The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, September 12, 1871, Image 2

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/ Dr. Braully preached his farewell sermon on TUESDAY MOBNIHG. KEPT. 12, 1871. Tlie Macon Ice Factory. The stem of last week did some oosalderable dmaerrioe to thUeeUblUhmcnt.-Wowing over. ^ ^ B Uat charoh of ^ * e out door tank. «d forcing m the rtonc and * ]earM for Baltimore, today, brick curbing of their great weU for the anpply SaTaimab regiglniUon fignrcs *.002 of water to be converted into toe. This well I iao “ ... w«. -w*—*v|*Ki2!iSiS£ and then a bed of granite rock eleven feet deep, underlying which were found coploos springs, , „„„ a of bright and sparkling water, affording «I plenUUonthnt the present cotton crop would abundant supply for convention into ioe. Water j not re *^ !l "’^°^ 00 l state f air from other sources is nsed merely for tnechani- " w °® i ’ Telcttr-Pl ^' fQr 1871 wiU open in sJnrm^eT “ ' ■ WeTTasample of the mmmfartured ice a* Saturday^ghtoftwobarccUofflom^n^ s entered the mill, and it was as pure and I five pomds o# plug tobacco, eight hundred sc- nemoeratlr Candidate for Senator--’2d Ilemocrni Dtoulf ,, THOS. j. SIMMONS or are® cortnr. Election Wedneeday, 13th September. Tf-nlr Ilnllella SStSSBBtt Td meet w* the Tnxonara a*» «»Important » oecari , of ^ “-“J* S£ tubeU» T— SS^^r*a1U«rni. giving the Utest Xl^c aud mail news-full reports of the telegnphi fair —h»u of exhibitor* and ex- trial, of speed and prowem by land «ud «ter Surinam poblirity it will afford to biminess men In lfaocn and every other part of the o^mtiy. North and Booth, will be very great. We wiU publish advertisements in this paper for the IhaU period of the Sxpontim at the rate of two dollars an Inch, allowing a discount of twenty to thirty per cent upon advertisement, longer than S i® proportion to lengthy Admriim- menu inserted onoe will be charged one dollar per inch in length. Cussr. Joans & Bsnsn. Pmntt of Tnrt to Vom.—« any of our friends are contemplating leaving the city on any of the early trains to-morrow morning, we beg to suggest that they cell at the poll, and vote before doing so. They have ampin time to do thi. before any of the Wins leave. Don t forget this, friends. Let’* Have . Fail Tarn Out. We went all of Col. Simmons’ friends, and nil the friends of sound principles and low taxes to turn ont early to-morrow rooming at the polls. It’s not a very busy season, just now, and a good day'a work can be done without detriment to any private interest All that is necessary to insure snooem is e/nS vote and a general gath ering at the polls. We saw last December what this was worth, and now Is the time to realize on that experience. One vote may elect our candidate, and one vote In the Senate next win ter may savo Ooorgta millions of dollars. News Item*. Naw Yon* Politics.—'The Democratic Cen tral Committee of New York met in Albany Inat Wednesday and agreed to osll thoir State Convention at Rochester,on the 4th day of next October. The rural members were very calm over Tammany explosions, and insisted it was a New York affair and let New York role herself and settle lb As to the State at large, the ad ministration of Governor Hoffman had vastly increased Uio bold of the Democracy upon the people, and it would poll an increased majority. Evil Bxsn.—'The quidnuncs all prophesy an other and still more gigantic war in Europe— in which Russia and France on tho one sido and Germany and Austria will be the parties. Thus wars engonder wars. Tho A us tro-PrussIan war brad the Franeo-German, and the Franoo-Ger- man breeds., universal European explosion. He who looks for peaee in (his generation looks in vain. TnxXow England firemen, to tho number of seventy-five companies, held a monster clam bake at Portsmouth, New Hamphiro, last Wednesday. Tnx Tiiul Wav*.—Pic. says Professor Agas sis s tidal wave fifty feet high is creating excite ment in domestic ciroles. Can't they indooe Agassis to waive it? The same paper says it looks now as if the last oolton crop would certainly reach 4,1100,000 Eioutxxs thousand emigrants left Uverpool for the United Btatea during the month of An gust. This is at the rate of over 300,000 per an- from one port alone. Tits liepnbliean Committee of England has issued the programme of the party whioh they claim to represent The document expresses the most ad vs coed 1 Radical and soeialistio views. Extort*.—Tbe total value of our exports domeatlo productions dnring the fiscal year of 1071 was 4.11.1,044,273, eleven artiolos of wbioh were valued at $40.1,3.18,2(0. Those were as follows: Breadstuff* « 70,379,187 Haw cotton 218,327,103 Furs on the akin 1,300,103 Gold and rilver bullion 84,505,2.16 Naval stores 1,694,43.1 Oil-oake 4,160,021 Refined and erode petroleum 33,959,000 Baoon, pork and lard 22,993,003 Beef 3,825,606 Tobacco 19,908,797 Wood and timber 12,916,543 Total 4485,258,200 Kubly one-hslf of the members of the French National Assembly are of noble birth. In the liepnbliean chamber there aitoight dukes, twenty-seven marqniaea,forty-one conn ta, eleven viaoounts, seventeen barons, and two hundred and four honorables with the prefix lie, La, Lea, Du, De or Dea. Diamond Dioorao in Arnica.—A Buflalouian writing to the Courier from the South African diamond fields Baja: I toll you It is the “biggest thing” out Dia monds are being found every day; some from twenty to eighty carats. A man, two claims above mine, found a stone which he was imme diately offered 460,000 for, which he refused. Beta going to England with it Such finds are quite common, too. Stones varying in value from 430 to 41,000 an found every day. In fart a large fortune awaits several thousands, •nd I am determined to be one of tho number, Providence permitting. Sriarrrauste Outdo*n.