The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 08, 1871, Image 1

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TELEGRAPH AND by Clisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBERS, 1S71. Number 6,14G Urorsln Telrenipli Italldlns, Mneon. Toieziapt anil MMeenger, one year *10 00 Sit months S 00 One month 1 00 Ssmi-ffeekly Telegraph and Messenger, 1 year 4 00 Hit months 800 Mammoth Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, 56 columns, 1 year 0 00 Six months 1 SO Payable always in advance, and paper stopped whim the money runs out, nolens renewed, cncr.smo aniuoufmrrs wms j. w. nr UK a Jt ou-*a rniuc&Tioxs. Ddiy Telegraph k Messenger and Farm and ' Home *11 00 Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm and Home . <09 Kemi-Wcekly Telegraph and Messongor and Farm and Home 5 00 H .ntherii Christian Advocate with Weekly.... 5 00 Burke's Magaxine .4 0o This arrangement is whero remittance* arc made diri-rt to the oOlce of pnhlication. i he consolidated Telegraph and Mesrenger lepiesenta a largo drciilation. pervading Middle, iithmu and Houthwcaterh Qeurgia and Weetorn A *1 mu ai.d Middle Florida Advertisements at . , unable rates. In the Weekly st one dollar ] i .jnars of Ihrerwjnartent of an inch, each puhlr ■.on. lU inlltsnces should lie made by expreee, 11 nml u. money onletsor registntnd letters. iltlllorlul t'orrfspoiidrncc-k'o. 3. Acgo-ta, October (!, 18*1. The vogngcur either for plessnre or Imsinofs to the North would do well to select the Greet Atlantic Seaboard route, via Weldon, and Bay Bine, throngh Portsmouth, Va., to Baltimore. The oonneotions Ate close, eating houses unsur passed, and the time about the same as by any other mode of transit, Tho traveler has aa op portunity, also, of visiting Fortress Monroe, that impregnable military barrier between the North and Sontii, now world-renowned as the prison of President Davis. Here, too, pass in review many of the bislorie scenes of tho lalo straggle for freedom. Old Federal Hill, Fort McHenry, Fort Carrol (still unfinished j, Sewells Point, Newport Nows, and tho celebrated bat tle ground of Admiral Buchanan, sro pointed out in torn. It was onr good fortune to form tho acquain tance on the boat, after leaving Baltimore, of Captain John W. Beaton, an eye witness of this the greatest naval conlliot of the war, and a gallant Confederate soldier. A more faithful or enthusiastic Cicerone could not have been found. p]aee8 ^ boen to ^ ^ The narrator slates that thousands of excited I (h rc ,tened mills and settlements, in spectators onshore beheld tho battle, and in * ‘ less than thirty minutes, under the irresistible strokes and deadly fire of the Merrimae, two mighty steam frigates, the Congress and Cum herland, went down with a multitude of souls on lioard. Bo groat was llio panic at Fortress Mohrno that its evacuation was openly mooted. Had not ihn Merrimae grounded in mid career it is almost iuipoasible to extimr.!e the damage she would have inflicted upon the enemy's fleet. Tho writer has never beeu able to comprehend llio wisdom of tlist policy which ordered tho destruction of this, thu most formidable of Con federate vessels. The evening wss calm anil pleasant, a light hreexe nppling tho bright bosom of the waters, and tho oxonraion through tho entire lenglh of the noble Chesspesko was one soouo of delight. Hundreds of wbiteaails doited the surface of the deep, some of the more distant illustrating tho “dip of the horizon,” and tho circular form of the earth by displaying Ibeir canvass only, while the immense hulls wore hidden from uliserva- tion. . The next morning, about 8 o'clock, wo ronnded into Portsmouth barlior, and made fast to tho pier, in full view of tho new yard and a mag nificent line-oMiattle ship, floating the broad jiennant of tho commodore of tbo squad ron. On one aide of tho Elizabeth river lay the ancient eity of Norfolk, with its spires nnd weather stained buildings, and on tbn other lb« equally venerable town of Portamcnth. Save 81. Augustine, thoaa cities aro moro antique and foreign in appearance than any in the Union. Many of the honsea are covered, !<oth walla and roof, with thin gif*, almost wholly bidden l>y the vegetable moss which time has accumulated upon them. With its unrivalled harbor, Norfolk should be the great entrepot of Konlborn commerce. Bat the oft told story, look of enterprise, as one of her own cit zens remarked, will accomit for its tardy progress. From Portsmouth to Wilmington, North Carolina, there is little to interest tlio traveler After crossing the famous great Dismal Swamp, with little variation, tho country is a dead flat, too poor almost to subsist any of the nnimal creation. Thousands of acres are nearly do- unded of trees and grass, and for moat part the pines aro dwarfed iu growth, and the soil sterile sod unproductive. • But for the manufacture of naval stores, the country, at least on the line of railroad, wonld he uninhabitable. In all these dreary wastes wo saw neither squirrel, gopher or salamander. As you sppr.iach Wilmington a more God-for saken region cinnol be described. Even the aqnalid but* of the negroes are trenched aronnd to keep tho water ont. and the peeled, while tranks of the pines give a ghost-like aspect to the conntiy. WII.inMOTON TO ACOUSTA. This portion of the two Carolines is slso far from interesting, though some sections sre tol erably fertile, and tho people are more healthy and thrifty in appearance. Sumtei ia a flour ishing village, aa level aa a billiard table, and planted with long avenues of boantiful shade tree*. Much of this region is Intersected with swamps, and was the favorite theatre of the ex ploits of Gonerol Marion, the swamp fox of the revelation. Tim coops, both of oonx and cotton, sre below on average, and the latter, especially, ia meager in size, and seems to have fallen a prey to blight and rust. The yield will be lamentably short. political imtSG. In North Carolina the people aro dejected at the result of the late election to form a new constitution, and deeply regret, the movement at the juncture. They say it will require en hanced effort and energy to save the State from the Badicals at the next general election, and Turner and other leaders are blamed witbont stint for their agency in the matter. The late Kn-klnx convictions, it is also asserted, were brought about by packed juries. The condition is rather more hopeful than hitherto in Month Carolina, lmt tho