The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 14, 1871, Image 3

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Telegraph & Messenger. SPECIAL CALL! x7t r i A . HOPSON €So GO.. Dr. Hurley's Ague Tonic. Pnrfly TruPliible ! Xo Anfnlc, KoUerenry In Its Composition! 41 SEOOHD STREET, Invite early attoation to their stock of STAPLE aad fancy pry goods. H«o. DHE88 SUITS in » witty of material*. cloaks; TUBS, WAISTS, CiSKMKRE CLOTH, and FLANNEL 8ACQUES. VELVETS. VELVETEENS, LACES, trimmings, bcttoss. notions, FANCY GOODS, Etc., Etc. AUof wldch hava been carefully selected and laid ia at ibe vaty lowest New York prices, and will be .old at a email per eentage npon coat and ebames. Bayers will find it to their advantage to give to this stock a careful examination before making tieir pnrcbaees. ortjO tf W. A. HOPSON A CO. JUST RECEIVED. A nice assortment of Real Point Applique Laces. OUirUBE and VALKNCIESNE, gleo, latest styles of Point Appliqtto, Du besto, English Thread and Valendenne Lace Collars, forfeit boanLoa, at very low prices, at tbo NEW YOBK STOKE —or— H. WAXELKAUJI, LUO. A CO., 15 and 17 Second street. I''ALL GOODS. OU* STOCK or Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods NOTIONS, ETC., j. now full and complete. We bavo tl.o largest and moat varied stock wo bare ever exhibited to the trade. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT PARTICULABLY ATTKACTIVE, AND PRICES LOW. Our mol to is «Short I’rclils and Quirk 8alo>,” Anil we feel confident of (living eatiafaclion to all who may favor ns with their patronage. We rerfottfiilly invite tbo public to call and ox- amine nnr atock. W. A. BANKS X SONS, aepSOif 13 Socond at., Triangular Block. LADIES SliouM not fail to examine nnr new stock of IIXiK VAIiOUIlS, III -l to *1 50 pur yard, at tbo NEW YORK STORE, 46 and 47 Second street. A handsome lino of dark shades of PIN E S/LTBENia. All tbo latest varieties in color*, at tbo NEW YOBK STORE, 45 and 47 Second stroet. A largo lot of HANDSOME POPLINS, from 35c, 30c, 35c, to SCe a yard—astonishingly low prices—at the NEW YORK STORE. IMPROVED COTTON TIES. -VJ-O CURE, NO PAY, is directions be followed. J.1 No danger in taking an overdose, ae wa put no poison in onr medicines. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters! J. Monroe Ogien, Agent: Dzae Sib—We are happy to inform yon that the Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, will pay ut her looses in the Chicago fire ont of her net surplus, over kU liabilities, leaving her sotted and anxious for ’8 the remedy, par excellence, for all disease* jn arising from debility, disordered stomach, lorn of appetite, torpid liver. Indigestion, and all kindred ailment*, where a gentle and permanent ttuaoimt acd tonic ia required. Pleaa&nt to tnkc. One dollar per bottle. Our condition on October 1st, 1871, is as fol lows: Or. Hurley’s Syrup of Sarsaparilla. WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. T HIS Preparation baa long been recognised by the most eminent mizds in the Medical Pro- f Mudon es tbo most reliable, searching and harm less alterative within their reach, and a* a Blood Purifier it certainly stands without a rival. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Seabrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup . • *1,765,01912 Chicago losses will not exceed, in any eTent *S50,0:0t0 And we are fiimly of tbo opinion that the lots will not exceed *300,00000 We congratulate you, onr patrons and our selves on our fortunate escape. Stephen Cnownx, Pros’t Phenix Ins. Co. T nE indispensable remedy in the nursery. No more use for laudanum, paregoric, Bateman's Drops, or other strong opiates. No had effects from the nee of Seebrook's. Health to the child, rest to the mother, end a clear conscience to the vendor. 25 cents per bottle. Dr. Hurley’s Popular Worm Candy I S reallygll it claims to bo—a SPECIFIC—remov- ieg all worms from the human viscera. No harm ful effect from its nee. Children love it. No dan ger in Riving an overdoes. 25 cents per box. Pacific Pout Ixscbaxce Co air ax r or Sax Fuaxcisco.—Wo have been shown a dispatch from the headquarters cf this company to the Macon agent, 8. JL Farrar, Esq., saying that it will easily pay np all its liabilities incurred by the Chicago fire, and directing him to go ahead and take all new business offered. It Dr. Stalirook’s Elixir of Bark anil Iron. T HE Great Tonic and Appetizer. One dollar per bottle. All for salo by druggists everywhere. J. W. KEATON A CO., Proprietors. eeplSeod&wtf Louisville, Ky. scp20d2aw2w&wl Banderaville.Ga. t* Bran A Cobb, insurance agents, desires lu inform the patrons, acd all others, that they have information that the insurance companies represented by them have ample means to pay all their losses in Chicago, and still have a surplus beyond their capital left. 2t A silver medal waa awarded Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder at tbo Stato Fairs in New Orieanc, end at Decatur, III., for being tbo purest and beat. Ilia epecial 11 avoritig* are equally good. Tut It.—Mr*. Whilcomb dosirca all to try ber •Syrup: it i* tbo groat cbiiilron'* soothing remedy, and sold at tbo low prico of 25 cents. Mabriaoe GnnE—Interesting work, numerous engraving*, 221 pagoa. Price 50 cents Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary 12 North Eight Street, St- Louis, Mo. See advortieoment. angl7-d&wly Joy to tub Would! Woman is Fain:!—Among the many modern discoveries looking h> the happi ness and amelioration of the human race, nono is enUtlod to higher consideration than the renowned nmody—Dr. J. Brad field's Female Regulator, Wo man's Best Friend. By it woman is emancipated from numberless ills peculiar to her aex. Before its msgic power all irregularities of the womb van ish. It euros whites. It cures suppression of the menses. It roniovea ntcrioo obstructions. It cores constipation and strengthens the system. It braces the nerves and parities ibe blood. It never fails, aa thousands of wotnon will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold by L. H. Bradfield, druggist, Atlanta, Ga. I’rico, * l 50 per bottle. All respoctslilo drug men keep it. New Film.