she goes! Thus wa* the monarch wed, And thus the race began, Whence through various links,somewhat strange, roethinks, Came the "Descent of Man!’ “Mr. Ntrpbcnn—New nepnrtnre.” Editor* Telegraph and Messenger: It is the nonroe of much regret to the many admiring friend* of .Mr. Stephen* that he ha* placed him self in aeeming antagonism to tbo great major ity of the Dcwocratio party South, in referenoe to what is called the '‘New Departure." The people of the North fully understand that we of tho South are a nnit in opposition to the princi ples of tho Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amend ment*, and tho manner of their incorporation into the constitution of the United Staten, and we desire to preeorve the power of that united opinion for fntnr* assertion, by refusing to take any active or controlling part in shaping the coarse of the Democratic party for the next Presidential contest. Aa it ia a question of policy in party manage ment, let it be controlled by those where the severer inane* ere to be met end decisive victo ries won, thatonr counsels in tho fntnre legisla- lation of the country may be felt and supported by the strength of a united public sentiment and the tried conservatism of a peoplo long and patiently suffering nnder a sense of State end national oppression. The people of the South should permit no questions of mere party sneoess to diminish their respect for the counsels of her pnblio men —those who, in the cabinet and forum, have given her a name ia the history of nations by their wise statesmanship and transcendent abil ity, or those who have illustrated bar love of liberty and sense of honor gloriously on the field of strife. We regret to notice an article in the New York World of the 2d inst., on “Mr. Stephens as a political counsellor and prophet,” and though sympathizing with tho general views of the World as to the line of policy to be adopted to insure tbo snoeess of the Demoeratic party in the next Presidential race, yet we cannot per mit mere party adhesion to involve ns in any attacks upon onr trusted pnblio men. There should lie a large margin allowed at the South for differences on national politic*, and if the triumph of the Demoeratic party should signal, ixo a restoration of constitutional government, we can safely promise the hearty co-operation of onr leading pnblio men in nnriveting the shackles upon ns end their firm and energised support of all rightful authority. We have noticed with increasing interest the career of Ur. Stephens since hit first election to Congress; and though differing with him when be was one of the acknowledged leaders of the old Whig party, yet such has always been our respect for the purity and elevation of his char acter, onr admiration of the brilliancy of his genius and confidence in bis wisdom and pa triotism, that we never hesitated to say we abonld support him for any pnblio position. t ' the eon- LAWTON & WILLINGHAM, SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON Sc LAWTON - , COTTON FACTORS, Warekonse and Commission Merchants, FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. JN Publishing onr card, we claim nothing more for ourselvea than a determination to do onr DUTY toward* onr customers. By strict attention to onr business, and studying the interest of our patrons we have been able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who will give os a fair trial will continue to patronize our bouse. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. DIAMONDS, WATCHES o CO 0 hie GD CD a e 3 3. XJl "i a JEWBLEY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted, AflKfCI OF TIIE GROVER & BARER SEWIXG MACHINES. juno 14-tf — And even now, thongh differing with him on question of “new departure," wo have the c viction we may yet be wrong and he may be right, end shall therefore ooncede to him the greatest toleration and deference. We aee no necessity or propriety in any bested difference upon national polities at this time, aa the result of Northern elections this fail and the legislation of the coming Congress may necessitate another departure in the machinery of partyiam, to secure success in the next Pres idential election. But above all, let