The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, September 13, 1871, Image 2

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Telegraph <fe Messenger. WEDNESDAY MOKNIXO. SEPf. 13. » 871 - for Snmlor-SW rt, THOS. J. SIMMONS, Of UBB OOCKTT. Election VYadnraday. 13th Septombw- Tt lecr»l»U Slate Fair IlnllrUn. Tto GeStaBtoto Fair lor 1871 wiU to Mraon, Monday, Ootobor 23d. and Friday following. Extraordinary «**P*™“ . " ta nwmu to roako this Fair the moat ex- are to progroaa wn “" “7 1 ._ Jlillll ,i l i e |i tenaira mid popular h**M**F^jr£ hra • U« witnessed to the SootomnW**- To meet all the newspaper ao important an ooeaaion, the Tnxo will, during the day. of Um«; poaition, iaaue an edition to be eaBed r.oarir Brew Kara Bnxrrzx, ^viog 0"£*“* tclegraphio and mall news—foil *®P° progreat of to* 0 n the hihita, speeches and reporU deUrtred oeeaaioa—and very *oH de*ripiion* triala of apeed and prowem by tend “d water. In the size of thia aheet and of He ed^ona. will meet erery requirement o* 1518 T .. of eitixena of Georgia and alrangera fromaU partaof the Booth and the country,* gather here at that time. The opportnm y buatoesa publicity it wiU afford to b “ sin8 “““ in Maoon and every other part of the co try. North and Booth, will be very great 'Ve win pnbliah adrertlaementa -in thia piper for Ute ithole jtrriod of the Krpotiiion at the n © ° dollar, an inch, allowing a discount of tw*n* «> thirty per cent, upon advertisement* louRer *i* inches, in proportion to length. A re menu inserted once will be charged one dollar per inch to length. ^Cuanr. Jozw A Kami. ELEOTION TO-DAY. —LET SIMMONS’ FRIENDS ORGANIZE A MASS MEETING AT THE TOLLS THIS MORNING AT SIX O'CLOCK, AND STAY THERE UNTIL THE LAST MAN HAS VOTED. 'VE WANT FIVE HUNDRED MAJORITY, AND WE MUST HAVE IT. ^ Cotton Crop of 1H70. Wo haro a circular from tbe offlee of tho Commercial and Financial Chronicle, reporting the crop of laat year aa foDowa: ^Year ending Sro.1-, 1870-71. 1869-70. Hacelpta at the shipping port* 1,032,1M 2,911,121 Add atiipmenla from Tennss- r^a?. e '. di " Ct . l ° 228,922 153.828 Mlate Alt* to nanafaclnrra. I THE «EOBGJA PRESS. Onr oorreepondent «‘P.," in a commnnieaUon ^ ^ of ^7Abridge San to^ay^adrancea and eupporta tho idee tout tho j recenU ^ Tcry handsomely, by about '* twenty of the best citizens of that place. State ahould lend her “credit” to private adven tnrea to manufacturing. It is hardly worth while to waste words upon so wild a proposition; bnt what bo says goes to show the folly and in justice of the whole business of forcing a gov ernment out of its legitimate functions into Tho Sun says that James Ivey, yonngu-1 son of Mr. Dorsey Ivey, a prominent citizen of Ba ker county, was killed on Friday, by a negro named Sam. He wes shot through the head and heart, with a double-barrel gnu, loaded with Total 6,261,977 3,064,946 Manufactured Booth, not in- eluded in abovo 90 - 000 Total cotton crop for tbe year 1,352,319 3,151,966 Tho result of these figures isi a total of 4,362,- 317 halos aa the crop of tho United States lor the year ending Angnst 81, 1871. That falls abort of onr anticipations about 60,000 bales, resulting from an over estimate of the overland movoment. Of this crop Northern apmnere have token 1,100,196 bales snd South ern 01,240 and the foreign exports have been 3,106,742. Tbe Charleston Courier of tbe lltbmikea tbe cotton crop of 1870, 4,299,081 bales, and values it in round numbers at $800,000,000. KNOW. WHAT HIS OTPONENT IN, THE LORD ONLY KNOWS. Tus CaurJBNU Enioito*.—Tne World at tributes the unexpected defeat of the Demo crats of California, fint, to the unpopularity of Iheir candidate for Governor, (Haight) and the folly of renominating him to a second term of four years. Secondly, to the nomination of a native Californian for the seoond place on the Radical ticket, which drew to its rapport a large part of the unlive population. Third, «v> vh» “advanced” position of the Radicals upon the aubjootof common school education. Fourth, to Iho superior activity of tbo Radicals in the trade. The dot, of government ia to maintoin The negro esesped. justice and pnbltc order and protect tho people; ^ ^ . brunette ^mp meeting in and when it is prostituted toporpooraof prireto M ^ b . very „***, ^ nei . advratog. to any shape, whatooever, either to K ^ ^ ^ ^ chicken, in tho neigb- bnilding Mot Mhadng WtMo- ^^Appeared, rice, or protecting them by diacrimtwattogtoriga, of m, Mbs Lucy Linton, and other dev ces of unequal taxation, it opens T J homaavU1 ^ woa theWor of having ^ h *•-» *- - “• — jw. „ a. !a , s. „ of government, no boundary i» toft-no limrto. ^ uouad below ThomasviUe trying to tion «eem« to be practicable. Wo ere hunted “£* aggregate «rcnlstion” of tho on from step to stop—every advance fumfahtog dwi^intiafraction. new reason for another, until Ihe togRimato Thonumvilto Enterprise reports as fol- rmd, of government are m danger of being for- OQ ^ cotton prospect of ^ Beotion . feited in the wild mazes of these prostitutions ^ CoTTO!t Pamar ,_ 0la ftTme „ report and perversions. What baa not Georgia lost j ^ prospect aa anything bnt promising to thia from embarking to tbe railroad business either section. Tbe boll worai continues its ravages, as principal or endorser! Wo behold her now I which in some localities amount to almost a total plunged to .vratratuMdebt-dirorderedtoUretru^oftoe^Wto finances—corrupted to morals—with contingent shipping off the tolls and forms, and liabilities of many millions staring her to tbe 1 muddying and scattering the open cotton. De face and threatening to mortgage the energies sides this tbe top crop, which promised well a . , . , , , , “ I month ago, seems to be doing bnt little, and and labor of her people forgenerttioMtoeome. witbont 7 n ’ im p roTemen t, with a favorable and And, bad aa onr case is, how much worse is uta faU> lt ^ prove . f»jlnre. An intelligent that of tonlalana, North Carolina, and other | farmer told as yesterday that be did not believe Southern States, where this insane folly of pros- the cotton crop of Thomas county would to ™’ nt lnto a men trading mi- than half aa great aa that of lest year, turning government Into a mere trading ma Another> , ho u f.^g npon u, e best lands to chine has made her the associate and the victim I ^ p Unted for ISO bales, bnt now of abarpere, ahavere, and swindler*, and crip-1 hopes for only 80. Upon the same lands last pled all her material and moral energies for the I year, with less artificial appliances, 125 bales true and legitimate purposes of government! I were realized. There is, perhaps, no bettor illustration of the I Of the prospects of the extension of the danger of this oontagion—the subtle and info- I Southwestern railway from Albany to Blakely, aive nature of thia deadly poison—than that it I the Early County News says: is now gravely proposed to posh the govern- I Onr friend, CoL James Bnchannon, who re men on from endoraing wretched railway spec- tnroed from Albany a few days since, informs , “ .. , . I ns that tbe first ten miles of tho Road from alationa into standing security for private cot- A)b|ujy to BUkely have been located, and about ton mills, plow and gin manufactories—wagon I two hundred hands are at work upon it The and all other trade speculations. And if | balance of the line will be located daring the why not cotton snd com plantations end montos of October and November next Tbe . 3 , _ . , . ... I contractors, Messrs. Maxwell & Barnwell, say rioe swamps 7 What business has the State to they viII road to Blakely in the course lend “ credit'* to one citizen or occupation and J Q f twelve months. not to another ?’* I ’Wright Blackshear, Trho was confined in the Tho great aspiration of ev<*y patriotic Geor- Cathheii on a obarge ot f OTRtTJ in TerreU gian should now bo to put a final stop to *Stato connly> j a8t Sunday, aid” at once and forever, and set about repair- Wo clip tho following Items from tho last tog, ns soon as possible, the awful moral and j-^jy Oonnty Nows: material damage which that hereby has toflictod I jXiebiosabt Wshted.—On Saturday night upon this commonwealth. Ruin stares us in I last, having occasion to go to tho postoffiea to the fsoo, if there is not virtne enough in onr I mail a letter, on passing one of onr groceriej save, out of tho millions which have been or l ni.i^.iy , good missionary preacher. Tho must certainly be wrockod, such portion of tho I Ohristians of this town are either too poor, too wretched assets ss may be available to rednoe I stingy, or too something else, to sustain preach- "» IF SIMMONS’ Fill ENDS, AND FRIENDS OF SOUND PRINCIPLES AND I that twelve montlts ago they would have scorned EOI.IAXES, IV.LL ONUT NADEV ATTOE 23S POLLS TO-DAY, EARLY, AND STAYX ded church member, tho young son of a good THERE, HE WILL BEAT HIS OPPONENT engk^ ZTSZSfZg = FIVE HUNDRED VOTES IN BIBB COUNTY, every passer-by conld not bnt see them. Is IT IS THEIR DUTY AND THEIR INTEREST “** amis- TO DO IT, AND WE BELIEVE THEY WILL. I Finn at Mtxvobd.—On tho night of tho 29th ■ - • —* I ult.. an wo learn from Mr. I. B. Donclass. who Wlmt JlaUcs an I.lolntcr ? | ^‘.hore on tho next day, the store 8 hotUe of Mr. JAMES TIN LEY having accepted the nom inatiun of candida'o for Senator for tbo Sid Sena torial District, will be enpputted by tbo lb-publican party and acpSte* HAN'T FRIENDS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS COLLINS & LITTLE tol t^icrry meet, Xacon, Ga. Dealers in WAGONS, Agenta for ABBOTT, DOWNING & CO.'S CONCORD BUGGIES CONCORD WAGONS. Tbe above work speaks for iteelf. Agenta for the Celebrated Studebafcer Wagons, Rav. James Beecher, to his Brooklyn Ealo-1 Mr. Sparlin, together with a small stock of ginra of tho Chinese, has this remark: Rood*, wrv entirely consumed by fire. The h , . . . . -bo-n I hotel bmlding adjoining the store was also eon- “I do not wit* to ga-the Obtoe«, Mmve aum6d _ ^ st « of tbe ho tel was oc- CbriaUans, or **“ <^L^'“^of too cupiod as a Masonic Lodge. The property of I do say that with , bv tho Lodge was a total loss. Disooveries were Swedes and some atheQermana.theyareby ^ rondored it 8Ti ,,„. .u., far the moat desirable owtp^ratanAobmi>ver tbg of an iQCCndj . come to onr country. There is, however, an J objection raised to them on tho ground that | Shads*.— Mr. Richard H. Brooks, who Uvcs WE APPEAL TO EVERY MAN IN THIS CITY WIIO WANTS TO SECURE THE TRI UMPH OF A SQUARE MAN ON A SQUARE PLATFORM, OVER A DOUBTFUL MAN ON AN OFFICE-HUNGRY PLATFORM, TO GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE AND WORK FOR SIMMONa WHAT EE IS ALL MEN theyare idoUUre TlintH bo “tarn toex-1 about five miles westof Blakely, informs one amtoo tbe accusation it will be found that the of our ciaxwia that within a cireniiof fonr miles Chinese are not idolaters; and secondly, that in his neighborhood, twenly-nmo rntUo snakes, HARNESS FURNISHED Coiu'Taoixxn Cowioix*.—It would appear from the dispatches that Comptroller Connolly' department in New York has been entered and robbrd ot sundry vouchers which were .supposed to oonviet that functionary of “loading" claims against tho city to a stupendous extent Tbe oonviotion that Connolly himself is the robber has inspired such a clammor for bis resignation from Mayor Hall down, that the World says Now York will be too hot to hold Connolly if be don't resign. NOW IS THE TIME TO REDEEM THIS DISTRICT. A STRONG PULL WILL DO IT EASILY. LET THE OPENING OF THE POLLS FIND AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED OF SIMMONS' FRIENDS ON HAND AT AND AROUND THEM, AND READY FOB WORK. LET IT BE SEEN THAT THERE ARE ENOUGH OF HIS FRIENDS.PUESENT TO 0 PROTECT ANY AND EVERY COLORED MAN WHO WISHES TO VOTE FOB HIM. II. U. Tennis.—Thia important personage taking umbrage at the remark of onr local that he bad “left yesterday to canyon Monroe oonnty to the inleroat of Mr. Tinley,” contra dicts the statement and waxes very indignant. The Reverend Rad, says the truth is, of late he hat taken no part to polities, but to use hia own elegant expression, has been engaged “head and eare" in preaching. Hs intimates that it is a little too late for him to spread himself note, bnt next time he will show what hia influence to the county amounts to. Mama, tbs Osoaoia Wiss-GEowia. —From Mr. Martin of Outbbert, whose delicious wines of home manufacture are already in high repute npon the tablee of the luxurious bon titan ts ot Savannah, we are indebted for a basket of 1ns- eions aouppernong grapes. They embraced two varieties, the ordinary white or straw oolored and a deep blue berry fragrant and beautiful, and of exquisite flavor. Mr. Martin deserves credit for this enterprise, and we trust his snooeas may equal that of the oeiebratod Longworth of Cincinnati. Act FYrtt—tINLEy"a8KING THE DEMO CRATS, last winter, to nominate HIM FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Act Second— TINLEY DON'TQETTHENOMINATION. Act Third—TINLEY ASKING THE REPUBLI CANS TO NOMINATE HIM FOR THE SEN ATE. Act Fourth—TINLEY GETS THE NOMINATION, NUNS, AND IS “OATAWAM- * POU8LY CHAWED UP.” Act Fifth—.Tnn fv WANTS TO KNOW WEICE SIDE HE /N ON. Con. Fixldib'i Limas.—We invite the at tention of the reading public to a aeries of let ters (one ot whit* appears to-day) from the pen of thia gifted gentleman, upon questions emi nently practical and useful to the people. CoL Fielder to a deep thinker, and writes with ease and graee. II# communications are — to do good, and WiU be songbt after and read with avidity. ° Tbi New York Son aaya that while Sheriff O'Brien, of that city, was taking hie usual morning walk daring a recent visit to Saratoga, he was met by an elderly party who boastingly Informed him that the had just drank fifteen gUtsre of On gross water. “Woll, don't Jet me detain yon, was hia quiet reply, IF EVERY COLORED Man WHO STAl’TS TO THE POLLS TO-DAY TO YOTE POT tinley, will osly stop and ask m u- SELF HOW LONG THE LATTER HAS Befv A RADICAL, AND WHAT HE HAS F.YEU DOSE FOB THE PARTY, HE WILD TEAR UP HIS TICKET AND VOTE FOR SIMMONS. CiutiiSTOS Iicraovoro.—The Courier Kiya that in OOarse of conversation with a master builder, on Satnrdey, he remarked that there had never been a timo since the war, when so many new buildingfl were going up, and others repairing, ss there is now in onr c:t). Godbx Fob Octouxb.—Messrs. J. W. Burke & Co. bend ns the October israe of this “old reliable" fushion magazine. It is the first fav orite with the ladies and well merits all its popu larity. Dr, Hurley’s Ague Tonic N O CURE. NO PAY, is diroctiona bo followed. No danger in taldcg an overdoee, as we put no poison iu our mediemes. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Harley’s Stomach Bitters TS tbe remedy, par exeeneo—, for all diaeasea X arising from deb”'ty, disorders atonueb. loss of appetite, torpid liver, indigestion, and all kindred ailments, where a gentle and permanent stimnlant and tonio is required. Fleaeant to take. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Hurley’s Syrup of Sarsaparilla' WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. T HIS Preparation has long been recognized by the most eminent minds in the Medical Pro fession as tbo most reliable, searching and harm less alterative within the'r reach, and as a Blood Purifier it eeitainly stands without a tivzl. One dollar per bottlo. their peculiar views concerning the Deity are meaaurtog from five to seven feet in length, such as alwnyH aooompanyundeveloped civilize- hevo been kltied the present summer. Two oth- tkm. After Vo yearV residenoe to China, I era were seen by some little tiris that were not can say I never saw a Chinaman who was an disturbed. CapL W. n. Dnbose, who lives in idolater nor did I over see « Chinaman who the edge of town, informs ns that in resetting ever raw a who was an idolater. Tho some p6sts, a few days since, ho unearthed and idolfl are used merely as symbols; they serve I killed thirty ground rattlesnakes, to bring tbo Doily near the people: and in this I Tho Savannah locals have resumed the game they differ bnt little from many Christians. of now Jon Me jt &nd now yon don , t Me u> with And.upon this a very senaiblo newspaper rays ^ 8croven Honfi6 Ieas0 . Now ^ ray it is a Mr. Boocher “has finally disposed of one, very Mr DlTi5j fnm Wilmington, who is going to formidable objection to tho introduction of ihe {ibQW what ho know3 abont keepin g 0 hoteL Chiricso. This raises the inquiry whether, in- Major j„ 8- ■WDliams, a son of the late d8td « there ever was a people idolaters to tho Colonel w Thome Williams, of Savannah, and sense of believing that the image or device wor-1 ^ tn)jwn e - Uzcn of ^ ^ djod on shipped was per so the sentient deity ho prayed suton T .,.„ a lagt T hcrsday. to ? We think not. A people intelligent enough A filt Iolded ^th wood rank in tho Bavan- to oomprohend the need of a religion^of any ^ rf near tho * dty> ^ foturday niglR, kind, must oertoinly comprehend that the in«-1 atwom£Dj m , bUa ono b lack, were imato stone or wood they bow down to is pow-1 dr0WBed erlem and can be nothing more than an image, I We ^ ^ following from tbs Savannah sign or symbol of an intelligent and invisible I ^ ew(> of Monday . deity-potent for good or eviL We cannot be- A WjOTB Bov Shot bt a Neqbo Wrrnocr lieve, therefore, that a Chinese idolater differs I PaovociTtos.—Yesterday afternoon, abont four to this psrlieular from any other idolater the I o'clock, a ton of Mr. W. H. Dooncr—a mere world over. AU of them,'probably, from the lad. about raven years of age-whilst going to . > a ,, IT rfmnlv fo* plzce of Mr. James Dooncr on tho Spring- most intelligent to the most degraded, mmp y plantation, had occasion to pass by the embody their ideas of the person and attributes I pi4 Ce Q f a negro named John Cooper. Young of a sentient god in stock or stone, and-worship Dooncr was accompanied by h*s cousin, a young it ra a sign or symbol and not as the active and ““^^l^we^Ting^ongqui^ly^ sentient god whose displeasure thoy deprecate !ie4cell biy. Suddenly, without a word of trem or whose favor they tovoko. An idolater is ono j Dgi they were fired into by this negro Cooper, who worships what is not tho true God. and young Dooner very seriously wounded. , r — Young Dooner and his companion had not tres- IF ALL THOSE WHO WISH TO DO A I passed upon tho villain’s land, nor had they any GOOD DOT TOOK FOB TIIEIlt 8TATEI MORNING JUST SO SOON AS THEY ALE tb# ftnna 0 f his cousin—having received the full OPENED AND CAMP THERE UNTIL THEY benefit of a large load of No. G shot in tho fsce, __ r in the arm, to the side and in the back. Tho ARE CLOSED, SIMMONS WILL REDEEM 1 wcandod R d was carried by his companion to THIS DISTRICT BY ONE THOUSAND MA- tho house of his unde, Mr. James Dooner, and _ rT r .rarnr I thence brought back to the dty. Dr. JOItITY AT THE LOWEST CALCULATION. | ^varing, who is m attendance, nrononnees the WHERE'S THE MAN WHO WILL FAIL IN boy seriously, bnt not fatally injured, suen A CRISIS ? We find the following to the Griffin Georgian, I of yesterday : Pebsosal.—In alaio allusion to W. H. Tison, ^ A Socui. Equaurz Pbexciieb.—Wo are in- Esq tho senior of the firm of Tison A Gordon, formed that one Rev. Mr. Watcra is preaching Savannah, wo stated he was bom in Florida, social eqnality to the negroes of Spalding coun- _ ’ , , .. . „ . . ty at a colored church, near McUantzs, called This was a mistake, as that gentleman is n na- Hosanna h church. He, it is said, sleeps to the tive of Glynn county, and began his mercantile I houses of the oolored people, eats with them, life as a dork in this eity. While here, to 1835,1 and ia hauled to and from church by the negro he enlisted with the Macon Volunteers and women. He ta taking up collections, and no served through the Florid. toriRJmtlk *££££*£ one of the oldest Tison moved to Savannah in 18 j’, and has been ^ best citizens o[ this community, who left engaged to business there ever since. His es- j f or Qalifomia some two months sgo, returned ... teemed partner is tho son of CoL W. W. Gor- on Saturday last, perfectly satisfied with west- adjoinkg the lands of Thomas R Barron and otb- of the Centre! Rdlroad. I cm life, and willing to remain anddie a citizen «. bdongmg to the estate of Garoway O-Davto Agents for the Old Reliable WHITEWATER WAGONS, BARKER WAGONS, TINGLE’S - WAGONS, Valentino & Freeman Wagons, SPRING WAGONS, ONE-HORSE WAGONS. RAILROAD DUMP CARTS, PLANTATION DUMP CARTS. Send for Circular. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Painters wanted. TWO DAYS ONLY! TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, Afternoon and Evening. COURT HOUSE SQUARE. F IVE or Bix good Honso Painters, to whom good wages wi>l be prid, are wanted at the Fair J Grenada. Apply immediately to the undersigned, I on the Grounds. . eeplO 6t W. A. HUFF. IOGMULGEE B, & L. ASSOCIATION. R egular meeting Wednesday, soptembor 13,1871, at 8X O'clock r. a. Shareholders I wiU please to pay in their duee during the day and I save fines. A. B-FBELMA«, eep!2 2t* Secretary and Treasurer. FOR RENT. T HE Store now occupied by me aa a Book Store. Also three rooms in Washington block. sepl2 3fc J. M. BOABDMAN. FOR RENT, [ gTOBE under Flint House. eop3 aunAwedtf Friday and Saturday, Sept. 22, 23. SUCCESS OF THE PERIOD! CARPENTERS WASTED. I WANT fifteen to twenty first-dass Carpontora— men who are not afraid to work, and who know ] how to do it. Good prices will be paid to good workmen. Call at once on me at the Fair Grounds. ang!8 tf W-A. BUFF. | ON CHERRY STREET AGAIN R. J. BLOCK, Agent, would respectfully in form bis friends and the public generally that [ he is again back on Cherry atreet, with a large stock of the most choice Cigars, embracing aU the favurite brands, and Chewmg and Smoking Tobacco of all descriptions. His store ia next door above Valentino’s Saloon and Restau- MASSIVE SOUTHERN COMBINATION. I00TEH i HAIGHT’S TORRENT. A FINE Store on Chany street, in tho Flantors’ House block. „xr° J. VALENTINO, 03 Cherry street. TO RENT. 1 STORE in Hollingsworth Block, on Poplar st. Possession given let October. EMPIRE CITY CIRCUS, UEVUiEBIl! AND IHU(]0>. /-.rv.. -V- T-y ■' ' 'VftSqjW Apply to sep3 tf L. W. HOLLINGSWORTH. WANTED. A YOUNG MAN—unmuried—who can give the highest testimonials as to character, capacity, I and experience, wishes a situation in some Middle Georgia county, to superintend a large farm. He is a practical faimer, and thoroughly understands I bis business. Address Editors of this paper. eepStf TOR RENT. STORE, also a suit of rooms raitable for a cot- tonbu sepBtf 11 ton buyer. Apply at THIS OFFICE. Dwelling Houses for Rent. O NE ot tho tenoment houses near the oorner of Wainnt and Spring streets. Also a boose on I Spring street. Inquire at PLANTERS’ BANK. aug22tf 0K ■;"UU: .. ‘V\ - - - i/t , -^•v. - * COMPETITION DEFIED. M R. GEORGE HAY, the celebrated CANADIAN HORSESHOED, devotes his exclusive stten- I tion to this branch of his profession, and has made I it a specialty for twenty-five years. He treats I scientifically all diseases to which the feet of horses [ t ro incident. He can be found at the carriage shop of B. T. English, to the roar of J. W. Burke & Co’s | bookstore. aept6-tf i AHOHEEMEKT EITBAORMHABY! TOURNAMENT NOTICE. T HE young men of the city and vicinity who may be disposed to participate in a Grand Tonrna- I ment during tho ootxJng State Fair are invited to meet at the office of Oapt. A. O. Bacon on Thurs day, tho lithinst-, at 4 p. m. 1 T. G. HOLT, Jn, A. O. BACON. sep9sat|thu W. W. CARNES. CORBIN & VIRGIN, At Walker’s Old Stand, opposite the Market, life, and willing t of Georgia. Onto.—The Charleston Daily Republican, I The Rev. W. P. Harrison, formerly of the the Radical organ of that city, suspended pub- North Georgia Conference,and recently editor of lion tion last Friday, to use iu own language, the New Monthly (Methodist) Magazine pub- ■becauso the Republican administration at Co- iu*ed at Nashville, has resigned that position lumbia, will its death”—the plain English of I on account of ill health, which ia that Scott refuses to allow it to gorge I Atlanta Era of yesterday says: at the same swill tnb whereat he and his cro-1 T.ivtnrmr.T.i Coust-Hocse Dzstbotxd.— are feeding to fatness. If tone ont of ten Lawrenceville, Gwinnett county, Conrt-honse of the chicken pie cocoerns Calling tfaemselve ««« destroyed yesterday morning abont one <v aii , .. .. . , . I o clock by firo. All tho county reoords per- loyal” papers bad their rations stopped in this ^ most 8lreunoua efforts w „ 0 ,n,de manner they would suspend, too. I b y the citizens to rave the must vahtahle papers, W. bnt the conflagration spread with such rapidity TURN OUT THIS MORNING EARLY, GO I that it was found impossible to save anything. TO THE POLLS AND STAY THERE TWL | THE VOTING IS OtER. A FULL RALLY I J n g matches and a pistol in his pocket has been WILL SEND COL. SIMMONS OUT OF BIBB arrested, and is suppose to be a member of the gang who fired the building. The loss u heavy. WITH FIVE HUNDRED MAJORITY. We clip these items from the Monroo Adver- Wuebe Arrx^uskDBOWtfzxiTHEHrssks.—The I tirar, of yesterday: Sun rays that st Wallack’t Theatre on Thursday Oeddiist Potts Ixiiicted — Pluncebixo evening. Miss Lydia Thompson, as usual, sang: I Sctroas Exrosxn.—The indictment of Ordina- May Grant return the lot r l Potts, by the Grand Jnry at toe Uto term of Of nreeents tliat he's got, I the Superior Coart, has occupied much of pub- If ever I oeaao to love. iio attention daring the past few days. ^ Tho storm of plaudits was prefaced by a few became known that a thorough investigation , SL ,. I waa progressing, various opinions were formed feeble hisses. When the applauso subsided, the ss to the probable result, and general anxiety hissing was reenmed, only to be again drowned j was not rat at rest until the Grand Jury report- by band-clapping. Several times was the feeble I ed their action on Friday last, when three in- hissing repeated, snd each time it was over- ^ents were returned in upen Court. The , . *, JT , _ .. _ , . I firat of these charges him with embezzling pub- whi-.u’.od with applause. The hissers numbered jjo funds; the second with official malpractice, not more than ten to an audienoe of sixteen | and the third with assault and battery upon an hundred. Majority for Dr. Greeley, fifteen old woman on the poor farm, hundred and ninety. A i adi £*J examination of these charges will J «— i I most probably occur, at the adjourned session Evznr day seme newspaper tells us of a wo- j of court in November. Many rumors are being man burned to death, and adds, “She was try- I circulated aa to the facts elicited. The jury, . .. .. - .... »t .,1 * however, has very properly preserved the se- tug to kindle a lire with kerosene. AU women mta tf tha(z icq ' ^ ez C e pt S o far as it was who do not take the newspapers, and who do I essential that they should be commnnicatod to take coal-oil, ahonltl at osoe memorize and sing J the court officially, and with this status of afiTaiia honrlv the Rood old tvmn bt Rim-irig: ' h ® public mn^t r^t aatiKfled. It waa elected uul “ • h -,. -T, ♦ * i, 1 for some days that a trial would oocor at oace, Fa>or Brown, to uaetcu, j it was necessarily postponed cutil Novem ber. The Flood.—Tho rain atorms that have oc- [Covricr-JoumaL 1 curred for many years past have simply been called *-freshets, ** but that last week was a real 111 every COLORED MAN WHO THINKS flood, and although not of tbe dimensions of ra AT IN VOTING FOR TINLEY HE LS the one in tho days when arks were es^nUal VOTING FOaSSt® BLUE REPUBLICAN daSs to the wunty were V ILL COUNT TIP THE MONTHS SINCE | £wt , pt nwav . TINLEY WAS ASKING THE DEMOC1UTS The bSfce on the Russellville rotd at Mc- TO NOMINATE HIM pon TtiF T.EGISI.A- Cowan's Mill, and the dam at the same poinG TUBE, HE WILUcO Je T JtL CONCLU- aestroyed. The bridge at Searcy's M.ll emvrniTsrr’ii I was rendered impasaabie, and the dam floated SION THAT bUCII bUDDLN CONV EltblONb ofl - q- ba Xowaliga was ton feet above Wilson a ARE TOO SUSPICIOUS, AND WILD VOTE bridge. The crops on bottom lands were ma- F0R SIMMONS. I uri&Uy injured. things, Pon-a oil upon the coat: The neighbors meet at nlghfi and pray "Have mtrey on her eonl. Dr.Seabrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup T HE indispensable remedy in tho nursery. No more use for laudanum, paregoric, Bateman'a Drops, or other strong opia'es. No bad effects from tbe use of Seabrook's. Health to the child, reet to the mother, and a elerr conscience to the vendor. 25 cents per bottle. Dr. Harley’s Popular Worm Candy r l really a“ it claims to be—a SPECIFIC—remov ing alt wot ms from the human viscera. No fill effect from ita use. Children love it. No dan ger in giving an overdose. 25 cents per box. Dr. SealiM’s Elixir of Bart and Iron, T HE Great Tonic and Appetizer. One dollar per bottle. AU for sale by druggists oveij where. J. W. SEATON A CO., Proprietors, acpI3eod&wtf Louisville, Ky. G EORGIA, BIBB CODNTY.—Jamee Lloyd baa applied to me for exemption of personalty and setting apart snd valuation of homestead, and I will pass npon the same at 10 o’clock a. at., at my office, on the 30th day of September, IS.I. seplS 2t a T. WARD, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. T) Yjvirtuo of an order from the Con . of Oidinary Jj of Marion county, Ga , will he sold before tbe Conrt-honse door to the toan of Bnena Vista, on the first Tuesday in November next, seventy acres of land, it being a part of lot No. 272 to the 21at district of originally Lee bat now Mai ion county, deceaaed. Bold for tho pmpoee of paying debts of said deceased. Tonne cash. , MORGAN KEMP, Adm’r de bonis non of Q. O. Davis, dec'd. e«pl3wtd p EOBGIA. DOOLY COUNTY—Whereas, Tbos. (JT J. Owen applies to me for tbo exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of IiomestoiJ, an l I will pass npon the same at 10 o'clock on tbe 23th day of September inat., at my office in Vienna. This September 9.1871. aep!2 2t WM.IL DAVIE3, Ordinary. G EORGIA, CLAY COUNTY—Whereas, John T. Mandevilie, of said county, having applied to ma for exemption of personalty and for setting aside and valuation of homestead—notice is hereby September 4,187L aep!2 2t JOHN a WELLS, Ordinary. EORGIA, CLAY COUNTY—Whereas, John (JT n. Calloway, of said oonnty, having applied to me for exemption ot personalty, and for setting aside and valuation of homestead: Notice ia here by given to all parties interested that I shall pass upon the same at my office on Saturday, the 23d of this instant. Witness my hand and official signature, Septem ber 9,1871. JOHN O. WELLS, sept 12 d2t'Ordinary. G EORGIA, CRAWFORD CO—Thomas J. Miller has applied to me for exemption of personal ty, and I will pass npon the same on the 2id day of September tost., at 12 o'clock *• at my office, to Knoxville. This September 9,1871. sop!2 2t* E. A. WALTON, Ordinary. Iu Bankruptcy. is Tins Dismcr com or niz I'anxD status roa tub socman DrsiEicr or oxoaou. In the matter of Mosoe H. Baldwin, Bankrupt. 2b (V Creditors of ilota II. Baldwin, Bankrupt: T HE undersigned, assignee of tbe estate of the above named banktopt, hereby gives notice that a third general meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt will be held at Dawson, fa said Dis trict, on the 30* day of September, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock a. w., at the office of C. B. Wooten, Esq., before Ieaaa Beckett. Esq., one of the Registers in Bankruptcy in said District, for the purposes named m ilio 27tli section of the act of Congress entitled ’ p au act to establiab a uniform system of Buikraitcv t [iron, turn I the United States" ap proved Maxell X. 1SG7. ■pl0 LEYI C. HOYL. Asalgnee, 'LOUR., FLOOR. FLOUR. \\1 E axe now rec«vmg & moat auperior brand of VY Flour fr-jta tlio Palace Mills, Columbus, And confidently present it to the public aa being Inferior to None In this or any Other Market We solicit orders from our friends and the public S “r2tS r ' E. B. POE A CO. D EALERS in Fancy and Family Groceries, Pro visions, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, etc. A'so, A little less than one year ago, when this grand I Fresh Fish, Oysters, Game, etc., to their season, enterprise was organized in Atlanta, Goorgia, many All goods delivered free of cast to any part ot the tag actons people predicted failure to its infancy; I city. iut the unprecedented success crowning it every- I We have engaged the services of Mr. C. H. Free- vhero it has been, has satisfied them or tho error I man, who has been catering to the tastes of the d their judgment. No exhibition on the road has I citizens of Macon for the last twenty-eight years, gron greater satisfaction, and none have achieved I and will still continue to do his best for all his old ai great a degree of popularity. Neither labor nor friends who may favor him with a call. sepl2 tf money has been spared to make it the most expen- I five and choice exhibition on the road, and the I LAST INSTALMENT, Almost daily tremendous audiences applauding tho I „ feats of the different artists, have served to stimu- Jxf™? ?* co jL‘’ Tr ' I P D * 'ate the Management to even greater efforts. . eta 00 *, Ga-, Bepiember J, 1871. Tbronghont tho Middle States and New England, I J~\N motion, ordered; That tho third and lastfa- tio Dominions of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, \J stalmentof fifty per cent, on subscription to frtoco Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfonnd- Macon 8treet Railroad Stock be called for, payable And, there has been but ono voice from tho press J on or before the 25th of September, 1871. Aid public as to the intrinsic merits of this mam- I As a portion of the iron has been received and AUth enterprise. Messrs. WOOTEN A HAIGHT now being laid, and ths balance, with the cars, will ieol an excusable prido in thus referring to their be ebipped fa a few days, it is absolutely necessa- repcated triumphs andpraiso of the world which xy that tbie 'neta'ment be promptly paid, to meet Ira but ono verdict as to the high character and I onr payments. rcporioriiy of this first-class arenio and xoological combination. sopI2 tijjjj COBB, Secretary and T.essurer. SCENES OF ORIENTAL GRANDEUR! GLITTERING SPECTACLES! TWO STARTLING TREE SENSATIONS! And the finest etna or bred horses on earth, the streets and dispute it if ycu can. penonmng ana inoruusu-1 owl -. - .. . Look at them aa they pass Terms: English $7; French 3 per month, to ad- 1 vance. Hours, from 9 to 2 o’clock. References : Mr. J. Clisby and Rev. H. K. Rees. eeplO tf MRS. FORD’S SuHOOL FOR GIRLS, COB. COLLEGE ST. AND COTTON AVENUE, Will be opened on tne 2d or October, 1871. I MRS. L. FORD Principal. HRS. T. B. FORD, Teacher Eng. Studiee and Latin. | H'LLE 8USANNEBOTT French. M’ho will aiao form a Select Clasa of Yoons x»' “rhonl. French 8 per Four Lady Equestriennes, Five Male Riders, Forty Acrobats, Three Glorious Clowns, Two Dens of Living Lions. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. I TUST received: 500 pounds of Buperior quality, t) for sale by 1 eopiil tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. FRUITS AND FLOWERS H AVING been appointed Agents for Macon by E T. Pilkinton, for the sale of hia celebrated I and world renowned Smoking Tobacco, | Fruits and Flowers, Planters’ Pride, Commonweal tli, MR. GEO. WAMBOLD, We are prepared to offer Merchants any ot tho above to quantities from one to fifty cases. As we . . ,, sell this Tobacco on commission exclusively, wo The World-Bonowned Paslnrer-Contortiomst, and guarantee to Merchants who buy by the hia troupe of | Factory [Prices WITH FREIGHT ADDED. We eolicit orders for these goods from our friends everywhere, feeling convinced that we can save them time and money. eopt7 Ct GEO. T. ROGERS SONS. A DOZES PERFORMING DOGS! A world of Wild Animals, and a drove of Bactrian Camels. Grand gratuitous Balloon Ascension! THE MISSES LANE | TTTILL open a Boarding School for Young La- VV dies to Now York city, on Wednesday, Sop- , . tember 20.1871. For reference and circulars apply Every day at ono o'clock—wind and weather per- I to J. J. Gresham, Esq., Macon. Ga. jnllS 3m mitting—and prior to each performance, afternoon and night, MR. HARRY WAMBOLD, the expert COAL CREEK COAL. £rial Pedeetrian, wiU traverse a single wire to the I , . ..... ., , , . . top of tho pavilion, and return to the ground. A T * °t grand dual spectacle, and more free attraction 1 lump) of C- C. Coal. Lay m your supplies, than was over before Offered by any similar eetab- All ordera will bo promptly filled, liahment. | augl6-tilioctl Apple tons 9 Journal. TWO BENS OF WILD LIONS, | FOUR m>.THS rOKOXE DOLLAR. SPECIAZi RATES Perfonned by MI8S MINNIE WFXTH, the Lion I tii-i-d iTOTAT OTTTt VP'RTPTTnTfl'SI Qneon, and GUSTAVE BERG, the acknowledged j i OH lztlAjj OUlJOuiAljrIJ-UIld best Animal Trainer. , ■ -— (ii PPLET0XS’JOURNAL ia now one of the jM. most generous in size, elegant to illustra tion, and interesting: to reading contents, of any Attached to ihe Zoological Department will be I periodical published. '—[Boston Post, found a Urge collection of choice and (rare Ani mals, Birds, etc., and a WORLD OF MONKEYS. In the A-enic Department can bo aeon Tbe first artists of Europe and America. Milo EL0ISE LaCLAEE, the dashing Equestri enne. M’lte E. STOKES, tho beautiful Horso-woman. Mile ANDREWS, the chaste and elegant Rider. M’lle LOUISE, cords elastiquo and volante. EDWIN WATSON, the daring Rider. JAS. B. HAWKINS and FRED. SYLVESTER, the Rrcnt Eqaeatiima. Th®wo * Iona, tho Persona not now tnbraribera to Applotons' Jour nal can. as a trial subscription, obtain the remain ing issues of ths enprent year—from September 2— arou oak iioixui. This large reduction IS offered to new subscribers to enable those not now acquainted with tbe Journal to fully test its merits. Remit tances must bo mailed direct to tbe publishers. Appletona’ Journal is published weekly, and con- I siats of thirty-two pagoa quarto, each number at- [ tractively illustrated. Its contents consist of illus trated papers npen the various subjects that per tain to the purenita and recreations of the people, I whether of town or country; pictorial descriptions of famous localities; biographical sketches, with I portraits, ot celebrities to ait, literature, and sci ence ; illustrated travels and sketches of adventure; I sanya upon literary and social topics; entertaining I papers on tbo many subjects that enlist the sym pathy or pique tho curiosity of intelligent minds; and choice fiction, to the form of serial novels and abort stories. Price 10 cts. per Bomber; Kcgnlar Sub' scrlptlon Price Si per Annum In Advance. [D. APPLETON &To., PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK. sep!3 2twedAsat .'he wor.d-reuowuod and only rivals of thoHan- WATSON BROS., W. Andrewa, J. Wilcox, Jeromo Tuttle, W. Sme&J, Adolph Stickney, J. O. Long, Jam?a Easier. Leon CaateUo, and a boat of talented auxiliaries HEBB KOPPES’ Bilver Cornet Band will pa rade the Btreela eregf day at 10 o'clock a. h. Beautifully carpeted aeata for Ladies, and no amokins allowed iraide of pavilion. ADMISSIOX—75 Ceuta; Children under 10, 50 I Cento. W. W. DUB AND, eeplS-Ilt* General Agent. FRESH ARRIVALS JQ kegs FULTON MARKET BEEF, 41 bales extra heavy BORNEO BAGGING, 20 bbla. Pure APPLE VINEGAR, 15 bbla. Hiram Smith's PBEMTUM FLOUB, 5 car loads choice Tennessee SUPERFINE, EXTRA and FAMILY FLOUR, POTATOES, ONIONS. CHEESE, BUTTER, . RAISINS, ^ ALMONDS, FRESH PINEAPPLES AND p£A0HE3> Now is the timo to lay in your supplies cheap, at tbo wholesale house of Bepl2 tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO- W. A. HUFF, PRODUCE MERCHANT. MACON, GEORGIA. Q E o, p CT5 O CQ C+ O P i—«• XfL o i-J. 0 a 0 0 0 c+ O) P CO £ & CD g 0 P* o 0“ 0 c+ c+ go 0 O O CTQ go a > 5 tr 4 o c~i % d »-*• XIX M a > H g M HI H M C3"; ► 1 R d 1 W. A. HUFF, PRODUCE MERCHANT, MACON, GEORGIA,