—Messrs. A. F. Small & Co. have opened a retail and fancy grocery store on Fourth street, second door from Wilbonrn A Ed wards, above Brown House, Onr young friend, Mr. A. P. Small, the senior of the firm, pos- m all the qualifications of a thorough busi ness man. He ia energetic and honest in all his dealings, and we commend him and his firm to the pnblie and solicit a liberal patronage for them. Everything in tho family grocery lino (including Small & Gamble’s choice Hezor flour) will be on band at all times, at A. P. Small A Co.’e, Fourth street. It CITY AFB'AIRS. To toe Agents or the Imtieial Fike Insd- baxce Compart.—Mi**r*. Turpin <6 Ogtlen, Agent*-—Gentlemen: In the event of inquiries being made as to our liabilities nnder the re cent disastrous conflagration in Chicago, we beg to inform you that the company withdrew from the State of Illinois about two years since, so that at the time of the fire the amount of tbo company's risks in the entire eity is compara tively light Oar losses will bo promptly paid as soon sa adjusted. Wo are, gentlemen, yours truly, It E. W. Ceoweix, ltes’tjt Mu’gr. SATURDAY MORNING. OCT. 14, 1871. McLean’s Cordial and Blood Purifier is the best tonio and blood alterative in the world. Skatiso Kink, open ibis morning for ladies ; afternoon fur ladios and gents ; night for soiree. Ufsidence Wanted.—Onr young friend, T. W. Garrett, wishes to go to honsekeepiug. Landlords will pleaso read his notice in onr ad- vertising columns. SunscBUTioxs To THE State Fare—Mr. J. A. McManus, tho Clerk of the Council, ia now engaged in collecting the subscriptions mado by onr citizens to the State Fair. We would sug gest that if each individual will have Ihe amount he subscribed placed handily, that be will mnch facilitate Mr. McManus’ pciformance of this troablcseme duty. The Second Infantry Band.—We ore happy to announce that Mayor Unff, this evening, re ceived the following telegram: Huntsville, Ala., October 13, 1871. Mayor IF. A. Jluff: Our band will be on hand tbe 22d instant. M. Frank Gallagher, Adj. 2d Infty. This band is undoubtedly tbe Quest in tbe United States, and a troat awaits all tbo visitors to tbe State Fair. We heartily congratulate the management npon tlioir success in obtaining Ibis first-class set of blowers. THE EUREKA IRON TIE, The Old Court house Square.—On passing this*nil known spot yesterday, oar attention was altra iteil hv lingo piles of bricks and inm- lier. On inquiry, wo learn that Ur. Wadley contemplates at an early day to commence tbe erection of one of tbe largest and handsomest passenger aud freight depots in tho South. With admirable forethought bo caused native trees to bo planted when Ihe company first purchased the square, and at this time they have attained considerable height, and when the building is completed will be of sufficient size to shade tbe streets. THE ANCHOR IRON TIE, Wo also havo tho SWETT SELF-FASTENING IRON TIE. Prices Same as New Orleans TURPIN X OGDEN, Agents at Macon, Ga. RATES X COMER, 122 Bay ot.,Savannah, General Agent* for Gi>, Fla., aud Fast Ala. TRADE MARK. STONEWALL FERTILIZER, For aale by TURriN X OGDEN. •*p21tf WALTHAM WATCHES. 3-4 PLATE, 16 AND 20 SIZES. These are the beat Watches made in this country and are made with and without stem winding at Uchmsnts. They are finished in the best manner and run with the great sat accuracy, aud cannot bo excelled anywhere at their respective prices. the cues are all made of tbo newest patterns, and specially mado to our own order. Onr stork of these Wotchee is now the largest, and our prices, all things considered, ore the low est in the oitv. BALL, BLACK X CO., Jeweler* and Silversmiths. cctO-tf 565 and 567 Broadway. New York. Jut in at the NEW YORK STORE, Twenty pieces BLACK SILKS From *125 to *3 per yard, twenty percent, cheaper than the name goo a can be bought else where in tbe city. 8. WAXELBAUU, BRO. X CO , 45 and 47 Second street. For Mourning Dresses. The well krown HENRIETTA CLOTH, silk acd wool, at tho NEW YOBK STORE, Flags. — Mayor Half, yesterday, received 1,300 flags of overy aorl, size, shape and de scription, with which ho intouds to decorate the exhibition balls on tbo Fair Grounds. From the tri-color of la belle France to the crossed keys of the Head of tho Cbnrch; from the me teor flag of old England to the doable headed Engle of Prussia. All aro there, each "in bright blazonry of purplo and gold, aznro and scarlet sheen.” Tho several Slates will bavo their arms represented on banners snsponded around Floral Hall, and the grand old banner of the Empire Stato of the South, our loved Georgia, will float above them all, “full high advanced." Trotting Match.—Yesterday two gentlemen of this burg had a dispute as to the speed of their respective nags, and adjonrned to tho race track to decide which was correct in their opin ion. Mr. George Napier entered his bay horse and Capt. Pounds entered his gray ditto. Quite a crowd assembled to witness the trial of speed, but tho gray was so much the favorite that bnt few beta were made. The atari was made in fino style, when the Captain took tho lead and kept it, the gray working as steadily as a vete ran, without a broak, and coming in without a turned hair, easily distancing the bay and mak ing tbe milo in 3:21. Another race is on the tapie for Monday evening. Tux Faib Gbounds.—We mentioned inciden tally in yesterday’s issue that Central City Park would bo lighted np with tho now patent gas, of which Mr. Edward Rowe ia the agent. Each of the exhibition halls will have one hundred burners, the saloon and dining rooms each forty-eight, and tho rest of tho buildings as many aa may be necessary. The half mile track, and, in fact, tho whole extent of the grounds, will be illnmi- nated with blazing cressets, to such a degree as possibly to cause an alarm of fire in Atlanta. Wo imagine tho view will be beanlifal beyond oomparison. On onr visit there yesterday, we were shown the bcsutiful design of the largo mechai fountain, the invention of Mr. J. O. Belknap, of New Orleans, which will grace the central portion of Floral HalL On it will be seen, in full chase, tho celebrated steamers B. E. Lee and Natchea, the models being exact fac timile* of the originals, while on the npper basins will be represented a locomotive going for a veloci- pedist. Swans, ducks, etc., will float around loose, covered with the spray of the falling water, and, altogether, it v.