The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 17, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. TL t £8DAT MORNING. OCT. 17. 1871. The San ud the ICosr. Tbo following i* tori'*! from * manfuciipt rl p wrillcn by tho late Alico Caroy. ttlimnwrirop- p«iur<l in print m ooa of hur poems. but it i* very characteristic. aud bus a de?p mrot.inf; trn.lrrly n- pro**ei: The Son. wlio unilo* »tatv« Iw Rt,u« TUI tbo sUnrerx nil rmtlo again. Foil in low oo« day »ith a baalifnl Ros» That ha<l been a hut till then. So he pnabed back the of the .ufi grt co hood That oovere<l bar modoat grata. And ki*aod ber aa only a lover cool J, TiU Uto crimson burned in lur face. Oat wo for the day when hia golden liair Tangled ber heart in a net And wo for tlio niglit of dark dtapatr. When her check with teara waa wet. For abe loved him aa only a maiden could. And be left ber croahed and weak. Striving in uin with her faded Load To opver her guilty cheek. Wire Little C hildren. A writer in the Boston Voice say*: The other d*y in in ungnarded moment, I aocepted too charge and custody of a young gentleman who wore half gaiters and a Charles II. hat and feather. Ill* sponsors in baptism bad given him one name, circumstances another. His luttcr appellation, “Boater.” His age, aa he informed ma, waa “going on seven.” when be made up hia mind that wo were to be left to- getber, he eyed me malevolently ■ moment, and immediately commenced the following system of torture: ... What was my name, aud roy brother « and my father's name, and why ? Did I have any little hoya? Why didn't I have any little hoys? Didnt I have any littlo girls? All this was pnt as one (jnostion, with no stops, and a gradual ris ing inflection. Waa them buttons gold in my sleeve, and why? IIow much did ihey coat? Dul they eoet #1.1.1 ? If they didn't coat coat $1.1.1, what would be the prico of a gold bouse with gold furniture an gold stair ease ? Did I ever see a bouse with suriferouspeeulieritiee ? No. What then would bo lha cost of « silver car riage and a gold harness? Wbst then wonld l>e the coat of a leaden cariago with iron harness? And why ? Did I know why the flies walked on Iho ceil ing? Could I walk on Iho ceiling? Not if I had ono man lo hold my bead and another roy legs ? Why couldn't I ? Couldn't I if I was a giant? Was I ever personally acquainted with any ? Did I ever sco thorn eat ? flow far was it to Now York ? Was it a mil lion roilea ? Fity million miles ? If Uo (Busier) had a balloon, ami should start oil, would he get tbero to-night ? Nor next wcok—and why ? I soon found nut that this wby was a simple form of dosing all questions, like Iho usual nolo of iutamigalion. What was my business, and did I know any stories, and wby? This afforded a plan of relief. I instantly started into a history of my previous life and adventures. I invested all my relations and friends with supernatural attributes, and made myself a creature something between a genii and Robinson Crnsoe. I made the most aston ishing voyages and saw the most remarkable occurrences. I drew liberally from the Arabian Nights and Baron Munchausen. When I saw the open month “address itself to a motion, ns ■ hough 'twonld speak," I brought in a Itoo ora Genii or a eaaket of diamonds, and took nway the nnliappy child's breath! In an animated description of the lioarbonnd Islands and ad- venturea in tbo damp caves, where the candles hung in Ion;’ stslaetiles, Iho parents happily rotnrned. I hurriedly received tlieir ihanks and left. Hut I have the secret satisfaction of know ing that all that pant up torrent of ques tions burnt on the unhappy father, and that geographical inquiries regarding the locality of "Floating Inland," Iho "Blanc Mango Archipel ago,’• anti the “Valley of Oreau Cakes,” will henceforth bo his dreadful lot to meet and an swer! Cmc.UiO A Fraud.