us not aanetlon any attacks from the Northern Press upon tho chtnctcn of onr public men. who have rnirved n. in the put with an honor and fidelity that they cannot question, and which aaauroe ui will never faU us when the hour of a oommon necessity cornea, whatever may be our views or differences ou national politics. We feel that the lives and characters of our trusted public men are the beat exponents of the honor and sentiment of the people, and thongh a planter for more than twenty veers, who has never sought or received any political oooe, we oonld not, on reading this morning the article of the New York World, resist the impulse of wnlingthis feeble vindication of one of the greatest men which Georgia baa ever pro duced. Respectfully yours, A Gsosoia Piastuu" A French Tragedy. A correspondent of the World writes: A young, beautiful and aristocratic woman made ™.* PPC *~W" “Grenoble some months since *.‘^ n ,* rtll 'j ry °® c f[• 8he led an extremely reUred life. Her neighbor* thought they picked out from her conversation that the was a native ®° m ® f^une, and was an t j luioM witb the artillery offioer were shallowed. A brilliant marriage was of- ,wL_. tU ' ?® *®°*P t ® d it- The neighbors of the Hret mentioned woman seeing nobody oome I SiK d *5 M ,or *° me <W*. iufoimed be *!* !" broken open. The T fonod °u her bed. She was hohre i pasted oloee all her windows, ewaUowei laudanum, and tied a :ope with a slip-knot around her throat, the ®* Uto fr Death seems i tbme eummona She w»s «2sa^£J "* there were apMaranees that the had long been wooing tCSmv hon™ '.TVS*' 1 for four and? twemiy hours after her discovery, and then ex- D P°a her table a sheet of paper containing these word*: **a ,w»r turo seek* in death that tniy^flon™ di ? JSmrST£S , L^ i * WOrii D®t 7 tbem wto ftS no *'*P to discover who nun ® 1 h®"- Moreover, all search would prove vain. I have no family b*»« »o‘ «” n » W»nd in the world. No. body knows me here. I die without remorse Imoaneo my suffering, have been ao long and w many My hope is Ood will look with mercy uponthe crime I oommit in ending life, for Hi ho«reth every dav of my life has been martyr- ho whAfe'™ ‘b® bottom of my heart, took mvkMuIrf?“Ywretchedness. Ho Mey ho aevar ft “uder foot. Pnt my body to Uie c S^® 0n *, r , of my de * tb '■ woooden oreea ehaUenc« n 2i.* n ^ ^®^ *“ bumble known one’s grave. ,S T8r tbo nn- °wcz Gaixwwooc, "wriamTiro_ aaya: “Natnre did antotopeiSn tuS ally, in affixing to them a mark by can be aeon and ‘a bead drawn onTw?. ttl , ey great distance. It renders them eepect^- u * bio to attacks in the rear; which remiaiilr of a little story. A small Colorado boy, who had been out playing, ran into the house i a » state of great excitement, saying that he had seen some aqtelopea in a gulch near by. At hia entreaty hia mother went ont to look at them, bnt nothing of the kind was to be found. She became incredulous, and laid at last: ‘I don’t believe you saw any antelopes; it mnst have been your imagination, my child.’ To this the little mountaineer Indignantly responded:— ‘Humph ! I guess my imagination isn’t white behind!": R. JR. R. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF! CUBES TIIE WORST P.UXS IX FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOCK after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and ia The Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the moat excruciating paint, allays inflammations, and cures Congestions, whether of the Lours, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter bow violent or exerudaUng the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Will afford Instant Ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys. Inflammation of the Bladder. Inflammation of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lung*. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Toothache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Cold Chills. Agne Chills. Tho application of the Ready Belief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will af ford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few momenta cure Cramps, Spasms, Boor Stomach, Heartburn. 