The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 03, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1871. Tins Apprentice Question. The complaint of the boy thet tbe only chance a yonth has of learning a tnda i« tob* lent to IbepenHenUery or boo- had more troth than poetry to it.aJJ parte of the ooontry corn- the the difficulty boya experience in finding trade* The Chicago Tribune aaya of boya In that city willing to ■—™* 5J5; bnt no employer dare engage one There may be a little ex.RR*r*tionher^but there U no doobt that the Umitatioo thetrader nniona place upon apprentices, is »**P*ng large number* from becoming In aometrade* the allowance Union la one to every five j onr ?®^“ _T otbera ooa to ton. This limitation i* not regn- Uted according to Urn total nnmber of jonroey- men in Iho trade of the particnlar localrty. bnt of Ihcnnmber employed in any ment Thou, aeveral firm* to J9“ pronttoe to every five j<rameymenu thej^ idatlon number, may t°P»°T or nine men, and yet only be allowed one ap- prantioe each. InateaJ, Levmemovf boya. Haohaayatem roust strike all acnatblo workingmen „ not only iUiUml andonjMt, but suicidal to their own mtere^a. By »“tou liHim tbe admlaoion of epprcnUoM more to toe number of boya demanding trades and grad- uaUnc the .Se to suit iheconbnnod to- crease of population, the evi of Urn sjs- tem would not bo ao Intolerable. la not being done. There are notromdent apprentice* *dmitted to *npply ‘ho, natnral annual lot* by death, etc. Many Mf*J by Ihi* objectionable regulation of Iho Union* prevanted entering industries for which their taitea and abiliUe* specially fit them, and innat lako whatevor they can rt™ nun- •lred* can get nothing at ail. To foreign-born journey lin n every trade i* open here, bnt to many of tho native youth the door U sealed. The whole f blng In an amnmplioD ao oppoeod to republican pnnciplo*. upon which toe founda- lion of our political Mructoro was it onght not, and cannot be hurting. Tho pressure of the unemployed youth will, in timo, beetle no great a* to override all opposition, ana the cull re system of dictating tho number of ap prentices will bo swept away. Such a regulation i* a tyrannical inlerforenco with tho inalienable right of every one to donna bin own wait in life, opposed to tho iipirit of tho age, and ought to lio ibrognUxl jit once.—Gt/miHfrcwl Adtcr- tUtr. _ p Hnnf. I tank In I.nmiir. Tho Houston Homo Journal, of tbe '28 th nit., hai tho following to nay about our lively neigh bor*. Messrs. Hunt, ltankin & Lamar, whoae drug buainca* sum* up annually in six figures— long Ufo to them; A Hlo llcsixas*.—This ia what everybody will aay on visiting the largo wholesale drug attire of Hunt. Unnkin A Lam«r, in Macon. They have a largo number of clerk*, all of whom are nulling and bnstling aliout, hither and thither, Milling, inciting, making out hill*, etc. They supply all the retail dealer* and consumer* in Middle, South and Southwest Georgia, and even reach into KimbaUville. Looking at the lioxes piled at tbe door awaiting shipment, ono can read tbeir addresses—Sparta, Miiledgeville, Banderarille, llrnnnwick, Bain, bridge, Albany, Enfsnla, Talbotton, Thoman- ton, Griitln, and all points liolwcen these and Macon. Tho secret of their eitcnaivo business is that they huve nbumlant capiUl and any qiun- lily of bneincss talent and energy. They know how to ploueo their ruatoiucrs, and nparo no of- fort to do so. Messrs. Hunt and ltankin are ex- perieneeil druggists; they have an nociception- ably relist de not ol assistants, and givo their personal supervision to every dotail of their iiuaincss. '1'hns mistakes are provided against as far as it is possible to do so. For retail trailo they have, beside* medicines, etc., a most elegant assortment of toilet and fancy articles, displayed in rueh beautiful style in their splendid sbow-ctses, as to tempt any man to loosen his purso strings. They bavo specialities of their own manufac ture: Central City Condition Powders, Tonic Hitler*. May Apple Liver Pills, Extract of Sar saparilla and Yellow l)ock. Loud's Cough Syrup —all of which have stood the practical test of nso, and proven their efficiency iu the cure of Urn various diseases of which they aro intended a* remedies. Taken altogether, tho establishment of Hunt, JUnkln A Lamar is a bigthing indwell deserves the rueoess it has attained. robTiiiuors Jrnchs.—Certain Mormon elders were rejected from tbe Utah Grand Jury be cause they declared that polygamy is a divine institution, and should be protected. Chief Justice MrKenn, in his opinion in tho case, re marked that our Constitution and institutions —v —ssie, —y a* wot permit, the tolera tion of any praotico which wages war against tho cxiatonru of civilization, and added that whon the burglar is a fit juror to inquire into the crime of burglary; whon tbe robber is fit to iuqoiro Into tbe crime of larceny; when the assassin is fit to inquire into th* crime of mur der, then tho bigamist, who sweat* in sniistaneo that crime* are his religion, may be fit to in quire into the crimes of bigamy and adultery. These were plain and homely troths, and they have bad .their effect in Utah. The Saints are deeply stirred by tho firm determination of the Federal otliaisls.— Commercial Adcertuer. LAWTON A WILLINGHAM, SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON & LAWTON, COTTON HECTORS Warehouse and Commission Merchants* FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. TX Publishing our card, we claim nothing more for oureelvee than a determination to do our BUTT towards our customers. By strict attention to our business, and studying the interest of our patrons we have been able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that an who will give us a fair trial wUl eontinue to patroniro our house. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. snglO-gm Fourth Street, Near Brown Honse, Macon, Ga- BUILDS j^lISTD REPAIRS STEAM ENGINES, Saw, Grisa and Floor Hills, Shafting, ruUeys, Hangers, Boxes and Gearing for milt- work generally. IRON RAILING For enclosing public squares, private dwellings and Cemetery lota; also all kinds of Ornamental Iron work, Brackets, Vicee, Chairs, Iron Fronts for Stores, Window Caps and Sills, etc. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING MACHINERY. I make the beat HORSE POWER in the oountry, it never fails, runs light, simple to put up and lasts well, and is cheap. Address deo2-2tawly All Work Made G-ood. E. CROCKETT, Macon, Ga. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, 2 O o C0 o 2 CANCERS CURED. H AVING licon atltictod with Cancer, I was cured in the year 4H5fi. after lijiug many prepara tions and Cancer doctors. 1 hare no new remedy to offer but Iho same old remedy with which I w,s cured fifteen years ago. 1 have since been practicing with the aamo remedy, and have been succeestnl iu a r.umler of eases, 'a few of which I refer to below, as living witnesses of tho viituee of my medicine, *oroe of whom, like myself, have been cured a number of years, and yet have no symptom, of Cincorrotnrning: Mrs. II. B. Blooduorth, Liberty Hill, Ga.; Mrs. FanntoSettle. Liberty Hill, Ga.; Mr. J. B. Boyd, GrilUii, (la: Hr. Wesley lteid. Zebulon, Ga.: Mrs. John Stillwell, Griffin, (is; .Mrs. Msrv Thurmond, Indian Springs, (la.; Mis. Janus CarmiclUel, Ho- Bonougli. Ua.; Wm. N. l'aubrougli, M. ])., Senoia, Ga; Mr B. G. McKinney, (.Houston co.) Macon, Ga: Mr. Jaa Bonglaaa, (iroinvillo, Ga.; Rov. H. T. Bieken, Locus! Grave. Ga; Mr. It Burton Fa yette Station, Gs ; Mr. Wm llsrknosa Jackson, Ga ; lion. Thomas M. narkness, lato Representa tive from Butts county, Jackson. Ga; Mrs. A. Had dox, Indian Springs, Ua, Mrs. KUra Hill, Forsyth’ Ga: Mr. Willis Bowden, Forsyth, GatHaj. A.Sati’ Griffin, Ga; Mrs. Green Duke. Liberia Hill. Ga; kara A. l-orter, Gnttiu, Ga.; Mrs. llsbecca Wards- worth. Baroeanlle Ga ; Mrs. D. Lewis, Barnesvillo, Oa; Mr*. 