labor of the country is so greatly demoralized, the crops so scant and taxes so onerons, that it is hard to im agine a worse state of affairs. On tho wholo, after careful observation, wo aro disposed to believe that Georgia is far bet ter off in resources, political freedom and gen eral prosperity than any of her Southern sis ters. Let tho next General Assembly do its duty in the wholesome work of reform, and the pun ishment alike of lUdicala and recusant Demo crats who have plundered (ho treasury, and nearly made shipwreck of onr credit, and a bright future awaits ns. 11. H. J. Tribute (o Uto l4»lo Up. BounclI. At a meeting of tho Faculty and student* of the Wesleyan Female College, in the College Chapel on Tuesday, October 3d, tho following preamble and reaolationa were unanimously adopted: The gloom of death baa shrouded our bright est hopes. Our beloved President, liev. J. 1L Bound), D. D., is dead. Ilia pure life has been mysteriously and suddenly terminated, and our hearts are filled with grief, which no words eon adequately express. Richly gifted with every mental, social and religions virtue, he combined in his character all tho elements of beauty and greatness. By hit patience, gen tlenese and abounding charity, he won our con fidenoe and commanded our love. Ilia richly endowed miod was only equaled by his more richly endowed heart, and while he, as onr President, was reverred and hon ored for his noblo endowments of mind, we, as his associates and pupil*, were more attracted and drawn by the magnetic power of his beau tiful virtues. His sudden doath did not find him sleeping at bis post, but os a faithful servant he wr prepared for bis Master's summons. Ail that was good and virtuous in character he possessed in an eminent degree, and the sweet fragrance of his virtues will Unger as a precious perfume through all our future Ussoived, That, while we cannot understand the inscrutable Providence that has bereaved ua in tho death of our beloved associate and prroeptor, it it our duty to bow in humble submission to the divine will, and to exclaim, “ It is the Lord, let him do as aeemeth him good." Resolved, That we will wear a bodge of mourning in honor of his memory, for the space of thirty days. Resolvod, That wo offer to his bereaved widow and family our sincere Christian condo lence, ever praying that the God of grace may be their refuge In this day of trouble. Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and resolutions be furnished the family of the de ceased, and to the Southern Christian Advocate and Msoost Telegraph asp XIesszxgzb for pub lication. Wesleyan l'emalo College, October 5,1871. HIE 1’IKE FIEND. Three Ttinnsand Kqnare Miles or Wlsesm- «ls In Flames—Hundreds or Families Ilnrneil Ont—-Whole Families Rnrncsl Alive—All Food for Man nnd Beast Con sumed. Milwaveie. October 4.—Special correspon dence of the Daily News to-day from Green Bay, says the fires which have been raging in the woods between there and Lake Michigan, have extended across Fox river and cover a strip of THIRTT MILKS WIDX in Shawanta and Ocanto counties and the big lumbering towns of Henrietta and Preshtigs, which are threatened with destruction. The fires are raging over three tbonsacd square miles of territory. One hundred families burned out of houses and homes, and refageea are in Green Bay and other towns, and at least one hundred other families ore in equally bad condition Hoaxes, barns, farm buildings, bridges, fences, almoltuely everything has been swept away. 7HOCSASIIS or SQUARE Mn.ES I f valuable pine forest destroyed by fires, and tbo wild beasts have bean driven in dismay fiotn tlis woods and fleeing in every direction aero:* the fields; the entire population aro nonnso THE USES witbont snccesH, and many have fallen down suffocated by the smoke, and carried by their comrades to places of safyty. All supplies of food for men and beasts throughout at least fifty townabips, have been destrojad, and star vation daring the coming winter stares them in the face. Greek Bar, Win , October 4.—The fires which ore now prevailing in the six or seven north eastern counties of Wisconsin have NEVER BSD A PA SALUKI. since tbs settlement of the oountry. The drontb, which has prevailed since the early part of August, has dried up the springs, streams and vegetation, has parched the ground to aneh a depth below tbo snrfaoo that the soil itself acta as a conductor, and living trees ore falling from the action of tbo fire, which undermines them. All of tho outstanding property la swept away, thero being so little water in available aitna tious to atop tho fires; barns and their con tents, hay stacks, corn, wood and other prop erty, together with hundreds of miles of fences, are burned, aa no reaiatanoo can bo offered to tbn approaching fires. There ia yet no anthentio account of the loss of life. A family in Kewanee county and some Indiana in Shawnee county are reported BUSKED TO DEATH. The hardest fights against the flames are made at the many saw mills which are located among the pine forests in Ibis region, bnt many of tbem have been horned. All the available force force wbicb could be obtained from the adjaoent assistance of the some coses with avail and others nob The work has been ao long and hariasaing, and the men so tired with the smoke and fatigue that in a great many places THE CONTEST HAH BEEN GIVEN CP. In places where there was no water the only availablo plan has boon to dig trenches around tho property, but tbo blast wind carries large flunea of horning bark throngh the air and ren ders such means nseiess. The Advocate of to-day has acoonnta of the fire in the connties of Brown, Kewanee, Osceola, Ontigmee, Mantowoo nnd Shawnee. It esti mates that an area of 1.50 square miles ia being hnrncd over. Three saw mills are definitely known to ho burned, and others aro said to bo burned nut, lint lira reports need confirmation. In Kewanee county from sixty to eighty dwell ing houses sod barns have been burned, and tho inhabitants nro FLEEING TO THE LAKE SHORE for safety. At Horn’s 1‘ier, a store with goods, six dwellings and shops, with barnR and other buildings wore bnrned, nnd it is said that the inhabitants sro fleeing to the pier and taking np Ihe planks communicating with the Rhore. Two Rivers, Two Greeks, Abaupen and Kov/a- nee, and other villages have been more or lees damaged. In Daor connty, next nor)b, • great qnantity of cord wood, railroad ties, telegraph lioles, and