—the Courier-Journal reports the performances of Dr. Von Vteek and wife, which in the way of spirit writing, table tapping, rapping, and Dsvenporting generally, out did all previous performances, but the Doc tor explained it was all deception and legerde- TIIE GEORGIA PRESS. A planter from Btrbouroounty, Alabama, was in Columbus, on Saturday, offering to bet bis Mr. Dan. H. Gvino's grocery store, comer of Sims and Walker streets. Savannah, waa robbed, FOB RENT. Konuuni UW “““i —— - — «- i tierce of hams, one tieroe of bacon sontog, philosophy and poetry, havo been that I 'T’HE Store now occupied by me as a Book transparent as glasm The machinery of tho Crnz , nd fif . people who have combined (See two great sys- 1 Store. Also threeroomsta WMhmgtoni block. —«" •* UalU <n rUrmavtw nnilaw 4k* I StTlpS, tell g * tCEflS of bQI113.n ptOgT6S5. I 8Cpl2 3t J. M. BOARDMAN, CORBIN & VIRGIN, we entered the mill, ant as glass. mill was made at Halle, in Germany, under the I *taip«, personal supervision of Mr. M.mminger, the | agent, and was imported at a total coat of about 425,000. It is a complicated arrangement of heaters, condensers, pumps, pipes and tanks The Savannah News, of Saturday, has this ” I sensational paragraph: .. . „ .. . . There was a report on the streets yesterday to all, however, directed to a very simple prooera J ^ offset that a young man well known about —that of reducing temperature by the process I lom casting aside all her faults in times of sadden condensation. The agent employed I that were, linked his fortune, in a matrimonial for this purpose is aqua ammonia, which is put way with those of a very attractive member of purpose uq . I the demi-monde. We cannot vouch for tho au- into a large retort-exposed to great heat and thenlJeJty of the report> bat from lha infor . converted into gas. This gas is then cooled by I ma tion we can gather on the subject, it must bo water and liquified by pressure, mud, in this I true. shape, introduced to the freezing tank or reser-1 Lee Burroughs, aged 38, formerly an engineer voir. This is externally a large oblong iron on the Macon ann Western railroad, died last box, perhaps three to fonr feet high—five or six Snnday, at Brunswick, of a congestive ehilL feet wide and about ten feet long—permeated I Cnors is Talbot axd Taros.—’The Talbot' by a system of pipes into whioh the liquified I ton Standard of the 7th instant says ms is introdnoed, and suddenly becomes Taper I The boll worm has not been so darn aging as I the rust, which has spread throughout tho * Kiis tank is filled with n bath or solution of chloride of calcium, which congeals at a tem- I gslds of cotton and late corn, leaving a big bole nerature far below that which is neoessary to around the former. In oonsequence of rust, mtr . T into ieo The wator to bo frozen entire fields of eotton will soon be opened. The . . oonvert water into c . an | crop will be from one-half to two-thirds in Tal- m a great measure their manufactures, we find is introduced into the tank in boxes ot sheet l ^ Considering tho decreased acreage this them deficient in the enterprise and enlighten- Tn* Howe family of the United States having met and adjourned, some quiet little village Is to be selected for a general gathering of tho Cone* fell an eighth in Liverpool yesterday. It U presumable they must have some news taom the crop which we failed to obtain. Among the novelties in New York ia a com. plete female orchestra of twentv performers ««Uy imported from Europe. Ool. Wst. Huskell.—The Knoxville Vt and Herald reports the death of Hon. Wm. Heia- krtl, in that county, of Bright’s disease of the kidneys. Born in Hagerstown, Md., in 1788. Th* Wilmington Journal says a white man 79 yearn of ege applied to the Begiater for marriage lioense on Saturday. Thewomania23 years old. This will make his fifth wife. Th* Tidal Wav*.—The Charleston Courier s»ys the calculation of Agassex “may be right bat we «n no greet believers in fifty feet tides in this part of the world, and shall not take to * tree until we tee it actually coming.'' It will be too late to elimb a tree when you see Z wave coming. Maetial Law i* South Caboleia.—A Wash ington dispatch, of the 8th, in the Courier- Journal, saya the administration appears lo be retracing it* stop in the proposition to declare martial law in South C^rtST The Cabinet appointed for fewlay to dis- P^raot the question, has been indefinitely post- Z^^r*!** h * TO contributed to this re publican ST second la tnTl^^.” 1 ^ “ep. and the tion of Senator Seou'a eonflnna- oonditlon of aff5rataS5^2 “ ,0 ‘ he parUncnt reror* s fmm #n Tho TV or Do- duty in Bomb army on any new outrages, aa alUMd. 7 .^, 11 .ff* iuoot« therefore, has lo ^ depitt- piirnltr letter of iMOiOg * ^cuUr letter of inrtrurthnm. aa ^ re . Babbzbs should frequently rail thetrhano* A stranger whose note had been gripped tor tu® eighth time by the offensive fingers ot hla ton- sorial manager, Saturday evening, blew the soap from his month and suddenly inquired, “Waa the body tndentifled?” “What body?" asked the startled shaver. “What body?’ pealed the stranger in surprise. “Why, haven't you been on a coroner's jury?"