The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, September 19, 1871, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. TUESDAY MOKNINO. SEPT. 13. 1871. will amount to 91,200,000. HU penitential let- J ter to General Brice te published. IIo fesses to string *460,000, end says be U gUd . the ^ and Qremt North the troth U known for he has been “in a hell . P" 0 ^.Trrl* ,7° . - , TIIE GEORGIA PRESS, Chae. P. McCalla, the lete general book upon earth for years, in Fort McIIenry. Victoria! WoodhuII was elected President of the National AssocUtion of Spiritnralists, in Troy last Thursday. Tie, we think, represents the flesh more than the spirit. Fan Emus.—Secretary Lewis says the en tries for the State Fair are more numerous thus early than they have ever been before, them there will be a heavy competition between leading jewellers in Gorgia. Savannah and Atlanta will be hard after each other. Sharp paper published in New York, by TardrewA Co., “devoted to Uto material interesU of the Sonth- devoted to the political Interests of the South, that we are gUd to see a change of the ttop, although it be the same old hurdy-gurdy. Joint 0. BaianxEiDOE, say the Lexington pa pers, U now one of hardest working lawyers in . ye ^, n Kentucky, and is likely to make a good deal of B 1871. 4870. Stock at American porta.. .... 88,228 55.253 “ interior towns... .... 10,291 12.975 “ to Liverpool ....498.000 490.000 American afloat for Gt. Brit’n 1,000 17.000 Indian “ “ 714,186 443,245 * Total .1,358,705 ,018.473 Showing an exoess of 340,232 bales. Moxtoomcbt asd Euvaclx IUileoad.—Tbo Montgomery Advertiser learns that the track on this road U now Lid to within fonr miles of EofanL, and being rspidily pushed forward. Trains will certainly be running regularly be tween Montgomery and Eafsnla by the 6th of Ootober in fnll time for the business season. Yxtxiow Fr.vtn at Cedab Kits. — Mayor Dyke, of Tallahassee, issued a proclamation on the 16th, announcing the existence of yellow fever in an epidemic form at Cedar Keys, and expressing the fear that it may extend along the Golf and Atlantic coasts, and establishing rigid sanitary reguLtions in all the wards of the city. Tint Tnur. Wave.—The Wilmington SLr in dignantly contradicts a rnmor that he is build ing an ark as a provision against the tidal wave —but he would like some Information as to the probable cost of such an arrangement, all com plete, for a man, his wife and seventeen chil dren. PotsoxtD.—In Faison's Township, Dublin county, Mr. Emm Morris, his wife, son and daughter were all fatally poisoned with arsenie last week. A Gioanttc and Wicked CoxsrntAcr.—Infor- matton was received by Judge Bedford of the Court of General Srorion last Fridsy morning thst a gigsntic snd wicked conspiracy had been set on foot in Wall Street for the purpose of loeklng up millions of dollars, and by thia means Injuring the eomroeme of the city snd thereby the finances of the whole oonntry. The Judge the grand jury and charged them to take prompt and fearless action tionatoore. In a few daya some of the moat respectable brokers and business men of the sumuMmed before the grand inry. S m^dif eXP<CtCd mosl sUrUin R evposnres wU! Tun workingmen's tnmont in New York city numbered about 26,000. Their badges called not only for eight hours to the day’s work bnt for thirty-two hours in the day, to-wit: “Eight hours for work, eight hoars for sleep, eight hours for recreation snd eight hoars for rest " That programme will .nit every body without cholic or toothache. The French Communists were in line with a red flag—“Liberie, Egalite, Fratemilie." La Bepnblique Cnivcrsale, in which nobody has to wotk-no, never so much ss one hour, snd (he Commune shall famish the finest bread, butter, steak and coffee at the public expense. Smew or Wm. S. GnossnxcK.—The Hon. Da'SJLST"**'* m * d « •long speech before a New York Sal to the days of Daniel Webster. TlTsuu menting upon thia speech aaya: If any donbt hat e xisted that Ur n—. i one of the wisest statesmen. si,L. ing election, appointed for the 3d, 4th, 6th and Cth of October next, twenty special police in 0ilizeD8 - in U each county, and orders them to receive *3 001 d ^ bJi „ , per diem as their pay. There being 130 conn- lies, this eouts the people $187,200. The New York State board of equalization property of that State for tho year 1871-72.— The valuation is: Real estate «.... *1,599,930,1CG Persons! estate 452,607,732 Tclrcmpli Slnte Fair Ballella. The Georgia Stale Fair for 1871 will open in Macon, Monday, October 23d, and close on the Friday following. Extraordinary preparations are in progress to make this Fair the most «- tensive and popnLr Industrial Exposition which has ever been witnessed in the Southern States. To meet all the newspaper requirements of so important an oocralon, tbs TaixoiurB a*d Mnsxxoa will, daring the dajs tame an edition lo bo called the Tkix- £u,„ State Fats Bciixm., giving the latest telegraphic snd mail news—full reports of the progress of tho fair-lists of exhibitors snd ex hibits, speeches and reports delivered on the ooeaaion—and very fall descriptions of all the trials of speed and prowess by land and water. In the aize of this sheet and of its editions, it will meet every requirement of tho vast crowd of cilixena of Georgia snd strangers from all parts of the Booth and the country, who will gather hero at that time. The opportunity for bniineaa publicity it will afford to business men in Maeon snd every other part of tho otmntiy. North and Bonlh, will bo very great. We will publish advertisements in this piper for the trhoU period of the Kxposiiim at the rate of two doUsrs an Inch, allowing a discount of twenty to thirty per cent, upon advertisements longer than six lnch««i in proportion to length. Advertise ments inserted onoe will be charged one dollar^ money by Ug profession. Ho seldom discusses per inch in length. Cusnr, Josss & Bzxse. New* Item*. Ixrxxux. BoMOTjan Low.