The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, September 27, 1871, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. WEDNESDAY MOBNING. SEPT. 2*. 18 TcIegrnpH .State fair HalleUo* The Georgia State Fair for 1871 will open in Maoon, Monday, Ootoher 23d, and eloee on the Friday following. Extraordinary preparation* axe in pragma to make thl* Fair the most cx- tenaivo and popular Indnxtrial Erpontion which has ever been witnsoaed in the Southern State*. To meet all the newspaper requirement* of ao important an ooearion, the Txrxoxam ano UmmzxazM will, during the day* of the ex- poeiUon, tame an edition to be called the Tw- oaan Stats Fats Bcxixror, giving the telegraphie and mail new*—full report* o progress of the fair-list* of exhibitor* and ex hibits, speeches and report* delivered on th oooaaion—and very full dereriptiona of all tire triala of speed and prowess by land andI water. In the sise of this sheet and of it* edition*, it wiU meet every requirement of the vart crowd of citizen* of Georgia and rtrenger* from *“ narts of the South and the oountry, who will gather here at <»<«» time. The opportunity for badness publicity it wiU afford to buxines* men la Maoon and every other part of the oountry. North and South, will be very great We wm publish advertisement* in thi* p»P* r lor tbe v*oU period of the Krpemtion at the rate of two dollars an inch, allowing a discount of twenty to tblrtyper cent upon advertisement* lonpr than six inches, in proportion to length. Advertise ment* inserted once will be charged one dollar per Inch in length. Cuanr. Jox*a A llxmA News Itrni*. Tn* Naw Yon* Manxrr.—We thought CoL Jones would have been able to impart some backbone to the New York ootton market, but it seems the bear* got sbesd of him. Exraxss Bcsmars.—The Mobile Register ssys the Southern Expreas Company in that place are handling immense quantities of freight for the interior. We are glad lo see trade lirely In Mobile. Wanar.—Wo bad a wsnn dsy yesterday, but a friend from Southwestern Goorgia say* never so many warm dsy* will not help cottoo much in that section. It has done its devoir and that s poor one. Wira Baa Tina.—In c**o of n negro on trial before Iho District Court of Winnaborongb, La., for besting bis wife, the Jadge decided that the old common law wss in force in Louis iana, wbloh gave to the bnsbend “the right of moderately chastising bis wife." Lawron Kc or ice C.vitzii Statzs.— Tho Wilmington Star say* Lowere? fired into a Charlotte and Butberford train on Saturday, and on Monday Lowerry and hi* gang dined at the home of A. McNeill, and paid for thoir din- nor by flonriebing knives »nd pistol* at tbe family. Csm't nx Fomin.—A Utah dispatch of Friday aaya rnbpn ua* have l>een iaaued to bring before the Grand Jury Brigham Young and some four teen of hia wives, and George A. Smith, who ranks next to Brigham Young in tho Mormon Cbnrcb, hut Ihey bare not yet been found. It is strange that n man with so largo a family can't be found. Wx are glad to sco from tho World that the Demoeratlo administration of the Erie Canal ia showing Important advance* in freights and reoeipti:—912,213 ton* freight up to 15lh Hep teniber, against 632,395 for the some time last year, and $1,1127,072 toll reeeipts, against $1,- 001,812 l**t year. At the same timo the expense of working tho canal has been reduced Dearly forty per cent., or $191,38!) against $803,010. Now Quit It.—The New Orleana Fieayune which, we verily believe, started the Agasaix tidal wave story, baa got another fright np nt the expense of a column. Tfaistimeit isEncke'a Comet, which, on the night of October Clb at 11 o'clock and 41 minntea precisely, is going to bit the earth somewhere between the Indian Ocean and the Ulmmalaya Mountains, and tho concussion, to conjunction with tbe joint at traction of tbe sun and moon, is going lo raise the great tidal wave. If (he Tjeayune does not quit this panto making be will catch a shock or ooncusaion from a hundred broomsticks, each ono harder than a comet's tail. Arraia* in WamnimniN.—Tho Washington correspondent of tho World says every depart ment of the Government there is in tho moat admirable disorder, growing out of the abaenoe of moat of tbe functionaries from Cabinet offi cers down lo the youngest clerks, all election erring, log-rolling, attending conventions and laying wires for Grant's renomination. Olaim- agsnta, pensioners, attorneys, members of Con gress, and all who have any other bntineas in hand, exeept tbe renomioation, come to Wash ington, look abont, find it impossible to got any thing attended to, and go away nsing profane language. Tbs Visible Scrrri.r of ootton shown by (he Commercial and Financial Chronicle last Fri day, was 1,G93,915 against 1,317,104 bales at the corresponding date last year. Exceaa, 376,811 bales, aa compared with 1870. Tbe receipts of last week at the interior porta as compared with the corresponding week of last year were as follows: Augusta, 1,353—3,009. Columbus, 473—1,893. Macon, 407—3,442. Montgomery, 1,093—S, 153. Selma, 1,030-1,481. Memphis, 1,788-1,083. Nashville, 191—130. Total, 6,313 bales against 13,859 last year—or 7,54G bales lass. Tbe total receipt* a* telegraphed on Friday last, were 42,464 against 68,464 bales last year. Tux Noam Canon** Kc—Ten of (he North Carolina Ku klnx were aenlenoed by Judge Bond, of Raleigh, last Friday, aa follows, the prisoners being called separately and in the order given: R. A. Shotwell, six years' im priaonment, with hard labor, and a fine of $3,000; Alexander Defrieat, two years and $.300; Amea Evans, six years snd $3,000; George Holland, two years and $300; William McIntyre, two years and $300; William Teal, •hree year* and $300; David Collin*, four year* and $.