—The World, of Friday, says: At Chicago eighty dead hedica now lio in the Morguo, and it is certain that this is but a email number of those who have perished. As many aa twenty bodies were taken from Iho basements of two bnilding* on the north side. At nn in quest hold on hi of the bodies only two were recognized. Tbo Arc had not broken out ngnin on Tuesday night, and the city waa qniot. The Committee of Relief were enabled to supply 40,000 destitute persons with food. The nnin ber to be provided for during t he coming winter is estimated at 70,000. Bravo efforts are being made by tho Chicagoans to organize relief, to com mence business, and to restore confidence. Sub scriptions eontinne to pour in from every city in Iho Veiled States, and from London, Binning bam, Frankfort, Vienna, and, indeed, from nil parts of the world, fnnds are forthcoming. In American cities yesterday $7:'.t’. IKH» was collect ed, making a fetal of >00,000 subscribed in three days. At a meeting of Americans in Lon don yesterday, under the presidency of Minister Sebenck, $.10,000 was anbscribed in a few min ntes, and the Lord Mayor has opened a sub aeription list for the general public. NEW GOODS! HAKDEMAX & SPARKS S KND their animal greeting to their many friend* and patron* They are at their oM utand, ready and willing to auno them in tho Storogo and Sale of Cotton. They deem it unnecessary to make pledges—for “by tlieir fruit* )e shall know them.” .Turigens by these—wa ask no more. Your interest is our inter est ; and our long experience enables its to guard and advance it. -More wo cannot promise—more you will not export. The usual accommodations extended to those who honor ns with thtir patronage. ang'JC 3m HARDEMAN A SPARKS. A. r. ADAXfl. JL X. BAZUVOBE. . 8 HAD RICH WARE. Adams, Raze more & Ware, PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE, NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT, O N entering npon anew cotton season, tender their services to the patrons and friends of Adame A Bazemoro, and to all others who may favor thian with their patronage. Their attention will bo givon exclusively to tbo Storage and Sale of Cotton. And toflUing orders for Bagging, Ties and Planta tion SnppUes. Asking for a continuance of the goneroos support accorded to the old firm during the past season, they pledge tbemaelves to give unremitting atten tion to the interests of their pat rone. Liberal advances made on ootton in store sopC dAwSm COTTON! CAMPBELL & JONES Again offer tlieir eervioe* to Planter* and Mer chants, as Varsliu Kimm Mails, And ask a continuance of the patronage so liber ally given them the past season. K‘ TOO to the STORAGE and SALE of OOTTON, and to the felling of orders for Beggiog and Ties and Plantation Snpplic*. “JJJJ Patrons of the past season. Re member tbe place- IrOD Warehouse, Poplar si., Macon, Ga. xr t0t "” ln * hl P Improved Cotton ACj -* Ammonieted Dta- sotead Bonos, which wo now offer at a reduced gr?- sept 3m pjrdgpt -■ berr< ^ NEW PRIOB8 I W E havo refitted our large store, on the COR NER OF THIRD AND CHERRY STREETS, with alt the Latest Improvements, and bare FILLED it with NEW and FRESH GOODS, from the BERT MARKETS. With increased facilities, onr aim is to sell more nods at lest prices, and make money more plenti i«t of everything in onr line cpt, with the addition of the £ in fS. Oar stock will consult of ev< tkst wo Invo ever he] WHOLESALE TRAD] TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND SNUFF, Which will bo one of the epcoalties. Onr Mr. W. J. TOTTEN bnya this stock from the manufacturer* at anch prices as he know* will enablo ns to compete with any market in price*. OCR STOCK OF WIKES AND T-.IQUORS Wo have enlarged in all the departmente, end will keep a full line of all grades at eneb prices a* will indnea DEALERS, HOTELS, SALOONS and FAMILIES to give us a trial. To the Retail Trade Wo havo added all tbe NOVELTIES. Among them will 1*0 found CANDIES of every description, from tbe finent French and American makers. In fact, wo have every article to please all. FOR CONNOISSEURS, Wo havo Crcmo Do Bou/.y, Carlo Blanche, Dry Verzonay, Cabinet and old Piper Hoidsick, Haute ganteme, Marconx and St. Julien Modoc Claret and Rhine Wine, from tho noted Jules Hue, T. II. Limnu* * Co., Bordeaux. THAT BYE WHISKY, made in 1857, cures all ailment* if you only Hindi of it! Our FRENCH BRANDY is intended for