8iek Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels and ail internal Pains. Travelers should slways cany a bottle of Bad way’s | Ready Reiiof them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitten aa a atimn- Uot, PETER AND AGUE. Fovor and Aguo cored for fifty cents. There ie not a remedial agent in tliie world that will core Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Biloas, rover aim .i^iio, miu »u uuim iuauuiuus, diwuu, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevere (aided by Radway’e Pill*) no quick ae Radway’a Ready Re lief. Fifty cents per bottle. HE alth7beauty STRONG and PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH and WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to all. DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARiLLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; So quick, ao rapid are the changes the body un dergoes, under the influence of this truly Wonder- fed Medicine, that Every Day nc Increase In Ffcslt riud WcIgUt Is Seen and Felt. TIIE GREAT BLOOD PIKIFIEB J Every drop of the Sanaparillian Resolvent com municates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, aud other fluids and jnicoa of the system the rigor of life, for it repair, the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis. Consump tion, Glandular Disease, L’l ers in the Throat, Month, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system. Sore Eyes, Btrumorous Dis charges from the Ears, end the wont forme of Skin Disea-es. Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne, Black its. Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the ., „mb, and all weakening aud paintul discharges. Night Sweats, Lots of 8perm and all vraetea of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of mod«ra chemistry, and a few days’ ore will prove to any person nsing it for either of these fo ms of disease its potent power to core them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the waste* and decomposition that is oominualjy pro gressing, euooeeda in arresting these waste*, and repair* the same with new material mads from healthy bloo!—and this the Sarsaparillian will and does secure—a cure ia oertain; for when onoe this rwnody commences its work of purification, and 8noooeds in diminishing the loss of WMtee, it# re* pairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food will digest batter, appetite- improving, and flesh end weight increuiog* Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agent* in tbs core of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; but it is the only positive core for KIDNEY AND BLADDER. CO It PLAINTS Urina-y and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy- Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Height's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all case* where there are brick-dutt deposits, or tbo water ia thiek, cloudy, mixed with sub-tancee like the white of an egg. or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there ia a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the small of the back and along the loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PELS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum,purge, regulate, pnnfy, cleanse aud strengthen. Radway’e Pills, for the cure of all disorder* of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nervon* due&cce, headichCt constipation, coetivonefea, in- digestion, dvspepsi*. biliousness, bilious fever, in flammation of the bowels, piles and all derange ments of the internal viaoera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. A few doeses of Badvray's Pills will free tbs system from all the above-named disorders. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggists. Read “ Falao and True.” Send one letter-stamp to Railway A Co., No. bT Maiden Lane. New York. Information worth thousands will he sent yon. SCHOOL BOOKS NOW THAT THE SCHOOLS ARE OPENING, J. W. BURKE & CO NO. CO SECOND STREET, MACON, GA., TNFORM their old customers and the pnbuc gen- X orally that they have on hand, or can procure at short notice, all tbs STilAKD SCHOOL BOOKS At New York wholesale prices, for cash or approved city paper, or thirty days. Where parties are not known to us, they must send good reference in the city. BOOKS OF INTRODUCTION UNDER THE NEW SCHOOL SYSTEM, Farniebed at HALF FRIGE until November! Three books furnished only through Commia- eioners of County Boar da. ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL FURNITURE Wall Haps, Writing Materials, etc. We cannot be undersold, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Orders solicited and promptly filled. CABLE SCREW WIRE, BOOTS AND SHOES. Claimed to be the Rest, Acknowledged to be the Di-t. Proved to be the Beet. THE! AUE THE Most I'Uablr, M Fconomlcnl. Most Com- forint,Ie, Most Durnblc. WILL NOT RIP- Rapidly superseding Sowed and Pegged Work. The Patent Stamp ia on ail. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. A single trial will mako good all these claims, aogdl Im SPECIAL ELECTION 22<I SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Executive Defabthext, State or Geoeqia, ’. Atlanta. Ga., August 15,1871. J T O the Ordinaries of the Counties composing the 22d Senatorial District: Vmm a vacancy baa occurred, and now exists, in the Senatorial branch of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, caused by tho election of Hon. Thoa. J. Speer, Senator from said district, as a member of Congress: Now, therefore, to the end that the General As sembly may be provided with all the information neoeesary to determine the question of the election and qualification of its members when it shall meet as prescribed by law, I have thongbt proper to, and do hereby, issue this, my writ of election, to the Ordinaries of the counties of Bibb, Pike and Mon roe [authorized by section YU. An cle XL of the Conmitntion to perform the duties of Justices of the Inferior Court), directing and requiring them, and each of tbim. the said Ordinaries, to cause an election to be held on Wednesday, the 13th day of September next, for a Senator to represent the 22d Senatorial District la the General Assembly, by pving at Ieaat twenty days' notice, aa required by Given nnder my band and the Seal of the Execu tive Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the day and year first above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: R. H. ATXtsaos, Sec’y Ex. Dept- G eorgia, bibb county.—i, charie* r. ard. Ordinary of said county, by virtue of the above writ of election transmitted to mo from the Executive Department of Georgia, and by vir tue of authority in me vested by law, do order and direct that an election be held in the several pre cincts in said county, on Wednesday, the 13th day of September next, for a Senator to represent the 22d Senatorial District in the General Assembly. Officers whose duty it is to superintend said elec- will aee that the same is held in conformity to law- Given nnder my hand officially, this the 16th day of August, 1871. anglTtde 0 T. WABD. Ordinary. i 1) CHEAP GASLIGHT He u Cssplsts Gas Ms.” TS a simple, safe and reliable apparatus for snp- 1 plying PUBLIC BUILDINGS and PRIYA1E RESIDENCES, with a superior and CHEAP GAS LIGHT. Upward* of FOUR HUNDRED are in eucceeaful operation in private reeidonoes, churches, factories, etc. No other apparatus is operated on the same or any similar principle, which guarantees a light of uniform qutliiy, in either trgaud or open Burn ere, WITHOUT THE USE OP ARTIFICIAL HEAT. The practical operation of the Machines can be len at tho TASSENGER SHED of the Railroad Companies in MACON; also at the Printing and Publishing House of Messrs. J. W. BURKE 4 CO. We cell attention to the following extract from* letter from J. W. Burke, Esq.: Macon, Ga., M&reh 23, 1871- ‘We have luul one of tlio U. 8. O&eligbt Gamp* ny’e Machine*, In operation einoe the 10th of >'o Yember, 1870, and it ie perfectly satisfactory to na in ILh f-envjral working and cheapneeM. We paid the Macon Gaelight Company for four month* of last year and the year previous—tui : November, De cember, January and February—S 399.50. In u*ing this Machine onr gas tor the four oomaponding itha coat an ?lli—thna saving na in that time i.58. The light it quite ae good aa that of the City Gaa Company, and baa tho advantage of being entirely under our control to use ae wa pleaae. During the severe weather in December it burned without iiitermiaaion, not