The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 17, 1871, Image 3

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Telegraph & Messenger. great opening At tbs BALTIMORE CLOTHING HOUSE. CASSIMEBE 8CITS, at *13, worth *18. DERBY SUITS at *30, worth *35. BUCK DBE68 SUITS at *35. worth *35. BUCK DOE SKIS rANTS (large legs) at *10 worth *15. CASSIMEBE SUITS (extra aizee, to fit tbs big- gdt men in Georgia) at *25, worth *35. BOIS 1 SUITS (to fit any aired boy in the city) price* to anlt the timer. pamilbing Ooodt of all grade*, at the same rate*. Beceiricg weekly the lateat rtylea of Scarfa and Dowa. Pnrchaaen will bear in mind that this ia no hom ing. Call and eee for yourselves. U. HIBSII A BBO., c*r. Cherry and Seoond ate., under theTxuoaarn Building. octlfi lm norsorj «u co., SPECIAL CALL! W. A, 41 8ECOXD STREET, Invite early attention to their stock of STAPLE AM) FANCY DRY ROODS. Aiao. DBE88 SUITS in a variety of materiaia. CLOAKS. FURS, WAISTS, CASHMERE CLOTH, and FLANNEL 8ACQUES. VELVETS, VELVETEENS, LAOES, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, Etc., Etc. All of which have boon carefully selected and laid m at tbe very loweet New York pricea, and wiU be •old at a email per oentage upon ooet and chargee. Bayera will find it to their advantage to give to thia atork a careful examination before making their purchaeo*. odlO If W. A. HOPSON A CO. JUST RECEIVED. A nice aaeortment of Real Point Appliquo Laces, GUIPURE and VALENCIESNE, Alan, latest etylca of Point Applique, Du best®, Engliah Tliroad and Vaienclcune Laco Collars, Period hcant.of, at very low prices, at tiio NEW YORK STORE S. WAXELBAUM, BBO. ft CO., 45 and 47 Second etroot. JA 1ST D ES FIRST T# PAY CHICAGO LOSSES. Copy of Chicago Dispatch. Cmcioo, October II, 1871. To Andes insurance Company: Andee loeaee win not exceed *303,000. E. E. RYAN, Agent. THE ANDES SOLVENT AND VERY STRONG, — ASD BAB — ALREADY COMMENCED PAYING CHICAGO LOSSES. J. It. IIEAYETT, President. FALL GOODS. OUB BTOCK OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods NOTIONS, ETC., * now full And complete. Wo havo tiio largeet and moat variod stock wo liavo over exhibited to Uio trade. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE, AND PRICES LOW. Oar motto ie “Short fronts anti Quick Sales,” And wo feel oonhdent of giving eat inf act ion to all who may favor na with their patronage. YYe reepoctfully invite tho public to call and c: amine onr stock. W. A. DANES ft SONS, sepSOtf 13 Second at.. Triangular Block. LADIES Shonld not fail to examine onr new atock of SILK VAXjOUILS, From *1 to *1 50 per yard, at tho NEW YORK STORE, 45 and 47 Second etreet. A handaome lino of tlark aliadea of 1*10X713 J3 T 03 u oxr IB . AU the latent varieliee in colon, at tbo NEW YORK STORE, 45 and 47 Seoond etreet. ______ A large lot of IHANDSOME POPLINS, From 35c, 30c, 35c, to 50c a yard—astonishingly low price*—at tho NEW YORK STORE. IMPROVED COTTON TIES. THE SERGE CLOTH, In all wool, for Ladle*' wear, at the NEW YORK STORE, 45 and 47 Second etreet. CITY AFFAIRS. TUESDAY MORNING. OCT. 17. 1871. Tc*tlx Soup will be served at the Georgia No 2 at 11 a. Jf., this day. Cbubcb Seencz.—Tho Bov. James McBride, of Quitman, Ga., will preach at the Firat Baptist Church to-night, at half-past sevpn o’clock. A Ooraesum.-Messrs. Dennison ft Co., the well known tag manufacturers of New York, have sent to the State Fair a contribution of printed tags for nse to designate teams, horses, etc. Long may they wave. Sale or ParanioES.—CoL R. B. Clayton sold at the Fair Grounds last evening the ‘‘colored people's saloon" to Mr. Werlenh, for $445. The saloon at the grand stand was sold to Mr. Bass for $500, and the lager beer stands to Russell ft Peter for $340. We shonld not bo surprised if these were not profitable investments. The Fobt Vaixet Fain.—We learn that a number of onr citizens propose to visit tbe above mentioned Fair, and remain over to at tend the ball. They will doubtless have a fine time, and disport themselves on the light fsn tastic to their hearts' content. WALTHAM WATCHES. 3-4 PLATE, 10 AND 20 SIZES. Theeo are the beat Watches made in tlii« country, and are mado with and without stem winding at tachmenta. They are finialiod in the beat manner and run with tbo greateat acflpra y, and cannot bo excelled ivwhero at their respective pricea. The cases are ail mads of the newest patterns, and specially made to onr own order. Onr stock of tlieso Watches is now the largest, and onr prices, all tilings considered, are the low est in tbo city. BALL, BLACK ft CO., Jewelers and Silvcrsmitha, ed3-tf SC5 and 567 Broadway, Now York. New Cottoh Commission House.—We call at tention, this morning, to the card of the new firm of Ogden ft Co., cotton commission mer chants, to be found elsewhere. The gentlemen composing this firm are well and most favorably known in this section, and will transact all mat ters entrusted to them as satisfactorily as any house in the city. They mean business, and we hope they will receive s generous patronage. Run Aw at.—Two moles attached to a dray loaded with bales of cotton, took it into their heads that they beard their sapper bell ring, or else that they were tired and wanted to be pnt into their litUe beds; and without any notice to the driver, started off, full tilt, to their stables. The cotton bales were spilt indis criminately along their ronte, and it required some lime to gather them in. The elders of his chnrch will report upon the charges per- ferred against him for profanity, next Sunday. Beautiful Phizes.—We were shown last eve ning, by Mr. John Valentino, the prizes awarded to the well known Macon horse,George Bertram. The first for the fastest trotting horse, open to the world, was a handsome silver salver, pitch er and two goblets, lined with gold, and valued at $50. The second, for tho fastest Georgia- raised trolling horse, was a silver pitcher, valued at $25. The third, for tho best saddle horse, was a silver cake basket, valued at $10; and the fourth, for the best single-harness horse, as a silver castor, valued at $15. Just in at the NEW YORK STORE, Twenty pieces BLACK SXLE0 From 41 25 to 43 per yard, twenty percent, cheaper thin the samo goo e can be bought else where in tbo city. S. WAXELBAUM, BRO. ft CO, 45 and 47 Second street. Batchelor's Hair Dye. This snporb Hair Dye ia the best in the world— perfectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous ; no disappointment: no ridiculous tints or disagreeale odor. Tbo genuine Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Blown, leaves tbo hair clean, soft, beautiful; does not contain a particle of lead or any iDjarions com pound. Sold by all druggists. Factory. 18 BOND STREET, N. Y. oct Sdeodly For Mourning; Dresses. Tho well known HENRIETTA CLOTH, silk and wool, at tbo NEW YORK STORE, 15 and 47 Seoond Street Dr, Hurley’s Ague Tonic. Purely Vegetablc! So Arsenic. 5o Mercury in I Cm Composition! No danger in taking an overdose, aa wo pnt no poiaon in our medidnea. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Hurley's Stomach Bitters! I S tho remedy, par exoellenoe, for all diseases arising from debility, disordered stomach, loss of mppotito, toroid liver, indigestion, and all kindred ailments, where a gentle and permanent stimulant and tonic ie required. Pioasant to take. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Hurley's Syrup of Sarsaparilla' WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. T HIS Preparation baa long been recognized by tbe moat eminent minds in tbe Medical Pro fession aa tho most reliable, searching and harm less altcrativo within their roach, and as a Blood Purifier it certainly elands without a rival. Jim dollar per bottle- Dr. Seabrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup T UG indispcnaablo remedy in tbe nursery. No more u«e for laudanum, paregoric, Bateman's Props, or other strong opiates. No bad effects from tho uae of Seabrook’s. Health to tho child, root to tbo mother, and a cloar conscience to tbo vendor. 25 cento per bottle. THE EUREKA IRON TIE, THE ANOHOK IRON TIE, Wo alto havo tho SWETT SELF-FASTENING IRON TIE. Prices Same as Now Orleans TURPIN ft OGDEN, Agents at Macon, 0*. BATES ft COMER, 123 Bay st.,Savannah, ‘ “ L, Fla., General Agents for Ga., Dr. Hurley’s Popular Worm Candy I S really all it claims to bo—a SPECIFIC—remov- ir g all wonrfl from tbo human viscera. No harm ful effect from its uae. Children lovo it. No dan ger in giving an ovordoae. 25 centH per box. Dr. Seabrook’s Eluir of Bark and Iron, T HE Great Tonic and Appetizer. One dollar per bottle. All for salo bv druggists everywhere. J. W. SEATON ft CO., Proprietors, eopl3eodftwtf Louisville, Ky. scp20d2aw2wftwl SinderaTille.G*. t* Tut It.—Mrs- Whitcomb doaires all to try her Sjrup; it ia tbe great children's soothing remody, and sold at tho low price of 25 cenls. Mabbiaoe Guinn. Interesting work, nnmoroas engravings, 221 paip*. Trice 50 oente. Address Dr. "Butte' Dispcii-ey 13 North Eight Street, St Louis, Mo. See*’Iv rtisement, angl7-dftwly A silver medal »-s awarded Dr. Price's Cream Baking I'owdcr at tho Stato Fairs in New Ortoaos and at Decatur, Ill., for lioing tbo purest and beet. Hi* special flavorings are equally good. , and East Ala. Jot to the Wobi-D ! Woman is Fbek !—Among tho many modern discoveries looking to tho happi ness and amelioration of the human race, none is entitled to higher consideration than tho renowned remedy—Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator, Wo man'* Beet Friend. By it woman is emancipated from numberless ills peculiar to hor sex. Before it* magic power all irregularities of the womb van ish. It enres whites. It cores suppression of tbe menses. It romovee nteiiuo obstructions. It cores constipation and strengthens tbo system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never fails, as thousands of womon will testify. This valuable modicuio is prepared and sold by L. H. Brad field, druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price, $150 per bottle. AU respectable drag men keep it. TBADE MAKE. STONEWALL FERTILIZER, For sale by TURPIN ft OGDEN, seplltf OGDEN «fc CO., Cotlon Commission Merchants, MACON, GA. — u QOTOON purchased for order. Consignments for New York, and oedors for purchase or sale for fntnro delivery solicited. Refer by Permission to Messrs. R. r. Graves ft Co. New York. Central Railroad and Banking Company, Savan- Dm. Messrs. John W. Anderson’e Sons, 8av*nnah. Messrs. Duncan ft Johnston, Savannah. Messrs. Bates ft Comar, Savannah. octl7 tf NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS NEW YORK STORE, ETMY day. Thb Waukiso has been Heeded.—Sines the ex posure of tbo attempts mado by certain nnscrupn- Iona local dealers, to palm off tbeir coarse astrin gents, mado from cheap and impnro materials, ifithe in matin'" purchases, place of tbo great national tonic, Hostetler’s Stomach” Ritters, public opinion has set strongly gainst these empirics and their preparations. Tbeir occu pation is gone, or soon will be. When tbo light ia let into deception it soon wilts down. Persons who trifle with tlieir own health, by using unknown pre parations, with no gniranteo to sustain them, when an established specific, proven by farenty years ex perience to bo exactly what it iaUfuaod to be, within their roach, are euro to repent their tcmeplv. Many have done so in this instyme, but it is hoped that tbe truth plainly £$t>kenhit° arrested’ tKTevil. In the meantime tbe demaijl for tho leading pro tective and restorative medi«nS*of America was never so groat as it has bgen this season. From the fever and ague districlswf the weeU'soothweat, and south, it ia literally- overwhelming, and it may bo said of the advices from aU partojof the country of the cures it is effecting in dyspe psia, bilions oom- plaints, and chronkToonstipattdiOhat “their name is legion." Ererywhero the jjgk and feeble seem to have realized the importance of “holding fact to that which is good,” and of avoiding what is spu rious and dangerous. * ■4 The Race.—Yesterday evening, another trial of the speed of Napier’s buy horse and Wal lace’s gray horse, come off on tho race track. Tho bay was driven by Biddlccom, and tho gray by Mr. Clay, both being hitched to trotting sol- kies. As in tho race on Friday tho gray took the lead from tho start and opened the gap be tween them, all aronnd the track, the distance flag falling fifty feet in advance of the bay. As ont of the large assemblage, there was not one bnt what wanted to bet on tho gray horse win ning, but little money changed hands. Wo learn that a running raco will possibly lako place this evening at tho same place. Assistant Sui’eiustendests, Take Notice.— Tho gentlemen who have been appointed assist ant superintendents of the Fair Grounds, etc., shonld commence their work at once, as many goods are now being received for exhibition, and their services are required. It is simply impossible for Mayor Huff to attend to the ar rangement of these articles, us his hands are full of other work. None of the Executive Committee of tho State Agricultural Society have yet put in an appearance, nor yet any of its offioera, and it devolves upon these assist- ants to 'do the work. As tho members of this sub-committco are aU citizens of Maoon, and are therefore necessarily interested in this mat ter, we trust that they, one and all, will prompt* iycomo to the front and properly perform their dnties. Local Bbevities.—Poplar street, in front of Blake's now block of buildings, is being graded and otherwise put in good order. The nps and downs of life, arejvividly illus trated by a mechanical clock ia Wing ft Solo mon’s show window. The streets are getting to be dnsty enough to be indicted as a nnisance, and still it will not rain. Jso. Valentino's sorrell horso, Goo. Bertram, that carried off four prizes at tho Putnam coun ty fair, has been entered at the State Fair. Centhil City Paek was crowded by visitors Sunday, and the street cars did a good business, as they were weU patronized all day. We hear rumors on the street of a proposed change of management in one of our crack hotels. Foubteen fast horses were entered yesterday, for the races that will take place after the fair, per se, is concluded. The grand stand and the judges stand at the Fair gronnds are nearly completed. They pre sent from floral hall, a rosily beautiful ap pearance. An alarm of fire was raised on Sunday even ing, caused by a dense smoke issuing from a bakery. None of tbe fire companies were ont as it was of short duration. The city market was well supplied yesterday, considering that it was Monday, for usually that day is tho hardest on housekeepers of any in the week. One of tbe ten thousand mechanics residing on Fourth street, or thereabonts, desires the street railroad extended in that direction, and guarantees plenty of patronage, if it shonld be. We would suggest a few “Fourth street sub scriptions” to the slock be made. Green Tuktle Soup at the Georgia No. 2, at It A. u., to-day. Ms. Local—Dear Sir : In yonr editorial of last Friday yon stated that the street railroad company had commenced work on Fourth street again; bnt they had scarcely bnilt fifty feet before some of the party began to dig a luge, round hole ahead of the track largo enough to stop an engine and train of cars, muoh less a street railroad. I believe there has been a turn table in it since. Well, Mr. Editor, as yon have so often had obstructions, washes, holes, etc., removed by calling the attention of the proper authorities to them, I thought I wonld call yonr attention to this one that has caused the disappointment and inconvenience of so many citizens in that part of the city. If the road could be built out to Oglethorpe street or to Cronan's, I think that it would pa; the com pany better than any other portion of the road. My reasons are these: There are 2,000 people settled ont beyond the Macon and Western Railroad, made np in a great part of mechanics, some of whom work in East Macon, who can afford to ride to and from their work at a cost less than the difference in honse rent there and in the city. They are not able to take stock in the road, bnt are able, as yon see from the above, to patronize it. But if they have to walk to the Brown Honse they will walk the whole distance. G. S. eb. Futt cents for a set of bright, clear glass goblets. Truman ft Green's store is the place to find them. A Good Mas has Fallen.—By reference to the subjoined letter to Messrs. Rogers, Edings ft Co., of this city, we find that a careful head of a family has departed, and that one institu tion appears to have funds, notwithstanding the stringency of the money market : [copy.] Washdcgton, Wilkes County, Ga.,> October 12,1871. > Messrs. Doyen, Edings <fc Co., General Agent* Southern Life Insurance Company: Gentlemen : Permit me to acknowledge the reoeiptof ten thousand dollars in cash, being the foil amount of insurance which my late hus band, H. M. Sale, had upon bis life in the Southern Life Insurance Company. Also to thank yon for the promptness with which you havo forwarded the fnnds. Fcssie B. Sale. Does yonr stovo fail to bako well on the bot tom ? “Put money in thy purse” by sending it to the foundry and buying a Chaktek Oak. Special Tbain.—A special train will be ran on the Southwestern Railroad daring tho Cen tral Fair at Fort Valley, commencing on Tues day, the 17th iast, and running on the follow ing schedule: Leave Smithville at G: 10 a. m. Arrive at Fort VaRey S*:2!» A. M. Leave Fort Valley 5:30 p. m. Arrive at Smithvillo 8:45 p. M. Shonld it be necessary this train will xun through to Albany. Passengers from Macon visiting the fair can take the Colnmbns train leaving at 5:25 a. si., or the Enfanla train at 8:00 A. si., and returning arrive at Macon at 4:55 p. st. or at G:12 p. st. You can get a pocket knife of the best make from Traman ft Green. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Daily Review or Hie Market* OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER,) October 1G—Evening, 1871. j Cotton.—Receipts to-day 530 bales; 8*1 as 316; shipped 272. The market doeed steady this evening at 17% for Liverpool middlings. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sopt. 1,1871—bales.. . 1,730 Bocoived to-day 530 Received previously 7,020— 8,450 10,189 Shipped to-day 272 Shippod previously 5,132—5,404 BY TELEGRAPH. Stock on band this evening. 4,785 Tho grain and provision markets remain quiet and unchanged. Wo quote: BACON—Clear rib Sides (smoked) 10 Shoulders 9% Sugar-cured hams 18 @ 19 GRAIN AND HAT. CORN—White. 97 @ 1 CO MRU, 1 05 @ 1 10 GRITS 1 25 C» 1 30 OATS 70 <3 75 WHEAT—Per bushel 1 69 & 1 75 FIELD PEAS 1 10 HAY—Northern 1 80 @ 1 90 Tennesso Timothy 180 @ 1 90 BAGGING AND IRON TIES. BAGGING—Bengal. 2 @ 22 Lyon 21 @ 22 Borneo 21 @ 21% Gunny 20 Dundee 18 patched TIES—Gooche Arrow Eureka. 5 ® s% @ 0% @ Horning HarKet Report. New Yobk, October 1C.—Cotton slightly in favor of buyets; uplands 20X: Orleans 20%; sales 700. Sales of cotton futures Saturday evening 1,400 bales; October ; November 19 11-16319%: December 19%; January 19%; February 20; April 20%. < Turpentine 69. Rosin film 4 12%@4 25 for strained. Freights firm. Floor doll and heavy. Wheat favors Layers. Corn dnll and heavy. Fork quiet at 13 50. Lard dull. Stocks active, but have a downward look. Gold heavy at 13%@13%. Governments doll. States heavy. Sterliog, long 8%: short 9%. London, October 16, noon—Consols 92%. Bonds ^ihtAKKFOBT, October 16.—Bonds 95%. IavEnrooL, October 16, noon—Colton oponed firm; uplands 9%®9%; Orleans 10@10%. Lateb.—cotton quiet; sales 12,000; speculation and export 3000 Cotton on ship named at Bavannah or Charleston ^ork 49s. Tallow 47s- Neahlv 200,000 Chauteb Oak stoves are now in nse and giving satisfaction. Can yon do wrong in purchasing ono of them ? It is an acknowledged fact that the ladies' and misses* shoes manufactured in Philadelphia surpass those of any other city for style and dnrability. Also, that Messrs. Kelley ft Moore, 44 North-Fifth street, still maintain the reputa tion of exoetling all others in this line. E. P. Strong (who has the exclusive sale of their work in this city) is now receiving an elegant assort ment of Pebble Kid, Serge and French Kid Shoes; also, their celebrated Park Balmorals, which ho will be pleasod to exhibit to any who may favor him with a calk Beautiful tittle nick-nacks to deoorate your .parior or your bed room, at Truman ft Green's store, where bnt tittle money will go a long way An A7tcactive Rxsobt.—Mr. J. B. Griffin, at the Globe Saloon, on Third street, has been making many improvements and additions to •hiw popular establishment. A new billiard table lias been put np, the oeiling of tho baund bil liard saloon^elegantly frescoed, and. tho bar stocked with the finest brands of winea*liquora ami cigars, that the markets of tho world afford. Call round and sample the good things in store at Griffin .-, and see what an elegant place he has fixed up. Do yon need a cook stove that will give per fect satisfaction for ten years or more end stand the assault and battery of rough cooks ? Then go to Trnman 4 Green and buy one cf the no ted Chabtzb Oaks. Home Insurance Company of New York. Cash assets October 1,1871 $4,723,206 52 Losses at Chicago will not exceed 2,000,000 00 Disrzrau—Nothing will so permanently give tone to the digestive organs, regulate the appetite, everoome general debility and nervous prostration, and eneigize the whole system as Dr. Pdoe'a Blood Enricber. A single bottle will convince the most incredulous of its bnilding np qualities. It acts at ones by increasing tho appetite, renewing tho old blood, toning up tbe stomach. AU are requested to try it, and of its good results they wiU be satis fied. Thompson, Steel ft Price manufacture it, as also '.Dr. Prioe's Cream Baking Powder and Special Flavorings. Sold by druggists and grocers- McLean’s Ooeeial and Blood Purifier is the best tonic and blood alterative in the world. Leaving cash assets, Oct 12,187L .$2,723,206 52 All losses will be promptly paid, and policies Chas. J. Haetin, President J. H. Washbuene, Secretary. New York, October 12, 1871. Burke ft Conn Agents, Macon, Ga. Do not remsin poor with supplying fuel to an imperfect stove. Truman ft Green can seU yon a Chasteu Oak, and you will bo surprised at saving in money and tho perfection of its coot ing. Tbuman ft Green wiU sell you a set of gob lets for 50 cents. Dlurkets—Ercnln: Kepun. New Yobk, October 16.—Cotton dull and heavy; salis 2041; uplands 30%; Orleans 20%. Cotton sales for future delivery to-day 3.550 bales; October—; November 19%'<S>1933-lGral9,7-lG; * — :®19 9-1G; January 19%@19%; March quiet; common to fair extra 7 25 Oil 80; good to choice 7 95@9 25. Whisky 95<@95%. Wheat 1 lower; winter red western 1 58® 1 GO. Com dosed heavy at 78%@79%. Bico firm; now 9@9%. Pork 1312%®13 25. Lard, kettle 10%. Navals firm Tallow steady. Freights firmer. Money 7 for currency to gold, with commission from weak borrowers; discounts active; banks are incapable of supplying tbs demand; rates in some instances reach 12®1G. Sterling weak at 8@8%. Gold 13%@I3%. Governments dosed dull bnt steady; G2s 14%. Southern securities dosed heavy; Tennessee* G4; new 65. Virginias 59; new 68. Lonisisnas 65; new 68. Levoea 70 ; 8s 80.— Alabama* 100; Ga 68. Georgias 81; 7s 91. North Carolina* 37%; new 20. South Carolines 73; now 45%. There is increasing demand from tbe South to move cotton on Southern balances drawn. Tbe low decline in sterling exchange is due partly to free sales of borrowed tills by stock operators. Gold fioctuated during the day from 13% to 14. Government*dosed as follows: 81sl4%; 62s 14% 64a 13%: 65s 14%; new 12%; G7a 12%; 63s 12%; 10-40a 9%. BALTHtncE, October 16.—Colton market doeed quiet; middlings 19%; net receipts 150; gross —; exports to Great Ik:tain —; coastwise 111; sales 295: stock 1320. Flour firm. Wheat active and firm. Com firm and irregular; white 72®73; yellow 78. Provisions quiet and firm. Whisky 99®100. Cincinnati, October 16.—Flour is weak. Com steady. Pork nominal at 13 00. Lard lower; ket tle 9%. Bacon drooping; shoulders 7%; sides 7%. Whisky 91. Louisville, October 16—Ragging, light ordor de mand at 10%'a 18. Flour ia fair demand. Cora, ear 50(355. Provisions, only order demand. Pork, round lots 13 50. Baoona fraction lower; shoulders 7%: dear aides 8%—packed. Lard 9%@U%. Whisky 95. 8r. lions, October 16.—Flour quiet. Coro bet ter. Whisky 92. Bagging dull. Pork 13 25. Bacon quiet. New Obleans, October 16.—Cotton closed easier, middlings 19%@19%; net receipts 3207: gross 4356; exports to the continent 1157; coastwise 2478; sales 3000; stock 35,’970. WnunsoToa. October 16—Cotton firm ; mid dlings 18%; net receipts 333; exports coastwise ealee 193; stock 3192. 8pirits of turpentine quiet st 63. Rosin firm at 3 30 for strained; 5 25 for No. 1; 7 75 for extra pale: 7 50 for pale; and 3 62% for No. 2. Crude tur pentine firm at 3 40 for hard; 5 00 for ydiow dip; 510 for virgin. Tar firm at 2 60. Augusta, October 16.—Cottsn market doeed doll; middlings 18%; receipts 800; sales COO. Savannah. October 16-Cotton dosed quiet and dull: low middlings 16%; net receipts 3757; exports to the continent —; exports coastwise 3995; sales 1400; stock 19,083. Chableoton, October 16.—Cotton dosed quiet; middlings 18%@16%; net receipts 2335; exports coietwiiQ 2448; exports to Great Britain —; sales SOO: stock 14.261. Mobile, October 16.—Cotton doeed doll; mid dlings 19; net receipts 3789; exports to Orest Britain —; coastwise 511; sales 1000; stock 16,103 Galveston, October 16.—Cotton active; goodrie- mand; good ordinary 16%; net receipts 1340; ex ports coastwise -; arise 1700; stock 25.191. Boston, October 1G.—Cotton ie dull; middlings 20%; net receipts 112; gross 3290; exports to Great Britain —; ebastwiae —; ealee 400; stock 5500. Norfolk, October 16. —Cotton quiet; low mid dlings 18%@18%; net receipts 1857; exports coast wise 1281; sales 100; stock 4955. Mewthis, October 16.—Cotton quiet; middlings 18%; receipts 3965. London, October 16, evening Consols 92%— Bonds 90%. Paris, October 16—Bentes 6Gf 95c. Icvebiool, October 16, evening—Cotton closed easer; uplands 9%(jj9%; Orloans 10; sales 12,000. Breadctuffs firm. Red western wheat 11s lid. Turpentine market bare. DAY DISPATCHES. New Yobk, October 16 —ley Cooke, McCul loch ft Co. have telegraphed a subscription of two thousand pounds sterling to the Mayor of Chicago. The house here had given ten thou- sand dollars, making twenty thousand, the Phil- adelphia. honse gave five thonsind, making twenty-five thousand from this banking honse and branches. The Chicago banks pay fifteen per cent, at once, and resame regular business on the 17th. E. H. Hurlbnrt, comptroller of currency, cer tifies to the solvency of the Chicago national banks. Adviees from the Northwest grow hourly worse. Cobcobd, October 16.—A short, sharp earth quake here to-day. San Fuancisco, October 1C —The American has arrived with a full cargo of teas. Tho United States steamer Colorado struck a rock and has gone to dock. The Pacific Insurance Company’s liabilities at Chicago are two millions. The Company goes into liquidation. Syracuse, October 10.—Seven distinct fires occurred here on Saturday night—six being in cendiary. Milwaukie, October IG. — Later accounts confirm the previous disastrous reports. The loss of life in the neighborhood of Peshtigo will reach 1200. Fifteen per cent, of those in jured will die. The only escape from fire was a rush for the water. The maddened cattle and horses drowned many of the population. Peshtigo had 2,000 inhabitants, a third of whom perished. Salt Lake, October 1G.—The storm of Satur day night prostrated many houses—tho trains were delayed—the wires are down. Chicago, October 1G.—There was a furious gale hero Saturday, blowing the fire brands about in ail directions and prostrating walls. Fortunately it had previously rained steadily. Tho supply of food is ample. Dead bodies con- tinne to be found. New Yoek, October 16.—Arrived, City of WALNUT, Baltimore and City of Brussels. * ’ London, October 1G.—Steamer City of Paris from New York for Liverpool off Cape Olear, is broken down. Steamers have gone to her assistance. There is a strong breeze but no apprehension about the steamer’s safety. Two steamers collided in tho Tyne and five persons were lost Ponyer Quartier has arrived in France from Berl'n with the ratified treaties. Shanghai, Ootobor 11.—A great flood bas oc curred at Tien-Tsin, 10,000 square miles are under water. A terrible typhoon has occurred at Hong Kong and along the coast. The city of Hong Kong is threatened with innndation. The pilot boat Golden Gate is lost. Tho Rin derpest is at Mongolia. NIGHT DISPATCHES. New Yobk, October 1G.—Fifty insurance presidents are consulting to-day. Mr. Miller, State superintendent, addressed the meeting, saying if compelled to go into liquidation he would do his best to protect the interests of in surers, but wanted frank and candid statements. President Oakley, just from Chicago, considered the losses there understated. The Chicago companies conld not pay more than ton or fif teen per cent. He stated' that all the New Yoik companies wonld pay their losses. 12 o’clock—The Colombia is a mile ahead, and betting is $G to $4 against the Livonia. Lateb.—Tbe Colombia passes the winning post at five ojfloek—the Livonia not in sight. Washington, October 16.—The following in surance companies are reported snspended by the Spectator: The Market Insurance Com pany of New York City; the Hide and Leather, Independent, National and New England Mu tual, of Boston; the Connecticut, North Amer ican and Pntnain, of Hartford, and the Nor wicb, of the last named city. The Connecticut Boaid of Supervisors de cided against allowing tngs to carry more steam than is allowed other vessels. General Sherman visits Europe to inspect their forts and armies. General Dcmick, who commanded Fort Warren daring the early years of the war, is dead. Montbeal, October 16.—A terrific gale after a heavy rain did serious damage to life and property. The roof of the now St. George chnrch starting daring service, the people rushed out in the middle of prayers. The Ca thedral spire rocked like u shipmast. Miss Annie Lowe, daughter of John Lowe, of Ga zette, was killed by a falling tree. Boston, October 1G.—The Postoffico proces sion was imposing. Savannah, October 16.—Arrived, steamship . Livingston; bark Caviecos, Havana.— Cleared, schooner Jas. Fish, Providence; G. N. Tower, Brunswick, to load, Philadelphia. Chableston, October 1G.—Arrived, steamer Falcon, Baltimore. Off the port, Gnlf Stream, Philadelphia; bark Victoria, Cape Deverde. Queenstown, October IG.—The steamer City of Paris, reported broken down, bas arrived here. Palis, October IG.—Picard has been ap pointed Minister to Italy; Goisot goes to Athens. The appointment of Ferry to the United States has been withdrawn. Kingston, October IG.—Ail vessels have been delayed and many dragged anchors. Two are ashore. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Chicago, October 16.—There is wonderful ac tivity in the sonth division. Thousands are at work removing tho debris, electing temporary buildings, etc. Every laboring man, willing to work, can find plenty to do and liberal wages. The action of the banks in having resolved to resume bnsiness immediately, inspires confi dence. Tho stories about the wooden pave ments burning np are exaggerations. The number of dead bodies discovered is less than one hundred and twenty-five. A large mass of tbe persona supposed to be lost are alive and well. New Yobk, October IG.—A receiver has been appointed for the Fulton Fire Insurance Com pany, of Brooklyn, which a stockholder swore has become insolvent owing to the Chicago fire. Tho Phenix Insnranoe Company, of Brooklyn, anjnsted its loss by the Chicago fire by a draft sent to Hart, Asten & Co. The board of direc tors of the Heme Insurance Company to-day unanimously adopted a resolution to fill np their capital stock to $2,500,000 at the earliest prac ticable moment. This will restore the Home’s assets to nearly, if not quite, $4,000,000 after every cent of Chicago losses are paid. The Manhattan Company, which has announced a suspension of business, expects to meet all The Continental lost about $1,000,000, being much less than their immense snrpins and doubled capital, and after paying all losses will have assets amounting to $2,000,000 for new bnsiness. j Superintendent Miller will, to-morrow, issue a circular calling npon all New York fire insu rance companies to report, nnder oath, tbeir losses at Chicago, and their present standing. This will bo followed by an examination of the separate companies. Tho Union Fire Insurance Company, at San Francisco, telegraphs to their agent to pay all Chicago losses and continue business. Potter Palmer telegraphs that aU fire insurance com panies in which he is interested, os special or general partner, will pay in full at maturity. Counsel for Gen. Jordan, indicted for viola- tion of neutrality laws, moves to-morrow for a discharge of tbeir client, as no effort is being made by tbe government for a speedy trial. The rnmor of a negotiation for a mortgage loon in Europe by tho Woatern Union Telegraph Company, is unfonnded. Baltimore, October IG.—The Honse Depu ties in the Episcopal Convontion adopted a re port relative to tbo admission of a new diocese within the limits of tho dioceso cf Pennsylva nia. Tho nnion of the new diocese with the General Convention takes effect from the Sth proximo. They ako adopted tho hymnal re ported by Joint Oommitteo of tho'Gcceral'Con- vention, with an amendmont,.l£at thi.T-hymnal, when finally corrected by thtTcommittee, shall be froo to be printed and published nnder tho same conditions that now apply to printing and publishing tho prayer book. j Chicago, October IG.—Tho banks will op*j for business to-morrow and pay depositors ii fall. All branches of trade are rapidly locating. Synopsis o! Weather Statement. Wab Dept, Office Chief Signal Officeb,) Washington, D. C., October IG, 7:40, r. jl) Tho area of low barometer in Maine has moved eastward beyond onr stations, followed by westward]/ winds and clearing weather in New England. Clouds, with light local rains have pervaded in theMiddle States, bnt are now clearing away. Brisk westerly winds arc now reported on tbe lower Lakes, bnt light winds have very generally prevailed at alt stations. Tho area of threatening weather, with light raiD, which extended over the Ohio Valle; and sonthweat, is now very generally broken np, being confined to Louisiana and Texas. The highest barometer extends, with light winds, from Kentucky and Tennessee westward. Probabilities: Clearing weather will probably continue to-night on the Middle and Atlantic coast, and in tbo extreme sonthwest with clear weather elsewhere. Partially cloudy and pleas ant weather wiU probably prevail on Tnesday very generally east of the Mississippi. S.T.&B.P. 88 Cherry Street. W E have now thoroughly refitted and repainted this celebrated Old Grocery Stand and have filled it from top to bottom with a stock embracing every variety of Eatables and Diinkables, which we offer to the public. Fancy and Family Groceries, Of every variety and description, and of the very best quality. CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY. Da. LOAN ACCOUNT. Secured by mortgage *56,000 CO Not yet taken 5,003 00—361,000 00 EXPENSE ACCOUNT. Salaries, Rent, Safe, ole ... 1,700 90 SUNDRYSHAREHOLDERS. For instalmeuM interests and Fines 362 75 CASH 2,197 66 365,261 37 ASSETS. Loans Balance due by Sharehold ere Cash $61,000 00 362 75 2,197 66 Loss due to Shareholders. 363,560 41 2,195 00-61,365 41 Stock satisfied by loans Stock unincumbered 305 ebares. 1695 shares. Original number 2000 shares. This ia a specialty with us, and wo claim to have introduced many new varieties, such as tbe or iginal GLAZED WALNUT, COCOANUT CARAMEL, JELLIED COCOANCr, CREAM WALNUT, And nnmerons others. Liquors and C igars, Coznpriuing all of the best brant]*, Doxno»tic and Imported. MARKET DEPARTMENT Fresh Tennessee Beef, Pork Sausages, Northern Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Fish and Oysters, Turkeys, Eggs and Give us a call, and see if we can’t please yon. S, T. & B. P. WALKEE, 88 CHERRY STREET. FOR SALE. T HE GEORGIA HOTEL PROPERTY, Bituatel immediately in front of the Passenger Depot, Griffin, Ga. This ia now conceded to be the best opening for a large hotel enterprise in Georgia, and lacks nothing but a little capital and enter prise to make it the beat summer resort in Georgia. The location ia everything desired for the conve nience of transient guests. The house needs repairs or new building, and the inability of the proprietor to improve is the only reason for offering to sell. Terms—One-third cash; one-third first January next, and balance first of January, 1873. Address JAMES A. SMITH, oct6 lm Griffin or Montezuma, Ga. SALE OF LAND. W ILL bo sold before tho Court-house door in tho town of Forsyth, Monroe county, Goor- pa, on the first Tnesday in November next, the ands belonging to tho estate of Leonard Greer, deceased, to-wit: The place known as the home place, containing seven hundred (700) acres, more or less, Tho Gaines placo containing five hundred (500) acres, more or less; and the Read place, containing eight (800) hundred acres, more or less; also, an interest in tho Fishery at the Long Shoals. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOSEPH G. GREER, ! E ., LEONARD F. GREER, \ 11 8 ' Bept21-dlawftwtds MRS. F. DESSAU Has jodt returned from Now York, and has on hibiiion the Latest Novelties in Millinery, CLOAKS, SAILOR SHIRTS, POLONAISES, And all the articles necessary to complete a FASHIONABLE OUTFIT, To which she invites the attention of her customers oct4 3m and the public. A. S. HARTKIDGE, Cotton Factor aiH Commission Merchant, 108 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Furnishes Bagging and Ties to pl&nters. And Ad vances liberally on consignments of Cotton. eepToodSm FIRST ^VTS'IVTT^.Xx _ OF THE — REPORT MBS nunc ill LOAN ASSOCIATION, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY 18,1871. Ob. INSTALMENT ACCOUNT. For 12 months ending Jnly 18, 1871 *24,000 00 INTEREST ACCOUNT. On Loan 100 FINE ACCOUNT. On non payment of dues 208 37 PREMIUM ACCOUNT. Average on loins 61.07 per ct. 37,253 00 SUNDRY SHAREHOLDERS. On advance instalments * 105 00 On loans not yet taken 2,190 00-2,195 00 *65,261 37 GEO. W. BUBB. Secretary and Treasurer. We the undersigned, certify that wo have exam ined the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer, hereto appended, and compared the same with the books of Uie Association, and find the same correct to the best of onr belief. It.'F.'LAWTON, ’} Committee. Macon, August 18.1871. Tbe following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year. President—E. WIN3HIF. directors: S. T. Coleoux, H. T. Jons sox, octl5 It Macos, September 26,1871. Jso. W. Bubke. N. M. Houoeiss, Hksby L. Jewett, Matt. Tiicbhton. GEO. W. BURR, Secretary and Treasurer. SOUTHWEST GEORGIA ANNUAL -AT- FORT VALLEY. BEGINS OS THE 17TH ISSTAST, ASD EADS OCTOBER 1OTH. OVER FOUR HUNDRED ENTRIES OF ARTICLES FOR EXHIBITION ALREADY MADE. COL. TIIOS. HARDEMAN, Jr*., OF MACON, / AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED ORATORS, WILL DELIVER ADDRESSES, ON WEDNESDAY, THE SEOOND DAY OF THE FAIR. ATLANTA WATER-CURE. D R. P. KALOW, late of Germany, would most respectfully inform the citizens of Atlanta and the eurrounding country that he has opened an es tablishment on Hunter street, in the Larendon House, for the cure of all chronic diaeaees. Special attention given to the following diseases: Liver Complaint in all its forms. Syphilis in all its forms, Fevers, Epilepey, Sterrility, Asthmas, Lameness, Nervousness, and diseases peculiar to women, etc. I refer to the following persons, who have been and are being treated at my establishment: Mr. J. W. Rucker, of Chapman, Bucker & Co. * Major W. B. Cox, of Cox & Hill; Capt. J. M. Hill, John and James Lynch, T. J. Hightower & Co-, J. Fleishel, Bcerm&n & Kurtz. sep8tue$«ksun3m MEDICALCOLLEGE. THE 15th. SESSION OF MEDICAL LECTURES IN THE SAVAN NAH MEDICAL COLLEGE, WILL COMMENCE ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1871. A ND continue until March 1st, 1872. With a full organized Faculty of experienced Practi tioners, a building complete in all its appointments apparatus, museum, eta, together with the advan tages afforded by two large and extensive Hospitals, tho Bavannah Medical College offers facilities for Medical Instruction equal to any institution in the country. TLe Introductory Lecture will be de livered by Aiah Harris j, M. D m Professor of the leorj and Practice of Medicine. For'ftJnher information address W. DUNCAN, M. D , Dean of Faculty, or THOMAS’BMITfl, M. D., J oct4-2awlm Secretary of Faculty. NOTICE. T HE public are hereby cautioned against pur chasing. importing or using, machines for tho manufacture of Ice, constructed by Vaas & Litt- man, at Halle, Prussia, eald machines being an in fringement of the patents granted by the United States to Carre & Mignon A liouarfc. All parties found using or operating such will be prosecuted to tho full extent of the law. M. J. BUJAC, Sole Agent and Attorney of Ca re & Mignon & Rouart. sap291m TBE GEORGIAS, IS. 1 AID 2. THE OREAT NECESSITY FOR A First Glass Restaurant In this cUv, has induced us to establish, in connec tion with GEORGIA NO. 2. just such a placo as gentlemen can visit, and in addition to the privacy of a home, find all the rare delicacies of the season, served up by the verv beet cooks and in the finest etyle. We have fitted up in splendid stylo * mag nificent Saloon, and havo prepared, for the exclu sive use of gentlemen, several suites of Private Bupper Rooms. We will be prepared to serve, at allJionrsrFISH, OYSTERS, GAME, and every del icacy the Northern markets, our own and the sea board afford. Thia honse wiU be nnder the charge of Mr. Jno. A. Casey. Onr Bar will be supplied with tbe choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. i GEORGIA NO. 1, on Mulberry street, where four of the finest BILLIARD TABLES in the State can be found, together with everything nsnally kept in a first-class Bar. A. PATTERSON ft CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agents for Goodyear’B celebrated Southern Ales.sep!7 lm UNIVERSITY OFJjAMLE^ENN. ESTABLISHED IN 1785. T HE Collegiate Department and Academy opens 4th September next. Discipline, Military Tui tion, Board, Wauhing, Fuel, etc., from $150 to 8175 per term. The Lew Department opens 4th Octo ber, 1871. Tuition $10 per term. Apply to GEN. E. KIRBY SMITH, au3 d2tw2m* Chancellor. SPECIAL TRAIN© WILL BUN FROM ALL DIRECTIONS, -A.T HALF FARH! To Eort Valley During Every Day of the Exhibition! J. W. MATHEWS, Secretary. THE COTTAGE, THE BEST COAL STOVE IN THE MARKET! BANK OP DISCOUNT, DEPOSIT AND COT- LECTION 1 TT'XCHANGE on Now York for salo at lowest cur- 3JJ rent rate. Exchange bought on New York, Philadelphia and Savannah. Advances mado on Bonds, Stocks, Cotton in store, or shipments of cotton to good Northern, Euro pean. Charleston or Savannah houses. Collodions promptly attended to in all parts of tho United States. Our circulation is amply protected by United States Ronds. I. C. PLANT, President. W, W. Wbtqut. Cashier. angl6-tiiod28* Which has a reputation not equaled! IMPROVED IRON WITCH. Several other patterns, all guaranteed. BOX and OFFICE STOVES, GRATES to suit the demand, HOLLOW WARE, FIRE DOGS, SADIRONS, SHEET IRON, SHEET ZINC, STEAM PIPE AND FITTINGS, BABBITT METAL. PIG TIN, FIG LEAD, SOLDER, KNOB AND PADLOCKS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Full Line of HOUSE FUBNEHING GOODS, Preseed and Plain TIN WARE. AU orders promptly attended to. OLIVER, DOUGLASS ft CO., octl212t No. 42 Third etroot, Macon, Ga. JAMES WILDE, JU. JOHN S. WILDE. JOSEPH WILDE. JAMES WILDE, Jr., & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, 314 and 31G Broadway (opposite New York Hos pital). New York. Represented by R. S. Spalding. oct8d2m* VALIANT, JONES & CO.,, (Successors to Valiant ft Jones), IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, ClEDfl TABLE, GLASS AID Ql'EEISWARE, 4 SOUTH HOWARD STREET, BALTIMORE. sepm24diCvr CUBBEDGE & IIAZLEI1URST, Bankers and Brokers MACON, GA. R eceive deposits, buy ana sell ex change, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and Uncurrent Funds. Collections Slade on all Accessible Points. CS'Oflico open at all hours of the day. aoptl-lyr CUBBEBGE ft llAZLEHIIlSI'.S SAVINGS INSTITUTION. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 TO $5000. O FFICE HOURS, FROM 8 A. u. to 6 p. x. feb3-tf -A.GKEISrO'Sr Savaimali Bank and Trust Co,, MACON. 0AFITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid in ADVANCES MADE ON COTTON. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLV DEPOSITS RECEIVED, On which Interest will he Allowed, ab agreed upon. J&n25-lj I. Ca PIriXT A soy* Agtw. 7AL0ABLE LANDS FOR SALE FOR COTTON, AT VERY LOW KATES, At Twenty Cents per Pound. E LEVEN HUNDRED ACRES—splendid lands— near the railroad, at *10 per acre. Stock and provisions included in the above basis. Seventeen ipndred acres of river iandr. s;x nines fiom l.ail- ■hhi, same rates. Throe hundred acres m one mflo arshalvillo, and many other valuable planta- ' Bnch bargains were never offered before. These I lands are all in Macon reunty.