other property, got onl for shipment, baa been bnrned, in addition to the losses of liarnes, fences, eto. On the west side of Green Bay aud Fox River tho flames extend from Memoneo to Oshkosh, a distance of ONE HDNDBED ANII TWENTY MILES IN LENGTH and three iu breadth. This region is one of alternate pioe and bard wood timber, and ia thickly settled with milling and farming settlers. Haystacks, fences and bridges on roads are mostly gone. In aomo cases large lots of pino logs, in dried np streams, have been burned. Very little travel ia practicable, and it la with difficulty that definite particulars can be ob tained. Along (be Chicago nnd Northwestern Railroad fire extends close np to the track on either aide for many miles between Depore and Appleton, threatening bridges, and culvert* and burning fences, ties and cord wood, and requiring the eloaest vigilance in operating the road. Along the extension of the same rood now building northward a considerable auionnt of ties and all its eontents have been burned. deer AND BEAUS Come out on tho railroad and wagon roads and could lie shot bnt nobody baa tioio to deToto to shooting game. On tbo lino of Ihe Green and Like Fepin Railroad grade a half of a mile of corduroy sub structure, three thousand ties and a hundred cords of woods belonging to the road were bnrned, besides property of much greater value belonging to the farmers. All the bridges on the line of the Manitowoc road for twenty miles east of Green Bay ora consumed. alden's CIS ecs passed over tbem only a few hours previous on its way to Manitowoc. The fire extends to the city limits of Green Bay on the east and is run ning over adjaoent to the marshes. The city ia uot regarded in danger though the CINBEBS ABO ASHES ABB rALLINO IN THE STREETS. The smoke WAS so dense to-day that buildings two blocks distant were not visible. On the west the fire has approached the village limits of Fort Howard immediately opposite near the river, and large force* of. men aro engaged staying ita progress. Wbat will be the result to standing pino and other timbers in these connties cannot yet be ascertained. No aeoeaa to the forest ia prmctioable, and nothing can be estimated except from the effects of the fire near the settlements, where it rENETBATZS THE GROUND ntOM ONE TO TWO FEET, and destroys the life of trees. The atmos phere is haxy, with some appearance of rain. It will take heavy aud drenching rain to saturate the ground and atop the progress of the fire. BUI OF FLAMES IN SOCTHIBN OHIO. Toledo, Ohio, October! —The woods are on fire on the line of tho Toledo and Wabash Rail road the greater part of the way between Ant werp and Newliaven, covering an area of fonr or five miles and about the same distance between Antwerp and Cecil, burning down timber both green and dry, burning bnudreda of oords of wood and miles of fenoing. At Woodburne, October 2, three houses were destroyed, and the steam mill was only saved by breaking several furrows of land aronnd it. Trains bad to atop while the bested rails were removed and new ones pnt in. Cornfields and meadows have been entirely destroyed. Probably the loos will be about five or six thousand dollars. The smoko ia ao dense aa to make seeing and breath ing very difficult. The firo is still raging. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. ItAOON AND WZHTEBN BlITJSliD. LEAVE. 7.55 A. M. 1.40 A. M 5.05 P.M. 8.35 F. M 7.55 a.m. 2.10 F. M 2.50 r. x. 10.23 r. M LEAVE. AES1TE. Macon 8.20 a. X. 6.25 r. x Brunswick 6.00 A. X. 8.55 r. x Savannah 7.00 F. M. 8.S3 r. x Bawfcinsvilla 6.45 A. X- 6.45 t X Macon 8.05 r. M. 10.80 A. m Macon 8.10 r. M. 650 CXHTEAL RAILROAD. LEAVE. 7.00 A. M. 4-51 P. M 6.20 r. X- 6.15 A. x Savannah ..*.... 7.15a.m. 6.25F.-M 7.03 r. X. 6.30 Train from Gordon to Milledgevilie and £atou- ton connects with down night train from Macon and np day tram from Savannah. . 8.00 A- X. 4,35 A. m 8.50 F. 1. 6.00 a. x 7.45 A. M. 4.58 F. M 6.10 r. x. 10.00 a. x Personal.—Wo find the fallowing in tho Now Orleans Pieaytmc, of Wednesday: The offioers and members of “ Hood’s Texas Brigade” will be gratified to learn that there has been an addition to the personal aiaff oi the dietincuiabed General commanding. He joined, not tho cavalry, but the infantry, a few days since, at the Neff House, at Willow Springs, Ohio; and some idea may be bod of bis previous talent for war when we state that ho already completely controls the commissary department, and commands his General in every respect. The descent into the hitherto unexplored pit in the Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky, was made on Friday, 28th nit, by A. D. Bobbitt, a tele graph operator from Michigan. He found bot tom at a distanoe of 138 feet from the main avocne. The descent was witnessed by 200 gneats of the hotel, who welcomed the daring young adventurer bock with hearty cheers and congratulations. The rope with which be was lowered into tho pit was dangerously cut in several places by the rocks which it had passed. Macon..... Oolnmbu Macon... Aagoata. leave. arrive. 5.25 A. k. 6.12 r. x 8.15 F. M. 4.10 A. X 12.45 r. K. 11.00 A. X 8.05 P. M. 4.45 xaoox and a coma atnnoAP. - leave. arrive 6.30 A. X. 7.10 F. X 12.00 x. 1.45 r.M 7W- Weekly Sight Train. Leave Micon Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday 6.30 r.M Arrive at Augusta 2.45 a.m Leave An-net*, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7.00r.M ArriveatMaaon 4 45 a.x This train connect* with through mail train North, leaving Augusta at 3.25 A.x. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Atlanta 10.30 P. M. 1.42 A. 6.00 A. X. 1.32 p. X 2.45 P.M. 10.00 AM Chattanooga 5.20 p. X. 6.16 A. X 6.30 A. X. 1.21 p. M NEW FIRM. BARRETT & CASTLEN’S GUN EMPORIU31, In Daly’s Block, opposite Isaacs’ House, I S now open, whore will bo kept constantly on bond as fall and select assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, GUN MATERIALS, and SPORTING ARTICLES, Aa can be found in tho State. All kinds of repairing done at short notice and warranted. GEO. F. BARRETT. ang23 tf F. G. CASTLEN. COTTON STATES Life Insurance Co. F1USUPAL OFFICE, JIACOSf, UCURUIA- Authorized Capitol *2,000,000 Guaranteed Capitol 500,000 Deposited with State Comptroller for se curity of Policy Holdore 150,000 W. B. Johnston ,1’reaident. W. 8. Holt Vice President. Geo. 8 Obeab. Secretary. J. W. Berks : General Agent J. Hebcee Green, M. D Medical Examiner. W. J. Mogul Superintendent of Agencies. C. F. McCav Actuary. INSURE ON ALL POPULAR PLANS. INSURE YOUR LIFE AT HOME. ALL ITS FUNDS INVE8TED IN GEORGIA. ALL LOSSES PAID WITHOUT DELAY. IT 18 MANAGED WITH ECONOMY. ITS POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITING AF TER TWO YEARS. F. 51. HEATH, Special Agent. Jnl8tf Macon, Georgia. FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. 'yj^ r E have concluded to keep on hand for the amusement and instruction of tho RISING GEN ERATION, a few FIRST-CLASS TOYS, elc. We have now on hand VELOCIPEDES A Strong and nsefal article,at from *10 to *15. MAGIC LANTERNS, With full supplies of Beautiful Views, from $3 to *5. TOOL GHESTS, Complete, from a Nail Hammer to a Spirit Levol, from *3 to *10. MAGIC HOOPS, CROQUET, BUILDING BLOCKS. STEAM ENGINES, Complete-#! and #2. with Figures and Machinery to work, at reasonable prices. Toy Books, Marbles, Tops, Knives, And indeed everything that will amuse and in struct the little folks. COME AND SEE.’ sept29-tf J. W, BURKE A CO. BA —IN— CARPETS, ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, C0IK MATTISG ASD WINDOW SH1DES, A fall lino of Figured, Fancy and Plain Colored REPS, DAMASKS, CRETONNES, Tambour, Seise, Nottingham and Damask Lace Curtains. TIIE NEWEST DESIGNS OF CORNICE. FLUSHES, HAIR CLOTH, AND ALL UPHOL STERERS' GOODS, Plana of windows, rooms and halls being sup plied, we will fit and ship goods witbont extra charge. epSO 2w LATHBOP A CO.. Savannah, Go. SPECIAL NOTICES. TESTIMONIALS : It may be observed that no attempt i* made to boat up out-of-the-way or unknown plane* to find.names toeadotMthti medicine : it is appreciated r '*ht at home, and wherever it hu b-en used. All that u asked is to five it a trial, nnd we have no fear oi the result- ,., ■—i , - TRY Simmons’ LIVER DISEASE nnd Indiges- turn prevail to a treater extent than probably any ether malady. ‘ relief i* always anxiously roug ter. If the Liver is rczuUtcd action, health is almost in s ecu red. '*• an £ of action er route* Ilesdache. Co Jaundice. Pain in the J cough. L mines*. Shout Bad Taste in. the attaclcs. PalpiU I> e p r esaion of ‘ and a bundre A which SIM ulator , variably in *be Lir- n?ti pa tion. t»°ulder*. Stomach* Mouth. Bilious tion of the Heart the spirits, or Blnee P’ d other symptoms MON'fl LIVER S*KG- is the best remedy for ever been discovered It Idly, cffectliy. and being a e vegetable compound, can do Jrjury. It Is harmless in every r way; i* has boen wed tor *n r T**rs. and hundreds of the Rood r and treat lrom all part* of tho coun- r try wili vouch for Its virtues. Regulator. Wo most reepeetfally rater to Hon. Alex. H. Stephens. Joo. W. Bsckwith. Bishop of Ororsis. Geo. 8. Obear, ex-M.yor of Macon, ti-. - Hon. Jno Oill shorter. ex-Governor. Alabama. General Jno. B.Gnrdon. Hev. David Wills. D. D.. President Oilethorpe Col- Rtihop Pierce, of the M. E. Church of Ga Gen, W. 8. Holt, President S. »V. R. R. Company. Rev. J. B. Felder, Perry. Go. Col. K. R. Sparks. Albany. Ga C. Maitennn. K.q.. ox-hneriff Bibb county. Dykes and S. arhawk. Editors Floridian. 1.11.bai lee, pis. hev. J. W. Bnrke, Macon, Go. , „ n Vircil Power*. Ktq.. Superintendent 8- W. K. B. Grenville Wood, Woods’ Factory, Mneon. Us. Hon. C. B. Cole. Jadra Superior Court. Go. C. A. Nuttint. Esq.. Preridont City Bunk. Macon. airy" Esqf.^tm^^LoVdand'MeNairy. New York. W. P. Goodall. Caahier City Bank. Macon. Ga. J. F. Winter, Ptq., Columbus, Ua. W. H. Ktiley, firm ot Uairoll and Ruley. N. Y. lion. Jamoa Jackson, firm of Howell Cobb and James Jaekton. \ R. L. ott. Coiambus. Ga. J. H. ZEILIN A OO., Macon, Go. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ang litif SAVANNAH CARDS. WILLIAM H. 11URR0UGHS, (Senior of tko lato firm of Burrougba, Flyo A Co.), Factor and Commission Merchant, SO Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Coneignmenta roepectfnlly solicited, and liberal advance, made on prodnee in store. agg24 3m w. a. Giuwnt. T. C. CLAY. GRIFFIN & CLAY, Cotton .Factors and General Commis sion Merchants. No- Ill BkY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA- Will make liberal advances on Cotton consigned to na.eep7 Cm DRUGS AND MEDICINES. G. E. SUSSDCRFF, RAILROADS AND STEAMSHIPS A. II. COLQUITT. JAR. EAGGS. II. II. COLQUITT COLQUITT & BAGGS. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants DEALERS a GUANO AND SUPERPHOSPHATES, No. 70 114Y STREET, SAVANNAH, «A. ON MABRIAGE. Essays for Young Men, on tho Great Social Evils and abases, which interfere with marriage and ruin the happiness of thousands, with sure means of xelief for the erring and unfortunate, diseased and debilitated. £ent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWAIID ASSOCIA TION, No. 2 S. Ninth-st, Philadelphia, Pa. aep5 d3m 1—adslla. ‘Like ok the Flesh is iw the Blood.*’-—'The blood circulates throughout the system, depositing new flesh, tissue and muscle, as the old becomes effeto and disappears. If tbo new material bo cor rupt and unsound, it is evidont that tho system will not perfoixu ita duties well ,* so mo part or an other will bo liko ill-fitting machinery, that works unevenly, and creaks aud wears ont of sliapo. In this way th^body becomes tbo Boat of suffering and diaoaae. As these are but tbo effects of impure blood, it is evident that to tbo blood tbo mode of enro must bo directed. It is boro that tho ‘ llosa- dalia” has its valuo and roputation. It purifies the blood. It pnta tbo origin of tho gradual reiiovar- tion that goes on throughout our physical system on a sound, pure, healthy basis, and time brings a robust constitution, even whore bopo of relief had fled. sop29-eod&w‘2w. 3IACON CARRIAGE AND WAGON MANUFACTORY. VALENTINO, FREEMAN & CO., MULBERRY STREET, (Neatly opposite New Court-house). Having organized the above establishment with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, In every Department, Are now prepared to manufacture or repair CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND WAGONS, In a number one style aa regards workmanship, msterial and finish All work thoroughly warranted, and s.tisfaetion guaranteed. Come and try ns.oct4-eod2m THEGEOIGIipOUAM THE GREAT NECESSITY FOR A First Class Restaurant In this city, hu induced ns to establish, in connec tion with GEORGIA NO. 2, Just each a place as gentlemen can visit, and in addition to the privacy of a home, find all the rare delicacies of the season, served np by the very beat cooks and in the finest stylo. We have fitted np in splendid style a mag nificent Saloon, and hero prepared, for the excln- of Private serve, at . . every del icacy the Northern markets, onr own and the sea born! afford. This bouse will bo under the charge of Mr. Jno. A. Casey. Onr Bar will be supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. GEORGIA NO. 1, on Mulberry .treet, where four of the finest BILLIARD TABLES in the State can be found, together with everything uhdaily kept in a first-class Bar. A. PATTERSON Jk CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in Wines, Liqnors and Cigars. Agents for Goodyear’s celebrated Southern Ales. sepl7 lm Metropolitan Works, CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS. RICHMOND. VA. WM. E. TANNER & CO. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and 8AW-MILIB; BARK, GRIST and PLASTER MILLS; BOILERS. FORGINGS, CASTINGS, of IRON or BRASS, MILL GEIUNG, eto ; Engines and Saw-Mills of various sixes arrays on hand. Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and sold on commis sion or exchanged for new. All other repairs promptly and satisfactorily done. Freights to all pointa low. Sena for descriptive circular. jul7 d swAwttldecl8. H. It. BROWN, Agent. NOTICE, O N and after to-day, the following rule* will bo observed at the Central City Park: Trotting horses will have the exclusive nos of Urn mile track for exerriie and training, from daylight until 9 o’clock in tho morning, at which time the track will be thrown open for tho free nee of all parties until 3 o dock r. a., when it will bo token possession of by tho running stock and need by tbem until 5 o'clock, when it will be again thrown open for tbs use of visitors and others wishing to drive on it. This restriction upon the public has been found necessary in order to harmonize oil in terested, os well aa to giving ample time for the training of tho borsea now on the ground and to ar rive. The hard track, or half mile trick aa itis called, ia at all times free to the public. Mr. Raney has been placed in charge of tho track to see that time regulation, ora obaarved impar tially. Ho will preserve order on the grounds os oil cItioer of the city, and mast be so rcepected by au until farther notice. W. JL HUFF, Mayor. THE GEAND DRAWING BBAL ESTATE DISTRIBDTIOfi —OF— Memphis, Tennessee. Takes place October 31, 1871. SHARES, FIVE DOLLARS, rpms magnificent Drawing will positively take 1 place on tbe 31st of October, 1871, and offers inducements for investment beyond any specula tion before the public. The scheme is indorsed by the moet responsible citizens in the country, and is one of the mort hriiliont enterprises to engage in at so small a figure—only *5 a share. Valuable property for business and domostic purposes, embracing tho finest Stores and Resi dences in the city of Momphis. 1’rodnctive Planta tions a few miles from Memphis, and the new Memphis Theatre, built at a cost of *85,000, and now renting for *5.(00 per annum, are in tho list, of *167,600 real and #33,400 personal property. Drawing positively takes place October 31,1871. PASSMORE A RUFFIN. Slanagers. Notice.—AU shares tmsold at the time of distri bution wiU be surrendered, and their correspond ing numbers not allowed any representation. Tho managers will not bold a share, thus guaranteeing the shareholders the fuU contryl. Pill For Shares, Circulars or any information os to this Grand Beal Estate Distribution, apply In per son or by moil to BROWN 1 CO , sep6 lm Booksellers, 46 Beoond st., Macon. Go. THE SOUTHWEST GEORGIA ANNUAL FAIR The Annual Fair of the SOUTHWEST GEORGIA CENTRAL FAIR .ASSOCIATION! wax EE Irvr n IM PORT VAXiXiUT - . COMMENCING OCTOBER 17TH, AND COSriSTE rOB THREE SUCCESSIVE DAIS'. sepWtf JAS. W. M THEWS, Secretary.- LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON COTTON. GROOVER, STUBBS & CO -h Savannah, Ga. jYSBPECTFULLY inform tho Merchant* and i \t Plauu-ra or Georgia, Florida and Alabama, tint their LARGE FIRE-PROOF W AREHOUSE, capacity 25,000 balea, is now ready for the storage of cotton, and th*t they are now prepared to make liberal cash advances on cotton in store and to hold a reasonable length of time, charging bank rates of interest. If >ou want money, send yonr cotton to GROOVER, STUBBS & CO., ang29 dGraAwfw Savannah, Ga. L. J. GUILMAUXIN. JOHN FLANNERY L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission tierclinnis BAY STREET, SAVANNAII, GA. AGENTS rOU BRADLEYS SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, Jewell's Mills Yarns, Domestics, etc , etc. BAGGING AND IRON TIE3 ALWAYS ON HAND. UmurI Facilities Extended to Customers. aug20d4mwGm* JX0. W. AXDERSOS’S S0SS, COTTON FACTORS AND (jcneral Commission Merchants, Corner Brjrnn anil Draytou Street*, Savannah, (in. (9-LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON SIGNMENTS. * aug20 d&wCrn war. n. tlson. WM. W. GORDON TYSON & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS 112 Bay Street, Savnunali, Oft. BAGGING AND IRON TIES ADVANCED ON CROFS. • Liberal coali advances made on Consignment, of cotton. ang20-d&w6m* W. OUSCjUt. J. U. JOUSbTOS. u. aucuExy DUNCAN «fc JOHNSTON, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants 92 BAY STREET, SAYAN YAH. GA. Will make liberal advances on Cotton and other Produce consigned to uh. aqg20d&vr6m* F. M. FARLEY & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Cl BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. OCt4 3m SAUSDERS, GOODWIN & MILLER, COTTON FACTORS —AND— Commission Merchants, 14G BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA., —AND— 91 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Liberal advances made on consignments. Agents for Chesapeake Guano. • aug30 3m M. KETCHUM. A. L. HARTRIDGE KETCHUM & HAltTRIDGE, Bankers and Commission Merchants, Exchange Building, Savannah, Ga. Refebekcis : Moses Taylor, President City Bank, N. Y.; P. C. Calhoun, President Fourth National Bank. N. Y.; John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, N. Y.; Morris Ketcbnm, Banker, N. Y.; J. N. Norris. Cashier First National Bonk, Baltimore; M. McMi- chael. Cashier First Notional Bank, Philadelphia. ang256m F. W. SIMS &. CO., NAVAHUB, GA., COTTON FACTORS aitn General Commission Merchants Bagging and Tioa supplied, and advances mado Krmlttnncrs Promptly Mud*. aag20d3m CHARLES N. WEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH, 61. Will attend diligently lo all biuinces confided to hie care. aag24 6m SPAMS II PLANTATION FOR SALE T BE undersigned offers to sell his well-known plantation, in Lee connty, consisting of I860 sens of good land, (boat 800 cloned and in a state of cultivation and good repairs. A fine residence and all other good improvements are on the place to make it desirable. 11m place is well watered and healthy, and is one of the most dour- able places in Somhweetera Georgia, and will aver age with the beet farms in tbe connty. Ita locality, eight miles east of Smithriilo, on the Southwestern Bailroad; twelve miles northeast of Wooten’s; eleven miles south of the city of Americus, and ad joining the lands of CoL James Gardner and Maj. Brran and others, and if desired will sell every thing on the place, consisting of corn, fodder, peas, concept)tatoos, and wagons and fanning utensils of Stock—a lot of fine males, cattle, hogs, ia fact, everything to canyon a first-class form, twill sell the entire property for one-half cash, tho balance in one, two and three years’ time, with interest from date. Any person wishing to hey can confer with me at Americas, or my agent, J. W- Baring, on the place, which he will show to any one who will call ° n p. °La1so, I will sell my desirable house and lot — the city of Americas, convenient to basin ess, nnd in a good neighborhood, joining CoL S. R. LalOrtA. It. Brown and others, containing fonr acres. The entire property will be offered nntil the first of November- geptlG-lm JNO. L* LAKAMORE- CROWN SHERRY. 'T’BIS justly celebrated brand of Wino is imported JL direct from Cadiz, Spain, and is certainly the purest ever offered in the Southern markot. Price per case *9 00 Fries por gallon 8.50 For sale i y A L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Wines, aepl2 Cm 124 Bay street. Savannah, Georgia TH.TJMa.N cfc G-HEEKT, ATLANTA WATER-CURE. D B. F. KALOW, lato of Germany, wonld most rcepeetfullyinform the citizens of Atlanta and the surrounding country that he boa opened on es tablishment on Hunter street, in tho Larendon House, for tho cure of all chronic diseases. Specisi attention given to the following diseases: Liver Complaint xn all its forms, Syphilis in sll its forms, Fevers, Epilepsy, Sterrility, Asthmas, Lameness, Nervousness, and diseases peculiar to women, etc. I refer to the following persons, who have been and are being treated at my establishment: Mr. J. W. Bncker, of Chapman, Bucker k Co.; Major W. B Cox, cf Cox A Hill; Capt. J. M. Hill, John and James Lynch, T. J. Hightower & Co-, J. Fleishel, Beermat: A Kurtz. sep8tnesA8un3m Cor. 3d nn«t Mulberry sts., Mneon, Ga. CKEAM TARTAR, HORSFORD’S BREAD PKEPABATIJN, COOKING SODA, COX’S GELATINE, ARROW ROOT, SEA MOSS FARINE, MUSTARD, SPICES. Great bargains in KEROSENE LAMPS LARGE STOCK AND GREAT VARIETY. For sole by G. E. SUSSDORFF, Druggist. Large stock TOIXiET S O -A- 3? S Lubin’s, Bazin’s, Yardley’s, Barbers, Photon's, Colgates, English Honey, Glycerine. PERFUMERY In great variety—D’Orssy Colocne, Heliotrope Cologne, Eta. Banquet Cologne, Violet Cologne. For sale cheap by G. £. SUSSDOBFF, Druggist. A great variety of TRUSSES, BRACES, SUPPORTERS, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, RUBBER GOODS, SYRINGES, For eale by G. E- SUSSDORFF, Druggist. AU goods guaranteed of the best quality. Per sons will do weU to call before baying elsewhere Orders promptly attended to. octltf G. E SUSSDORFF, Druggist. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, 82 mid SI Cherry st., Macon, Gn„ DEALE US IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, 3PERPU1VIEHY; PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, D-snss, BTC NEW octltf Merchants supplied at YORK PRICES! (Freight added.) ROGERS & BONTN rpO-DAY receiving and offer low 200 boxes CREAM FACTORY CHEESE, 50 barrels NORTHERN IRISH POTATOES. BOGERS & BONN (JO-DAY receiving and offer low 50 boxes PORK BELLIES. ROGERS * E0NN H AVE in store the largeet stock of LIQUORS in the city. BYE WHISKY at *1 to *5 per gallon- CORN WHISKY at SI to $1.60 per gallon. Our Cheap Grades Whisky aro superior to any in the State for the price. ROGERS & BONN ^^RE receiving and offer very low 600 packages NEW MACKEREL. 100 packages NEW WHITE FISH. ON CONSIGNMENT, A ND for sale nndcr market rates, as the market is falling fearfully, 200 rolls HEAVY MAGNOLIA BAGGING, eep24 Sm ROGERS A BONN. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & WAGONS, We are now receiving daily a large stock of Victorias, Cabriolets, Pliaetons, Single and Double-seated Buggies WAGONS, OKAYS. Etc., Branch Repository, Third Nt, Mneon, 6a, Where if you will coll on Mr. A W Chapman, he will sell or order any kind of vehicle that you want. MB. W. W. WOODRUFF is now at Headquarters, 678 Broadway, New York, Having Manufactured, eelecting and chipping, ESPECIALLY FOR THIS MARKET. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. Macon and Brunswick Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., August 5,1871. O N and after Monday evening, August 7, 1871, the following schedules will be ran, viz: DAY ACOttTODATION TRAIN DALLY (SUNDAVS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon (Passenger Shed) 8.20 A. Arrive at Jessup 6.15 r. Arrive at Brunswick 8.55 r. Leave Brunswick 5.00 a. Arrive at Jessup 7.12 a. Arrive at Macou (Passenger Shed) 5.25 P. NIGHT rA8SENOEK TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) Leavo Macon (Passenger Shod) 8.10 r. Arrive at Jessup 5 00 a. Arrive at Savannah 8.35 a. Leave Savannah 7.00 p. Leave Jessup 10.20 p. Arrive at Macon (PasseDgor Shed) 6.50 A. HAWKIN'SVILLE TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon S.05 p. Arrive at Hawkinsville 6.45 p. Leave Hawkinsville 6.45 a. Amve at Macon 10.30 a. augC-tf WM. MacRAE, Gen’l 8up’t. CHANGE OH SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN AU- GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,) Georgia Central Railroad, J- Savannah, May 27, 1871. | O N aud after Sunday, the 28th inst.. Passenger Trains on tho Georgia Central Railroad wiU urn as fellows. i l l'.\V train. Leavo Savannah 7:15 a Leavo Augusta 8:15 a Arrive at Augusta 5:38 r M Arrive at Mihedgevillo 8:45 p m Arrive at Eatontcn 10:45 r M Arrive at Macon 4:51 Connecting at Augusta with trains going North, and at Macou with trains to Columbus aud Atlanta. DOWN DAY TRAIN. Leavo Macon 7:00 a m Leave Augusta 8:15 a m Arrive at Augusta 5:38 p m Arrive at Savannah 5:25 P M Making same connection at Augusta as above. NIGHT TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah 7:00 p m Leave Augusta 8:30 p m Arrive at Macon 6:15 a m Connecting with trains to Columbus, leaving Maco at 5:25 a u. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH* Leave Savannah 7:00 r x Leave Macon. 6-20 p m Arrive at Milledgevillo 8:45 p Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 p x Arrive at Augusta 2:45 am Arrive at Savannah 5:30 a x Making close connection with trains leaving Au gusta. Passengers going over the Milledgevilie and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Macon, day train from Augusta and Savannah, which con nect daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the Milledgevilie and Eatonton trains. An elogaut sleeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be had at tho Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a m to 1 p m, and fromS to 6 r m. Tick* eta can also be had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, may30 tf General Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. BUFEKINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) South western Railroad Company* * Macon* Ga., May 28* 1871. > O N aud after Sunday, the 28th inet.. Passenger Trains on this lloud will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 a. m. Arrive at Eufaula 4:58 p. x. Leave Eufaula. * 7:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 4:35 p. x. Connecting with tho Albany branch train at Smitlivillo, aud with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbert. EUFAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:50 r. x. Arrive at Eufaula 10:00 a. m. Leave Eufaula 5:10 p. x. Arrive at Macon 5:00 Connect at Smithville with Albany Train on Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. No leaves on Saturday nights. COLUMBUS DAY PAS8ENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 5:25 A. X. Arrive at Columbus 11:00 A. x. Leave Columbus 12:45 r. x. Arrive at Macon 6:12 r. x. COLUMBUS rviOHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:15 F. x. Amive at Columbus 4:45 a. m. Leave Columbus 8 05 p. m. Arrive at Macon 4:10 a VIRGIL POWERS, junlO ly Engineer and Superintendent. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LINK TO CALIFORNIA, cmrJiY YY-ism ir^vjp^h.3Nr, Touching at Mexican Ports AND CARRYING THE V. S. M.VII.. Fares Greatly Reduced. O NE of the large and splendid Steamships of this line will leavo Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 15th and 30th of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday), with ASPINWALL, connecting* via Panama Rail way, with one of the Company’s Steamships from Panama for SAN FRANCISCO, touching at MAN ZANILLO. All departures connect at Panama with steamers for South American ports. Departure of 15th touches at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran cisco first of every month, except when it falls on Sunday, then on the day preceding. One hundred pounds of Baggage allowed to each adult. Baggage Masters accompany Baggage throngh, and attend ladies and children without male protectors. Baggage received on the deck the day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced Surgeon on board. Meididne and attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further in- xormation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on the Wharf, foot of Canal street, North River, New York. mar21 ly* F. R. BABY, Agent GUILFORD & HILL, Musical Emporium of Georgia. THIS I IANO FOR BARE AT O ! angl7tf DEMABEST & WOODRUFF. VALIANT, JONES & CO., (Saccegsors to Valiant & Jones'), IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, CHINA, TABLE, GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE, 4 SOUTH HOWARD STREET, BALTHIOBE. fcepm24d&Gw SEWING MACHINE. T HIS Machine stands without a peer for simplic ity, durability and variety of work. SPECIAL PREMIUMS, GEORGIA STATE FAIR. For the bost specimen of work done on this machino (monej) $25 00 For beat operator, under 12 years of age, (gold badge of honor) 20 00 aug 22tf Providence Conference Seminary, EAST GREENWICH, R. I. REV. DAVID H. ELA, A. M. Principal. N INE efficient Teachers. A first-clue Hale and Female Seminary- A thorough English course of Study. A College Preparatory Course. A La. dies’ Graduating Coarse. A Commercial College Course. A Uusical Graduating Course. Beautifa and healthy location—overlooking Narraganeott Bay; half-way between Providence and far-famod Newport. Only Bix hours from Now York by direct route. Fall Term begins August 21,1871. For in formation address the Principal, at East Green- wich, R L jn!22 3m DOBSOiY & BARLOW Bolton, England, [ESTABLISHED A. D. 1790.] Makers and Patentees of the most improved MA OHUWaRY FOB Preparing and Spinning Cotton, ALSO Ilonble-Cyliiulcr Saw (Him. nnd Knife Roll er M mar thy (Jin*. Employ upwards of 2000 operatives. Refer to CLARK THREAD CO., Newark, N, J., Where 80,000 spindles are in operation. Prices and estimates for projected mills, on ap plication to above address, or to P. O. Box, 3024, New York. _ Hov22-eodly MACON WAREHOUSES. A. E. ADAMS. B- M. BAZEMOBE. SUADBACH WABE. Adams, Baiemorc & Ware, PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE, NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT, O N entering upon a new cotton season, tender their eemoes to the patronH and friends of Adams A Bazemoro, and to all others who may favor them with their patronago. Their attention will ho given exclusively to tho Storage and Sale of Cotton. And to filling orders for Bagging, Tics and Planta tion Supplies. Asking for a continuance of the gonorons support accorded to the old firm daring the past season, they pledge themselves to give unremitting atten tion to the interests of thoir patrons. Liberal advances made on cotton in store. sep6 ddewfim HARDEMAN & SPARKS S END their annual greeting to thoir many friends jtrnl patrons. They are at their old btaud, ready and will lug to serve them in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. They deem it unnecessary to make pledges—for “ by their fruits 5© shall know them.” Judge ua by then©—w© ark no more. Yonr interest ia our inter- eat; and our long experience enable* r* to guard and advance it. More we cannot promise —more yon wiU not expect. The naual accommodations extended to those who honor ns with their patronage. aug26 3m HARDEMAN & SPARKS. COTTON! CAMPBELL & JONES ¥arelioiise & Commission Merchants, And ask a continuance of the patronage so liber ally given them the past season. Close personal attention given to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON, and to the filling of orders for Bagging and Ties and Plantation Supplies. Refer to the patrons of the past season. Re member the place— Iron Wareiionse, Poplar st., Macon, Ga. P. S.—Agents for the Winship Improved Cotton Gin aud John Merrvman & Co.’s Ainmoniated Dis solved Bones, which we now offer at a reduced price. sepl 3m CHEAP GASLIGHT I S a simple, safe aud reliable apparatus for sup plying PUBLIC BUILDINGS and PRIVATE RESIDENCES, with a superior and CHEAP GAS LIGHT. Upwards of FOUR HUNDRED are in successful operation in private residences, churches, factories, etc. No other apparatus is operated on tho samo or any similar principle, which guarantees a light of uniform quality, in either axgand or open Bnruors, WITHOUT THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL HEAT. The practical operation of the Machines can bo seen at tho PAH8ENGER SHED of the Ilailro&d Companies in MACON; also at tho Printing and Publishing House of Messrs. J. W. BURKE « CO. We call attention to tho following extract from a letter from J. W. Burke, Esq.: Macon, Ga., March 23,1871. ‘We have had one of the U. S. Gaslight Compt* ny’s Machines, in operation since the 10th of No vember, 1870, and it is perfectly satisfactory to ua in ita general working and cheapness. We paid the Macon Gaslight Company for four months of last year and the year previous—viz: November, De cember, January and February—$399.56. Iu using this Machine our gas for the four corresponding months cost us $114—thus saving us in that time $285.56. The light is quite as good as that of the City Gas Company, and has the advantage of being entirely under our control to use as we please. During tho severe weather in Docembor it burned without intermission, not being at all affected by the freeze. We see no trouble in (lie Machino or the light, and cheerfully rocomiuond it.” [Signod] J. W. BURKE A CO. For information or testimonials, apply to EDWARD ROWE, Post-office box 159. Macon, Ga., Or WM. FOSTER, Jr., President. my6 tf - 2 Bolide street, N. Y. THE GREAT REMEDY RHEUMATISM! A CERTAIN CURE for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica and all kindred diseases. It is not a liniment, but an internal remedy. It acta as an Alterative, thoroughly rectifying that morbid condition of the system that induces and keeps up those diseases. For those ot scare psins and aches in the bones, joints and muscles that constantly afflict eome people, preventing sleep and making life generally uncomfortable, and it not cured, ultimately crippling and disabling them for life, it is a speedy, permanent and infallible cure. A trial for forty-eight hours will convince any one so affl cted of that fact. For sale in Macon by Dr. I. L. Harris & Co., Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, and by druggists generally throughout the State. At wholesale by Dr. J. D. HOYLE & BRO., qng!8 eodSm Bam’widge, Ga. 3T> i*\ UB'Y cfc OO., DABBY BUILDING, 325 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, WBOLESALK Fruiterers and Candy Manufacturers BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. gep22d&w6m* tkkms cash. $ 1,000,000 $ By the authority of the act of tho Lrglelature of Kentucky, of March 13.1871, tho Trustees of the Pub lic Library of Kentucky will cive a GRAND GIFT CONCERT! AT LOUISVILLE, KY., On Tuesday, October 31,1871. ’“•^TICKETS OF ADMISSION. *10 EACH CUR- -NCY^LP TICKETS.*5: QUARTER 1ICK- r w ‘ll sent by registered letter: the money for them may be scat by Jr. O. moizcy ord^r. g.eca- backeordait. Uach ticket consists of four quarters, valuo $2.50 each. The holder is entitled to admission to the Con cert, and to tho value of the tifl awarded to it or its ft action. *350.000 IN GREENBACKS will be distributed to holders of tickets, in gifts ..firrm $100,000, the biga- rstto $100, the lowest, being 721 gLu in all. Tte Conccr. is given for the benefit of the Public Library of Kentuciiy. Tbe Cititenii' Bank of Kentucky ie Treasurer: aud the Corporators and Supervisors ore the Hon. Thomas B. Bromlette, Uto Governor of Kentucky, and two” cTtism«of the Stated distin «"“ h ^ “<» respectable The undersigned, late principal business manager ! U , C °7i S v fuI Qilt Concert for tho benefit of the Me cantilo Library at tan Francisco, has been appointed Agent and Manager of this Graud Gift concert. The drawina and distribution will take p»ace in vaC** u e ':cmhu j K will be Cone to satisfy the their interests will be ta well t ?- ey ^. C T° personally pnaent to ipenntetd the entire affair. I? or t ick* ts and information apply to C. K. FErKi S. 120 Maine street, Louisville. Ky. w iiNo.RAetor iionso, New York. ' “a Droadrray. Milwaukee. Wia. ' ■?' w Clt E Nevada. . A. Wolff. No. 3T6 Chestnut street. St Louis. T’Ckets also for sale in every prominent place in tho United States. scp23oodl2t A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE I JorWSSS: I rtedorthoeoabout GUIDE. isssa . . t i Ion the physiolog ical mystenos and revelation* of the physical ays tom, how to preserve the comploxion, etc.. This is an interesting work cf 224 pages, with num erous engraving, and contain* valuable information Sf., 1 ?* 0 ?. 0 "? 0 ? r .°v marn ® d or .contemplate marine; S «m *V* 8 , a - b , 00k *£**, ou ?bt to be under lock a » tty afld not laid carelessly about tho house. aSiVUSS °g c Jfl eQ r ?i Postage) for 50 cents. rtr^tisS Unit Mo Mo ’ ’ forafe#. 10 IHE a ■ a. Desore ai>;>ljinc to the notorious Quack, who .0- vertue in public papers or usiuR any Quack Ro.-- edie*. pemie Dr. Butts' work, no matter what year disease is or how deplorab'e your condition. Ur. Lutta can be consulted, personally or by mail tv. e r 1 ? casea B^o-ionedin his work*. Office, No. 12 N. ±.ighth street, bet. Market and Chesnut. St. Looia. Mo. LOOK TO YOVll CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. SYRUP. MRS. WHITCOMB’S SYRUP MRS. WHITCUMB’S Cures Colic and Grip ing in the BowcIj, and facilititatcs tho process of Teething. Subdues Convulsions and over conies all diseases cideat to infants and Children. Cures Di- SYBUP. arr'iea, Dysentery and Summer Complaint in children ol all ages. It is the Great Infant's and Children 1 Remedy in all disorders broutht on by teethiuE or an v other cause. Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE C0„ St. Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggists and Dealara in Medicine every where. &ngl7-dlwly