being at all affected by the freeze. Wo aee no trouble in the Machine or For information or testimonials, apply to EDWARD ROWE, Post-office box 159. Mieon, Ga., Or WJI. FOSTER, Jr., President, mjfi if 3 and i Beads stxeot, N. Y. JOHNSON & SMITH’S, Comer Donrtli and Poplar Streets, 50 tierces fine HAMS, 50,000 pounds CLEAR BIB SIDES, in casks and half casks, 10,000 pounds PRIME LEAF LARD, in tierces, 1000 pounds PRIME LEAF LARD, in cans, 100 sacks VIRGINIA and LIVERPOOL SALT, 100 boxes SOAPS, 100 boxes CANDLES, 30 cases POTASH, 20 cases SODA, 200 barrels best brands FLOUR, 1000 sacks, halves and quarters FLOUR, GOOD WHITE COEN, by the car-load or sack 100 bales HAY, 200 bushels OATS, 100 bushels PEAS, 50 barrels SUGAR, all grades, 50 bags COFFEE, 50 boxes RAISINS, 75 boxes Assorted CRACKERS, 25 cases SARDINES, 50 boxes CREAM CHEESE, 50 barrels SYRUP and MOLASSES, 25 barrels CEMENT, 10 bales OSNABURGS, 100 bales BAGGING, 1000 bundles ARROW TIES, 200 kegs NAILS, LOKILLABD’S TOBACCO, COVE OYSTERS, YEAST POWDERS, PICKLES, etc. In abort, aU goods kept in a first-class Wholesale Grocery, which we deBire to sell for 0A8H or APPB0YED PAPER, at tbo lowest market rates. Out Country Merchants and planting friends will eave time by calling and inspecting our stock, as the close proximity of our store* to the Railroad Depot. Hotels and principal Warehouses, makes our loca tion THE MOST CONVENIENT TRADING POINT IN MACON. AU orders promptly attended to. ane25 tf JOHNSON & SMITH. Schofield’s Iron Works ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS OP 1 ja-BIV PIZIQTJXTIEU SIZE. SA.-W MILLS, GRIST MILLS. MILL GrE-A-IiLSrd, Gmsr ciEA-Misra, (ORDINARY, OR GRAHAM’S EXTRA HEAVY), SUGAB MILLS AMD KETTLES, IRON RAILING OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. SHAFTING, PULLIES, ETC., All or any Machinery, pnt up at first-class IRON WORKS, put up In tho beat style and at prices to suit tho times. Give us a call before purchasing. We will sell low for CASH. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. STILL AHEAD Our WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS la the only Cotton Press that has stood the test, being need ever since the dose of the war. and is in greater and more increasing demand than TIE ATLANTA-CONSTITUTION, DAILY AND WEEKLY. A DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL, Published at the Capital of Georgia, and tho Offi cial Paper of the County and City. a 3\r:ESY7xrjB3?.«3J?:n:3Fi. For all classes—Merchant*, Lawyers, Farmers, Mo- chanica and others. The Constitution possesses superior advantages for giving full information or the doings of the State Government. It contains full reports of Legislative Proceedings, and of the Supremo Court, tho Reporter of .tho Court bemg exclusively engaged by Tho Constitution. Full re- ports given of the meetings of tho State Agricul tural Society. The Legislature will eoon meet. ITS CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT Is especially. Its corps of special correspondents in the United States and Europe is large, having been engaged at great expense. The actings or the General Government, especially of the United States Congress, are furnished by a special Wash ington correspondent. For the benefit of Lady Readers, the celebrated “Jennie Jane” has been employed, and sends monthly Fashion Letters irom New York. Th proprietors also announce with groat satis faction that they have made arrangements for Editorials and Original ContriMiions Upon Politics, Literature, and other topics, from leading min/fo of the country. The Constitution in known preeminently for its unceasing exposure of the corruptions of the Rad ical Party in Georgia, and for waging sleepless war upon the enemies of the people and the State, re- COMB ODSTE ! COME -AXLj] TO THE (treat Sontiiern (train and Provision Eijorii SMALL $c GAMBLE. 61 Third Street, Macon, Ga. AND BUY YOUR cokjst, BA-Coisr and plouj. At tho lowest market price, either for cash, or on time. SPECIALTIES FLOUR, TOBACCO AND WHISKY SMALL & GAMBLE, Send your orders for tho’ceiebrated HAZOB CHOICE EXTRA FAMILY FLOCK in,,.. . , he best made. ' h rante&1 to h| SMALL & GAMBLE, I AH tor CORN, BACON, FLOUR, HAY, OATS, LARD, MEAL, SUGAR-OCmn m I and throwing itself for support BOlely upon the wh0at> BraDi Syrnpi Sngil . )Co ffee> Tobaoco, Liquors, will receive prompt attentionatth?!? fU![ S ueoPIe- I tet prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. ’ 0 10 ' re8 t ta- 1 SMALL & GAMBLE, CL Third st M Macon. W. A. HEMPHILL and E.Y. CLARKE, Proprietors I. W. AVERY and E. Y. CLARKE, Political Editors. W. A. HEMPHILL, Business Manager. We also have Nows and Local Editors. THE CONSTITUTION! Is the Largest Daily now published in Georgia ns circulation is large and increasing every day. | It ia a SPLENDID MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS. DAILY, (Per Annum,) $10 00 •• (SixMonths,)... - 5 00 1 “ (Three Months,) 2 59 “ (One Month,) 100 WEEKLY, (Per Annum.) 2 CO j THE JOB DEPARTMENT Of the Constitution id prepared to fill orders for Circulars, Cards, Bill-Heade, Books, Pamphlets, etc., in the beat stylo* Address W. A. fiEUFHILL & C0-. sep8 tf ly JOBBING- TRADE CHARLESTON, S.G .iiu LU., Atlanta, Ga. , FOR FALL AND WINTER OF 1871. GORDON HOTEL FOIt SALE. 1 B Y virtue of an order of tho Superior Court of i Wilkinson county, granted on the chancery THE subscribers, Jobbers and Wholesale dealers in the city of Charleston, S. c„ beg to all the. eido of said at the April term, 1871, thereof, will be JL tentioo of tho Merchants of tho interior ot this and the adjoining States to this market, u L, sold before’ the Court-house door in IrWinton, in now one of the most desirable in which to procure full supplies of aU articles tboy may require. ~ said countv on the first Tuesday in October The wants of tho country having rapidly increased, with ample facilities to enable na to pnx-.. „ next within the legal hours of sale, the remainder I supplies direct from first hands in Europe and this country, we are now prepared to exhibit more n!5 interest after dower, ot Serins A. Jones, widow of and complete stocks of seasonable goods than at any period since tho war, and will dispose of them' u ' J. H. Jones, deceased, in tho Gordon Hotel, sitnat-I as good terms as anyother market. ...... - Vi—T»—.i—.1 »i— *t." I “ Daily facilities afforded for shipment of Goods to any point desired.” ed in Gordon, on tho Central Railroad. Also the same interest in two hundred and twenty-four (224) acres of land attached to said HoteL AU known as tho dower of S. A. Jones. The Hotel is now occu pied by Daniel Solomon, who receives the patron age of the Central and the Milledgevillo I vnwp; RVTH4 A fill Nn 124 Meeting street tontonHailroads.besides a largo share of patronage TnHNS -„ V nr : K ti® „ ' DRY GOODS. MARSHALL »fc BURGE, No. 143 Meeting street ^ItoSSSTuSTSTTSro^re^ I JOHNSTON, CREWS A CO., No. 41 Hiyno street, j CRANE. BOSTON A CO., comer & is sold for the purposa of placing the estate of [ * Moetiug streets. CLOTHING. said J. H. Jones, deceased, in a condition for dis tribution among the creditors of said estate. Terma of sale, cash. JUNIUS WINGFIELD, L. H. BRISCO, F. CHAMBERS, auglD d&wtda Referees. any other. Our WATER or STEAM POWER PRESS Ia becoming VERY POPULAR, Being the MOST ECONOMICAL to those having a WATER POWER OB STEAM ENGINE. can also be run from tho band wheel abaft of gin gear. Onr HAND PRESS (-'ndead, as aU of them are,) is too weU known, and has established itself as the PLANTER’S FAVORITE. Ae there ia no comparison between a cast and a WROUGHT IRON SCREW, we do not recommend CAST IRON 8CBEWS. though we make them for those wanting a CHEAP Press. Send us your orders, or send for Circular and Prioe HE WILCOX PATENT HORSE POWER Wo claim to be SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER for Ginning Cotton, End it ia tho only Horae Power made that we know of that can supercede the ordinary Gin Gear. _ J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. my23 diwtf Tho Great Medical Discovery T Dr. WAlsKER’S CALIFORNIA. VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony" to thefr Wonder* oo fulCurative Ejects. ggs IlMWHAT ARE bTHEY RSl —- <=°» Made of Poor Rural, .Whiskey, Proofc Spirits and Refuse Liquors doctored,spiced and sweetened to pleaso the taste, called “ Ton ic*,'"“Appetizers,” Restorers,’• *c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, hut