Medical purposes. It would bo impossible to enumerato in a email apace tho great variety of goods to eat, drink, chew and "moke, but we will ho pleased to ebow them to all tho ladies and aa many gent lemon &e will call on 119. GREEK, LAKE & CO., 62 Cherry and 64 Tliird atroeta. ori8 121 Ah Macon, Ga NTI3W MILL.. k B I.G leave to inform tho public that they havo ontabliahoa a GRIHT MILL on Fourth street, near tho Macon and Woatom Railroad crossing, where they aro prepared to grind GRITS AND MEAL OK A bUFERIOK QUALITY an«l at reasonable ratoa, and they will deliver Grit* and Meal to any part of tbo city, aud grunt Meal for toll A coll is most respectfully solicited. aug27tf The Great Medical Discovery I Dr. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, |S Hundreds of Thousands ?=■ „ Z Z Rear lealImonyto thrir Wonder- ini Curative Effect*. IfsWHAT ARE THEY? SI® *£3 *5S fUEV AKE NOT A VILE "5S u i^FANCV DRINK.!!! .Made ef Poor Rum, IVIilaky, Proof Spirits mm«I KofiiMctl lalqiiorrt doctored, spiced and atveetened to please the taste, called ** Tonies,'* * Am etuerV* *’ Restorers.*’ Ac., that lead tbe tippler on to drunkenne*s and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made irou the Native Hoots and Herb* ot Califor nia. free from all Alcoholic Si l i nil la nis. Tl or are the Git KMT RI.OUl) PURIFIER and LIFKUITiau PKIMTPI.E, a perfect Renova tor and Inviaorator of the System, carrying off all E oisonou* mattter and restoring the lilood to a calttiy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions and remain Iona unwell. For lnflommalorjr aud Chronic iclirn- nmiiaiu and <;ont, Dyspcpoia or IikIIkcn* lion, lutioui, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Disease* of the IUo<m1, I.lver Mid- and ltla<l«ter, these KitU rs have bees mod successful, hiieli Diseases are caused by Vitiated IHooaI, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, iJ c&dache. Pain in tho shoulders, Courbs, Tightness of the Uhe:t. Dizziness. Sour Eructations of the Stomach, bad taste in the Month. Bilious Attacks* Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation of.the Lungs. Pain m the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred otner painful symptoms, are the offsprings of l>js- NEW FIRM. BARRETT & CASTLEN’S GTJIV EMPORIU3I, In Daly's Block, opposite Isaac*' noose, T 8 K5I 0p ^. wb ?*? rin b ® lt Tt eonstttUr on i hsad aa lull ud uloct asrenmott of GUNS, BOXES, PISTOLS, GUN MATERIALS. and SPOUTING ARTICLES, A. oan bo found to tha State. wwrui'oL ^ , ** > * Wn 8 done at abort notice and u 2 E0 - F - BAD REIT, -^**”2 F. Q. CASTLES. COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COXPAXY. C OL GEO. T. PUT, well and - . Southwest Ctaaik wtU known to for the COTTON STATE8 J. W. BUBKE. Qaueral Area. CENTRAL CITIPAE SALOON. '•pilt' <AL> - ■ -J JL l9ill vkn.viftil the Fair. Groonda an Hpiritual refrothinent. Ooly the liricnt WB iner, AJe, Porter b: ! !;*•« Tc . who know me, my word will bo euftciect. To L, w who do not, I can only refer them to the old adage: “The proof of tbe ptmding,” etc. Respectfully, GEO. D. LAWRENCE, Oita if Proprietor. and itnpartinr new life and vigor to the wholesystem. FtsR rliix in.slMsr.s, Eruptions* Tetter* Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots. Pimples. Pustulee, Boil*. Carbuncles. Eiug-Worms, Scald-Head* t*ore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurf*, Discoloration* of the bkin. Humors and Diseases of the bkin. of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short timo by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convinco the most in credulous of their curative effects. the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bu rating t brought ho skin in Pimples. Erup tions or bores; cleanse it when it i* foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tbe health of tho system will follow. I*I!V, FAI*E, and other WtSMJXft lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. For lull directions, read care fully the circular around each bottle, J. WALKER. Proprietor. K. H. McDONALD A lb. Druggist* and General Agents. Kan Francisco, Cal., and i<2 and 34 Commerce street. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Dr. GOTTLIEB FISCH’S BITTSBS. This preparation of th® great. Scientist, l>r. Gott lieb Flscb. of Germany, la based on tbe fact that, aa all nmWtfiH of the body arc riorivflff from Food, so all Vllal Force, or Health, ia derived from tho Foreo Ktorod up In Food. Dr. fUch’t Siam enable* tho System to liberate and appropriate them Forces, create* Appetite, cores Dyspepsia, with Its result ing Debility and lack of Nervous Energy: so tones tbe Stomach and Liver aa to make Constipation and BiltonsnesalmpOKlble; re inforces the System so it can title over bad resnlts of changing climate, water, Ac., and nctlereudnre tho demands often nnexpee- tedly mado on tts Fore, nnd Energy. Ladles In de- II cate heal lb, aged persons, and all emaciated and weak after sickness, will rapidly strengthen Uf using this great preparation. anglllawly ALARM CASH DRAWER Till Tappiug Frcvenfed! EVEKY -~rt EYEKY DRAWER Warranted. Merchant ISiTHEM. Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., SI BEOADKAY. NVW YOgK. FAIRBANKS, BR0W X A CO., IIS MILK STREET. BOSTON. For esle by leading Hud'vue Dealer*. «epg7tnoe,frilm Acknoivledged Ererjivliero AS THE BEST BOOTS aN t O SHOES: TUOSE FASTENED kith able SCREW WIRE, -loda ire'fisf’ ;t I “d economy of these | Jot*, m the I AU • —p SOLD BI DEALERS KYEKXWHX8X octfi-Im ot o 0) m 0 o z 0 CD H 3J m m H > 0 0 z j 0 m o J D > (h tr 1 p w CD Ul P P P- O P- CD m Q tr 1 o HI B p W o C| ui H III H H I » Q ► 1 I > CD Ul e+ gj CD The Greatest Improiement or the A je. O, W- MASSEY'S PATENT EXCELSIOR COTTON GIN TJ'OR the post forty years I have been engaged ia JL' the manufacture of Cotton Gins, and have eet to work on plantation*, and have eeen in operation hundreds ot Gins, and have no hesitancy in pro nouncing this the BEST WORKING GIN I ever saw. It rnna light—gins fact—doea not injure the cotton—impoeaiule to break the roll—no u>*e for eelf-feedera—and no trouble to feed. The commit tee at tbo late Bibb County Agricultural Fair, being 10 well satiafied of ita auperiority over anything they ever aaw, awarded me the yXilUl. I am now prepared to fumiah any one in want of a Gin. A sample of Excelsior and al-o of tho Griswold Gin con be seen at Caihart A Card’d Hardware Store, Macon, Go. Send fordegepriptive lift. A O.W. MASSEY. Macon, Ga. Griswold Cotton Gin. I will continue to manufacture the celebrated Griswold Cotton Gin, a Gin that bos given univer «ol satUfection, and out of alt the Gicd 1 bold the piet two years, but one eu.gie comp'.amt, and not one Gin returned. Every Gin wot ranted. A sam ple can be eeen at Car hart A Cord’d Hardware Store, J. CoLlina A Sen’s, Saulatnry, Rdapeea A Co.V. or W. W. Paikerd. jaz>29tf O. W. MASSEY. Schofield’s Iron Works, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. ISTEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS OF AKTS - REQUIH.33X) SIZE. S-ASW MILLS, G-BIST MILLS. MILL G-E^ELSTG, GIN GEAEENG-, (ORDINABY, OB GRAHAM'S EXTRA HEAVY), SUGAR MILLS AMD KETTLES, IR.OJNT R, A. I Lt 11ST G- OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. SHAFTING, PULLIES, ETC., AU or any Machinery, pnt np at first-does IRON WORKS, put up in the beat style and at price8 to suit the times. Give ns a coll before purchasing. We will sell low for CASH. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. S T I F L AHEAD, Our WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS is tho only Cotton Press that has stood the test, being used oyer since the J dose of the war, and ia in greater . ! V\ and more increasing demand than any other. Onr WATER or STEAM POWER PRESS is becoming 'WTnix'TE' roruxiAH, Being the MOST ECONOMICAL to those having a WATER POWER OB STEAM ENGINE. It can also be run rom tho band wheel shaft of gin gear. Our nAND TRESS (indeed, as all of them ore,) ia tGo woll l:uown, and has established itself aa the PLANTER’S FAVORITE. As there is no comparison between a cast aud a WROUGHT IRON SCREW, we do not recommend CAST IKON SCREWS, though we make them for those wanting a CHEAP Press. Send us your orders, or send for Circular and Price I’lfE WILCOX PATENT HORSE POWER We claim to be SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER for Ginning Cotton, End it is the only Horse Power made that we know of that can supercede tho ordinary Gin Gear. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. my23 diwtf GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. O. TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. THREE TIMES A WEBE—TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS, ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER via CHARLESTON. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, And connecting Roads West, in sllisnc. with, the Fleet of Thirteen Firat-CIaes Stesmships to the shove Ports, invite attention to the Quick Timo and Regular Dispatch afforded to the bnsincca public in the Cotton States at the PORT Offering facilities of Rail and See Transportation and capacity at any other Port. The following sp MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhull, Commander. CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commander. JAMES ADQER, T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGEB A CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. OF CHARLESTON, for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellence splendid Ocean Steamer* are regularly on the Line -. TO NEW YORK;. GEORGIA, S. Crewel], Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA, T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE, J. Kennedv, Commander. ASHLAND, Ingram, Commander WAGNER, HUGER <fc CO., WM. A. COCRTNAY, Agents, Charleston, S. C. TO’HXa.l VIRGINIA, EMPIRE, Alex. Hunter, Commander. C. Hinckley, Commander. Days—THURSDAYS. WM. A. COURTNAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C TO SKZjTXRIORB. FALCON, MARYLAND, Hainie, Commander. Johnson, Commander SEA GULL, Dutton, Commander. Bailing Day*—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S C. Rate, guaranteed aa low as those of Compsting Lines. Marine Insurance one b«if of 1 per cent: THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be bad at all tbe principal P-iilroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and MiaaiesippL State-1'. oms may be eeeartd in advance, without extra charge, by adirc-aeipg ARt iits of tbe Kte thips in Charleston, at whose offices, in aU cases, tbe Railroad Ticket* should be exchanged and Berths assigned. The Through Tickets by this Rome include* Transfer*, Meal* and State Room, while on Ship board. • The South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad. And their connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for tho rapid movement of Freight and Pueeogtsrs between tbe Northern Cities and the Bonth and West Comfortable Night cars, with the Holmes’ Cbatr, wit boot extra charge, have been introduced on the Sontli Carolina Railroad. Firat-Claaa Eating Saloon at BranchviUe. On the Georgia Railroad First-Ciaes Sleeping Care. Ur. i..Lf TvmTttrttlvr tr*T\nfprre<5 from Steamer to flav anil nteht tninn n* *1.0 J. H. HERTZ & GO., CLOTHIERS! OO CIIEKKV STREET, Have now on hand a complete stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! LARGE, FULL AND WELL ASSORTED. 60 AND EXAMINE THE BXTENSIVB STOcFof ~ BOOTS AND SHOES At No. 86 Clierry Street, Macon. Ga. JACOB SCHALL, H AVING received his extensive Fall stock of BOOTS and SHOES, takes nleam™ . hts patrons, and the trade generally, that he is fully prepared to serve ““onndag to thing in hi* line, from the common Brogan to the finest French Boots and Gakar* w ,nth e 'eri- direct from the manufactories, ho can offer Buporior inducements io pricea Pnrcbx,^ opportunity of sustaining hi* welt-earned repntmion for superiority of Si “SbctadTo He would further announce to the trade, and especially to shoemakeiafailaron • , ha* on handa large supply of Leather and Findings, with which he canTereethem ,lut •» vorabiy compare with those of any Southern establishment. Their attention i* lh “ Bi| l fa- fact that he can furnish Leather cut to all sizee, crimped Fronts, Bootleg* to th. kind*, etc., at a very small margin. ’ ready.fitted, Vpp en of »u In tbe Custom Work department, ho still employs first-class, enoerior . ... can bo supplied, now as ever, with Boots and Shoes, of tbe finest French calf-okm in 8 CTalo ®*r« rate workmanship, at short notice. 