-Sixteen horses belonging to tho Emperor Napoleon sold for *7,808, or an average of *488 apiece. Native akd Fobxios PorunAnos.—The census exhibits an unexpected preponderance of native born popuLtion, at great central points. Of the population of New Yoik and Brooklyn 1,338,391, 703,383 were born in the State New York and 774,679 in the United States, has been supposed that these cities contained majority of foreign-born population. New Jinaix.—In the renomination of Hon. Joel Parker, who hold the offioe of Governor nine yosrs ago by fourtoen thousand majority, the Jerecr Democrats believo they have insured success. The convention at Trenton on Wednes day last was nnmerons and enthusiastic boyond all preeedeub Both New Jersey and Minnesota recognized the constitution and the amendments thereto as binding on the country. Isvolcntauy JjIdxrautt.—Tho World says “ tho Booth is more than forgiving—it la reslly magnanimous. Iu return for tho eesLwsgs snd loose fish we have been cursing it with for the last six yosrs it has now sent ns the best fish that swims in Its waters. The pompsno, more prized by the epicures of the Gulf than were the turbot snd mnliot by tho gastronomos of old Rome, has made his appearsneo this year in onr waters for tho first lime within tho memory of men. Perhaps, howevor, the explanation of this unexampled migration may bo that the pompa- no, a dolieato fish And raado for digestion by dooent poopio only, has got tired of being eaten by earpet-bsggera, and route to New York in seareh of appreciative palates.” Thst is prob ably (mo. Tho pompano qnit the “ struct«1 Slates" in disgust, snd turned ns over to toadfish, slingsrces, sharks And devilfish. Eooehie, cx-Emproas, reached Lisbon last Fridsy, and was called on by Ibo King and Qneon of Portugal. Tnc Toscano Explosion in New York on Fri day waa a serions, as well as singular affair, truck bad just drivon np in front of 12G Beck man street, loaded with forty light wooden containing 100,000 of s juvenile explosive called “Union Torjiedoes”—made of clay, the also of a boy’s marble, and inclosing soma powerfnl explosive. Btrnck with a hammer, or thrown against stono or brick, tho detonation is as lond as a pistol. Whilo the track or drey was stand ing before the door snd a street railway car bad just passed, tho track and its contents suddenly disappeared in a clond of smoke, siuraltaneonsly with a fearfnl explosion, whieh shook, shattered and damaged honors all around—prostrated every pereon near tbo aeeno, ant! killed three men and badly wounded fonr. The ferae of the explosion was imeta that one of the springs of the trark was shot across the street and embed ded in a brick wall opposite. Cotton Receipts.—Maeon footed np on the night of the IGlh instant 3G9 bales of ootton oeivod here since the 1st Last year for the corresponding period she reoeived 1,929 bales. Think of thst snd then count on a crop of four million bales. Tlid Columbus cotton receipts for last Sslnrdsywero 31 bales, against 3GG bales rooeived the corresponding day last year. The total receipts at all points np to Fridsy, old and new ootton, stnoo 1st September, are 21,- MO bales agsinst 33,882 last year, showing s falling off of 12,022 bales. The showing, as exhibited by tho New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle, last Fridsy night, is follows: Timbre has here, imT-A I American Railroad Informer, has come to grief, uooge nas Man lodged j satnrdsy been arrested at Atlanta for eobezxlingpnblie funds, and falsifying the book of bis oflloe. Mrs. Maris J. Westmoreland, of Atlanta, has a novel In presa by Carloton, of New York city, called “Heart-Hungry The Chronicle and Sentinel, of Sunday, has the following handsome notice of the late elec tion in this District and of our successful can- The Twzntt-Second Sctatosal Dormer.— The returns from this District show thst CoL and Hamilton are going to aoe which can be the | Simmons, the Democratic candidate has -been elected by a very large majority. In the eleo- Tnz rains intermitted on Sunday and Monday ,10 “ l“ t ^JL 018 ™ __ - ... i nVi—w ,h« Radicals. The great change which has taken np to this present writing—say 4 o clock in the l ^ ^ ^ cannot to attributed alone afternoon—we have had bnt one shower. f 0 the personal popularity of Col. Simmons, Tux New York Mercantile Journal scores the though we believe he is personally as strong in Independent for “trifling with sacred things.” theaffecUons of the people as any miniu the a. . . , , .» ,, . District. The Democratic masses rallied to his That is heavy. The Independent is the cham- I support with great enthusiasm, because they pion of advanced evangelism in the North. knew CoL Simmons was a true man and a “The South.—Wo have No. 1 of a weekly thorough Democrat. We congratulate the people of the State upon this acquisition to real Democratic strength in the Semite. CoL S. was s good soldier snd an able and acoomplish- orn States.” There’s so many Northern papers I ej officer daring the late war, a valuable mem ber of the approaching Legislature he will take a high rank as an intelligent, upright snd fear less protector of tho people’s rights. James Yarbrough, a most estimable citizen of Stewart county, died yesterday week of a eon- Cbarles Fowler and Elias Nesmith, of Mitchell they aro to uHLro remunerative. S^^OQ bsil for passmg bopi, treasury notre. Genuine Radical Pnro.MANCE.-Davis, tho « A “ Uor bold “ d 8 ehotorie “ al n * med Ch8r Radical Governor of Texas calls into service for ley Cole, snd as black as his name, performed , , . _ . . . . , . hari-kari on a fellow mariner named Harris, at twenty-four daya pnor to, and during tho oom- . . . _ . - ... nth and I Savannah, last Friday night. General Joeeph E. Johnston is named by in the Savannah Advertiser Republican, as a suitable candidate for Mayor of that city. The ayes have it np this way. . ... .... ..I Columbus expects 6000 bales of cotton by have just complotod the valuation of the taxable I ^ Oh>tuhoocbeo riW|lgM near]y 7>B00 last year. That stream has been navigable all the year, which shows how great has been the rain fall to thst section, this year. The Sun wants to know “where’s yonr three Total *2,052,527,898 I million halos It says This given a per capita valuation of *4G9 18. I In the last few days the reports are general 1 and come from reliable men, thst the conttou- Dou’t Hold on Too Tight. | Wo trust onr planter friends will not allow n I j n g. From the neighborhood of Macon and to ,y f the crop can’t exceed 3,250,000 The prompt meeting of all their | bales; with less favor may be 2,400.000. Any body can guess with s margin of 800,000 bales , . ... . L... Anahled in I allowed. We can do that. Wonder if tho etc., by whose wd they have been enabled, m Banaa W0Q , d cal , mi8tako of a m UUon, dose part, to make the crop. They showed a most commendable spirit last season in this matter, Ctpt Conner, during tho Lte civil war tbonghgin many cases, at hcay pecunLry sacrifice, I comman( j er Q f tbo “Mitchell Guards” one of and received well deserved credit therefor. Their t]lo composing the 47th Georgia liabilities were much hcavior last than this sen- reglment( aj ed last Friday night at Savannah, son, and therefore—though tbo temptation to | . years. hold book tho crop isgroater this, than last year Tbo baI i 0 o n ist of Haight * Wooten’s circus —there is really more reason now than then to drow an imol0DBO crowd at Savannah last Fri- strain every nervo to meet the obligations. The day ^(omoon, by plumping into the river, ne staple is now commanding at least a moderate- ^ re8cned- ly remunerative price, and those who seU to M Robert Saussy, Bving near Savannah, was meet their engagements cannot suffer an, posi- neatJy murdered by * a J Q ^ ta ^ ^plt*. tive pecuniary loss by so doing. Our advice is Jagt Tbursday- Tho negro escaped, to hurry enough of tbo crop to market to square ^ Conslilnl i on ol s an day says : off all liabiBties, and then hold tho remainder Two Wma AT Osce-Anotheb Bo.._. for a flash prioe. By such a policy the planter's p ABg jj IJ( Abound.—A man named Kirkpatriok, credit will bo maintained, bis honor preserved hailing from Jackson connty, who has been for and his friends preserved from damage. some months a tenant of S. H. Oox, in Ogle- * 1 ihorpo connty, lately seized a plantation mule and ran off with the daughter of another ten- Sonllicrn Democratic Editor's Testimony. ant, to Washington, by night, and they were married Sunday. They returned the following Replying to a hope expressed by one of the Tuesday to bis boarding boose at Long Creek, poppycock weeklies of the red hot speeire, >“Ah“to; hoto^ud'live^'bi^. LXid that ho would bring tho Constitution back into not lead and was left on harmony with the aforesaid red hot on the qnes-1 t bo way. The Tuesday following he borrowed tion of the new departure, the editor of the [ a plantation mule from another tenant, and a Constitution, who has just returned from the saddle from a negro to go after tbo missing „ ’ J „ . ...... I male, but has left for parts unknown. It is North, replies aa follows. Wa hope the pobli- I known tbat he has a wife and children living to cal Fharisees who are nauseating the peoplo Jackson connty. Kirkpatrick claims to be n with their “holier than tbon" bowls, and inso- I licensed exhorterand preacher of the Methodi6t lent lecturing and hectoring as to what conatl- Churcb andis quiteaSunday^choolman andof "7 _ b . . “ „ I good address and fair words. Lookout for him tntes Democracy and who are Democrats will I ^ savo other such disasters a mono tho softer read the last paragraph and then paste it to B « x now so often victimized. S their hats: The news at Savannah is that J. H. Gould, When tho Democracy in the Northern States I tbe trewly loyl defaulting revenue collector, Lte that are nnder Radical oontrol determined, a few montha bock, to bury, if poasibie. the war of that city, has been murdered by a man whom usurpations and corruptiona nakedly before their I Cypress swamp in Florida. peoplo and redeem their States, we thought tbeu, as we think now, that the South should ' not embarrass them in any way. The contests I were local and not national, and to make a na- Tho Early connty News thinks Southwestern Georgia is entitled to the next Governor, and names Colonel Herbert Fielder, of Cothbert, rs tional issue out of them at this juncture was im- its choioe. politic and hnrtfuL The Atlanta Son of yesterday communicates z'szgtsxz w.*s;iSi£i Usssry.’sr? o™™. no opinion upon the propriety of their position, Bullock, before leaving New York for Cah and we do not intend to at present. Wo have I fornia, told 1a gentleman who resides in this studiously avoided it We felt that Southern ^ declarations tbst pratioally nuUified their new ‘£ 8 venture were untimely and most improper, and I irnnl.1 ho nnt noon must be fatal. This responsibility we would | h ® r « * vcr y Afferent phase would be put upon not take. We thought that onr friends North *}} ,he proceedings and the general opinion of should have every chance to succeed in their I P“ bll ° concerning the proswmtions now now venture. They did not commit us. They | 8?^.8 °° . B 8^ mat delinqnenta and plunderers were fighting for very existence. They might be mistaken in their policy. But wo foil it was not onr pLce to diminLh their proepect of sue- mi bv weakening their efforts. The editor's observations North have con- vinood him of tho propriety of this course. Wo saw thore the new movement falling dead through Southern instrumentality. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MAC0.\ B. & L ASSOCIATION. R egular meeting to-night at 8o’clock at tbo AiwocLtion Rooms. Installmeute must be made before that hour to eave flora. GEO. W. BURR. aepttolt Secretary ami Treasurer GOLD. GOLD. GOLD. W E will pay the highest market rate for gold when presented in sums of five dollars and upward*. We want iSCOO. oepliHS .tall J. ii. BOSS A 8. T. COLEMAN. FOR SALE. I Q SHARES Macon and Western Railroad Stock. -tO *5090 ilaeon and Augusta Railroad Bonds, eudurrad by the Georgia Railroad Company, by aep!9 2t L O. PLANT h SON. SCHOOL NOTICE. M BS. BAILEY A SCHOOL, oomerof Walnut and Third .ueeta, will be reopened on Monday, October 2. sepi»eod3t* DESIRABLE LANDS FOR SALE. M Y Oakland and Howaid Farms, on tho Maeon and Western Railroad, ten milea from Macon. It desirable, will be ent np into lota to soil the convenience of purebaeers. Good land—fine water —and unprecedentedly healthy locality; conve nient to Macon; highly suitable for frail farms and market gardens, and country residenota for town people. Titles indisputable, and terms rea sonable. Apply to Butte A Brother, Macon. eepl9eod3m* A. LeSUEUR. NOTICE. M R HENRY KING L my authorized agent and will transact all my basinosa during my ab sence from the diy. eeptlMt JOHN F. JAUGSTETTEB. EXTRA FIXE Green and Black Teas, HUNT, RANKIN 4 LAMAR’S. At GRASS SEEDS. Red Clover, Crimson Clover, fierds Graesccs, Bine Grate, Lucern Grata, Orchard Gtaes, Hungarian Graze. All new crop and at low pricet. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR TURNIP AND COLLARD SEED, A large lot. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR. ecplBtf IN BANKRUPTCY. DC TIIE DISTBICT COCBT OF THE UHITXD STATES TOR THE 8EVEXTH DWTSICT OF GEOEOIA. In the matter of Bernhard Golinsky, Bankrupt. T HERE will be held a second general meeting of tbo creditors of Bernhard Golinsky on tba 29th of September, 1871, at 4 o'clock, at the office of Hines A Hobbs, to the city of Albany, Ga. ecplOtJ JA8. H. HILL, Assignee. Adininlstrntor’s Sale. /GEORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Agreeably to OT an order granted by tbo Court ot Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the Court-house door, in Vienna, Dooly county, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the usual hours of j tho following property, to wit: Lots of land Nos. 27,37 and 38, to the Eleventh (11th) District of said comity. Also, lot of land No. 171, in tho Tenth (10th) district of Dooly county. Bud lands sold as the property of John J. Dickenson, de ceased, for the benefit of the heira and creditors | of .aid oetate. Terms cash. J. E. LILLY, septlO • Administrator. GO AND EXAMINE THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES At No. 86 Cherry Street, Macon. Ga. JACOB 8CHALL, ■AYING received his exteneive Fall stock of BOOTS and SHOES, takes pleasure in announcing to H hia pxtrona, and the trade generally, that he is fol thing in hia line, fiom the common Br direct from the manufactories, he can opporti Hex IJy prepared to Berve hia ccatomera with every- Brogan to the finest French Boots and Gaitera. Haying purchased an offer 8upenor inducementa in prices, and he has neglected no would furtherannounce to the trade^and especially to shoemakers in Macon and vicinity, that he baa on hand a large supply of Leather and Findings, with which he can terve them at ratea that will fa vorably compare with those of any Southern establishment. Their attention is particularly^called to the fact that he can furnish Leather cut to all sizes, crimped Fronts, Bootlegs ready-fitted, Uppers of all kinds, etc., at a very small margin* In tho Custom Work department, he still employs first class, superior workmen, and his enstomers can be supplied, now as ever, with Boots and Shoes, of the finest French calf-skin snd the most eLbo rate workmanship, at short notice. JACOB SCHALL. seplD 3m 86 CHERRY STREET, KACON, GEORGIA. MERCHANTS AND FLANTESS, TAKE NOTICE ! JUST RECEIVED AT SMALL & GAMBLE’S WHOLESALE FLOUR AND PROVISION HOUSE, LAST INSTALMENT. 6000 SACKS FLOUR, ALL GRADES AND SIZES, 4 CABS CHOICE WHITE CORN, 2 CiBS TENNESSEE OATS, 60 CASKS & HALF CASKS C. B. SIDES, 60 CASKS A HALF CASKS SHOULDERS, SO SACKS CHOICE RIO COFFEE, 73 BOSES TOBACCO, ALL GBADES, 25 BARRELS SUGAB, 50 BARRELS MOLASSES, NEW CROP MACKEREL, ALL NOS. AND SIZES. 50 ROLLS DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, 500 BDLS. EUREKA TIES (BEST IN USE), 50 BARRELS WHISKY. Tho above Goods, with everything else to our line, will be sold at TIIE VBR'2’ IiOWSST PRICES. I Either for CASH OR ON TIME. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Try us one time, and yon will be certain to try us again. septl9 Office Macon Street ILueuoad, I Macon, Ga., September 9, X871. f AS motion, ordered: That the third and laatin- V atalment of fifty per cent on aubecription to Macon Street Railroad Stock be called for, payable on or before the 25th of September, 1871. I a portion of the iron lias been rooeived and is now being laid, and the balance, with the care, will eep!2 ti!25 Secretary and Treasurer. PLANTATION FOR SALE. IGGTTGM STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. C OL. GEO. T. FRY, well and favorably known in Southwest Georgia, will commence a campai~ LIFE ujsUKANl He is a duly author ized and accredito 1 Agent of this Company, and we commend him to the patronage of the public, where he has worked so successfully heretofore. J. W. RURKE, sopl7 2m General Agent. •^Americas Republican and LnmpktaTelegrapU | THE GEORGIASJOS. 1AND2 THE GREAT NECESSITY FOE A T HE undersigned offers to sell his well-known plantation, to Lee connty, consisting ’of 1800 , w oucncu. itcpi acres of good land, about 800 cleared and in a state [ copy and send bills. of cultivation and good repairs. A fine residence and all other good improvements are on the place to mako it desirable. Tho placo Is well watered and healthy, and is one of the most desir able places to 8onuiweetera Georgia, and will aver age with the best farms in the county. Its locality, eight miles east of Smithrille, on tho Southwestern CtASS Bestauraht 2B sSS'SsSaSS I £.“iSS’SW’JSKt all kind " 45 I gentlemen can viBit, and in addition to the privacy 'of a home, find all tho rare delicacies of the season, ed np by the very beet cooks and in the finest tho entire property for one-half cash, the balance I »“,?«• ■” <l . h *T e . fltb *? °P inono, two and throe years’ time, with interest from nMoent Saloon, snd bavo^pr^ared, for tosrn^ date Any person wishing to buy can confer with I®'® °®®. g on tJenaen, several smtes of Fnvato mo at Amoncus, or my agent, J. W. Baring, on tho SSjSftmgSS!) oraTEBS°GAME ^overtdel b8 wi " «o any on. who will call I ^”to^e» toV«* 8 qocstion of 1 ** employ^ topUot him acrera tho Big <»«-. f eeUmTd irable benso andiot I m the city of A inagoodneigi It- Brown and others, caul Americas, convenient to hborhood, joinirg Col. 8. B. Lalor. A. qplelnlni j,well known caterer, Mr. T. W. Freoman, who will — - a I supervise the Culinary department. Onr Bar will Tho I h® supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and n* uiuini auu uiuvrv, cauiauung fonr acres. ,u. i «:„.** entire property will be offered until the first of November. septlfilm JNO. L. LAKAMORF.. EORGIA NO. 1, on Mulberry street, where fonr he finest BILLIARD TABLES in the State can of tho late State Koad" administration. In what particular this new phase was to appear, did not learn. District Meeting Colored M. K. Cbwch. Editora Telegraph and hfeuenger: At the Wa hAarA I Fort Valley district meeting of the colored M. n “\Vh, AS E. Chnrch to America, convened Friday morn- Dem^rata despairingly c^ing out Why don t . September 1st, delegates were in fell aL onr Sonthern friends keep their month^ and t ^ Tb b “, me f UB „ off Tery Ut n. bMtle onr cause here «tomnreUed?’ll ^™ b “|“ 0n tfe sTbbath there is to-day impossible to see what Intrinsic force ^ J two to thrM thousand people present there was in the now movement, because South- P ”P P era opposition haa mad. it a dead-fall for the p^^inthamom- present. And this opp^Uion, aatarasweean «« « ^ cit fzen?.t both serviced Peace earn, has not confined itself to legitimate argn- harm0Dy reigned tlironghout the day. meat; bnt has miareprerantad the foremen gj under^iany obIi|ationa to the white most grossly; not inlentionsUy, of course, but I { liberal contributions. Bishop atlli most greaslv. Thehdp tothe ItoeUeaUha* yandmhoret tanden^is toroks tokind gen- heen great, fei I tlcmen-Me^ II. P. Everett A Co., J^e. %uthfof , tlie > extrme DenJeracu a large 7xm Mathews, and Mr. Brown, for their Tery acoep- South, of the extreme Memocraey. a targe txm taM- preBtnti „ nd t0 al| ,b 0 citizens of Fort to htep up their futilade against the new more- Vall#y for kind and i iberal hospitality. mtnU I J. H. Andeusc.v, P. E. to one of tho wisest statesmen, t hl«t only take ita appropriate place among the re. markable productions of the time*, bnt it win giro direction to Use public sentiment of the en. tiro nation. In profandity ot thought, to per. caption of vital political troths, to clearness of statement, in felicity of diction, we rooollect no speech which surpasses it, and very few that equal it, store Daniel Webster was to his prime. We will reprint to-morrow what Mr. Groea- beek has to say about the constitutional amend- menta. Hum) DzraLOATiONS.—The World says it is kdicTod that Paymaster Hodge’s defalcations j New Books.—Wo have received from Lee A | Shepard, Boston, through J. W. Burke A Co., , of this city, tho “Young American Abroad,” I the last of the “Oliver Optio” aeries, a most en-1 K. H. VANDESnoEST, Bishop. M. E. S. Chnrch in Georgia. DIED. On the 15th instant, near Macon, TnoatAs Otooon, tertaining record of travel in Norway, Denmark I only child of Rev. 8. S. and U. V. Sweet, aged 5 and Sweden and calculated especially to interest | years and 8 mouths, and instruct the young folks; the “Young De liverers of Pleasant Cove,” * well told story of the adventures of some American boys to Pro- vence. Francs; “The Eye in Health and Dis ease, numerously illustrated, oa a very important ■nbject; and “The Wife of a Vain Man,” by Mario Sophie Schwartz,which we have previously noticed, and which we may repeat, here, is one of the cleverest novels of the period. Messrs. J. W. Burke A Co., have all these books for sale. Dry Goods Store to Bent in Griffin. A SPLENDID Brick Store 94x90, iron front, from l.t October for 12 months, at *800—rent by B. Joy Jeffries, a valuable treatise I payable monthly—in the centre of bnsiness. Apply 1 to John W. Cox, Griffin, or eepli 3t»HENRY BiNKS, Atlanta FOR RENT, CUBING IHE ATLANTA FAIR, SIX DAYS, T WO largo, well arranged Dicieg Rooms on the Fair Grounds: one 130 feet long by 32 feet wide; one 1G0 feet long by 32 feet wide. Supplied with plenty of tables and seats, good commodious kitchens, pan trios, sinks, etc., together with a large I brick bike oven. Good wells of water,with firet-cites iron pnmpa in each hotuo. Will be rented singly or together. The Fair opens Monday, October 16, and will continue through the week. A splendid chance to make money, Addrees J. O. KIMBALL. Superintendent Cglethoipe Park, Atlanta, Ga. KplCeodCt of the finest be found, a first-class _ Wholesale snd Retail Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agents for Goodyear's celebrated | Sonthern Ales. sepl7 lm , together with everything usually kept to re Bar. A. PATTERSON A CO , CARPENTERS WANTED. I WANT fifteen to twenty first-class Carpente men who are not afraid to work, and who know I bow to do it. Good prices will be paid to good workmen. Call at onoe on me at the Fair Grounds. ang!8 tf W. A. HUFF. 3STJE3-W 3VZXXsXs. SffMMKSf & MSTffli B EG leave to inform the public that they have I established a GRIST MILL • ~ GRIST MILL ™ Fourth .street, 0D sTffiTccasiona near the Macon and Western Riilroad creating, ' - where they are prepared to grind FAIR NOTICE IFLA-iEim 023Cja.3Sr0JE3I A RICH OPPORTUNITY! ■\T7TLIi bo rented to the highest bidder, on the VV Fair Grounds in this city, between the hours ot 3 and 5 o’clock r. h. next Saturday, the 23d inst., the large and commodious DINING HALL, 60 by 159 feet, with such kitchen and cooking ar rangementa attached u may be desired and di rected to be built by the renter. The privilege rented with this Hall will be the exclusive one for feeding the pnblic on the grounds during the Fair, save and except such little booths or »tails as are usually allowed outside of the regular Dining Hall, 0. E. SUSSDORFF, fflotale k Retail Bniist, C’or. 3cl anil Mulberry sts*., Macon, Oa. A largo assortment of FINE TEAS, For sale by G. E. SUSSDORFF, Druggist. Horsford’s Bread Preparation, BICARB. SODA, SALERATUS, For sale by G. E. SUSSDORFF, Druggist. COKrGrFESS EXCELSIOR SPRING WATER, ROCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER, For sale by G. E. SUSSDORFF, Druggist. Fresh Lot University Medicines, Just received ly G. E. SUSSDORFF. Druggist. Largo assortment of fine Toilet and Family Soap, For sale by G. E. SUSSDORFF, Druggist. Complete anl large etock ot KRB0SE.YE LAMPS AM) LAMP FIX 11 RES, | At low prices. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAIN IS, OILS, ETC., At reduced prices. sepllif G. E. SUSSDORFF, Druggist. 60 BARBELS IRISH POTATOES. I 300 BUSHELS OATS. Just received sod for sale cheap by COIaLiUNTS cSs BBATS, | COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, ecplltf 69 szcoxd street. CORBIN & VIRGIN, | At Walker's Old Stand, opposite the Market, GRITS AND MEAL OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY Terms: The renter will take possession of tho Hall as soon as finished, and retain the tame until the Fair closes, let that be four, eix, or ten days. “d at reasonable rates, snd they will deliver Grits | teamount ^^ereX^'able'on'tho^acYSay of and Meal to any part of the city, and grind Meal the Fair, for bill. A call u moat rcepoctfiilly solicited. aug27tf FOR RENT. fJMIE Store occupied by J, H. ^Andereon A Son. seplltf W. F. BROWN, Brown’s Hotel Macox lex,—We were indebted to Mr. Mem- mtoger, of the Maeon Ire Factory, for a fair sample of their products yesterday. We can ■ay “ice formed to Macon three inches thick to the middle of September, 1871,” and tell no lie either. The Mcrjt Trade.—Among the arrangements on the Fair Grounds this fail will be spacious FOR RENT. | STORE, also a suit of rooms suitable for s cot ton buyer. Apply at sep6tf THIS OFFICE. FOR RENT. . House block. Apply to rags tf J. VALENTINO, 68 Cbeny street ON CHERRY STREET AGAIN M B. J. BLOCK, Agent, would respectfully in form hie friends and the pnblic generally that oereo unu mu.o «na wuere urovere can ireeiy | be j, .gain back on Cherry ctreet, with a largo display their stock daring the Fair, and sell it, I stock of the most choice Cigars, imbndog all the t<- We suppose there will be a largo supply of Kentuckyand Tennessee stock on the ground. — Advertisements Omitted.—A number of ad. vsttisementa intended for onr last were omitted by sheer accident They appear to-day and wo sre sorry for the detention. Taxcio the Bull bt the Horns—A Struggle next door above Valentino’s Saloon and Rea tan- rant Give him a call, all you who love a good ~ 2xn cigar or quid of tobacco. ecp9 5 H. McKERVEY, BOOT MAKER, T> ESPECTFULLY informs hit enstomers thst he lh has received* choice lot of French Calf vox Lite.—Tho Batistan Journal relates the fol- £“?,*■ , order .'^ S" 1 * °f lowing terrible struggle of a boy named Rich- anrt^ciMaTOSnaroLicr"’fSra*»h5 SSw •rd ItiUww of n w Ti.on-6 of firet-cla*e workmaniLip. I have the_nght to make ard Brown, son of O. W. Browo, of West Mil-1 ton, Saratoga connty, N. Y., with a bull, one day last week. He went into a field back that don't 1 to order Evan's Patent American Gaiter, a new, excellent style of shoe, the very thing for those y last week. Ho went into a field back I that don’t like their ankles praised by elastics, of the house where there were a number of I Repairing a specialty, andcatufac ’ w r adioD guarantee*], cows and a young bull, when tho ball started I V * employ s Unbelts* workman on repairs. M.' tearing tho oat, end throwing him the air. On regaining his feet the lad suc ceeded to catching the animal by the hoi ra, and I struggled heroically for bii_ life. Now under | I Shoe Shop is in the theatre building, entrance on I Cherry street. -pH ncc.n McKERVEY. NOTICE. MAC0X & AUGUSTA RAILROAD. the boll's feet—now dragged in tho dirt—now np again—clutching at the beast's ©jes, and almost in despair of help—when nearly ex- . _ _. haoated nnexoccted succor cams. Tho cows, I HP H E paeons of this road aro hereby notiffod h»retednnexg«todiSnooor « b ull,.rSSd I 1 frrtgbm wbich hara brao m ocu- b ? t ?° nMttirn'nM I “T"*"* of'tbS dam^S done to the food by the around, and the boy succeeded in getting one rocMlt „ in< ^ji, nntiJ ropain are eompletid, be ? f them between him and the mad animal, so delivered to them by tbo M. A W. Railroad. — . „— them by the SI. 4 W. Railroad Reepmg the position until able to leap over the We beg the indulgence of our patrons for a few fence, after doing which bo fell exhausted to I day* looser. The work of repairing is being pm!:ed roe ground. The struggle was terrible, indeed, forward aa rapidly aa poealble, and wo bope to be Tho ground waa dn. / ... r-.r. bit of ronning again in three or fonr days at the farthest. should, r wer^bidl^ 1 ,* i . H “ ^ quarantine from Charleston ateamahip^ sod there of brnisixL snd hia Uody a mass ^ OQW no delay in that city nor at Charleston in tbo ol bruises. Finally, reaching the house, he jdpment of frtighta. V y tla H is tiiought P ° ^ 8. K. the lad will recover from his wounds. sepUG-Std Superintendent. The Wooden Drug Store and Simmons Ahead! FRUIT JSOjA.X». All kinds of lbs bent rniko just received. ORANGES. LEMONS, CUCUMBERS, TOTATOES and TOMATOES. Call snd see them. J. H. ZEILIN A CO. I. Baxlne, Wright’s A Philicome Pomades. All new, of choice and selected stock. J. H. ZEILIN A CO. Oar stock of OOLOO-N33S Is one of the most complete ever offered. BELL COLOGNE (genuine), COLOGNE DE ROYAL, j MARIA J. FARINA COLOGNE, “ SOMETHING NEW COLOGNE. Call and examine at J.H-ZEILIN A CO. New etock of Tooth Brashes, Hair Brashes, Cloth Brashes I SALOON PRIVILEGE. Will be rented to the highest bidder, st the same time sud place, the exclusive privilege for the white snd colored Saloons on the Grounds. The former now ready snd to be taken possession of on the day it is rented. The other to bo built and arranged in time for occupancy one week before the Fair. Terms: Immediate possession, snd to bo held and occupied by the renter until the close of the Fair, let thst bo more or less than fonr days. Four good notes for the amount of the rent money iqaally divided, payable first, second, third or ’ourth days of tho Fair, with such security as may be approved by the Finance Committee of the City Council. Gill edged paper will be required- For other particular* and conditions not now sta ted, application most be made to me in person or writing. This is the best opportunity over offered to tbe public for s handsome speculation, in a short time and on emaU capital. It is expected that not lees than five thousand persons mid visit the Fork daily doling the Fair, and they will all want refreshment*. FORAGE-MASTER. Tfca privilege of famishing the forage for the sir ck during the Fair will also be sold to the high est bidder. Exclusive Cigar Privilege. The exclusive privilege for eelling cigars on the Grounds from the day of renting until the close of m T ^ — r. i y4ir . * l11 be sold to the highest bidder. This is a TOILET ARTICLES.) good thing, with much money in it. Terms e&me and TVMsp Brooms, And a fall and elegant assortment of All goods delivered free of cost to any part of the | %e have engaged the services of Mr. C. H. Free man, who has been catering to the tastes of the I citizens of Macon for the last twenty-eight years, and will still continue to do his best for all his old | friends who may favor him with a call. eep!2 tf MRS. FORD’S SuHOOL FOR GIRLS, COB. COLLEGE ST. AND COTTON AVENUE, | Will be opened on the 2d of October, 1871. MRS. L. FORD Principal. I MRS. T. B. FORD, Teacher Eng. Studies and Latin. M’LLE SUSANNE BOTT French. | M’ile will also form a Select Class of Young La dies not connected with the School. Terms: English $7; French 3 per month, in ad- I vanco. Hoars, from 9 to 2 o’clock. References : Mr. J. Clisby and Rev. H. K. Rees. I seplOtf 1 ATS are now receiving a most superior brand of | VV Flour from tbe Palace Mills, Columbus, And confidently present it to the public ss being I Inferior to None In tills or any Other Market We solicit orders from onr friends snd the pnblic | generally. au24tf E. S. POE A CO. sept!7i sep!7tf J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Wholesale uraggiata. W. A. HUFF, Mayor. AffiiYFHW, LAWYERS! NOTICE, O N snd after to-day, the following rales will be observed st the Central City Park: I Trotting horses will have the exclusive use of the I mile track for exercise and training, from daylight I until 9 o'clock in the morning, at which time the 1 attention to the following NEW I track will be thrown open for the free ose of all j parties until 3 o do.k r. xr., when it will be taken I possession of by tbo running stock and used by Cooley’s Constitutional Ltaitalions • 7 60 “Vi. 5 <»’«*«*.jhon it will be again thrown Wlieek-r’a Criminal Cases (3 vola> ... 16 00 I for tho ua0 of visitors others wishing to Croclccr on Sheriffs * 760l 2?? 5° if * This restriction upon tho public haa Smith** Manuel of Common Kaw f • hh notceS 4 00 n <*f**«T order to harmonize all in- Smhh** Man..el of Equity J 4 no V* we!I to giving amplo time for tho Abbott’* United Stair* Reports. (2 toTuS* * * 15 00 I “ amin g of the hordes nowon the ground and to ar- PotUsH D. Wains on Statute* and ConsUta- nTW * Abbott’® National Digests American Report*. (1st to!) ' "**• c 00 Ikminable Trials, (with notes and speeches) 4 50 lGlloo Fictions 2 00 Kiwcn Fact# (Townehend’a note.-). SOO Ilaw’a Legal Judgment’s (Townshend) 5 00 fcpannon and Beufield oa negligence 7 50 Any Law Book published in America famished at I THE MISSES IiAIfE pnblither’a prices. Any book of the above sent TXTILIi open a Boarding School for Young La- Ix ^®of expense, on receipt of pnee affixed. | V¥ fflas nHewJToik city, on Wednesday, Sep- 7 00 I x The hzrd track, or half mfle trrek aa it is called, (4 vols) .’.*.** 90 00 I U ^ tin3QB ft©© to tho public. _ _ . . >i) 6 00 I * has been placed in chargo of tho track to see that these rcguiatxona are observed impar- He will preserve order on the ground3 aa o 00 1 the city, and mast be so respected by 5 00 ^ father notice. gei»tl8toct22 -vv. A. HUFF, Mayor. Order* solicited. eepI7 tf J. W. BURKE «fc CO. tember 20.1871. For reference an d circnlare apply to J. J. Greeham, Euq., Macon, Ga. joll6 Sm NEW FIRM; 2ABRETT & CASTLEN’S GrXJIST EMPORIUM, | In Daly’s Block, opposite Isaacs’ nonsc, I S now open, where will be kept constantly on | hand as full and eeloct assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, GUN MATERIALS, snd SPORTING ARTICLES, j As can be found to the State- All kinds of repairing done at short notice and 1 warranted. GEO. F. BARRETT, ang23 tf F. Q. CASTLEN. W. A. HUFF, PRODUCE MERCHANT MACON, GEORGIA. Q 13* (-*• O 80 09 O U1 F o 0 U1 Q 0 o 0 0 go c+- CD go CQ 0* S CD* 8® 0 P* O 0“ go c+ c+ 80 0 O O 09 80 COAX. CREEK COAX. I HAVE now on hand a choice article (selected J lamp) of C. O. Coal. Lay in your euppliea. All orders will be promptly filled. augl6-tiUoctl Alt HAND L. BUTTS. e > 3 F krai o S 0 » 1 . % m a te. <J s H o * w H w ► B N d 1 W. A. HUFF, ATLANTA WATER-CURE. D R. F. KAXOW, late of Germany, would most / respectfully inform the citizens of Atlanta and I tho 8nrronnding country that he has opened an os- f tabhrihznent on Hunter street, in tho L&rendon I Houso, for the cure of all chronic diseases. Special I attention givtn to the following diseases: Liver | Complaint in all its forms, Syphilis in all ita forma, Fevers, Epilepsy, Sterrility, Asthmas, Lameneaa, Nervousnees, and diseases peculiar to women, etc. I refer to the following persons, who have been and are being treated at my establishment: Mr. J. W. Backer, of Chapman, Backer <!fc Co. • Major TT. B. Cox, of Cox & Hill; Capt. J. M. Hill, John and James Lynch, T. J. Hightower & Co., J. Fleishel, Beerman A Kartz. eep8tncgJ:ann3m J- B. BRES, Cotton Factor & General Com. Icrcliant No. 196 Gravier street, New Orleans. un20 d6mw3m F. j. RAGLAND, Agent. PRODUCE MERCHANT, MACON, GEORGIA,