aro a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, freo from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PRIN- CIPLEapcrfcct Renovator and Invhforator of the System, carrying: olTall poisonous matter and restoring tho blood to a heaJthy condition. No person can take these Bittewj^fordlng tf* <Jirec-; tion and remain long unwc’*’^ •• For Inflammatory anV '^pjiic itfcca- matlsm and Goat, Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit* ter* have been most ancccBslhl. Such Dis eases aro caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tho digestive Organs. * ** ^ DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION.- Headache. Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad tasto in tho Mouth Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are tho off* springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vi^or to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions,'Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, ScurlS, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the 8kin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use iOf these Bitters. One bottle in snch cases will convince the mog^ncredulous of their curative effects. V, Cleanse the Vitiated Blot,a whenever you find Its imparities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or. Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foal, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho .•health of the system will follow. /IN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking In tn3 sysvm of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For flxll dlrcctionsys^ad carefully the circular around each bottle. - ** J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal., and S3 and Si Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. EDWIN BATES & CO., No. 122 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. STEELE & WABDELL, No-167 Meeting street. Fancy Goods, Notions and Millinery. JOHN S. FAIRLY & CO., No. 37 Hayne street- | SELL & FOSTER, No. 27 Hayne street BOOTS AJSTD SHOES. I D. F. FLEMING A CO., comer Hayne ana Church IT. M- BRISTOLL & CO. No. 145 Meeting street streets. | E. B. STODDARD & CO-, No. 165 Meeting s« | HATS -AJSTD CAPS. | THOS. M. HORSEY A BBO., No. 25 Hayne street. | EDMONDS T. BROWN, No- 43 Hayne street. HARDWARE. I J. E. ADGER & CO., No. 139 Meeting Street. | HART & CO., No. 39 Hayne street. C GBAVELEY, Comer East Bay and Boyce’s Wharf. [ SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIAL| B THOMLINSON A CO, No 137 Meeting street. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO, No 35 Hayne street. , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WM L WEBB, No 128 Meeting street. GEOCERIES. GEO W WILLIAMS & CO, comer Hayne and Church streets. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ETC. J A QUACKENBUSH. No 122 East Bay street. I W H CHAFEE & CO, No 207 East Bay street. BOLLMAN BROS, No —, East Bay street. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. HOLMES A CALDEB, No 205 East Bay street. I WM M BIRD A CO, Comer East Bay nd Combe- land streets. Job Printer, Stationer and Bookseller, EDMUND PERRY, No 149 Meeting Street. | Type and Printing Material, Paper, Stationery, Job and Book Printing. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, No 3 Broad street and 109 East Bay street. angll eoflirn - $1,0 o o, o o o, By authority of a special act of the Legislature «f Kentucky, of March 13.1871, the Trustees of the ? a6u * Library of Kentucky, will give a GRAND GIFT CONCERT AT LOTUSVILLE, KY., OZNT TUESDAY, OOT. 31. 1871. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE BEST MCSIC.U TAIEST. 100,000 Tickets of Admission. $10 each in Currency, Half Tickets & Quarter Tickets $2.50. ^ . Each Ticket will consist of four quarters, value, 62.50 each. The holder is entitled to adnu^ion to | Concert and to th* umouut of gift awarded to it or ita fraction. Tickets number from 11 t call to* S U R Death to Rats. Roaches, Red BagSy etc. THE CITIZENS’ BANK OF KENTUCKY IS TREASURER. I All Monies arising from the sale of tickets will be depwited.with the Cit^tens’ Bark, subject ci I order of the Pre identard Treasurer of the Library, countersigned by the Bofiiness Alanagtr. During the Concert, the sum of _ i3S0,000 IN GR.333KTBAOB.rt Will be distributed, by lot. to the holders of tickets in the followinz sifts, vie: 50,l* 9 ltd lW 11 ... I«* ... in* .... »•:. 