8Km “ d U>e most elabo. JACOB SCHAT.l 8Cp19 3m 86 CHEBR r STREET, MACON. GEORGIA .A.T miQ Bnsliss Ms A-T S15 Business Ms AT ®1S iiness Ms A.T SSO .A.T ®22 Business Suits AT S25 AND AS FINE AS ilO PER SUIT OF Coat, Pants and Vest SACK. PERBYS — AND — WALKING COATS OF THE LATEST STYLES. WE HAVE IN DRESS SUiTS ! BLACK AND COLOEED Cloth. Coats, BLACK AND COLORED DIAGONAL COATS, OF THE BEST IMPORTED MATERIAL, In Single and Doable Breasted Chesterfields. A large assortment of PANTS, FROM $1 TO $15! FLY OVERCOATS, IN COLORS. SACK OVERCOATS, TALMAS, And tbe New Style KING WILLIAM OVERCOATS, On hand. SHIRTS! We make a specialty of the celebrated COCDECUOO DIXUU Hllri wuica ucui The Managers will use every exertion to eahsfy k* anwv., wl ■ — Ti..jn«foK wflll ♦ K A Q * fA T)Al tt*PV V" Agent, 1 - South Carolina Railroad ;une20 eol-Cm S. C : B. D. HASELL, General IICKENS, General Pass eDger and Ticket Agent, ALFRED L. TYLER, Yioo-Preeident South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, !j. C. The Best in the Country. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER! And a fit warranted, at stock prices. In addition to the above, we keep the most com plete stock of GENTS' FINISHING GOODS In this city. Wo invite an inspection. THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS Constantly on hand, and received as soon as ont. NEW LOT JUST IN. All of our goods aro first class, and aro guaranteed as such. DON'T MISS THE PLACE: THE WHITE STORE ! SO 0HEBRY STREET, Between B. A. Wise Sc. Co.’s and S. T. & B. P. Walker's. octU tf MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS, TAKE NOTICE JUST RECEIVED AT DIAMONDS, WATCHES, o -j o CO CD z .£> GC % C'J O 9 Z m JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted. AGENCY OF THE GROVER & BARER SEWING MACHINES. june lttf ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. Espccinl Attention paid to Uto Repairing aud rating or fine Watches, as well as »H hinds of new xvprh made to order.July Fourth Street, Near Brown Souse, Macon, Ga- BUILDS AND REPAIRS STEAM ENGINES, Saw, Griaa and Flour Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Boxes and Gearing for mill- work generally. ® IRON R AILLN Cx. For enclosing public squares, private dwellings and Cemetery lots; also all kinds of Ornamental Iron work, Brackets, Vaces, Chairs, Iron Fronts for Stores, Window Capa anti Sills, etc. PAETIOTLAK ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING MACHINERY. I make tho best HORSE POWER in the country, it never fails, runs light, simple to put up and lasts well, and is cheap. All Work Made Good: E. CROCKETT. Macon, Ga. SMALL & GAMBLE’S WHOLESALE FLOUR AID PROVISION HOUSE 1000 SACKS FLOUR, ALL GRADES AND SIZES, 4 CABS CHOICE WHITE CORN, 2 CiES TENNESSEE OATS, 59 CASKS & HALF CASKS 0. R. SIDES, 50 CASKS & HALF CASKS SHOULDERS, 75 BOXES TOBACCO, ALL GRADES, 5 ° SiCKS 0H0ICE EI ° C0Ff ' F -E, 25 BARRELS SUGAR, 50 BARRELS MOLASSES, NEW CROP MACKEREL, ALL NOS. AND SIZES, 50 ROLLS DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, 500 BDLS. EUREKA TIES (BEST IN USE) 50 BARRELS WHISKY Tho above Goods, with everything else in our line, will be sold at TIIE \7P3RY LOWEST PJRZCES. Either for CASH OR ON TIME. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Try us one time, sod you will be certain to try ua again. ueptW LAWTON A WILLINGHAM. SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON & LAWTON, COTTON FACTORS, Warehouse aud Commission Merchants, FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. JN Publishing our c&rd, wo claim nothing more for ourselves than a determination to do our DUTY towards our customers. By etrict attention to our business, and studying the interest of our patrons we have been able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who will give ua a fair trial will continue to patronize our house. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM.