The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, September 13, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. WEDNESDAY MORNING, •TYIio The llnrnlncol Did It? A writer in the AUreta. Ge. writing ore* the ilgnetnre of R- A few week* *8° 1*" the«adA«»death of wdbeS^lret profemdoo «• *» n “ rt ^’ * - Mid that there were were p«d Pre^denU oi.the Orited f were to be good botel-ieepOT. ssrttrrasr* - ttWK-t «Ur. He njcnmnUted an tone, much ot which w— WU« n Sherman iwt«* -i-^a u/ifJnvnMi. and Mr- Nickerson asked me “ L erman would ever reach Atlanta He thenaaid: * > „ i tiuuk ho will get to Colambiar If he ever passes Kenn—aw Me Uta,hewiU «we j ep_0Ter tho conurijlike point be will make for w At Uda Mr. Nickerson be asked me, in > very c would advise him to do, in Seid I: “ When Sherman the mammon of ui _ house, your horses, yon* c Uo that von have, at his * — , to protect yon. This is the only cenmefor yon to pursue. This may save you; I know of no- ***jS?4oe time Sherman reached Columbia; the JOHNSON & SMITH’S Of Its Class in the Cotton States. EACH DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH SKILLED i«=;.ko»D£=. Mr. Nickerson Daringlbe war bo kept Ibo ~mfederate States, and el- to be a Unionist, yet his lJiers nadebiru pop* ..a independent for- I invested in hia hoteL >at Dalton, I' 60,000 pounds CLEAS RTR SIDES, in casks and half casks, 10,000 pounds PRIME LEAF LARD, in tierces, 'AVING perfected my errangemente to oorreet the slightest error in the tin .^Rcgnltiar, by the crectton or an observatory and one oftbe most approved stare, I will be able to keep *? MENTS. for the purpose of observing the meridian l the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a ftjjedti Attention pntd to the Repairing amt rsUngorflne Wntehee, M well as aU I kinds of new work made to order. juIylT-ly- 100 sacks VIRGINIA and LIVERPOOL SALT, •* Do yon replied: “ 1 The ingredients that COMPOSE ROSADALIS arc 'published on every package, there fore it is a secret preparation, consequently PHTSICUyS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of the Blood. ONE BOTTLE OP ROSADALIS will do more good tlian ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havo used Rosadalis in their practice for the past threw years and freely endorse it as a reliable Altcrativo and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUG IT, of Baltimore. DR. T.J. BOYKIN, “ DR, R. W. CARR. “ DR. F. O. PANNELLY. “ DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicbolasville, DA.*J? L. McCARTHA, Columbia, DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH &SONS, Fall River, Mass. F. W. SMITH,SKson, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gordonsville, Va. ’ SA3VL. G. McFADDEN, Murfrees boro, Term. Our space will not allow of any ex- uio, bo will sweep — * . ww«.r«of.miU-dMnbmk»^"^,, * looked concerned, and jit mrener, whet I each an event.— geta here, make friends of • 1 '.eoosneaa; plsoe yonr wises, and everthing 100 boxes CANDLES, 20 eases SODA, 200 barrels best brands FLOUR, 1000 sack?, halves and quarters FLOUR, GOOD WHITE CORN, by tbo car-load or sack •verybody else, lost all he bad. After tbo «nx- remlcr, at Charlotte, I was returning home, and namdoR through Columbia, called on Nicxeraon. Bevii living in a small boiwe on tbs. outskirts of what waa once the city. Ho looked ha^rd, and I may almost say despairing. After bidding me welcome, bo said: “Well, Colonel, I took vonr advieo. When Hhorman got here, I turaed over all I bad to him andAda eUtf. I wore myself down in waiting on them, and at eight oclock in the evening I went to my room and put on my ■Upper and threw myself on th# boa for a short nap. I had scarcely composed myself when Isaac, whom von knew well as my billiard marker, cam* rnahing into my room and said to 200 bushels OATS, 100 bushels PEAS, THE ORDERS DAILY RECEIVED FROM ALL SECTIONS FOR STEAM ENGrI3ST3DS, BOILERS, CIBGUXfAR SAW MILLS, MILL GEiRLYG, GIS GEAR, SUGAR MILLS, SHAFTING & PBLLIES, XE5.O350- jEZ. AIIiIN Gt, 'cotton presses, HORSE POWERS, CASTINGS AND MACHINERY, Of various kinds, etc., etc., attest the popularity and rapid growth of THIS LITE AND PROGRESSIVE CONCERN All Work From “Findlay’s Iron Works” Warranted. WE CAN AND WILL COMPETE WITH THE NORTH AND EAST, IN PRICES FOK MACHINERY IN GENERAL. YTT7TTH the assurance Of promptness in filling orders, fairness and liberality in all transactions, st- V V tention and courtesy to all who may favor us with a call, we solicit a continuance of the patroip age already and now being bestowed. Visitors to the city are invited to look through the various departments of our EXTENSIVE ESTAB LISHMENT. B. FINDLAY’S SONS Findlay Iron Works, Macon, Ga. Warehouse and Commission Merchants, 50 barrels SUGAR, all grades. FOURTH STBEET, MACON. GA. tended remarks in relation to the virtues of Rosadalis. Totho Medical Profession wo guarantee a Fluid Ex tract superior to any they havo ever used in th© treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we say try JN Publishing our card, wo claim nothing more tor ourselves than a determination to do onr DUTY towards our customers. By strict attention to our business, and studying the interest of our patrons we havo boon able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who will give ns a fair trial will continue to patronize our bouse. 50 barrels SYRUP and MOLASSES, Rosadalis, and you will bo restored to health. * .... Rosadalis is sold by all Druggists, price 31.50 per bottle. Address e .sD3, C1BMSNTS & 00. 0 ' SnjMV Manufacturing Chemists, \ jgS*"'*' Baixmoxx, lt»- 10 bales OSNABUHGS, 100 bales BAGGING, sept C-deod wly 1000 bundles ARROW TIES, DIAMONDS, WATCHES 200 kegs NAILS, No. 196 Gravier street, New Orleans. un20 d6mw3nf F. I. RAGLAND, Agent. LORILLARD'S TOBACCO, COVE OYSTERS, YEAST POWDERS, PICKLES, etc. In short, aU goods kopt in a first-data Wholesale Grocery, which we desire to sell for GASH or APPROVED PAPER, at tho lowest market rates. Our Country Merchants and planting friends will save time by calling and inspecting our stock, as the doeo proximity of our stores to the Railroad Depot. Hotels and principal Warehouses, makes our loca tion THE MOST CONVENIENT TRADING POINT IN MACON. Death to Rats, Roaches, Bed Bugs, etc. Never failing. Boxes double the size as others. Hermotrically sealed and always freab. For sale in Macon, at wholesale and retail, by J. H. Zoilin A Co-, Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, and all druggists. fobL’GdJtwly upon th. charred rains of all that was left mo of a long Ufa of anargy and toil" And yet Sherman rays Hampton burned Co lombia. UauibllBK at limlrn-Itmleii. From the London Globe, August 29.] The decision of tho iteichsralh has been pro* nonnoed, and all tho gamingtables of Germany most positively be daaed on the first day of De cember, 1672. Weiabaden, Bins, Ilombnrg, and Baden must find fresh means of attracting tbo public, end of deriving (lie funds necessary for tboir great expenditure. Ilombnrg alone pays a boo to tho Government of £70,000 a LJ&raKra (PATENTED FEBRUARY 21,1871.) ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. ried or thoso about miTTY’VW to marry, with the Ur <U JLJLJMltu latest disooverie* on th© physiolog ical myiteries and revelations of th© physical ays tern, how to preserve the complexion, etc.. .JkhdyM InteraitiM work of 224 papa, with nnm* for thoso who are married or contemprat5jMCTfiV£^ •till it is a book that ought to bo under leek a . i key and not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free of postage) for 50 ■ Address Dr. Butt's Dispensary. No. * .8Hui St *^'NOlicK S 'l0 0 TnE AFFLICTED A IN- FORTUNATE. , „ . . . Before applying to the notonoal Quacks wh'. ad vertise in public paper, or using any Qnaok Rem edies, peruse Dr. Butts' work, no matter what year disease is or how deplorable your condition. the gaming tables. It would seem, aa might be expected, that this year will be an unusually productive one; the players throng round the Walch Work anil Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted, AGENCY OF THE GROVEE & BAKER SEWIY G MACHINES. macc5 n ,ga night after night (hay may be aeea winning and lotting enormous stuns. Each is ettended by hi. eeeretery, wbosits beside him and registers the gain* or lossaa made by each roup. For one night they played alternate stakes of 10,000 franca and 12,01X) francs at a eoup, tho Utter sum, equal to £180 of our money, being the largest sum which the bank permits to be staked at a aicgle occasion. Of course, with all players the ehancoe of tho bank make its nltimate suc cess certain, brtt the playars which it prefers ore not tho steady gamblers, but tbo occasional vis itor. who yield to a passing temptation. A pro fessed gtmbler plsys upon * system, and part of An Anti-Friction Screw. A Mechanical Wonder. This Great Press is simple, durable, rapid in action and the best, fastest and with more Labor Saving conveniences than any other known Emit I tees. Will pack twice as quick, and requires less power do it. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, AND OBLIGATE OURSELVES TO REFUND PRICE IX CASE OF FAILURE. This Press is being rapidly introduced in virions sections of the South—supplanting the old fash ioned Friction 8crew, and gaining the admiration and satisfaction of ail who witness its performance. We challenge tbe world to produce its equal in a Cotton Screw. Send for descriptive circular, containing testimonials, prices, etc. Manufactured eo.eiy by I. Eighth street. (ORDINARY, OB GRAHAM’S EXTRA HEAVY), LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. SUGAR MILLS AND KETTLES, IHON BAILING, OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. SHAFTING, PULLIES, ETC., All or any Machinery, put np at fimt-claa* IRON WORKS, put up in the best style and at prices to suit PRICE 25 CENTSs PRICE 26 CENTS. PRICE 25 CENTS. Cures Colin and Grip- ins in the Bowels, and faoiiititatcs the process offeethisr. Subdues MRS. of Teetbinr. Subdues THITCOMB’S Convulsions and over SYRUP comeeall diseases in- MKS. Meat to intents and THITCOMB’S Children. Coree Di- SYRUP. arrhea. Dysentery and Summer Complaint m — children of all aeee. It is the Groat Infant’s and OhiMr* before purchasing. Wo will sell low for OASH. Findlay Iron Works, Macon, Ga- CilAIS’S PATENT HORSE P0WEB, Tho Great Medical Discovery I Dr. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ss Hundreds of Thousands si Bear, s»r e t ffi. onte - it? III WHAT ARE THEY?!;* Our WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS la tho only IRON RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, MILL AYD dU GEARING, AND OTHER CASTINGS, I si Will .‘SI gj*l Cotton Press that has stood tho THREE BOLLEB CANE MILLS IN IRON FRAMES. OBDINAB7 CANE MILLS, FBOM 11 TO 18 INCHES DIAMETER. KETTLES, cloao cf the war. and ie in greater FROM SO TO 130 GALLONS AND FBOM PATTERS MORE NEARLY AVERAGING THEIR NOMINAL MEASURE THAN ANY PATTERNS IN THE STATE. and more increasing demand than HORSE POWER FOR GINNING COTTON, This Power has been three times aa long at work aa any applied to Ginning, and with what aneceaa let the following certificate show: - MnxzDGXvxLue, February H, 1S7L T. C. NISBET, Eeq.—Dxau 8m : I am using one of your Hone Powers for ginning my cotton. It has been in rise about three Tears, and hat ginned a bent four hundred bales of cotton. I think it well adapted to ginning. I gin two bales a d«Ton a forty-saw gin and with two mule*. My gin is aitnatod in an old negro cabin and the power ia This Machine Stands To-Day Without a &ivaL; Worthy competitors acknowledge ita infinite enperiority. Compact, Dimple, light t» all iron, sots upon'ground under or outside gin house, attached in no way to Douse . _ t0 <$o either end or aide of house. No long shaft for males to stumble over. Euna * g> jn<J 45 mrnlnffnna hap minnfA. Wfl 2nako tWO ©US68. VlZ: No. 1 for 50 and t*0 8a\V gU18, A Sfade of Foor Rum, .Wblskev* Frooj Spirits and Refuse Liqaora doctored, tplced and sweetened to please the taste, called “ Ton- lea,**"Appetizers,” “Restorers,” *c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a trno Medicine, made from tho Native Roots and Herbs of California,free from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PRIN CIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invisorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tho blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these BittersjM'eording to direc tion and remain long nnwc*^ 1 ^ For Inflammatory anV^Yrffhic Xtheu- mutism and Gout* Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, Bilious* Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of tbo Blood* Liver* Kidneys* and Bladder, these Bit tern have been most successful. Such Dis eases oro caused by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the •^•testlvo Organs* • “ - D YSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations oC the Stomach, Bad taste in tho Mouth Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, arc tho off springs of Dyspepsia. Tbty invigorate the stomach and stimulate tho torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all imparities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptlons.Tetter, Salt Rheum .Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Soro Byes,Erysipelas, Itch, Scurf*, Discolorations of tno Skin. Humors and Diseases of tho Skin, of whatever n»no or nature, are literally dug up and carried oat ot tho syatem In a abort time by the uso.of these Bitters. Ono bottlo in such cases will convince the zno5#«.?acredalous of their Worthy competitors scknowledgo its infinite enperiority. Compact, eimplo, light Q U l T,.. ' lj0 n m i‘- all iron, sots upon'ground under or outside gin house, attached in no way to house. .>75 to S'- 10 either end or side of house. No long shaft for males to stumble over. Runs * ^ ^ 45 revolutions per minute. We make two sizes, viz: No. 1 tor SO and 60 saw gins, Is 84 0UR CHALLENGE fora Public Toat remains open, with no prospect of being accepted. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, OB WILL REFUND MONEY. Examine all the Horse Powers advertised. Make inqairy rotative to Strength, I»arj^^>^ telion Light Draught and convenience generally, what it will cost to put up and m opera 1 then visit “CRAIG POWER” and it will sell itself* . , . Send for cixcular with testimonials and price list. Manufactured on y by E. FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay Iron Works, Macon, G» STEAM ENGINE, COTTON AND HAY PRESSES WATER POWER OR STEAM ENGINE. THE NEW PORTABLE It can also be ran from the bend wheel shaft of gin gear. Oar HAND PRESS (indeed, aa ail of them are,) is too well known, and has established itself aa the PLANTER’S FAVORITE. Aa there id no comparison Government. between a cast and a WROUOHT IRON SCREW, we GUKDON HOTEL! m' Y virtu, of SALE. it, sold before the U.’ rt-hon^’dUL’ b * exit county, on tbe 6m t° asqfesssK sSSSSs ’ J. H. loo**, deceaMd, in the Garden Hatel,^!^ ed in Gasdoa, on the Csptnl ft***,!. aW the dower of & A Jones. Tbe Hotel ie cow ooca- piod by I>a:.K I Solomon, who receive, the patron age of the Cdt-’.-'il and tho MdledgovUle and Ea- tonton itaiIros J.-,benidee a largo ahsrc of pair w aago Jrooi tbe traveling p ihlic. Tho above properly M sold for tho pturoM of plai.og tbo e.:aio of eeidJ. n. Jonca, deeeeaed, in a condition for din- tribntion am :ig the creditors of said Cell'd. Terms of rah', cash. JUNIUS WINGFIELD,) L. .11. BBIIOO, } lleferwia. E. CHAMBEIU.-, ) anglSdkwtdo do not recommend CAST IBON SCREWS. thongU wo curotlro effect*. ’> r Cl cause the Vitiated Blooa whenever yon find its lmparitlee burning through the skin in Pirn- plee. Eruption* or.Bore*; cleanse It when you 2nd It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; eleaaso H when it la foul, and your feeling* will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the Bend ua your order a, or aeml for Circular and Trice • health of the system will follow. TAPE and other WORMS, lurking In to3»ysVtn of so many thousand*, are effectually- HE WILCOX PATM! HOUSE POWER ON HAND- AND FOB SALE: 1 New 40-horse Xngino, - - ... $10' 1 New 25-horBe Engine, - 8l 2 New 14-horse Engines, - - - - 5 j^JuTawA tr Ea CUllr ' c0aUinin 6 cnU, de.crftiUon, and price liala ot tbo various kinds of Screws. destroyed and removed. For full directions,***! carefully the circular around bottle. * J. WALKED, Proprietor. B. n. McDON’AnD & CO., Druggist* and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal., and * and SI Commerce Street, New Fork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DKALEB8, We chum to be SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER for Ginning Cotfon, snd if ia the only Home Power made that we know of that can supercede tho ordinary Gin Gear. xnj23dAwtf