-ill doubtless attract as mnch attention as it did at the Cincinnati (Ohio) exposition. 45 and 47 Second Street THE SERGE CLOTH, In all wool, for Ladies' wear, at the NEW YORK STORE, 45 and 47 Beoond street. Batchelor's Hair Dye. This superb Hair Dye is lbs best in the world— perfectly haimlcts, reliable and instantaneous ; no disappointment -. no ridiculous tints or dwagrecalo odor. The genuine Was. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye 1reduce* immediately s splendid Black or natural Blown, leaves the hair clean, soft,beautiful; does not contain a psrtlclo of lead or any in t nriou.i com pound. Bold by all dmgglsts. Factorv. 10 BOND STREET, N.Y. oct3dcodly Omcx or thx Phxsii Insubancz Company,) No. 173, Broadway. - New Yoxk, October 10,1871.) Cash Capital *1,000,00000 Gross Surplus 858,755 45 *1,858,75545 Loss, etc., adjusted bnt not due, Oct. 1, 1871 *93,73633 It Tbe Western Woods and Prairie Fires— Hundreds Burnett to Death. Chicago, October 13.—The fire in Menasha destroyed 200 buildings, six mills and all tho "hipping at the dock. The loss is $1,300,000. Farther advices from Green Bay say 150 men were burned to death in a large barn, where they had sought refuge. Hundreds of the peo ple were driven into rivers by tbe fire, where thev were drowned. The Erie relief train has arrived. A dispatch from Green Bay, Wiscon sin, states that a steamer had just arrived, bringing a report that 325 bodies were burned at Pishtigo last night, and as many more are still missing. Seventy-five persons were burned at Little Sturgeon Bay. The suffering through out the North is terrible. Augusts, Mainz, October 13.—We have bad fifteen hours of oontinued rain. Seven regular trains aro caught between two washed culverts. The total rain-fall is nearly 4) inches. Cincinnati, October 13.—Later counts give the Democrats in Hamilton county another Sen ator and representative, reducing the estimated majority on joint ballot to six. Philadelphia, October 13.—After having an arm broken by two ruffians, a saloon keeper killed one assailant and fatally wounded another with a revolver, Hartford, October 13.—The latest statement of the Hartford Insurance Company shows their capital intact and with 1,500,000 exoess. Quebec, October 13.—The military has been ordered by tho Home Government to tender all the tents and blanketa in tho Dominion to Cbi- Columcus, O., October 13.—The Senato ties. Tho House stands—Republicans, fill; Demo- crals, 45; Independent, 1. Noyes’ majority is 22,000. Daniel Torrance has been elected Pres- dent and A. M. Christy Vice-President of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. New York, October 13.—Slnyvesant Bank has suspended—attributed to losses in Chicago. Montgomery, October 13.—Heavy frost this morning—first of tho season. New Obleanb, October 13.—Mayor Flanders telegraphs tbe Mayor of Chicago to draw at onee for $ 10,000. Subscriptions aro Brill fjoiug on. New Yoex, October 13.—Arrived, Rising Son, Cuba, James Adger. Arrived out, Russia and Assyria. London, October 13.—Aid for Chicago is livish throughout the empire and Continent. Tho Lord Mayor received yeslorday contribu tions from private individuals of upwards of £7000 sterling. The Barings, Morgan, Roths- child, Brown, Shipley & Co., the Great Western Railway of Canada, and the Grand Trunk Rail way have subscribed £1000 each. Go to tho Brawn House Cigar Store and go one of tbe celobrated Golden Bug Cigars. An entire new stock of Mersolianm Ciga Holders and Pipes, just received at tbo Brown House Cigar Store. aepl3-3tawtf Lone Jack and Darbam Smoking Tobacco, at the Brown House Cigar Store. sepIS Stawtf The finest stock of imported Cigars ever hown in this city, just received at the Brown ouse Cigar Store. sepl3-3tawtf Ten Thousand Jessamine at the Brown House Cigar Store sep!3.3tawtf If yon want a good smoke step in tbe Brown House Cigar Store. seplS 3tawtf All kinds of Pipes just received at the Brawn House Cigar Store. sepl3-3tawtf Henry Clays, just received at the Brown Honse Cigar Store. sepl3-3tawtf Hat Flower Cbowing Tobacco at tbe Brown House Cigar Store sepl 3 3 tawtf TnE Philosophy of Tonic Stimulants.— Somo substances have tbo power of ioflaenciug tbe changes which go forward in tho human tisanes, without themselves taking any integral port in these changes. Salt, for instance, hastens transforma tion and waato, and ctmacqently creates the neces sity fur a inure litoral diet; while, on tho other hand, alcohol retards chango and waste. Ou this principle, Dr. Fiacli, in his Bitters, has lurniabed a preparation having among other propel ties that of preserving both the materials and tho forces of the system; and in this, as ia othor things, 4, A penny saved ia a penny gained ” Eut it ia not only in this negative way that Dr. Fisch’a remedy works for the building up of tbe physical man. Wliilo it holds back tbo wasting processes, it epuis forward tbe repairing processes. It promotes tho flow of the alimentative juices in the month, the stomach and tho liver; sod thus enables the system to utilize more food—to make more blood. The scriptural assertion that “tho blood thereof ia the life there of,” is the expression of a physiological fact: and tho amount of food which a man can eat with relish, and digest, affords the exact measure and index of tho man's strength. And when once Dr. Fisch’s remedy has given tho start to an improvement in this direction, tbe unaided energies of nature take up the work and carry it forward, and thus render tho amelioration permanent. The Warning has been Heeded.—Since tho ex posure of the attempts mado by certain unscrupu lous local dealers, to palm off their coarse astrin gents, mado from cheap and impure materials, in tbe placo of the great national tonic, nostottor's Stomach Bitters, public opinion Ins set strongly against these empirics and their preparations. Their oocu pation is gons, or soon will be. When tho light is let into deception it soon wilts down. Tenons who trifle with their own health, by using unknown pre parations, with no guarantee to sustain them, when an established specific, proven by twenty years ex perience to be exactly what it is claimed to bo, ia within their reach, aro sure to rspept their temerity. Many have done ao in this instance, bnt it is hoped that the truth plainly spoken has arrested tho oril. In the meantime the demand for tho leading pro tective and restorative medicine of America was never so great as it baa boon this season. From tbe fever and ague districts of the west, sonthafest, and south, it is literally overwhelming, and it may be said of tho advices from all parts of tbo country of tbe euros it is effecting in dyspepsia, bilious com plaints, and chronic constipation, that “their name is legion.” Everywhere the sick and feeble seem to have realized tbe importance of "bolding fast to that which is good,” and of avoiding what is spu rious and dangerous. Drsnusu—Nothing will so permanently give tone to the digestive organs, regulate the appetite, overcome general debility and nervous prostration, and energize the wliolo system as Dr. Trice's Blood Enricher. A single bottle will convince the most incredulous of its building up qualities. It acts at once by increasing tbo appetite, renewing tho old blood, toning up tho stomach. All are requested to try it. and of its good reenlts they will be satis fied. Thompson, Stool X Trico manufacture it, as also Dr. Trioe’s Cream Baking Towder and Special Flavorings. Sold by druggists and grocers. oct6eodAw2w FOR SALE. HPHE GEORGIA HOTEL FROPERTY, situate! Local Brevities.—We rise (a explain:— Brevities, tho soul of wit. Harry Brown, of the News Depot, has re turned from his Northern tour fat as a pig. We trust that the F. G. with the curling nose ia at last at peace. We were shown some handsome black walnut desks, tables, etc., yesterday, intended as fur niture for tho New Court-houso. Wo cannot aay we exactly admire the chairs. S. Cohen, Esq., the distinguished Savannah lawyer, ia stopping at the Brown House, with his family. The new pavement that we mentioned aa be ing laid in front of the passenger depot, will be extended around the aides of the building. Messrs. Johnson & Surra have mounted two huge silver signs on their door posts; Very tasteful, indeed. Ora streets wore thronged yesterday with country teams and country folks. The retail merchants were very perceptibly in good spirits and must have done some heavy trading. The city market is improving very rapidly, both in the quantity and quality of the supplies to bo obtained there. Chickens, turkeys, eggs, vegetables, game, etc., aro in plenty and at cheap rates. Col. Caret W. Styles, of tho Albany News, artiTod at the Brown Homo last evening. X immediately in front of the Faosengor Depot, Griffin. Ga. This is now conceded to be the best opening for a large hotel enterprise in Georgia, and lacks nothing bat a little capital and enter prise to moke it the best enmmer resort in Georgia. Tbe location is everything desited for the conve nience of transient guests. The bouse needs repairs or new building, and the inability of the proprietor to improve is tho only reaeon for offering to oelL Terms—One-third cash; one-third first January next, and balance first of January, 1873. Address JAMES X SMITH. oct6 lm Griffin or Montezuma, Ga NOTICE. O N and after to-day, the following rules will be observed at the Central City Talk : Trotting horses will have the exclusive use of the mile track for exercise and training, from daylight until 9 o'clock in tho morning, at which time the track will be thrown open for the free u» of all potties until j o dock r. x., when it will he token possession of by tho running stock and used by them until 5 o’clock, when it will be again thrown open for the use of visitors and other* wishing to drive on it. This restriction upon the public has been found necessary in order to harmonize all in terested, as well os to giving ample time for the training of the bones no won the ground and to ar rive. The bard track, or half mile trrek as it is called, is at all times free to the public. Mr. Raney lias been placed in chugs of tbo track to seo that these regulation* ore observed impar tially. He will preserve order on the grounds as all officer of tho city, and must be so respected by an until further notico. septl8toct23 \Y. X HUFF, Mayor. NOTICE. T HE public are hereby cautioned against pur chasing. importing or using, machines for tho manufacture of lee, constructed by Yaas X Litt- man, at Hallo, Truaeia, arid machines being an in fringement of tho patents granted by tho'United States to Carre X Mignou X Rouart. All parties found ruing or operating such will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of the law. M. J. BUJAC, Solo Agent and Attorney of Cairo A ilignon X Rouart. eap291ra BY TELEGRAPH. FLYAXCIAL AM) COMMERCIAL. DAY DISPATCHES. Dully Review of Ibe Mnrket. OFFICE TELEGRAPH October 13—Evening, 1871. Cotton.—Receipts to-day 677 bales; wles 4811 shipped 321. We quote Liverpool middlings firm at 17%. UACOX COTTON STATIXENT. Stock on band Sept. 1, 1871—bales.. . 1,789 Received to-day 677 Receded previously 6,793—7.470 Shipped to-day Slr.pptd piwia.uu >. Slock on hand tins evening. 4 811-5,132 4,077 Retail trade in tbe city is eomowhat Iriaker, and wholesale dealexa repott bstter^buflinees than for tbe laet week past. Tbe provision market quota tions are unchanged. BACON—Clear rib Sides (smoked) 9% @ 10 Shoulders 8% (d) 9 Sugar-cured hams IS @ 1-9 GRAIN AND HAY. COllN—Wluto 97 @ 1 CO HEAL 1 15 & 1 10 GBITB 1 25 & 1 30 OATS 70 3 75 WHEAT—Per bushel 1 60 d 1 75 PIELDPEA3 . 1 fO HAY—Northern 180 4» 1 fr) TenneseeTimotkv 1 80 @ 1 9) RAGGING AND IRON TIES. BAGGING-BengaL 2 @ 22 Lyon 21 (r$ 22 Borneo 21 <S> 21% Gunny..... 20 Dundee 18 Patched 14 TIES—Goodie 5 <E> 5% Arrow 5% (5> 6% Eureka 5% @ 6% N ICjS KIT DISPATtHEsS. Washington, October 13 —Thero waa a full Cabinet to-day, except Akerinao. Afterwards tho Government loft for BoRtoo, to reinrn tho latter part of next week. Chicago, October 13 —Eight elevators wore saved. The loss in grain foots np two million bushels. The Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Company has ordered immediate payment Ita looses aggregate bix million dol lars. Tho Commorco Insurance Company of Albany, with a loss of $ 450,000, ia placed in tho hands of a receiver. It is a noticeable fact, the almost perfect condition of tho Nicholson pave* ment; several miles on tho North Side is unin jured. Evidence accumulated shows that tho loss of life is greater than was estimated. Habtfobd, Conn., October 13.—The tiro in surance company a circular says the Chicago losses are so high that they are obliged to sus pend business until reorganization is settled. David Kently King attempted Ruicido this morning by puncturing his heart with a needle. New York, October 13.—Adams’ Express Company gives $10,000 to Chicago. Charleston, October 13.—Two fever deaths in the last twenty-four hours. Chicago, October 13.—It is rumored, and believed by some, that the banker, Ulman, was murdered. An unpleasantness exists between the Mayor and Common Conncil regarding the manage ment of relief funds. Rome, Ga., October 13.—The fair grounds have been perfectly crowded all day. The dis play is magnificent, and racing fine. Charleston, October 13.—Arrived, steamer Champion, New York; schooner Ada, New York. Sailed, steamer Virginia, Philadelphia. Savannah, October 13.—Arrived, ships John Mann, Boston; Francis Hilyard, Antwerp; Enoch Talbot, Liverpool; brigs Princeton, Philadelphia; S. J. Bryckmoro; schooner Wapello, New York: E. A. Harper, Philadel phia. Cleared, brig Alice Loo, Providence; schooner A. J. Fabens ; steamship Gen. Barnes, New York. London, October 13.—The lossea of Liver pool companies in Chicago aggregate £4 2,000. The miners* strike in New Castle continues. Sovoral wero hnrt in a riot, which the police easily suppressed. Eugenio will shortly return to Ckisseihurst. Tbe health of Quoen Victoria is improving. Madrid, October 13.—A rupture between the adherents of Sagosta and Correia is complete. The Republicans are said to be rife for an offen sive movement against tho Government. .Morning Market Itcport. New York. October 13 — Cotton ttrong; uplands 20>k: Orleans —; sales 200. Sales of cotton futures laet evening wero 4,000 bale*; October 19%(S>19 13-16: November 19%(& 19%<s>19 11-16; December 19%<®19%<a>19 11-16; March 2OJ4. Torpontmo Grmor at 68}<<5>69X- Ro*in fiim 4 20 @4 26 for * trained- Freights firm. Flour a tdiado firmer. Wheat 1(32 bettor. Corn 2 better. Pork quiet. Lard eteady. Stocks excited and weak. Governments dull and weak. Ktatfcs weak and excited. Money 7 per cent. Gold \\%. Sterling, long 8; short 9. London. October 13, noon.—Consols Bonds BOX—ex-dividend. Paris, October 13 —Rentes 66f 80c. Specie in the Bank of France lias increased 333,- C00 francs. Liverpool, October 13, noon.—Cotton opened firm; uplands 9%; Orleans 10; sales 12,010. Sales of the week 96,000; for export 10,000; on speculation 24,000; stock 471,000; American 144,000; receipts 40,000; actual exports 9000 Later.—Cotton firm; sales 15,000; speculation and export 6060 Breadstuff* turner. Red winter wheat lls 10a. Tallow ibe. ■isarUeCK—Kvcuizig New York, October 13.—Cotton woak; eah a 2954; Uplands 20X; Orleans 20}£. Cotton Bales for future delivery to-day 1,120 bales; October 19X<©19i*<S>19>£@19 13-16; Novem ber lflftel9!3-l<fc$19J allual 7 I® IS’ 16 *' Febm mary 20. Flour dosed quiet, buyers refusing to pay the ad vance; common to fair extra 7 25@7 IK); good to choice 7 95(rt9 25. Whieky dosed dull at 95. Wheat dosed quiet; advance urn-rly lost; winter rod west ern 1 58 </l 62 Com clotted qaht; advance partially lost at 79(?t>80. Rice 8tf @9. l’ork lower at 13 50, Lard a shade easier; kettle 10K- Turpentino 68^ (aiiJIX. liodu firm. Tallow 9{£9X* Freights ac tive. " Money slightly easy 7; currency to gold woaker; borrowers paving a commission, closing at 4(5*5. Sterling 7jtf(*8. Gold U%<3WS- Governments dorod feverish at advance; 62s 14>». States very weak: Tennessee* 65; now 64%. Virginias 59; new 68. Louisianas 65; new 63 Levees 70; 8s 80. Alabamas 100; 5s 68. Georgias 80; 7s 90. North Ctroliuas 48; new 3). South Caioliuas 72; now 41K* Governments closed as follows: 81s 15%; 62s 14%; 64s 13%; 65a 14%; new 12%; 67s 12%; 68a 12%; 10-40*8%. „ Baltimore, October 13.—Cotton firmer and held higher; middlings 19%@19%; net receipts 81; gross 889; exports to Great Britain —; coastwise 686; sales 516; stock 9S8. Net receipts of tho week 581; gross 2500; exports to Great Britain —; coastwiao 12.5; sales of the week 2124 CixcrasATi, October 13 —Flour firm. Corn droop ing. Pork lower at 13 25. Lard drooping. Paeon dull and lower, dear aides HU, closing nominal. Whieky 00. . i Louisville, October 12. — Bagging qrnet and steady; round lots 16X@17K* Flour firm. Corn 50<®55. Pork quiet. Bacon firm. Whisky 91. Sr. Louis, October 13 Fionr and Corn quiet. Whisky 92K. Pork steady. Lard 9X@9>,. New Orleans, October 13.—^Cotton closed strong; middlings 19J£@rJX; not receipts 2470: gross 3198; 31ID9ilGIlT DISPATfTIKM. Synopsis ol Weather Ntricnicul. Wan Dzp’t, Office Chief Signal Officer,) Washington, D. G., October 13, 7:40, r. M j The barometer rose very rapidly on Thursday night at all stations west of tho Mississippi Uiver, with tho highest pressure central in Ma ryland. Tbe latter now extends from Oapo list- eras to Cape Cod. An area of low barometer apparently exists north and west of Iowa, bnt no reports have been received from Lako Supe rior. The temperature has fallen bnt again risen in tho Ohio valley and is quite low in Kansas and Nebraska with northerly winds. Northeasterly winds with threatening weathor is reported from Florida. Southerly winds with clonds and light rains from Arkansas to Iowa. Probabiltes : It is probable that on Saturday tho barometer will fall very generally through out tbe Atlantio States, with easterly winds and increasing cloudiness, possibly rain, on ’ tho Senth Atlantic and Gnlf coasts. Cloudy weather with light rain will probably extend to Lake Michigan to-night, and fresh southerly winds prevail over tho lower lakes to-moirow. Chicago, October 13.—Tbo organization ef fected for the management of the relief funds consists of the Chicago Belief and Aid Society, on old established institution, assisted by prom inent citizens. The bills will bo audited by a committee. Tbe funds collected should bo re mitted direct to, or held subject to tbo order of tho Chicago Belief and Aid Committee, signed by It. B. Mason. Portland, October 13.—Two mills of the Oriental Powder Company explodod to day, killing one person. New York, October 13.—It is stated on Change to-day that there wero bought entire stores of ladies’ clothing, which wore shipped to Chicago. GRAND BALL, At Mathews’ Hall, Fort Valley, Georgia, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCIOBEB18. HI IIOXOR TO THE SOUTHWEST OEOBOIA CENTRAL FAIR. MANAGERS: Hon. W. A. Hoff, Macon, Hon. Thomas Hardeman, Jr., Micm, Ocl. J. F. Troutman, Fort Valley, Gen. O. D. Anderson, Fort Valley, Jfaj. W. J. Anderson, Jr., Fort Valley. Col W. M. Hasten, Marehallvillo, Maj. J. D. Frederick, UarahallTiko, Col. D. G&mago. MarsboUriUo, Hon. B. M. Davis, Perry, Wm. Brunson, Esq., Perry. COIUOTTEE OF AlUIAZOEEESTS : Captain 8. B. Brown, Fort Valley, G. W. Byington. Fort Valley, J. R. Mathews. Fort Volley, H. T. Brown, Fort Valley, A. H. Afllack, MarshallvUle, J. O- Slappey, Manhsllville, Charlton Carnage, ManhaUrille. Prof. A. V. Bobison and Son. Tickets admitting one gentleman and ladies, *2. For sals at Spotswood Hotel, Macon, and Bying- ton's Hotel, Fort Valley. octTeodtillT Plantation. For Sale. A BARGAIN in * plantation, six miles from Ma con. can be hod bv calling on tbe undersigned or Tnrpin X Ogden. The Bloom place, containing 1.721J* acres, half rich creek tend,Ring on Tobesof kee Creek; the balance, pine tend of good quality. About 225 acres creek land aro in a high state of cultivation, as also upwards of 500 acres upland. The improvements are good and amplo. These lands compare favorably with any in Middle Geor gia. C. B. Callaway, Eeq., cultivated the place this year, and I will be pleased to go over it and show the tend and crops to anyone wishing to purchase. Terms part coeh; time payments easy. If not sold by tbs 15th of December. 1671, the place will be for rent. J. N. SEYMOUR. oct7-tf COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Ola GEO. T. FBY.well and favorably known in „ Southwest Georgia, will commence a campaign for the COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, in October next He is s duly author ized and accredits 1 Agent of this Company, and we commend him to the patronage of the public, where he lias worked so successfully heretofore. J. W. BURKE. sep!7 2m General Agent. Valuable Properly for Sale. /"'\N the first Tuesday in November next will bo V/ sold before the Court-boose door in tho city of Macon, tho following valuable property : Tbe Brick Honse and Lot fronting Walnut street 137 feet and 1CI feet on Second street. One Lot adjoining, 70 feet front on Walnnt street —running back 261 feet containing ocvenl oat- baildinge. Two lots 50 feet each on Second street running back 137 feot- All being tho Hooao and Lot formerly occupied by Gen. Howell Cobb. For terms, or purchase at private sale, or any other information, apply to augTTeodld Tnnv w enpr JOHN B. COBB. exiwrts to tho continent 78; coastwise 509; sales 2950; stock 35,302. Net receipts of tho week ll.GfS; gross 16,887; exports to Great Britain ; to tho continent —; to Havre 78; coastwise 4580; sales of the week 12,400. Flour scarce; suporfiuo 6 25; double 7 00@7 12K; treble 7 S7K@7 50. Cora closed scarce at 87@90. Oats 58(5)60. Bran 140. Hay, prime 34 00; choice 30 00. 'Pork tinner; mesa 15 25. Bacon closed firm; ehonldeis 8X@8%; clear rib tides 8J<; clear sides 9%G'9yii choico BRgar cared bams 19@19X, T.wr.l .pitiitn itnil firm: lierefl kec 12012^'. Nc Lard ecaico and firm; tierce 10%; keg 12(5)12%. Nc sugar. Molasses, inferior 48. Whisky, ordinary rectified 98; choice 1 04%. Coffee scarce; prime rio 18(a>18%. Rank Sterling 23. Sight %@% discount. Gold 14%. WiLitiNGTos, October 13.—Cotton fiim ; mid dlings 18%; net receipts 293; exports coastwise 864; sale** —; stock 3075. Not receipts of the week 1937; oxports coastwise 1218; sales of tho week 922. Kpirits of turpentine firm at 63%. Rosin firm at 3 30 for strained; 5 25 for No. 1; 7 75 for extra pale; 7 50 for pale; and 3 75 for low No. 2. Crado tur- pentino firm at 3 30 for hard; 5 00 for vellow dip; 5 25 for virgin. Tar firm at 2 30. Auodsta, October 13.—Cotton in fair demand; * — .1.. ........1. .....Ullnnu litl -'/SilHl/. rmrainta prices advanced; middlings 18%@18j<; receipts 1200; sales — Receipts for tho vveok COCO; sales of tho week 5000: stock in 1870. 24S5; in 1871, 6600. Savannah, October 13—Cotton, market closed firm; low middlings 18ytf@18Jf; net receipts 3934; exports to tlio continent —; cosstwiso 156; sales 1500; stock 18,534. Not receipts of the week 16,503; exports to the continent 1700; cosstwiso 6725; sales of the woek 1000. Charleston, October 13.—Cotton closed steady; middlings 18>4@19: net receipts 1894; exports coastwise 1643; exports to Great Britain —; sales 400; stock 12,817. Net receipts of tho week 9CiC; exports to Great Britain 3348; to tho continent —; coastwise £379; sales of the week 3400. Mobile, October 13 Cotton cloeed firm; mid dlings 19k'; not receipts 1633; exports to Great Britain—; coastwise 2773; sates 1000; stock 13,345. Net receipts of tho week 8515; exports to Great Britain —; coastwiso 4871; sales of the week 5000. Galveston, October 13.—Cotton market closed firm; good ordinary 16,V; not receipts 1092; ex ports coastwiso 496; sales 100; stock 23,234. Net receipts of the week 3972; gross ; ex ports to Great Britain ; continent ; coast wise 2390; sties ot the weok 180 . Boston, October 13.—Cotton quiet and firm: mid dlings 20X; not receipts 3; gross 33; exports to Great Britain —; coastwise —; Bales 300; stock 45C0. Not receipts of tlio week 410; gross 3930; exports to Great Britain 463; coastwiso —; sales of tho week 1500- NmiFoLK, Oclolrer 13. — Cotton film ; low mid dlings 18JS; not receipts 2030; exports coastwise 750; sales 150; stock 4286 Net receipts of the week 75CC; export i coastwise 7277; sales of the week 1150. Mkhfuis. October 13—Cotton maiket c’osod dull; middlings 18%; receipts 1818: shipments 2345; stock 7075. Net receipts of the week 12,270; shipments 1020; sales of the week 6450. FiULADELFnia, October 13—Cotton market closed strong; middlings 20)/. Net recoipls of the week 340: gross 2115. Providence, October IS.—Cotton, not receipls of tho week 170; stock 5000. , London, October 13. evening —Consols 92!/— Bonds 89)/. LrvEnrooL, October 13, evening—Cotton closed film. Sales on shipboard at Savannah or Charles ton 9)/. ~vrOT only does it save labor, fuel, clothes, etc , 1_> hut by using it, lioueekeepers get rid of the annoyance and discomfort of hot water in summer and of steam in the house during the winter, which causes frequent colda. especially to those who go from a etcaanng, hot wash-room to hang out clothes Thousands of testimonials to its great ex cellence could readily be obtained; bat no evidonce can equal that derived from one’a own observation and experience. To know the virtues of this soap, yon havo only to try it. A single bar will do tho ordinary week’s washing for a family of eight per sons- HUNT, BANKIN X LAMAR, octll-dAwtf Sole agents for Macon. Fine Plantation aud Honse and Lot for Sale. rim E subscriber, desirin* to chans* his lu iness.of- L fers for sale his fine Cotton PlaeUtion, consisting of six hundred seres more or less* situated and lyio* in Houston countr. Uc'wzia, three miles s-mthwc.t of Perry, on ths present termina* of ths xort Valley and RawkiBs*ills Railroad. A fine dwellin* of seven rooms, with all necessary out buildings. Three hun- tired and seventy-fivo seres open land. Also stock, consisting of seven head fine yoon? male?, and horse; corn, cotton seel* cows* ho^s. and everything on the place. He also offers h ? s House and Lot, '•ith forty acres of land attached, in Fort Valley. The House con tains six comfortable rooms—fireplace in each room: with fine orchard and vineyard; fifteen totwenty acres ot woodland and .iiutcr. worth fioOOO—will “sspaisw-im S n. J. SISTBUNK. CENTRAL CITY PAI SALOON. T HIS SALOON will bo opened, from this date, to all who visit tho Fair Grounds and need spiritual refreehment. Only tho finest Whiskies, M'ince, Alo, Fortor and Boer, wilt be sold. To those who know mo, my word will bo sufficient. To those who know me, my voruinuw° who do not. I can onlyrofor them to tho old adage: “Tho proof cf the pudding, etc. Respectfully, octltf GEO. D. LAWRENCE, Proprietor. SOUTHWEST GEORGIA ZY 3ST 1ST XT .A. L -AT- FORT VALLEY, likens OS THE 17T11 ISST4ST. A3» KVliS OCTOBER 19X11. OVER FOUR HOllDRED ENTRIES OF ARTICLES FOR EXHIBITION ALREADY MADS. COL. THOS. HAR1IEMAN, JR., OF MACON, AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED ORATORS. WILL DELIVER ADDRESSES, ON WEDNESDAY, THE SECOND DAY OF THE FAIK. SPECIAL TFRAINS WILL RUN FROM ALL DIRECTIONS, AT IIALF I)" A 1Z SO To Fort Valloy During Every Day of tlio Exhibition! J. W. MATHEWS, Secretary. Grand Lodge of Georgia F. &. A. M. Office of the Grand Secretary, \ Macon, Ga , October V, 6871. j T O tbe officers and members of the Grand Lodge of Georgia—Notico is hereby given that the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge will be held in the city of Macon, commencing October Slat, (being tbe last Tuesday) 5871. By order of the BJ. W. Samuel Lawrence, G. M. J. EMMETT BLACKS HEAR, oct3-d6t&w3t Grand Secretary. JAMES WILDE, JR. JOHN 8. WILDE. JOSEPH WILDE JAMES WILDE, Jr., & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of Men’s and. Boy’s Clothing, 314 and 316 Broadway (opposite New York Hos pital), New York. Represented by R. S. Spalding. oct8d2m* NOTICE. Change of Schedule. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD,) f Augusta, October 6,1871. O N and after 8unday, October 8, 1871, and until f arther notice, the trains on this road will run as follows: NIGHT TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Augusta 7.00 p m Leave Macon 6 30 p.m Arrive at Augusta 2.45 a.m Arrive at Macon 2.30 a.m DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Augusta .a 11 00 a.m Leave M&con 6 30am Arrive at Augusta 5 30 p m Arrive at Macon 7.35 p.m ^"Passengers by the night train leaving Avgusta at 7 p. m. will make close connection at Macon with Southwestern Railroad to all points in Southwestern Georgia, etc. CST Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 p. m. will make close connections at Angusta with northward bouncy trains, both by Wilmington and Columbia; also, vith South Carolina Railroad train for Charles ton. CvT Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 a. m make close connections at Camak with day passenger trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all points West; also, for Angusta, with trains going iVorth, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all btations on the Geor gia Railroad. £3" Passengers leaving Augusta at 11 a. m., ar riving at Macon at 7.35 p. m., make close connection with trains on the Southwestern Railroad, etc. faTNo change of cars between August* and Ma con. First-class cjaches on all trains. octStf S. K- JOHNSON, Snp'fc. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, cxiikta AKrn ar/u?£uxr, Touching at Mexican Ports AND CARRYING TUB B. S. MAII- Fares Greatly Reduced. O NE of tho large and splendid Steamships of thin line will leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at 12 o’clock, noon, on the 15th and 30th of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Sxturdsy), with ASl’INWALL, connecting, via Panama. Rail way. with one of the Company’s Steamships from Panama for BAN FRANCISCO, touching at MAN ZANILLO. All departures connect at Panama with steamers for South American porta. Departure of 15th touches at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran cisco first of every month, except when it falls on Bondar, then on the day preceding. One hundred pounds of Baggtge allowed to each adult. Baggage Masters accompany Baggage through, and attend ladies and children without male protectors. Baggage received on the deck the day before sailing, from Steamboats, Bailroads, and passengers who prefer to Bend down early. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further in formation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on tho Wharf, foot of Canal street. North Uiver, New York. maria ly* F. B. BABY, Agent. DESIRABLE LANDS FOR SALE Y Oakland and Howaid Farms, on tho Macon lYL and Western Railroad, ten miles from Macon. If desirable, will bo cut up into lots to suit tho convenience of purchasers. Good land—fino water —and unprecedentedly healthy locality^ conve nient to Macon; highly suitable for fruit farms and market gardens, and country residences for town people. Titles indisputable, aDd terms rea sonable. Apply to Butts & Brother, Macon. sepl9eod3m* A. LeSUEUR' pure GYPSUM. C ONTAINING ninety-nine and two-tliirda per cent. (99 G6 per cent.) Solablo Matter. War ranted free from all impurities. Prepared in this city, and for aale at the low price of FIFTEEN DOLLARS PER TON, CASH, by JOHN H. HOLMES, Commisaion Merchant, eep23 dlaw3m Charleston, S. G. First National Bail af Macon. BANK OF DISCOUNT, DEPOSIT AND OOTr LECTION! E XCHANGE on Now York for aale at lowest cur rent rate. Exchange bought on Now York, Philadelphia ana Savannah. Advances made ou Bonds, Stocks. Cotton in store, or shipments of cotton to good Northern, Euro pean. Charleston or Savannah houses. Collections promptly attended to in all parts of the United States. Our circulation is amply protected by United States Ronds. I. C. PLANT, President. W. W. Wriglev. Cashier. auglf»-tiioct28* CUBBEDGE & 1IAZLE11URST, Bankers and Brokers MACON. GA. R eceive deposits, buy ana sell ex change, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and Uncurrent Funds. Collections Made on nil Accessible i'oints. CrOffico open at all hours of tho day. aeptl-lyr ClIBBEDtiE & llAZLEIIUltST’S SAYINGS INSTITUTION. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 TO $5000. O FFICE HOUBS, FROM 8 A. n. to 6 r. M. feb3-tf AGENCY - Savannah Bank ami Trust Co. r MACON. 0 Al’ITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid in ADVANCES MADE ON COTTON. EXCHAKOIS KOIUIIT AND ROLV •i I’t.-uTS RECEIVED, On ivhicli lai- rest will be Allowed, AS VG11EED UPON. a. I . PUNT A' NON, Aw«». A BOOK FitR THE MILLION. i » * A private Conn- MARRIAREi set of to tho Mar- I riod or those about GuiBE. Ion the physiolog ical mystene# non revelations of the physical syts tom. fcvw to preserve the complexion, etc- This in an interesting work cl 224 pages, with num srou.v engraving, and contains valaabie information for tho<>o who are married or contemplate marriage; still it id a book that ought to be onder lock a j • key and not lui.l carelessly about the honae. Sent to any one (free of postage) for 5C cents. Addre/3 Dr. Butt's Dispensary. No. * lgntb street, St. Louis. Mo. _ NOTICE TO lllB AFFLICTED A J UN FORTUNATE. ^ L . Before applying to the notorious Quacks whoed* vertigo in public papers or using any Quack Rem edies. peruse Dr. Butts' wor K. ao matter what TOUT disease is cr how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be conBUttcd. personally or by mai) on the diseasos mentioned in me works. Office. No.]U N. Eighth street, bet. Market and Louis Mo. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. wiurcotfi^j SYRUP. MRS. WHITCOMB'S SYRUP WHITCOMB’S SYRUP. PRICE Cures Colic and Grip ing in the Bowel*, and faoilititates the process of Teething. Subdues Convulrions and over comes all diseases in cident to intant* and Children. Cured Di arrhea. Dysentery and Summer Complaint in children of all ages. It is the Great Infant's and Children's Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought cn by teething or any other cause. * Prepare! by th* QRAFTON MEDICINE CO. St. Louis. Me, CENTS. J. E HERTZ & 00,, CLOTHIERS! 90 CHERRY STUtF-T, Have now on haml a complete stock of fall and winter CLOTHING! LARGE, FULL AND WELL ASSORTED. Mbs Sis AT *!•>. Business Sis AT *15. Business Ms /VT *18. Business Ms AT SSO. A.T SB2Q. moss Suits AT S25. AND AS FINE AS *40 TER SUIT OF Coat. Pants and Vest, SACK, DERBYS WALKING COATS OF THE LATEST STYLES. WE n.VVE IN DRESS SUITS ! BLACK AND COLOKED Cloth. Coats, BLACK AND COLORED DIAGONAL COATS, OF THE BE3T IMPORTED MATERIAL, lu Single and Double Breasted Chesterfields. A large assortment of PASTS, FROM Si TO 815! FLY OVERCOATS, IN COLORS. SACK OVERCOATS, TALMAS, And tbo Now Stylo KING WILLIAM OVERCOATS, On band. SHIRTS ! Wo make a specialty of tho celebrated VALIANT, JONES & CO., (3accessora to Valiant X J'ouoe), IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LAJirS, CHANDELIERS, CHINA, TABliE, GLASS ASD QUEEXSWABB, 4 SOUTH HOWARD STREET, BALTIMORE. sepm21dACw 0 Engineers or Surveyors AN havo a rare bargain in tbo following arti cles : 150 feet Brazed SteelOhain, with set of Fins i one 1 rant win* * V.v/.*vatiAna o,..i t.’n. Iron Pins; one Tr&ntwine’a Excavations and Em bankmonts; one Case Fine German 8ilver Drawing Instruments, and a supply of fine Drawing and Cross-section Paper. All new, and for salo by oct7 eodlw J. W. BURKE CO The Best in the Country. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER! And a fit warranted, at stock prices. In addition to the above, wo keep tbo most com plete Block of : FUli In this city. Wo invite an inspection. THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS Constantly on band, and received as scon as ont. NEW LOT JUST L\\ AU of onr goods aro first class, acd are guaranteed as each. DON’T MISS THE PLACE: THE WHITE STORE ! 90 CIIERBY STREET, Petwoen B. A. Wise A Co.'a aud S. T. & B. F. Walker’s. octn tf