1S,i1 : ~3S ““85 I One Gift of 825,000 One Gift of 20,000 I One Gift of 19,000 One Gift of One Gift of 17,000 One Gift of i§’999 One Gift of 15,000 One Gift of rOne Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of 7,000 One Gift of 6,000 14 000 14,000 12,000 11,000 10,600 9,000 8,000 One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of Ten Gifts of S1000 each. Fifteen Gifts of 6900 each Eighteen Gifts of 6800 each Twenty Gifts of *700 each. Twenty-five Gifts of 6600 each.. Thirty Gifts of 6500 each Forty Gifts of 6400 each. Forty-five Gifts of 6300 each... ■ Fifty Gifts of 6200 each 446 Gifts of 6100 each 721 Gifts in »H ..*350, , off Never failing. Boxes donble tbe size as others. Hermotrically sealed and always fresh. For ealo in Macon, at wholesale and retail, by J. d, Zcilin A Co-, Hunt, Ilaukin A Lamar, and all druggists. - feb26aAwly A BOOK FOR THE MILLION, KARRZAGE GUISE. A private Conn selorto the Mar ried or those about to marry, with the latest diecoveriei .on the physiolog ical mysteries aud revelation! of the physical ait tem, how to preserve the complexion. etc~ Thiaiaan&f erons engraving, for those who ar< still it is a book that ought- _ and not laid carelcsdy about the house. Bent to any one (free of postage) for 50 Address Dr. Butt*a Dispensary, No. street, St. Louis. Mo. _ NOTICE TO THE AFFLICTED A FORTUNATE. Before gpplying to the notorious Quacks wh»*d- . artiso in puelio papers or using any Quack Rem edies. peruse Dr. Butts' work, no matter what your disease it or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail the diseases mentioned in his works. 0 til ce, No. 12 . Eighth street, bet. Market and Cheanut. St. Louia. •the exDenses of tne enterprise and making tne to th« establishment proceeds a^^R^M^SKLaTu^S^SS: PUBLIC LIEIU9lXIY OX' XX J3 TT V The Concert and distribution will take place under th. immediate supervision of the Trustees ^Wi«it.d by wsii known »doitiasns of Kentucky, who bsvsoon^ present at the Concert and to nunerinted the (,r *£*, n *® ri , n 1 ^»aid on presentation of them or their ^ of 200 0G0 as in the San F , Buyer* wfll note teat there are only lM-OMtieksta^tiutwiil^or iwanD iefbar i8coveriee | ffi&SgSft. 15.1870. end turned over *12.000 to tho Secretary, i* ho *iuu O00 sift “tile §an Francisco Gift Concert under the m.naremsnt of C. R. Fetere. r*k Jr drown and waa awarded and paid to a gentleman in New Orleans. - ^W^Thenumbersand gifts «re drawn by blind children from * tol4yj»n of ago. fintc j lists sent tv- rirnwinff will be extensively published, and parties ordering ticket! wm have p Part i Mfornfio k clubs and desiring information will pleaso address this office. gicOO. ll l^efcets for WOO; 2S Tickets, 8255; 50 Tickets, »500,1X3 nekrt^ ■saasaswa i !zhth I CN- LOOK TO YOUK CIOXDKEN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. MANNER OF DRAWING: . wo glass wheel.. Onowheel will contain 100.000 nnmbara. pjstotasa?^Tdr.w« 81000 or 8100,000. aa announced - ■ MRS. Cures Colic and Grip- WHITCOMB'S ing in the Bowela, and 6YKUP. facilititatS3 the process of Teething. Subdue3 WHITCOMB’S Conrultion! and over SYRUP come! all diseafM in- _MBS- cident to infant! and WHITCOMB'S Children. Cures Di- SYRUP. arrhea. Dysentery and Summer Complaint in children of all ages. It is the Great Infant's and < * Remedy in all disorders brought other cause. sii CENTS. its are The i 13,304 TICKETS DISPOSED OF IM JULY. 0 tickets ar*sold.onlySS.OOOn”®^ ot B Incus 50.000 tickstiioalr sM^oti* ^ JZnThalf. And !*.«-•“& “&* ifnli—it on?hM‘Aniine*eonly Children's Soothing tt on by teething or onicc, 120 Malu-st.. Jokuson Bl«v [ R.T. DURRETT v> ge«% W. N. HALDKMAN -President I Jf. W. CLUSKY -V. Pres’t | CITIZENS’ BANK.. Tickets and information can be had from N. H. HEMPSTED, Milwankeo, "jfooiO.’a , Waco#* Yrep/redby Iho GRAFTON MEDICINE CO™ 8t- j ^ rHE - N ' cu . VirgtaiafStri Nevada. ® b^bruggistl land Dealers in MsdWnj^very. | en, JlLjon' 1 Qaf pttrticula^^, CaU onora*IreBsBRoW*So»Jji^Sfere. Stationers