11. Goodman. Monticell.i, (ia; Lou (color ed.) forniurserrsut of B. W. Collier, Indian Swings. Ga. Tbe ahorels only* few of tbe many names that could be added to the btt. I take pleasure In stating that Mr. J. M. Hard- “•‘Jo a perfect euro of a Cancer upon the eye of Hr*. M. J. Denver .tier .lie bad lioeu treated by several physicians, and her Cancer pronounced in curable, and I cheerfully recommend lnm to all afflicted with Cancer. GKO. R. TURPIN Insurance and Kail Estate Agent. ». I .‘? w . rr,,I,r . bMr, ** Im ’ un J < °ll«i fact of Mr. J. M. Hard* way having performed a perfect euro of a caucir upon ks. ll. J. Bony.Fseye.afier eminent physicians had failed to relieve her; and I firmly behave bis Cancer treatment to 1* a specific for Cancer. L. A. UAXSE, Macon P. O. To th.e xVlhicted.! I prerer not treating doubtful cases. After sat- lefTing yourself describe your cancer to mo sad I will give you my csotiitl opinion. At your request I will Tleit your houree when cir- romsMneee permit. My residence is twelve miles east of Griffin, Or. which i. my nearest express office. Money mav be •ent with safety in registered letter. Communica tions strictly confidential and promptly answered when stamp and envelope Sant addressed to yoi *«lf. Address J. M. HARDAWAY, nc. to -i ^**3 H«V Pike eo., Ga l,m *I convenient, may c upon T. J. Hardaway. Soulhwesteru Railroad, who y 1 f" J< ^° > * ‘ D “f affliction >nd baa been with me to aeveral eases emoe. He msy be addressed through the or Eufanla, ^“hduwiwfim J - it- Hardaway. GORDON HOTEL FOR SAXE. B Vvirtpa of an crierof tlieSnporior Court of Wilkinson county, granted on the chancery •eje c f “hit at the April term, 1*71, thereof will be aold before the Coun-houre door in irwinton to eatd county, cn the first Tueedsy to OctohS next, within the legal hours of sate, too rcmtimW !,ff^creat, after dower, of be r in a A, J ones, widow of fa ?’ oSSS* 1 in the Gordon Botel, sitaat- ^to^’tol^wSS 1 ¥ lro * d ' ^ ‘i*c same mtereet to two trandred and twenu-four (2341 acrosof land attached to aaid Hotel. AUtaSWnai the dower of 8. A Jones. The Hotel is nowolt-n- pted by Difit.1 Solomon, who reeei^i age of toe Central and tho MUledgerilie aSdltol Innlnn PailtsvaAa kaaiilaa • 1.— » ° . * u 1 " iut B 1 ui j.acuiK IUO CStXlO of row J. H. Jones, deceased, in a condition for dto- toa qreditoreof laid eMate. JUNIUS WINGFIELD,) j-Roferee*. auatodAwtde '• chambers; D ATLANTA WATER-CURE. I tablishment on Hauler street, m House, for tbe cure of all etowdo ato5!ee*fsE2? , i attention given to the foUowtog dtaSui qd,i i . QO % CD o e s m It © JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch AVork and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and AVarranted, AGENCY OF THE GROVER & BARER SEWING MACHINES. innolLtf GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. THREE TIMES A WEBK—TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER m CHARLESTON. TOT AX CAPACITY 40.000 BAXES MONTHLY. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., And connecting Roads We*f, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Claes Steamshipe to th* above Ports, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at the PORT OF CHARLESTON. Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Paaaengera not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other Port. Tbe following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Line TO KTEW YOnK. GEORGIA. MANHATTAN, H. S. Woodhnl], Commander. CHAMPION. R. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commander. JAMESADGER, T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMESADGER A CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. O. S. Crowell, Commander SOUTH CAROLINA, T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND, Ingram, Commander WAGNER, HUGER A CO., WM. A. COCBTNAT. Agents, Charleston, 8. C. VIRGINIA, Hunter, Commander. EMPIRE, C. Hinckley, Commander. FALCON, Hftinie, Common Jcr. SEA GULL Dutton, Commander. Sailcio Days—THURSDAYS. WM. A. OOURTNAY, Agent, Charleston, 8. C TO BAXiTIMORE. MARYLAND, Johnson, Commander. Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL a TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S a w*. at I refer to tho foUoainf p. i and are being treated at my >. eniiar to a. ^on, etc James Lynch. T. J. iiigblower .V Co , J. Flti.hal, Boerman A Kurtz. ►eustnea(.rn*m J. IS. BRES, Cotton Factor & General Com; Merchant No. 19# Gravicr street, New Oriein*. un20 dCa.w3m F. 1. ItAGLAND, Agent. Rates guaranteed aa low aa those of Comparing Line*. Marine Insurance one half of 1 per cent- THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be had at aUthepriodpal Railroad Offioe* in Georgia, Alvham., and SliMirsippu State-Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra chare-, by addressing Agents of tbe fiteam- ahipa to Cbarleeton, at whose office., to all caws, tbe Kaiiroa.l Picket- should be .xrhangoJ »i,d aamgned. Tbe Through Ticket* by thie Route include* Transfers, Meal, and State Room, while on Sbip- The South Carolina Kallroad, Georgia Railroad. AnJ thair connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and I^aaangw. between tho Northern Cities and the South and West. Comfortable Night care, with tbe itoluw Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on th* Sooth Carolina Railroad. Fir.t-Clae. Lat mgSaloon at BnnchTille. On tbe Georgia Railroad Firei-Ciaes Sleeping Cara. traneferred from Steamer to day and night train, of the South Carolina R.nmmA Uioee ronnection made with other Road., delirenng Freights at distant points writh great premptnoaa. nffovary exertion to aatiafy their P.trona that the Line VIA CHARLESTON cannot i't Charleston, a C.;B.D. EASELL, General TOKENS, General X'aaeenger and Ticket Agent Agant,H ■■■ South Carolina Railroad June SO eod-6m ALFRED L. TYLER, Yice-Freeidect South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C. New Goods, Prices Low WE ABE NOW RECEIVING OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK. And have on hand everything that our friend* may wish to purchase that is in our line of butinssa. We have put our prices down to a very email figure, hoping to nuke up m our sales what wo lose m prom Country merchants and Planter* can save money by calling on or sending their orders to ns. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have on hand and to arrive—' 50,000 pounds Clear Rib Sides, 10,000 pounds Shoulders, 10,000 pounds Prime Leaf Lard, 100 sacks Suit, 150 boxes Soaps, all kinds, 100 boxes Candles, 150 boxes Potash, 50 boxes Soda, 75 boxes Factory Cheese, 50 boxes Raisins, 100 barrels Best brands Flour, 100 Sacks Peas, 1,000 half and quarter sacks Flour, 100 bales Ilay, 75 barrels A, Ex. C and C Sugar, 25 barrels Deni. Sugar, 100 boxes Crackers, assorted, 50 barrels Syrup and Molasses, 2,000 bundles Arrow Ties, 10 bales Twine, 150 rolls Heavy Bagging, 200 kegs Vails, 75 barrels Whisky, Brandy, Rum and Gin, -100 boxes Tobacco, all Kinds, Plug and Smoking, 25 barrels Cements, Oysters, Sardines, Pickles, Osnaburgs. Sheeting, etc. JOHNSON & SMITH, Corner Planters’ WareRonse. scpMtf Schofield’s Iron Works ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS or .OeiNrsr n.33c^TTX3Fi33X3 sissh. SAW MILLS, GEIST MILLS. MILL GEARINQ, GUST GLLALIISrG-, (ORDINARY, OB GRAHAM’S EXTRA HEAVY), SUGAR MILLS AND KETTLES, IRON RAILING, OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. SHAFTI3V€t, PULLIES, ETC., All or any Machinery, pnt np at fint-class IRON WORKS, put up in the beet style and at prices to soil the times. Give ns a roll before purchasing. Wo will sell low for CASH. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. STILL AHEAD, Our WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS ia the only Cotton Press that lias stood the test, being need ever since the dose of the war. and ia in greater and more increasing demand than any other. Our WATER or STEAM POWER PRE» ia VEHY- raruL ah, Being tbe MOST ECONOMICAL to tlioee bivirg s WATER POWER OB STEAM ENGINE. an also be run from tbe band wheel shaft of gin gear. Our HAND PRESS (indeed, as all of them are,) is too well known, and has established itself as the PLANTER’S FAVORITE. As there is no comparison between a cast and a WROUGHT IRON SCREW, we do not recommend CAST IRON SCREWS, though we make them for those wanting a CHEAP Press. Send 08 yonr orders, or tend lor Circular and Price UE WILCOX PATENT HORSE POWER claim to be SUTEBIOB TO AXY OTHEtt for Ginning Gotfon, nnd it is ilia only Horae Power made that we know of that can aopercsde tho ordinary Gin Geer. M J. S. SCHOFIELD &. SOW. COLLINS & LITTLE 104 C&erry street, Siacon, Ga. Dealers in MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS, TAKE NOTICE JUST RECEIVED AT WAGONS, Agents for ABBOTT, DOWNING A CO.’S CONCORD BUGGIES - CONCORD WAGONS The above work speaks for itself. Agents for the Celebrated Stuclebaker Wagons, Agent a for tho Old Itclisblo WHITEWATER WAGONS BARKER WAGONS, TXNGXEY WAGONS Valentino & Freeman Wagons. SPRING WAGONS, ONE-HORSE WAGONS. RAILROAD DUMP CARTS PLANTATION DUMP CARTS. Send for Circular. HARNESS FURNISHED. sepl3eod2\v THE MISSES LANE ■Y/TTILL open a Boarding School for Young La- VV dies in New York city, on Wednesday, Sep- embe r 20.1871. For reference andcircul&r. apply to J. J. Gresham. Esq., Macon, Ga. jullfi 3m Providence Conference Seminary, EAST (JHE£5WICir, B. I. BEV. DAVID II. ELA, A. M Principal. N INE efficient Teachers. A firat-claea Male and Female Seminary. A thorough English course of study. A College Preparatory Course. A La dies* Graduating Course. A Commercial College Course. A Musical Graduating Course. Beautifu' and healthy location—overlooking Narragansett Bay; half-way between Providence and far-famed Newport. Only six hours from New York by direct route. Fall Term begins August 21.1871. For in formation address the Principal, at East Green* wick, H I.jn!22 8m Metropolitan Works CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. WM. E. TANNER & CO STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and SAW-MILLS; BARK. GEIST and PLASTER MILLS ; BOILERS. FORGINGS, CASTINGS, of IRON or BRASS, MILL GERINQ, etc ; Engines and Saw-Mills of virions sizes always on hand. Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipo. Old Engines, etc., repaired and sold on commis sion or exchanged for new. All other ropairs promptly and satisfactorily dona. Freights to all points low. Send for descriptive circular. ]ul7 d HwA'vtiliiccl8. H. It. BROWN, Agent. The Great Medical Discovery n Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, || Hundreds of Thousands ZzI Bear testimony to their Wonder- *•*? o « foi Curative Effects. g Ifs'WHAT ARE THEY?g=» i HIEY ARE NOT A VILE ^<5 iFANCV DR INVC ffiili Made of Poor Rum, . Wit laker* I’ Spirit* aa d Ttcfanc Liquor* doctored, spiced •nd sweetened to please the taste, called ” Ton ic*,'"“Appetizers," “ Restorer*,'* *c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are • true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimulant a. They ere the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER nnd LIFE GIVING PRIN CIPLE a perfect Ken ova tor andlnvlcorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a hcvlthy condition. No person can take these Bittersj^erding ^rcc- Uon and remain long nnwr** ^ J$ JjJ Fur Inflammatory nn/ »rn;kic nneu- tnatfam nnd (Jour, Dyspepsia or Jndi- uchtiou, ItiliouM, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the 3jfere«tive Organs. -*• dyspepsia or indigestion. Headache. Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Cheat, Dizziness, Soar Eructations o( tbe Stomach, Bad taste in tho Month Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Imparities, sad imparting new life and xi*or to . tbe whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES. Eruptlons.tetter, Balt Rheum,Blotches, Spots, Timples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head. Sore Eyes. Erysipelas. Itch, Scurf*, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and. Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. Ono l£>ttle In such cases will convince tho mgMV^icreduloos of their curative effects. ' * Cleanse the Vitiated Blow* whenever you find Its Impurities bursting through the skin In Pim ples, Eruptions or.Sores; cleanse it when yon And it obstructed mad sluggish la tbe reins; cleanse It when it Is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. viN»TA PE and other WORMS, lurking In t* 3 »y»V'm of so many thousands, are effectually deg troy td and removed. For full directions. carefully the circular around each bottle. ' ’* * J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD * CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cffilreand S3 and 31 Commerce Street, New York. COLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, SMALL & GAMBLE’S WHOLESALE FLOUR AND PROVISION HOUSE 6000 SACKS FLOUB, ALL GRADES AND SIZES, 4 CABS CHOICE WHITE CORN, 2 CUSS TENNESSEE OATS, 59 CASKS & HALF CASKS 0. B. SIDES 50 CASKS & HALF CASKS SHOULDERS, 50 SACKS CHOICE RIO COFFEE, 73 BOSES TOBACCO, ALL GRADES, ' 25 BABBELS SUGAR, 50 BABBELS MOLASSES, NEW CROP MACKEREL, ALL NOS. AND SIZES, 50 BOLLS DOUBLE ANCHOB BAGGING, 500 BDLS. EUKEKA TIES (BEST IX USE) 50 BARRELS WH1 Tho above Goods, with everything cleo in our lino, will bo Bold at TZXB VER-S" LOWEST FHICES, Either for CASH OB ON TIME. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Try n 8 OIU > um0 . you wiR bo certain to try us again. septl'j " JOBBING TRADE OF CHARLESTON, S. C. FOR FALL AND WINTER OF 1871. T HE subscribers, Jobbers hnd Wholesalo dealora in tho city of Charleston, 8. C., bog to call tho at tention of the Merchants of the interior of this and tho adjoining States to this market, as being now one of the most desirable in which to procure full supplies of all articles they may require. The wants of the country having rapidly increased, with ample facilities to enable us to procuro our supplies direct from first hands in Europe aud this country, wo are now prepared to exhibit more varied and complete stocks of seasonable goods than at any period since the war, and will dispose of them on as good terms &a any other market. “ Daily facilities afforded for shipment of Goods to any point desired.” DRY GOODS. EDWIN BATES & CO.. No. 124 Meeting street. 1 MARSHALL & BURGE, No. 143 Meeting street JOHNSTON, CREWS & CO., No. 41 Hayno street. CltANE, BOYLSTON A CO., corner Hayno sad | Meeting Btreets- CLOTBmsrGk EDWIN BATES A CO., No. 122 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. STEELE A WARDELL, No. 1G7 Meeting street. Fancy Goods, Notions and Millinery. JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO., No. 37 Hayne street- | SELL & FOSTER, No. 27 Hayno street. BOOTS A.TSTD SHOES. D. F- FLEMING A CO., comer Hayne and Church IT. M. BRISTOLL A CO. No. 145 Meeting street, streets. | E. B. STODDARD A CO., No. 165 Meeting street. HATS A.2STX) CAPS. THOS. M. HORSEY A BBO., No. 25 Ilayao street. | EDMONDS T. BROWN, No. 43 Hayne street. HARDWARE. J. E. ADGER A CO., No. 139 Meeting Street. | HART A CO., No. 39 Hayne street. C GRAVELEY, Corner East Bay aud Boyce’s Wharf. SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIALS. R THOMLINSON A CO, No 137 Meeting street. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GOODRICH, WINE MAN A CO, No 35 Hayne street. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE- WM L WEBB, No 128 Meeting street. GROCERIES. GEO W WILLIAMS A CO, corner Hayno and Church streets. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ETC. J A QUACKENBBSH, No 122 East Bay street. | W H CHAFEE A CO, No 207 East Bay street. BOLLMAN BROS, No —, East Bay street. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. I WM M BIRD A CO, Corner East Bay nd Cumber land streets. HOLMES A CALDEB, No 205 East Bay street. Job Printer, Stationer and Bookseller. EDMUND TERBY, No 149 Meeting Street. Type and Printing Material, Paper, Stationery, Job and Book Printing. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, No 3 Broad street and 109 East Bay street, augllcodgin $1,0 o o, o o o * By authority of a spociat act of the Legislature -f Kentucky, of March 13.1871. the Trustee, of the TaWie Library of Kentucky, will give a GRAND GIFT CONCERT AT UOUISVIUI-E, KY., OUST TUESDAY, OOT. 31. 1871. UNDER the direction of the best musical talext. 100,000 Tickets of Admission. §10 each in Currency, Half Tickets $5, Quarter Tickets §2.50. Each Ticket willconsist of four guartera. value. tlbO each. Tho holder Is entitled (o sdinbrion to tho Coucort aud to the amount of gift awarded to it or ltd fraction. Ticket* number from 1 to 1U0.WXL THE CITIZENS’ BANK OF KENTUCKY IS TREASURER. All Monies arising from tho .ala of ticket, will ba depo.ited with the Citiien.’ Back. lotiKt on'r t0 t! o order of the President and Treasurer of tho Library, countersigned by the Bum«os« Managir. During tho Concert, tho sum of . $550,000 I 3NT Cr I’t EE N 13 A. C Hi S Will he distributed, by lot, tc the holder, of tickets in tho following gills, viz . On* Grand Gift of. — * — —~ One <*ruml Gilt of. One Gift of 825,000 One Gift of 20.000 lutt of 19,000 Girt of..! 18:000 One Gift of 17.000 One Gift of 1B.000 One Girt of 4S.0O" One Gift of Sf 522 One Gift of Ono Gift of }2,0W> One Gift of One Gift of Ig-fflw One Gift of f.JJ® One Gift of g-MO . SIX I.:.::::::..:::'-':::::::::::- »«.-- =“■" “--"gaarse4taffi!ffi:s4ea , !ait?rS3Sa£’’® u!li ; roreaus " Jf a free LIBRARY in Louisville, to be rolled the _ PUBLIC LIBRARY O ** KEErTUCKV, The Concert and distribution will take place under the immediate supervision of the Trusties mea ’#! Yrus^TuTb^ted by well known andEminent citizens Kentucky, who have consent to b. ..* .4 er tn lnl.alin>ail thaHrflWinff ftTifl dlStribUtlOO Ol glltZ. .4 •_ ffiaatlAfi. it Ono .Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of Ten Gifts of $1000 each Fifteon Gifts of $900 each Eighteen Gifts of $800 each Twenty Gif ts of $700 each Twenty-live Gifts of $GOO oaeb... Thirty Gifts of S590 each Forty Gifts of $400 each Forty-five Gifts of $300 etch.. Fifty Gifts of $200 each 446 Gilta of $100 esch 721 Gifts in all 50,000 5,000 ... 4,000 . 3,000 2.000 10,000 13,300 14.400 14,000 15.0C0 . 15,000 16,000 12,500 10,000 44,000 is office in LouLiviite. the second day drawing and evtry nnsine » uw ... lay be sent direct cr thro-gh anv bank er express company tor collection. »tt,ndc4 to and All order, accompanied by draft., po.t office money orders or greenback, will no promi nr tickets returned by mail, registered orexpresred. as desired. Sr2he«.l^'L«^ ov^ e da. ricU Uwill'be particularly noticed that it is a matter of impoanbllity for my onejtoknowbox. :r>V^?s is not known what the gift of my number d™;?” 1 onened in ftdl view of the ^ rriat ^ ' i!tI " n ‘ ,i “' Parrie.'formiog clubsand'dtrirTnV'information willpiroreaddrro.^office 11 TlctietH far 8100; as Tickets, $355; 50 Tickets, 8500,113 Tlcke », o Co „. MANNER OF DRAWING: . , rU ,.,. Thera will bo two glass wheels. One wheat will contain “ u ?A < o? r numbrt wUl k- drawn from the her v.’heel will contain T2i boxes, eten containing aim. ; wheel, and the first box drawn from the second or 721 box wneei wi dp and the gift so drawn from the aeoond wheel will bo tho gut ©i x $100,000, aa announced. __ 13,SG I TICKETS DLSPOSED OF IX J Cl* x. To Insnro ticket holders, tho publio are mi? n red that if only ^^y^iSjsoOCOtickoSr.onlr are sold. i the large wheel, the 721 gifts awarded, but diminished pro W And inVo only 85,000 tick- umbersl to 5Q.CW go lnj^ho largo wheel »nd the 721 gift? diminished Unsold tiokot* shaft participate- ... -JL. - CJPCnt0J . / Ej docs not rkeuVwy ri“ tatoSunitod State, or CanaJs. pKTEBSa Manager, LonlairlllOi ’ Juice, 120 JttiOn-st.. Johnson mock. R.T.BUKBETT i.UUftlUil N. IIAL DEM AN.. ™vf M F«ll SiuK c N®Nk“:_\;.:: Tickets and information can be had from . FRENCH. Virginia Cite. NcvsS. N. H. HEMPSTED. MUwaakco. Wisconsin