>00; William Sorngga, threo years and $300; Spencer M. Moore anj D. II. For- tune, aix months' Imprisonment each, W*a tux Fxost Man White oa Colouxd 7 We are indebted to the Montgomery Advertiser for an Ethiopian prelection showing that Father Adam was created black orig'nally, sad how bo camo to take on a paler oolor. It ia a curious foot that the speculations of the “aeientiats' are taking a shape not so widely divergent a* they might be from those of the African brother. In the laid number of Scribner the reader will find a long and learned attempt to reeoneUo geological and ethnological discoveries, facts and speculations with the Mosaio acoount of the creation of man. The writer contends that tbe creation recorded in Genesis was the erection of the last and most improved apeeiea of tho human race—the Adamic or Caucasian, and that the Afrioan and Mougolian raeea had pre existed for an indefinite period. HU exposition of the Scripture* in connection with this theory U iugenions and suggestive, end the ethnologi cal difficulties he presents in the way of the common theory and interpretation are at least puialing. If he U right, then the Afrioan brother was not wrong, at least in tbe idea that black was the first color of the bnman apeeiea. Uasrcar. Coxvxxnosx—Tho Radicals hold their Slats Conventions in New York and Mas sachusetts to-day. In the Empire Stale, at Syracuse, a lively fight between the Fenton- Greeley and tho Grant-Murphy factions is an ticipated, but Greeley will be whipped out. In Massachusetts, Ben. Butler is to show fight for a nomination for Governor, but Butler, they say, U whipped already in the election for dele gatee to the Convention and the only question is whether he will submit to tho fist of the Cou- a thousand delegates, and a fierca s!ni3 ,, e J anticipated. But for the fact that the ^rcit Tammany explosion in Naw York has bytudiV oJosttre of rank frauds more or leas paralyzed the Demooraey of New York and the Union", the situation would bo encanraging. It U tree the National Democracy bold no responsibility whatever for the Tammany frauds, but it is nevertheless true they have brought a terrible atigma on the Democratic name. It will not do for Democrats to steal. Nothing bettor U expected of the radicals; bnt tho thunder of Democratic reprobation la bushed and silenced by th* exposures of Tammany. It cannot ring and reverberate in such sloughy chambers. Atlanta Gossip. A buy little bird who hope about Atlanta very industriously, picking up the crambe of freshest, fattest gossip that fall from tho various political tables in that city, was down this way the other day, and whilo here perched himself on our desk and chirped of many thing*. First, ho informed ns that certain Democratie politician* principally of the small fry order, were busy “fixing” up “elates” and making com binations to divide ont the various offices to be disposed of when Iho Legislature meets. In fact the little bird gave ns to understand—being a bird of immense credulity—that it was “all settled, sir,” and nothing remained bnt for the honorable Senators and Representative* to meet and ratify it We are not yet exactly prepared to tell all we learned from the little chirper, but we may do ao between this date and tbo find day of November. If we know anything of public sentiment, however, we may set down some of those little games u already coppered. They won't begin to work, and there is an everlasting smaab awaiting some of the slates. The people are going to make such combinations a* will inure to their interests, and not to the paltry, sordid greeds of trumpery politicians and blatherskite demagogues. Tf a resolute and thoroughly in earnest public sentiment can keep tbe Legisla ture rigidly in the right track, that body will do the people’s work as well as may be, not the work of a few men whose ambition and offioe- hnnger are in inverse ratio both to their deserts and capacity. Gentlemen “log-rollers 1"—be sure and koep your lines of retreat well open, and especially have more than one' string to your bowi, or we greatly fear you will be laid out u cold aa a wedge, and “flat broke" besides. Ilotv ami tVIiy .Senators Fat Thieves, Connlcrfelicrs and Courtesans in Office. THE GEORGIA FltF-SS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO REJiT. A GOOD tenant can obtain a boneo suitable for a | small family. m a Root neighborhood, healthy, and convenient to bnrineea. Apply to »cp27 It MBS. A- F. SHERWOOD, Second el The remains of the Confederate soldiers which arrived at Savannah, from Get tysburg, on Friday, were buried in Laurel Grove on Sunday, with the no«t imposing cere monies. A procession was forrord at the Ex change oomposed of ex-Confederate soldiers, pohoe, citizens and ladies, and three rounds of musketry as well as minute guna were fired at i tho grave. The Keva. T. O. Stanley and Dun- -- . , from tbe city, mrd known aa tbe Parker Place. The lop conducted the religious services. place con tamo one hundred and twenty acres, near Mr George C. Band, jr. t of Savannah, was I two thirds of which ia open and under good etateof I Park Mbs. last estivation-tho balance well timbered. On.the married at west Chester lore, ’ I place are fine we la of water, cnsnrparsed in tho Thursday, to Mia* Genie L. Blanchard, of tho eounty. For psitiralsra a* to terms*of sale, etc., latter place. I ,pp,J t0 CHABLEY LLOYD. on the place. I Dr. Landrum preached his farewell sermon at the Savannah Baptist Church on Sunday morning, and left for Memphis, Monday night Tho editor of the Atlanta Era is nothing if not critic* 1 Hi* last shot is *s follows. Time! HARNESS AND SADDLERY. PLANTATION FOR SALE. T NOW offer mr Plantation for sale eitnated on I the Houston road, three milee from the city. The He Vi. T. O. Stanley end Dun-1 Eligibly located, and wilhin fifteen minutes drive or JONATHAN COLLIN'S JtaSST' esp27 5t Cotton Factors, Macon, Ga. NOTICE. S TOCKHOLDERS in tbe Maoon 4 Augusta Bail- I road Company, deeirous of attending the An nual Convention of that Company, to be held in Willinnham: I Augusta on Monday next, 2d of October, will be _ , , - . ... , passed free to and from the meeting, by exhibiting Here is a remarkably sharp thing from the ,i K .; r certificates of Block to the conductor on the LaGrange Reporter: trains. J. A. 8. MILLIGAN, ‘•The CartersYille Express spells it ‘redica- Secretary and Treasurer SL4 AR.B. loos.’ If some smart lexicographer canid get | ecp27 tiloci2 up a dictionary for tho special use of some of ______ our Georgia editor* who don’t care how they GEORGIA STATE FAIR spell, it would, perhaps bo a great convenience to them.” office of the ' I ATLANTIC & GULF FREIGHT LINE, | VIA SAVANNAH, GA. 229 EROADWAY, COB. BARCLAY,' STREET, New l'oxx, September 29,1871. The Reporter, speaking of a LiGrange lady, aaya: “She i* an ahunni of the Southern Fe male College.” If some smart classical scholar would get np a Latin grammar for some of our Georgia editor* who don't understand tho ancient languages, it would, perhaps, be a great con venience U to them. The Atlanta locals say the mnsquitoes are in tolerable np at that famous “summer resort.” Now, we can aooonnt for our missing stock. The following is a sample of Atlanta locals. We qnote from the Constitution, of yesterday: Qcxx*.—What lawyer and doctor got turned round ao completely a few nights ago that they mistook tho back door for tho front one? And. .. ■ ... . . ... . .. who had to buy a a now suit of clothes the next from October IS. All freights destined for this WUO nnu lo oujr a a iw. aw. Oi "rauca lua not I A Nppclnl Arrang-cmentV’ for the Gtorgrla I Suite Fair, to be Held nt Macon, Go., October S3,1871. I M, I. & SarannaTsTeamsliip Companies I AND TfiX Allantic & Gulf Freight & Passenger Line, TT7TLL iatuo Excursion tickets to Macon, Ga., | V V *nd return, for $82 75, good for thirty daya SMITH, WESTCOTT & CO. 102 CHERRY STREET, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SADDLES AND HARNESS CARRIAGE MATERIAL, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, LEATHER OF ALT, KINDS, consisting in part of— " BOLE AND HARNESS LEATHER, ENAMELLED AND PATENT LEATHER, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALFSKIN, KIP SKINS, UPPER AND LACE LEATHER. ' G-IIST BANDS, LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, SADDLE, HARNESS AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, THE NEXT GREAT GEORGIA STATE FAIR! WILL BE TTCT.n at UMC ACO 3XT , CorasHciDf MiinJaj, Ootota 233, and Continne for fiilt Days. oi a an sc,tie i asptSO eodgm IN GREAT VARIETY, FROM §8 00 TO $50 00. THOS, _ - r <» | cAtuiAuuu wiu ue cuukcu full rites going out end morning f | returned to New York free. Shippers who deeire to exhibition will be charged 1 . returned to New York free. That celebrated bogus monoy deteotivo, I avail tbexneelvea of thi© arrangement will be careful A Washington letter in tho Now York Sun, I “Wogana,” Wimpey, has settled in Atlanta to M? “ft shipments to the “Secretary of - ws ,. * „ , .. . - , __ I . , JL . ,, . , , . I the Georgia Stite Fair, Macon, Ga., care of the of Fndiy, tolls 0one of tho eocrota of how ap-1 practice lmw. Why isn t M employed as extra I Atlantic and Gulf IUilroad Agent, Savannah, Ga., pointmentH to office at Washington are made. I counsel in the State Road cases, wo should like I and to mark on the packages the namo of the Under tho head “A Story of a Western Sen- toknow? Stiding^S ator,” the correspondent says: I The Era complains that fast driving is got-1 as follows: Sometime* the parties ao appointed by offi-1 ting to be a “great nuisance” in Atlanta. I. HSJT* j’ d *'" *S P ^th^STve l W relation^ wiffiTS ** AU “ U eIcnrsion P" 1 ? P nr P 0S0 honoring KSUSif T “‘ ’ of exposure^ docs not get them appointed. Macon with their presence, on Friday Tho Senator, for lnatanoe is a married man, lives I The Era thinks it a disgusting sight to see Kor u, Ki, er . Offlro, 187 Welt street, cor. of Beads. in good atyle, reoeives elegantly and entertains I white and negro women chained together, and I William B. Garrison, ships 8ao Salvador and San . ■ntuptaonsly. Ho cannot afford to be oxpoeed, I k . . v , . rn,,. I Jacinto, sailing Saturdays, Pier 8, North Itirer— Cambric Shirte; Linen and Paper Collara and Caffs of every style; Colltr Bows and Cravatsol Ho know* that the woman who is hanging abont | w “ “ “ . , , I Office, 6 Bowling Green. I styles and colors; Lisle Thread and India Ganze Undershirts; Perfect FittiDg Drawers, in all sizes; to bleek maO him is a bad woman. Ho knows I * re * B r ®kt many more disgusting sights than I R. LowJcn, ships Montgomery and Hnntsville, Lisle Thread and Bleached and Unbleached British Socks; Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs; Suspenders, that iho ia associated with a man who I that np there. Bnt what does this trewly loyl sailing Saturdays, tier 13, North River. Oflic > 93 and all kinds of Gloves, including Gents’ Kids of all sizes, in white, black and ail the colors' be her husband, who is suspected of botong- sheet mean by such a slam nt the doctrine of W “p27M*' O. D. OWENS, General Agent. I to a gang of counterfeiters. Notwithstend- | “without distinction of race and TJ. CONNER, (the FINEST PAM AND BEST RACE TRACK ton Avenue. Macon, Ga.. 1 FULL STOCK OF HATS AND GAPS Next to Mix & Kirtland’s, Cotton Avenue. Macon, Ga.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY A FULL STOCK OF ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. FOR MEN AND BOYS, Of the very Latest Styles, in Silk, Leaver, Felt, Caaaimere, Straw and Wool. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Consisting of Dross Shirts, with Plain, Plaited, Puffed, Embroidered and Fall Bosoms—opening in front I or at the back, or at the eide—and to wear with buttons, or spirals or Btnds. Checked and Striped ” --- - '- fall Ml 101 HILLS! log IG n K*°B UI VUUULOJJCIlCin. ilUlWlllMMIUU* I Jj. log he inaiata that she and her tidy friend, who I * • also demands a place, shall oocupy a position by I color ? tbe aide of respectable women in the Currency Printing Bnrean of tho Treasury Department, where ample opportunities are afforded these two tidy oompanions of tbe suspected counter feiter to panne their criminal professions. I am UloatratiDg my point by a real case. I Madison is to have a “Silver Cornet” Band, j Pity the sorrows of the Madisoniana 1 Mr. John A. Shields, a well-known citizen, | died near Madison, last Friday night. Walter Hill, Esq., of this city, was admitted I ALARM CASH DRAWER Till Tapping Prevented! EVERY EVERY \ Merchant TEIKS, VALISES, SATCHELS A1 UMBRELLAS, Of ail sizes snd qualities and styles, for both ladies and gentlemen. may!2 tf Warranted. IS S THEM. SOLD AT Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses, | FAIRBANKS & CO., 252 BROADWAY. NBW YORK. FAIRBANKS, BB0WX £ CO., U8 MILK STREET. BOSTON. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. sep27tnea,frilm YTuy sbh GEKUirea am not supposing ono, nor drawing upon my I to tho bar, at Talbot Superior Court, lost week, I himself who had received bis $1,000 hush money I la* school, at Athens. ahonld be sppointed in the Interior Department I The patent air brake has been adopted on the I He was told by tho acting head of that depart- WMtem ud Atlantic Railroad, and hereafter it mont that the man was a soonndrel; that ho | .... had a bad reputation at home, and was suspect-1 W1 u0 attacIie “ to a “ passenger trains, ed of belonging to a gang of conntoifeiters in I Says tho Constitution, of yesterday: the United States. , I Pbeumiwabt ExsanNanoN.—We learn that I It made no difference. The Senator saw near I John Hill, Frederick Patrick. W. K. Thomas, him the glare of the demon, and felt hi* sharp Melvin Konnedy, and A. J. Wages, who wero claws in hia flesh, for bo trembled with fear I brought to this city Saturday evening from when ha heard the Secretary's words. “Never I Gwinnett county, will have a hearing this morn- mind,” responded the Senator, “if wbat you I ing before United States Commissioner W. B. say ia true, be will make a good detective in the I Smith. We could not ascertain what the charges Pension Bnrean. Appoint him. Set s thief to I against them were. Somo say they are charged catch a thief.” I with Kn-klnxism; others that it is illicit distil- j A Senator commanded, and the creators of | lation. tbe Senate obeyed. The suspected counter- Tho Griffin Stir, of yesterday, says: made b^an^her*Sona^or°^sbomhehad atio^a^ On Saturday night the np passenger train | tempted to X* mat., Jhat tho tXe, ™ a | SStT I ■ooundrel. think! inaiided, i '^Secretary said afterward that he bad re-1 I moved him; that ho had pursued his Senatorial °L by „ ^ viotim and insisted upon being reinstated, and fnnilr bn!^to tbe belief ta that he is now in the employment b ft ^ I of tho Government, if not in iho 6auo place, I from 1116 CArs * “ e 18 donl tlcss crazy. probably in some other bnrean. Nxw Wax to Make the Gnasn Toun—A thi6vov, 8 *oonnterWtira' 1 mid’ > titeir 0, paraml«mit Washington dispatch to the New York Tribune about $6,000 hush money, beside? TO Xreasnry D^ent ooctinu- to rand I oo^a^^-'SS'^ L h n*.“ '.“n “L* I a derJSt^f .h P roo clerks 10° London wtih | 00 filed much by the temperance reform which 11 tpthesyndicate. Eighteenof thesefortunategen- | 032 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, have suggested, because ho is already . pioneer £ emen ” ow abroad l in that movement. He is a pions tem^ranco ( xborter. Ho has a great deal to say abont vir- ” aD . ta >ra to ***** d ” k *__ ln _‘ U : too and against corruption but he l-probably they we ^w^dti^be ab^tto? the grestw* legislative thief w the United States them timeto Senate. He is only ono. There are others. w Neither of these wornon, to whom I have re- ma ^ e 0 hti!o_lrtponthecontinent. ferred, can be reached by breaking up certain I bonse* in this metropolis. They do not live in I OIJITL'.VKY. snch places. They are too “respectable 1” If a I Albeut H. Bnursoso was bom on tho 20th thunderbolt would nnroof all the residences in I day of May. A. D. 1844. and died in tho city of I RT. REV. JOHN W. BECKWITH, D. D... .Visitor. as at n A. I- I ..J . ’ . n J — I matf T m nnVBP XT A HOGEBS & BONN rj^O-DAY reeeiring and offer low 2C0 boxes CBEAM FACTORY CHEESE, 50 barrels NORTHERN IRISH POTATOES. B0GEBS & BONN rjiO-DAY receiving and offer low 60 boxes PORK BELLIES. Standard Scales. More Than 230 Different Mofllllfations. ' MONEY DBATTEB. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO , 1XS 21ILK STREET, BOSTON. For emlo by leading Hardware Dealers. Bcp27wcd,B*t4mo» | MONTPELIER FEMALE INSTITUTE, | NEAR MACON, GEORGIA. REV. J. T. PRY8E, M. A. Rector MRS. H. D. PBYSE Principal BOGEBS & BONN H AVE in store the largest stock of LIQUORS in the city. BYE WHISKY at $1 to $5 per gallon. CORN WHISKY at $1 to $1.60 per gallon. Oar Cheap Grades Whisky are superior to any in I tho State for the price. BOGEBS & BONN ^^BE receiving and offer very low 690 packages NEW MACKEREL. 100 packages NEW WHITE FISH. ON CONSIGNMENT, A N D for sale tinder market rates, as the market ia failing fearfully, 200 rolls HEAVY MAGNOLIA BAGGING, sep218m ROGERS A BONN. NEW ARRIVALS —AT— M. H. KOGEKS & CO.’S, 100 CHERRY STREET. A Fresli Lot of Good Things. | NORTHERN APPLES, FOREIGN FRUITS AND NUTS, | BEST FRENCH CANDIES, in variety, cheap, MILD FANCY FACTORY CHEESE, ASSORTED CRACKERS, best qualities, BAKING POWDERS, | Hora ford’d. Price’s, 4c. 250 SPLENDID HORSE COTTAGES! $10,000 IN CASH PREMIUMS OFFERED FOB FAST HORSES—TROTTING OB RUNNING! The Fastest Horses in the North west and South to be present. Superior Accommodations for Stock. A. GrFLA.JSTJD &*FJk.3SrJD> CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE! ESTABLISHED IN 1S32. Washington, when the entire Government is I Macon on tho 23rd day of September, A. D. there, some morning before dawn, its electric 11S71. light would astound the nation. | The writer of this notice cannot, from per-. Term of tbia Institute sonal knowledge, give any account of the history wm begin September 13th, 1871. Tnmuintiy and tlic New Yorlt Dc- I or character of tho deceased previous to the I charges for board, including Washing, Fuel and time of his last illness; bnt from the manifest I Light*, with tuition in English and Classical depart- w .„, ... ... „» 1 sorrow of tho vast concourse of friends and nc- menta, per term of 20 weeks, $130. I What the action of tho Democracy of I qnainlancea that followed his remains to the An additional charge of $5 for conveyance of each State of Now York will be with reference to the gravo it is evident that his qualities of mind and pupil, with eecort,fromMacon;to Montpelier. -p, n TTnTV3.irTATC! Xt CHAT blunder* and oormpUons of Tammany, is very heart were such as tostrongly commend him to I • ,* cbw ® ea ^ or ^ rencb > Music, Drawing and | JJ, L) 06 OUJLi, probably foreshadowed in tho following from H 1 ® esteem of all who knew him. V-’tSinveyances for the Institute can fco pro- tbe New York World, of Friday: I -SfT a 6° Mr ntrclsong returned from I cnrw i, at any timo, upon application at the Livery J ., , , . » visit to.the North, which he hoped would re- stable* of Messrs. Holme* * Swift, Macon, Ga. The fate of the Tammany chiefs depends I store bis failing beadth, ao prostrated by diseaso For circulars and further particulars, appiv to — . J - - - - - "IV JOHN T. PRY8JS, upon Democratie action, and tbe events and I that hia friends, from the first, entertained tho developments of the last five days render it en- I gravest fears in regard to the termination of his tiroly certain that there will be no abatement of illness. He, however, expected to reoover, and Democratic vigor, nor any loosening of the grip I anticipated with confidenco an early return to which has already been got by hostile Demo- his place of business. I ITIOUR weeks afterdate, anpUeation will be made to eratie hands upon tbejunntcipu authorities. I It was while oberishing this expectation that I th« Ordinaly of Crawford county for learo to BEV JOHN T. Montpelier Inatitnte, near Macon, Ga. Bept2I eod2w Gms, Pistols, fisig Tackle APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. SPORTING GOODS. ju!4 2awtoctl 59 Mulberry sti, Macon, Ga. FRESH WATER &RO0M MEAL. We have looked into the Demoeratie newspapers his mind and heart were directed to the subject sell tho land, brionmnx to the citato of Mara W. of the interior, and find them all demanding, 0 f religion. His oonfession of past sinfulness oT&ivti^^o’ni thJ ‘ * h »« with one voice, that tho power of Tom- was ma de with humility nnd contrition; and KLIZABKTU A. SANDERS. Adm’x. many b© overthrown, and th© party cleared I his parpos© to devoto his life to tho service of I KWKLL WJiBB. Administrator, cf any oomplidty with the malfeasance I God was altered with sn expression on his face - ,<lp ~-- - which they were long reluctant to believe, ,nd in his eyes of fixed determination that was ADMINISTRATORS’BALE, bnt now regard as fnliy established by unmistakable. Ho sought reconciliation with WBII* »°ld on the first Tuaslay in Novimher __ _ nTTQ ™Ti5 m. ■ T , . , , . confessions and proofs. There is a universal God, not in view of dying, bnt in view of liv- ho™ W d 1 ioi n to»KrS , wa 0 o7K«MSito f0 M thJ 300 fde ° 1 ‘ 0100 ' JOWtTRfxTVk demand that tho party shaU take hold of the in g.’ His repentance ™ not tho relenting of I p^rty ” JlS?k W F«d?r.. d t ceL^. I.“ of I OUU eal0 ^ JONES 4 BAXTER, municipal government and reform its abases. I a sinful heart shaken by the fear of death, but Crawford county, for division amoo* tho heir., tho I Nothing will now satisfy Democratic expects- the return to God of a soul brought by tho P'“«»f£ on in »*id county, whereon .be died, contain-1 tion short of great changes both in the organic Spirit of Graoe to see the sinfulness of sin and ill ^dolhi^^Term.^h! W * b ' strnctare snd the personnel of th© city govern- bewail its guilt. No one, admitted to a knowl- j _ _ ELIZ \ * vuent. Th© charter will b© overhauled and re-1 edge of his mental exercise© and j fashioned. A newly elected Mayor will appoint I enee, could have any doubt of the genuinenc new head© of department©. The ©trong and I of his repentance. thoroughly awakened sentiment of Democratic I When urged to take upon him the vows of . ... hon. at, will accept of nothing I**., and thejn-1 Christian discipleship, he expre-ed himself as | ” d *ep27wtd APPLICATION POR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. TENNESSEE CLEAB SIDES. 10,000 ff POUNDS nice Tennessee ClearSides fctoro and for sale at market price JONES 4 BAXTER. domitable vigor of that sentiment is a sure unwilling to take this step until ho recovered I er<3i°^o'f,*idA«;i.°c 1 Roanintio that the reforms will be aceomptishei | from his illness, lest it »hou!d be thought that I rer27w»J JAMES M. BATEMAN. /<!n'r. It ooncerns nobody M much a* the Tammaay he had been driven into tbe church by tho fear -crnTTSV. Altm TOT VflR saTV I SMOKED PIG TONGUES, chief. 1 lemaelves to look this prospect fully in of death. But when it was told him that he I LUi xUi£ oili-i£i, I auuviuzio. the face, and recognize tho untenable position oonld never stand before the> altar of the Thc Elegant House Uitcty Occupied »I r A A Ponitm i>i. T™,™. in which they stand. ohnrch and there confess Christ before men, he 11 r "'ll III i . ou “ DS CanTlsac “il l F.„ 0 PS5 (!3 ,v“^J?aI 0 immediately sent for his pastor, and was re- r - bI, ‘" CP | OUU by JONES 4 BAXTER. Some ir “PuiNCHXTTx’a” Lrrmx Gavex—The I coived into tbo church by holy baptism: and Will be sold en Tuesday, tbe 3d day of Oeb «-• «■»“• >r» is S^iaS'.-JsU'iiKa?. October, be- I r lies be- I end Mr. I Western ®' ,v ”* w ***” I lJjq comfort of heart, he partook doings of that pesky humbug Planchette, ^ment of the Lord’s snpper. He doubted not I 'FACfKG cniCKAMAUGA PARS, which may serve to point a moral if not adorn I his acceptance with God, and there was not a I The lot it one-half acre, wi h dwell Id©, foar-roomod a tale. It seems that a foolish young woman lingering fear on this subject in the minds of whoso name ia now Etha Adams, which it was l *> ose who attended him in his last days. The roooiff, par trie*, store roouM.^e^^ox^arSerportic* _ . , , . Ichangem hi© heart manifeeteditaelf in hi© anx-lalr-v enquire oi not a few days ago, and probably will not be in I |ety 5 or tho Ba lTation of his friends, and in hi© _sss® JOS. 8. KEY. a short timo to come, recently married a young oft repeated prayer for them a© they stood t>_ Oonnecticnt farmer named Adams, and with him I around his bedside. As he and hi© sister con-I AtOpG allu dTOll AlGoi aet ont on a wedding tonr from Norwalk, intend- T « 1 ?®d ot d “ ,h **“ ®J“ ® U ^ T> ECOyKO daily a largo supply of the abovo . , , h , ... . .. I with tears. “Wipe the tears from my eyes, he XV s>ticlea, which will be sold vety low. Ing to go to Cleveland, Ohio, and thence by the I Jo no t fl ow f rom f ear Bister- no I 3UOO Bolls and Bales of Bagging, all grade*. — ■ ” ■ 1 • - i ... . - - ’ - 1 “*» Bondiee different kinds of Iron Tiee. BAGGING AND TIES. las TT'OR sale cheap by tic- X JONES 4 BAXTER. lakes to Chieago. On tbe steamer she became I not from fear.” A few momenta before he acquainted with a young New Yorker giving his I died his sister whispered in his ear, “The Lord namo aa George D. Bankin, and with him she “ “Y <" b « »<lded, “I shall not want,” played at revelation, through “planchetie.” I and pMSed * WSy P®* 60 ' 'Planohotle” told her that Georgs was her. noticf soul's husband, with whom alone she should live, I gHEXirr's Office, M*cox,~G*., Sept. 25,1S7L and ao, when the boat tonehed at Milwaukee, tho I have this day appointed Patrick Crown, Eaq , precious pair eloped—the lady having obtained | Deputy Sheriff of Bibb count}, and bo ha* been 100 Code Cotton, Joite and Mannilla ltope. By oepl23 SEYMOUB, TINSLEY, 4 CO. FOR RENT. | STORE, also a suit of rooms cni table for soot- | ^ ton buyer. nep5 tf Apply at THIS OFFICE. P FOR RENT. her husband’s pocket book, eontainingaomewhat I daly qualified as snch, and will enter at once upon I 'T’HF Stor ® J - H. Anderson 4 Son. - - — — 1 1 JL l osteaaion given let day or uctoDer. aepHtf W. F. BRO’ fill Cliff Bfiib County. less than a thousand dollars. They made tho I the discharge of the duties pertaining to hia office, best of their way to Quincy, where Bankin got I P. XV. DOYLE, the woman to give him the parse and a valuable sep263t diamond ring. Then he eloped alone, lesvinc /CHOICE FLOOR.—A FRESH CONSIGNMENT ,i. • . . . .. . of Cohen's celebrated Flonr. Jo*t received at the following heartless note behind him, which is abont aa oontemptible • piece of villainy as haa been heard of for a long time: Desk Gran: I am called suddenly away from yon. Betnrn lo your “hnbby” at E'gin until I call for yon. An revoir. Geosoe. The poor, foolish woman went to Kansas City aep26-3tcod* HENRY L. JEWETT. 64 Second street. BOARDING HOTJSE. REMOVAL, J H. ANDERSON 4 BON have removed to No. • 10 Hollingsworth block, corner of the alley, where they will keep constantly on hand a full I stock of Fresh Beef, Hatton, Polk, Satuage and a general assortment of Family Groceries. eep26tf DOST. COW FOOD, C OTTON SEED MEAL, Wheat Bran and Cow Peae, foreale by JONES 4 BAXTER. FL0UB OF ALL GRADES, pi quarter, half and whole eacka, and in barrels. COEN, OATS and HAY, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, CHEAP WHISKIES, SOAP, CANDLES, etc, All at lowest maiket rates, for eale by eep26 tiioctl JONES 4 BAXTER. BRANDY PEACHES, AND JELLIE3. Cooking Extract* in variety and cheap. Oystera, Lobstera and other canned gooda. English and American Pickles. •SCHEPP’3” DESSICATED COCOANUT, FINE AND CHEAP CIGARS, beet brands. Assorted Spices, Curran ta and Citron, Lemon | Syrnp, Matches, 4c. Cates Supplied at Short Notice. aept22-2w Grand State Regatta Over $1000 in Cash Premiums 1 Boat Gluba invited from New York to New Orleans. Fifteen differ ent Clubs expected. River bank Terraced for One Mile. Ten thousand spectators can be seated on tbe beautiful green-sward at one time. NBW FIRM ! THREE NEWSPAPERS TO BE PRINTED ON THE GBOIBS. | Teiegragb, Express snd Post-offices in full operation on the ground, day and night, for the convenience of Visitors! J. H. Campbell. I I. B. English, Late of the firm ot John- Late with J. B. Buss 4 | son, CampbeU 4 Co. | S- T. Coleman. W E the undersigned have this day entered into a copartnership under tbe firm and name of CAMPBELL & ENGLISH, for the purpose of transacting the WHOLESALE LIQUOR BUSINESS and can be found at 56 Cherry Street, Macon. A HANDSOME COTTAGE With private rooms for accommodation of Editors and Newspaper Correspondents- GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION Every day at Three, p. ar. A CARD. F EELING assured that in representing the wholesale trade in Macon for the past six years, we have possessed the confidence of whole sale buyers in our market, we now invite their at tention to our new buainoss, with an earnest gua rantee to give entire satisfaction to ail good men who wilt favor us with their patronage. CAMPBELL 4 ENGLISH. 8ept21Sm EDWARD PAYSON WESTON, The distinguished Pedestrian, from New York, will appear on Monday and Tuesday, October 23d and 24th, and illustrate his wonderful powers of endurance which have excited the wonder and admiration of the world. ON CHEESY STEEET AGAIN. H AVING rented the well known Flint House, on \- the Ymevilln road Satnrdav afternoon Agent, would respectfully in- Firet street, opposite the Cdy Market. I am | Q 2M in^TwaeT^^ff 1 itofiX’^U P nW . i0 ^ Pint street, opposite the City Market. I am , ullcI ESSSISOTSS Ecmber of | beTreearied on leaving it at The bouse has recently been thoroughly reno- withont baggage or money, concerning the loss I and its accommodation* made complete, of which “planchette” had raid nothing. SSSTJ? SfiSSSWob&£ » — 1 attendance. Hot*. D. W. Voonmxs.—We learn that this I gf P 1>a 5t * MR3. AMOS LASSETEB THIS OFFICE. THE LATEST STYLES be is again back on Cherry street, with a largo stock of the most choice Cigars, embracing all tbo favurito brands, and Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of all descriptions. His store is next door abovo Valentino's Saloon and Beetan- tanb Give him a call, all you who love a good -.a sep9 2m cigar or quid ot tobacco. Valuable City Property for Sale. distinguished gentleman, one of the most elo quent orators in the oountry, was, on Saturday I rpHE Home and Lot in thia city (Macon) known I laat,«electod by the Demosthenian Society of tho fomarlj f* mV residence. Univenity of Georgia, to deliver the annual not*diJrMcJ ef at°rriJate**”o. I will #«li «Tabic nddrre. before the two literary societies of that 7e*^"'Tfu^fee*?ri?en insulation, at the commencement next August ' - We do not know that Mr. Voorhec* will accept, but earnestly trust he will. We con promise him, in advance, a Highland welcome if be con sent* to moke Georgia a visit. At the same time, Hon. Joel A. Billnpa, of Madiaon, and Samuel Hall, Eeq., of this city, vrsre elected first and second alternates, reapso- tivelj both admirable selections. SILK HAT8,| A fine lot juct received by scp26 tilnovl F. L. GBOCE. HotanjWnh block. SCHOOL NOTICE M BS. BAXLEY'S SCHOOL*, corner of Walnut and Third etroetd, will be reopened on Monday October 2. ecplOicdSn* TINNER -WANTED. •R job work. A firet-d&se workman can get steady work. TRUMAN A GREEN. eep24tf Maoon, Georgia. MRS. FORD’S SuHOOL FOR GIRLS, COB. COLLEGE ST. AND COTTON AVENUE, HAND MADE. I 1,00 P on6d on ,he 23 of October, 187L A COMPIETRiuMortmeotot Oeun.’ Jland-made MR3. L. FORD - . . . 11 wu. and Shoe. Joat In. F. L. GROCE. MRS. T RPopK*n-""WY'w •""••••"Pn ac > p . aI . tilnoTl Hollinfcaworth bloclr I ^SUS^NE BOTI.. r .?. B ' St ? dl “ an |r^Sh' M’iie wiU also form z Select Cliii of Young La- dies not connected witn tho SchooL Termaa English 57: French 3 per month. In ad vance. Hour., from 9 to 2 o’clock, llzrzazsczs: Mr. J. Clhsby and Bev. H. K. Bees Smtoast Georgia imal Fair T HE Arnctl Fait of tbe Sontb'west Georgia Cen tral Fair As-eci*tion -sail be bold in Fort Y&Uey commencing October 17tb. and continue for three euoceteire days. JAa. W. MATHEWS, aeplO tf Monmra re ioio « s into o^rotiom* TtofSZ 9 AA ^ nnSkblvb p<r 1000 cobi ® feet, vriU e£U\J of probably be reduced at least h.lf rus S ipR in PICKLED POBK. »ep23 tilocti7 in a new gas company — I — — — BARRELS Picklod Folk, various grades of it, warranted. 2j0 pounds in a Bin el, at least half thatamount I in P- ices from *7 00 to 817 00 per barrel. , WaaT is the difference, i . 10X1 The cheapc.t meat now in the market to feed la- and a feather bed’“t lw een a spendthrift I borers. Warranted sound and sweet. Alt in search | other is soft down/ ° n ° “ h « d «P I cC t %<£ »*“ —fflSSB? TINSLEY 4 CO. Secretary. VALIANT, JONES & CO. (Sncceisors to Valiant 4 Jones), IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN rv gORQIA. BAKER C0U3TY.-H. H. Hall zp- VX rlieaio me for valuation and Eetiine apart ea- emptiun - and L^afTo | LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, CHINA, TABLE, CUSS ASD QIEEXSWARE, 4 SOUTH HOWARD STREET, BALTQIOBE. 8ep21dtfc-ffCxn upon the i o clock, at my office. y*xTen under n»y ba~d ani official fixnatare. at in JSewton, Ua., this, the 2uth of 6opt$mber. 1S71. CLEMENT GUVK. tc;. J2twii Ordinary. Persons tVIsLlng to InTest In Real Estate | Wonld do Well to Call on COIililNTS cia XIEiYTII, j COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 69 SECOSD STREET. T HE foUowing mentioned property ia for sale by I them: 33)^ acres of land near Macon Armory Factory, I all under fence. There is a Cottage boose, three I ont-bouses, and an excellent weU of water on tbo place. —ALSO— H Lot No. 3. block 35, cor. Boundry and Telfair et. “ “ 3, “ 28, •• Elm and Troup at. “ “ 2, “ 28, “ “ and Congress st. - -i •* 2, “ 85, “ Lamar street. Thirty-five feet fronting Second street, between brick'store and Poplar street Four lino Building Lota on Tatnall square. Seventeen Building Lots in rear of James Sey- | moor’s residence. Two and three-quarters acre Lot on Windsor Hill, fronting tho new road. Two Fine Residences & Ten Small Houses. —TOR BEST— A Five Room Dwelling, in complete repair, lot of half acre containing out houses and stable. Convenient to bseiness part of town.eept21-tf OTHER EXHIBITIONS OF RARE INTEREST ARB MERIT! Will bo of daily occurrence throughout tbe week. STREET OA.RS! Will take Passengers to and from tbo Park to any part of the City every fifteen minutes. FARE, ONLY TEN CENTS! SF^EOIAL. PREMIUMS Are offered amounting to over $10,000. Five thousand dollars offered by ono man 1 % \ A7"E call special attention to the following NEW I VV LAW BOOKS, Juat received: Cooley’s Constitutional Limitations $ 7 50 I Wheeler’s ( Arrangements for Railroad and Steamboat transportation at half rates for Passengers and hive been made with all tbe lined throughout the country from New York to New Orleans, and fro Chicago to Savannah. Criminal Cases (3 vols) 15 00 Crocker on Sheriffs 7 50 Smith's Manual of Common Law (with notes) 4 00 Smith’s Manual of Equity 4 00 Abbott’s United States Reports, (2 vols) 15 00 Potters Dwtrris on Statutes and Constitu tions 7 00 Abbott’s National Digests (4 vols) 30 00 . __- T , SSS ONLY $32 FEOM NEW YORK TO MAOON AND RETURN ■ Hill on Fictions 2 00 1 Bam on Facte. (Towneliend’s notes) 5 00 Itam’d Legal Judgment’s (Townsliend) 6 00 Shannon and Eeafield on Negligence 7 60 t X*aw Book published in America famished at I publialier’a prices. Any book of the abovo sent xreo of expenao, on receipt of prico affixed. Ordors bolicitod. sep!7 tf J. W. BURKE 4 CO. Twenty Thousand Visitors Expected Daily on the Grounds! T C°A1 CREEK COAL. . I 1 rr2r\ n ° whand a Choice article {selected I vn in your Buppliea. j All orders will be promptly filled 3 * aaglS-tiUoctl AltMAND I*. BUTTS. DOMESTICS. DOMESTICS. K A BAI^lS varioua grade© of Georgia manatee- I 5/y. tu r®d Oanaburgtj, Stripe©, Pialdo. Sheeting©, hjnrtinga an ^ ism©. Foraalo at manufacturers* 1 prices, by eept22 SEYMOUB, TINSLEY 4 CO. SEND FOB REVISED PREMIUM LISTS TO THE UNDERSIGNED. eop27 tiloct 23 W. A. HUFF, Mayor.