—Hartford Timet. zinc — about twenty-eight inches long, three I y cari wo cannot realize much more than half the inches thick and aoven wide. It takes abont I number of bales of 1870. A few farmers re- o. u * a- sarsns ride of calcium to a temperature of tunc de- j pj eat y „f com, with few exceptions, occasioned grass Fahrenheit, which solidifies the oontenla of I oveiflows on low grounds, will be made for the zinc boxes; but when this low temperature boms consumption. The same paper says Judge to attained the boxes are emptied of a solid ioe Grace, ^mT^lorconntjIB. vesa gloomy . , .. I nceount of tho eotton prospect in that county, cake of the dimensions given, once every hour. who thlt not moTg t h, n half a crop wilt They are taken ont and dipped in warm wator, I ^ m^jo. The Judge thinks enough oom has after which the iee cakes slide out, and being I been made to do the county, piled upon ono another, instantly freeze togeth-1 The Savannah News, of Saturday, reports the cr into a solid mass of any desired dimensions. I Atlantic and Gulf Hood in running order again The single cake weighs twenty pounds. I The Brunswick and Albany seems to have suf- The freezing temperature having been once I fared more than any other. At one place, half attained, tho process is kept np day and night I a mile of the embankment was washed sway, without intermission, becanae it can be Inter- Colonel Avery, of the Atlanta Constitution, rnpted only at the sacrifioo of tho five hours I has returned home from a two months Northern necessary to attain it in the first instance. I tour, with his health much improved. Henoe, a double supply of hands is needed, and Mr. Jas. Lofton, an old and honored citizen thero are also two complete ico-machines in the | of Elbert county, died last Friday, aged 77 factory. Tho aqua ammonia after passing through years, the freezing <«ulr is returned with but little loss, Elbert oonnty cannot possibly make more to (he retort, to be reconverted into ges—llqni- I than half a cotton crop, says tho Gazette, fled by pressure—liberated to gas—and con- I An Elbert county farmer, with five hands, densed again—thus circulating round and I will make forty bales of cotton and 1,000 bosh- ronnd with aloes etch time of not more than a I els of corn this year. tingle per oent The expense of materials is, I The Columbus Enquirer, of Sunday, says: therefore, small. The cost of machinery, la- Mzrrisa of Commutees Ybstkedat.—The bor fuel, wea? and tear, makeup tho X^^ltaU^rt KyKa sToT^steulay! erablo expenses. I gg^ to jj, understanding in regard to what The company expert to foruiBh ice to dealers a0 ti 0 n the city should taka on the contemplated at a cent, per pound. They will bo in full opera-1 appropriation to tho railroad projects south of .■..b, ib.iMt of a. can repair damages to wells and tanks. Tho w>g aRreed t o recommend an appropriation of foreman of the factory is a Prussian, who has I $200,000 to tho Bainbridge, Cuthbert and Co- longeiperigpcgin mun#ging miohinwi I lmnbna Railroad; provided that said road be ever furnished by Dame Nature, and Now Or- „ eqnal right to fl rst thirty miles of loans experiments go to show that it wastes F& jd track, by paying one-half of (ho expense more slowly than natural lee. The powor I of building the same. Of course the said ap- for this factory is furnished by a very compact propriation is to be expended on our end of tho and noiseless steam engine, also built in Ger- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ foUowinR m *” y ‘ . I Mubdzb bt a Nzoao —In Stewart county, on Thus it is that the peaky rebels are ruining Wednetd , y morning, Mr. F. M. Galloway, over- tbe ioe crop of New England—for we doubt not I Ke or for Geo. Banks, was shot so dangerously with increasing facilities and experience, iee by a negro man that ho died Friday. As re- will bo made in all countries where nature fails . ... , . . , .. . . .. , | morning shelling corn, iwo negroes stepped to supply it, at a cost below the frolght from 1 ou j ,u,d commenced quarrelling. Ono went in- Nortbern latitudes. I to bis house to get a gun. Mr. G. told the ■ • ■ — I other negro to run. While running, his oppo- A Wrong Constrnelion. I nent appeared and fired his gun. One shot cn- Wo have been informed that Mr. Tinley nn-1 tered the tongue of Mr. G., the remainder his derstanda an article of oura as charging h.m Tb« murderer, whose name ia Hend- with running for tho Senate as the perional SO p 0 ®^Btoformation of our friends who take champion of tho plundenng and corruption of gn interest in th8 prjoe of imported brandv, wo tho Bullock administration as approving it I pohjjjjj t j 10 y o ]j olr { D g y r0mt ]j 0 savannah Adver- He ia represented as thinking we have held him j ^ of Satnrday . np to tho pnblie as, personally, a dishonest mim! I Q OVBan am Sal* or Abasdosed Pbopeett. No fair construction of onr remarks on this I The following described merchandise, aban- head, will warrant any sneb conclusion. I doned to the United States under set of August Wo did, and do say, now, emphatically, that 5th, 1861, w« sold at the Custom-house yestor- wbether he no Intends u “ r no ‘; bi * * Ie ® UoD *£glft cas^brandy (55 depces proof), 125j will be hailed as a triumph by those who have I gjiio^ goia for $4 25 per gallon, been guilty of this iniquity, and as an endorse- Two casks brandy (51 degrees proof), 28 gal- ment, by the voters of this Senatorial district. Ion*. «>1A t° r 34 50 per gallon. a.^w-nwa- r Low**— ate to all this wickedness, but tbo men who in- Three octaves brandy (GO degrees proof), 25J angnrated and have profited by it will surely gallons, sold for $G 50 per gallon, consider that they have a right to look to him Thirty-nine cases claret wine sold for $3 50 for help when they are put on trial before the Ancilla, belonging to the Atlantic Legislature. They are Ml BadicaD, and I ftnd GnU Ra it roa d, whilo standing on the track would be strange, indeed, if they did not expect l t Ltwtcn> on Friday> exploded her boiler, assistance from one whom they know * *»• Thesnginaer waa oiling his nraeUns at the time, nominee of that party and whoso election they no ^ Ueg cero near . The engine will chum mm Itadiort victory. Mf. T., bis onIy ^^120 ponnd. of steam on when friends say, diralaims tho riighteat «J®°patb7 tK . —'ib iltaaa ixlnn.1r.VAM final rtnvvnnlinniofO VlTlf I * * with these planderats and oorrnptionista, bnt ho certainly oocuples a very aingular and inoon slstent position in oonsenting to become tho them • „r .h» to which .11 lh M . nlnn- Wh “‘ *****' ° f th “ m ' The local ot the Atlanta Era has seen some narrow gango passenger coaches, and here is ,„.|NEW ADVERTISEMENTS j TlRITIrR H CHEMICALS! HOMED. & l. ASSOCIATION. For tbo Toldgraph and Mi nauofiirinrrM and AcrIcoI(are~*5io, Tliero is no qnotfion of m great importance to ibe people of liie Suto of Georgia as the jeetol the introduction amotgus cf mannfao-1 "O EGULAR meeting TUESDAY, September li tores. And before commencing the oonsidera- It 1871, at 8 o’clock p. M. SUareholders will tion of this important question, if we refer but please to pay in their dues during the diy and for a moment to the history of the nations of save fines. A. R. FREEMAN, ancient and modern times, we will see that no I septl21t* Secretary and Treasurer. and powerwfaohavenoV^SbintS’a^od*^ OCMULGEE Ba & L, ASSOCIATION. ZufL^TWe^tio^ A^ttonit^ho 1 -DEQULAB meeting WEDNESDAY. September manuiar-ures tnuto nations of antiquity who K 13 , S71 t 8 u o’clock r. u. Sharoholdera SELECTED AND RELIABLE drugs and ceemicaxs, By LOWEST MARKET BATES, G. E. SUS3DORFF, Druggist. and have illustrated the capacity of tho human I Mve^fines. mind in the artenoe of architecture, the me- I aepl3 2t* chanic and fine arts, and developed the mind I to the aehieTing of the highest position of rea- poetry, have been that dnring tho day and A. B. FREEMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. ANOTHER LARGE SUPPLY OF CHOICE IMPOiaTED FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Just received by G. E. SUSSDOBFF, Druggist. At Walker's Old Stand, opposite the Market, D EALERS in Fancy and Family Groceries, Pro visions, Batter, 'Chickens, Eggs, etc. Also, progress. preeminent may be mentioned the Babylonians, the Egyptians, Grecians and Romans. We find that among them the me- chanic and manufacturing arts were carried to the highest perfection, and, at the same time, the earth was cultivated with a wonderful de- brother/^of nm/I Y««h RshTOysters, Game, etc., in” their season! I For sale low by Sd prZri Sf ^pS £&*£}£- ^ K00da deUT “ cd froe of °°“ ,0 “ y of I G - fi - SUSSDOBFF, Druggist. mpt of their liberty and happiness. And in- (v 8 have engaged the services of Mr. C. H. Free- cicent thereto comes wealth, and, when joined | man, who has been catering to the tastes of the to a parity of the pnblio mind, giTos the great I citizens of Macon for the last twenty-eight years, support of a good government a system of ed-1 and will still continue to do his best for all his old usation for tho people. Foremost among the | friends who may favor him with .call. sepl2tf people of tho present day are the inhabitants of 1 t act rnCT A T TVTFVT the British Islands, a country whoso people] .LAST INSTALMENT., were the first among tbo civilized nations of the ®™* earth to CD joy, in a complete extent, their per-I Macon, Ga., September 9,18 <1. / Hypodermic Syringes, SPRAY ATTOMISERS. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and TRUSSES. NEW LOT OF FINE CIGARS, CHEWING AND SMOKING Tobacco influence tho first 0 of Agriculture to a great degree of perfection I "“^YSJJrtion'of the ironluu been recdvsd and ia I C®™! 1 ' 010 ° r ot de * they have joined therewith manufactures to a n9w bemg laid and ths balance, with the cars, will senption usually kept by first-class druggists, greiter extent than any people, mid as an at- tasU^ to ^wds^is absolutolvnecissa- I.Eveiyc^mid attention given to ths compound- tendant thereto their oommsree and trade ex- ty that this instalment be promptly paid, to meet I m S 01 rrescnpuons. r „ c , r . f , T! r’p Europe im^l^W sJSfew. I -*« AWSSS&SSS& wealth, 0 N .t&oM^ d I ^t h on tl Sbs'Spti^ i to jQ8t r6ctiTad by G ' E - SUS3DORFF. Dinggist. Macon Street Railroad Stock be called for, payable on or before the 25th of September, 1871. ' lof the iron has been received and is LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. menttlitao strongly characteriza_Centrai and I TU8T received: 500 pounds of Superior quality, Western Europe. And especially' may be in-1 tJ for sale by . FRUITS AND FLOURS! eep!3 tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. OHO W N staneed Prussia and the German States, whose people hare paid more attention to improving the system of Agriculture than any other coun try, they being the first to establish schools and oolleges for that especial purpose, and they have also combined therewith and increased to a won. derful degree of late years, thrtr manufactur ing iL .crests, and connecting therewith superior edocati .nnl advantages. Their great power as a nation of people has lately been exhibited and is now beheld with awe by the civilized world. Before the late war between the States of this Union, agricultural and manufacturing interests of L.eso United States moved with harmoDy to- gethe. and onr people seemed content to till the earth a-d sell the products of our country to the people of the North who manufactured, exported and resold them to us again. Bnt then, and especially so now, do we recognize the fact that the Northern States ore too distant from ns that wo should derive any benefit by the distribution of wealth among them. That whioh enricheth the people of the State of Connecticut does not enrich the people of the State of Georgia. To illnstrato with bnt a single example of the wealth distribnted in a single Northern State by Its manufacturing interest, take the Stato of Rhode Island, with reference to the manufacture of a single product of the Southern States. Rhode Island is near the size of some of the larger counties of the State of Georgia, with n soil extremely poor, and with a population of less than 200,000 people. The average annual amount received into that State for the cotton goods she imports clear of all cost of purchase I j. 57. ii.V5DI.E7, and manufacture, is near $15,000,000; besides I ee pi2 2m herothermannfactnresofwool.mechanics’tools, ■ _____ etc., more than donble said amount. This! t'AIJfliSS WANTED. ta^ri?g d !™°to°tho h Unita£ States.'khows F^grertlfb^ tod°afthffi I “f &t°o“ny pMeti S-^P^—talYtoth.andmrfgued, M.^^SL^trtapeAsoia we are the source, so bend their course that | seplO 6t W. A. HUFF. | —— both the soureo and the outlet might be in our tit a mrrm H, MoSERYEY, midst. There is no reason in the theory that I WAffllXill. an agricultural people as wo are cannot bo also a YOUNG MAN. with a small family desires a I BOOT TVT A Ft,, a manufacturing one; end the reverse of said XX situation as Bookkeeper or Salesman, in a position is now being shown and exemplified cotton, dry goods, or grocery house. Satisfactory T>E8PECTFULLY informs hia customers that he the great southwestern portion of these toetimoniala and city reference given as to charac- Xk> has received a choice lot of French Calf SHERRY. Per case $9 00 Fergalion 3 50 EXTORTED DIRECT FROM CADIZ, SPAIN, By A. L. BICHABDS0N, eep!2 6m 124 Bay Street. LOXGSTBEET & SEDGWICK, Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN’S AND BO FS’ CLOTHING,| 466 & 468 Broadway, New York. H AVING been appointed Agents for Macon by E T. Pilkinton. for the sale of his celebrated I and world renowned Smoking Tobacco, I Fruits and Flowers. Planters’ Pride, Commonwealtli, I We are prepared to offer Merchants any ot the I above in quantities from one to fifty cases. As we sell this Tobacco on commission exclusively, we | guarantee to Merchants who bay by the case Factory Frices ! WITH FREIGHT ADDED. We eolicit orders for these goods from our friends everywhere, feeling convinced that we can save them time and money. sept7 6t GEO. T. ROGERS SONS. FALL STOCK ^ OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, ETC. W E announce to our many patrons and friends that our Fall Stock of Boots - VV eto are now being received. With increased facilities, we are prepared voice which may be bought of any New York jobbing house, and pledge ouraelvM to sf”? Uc “e 11 “L* Latest Styles of Silk Hats Always on Hand, MERCHANTS, LOOK WELL TO TOUR INTEREST. «I. ang24dlm SINGLETON, HUNT & CO., Wholesale Dealers 49 SECOND STREET AND 28 COTTON AVENUE. M>mv' WHOLESALE BUYERS WILL FIND A COMPLETE STOCK OP DET GOODS, CLOTHING, nsrjErcrcr mill. B EG leave to inform the pnblie that they have established a GRIST MILL on Fourth street, I near the Macon and Western Railroad crossing, where they are prepared to grind GRITS AND MEAL OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY States, where, from Ohio to Wisconsin, a coun try teeming with the products of the earth and cultivated with great skill, is also checkered with the manufactories of iron, cotton, wool, leather and other materials of uso and con sumption—a conntry moving in front of the agricultural interests on this continent, and whose inflosnoe is fast growing to be the con trolling element in tho United States. Tho sterility and poverty of the rocky soil of the New England States, compared with the ev idences of wealth on every side, often strikes ... tho traveler with surprise, and tho question of FORD.........................Principal. smoko and the busy hum of the manufactories “nSc°t^«h toeth^ ° f ^ L *' “ Tonus: English 97; Freuri, 3 per month, in ad- tho raw material for tho purposes of carrying I y&nco. Hours, from 9 to 2 o’clock, on these manufactures is very great, and alii Refeuexces: Mr. J. Clisby and Rev. H. K. Ri things being equal, any country without this | seplO tf ter, capacity, etc. Address ALEXANDER MOFFETT. seplO 2t* Southwestern Railroad Office. MRS. FORD’S SuHOOL FOE GIRLS, COR COLLEGE ST. AND COTTON AVENUE, WiU bo opened on the 2d of October, 1871. Skins, and is prepared to make to order all kinds of Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, promising good fits and first-class workmanship. 1 have the right to make to order Evan's Patent American Gaiter, a new, excellent style of oboe, the very thing for those that don’t like their ankles pressed by elastics. Repairing a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed, as I employ a firet-class workman on repairs. My Bboe Shop is in the theatre budding, entrance on Cherry street sep5 lm HUGH McKEBVEY. FLOUR. FLOOR. FLOOR. W i are now receiving a most superior brand of Hour from the BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, ETC, NOW IN STORE, AND DAILY ARRIVING AT THE NEW YORK STORE TO WHICH WE INVITE ALL MERCHANTS. Having enlarged our Stores by an ADDITIONAL LOFT, we are enabled to show a larger Stock THAN EVER BEFORE; AND AS A GREAT MANY OF 0CB DOMESTICS AND WOOLEII Were purchased in the months of MAY and JUNE, previous to the Lato ADVANCE, wo are otferirg cost of transportation would havo a considera ble advantage oYer this conntry, poor in soil and climate. Let us. now, look at onr own State—devoted nearly exclusively to agriculture for its wealth. Let us consider its position and its capacity for mannfactnres. The State of Georgia has fonr rivers of considerable size that flow through ita territory, viz: The Chattahoochee, Flint, Oe- Mi H *SdtEatiDg oouutry'fronTtoo^norto toward I GrtlVClej’S Lest Chewing TobfiCCO. I feX^ffiST^=Sn“reJSSSSi the south, and on aU of which are various rap-1 I eight acres of land in the town of MarahallviUe, with ids and shoals. And upon these streams and I Acknowledged to be the best Chewing Tobacco I the privileges of sixty acres of land. I also have a Crimson Clover. Crimson Clover. A LARGE and fresh lot just received, the time to plant. HUNT/RANKIN & LAMAR, Druggists. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE Palace Mills, Columbus, Rees. I And confidently present it to the public as being | An(7 Guarantee That Our Prices will Compare as LOWts Inferior to None In this or any Other Market We eolicit orders from onr friends and the public | I generally. au24tf E. S. POE & CO. I VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. E IGHT hundred acres on Flint River, with beau-1 tiful dwelling and all neceesary oat-buildings, f A splendid farm of eight hundred and fifty acres. their tributaries there ib water power sufficient in the world. For sale by HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Druggists. A largo assortment of x 3 nn m tt ivr nn-sr r candidate ot the party to which til these plun derer* belong. Naaaow Gicos Cam.—We had the pleasure of being shown through one of the passenger Of Mr. TiDley, personally, we know nothing cars for the Tuskegee railroad on yesterday, objectionable* He ia an old citizen of this bailt by Sharp A Oo., of Delaware. The car f 4 f.. 1,.. t |’ CT7C-1 rix feet six inches broad, thirty feet long set oa oonnty, and, so far as we know, has always sns- twenty _f onr _j nc ij wheels. The main sills are talced the reputation cf an honorable man in all I twenty-seven inches above the rails; it has a his business and social relations. He has been I raised roof, and ita capacity is to seat thirty-fonr charged with having a chronic thirst for offioe, persons. It is elegantly built, well ventilated . . . ,. „„„ I and, upon the whole, is • cozy little affair, well but a great many very respectable people are JEjtaSfaa light business. The cost of the car similarly afflicted. Daring this canvass we have I §2 > soo. dealt with Mr. Tinley aimply and solely as the I The Atlanta publishers have offered a pre nominee of the Radical party, not as a man and I mium of $25 and a gold medal for the best eitizen. We denounce his running under the I printed daily paper—outside of that city—and circumstances he does as a very wrong and a same premium for best printed weekly to bo very dangerous thing, but we have no war to awarded at the Fair to bo held in that city in make on his private character or personal Ootober. motives. j Tho Atlanta Constitution, of Sunday, says : ■ — Gzouou Wzstziw It Anno ad.—Tho Directors A Third Candidate. I 0 f this Road had a meeting yesterday morning, The Washington Patriot predicts that there j President Campbell Wallace presiding. The will bo three candidates in the field in tho com-1 resignations of Messrs. Alexander, Wells and , Democratic Speights were received and accepted. The party and lug Presidential election, rtz-the Democratic jj££ flIIod th8 vaeandes by the ejection of sepSte* candidate.tbe candidate of office-holders (Grant,) I j od g e j. a. Hayden, Major W. J. Garrett and and the candidate brought forward by the mass I CoL G. W. Adair. of respectable republicans who cannot swallow The Board of Directors is comprised as fol _ * _ _ . _ I lows: Campbell Wallace, President; Directors Grant. In concluding a lengthy article upon I _ji osarl John j lm e», Vice President; John P. this subject, the Patriot remarks: King, John Collier, 0. P. Cassia, A. W. Miteh- “It may, therefore, be almost assumed, that I ell, F. P. Ifioe, J. A. Hayden, E. Y. Clarke, W. the renomination of General Grant will be the I J. Garrett and G. W. Adair. The corps of en- signal for a movement in tho Republican ranks [ gineers are pushing their work with all zeal, snb- to bring forward an indcpendentjcandidntc. Cir- I seriptions will go forward at once, and the prog- onmstances must determine upon whom that pect brightens for the earliest possible building responsibility will fsll. Various names have of the road. as likely to be received with | An Atlanta port “has drop't upon tho grave soon.” He very probable that he tentative men, who would command confidence I then went off and wrote some resolutions to in- and support, and oould not bo shaken in their mct npoa ^ nowspapera. Elm why wipe his purpose or faith, by tho a care-crow of a “regu- ‘ , ar nomination." Although tho new movement 1 te *“ *° * oon ‘ Is as yet but in the incipient stage, the seeds have been planted in good soil, and are destined to bear abundant fruit. The President may sue- and other* are named by their friends as repre- doesn’t say so, bat it is very probal Georgians Kilted by the Late Rail road Accident ia Kentucky. ... . , .. . . The Courier-Journal, of Saturday, ha full ceedm dictating hu nomination, but it wiU be pjrtjguiju, of the accident on the Louisville and discovered when the office-holders shall havo — thus exhausted their power, that a new and 1 formidable element moat be confronted in .'»1>Y which two Georgians were killed—Dr. J. A. Thomas, of . n - ... 1 Rome, and Mr. Abel Johnston, of Thomasville. %% Sd tortSrea^not distob “ Johnston was on his way to “buy mules, ’ I having some $2,800 in his possession at the The wish, we fear, is father to the thought time of tho accident The body, when found, with the Patriot Grant will be renominated, | was terribly mutilated, one leg* being entirely and the whole Rsdieal phalanx will vote for torn °f. be,0 IT 11113 ,¥?.. he \1 “T 1 ? .. .... Tf th.ra ,•« severed from the trank. From all the attendant him like lambs. If there is any third oandi- circamaUnc « 9 it appears that he was either date it will be some Communist affair, under « C on the platform and jumped as the the lead of Wendell Philips. The Sana Cui. collision occurred, or was walking beside the lottes suffragists and the Communists and aura- wrecked car, which overturned upon him. _f i.Kni* _,n I Twenty-four hundred and sixty dollar* of the nans, under the name of labor reformers, will, mone / beIongjDg t0 him „ s f^ nnd scattered bke enough make a national demonstration next I near the body, which amount is now held by year, and begin to blow up a hurricane. They the railroad 'authorities, awaiting a claimant, _ „ ■ may not show much, but they will htvo a bolder | remains were brought to this city 2S.S?“ .rr&£5sssii‘js fc “s : s years ago. - r I relatives in Thomasville. Dr. Thomas was on Lososiexet A SaDowtca.—These gentlemen I to New Tork . » through ticket to that able clothing to bo found oven in tho city of Georgia, *s th© car was strnck. Hr. Batler, New York. Located at 406 and 408 Broadway, J who was uninjured, went to Dr. Thomas after tho very buMncaa centre of that magnificent I accident, ana fonnd him Kitting np, bnt thoroughfare, it is e**y of *ocokh, and enjoys a I ^wnplatnlng of severe iojnricain iht% head and largo Southern patronage. Tho writer knows I internally. Ho was removed to St. Joseph’s In- from personal experience that merchants and I firm *ry after the arrival of tho train bringing iobbers laving in their fall stocks cannot do bet- tbe wonnded to tho city; aft«?r which ho waa an- n r elsewhere, either as to tho quality of their 1 «mae4°ns, an d died at half-past two yesterday ha -to i * ... . ! Ti', irmn r» nf i>n"p"«inn rtf lirn roods or ths tiros of purchase. Read their ad- “°, raiD 8 of ~ncnsaion of the braim ?£ta£nt in another column. | “* in8 -akewUesent to hi. wife last n. £ ht- D*AD Baroa. BATTh*.—The Springfield Be- ***• 6cno ^-^ Uon ,. . _ ... were made to say editorially that this school pubUcan, the leading . . Wendell FhQliix commences in September. Jleferring to tho ad- ng.and, echoes tho words of t P®’ I vertUment it will bo seen that th© time of com- tb»t tho “Jladical party is dead. Listen to it: | m encement is 2d October next. The Kepublicau party is marching to a Big Bethel Icblau Too many Batlers, too many I Con. W. J. Lawton has been appointed C *? erona *, 100 mA °y , Mortons and Treasurer of the Georgia State Agricultural So. haveltiU^l it “uta^d betori*it gSs “*‘1. vice Samuel Barnet, Esq., redgned. A battle. 1 better selection could not have been made. to propel machinery that will employ a large population and more than sufficient for any purpose that may be required. In the monntains of Georgia, and adjacent on the Tennessee and Alabama line lie beds of coal and iron, inexhaustible, and capable of furnishing material for ages to come. On these . and other rivers of this State, lie great bodies Soape, Cosmetics, Brashes, Combs, etc., for sale by of land covered with forest trees that are eapa- HUNT, RANKIN * LAMAR, Druggists, ble of furnishing tbe finest quality of timber | seplO tf for tbe manufacture of furniture, wagons, _ n , wooden and hollow ware, to almoet an nnlimit-1 MftrkCt fill Tlll'Ollllg tllC Dfly j ed extent The yellow pine timber to the south. | rrtENNESSEE BEEF aud MUTTON for sale on ers, and the granite in the centre of the State, are sufficient for bnildtog material for any pur pose that may ever be required. AU these re-1 sources and materials Ue undeveloped around 1 til 9 o'clock to-morrow night, at J. H. ANDERSON A SONS’, sep8 3t Brown House block. ~ CABP2NTEBS WANTED. I WANT fifteen to twenty first-class Carpenters— men who are not afraid to work, and who know We corto now to the great question, how are we to develop these great resources wbioh tho , God of nature has placed around ns? How can how to do it. Good prices ViU be paid to good we expect to successfully compete with tho I workmen. great wealth and firmly established capital of I Gall at ouoo on mo at the Fair Grounds, the northern and eastern manufacturer ? aogl8 tf W. A. HUFF. number of farms to seU besides the above lands., ! Tbe above lands are in Macon ooanty. They are | fertile, healthy and as cheap as desired. Apply to W. H. REESE, &ug25 lm MarshaUville.JPa HSWFIRM. BABBETT & CASTLEN’S GUN EMPORIUM, | In Daly’s Block, opposite Isaacs’ House, I S now open, where will be kept constantly on I hand as full and select assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, GUN MATERIALS, and SPORTING ARTICLES, J Aa can be fonnd in the State. AU kinds of repairing done at short notice and j warranted. GEO. F. BARRETT, aug2S tf F. G. CASTLEN. any GOODS Bought in New York or Anywhere else. Give us a caU,- and oxamino our STOCK before you purchase elsewhere, as it wiU bo to your inters S. WAXELBATJM, BRO. & CO., 45 and 47 Second Street, Triangular Block, 8e P 3 tf Macon, Georgia, Thatwoshouidboeuabiedtobegitabothopro. ON CHEERY STREET AGAIN. HEALTHFUL PLEASURE. gressevorsoslow, of maintaimng our commer- w cial to lependence and developing tho resources I TfB. J. BLOCK, Agent, would respectfully in- I A NEW SKATING RINK at the Central Goor- 1 of our State, to tho end that it may add to tbe -'L form hia friends and tho puMio generally that I A gia Trotting Park, with Hubbard’s Patent I wealth, education and prosperity of our people b » *» street, with a targe Parlor and Sidewalk Skates Open day and night. who » NO f0r ^BIDDLECOM. Proprietor. , who wishes tho wehfara of his State and her I Xohacoo of .aU descriptions. His store is The above Skates for sale WICHOUT ANY BE- poor -*• _ , | next door above Yalentino’s Saloon and Bostau-1 STBIOTION. Leave your orders and measure at I Iton [to be concluded ] I rant. Give him a call, aU you who love a good I Brown & Co.’s Book Store. I cigar or quid of tobacco. sop9 2m I jun2 tf MATT. B. FREEMAN. Agent Mr. J^MES TINLEY having accepted the no m ination of candidate for Senator for the 22d Sena torial Distort, wfll be supported by the Republican Recorerefl—Snpposed to lie Stolen. G-EAS S S BED S. | O NE Gold Bopeating WATCH, cylinder move- j ment, open face, and one laigo gold Seal, I 80 and 82 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GA. B.AWISE. IMPORTER OF CHINA. CROCKERY * 111 UG. ^CLASS WARE. MANY FRIENDS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FRESH ARRIVALS JQ kega FULTON MARKET BEEF, 44 bates extra heavy BOBNEO BAGGING, 20 bbis. Pore APPLE VINEGAR, 15 bble. Hiram Smith’s PREMIUM FLOUR, 5 car loads choice Tennessee SUPERFINE, EXTRA and FAMILY FLOUR, POTATOES, ONIONS. CHEESE, BUTTER, RAISINS, ALMONDS, FRESH PINEAPPLES AND PEACHES. white stone or set, which the owner can have by I proving property and psyinf^chargo^^, eeptC-iw Lieut. Police. FOR RENT. A FINE Store on Cherry street, in the Planters’ I House block. R ED CLOYEB, ORCHARD GRASS, BLUE GRASS, Apply to augS tf J. VALENTINO, 63 Cherry street HERDS GRASS, TO RENT. 1 STORE in Hollingsworth Block, on Poplar st. I Possession given 1st October. HUNGARIAN GRASS, and LUCERNE— I Apply to sepStf L. W. HOLLINGSWORTH. aepUtf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. G EORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY—Whereas, Tbos. J. Owen applies to me tor the exemption of wrsanalty and setting apart and valuation of lomestead, and I wfll pass upon the esme at 10 [ o'clock on tbe 25th day of September inat, at my office in Vienna. This September 9.1871. IL H. DA WANTED. A YOUNG JIAN—unmarried—who can give the I highest testimonials as to character, capacity, and experience, wishes a situation in some Middle Georgia county, to superintend a large farm. Ho is a practical farmer, and thoroughly understands bis business. Address Editors of this paper. _eeritf ESTABLISHED IN 1832. D. C. HODGKINS & S0N,| DEALERS IN ins, Pistols; Mil Mol AU of this year’s crop—just received. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Druggists, FERTILIZING CHEMICALS, FOB WHEAT AND OTHER FALL CROPS. eepX22t WM. H. DAVIE 3, Ordinary. n EOUGIA, CLAY COUNTY—Whereas, John l JT T. HandoviUe, of said county, having applied I to ms for exemption of personalty and for setting I aside and valuation of homestead—notice ia hereby I SPORTING GOODS. ju!4 2awioctl 59 Mulberry st., Macon, Ga. | SULPHATE AMMONIA, NITRATE SODA, 8ULPHATE SODA, MURIATE OF POTASH, GERMAN SALTS POTASH, | DISSOLVED BONES, nrdsy, the 23d of this mst., pass upon the ssid ap-1 plicatiun. Witness my hand and official aiznatore, [ given to aUpmtiea interested that I ahall, on Bat- LUMBER ! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! And aU material for Homo Made Fertilizers, of the — best quality, and at the lowest prices. Our stock 1.500 000 FEET OF 1 of the articles will always be large, and prices in ’ * quantity as low as they can be brought hero. GOOj_ XjTJ3VH3E n. I HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Druggists. aug29 tf VO W IS THE TIME TO ORDER OR COME IS PERSON AND BUI I0DR FECIT Ji* MiA-SOlNT, GEM, HBRO' 350 dozen, by tbe gros3, half gross or dozen, at prices that cannot fail to please. 150 dozen SELF-SEALING JELLY TUMBLERS and GOBLETS. PLAIN GOBLETS, for putting up JeUy, at 90 cents per dozen. Plato JeUy TUMBLERS, at 50 cents per dozen. September 4,1871. sepl2 2t JOHN u. WELLS, Ordinary. & EORGIA, CLAY COUNTY—Whereas, John H. Calloway, ot said oonnty, baring applied i „ 1Tt , to me for exemption of personalty, and for setting I * uu aside and vale ation of boznestead: Notice is here* I r , . by given to all panics interested that I ahaU pass I 9***? gaming Lumber, bv order, per m... .8X2 60 upon the earns at mv oSico on Saturday, the 23d of I ti°o<l Jnrwiung Lumber, at lard, per m 13 50 this instant. | Bough Edge, at Yard 8 00 DESIRABLE FARM FOR! SALE. SITUATED within one half mile of MsrshaUvflle, I EARTHEN FRUIT J A^^ 1 Quarts and half gallons, very cheap. 1,000 Quart Tin Cans for putting np frait, with pressed covers at 90 cents per doze ue snetant. i.'i.f-ST’ Art®; 8 00 OHUATED within one half mile of MarehaUvflle, Wituera my hard and official *i*nattm>. Septem- I Bpaigbt£dge, At Yard. 10 00 >3 on the Soathweatem Railroad, containing five !r If®A?. JOHN CL ( ^Scrips »ad hill compjet*...... , i ..... *••*;_ 14 00 j j,nndre«I acred, two hundred cleared and three hun dred well timbered. The improvements of this /arm are superior to a great many—having a l&rgo, j - , comfortable eieLt.rftom *11 neceadarv oraerea. Ordinary. G EORGIA, CfLAWFoUDCO.—Thomas J.aiilier ha-» aj pued to me for exemption of personal ty. and I wilt pac* upon the same on the 22d day of September inat., at 12 o’clock yt. at my office, in KnoxvrUe Has September 9,1871. *ep!3 2i m R. A. WALTON. Ordinary. Orders left with Collin* & Heath, 69 .Second street, will meet with prompt attention. BCpg 6t WAX for sealing, 8 cents per pound. U5T Do not wait tiU tho very dsy yon wish to use the JARS and then regret yon bad B 01 comfortable eight-room dwelling, with aU necessary out-bmldinge, good bam and staWes, new ginhonse I and ecrow, two choice peach orchards. Besides, there l.*4 A I r /arm onfli- I FOR RENT. STORE, also a suit of rooms suitable for a cot ton bnyer. Apply at THIS OFFICE. sep5 if Dwelling Houses for Rent. O NE of the tenement bouses near tho comer of Walnut and Spring etreete. Also a house on Spring etrect. Inquire at PLANTERS' BANK, aug— tf THE MISSES LANE E3rEP&££!EB&\BSSSSSSsSB^S TOURNAMENT NOTICE. T HE young men or the city and vicinity who mav be disposed to participate in a Grand Touma- , me^ dcring the coming atate Fair are invited to y*.?* of °- Eicon on Thors- day, the 14th last., at 4 p. m. ORDER YOUR eep9aat,thu T.G. HOLT.Jn, A. O. BACON. W. W. CARNES. „ . — —— community is of tho very _ Every convenience is to bo found in this farm. It desired, more land can bo purchased adjoining* Address Box 27, Marehaflvifle, Ga. augll lm ’ COAL CBbeK COAX.. I HAVE now oa hand a choico article (selected I lump) of C. O. Coal Lay in your supplies. AU orders will be promptly filled. __ augl6-tiUoctl P y AI!MAND L. BUTTS. CHINA, & GLASS CROCKERYWAS& or come in person. Satisfaction in price and quality guaranteed. B. WISE, juiy 25-i; j 80 and 82 Mulberry Street, Macon, 0*